What benefits does it have for the loss of a breadwinner. Types and amount of survivor benefits

The 2020 Survivor Benefit is the main state assistance paid to families in which a person has died (or disappeared) while exercising labor activity for its content. The presented social payment is called a survivor's pension (benefits) and is paid out of the pension savings of the lost breadwinner.

Who is eligible for Child Benefit?

A survivor's pension is paid if the rest of the family members are unable to work for various reasons. The following persons fall into this category.

  • Disabled, officially registered disabled;
  • Pensioners (even if they have lost a younger family member who supported them);
  • Minors (survivor's allowance per child is provided to the eldest child under 18);
  • Adults (persons from 18 to 23 years old, full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions until the very end of their studies);
  • Other relatives of the deceased (who took custody of a child under the age of 8 years).

If family members meet the above requirements, they may be eligible for benefits. It will cease to be paid until someone from the family becomes able-bodied.

When does Child Benefit stop being paid?

Child support benefit may be terminated as a result of:

  • the child comes of age;
  • after graduation by a student or upon his expulsion;
  • a relative of the deceased who had a dependent child under 8 years of age upon reaching this age.

Interestingly, the breadwinner does not necessarily have to live with the person who is under his care. It is also not necessary to have a blood person with a dependent. It is enough to regularly make cash deductions to him at least to a cash account in a bank ().

In some cases, the legislation allows the payment of benefits to widows who, after the loss of the main breadwinner, remarried, as well as persons who have received the ability to work, but have not reached the age of majority.

The amount of the survivor's benefit in 2020 is one of the most discussed issues. Size social pension for the loss of a breadwinner per child in 2020 is:

  • 5034 rubles in case of loss of one parent, which is about 75 dollars according to the current one;
  • 10068 ruble in the event of the loss of both parents, which is approximately $151.

Payments begin from the time of submission of the relevant application to the authorized bodies, as well as receipt of its approval. The money comes at the end of each month to the account of the family representative.

The amount of payments may be much smaller, for example, if the deceased breadwinner had only one relative in need of support. In this case, it will be 50% of the above amounts. If there are two or more people left who are unable to feed themselves, the pension is paid in full.

The pension itself consists of two parts:

  • Basic - fixed;
  • Insurance - depends on the number of dependents, as well as the insurance savings of the breadwinner.

When calculating payments, the main rule should be taken into account - they should not be less than a certain living wage in the region where the dependents live.

The Russian Federation has several legislative provisions that provide for the assignment of payments and other social support to persons who have lost a relative providing for them.

In this article, we will address the following questions:

  • Citizens of which categories are entitled to federal assistance in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. We also give a few important nuances;
  • whether a child who has lost a parent (or both) should receive any additional benefits in addition to social benefits;
  • what benefits are provided in the Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk regions;
  • Does relevant state support cover housing and communal services?

Who is supposed to

Russian legislation assigns benefits to the following dependents:

  • any family member who has lost a relative, provided that the latter, until the time of death, was the only source of family income;
  • a citizen whose parents (or at least one of them) died at a time when he had not yet reached the age of majority;
  • an adult student of a higher educational institution who has lost his breadwinner and has not reached the age of 23 at that time;
  • a pensioner recognized as a dependent (woman - 55 years, man - 60), who has lost one or more breadwinners;
  • a close relative with a disability who was dependent;
  • any of the above carers of children (under 14 years of age) who have lost one or both parents.

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The assignment of benefits to the relevant persons is carried out by the state pension insurance body - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Applicants must come to the territorial office and submit a package of documents. It includes:

  • dependent's passport;
  • death certificate of a relative;
  • SNILS;
  • papers indicating the official registration of relations with the deceased;
  • confirmation of the birth of one child or several children common with the breadwinner;
  • adoption certificates;
  • work book of the breadwinner;
  • an application filled out without errors;
  • bank accounts - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will accrue funds on them.

The FIU reviews the documents submitted by the applicant and issues a verdict. Payments are made after 1 month has passed from the moment the person applied to the authority.

Main details:

  • pensions and benefits in accordance with the loss of the breadwinner are not paid if the dependent is the murderer of the relative supporting him;
  • not only relatives, but also adopted children under the age of 18 (or 23, if they are university students) are entitled to receive appropriate support;
  • in the event that the dependents have a large and stable income, the PFR terminates the social payment of benefits in connection with the death of a relative, regardless of the age of the recipient. For example, if minor child gets a job.

What benefits are provided to a child for the loss of a breadwinner, except for a pension

Children, in addition to monetary payments for the loss of parents (adoptive parents) or other legal guardians, apply for benefits. This includes the following privileges:

  • free two meals a day in general educational institutions;
  • providing all necessary medicines(children up to three years old);
  • free provision of necessary textbooks and books;
  • the right to free tickets to visit various cultural sites;
  • free travel on public (urban, suburban) transport;
  • for orphans under 18 years of age, the state provides free accommodation, education and food inside orphanages;
  • free meals in dairy kitchens (children under 2 years old).

Federal Law No. 159 provides other benefits for orphans:

  • providing their own residential area after being expelled from orphanages;
  • free medical care;
  • drawing up a social contract;
  • free vouchers (with travel) to sanatoriums and recreation camps;
  • assistance in formal employment and professional orientation;
  • free education in higher educational institutions and colleges;
  • support in case of problems with the optimization or termination of the existence of an enterprise where the orphan works.

Benefits for the relatives of the deceased

State Laws also provide for the payment of a funeral benefit. If the deceased relative does not apply to minor citizens, military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War and officially employed persons, then the applicant should contact the Social Security Department for a funeral allowance.

It is paid once and fixed size(5227 rubles). On the occasion of the death of a pensioner - in the FIU, a military man or a participant in the Great Patriotic War - a military enlistment office, a working person - to his employer.

Payments are also provided in connection with the loss of a breadwinner, who until the time of death was a military or police officer. 7551 rubles - on the occasion of a death from a disease, about 10,000 to 11,000 - if death occurred during hostilities.

Adult relatives who have lost their breadwinner are guaranteed the following benefits:

  • additional payments and supplements to pensions;
  • free travel on city and suburban transport;
  • discounts on medicines;
  • free medical care.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sverdlovsk region

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner by region are no different from the privileges established by law throughout the territory Russian Federation. As for cash payments, their sizes for these areas can change only in one case.

There are three types of pension on the death of a relative:

  • insurance payments;
  • social benefits;
  • governmental support.

The amount of insurance monthly payments depends on the length of service and pension points (PFR bonuses).

State support is established in the same amount for all regions, and the corresponding minimum pension depends on the amount of the subsistence minimum established in the region (city). In Moscow, it is 16,160 rubles, in St. Petersburg - more than 8,600 rubles. 8,726 - in the Sverdlovsk region.

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor and social protection citizens stated that indexation (increasing the size) of all types of payments will be made in the prescribed manner, annually.

Are they put on housing and communal services

The state provides eligible persons with benefits for housing and communal services in the form of a discount on payment (it is 50%) or compensation. Those citizens who do not have the opportunity to take care of their own housing can apply for gratuitous cleaning of premises by social workers.

Loss of relatives is a case provided for by these Federal Laws of Russia. Citizens who are officially recognized as dependents are entitled to receive monthly cash payments and provide them with social benefits.

The conditions are as follows: the person must not be the killer of the breadwinner, must appear at the territorial branch of the FIU and file Required documents in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The set of benefits and the amount of benefits depends on the dependent's belonging to one or another category.

loss loved one difficult to bear even for strong people.

And what about those who cannot take care of themselves on their own? To put it mildly, it is unfair to leave this category of citizens without support.

At the present time, the state has developed a complex preferential system that allows people who have lost their breadwinner to gradually cope with difficulties.

The legislative framework

A minor or a person unable to work who has lost a breadwinner has the right to a pension in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" No. 400-FZ of 2013.

If the deceased there was no official place of employment, then only a fixed compensation determined by the state () will be paid to relatives. The value depends on which category the recipient belongs to and increases regularly depending on the inflation rate. Information on the current amount of social benefits is usually posted on the official website pension fund RF.

Social privileges

Among those in need of external support are usually distinguished: pensioners or disabled. The state provides a wide variety of assistance to these categories of citizens: free or preferential travel on urban and suburban public transport, the purchase and delivery of food, as well as putting things in order in a residential area.

In addition, a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation can count on the following types of social support: finding and selecting a job in accordance with the individual needs of a citizen, assistance with farming or starting your own business.

WITH full list of social services can be found at your local social services office.

orphan child

The privileges granted to children who have lost both parents deserve special attention.

So, in addition to material compensation, they are entitled to the following benefits:

He does not automatically get into an educational institution, he simply can take advantage of the benefits due to him and undergo free preparation for admission.

Registration procedure

To apply for a survivor's pension, you must contact the Pension Fund.

You must have the following package of documents:

Regional programs

Depending on the level of funding in a particular region, survivors may be provided additional list of benefits. For example, free travel in public transport, meals in the school canteen (up to 2 times a day), the provision of textbooks necessary for learning for those who are not yet 2 years old and free medicines until they reach 3 years of age.

All available privileges can be found in the territorial department of social protection.

If a family has lost its breadwinner, then its members are entitled to certain benefits at the level of legislation.

According to Art. 10 FZ-No. 400, the relatives of the deceased are entitled to receive a pension.

What benefits, besides pensions, are provided to the family in case of loss of a breadwinner? More on this later.

With the loss of a breadwinner, some categories of citizens can count on social benefits.

These groups include:

The FIU is responsible for assigning all benefits for the loss of a breadwinner. After the death of the breadwinner, benefits and benefits can be issued at any time.

Retirement benefits are a key benefit that children are entitled to receive after the loss of a breadwinner.

The pension in 2020 is quite substantial for the child and is able to cover part of the cost of education and other needs.

But apart from the monthly pension benefit, children are provided from local budgets and other social benefits. Their list depends on the budget of the region, within the framework of which various social programs are being implemented.

In 2020, in most regions, children who have lost their breadwinner are provided with the following benefits:

  • Free meals in the dairy kitchen (children under 2 years old).
  • Two meals a day for schoolchildren in the canteen at public expense.
  • Providing free textbooks.
  • Getting Free medicines(children up to 3 years).
  • Unpaid visits to cultural sites: exhibitions, cinemas, theaters.
  • Material compensation - 1500 rubles for persons under 23 years old.

Much wider are the privileges created by the state for orphans who have lost both parents.

In addition to financial support in the form of a pension, they are entitled to the following benefits:

In the course of admission to the university, young people who have lost their breadwinner are entitled to receive a special benefit, which concerns an extraordinary entry into the lists of applicants.

Quotas are provided for different specialties and after admission, children are provided free education and a scholarship from the university.

During full-time education, some educational establishments provide for the payment of benefits in cash until the student reaches 23 years of age.

Separate benefits may cover travel or medical treatment. For example, a train ride for a student receiving a survivor's pension will cost half the ticket price.

Are there any college admissions benefits?

The same benefits apply to college admissions.

A child who has lost a supporter takes the entrance exams on an equal basis with everyone else, but has a primary advantage in enrollment.

In addition, he has the right to apply for free education and scholarships until graduation from college.

For each child in a family that has lost its primary breadwinner, you can receive a tax deduction that can be related to medical treatment, education, and even ordinary consumer needs.

The minimum reduction in personal income tax is possible by 1400 rubles. After the third child, this deduction rises to 3,000 rubles. For disabled children who have lost their breadwinner, the tax deduction is from 12 thousand rubles.

Consider the maximum tax deduction figures:

  • 350,000 rubles - deductions for all children;
  • 50,000 rubles - for training costs;
  • 120,000 rubles - for the cost of treating children.

If the income of a deceased person was the only means of providing for his family members, then the state at the legislative level guarantees:

The procedure for obtaining benefits

Citizens applying for survivor benefits should contact the local FIU or the nearest MFC. There, an application is submitted and the necessary documents are provided.

Citizens who have lost their breadwinner must come in person. If the benefits relate to minor children, then the second parent, guardian or other authorized representative acts as a representative.

The list of documents for obtaining benefits is presented in the table:

Documents for the deceased Documents for the applicant for benefits Additional documents
Death certificate passport Papers confirming guardianship or adoption
Employment history Birth certificate Documents on the assignment of the status of disability or incapacity
Help from the place of work SNILS
Income statement for the last 5 years Completed application
Military ID (if required) Details of the bank card to which the funds will be transferred

After reviewing the application and documents, representatives of the FIU will contact the applicant to inform about decision regarding pensions and benefits. All prescribed by law payments will be credited to the current account in the next calendar month.

So, the list of benefits for the loss of a breadwinner depends on the specific situation in each family that has experienced such a loss, as well as on the region where the family lives. One way or another, all categories of citizens indicated above in the article can count on these benefits.

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Children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters

  • underage;
  • full-time students of Russian or foreign universities up to the age of 23 or until the end of the study program;
  • who received disability at a minor age.

They do not have able-bodied parents, they were dependent on the deceased. Adopted children enjoy the rights of relatives

One of the adult family members of the deceased (parent, spouse, grandparent, brother, sister, child)

Does not work because she takes care of minor recipients of the survivor's pension - children, grandchildren, brothers or sisters. The fact of being dependent does not matter.
Parents, spouse, grandfather, grandmother
  • reached retirement age(60 years for men, 55 for women);
  • disabled people;
  • who have lost or do not have a source of livelihood.

Grandparents cannot count on the help of other persons who are required by law to support them. Receptionists enjoy the rights of relatives

Stepfather, stepmother, stepdaughter, stepson

They have the same rights as family members if they lived together for more than 5 years

Benefits and payments are assigned:

  • for children up to the age of majority or up to 23 years old if they study full-time at universities;
  • for the disabled for the duration of the group;
  • for pensioners by age for life;
  • for unemployed relatives caring for minor dependents of the deceased, until the last 14 years of age or a change in health status.

Not every disabled relative or actually supported by the deceased can count on benefits. For example, the minor sister of a deceased brother who provided for her will not be awarded a survivor's pension if their parents are able-bodied, but:

  • deprived of their rights;
  • are in prison;
  • lost their jobs.

List of preferences for relatives of the deceased

Can be retired:

  1. Insurance if the deceased had seniority at least 1 day.
  2. According to the state pension provision , if the deceased breadwinner was a serviceman, an employee of law enforcement agencies and died during the service or as a result of injury / injury, an astronaut or a candidate for astronauts, died from the consequences of man-made or radiation disasters. The latter include "Chernobyl victims" and those equated to them.
  3. Social. It is assigned to minor children or full-time students under 23 from among orphans, as well as if the breadwinner did not pay contributions to the OPS.

In addition, the survivors, along with the disabled and the elderly, have the right to:

  • monthly cash surcharge up to the city minimum;
  • free travel around the city by public transport (social buses, metro, trolleybuses, trams);
  • manufacturing and repair of dentures;
  • medicines;
  • discounts on utility bills;
  • in the presence of medical indications - for a ticket to a sanatorium or a resort and payment for a round-trip ticket.

Important! Often, regional services can be obtained in kind or in cash.

Benefits for children receiving a survivor's pension

The death of at least one of the parents gives the child the right to payments and preferences, even if the deceased during his lifetime had little or no participation in his maintenance. The state takes special care of orphans. They have additional preferences.

If an orphan child

These include those children in whom both or the only mother died before their 18th birthday. A child whose parents are unknown cannot apply for the status of a lost breadwinner.

Orphans can also count on:

  • the preferential right to enrollment when entering universities and colleges on the budget upon successful passing of exams (until 01/01/2019, educational institutions have quotas for the admission of orphans);
  • full state support for the period of study in kindergarten, at school, at the university and college at the expense of federal funds, food, receiving a social scholarship, which is maintained even for the period of academic leave due to illness;
  • free travel on urban public transport (in rural areas - on buses and trains);
  • paid or to the place of permanent residence and back to study during the period summer holidays for pupils and students;
  • expanded medical care, etc.

The list of federal benefits is supplemented by regional ones. In the capital in 2020, each orphan child is paid "lifting":

  • in connection with enrollment in college - 20639 rubles;
  • at the first employment - 79416 rubles. etc. (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 4, 2007 No. 1037-PP).

In the Moscow region, such children have a preferential right to enroll in kindergarten.

List of documents for registration

Additionally, you will need papers indicating the right to it:

  • student card - about admission to the university for full-time education;
  • court decision - on recognition as missing;
  • 2-NDFL, an extract from an individual pension account, a certificate from the Employment Service on the loss of a source of livelihood;
  • extract from the ITU opinion on the disability of a family member;
  • conclusion on the cause of death of a serviceman for the appointment of payments for state pensions, etc.

Important! Regional benefits are issued after the applicant is assigned payments in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. Therefore, instead of a large number only one document is required - a certificate of a pensioner or a certificate that has been issued by the FIU instead of a certificate since 2016.

For a child, his parents (, trustees) apply to the FIU or the Department of Social Protection. A power of attorney is required for a representative of an adult citizen.

Benefit amount in 2020

It is defined by law. Social payment in 2020 is equal to 5180.24 rubles. State pension:

  • 10360.48 rubles, if the breadwinner died during the service;
  • 7770.36 rubles if he died from a disease received during the service;
  • RUB 6475.3 receive dependents of "Chernobyl" and equated to them;
  • RUB 12950.6 given to children who have become orphans.

In general, insurance coverage for each beneficiary is calculated as follows:

SPpk = FB + IPK * SPK

  • IPK- this is the number of points accumulated by the deceased breadwinner for his labor activity (for an orphan child - the sum of the coefficients of the parents or the double IPC of the deceased single mother);
  • SPK- the monetary equivalent of one point in the year of the appointment of a pension in 2020 - 81.49 rubles;
  • FB- Fixed payment.

Fixed payout:

In Moscow, those who have lost their breadwinner are entitled to allowances up to the value of the city social standard or the subsistence minimum:

  • if a pensioner has been permanently registered in the capital for more than 10 years - up to 17,500 rubles (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated October 31, 2017 No. 805-PP);
  • if registered temporarily or less than 10 years - up to 11816 rubles. (Law of Moscow dated October 25, 2017 No. 37);
  • for students who combine study and work, regardless of their residence permit, time of residence in the capital, place of work and position - 17,500 rubles.

Where to apply for a social card

In Moscow, you need to go to any My Documents office. You will need:

  • passport (birth certificate for a minor);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • a certificate of a pensioner or a certificate issued by the FIU since 2016 instead of a certificate;
  • photo of a passport sample 3*4 cm - you can take a picture directly at the MFC.

The MFC employee accepts documents and issues a receipt. According to it, in the same office, after 30 days you need to get a social card.
