Congratulations on the 35th wedding anniversary. Beautiful congratulations on a linen wedding (35 wedding years)

coral wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

What to wish a married couple who have lived side by side for such a long time and preserved harmony? Only health, prosperity and happiness. Let your sincere wishes will leave a mark in their memory for a long time.

Congratulations on your anniversary! Like huge coral islands, family life is built from daily worries and joys, cemented by an attentive attitude and respect for each other. It takes not a year or two, but a whole life. But you can rightfully be proud of your "family atoll", unique in beauty and strength. Let storms bypass you, and love, peace and tranquility always reign in your cozy home!

Congratulations on a wonderful date of living together, on your 35th anniversary, on a coral or linen wedding! I wish the canvas of your life and your happiness to be strong, strong, colorful and rich, I wish health and well-being to the family, may your home always remain a full bowl of joy, fun, family celebration and smiles!

Congratulations on the anniversary of family life - thirty-five years! I wish that tenderness, care and amazing mutual understanding in your long-term family relationships grow with incredibly beautiful corals along the bottom of a rich life together in the clear waters of azure happiness!

Congratulations on your linen wedding! Thirty-five years ago you decided to create new family, and today you have proved to all of us that you can live happily ever after, together weaving the threads of fate into a strong fabric of life. May your every day bring only joyful moments! Let life embroider gold patterns on the canvas, covering it with the love of children and grandchildren! Let the years not affect your health and strength of mind, so that we can meet here just as amicably on the fiftieth anniversary, and you can boast of an elegantly embroidered golden canvas of life!

The thirty-fifth wedding anniversary is called coral. When you created a family, you planted this coral at the bottom of the sea, and today it has grown to a gigantic size, having already blossomed 35 branches of happiness. May your life be so carefree and full of love and happiness, like when your coral released only the first branch! Take care of each other, let love warm your hearts with kindness and care!

By connecting your destinies and weaving your different habits and actions into them, you have become one! For 35 years, you have grown into a beautiful and strong family, like corals, releasing new beautiful branches into the world. We wish that the joy of waiting for the coming morning never fades between you two, and that each new evening is warm and tender for you!

Congratulations on the 35th anniversary of family life, on a linen wedding, coral anniversary! I sincerely want to wish warmth and light to your family, peace and prosperity to your home, health and happiness to all relatives, unquenchable love and good hopes!

On this wonderful anniversary, we want to congratulate you on such a successful and strong marriage! Congratulations on the fact that you have successfully passed all the tests that you met on your joint path. You were able to carry your wonderful feelings through the years! You have not violated the oaths of fidelity and love - and this deserves our congratulations!

Congratulations, dear newlyweds, on the coral family anniversary! We wish that bypassing the insidious reefs of life, you will confidently go to joint happy everyday life. So that your marriage, tested by time and trials, be more valuable and dearer to you than black coral!

Today is your coral wedding! I wish all quarrels and grievances dissolved! I wish that in life there were only sunny and warm moments! Well-being to your family and true love, sincere happiness and health!

Congratulations on your 35th anniversary! May your relationships always be exciting, bright, unpredictable, original, like a coral branch! Let fresh impressions overwhelm your everyday life, turning every moment into a true holiday full of joyful emotions!

With a coral anniversary, with a linen wedding, I congratulate you with all my heart! May the wonderfully and amicably lived together 35 years leave warm and joyful memories in your life! May your love remain true and strong to the end! I wish you bright and joyful family holidays, well-being, prosperity and good luck!

Our dear parents, we congratulate you on this anniversary! May this date be one of the happiest for your marriage! Congratulations, keep your love and give it to each other endlessly and free of charge!

Our dear heroes of the occasion! Congratulations on coral wedding! And since coral is considered a stone of inspiration and wisdom, we wish you that these two components always accompany your marriage so that you are doomed to a long and happy life!

A significant date is 35 joint years, I sincerely congratulate you on a coral wedding, on a linen anniversary! May your life not lose joy and happiness! May there be a lot of good luck and luck in it! May your family always be strong and friendly! May health and prosperity reign in your house!

You are the real proof that time has no power over true love! Thirty-five years together, and through all these years you managed to carry your feeling. We wish you health, prosperity, happiness, family comfort! Let your hearts beat just as gently and tremblingly when you look at each other! Congratulations on the coral wedding and, of course, shout "Bitter"!

You have passed another reef of family life, and this reef is coral! May your life be as rich and varied as the underwater world! And you enjoy the wonderful moments and know that not all the treasures of fate have been found by you, therefore we wish you to find them without fail!

Your strong family is 35 years old today! The symbol of this wonderful anniversary is the extraordinarily beautiful and rapidly growing corals. May your relationships always retain true beauty, and may love, understanding and all good things multiply, forming protective reefs for you that protect you from any problems!

35 years together, congratulations! Your family is now, like a coral reef, growing and multiplying, sparkling with sincerity of relationships, joy on their faces, depth of feelings. On this wonderful wedding anniversary, we wish that life will bring you many more amazing surprises, happy moments, great achievements and pleasant love excitement!

On such a wonderful day, I would like to wish you two an unlimited ocean of happiness, joy and prosperity! Live and rejoice in wonderful children and grandchildren! Forget about all the problems and sorrows, because life is just beginning for the two of you! Thirty-five years of marriage is a serious date, and you have achieved it together, hand in hand! Congratulations! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your coral wedding! I wish the canvas of your life together be clean and smooth! Don't lose your love and understanding! I wish you to live as much in peace, harmony, health and prosperity! Let your happiness be coral, just as beautiful, strong and durable!

Thirty-five years of marriage is a treasure! No wonder the anniversary is called coral. Coral reefs are very valuable, they grow for many years, withstanding all the tests of the ocean depths. You, too, have stood the test of life with your head held high. Love each other, treat with understanding and respect! Appreciate the experience that you have gained over the years! Enjoy life, because you deserve it!

Dear mommy and daddy! Today is not an easy day, today is your anniversary day! Today is your linen wedding, which means that you two have been together for thirty-five years! We wish you always stay happy and loving friend friend! After all, this is the most important thing!

Congratulations on this anniversary! Now your union is like aged wine - it is strong, sparkling and diverse. It sparkles with feelings of joy, happiness and love, and thanks to them it is so strong. We congratulate you on such a wonderful date and hope to receive an invitation to the fortieth anniversary!

On this significant day for you, I want to offer my congratulations on the successful overcoming of the marathon 35 years long! Undoubtedly, during this time you have overcome more than a dozen obstacles: jumped into the abyss, climbed the peaks, crossed the seas and oceans. But still they managed to get out of any life situations with dignity. Of course, it was not without the help of your love and endless mutual understanding that always accompany you. You are real heroes for everyone present. Therefore, we sincerely wish you to overcome the next distance as unitedly and reach the diamond milestone! Happiness to you and good luck!

Thirty-five years have passed since you said "Yes" in the registry office, now you just have to admire! Now this union rests not only on romance and love - it is firmly held together by mutual respect, care and gratitude for the years spent together. Do not forget that the canvas represents the strength that undoubtedly characterizes the union of two lovers. On this day, you want to wish only happiness and that it does not leave your home and your hearts! To make your union even stronger, and love even stronger! Happy Anniversary!

Your children are already over thirty, and every day, every minute of all 35 years you feel the beating of each other's hearts! We congratulate you on a coral, well-deserved wedding! We wish your strong, already cemented union to last at least as long! So that we all gather for your golden wedding, and in another twenty years - for your seventieth birthday married life! May there be more smiles and fewer tears, more joy and less sadness, a lot of mutual understanding and even more love! Health and happiness to you, your children and grandchildren! Wait for your great-grandchildren and show them by your example what true love is!

Congratulations, beloved children, on the 35th anniversary of your married life! The canvas symbolizes strength - the main quality of your family. Carry it further with honor and dignity, keeping faith in each other!

On the day of your linen wedding, on the coral date, I sincerely wish you beautiful drawings, cheerful patterns, bright colors and rich colors on the canvas of your family life! You have been together for 35 happy years, nothing is impossible for you anymore. May the future life together bring only good surprises! May every day give you only joy, bright hope, your comfort and good!

A linen wedding is certainly not the most expensive material, but it is quite strong and smooth. So I wish your relationship to be just as strong and smooth! And how much a thing costs does not matter, the main thing is what it consists of. On the thirty-fifth anniversary of your life together, I would like to wish you only what you need, namely happiness, luck, health and inspiration! Let every new day start for you with a smile to each other! Happy holiday!

Happy anniversary of your joint union, mom and dad! For thirty-five years now, your marriage has been an example of fidelity, pure love, sincere friendship, mutual understanding and respect for us! We wish you to continue to carry your holy union through the years, love and grandchildren-great-grandchildren!

My beloved mom and dad! Today we celebrate your linen wedding! You have been together for 35 happy years! During this time you have achieved a lot! You have intertwined your lives as tightly as the threads of a linen are intertwined. We, your children and grandchildren, have become a large and friendly family forever bound by the fabric of your love. I wish you to stick together every day, understand and support each other's undertakings! You are wonderful! Love you!

For 35 years, your family union has lived in this world and continues to walk along the path of life, delighting your relatives and loved ones! We express our appreciation and gratitude to you for being one of the most worthy examples of family happiness and prosperity. We wish you good health, long life and many joyful moments that make everyday life magical and beautiful!

On this day, I want to thank you for your loyalty, for tenderness, for the wisdom with which you have kept our marriage for 35 years! I am grateful for the love - that endless sea that flows in your heart, and in which you so generously allow me to swim. You did not forget me in a difficult hour and did not leave me in the days of joy. So let me go on next to you until the very end of this happy journey!

Congratulations on your thirty-fifth wedding anniversary! People call it linen. Let the canvas of your life be one for two, keep it strong and clean, never tear or get dirty! Let the only patterns on the canvas be love and happiness, the good luck of your children and grandchildren, your joint success!

Your union is a model of mutual understanding and admirable love, because you have been together for 35 years! Congratulations on your coral wedding! May this anniversary be another step on your family's long and happy journey! We wish you to be young at heart and always remain in love, like on your wedding day!

Congratulations on the Linen Wedding, you two have been together for thirty-five years! And, although for us you are still children, but you will always remain them. And children can only wish the very best. May your love never fade away, and may troubles not approach you even a cannon shot!

Children, dear, I can’t even believe that today is the day of your linen wedding! As if yesterday I blessed you for your wedding, and more recently we celebrated your silver wedding! And although the years fly like moments, and you yourself have become grandparents, for me you will always remain children who need care. And therefore I want to wish you two love and troubles that are afraid of her, and therefore they will never approach your house. I want to take a walk at your golden wedding!

Love is... the high urge of the individual to grow and mature, to become something within oneself, to become a kind of world, to become a world within oneself for the sake of another! This is a great, almost overwhelming demand, something that elects us and calls us to greatness. Love is that two retire in order to protect, support and enjoy each other. And on the thirty-fifth anniversary of your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you to protect your love and at the same time not feel empty! I wish you to live and love and then your life will become a fairy tale!

Dear my friends! It seems like just yesterday we had a fun walk at your wedding, and today we are celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary! Let me once again congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary! I want to wish you an ocean of happiness and a bit of adversity, prosperity and many grandchildren! Let your love be an inexhaustible source of tenderness, patience and care! Let children and grandchildren bring only good news! Happiness to you and the implementation of all your plans!

On this happiest and brightest day of your life, on the day of your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you inexhaustible faith in each other! Let all domestic and material problems not get in your way! May your home always be filled with only mutual understanding, unquenchable love and boundless happiness! May your love become even stronger, more reliable and stronger every day! I wish you that your hearts always beat in the same rhythm so that each of you always knows about the experiences and feelings of the other! I wish you to support and love each other, in spite of any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love!

You have been together for three and another half a dozen years! This is a whole era filled with unexpected twists of fate, from which you always came out with honor. You are a role model! Your wisdom is beyond praise, so I would like to raise a glass to your health and to your happy future together! Let family hearth does not fade away, but only flares up more and more, generously giving warmth to all your big family and us, true friends!

The thirty-fifth wedding anniversary is called coral! Probably, during such a time, entire coral islands grow in the ocean. Your friendly family is stronger than coral islands in the ocean, harder than steel and stronger than the Ural Mountains. Together you were able to create a cozy family hearth, which with its warmth warms not only your family members, but also all relatives and close friends. By your happy marriage you have made the world much softer and kinder. I wish you to remain as kind and hospitable three more times in thirty-five years! Happiness to you and health! Love and prosperity!

Our dear young people, how nice it is to congratulate you on this day on a significant date - the thirty-fifth anniversary of your life together! How many rivers and seas has your ship sailed under the name "family" over the years? How many shoals and pitfalls did he have to avoid? However, a fair wind - your love and care, was stronger than all obstacles on the way, stronger than storms and storms! You brought up a glorious team - your children and grandchildren! There is always perfect order on the deck of your ship! You are captains - worthy of the highest awards! Happy coral wedding, dear ones!

In an age of family boats that are especially precarious, you manage to overcome all obstacles and other nonsense together decisively. life together two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty! Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where they know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example! We heartily congratulate you, wish you health and prosperity!

It is hard to imagine this, and if we had not seen everything with our own eyes, we would never have believed that after 35 years of living under one roof, people can treat each other so reverently, attentively and tenderly! Friends, over the years, not only have you not lost a drop of your love, but you have gained a lot - trust, respect, the desire to do better life your other half! Not all couples stand the test of time and reach the coral anniversary, but we are sure that you will be together indefinitely!

Like coral twigs, which are slowly and meticulously formed from small particles into one big whole, a family is formed! And the more years the coral is, the stronger, more reliable and stronger it is, just like the relationship between a man and a woman. To live together in harmony and happiness for 35 years is a great achievement, and it is possible only thanks to the presence of sincerity, trust, and, of course, love in relationships! We bow before this family as before the standard of devotion, faith in each other and love! Live long, happily, amicably, and may no litigation of fate break your strongest, harmonious union! Happy Anniversary! We wish your family to grow like coral islands!

coral wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

How much joy and happiness -

35 years together!

There was sun and storm

Keep your vow!

You have already raised children

Grandchildren delight your eyes,

In the family tree a couple of branches -

You have fulfilled your order!

Be happy now

Live for yourself

Without worries and without sadness

Just in joy, love!

For two you are thirty-five!

Congratulations, friends!

The holiday will be celebrated

Your friendly family!

There will be toast and wine

And soulful, warm light!

You've been married so long

So live a hundred years!

Thirty-five large corals

You wove it into a necklace!

Let there be many obstacles

You made it through them all!

Happiness and understanding to you

Life is bright, without worries,

Fulfillment of all desires

Clear starry sky!

You have lived for 35 long years!

Coral wedding reached now!

But love like you once loved

And don't take your eyes off each other!

You kept loyalty to each other all the time!

And children and grandchildren - a worthy example!

You have not forgotten everything that is so dear to you!

Your love has an infinite size!

Sea wave hugs coral

So that he surprises us with his beauty!

You have an anniversary, and the family is thirty-five,

It's time to dive for coral!

Always be there, coral and wave,

Let the moon gently caress you with light,

May love forever protect the family,

Let her give her joy alive!

In today's life, a huge rarity -

Coral wedding celebrate the arrival!

All families are tested for strength,

Probably more than once a year!

But you don't care about worldly blizzards,

And the power of temptation to forget about vows!

We are happy for you, dear spouses,

coral branches dissolved,

You have been married for thirty-five

Beautiful, bright, good years!

Hooray! Love to you and advice!

For a coral wedding

Your family has come to you

See how over the years

Our family has grown!

35 is a big date!

May now and forever

Walk hand in hand

Joy through and through the years!

35 years together

This is true happiness!

Tell your secret

Be a whole, not a part!

This term is so serious

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

You wove the fabric

From strong marriage threads.

And now it's for you

Symbol of happiness, joy,

And common life events!

Let your love be eternal

And the depth in it is endless!

Durable, resistant to adversity,

It grows and grows stronger year by year!

Turns corals into reefs

Crowned with a magnificent crown.

We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness,

Let bad weather pass by!

So that your feelings are young

And the nightingales in the soul only sang!

Do you know how beautiful corals are,

Take a look at this married couple

The light of happiness burns in their eyes,

They have been together for 35 years!

We want to congratulate you and wish you

Let the feelings only become stronger over the years,

May the tenderness in your hearts live forever,

We wish you happiness for 100 years ahead!

We heartily congratulate you,

Thirty five joint years!

And we wish you, of course,

Live up to a hundred, without evil and trouble!

Be happy and young

As, in fact, always!

Walk the dunes together

Conquer cities!

Thirty-five is a long time

The children watch with admiration.

Love old friends!

Happiness to you, love and light,

To always be warm

The charm of inspiration

Real family!

Congratulations on your coral wedding!

We wish you a happy and easy life!

We wish you to love each other just the same,

And together, and live happily - do not grieve!

The fabric is so strong, it can't be broken

You won't find anyone stronger than your union!

You once were sealed with love forever,

Before the linen wedding, you lived in happiness.

Let me congratulate you on this anniversary,

And wish you the best in the world!

And thirty-five more like this to note

Celebrate your big anniversary with your family!

Congratulations on the Coral wedding,

Today is your 35th anniversary!

We wish you great happiness

And we know that you fell in love again!

May joy, harmony, bliss

Souls and hearts will be filled

Let your family be perfect

Love will never end!

Beautiful as coral, your union,

And you saved the fortress of marriage bonds,

You are worthy of praise and admiration!

Accept congratulations from your parents:

Let the star of love not fade away

It helps to be happy together

And set an example for generations how to love,

Live in abundance, goodness and harmony!

“Bitterly” they shouted to you on this day once,

A lot of time has passed since then!

35 years together! With this round date

We congratulate you sincerely, warmly!

We give you these towels as a gift!

With a linen wedding, dear, you!

We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Celebrate your wedding 40 more times!

Coral wedding on the doorstep!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

It's not time to take stock yet.

Although there is something to bring!

You have achieved a lot in this life,

But there is still so much to come!

We wish you victories, success, happiness!

Keep love in your soul and bloom from that!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

Relationships are 35 today!

I wish you a coral holiday

So that you plunge into youth again!

Let the hearts still beat gently

Let the house be filled with happiness!

Let each other's eyes always laugh

So that thunder never overtakes you!

Corals at the bottom of the sea create reefs

There are whole beautiful myths about them.

Of the thousand days spent together,

This is your best anniversary!

Coral wedding or linen,

She is native and so purple!

Respect and care, sealed with affection,

Created by you personally!

Thirty-five years of your family!

The strength of the union was tested by time!

An example is you on earth!

I dedicate a short poem to you.

Let your hearts also beat tremulously!

Like the first day we met. And let forever

Both happiness and joy will merge in the house!

In unison, we shout: "Hurrah!"

With a coral wedding, you, relatives,

Good, you are young again!

Sounds all the same sincere confessions,

And give the warmth of memories!

Let fate rejoice with a new facet

Let happiness and kindness surround!

Live soul to soul - keep it up!

And never get tired of love!

You are newlyweds again

"Bitterly!" you are screaming again!

There is nothing more beautiful than lovers

For two you are thirty-five!

Congratulations on this date

You are an example for all of us!

You've been married for thirty-five years -

It's just super class!

Today we have one anniversary

Let's celebrate a canvas wedding!

Thirty-five years, for this medal,

Our union has become strong, like steel!

We wish the descendants of strength and love,

To save their families

Learned kindness, mutual understanding,

Support, positive and attention!

Thirty-five wonderful years

You lived soul to soul!

And love does not go out the light

Even in the cold of life!

You were able to reach the coral wedding,

But, let it be the middle of the road,

We wish you many more years

And let the whole wide world envy you!

Let your cozy home today

Filled with warmth!

Let them sound in it nice words,

From happiness to dizzy!

Congratulations on the linen wedding!

You have been living together for 35 years!

We wish you great happiness

Let the light of mutual love warm you!

You are together - thirty-five happy years ...

Earthly love cannot be measured by a yardstick!

Pure, quiet light emanates from you

Love that has passed the rigorous test -

The test of time. And I, friends,

I want to shine in love for many years

Experienced, friendly family,

What is stronger than stone and more valuable than coral!

You made a vow to each other

You swore allegiance, love!

And they kept their word

Love carried through the years!

Today your marriage celebrates

Your thirty-fifth anniversary!

And I congratulate you on this!

Let it become warmer in the soul!

You go through life boldly,

Like previous years

And you work skillfully

Live with love forever!

Thirty-five is not that many

Just life baggage

So long is the road

And your experience of love!

Coral wedding is a holiday!

Lovely couple - glory and honor!

And even if not a golden wedding,

But things are moving slowly towards her!

Health to you, joy and happiness,

Fire in the soul, beautiful love in the heart!

You guys are so perfect for each other!

And you won't find a better couple, believe me!

Two hearts beat for each other

And any blizzard is not terrible!

You did not change the decision to be together,

And the promises of the past have not been forgotten!

Congratulations on your coral wedding,

We wish health to all your family!

Before the diamond wedding, live in abundance,

And may your loved ones be well!

I will not philosophize for a long time,

So as not to tire you too much today:

People call it a linen wedding

glorious thirty-five lived by you;

But coral is somehow closer to me -

There is no canvas among the accepted embellishments;

I hope this doesn't offend you?

Happy coral wedding!

Gathered us at the table today

your lovely and significant anniversary!

The symbol of the current wedding is coral,

A gift from distant and unknown seas!

Do you know how long it grows

Year after year, adding branches?

May your love always bloom

Like a coral, without knowing the barriers!

Happy wedding anniversary to you - 35 years old,

Live long without grief and troubles!

Known from time immemorial

That there is power in a woman

And the husband becomes

What his wife blinded.

Your portrait is beautiful.

For 35 joint years!

Today you divided thirty-five for two -

And the wedding is called linen,

After all, the canvas of life is clean again,

So live - how to live!

Take happiness from your former life,

Let the pattern spread along the canvas,

We wish you great and tender love,

And life for two - one!

Or coral, or linen?

One way or another, the long-awaited

The wedding arrived, like from the stove,

We will drink, dance and sing until the evening!

Thirty-five is not a hundred, and we are still

Cheerful, cheerful, we live in hopes, -

The Almighty will not deprive us of mercy. —

Come visit, please!

Please accept congratulations,

Let not New Year not a birthday

We are celebrating 35 today -

And congratulations on your anniversary!

May all good things happen in life

Let joyful faces surround

After all, you, of course, do not need to argue!

Happiness to you and children, grandchildren,

I want to wish now

There was a time of grief, torment,

Ahead - only a good hour!

And in a family circle, close,

Thirty-five, like a moment one,

Congratulations with a flattering word,

You live together until gray hair!

Thirty-five beautiful springs

Thirty-five wonderful winters!

Wait on the road, autumn,

With cloudy skies!

Let the sun shine the same

As on that happy day!

Your wedding, which has become a song

On the paths of earthly destiny!

thirty-fifth anniversary

Rich in pure joy,

Like a swallow, winged,

And the unfulfilled will come true

And all the difficult will be judged,

And the meadows are in full bloom!

Coral grows in the abyss of the sea,

Grain to grain - years.

Here the holiday of the coral wedding has come,

Always so long awaited.

May your family have easy years

Let it grow wider and wider

Take care of her, because the reefs are fragile,

And they all count!

Linen wedding -

Years for two!

I remember being drunk

You from your feelings!

The wedding sang loud

"Bitter young!",

Those years away

They melted like smoke.

But still in my heart

Pure love,

Sweet and gentle

Together like now!

And talk to each other

More sweet phrases!

The family road was like a canvas,

And fate was sometimes strict with you!

Only you easily bypassed all the obstacles,

And created everything you just need!

Let the linen anniversary come

He will find a coral wedding!

Success, good luck he will bring you,

Surprises will be in store for you more than once!

Our dear children,

We want to say now:

Happy Anniversary

Your wedding is thirty-five!

It's so hard to believe it

That so many years have passed

Let the coral wedding

You will be given a life without troubles!

Let time fly

Just don't get old

Live in hope

Pity each other

Keep the love

Get around the trouble

And be happy

In the anniversary year!

Congratulate the children today

With a beautiful date, we are in a hurry!

All 35 raced in an instant,

It's like it's only one day!

You have already nursed your grandchildren,

And they helped children in life.

We wish you peace, love!

Thirty-five - a quick moment,

Day after day, year after year,

Thirty-five - quick breath,

This is how life goes!

Thirty-five from your wedding day,

We wish you happiness

Let the house be a full bowl

Beauty beyond her years!

linen wedding,

Desirable for the family

To be together for so many years

You really need to know the secret!

He seems to be familiar to you

Since you are still together,

You are in love, that's for sure

That's why marriage is so strong!

Be a friendly family

Until the wedding golden!

Your family is wonderful

And everyone agrees with us.

You are an adorable couple!

We give you a jaguar badge!

And we give you a towel

To come visit us!

You have lived together for 35 years,

Our advice was wound on a mustache!

You gave us grandchildren,

We bless your family!

Today we came to congratulate

With the wedding of our "young"

And send them a new order -

Love, appreciate to the "golden"!

Until golden when you're together

Celebrate fifty years

We'll meet at the same place

Gathering a festive dinner!

35 happy years

This is not a joke to you!

Helmet coral hello,

Reading jokes!

Happy anniversary friends

Congratulations song!

Otherwise, you can't

So many years you've been together!

The children have grown up

Grandchildren bring joy!

May May last in my soul

Old age is not in a hurry to you!

You have a coral wedding -

The family is thirty-five today,

We are here to congratulate you

And wish you many more years!

May your life be rich -

Health gives and love,

And your children and grandchildren

Bring happiness again and again!

How is the canvas different?

We will answer: strength, reliability, of course.

So let your union be eternal!

Don't break it, don't break it!

Let this canvas give

A special charm for the triumph of the alliance.

And a new pace for your life will give,

And joy, happiness from every nuance!

Like coral reefs

May your life be beautiful

Let the fish of happiness swim there

And a playful ray of sunshine!

Let the house fill with joy

Let it sound like laughter all the time!

And all the undercurrents

Bring only success!

Linen wedding -

Ruddy pies

On the table again

Famous for kindness

Friendly family,

Grandma beauty

Steady at the helm.

Everyone came ready

The joy to share

Here is the new tablecloth

He looks out of the bag.

The thinnest fabric

Edge embroidery.

Let's drink to the strongest

Bright love!

Long life

One for two

Two destinies intertwined

Like the threads of a canvas!

Thirty-five years together -

Connected hearts!

Your union is like a song

Which has no end!

anniversary date

Very important to note!

you were lucky once

Meet each other!

We wish you love and happiness now!

Happy coral wedding, friends!

I wish you great victories

So that you are happy together

So that there is no grief and trouble!

Let them be fulfilled soon

Wishes, hopes, dreams!

I wish you good luck and light

Love and earthly beauty!

You lived together for more than one year!

Everything was in life: joys, anxieties.

Whiskey is already white with worries,

But together you walked along the road!

We wish you such loyalty

Survive until the golden wedding!

Thirty-five years have passed

Anniversary again!

And a coral wedding

This is the reason!

Congratulations! Happiness let

Will burst into the door to you,

Let the heart of love

It shrinks tremulously!

I always want to be together

golden wedding

I want you to take a walk

And what a!

We came to visit invited,

Congratulate you, linen newlyweds!

Like a ship on the sea of ​​life

Under a strong canvas sail,

You rush forward without troubles and without grief,

And you only have one life for two!

Let the guardian angel at the head

Brings love and good luck

May you have enough strength and health for everything,

Thirty-five more - how could it be otherwise?

Today your union is thirty-five,

You are also happy, beautiful, in love!

And on this day, we are in a hurry to wish you all

In the hearts of blooming, eternal, sunny spring!

So that the flame of love in the eyes always sparkles,

New achievements to you, discoveries, and victories!

And the years in the passport - so it does not matter,

After all, there is no statute of limitations in mutual love!

We should shake hands with you today,

We admire the covenant of your love,

And no one will be able to study the sciences,

How did you take care of your marriage for 35 years!

Live long and do not know household troubles

Let your family be an example for everyone,

Every day you repeat the words of love,

Then your marriage will never die!

Dear and beloved couple!

Happy Anniversary Coral!

May it never be in your life

Quarrels senseless, problems of misunderstanding.

Let always with good mood,

You will wake up from sleep in your arms,

With understanding and patience,

Treat each other like before!

Thirty-five is a lot

But again, light

Sweet start

Bright number!

And the feast goes on

At the long awaited hour

And native faces

Surround you!

Happiness to you

new warmth,

So that with one love

All destiny blossomed!

To not be silent

Joy never

And shone with might and main

Main Star!

A linen wedding is your anniversary,

35 years together, not a day apart,

You called adult children today,

You called the growing grandchildren!

Together you created the canvas of life,

Let fate embroider patterns on it,

May it be strong and durable

Protects from everything bad!

May your warm and cozy home

For decades and decades,

Will be protected by a cloth

From raging winds, from various troubles!

We heartily congratulate

Happy anniversary of the young

Slim, cute and beautiful

And a little gray!

And we wish you good health

Long life and good days

So that you love each other

Take care even more!

For children to love you

Always came to you

For happiness to be near

You have not been aged for years!

Congratulations are out of place today

Gratitude must be declared

To those who together managed to hold out,

Without taking a helping hand.

They kept the spark of happiness

Walking past troubles and hardships,

Still, they stayed close.

This is happiness for them and their families.

Congratulations on your celebration!!!

Thirty-five years have passed

And you are together, as before,

Connected surprisingly well

Love, faith and hope!

Your wedding is called coral,

After all, you are together on the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife,

Rushing, as if under scarlet sails,

Not knowing the troubles, suffering, grief!

So that the year would go the same way,

Dear Coral Consorts,

May fate bring you happiness!

Life canvas

You wove successfully!

It is strong

The drawing is soft.

We wish you

Loving for a long time

After all, the coral is beautiful,

Though sometimes he is stingy!

The fabric is not torn

You will not see grief for a century!

You lived simply and together,

What else do you need to be happy?

May your life last

Husband hold on to wife

You are behind the man's back

You are a mountain for each other!

We, loving, congratulate you,

We wish you happiness and love!

Your union is celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary.

Please accept our congratulations!

Like marvelous corals from the depths of the seas,

Your feelings are now shining with love!

So striking is this magic of flowers,

Gentle shades in your relationship!

Let your union give many fruits

Love, care and, of course, pleasure!

We will give you the canvas

And corals for two!

We love you, we hug you

We give this gentle verse!

Thirty-five is no joke

Stretch so much together -

You definitely need

Flash the date of the wedding!

You are not at all old

Let the fire burn in your eyes!

And love runs through the veins -

Always invigorates you!

You are so young

And not a bit gray

linen wedding,

Homemade by you!

Thirty-five long years

you kept the light

From your beautiful love,

Very patient!

We wish you well

Strength, courage, warmth,

And love too, of course.

What looks like the sun!

Your family is like a coral reef

In the raging sea of ​​life!

Thirty-five years have flown by like an instant,

A moment between past and future!

We celebrate the coral wedding together,

We wish strength to the groom and beauty to the bride!

Let the coral blush bloom,

Let health increase

Let another thirty-five glorious moment pass,

And the soul will not grow old!

We wish you love, health and happiness,

Let your house pass the rains and bad weather!

Many glorious years have passed

And we got back together

And we see the same plot

Our groom and bride are sitting!

You have been together for 35 years

You lived in happiness and love,

And I will say, without unnecessary flattery,

You are born for each other!

And you value your happiness

That there is a nice person nearby,

Let bad weather pass by

And happiness lasts a whole century!

Today is your wedding anniversary

You have been married for 35 wonderful years!

Meeting your coral dawn.

I wish you to enjoy life

Take care of each other and appreciate the family,

Smile kindly more often

And sincerely whisper "I love so much ..."!

Ah, what a woman! Ah, what a man!

Oh, what a wonderful anniversary today!

Time to set the table

From now on you are thirty-five!

House, car in the garage,

The children have grown up

There is status and respect

Achievements warm the soul!

You worked, you tried

You definitely made it!

But rest on our laurels

It's still early, you see!

Let happiness fly into your hands

Children love even grandchildren

Marriage only grows stronger over the years

Greets each day with kindness!

Let the "coral" date

Will be embraced with joy

Let the road lead into the distance

Where the "diamond" frontier awaits!

After all, thirty-five years have passed,

And you, spouses, are young

In love, like pepper, fiery

body and soul!

Let it ring in the glass of life

Broken piece of ice

What refreshes and invigorates

Like gray rain in spring!

You are our everything: hope and support,

An example of how to truly love!

Year thirty-five arrived so soon

But this is a golden thread of happiness.

Let the road lie flat

And life is full of care and warmth!

And to be together very, very much,

So that love, like a garden in spring, blooms!

How corals merged your destinies into one,

As if the threads were woven into a canvas!

Congratulations today to your family!

You have one heart!

With 35 years of marriage joyful bonds!

Let the house stand inviolably.

And, like a block, the union will be unshakable,

After all, it was built out of love!

Well, with a coral wedding, loved ones, you!

May the light not go out at night.

May this story always be happy

Your life friendly path!

Spread life

white canvas,

You are his destiny

Weaving day after day!

Weaved into the fabric

Your love and tenderness

35 years have passed -

You are still in love.

At a linen wedding

"Bitterly!" let it sound

May love be your happiness

Attract like a magnet!

Parents celebrate a coral wedding

Friends and relatives are invited to a generous table!

We want everything to go smoothly for you.

In business, in health, in personal order!

We wish you to enjoy each other,

Always move forward and never give up

We wish you to be in love and affection,

And see the life of colorful paint!

Mom, daddy! Today

We cherish and cherish you.

Congratulations with pleasure

Happy linen anniversary!

You lived as one family

So many happy moments

And of course they deserve

Hundreds of warm congratulations!

Live together for many years

And live for so long!

Bravo to the bride and groom!

We love you! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Mom and dad we congratulate you now,

And we wish you all the best at this hour!

You are a beautiful and wonderful couple here,

You are missing only one accessory.

We give you a cotton towel,

Use it for celebrations.

Congratulations on a linen wedding,

We wish you to live until the golden wedding!

In the depths of the clear blue ocean

Captivating beauty of coral reefs...

Who lived his life in a damp closet,

Considers these tales just a myth.

And thirty-five wonderful years you knew

What is love in this wonderful world.

While others were wondering:

“How can you live in a year-round summer?”

The beauty and richness of corals

Your wedding is sparkling today

You've been through a lot together

And love grows stronger!

35 years together, congratulations!

May life make you happy every day

After so many years we promise

In your honor to say a toast by all means!

In deep ocean blue

Coral shed light today ...

Circled together for thirty-five years already

In the stream of abundant life.

Rapid flow

I tested your connection for strength.

But we see: a coral atoll

Your family has grown today!

Let the children sprout new branches,

And your souls illuminate with new happiness!

And precious love grows stronger over the years!

Congratulations on your coral wedding!

Thirty-five, thirty-five!

This is very, very much!

We will celebrate the wedding together again,

We wish you a bright road!

Close your hands tight, friends,

Be the best couple in the world

You can't live without each other

So take care of your family! Your children!

Already you are together three dozen and a half

Lived a strong and friendly family!

Managed to cope with a huge avalanche

Problems, hardships and sorrows at times.

You, despite the sea of ​​trials,

They only saved their love together.

So much effort put into this

And viva! You won! You did!

So what remains to wish you, anniversaries?

Give each other tenderness and affection spells

And love more and more every day!

We spent many years together

Multiply your love

Coral wedding has become

And you are newlyweds again!

Congratulations on your anniversary

We wish you joy, goodness,

And ahead of the road is long,

After all, maturity is the best time!

Take each other by the hand

And kiss soon

You live together for up to a hundred years

To the delight of grandchildren and children!

Looking for a new tablecloth


I will come to your wedding

I'll be drunk!

Together for thirty-five years

Everybody don't get old

You and golden wedding

Don't break up.

Save your love

All have mercy!

Thirty-five years old - not five! -

You all admire.

I looked at you

I am touched.

From love so big

I'm lost.

Your life is like a canvas


Washed - and again


I know everyone is on the way

It happened.

Dirt is not aground -

Everything was erased.

Again white-white again

The path is a path.

You can live like this at least a hundred and five,

Be careful.

I came to your wedding


Waited thirty-five years

To get drunk!

I congratulate you on your coral wedding -

They lived together for thirty-five years!

I wish you all the best,

Your feelings - never fade away!

Be joyful in every moment

May luck never leave!

Let desires, as if by pike command,

Fulfilled by fate for you always!

On this day, which you celebrate together,

A glow of warmth surrounds you...

You became again the groom and the bride,

May our joint dreams come true!

Unnoticed our crumbs

Somehow they grew a little.

And they are already celebrating weddings

Canvas Anniversary!

You are still the same children for us,

There is nothing more precious than you in the world,

We, looking at your happiness,

We love you even more!

You've been married for thirty-five years

That's the date, that's the date!

Congratulations, relatives

Happy family anniversary!

You are the joy of parents

And a great reward

We wish you dear

Live a hundred years in love!

Today is your big day -

You are newlyweds again

Gifts, laughter, shining eyes,

Goblets chimes!

You are thirty-five wonderful years

Hand in hand go

You know the secret of happiness -

He is in love and care.

We wish you a comfortable life

In beautiful harmony

With windy luck to be friends,

Let all life be clear!

Wedding - a holiday of unity,

Holiday of two native hearts,

Holiday of warmth, patience,

Wedding two rings!

Well, what if the anniversary -

Years spent together

Everyone: woman, man

Wish to live without troubles!

Thirty-five life together

How quickly the years fly by!

Let nature cataclysms

Most importantly, together forever!

Let this wedding be called linen,

What can be seen in thirty-five years,

Coral though, a little weird

But, after all, the family is growing by leaps and bounds.

Such a day will have to be worthy

And bring a piece of cloth

And yet more important and decent

Say: "You are well done, husband and wife."

May it be easy for you to carry with love,

Such linen years

And quarrels and strife verbosity,

May life never be clouded!

Linen wedding came -

Open doors quickly

We wish you love, kindness, warmth

On your wonderful and meaningful anniversary!

You are grandma and grandpa today

On your wonderful anniversary,

But the wife, like a young girl,

And for her husband there is no sweeter.

Thirty-five years together is a lot

Despite the cold, rain and cold,

You stayed on the road of life

loving wife and faithful husband.

Paved road,

We praise your wedding linen,

May your house be filled with joy

May fate send you the life you desire!

Coral sparkles thirty-five!

And you are the bride and groom again!

Love magical your anniversary,

There is no happier and stronger!

Let the holiday not leave the cozy house,

And absolute peace reigns in it!

Let relatives, friends and children rejoice,

Be happy everyone in the world!

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary,

We wish you a glorious family life!

And live in harmony until the diamond!

On the seas of considerable worries,

But blushing from the heat,

Your coral wedding

Swimming for thirty-five years.

Though faded on the way in part

Lush holiday attire

Your eyes are bright happiness

These years are burning!

From love grows and grows stronger

Let the family, striving for dreams,

And carries the wave on the crest

Golden wedding to you!

Coral wedding came to you at this hour,

You have lived together for 35 years, like a moment,

You still can't take your eyes off each other,

And love as tenderly as you loved in your youth!

May the years give you hope and peace,

Let wisdom adorn your marriage and relationships,

So that you are always proud of life and destiny,

For grandchildren so that you have enough strength and inspiration.

May many beautiful, bright years await you in life,

Filled with love, success, talents,

And let the great-grandchildren say: “There is no happier couple!”

On the wedding day, which is so generously studded with diamonds!

"Thirty-fifth Anniversary"
You made a vow to each other
You swore allegiance, love.
And they kept their word
Love carried through the years!
Today your marriage celebrates
Your thirty-fifth anniversary!
And I congratulate you on this!
Let it become warmer in the soul!

You've been with me for 35 years
That's the victory of the victories!
And together, my husband, day by day
We are moving forward with you.
And I want to tell you
Let love marry us
I wish you good health
I promise to stay yours! "Happy coral wedding!"
Like coral reefs
Your union grew day by day,
And fortunately, you are already used to
So let it be eternal.
Happy coral wedding today
All friends are in a hurry to congratulate.
Let joy, love come to the house,
And the years won't change them! "Girlfriend"
To my bosom friend
I want to wish today
So that happiness suddenly becomes familiar
And did not give up.
You have a coral wedding,
I wish you many years of life!
Love, health and good luck,
Always value each other! "To parents"
Thank you my family
They showed me an example
How to live happily, dear ones,
And do not be afraid of problems!
You have been happy for 35 years
Married, a lot of happiness to you,
And immeasurable joys!
I will easily give my life for you! "My dear parents!"
My dear parents!
Happy holiday to you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations, dear ones!
Happiness, health, love!
35 years already together -
Happy coral wedding!
Comfort and tenderness in the house!
Good luck and new awards! "Gene"
My wife, you are already 35 years old
You keep saying that there is no better husband in the world.
I'm ready to kiss your hands
And sing for your patience!
We will always be together with you
And not a hindrance to the joy of the year,
I want to wish you good health
Be happy and only flourish! "Let everything good happen in life"
Please accept congratulations,
Let it not be a new year, not a birthday,
We celebrate 35 today -
And congratulations on your anniversary!
May all good things happen in life
Let joyful faces surround
And you live on only together,
After all, you, of course, do not need to argue! “Happy coral wedding, my friend!”
Happy coral wedding my friend
I congratulate you sincerely!
You are 35 years old husband, spouse,
a little less parent, Certainly!
I wish you happiness, success!
Let everything work out!
I wish you health, smiles
And children's laughter always! «»
Parents, congratulations
Happy coral wedding!
Accept our wishes
Simple you are here and now!
We love you beyond measure
We wish you happiness always!
Love each other forever!
Good to you, health, warmth! "35 is the most beautiful date"
35 is the most beautiful date,
Real wedding anniversary
Be rich in love
Look for help from your children
And always help each other
The most important thing in this life is family.
Never forget to love
Let friends always surround! "Happy anniversary to you!"
In today's life, a huge rarity -
Coral wedding celebrate the arrival!
All families are tested for strength,
Probably more than once a year!
But you don't care about worldly blizzards,
And the power of temptation to forget about vows!
We are happy for you, dear spouses,
We wish you to continue to live in harmony! "Congratulations from the children"
Accept congratulations from the children,
My beloved parents
May many happy days await you,
After all, the best, of course, is ahead,
I want to wish you good luck
May joy and love be with you,
And, however, a couple of times 35 -
And happiness will definitely not bypass you! “Congratulations on the linen wedding!”
Let your cozy home today
Filled with warmth!
Let warm words sound in it
From happiness to dizzy!
Congratulations on the linen wedding!
You have been living together for 35 years!
We wish you great happiness
Let the light of mutual love warm you! "Coral wedding on the doorstep!"
Coral wedding on the doorstep!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
It's not time to take stock yet.
Although there is something to bring!
You have achieved a lot in this life,
But there is still so much to come!
We wish you victories, success, happiness!
Keep love in your soul and bloom from that! “Happy 35th wedding anniversary!”
Happy 35th wedding anniversary!
I wish you happiness without measure!
Holiday your coral note
So that everything sings in the soul!
May luck grant you success!
Let love keep the comfort of the house!
So that warmth, kindness and inspiration
Filled him day after day! "35 Happy Years"
You are 35 happy years
One happy family
Have left their mark
Excellent, beautiful!
You never grow old
We wish only the best
May trouble not touch you
There will be no sky with clouds! “Girlfriend, dear, congratulations!”
Dear friend, congratulations
Happy coral wedding anniversary!
I wish happiness, wealth!
Success, kindness and good luck!
May everything that you have planned come true!
Let the family be friendly!
May everything in your life work out!
Love to you and the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bheat! "Anniversary Wishes"
We are ready for a lot for the sake of our loved ones,
Family happiness is the basis of success!
You are this truth, knowing the measure in everything,
They showed others by their own example!
Live in contentment, satisfying, richly,
And in this, of course, love is “guilty”!
Congratulations on your coral wedding
And I want to set new goals! "To a friend"
I wish my friend with all my heart
So that you are always happy
With your beloved wife
May all dreams come true
Start health never
My friend won't let you down
Love for many years
And let joy be near!

Congratulations on 35 wedding years from parents

They call a linen wedding,
What happens after thirty-five
Actually, it doesn't matter what you call it
The main thing is that you are together. We are zealously
With all my strength and yours
Happy to help you live happily.
Let our congratulations show a miracle
We want it to surprise you.

Thirty-five years old by the hand
You follow destiny
Now you see the grandchildren,
that play on the grass.
Linen holiday today,
And on the subject of congratulations
Attached to the gift
To help him live together.

Unnoticed our crumbs
Somehow they grew a little.
And they are already celebrating weddings
Linen anniversary.
You are still the same children for us,
There is nothing more precious than you in the world,
We, looking at your happiness,
We love you even more!
You've been married for thirty-five years
That's the date, that's the date!
Congratulations, relatives
Happy family anniversary!
You are the joy of parents
And a great reward
We wish you dear
Live a hundred years in love!

Our dear children,
We want to say now:
Happy Anniversary
Your wedding is thirty-five!
It's hard to believe this
That so many years have passed
Let the coral wedding
You will be given a life without troubles.

Wedding 35 years of marriage

In deep ocean blue
Coral light has shed today ...
Circled together for thirty-five years already
In the stream of abundant life.
Rapid flow
I tested your connection for strength.
But we see: a coral atoll
Your family has grown today.
Let the children sprout new branches,
And your souls illuminate with new happiness!
And precious love grows stronger over the years!
Congratulations on your coral wedding!

A third of a century is a sign
Your marriage is illuminated by fate,
We wish you only happiness
Forget about all the bad weather
Let them go like sand
We will say congratulations to you -
Long and happy life
Live in harmony and peace
Hold on tight to your hands
And take care of each other!

You are so young
And not a bit gray
linen wedding,
Homemade by you.
Thirty-five long years
you kept the light
From your beautiful love,
Very patient!
We wish you well
Strength, courage, warmth,
And love too, of course.
What looks like the sun.
Let's say a toast with cognac
Hearty congratulations to you!

Dear and beloved couple,
Happy anniversary to you coral,
May it never be in your life
Quarrels senseless, problems of misunderstanding.
May you always be in a good mood
You will wake up from sleep in your arms,
With understanding and patience,
Treat each other like before.

Grandmother and grandfather
They sit side by side
Like the young
Have fun looking!
linen wedding
Let's celebrate now
After all, in a friendly family
There are a lot of us!
grandma and grandpa
We all congratulate
And great happiness
We sincerely wish!
And from the youngest -
On a holiday day
Get it, darlings
Cool congratulations!

Spread life
white canvas,
You are his destiny
Weaving day after day.
Weaved into the fabric
Your love and tenderness
35 years have passed -
You are still in love.
At a linen wedding
"Bitterly!" let it sound
May love be your happiness
Attract like a magnet.

You lived together for a long time.
You raised children, kept love.
Accept congratulations from us today
And we will celebrate your wedding again.
On your linen wedding day
Allow me to wish
The fate of a permanent smile
And never be discouraged.

After all, thirty-five years have passed,
And you, spouses, are young
In love, like pepper, fiery
Both body and soul!
Let it ring in the glass of life
Broken piece of ice
What refreshes and invigorates
Like gray rain in spring!

In the depths of the clear blue ocean
Coral reefs captivate with beauty ...
Who lived his life in a damp closet,
Considers these tales just a myth.
And thirty-five wonderful years you knew
What is love in this wonderful world.
While others were wondering:
“How can you live in a year-round summer?”

Thirty-five, thirty-five!
This is very, very much!
We will celebrate the wedding together again,
We wish you a bright road!
Close your hands tight, friends,
Be the best couple in the world
You can't live without each other
So take care of your family! Your children!

Cool congratulations on 35 wedding years

Self-assembled tablecloth, linen tablecloth,
Embroidered with patterns of tender fate,
Your love is strong, unspeakable,
You are the center of attention today.
Congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary,
We always wish your family to be
You skillfully bypassed the sharp corners of fate,
And keep your love to this day.

35 years have passed, but it seems one moment,
The term is not small, but not yet great,
Still ahead of you
Let the green light burn on your way.
I give you a linen tablecloth as a gift,
I wish you good health, prosperity,
I have many more wishes.
Let's have a drink for you first.

Your life is a homespun cloth
And love is huge, unspeakable,
35 years old, how doves have mercy,
And under "Bitter!" kiss so passionately.
Let life give you only inspiration,
Let trouble pass you by
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
Let them not grow old for another long year.

Today there is an excellent reason for fun,
35 years together is a decent time,
And nothing that turned gray head
In your soul, as before, spring sings.
Live happily ever after,
Be faithful to your marital duty,
Respect each other, give in,
Continue to sing the song of life in a duet.

Year after year the coral reef grew
And today you conquered the tops of the peak,
You have been walking along the same road for 35 years,
Your feelings are commendable.
Let all sorrows fly by
Let luck lead you through life
So that children and grandchildren never upset you,
Open the doors wider, the wedding anniversary is coming.

35 years have flown by
And you, as if younger again,
They call you the bride and groom,
The order for endurance and patience is awarded.
On your wedding anniversary, congratulations,
A sea of ​​compliments and gifts to you,
We wish you enthusiasm and aspirations for the dream,
So that old age is not subject to years for a long time.

Today you are again the bride and groom,
35 years hold hands together
Walking one path
Minor quarrels and insults do not notice.
Coral reefs built by you
Like granite is strong and durable,
Live in peace, happiness,
Swim in the ocean of great love.

35th anniversary,
How nice, how nice
You have raised children
And tender feelings were preserved.
In the eyes of the same spark of love,
And the heart stops at a glance,
You are only worthy of admiration
We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding.

You have been together for 35 years,
There is no more beautiful and friendly couple,
Together in joy and together in trouble
In general, you are always together, everywhere.
Do not spill water, they say about you
And today at the table "Bitter!" they scream at you
Live as a happy couple for up to a hundred years,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.

A linen path leads to your house,
People gather for the celebration with joy,
35 wonderful years, like a moment, have passed,
So fortunately you found each other in the ocean of life.
Nothing that gray hair is silvering at the temples,
But spring is singing in your soul,
Happy wedding anniversary, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your days be bright.

Congratulations on the Linen wedding

Congratulations on a linen wedding.

How much joy and happiness -
35 years you've been together
There was sun and storm
They kept their promise.
You have already raised children
Grandchildren delight your eyes,
In the family tree a couple of branches -
You have fulfilled your order!
Be happy now
Live for yourself
Without worries and without sadness
Just in joy, love!

SMS with wedding anniversary 35 years.

35 beautiful springs,
35 wonderful winters.
Wait on the road, autumn,
With a cloudy sky.
Let the sun shine the same
As on a happy day
Wedding, the best song has become
On the paths of earthly destiny!

Together for thirty-five years
Don't get old
You and golden wedding
Don't break up.
Save your love
You are all nice.
Thirty-five years old - not five!
You all admire.
Again white-white again
The path is a path.
Be careful.

Looking for a new tablecloth
I will come to your wedding
I'll be drunk.
Together for thirty-five years
Everybody don't get old
You and golden wedding
Don't break up.
Save your love
You all have mercy.
Thirty-five years old - not five! —
You all admire.
I looked at you
I am touched.
From love so big
I'm lost.
Your life is like a canvas
Washed - and again
I know everyone is on the way
It happened.
Dirt is not aground -
Everything was erased.
Again white-white again
The path is a path.
You can live like this at least a hundred and five,
Be careful.
I came to your wedding
Waited thirty-five years
To become drunk.

Thirty-five - a quick moment,
Day after day, year after year,
Thirty-five - quick breath,
This is how life goes!
Thirty-five from your wedding day,
We wish you happiness
Let the house be a full bowl
Beauty beyond her years!

SMS with a coral wedding.

Congratulations on your coral wedding!
We wish you a happy and easy life!
We wish you to love each other just the same,
And live together and live happily - do not grieve!

Congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary.

A wedding is a celebration of unity
Holiday of two native hearts,
Holiday of warmth, patience,
Wedding two rings.
Well, what if it's an anniversary?
Years spent together
Everyone: woman, man
Wish to live without troubles!
Thirty-five life together
How quickly the years fly by!
Let nature cataclysms
Most importantly, together forever!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You have lived 35!
From the day of the wedding we do not age,
Gray hair is just here again ...
I wish you beauty
Understanding and love
And congratulations again
Happy anniversary to the family!

We lived together until the coral wedding,
And even if there were difficulties in your life,
You together overcame all the difficulties,
You managed to save your family in the midst of adversity!

35 happy years
Your family is happy
Have left their mark
Excellent, beautiful!
You never grow old
You in life - only the best,
May trouble not touch you
There will be no sky with clouds!

Congratulations to parents on their wedding anniversary from their daughter

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

And more often and sweeter loved!

Our congratulations are kind and warm,
We wish you a bright, hot spark!
We wish you that love does not go away,
And so that the soul of the family is bright!
For an angel to cover our souls with a wing,
And we were not sad about anything! Our warm wishes to parents,

Well, don't forget about us!

And dawn together to meet! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, beloved,

I wish you happiness and lots of love! Parents, may there be happiness in your life,

And so let it be with you to the end! Happy wedding anniversary to you, relatives,
You are so good with us

And everything that you conceived - came true! Congratulations to your beloved parents,

And let life be a good song! As always, I tell you
That I love you very, very much!
And I wish you only happiness!
Let everything turn out
To be good together! parents wedding anniversary
Mommy, daddy! You are so charming,
What do couples in love look like?
What a blessing that we are not in vain
We have gathered here as a family!
Shine like two wonderful stars!
Everyone knows that you are a wonderful couple!
You kept the holy light, heavenly
In their hearts zealous and stubborn.
We congratulate you on a wonderful date,
Let love burn without fading!
The hearth will be hot, the house will be rich,
And life together will seem like paradise to you!
We love you! You are the best in the world!
With love and care, your children. Congratulations to your beloved parents,
The best in the world, dear!
We wish you to be always happy,
And be an example to everyone else!
Live happily, always be together,
And let life be a good song! Thank you my parents
That you created a wonderful family,
Bathing in warmth, kindness, love,
You warmed us children with love.
I wish you happiness with all my heart,
Good luck and understanding
Today is a big holiday for me
Today you are in the spotlight! My beloved parents
It's your wedding anniversary today
And I would like to wish generously,
So that you live in love up to a hundred years;
So that your example of mutual understanding
Bring your joyful message to this world,
So that the fire does not cool down over the years,
So that all your desires come true. More beautiful than love Perhaps there is no feeling
And you gave it to each other!
Into a single destiny for many years
You have connected your two paths!
We wish you to love even stronger,
Let goodness and joy fill the house,
And let tenderness with affection on any day
Protecting a wonderful family! Congratulations from children
On this day, accept
On your wedding anniversary
You honor each other
We wish you
Fall in love every day
Stronger in this world
Admire life! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
Let them ring from the happiness of the heart today,
Of course, we wish you happiness
And so that it lasts to the end!
May everything be happy and sweet
Let life be like chocolate
So that you do not feel sad, do not get angry,
And more often and sweeter loved! Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy anniversary! Wish
You relatives only happiness
And health, let bad weather
The house is bypassed
Are you proud of gray hair -
In it and become, and nobility.
And let us live uneasy,
But mother's warmth and tenderness
Constantly felt.
Dad - you are always an example
In the beginning of various things.
We will imitate you in everything,
Because we love you so much! Happy Anniversary!
You've been together for many years
Sadness won't come
And sadness makes no sense.
You are the most beautiful couple
AND a happy family!
Happiness on this day is not without reason
I sincerely wish! Our warm wishes to parents,
I wish you to be winners in life,
Finally, devote your life to yourself,
Well, don't forget about us!
We will be there, we will help!
We wish you to get up late,
Tasty to eat, not enough to sadness!
And dawn together to meet! Mom dear, dad dear,
You keep the family hearth carefully.
I admire your destiny
You teach me how to love too.
May the tenderness of your eyes never go out,
And the warmth of the palms warms the heart;
You carry love through all the years,
Opening all the windows and doors to happiness. You have an anniversary today
You invite guests to the table,
To scream "bitterly" again,
And wish you a lot of happiness.
Never be discouraged
May the years bring you love.
Let the children make their hearts happy
So that there is no end to happiness! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, beloved,
The best and unique
The most important, the best,
Let you have everything you want to get!
Tender days to you, hot nights,
And so that the flame of those candles burns,
What many years of love you have lit!
I wish you happiness and lots of love! Keep all the affection and all the tenderness
You did. In love just like before!
In harmony, love and happiness to live,
Let even your life be serene!
Family dates, significant, big,
There is much more to be noted!
So let it give joy every moment!
Your family is the most beautiful in the world! I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!
Happiness, tenderness, warmth and kindness!
I wish you well,
Passionate loyalty and devoted love!
Let romance sparkle in everything
To make everything feel like the first time!
Let like the sun's rays
Illuminates the world with two pairs of your eyes! We heartily congratulate you
For many, you are an example of a family.
We wish you health, happiness
And the sea, the ocean of love!
good luck be with you
And many sweet moments.
Let luck not decrease
And let all sorrows pass. Happy wedding anniversary to you, relatives,
You are so good with us
There is no you in the world better and stronger
And the family, an example for all families!
Let life caress you with luck
Let the fire not go out of your eyes!
Let the mood be wonderful
And the prospect is good and clear!
I wish you everything works out
And everything that you thought about - came true! Kind word, gentle look
You are always by my side.
You found in each other
That stronghold of holy love.
Your wedding anniversary
This is the best day ever.
And let life be more beautiful
May you enjoy success.
I wish that love
Your source has not dried up.
To tender words
They just talked like that. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
You today, my mother,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
So that you live this life, loving.
So that a strong family and a lot of happiness
So inspired in the path of life,
So that a smooth and joyful road
It's easy and fun for you to go! Parents, may there be happiness in your life,
Let sadness or bad weather bypass you!
May there be only peace and harmony in life.
And let the passion come back now!
Burning eyes and warmth in the hearts,
And so let it be with you to the end! So tender are your feelings and looks,
So much light in them, so much goodness!
You are still happy around
As if the wedding day was just yesterday!
May love forever remain
Decorates the year!
May everything work out in your life
Be happy together always! Thank you daddy for protecting your mom
So you love and of course respect.
Thank you for taking care of life
Any trouble, I know, you will take away.
Thank you mommy for falling in love with daddy
And you only opened up to him
Thank you daddy is surrounded by care
Charged with family energy.
I thank God that you exist
To hug you this holiday is just an honor!
Love, respect each other
And may God protect you from illness. Happy wedding anniversary, dad!
I want to tell you -
Let luck smile
Never lose heart!
Be happy and cheerful
Let the whole family be proud
Let happiness be great
Next to true friends! Your love keeps you young
A bright light does not fade in the eyes;
I remember you always just like that,
When the lock is removed from the soul of the dear.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
And I want to wish for many years
So that you live, inspiring each other,
Revealing your magical secret to me. As always, I tell you
That I love you very, very much!
And I congratulate you on your day
And I wish you only happiness!
Let everything turn out
To be good together! We laugh and bleat with happiness,
We drink for the holiday Pepsi, kvass:
Happy Anniversary
Weddings, mom and dad, you!
You are kinder, sweeter and more beautiful,
Cheerful, more beautiful than all.
You are our happiness in the world,
In life - joy and success!
Be you, as in the photo in the frame,
On the way - a hundred years - dashing:
Naughty bride - mom,
Papa - a gentle groom! Excellent reason
Write a praise verse
Because today is the anniversary
At my parents!
Deserved, dear
You are a huge medal
"For unearthly efforts
To save a marriage." Steel
Your union, and not otherwise.
Relationships are a gem.
I owe it for not being paid.
To be a son is insanely happy!
How proud I am, folks,
And I always lead by example!
Stay young
Never be sad!

Living together for 35 years from the wedding day is an occasion that really deserves recognition, best wishes and a worthy banquet. In the people, this wedding anniversary is called a coral wedding (or linen), and this is no accident. The period of living together hardened the spouses, rallied them, made them truly native people.

About Anniversary

Corals that form whole colonies (reefs and atoll islands) are actually formed from twigs, the components of which are small polyps. Can you imagine how beautiful it is and how many there are? This extraordinary sight, seen day or night, is a real gift of nature.

Both corals and a family that has lived for so many years soul to soul, becoming a single whole, are already indestructible. Such an impressive anniversary confirms this, but it all started with small steps towards each other, with the ability to give love, share happiness.

Now that the spouses know how much people go through in their life together and how difficult it all is, it's time to adequately reward yourself for such hard work by accepting the most sincere 35 years. After all, the past years are not just moments, all this is called a combination of different life situations, experiences and vast experience.

In order to gain the wisdom that the family has, the spouses had to go through all this shoulder to shoulder, become a real team, take on great responsibility. To give each other tenderness, to save and support, to rejoice and grieve together in a joint life - all this is important.

Reason for the best congratulations

Any celebration, whatever it may be, is not complete without table toasts, eloquent words and raised glasses, and guests begin to give gifts even from the threshold of a restaurant or at home. The wedding anniversary, which means more than thirty years of marriage, is no exception. For anniversaries - and these are, after all, people who have lived in love for 35 years - congratulations on their coral wedding should be unusual, sincere, sincere.

On our site you can find the most best regards for 35 years of marriage: the anniversary, which is compared with corals, is called that for a reason, it requires a special approach. We offer you words in which the real soul is hidden - attach them to your gift, and all the most fabulous will happen, and the anniversary of your life together will be remembered by the anniversaries for a long time and your congratulations on this day will forever remain in the hearts of the anniversaries.

How to congratulate each other?

Probably doesn't exist universal instruction so that your congratulations to each other on this important day - the coral wedding - touch the most subtle notes of the partner's soul. Which couple, who have lived together for 35 years, is similar to another? Yes, this does not happen, because this is a huge life path.

No one else feels your soulmate the way you do. After all, to live for an eternity in love and harmony, wealth and poverty means to be imbued with the soul of a partner, to get his heart. The ability to give love in life is priceless, but now you can demonstrate the desire to give gifts as well (what is an anniversary without a gift for a coral wedding?).

You can please your beloved from the very morning, put it in early by preparing breakfast in bed and waking her up with the smell of scarlet roses, or her other favorite flowers in life. Imagine that it was not 35 years old, and today is the first day after the wedding in your life together! You need to give something that will make your beloved throw off the burden of past years and become young again!

Leave all worries for later and give your wife a stunning gift for a coral wedding - go for a romantic walk in the afternoon for two, and in the evening for festive table swear an oath of allegiance and express gratitude to each other. Let this holiday be dedicated to your mutual sincere love, peace that reigns in life. Which great idea, Truth?

Congratulations from the guests

You were invited to a coral wedding, but you do not know what to give? It is imperative that you prepare properly for this. To make the congratulations colorful and surely be remembered by the anniversaries, as well as other guests, turn on your imagination. And we, in turn, will help you choose eloquent words, without which you definitely cannot do this day.

On our site you will find many useful information about what to give for a coral wedding, as well as learn the essence of the celebration of 35 years of marriage. A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to have fun, but it also has its own subtleties.

Surely you will have to say a toast at the festive table or record your wishes this day to the anniversaries on camera. Well, if you are an open person, and you know how to speak eloquently, then the words flow like a song on their own from a pure heart. And if you are a more closed person, and it is difficult for you to express your feelings in words, then ready-made poems that are on our website will come in handy.

You just have to learn them or write them down beautiful postcard- the coral anniversary will also tell you the plot outline for the postcard itself. Giving joy is nice, believe me! In addition, you can add the names of anniversaries to them - people who, to everyone's joy, have lived together for 35 years. Such congratulations will be especially pleasant and will not leave indifferent the spouses, as well as all the guests present. A coral wedding is a reason to be free and learn to say pleasant things easily, to give them to people!

If you are a creative person and want to arrange real holiday coral wedding to dear people, provide as your congratulations a special scenario for the 35th wedding anniversary, which will contain interesting ancient traditions, rituals. Include contests in it, riddles for spouses on knowledge of family history, notes from guests. May the atmosphere on this festive day be filled with real fun, and the taste of true celebration soar in the air!


Long life
One for two
Two destinies intertwined
Like the threads of a canvas.
Thirty-five years together
Connected hearts.
Your union is like a song
Which has no end.
anniversary date
It's very important to note.
you were lucky once
meet each other
Congratulations on a linen wedding,
We wish you love and happiness now!
Your family is like a coral reef
In the raging sea of ​​life!
Thirty-five years have flown by like an instant,
A moment between past and future!
We celebrate the coral wedding together,
We wish strength to the groom and beauty to the bride!
Let the coral blush bloom,
Let health increase
Let thirty-five more in a glorious moment
will pass
And the soul will not grow old!
We wish you love, health and happiness,
Let your house pass the rains and bad weather!
We came to visit invited,
Congratulate you, linen newlyweds!
Like a ship on the sea of ​​life
Under a strong canvas sail,
You rush forward without troubles and without grief,
And you only have one life for two!
Let the guardian angel at the head
Brings love and good luck
May you have enough strength and health for everything,
Thirty-five more - how could it be otherwise?
A linen wedding is your anniversary,
35 years together, not a day apart,
You called adult children today,
You called the growing grandchildren!
Together you created the canvas of life,
Let fate embroider patterns on it,
May it be strong and durable
Protects from everything bad.
May your warm and cozy home
For decades and decades,
Will be securely protected by a canvas from the winds
raging, from various troubles.
Gathered us at the table today
Your wonderful and meaningful anniversary!
The symbol of the current wedding is coral,
A gift from distant and unknown seas.
Do you know how long it grows
Year after year, adding branches?
May your love always bloom
Like a coral, without knowing the barriers!
You are 35 years old
Live long without grief and troubles!
Today you divided thirty-five for two -
And the wedding is called linen,
After all, the canvas of life is clean again,
So live - how to live!
Take happiness from your former life,
Let the pattern spread along the canvas,
We wish you great and tender love,
And life for two - one!
Once upon a time, a long time ago
You took the girl to the cinema ...
And the years fly like birds
And it has to happen,
Today you have thirty-five,
And you can't bring those years back.
Yes, you don't need it
The family came out kind and friendly.
Today is your anniversary
Kiss your wife quickly.
Destiny you "Thank you" say
For your life together!
Once a crazy boy
You were invited to the cinema
Although there were many suitors,
Yes, only one life has developed.
Today he is next to you
You have a difficult anniversary,
For two of you - thirty-five,
And you're in love again!
The boy became a faithful husband,
The most reliable and necessary,
Kiss him quickly
You have thirty-five - anniversary!
Thirty-five years have passed
And you are together, as before,
Connected surprisingly well
Love, faith and hope!
Your wedding is called coral,
After all, you are together on the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife,
Rushing, as if under scarlet sails,
Not knowing the troubles, suffering, grief!
So appreciate each other further,
So that the year would go the same way,
Dear Coral Consorts,
May fate bring you happiness!
Linen wedding came -
Open doors quickly
We wish you love, kindness, warmth
On your wonderful and meaningful anniversary!
You are grandma and grandpa today
On your wonderful anniversary,
But the wife, like a young girl,
And for her husband there is no sweeter.
Thirty-five years together is a lot
Despite the cold, rain and cold,
You stayed on the road of life
Loving wife and faithful husband.
Paved road,
We praise your wedding linen,
May your house be filled with joy
May fate send you the life you desire!

Congratulations in prose

On this significant day for you, I want to offer my congratulations on the successful overcoming of the marathon 35 years long. Undoubtedly, during this time you have overcome more than a dozen obstacles: jumped into the abyss, climbed the peaks, crossed the seas and oceans. But still they managed to get out of any life situations with dignity. Of course, it was not without the help of your love and endless mutual understanding that always accompany you. You are real heroes for everyone present. Therefore, we sincerely wish you to overcome the next distance as unitedly and reach the diamond milestone! Happiness to you and good luck!

My beloved mom and dad! Today we celebrate your linen wedding. You have been together for 35 happy years. During this time you have achieved a lot, you have intertwined your lives as tightly as the threads of a canvas are intertwined. We, your children and grandchildren, have become a large and friendly family forever bound by the fabric of your love. I wish you to stick together every day, understand and support each other's undertakings. You are wonderful! Love you!

Dear children, I can’t even believe that today is the day of your linen wedding. It seems like yesterday I blessed you for your wedding, and just recently we celebrated your silver wedding. And although the years fly like moments, and you yourself have become grandparents, for me you will always remain children who need care. And therefore I want to wish you two love and troubles that are afraid of her, and therefore they will never approach your house. I want to take a walk at your golden wedding!

Congratulations on your thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. People call it linen. Let the canvas of your life be one for two, keep it strong and clean, never tear or stain it. Let the only patterns on the canvas be love and happiness, the good luck of your children and grandchildren, your joint success.

Dear my friends! It seems that just yesterday we had a fun walk at your wedding, and today we are celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary. Let me once again congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary. I want to wish you an ocean of happiness and a bit of adversity, prosperity and many grandchildren. Let your love be an inexhaustible source of tenderness, patience and care. Let children and grandchildren bring only good news. Happiness to you and the implementation of all your plans!

The thirty-fifth wedding anniversary is called coral. When you created a family, you planted this coral at the bottom of the sea, and today it has grown to a gigantic size, having already blossomed 35 branches of happiness. May your life be as carefree and full of love and happiness as when your coral released only the first branch. Take care of each other, let love warm your hearts with kindness and care.

On such a wonderful day, I would like to wish you two an unlimited ocean of happiness, joy and prosperity. Live and enjoy your wonderful children and grandchildren, forget about all the problems and sorrows, because life is just beginning for the two of you. Thirty-five years of marriage is a big milestone, and you've reached it together, hand in hand. Congratulations! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your linen wedding! Thirty-five years ago you decided to start a new family, and today you have proved to all of us that you can live happily ever after, together weaving the threads of fate into a strong fabric of life. May your every day bring only joyful moments, may life embroider golden patterns on the canvas, covering it with the love of children and grandchildren! Let the years not affect your health and strength of mind, so that we can meet here just as amicably on the fiftieth anniversary, and you can boast of an elegantly embroidered golden canvas of life!

Thirty-five years of marriage is a treasure. No wonder the anniversary is called coral. Coral reefs are very valuable, they grow for many years, withstanding all the tests of the ocean depths. You, too, have stood the test of life with your head held high. Love each other, treat with understanding and respect, appreciate the experience that you have gained over the years. Enjoy life because you deserve it.

You have been together for three and another half a dozen years. This is a whole era filled with unexpected twists of fate, from which you always came out with honor. You are an example to follow. Your wisdom is beyond praise, so I want to raise a glass for your health and for your happy future together. Let the family hearth not fade away, but only flare up more and more, generously giving warmth to your entire large family and to us, true friends.

You were invited to wonderful holiday- a coral wedding, but you don’t know how beautifully to congratulate the spouses? Dont be upset! Here you will find a variety of congratulations on a coral wedding for a married couple who celebrate 35 years of marriage. Choose the one you like.

Thirty-five large corals
You wove it into a necklace.
Let there be many obstacles
You made it through them all!
Happiness and understanding to you
Life is bright, without worries,
Fulfillment of all desires
Clear starry sky!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Relationships are 35 today!
I wish you a coral holiday
So that you plunge into youth again!
Let the hearts still beat gently
Let the house be filled with happiness!
Let each other's eyes always laugh
So that thunder never overtakes you!

Two hearts beat for each other
And any blizzard is not terrible.
You did not change the decision to be together,
And the promises of the past were not forgotten.
Congratulations on your coral wedding,
We wish health to all your family.
Before the diamond wedding, live in abundance,
And may your loved ones be well.

How much joy and happiness -
Thirty-five years you've been together
The side of all bad weather -
In sorrow, in joy - a vow!
You already raised the kids
Grandchildren delight your eyes,
In the family tree a couple of branches -
You have fulfilled your order!
Be happy now
Live for yourself
Without worries and without sadness
Just in joy, love!

We heartily congratulate you,
Thirty five joint years!
And we wish you, of course,
Live up to a hundred, without evil and trouble!
Be happy and young
As, in fact, always!
Walk the dunes together
Conquer cities!

Congratulations on your coral wedding!
We wish you a happy and easy life!
We wish you to love each other just the same,
And live together and live happily - do not grieve!

You have lived for 35 long years!
Coral wedding reached now!
But love like you once loved
And don't take your eyes off each other!
You kept loyalty to each other all the time!
A worthy example for both children and grandchildren!
You have not forgotten everything that is so dear to you!
Your love has an infinite size!

On this happiest and brightest day of your life, on the day of your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you inexhaustible faith in each other! Let all domestic and material problems not get in your way! May your home always be filled with only mutual understanding, unquenchable love and boundless happiness! May your love become even stronger, more reliable and stronger every day! I wish you that your hearts always beat in the same rhythm so that each of you always knows about the experiences and feelings of the other! I wish you to support and love each other, in spite of any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love!

In the age of family boats being especially precarious, you manage to overcome all the obstacles and other nonsense together decisively, undermining the life together of two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where they know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We heartily congratulate you, wish you health and prosperity!

A wedding is a celebration of unity
Holiday of two native hearts,
Holiday of warmth, patience,
Wedding two rings.

Well, what if it's an anniversary?
Years spent together
Everyone: woman, man
Wish to live without troubles!

Thirty-five life together
How quickly the years fly by!
Let nature cataclysms
Most importantly, together forever!

How much joy and happiness -
Thirty-five years you've been together
The side of all bad weather -
In sorrow, in joy - a vow!

You already raised the kids
Grandchildren delight your eyes,
In the family tree a couple of branches -
You have fulfilled your order!

Be happy now
Live for yourself
Without worries and without sadness
Just in joy, love!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 35 years

Congratulations on the anniversary -
You have lived thirty-five!
From the day of the wedding we do not age,
Gray hair is just here again ...

I wish you beauty
Understanding and love
And congratulations again
Happy anniversary to the family!

You go through life boldly,
Like previous years
And you work skillfully
Live with love forever!

Thirty-five is not that many
Just life baggage
So long is the road
And your experience of love!

Happiness to you and children, grandchildren,
I want to wish now
There was a time of grief, torment,
Ahead - only a good hour!

And in a family circle, close,
Thirty-five, like a moment one,
Congratulations with a flattering word,
You live together until gray hair!

Coral wedding wishes (35 years old)

We heartily congratulate you,
Thirty five joint years!
And we wish you, of course,
Live up to a hundred, without evil and trouble!

Be happy and young
As, in fact, always!
Walk the dunes together
Conquer cities!

Thirty-five - a quick moment,
Day after day, year after year,
Thirty-five - quick breath,
This is how life goes!

Thirty-five from your wedding day,
We wish you happiness
Let the house be a full bowl
Beauty beyond her years!

Today we came to congratulate
With the wedding of our "young"
And send them a new order -
Love, appreciate to the "golden"!

Until golden when you're together
Celebrate fifty years
We'll meet at the same place
Gathering a festive dinner!

Short SMS congratulations on 35 wedding years

Congratulations on your coral wedding!
We wish you a happy and easy life!
We wish you to love each other just the same,
And live together and live happily - do not grieve!

We lived together until the coral wedding,
And even if there were difficulties in your life,
You together overcame all the difficulties,
You managed to save your family in the midst of adversity!

Other congratulations in verse for a coral wedding
