Increasing the pension at the age of 80. Pension at eighty years - statutory allowances

Upon reaching the age of eighty, pensioners are entitled to an increase in financial support from the state, as well as additional benefits and social assistance regulated by regional authorities.

Addition to pension after 80 years

At the federal level, the following additional payments are provided for pensions after 80 years:

  • doubling the fixed part of the pension;
  • monthly compensation payment for caring for a pensioner;
  • allowance for pensioners who have dependents.

The right to increase the fixed part arises for a pensioner from the moment he reaches eighty years of age, for monthly compensation and an allowance for dependents - from the moment of submitting an application to the FIU. All surcharges are subject to regional coefficients, so the total amount will differ depending on the region of residence.

Recalculation is regulated pension payments the following regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001;
  • Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343 dated June 04, 2007;
  • Federal Law N 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 249 of March 18, 2019.


The increase in pension after 80 years, which increases the fixed part of the insurance pension by 100%, is unclaimed. The recalculation takes place immediately, after the pensioner reaches the age of eighty, the first increased payment is received next month.

Recalculation is not made for recipients of a disability pension, since their fixed payment is doubled from the moment they received their disability, regardless of age. It should be borne in mind that only recipients of the old-age insurance pension can count on the increase, accrual is not made if the pensioner receives payments:

  • on the loss of a breadwinner;
  • social.

Please note that upon reaching eighty years of age and if eligible, a pensioner can apply to the FIU and switch from one type of pension to another.

Based on the size of the fixed part of the pension, the additional payment to the pensioner for dependents is also calculated (for no more than three people):

  • for one - a third of the insurance part;
  • for two - two thirds;
  • for three dependents - 100% of the fixed part of the pension.

If a pensioner has three dependents, when they reach the age of 80, the premium will be 200% of the insurance part of payments.


The additional payment to the pension after 80 years for citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas with severe climatic conditions is calculated using the district coefficient.

In addition, the fixed payment increases if there is an experience:

  • at least 15 years in the Far North - 50% of the amount of the increase;
  • at least 20 years in areas equivalent to the Far North - 30% of the amount of the increase.

If the right to apply the regional coefficient and increase the payment for the northern experience arises, the pensioner independently chooses the method of increasing the insurance part of the pension.

Caring for an 80-year-old pensioner

An able-bodied non-working citizen who helps with the housework and looks after a pensioner has the right to receive a compensation payment. For registration, you must apply to the FIU with an application and provide the following documents:

  • 2 applications - from a pensioner and from a citizen caring for him, indicating the start date of care;
  • confirmation that the caretaker is not working, does not conduct business activities, does not receive unemployment benefits or pensions;
  • the caregiver's identity card and, if available, the applicants' work records;
  • consent of one of the parents and guardianship authorities - when assisting a pensioner to minors who have reached 14 years of age.

An outsider or relative can take care of a pensioner, and it doesn’t matter if they live together or not. The application is considered within 10 days. Compensation payment in the amount of 1200 rubles is assigned from the month in which the application is submitted to the FIU. The allowance is paid along with the pension.

What benefits are provided to pensioners after 80 years

Local authorities are establishing additional support measures for eighty-year-old pensioners. You can find out about the services available in your area and apply for them at the social services of the city. These benefits differ in different regions, the main ones are:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines within 10 days after the issuance of a prescription;
  • providing once every two years vouchers to a sanatorium for treatment;
  • free travel to the place of treatment (within the region of residence);
  • service without a queue in healthcare organizations;
  • partial compensation for the purchase of prostheses (except for dental ones);
  • providing a place in nursing homes without a queue;
  • home care for single citizens by a medical or social worker;
  • upon confirmation of the unsuitability of the apartment for living, housing from the state can be provided under a social tenancy agreement;
  • benefits for utility bills and full exemption from payment of contributions for major repairs;

In critical situations, local authorities will provide pensioners with:

  • temporary housing;
  • products;
  • essentials;
  • legal, medical and psychological assistance.

Some regions compensate citizens over the age of 80 for communication services and public transport. Airlines may set discounts on the cost of flights for such passengers.


Pension after 80 years in Russia To improve the quality of life of people who have reached old age, various measures of their state support have been developed. Legislation Russian Federation This category of persons is provided with material and other assistance: Not all pensioners of 80 years and older at this age are able to serve themselves independently without outside help.

Supplement to pension after 80 years in 2017: what is the allowance for 80-year-old pensioners, Pension in 2017 in Russia

Retirement after 80 years in Russia

To improve the quality of life of people who have reached old age, various measures of their state support have been developed. The legislation of the Russian Federation for this category of persons provides for the provision of material and other assistance:

Not all pensioners aged 80 and older at this age are able to serve themselves on their own without outside help. Seniors who need constant care can benefit from support relatives or outsiders.

At the same time, due to the need to care for a person in need, the caregiver is unable to go to work. In order to financially support such citizens, a pensioner who has taken care of himself is established compensation payment to pay caregivers.

What payments are due to citizens who have reached the age of eighty?

Upon reaching the age of 80, citizens receiving insurance pension in old age, acquire the right to additional financial assistance provided by law for this category of persons:

  • increase in size pension provision;
  • receiving a monthly compensation allowance for a person who cares for an elderly person.

In addition to the above, depending on the region of residence, as well as in accordance with local and regional legislation, various additional benefits and social support may be provided to pensioners of this age.

For pensioners who have reached the age threshold of 80 years, the amount of pension provision is recalculated in the direction of its increase, namely, fixed payment increase to their old-age insurance pension.

When the pensioner reaches the age 80 years old in accordance with Article 17 of Law N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is subject to increase by 100 percent.

Exception are pensioners who are disabled of the first group, since the fixed payment of their pension content has already been initially increased by 2 times.

Let us recall the annual indexation of insurance pensions carried out by the state. Taking into account indexation from February 1, 2017:

  • The amount of the fixed payment has increased by 5.4%, what is 4805.11 rubles(4558.93 x 1.054).
  • Thus, the amount of a fixed payment for pensioners who have reached the age of 80 is 9610.22 rubles.

For 80-year-old pensioners living in the Far North or in other climatic zones in which the district coefficient is established by law, for the entire period of their residence in this area, an increase in the fixed payment is made using the district coefficient.

For persons with a “northern” work experience, when they reach the age of 80, a 100% increase in a fixed payment increases additionally:

  • by 50% at least 15 calendar years in the Far North;
  • by 30% from the amount of the increase, to persons who have worked at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the Far North.

Pensioners who simultaneously have the right to apply a regional coefficient to a fixed payment and the right to increase payments for the "northern" length of service, at their choice, are set one of the upgrades.

In these calculations, the list of regions belonging to the Far North and areas equated to it is used as of the date the increase was established.

The process of registering for a pensioner an increase in the size of the pension benefit in connection with the achievement of the age of 80 is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation independently on the basis of the information it has on personalized registration of citizens:

  • the fixed payment to the pension of an 80-year-old citizen increases automatically within a month from the day he reaches the specified age;
  • to the pensioner himself for the establishment of an increased payment no need to go anywhere, including filing applications and any other documents. The pension fund will carry out this procedure without his participation.

Some older people who have reached the age of 80 cannot take care of themselves, they need constant outside help and care. A citizen who undertakes household assistance and care for a disabled person in need of supervision, the law provides for the provision of financial support in the form of compensation payment.

Any able-bodied person can take care of an 80-year-old pensioner regardless of whether they are related. It also doesn't matter if they live together.

Compensation payment is made under the following conditions:

  • Caregiver >should be able-bodied but unemployed: he cannot have an employment relationship, be an individual entrepreneur, engage in private practice (conduct advocacy, detective, security, etc.), perform work under civil law contracts.
  • courting should not be a recipient of a pension, as well as unemployment benefits.
  • The pensioner being cared for must also not engage in labor or other income-generating activities.
  • Not only adults can take care of an elderly person, but also children who have reached the age of 14, as well as full-time students in their free time.

Compensation is made monthly and transferred to the citizen who is being looked after along with his pension. Payment for services to the person who provides assistance is carried out by the pensioner himself, who is taken care of.

How to arrange care for an 80-year-old pensioner so that the experience goes?

For a person caring for an elderly disabled citizen, such periods of activity can increase his insurance period for the appointment of a pension. This possibility is provided for by Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions".

Periods of care for a person who has reached the age of 80, are counted in the insurance period caregiver. For each year of caring for a disabled person, the caregiver is credited 1.8 pension points.

However, there is a reservation in the law: such periods are included in the insurance period only if before and after them the caregiver had a labor or other activity in which accrued and paid insurance premiums V Pension Fund RF.

In order to apply for a subsidy for the care of an 80-year-old person, you must contact the authority that pays him a pension. These are bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or law enforcement agencies. The pensioner himself can apply there personally or through a trusted person. When applying, you will need to submit the following documents:

  1. Statements from a caregiver and from a retiree who is 80 years of age or older who will be cared for.
  2. Certification that the caregiver is not receiving a pension and is not receiving unemployment benefits.
  3. Documents confirming the absence labor activity from the applicants (their work books).
  4. Passports of both citizens.

If a disabled citizen who is planned to be cared for receives pensions both through the FIU and through the law enforcement agency, then you can apply to any of these bodies. In this case, when contacting one of them from the other, you will need to obtain a certificate stating that the compensation payment for care was not assigned by this body.

Care for the elderly can also be arranged in person, over 14 years old, in which case you will need to submit consent or permission of one of the parents and the body of guardianship and guardianship for care after school hours.

Caregivers or full-time students will need to additionally submit a certificate from the educational institution.

The compensation payment for the care of an 80-year-old pensioner is legally established in the amount of 1200 rubles. Unfortunately she not subject to annual indexation. Of course, for an able-bodied person this is a very small amount, but this is only a small amount of assistance from the state for the period of caring for the needy. In fact, the pensioner who is cared for can pay the person who cared for him in the amount that they agree among themselves.

Compensation is set one person for every citizen, which he takes care of:

  • The grant is appointed from the first day of the month in which the application for it was received with the submission of all required documents and is established for the entire period specified in the application.
  • For citizens who live in regions of the Far North, areas equated to it, or other regions in which a regional coefficient is applied when determining the amount of pension benefits, the amount of compensation payment is increased by the corresponding coefficient.

In the event of the occurrence of circumstances in which care for the needy is terminated by the caregiver obligated within 5 days report this to the authority in which the compensation was issued.

The following circumstances may serve to terminate the payment of compensation benefits:

  • death of the person being cared for;
  • employment of the caregiver or the person being cared for;
  • assigning a caregiver a pension or unemployment benefit;
  • termination of care.

In addition to financial assistance, the state provides various benefits to 80-year-old pensioners:

  • free health care and social services;
  • providing places in nursing homes, boarding houses for the elderly, boarding schools and other state medical institutions;
  • if the housing available to the pensioner is unsuitable for living, in the presence of supporting documents, it is possible to resolve the issue of providing state housing.

Senior citizens can take advantage of the provision of social services such as:

  • free legal assistance;
  • receiving a one-time hot meal or a set of products;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • home visit of a medical or social worker;
  • receiving targeted assistance in the form of hygiene products, clothing, footwear, and essentials.

With the entry into force of changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the elderly have the opportunity to receive additional benefits.

The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to decide for a complete release citizens living alone aged 80 and older from the payment of contributions for major repairs common property in an apartment building.

Besides? At the regional level, this category of citizens may be provided with such benefits as free travel in public urban transport, compensation for using the telephone, discounts on utility bills, and others.

I have elderly parents, they are already over 80 years old, they need to be constantly looked after and helped. Can I get compensation for caring for both?

Can. In accordance with the current legislation, the payment of a compensatory nature for the care of disabled citizens established by the caregiver for every citizen which is being supervised. When contacting pension authority each parent must list you as their caregiver, and you must write on your application who you plan to help. Compensation payments will be established for both parents and paid together with their pensions.

At the same time, do not forget about the conditions for receiving compensation:

  • The caregiver and the citizen being cared for cannot carry out labor, civil law activities, conduct private practice, be an individual entrepreneur (even if there is no income) during this period.
  • The helper must not be a recipient of a pension and/or unemployment benefits.

Can a pensioner receive the payment of the funded part of the pension after the age of 80?

How much is the funded part of my mother's pension, she is 82 years old? And how to get it? Thank you.

Hello. My grandmother is 86 years old. Can I find out what is the exact amount of the increase in pension for age? Thank you.

Hello, my mom is 80 years old. Can I find out what is the exact amount of the increase in pension for age? Thank you

Can one person take care of two pensioners who have reached the age of 80 (not relatives)?

I am 80 years old. What will be the pension supplement?

My mother is 87 years old, she is a home front worker, a veteran of labor and a disabled person of the 2nd group. Her labor pension with all the supplements is 12,777 rubles. Is it right? All neighbors who are 80 years old receive at least 18 thousand. Appealed to the local PF with a written statement. I was told that everything was correct, since her salary at the time of her retirement was small. Of course, the PF does not admit that the accruals were made incorrectly, but I don’t know how to figure it out and where to turn.

My grandmother-neighbor is 84 years old, the subsidy at the age of 80 amounted to 3,000 rubles. Now pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are paid 5,000 rubles each. Does she have to recalculate up to 5,000 rubles, or does she still have the same 3,000 rubles? Thank you!

My mother is 86 years old, she broke a t / b joint, and for 3 years she has been lying down. I had to take her home with me. How can I arrange to take care of her if I myself am a military pensioner by length of service? I am 53 years old, now I could still work on my own, but I have to be with her.

Hello! Does a pensioner over 80 have the right to register a social worker to buy food and medicine? Does the pensioner have to pay for this service? IN this moment paid for a service in the amount of 1,600 rubles per month for a pensioner (not a disabled person) over 80 years old.

Hello, my mother is 84 years old, are there any benefits to the sanatorium and travel across Russia by railway? Thank you.

Hello! My mother is 88 years old. I want to take care of her great-grandson, who is in 11th grade. But he receives a survivor's pension. Is it possible? Thank you!

Hello. My grandmother is 80 years old, but the PFR refuses to pay her the required allowance, explaining this by the fact that she cannot make any recalculation. What is the best way to deal with this situation?


Elderly people are a special category of citizens that require loyalty from the state. Support is provided to them in the form of pension supplements and other indulgences and preferences. What pensioners after 80 years old can count on, we will consider in this article.

The Federal Law on insurance pension maintenance stipulates the possibility of additional payments to people after 80 years of age. A possible increase is mentioned in Art. 17 of law no. 400.

What additional payments in 2019 are due to pensioners after 80 years

It is interesting for pensioners to know what they pay extra for retirement after 80 years. Recipients of insurance pensions are entitled to a supplement. A double pension rate is allocated to the applicant for treatment, rehabilitation. Plus, compensation is paid to the person who cares for the elderly pensioner.

Types of support for people over eighty:

  • material assistance in insurance pensions - a fixed monthly payment;
  • compensation of wages to a citizen providing care for an elderly applicant;
  • additional types of regional support.

Due to advanced age, after the age of 80, a citizen's health and ability to self-service deteriorate. He needs outside help at home. The help of relatives, other persons who provide care and are close to the pensioner is compensated by the state.

The amount of the pension supplement in 2019

Upon reaching the age of 80, the amount of the fixed payment increases. Art. 17 of the Federal Law No. 400 determines a 100% increase in pensions at this age stage. And given that in 2019 the pension insurance rate is 5,334 rubles. 19 kopecks, then, therefore, for an eighty-year-old person it will increase to 10,668 rubles. 38 kop.

Attention! cannot count on a pension increase after 80, since they initially receive a double pension rate.

If we are talking about recipients of pensions in the Far North, then a regional allowance will be used for them. Certain surcharges may be in other subjects, if these opportunities are enshrined in local legislation and the funds are included in the budget.

The increase for northerners is provided in the following sizes:

  • 50% if you have 15 years of experience in the Far North;
  • 30% subject to the presence of 20 years of experience in regions where conditions are close to the northern climate.

We are talking about increasing the rate of one hundred percent increase. For example, according to the standard, an old-age pensioner is given a double pension rate. In 2019, this is 10,668 rubles. 38 kopecks, of which 5,334 rubles. 19 kop. - Age supplement. The "Northern" allowance is 50% of this increase - 2667 rubles, that is, the northerner is already given an indulgence of 8000 rubles.

On a note! Compared to the previous year, the insurance fixed payment increased by 352 rubles and amounted to 5,334.19 rubles in 2019 for all pensioners and 10,668.38 rubles for applicants of eighty years of age.

Persons receiving an insurance pension, upon reaching the age of 80, are not required to apply anywhere for a supplement. It is carried out automatically by the pension fund. There is no need to bring any certificates, papers, statements. The recalculation is carried out within a month from the date of occurrence of the grounds, namely from the date of birth of a citizen.

Attention! Pension supplements for persons over 80 are provided automatically, without the recipient's application. Age is the main basis for recalculation.

Additional benefits for pensioners over 80

The state also provides other types of support to pensioners. These include the following benefits:

  1. Social support is free.
  2. Places in nursing homes, boarding schools, medical institutions out of turn.
  3. Housing from the state, if the pensioner's apartment (house) is not adapted for living (there are no necessary conditions, an emergency room).
  4. Free legal support. At any time, a person can get the help of a lawyer participating in the state program.
  5. Targeted support in the form of things, shoes, hygiene products and essentials.
  6. Free medical and psychological support.
  7. Complimentary food baskets/possibility of getting hot meals.

On a note! There are a number of specialized resources on the Internet that provide lawyer consulting regardless of age and status of a citizen. You can ask the duty specialist a question about social old-age pensions or labor types of payments. He can also clarify how a financial assignment is given to a person caring for a pensioner.

Benefit to a person when caring for eighty-year-old citizens

Caregivers caring for elderly pensioners, disabled guardians are entitled to compensation from the state. They will be able to receive it only on the condition that they devote themselves entirely to care in exchange for employment. It is assumed that a person should not have anywhere to work officially.

For getting monthly allowance guardian, the main condition is the availability of working capacity, readiness to provide constant support and assistance in everyday life. It is not necessary to live with the ward. Family ties are not taken into account in the appointment. But the applicant for the payment should not be employed, receive a pension and other payments.

Attention! It is not necessary to be a relative and live next to a pensioner in order to apply for financial assistance.

Conditions for receiving pensioner's allowance:

  • the ability of the guardian to work;
  • lack of earnings, pensions, unemployment benefits for the applicant;
  • lack of additional earnings for the ward (the pensioner should not be employed, have another type of income other than a pension);
  • care can be provided by persons with partial legal capacity, upon reaching the age of 14;
  • full-time students can combine nursing with study.

The payment of compensation is assigned to the pension of the citizen who is being cared for. Thus, the ward must pay for the services of a guardian on his own. At the same time, such a period activity is underway in the experience of the caring applicant. But the appointment is subject to the condition that before the start of guardianship and after it, the applicant has a seniority with the payment of contributions to the Pension Fund.

How to claim compensation in 2019

In order for the compensation to fall into the pension of an elderly citizen and he was able to compensate for the work of the guardian, the person concerned must declare his right to the payment. To do this, you need to apply with an application at the place of receipt of the pension of the ward. It could be the PF, the law enforcement agency.

You need to submit the following documents:

  • statement from the caregiver;
  • application-consent of a pensioner, where he agrees to a guardian in the person of a specific applicant;
  • the applicant's work book, which confirms the absence of labor activity at a particular stage;
  • certificate from the Employment Center that the person does not receive benefits;
  • passports of two persons in the form of copies + originals for certification.

If a pensioner simultaneously receives a pension through the PF and the power structure, then you can apply for compensation to any of the authorities of your choice.

How much do they pay when caring for pensioners

So, registration of the care allowance allows you to receive an additional amount to the pension of the person who is being cared for. How many rubles will be added to pensioners? The amount of the increase is 1200 rubles. It is this, albeit insignificant, assistance that this category of citizens is entitled to receive.

No one restricts a pensioner from paying more for the services of a person caring for him. Compensation is paid in fixed size and is not subject to indexation. But the number of persons for whom compensation can be issued is not limited. In the conditions of the Far North, a regional coefficient is established, which makes it possible to receive increased compensation.

If a person takes care of several pensioners at once. Then compensation can be issued for each of them. Thus, you can increase your income.

Current questions and answers

  • Question: how much can i get insurance experience if I take care of my elderly grandmother and can I receive unemployment benefits at the same time?

    Answer: 1.8 insurance points are awarded to the caregiver for each year of care. If you receive unemployment benefits, you will not receive compensation. Wait until the payments stop, then take care of the design.

  • Question: If I claim paternity benefit when I retire, will it affect my retirement benefits?

    Answer: Only those persons who do not receive salaries, pensions, and benefits can apply for care. You will not be able to receive compensation subject to this limitation.

    Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I have been working in the field of law since 2013. I specialize primarily in civil law. She studied at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: Jurisprudence (Lawyer).

Pensions from the age of 80 to pensioners are significantly increased. Its size and accrual rules are stated in the Federal Law No. 400 “On insurance pensions” and PP No. 249 of 03/18/2015. How exactly and how much will the pension rise after 80 years in 2019, and what other benefits are provided for the elderly?

Increase in pension after 80 years

The security is made up of two parts:

  • Insurance. It is formed from accounting for the length of service, region, deductions to the FIU.
  • Fixed. Set by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 17 of the Federal Law No. 400, upon reaching the age of 80, a person also receives an amount equal to 100% of the fixed part.

What is the increase in pension after 80 years for pensioners?

This year the fixed portion is set at 5334 rub. (This minimum pension excluding regional coefficients). This means that the increase in the pension at the age of 80 will be exactly the same (5334 rubles + 100%). As a result, in addition to the insurance part, citizens receive a double fixed part - 10,668 rubles.

Persons with the first group of disability are not assigned an additional pension for 80 years, since they already receive it from the moment the disability is registered. An increase is also not allowed for citizens who receive social pension.

The amount is also affected by the residence of disabled family members with a pensioner. For one dependent, the state increases the payment by another 1/3 of the fixed part for one person, by 2/3 for two.

Disabled people of the 1st group are not entitled to an increase in the pension of 80 years, since they already receive a double fixed part of the payment. Citizens who receive a social pension and those who receive a survivor's pension also do not receive an increase. .

Military pension after 80 years

How much does the pension increase after 80 years for the military? This year their collateral was indexed by 4% (no indexation has been carried out for 4 years already). Like other pensioners, military personnel receive a surcharge of 100% of the fixed part.

Pensions after 90 years

At this age, the citizen also retains the right to receive a 100% supplement to the fixed part of the pension. In addition, he is entitled to benefits for housing and communal services, exemption from paying for major repairs and other privileges.

How to apply for an allowance?

Old-age pension after 80 years in 2019 increases automatically. This means that you do not need to go to the Pension Fund.

An appeal to the fund will be required if the pensioner decided to refuse one type of payment in favor of this allowance (for example, to switch from a survivor's pension to an old-age pension). In this case, he needs to submit an application to the regional branch of the FIU.

How to calculate pension after 80 years?

How is the pension increase after 80 years? Let's bring the simplest example calculation:

The total amount of the pension is 15,000 rubles, of which 5,334 rubles. is the fixed part. The additional payment to the pension after 80 years will be: 5334X2 = 10668 rubles. The size of the pension after 80 years in this case will be 25,668 rubles.

80 year care pension

In addition to the allowance for the fixed part of the provision, pensioners are entitled to additional payments for their care - 1200 rubles per month. The amount is due to those who care for an elderly person. You can issue it both for a relative, and for any other person that meets the following requirements:

registration in the Russian Federation;

  • ability to work;
  • lack of official income (pensions, benefits from the state, wages);
  • age from 14 years old.
For caring for a pensioner, a person is credited with seniority. The amount of the payment (1200 rubles) is monthly paid additionally to the pension along with the rest of the security. The pensioner independently settles with the person who cares for him.

A pension for caring for an 80-year-old pensioner must be registered with the FIU.

Required documents:

  • Two statements (from an elderly person and the one who will take care of him).
  • Passports.
  • Employment record of the caregiver.
  • Absence document government payments and unemployment benefits.
  • Confirmation from the tax office about the absence of IP.
  • The conclusion of the medical institution on the need to provide care.

A sample application from a pensioner over 80 who will be cared for looks like this:

The pensioner himself does not have to go along with his “guardian”. He can call the employees of the fund and other services to his home, or issue a notarization of the submitted documents and give them to be sent to the PF to his "guardian".

Fringe benefits

From the age of 80, the following benefits are laid:

  • free service in social services and medical institutions;
  • stay in nursing homes, boarding schools for the elderly, etc.;
  • receiving an apartment from the state in case of recognition of his living space as unsuitable for living;
  • exemption from payment for major repairs;
  • discounts on utility bills;
  • free travel (provided to labor veterans).

As part of the social support for pensioners, a person after 80 years of age can use the help of a lawyer and a psychologist free of charge, help in the form of hygiene products, food, clothes and shoes. The list of benefits depends on the specific region.

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