Schedule for raising the retirement age in Russia. Minimum old age pension

In accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation in 2019 (as well as in the previous ones), each person living in the territory Russian Federation, upon reaching a certain age, an old-age pension is assigned. This type of maintenance is established in order to financially support citizens who, due to their age, are limited in their former ability to work or, having reached age parameters, cannot work for other reasons.

In order to receive at least a minimum pension in addition to achieving retirement age, the recipient needs to match other minimum requirements established by law:

  • The main condition for the appointment pension payment is the presence of a certain amount of work experience.
  • At the same time, pensions are provided both for citizens who have earned the required length of service, and for those who do not have it.

Types of old-age pensions and conditions for their appointment

Depending on the compliance of the recipient of pension provision with the conditions specified by law, he may be assigned one of the types of old-age pension:

Insurance pension provision

The old-age insurance pension is assigned in our country more often than other pension payments. The overwhelming majority of pensioners (about 83%) are its recipients. this type of payments are regulated by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", according to which the right to appoint him is acquired by his recipient in the presence of:

  • age 60.5 years in men and 55.5 years among women.
  • duration at least 10 years.
  • (IPK) not less than 16.2.

The above parameters by quantity insurance experience and IPC are set for 2019 and, according to the law, increase annually. The seniority requirement increases by 1 year until it eventually reaches 15 years, and IPC by 2.4 to size 30 .

For persons who worked in difficult climatic conditions, as well as in jobs with harmful, especially difficult or hazardous conditions for health, access to the old-age insurance pension is possible earlier than the generally established retirement age, that is. The conditions for granting an early pension, as well as the list of professions and persons entitled to it, are established by the same law. "About insurance pensions".

Is there a pension if there is no work experience?

There are cases when a person for some reason did not have the opportunity to work at all or had only temporary official earnings. In a word, by his retirement age, he could not earn such a length of service that would give him the right to an insurance pension. And for this category of citizens, pension support is provided by the state.

If the insurance period and IPK of a citizen do not reach the minimum size required for the establishment of an old-age insurance pension, or missing at all, a pension is assigned to such a category of recipients.

However, in order to receive this financial support, there are conditions that are provided for by the Federal Law " About the state pension provision In Russian federation"of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, in accordance with which the social old-age pension benefit is assigned disabled persons:

  • from the number small peoples North reached 55 years(men) and 50 years(women), as well as on the day of the appointment of a pension permanent residents in the territory considered to be inhabited by these peoples.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation, permanent residents in our country, as well as citizens of other states, or who do not have citizenship at all, provided that they permanent residence in our country at least 15 years upon reaching both the age 65 years old(men) or 60 years(women).

What is the minimum old-age pension in Russia by region?

concept "minimum pension" in itself is very subjective, since in different regions of our country both wages and prices differ significantly from each other, and in some areas, such as the Far North and other areas, regional coefficients are applied to wages. The amount of pension payments depends on many circumstances and in different regions of residence it may vary.

If the recipient meets the minimum conditions provided for by law, the old-age pension in 2019 was established in the following amounts:

  • Social pension benefit - from April 1, 2019 5163.2 rubles(until April 1, 2019 - 4959.85 rubles);
  • Insurance pension - 6107.46 rubles(as of 2019, see calculation below).

Social pension payments are established to their recipients in fixed form, while the old-age insurance benefit: CPI multiplied by its value plus a fixed payment.

Depending on the region of residence of the pensioner, the minimum amount of the pension payment received may differ due to the different subsistence minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is due to the appointment of one of the measures of social support for pensioners - additional payments to pensions.

Minimum size in 2019

Annual pension payments. Legislation provides for an increase in pension provision at the level of actual inflation of the previous year. Now the Government has provided for the indexation of pensions in 2019 more than inflation in 2018 - by 7.05%(according to calculations, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%):

  • at the same time, the value of the pension coefficient will increase to 87.24 rubles;
  • and the fixed payout 5334.19 rubles.

Thus, given that from January 1, 2019, the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are changing (it will already be necessary to have 16.2 pension points), the minimum insurance pension old age will be:

16.2 x 87.24 + 5334.19 = 6747.48 rubles.

As for social pensions, the Government of the Russian Federation (in particular, the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development) reports that it will be indexed by only 2.0%, then in 2019 the social pension benefit for old age will be 5163.2 rubles.

What if the pension is less than the living wage?

Minimum Pension Benefit idle pensioner, according to the law, should not be lower than the subsistence level determined by the state for such citizens, while the total income takes into account not only the pension itself, but also additional monthly payments, allowances and compensation.

If the monthly income of the recipient of the pension is below the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP), then he is set for a pension.

Depending on the level to which (in Russia or in the region of residence) the maintenance of a pensioner falls short, a social supplement is assigned to him:

  • federal paid from the funds provided in the budget of the PFR;
  • regional(from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, for its appointment, it is necessary to apply to the territorial branch of the pension fund or to the territorial body of social protection of the population.

Living wage for pensioners in 2019

In 2017, the amount of the PMP, which determines the right to receive a federal social supplement, decreased (relative to 2016). The Federal Law on the Budget of the Russian Federation included the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (for the whole country) to determine the social supplement to a pension at the federal level in the amount of 8,540 rubles. This measure was aimed at reducing budget expenditures for the payment of social supplements to pensions.

However, in 2019, an increased amount of the pensioner's subsistence minimum was included in the budget - 8,726 rubles.

Here it should be taken into account that the social surcharge is set to the level of the regional PMP, and in many regions it differs in one way or another from the federal value (maybe both up and down). For example, in Moscow in 2019, a PM was established to receive a social supplement for a pension of 11,561 rubles, and in the Khabarovsk Territory - 10,895 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2019 (in rubles)

Maximum size pension benefit it is difficult to accurately determine by old age, since it also depends on many components. For example:

  • from the taxable base (in 2017 it was 876,000 rubles, in 2018 - 1,021,000 rubles);
  • from the age of retirement of a citizen;
  • from the maximum possible amount for the year of work, etc.

As an incentive for a later retirement of citizens, the state establishes for their pension provision, increasing it and depending on how many months later the citizen applied for a pension payment from the day he became entitled to it.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions"(Appendix 1) such coefficient is provided in the calculation from 1 year up to 10 years postponement and maximum its value is 2,32 .

The size of the pension content largely depends on the number of individual pension points earned by a person during the period of his labor activity and formed by converting the insurance premiums paid during this period, and their pension payment established at the time of assignment. However, in accordance with Appendix 4 to the above law, their maximum value per calendar year can be no more than 10. In 2018, this indicator is 8.70 points.

Age insurance is one of the main types of pensions in our country. In accordance with the law " About insurance pensions» No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, in order for the right to it to arise, they must be fulfilled with respect to age, the minimum number of experience and the minimum amount of points scored.

For some categories of citizens, a different retirement age is defined -. These insured persons work in sectors and industries of the economy named in the Lists approved by the Government. Such citizens, in addition to general rules experience in the relevant types of work is required.

Labor and insurance pension: what is the difference?

Since the beginning of 2015, a new pension reform. Now citizens who apply for the purpose of payment are issued an insurance pension; such a concept as a labor pension is now absent in the new legislation.

One of the circumstances affecting the right to receive and the amount of payment is the length of service of the insured person. Earlier on appointment labor pension taken into account general experience. It includes the total duration of all periods of labor and other generally useful activities until 2002.

All citizens registered in the compulsory pension insurance system were conversion their pension rights as of January 1, 2002. Thus, their rights were converted into estimated pension capital.

  • The calculation of the length of service for a given period is carried out in a calendar order, taking into account the actual duration.
  • The only exceptions are certain periods preferential work, set off in an increased amount in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Now, when assigning an insurance pension, it is taken into account insurance experience. It includes periods of labor activity during which insurance premiums were accrued and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as some non-insurance periods (conscription service, caring for a child under one and a half years old, for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child). Such socially significant periods are included in the insurance period, provided that before or after them there is directly the time of work.

Since 2015 pension entitlements count towards pension points, and when the payment is made, they are converted into rubles.

Conditions for granting old-age insurance pensions

Pension provision in our country is based on insurance principles, so the majority of our citizens receive precisely the insurance payment due to old age. However, for the appointment of such security, there is a number of conditions described in article 8 of the law "About insurance pensions":

  1. Reaching a certain age.
  2. The fact of carrying out labor activity during the years established by law.
  3. The presence of a minimum number of individual coefficients.

To date, the retirement age in Russia remains unchanged and is 55 years for women And 60 years for men. For those who work in preferential working conditions, the retirement age is significantly lower than the figures given and depends on the category of the beneficiary.

As for the experience, the minimum number of should be 15 years when making a payment. Such a requirement will be presented by 2024. In the meantime, over the course of several years, the required amount of experience will increase by a year from the previous 5 years gradually. In 2017, the required required length of service is 8 years.

With the adoption of the new law for each working year, citizens are charged individual coefficients. Such points at the time of the appointment of a pension must be accumulated 30. This requirement will also not be presented immediately, but by 2025. In 2017, it is necessary to accumulate 11.4 coefficients, and every year this figure will gradually increase. It is worth noting that there is scoring limit: from 2021 odds higher than 10 will not be taken into account, on this moment this figure is 8.26.

The right to early retirement

  • For some categories of citizens (disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80 or who have dependents on their support), the value of the PV is set at an increased rate.
  • For citizens who worked or live in the North, "northern" coefficients are applied to this value.

In addition, the state provided for the possibility additional increase the amount of payment due to premium coefficients in the event that a citizen decides to retire at more than late dates. In this case, the values ​​​​of the IPC and PV will be increased depending on the period for which citizens postponed the registration of their pension provision.

New calculation formula

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to convert all significant factors into a formula for calculating a pension.

It looks like this:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK + PV,

  • joint venture- the amount of the insurance payment;
  • IPK- accumulated pension points;
  • SPK- the cost of one point on the day the pension is established;
  • FV- base amount.

This formula fully applies to those citizens who have begun their labor activity in 2015. For those who have little time left before going on a well-deserved rest, all accumulated rights will be converted (translated) into coefficients, and then the calculation will be carried out in a new way.

Indicators such as a fixed amount and the cost of a pension point are annually increased by the Government of the Russian Federation at the rate of inflation.

The amount of the fixed payment to the pension in 2017

Earlier (since February 1, 2016) the amount of the base amount was increased by 4% and amounted to 4558.93 rubles. The annual indexation of this indicator, approved by the state, is held at a level not lower than inflation for the previous year.

An important innovation since 2016 has been the abolition of indexation of this indicator for working pensioners. The fact of carrying out labor activity is determined on the basis of the data provided by the insurers in the monthly simplified report. After the termination of work, the payment of pensions is resumed, taking into account indexation. Moreover, when applying for a job, again the amount of the insurance amount will not be reduced.

In 2017, the size of the insurance pension provision was increased twice: according to inflation in 2016 - 5,4% and additionally up to the statutory value of 5.8%. Thus, from April 1, 2017, the amount of the fixed payment will be 4823.37 rubles.

Minimum old-age pension in 2017

In accordance with the formula introduced under the new law, it is enough to have 8 years of service and 11.4 pension points in 2017 to become eligible for an insurance pension. In the presence of such minimum values ​​of these indicators, the insurance payment will be assigned accordingly in the minimum amount.

At the same time, it should be noted that for recipients of pension payments, the amount of which is below the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence of a citizen, a federal social supplement (FSD) will be established.

Based on the above indicators, you can calculate the amount of insurance payment with minimum requirements.

It is known that the minimum requirement for pension points in 2017 is 11.4 pension coefficients. The insurance period is not taken into account when calculating the pension according to the formula.

Having data on the value of the pension point in 2017 and the amount of a fixed amount equal to 78.58 rubles and 4823.37 rubles, respectively, we calculate the amount of the minimum pension payment in 2017:

11.4 x 78.58 rubles. + 4823.37 rubles. = 5719.18 rubles.

This amount is significantly lower than the subsistence minimum in the country (8540 rubles), as a result of which, when assigning a pension with minimum requirements, one can count on the federal social supplement to the pension.

Appointment of pension provision

In this case, the citizen must apply to territorial body of the PFR or to a multifunctional center (MFC) that has entered into an appropriate agreement with the fund.

  • insurance pension established from the date of application behind it, but not before the emergence of law. The day of application is the date of acceptance of the relevant application, or the date indicated on the postmark when sending such a document by mail, or the time it was sent via the Internet when using the public services portal.
  • An exception to this rule is the application for an old-age payment within a month from the date of dismissal from the enterprise. Then the pension will be assigned from the day following the dismissal.

An application for establishing a payment by age is considered by specialists of the PFR department within 10 business days from the date of acceptance of such, after which a decision is made on the appointment or refusal. In the latter case, the FIU informs the citizen within five working days about decision stating the reason for and time limit for appeal. The period for consideration of documents can be extended for more than 10 days, but only if additional information is required. In any case, he cannot be longer than three months.

The appointment of an old-age insurance pension is carried out without specifying the date of its expiration, that is indefinitely.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension

When applying for the appointment of an old-age payment, it is necessary in a mandatory submit the following documents:

  1. passport of the insured person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, or a residence permit for foreigners;
  2. certificate confirming registration in the compulsory pension insurance system (SNILS);
  3. work book and certificates confirming the fact of the work of a citizen, in the absence of an entry in the main document on the length of service;
  4. certificate of wages for 60 months during periods of work following in a row in the work book.

The latter document will be considered in comparison with the result obtained on the citizen's salary for 2000 - 2001, which is available to the PFR authorities. To calculate the total amount, the most profitable option will be selected.

To assign a pension, one can also submit other documents, the need for which will be reported by the FIU specialist after a detailed study of all the submitted certificates. Documents from other departments of the state and subordinate bodies are requested without the participation of a citizen as part of the provision of public services.

Payment of an old-age insurance pension

Accrual and delivery of payments by age is carried out for the current month. Citizens can receive a pension on their own or by issuing a power of attorney to another person. If the validity of this document exceeds one year, then the payment on it will continue, subject to confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the payment.

When submitting an application for appointment, a citizen is obliged to indicate a convenient way for him to deliver a pension. There are several such options:

  • through the institutions of the post office (at home or at the cash desk of the organization);
  • through a bank
  • through an organization that delivers the payment (at home or directly at such an institution, choosing it from the list of enterprises that have entered into an appropriate agreement with the FIU).

Subsequently, the delivery method can be changed if a citizen submits his will in the form of a written appeal to the FIU.

In accordance with the current legislation, the recipient of the insurance payment by age is obliged to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of all points that entail a change in the amount of the pension, its termination or extension, as well as a change of residence on the next working day after the occurrence of such circumstances.

Any citizen or citizen of the Russian Federation needs to know the basics of assigning a pension upon the onset of old age.

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These foundations, at the legislative level, contain everything - from determining the age when it is already possible to stop working deservedly, to calculating the length of service and following the standard registration procedure.

Additionally, you should also know what types of pensions are, whether there are benefits or allowances, and whether such provision is required in old age if a person has no work experience.

What it is

An old-age pension is assigned to those citizens who have reached a specific age, which is defined in the law of December 28, 2013, amended on December 29, 2015, as well as in the law of December 17, 01, amended on November 19, 15.

In addition, each such citizen who has reached the corresponding number of years must also have an insurance period, which is indicated by its threshold in calendar years.

The length of service does not mean the years that were actually spent on labor activity, but the period during which the employer (employers) made contributions ( insurance premiums) V Pension Fund for the worker.

Such monetary security is issued to citizens as compensation for wages that they cannot receive due to their age and the right to rest from work.

What does it consist of

All contributions made by the employer to the Pension Fund for each employee, so to speak, "fall" precisely into the insurance part of the pension "pie".

After all, an employee is an insured person already when signing an employment contract when hiring, and therefore his legislation perceives it only as an insurant. Therefore, the security cannot but consist of the insurance part.

In total, today the old-age pension, which is conventionally called insurance, although it, in fact, remained labor (earned by the insured person), is divided into the following components:

  1. Insurance:
    • employer contributions;
    • basic fixed share;
    • an individual part, which includes all kinds of allowances, compensations and other privileges.
  2. Cumulative. It is formed from the insurance part, including a fixed share.

The insurance share includes the base part, which is fixed and never changes, as well as the individual part, where all kinds of allowances and compensations are formed, provided that the pensioner has had cases claiming benefits for his entire career.

For example, a woman could work on a locomotive, then her pension would be increased due to work in difficult conditions.

Or, let's say an employee was once recalled to military service to Afghanistan, to the front, and then, he returned and got a job again (it doesn’t matter at the same enterprise or not).

Then, when calculating his pension, they will also necessarily take into account the coefficient that applies to military veterans.

From 01/01/16, 6% of the funded part must either be left in the state form of pension, and then they are transferred to its insurance part, or they must be transferred to a non-state pension fund (NPF).

The policyholders themselves had to make this choice back in 2019. All pensions at the beginning of 2019 will be indexed in conjunction with those points that may be present in the insurance history of an employee, a future pensioner.

Retirees had to choose from two options:

  • leave your insurance pension to be formed according to new laws in the state Pension Institution - PFRF;
  • transfer the accumulated part to the NPF for the formation of the insurance pension separately, and the pension capital - separately. Or transfer the management of this part to special institutions - the management company (MC). Or give the right to dispose of this part of the state bank - "Vnesheconombank", in the interests of the insured.
  • residents of the Far North and territories close to it;
  • socially weakly protected persons, for example, disabled people who officially worked;
  • as well as those who worked in the most dangerous industries or performed official or official duties at great risk to their health or life.

In addition, there is such a thing as a “long service” allowance, which is often attributed to teachers, civil servants or disabled people I-III.

Moreover, the amount of the allowance will entirely depend on how such a disability of the employee was obtained (acquired). In addition, there are such individual allowances as "residents besieged Leningrad or WWII veterans.

In general, in addition to professional allowances, it is possible to summarize in a general table all the special compensations that Russian legislation provides for pensioners. The percentage of the supplement is calculated from the basic amount of the pension benefit.

Table: Sizes in percentage ratio of increments to pensions for length of service for different pensioners:

Retired status Supplement to pension by disability groups, % Supplement for non-disabled people, but citizens with other preferential terms, %
Disabled due to war 300 250 175
Disabled workers, occupational diseases, as well as due to participation in the Second World War, respectively, paragraph 1 of article 2 of Law No. 5-FZ of 12.01.95, with amendments that entered into force on 01.01.16. 250 200 150
Disabled due to the siege of Leningrad 200 150 100
Guardians of the disabled who have reached the age of 80 100
Retired guardians who are the breadwinners in the family and do not work anywhere:
  • for 1 family member - dependent;
  • for 2;
  • for 3
Pensioners - participants in the Second World War, but not disabled:
  • under 80 years of age;
  • are 80 years of age or older.

Where to apply

If a pensioner wishes not to quit and continue to work in production, and his employer is not opposed to this, then he can issue his pension through the accounting department of his enterprise. Only the Pension Fund will still need to appear to apply.

But if the pensioner does not want to work, then he has the right to quit and at the same time personally turns to a specialist for an initial consultation and proper registration.

Today, the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation offers such free services as filing applications of the appropriate form.

So, if you have SNILS, then you can register on this resource by its number, get access to your personal account and start registration via the Internet.

What is needed for this

To apply for an old-age pension, it is necessary to understand exactly what documents are required to be submitted to the territorial department of the Pension Fund.

If you do not yet have SNILS in your hands - an insurance certificate of your registration in the pension database, then the document that would confirm your experience will, of course, be a work book. All entries in it must comply with legal regulations and.

If any inaccuracies are found in the work book, PFR employees can send you to your former employer for additional information - certificates, extracts from a personal file, personal accounts, copies of orders, an employment contract, etc.

In the event that you submit a passport, and its data differs from the personal information in the work book, then an additional document is submitted that could confirm certain changes.

This often happens when a woman marries and changes her last name to that of her husband. In this case, a copy of the marriage certificate is simply attached to the work book.

In addition, there may be other certificates or secondary documents that would confirm the fact of deductions to the FIU for a particular period that is not indicated in the form of the work book (military ID, certificate from the territorial department of the military registration and enlistment office and other documents).

The list for applying for an old-age pension can be classic:

  • civil passport (or residence permit, if the potential pensioner is a foreign citizen permanently residing in Russia);
  • work book - its copy and original;
  • additional certificates and documents that can confirm labor activity and insurance experience.

The non-standard set of papers that employees of the Pension Fund may require include the following documents:

  1. Marriage certificate confirming the change of the name of the insured citizen.
  2. Military ID.
  3. Certificate of average monthly earnings (for 60 months, for example).
  4. Documents that can confirm that you have disabled close relatives as dependents.
  5. Confirmation of actual residence in a particular region of the Russian Federation.
  6. Proof of residence Russian citizen outside of their country.
  7. All Required documents by disability.
  8. Documents on awards of a social order, which would mark the special preferential status of a pensioner.

After you have submitted a package of documents and an application in which you must indicate a request to grant you an old-age pension, the FIU must send you a response within 10 days.

This notice will either state that your application has been rejected due to document errors that need to be corrected, or that your application has been approved. After that, you will need to come to the Pension Fund and fill out another application on a special form.

It will say that you want to receive a pension in a certain way - by mail, to a bank card or to an account in a savings book.

Conditions for granting an old-age pension

The main condition for receiving pensions on an equal basis with all pensioners is, of course, age.

It is he who determines the onset of the so-called old age, and hence the period when in the state a person has every right to quit his job and go on a well-deserved rest. Dismissal in this case occurs automatically, but at the request of the employee.

This means that it is not necessary to notify the employer in advance of your decision to terminate employment, as is done in other cases of termination of the employment agreement. The age has come, the time has come to draw up a person's pension, and with this, his right to quit also comes.

For all citizens, on a general basis for 2019, the following ages for retirement are determined:

The insurance period for receiving a regular standard labor (insurance) pension should not be less than 6 years, and for beneficiaries of certain categories of citizens - at least 7.6 years (in some cases - 7.5 years).

This is the minimum on which all settlement departments of the territorial offices of the Pension Fund rely. But the amount of pension provision will be calculated at a minimum in this case.

There is a standard period of insurance experience, which allows all citizens to receive a pension in a normalized amount. This experience is measured in 15, 20, 25 years, during which the employer made transfers of employee contributions to the Pension Fund.

In this regard, the conditions for calculating the cash benefit for old age are such that the amount will increase with each increase in the period (length of service) in which contributions to the FIU were made. In other words, if you say - the longer the insurance period, the higher the basic part of the pension.

In addition to seniority for pensioners who apply in 2019 or continue to transfer contributions, individual points already play a big role today.

Points begin their accrual journey from 2019, they are awarded for certain significant events or time intervals in life that are not considered insurance periods by law.

Every year they accumulate. In this matter, it is very important that by 2025 the points in total give an indicator of 30. Each year has its own number of points, which is determined depending on many circumstances.

Experts have deduced the maximum score that can be earned under normal labor typical circumstances, for example, in 2019 - 7.83 points. For categories of citizens applying for benefits, the following points are assigned for each year.

What are the types

The old-age pension is included in the insurance type, and it can "coexist" with other types of benefits, which also belong to insurance payments through the Pension Fund.

Among the many pensions that are available in Russia, old-age security can be divided into several options that differ from each other in the presence or absence of the fact of insurance in principle.

These include:

  1. (she is also a laborer):
    • old age;
    • by disability;
    • in case of loss of a breadwinner.
  1. (state).
  2. The minimum, which is determined solely by the subsistence level and is charged to those citizens who have not officially worked anywhere for almost their entire lives. Or, if a person has a maximum insurance period of 5-7 years.

The first type of pensions is regulated by the law "On labor pensions" (No. 173 of December 17, 01, revised on November 19, 2015), and the second - by the legislative act "On state pension provision" (of December 15, 01, amended 12/29/15).

The first type of pension is based on the deductions made by the employer for each employee registered at his enterprise, as well as on the basis of the basic fixed part, which is given by the state.

The second type of pension is assigned to citizens who are civil servants, cosmonauts, test pilots, as well as employees municipal services. For categories of citizens who have not worked a single day, an old-age pension without work experience will always be accrued.

- this is the provision of social material support for those who have worked in departments belonging either to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the President of Russia, which was issued in 2012, such pensions are increasing every year. Former military personnel could get jobs in civilian organizations or enterprises.

Then their old-age pension will be credited with a point or preferential coefficient that increases the total amount of the benefit. If a serviceman has served all his life in the army or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then he is determined by a special old-age pension - military.

From February 01, 2019, such a pension, according to the size criteria, is at the level of 69.45%, which is an increase in the pension for each military man by 3.99%.

Due to the approaching age, almost all citizens of Russia can receive pension benefits so far. Only for each case, its size will be different.

In 2019, more than 35 million people receive an old-age pension in Russia. Since all pensioners have different merits in the past, the conditions for appointment and the size of the pension are different. Below you can find out about all types of old-age pension, about the amounts of payments, about who is entitled to an old-age pension, how to apply for and receive it.

Types of old age pensions

In the current pension system in Russia, old-age pensions are divided into 3 types, depending on the activity of the pensioner in the past. - the most common pension in Russia, the former name of which is - retirement pension. To obtain it, insurance experience is required (previously - seniority) and accumulated pension points . is assigned to people who have reached a certain age (details below) and have lived in Russia for more than 15 years, as well as to small peoples of the North. To receive such a pension, insurance experience and pension points are not needed. paid to citizens affected by the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as from other radiation and other man-made disasters.

People affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who have earned sufficient work experience and pension points, have the right to choose which old-age pension to receive: insurance or state.

old age insurance

Old-age insurance pension (former name - labor pension due to old age) is due to citizens of the Russian Federation as compensation for earnings that were lost due to the onset of old age.

This type of pension is regulated by the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", in force as amended on December 29, 2015.

For people who performed hazardous and hazardous work, the requirements for the minimum retirement age have been reduced. There are about 300 such jobs and professions. Their full list and the retirement age in connection with them are on the page early retirement.

For civil servants, on the contrary, the established retirement age will gradually increase. A list of government jobs that have separate retirement age requirements and other details about government employee pensions can be found on the Civil Service Retirement Age page.

The amount of the old-age insurance pension

The amount of the old-age insurance pension is calculated on an individual basis, as it depends on your insurance period and the accumulated number of pension points.

The amount of the pension consists of a fixed payment, the same for all pensioners and the insurance part, which is calculated personally.

The average amount of the old-age insurance pension in 2019: 15,210 rubles.

For pensioners who do not work, the average insurance pension is 14,329 rubles.

This amount is relevant from January 1, 2019, when the last indexing insurance pensions. Compared to 2018, the amount of insurance pensions in 2019 was increased by 7.05%. In 2018 there was an increase of 3.7%. In 2017, the pension was indexed by 5.4%. You can read more about indexation.

To find out the exact amount of your pension, you need to calculate it according to the method that is described in detail in the section on calculating pensions. You can find all the necessary formulas, values ​​and coefficients there.

Those people whose old-age insurance pension is less than the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner established by the government are entitled to a social supplement up to this level.

How to get an old age pension

To apply for an old-age insurance pension, you need to submit an application and documents (forms and a list of documents are available below) to the Pension Fund branch at the place of your permanent or temporary registration.

Submission method of your choice:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy;
  • sending by Russian Post;

You can apply for an old-age insurance pension 1 calendar month (but not earlier) before the retirement age.

If you are already eligible for a pension and plan to start receiving it this year, contact the Pension Fund as soon as possible. You will not be paid your pension while you delay applying.

If you apply for a pension later than one year after becoming eligible, your fixed pension payment will be increased by a multiplier for each full year from the moment you become eligible for a pension until you apply to the FIU.

Documents for applying for an old-age insurance pension

To apply for an old-age insurance pension, you must submit a package of documents to the pension fund, which includes:

  • Application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension;
  • Russian passport or residence permit;
  • SNILS;
  • Employment book or other documents confirming the experience;
  • Certificate of average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months, until 2002 (optional).

A certificate of average monthly earnings is needed if in 2000-2001 you did not work, worked unofficially or your income was low and you would like to take into account the average monthly income for other periods for calculating your pension. Then you will need to provide a certificate to the FIU for any 60 consecutive months or more, up to and including 1999. If you do not provide a certificate, then your pension will be calculated according to the data of an individual (personalized) account available in the Pension Fund.

A complete list of all documents that may be requested by the FIU, depending on various circumstances, can be downloaded below.


Detailed list of documents for assigning an old-age insurance pension
Application form for an old-age pension
Rules for filling out an application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension

Deadlines for assigning an old-age insurance pension

The day of applying for a pension is the date of filing an application with the FIU or the date of sending the application by mail, indicated on the postmark. From this day on, an old-age insurance pension is assigned, if at that time you are already entitled to it.

After receiving the application and a complete set of documents, the Pension Fund will consider the application within 10 working days.

If part of the documents is missing, then the application is considered up to 10 days from the date of their submission. In this case, provide the missing documents within 3 months so that the date of receipt of the application is considered the day of applying for a pension.

An old-age pension is assigned earlier than the day of application in only one case: if you became eligible for it, you quit your job and applied to the FIU no more than 30 days after that. Then the day of the appointment of a pension is the next day after the dismissal.

Social old age pension

Social old-age pension exists to support vulnerable segments of the population. Elderly citizens permanently residing in Russia can receive it.

Unlike insurance and state pensions, people who do not have any insurance record, pension points or even citizenship of the Russian Federation can receive a social old-age pension.

The payment of social old-age pensions is regulated by the law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

Who is entitled to a social old-age pension

Social old-age pension is paid to two categories of citizens:

  • elderly people who, for whatever reason, were not able to earn a sufficient amount of insurance experience and pension points;
  • representatives of the small peoples of the North for their support.

Conditions for granting a social old-age pension

For elderly citizens who do not have sufficient insurance experience and pension points, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if the following conditions are met.

Retirement age: 65 years for men, 60 years for women
Citizenship of Russia or permanent residence in the Russian Federation from 15 years
Lack of a formal job

Since this type of pension is intended to support disabled citizens, the presence of a paid job may become an obstacle to her appointment. Therefore, when applying for a social old-age pension, if you work unofficially, do not report this to the FIU.

For representatives of the small peoples of the North, the conditions are as follows:

Retirement age: 55 for men, 50 for women
Permanent residence in areas of the North at the time of retirement

The amount of the social old-age pension

The amount of the social old-age pension: 5,180.24 rubles.

Residents of those regions of Russia where living wage a pensioner is more than the social old-age pension, taking into account all additional payments, a social supplement to the pension is due.

For those citizens who received a labor disability pension, but upon reaching the age of 65 or 60 (for men and women, respectively) were transferred to receive a social old-age pension, its size cannot be less than the size of the labor disability pension. Such people are paid an increased social pension.

Residents of the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them are paid a social pension multiplied by the appropriate coefficient.

The regional coefficient is valid only during the pensioner's residence in the given area, until the change of residence.

How to get a social old age pension

The application and the full package of documents must be submitted to the PFR office at the place of your permanent or temporary registration. If there is no registration, the documents are submitted to the PFR office operating at the place of your actual residence in Russia.

Submission method of your choice:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy;
  • sending by Russian Post;
  • through a personal account on the PFR website.

The social old-age pension is assigned for an unlimited period (indefinitely) from the 1st day of the month in which you apply to the FIU, but not before you become eligible for it.

An exception is citizens who previously received a disability pension, but due to reaching the age they were transferred to receive a social pension. For these people, the date of payment of the pension will remain unchanged.

Documents for applying for a social old-age pension

To apply for a social old-age pension, you will need the following documents:

  • application for the appointment of a social old-age pension;
  • passport.

In addition, the Pension Fund may request additional documents, depending on your specific situation. A complete list of documents that may be needed, as well as requirements for them, you can download from the link below.


State old age pension

The state old-age pension is due to Russians who suffered from the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or as a result of other man-made disasters.

This pension is paid both to the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, and to citizens who:

  • lived in the contaminated area before and were evacuated or left it on their own;
  • currently reside or work in the resettlement zone;
  • have been exposed to radioactive irradiation, have received diseases or disabilities;
  • live in a zone with a preferential socio-economic status to the present.

Citizens who are associated with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the state old-age pension is assigned according to the federal law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ or according to the law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1.

Who is entitled to the state old-age pension

Terms of receipt state pension old age varies depending on many factors. The recipients of this pension are divided into several categories listed below, for which different conditions access to the state old-age pension.

Age for receiving the state old-age pension

For those citizens who suffered the most from the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the retirement age has been reduced by 5 to 10 years.

For citizens who lived or worked in the contaminated territories at any time from the time of the Chernobyl accident until June 30, 1986, the generally established retirement period is reduced in accordance with the table below.

Category of citizens Decrease in age
Citizens resettled from the resettlement zone

Citizens permanently residing in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other areas

Citizens employed in works in the resettlement zone (not living in this zone) 3 years and an additional six months for each full year of residence or work in the resettlement zone, but not more than 7 years in total
Citizens permanently residing in the area of ​​residence with the right to resettlement

Citizens who voluntarily left for a new place of residence from the zone of residence with the right to resettlement 2 years and an additional 1 year for every 3 years of living or working in the specified area, up to a maximum of 5 years in total
Citizens permanently residing in the zone of residence with preferential socio-economic status 1 year and an additional 1 year for every 4 years of living or working in the specified area, up to a maximum of 3 years in total
Citizens who became disabled as a result of other (non-Chernobyl) radiation or man-made disasters The conditions for granting a pension are regulated by separate regulations.

Conditions for receiving a state old-age pension

In addition to reaching retirement age, at least a minimum length of service is required to receive the state old-age pension.

The minimum insurance period for receiving a state old-age pension is 5 years

In this case, the pension is assigned in accordance with the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

If you are in one of the categories above, and your insurance period and pension points are sufficient, then you can receive early instead of a state pension. This is permitted by the law of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The amount of the state old-age pension

The size of the state old-age pension is measured as a percentage of social old age pensions. Currently, it is 250% and 200% of the social pension for various categories of citizens.

For pensioners who have dependent family members who are unable to work, the size of the state old-age pension is increased by 1,653.28 rubles per month for each dependent, but not more than 3 people.

How to get a state old age pension

The application and the full package of documents must be submitted to the PFR office at the place of your permanent or temporary registration.

If there is no registration, the documents are submitted to the PFR office operating at the place of your actual residence in Russia.

Submission method of your choice:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy;
  • sending by Russian Post;
  • through a personal account on the PFR website.

If you live outside of Russia, then the application must be sent to the address: 119049, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 4

You can apply for a state old-age pension 1 calendar month (but not earlier) before the retirement age.

The pension will be assigned to you for an unlimited period (indefinitely) from the first day of the month following the month of application.

Documents for applying for a state old-age pension

To apply for a state old-age pension, you will need the following documents:

  • an application for the appointment of a state old-age pension;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book or other documents confirming the experience.

In addition, the Pension Fund may request additional documents, depending on your specific situation. A complete list of documents that may be needed, as well as requirements for them, you can download below.


List of documents for assigning a state old-age pension
Application form for state old-age pension
Rules for filling out an application for granting a state old-age pension

retirement pension

Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age labor pension. Such a pension is assigned if there is at least five years of insurance experience.

An old-age pension may consist of the following parts:

base part;

insurance part;

Accumulative part.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 1,794 rubles per month.

Persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled and have a third-degree limitation of their ability to work, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 3,588 rubles per month.

For persons who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

If there is one such family member - 2392 rubles per month;

If there are two such family members - 2990 rubles per month;

If there are three or more such family members - 3588 rubles per month.

Persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled, have a III degree disability, who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

If there is one such family member - 4186 rubles per month;

If there are two such family members - 4784 rubles per month;

If there are three or more such family members - 5382 rubles per month.

Disabled family members, the fact of being dependent on a person is important for the size of the base part of his old-age pension, include:

Children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18, as well as children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education, until they complete such training, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23 or children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner older than this age, if they became disabled with limited ability to work before reaching the age of 18 . At the same time, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as disabled members of the family, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;

Parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled persons with limited ability to work;

The grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled persons with limited ability to work, in the absence of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to support them.

The amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension for persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them is increased by the appropriate regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the area (locality) of residence, for the entire period of residence of these persons in these regions (locities) ).

When citizens leave the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to a new place of residence, the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1-4 of this article.

When citizens move to a new place of residence in other regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, in which other regional coefficients are established, the size of the base part of the old-age labor pension is determined taking into account the size of the regional coefficient for the new place of residence.

Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and having an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 2,691 rubles per month.

The same persons who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, when determining the number of calendar years of work in areas of the Far North in order to establish the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North North, is considered to be nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

For the same persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled and have a III degree disability, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 5,382 rubles per month.

For the same persons who are dependent on disabled family members (with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled and have a third-degree disability), the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 3588 rubles per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 4485 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 5382 rubles per month.

1) if there is one such family member - 6279 rubles per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 7176 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 8073 rubles per month.

For persons who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 2332 rubles 20 kopecks per month.

For the same persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled and have a III degree disability, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set in the amount of 4664 rubles 40 kopecks per month.

For the same persons (with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled and have a III degree disability), who are dependent on family members who are unable to work, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 3109 rubles 60 kopecks per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 3887 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 4664 rubles 40 kopecks per month.

For the same persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled, have a III degree disability, who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 5441 rubles 80 kopecks per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 6219 rubles 20 kopecks per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 6996 rubles 60 kopecks per month.

The basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the amounts provided for by Federal Law N 173-FZ, regardless of the place of residence of the citizen.

Citizens who have the right to increase the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension by the corresponding regional coefficient and at the same time to the basic part of the old-age labor pension are given the right to choose when establishing the appropriate amount of the old-age labor pension.

The amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

MF \u003d PC / T, where

MF - insurance part old-age labor pension;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is assigned to the specified person;

T is the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension used to calculate the insurance part of the specified pension, which is 19 years (228 months).

The amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension of insured persons who have been recipients of the insurance part of the labor disability pension for at least 10 years in total cannot be less than the amount of the insurance part of the labor disability pension, which was established for these persons as of the day from which they were definitively terminated the payment of the specified part of this pension.

When assigning the insurance part of the old-age labor pension to more than late age than provided by the Federal Law, the expected period of payment of an old-age labor pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the date of reaching the specified age. At the same time, the expected period of payment of an old-age labor pension used to calculate the amount of the insurance part of the specified pension cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).

When determining the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension, starting from January 1, 2002, the expected period of payment of the labor old-age pension cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). Starting from January 1, 2009, the specified duration is increased annually by 6 months (from January 1 of the relevant year) until it reaches 14 years (168 months).

When recalculating the insurance part of an old-age labor pension, the expected period of payment of an old-age labor pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the date of assignment of the specified part of this pension. At the same time, the specified period, including taking into account its reduction in the case provided for in paragraph 6 of this article, cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).

The amount of the funded part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

LF = PN / T, where

LF - the size of the funded part of the labor pension;

PN - the amount of pension savings of the insured person, recorded in the special part of his individual personal account as of the day from which the funded part of the old-age labor pension is assigned to him;

T - the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension used to calculate the funded part of the specified pension, determined in the manner established by the Federal Law.

If an old-age labor pension is established, which includes the insurance part and (or) the funded part of the specified pension, the funds reflected in the individual personal account and (or) in the special part of the individual personal account and taken into account when assigning this pension are not accepted into attention when recalculating the relevant part of the old-age labor pension and when indexing the estimated pension capital.

The total amount of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

P \u003d warhead + midrange + bass, where

P - the size of the old-age labor pension;

BC - the basic part of the old-age labor pension (paragraphs 1-4.9 of this article) (as amended by Federal Laws of November 29, 2003 N 154-FZ, of December 1, 2007 N 312-FZ);

SC - the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (paragraph 5 of this article);

NC - the funded part of the old-age labor pension (paragraph 9 of this article).
