How to wash thermal underwear in a washing machine and by hand? How and how to wash thermal underwear, can it be done in a washing machine How to wash synthetic thermal underwear.

With the approach of cold weather, the need to warm up encourages people to buy thermal underwear. Not everyone knows how to wash it and take care of it. And often users are nervous before washing, fearing to spoil a valuable and very expensive thing for health. And this is a very likely outcome of illiterate actions. Violation of the operating rules leads to deformation of insulating clothing and to a significant decrease in thermal insulation qualities.

"Manual mode"

The “basin” method is especially recommended by manufacturers, since washing thermal underwear by hand means taking care of it as sparingly as possible. Moreover, the water is heated to the temperature of the human body - and this is the maximum. As a remedy, it is advised to use soap, preferably ordinary, cosmetic, but you can also use household soap, without excessive strength. The introduction of certain additives such as rinse aids, conditioners or antistatic agents is also allowed. At the end of washing, the thermal underwear is rinsed in the most meticulous way and wrung out without twisting. Water that could not be squeezed out should drain naturally.

And, of course, do not try to boil thermal underwear. How to wash it when heavily soiled is a separate issue. You can use mild stain removers, but in no case be subjected to extreme influences.

Machine wash

For quite a long time there was an opinion that “laundries” should be carried out exclusively in the old fashioned way. However, this is a myth, since thermal underwear should be washed in washing machine nevertheless it is possible. But - subject to certain conditions.

Firstly, it is set, that is, the drum speed is reduced to wash delicate fabrics. Secondly, the maximum temperature threshold is 30 Celsius, not higher. Some housewives believe that 60 degrees is acceptable, but the vast majority of thermal suits quickly lose their properties in such conditions. Thirdly, it is necessary to turn off the spin cycle, even at low speeds - it will stretch, deform and become normal, without the “thermo” prefix. Fourth, it is better to use liquid detergents: they are gentler on fabrics.

How to wash

Having figured out how to wash thermal underwear in a washing machine or by hand, let's pay a little attention to tools that can improve the quality of washing, but not damage the products themselves. It is clear that aggressive powders, especially those containing an alkaline component, cannot be used. However, we note that even “gentle” high-quality ordinary products leave behind a certain feeling of stickiness of clothes. The ideal solution would be to purchase special powders designed for thermal underwear. They are more expensive than usual, but significantly extend the life of clothing. They do not spoil the impregnation of the fabric, they help to eliminate bad smell, accelerate drying, simultaneously strengthening the fabric and preserving its properties. The consumption of special powder will not be so large as to significantly hit the budget, so you can spend a little.

Harmless drying

It is not enough to know how to properly wash thermal underwear, you also need to dry it properly. Prohibited:

  1. Drying in the washer, if it has such a function.
  2. Placement of thermal underwear on heating radiators.
  3. Hanging products near heat sources.

The ideal option is to hang thermal underwear in the fresh air, and where direct sunlight does not fall. However, this is not always realistic, so you can place it on ordinary dryers, just away from the batteries and in a ventilated room.

Thermal underwear: how to wash depending on the variety

The material from which your favorite things are made can be different. And approaches to washing should take it into account. There may be options here.

  1. Fleece thermal underwear is the most undemanding. It can be pressed in the machine at low speeds. Ironing is not prohibited, however, the temperature should be gentle. Moreover, fleece does not lose its properties during delicate dry cleaning.
  2. Completely different rules on how to wash polyester thermal underwear. It categorically cannot be dried "artificially" and subjected to loads in the drum when twisting. In general, when learning the rules of washing, it is better to follow the recommendations for polyester products: an additional guarantee that you will not harm your purchase.
  3. Another nuance is the fleece, which often has thermal underwear. How to wash this variety? Like any other, only turning the "suit" inside out.

There is, though rare, thermal underwear made from natural fabrics - wool or cotton. It can even be dried on a battery (although we would not risk it) and ironed at 110 degrees - but only through a damp cloth.

Wash frequency

When a person buys thermal underwear, how often to wash it is not the main question. Equally urgent is the determination of the available washing frequency. Fearing to harm the structure of the product, people try to resort to cleaning it as little as possible. And they make a mistake. With rare washings, the pores in the linen become clogged (similar to how they become clogged in a rarely washed person). And thermal underwear performs all the main functions precisely due to them. With serious pollution, he loses the ability to remove moisture, retaining heat, so that linen begins not to make life easier, but to make it difficult. High-quality products, subject to the rules of care for them, do not lose any properties and qualities during washing. On the contrary, they only support the functionality of linen at the right level.

With the release of such a popular this moment thermal underwear has eliminated several problems with thermoregulation in the winter for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. But users of such things are faced with a slightly different problem - no one really knows how to wash thermal underwear and how to wash this type of product.

Determining the type

IN last years in autumn, the market is teeming with this type of product. Moreover, different manufacturers make it completely from different fabrics, while each material determines the type of care for the product. Therefore, in order to determine how to properly wash thermal underwear, you must know what it consists of.

Important! Before washing or carrying out any other procedures for the care of the product, carefully read the label from the manufacturer. Information from our separate publication, which is given, will help to quickly decipher all the designations on it.


Manufacturers of this type of fleece linen recommend sticking to general rules care for such clothes. But the fleece itself is a strong enough material, therefore, in case of urgent need, it is allowed to iron it at a minimum temperature through wet gauze, and light dry cleaning of such a thing is also allowed.

Important! For care, you can rinse in a solution with products that have a restorative effect on the water-repellent properties of fleece. Otherwise, the rules for caring for such thermal clothing do not differ from the rest.


Synthetic material polypropylene is one of the most “delicate” materials from which thermal underwear is made. All “not allowed” that apply to this type of product, in particular, relate to this material:

  • A temperature above 60 degrees for polypropylene means the loss of all properties and the possible shrinkage of clothes by 1 or even 2 sizes.
  • All chemicals are also contraindicated.
  • Drying only in natural conditions and in the air.

Thermal underwear with wool thread

Inserting a woolen thread into this type of product assumes that you will definitely wash the thermal underwear by hand, since any automatic washing can harm the product. Also, wool requires special personal care products - powders and gels designed specifically for washing woolen items. For example, you can choose this option from .

Cotton products

Unlike its counterpart in naturalness, cotton is less demanding and easier to care for:

  • You can use a washing machine here, but all in the same delicate mode.
  • Hard pressing is not recommended.
  • You can dry such a thing on a battery and at a minimum temperature, if necessary, iron it through cheesecloth.

Choosing a tool

It is also important how to wash thermal underwear. Some types of clothes cleaners are categorically not suitable for washing this particular type of thing.

There are several options that will not spoil the product:

  1. Dedicated funds. With the advent of heat-insulating materials on the market, their manufacturers began to produce a no less popular means for caring for such things.
  2. If there was no such thing at hand and a nearby store household chemicals no, as a detergent, you can take care products for sheepskin coats or.
  3. Another great laundry detergent for thermal underwear is the one that is used for washing machines. He has special property do not wash out the impregnation of the material from which our thing is sewn, which means it will not spoil its properties. At the same time, the liquid powder removes odors well.
  4. Grease stains on clothes are removed at home with dishwashing detergent. This is also an option here. If you do not want to risk, wash your product in a solution laundry soap, it also does the job just fine.
  5. Conditioners and antistatic agents are also not a threat to the quality and properties of thermal underwear. But it is better to refuse them all the same.

Important! Remember - in no case can the detergent for thermal underwear contain caustic elements, bleach, chlorine and enzymes. All these drugs destroy beneficial properties, and spoil not only appearance but also the quality of the product.

Let's start washing

Now that we have decided on the main factors, let's talk about the process itself. In fact, washing thermal underwear correctly is a very simple task. But many people have another question, but how often should this very wash be done?

How often to wash?

Understanding the principle of the “breathing” fabric, some questions will disappear by themselves. Based on the fact that thermal fabric works like our skin, which means it has pores, it is logical to assume that the more often the product is worn, the more “pores” will clog and not let the substances they are supposed to pass through. And that means - over time, lose their properties. Experts recommend washing sports thermal underwear immediately after the gym, and everyday wear at least 3 times a week.

Important! In this case, you will not be able to determine whether things need to be washed by smell, since the structure of fabrics is not designed to store odors.

We received the answer to the question whether it is possible to wash linen of this type. But let's figure it out - wash it by hand or in a machine? Let's see both options.

Machine wash

Washing thermal underwear in a washing machine has always caused concern on the part of ordinary people. Also, the sellers were frightened by the fact that this was not allowed. But the truth is not on their side.

It turns out that things of this type, with certain settings in the device settings, can be erased, and sometimes it is necessary. In order to successfully wash clothes in the machine, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Use . If the choice is not limited to the delicate mode, then select the mode for wool or silk.
  2. Set the maximum water temperature not exceeding 40 degrees; for polypropylene thermal underwear, it is better to lower this figure to 30.
  3. It is better to turn off the spin if possible, or set it to the minimum speed. The spin mode negatively affects the integrity of the material, reduces its thermoregulatory functions. Twisting thermal underwear is not recommended, you need to let the water escape and dry itself.

As you can see, you can wash thermal underwear in a washing machine, you just need to follow simple recommendations and monitor the quality of their implementation.

We wash by hand

If, nevertheless, you do not trust the washing machine and decide to hand wash, then there are also a number of rules for this:

  1. When choosing a detergent for thermal underwear, in this case it is better to give preference to ordinary laundry soap. Prepare a warm soap solution and leave the laundry soaked in it for half an hour.
  2. Do not wrinkle or rub the product during the procedure. Light movements are enough, as when rinsing.
  3. The water should not be too hot when you wash your thermal underwear by hand. The optimum temperature is in the same range as in machine wash - 30-40 degrees.
  4. Don't squeeze things. Hang them on the ropes and let the water drain off them on their own.
  5. Do not hang the product to dry near heaters and radiators.
  1. Before you wash the item for the first time, be sure to pay attention to the tag.
  2. Thermal underwear with fleece must be washed inside out.

As you can see, both types of washing are not much different from each other. Both in hand and machine wash, warm water, gentle detergents and no spin are used.

Washing frequency

For people who often use thermal underwear, the question becomes: how often should it be washed?

Its functions are similar to the functions of human skin - there are peculiar pores that "breathe". Therefore, if they are clogged, then the linen loses its basic properties.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance. Not in the best way will wait until it turns out to be completely dirty and will not be able to cope with its main functions of warming the body.

The texture of the material used for sewing thermal underwear resembles human skin in its structure. Through the small holes between the threads, air enters and moisture is removed. Over time, these "pores" become clogged with dust particles and dirt, which leads to a violation of the thermoregulation process, and the material itself loses its main functions.

It is impossible to determine visually and by smell that it is time to wash the laundry. Used in the sewing process special fabric that does not absorb foreign odors. So even after a week of daily wear, your kit will not be soaked with sweat. And you can only notice a violation of thermoregulation when you manage to freeze during your next run.

The frequency of washing thermal underwear depends primarily on its type. So, it is recommended to wash sets for daily wear several times a week, and this will be enough to maintain the functions assigned to them. Since in the process of training there is increased sweating, the pores between weaving clog many times faster. So sports thermal underwear must be cleaned after each session. Washing thermal socks is also recommended daily.

The standard powder for the automatic machine is not suitable for washing thermal underwear, as it clogs the pores in the fabrics. It can be advised to rinse it thoroughly after washing, but this does not always save. In addition, when choosing a synthetic agent, it is necessary to take into account the type of material from which the kit is sewn.

  • For cotton thermal underwear, laundry soap, previously dissolved in water, is well suited. This method is applicable for both hand washing and machine washing. Although cotton sets are still recommended to be washed by hand. Do not use chlorine stain removers or bleaches of any kind. Dry cleaning is also excluded.
  • To wash woolen thermal underwear, it is recommended to choose gels, special powders for woolen products or ordinary baby soap. The rule applies to all sets, even if the percentage of wool in the fabric is minimal. As in the previous case, bleaching is prohibited, especially for chlorine-containing products.
  • If the product is made of polypropylene, washing thermal underwear in a washing machine is not recommended, only manual cleaning. It is advisable to use special means with antistatic.
  • Polyester is considered the most unpretentious material. You can care for it with the help of laundry soap, ordinary washing powder and other means. The only limitation is bleach. Under its influence, your favorite polyester thermal underwear will simply crawl.

A universal option for washing are products designed exclusively for thermal underwear. They are often chosen by buyers.

When washing thermal underwear, special liquid detergents should be used. Since ordinary powder will leave an unpleasant stickiness after washing due to the fact that it is poorly rinsed out of synthetic material.

These detergents will not destroy the fabric and will not damage its properties. It is forbidden to use products containing chlorine and alkali.

Here are a few simple rules to follow when washing thermal underwear:

  • Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to wash thermal underwear in a washing machine. Experts answer this question in the affirmative, but in this case, you need to use the program "For delicate fabrics" with a set temperature of 30-40 ° C.
  • You need to hand wash thermal underwear in cold water with intended for this purpose liquid means or in a weak solution of laundry soap. It is highly recommended not to wrinkle, stretch or rub the fabric. After washing, rinse thoroughly.

Washing by hand

  • Products with thermal protection functions are very negatively affected by exposure to high temperatures - in this case, they lose their shape and protective properties. Therefore, boiling, ironing and dry cleaning for such wardrobe items are contraindicated.
  • If you are washing thermal underwear in a washing machine, the spin function must be turned off to avoid damaging the fabric fibers. When washing by hand best solution will decompose the product, without wringing, on the dryer and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Manufacturers of household chemicals produce special means for linen with thermal protection, it is best to use them or liquid concentrates for washing. Under the ban for linen, detergents containing chlorine and ordinary loose powders.

Instructions for washing clothes

When buying linen with thermal protective properties, it is necessary to study the information on the labels, which always clearly indicate how to properly wash thermal underwear, how to clean the surface of the fabric, which temperature to set and which mode to select.

Washing thermal underwear in the washing machine is convenient and easy. Knowing a few things will ensure your clothes last a long time. Before placing laundry in the drum, check the drum and rubber roller for small metal, plastic, sharp, etc. items. Any of them is capable of causing irreparable damage to thermal underwear during the washing process. Even the smallest hole will make it unusable. Ideal if you put it in a special laundry bag for delicates.

You have to spend a lot of time searching the Internet, and also a lot of Money for the long awaited package. Therefore, it is so important that the thing serve for a long time without losing its quality characteristics and neat appearance. The guarantee for this is proper care, the basis of which is competent washing and a little of your attention.

Contrary to many myths, thermal underwear can be washed not only by hand, but also in a washing machine. The main thing is that the water temperature does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, at temperatures above sixty degrees, the fabric will simply partially lose its thermal, antibacterial and aesthetic properties irreversibly, or it may begin to melt, which will significantly reduce the conductivity of air and moisture. Such thermal underwear will no longer warm well and remove excess moisture from the body, and in the worst case, the fabric may begin to deform, sagging in those places where it should sit tightly to the body in order to ensure continuous contact with the skin.

This fully applies to all synthetics, not to mention thermal underwear made of merino wool, or mixed fibers. natural formulations preferably wash either by hand or on a gentle machine wash using no alkaline cleaners, or baby soap. Otherwise, the destruction of wool fibers may begin, followed by shrinkage and loss of insulating qualities. Thus, thermal underwear can decrease by 1-2 sizes, which will not be a pleasant surprise for any person. It should also be remembered that merino wool is much thinner than ordinary wool, which makes it more gentle to mechanical stress.

Boiling, as such, in the case of thermal underwear, must be forgotten forever. As well as about dry cleaning and ironing. All these processes destroy the structure of the fabric, making it flattened, brittle, brittle and useless in its main purpose to remove moisture to the outer layers. For washing, use only non-aggressive detergents, free of chlorine and bleaching agents.

Best of all, for hand washing, a special detergent for thermal underwear or, at the very least, non-aggressive laundry soap, is suitable, and for machine washing, a special liquid detergent or ordinary liquid powder is the best solution. In both cases, you can safely use conditioners, conditioners and antistatic agents.

The main thing after washing is to subject the products to a thorough rinse and do not use a machine spin. It is better not to wring them out at all, because then they can lose their shape. Synthetic fibers will drain water quickly if they are carefully hung outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. The optimal solution for drying thermal underwear is a flat horizontal surface, but in our small apartments, not all of our customers can afford this. It is recommended to dry thermal underwear at room temperature, without the use of mechanical and hot drying. Heating batteries and hanging over open heat sources are strictly contraindicated. Thermal underwear should also not be ironed. This leads to disruption and loss useful properties fabrics.

And most importantly - do not be afraid to wash high-quality thermal underwear often. After all, if you do it right, it will not sit down, stretch and lose its thermal insulation qualities. But dirty clothes remove sweat from the skin much worse, as they have to deal with particles of dirt and sebum, which is constantly released by the body during sports or outdoor activities.

International designations on labels:

Consider the labels that we can see on thermal underwear. Of course, we take into account only high-quality thermal underwear from European manufacturers, which is sold in our store. To maintain its appearance and function, it is enough to follow the tips on the labels. A water basin icon with no temperature indicates that the item must be washed by hand and should not be put in the washing machine. Often this refers to things with embedded organic compounds, whether it's moody silk or shrinking wool, but there may be other options for "delicate" fabric from the manufacturer. If the item is washed by hand after rinsing in warm water, it is necessary to repeat the procedure in cold water. "Delicate" fabrics with elastane are washed by hand and with special powders. Heat deforms artificial threads, and they lose their elasticity. The indicated 30 degrees on the basin prohibit exceeding the set temperature, whether machine or hand wash.
And if there is also a vertical line under the label, then you need to carefully adhere to the indicated temperature, the item cannot be subjected to strong mechanical processing. It should be rinsed, gradually moving to cold water, while spinning in the machine, set a slow spin of the centrifuge. White things tend to change their shade over time not in better side. To avoid this, you can use bleach, but it should not contain chlorine, which corrodes the threads. Functions of thermal underwear directly depend on the condition of its threads. Since thermal underwear regulates the climate, any high-temperature treatments for the structure of its fabric are sometimes detrimental, whether ironing or steaming. In this case, you will be able to see a label with a crossed-out iron. However, some thermal underwear can be ironed at a maximum temperature of 110 degrees. In this case, you need to use a fabric, preferably a thin cotton pad and do not use steam treatment. This usually refers to synthetic fibers: polyester, nylon, acetate, etc., which, in direct contact with the surface of the iron, can melt and deform. Feel free to turn on the iron, but do not exceed 150 degrees. Most likely you will see this label on fabrics with wool and combinations of wool with polyester and viscose. The fabric can be slightly moistened. A crossed out circle on the label of your item means that it is strictly forbidden to take thermal underwear to dry cleaning, since any reagents are hundreds of times stronger than ordinary powder, which is also contraindicated for it. Only special gentle powders will do. Some laundry should not be spun and dried in the washing machine. And in this case, you will see this icon Thermal underwear requires special treatment, and if you want it to last for a long time, you must follow the recommendations indicated on its labels. This will be the key to his long life and your good mood.

Thermal underwear is simply indispensable in the winter season and when traveling, as a result of which more and more people around the world are beginning to pay attention to it and buy it in their wardrobe. And since a quality kit is quite expensive and often difficult to find, it is very important that this item serve faithfully for many years without losing its properties and neat appearance. The guarantee of this will be the correct care of the linen, which consists in competent washing and drying.

We will try to figure out how and with what to wash thermal underwear in an automatic washing machine and manually. It depends on how long it will last. We will focus on the nuances and find out which means for washing thermal underwear are most effective so that it remains in good condition for as long as possible.

Washing frequency

The honeycomb structure of the fabric from which thermal underwear is sewn is very similar to human pores. When the so-called cells are cleared and free, thermoregulation proceeds normally. When dirt and dust collect in them, failures immediately occur in the process. And since this underwear perfectly passes moisture and becomes dirty rather quickly, this serves as a direct obstacle to the performance of the functions assigned to it.

Important: you will not be able to determine the degree of contamination of thermal underwear by smell, because due to the specifics of the fibers and the pattern of their weaving, it does not linger on things.

Experts advise washing thermal underwear that you wear daily two to three times a week, and those that are designed for sports after each workout.

Thermal underwear: how to wash by hand

Like any other underwear, this underwear can be washed by hand, but there are several rules that you should strictly follow so as not to harm things:

  • Before the first wash, be sure to pay attention to the thermal underwear tag and read all the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • The temperature of the water should not be too high so that the product does not shrink. Optimal indicators will be within +30 ℃ ... +40 ℃.
  • When choosing a hand wash, opt for gentle detergents, such as a solution of laundry soap and special liquids for thermal underwear.
  • During the washing procedure, try not to rub or wrinkle things too much so that they do not deform or stretch. It will be quite enough simple light movements as when rinsing.
  • Never wring out washed items. Just hang them on the dryer, letting the liquid drain on its own.

Thermal underwear - machine wash

Contrary to all myths, it is not only possible to wash thermal underwear in a washer, but sometimes it is simply necessary. The only thing is that you need to set certain device settings and follow some recommendations:

  • To wash such underwear, select only the delicate cycle or, if available, programs for silk or wool.
  • The maximum water temperature should be no higher than 40 ℃, and for linen made of polypropylene even lower - up to 30 ℃.
  • Either disable the spin mode altogether, or set the lowest speed. Maximum parameters adversely affect the integrity of the material.
  • As with hand washing, twisting such clothes is strongly discouraged. It is better to let the moisture drain on its own.

How to dry clothes properly

With how to wash products, it seems to have figured out. But drying is an equally important component in this process, and you need to know the nuances that will allow you not to damage the thing and preserve all its properties. To do this, follow simple advice below:

  • First of all, before you hang your laundry to dry, be sure to rinse it thoroughly. This will save you from the unexpected appearance of soap stains that are invisible on a wet thing.
  • When the first step is completed, carefully hang the thermal underwear on the dryer. Remember that there should not be any extraneous heat sources such as radiators and electric heaters near it. Conditions are created as natural as possible.
  • During drying, try to ensure free access of air to the underwear. A place with a constant draft and temperature is best external environment no higher than room temperature.

By creating such special conditions that fully ensure natural drying of things, you can be sure of maintaining the integrity of the fabric structure and saving all the thermal properties of the linen.

Important: in no case should the washed thermal underwear be dried in the sun and ironed. This will violate the unique features of the product.

How to wash underwear from different materials

For all types of fabrics, special synthetic washing solutions marked "suitable for thermal underwear" are suitable. If these were not at hand, let's consider how to process each material separately.


In order to maintain the appearance and quality of a thing made of such a synthetic fiber as fleece, it is worth choosing a detergent very responsibly. It is strongly not recommended to use simple washing powders. They can adversely affect the properties of the material.

The best options in this case would be a not very concentrated soap solution and special gentle products aimed at restoring water-repellent properties.


As you know, polyester is not the most whimsical material in terms of choice. detergents. Thermal underwear made from such a fabric can be safely washed with the most common laundry soap or a delicate liquid powder. The only things to avoid are chlorine-based stain removers and bleaches, since polyester does not tolerate this chemical.

Brushed cotton fabric

First of all, it is worth clarifying that insulated linen is washed by turning it on the wrong side. As for detergents, it is best to use a solution of liquid or laundry soap, as well as special powders and sprays for membrane fabrics. At the same time, dry cleaning and treatment with substances containing chlorine should be completely excluded.
