Masks for cleansing and narrowing pores (Sisley, Yes To Tomatoes, Clinique, Garnier, Avon). Mask for shrinking pores The best face mask for shrinking pores

Enlarged pores can bring a lot of grief, because they significantly affect appearance, making it not so neat and well-groomed. In addition, the skin in this state becomes contaminated faster, and inflammation appears on it. A mask to narrow the pores will help to cope with the problem, the ingredients for which are always at hand.

Features of problem skin care

As a rule, enlarged pores on the face, resembling orange peel, most often found in oily skin types. But they can also arise due to proper care, during puberty and other hormonal changes in the body. The problem is relevant when leading an unhealthy lifestyle (addiction to alcohol, tobacco, love for junk food).

If the skin is prone to the appearance of comedones and blackheads, it is very important to properly care for it so as not to provoke the expansion of pores and the appearance of inflammatory elements on the face.

  • In no case should you forget or ignore the nightly make-up remover, otherwise in the morning the skin, not cleansed of impurities, will react with the appearance of rashes.
  • Do not use while washing hot water, since regular thermal exposure does not contribute to the narrowing of pores.
  • It is recommended to use gentle peeling 2-3 times a week to prevent deep contamination of the epidermis.
  • One of the effective cleansing procedures is considered to be a steam bath, thanks to which all the dirt and excess fat come out of the pores. Do it no more than once every 7-10 days.
  • After cleansing, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a tonic, which includes zinc. Thanks to this microelement, inflammation can be removed and their further development prevented.
  • Cosmetic ice has proven itself well against enlarged pores. It is easy to prepare it, it is enough to freeze a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, string) in small molds. To make pores less noticeable, ice cubes are rubbed on the face in the morning, immediately after washing.
  • Masks for narrowing the pores on the face at home give a very good result with regular use. At the same time, they can be universal and simultaneously solve a couple of additional tasks: dry out inflammation, get rid of oily sheen and, of course, perfectly cleanse the skin.

The most effective masks for enlarged pores

Unfortunately, quickly get rid of this cosmetic defect will not work. You will need to completely revise your lifestyle, eliminating bad habits, providing proper, varied nutrition, healthy sleep and, of course, comprehensive skin care.

You can narrow the pores at home with the help of easy-to-prepare and affordable cosmetics. Thanks to natural ingredients included in their composition, you can avoid the appearance of annoying side effects and the benefits for the skin will be invaluable.

All masks for enlarged pores of the face should be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin (best after a steam bath), hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Egg white mask for enlarged pores

Already a couple of weeks after its regular use, the skin acquires a matte, uniform tone, the pores narrow, pigment spots become almost invisible. A protein-based cosmetic product has another indisputable advantage - a smoothing effect, due to which the oval of the face becomes more expressive, and you can completely forget about small mimic wrinkles.

  • Squeeze out a small amount of berry juice (currants, viburnum, cherries, strawberries are suitable for this purpose) and beat with protein.
  • Beat a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice of any citrus with chilled protein until a strong foam forms.
  • A couple of drops of tea tree essential oil, protein and a little honey are the components of a narrowing and anti-inflammatory face mask.

A clay-based mask and pore-shrinking ingredients will help.

Such a remedy can also get rid of black spots and acne, cleanse the skin and cope with wrinkles. You can cook it from a variety of clays (black, white, red, yellow, green). The effect of this will not be affected. In addition, all clay masks have a noticeable rejuvenating effect.

  • Squeeze a teaspoon of juice from an aloe leaf, mix with the same amount of strongly brewed green tea and boiled water, then add the mixture to the clay, achieving a thick creamy consistency.
  • Heat a teaspoon of honey in a water bath so that it becomes liquid, add such an amount of fresh cucumber juice, mix with kaolin. Such a cosmetic mixture will help narrow the pores, whiten the skin a little and give it an enviable freshness.
  • Dilute a small amount of kaolin with water with the addition of lemon juice, grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Face mask with gelatin

This is a wonderful remedy for heavily polluted skin, with big amount blackheads and clogged pores. The product is applied in several layers, and after a while it is removed in one motion - according to the principle of a film mask.

  • Pour a tablespoon of ordinary gelatin with two tablespoons of warm milk and put it on a water bath, stirring constantly. It is important that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps. Grind a teaspoon of ground oatmeal, mix everything.

Oatmeal masks for narrowing pores

This is no exaggeration universal remedy which suits absolutely everyone. It not only tightens pores, mattifies the skin and stops inflammation, but also perfectly tones, rejuvenates and saturates the epidermis with all useful substances.

  • Grind a spoonful of flakes, then steam with hot water, add a spoonful of sour cream (for dry or combination skin).
  • Grind a tablespoon of flakes in a coffee grinder, pour water until a creamy mass is obtained and a teaspoon of liquid honey.

Masks for narrowing pores at home from berries, fruits and vegetables

This is an indispensable tool in the fight for clear, matte skin without rashes and age spots. And all thanks to fruit acids that act as a gentle peeling! Fruits should be selected according to the season - so they will contain the maximum amount of nutrients.

  • Viburnum juice is an excellent remedy for whitening and matting the skin. You just need to squeeze the required amount of juice from the berries and apply in several layers to the skin, waiting for the complete drying of each previous layer.
  • Cut a fresh tomato into slices and spread on the face.
  • Red and black currants also do an excellent job. Berry gruel should be applied to clean skin- such a vitamin cocktail will bring many benefits.
  • A small apple or ripe pear should be grated, add 0.5 teaspoon of starch and applied to the skin.
  • Grind the cucumber with a meat grinder, grater or blender, then mix with a small amount lemon juice. In addition to a pleasant refreshing and cooling effect, such a mask will give the skin a healthy, even color and radiance.

sea ​​salt mask

The tool is perfect not only for matting the skin: due to the high content of trace elements, it will relieve the epidermis of comedones and black spots, and dry out rashes.

Such a tool is the best suited for problematic and combination skin, but it should be done no more than once every 10 days. Keep on the skin for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water, apply a cream.

Dilute a couple of tablespoons of finely ground sea salt with a small amount of water until a mushy mass is obtained. Apply to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Acne, blackheads and enlarged pores are a non-ageing problem that can be solved by professional skin care cosmetics and cosmetic procedures. When choosing a mask for treating acne and narrowing pores, pay attention to its composition. This will allow you to find the product that suits you the first time, which means it will save money on low-quality cosmetics.

What components should be in the mask to narrow the pores?

  • Active exfoliating acids and antioxidants.
  • Extracts of plants, berries and fruits.
  • Mattifying and antibacterial substances.
  • Dead Sea extracts, algae.
  • Various groups of acids in combination with essential oils, zinc, copper.

We have compiled a list of five popular cosmetics for the treatment of oily skin, and based on their composition and user reviews, we have prepared a complete review to help you make your choice.

Anti-acne mask for all skin types V.I.Cosmetics "Super cleansing and narrowing of pores"

After the first application, a significant part of acne is removed, the rate of clogging of pores slows down. Over time, comedones disappear. Active substances form small bubbles that absorb keratinized scales and excess sebum. The mask quickly removes acne and blackheads, relieves irritation, visible redness, restores skin texture, makes it pleasant to the touch, with a healthy matte finish. You can use the mask for normal, oily and combined types skin, it is only important to observe the proportions when mixing the powder with water.

The compression feature of the alginates that are included in the composition promotes cleansing from the inside, nutrition. Thanks to the active action of carbons, aging slows down, metabolism accelerates.

It also contains cloves, vanilla and coriander. They return the blush, restore natural cellular respiration.

What effect can be observed after 10 applications?

  • The skin takes on a healthy tone.
  • Acne and comedones pass, do not leave marks.
  • The pores are narrowed and brightened.
  • The skin is saturated with useful components, acquires a silky, matte structure.

Price: from 386 rubles.

Mask-scrub L'Oreal "Magic Clay"

It contains three clays and eucalyptus extract at once. Together, the components cleanse the skin, wash away oily sheen and restore a healthy complexion. The silicates in kaolin clay fight contaminants in enlarged pores. Trace elements in ghassoul clay nourish the deep layers of the skin. Minerals of montmorillonite-clay smooth out irregularities, relieve redness.

What gives regular use?

The manufacturer notes that the package is enough for 10 applications.

  • Light exfoliation and hydration of the skin.
  • The feeling of cleanliness and freshness persists throughout the day.
  • The natural softness of the skin is restored.
  • Acne disappears, pores are cleansed, narrowed and become almost invisible on the face.\

Price: from 350 rubles.

Biobeauty Biomask No 6 "Narrowing the pores, tightening"

The mask has a cleansing and light lifting effect. Restores relief, normalizes nutrition and water balance. After constant use, you will notice a slight rejuvenation.

As part of natural zeolite, kaolin clay, Dead Sea salts and copper - narrow the pores and make them less noticeable after the first procedure. Natural phytoelements St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, linden, rose leaves soothe the skin, relieve redness. Nutrition is provided by a complex of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9, P, PP, macro- and microelements. Phytohormones and microelements contribute to the rapid healing of the skin, smooth out small scars, remove oily sheen and wrinkles.

Apply the mask several times a week and you will notice the following effect.

  • Enlarged pores will be cleansed and visibly reduced.
  • Thanks to a slight lifting effect, tissue elasticity will be restored.
  • The condition of the skin will improve, it will be saturated with vitamins and microelements.

Price: from 570 rubles.

Face mask A'pieu Stone peach oxygen for cleansing and narrowing pores

After application, the mask foams slightly - it forms small bubbles that draw out impurities, wash out the remnants of dead cells. One package contains 1200 mg of peach, peony juice and other useful ingredients. Peach contains potassium and magnesium, copper and organic acids. Thanks to a large number vitamins nourish and restore skin cells, redness disappears.

  • After regular use, the skin becomes dull, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion improves.
  • The structure of the skin is restored.
  • Improves cellular respiration.
  • Increases skin tone.

Price: 799 rubles.

Lithophytomask Beauty Secret No 6, narrowing of pores

Minerals (natural zeolite, kaolin, sodium alginate) brighten and tighten pores. Eliminate tuberosity, other skin irregularities, remove dead cells. The skin receives a slight lifting effect, is saturated with the necessary active components of extracts of rye, wheat, oat bran, St. John's wort leaves, coltsfoot, etc.

Permanent correct application masks normalizes the production of sebum. Therefore, over time, oily sheen disappears, the rate of clogging of pores decreases, and inflammation disappears. The skin acquires a matte finish and becomes pleasant to the touch.

  • Mattifies the skin.
  • Narrows pores.
  • Restores hydrobalance, removes oily sheen.
  • Evens out skin tone.
  • Fights inflammation.

Price: from 516 rubles.

Many women know firsthand what enlarged pores look like on the face and how difficult it is to hide them even with cosmetics. Unsuccessful attempts to hide the defect with powder or foundation are far from the only problem. Inflammatory processes, the accumulation of dirt and fat is only part of the troubles faced by the owners of the dermis with enlarged pores. You should not put up with a defect - home procedures using simple masks will make the skin smoother and prevent inflammation and rashes.

Pores on the face

Before proceeding with the procedures, you need to find out the reason why the pores expand - with its elimination, the defect will become less noticeable, and it will be quite easy to deal with it. Most often, the culprits here are the sebaceous glands, which actively produce fat. Simultaneously with the manipulations to narrow the pores, it is recommended to use products that reduce the production of fat, otherwise you will not have to wait for good results even after regular procedures.

The best remedy that narrows the pores while reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands is a clay-based mask:

  1. Stretch blue clay(25 gr.), Be sure to make sure that there are no lumps left in it - they can provoke irritation on the sensitive dermis.
  2. Heat cream (20 ml) in the microwave, add to the clay, mix.
  3. Melt honey (15 gr.) in a bath with boiling water, there should be no sugar grains in the bee product.
  4. Combine the clay mass with warm honey, squeeze the juice from the lemon slice directly into the mixture.

Apply the composition to the problem areas of the skin of the face, do not touch the areas of hypersensitivity (near the lips, eyes). Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour, usually the clay begins to dry out during this time, so removing it is not difficult. Wash off the mask with warm water, wipe the dermis with a vegetable decoction that has a tonic property (brew 15 g of chamomile inflorescences with 100 ml of boiling water).

The procedure is carried out twice a week. If the sebaceous glands are not working too actively, you can reduce the number of manipulations - use a clay-based composition once a week.

Enlarged pores on the face, how to get rid of at home

There are a lot of tips in home cosmetology about how to quickly and permanently remove enlarged pores. Most often, masks based on plant components - vegetables, fruits - are used for this purpose. Before you get rid of defects, even if sparing masks or lotions are used, it is imperative to find out why the pores are expanding. If the reason is not the activity of the sebaceous glands, but the lack of nutrients or moisture, this problem will also have to be dealt with.

Facial mask: grape, lemon

To remove wide pores and enrich the tissues of the skin, a remedy from grapes will help. It is recommended to carry out the procedures several times a week, after a month the question of how to deal with the defect will not arise.


  1. Mash a few grapes with your hands or a fork.
  2. Add juice squeezed from a lemon slice to the fruit mass.
  3. Mix, use immediately.

Apply only to problem areas. Citrus juice is quite aggressive and can cause discomfort on sensitive skin, so first make sure there is no reaction - apply a few drops of acidic liquid on your wrist and wait 1-3 hours.

Face mask: protein, strawberry, starch

If you ask a fan of homemade skin care products how to quickly shrink pores, she will certainly recommend using a strawberry-based mask. The results will be noticeable after the first application of the composition, and simultaneously with the impact on the pores of the dermis tissue, they will receive a considerable portion of vitamins and useful elements.


  1. Puree 3-5 strawberries.
  2. Add to the fruit mass 20 gr. starch.
  3. Whip the egg white until stiff and carefully fold into the strawberry mixture.

Apply to areas where large pores are visible in a thick layer, leave until the protein begins to set (this will happen after 16-20 minutes, depending on the juiciness of the fruit). Remove, use warm water to wash.

Shrink pores on face once and for all at home

How to narrow permanently wide ugly pores that cannot be hidden even with cosmetics? There are several recipes for masks that, due to their effectiveness, are especially popular with women.

Face mask: Protein, honey


  1. Rub the egg white into foam.
  2. Send honey (20 ml) to a water bath, hold until the product becomes liquid.
  3. Grind the honey liquid with 20 gr. corn flour.
  4. Add a little protein foam.

Distribute into problem areas where large pores are visible. Leave for half an hour. Carry out the procedure using the product 1-2 times a week.

Face mask: yeast, peroxide

For women who have not only porous facial skin, but also an uneven shade, it is recommended to use a yeast-based product. It is important to use a pressed rather than a dry product for the preparation of the composition.


  1. Mash in a small container 30 gr. fresh yeast.
  2. Add soda (15 gr.) And peroxide (5 ml) to the yeast gruel.
  3. Stir the mass, leave for a quarter of an hour at room temperature.

Apply the composition only to areas with large pores. First make sure the composition is harmless by testing - apply to a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Leave the mixture to act for half an hour. It must be removed with a decoction of linden or chamomile, which have a calming property (brew 200 ml of boiling water with 20 g of vegetable raw materials).

Facial mask: avocado, sea salt, oatmeal, honey

Rapid narrowing will occur when using a mask in which the active ingredient is avocado. The tool is expensive, but effective - it will be possible to get rid of the defect in just 3-5 procedures, the interval between which should be five days.


  1. Turn oatmeal (20 gr.) into a fine powder, it is better to use a coffee grinder for this.
  2. Grind avocado (50 gr.) in a blender.
  3. Melt honey (15 gr.), Combine with avocado puree.
  4. Mix honey mass, oatmeal flour, add sea salt (10 gr.). If there is no sea salt, it is allowed to replace it with an ordinary culinary product, the main thing is that it should not contain iodine.

Apply the composition on the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour with a cotton pad. Remove with cool water. Tonics after the procedure will not be needed - avocado perfectly soothes and does not cause irritation.

Face mask: cottage cheese, honey

For owners of dry dermis, a cottage cheese-based mask is perfect, moisturizing the skin and smoothing porous skin.


  1. Rub low-fat cottage cheese (50 gr.) Through a sieve, there should be no grains in it.
  2. Melt honey (20 ml), use a water bath for this, add to the curd mass.
  3. Drop into the composition 3-5 ml of lemon juice or peroxide.

Apply the product on the face, spread evenly over the problem areas, leave for 15-17 minutes. Remove, apply a nourishing preparation or oil obtained from tea tree raw materials.

Beautiful smooth skin will remain a pipe dream if not cleaned properly. External pollution, dead cells stick together with excess sebum and clog pores. Inflammation begins, after which scars may remain. How to narrow the pores on the face so that the skin remains smooth, even? There is no ideal recipe for everyone, a lot depends on the hormonal background and proper care. If you pay attention to these points, apply masks and scrubs, then you can say goodbye to enlarged pores once and for all.

Why do enlarged pores appear on the face?

Before giving an answer to the question of how to narrow the pores on the face, consider several reasons for this skin condition. A good tactic for dealing with defects is to eliminate the causes, not just the consequences. Obviously, there are combined external and internal factors. Among the first, we note the poor ecology, significant fluctuations in air temperature and humidity, and unfavorable working conditions. In addition, enlarged pores on the face often occur when there is no adequate facial skin care, aggressive cosmetics are used.

The main "culprit" inside the body is difficult to find. It affects the excessive secretion of skin secretion, which, in turn, is caused by hormonal changes in the body, for example, in puberty, as well as in the elderly. How the activity of hormones will manifest itself depends on heredity. Eating problems and digestive disorders can also take a toll on smooth skin. Concerned about the search for an answer to the question of how to narrow the pores on the face, the owners of skin prone to rosacea.

Each of the reasons can be completely or partially eliminated. As for the genetic predisposition of the skin, it can be advised to create conditions under which hereditary factors show their negative influence less: healthy lifestyle life, keep proper diet, temper.

How to get rid of enlarged pores

To those who have oily skin You know how hard it is to take care of her. Excessive shine can be hidden with cosmetics, but open and enlarged pores stubbornly do not want to “hide” under a layer foundation. The surface of the skin resembles porous spring snow or an orange in its peel. There are several general directions for solving the problem:

  • regularly remove plugs from pores, dead cells with the help of scrubs, peels;
  • apply hygienic cosmetics (from the store and pharmacy);
  • take advantage of the achievements of microdermabrasion;
  • not any mask is needed, but a face mask that narrows the pores;
  • use home remedies, gifts of nature.

Let's decipher each of the points of the plan, giving preference to simple and effective means. The choice should be individual, taking into account the state of health, the advantages and disadvantages of certain methods for eliminating skin defects for a particular person.

How to shrink enlarged pores on oily skin?

The tendency to enlarge the pores is characteristic of oily skin. The condition of the body shell largely depends on the presence in food of a sufficient amount of carotene and vitamin E. It is necessary to replenish the diet with carrot juice, apricots, fish oil, peanuts, linseed oil.

Thorough cleansing, especially for oily facial skin, should be a mandatory daily ritual. Periodically, you can use liquid antibacterial soap. Part of the cosmetic problems will help to solve the mangosteen extract. This component in liquid soap stops the multiplication of numerous bacteria, removes inflammation, tightens pores, and eliminates excessive skin shine.

If excessively oily skin continues to bother, then after each wash, you should wipe your face with a tonic, use lotions that contain a small amount of alcohol. There is an opinion that the use of soap leads to dry skin. Then it is better to use foams, milk with aloe vera, chamomile, basil and citrus fruits.

Homemade lotions for oily skin

Well narrows pores and brightens the skin homemade cucumber lotion, obtained by seven-day infusion of pieces of fresh ripe vegetables in medical alcohol (1: 4). The cucumber should not be green, but yellow, preferably with a brown crust.

Facilitates care problematic skin face lotion of flowers and herbs (calendula, yarrow, sage and hops). Plants are taken in equal proportions, crushed and placed in a glass jar. For the procedure, it is necessary to place 3 tablespoons of the mixture in a linen bag, steam it with boiling water. After 10 minutes, remove the bag, let it cool slightly, and then apply to problem areas of the skin. You can wash your face with lotion. The benefits of plant extracts are that they cleanse the epidermis, reduce sebum secretion, and tighten pores.

Deep cleansing of problematic skin

Thorough washing of the face, rubbing with lotions with regular use reduces pores. But these measures alone are not enough, especially when you urgently need to put your skin in order. Affordable, simple and effective remedy, narrowing the pores on the face - scrub. Light composition with fine abrasive crystals is used for inflamed skin. A scrub with larger particles is suitable even for sensitive skin. Different compositions allow you to remove plugs from micro-holes in the epidermis, deeply cleanse the skin.

A simple and inexpensive composition that helps with enlarged pores

The best products for reducing pore size are not necessarily the most scarce and expensive. A good effect is observed with the weekly use of an oatmeal mask:

  1. Pour in water to swell the flakes.
  2. Add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice.
  3. Massage the skin with the prepared product for 3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes.
  4. Finish the procedure by washing with warm and cold water.

How to shrink pores fast

Trying to quickly get rid of pores on the face, many women and girls use the entire arsenal of tools at the same time. The ideal way, revealing how to narrow the pores on the nose in 5 minutes, does not exist. Even 30 minutes is not enough for cleaning, moisturizing and makeup, because after each procedure it is necessary to let the skin “breathe” for 10 minutes. Effective method, which allows you to narrow the pores relatively quickly - use egg whites, natural Apple vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. Beat the egg white into foam, adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to the resulting mass, drop by drop;
  2. Mix with a little natural apple cider vinegar.
  3. Apply the composition with a brush on the skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face first with warm, then cold water.

A good completion of the procedure is ice cubes, which you need to wipe the skin so that the pores close. Applying moisturizer is the traditional end to most skin treatments for enlarged pores.

Enlarged pores are the most common problem that affects almost all owners of oily and normal skin. Many of us are confused when we see that our skin has changed, the pores have become enlarged. And this is not surprising, since it looks, to put it mildly, not attractive. Plus, this condition leads to acne and pimples. However, do not worry prematurely, at home you can cook a lot of useful recipes with the help of which problems are solved quickly, and the skin will rejuvenate and become more attractive.

Folk recipes have no contraindications and are allowed for use by absolutely everyone without exception. Making them yourself is easy and cheap, as they don't require expensive ingredients. At the same time, in terms of effectiveness, homemade “medicine” is not inferior to popular remedies from world-famous companies.

Rules for the use of masks to narrow the pores

If you are interested in how to narrow the pores on your face, you should know that choosing the right recipe is not enough, you need to apply the product correctly. Here it is important to observe precautions, proportions when preparing the recipe and, of course, not to keep the gruel for more than the specified time. Such actions instead desired result- narrowing the pores on the face can harm the skin and even cause allergic reactions. Therefore, take proper care of your skin, following all the necessary recommendations. We recommend trying burnt alum to cleanse and tighten pores.

  1. It is important to take into account the fact that masks for narrowing the pores on the face are recommended to be used no more often. three times in Week.
  2. Apply them to cleansed skin, from the bottom up.
  3. To improve the effect, it is recommended to lie down and turn on relaxing music.
  4. Sweep effective masks for the face you need warm water, after which you need to moisturize with a cream.

Recipes for homemade masks to narrow the pores on the face

For all those who want to reduce pores, we suggest using folk remedies that have proven their benefits and have been used by people for many years. These effective recipes suitable even for sensitive skin. Therefore, you should not be afraid that you will harm yourself.

So, we bring to your attention good masks for narrowing the pores.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. Sole Producer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

For cleansing and narrowing pores

Result: the pores of the skin after application will decrease, it will be cleansed of greasy shine, dust and dirt. Such natural mask will provide good nutrition, saturate with useful substances and vitamins, and also normalize the acid-base balance, eliminate inflammation.


  • tomato - one piece;
  • vegetable oil - a few drops;
  • potatoes are one.

Preparation and method of application: peel the tomato and potato and grate (can be chopped with a blender) and add oil. Apply the porridge on your face, cover it with gauze to enhance the effect. Wash off after thirty minutes.

For narrowing the pores of the egg

Result: after two weeks, the pores on the skin of the face will significantly decrease, the skin becomes more attractive, the mask has whitening properties. There are no contraindications, the remedy can be used by everyone. The protein mask will meet your expectations.


  • protein - one piece;
  • juice of berries (you can use currants, cherries, lemon or viburnum).

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the juice from the berries. Beat the protein with a mixer and add a berry cocktail to it. But keep in mind, the ingredients should be taken in a ratio of one to one. Apply for fifteen minutes. We recommend trying an oxygen mask.

To narrow the pores of clay

Result: This is a great recipe for those who are interested in narrowing the pores on their face in a short time. This is the most effective tool that is used for this purpose. Clay mask for narrowing the pores can be different. The thing is that you can cook it from yellow, red, white, green or black clay, each of which has its own composition of minerals. Therefore, you can prepare an ideal remedy for both oily and dry skin. A huge advantage is that such a mask rejuvenates, tightens and refreshes.


  • clay - how much will it take;
  • aloe juice - one spoon;
  • green tea - one spoon;
  • water - one spoon.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the juice from the plant and mix it with strong brewed tea and boiled water. After that, add clay so that the mask is thick in consistency and resembles sour cream. Hold for twenty minutes.

To narrow the pores of oatmeal

Result: very useful and simple mask which anyone can cook. It perfectly fights acne, black dots and removes inflammation.


  • oatmeal - two tbsp. spoons;
  • aspirin - one tablet;
  • sour cream - one spoon.

Preparation and method of application: wipe the tablet into powder, mix with steamed oatmeal and fatty sour cream. Keep thirty minutes.

Interesting video: How to narrow pores on the face at home?

To narrow the pores of potatoes

Result: if you prefer this type of treatment, folk remedies, prepared on the basis of potatoes, will quickly return your skin to its former attractiveness. Such masks, prepared at home, are recommended to be used no more than twice a week.


  • potatoes - one piece;
  • orange - 0.5 fruit;
  • sour cream - one spoon;
  • lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and mix with the ingredients. It is recommended to apply for twenty minutes.

To narrow the pores of lemon

The result: an excellent pore treatment that transforms the skin. Indications - chapped, oily, inflamed skin.


  • lemon - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • aspirin - one tablet;
  • berry juice - two teaspoons;
  • potatoes - one tbsp. spoon.

Preparation and method of application: mix all the ingredients and apply for twenty minutes on the skin.

For shrinking pores from yeast

Result: This is a great pore-tightening mask that suits everyone without exception. This pore cleansing recipe is very popular due to its effectiveness. The result will be noticeable after you apply it for the first time.


  • yeast - ten grams;
  • cucumber juice - three teaspoons;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - one tbsp. spoon.

Preparation and method of application: mix the ingredients and apply for thirty minutes on the skin.

For narrowing pores with gelatin

Result: Ideal for those who often have oily skin on their skin. The tool not only eliminates the problem, but also deeply cleanses.


  • gelatin - one sachet;
  • milk (can be replaced with whey) - three tablespoons;
  • aspirin - two tablets.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve aspirin in milk, add gelatin. Apply for thirty minutes.

To narrow pores with soda

Result: This is a very popular remedy. It is believed that soda - the best remedy to cleanse pores.


  • soda - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • witch hazel virginian.

Preparation and method of application: mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add a little water and apply for two to three minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

For narrowing pores with tea tree oil

Result: cleanses the skin, relieves it of acne, blackheads, prevents their formation, relieves inflammation.


  • tea tree oil - five drops;
  • birch tree oil - two drops;
  • tomato juice - two tablespoons.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the juice from the vegetable and add oil to it. Keep fifteen minutes.

Interesting video: How to narrow the pores on the skin of the face

To narrow pores with starch

Result: rejuvenates the skin, cleanses of dead cells, promotes the production of collagen, tightens pores.


  • starch - one spoon;
  • almonds - how much will go;
  • how much water will go.

Preparation and method of application: crush the nuts into gruel, after which add starch diluted with water so that you get a gruel, the density of which will resemble the consistency of sour cream. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

Video recipe: How to clean and narrow the pores on the face at home
