Folk holidays presentation for children. Presentation on the topic: Russian holidays

Maslenitsa Maslenitsa for Russians is like a carnival for Italians. The original meaning of the holidays is the same: in Italian, "carnival" (carne - vale) means "beef, goodbye!", And Maslenitsa, preceding Great Lent, was called "Meat Empty" in the old days, because it was forbidden to eat meat this week.

Maslenitsa women's clothing with an oil pancake or a frying pan in your hands. They had fun with this stuffed animal throughout the Maslenitsa week: they rode with it in troikas, and at the end of the holiday they burned it on a merrily burning fire on some hill.

Maslenitsa week Monday - Meeting This is a meeting of the Pure Maslenitsa of the broad noblewoman. We started the Maslenitsa meeting with a visit to relatives. In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for the day, and in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. Here, behind a round cup, it was established when and where to spend time, who to invite to visit, when to ride through the streets.

Shrovetide Week Tuesday -- Plays Tuesday -- Plays In the morning, the girls and fellows went to visit to ride in the mountains, to eat pancakes. Fun and daring games, skating, fun began. Guests were received, met at the gates, after a treat they were allowed to go for a ride in the mountains, where the good fellows looked out for brides, and the girls furtively glanced at their betrothed.

Shrovetide week Wednesday - Lakomka Wednesday - Lakomka Mother-in-laws took their sons-in-law to pancakes at Lakomka. And before, there were not one or two sons-in-law, as in modern families, but five or ten each! So the mother-in-law had to welcome and treat everyone, so much so that not a single one was offended. So Maslenitsa was a ruinous holiday for families with many daughters. And in the evenings they sang songs about a caring mother-in-law. It was believed that on Maslenitsa, and especially on Lakomka, you need to eat as much as your heart desires.

Maslenitsa week Thursday -- Revelry Thursday -- Revelry On Thursday, a wide revelry began: rolling through the streets, fisticuffs and various rituals. For example, they attached a pole to a huge sleigh, tied a wheel to it, and put a peasant joker and an entertainer with wine and rolls on the wheel, and after this “train” with songs, the people pulled. And they began to carry a scarecrow of Shrovetide and carol: dressed-up kids went from house to house and sang: “Tryntsy-Bryntsy, bake pancakes!”, thus begging for treats for the festive evening

Shrovetide Week Friday - Mother-in-law Vespers Friday - Mother-in-law Vespers No sooner had mother-in-law fed pancakes to her sons-in-law on Wednesday than now their sons-in-law invite them to visit them! After all, on Friday, on mother-in-law evenings, sons-in-law treated their wives' mothers with pancakes and sweets. Previously, the son-in-law had to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening, and in the morning to send for her special, ceremonial "call". The more "called" turned out to be, the more honors were given to the mother-in-law. Therefore, they said that "the mother-in-law has a beloved son-in-law." The more "invited" guests turned out to be, the more honors the mother-in-law turned out to have. Therefore, they said that "my mother-in-law has a beloved son-in-law."

Shrovetide week Saturday - Zolovkiny gatherings (the husband's sister-in-law's sister) On Saturday, the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her. If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she called her unmarried friends to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to her sister-in-laws. It is interesting that the very word “sister-in-law”, as it was believed, comes from the word “evil”, since the sisters of the husband treated the daughter-in-law (“who came from nowhere”) incredulously and wary.

Maslenitsa Week Sunday. Forgiveness day. On the last day of Shrovetide, everyone asked forgiveness from each other, the newlyweds traveled to their relatives, gave gifts to father-in-law and mother-in-law, matchmakers and friends for wedding gifts. On Sunday, an effigy was burned as a symbol of the winter that had ended. And the ashes were fluttered over the fields "for a rich harvest." They threw everything that was no longer needed into the fire in order to get rid of everything unnecessary.

Maslenitsa You came with kindness, With intoxicating beer and wine. With pancakes, pies, and pancakes. We ride down the mountain From dawn to dawn, And today, Sunday, Our fun is over. Farewell, farewell, Our Maslenitsa! Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa. You did not come on Wednesday and not on Friday, You came on Sunday, the whole week of skins fun.

Pancake Week In the evening, forgiveness took place between relatives and friends: the children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness, after them all relatives and relatives came. Thus, people were freed from old grievances accumulated over the year, and met New Year with a pure heart and a light soul. Sunday. Forgiveness day.

The presentation “Methodological piggy bank “Folk Holidays”, timed to coincide with the year of culture, is presented as the experience of the work of the educator of the first qualification category Larina N.V. Interest in the past, one's roots, in the history, culture, way of life of the people, which naturally arises at a certain stage in the development of human society, is a global trend. It is only on the basis of the past that one can understand the present and foresee the future. A people that does not pass on all the most valuable things from generation to generation is a people without a future. The presentation "Folk Holidays" will be of interest to kindergarten teachers, because one of the main tasks of educators is to create conditions for the active development of the culture of their native people, the preservation of their traditions. It is preschool childhood that is the time when a genuine, sincere immersion in the origins of national culture is possible.

At our preschool great attention is given to familiarize children with the traditions of Russian folk holidays. Why did I turn specifically to the holidays? Folk holidays help children feel like a part of their people, learn about its traditions and customs, develop Creative skills. These holidays give an idea of folk beliefs, traditional rituals, Everyday life Russian people. They teach a careful, reverent attitude towards nature, their native land, their ancestors, and the history of the people.

Holidays are a great opportunity for preschoolers to showcase a wide variety of talents, as main feature holiday is its creative theatrical basis. This is an opportunity to unite children and adults with a common goal, to remove some internal conflicts, to feel the joy of communication, the joy of joint creativity.

The presentation "Folk Holidays" has attached comments to the slides that will help in working with the presentation.

Presentation Comments « Methodical box "People's holidays".

Commentary on slide #1: I present to your attention the materials of the methodical piggy bank "People's Holidays". A wide variety of methods, the scatter of material on Russian folk culture in preschool institutions does not allow educators and teachers to more deeply and purposefully acquaint children with their native culture, instill a sense of national patriotism, pride in their country.

Commentary on slide #2: The purpose of my methodical piggy bank is: development in children preschool age interest in Russian folk culture in the process of getting acquainted with calendar holidays. Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are starting to treat ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, crafts, arts and crafts in a new way, in which the people left us the most valuable of their cultural achievements, sifted through the sieve of centuries. For three years I have been working in the direction of studying folk art, educating in children a careful, loving attitude towards Russian culture and folk traditions.

Commentary on slide #3: In folk holidays I use different types folklore (riddles, games, round dances, theatrical performances, proverbs, sayings, incantations). I build my work on introducing children to Russian folk culture on the basis of the folk calendar. In everyday life and educational activities children get acquainted with oral folk art, musical folklore, folk games, holidays, rituals, get an idea about work, life, costume of the Russian people, folk crafts, decorative art. In my presentation, I present five seasonal folk holidays. The annual folk calendar - which brings together the natural circle of all human life cycles on earth, absorbing all the colors of folk life, holidays, folk crafts - helps me build my work with children according to the natural cycle, for example: autumn - harvesting, autumn holidays, festivities, followed by winter: Christmas - winter holidays and rites. Maslenitsa - seeing off winter. Easter is a bright Sunday.

Commentary on slide #4: Forms of organization of preparation for the holiday "Autumn" is:
1. Conversation "Autumn is a meeting of autumn in Rus'."
2. Exhibition of crafts "Gifts of Autumn" (joint activity of children and parents).
3. Holiday "Autumn".

Commentary on slide #5: In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, Osenina was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

Commentary on slide #6: Joint participation in creative activities helps to unite the family and fill its leisure time with new content. This is an exhibition of crafts "Gifts of Autumn", where works from natural material, vegetables, fruits - all that autumn gave us.

Comment to slide number 7: The next holiday that children love very much is “Christmas”. In organizing the preparation for the holiday, I use:
1. Viewing the presentation “How Christmas is celebrated in different countries»
2. Conversation "History of carols".
3. Learning carols with children.
4. Theatrical holiday "Christmas carols".

Commentary on slide #8: Significant moral, aesthetic potential lies in Russian folk incantations, carols, proverbs and sayings.

Commentary on slide #9: Children, teachers take part in the theatrical holiday "Christmas Carols", parents of my pupils show great activity in organizing and holding the holiday.

Commentary on slide #10: The favorite holiday of children is Maslenitsa. Forms of organization of preparation for the holiday such as:
1. Conversation “History and traditions of the Maslenitsa holiday”.
2. Artistic creativity– “Painting of samovars” (drawing technique cotton buds).
3. Gatherings "Russian pancakes are good."
4. Walking "Seeing Shrovetide".

Commentary on slide number 11: Children really like to paint samovars. The aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena, products of folk craftsmen is carried out by me with the inclusion of aesthetic scenes, an explanation of what makes an object, a product created by a child, beautiful. Children gradually begin to understand the beauty of the environment and give a detailed aesthetic assessment of works of art.

Commentary on slide number 12: Variety of folklore material, its integration into various types activities accessible to children allows you to successfully solve problems moral education children. Traditional gatherings "Russian pancakes are good." Gatherings end with eating traditional pancakes.

Commentary on slide number 13: And the holiday itself - a festivities, takes place on the street with the main character "Maslenitsa"

Commentary on slide number 14: The next holiday is "Larks". Forms of organization of preparation for the holiday.
1. Conversation "History and customs of the holiday" Larks.
2. Learning for nicknames.
3. Traditional baking "Larks".
4. Holiday "Meeting of Spring".

Commentary on slide #15: The holiday takes place on March 22 - it is believed that it is at this time that spring finally replaces winter.

Commentary on slide number 16: The main indicator of the success of the holiday is the emotional coloring of the atmosphere. This atmosphere is determined by the natural behavior of children, interest, joyful emotions. The more surprises there are on the holiday, the more the holiday corresponds to the main purpose - to please children.
And this surprise is the traditional pastry "Larks", memorization of invocations with children, the meeting of Spring.

Compiled by: Batueva S.A, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School" No. 25, Balakovo They say that lovers get married in heaven ... Weddings held in the Russian Tradition are filled with meaning, fun, valiant prowess, girlish beauty and the power of a new Life. Summer Solstice Festival. The boys are cutting down the tree. It is installed on a place chosen for the festivities - a clean, flat field, a mound, a river bank, a lake. The girls decorate the tree with flowers and colored scraps of fabric. The tree is popularly called "madder" or "kupala". Under the tree they fit the image of Yarila - a doll. "Yarila" is dressed in clothes, decorated with a wreath, flowers and ribbons. They kindle a fire. Near this fire and the most fun will go. Protective herbs and wreaths are distributed to all participants. The celebration starts around 4:00 pm. The girls start a round dance around the birch and sing. There is fun, they make riddles, they go dressed up, they arrange games: “lizard”, “brook”, “horses”. Well done fights for fun show. The girls are on the sidelines, they are watching the betrothed. When the fire burns out and settles down, the choice of the betrothed begins. The girl pats the guy on the shoulder and runs away, and he runs to catch up with her. Having caught her, he leads her to the fire, over which they jump ... Christmas is one of the main Orthodox holidays. According to church tradition, Jesus Christ was born on the night of January 7th. It is from this day that the so-called Christmas time begins, which lasts for two weeks. For Orthodox Christians, this holiday is associated great amount traditions and rituals. One of them is Christmas carols. The word carol comes from the Latin calendae, which means the first day of the month. Previously, the Slavs used the word carol to call Christmas, but over time, the meaning of the word changed, and ritual songs that were treated at home on Christmas Eve began to be called carols. The carol squad (mostly children and youth) went out into the street with a star and a nativity scene (an old folk puppet theater) as soon as dusk fell. Carolers dressed up in costumes and masks so that they could not be recognized. They dressed up as bears, goats, horses, gypsies. The main meaning of the carols is the praise of the house in which the carolers came, its families, as well as various wishes for wealth and a good harvest. Carol came On the eve of Christmas, Give me a cow, Maslyan's head. And God bless the one who is in this house. The rye is thick for him, the rye is stingy. He has an octopus from an ear, A carpet made of grain for him, A pie made of half-grain. The Lord would give you And life, and being, And wealth. And create for you, Lord, Even better than that! And at that time, the girls also arranged Christmas fortune-telling, wanting to see the betrothed - the mummers ... Traditional pysanka A living egg is the embryo of a future life. Now eggs are painted only on Clean Thursday - Easter, and in ancient times it was a whole cycle of rituals associated with the fertility of nature and man. These ceremonies were conducted mainly by women, secretly and carefully storing and transmitting the protective magic of the symbols inscribed on a living egg - the embryo of a future bird. But the bird in our ancient symbolism did not mean anything, but the human soul, embodied or not embodied in the body. And these symbols worked, healed both the bodies and souls of both the craftswomen themselves and those to whom the Easter eggs were intended. It was huge world symbols, sometimes showing the arrangement of the universe and the path of the soul through the divine worlds, sometimes keeping health or attracting wealth, sometimes giving strength to warriors for battle or women in childbirth in the birth of a child. A huge colorful world, where rage, and love, and tenderness, and the desire to go up were written out with hands ... Throughout the spring, eggs "pysanka", "krashenok" are painted - and various games are played with them. The church Easter calendar has largely obscured the essence of the rituals associated with eggs, but the content of the painting of Easter eggs takes us into deep antiquity. There are also heavenly deer, and pictures of the world, and many ancient symbols of life and fertility. In ethnographic museums, thousands of Easter eggs are stored, which are the most massive heritage of Slavic ideas. Eggs, both colored and white, play an important role in spring rituals: departure for the first plowing is done “with salt, with bread, with a white egg”; an egg is broken on the head of a horse or a plowing ox; an egg and a biscuit - a cross is an obligatory accessory of the rites when sowing. Often, eggs are buried in the ground, rolled across a sown field. Eggs are laid under the feet of cattle during pasture on St. George's day and lelnik, they are placed at the gate of the barn so that the cattle step over them; they go around the cattle with eggs and give them to the shepherd. So, to summarize: Slavic pysanka is an ancient folk view art, and at the same time - a message to the gods who protect the human race. Christ is risen! Everywhere the blessing is buzzing, From all the churches people are pouring down. The dawn is already looking from heaven ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are torn from the shackles, And the nearby forest is turning green ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Here the earth is waking up, And the fields are dressing, Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Here and round dances and quadrilles by all the people And children's games, and valiant fun. If you want to lift a weight, if you want to play with children, if you have the strength - to a pole, or to a bathhouse, so that. And to cope with the mountain, first go through a wall fight. With Baba Maslyana, send misfortune and ailment to the fire. Gaining strength for a whole year, will give flight through the fire. Maslenitsa - ancient Slavic holiday which we inherited from pagan culture. This is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring renewal of nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa, had a ritual meaning: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days. It is possible that pancakes were also part of the funeral rite, since Shrovetide was preceded by a “parents' day”, when the Slavs worshiped the souls of their deceased ancestors. Every day of Shrove Tuesday has its own name. Monday - meeting. By this day, mountains, swings, booths were being completed. Those who were richer began to bake pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead. Tuesday - games. In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends: “We have de mountains ready, and pancakes are baked - please favor.” Wednesday - gourmets. On this day, the son-in-law came "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests. Thursday - wide revelry. From that day on, Shrovetide unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all kinds of fun: ice mountains, booths, swings, horseback riding, carnivals, fist fights, noisy revels. Friday - mother-in-law evening. Sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to visit, treated them to pancakes. Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-laws to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law some gift. The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, bows at their feet, and in response they hear: "God will forgive." In the Orthodox Church, it is believed that the meaning of Maslenitsa is reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for Great Lent - a time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and doing good. Lenten services begin in churches. On Wednesday and Friday, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated, the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is read. Walk around - one of the days of Shrovetide. Take a walk on a sunny day in the fresh air with songs, dances and the tradition of burning Shrovetide. On September 14, Osenins are celebrated - the first meeting of autumn folk calendar. From that day on, Rus' began to celebrate autumn weddings, moved to new homes, carried out the ceremony of initiation of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youths, marking their new role in the community. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. September 14 is also called the day of Seeds of the Pilot in memory of Simeon the Stylite, who lived in the 5th century. This man became famous for his selfless way of life, laying the foundation for a new type of asceticism - pilgrimage, they learned from him to endure the difficulties of human existence in the name of a holy cause. 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Russians folk holidays

The life of Russian people in the distant past consisted of working days and holidays. On weekdays, they plowed, sowed, reaped, worked in workshops, raised children, and kept house. But the time of holidays also came - it was a time of relaxation, fun, joy, when people felt that they were all one big family, everyone gathered for festive table, all are smartly dressed and wish each other love, happiness, health, a good harvest, goodness in the house, peace and fun in the heart and soul. holidays in Russia there were many: 140-150 per year. These holidays were aimed at promoting the health and well-being of people. Customs, ceremonies, the celebration itself were passed down from century to century, from older to younger, like a great treasure, a common wealth, in them a Russian person revealed his character, his soul, beauty, culture.

Shrovetide - a holiday of seeing off winter and meeting spring The first mention of Shrovetide is the 16th century. Preparations for Shrovetide began from the middle of the previous week. The housewives cleaned up, bought groceries, baked pancakes. They built ice slides, snow fortresses, towns, swings. Entertainment on Maslenitsa: treats with pancakes; skiing from the mountains; buffoon booths; hanging swing; horseback riding; fist fights; taking snow towns.

Maslenitsa Of particular importance was the ritual of the honorable importation of a specially made effigy - a symbol of Maslenitsa. The guest was greeted with lamentations. From that moment it was believed that the holiday began.

Pancake week Monday - meeting Tuesday - "flirting" Wednesday - "gourmet" Thursday - "revelry" Friday - "mother-in-law's evenings" Saturday - "hall gatherings" Sunday - "forgiveness day"

Shrovetide On the last day of Shrovetide, cleansing rites were performed: a large ritual fire was kindled on an elevated place, and old unnecessary things were burned in it. The effigy symbolizing Shrovetide was burned, the holiday was considered over, all the treats remaining after Shrovetide were subject to destruction, as Great Lent began.

The Annunciation The Annunciation is the good news of the birth of Jesus. It's time for the birds to arrive. It's time to dig the ground, plant. The holiday was not celebrated with fun, traditional were attending the church, observance of prohibitions, conversations about sowing, plowing.

Annunciation Early in the morning the peasants went to church for matins. On this day, it was allowed to relax the fast. Girls on this day led round dances with the singing of stoneflies. It was customary to release the birds. It was forbidden to braid braids, spin, lend anything. They consecrated the grain, guessed at the future harvest.

Palm Sunday The arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem was greeted by people with palm branches. For Russians, willow took the place of palm branches.

Palm Sunday On this day, everyone hurried to church to bless the willow branches. They were brought home, and then kept for a long time, so that they would take diseases away from home.

Palm Sunday magic power(protects from diseases; gives vitality and health; protects the house from lightning, fire, evil spirits). The willow was kept for a whole year in the shrine. The people noticed that if the willow blooms well, the arable land will be successful.

Easter is the "feast of holidays", the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Jesus Christ was crucified for the atonement of human sins. Resurrected three days later on the seventh day of the week (Sunday), so every Sunday people do not work in memory of the resurrection of Christ.

Easter They prepared for Easter, starting from Maundy Thursday, they painted and painted eggs, prepared Easter, baked Easter cakes.

Pascha On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the Paschal service takes place - the midnight service, after the end of the service, the parishioners congratulated each other on bright holiday, kissed three times and said the words: “Christ is risen!” - "Truly Risen!", exchanged colored eggs.

Easter The most important element of the holiday is the morning Easter meal, after which the village children went to “Christen,” the hosts presented them with pies, sweets, and colored eggs. On the streets, girls and boys danced, sang songs, competed in various games with Easter eggs.

Easter On Easter morning we went outside to watch how the sun “rejoices”, plays, which means to be good and healthy life, rich harvest and happy weddings.

Conclusion Basically, the customs and traditions of the Russian people are associated with the calendar, and with church sacraments, holidays and complex rituals. The formation of traditions is a continuous process. Some of the historical traditions of Russia are becoming a thing of the past or are changing under the onslaught of modern realities. But the new traditions in Russia, on the contrary, are gaining a “place under the sun” for themselves and are entering the life of the Russian people. In addition, some national traditions in Russia are gradually gaining popularity and becoming nationwide and ubiquitous. Perhaps only specialists can track all these processes, but everyone can see their result - the totality of modern Russian traditions.
