Monochromatic complexion. How to even out complexion and restore skin radiance

An uneven skin tone is a problem that appears due to many factors and is common everywhere. Some do not even notice such defects on their skin. Others, most often women, spend a lot of effort and time trying to get rid of it. There are many ways to even out your complexion at home.

Why is my skin tone uneven?

A small percentage of people inhabiting the earth can boast of perfect skin. Many have certain problems, for example, the appearance age spots, redness, inflammation, peeling with the development of light areas on the face, dark circles under the eyes, bags, as well as uneven tanning.

All such skin defects in most cases affect the female half of the population, which seeks to improve their appearance, and facial skin plays an important role in it. There are many methods to stabilize the skin tone, but to choose the right option, correctly determine the cause of the development of imperfections.

Possible reasons for the development of uneven color:

It is clear that some factors arise due to the wrong behavior of the person himself and can be eliminated on their own, but to eliminate others, you will have to use medical care. In any case, the appearance of a non-uniform color on the face indicates that something in a person’s habitual lifestyle needs to be changed in order to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin.

There are a large number of methods giving a more uniform shade, which professionals share. Such procedures are carried out mainly in beauty salons and clinics by specialists. There are also non-professional procedures that can be easily carried out at home by people who do not have any professional knowledge in this area and do not have special tools and equipment.

How to even out the tone of the face with cosmetics

In order to stabilize skin color and put it in order at home, there are many special tools, some of them can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a simple cosmetic store, and the rest - create your own from products in a refrigerator. What are the most effective skin color correction methods?

It should be noted that in terms of color alignment, there are two categories of creams: quick impact and gradual. There are significant differences between them. The first, moisturizing creams, eliminate the primary color heterogeneity, while the result becomes noticeable over time. The rest of the methods instantly help to eliminate all problems with the shade, they are classified as decorative cosmetics, they may contain additional nutritional components.

The first category includes products that include natural ingredients, can supply nutrients to every cell of the skin, as well as restore the overall structure, stabilize metabolism and fight the aging process. They also significantly increase the protective performance of the skin. Main disadvantage- this is the need for long-term use to achieve an impressive effect.


This tool has long been used to give a uniform skin tone. It is considered the most widely used method for changing skin tone. Creams from different manufacturers differ from each other in their texture, shades, stability when applied for the whole day. They may contain additional useful substances.

The finer the texture of the cream and the more correctly selected its shade, the more natural it will look on your face when applying makeup. But many tonal creams they simply clog pores, as a result of which air exchange is disturbed, which leads to problems with the skin. The foundation should be applied to cleansed skin, treated with a primer or corrector. After application, it must be “sealed” with powder. At the end of the day, the foundation must be washed off the face with special makeup removers.

BB cream

In Asia, such a remedy is called a balm for skin imperfections. The specially developed formula was created from the very beginning to mask serious problems with the skin of the face after operations, but then it began to be used as a base for make-up. BB cream is capable qualitatively hide inflammation and redness on the face, scars, freckles, age spots.

It evens out the structure, hides enlarged pores, nourishes and moisturizes, slightly brightens the skin. Some manufacturers introduce substances into their products that additionally protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. When cleansing the skin from such a cream, you need to use a special oil.

CC cream

This tool is considered an improved version of BB cream., compared to which it has a significantly reduced amount of oils, which facilitates the overall texture of the product. The tool can be used even in the area around the eyes, as well as for the care of dark circles and their masking. It has high durability, optimally matches the natural tone of the face. Another important function of the cream is UV protection, moisturizing and nourishing, matting areas with increased sebum secretion, anti-aging effect.

The advantages of using creams from decorative cosmetics are the speed and simplicity in achieving the goal. Main disadvantages: high price in truly quality products, the inability to completely eliminate uneven skin tone.

Folk remedies for tone alignment

How to even out skin tone? Folk remedies for skin surface care are the best option, if there is either no time or financial means for frequent visits to cosmetologists. ethnoscience to eliminate uneven tone, it consists in using those substances and products that any housewife has in the house, you just need to take into account the characteristics of the body, so as not to accidentally make yourself worse out of ignorance.

Some recipes for stabilizing skin tone:

Using familiar products to improve complexion provides a high rate of effectiveness. Natural substances that contain a complex of vitamins and minerals can safely and quickly improve not only complexion, but also improve skin health.

Applying face masks

How to even out skin tone? Even skin tone can be achieved by applying different masks. There are several rules for performing procedures:

Recipes for masks to even out complexion:

Potato mask. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, turn it into a homogeneous mass, using a grater, blender, or, in extreme cases, a meat grinder. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of milk. Such a mask will qualitatively moisturize the face, and sour cream will brighten the upper layers of the skin.

Yeast mask. 20 grams of yeast (preferably live) is taken and diluted with warm water until a thick mixture is obtained, one tablespoon of olive oil is added. The time for applying such a mixture is 15 minutes. To wash off the mask, use warm water. After this treatment, the skin will become more elastic, hydrated and slightly brightened.

Every woman strives for perfect skin. Not proper care, as well as various dermatological problems leave their marks. It is not possible to mask some of them with foundation. Too thick a layer of concealer will be visible and will not add to the attractiveness. In addition, for those who constantly use foundation and powder, existing defects are exacerbated, as cosmetics often clog pores and provoke inflammation. You can remove acne marks and blackheads with both home and salon methods.

Laser correction will help to even out facial skin defects after acne and blackheads. Allows you to get rid of scars that remain after the treatment of dermatological diseases or burns. The laser beam is directional. It burns the cells of the epidermis. Does not cause pain only slight tingling may occur. The skin after laser treatment actively produces collagen and quickly recovers.

2. Oxygen therapy.

Smoothes the skin texture by compacting the upper layers of the epidermis with cosmetic gas. The specialist introduces it through injections. Purified oxygen is supplied under pressure, which provokes fast recovery fabrics. Regeneration processes are accelerated, due to which even chronic scars dissolve. Oxygen therapy has an antiseptic effect, helping to eliminate acne and pimples on the face.

3. Biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization will help to improve the relief of the skin. By means of an injection, the cosmetologist will introduce enzymes, a vitamin complex, and fruit acids into the epidermis. The main purpose of the procedure is to smooth out wrinkles. But at the same time, there is an active restoration of the fiber and an increase in the production of collagen. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic, the oval of the face is tightened.

4. Cryomassage.

Activates metabolic processes in the epidermis. If there is no acne on the face, but it is necessary to cope with post-acne, excessive oily skin and prevent inflammation in the future, this procedure is suitable. The cosmetologist applies liquid nitrogen to the skin, treating the face several times, as the substance gradually evaporates. After the session, there is redness and swelling, which soon disappear. Cryotherapy removes traces of inflammation, helps to narrow pores and regulates the sebaceous glands. After it, the face should be lubricated with sunscreen before going outside.

5. Microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion, which in its properties resembles mechanical peeling, can even out skin tone. After cleansing, the specialist applies a cream with an exfoliating effect. To remove scars and keloid scars, you need to visit at least 10 sessions.

6. Peeling.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out manually using special tools. It allows you to get rid of acne and blackheads. From the reviews it follows that manual cleaning is more effective than a hardware technique, as it can eliminate even chronic problems. After the procedure, the doctor disinfects the skin and applies a mask that will narrow the pores and heal the damage. Even out the skin and achieve perfect color faces can be through injections with hyaluronic acid. The substance fills the depressions in the epidermis. The introduction of acid into the scar tissue softens it and makes the irregularities invisible.

home methods

You can get rid of defects not only in the salon, but also at home. It is necessary to choose the right cosmetics so that they stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells. For washing, you need to use a special gel or foam, and not soap. Since the latter violates the natural ph-balance and provokes rashes.

Get rid of scars and scars at home will help:

  • Lubrication of the face with vinegar, lemon, tomato and cucumber juice. Juices will cleanse the skin and smooth the surface.
  • Massage with almond oil smoothes the face after removing acne.
  • Sandal paste. The skin is cleaned and a mask is applied from the mass soaked in water, kept for 10 minutes and washed off.
  • Clay is mixed with water and essential oils. The face is cleansed and a mask is applied to the affected areas a couple of times a week. The course of procedures lasts 2-3 months.

To even out the relief of the skin of the face at home will help:

  • Steam baths.

Prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, celandine and birch leaves. When it boils, remove the container from the fire. The face is tilted over the pelvis and covered with a terry towel. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. During this time, the pores open well, and the scar tissue softens. Then you need to wash.

  • Coffee scrub.

It is used for peeling at home and will help even out the relief and make the skin very smooth. To prepare the scrub, you need to take finely ground coffee and suitable remedy for washing. It can be foam or liquid soap. Dilute the coffee to the consistency of gruel. The composition is applied to the cleansed face except for the area around the eyes and massage is carried out with light movements. Wash after that.

  • Badyaga.

A ready-made skin smoothing agent in the form of a gel and powder is purchased at a pharmacy. It restores blood microcirculation, accelerating the healing process of scars, eliminates acne and blackheads and has a venotonic effect. Badyaga improves complexion, heals wounds and reduces scars. Apply a thin layer on roughened skin, on scars after acne and stand for a quarter of an hour. Then the composition is washed off. Badyagu should not be used for very sensitive skin. If redness appears, then the skin should be lubricated with a soothing cream.

Overview of masks

The following masks will even out the complexion:

  • For oily and normal skin a mask based on citrus peel is suitable. In a blender, a gruel is prepared from the fresh skins of 1-2 fruits of a lemon, lime or orange. For dry and sensitive skin, the zest must first be dried.
  • Mix a tablespoon of glycerin, 20 drops of camphor alcohol and a teaspoon of baking soda. The composition is applied with a cotton swab, distributing along the massage lines. The mask is left on the face for a quarter of an hour and washed off. Next, smear nutritious cream.
  • To prepare a yeast mask, dilute 20 g of powder in water to a creamy consistency. For dry skin, it is recommended to add 15 ml of olive oil to the mixture. The finished product is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed off.
  • For a nettle mask, a few fresh leaves of the plant are ground in a blender. Pour a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil into the mass. The composition is kept on the face for 10 minutes. The mask is not suitable for sensitive skin as it can cause irritation.
  • A potato mask is prepared from a tuber boiled in its uniform, which is ground into a homogeneous mass. Puree is mixed with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 15 ml of milk. In order for the mask to acquire stronger cleansing and regenerating properties, 5 ml of glycerin and olive oil are added to it.
  • Bread mask smoothes the skin, eliminating traces of acne and blackheads, removes wrinkles under the eyes. The composition acts very gently, does not cause irritation and redness. To prepare the mask, take a crumb of white bread. It is soaked in milk for 10 minutes. Add a few drops of olive oil to the mass and then apply to problem areas. Maintain the mask for a quarter of an hour.

Kefir or ayran will help not only improve the relief, but also even out the tone and color of the skin of the face at home. These sour milk need to wipe the face. When the first layer dries, apply the next one. So repeat 5-8 times.

These home remedies effectively even out the relief of the face and can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. Ingredients prepared according to folk recipes, are completely natural and quickly eliminate defects after acne is cured.

In severe cases, smoothing the skin relief at home is difficult. Needs plastic surgery. Small defects can be masked by special means. At the same time, cosmetics are used, which are aimed at restoring and regenerating processes in tissues. Cream therapy is preferable to surgery, but will take longer. Salon treatments will help enhance the effect of cosmetics.

Hello dear blog readers. Today we will talk about how to even out the skin tone of the face. Gray, earthy skin, age spots, pimples and circles under the eyes do not add charm and charm to any girl at all.

But what if there is a long-awaited date, an important meeting or an interview ahead, where you need to make a lasting impression?

The answer is simple - urgently get rid of imperfections and minor defects. effective methods there are a lot, so read and choose the most suitable option.

Cosmetical tools

If you need to become irresistible in just a few hours, decorative cosmetics will be your best assistant. Only the effect of its use is short-lived, and it is not able to thoroughly solve the problem.

The first and most important rule is to prepare your face before applying makeup.

Carefully study the main stages and enjoy the magnificent reincarnation:

  • wash, cleanse your face with foam, milk or scrub;
  • wet the skin, apply a moisturizer, wait 5 minutes until completely absorbed. You can use the base under the tone with an ultraviolet filter, which is 15;
  • use a primer. It visually smoothes the skin, hides minor defects and wrinkles. Here, too, there are nuances. For example, a matting agent will prevent the appearance of oily sheen, a radiant primer will make the face more rested and well-groomed. Moisturizer will remove peeling, green will mask red spots, and lilac will normalize the shade of an earthy complexion. Therefore, choose a primer, depending on the problem that needs to be solved. After using the product, wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply . It will make the skin monotonous, hide enlarged pores and dryness. You can go for a little trick and adjust the oval. To do this, a light shade of the product must be applied to central part faces, and dark tone distribute evenly on the sides and under the cheekbones. Blend the borders with a brush;
  • use a concealer to mask age spots and acne. The tool requires a point, dosed application, so be very careful;
  • apply highlighter to the highest points of the cheekbones, above the outline upper lip, a thin strip on the back of the nose and dotted into the inner corners of the eyes.

Now you have an even, radiant, but rather pale tone. To complete the look, swipe the bronzing powder over the cheeks, forehead and nose, and then apply a little blush from the center of the cheeks to the cheekbones. Fix the perfect result with powder. Admire your own beauty and try not to spoil everything with an inept make-up. With such perfect skin, it is enough to apply a little mascara to the eyelashes, light eye shadow and lip gloss.

Tip: If you want to even out your complexion without applying foundation just skip this step.

Use a color-correcting primer, a long-lasting concealer, or a blur product. They smooth the skin, mask enlarged pores and reflect light, hiding all imperfections.

The main thing to remember: all good things should be in moderation. Use a minimum of concealers, otherwise turn your face into an unnatural and tasteless mask. But this is absolutely not what we need.

It will be useful to purchase special serums. The action of the concentrate is aimed at removing toxins, stimulating cell renewal, improving blood circulation and evening skin tone. They effectively lighten pigmented areas, smooth the microrelief, get rid of the "senile" complexion, increase the elasticity of the skin.

Cosmetic procedures

Professional cosmetologists also offer a lot effective methods how to even out skin tone. If you are used to trusting specialists, feel free to contact a beauty salon or a private clinic. Here they will pick up effective procedure, which will eliminate exactly your defects.

And before that, you can prepare and carefully study what services qualified cosmetologists offer:

  • chemical peeling. Removes dead cells through various acids. It allows you to get rid of age-related pigmentation, freckles, acne scars, and reduce pores. The procedure stimulates cell division, increases the production of own collagen, improves tone;

  • diamond peeling. Removes age spots, acne and acne, old scar tissue, fine wrinkles and tightens pores;

  • cryotherapy. Allows you to get rid of papillomas, warts, acne, allergic rashes, wrinkles. Brightens the skin of the face, eliminates sagging, improves blood circulation and improves skin tone;

  • laser cleaning will help even out the skin tone of the face. Stops inflammatory process, removes excessive fat content and "crow's feet", reduces enlarged pores, evens out the microrelief, eliminates pigmentation;

  • oxygen therapy. Gets rid of dull gray color face, hyperpigmentation, swelling and dark circles under the eyes, facial wrinkles and acne;
  • microdermabrasion. Evens out skin tone, eliminates age spots, fine and deep wrinkles, scars, blackheads and pimples. Reduces pores, softens rough skin that has been exposed to long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays, wind, low temperatures and other negative external factors;

  • biorevitalization. Relieves wrinkles, dull skin, dryness, rosacea and age spots. Slows down the processes of wilting, restores tone, elasticity and normal moisture balance in the cells.

Important: You do not need to choose the procedure yourself. Your beautician will do it for you. Having determined the type of skin, its condition and the main problems that need to be solved, he will select the correct and most effective method.

Grandma's recipes

If a beauty salon is too expensive, the tone of the face can be evened out at home.

Carefully study how to even out the skin tone of the face and what means to use so that the skin shines from the inside, is perfectly smooth and delights with a natural shade:

  • pour ice into one vessel, add lavender or mint decoction. Pour hot water into the second bowl, drip a small amount of citrus ether or grate lemon zest. wet tissue paper in ice water and apply to the face for a minute. Then moisten another cloth in hot water and cover your face. Repeat steps for 10-15 minutes. Contrasting baths will even out the complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • combine 5 grams of chopped parsley, lime blossom, oak bark and sage. Add a glass of vodka, close the container, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Wipe the face with the resulting tincture;
  • chop the cucumber on a grater (pre-remove the seeds), add 5 grams of starch. Spread the mask over the skin, hold for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, apply a nourishing cream;
  • combine the same amount of watermelon and lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, hold for a third of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Homemade recipes can even out the tone of the face without the use of cosmetics.

Remember: folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to test it on the inside of your wrist.

If discomfort, itching, burning and small pimples do not appear within 15 minutes, you can begin to improve the skin of your face. Do not forget that for a healthy and beautiful skin you need to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. It would be useful to add lemon or cucumber juice to it. Learn to eat the right food. Sea and dairy products, tomatoes, carrots, plums, spinach, pumpkin and papaya have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

And you definitely need a strong, seven-hour sleep. Without it, the skin will sag, lose its freshness, and lie under the eyes. dark circles.

Take good care of your skin, shine and enjoy life.

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For many women, the problem of uneven and unhealthy complexion is quite acute. They begin to mask this flaw with makeup and various cosmetics. In fact, there are ways that help even out complexion even at home.


It is very important to first understand what is causing the uneven tone, and try, if possible, to eliminate it. The following factors can affect the skin and its appearance:

  • Nutrition. What a person eats, sooner or later is reflected in his appearance. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and exclude harmful foods, such as fried, salty, spicy, fast food, soda. Skin color can be positively affected by foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits (especially green and yellow color), lean meats and fish, liver, eggs, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, seafood. It is very useful to drink juice from carrots and beets, citrus fruits to even out the tone.
  • Fluid intake. It is very important to drink enough water throughout the day. For example, a healthy person is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to drink non-carbonated water.
  • Quality sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, over time, the body begins to deplete, and this, of course, changes the tone of the face. To obtain even tone It's not enough just to sleep all day. But if you go to bed at 10 pm, and not later, positive changes can be seen in 2 weeks.
  • Ecology and sun. It is quite difficult to hide from environmental pollution, as well as from ultraviolet radiation, but minimizing them negative impact quite possible. To do this, do not forget about the daily cleansing of the pores of the face from impurities and the use of sunscreens with a high level of SPF.

Causes of uneven facial tone

  • Diseases of the digestive system. They also negatively affect the skin and complexion. Stomach problems will turn the face grayish or yellowish. Dark circles under the eyes will tell about skin diseases.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, strong coffee, also lead to changes in facial tone.

If you do not moisturize the skin, it becomes dry and loses its ability to beat off ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is important to apply every day special cream and an agent that saturates the cells with moisture. An important aspect that affects the complexion is proper care. It must be understood that daily washing with hard tap water, the use of various foams and gels can lead to excessive drying of the epidermis. Because of this, it is best to use micellar water that does not rinse off, or to soften the water with herbal decoctions. To even out the tone, it is very useful to make special cosmetic procedures e.g. masks, scrubs. Of course, you can solve the problem by visiting a beauty salon, where they will do professional cleaning and polishing, but at home you can achieve no less results. The main thing is longer.

Moisturizing the skin of the face

home cosmetics

To even out the complexion, you need to carry out a whole range of activities. For example, it is very good to do steam baths with the help of various herbs. You can use chamomile flowers, calendula, St. John's wort, thyme. At home, the bath is prepared as follows:

  1. In a metal container (pan) put 2 tablespoons of dry grass, for example, chamomile and pour 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil.
  2. After the water boils for a few minutes, remove the container from the heat. They bend over the steam and wrap themselves with a towel on top.
  3. Take a steam bath for 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. It is important to ensure that there is no burn. No need to endure if it burns a lot.

After the pores have opened, you can apply nourishing masks for skin smoothing. To make the effect of the procedures greater, you can use special scrubs that effectively remove the keratinized layers of the epidermis. As a peeling, you can use the following composition: oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder (50 g), 0.5 cups of raspberries, 3 tbsp. l. kefir. All components must be well beaten. Apply for 5 minutes and rinse.

Steam baths with herbs

For a more thorough peeling that helps to even out the surface of the epidermis, it is recommended to use a coffee scrub. For cooking you will need:

  1. Combine 2 tsp. coffee (ground), 2 tbsp. l. kefir and a little rice flour for density.
  2. Apply the mixture in gentle circular motions and wash off after a few minutes with a herbal decoction.


Cosmetic masks for tone alignment can be purchased ready-made or made at home. Building them is quick and easy. As ingredients, you can use everything that is in the refrigerator and not only.

To even out the tone, you can make various masks based on berries, vegetables and fruits:

  • With oatmeal. Mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and 3 tbsp. l. hot milk to get the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. Helps to even out the skin and makes it silky and soft.
  • Mask with carrot juice. You can improve the color using the following procedure. Grate carrot and apple, add a little lemon juice, olive oil and one chicken yolk. Keep the mixture for at least 20 minutes. Wash off with a warm decoction of chamomile or calendula.

  • Mask with coffee and zucchini. A mixture of brewed strong coffee and zucchini juice (1: 1 ratio) will help to get an even color. You can apply to the skin with a cotton sponge or “thicken” the mixture with rice, oatmeal.
  • Badyaga. You can even out the skin and make the complexion bright and beautiful with the help of badyagi pharmacy powder. Preparing the mixture is pretty easy. You just need to dilute the powder to a creamy consistency. The procedure time is 15 minutes. After that, be sure to use a moisturizer.
  • White clay. For leveling at home, you can use a product made from white cosmetic clay powder. Also used rose water, rosehip oil. The mask is applied to the skin, covered with plastic wrap. Time is a quarter of an hour. It is best to remove with herbal decoction.
  • It is very good to use cucumber or dandelion juice compresses for smoothing.

Even skin tone with makeup


With the help of high-quality and skillful makeup, you can also achieve smoothing of the surface of the face. Of course, with its removal, the problem will remain, but this method saves in situations where you need to look your best.

Good day to our precious readers! The topic of our article is skin smoothing at home . We will figure out how to restore even skin color. How to fix scars and scars after acne. What skin smoothing products to choose - creams or folk masks.

We received a consultation from the leading cosmetologist of the capital's beauty salon! And now we will tell you how to even out the skin on your face right at home!

Why even out the skin on the face

Everything is simple. Appearance is half of our self-confidence. Agree, bumpy skin and spots and pits after acne does not add confidence at all. And creates the impression of neglect.

The second reason is health. Subcutaneous fat accumulates under the uneven skin. Dust clogs into pits and enlarged pores. Damaged skin is malnourished and becomes flabby faster. All this can also create conditions for skin diseases.

So the alignment of the skin of the face just necessary. And simple enough! With regular alignment of the skin, the face will become perfect. Take the time - it's better to even out your skin for a couple of months than to be ashamed of your own reflection for years.

At home, the following skin smoothing products are available to us:

  • Cosmetic creams from the store
  • Folk recipes for skin smoothing creams
  • Skin smoothing face masks

We will consider all the means that bring results. These products are proven by the experience of many people and confirmed by dermatologists!

Creams for smoothing the skin on the face

To choose a cream for smoothing the skin of the face , first assess the "scale" of the problem. If the scars and bumps on the skin are small, and the spots are almost invisible, then scrubs should not be carried away. It is enough to use scrubs like 2 times a month"Propeller"(150 rubles) or "One Hundred Beauty Recipes"(80 rubles). And maintain the skin daily with a smoothing face cream"Eraser"(80 rubles). It will speed up skin renewal and remove scars.

Cream that evens out the complexion and the texture of the skin is very effective, but expensive - from 250 rubles,Vichi Norma Derm.

Skin smoothing creams , contain various acids - fruit, salicylic. And somewhat harsh. Therefore, carefully look at which skin the cream is intended for. There is a great option for oily skin, thin and thick. This facial skin smoothing cream Avene, is called "Diacneal". A jar of 30 ml. costs 130 rubles. It is used as medicine- applied once a day at night, washed off in the morning.

Retinoic ointment costs from 250 rubles in pharmacies. It treats not only scars, but also spots, evens out complexion, fights seborrhea on the face and rosacea. An excellent comprehensive tool.

You can make your own skin smoothing cream.

Smoothing face cream at home


  1. Lemon juice - ¼ tsp
  2. Apple cider vinegar - ¼ tsp
  3. Butter or unsalted pork fat - 1 tsp

How to cook: melt the fat a little and stir in the acids.

How to apply: put on clean skin cream and hold for up to an hour. Wash away. Use 2-3 times a week. Do not use on thin or sensitive skin.

Masks for smoothing the skin on the face

The complex helps the fastest and facial skin smoothing masks and smoothing cream. The mask is easy to make yourself. In terms of reliability, they are even better than purchased ones - without contraindications and with a "cumulative" effect. Beneficial smoothing agents remain in the skin for a long time and prevent relapses.

Citrus Smoothing Mask


  1. Lemon peel - 1 tsp
  2. Orange peel - 1 tsp
  3. Grapefruit peel - 1 tsp
  4. Fresh banana - ¼ fruit

How to cook: Scroll the whole peel in a meat grinder. Crush the banana and stir into the oily mass of the peel.

How to use: 2 times a week, smear the mask on a clean face and wash off after 20 minutes. This mask for the face , leveling and scars, and skin color, suitable for oily and mixed type skin.

Glycerin face mask


  1. Pharmacy glycerin - 1 tbsp.
  2. Camphor oil - 1 tsp
  3. Baking soda - ½ tsp

How to prepare: mix all parts of the mask.

How to use: Massage the mask into the skin without pressing. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. This face mask suitable even for a thin epidermal layer.

Nettle for skin smoothing


  1. Fresh small nettle leaves - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sour cream is fatter - 1 tbsp.
  3. Linen or olive oil- 1 tsp

How to cook: Scroll the leaves through a meat grinder and combine with the rest of the ingredients.

How to use: Gently rub the mask and leave for half an hour. Rinse and anoint the skin with a nourishing and protective cream.

note that face masks at home Herbal formulas are suitable for all skin types. Especially in the summer, try to make a choice in favor of herbal masks.

Mask for smoothing the complexion


  1. Baton crumb - 1 serving piece
  2. Low-fat milk - 1 tbsp.
  3. Chamomile essential oil - 3 drops

How to cook: Pour the bread with milk and butter. Mix and let stand 5 minutes.

How to use: 3 times a week, smear the mask on the skin and hold for 30 minutes. This mask is especially good for rough skin. Bread and milk will soften the epidermis, eliminate peeling, even out skin color on the face.

Facial skin smoothing at home: conclusions

From our article, we learned:

  • Why even out your skin?
  • How to make face cream at home
  • What creams smooth the skin on the face
  • How much do skin smoothing products cost?
  • What masks will help even out the color and texture of the skin

Returning the skin to a healthy color and normal texture is a long process. It takes about 2 months for the skin to completely renew itself. But we will not give up - after all, beautiful pink skin without flaws awaits us at the finish line!

Take care of yourself with love! See you in the next articles!
