Willow compositions for Palm Sunday. All you need is cotton swabs, wire and napkins! My best find for Easter

    Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds But they say that they do not plant Christmas trees and pines on the site - a bad omen. If you know something about this sign, tell me, I will be grateful.

    What to plant along a ditch? Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Spherical Willows are beautiful and love moisture.

    what to plant in the area? Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and If you don’t make any drainage system, then plant all sorts of different willows, spruces, birch trees, they are very good. pump out water well.

    Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and There is a large plot in the village (about a hectare), almost empty (except for the garden). We want We don't cover it. 5. We have no lowlands. Willow (or willow) is planted in ravines. I don't know about birches.

    Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. The site is very abandoned. Willow and other plants grew wild there, all in ditches (to drain groundwater), mountains ...

    Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Willow grafted on trunk. Another question is ripe :) My husband bought a willow grafted on a trunk on the way to the dacha.

    Spherical Willows are beautiful and love moisture. Fourth week at home. The distance is about three kilometers, almost six thousand steps. Garden paths at their summer cottage: gravel, paving stones, concrete?

    Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting We have a plot with high groundwater. The late mother-in-law, planted everything on earthen heaps. Plum just does not like high groundwater. Willow, there is a very beautiful "curly" variety.

    lilac - trees only; willow - so many varieties of them: small, large, branched, curly, round, bush, tree, etc. And they grow quickly and without problems everywhere. birch - there are also weeping, and a bush, and Nothing in summer cottages - this is forbidden, only grass.

    willow and larch. Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs And I like it when she sheds her needles, it turns out such a soft rug, and let her stand naked in winter, we don’t go to the dacha in winter.

This year, both Easter and Palm Sunday are the same for Catholics and Orthodox. And very soon Belarusians will go to churches and churches to consecrate colorful willows. In the last week before Easter, believers traditionally celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The decorated willows symbolize the palm branches with which the Jewish people met Christ.

It is the willow that releases the first green leaves on still cold spring days, and the willow seals are considered harbingers of the inevitable arrival of heat.

Each locality celebrated Palm Sunday and decorated the branches in their own way. For example, in Golshany, paper flowers and strings were traditionally woven into willow. And in the Vilna region, voluminous, round willows, decorated with multi-colored herbs, were popular. Over time, traditions have mixed up, many have not been preserved, and now everyone decorates the main symbol of Palm Sunday as they see fit.

But - the Dominikivna sisters (Dominikovna is a patronymic. - Approx. TUT.BY), who revive the ancient traditions of making willows. Thanks to their efforts, the townspeople can see how the willow was decorated in Grodno and its environs 100 years ago. And every year, those who wish have the opportunity to learn how to make beautiful willows from herbs, dried flowers and twigs, as they did many years ago.

The sisters are already well over 70. Despite their considerable age, they are happy to conduct numerous master classes before Palm Sunday. Grandmothers can also be seen near the main churches of the city, where they sell their handicrafts on the eve of Palm Sunday.

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Take over this year old tradition it was possible in the Grodno center of crafts "Heritage".

Sisters Dominika Kovalyonok, Cheslava Cherednikova, Wanda Lopatinskaya and Danuta Olszewska are the only craftswomen who have preserved the unique technology of decorating Easter willows, which was once common in Grodno, Sopotskin, Indura and Odelsk. These are the so-called Grodno verbochki. The technology is included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus. Dominika Dominikovna was awarded the title of People's Master of Belarus several years ago.

The craftswoman looks in bewilderment at the people who have come to learn how to make Grodno willows. It can be seen that she did not expect to see so many people at her master class. He laments that there are not enough herbs for decoration for everyone, but he does not know what to do. He says he has to save money.

Grodno willows are bright, decorated with herbs and dried flowers. In the dexterous hands of the craftswoman, the twigs grow very quickly decorative ornaments, and hearts are obtained from wheat stalks. Wrap here, attach here.

At the same time, the craftswoman says that once upon a time, willow branches were decorated simply with colored threads. People were poor - what they found, they decorated with it. Then there were bright candy wrappers, newsprint and, of course, herbs.

But the herbs must be dyed, some must be dried in a special way, protecting from the sun, or, conversely, specially left in the sun so that the blades of grass acquire a yellow, saturated color. Due to the fact that the training technology is quite complicated, Dominika Dominikovna fears that the tradition may be interrupted, and therefore she tries to pass on her skills to the young.

The Grodno tradition of decorating the Easter willow with dried flowers seemed to have been irretrievably lost. During the years of Soviet atheism, recalls Dominika Dominikovna, no one needed willows.

They were even banned. Party leaders stood near the churches and watched who was going to the Christmas service to svetlit willows, - grandmother says in a chant. Her speech naturally combines Russian, Belarusian and Polish words.

However, how the branches were decorated in Grodno and in the surrounding villages, the craftswoman never forgot - her relatives “twisted” willows, and now she continues this Catholic tradition with her sisters. He says that there is only one faith and does not divide verbs into Catholic and Orthodox.

- Grodno willows are flat, the so-called shoulder blades, but the famous Vilna ones are round, voluminous, but they didn’t make them in our places, although they are visually very similar, - says the craftswoman and deftly ties the ears and blades of grass, skillfully combining different colors... 15 minutes - and the verbochka with three hearts is ready.
In general, the number three, according to the craftswoman, is very important - there should be exactly that many twigs to which jewelry is attached. The sisters consider it a symbol of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

- This is a symbol of faith, and a traditional basis, which then jumps up for every taste. Our dzyads always had herbs at hand. It is unfortunate that many of the knowledge that is associated with plants has been forgotten in our country. For willows, I use immortelle, rye and oat spikelets and herbs that I collect all summer in the fields. So you pass by and you don’t see the panicle I need in the dust, but I immediately see where I can stick it and what to make of it.

The craftswoman says that it is very important to be "connected with the earth" - to feel it, to thank for the plants and work on it. And in her willows, she tries to maintain this connection.

“And don’t wear black hats,” the grandmother smiles slyly, “you close it with this dark color your connection to higher powers.

— Can I have pink ones? - the girls present are interested.

- Can. It is better to be bright and therefore beautiful, like our willows, - grandmother points to the bright ears.

The willow compositions that Dominnikovna makes are multi-colored, multi-level and somehow very warm.

By the way, in the Grodno region, by tradition, willows were kept behind icons or near them, hung over windows, because Catholics do not have a traditional “red” corner, and a year later they were burned to make new ones.

- Although it's a pity, but it needs to be done - the willow absorbs a lot of negative things in a year, so every year you need to make a new one. And only with positive thoughts, putting your faith in it. You can also make wishes - the main thing is to believe, then everything will work out and come true.

Very soon the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem will come, which we usually call Palm Sunday. The willow has replaced palm branches in our climate, with which the inhabitants of the ancient city met the Messiah.

In 2018, the sixth (Palm) Sunday of Great Lent falls on April 1st. And to prepare for this beautiful day, the editors "So simple!" invites you to familiarize yourself with interesting master class, How make a willow branch with your own hands. A great opportunity to spend time with your child and prepare for a bright holiday!

Do-it-yourself willow branch

Willow is a tree beloved in Rus'. " Touch the willow, and it will give you its strength, beauty", - so in the old days the belief said. Of course, there is nothing better than living twigs with fluffy buds, but if for some reason you can’t get them, try with your child to make their analogue from improvised materials. After all, such a craft can stand for a very long time.

Idea make willow branches came to me with her own hands last year when we were preparing for the school spring exhibition, in which later my daughter Polina took 1st place.

Do-it-yourself willow branches are really worthy and beautiful interior decoration. Everything is done simply and does not require a lot of time and effort.

There are a few various options how to make a willow with your own hands, it all depends on the degree of complexity of the product that you want to get in the end. The most important thing here is not the result, but the process itself. This is the time spent with the child, and his smile when he succeeds.

Willow branch from cotton buds

You will need

  • cotton buds
  • pliers
  • acrylic paints
  • a real branch from a tree with thin branches


And this is a more difficult option for children over six years old or adults who love to make their own hands.

Corrugated paper willow branch

You will need

  • corrugated paper Brown
  • scissors
  • wire
  • white paper napkins

One week after Palm Sunday Holy holiday Easter. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with those that will inspire you to create the most beautiful Easter cake. And at the end of the article, see the recipe for the perfect glaze, without eggs, shiny and dense, which does not crumble or stick.

Drawn or handmade willow branches you can decorate the house or as a gift to please loved ones.

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday, and every year believers strive to decorate their homes with branches of this sacred tree. On the eve of the holiday, they rush to the market or flower shops and be sure to purchase at least a few branches of a beautiful willow. By the way, superstitious people never plant this tree on their own, as there are a lot of ambiguous and creepy rumors around it, which is why it is safer for them to just buy twigs in a specialized store. But back to our main topic, today we want to tell you how to decorate a house with willow, we will show various suitable photos, well, you already decide for yourself which decor is closer in spirit to you.

Orthodox Christians keep the consecrated willow branches for a year, until the next holiday.

How to decorate your house for Palm Sunday.

It should be noted that willow decorations look very impressive, and fluffy buds seem so soft and pliable that you definitely want to touch them. I want to admire these wonderful twigs, but to make them look even more interesting, they need to be “applied” correctly. Below we will show the best examples representing the decoration with willow branches.

Willow in vases.

If you put willow branches in water, they will certainly retain a fresh look for a long time, which is why, first of all, willow branches are used to create flower arrangements. They look great with early spring flowers like tulips. But even willow branches that are simply independently installed in a vase without the addition of various colors look very good.

Willow for decoration of vases and flower pots.

If you cut willow branches into segments of the same length, put them around a flower pot or vase and secure with tape, then even the most nondescript pot will gain new life.

Willow topiary.

It is necessary to take a large foam ball, string it on a flat wooden stick, set the composition in a pot filled with stones, and paste over in a circle with fluffy willow inflorescences.

Baskets from willow branches.

From the flexible willow branches, craftsmen can weave amazing baskets that will definitely fit perfectly into the interior of the house.

Festive willow wreaths.

Decorations from willow branches will never look inconspicuous, especially if they are used to create.

  1. Flexible willow branches can be laid in the form of a ring, which in the end will symbolize a festive wreath.
  2. You can cut willow branches into equal segments, and glue them together in the form of a heart.
  3. A foam blank in the form of a ring can be completely pasted over with fluffy willow inflorescences.

Willow nest.

It is enough, simply, to form a ring from willow branches, tie it at the junction with threads, lay the composition on a flat dish, put flowers from napkins or egg shells inside with herbs seeds previously planted in them, so that the whole composition looks incredibly impressive.

Willow bunches with ribbons.

By tying several willow branches at once with a ribbon, you can end up with a wonderful bouquet that will perfectly decorate festive table.

Willow balls.

This decor with willow branches is elementary, you just need to paste over foam balls fluffy willow inflorescences, and put the finished balls in a transparent vase.

Willow in flowerpots.

Large flowerpots with long willow branches will look very impressive. Such flowerpots will fit not only into the interior of the house, but will also help transform the entrance to the house.

Table decor.

We take a wide flower pot, fill it with pebbles, insert willow branches into the stones around the perimeter, connect them from above into a bundle and grab it with a ribbon.

Today we told and showed how to decorate a house with a willow, we hope you liked the ideas presented in this review, leave your feedback in the comments. And also share your home decor ideas for Palm Sunday.

A week before Easter, Christians celebrate Palm Sunday - a significant religious holiday. Preparing for it and the upcoming Easter, many are trying to make cute gifts for loved ones, as well as decorate their homes. Willow branches blooming at this time are an ideal material for such crafts, in addition, it can become a source of inspiration.

Willow is a sacred plant that has replaced palm branches for Christians living in a temperate climate, with which the jubilant crowd greeted the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is she who they carry to the church to consecrate on Palm Sunday and the day before on Saturday, and then they keep it throughout the year until the next Easter, as a talisman against evil misfortunes and troubles, as a symbol of well-being.

Many signs, rituals and conspiracies exist with the participation of willow. For example, if the willow blossomed on the eve of Palm Sunday, then the year will be fruitful. If you lightly whip a person with a lighted branch, he will be lucky all year.

Willow gouache, photo

You can draw willow branches with gouache in 2 ways - with or without a pencil sketch.

In the first case, the drawing is immediately done with paints:

  • brown, dark brown or black - branches;
  • white, gray, yellow - blooming buds.

In the second case, first a sketch is drawn with a pencil - a bunch of branches in the form of curved lines with ends wrapped in different directions. Then small ovals are drawn along the branch lines, after which the pencil sketch is painted with gouache paints, small details are drawn - fluff on the "seals", sepals.
The finished drawing can be placed in a frame and decorate a wall with it or use it to make gift cards. Examples of children's and adult works depicting blooming willow branches are shown in the photo below.

The video shows how to draw a willow branch with gouache paints without a preliminary sketch.

Willow in watercolor, drawing in stages with a photo

As you can see from the photo, a willow painted in watercolor looks especially gentle and beautiful, and even a beginner can master the technique of drawing with these paints. To complete the drawing you will need:

  • watercolor paints;
  • watercolor paper;
  • 2 round brushes - thin for drawing branches and thicker for drawing buds;
  • palette for mixing and diluting paints;
  • a glass of water, a rag for wiping brushes;
  • pencil for sketching, eraser.

The process of painting a willow in watercolor consists of several stages, all of which are shown in the figure below.

  1. Making a schematic sketch with a pencil. To do this, a long line is arbitrarily drawn along which ovals are drawn from top to bottom, gradually increasing in size. They are connected to the main line with dashes.
  2. Giving volume and naturalism to the branch by drawing additional lines.
  3. Drawing small details - fluffs on blossoming buds - "seals".
  4. Coloring the picture with paints.

Since watercolor gives a translucent coating, in order for the drawing to look neat and attractive, the pencil sketch must be done easily, without pressure, and the extra (auxiliary) lines should be erased with an eraser before applying paints. The latter is especially important, since the watercolor palette is often missing White paint and it is replaced by the surface of the sheet, the intensity of the remaining colors is regulated by diluting the paint with water. If you wish, you can additionally highlight the fluffs on the “seals” with white, they can be drawn over the paints with a white pen. The video tutorial below shows in detail the process of painting willow branches in watercolor.

Drawing a willow twig, middle group of kindergarten, step by step with a photo

The photo below shows the sequence of drawing a willow in 2 techniques, allowing the child to master the process of depicting willow branches:

  • pencil.

  • paints

We draw a willow with children, a willow in a vase, step by step with a photo

The presented drawing of a willow in a vase is made in gouache. In addition to paints and an A4 sheet, you will need a thick wide brush, round brushes - medium and thin, a glass of water, a palette for mixing paints. Drawing sequence:

  • drawing the background with a wide brush. It consists of 4 color spots - a brown stripe at the very bottom of the sheet, above it a brown-green stripe of withered grass, above a stripe of brown, green, black and gray tones, indicating the crowns of trees and bushes, at the very top a stripe of blue, white and yellow sky shades;

  • a pencil sketch of the vase contours, followed by color drawing. Since the vase is glass, transparent, filled with water, it is drawn along the contour with strokes gray color with the addition of white paint, they do not completely paint over, the water level and shadows are emphasized with gray-blue strokes;

  • drawing willow branches with a round brush with brown paint. With black paint, mark the growth points of the "seals";

  • drawing "seals" with yellow, white and gray paint. With a thin brush and short strokes, mark fluffs on them.

Coloring willow for children, templates

Even the smallest children can make drawings with willow branches, for this they need to print out the coloring pages presented below. They can be painted with pencils, pastels, colored pens or paints.

How to draw a willow with a pencil, a preparatory group, step by step with a photo

The photo below shows the sequence of drawing a willow branch. For first, the contours of the branch are outlined., Then the main details are drawn - the stem and buds.

The pencil drawing is completed by a detailed drawing of shadows that add volume to the image, as well as small details - fluffs, sepals,

Craft a bouquet of willow, step by step

In bouquets, willow harmoniously combines with all spring flowers - tulips, daffodils, muscari and others, forming delicate compositions.

Perfect willow branches are combined with roses, peonies and carnations in pastel and rich shades. Such bouquets are used as wedding and gift bouquets, as well as flower arrangements intended for decorating interiors.

Here is such a simple, but very cute bouquet of willow branches, as shown in the photo below, everyone can do in just 5-10 minutes. For this it is necessary

  • cut off an odd number of branches with blooming "seals". Branch length 22-27 cm;
  • tie them with twine, like a sheaf;
  • decorate with artificial chamomile made of fabric or fomiaran.

Another version of a charming bouquet with willow, which is easy to make yourself. The bouquet will require pink and white tulips, willow branches and muscari. Such a delicate bouquet will look great in the living room, dining room and girl's bedroom, as well as a gift for March 8th. Just 3 simple steps and the bouquet is ready.

  1. Tulips of 2 shades are placed in the center of the bouquet.
  2. Along the outer edge, the tulip bouquet is complemented by muscari and willow, while the long willow branches are folded in an arc.
  3. Secure the bouquet with floral tape, decorate with twine.

By creating flower arrangements with willow, branches can be used not only for bouquets, but also for decorating flower baskets and vases.

To decorate the bottom of the bouquet, as shown in the photo above, you need:

  • cover the container or oasis in which the bouquet will be placed with a layer of moss, fix it by wrapping it with floral wire. Close the remaining gaps with separate pieces of moss;
  • to make handles, long willow branches with wire are fixed in moss and braided around, giving it an arched shape;
  • to close the lower part of the bouquet, willow branches of the appropriate length are cut and fixed to the moss with hairpins.

Another example of a similar design of bouquets with willow branches can be seen in the photo below.

A master class on creating a spring bouquet with willow branches is presented in the video below.

How to make a willow wreath, master class with photo

Willow is an ideal material for creating spring floral arrangements, such as Easter wreaths. With its help, not only is it easy to weave the base for a wreath, but it can also be used to decorate it. Ideas for creating willow wreaths can be seen in the photo below.

To weave a wreath, you need to collect willow branches, purchase a base for a wreath, or weave it yourself from the same branches.

At remove the leaves on the branches prepared in advance, cut them into segments 10-15 cm long, collect in bunches. Give each bunch a fan-shaped shape, and then fix them on the wreath base with flexible wire so that each subsequent beam overlaps the ends of the previous one, as shown in the photo below.

Complete the finished wreath with a ribbon loop. And here is another version of the original willow wreath. For him, you need to cut them from the branches with scissors and glue them glue gun to the finished base.

How to make a willow twig from cotton buds, step by step with a photo

A branch with blooming "seals" is easy to make from cotton swabs. In addition to packing cotton swabs for crafts, you will need a thin branch big amount branches, hotmelt and brown acrylic paint.
1. Tint soft heads on cotton buds with brown paint.

2. When the paint is dry, use pliers to cut them off.

3. Apply a little glue to the tip of the branch, then put a cut cotton head on top.

4. In this way, glue the soft heads to all the branches on the branch. What a finished willow branch looks like, made from cotton buds and an ordinary twig, can be seen in the photo below.

Another way to make a willow branch from cotton buds is shown in the video below.

How to make a willow sprig for Easter with your own hands, photo

The photo below shows a few more options for willow branches made from improvised materials.

  1. Blooming willow branches made from bamboo skewers chenille wire and green floral tape.

2. Palm "seals" made of cotton wool, wire and a strip of craft paper dyed dark brown.
3. A branch of a blossoming willow made of fleece, a living twig and scales of a spruce cone.

You can learn more about one of the ways to make a willow branch from the video below.

Craft willow with your own hands from beads, a master class with a photo

Willow branch, made by hand using the technique of beaded floristry, looks very impressive. Such a craft can serve as a gift or an element of interior decor.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • light gray, yellow or cream beads;
  • green beads;
  • thin wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • thick wire;
  • floss threads brown shade or green type tape;
  • ruler.

To make willow buds, it is necessary to string light beads on the wire - 3 cm, leaving 7 cm of wire free on both sides. Roll the strung beads into a loop, turning 3 turns. Without indenting, string another 3 cm of beads on the free ends of the wire and roll them into loops, then close the loops together, forming a willow bud, as shown in the photo below. To create 1 branch, make 15 such details.

Next, using the same principle, twist the details of the leaves from green beads, stringing it 1.5 cm each. To assemble 1 willow branch, 7 leaves will be required.

Gather the prepared parts into a single branch. To do this, a willow bud is applied to a piece of thick wire and fixed by winding it with threads or type tape, adding a new part of the bud or leaf every 3 cm.

Willow branch of beads is ready. Using the technology described above, you can collect several blanks, which are then woven into a single branch, as shown in the photo below.

Below is a video demonstrating the process of making a willow branch from beads.

Willow twig applique, photo

Do-it-yourself willow twigs can later be used for thematic applications and postcards, as shown in the photo below.

In more detail, how to make an application with a willow branch is shown in the video below.

Do-it-yourself willow branch made of corrugated paper, step by step with a photo

A bouquet of willow branches is easy to make from colored paper. For crafts, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • white corrugated paper;
  • cotton wool for stuffing "seals";
  • brown floristic ribbon about 60 cm long;
  • thick wire 30-35 cm long;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Manufacturing sequence.
1. Cut white corrugated paper into 4x5 cm rectangles. Make balls of cotton wool and wrap each into a rectangle.

2. To make 1 willow branch, roll 12-15 seals in this way.

3. Attach 1 paper “cat” to the upper end of the wire, tightly wrapping it with floral tape and securing it with glue. You can use a strip instead of tape. corrugated paper brown, 2 cm wide.

4. Then wind the rest of the “seals” blanks to the wire, sequentially placing them on both sides of it. Fix the end of the tape with glue.

Thus, make a few more branches. You can use them to create Easter and other spring compositions.

Another example of creating willow branches from corrugated paper is shown in the video below.

Willow twig middle group of kindergarten, craft willow twig from cotton wool

kids middle group kindergarten they can also make crafts with willow branches using the appliqué technique, using cotton wool, glue in a stick and a blank with a pattern of a willow branch on a sheet of colored cardboard. Examples of children's work are shown in the photo below.

The technique for performing such an application is presented step by step in the photo below. To complete the craft, the kid is given a cardboard with a printed or drawn pattern of a willow branch, cotton wool and glue in a stick. The kid needs to pinch off some cotton wool, roll it into a ball with his palms and stick it on the appropriate place in the picture. This activity contributes to the development fine motor skills hands, imagination and creativity.

Willow drawing in the senior group, step by step photo

Below are a few options step by step drawing willow branches that preschoolers of the older group can repeat.

  1. Inclined willow branch

2. A bouquet of willow branches in a vase

3. Drawing of a willow tree

Willow embroidery scheme, photo

In cross stitch patterns, willow branches are traditionally used in Easter motifs. It can decorate a festive Easter napkin, towel or tablecloth.

For everyday use and spring table setting, you can use linen or cotton textiles, decorated with a delicate embroidered pattern with willows, for example, as shown in the diagram below.

Willow made of plasticine and cotton swabs, photo

For the manufacture of willow branches, you can use ordinary cotton buds and plasticine. To do this, soft heads are cut off from the sticks and small pieces of floral wire are attached to them using plasticine. Wire stems are tightly wrapped with brown plasticine rolled into a thin strip. Having made 11-15 such blanks, they are assembled into one branch, fastened with plasticine. The willow branch is ready! If desired, "seals" on willow branches can be tinted with acrylic paints. Using this technology, it is easy to make a whole bouquet of willow branches.

With the help of plasticine and the same cotton buds, you can make a nice collage with a bouquet of willow branches. To do this, make a vase from blue plasticine by forming thin sausages, folding them in a spiral and gluing them onto a sheet of colored cardboard, as shown in the photo. Cut off soft heads from cotton buds, glue scales formed from brown plasticine to them. From the same brown plasticine, form long stems, attach them to cardboard, gluing them with hot glue. Glue the finished "seals" on both sides of the stems.

Working with plasticine contributes to the development creativity and fine motor skills in children preschool age, so these activities are very useful for them. How to make willow branches from plasticine together with the baby is shown in detail in the video below.

Crochet willow, photo

Those who know how to crochet can knit a bouquet of willow branches and use it to create Easter or spring arrangements. For crafts, you will need a little light gray and dark brown yarn, a hook of the appropriate size, a filler - synthetic winterizer or holofiber, a wooden stick or twig.

To crochet a willow bud you need:

  • tie a ring from a chain in 5 ch with gray threads;
  • in rows 1-4, knit 2 ch, then report 10 times - 1 ch. 1 half-column, finish the circular row 1 ch and conn. Art. Start each row by going with the help of the connection. n to the neighboring c. P.;
  • after finishing the last row, stretch the thread through the half-columns, pull it off, fasten it.

Attach the finished buds to the stem, which can be crocheted with art. b / n or just wrap tightly with brown thread.

A master class on knitting a willow branch can be viewed on the video.

Willow from foamiran, master class with photo

Stylized willow branches can be made from foamiran, a plastic decorative material for handicrafts. For crafts you will need:

  1. 2 sheets of fomiar - silvery and beige-brown;
  2. a hole puncher in the shape of a snowflake and a flower with a diameter of 1 cm;
  3. type tape green or brown;
  4. wire;
  5. scissors and tools for forming bulges on parts.

With a hole punch, cut snowflakes from a fomiaran of a white, gray or silver shade based on 1 willow bud - 8-10 parts.

Collect the buds on the wire, fastening in the center with a bead and fixing the details by scrolling the ends of the wire, as shown in the photo below.

From the beige-brown fomiaran, cut with a flower-shaped hole punch the details of willow scales, which in turn are then cut into droplets. Form parts using special tools, giving them a convex shape.

Willow quilling, photo

Beautiful willow branches can be created using any technique, for example, using quilling techniques. This technique allows you to create original crafts using strips of paper, glue and special tools.

To make willow branches using the quilling technique, you need to twist loose spirals from white strips of paper and stick them on the branches drawn on paper, as shown in the photo below. You can twist "seals" in the form of simple spirals, ovals, droplets or boats.

To make willow twigs, like those shown in the photo above, you need to take a strip of paper and cut it into a fringe, then roll up the spiral, fix the tip of the spiral so that it does not unfold. Push the twisted paper spiral from below a little forward to get a blank that looks like a blossoming willow bud. Glue the blank along the edge with a strip of brown paper, then glue it to a branch cut out of cardboard. The resulting willow branch can be used to create voluminous applications, collages, postcards.

Willow bead scheme, photo

Any novice needlewoman can weave willow branches from beads. For crafts you will need:
white, green and brown beads;
wire and monofilament for stringing beads;
small branches-twigs;
brown thread or narrow satin ribbon, acrylic paint or craft paper to decorate the branches.

Weave "seals" from beads in two ways - by weaving flat blanks, and then assembling into three-dimensional parts or immediately weaving three-dimensional parts. Both options allow you to create beautiful branches of flowering willow, so the choice of method depends only on the degree of mastery of beading.

1. You can make such a bouquet of willow branches by mastering a simple beading method. To do this, you need to string the beads on the wire, measure 1.5 cm segments and twist them into a ring, as shown in the diagram below.

To form a "cat", you need to connect together several such blanks - 5-7, add leaves and sepals to them, made according to the same principle from green and brown beads. Attach the finished seals to the branch, placing them on both sides, decorate the branch by wrapping it with dark brown threads, satin ribbon or strips of paper, as shown in the photo below.

2. Those who have already mastered the technique of beading can make willow "seals" using the principle of weaving volumetric balls or a tourniquet in a mosaic way, using the brick weaving method.

Following this scheme, you can immediately get voluminous “seals” blanks that need to be filled with padding polyester, paper or foil so that they keep their shape, and then form willow branches from them, collecting and fixing individual parts on one stem. Decorate the stems of the branches by wrapping them along the entire length with brown threads or painting them in the appropriate color.

Riddles about willow

Willow riddles are traditionally used in scenarios for children's and adult events dedicated to the celebration of palm days. Here are a few of these riddles, which are not difficult to solve, because there is only one answer to them - willow.

  1. Crying over the water with a braided scythe.
  2. I am a symbol tree, with me in my hands Easter is celebrated in our area.
  3. The tree has thin branches, from those branches they weave baskets, they bring them to church once a year.
  4. Many little white kittens sit on a thin twig, as soon as the sun warms up, the coat of the seals turns yellow.
  5. Who puts on fur mittens on the branches, blooming the very first, standing right above the river?
  6. Shed tears of crayons, rinsing her braids.

Willow in a dream, folk omen

A willow seen in a dream is a favorable image, symbolizing good luck and new hopes. Dream Interpretations portend to those who saw flowering willow branches in a dream family and financial well-being, good news. In a dream, seeing a willow in a church promises marriage soon. According to signs, standing under a willow in a dream indicates that the one who saw this dream will soon hear laudatory reviews about himself, and the one who holds willow branches in his hands in a dream will be duly rewarded for the work done.
However, to see in a dream how a willow is broken or chopped is a bad sign, indicating love disappointment, guilt, sadness. Giving willow branches to someone close in a dream indicates that someone from the inner circle needs help and support. Seeing willows being sold means witnessing someone's personal or family drama. If you dream of a weeping willow or a willow bush above the water, such a dream promises troubled days, family troubles.

folk traditions Willow is credited with the ability to attract prosperity and joy, so it is customary to decorate a house with it for Easter and Palm Sunday. Believe or not believe in magical properties willows are everyone's business, but everyone will agree that flowering willow branches are a herald of the approaching spring. So why not hasten the arrival of spring by creating crafts from various materials in the form of bouquets of willow branches and giving them to friends, relatives, decorating the house.
