Project on the theme of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers. Project on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers "Little patriots are the future of the whole Fatherland"

Municipal state preschool educational institution

city ​​of Novosibirsk

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 501 "Bear Cub"

Oktyabrsky district

630017 Novosibirsk, st. B. Bogatkova, 194/9


on moral and patriotic education

"Calendar of interesting dates"

Aksyukova Natalya Mikhailovna,

teacher of the first qualification category,

Nikishina Oksana Ivanovna,

teacher of the first qualification category

Novosibirsk, 2017


“Love for the Fatherland and love for people are two fast streams that, merging, form a mighty river of patriotism.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The formation of moral values ​​is the most important indicator of a holistic personality, truly independent and responsible, capable of creating their own idea of ​​their future life path. We are increasingly thinking about the future of our children. What lies ahead for them? What spiritual legacy will we leave them?

Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who are able to make non-standard decisions, who can think creatively. After all, only such individuals will contribute to the development of science, culture, industry and thereby raise the prestige of the country to the proper level.

Therefore, in conditions of emotional inferiority, moral and spiritual poverty of modern society as a whole and of a person in particular, the development of the cultural needs of the individual from early childhood becomes one of the most important tasks of upbringing and education.

Educators often have to think about what else interesting and new can be done to interest children, to involve them in joint activities aimed at the formation of moral and patriotic qualities.

In our preschool educational institution are held annually and traditional events: these are sports competitions joint with parents in each group of kindergarten, monthly Game Days, leisure activities dedicated to state and public holidays, and much more. Their main purpose is to create a positive emotional mood in children, a sense of joy and, ultimately, a beneficial effect on the personality of the child.Check out our Events Calendar and anniversaries, you can see that in addition to well-known holidays, there are a lot of interesting dates that can be an occasion for educational leisure activities and joint projects for adults and children.All together - children, parents, teachers - from a large number of events they chose those that seemed to them the most interesting.

Communication with parents, in our opinion, is especially important. To be able to communicate with parents, to convince them, to captivate with interesting innovations is the key to the success of the preschool educational institution.

The team itself should also be set up accordingly, adhering to the rule: do nothing "for show", because any work should bring a sense of satisfaction and joy. Only thanks to such a position of the team and parents we manage to invent and implement something new in work with children.

The formation of the foundations of moral and patriotic education should be comprehensive, permeate all types of activities of preschoolers, be carried out in Everyday life and in organized educational activities, at events organized in kindergarten and at home.

The project is aimed at the formation of moral and patriotic education in older children. preschool age and improving the subject-developing environment, which creates the conditions for their development, through interesting events and dates.

As a result of the implementation of the project, conditions will be created for the manifestation of each child's creativity and interests, the development of cognitive interest, the formation of moral and patriotic qualities in children in various types activities. The qualifications of teachers will improve. The psychological preparation of parents and children necessary for successful schooling will be provided. Pictures, albums will be created by children together with parents and teachers. The corridors of the garden and the group will be decorated with exhibition works.

The project will be implemented by the employees of the MKDOU CRR d / s No. 501: educators, a physical education teacher, a music director, a teacher of the cognitive cycle, parents of pupils are involved in joint activities, a senior preschool teacher. Projectdesigned for one year (preparatory group for school). The estimated cost of the project is 41280 rubles.


Municipal state preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 501 "Bear Cub", put into operation in December 1990.

License: registration number 10190 dated February 16, 2017

Head:Terkulova Olga Petrovna, Honorary Worker general education RF.

Teaching staff:

With the highest qualification category - 6 people

With the first qualification category - 25 people

Educational level:

Higher pedagogical education - 25 people

Secondary special pedagogical education - 13 people

The kindergarten has 330 pupils in 14 groups aged 1.6 to 7 years, 18 of them are hearing impaired children.

Functions: 8 groups of general developmental, 4 speech therapy; 2 specialized groups for hearing impaired children and children with cochlear implants.

The leading directions in the creation and improvement of the developing environment are:

Fulfillment of the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service;

Creation of a full-fledged social environment for the development of the child, conditions for interaction between children of different ages and communication with adults;

Creation of "home" corners;

Allocation and equipping of special premises for various types of children's activities;

Creation of conditions in group rooms for the necessary balance of joint and individual activities of children;

Equipment and use of the site, allowing you to organize a variety of forms pedagogical work with children and contributing to the manifestation of various types of activity;

Multifunctional use of gaming, sports and other equipment with a focus on the child;

Creation of a musical environment;

Along with the existing standard premises in the kindergarten (music and sports halls, a swimming pool), special rooms for various types of activities have been allocated and equipped with equipment: a study of the cognitive cycle, a study of psychological unloading in combination with a game sensory room, a deaf room, speech therapists' offices, a winter garden, a small exercise room.


IN last years the problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children has become very relevant. It is given great importance in the project "National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation". Among the targets that should be formed by the end of preschool age, the mastery of ideas about society, its cultural values, about the state and belonging to it is indicated.

At present, moral and patriotic education is understood as the interaction of an adult and children in joint activities and communication, aimed at the disclosure and formation of universal human values ​​in a child. moral qualities personality, familiarization with the origins of the national regional culture, the nature of the native land, the development of an emotionally effective attitude, a sense of belonging, attachment to others. From preschool age, a child must be brought up as a patriot - a person who has a sense of the Motherland, who loves his country, in which he was born and grows, its history, culture and language.

The relevance of the organization of project activities is due to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Educational Establishments for the results of teaching and raising children, which involve the formation of their value-semantic orientation and the development of life competence. In the process of joint activities based on acquaintance with the “Calendar of interesting dates”, children improve their cognitive processes, enrich their ideas about the world around them, develop observation and voluntary attention, enrich and develop speech, form adequate self-esteem, self-control skills and positive relationships with people around them.

One cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with the Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved and cherished it. In this regard, the problem of moral - patriotic education of preschool children becomes one of the most urgent.

Patriotic education is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. Patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from childhood. A child is not born good or evil, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on the parents and adults around him, how they bring him up, what impressions they enrich.

Love for the motherland, attachment to the native land, language, culture, traditions are included in the concept of "patriotism". It manifests itself in a sense of pride in the achievements of the native country, in bitterness for its failures and misfortunes, a careful attitude to the people's memory, national and cultural traditions.

Therefore, a lot of work on the education of patriotic feelings in children must be carried out in a preschool institution, as a result of a systematic, purposeful educational work children can be formed elements of citizenship and patriotism.

From this follows an important problem: to awaken in the child those moral feelings and desires that will help him in the future to join the folk culture, traditions and be an aesthetically developed personality.

The formation of the foundations of moral and patriotic education should be comprehensive, permeate all types of activities of preschool children, be carried out in everyday life, at specially organized educational activities and events organized in kindergarten andHouses.

“Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins with small things - with love for one's family, for one's home, for one's kindergarten. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all of humanity.”

D.S. Likhachev



Creation of conditions for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings, expansion of ideas about international and all-Russian holidays, development of tolerance, a sense of belonging to national celebrations.


Create a cultural and educational environment in kindergarten;

To unite the efforts of the family, teachers and social partners on the formation of moral and patriotic feelings among older preschoolers;

Contribute to the overall development of children on the basis of love and interest in the present and past of their people;

To form local history knowledge in children;

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about traditions, international and all-Russian holidays;

To develop the emotional sphere, tolerance, a sense of belonging to national celebrations;

To educate moral and patriotic qualities: humanism, pride, responsibility for the preservation and increase of wealth, one's native land, country.








Stages and plans for the implementation of the project are outlined


Aug. Sept

Psychologist, educators

Questioning of children, parents



Senior educator, educator

Selection of literature, "Calendar of significant events and dates", parent meeting


Throughout the project



Preparation and conduct of multi-level classes, familiarization with traditions, international and all-Russian holidays; development of tolerance, a sense of belonging; involvement of children in active participation in the preparation

Joint activities of parents and children in the creation of crafts, albums, participation in the preparation and holding of holidays


Throughout the project


senior caregiver

Collection, design of albums, exhibitions. Enrichment of developing subject-spatial environment.

Assistance in the selection of diagnostic material, monitoring the conduct of diagnostics and its analysis. Selection of methodological material on the problem. Preparation and holding of competitions, exhibitions.

Control stage

Throughout the project

senior caregiver

Control over the creation of a developing object-spatial environment





Drawing up the stages and plan for the implementation of the project


Senior educator, educators

Parent survey

Pedagogical diagnostics motivational sphere of preschoolers

Aug. Sept

Aug. Sept

Senior educator, psychologist, educators

Mini-project "School of Pedestrian Sciences"



Project "Soon we will go to school"


Senior educator, psychologist, educators, teacher of the cognitive cycle

Mini-project "International Animal Day"



"Day of the Elderly"


Project "Heart for Mom"



Mini Museum "The Mysterious World of Cats" (Day of Pets)



Project "New Year walks the planet"



Mini-project "Birthday Day"




Short-term project "Zarnitsa"


Senior educator, physical education teacher, educators



senior teacher, music director, caregivers


Mini-project "Maslenitsa"


Senior educator, music director, teacher of the cognitive cycle, educators


Short-term project "Bird Day"


Cognitive cycle teacher, educators


Project "Victory Day"

April May

Senior educator, teacher of the cognitive cycle, music director, educators


Mini-project "Children's Day"



Project "We live in Russia"

May June

Senior educator, music director, physical education teacher, educators


After the implementation of this Project, we expect to receive the following results:

A cultural and educational environment will be created in the kindergarten;

By combining the efforts of families, teachers and social partners, moral and patriotic feelings will be formed in older preschoolers;

Children will develop an interest in the present and past of their people, children's knowledge of traditions, international and all-Russian holidays will be expanded;

Local lore knowledge will be formed in children;

Replenished with manuals (albums, board games) developing subject-spatial dow environment;

The walls of the group and the foyer of the preschool educational institution will be decorated with drawings and paintings;

Conditions will be created for the manifestation of the moral qualities of preschoolers in various activities.


Evaluation of the degree of efficiency of the project implementation will be carried out using various methods:

Expert evaluation of performance results (by internal and external experts);

Sociological surveys of teachers and parents;

Analysis of the results of competitions, exhibitions of creative works.


Estimated cost estimate

Basic expenses





Computerpintel ( r) Celeron

® CPU 2.20 GH

Laser printer



apparatusCANONFC 206

photo printerEPSONMP-DM1











Total equipment:





printer toner

Toner for copier


Paint for refilling CISS

White office paper

colored paper

drawing paper

Colored paper sets

Glue stick

Pencils (simple,


Paints (gouache, watercolor)



Photo printer ink

photo paper




























Total for consumables:




Prize fund:

Certificates, letters of thanks



Total prize pool:




Replenishment and updating of the material and technical base:

Methodical literature

Board games


(video, audio CDs, MP3)





In total, according to the material and technical base:





Procurement and delivery of consumables

materials, certificates



Total transport costs:




Methodology room equipment:

Photocopying, printing

materials from the internet



Total for equipping the methodical office:




Total for main expenses:





The work of the preschool educational institution on the formation of moral qualities, provides, first of all, the creation of optimal conditions for the development of a child - a patriot and the realization of these qualities, depending on the real needs of the city, region, country and the individual himself, capable of self-development and self-education.

The implementation of the project will allow:


- to promote the familiarization of children with the civic values ​​of Russia, the development of spirituality and morality, the prevention of antisocial behavior, the elimination of indifference and indifference.


Get the opportunity to take an active part in the life of the group and the preschool educational institution.


Develop a system of work on moral and patriotic education;

Improve your skills in the education of moral qualities.

To the preschool educational institution as a whole:

- create conditions for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings, the development of tolerance, a sense of belonging to national celebrations, and ensuring the possibility of self-realization of the individual in various activities.













Project on moral and patriotic education "Love and know your native land!"

“A person cannot live without a Motherland, just as one cannot live without a heart.”
K. Paustovsky


The upbringing of a citizen - a patriot is the harmony of mind, thoughts, ideas, feelings, spiritual impulses, actions. This is the education of convictions, and the education of the heart - sensitive, tender, responsive to good, to working people. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “it is no coincidence that the word “Motherland”, “Fatherland” are half-brothers of the words “to give birth”, “father”. The joy of creation, the joy of creating beauty in oneself, nourishing a great patriotic feeling with its animal juices, this joy begins with the creation of good for mother and father, grandfather and grandmother - for the one who gave birth to you, nurtured and cherished.
In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the essence of patriotic education: the idea of ​​patriotism and citizenship education, acquiring an increasing social significance, is becoming a task of national importance. Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small Motherland. Reflecting on the education of a citizen, V.G. Belinsky wrote that citizenship is inseparable from humanity, morality, and culture. Love for the Motherland is impossible if the child does not have love for his small Motherland, nature, native land. It is impossible to love people without loving parents, without respect for adults and peers.
Acquaintance of children with their native land: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their homeland.
After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.
The poet Simonov in the poem “Motherland” writes: “You are not remembering a big country that you have traveled and known. You remember the Motherland the way you saw it as a child… And indeed, no matter how great our country is, a person associates his feeling of love for her with the places where he was born and grew up; with the street along which I walked more than once; with the yard where he planted the first tree ...
The growth of scientific and technological progress, new discoveries and technical inventions have relegated spiritual values ​​to the background. The problems of educating the younger generation of love for their small homeland fell out of sight of scientists and practitioners for many years. With the introduction of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" there have been significant changes in the development of the education system. This led to changes in the content of education.
One of our priority areas preschool was the acquaintance of preschool children with the national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country, region. And the goal of the work of the team is to create conditions for the development of innovative approaches by teachers in the formation of moral and patriotic feelings of preschoolers.
The main tasks of moral and patriotic education in the kindergarten education system:
1. to ensure the historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, the education of a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;
2. to integrate the activities of preschool teachers in the formation of moral and patriotic feelings of preschoolers, the awakening of children's love for their home, family, small homeland (the city of Zarinsk, Altai Territory).
The task of instilling a sense of patriotism, love for a small Motherland was traditionally solved in a preschool educational institution, but the results of a survey (Appendix 1) of teachers showed the need to strengthen work in this direction, filling it with new content. Of the 26 teachers surveyed, it was noted that
that patriotism is love for the motherland, mother, native land, love and pride for the native country, for the family;
what place does the problem of patriotic education take in the development of a preschooler - the main thing, one of the first; 1 teacher - none;
the most important goal of patriotic education of children is the desire to live in Russia, respect for heroes, history, instill love for loved ones, kindergarten, respect for the older generation, knowledge of the traditions of the Russian people; 1 teacher - none;
proposals for organizing the work of preschool educational institutions in this direction - city tours, exhibitions, talks about the country, thematic classes, seminars, parent meetings, through project activities;
attitude to project activities - 23 teachers note positive, 1 teacher - none, 1 teacher - you can try, 1 teacher - did not answer.
Therefore, it became necessary to change the forms of organization of the pedagogical process to familiarize children with the family, the peculiarities of the city and the region.
The results of the survey of teachers showed that teachers:
familiar with project activities, stages - “yes” - 21 people; "no" - 5 people;
consider the method of projects innovative - 26 teachers; are interested in creating something new - 26 teachers; use the method of projects in pedagogical practice - "yes" - 13 people; "sometimes" - 6 people, "no" - 7 people; want to master the activity of pedagogical design - 26 teachers.
The solution to this problem will be the implementation of the project: "Morally- patriotic education children", which will consist of 4 blocks:
1 block "Family and the immediate environment" (younger preschool age);
2 block "Kindergarten - my second home" (middle preschool age);
Block 3 “Love and know your native land! (senior preschool age);
Block 4 "Russia - my Motherland" (preparatory for school preschool age).
The project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activity develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself to develop as a creative person.
Project type: cognitive, group.
Members: kindergarten pupils, parents of pupils, group teachers, specialists.
Implementation timeline and: short-term, January-May 2017.
Main section of the program: cognitive development.
If it is possible to increase the knowledge of teachers through various forms of interaction, then this will contribute to the formation of teachers' readiness for the implementation of civic-patriotic education of preschool children.

The novelty of the project lies in the development of a model of interaction and a system of cooperation between specialists from preschool educational institutions, representatives of social institutions, parents and children. As well as in the active use of digital technologies to collect necessary information, design of the project and its results.
Objective of the project
Creation of conditions for the development of readiness of teachers for the implementation of civic-patriotic education of preschool children through innovative activities.

Project objectives

Building an educational process aimed at the formation of national self-consciousness, the acquisition of a system of universal human values ​​by the child.
Improving pedagogical skills, using effective methods and technologies in designing a child's educational space.
Stimulate and intensify project activities, experimental research, activities for the presentation and dissemination of pedagogical experience, aimed at improving the quality of civic-patriotic education for children.
Restoring the traditions of family education and involving the family in the educational process.
How to organize the work of an educational institution for the development of innovative activities in order to contribute to the formation of teachers' readiness for the implementation of civic-patriotic education of preschool children.

Ways of implementation
Games, excursions, conversations, equipping a subject-developing environment, working with parents, observation, questioning, educational game classes, exhibitions, organization of a mini-museum.
Directions of project activity:
Information block: Processing of theoretical materials, writing informative stories, selection of literary texts.
Technological block: Development of class notes using developmental training.
Organizational block: Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Estimated result

Active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities.
The ability to express one's own opinion, to analyze, to react vividly to what is happening, to provide all possible assistance.
Mastering available knowledge about the history of the native Fatherland.
The acquisition by preschool children of social communication skills with adults.
Showing attention and respect for veterans, the elderly, providing all possible assistance.
Children participation preparatory group in city action Live postcard veterans."
Participation of kindergarten pupils in the action "Immortal Regiment".
Participation of parents in the project activities of the group, joint production of the necessary materials.

Project Implementation Strategy

1. Information-accumulative stage of the implementation and implementation of the project
Consultation: "Design in preschool educational institution" (December).
Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children, replenishment of the card index "Conversations on Patriotic Education" (during the project).
Enrichment of the patriotic center in group rooms (January-February).
Organized educational activities(according to the plan of teachers).
Pedagogical Council "Organization of moral and patriotic education of children on present stage" (February).
Consultation for teachers "Education of patriotic feelings in older preschoolers using heroic examples" (February).
2. Organizational and practical stage
Carrying out thematic events dedicated to the traditions of the Russian people (Svyatki, Easter fair), Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, May 9.
The work of teachers within the subproject of the group.
Exhibition of thematic drawings, booklets, design of mini-museums within the subprojects of the groups.
Carrying out a cycle cognitive activities, on the topics: "The city of Zarinsk - past and present", "My Motherland - Altai Territory!".
The design of the albums "Sights of my city", "The Red Book of the Altai Territory", "Bread is the head of everything!", "Birds of the Altai Territory".
Word creation with parents "Compose a ditty about the region, the city."
Design of didactic games on local history:
“Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma's chest”, “Map of my city”, etc.
Exhibition "Let's make our city cleaner" (together with parents).
Excursions and photo tours around the city.
Learning verses of songs about Zarinsk, Altai.
Design of a musical corner in Russian traditions. Making a layout of the Altai Territory. Production of a mini-museum "Russian House in Altai".
3. Presentation - the final stage
Presentation of subprojects. Exhibition of products of children's activities. Evaluation of the stages of project implementation by children (April).
Presentation of the project on moral and patriotic education "Love and know your native land!" (May).

Ensuring project activities

1. Domozhakova T.I. "Education of patriotism in children of senior preschool age". Office of preschool educational institution 2006 No. 8.
2. Evdokimova E.S. "Designing a model of civic education in a preschool educational institution." Management of preschool educational institution 2002 No. 6.
3. Zhiryakova I.V. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through museum pedagogy. Office of preschool educational institution 2008 No. 4.
4. Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. "My small motherland". Management of preschool educational institution 2005 No. 1.
5. Korotovskikh L.N. “Methodological support of local history in preschool educational institutions. Office of preschool educational institution 2006 No. 8.
6. Makhaneva M.D. Moral-patriotic education of preschool children. Management of preschool educational institution 2005 No. 1.
7. Shtanko I.V. "Project activity with children of senior preschool age." Office of preschool educational institution 2004 No. 4.
Material and technical resources required to complete the project:
1. selection of historical literature,
2. selection of works of Russian folk art,
3. selection of visual material (illustrations, photographs, sketches),
4. preparation of various types of waste material,
5. preparation of visual material for productive activities,
6. didactic games,
7. exhibitions of books, drawings, crafts,
8. creation of conditions for holding open events (designing a group room, a music hall).

Sections: Working with preschoolers

“A person cannot live without a Motherland, just as one cannot live without a heart.”
K. Paustovsky

Relevance of the topic:

Motherland, Fatherland... In the roots of these words are images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Raising a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. Love for close people, for kindergarten, for his native city and native country play a huge role in the development of a child's personality.

In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the essence of patriotic education: the idea of ​​patriotism and citizenship education, acquiring an increasing social significance, is becoming a task of national importance. Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small Motherland.

Acquaintance of children with their native land: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.

The poet Simonov in the poem "Motherland" writes:

“You are not remembering a large country that you have traveled and learned about.
You remember the Motherland the way you saw it as a child”

And indeed, no matter how great our country is, a person connects his feeling of love for her with the places where he was born, grew up; with the street along which I walked more than once; with the yard where he planted the first tree.

The growth of scientific and technological progress, new discoveries and technical inventions have relegated spiritual values ​​to the background. The problems of educating the younger generation of love for their small homeland fell out of sight of scientists and practitioners for many years. With the enactment of the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, there have been significant changes in the development of the education system. This led to changes in the content of education. One of the priority areas was the acquaintance of preschool children with the national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country and region.

The main tasks of moral and patriotic education in the education system:

  1. to ensure the historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, the education of a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;
  2. education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society;
  3. peace shaping and interpersonal relationships etc.

From the national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

A survey conducted among children and parents of pupils of our preschool educational institution shows:

  • by the age of 5-6, 70% of preschoolers have no cognitive interest in the history and cultural heritage of the city, region;
  • 65% of children have low level knowledge of the history of the city, region;
  • 80% of parents do not have the opportunity to attend cultural institutions of the city due to high employment;
  • 40% of parents find it difficult to know the history of the city, region;
  • 20% of parents do not know and do not want to know the history of the city and region.

The task of instilling a sense of patriotism, love for the small Motherland was traditionally solved in the preschool educational institution, but the results of the study showed the need to strengthen work in this direction, filling it with new content. Therefore, it became necessary to change the forms of organization of the pedagogical process to familiarize children with the peculiarities of the city and the region. In our opinion, the solution to this problem was the implementation of the project: “Love and know your native land!”

We believe that the project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activity develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself to develop as a creative person.

Objective of the project:

Education of civic feelings, feelings of love for the Motherland, native land; development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation, speech planning, logical operations.

Project objectives:

  • To give children knowledge about their hometown: history, symbols, sights, industrial facilities, their harm and benefit, the ecological situation in the city.
  • Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the city.
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of the Altai Territory.
  • To cultivate love for the native city, the region, the ability to see the beautiful, be proud of it.
  • To acquaint with the culture and traditions of the Altai Territory.
  • To form an ecological culture among children and their parents, the desire to take part in environmental protection activities.

Directions of project activity:

  • Information block: Processing of theoretical materials, writing informative stories
  • Technological block: Development of class notes using developmental learning
  • Organizational block: Creation of a subject-developing environment

Project type: educational, group.

Members: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group, music director.

Implementation timeline: during a year.

The main section of the program: cognitive development

Sections of the program, the content of which is included in the project: the development of speech, visual activity, play activity, musical activities, classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Ensuring project activities:


  1. E.S. Evdokimova "Designing a model of civic education in a preschool educational institution." Management of preschool educational institution 2002 No. 6.
  2. I.V. Shtanko "Project activity with children of senior preschool age." Office of preschool educational institution 2004 No. 4.
  3. L.N. Korotovskikh “Methodological support of local history in preschool educational institutions. Office of preschool educational institution 2006 No. 8.
  4. T.I. Domozhakova "Education of patriotism in children of senior preschool age." Office of preschool educational institution 2006 No. 8.
  5. M.D. Makhaneva "Moral - patriotic education of preschoolers." Management of preschool educational institution 2005 No. 1.
  6. N.G.Komratova, L.F.Gribova "My small Motherland". Management of preschool educational institution 2005 No. 1.
  7. I.V. Zhiryakova "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through museum pedagogy." Office of preschool educational institution 2008 No. 4.
  8. Z.A. Ershova, N.A. Kraskina “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten…”
  9. Internet materials.

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

  1. selection of historical literature,
  2. selection of works of Russian folk art,
  3. selection of visual material (illustrations, photographs, sketches),
  4. preparation of various types of waste material
  5. preparation of visual material for productive activities,
  6. didactic games,
  7. exhibitions of books, drawings, crafts,
  8. creating conditions for holding open events (designing a group room, a music hall).

Stages of carrying out and implementation of the project:

I. Information and storage:

  • Studying the interest of children to determine the goals of the project.
  • Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.
  • Appeal to specialists.

II. Organizational and practical

Conducting a cycle of educational sessions on the topics: “The city of Slavgorod - past and present”, “My homeland is the Altai Territory!”

Design of the albums “Sights of my city”, “The Red Book of the Altai Territory”, “Bread is the head of everything!”, “Birds of the Altai Territory”

Word creation with parents "Compose a ditty about the region, city"

Design of didactic games on local history:
“Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma’s chest”, “Map of my city”, City of the future”, “My native land”, “I am a photographer”, “Here is my street, here is my home »

Exhibition "Let's make our city cleaner" (together with parents)

Modeling "Animals and birds of the Altai Territory"

Excursions and photo tours around the city

Learning the verses of songs about Slavgorod, Altai.

Design of a musical corner in Russian traditions

Design of the stand "To the 70th anniversary of the Altai Territory"

Making a layout of the Altai Territory.

Making a mini-museum "Russian House in Altai"

III. Presentation - final

Open lesson “My Motherland is the Altai Territory! ”

Exhibition of products of children's activities.

Evaluation of the stages of project implementation by children.

IV. Control-reflexive


Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:

  1. interest of children and parents;
  2. methodological developments,
  3. integration with kindergarten specialists.

Expected result:

  1. The final result is diagnostics, where children will show their knowledge. The active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities is taken into account.
  2. The ability to express one's own opinion, to analyze, to react vividly to what is happening, to provide all possible assistance.
  3. Mastering available knowledge about the history of the native Fatherland.
  4. The acquisition by preschool children of social communication skills with adults.
  5. Showing attention and respect for veterans, the elderly, providing all possible assistance.


Adult forms of love for their hometown should not be expected from children, but if during the project implementation children acquire knowledge about the history of the city, symbols, sights, they know the names of those who founded and glorified the city, they begin to show interest in the events of city life and reflect their impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

Project methods:

  1. observation,
  2. joint games,
  3. questioning,
  4. educational games,
  5. conversations.

Strategy for the implementation of project activities:

This project was tested within the framework of MDOU "Kindergarten" No. 9 in 2007 - 2008 academic year with children of senior preschool age in a specially organized activities; joint activities of the teacher and the child (a subgroup of children); independent children's activities; activities of children and parents.

During the implementation of the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships.

The "genuine meeting" with the cultural heritage of the city, the region helped to reveal the intellectual and creative abilities of children, formed some judgments and assessments. The developing environment created in the group helped to implement the main directions of museum pedagogy. The design of the music hall and the creation of the mini-museum "Russian Hut" gave children an idea about the life of people in the past, their family life, clothing, household items. Children learned about folk crafts, got acquainted with the artistic and speech creativity of the people (rhymes, sayings, etc.), songs and dances. Classes in fine arts introduced children to artistic work (crafts for the holidays, making dolls and decorations for them, souvenirs and gifts), as well as establishing communications with adults and peers through joint activities and mutual assistance. Lessons built on folk games different types (competitive, speech, attention, etc.) made it possible to successfully solve the problems of the physical development of children, taking into account individual abilities. In addition, games contributed to the development of moral qualities (mutual assistance, mutual support)

Results achieved:

  • the growth of cognitive activity of children increased by 24%,
  • analysis of the results of the assimilation of knowledge in the program "Childhood" showed: average development in 73% of children, above average in 20% of children,
  • a high level of socialization of the children of the group: children are active participants in the city competition "Spring Mosaic", sports competitions with pupils of other preschool educational institutions of the city, where they win prizes,
  • increasing the activity of parents in the affairs of the group.

As a result of our work, the idea arose to create a long-term project on moral and patriotic education, which will consist of four blocks:

  • 1 block "Family and immediate environment"
  • Block 2 "Kindergarten is my second home"
  • Block 3 “Love and know your native land!
  • Block 4 "Russia is my Motherland"

Suggestions for possible distribution of the project:

The project can be used in any senior group kindergarten, in circle work, for children in groups of short-stay children, in extended groups of elementary school.

We really hope that the ongoing work will help children experience love and affection for their home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for their nation, Russian culture, language, traditions, be proud of their people, their achievements, teach them to admire nature, take care of it.

Julia Tatarkina
Project on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers "Little patriots - the future of the entire Fatherland"

Tatarkina Yulia Vitalievna

Ped. experience at MADO "Clever No. 96": 5 years

Naberezhnye Chelny

Routing project:

creative title project:


Type project: thematic

Children's age: Senior preschool age.

Members project: children, parents pupils, group educators, music director.

Implementation period project: Long-term, from September to May

… “Love for one's native land, native culture, native speech begins with small things - with love for one's family, for one's home, for one's kindergarten. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all of humanity”…

L. S. Likhachev


motherland, Fatherland. ... In the roots of these great words are those close to everyone images: mothers and fathers, in a word, parents, those who give life to a new creature that did not know anything and are nearby, laying in it the origins of a future personality.

Be patriot means to feel like an integral part Fatherland. This complex feeling arises in preschool childhood, then when the foundations of a value attitude to the world around are laid, and is formed in the child gradually, in the course of education love for your neighbors, for kindergarten, for your native places, your native country.

Preschool age as a period of personality formation has its own potential for the formation of higher moral feelings to which, and relate feeling patriotism, which includes a sense of responsibility to society, a sense of deep, spiritual attachment to the family, home, homeland, native nature, as well as a tolerant attitude towards other people. a key role in the formation family plays patriotic feelings, since it is the family that fulfills a number of needs related to the needs of the individual child and society functions: reproductive, educational, economic, spiritual and emotional, etc. The position of the parents is the basis of the family raising a child. So from an early age, a child can feel involved in the life of his people, feel like a son not only of his parents, but also of the entire Fatherland. In order for the child to grow up as a worthy son Fatherland, we adults need to teach him to love his parents, and in turn surround them with care, love and attention.

To teach to love sincerely, actively, refracting your love into an act

Let's teach him to love like that - then we will be able to educate a citizen who can be trusted with the country.


Childhood is a daily discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery become, first of all, Total, human knowledge and fatherland so that the beauty of a real person, greatness and incomparable beauty enter into the children's mind and heart Fatherland.

Childhood is a crucial stage in the formation of personality and its moral sphere. A favorable pedagogical environment created in time contributes to education in children the basics of patriotism and citizenship.

concept patriotism diverse in its content - it is respect for the culture of one's country, and a sense of inseparability with the outside world, and pride in one's people and one's Motherland.

From the first years of life, a child should love his native land, culture with his heart and soul, experience a sense of national pride, as they say. "take root in your native land". preschool age, according to psychologists, is the best period for the formation of love for a small homeland.

Patriotic education children is one of the main tasks preschool. Feeling patriotism multifaceted in content - this is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's homeland.

Project« Little patriots are the future of the entire Fatherland» includes 18 thematic blocks. Each block is designed for 2 weeks in total, which

is a close-knit activity with parents, as a result of which joint activities such as holidays, excursions, and doing homework tasks: conversations with children, participation in mini - holidays projects, exhibitions, making wall newspapers and costumes, etc.

The final link of this project is a celebration for children and parents: "Our Motherland - Russia". At the final event, active participants will be not only children, but also parents who have taken on the role "Creative group"

Idea project:

Establish mutual trusting relationships between teachers and parents on the formation patriotic personality traits of the child in different activities.

Activate and enrich educational parenting skills preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

Target project:

1. Shaping patriotic personality traits of the child through introducing children to family traditions and values.

2. Raising a citizen and patriot of one's country who loves his family, native home people close to him.


Create favorable conditions for successful implementation project.

Develop content, methods, techniques, forms of organization cognitive activity conducive moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Develop a system for long-term planning of events.

To form in the minds of adults and children patriotic values: love for one's family, one's home.

Enrich children's knowledge about their family. Give an idea about concepts: “genus”, “parents”, “pedigree”, “family”, “relatives”, “relatives”.

Expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, the terms of kinship relationships, develop the coherent speech of children.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

revive moral traditions in the modern family.

Forms of work:

With kids:

Examination of family albums, illustrations;

Exhibitions of children's works;

memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings;

Creative speech activity;

Matinees, entertainment, competitions;

conducting outdoor games; games - dramatizations;

conducting didactic and plot-role-playing games;

reading fiction;

writing stories and fairy tales about the family;

creating a mini projects together with parents.

With parents:


Conversations, consultations, parent meetings on topics project;

Open days;

Excursions, visits to museums, exhibitions

Photo contests


Family mini - projects

Preparing for implementation project.

1. Study methodological, fiction and children's literature;

2. Select illustrative material;

3. Conduct a selection of musical compositions on the topic project;

4. Organize OOD by topic project;

5. Questioning of parents. Survey of children.

6. Involving parents in joint activities within project« Little patriots are the future of the entire Fatherland»

System and sequence of work on project:

1. "The name is a great treasure"; "Name day is a holiday every year"

2. "The house I live in"; "Family circle"

3. "My Favorite Kindergarten"; "Mothers Day"

4. "We are helpers"; "All professions are needed - all professions are important"

5. "New Year is a family holiday"; “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

6. "Winter fun"; "My dad is a Protector Fatherland» ;

7. "Mom is the first word" ; "Meeting the Past"

8. "Our Motherland - Russia"; "My city Naberezhnye Chelny - Great Autocity"

9. "Great Victory Day"; "Without labor, nowhere"

Estimated result:

1. Children will replenish knowledge in sections project.

2. Children will have value moral qualities, which are the foundation for further humane education, spiritually moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens of Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all participants will increase project.

4. The relationship between children, parents and teachers will be strengthened.

5. A subject-developing environment will be created that promotes moral and patriotic education of children.


Currently project relevant and especially difficult, it requires great tact and patience, since in young modern families questions education of patriotism are not considered important and significant, and often cause only bewilderment. When implementing project on moral and patriotic education of preschoolers based on spiritual and moral traditions, there may be a problem not the desire on the part of parents to be a participant, therefore the main condition project is voluntary participation, but it is also worth remembering that the competence of the teacher must be at the highest level when introducing project and participation of all its scheduled persons. Involving the family in patriotic education of children requires special tact from the educator, attention and sensitivity to each child. Patriotic education forms in the future person love for other people, teaches to help people, educates nobility in man. Therefore, today the priority task of all teachers and parents bring up in children, love for the motherland, for their city, for their family and friends, to learn to help each other, in general, bring up a real worthy person - a citizen of the Russian Federation. Exactly preschool age - favorable period education: patriotism, love for the small Motherland, education of such moral qualities that allow you to grow preschooler a person who is a citizen of his country, patriot who know how to appreciate and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian people. One solution patriotic education becomes the organization of a unified educational- educational space for pupils, which is supported in the preschool educational institution and the family.

Used Books:

1. Burmistrova I. K., Evdokimova E. S. « Raising a Little Citizen»

2. Vinogradova N. F., Zhukovskaya R. I. "Motherland"

3. Vinogradova N. F. "Country Russia"

4. Kondrykinskaya L. A. "Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten»

5. Kazakov A. P., Shorygina T. A. "Children about the Great Victory"

6. "My home" Program moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.

7. Novitskaya M. Yu. "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten»

8. Pozdnyakova E. A. “Civil education in preschool educational proactive: planning, development of classes and events "

Internet resource:

1.http:// solnet/ru Children's portal "Sun".

Project on moral and patriotic education on the topic:


Performed by the educator MBDOU No. 277: Tatarinova Vera Gennadievna


Project on moral and patriotic education


“Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

No one can take away from us…”

M. Matusovsky

The relevance of the development and implementation of the project

Small Motherland ... Each person has his own, but for everyone it is that guiding star, which throughout life determines a lot, if not everything. The land where he was born and raised, where the stars of childhood shine - this is exactly what every person needs. One of the forms of instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children is to instill love for their native land. Love for close people, for kindergarten, for his native city and native land play a huge role in the development of a child's personality. To instill love for the native land means showing children their native land in such a way as to evoke a sense of admiration for their homeland, a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen.

“Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins with small things - love for one's family, for one's home, for one's kindergarten. Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for the native country, for its history, past and present, for all of humanity.” D.S. Likhachev

In the latter, the essence of patriotic education is being rethought: the idea of ​​patriotism and citizenship education, acquiring ever greater social significance, is becoming a task of national importance. Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small Motherland.

Native land: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features, it forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.

Simonov in the poem "Motherland" writes:

“You remember not a big country,

Which traveled and learned.
Do you remember such a Motherland,

How did you see her as a child.

And indeed, no matter how great our country is, a person connects his feeling of love for her with the places where he was born, grew up; with the street along which I walked more than once; with the yard where he planted the first tree.

The growth of scientific and technological progress, new discoveries and technical inventions have relegated spiritual values ​​to the background. The problems of educating the younger generation of love for their small homeland fell out of sight of scientists and practitioners for many years. With the enactment of the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, there have been significant changes in the development of the education system. This led to changes in the content of education. One of the priority areas was the acquaintance of preschool children with the national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country and region.

Main goals moral and patriotic education in the education system:

    to ensure the historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, the education of a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;

    education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society;

    shaping the world and interpersonal relationships, etc.


Of great importance for cognitive, social and personal and moral development children of preschool age have an acquaintance with their native country, their native village, with the history of their native land, its sights and famous people.

Parents have insufficient knowledge about their region, do not pay attention to this problem, considering it unimportant, children do not have sufficient information about their native village. Without having enough knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland.

Children's lack of cognitive interest in the history of their ancestors and the cultural heritage of the city, region, country.

Insufficient competence of parents in raising moral and patriotic feelings in children.

Changing the quality of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in order to increase the effectiveness of the education of moral and patriotic feelings in children.

The lack of an effective system of work on moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institutions.

Objective of the project:

* Implementation of an integrated approach to education in the spirit of patriotism, introducing preschoolers to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, fostering love and affection for the Motherland.


1. Create optimal conditions for introducing adults and children to the origins of the culture of their native land;

2. To cultivate feelings of love for one's family, for one's family, the development of interest in family history, family traditions;

3. Involve adults and children in active-cognitive, research activities to study and preserve the history, nature and culture of their region, city;

4. To form in children and adults a system of knowledge about their native city, region on the basis of historical, artistic and local history material.

5. Involve parents in active participation in the implementation of the project.

6. Develop coherent speech of children; enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, teach them to think freely, fantasize;

7. Cultivate a sense of pride in their countrymen, an emotional and valuable attitude towards their native land.

As part of the project implementation, the followingtechnologies:

Person-oriented education and upbringing. This is such training, where the personality of the child, its originality, self-worth is put at the forefront, the subjective experience of each is first revealed, and then coordinated with the content of education. Student-centered learning proceeds from the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the pupil himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition.

Developmental learning. Allows you to grow in the child's creative abilities and the need for creativity, orients the child to self-determination and supports the personal development of the child.

individual training. Education and training, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child, allows you to create comfortable conditions for classes. Children work at their own pace. In addition, this technology allows the most effective development of independent work skills in preschoolers.

Information and communication . In the modern world, with an ever-increasing flow of information, one cannot do without the use of information and communication technologies. In the classroom, in joint activities, multimedia presentations, musical arrangements are often used, video screenings are organized.

Development of creativity. The creative process is divided into four phases: preparation, maturation of the idea, insight and embodiment. It helps to form and develop in pupils the ability to improvise, to apply the acquired skills in new conditions, to look for non-standard solutions.

Game. As a result of the development of play activities in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially valued learning activities is formed. Children learn life and family values ​​- playing.

Design. One of the modern interactive learning technologies. Forms in preschoolers the skills of planning joint activities, designing. Promotes self-organization, teaches to make choices and make decisions. Learning together is not only easier, but also more interesting.

When building the pedagogical process to familiarize preschoolers with their native land, the following principles are laid down:

the principle of historicism. It is realized by preserving the chronological order of the described phenomena and is reduced to two historical concepts: the past (a long time ago) and the present (today). For this purpose, it was created to replenish the “Russian hut” with new exhibits. Create a photo exhibition.

The principle of humanization. It assumes the ability of the teacher to take the position of the child, take into account his point of view, not ignore his feelings and emotions, see the child as a full partner, and also focus on the highest universal concepts - love for the family, native land, Fatherland.

The principle of differentiation. It consists in creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of mastering knowledge about his native village, taking into account the age, experience gained by him, the characteristics of the emotional and cognitive sphere, etc.

The principle of integrativity . It is implemented in cooperation with the family, the children's central library, secondary school, etc. The content of local history material is determined taking into account the combination of all types of activities when introducing children to the historical and cultural characteristics of the region.

Work on moral and patriotic education is carried out according tothe following directions:

- view generation: introducing children to folk traditions and trades; acquaintance with oral folk art; acquaintance with historical events accessible to the understanding of children; expansion of ideas about nature, cities of Russia; acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); formation of elementary knowledge about human rights, etc.

- education of patriotic feelings: education in a child of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, city; formation of respect for nature; education of respect for work; developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country; the formation of a moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage; formation of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

- development of search behavior in preschoolers: development of the child’s internal activity, the ability to set goals, gain knowledge using different ways come to results.

Means for the implementation of the tasks:

Developing subject-spatial environment;

Developing activities (game, developing communication);

Method of children's projects.

Forms of work with children:

directly educational activity;

thematic conversations;


calendar holidays;

entertainment, leisure;


replenishment of the developing environment,

* exhibitions of children's works, family collections

Expected results:

Predicted outcome at the child level:

Mastering by children of available knowledge about the history of their native land;

The ability to express one's own opinion, analyze, react vividly to what is happening, provide all possible assistance to those in need;

Expanding children's knowledge aboutfamous people hometown, streets named after war heroes, monuments and other cultural values;
- expansion of children's area of ​​social and moral feelings and relationships;

Formation of the system of concepts of spiritual family values,

self-expression of children's creative abilities;
-enrichment of children's knowledge about museum culture;
-formation of elementary design and research skills and abilities;

Predicted outcome at the parent level:

Increased pedagogical literacy and competence in matters of moral and patriotic education.

Parents' interest in themselves as teachers-educators has been activated.

The experience is enriched with psychological, pedagogical and valeological knowledge.

Developed research, design, communication, organizational, reflective abilities;

A desire to cooperate with the kindergarten has been formed;
- strengthening the importance of the family in the upbringing of civil and patriotic feelings of the child; unity of all family members, revival and preservation of family traditions.
Predicted result at the level of teachers:
- increasing the professional competence of teachers in matters of civil and patriotic education of preschoolers;
- creative self-realization in professional activity.
Predicted result at the level of preschool education:
- introduction of project activities into the educational process;
- creation of a mini-museum "My city in the history of the Great Patriotic War" to enrich the developing environment for the civil and moral education of preschoolers;
-creation of a single society: teachers-children-parents-the public in the field of civil and patriotic development of the personality of a preschooler.

Target project participants:

    Children of the preparatory group (6-7 years).

    OU teachers.

    Parents of pupils.

Project type : practice-oriented, long-term, open, collective

Project implementation conditions: interest of teachers, children and parents, regularity and systematic work.

Implementation timeline: 1 year.

The project is being implemented in 3 stages.

Stage I - preparatory, includes:

1. questioning parents of knowledge and ideas about their native land, its history, attractions,

2. diagnosing children in order to identify the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about the history and culture of their native land,

Stage II - the main one, includes forms of work with children (see above).

Stage III - final, includes:

1. final diagnosis of children,

2. repeated survey of parents.

Program Sections , the content of which is included in the project: speech development, visual activity, game activity, musical activity, classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world.

long term plan project implementation work


Topic: "Chronicle of my family"

Topic: "My family tree"


    To form in children an interest in their family, the preservation of family traditions and customs, to cultivate respect for family members;

    Involve parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, i.e. the need to develop family values.

    To form and develop in children the skills of research and creative work together with educators and parents, using the project method;

Conduct forms:

Conversation "What do I know about my family",

Exhibition of children's drawings "My family";

Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about the family;

Composing stories “I will tell you about my family” (a story about ancestors on a family tree” about a family;

Family mini-project: compilation family tree"My Pedigree"


Theme: "The coat of arms of our family"

Topic: "Parental home - the beginning of the beginnings" (family holidays and traditions)

Topic: "Professions of my parents"


    Continue to form and develop the skills of research and creative work in children together with educators and parents, using the project method;

    Continue to work on studying your family, come up with the coat of arms of your family together with your parents;

    Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to do good deeds for the family, home, kindergarten;

    To consolidate the knowledge of children about the professions of parents, their name and occupation;

Conduct forms:

Family mini-projects: “Family Coat of Arms”, “Family History Mosaic” - a family study project

Exhibition of children's drawings "How we rest"

Physical culture leisure “Mom, dad, I are a friendly family together”

Making crafts for Mother's Day.

Participation in the community work day for cleaning the territory of the kindergarten.

Meetings in the Parent-Children's Club on the topic: “ Family traditions- connection of generations" (dissemination of positive family experience of moral and patriotic education)

Family celebration"All together, and the soul is in place."


Topic: "History and sights of the region."

Subject:"Nature of the area"


    Generate interest in the history of the area

    To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sights of their native area;

    To give children knowledge of what architecture is, to introduce them to some of the architectural monuments of the region that are new to them.

    To cultivate a sense of admiration for beauty, love for the native region, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

    To form children's ideas about the street on which they live (why is it called that, what used to be on this street, what it is famous for)

    To expand children's knowledge about the nature of their native area;

Conduct forms:

Presentations: "History and sights of the Sovetsky district"

Photo exhibition "Autumn in our area"

Involving parents in the arrangement of the kindergarten site, ennoblement of courtyard areas.

Design: "Streets of the Soviet District".

Exhibition of drawings: "Autumn nature".

Family mini-project: "Favorite places in the area"

« What do the street names say? (search task together with parents).

Competition of short stories "Biography of my street"

Conversation "What are parks", "Which street do you live on?",


Topic: "Industry of the region."

Topic: "Sport, culture and recreation in the Soviet district."


    To give children knowledge about industrial facilities, their harm and benefit, the ecological situation in the city.

    Familiarize yourself with the sports facilities in the area:Palace of Sports of Trade Unions, Dolphin swimming pool, Olimp swimming pool, Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. S. Pushkin, House of Children's Creativity of the Sovetsky District, Museum of Architecture and Life of the Peoples of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga Region Nagorny;

    To increase the interest of parents by involving them in recreational activities with their children, ensuring the unity of the educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the family and kindergarten.

Conduct forms:

Industrial enterprises district (correspondence tour of the district, frontal conversation)

The most important professions of people employed in production (oral story)

Reading fiction: “Who to be? » I. Karpova (a series of books about professions).

“What do crafts smell like? » D. Rodari, “Dunno in a Sunny City” N. Nosov.

Presentation: “Sights of the region. Culture and Recreation”.

Excursion to the museum of architecture and life of the peoples of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga region.

Presentation: "Sport in the native area."

Sport's event"In a healthy body healthy mind".

Crafts and drawings competition: "Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in sports."


Topic: "My hometown Nizhny Novgorod"

Topic: "Architecture of my city"


To cultivate love for the native city, the ability to see the beautiful, be proud of it.

To acquaint children with the symbols of our city (flag, coat of arms, anthem);

Maintain the interest of children and adults in the history of the city;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the architecture of their native city; introduce them to some new architectural monuments of their native city. To cultivate a sense of admiration for the beauty of the native city, love for the native city, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Introduce children to the Oka and Volga rivers; their location on the map,

Conduct forms:

Demonstration of the video film "My native Nizhny Novgorod",

"Where did the Nizhny Novgorod Land come from?"

Exhibition of photographs of historical buildings of the city of Nizhny Novgorod
Conversation "What are parks"

Photo quiz "Guess where I am?"

"Know and love your city" (drawing competition, essays, mini-reports)

Reading competition "My native Nizhny Novgorod"


Topic: "Memorable places of the native city"

Topic: "People who glorified our city"

Topic: "Future defenders of Nizhny Novgorod"

To introduce children to the most famous monuments of Nizhny Novgorod;


    To instill a sense of respect for the professions and work of adults;

    Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the city;

    To acquaint with the work of artists, writers, poets of our city;

    To form a sense of respect for the Russian army, to educate in children the desire to be like our soldiers and officers, the desire to serve in the Russian army;

    Contribute to the formation of a sense of belonging to the history and responsibility for the future of their city.

Conduct forms:

Presentation "Excursion to the memorable places of the city";

“If I were the mayor of the city, what would I do for Nizhny Novgorod?” - conversation-reasoning

"My small homeland". Scenario of thematic evening-leisure (for children of senior preschool age)

Conversations "What does it mean to be a real man?"

Calendar holidays: "Day Defender of the Fatherland»,

Photo contest "They defended our Motherland"


Subject: "My native land is a part of our Motherland.”(acquaintance with the Nizhny Novgorod region)

Topic: "History of our region"


    Expand and clarify children's knowledge of their native land;

    To instill a careful attitude to the cultural and spiritual heritage of their small homeland;

    To form ideas of children about different settlements. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the work of the inhabitants of the city and the village. Learn to find similarities and differences between the city and the village;

    To acquaint with folk applied crafts of the region;

    To acquaint children with a map of the Nizhny Novgorod region, pay attention to neighboring cities and regions;

    Give the concepts of "physical map", "terrestrial surface" (show that the entire territory of the region on the map has a different color);

    To expand children's knowledge about the history of their native land

Conduct forms:

Examination of illustrations about the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Working with the map Nizhny Novgorod region(mark together with the children the main cities of the region);

Acquaintance with art crafts (Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, Bogorodsk toy)

Drawing on a papier-mâché plate "Gift for Mom" ​​(based on Gorodets painting)

Watching videos about Nizhny Novgorod.

Making an album about the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Consultation: “How to introduce children to the historical past of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Local History Hour: "Pearl of Russia - Nizhny Novgorod Territory"


Topic: "People of the land of Nizhny Novgorod"

Topic: "The natural wealth of the land of Nizhny Novgorod"


    To expand ideas about the work of the people of the native land: to get acquainted with the professions and activities of the workers of the region;

    To introduce children to famous people who glorified their native land: I.P. Kulibin, N.I. Lobachevsky, E.A. Evstigneev, V.S. Konovalenko and others;

    To educate in children an interest, careful and creative attitude towards the nature of their native land,

    To develop the ability to feel the beauty of nature and emotionally respond to it.

    To expand and systematize the knowledge of children about the reservoirs of the region;

    Clarify children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the water;

    To teach children to protect and take care of the rivers and lakes of the region;

    Deepen knowledge about the flora and fauna of the region, habitat, customs and adaptation to life; environmental protection;

Conduct forms:

Presentation: " Famous people Territory of Nizhny Novgorod

family project: "We are the talents of the Nizhny Novgorod region."

Role-playing, didactic games:

“Who needs what for work”, “Guess the profession”, “Who to be?”

Preparation of reports on plants and animals of forests, fields, meadows of the native land;

Guessing riddles and puzzles about the animals of the region;

Did. game "Who lives where?"

Sculpting animals and birds of the area;

"Competition of connoisseurs of flora and fauna of the Nizhny Novgorod region" (together with parents);

Making a herbarium of medicinal plants of the region;

Preparation of mini-messages on the benefits of medicinal plants;

Study of the Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants;

KVN "Connoisseurs of the native land",


Subject: I know. I remember. I'm proud."

Topic: "We are eco-warriors of the land of Nizhny Novgorod."


    Find out if the children know about their loved ones who fought during the war;

    To expand children's knowledge about the Second World War, to cultivate a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen who defended our country;

    To reveal the level of knowledge of children about the famous heroes of the Great Patriotic War, whose names are associated with their native city and region, about the streets named after the heroes, about museums, monuments, parks.

    To form children's ideas about the problems of environmental pollution;

    To expand children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, the ecological state of nature;

    Improve knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in nature;

    To form an ecological culture among children and their parents, the desire to take part in environmental protection activities;

    To systematize children's knowledge about trees and shrubs, their role in the ecology of the city;

Conduct forms:

The story of those who defended their native land during the war;

A story about children-heroes of the war;

The story of those who defended their native land during the war;

Literary and musical drawing room “I know. I remember. I'm proud."

Drawing competition: "Trees in our park",

Video presentation " Interesting Facts about trees"

Participation in the People's Ecological Action "Urban Ecobomb" with the assistance of the project "The main thing is Children" (planting trees with children on the territory of the kindergarten: Siberian cedar and fir).

"Virtual journey through the forests of the region";

Musical-themed holiday "I love you, my native land!".

List of fiction to read to children:Gerzhidovich L. "I invite you to walk in the forest",A. Beresnev"How are you, forest people?"

Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents

    What do you understand by the term "patriotic education"?

    education of love for the Motherland;

    fostering respect for the older generation;

    fostering respect for the traditions and customs of their people;

    knowledge of the history of their country;

    other - _______________________________________________________________

    I find it difficult to answer.

    Is patriotic education possible in kindergarten?



    I find it difficult to answer.

    How, in your opinion, should the goal of patriotic education of preschool children be formulated?

    instill in children respect for the people of their country;

    to acquaint with the customs and traditions of their people;

    to form a careful attitude towards nature and all living things;

    expand ideas about the native land, its capital, cities;

    acquaintance with the historical past of Russia;

    education of aesthetically moral norms of behavior and moral qualities of the child.

    In your opinion, who is responsible for the patriotic education of children - teachers or parents?

    In your opinion, should preschool children be introduced to the symbols of the state, traditions, anniversaries?



    I find it difficult to answer.

    In your opinion, is the topic of familiarization with family pedigree relevant in modern society? Do you have family traditions in your home?

Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents!

We ask you to answer the questions in order to plan more effective work on patriotic education in children's lard. We kindly ask you to read the questionnaire carefully and answer the questions. Thank you!

1). Do you think it is important to educate patriotic feelings in preschool children? Why?

2). How do you develop ideas about your small homeland, attitudes towards it in your child?

3). In your opinion, at what age should a child be introduced to the history of their native land, its symbols, and cultural heritage?

4). How do you instill love for your native region, city, country in your child?

5). Does your child have favorite place in your native area, city?

6). Do you think that interaction with teachers is necessary when educating the basics of citizenship?

7). What forms of interaction with teachers in kindergarten on raising the social competence of a small citizen would be of interest to you?

- "round tables" with experts on the topic;

Joint excursions, trips;

Competitions on the topics of history and modernity of the Soviet region, Nizhny Novgorod and Russia;

Meetings for parents on the problems of education of civic feelings in modern


Home reading to the child of the proposed literature, discussion of events from the history of the country;


Appendix 2

"How to Raise a Little Patriot"
If in childhood a child experienced a feeling of pity for another person, joy from a good deed, pride in his parents, admiration from contact with a wonderful feat, he gained emotional experience.
Thus, paths will be built for associations of an emotional nature, and this is the basis, the foundation of deeper feelings, a condition for the full development of a person.
The upbringing of a little patriot begins with the closest thing to him - his native home, the street where he lives, a kindergarten.

    Draw your child's attention to the beauty of their hometown

    During the walk, tell what is on your street, talk about the meaning of each object.

    Give an idea about the work of public institutions: post office, shop, library, etc. Observe the work of the employees of these institutions, note the value of their work.

    Together with your child, take part in the work of landscaping and gardening your yard.

    Expand your own horizons.

    Teach your child how to judge his own actions and the actions of others.

    Read to him books about the motherland, its heroes, about the traditions, culture of your people

    Encourage your child for the desire to maintain order, exemplary behavior in public places.


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