The brightest and most interesting crafts for the new year. Do-it-yourself cockerel for the new year Unusual applications for the new year of the rooster

Necessary materials:

- a set of colored paper
- box
- PVA glue

Stages of work:

Prepare boxes of various sizes. From the box, cut off the part that closes the box, make cuts along the fold lines (they should be ½ the height of the box itself). Bend the parts of the box along the cuts. Two opposite parts will be the wings, and the rest will be the tail and head. Round the wings. Cut the tail to the very base. Cut the head, moving from the top to the very base, to get the shape of a triangle. Decorate the craft: make earrings and a comb.

DIY cockerel craft

You will need:

Plastic bottle - 3 pcs.
- ball yellow color from the dry pool
- red and yellow plates
- red and yellow disposable cups
- black marker
- stapler
- plain tape
- double sided tape

Work process:

From 3 bottles, cut off the upper parts, fasten them with adhesive tape to each other. Cut along the edge of disposable cups. They must be attached to the neck of the rooster with tape. Colors must be alternated. From disposable plates, cut off the edge, make cuts from the inside. As a result, you have feathers. Gather the tail and feathers with a stapler. Insert the tail into the incision. Cover the joint wrapping paper. Wings also need to be cut with disposable plates. Attach the head with double-sided tape. Scallop, beak and beard cut out from red disposable plates. Insert the cut pieces into the cuts on the head. Eyes are also created from disposable plates.

Cockerel 2017 DIY

You will need:

Beads for eyes
- hot glue
- egg cartons
- primer
- acrylic paints
- balloon
- old newspapers
- scissors
- 2 beads
- PVA glue

How to do:

Two cones from the tray egg eggs cut, cut one side of each cone. Connect the cut cones together with the cuts down. You will get one large cone with 4 petals. In order to create the neck and head, connect 5 cones together. At the top, they will expand and become larger in size. Cut out the scallop from the side of the tray. From the lid, cut out the beak, which will consist of two parts. Feathers are also created from cones. They are fixed on top of the cardboard with hot glue. The length of one wing is - 15 cm. Similarly, make blanks for the tail.

The next step is to create paws. From copper wire bend the shape of the paws. In order to give the desired effect, twist the corrugated tube. Insert the left tail between the corrugated and metal tube. For strength, fill the lower part with glue. Cut out the claws from the bottom. They should be long and narrow. They need to be attached with glue. Paint the legs with the body with spray paint.

Prepare a stationery knife and construction foam. All cuts should be neat and even. You can cut pieces individually. Lastly, glue them together. You can bring it to the desired shape with sandpaper. Treat additionally with acrylic putty, wait until it dries completely, plaster again and treat with PVA glue. It will allow the paint to take on better.

Start painting from the head. Glue the eyes on the head. To create a beautiful scallop, make a pattern on paper, transfer it to foam, cut it out, and glue it to a suitable place. Take care of preparing the shape for the wings. Leave the back open. Cover the top of the wings with feathers made from corrugated bottles. Fold the last row inside the wing. Paint over with paint, leave to dry, attach with perforated tape and a self-tapping screw. Make a tail. Take the mesh, bend it. Cut feathers from bottles. Paint them separately on both sides. Apply black first, and then a little blue. Attach the feathers to the mesh with wire. Once the paint is dry, cut the feathers into two more pieces to make the tail look even fuller.

You will like and.

For the back, cut feathers from a transparent bottle. The width of one feather should be approximately 2-2.5 cm. Attach them on the back at once, 3-4 pieces. Use self-tapping screws for fastening. When you fix the feathers on the neck, cut off the upper part. Glue the last row of feathers to hide the heads of the screws. Glue smaller feathers in the back of the head and on the side of the crest. Cover all parts that you have painted with construction tape and bags. First apply yellow paint, dry it. Add some orange stripes.

The finishing touch is blinders. Cut 2 strips, make an incision with a clerical knife. Insert them between the metal-plastic and corrugated pipes. Paint the craft with yacht varnish.

How to sew a cockerel with your own hands

You will need:

- thread, scissors
- orange, blue-green, black and white fabric
- tweezers
- cotton wool
- scotch
- glue
- colored paper

Stages of work:

Draw a sample of the toy on a piece of cardboard, cut it out. Separately draw a wing, cut it out, see how they will look. Cut the sample into separate parts so that it is convenient for you to work further. Compare each piece of the sample with a separate piece of fabric, cut out each piece in turn from the fabric. Each part should be 2. Cut out the head from white fabric, the upper part of the wing and body from blue-green fabric, and the lower part of the wing and tail from black fabric. Make a beard, paw, beak, scallop and eyes from colored paper. Sew all the details for the head. There may be some difficulties with sewing on the comb. The fact is that it is wider than the head. It is better to sew it on the outside. Glue eyes from colored paper.

Do-it-yourself cockerel costume:

For the body, make allowances of 1.5 cm. Connect the details from the inside. Sew the tip of the foot inward. Sew the wings on the outside, put soft filler inside. If it is not at hand, ordinary cardboard will do. Sew the lower half from the outside, sew to the body, connect through the cardboard with a seam. Fit the body to the head. Sew the neck to the body. Fill the connected parts with cotton wool. You need to fill through the hole in the tail. The hole is very small, so you need to fill the craft with cotton wool in small portions. You may need to use tweezers. Sew the details of the tail with the outer seam, fill it with cotton.

Paws can be made from cardboard or a piece of fabric. Choose the fabric of the right size and color, make a few square details. Trim the ends, sew the oblong paws. Fill with cotton. Sew legs, wings, tail to the body. Cut off without touching the seams. DIY cockerel toy is ready.

Do-it-yourself cockerel made of paper.

This is the easiest way to create crafts. There are several ways. You can use the technique of origami, quilling, cutting with scissors, etc. paper craft can be put or hung on the Christmas tree, glued on the window, decorate festive table. An excellent solution is the decor of napkins. It will look quite restrained and at the same time - original. If you use origami, then the napkin can be immediately folded in the form of a cockerel. We will provide you with diagrams.

Cockerel do-it-yourself patterns.

In the popular game "Crocodile" there is a trick that allows you to quickly direct the mind of the participants in the right direction - "suitcase". The player draws a rectangle in the air, which is the initial form, on which he builds up additional details and circumstances - a “suitcase” with a steering wheel, a “suitcase” with a roof, and so on. The same principle can be used to create toys and crafts if there is no ability for high art, but there is a need to create presents or holiday attributes. How to make a symbol of 2017 with your own hands, so that the result is pleasing to the eye, and the process of its creation does not take much time?

Learn at a glance

When making toys for the New Year, it is necessary to decide on their purpose. It depends on how durable crafts should be. For example, Christmas tree and interior decorations can be disposable and made from paper and other improvised means. Gift items will require more labor, and the material for their creation should be more resistant to external factors.

Rooster - a symbol of 2017 with your own hands can be depicted in several guises:

  • adult male bird;
  • chick;
  • abstract representative of the chicken tribe.

The main thing here is that the character be recognizable, and naturalistic similarity is secondary.

As a gift to children school age you can make the famous roosters on sticks from burnt sugar and citric acid or bake gingerbread in the form of birds.

Lenten dough is suitable for making "cranes" - traditional Slavic dough products that are customary to meet spring. Lenten pie dough is rolled into thin sausages, each of which is tied into a knot with two ponytails (a head with a beak and a tail) and baked. If you make combs and wide tails for birds, then they become cockerels.

The house where the birds live

Decorating your home for the holiday with cheerful birds is the easiest way to flatter the vanity of the symbol of the year. You can make "wind music", decor for a window or doorway.


  • thick design paper;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • decorative braid or lace;
  • felt-tip pen or eyes for sticky toys.

Paper will need three colors - for the body (white, gray or yellow), for the beak, legs and crest (orange or red) and for the wings and tail (any - at the discretion of the author).

  1. Circles are cut out of the background paper (for an optimal diameter of 12-15 cm).
  2. A segment of a circle of approximately 35-45 degrees is removed and the workpiece is glued into a cone to make the body of a bird.
  3. Two identical segments for the legs are separated from the braid.
  4. Adhered to the body from the wrong side.
  5. Paws (4 pieces) are cut out according to the template and glued to the braid so that each ribbon is between two paper fragments.
  6. The crest (2 pcs.), tail (2 pcs.) and two wings are cut out with allowances of 3-5 mm from the mounting side.
  7. For the beak, a small circle is made with a small allowance. It is formed into a cone, and the allowance is bent inward, smeared with glue and attached to the body.
  8. The details of the crest (and tail) are glued together (no need to glue the allowance).
  9. Holes are cut in the bird's body to secure the crest, wings and tail.
  10. Allowances of parts are passed into the holes and glued from the wrong side.
  11. A hole is made in the comb for a thread or fishing line for hanging a bird from a garland or an architectural object.
A similar principle applies when creating birds from paper cups. The only difference is that the flat bottom of the workpiece allows not only hanging, but also placing a bird equipped with wire rather than fabric legs. For the manufacture of legs, you can use floral wire with teip winding.

To fix the wire on the product, you should roll its ends into a ring and glue it with adhesive tape to the bottom of the glass.

For memory

The do-it-yourself symbol of 2017 made of paper is a fragile decoration, and many needlewomen are not even considered as a present. However, a paper cockerel can be not only an element of decor, but also a memorable symbolic souvenir if it is made using the “origami” technique, as a bookmark for books or an application for a New Year's card.

Carved cellulose birds can decorate glass and mirrors.

It is not difficult to make a developing cockerel toy according to the principle of a designer as a gift for a baby from cardboard and self-adhesive paper or rubber.


  • a set of colored sheets;
  • cardboard - 2 sheets;
  • pencil;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • ruler and scissors.

These do-it-yourself toys - a symbol of 2017 - serve as a great alternative to industrial designs and help a little person learn colors and shapes, develop memory and fine motor skills.

On a sheet of cardboard, it is necessary to mark the contour of the bird, consisting of:

  • square (head);
  • rectangle (torso);
  • five triangles with an obtuse angle as a vertex (4 for the tail and 1 for the beak);
  • isosceles triangle (pedestal).

Trace the outline of the figure with a felt-tip pen.

Exactly the same elements need to be cut out of cardboard and design paper. Figures are cut out of decorative material in duplicate - for gluing cardboard parts and for forming a basic picture.

Glue the rigid carrier of the individual elements and the design layer. Glue the second design kit to the base pattern.

To make it easier and more interesting for a child to play, you can paste over the details of the designer on both sides, and as a template, come up with one more or a couple of animals that can be depicted using this set of figures.

Bird on teapot

Making the symbol of the new 2017 with your own hands, fabric crafts should not be overlooked either.

A chicken or cockerel on a teapot can be good.

You will need:

  • decorative fabric;
  • natural lining fabric;
  • interlining;
  • felt (for decoration);
  • insulation (synthetic winterizer).
  • Draw on paper and cut out a non-convex pentagon with right angles at the base.

Mark the figure on all types of fabric (except felt) with an allowance of 1 cm (to mark one-sided fabric, it must be folded in half so as not to be mistaken with the location of the front and back parts).

  1. Cut out felt parts (beak, scallop, tail and wings).
  2. Fold the finishing material with the front sides inward, placing the beak, comb and tail between them so that their bases are located along the outer wrong side of the blanks. Sew the blanks together along the upper contour with an indent from the edge of 1 cm. Leave the lower allowance free.
  3. Turn out to the front.
  4. Fold non-woven and lining elements with a “sandwich” (non-woven fabric, 2 linings with right sides to each other, non-woven fabric) and sew along the contour with an indent from the edge.
  5. Put a "sandwich" in a decorative "case" and lay a heater between them.
  6. Bend the bottom allowances according to the principle of a linen (sewing) seam and sew the bottom edge of the product in a circle.
  7. Fasten the wings with overcasting.

You can additionally decorate the product with embroidery or appliqué.

winter toy

A glove is a wardrobe item that, losing a pair, becomes useless. But do not rush to get rid of the lonely knitted accessory on the eve of the Year of the Rooster.

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, made with this handy material in every sense, can bring joy and good luck to both small and large family members for a long time to come.

To turn a glove into a bird you will need:

  • synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • beads or buttons;
  • felt beak, scallop, goiter and wings.

All felt parts, except for the wings, are cut out in a single copy.

To make the wings look more impressive, it is advisable to make them multi-colored - 3 layers of fabric for each wing. The size of each element along the outer edge should be slightly smaller than the previous one, but the bases should match.

The toy is not completely stuffed with filler - 4 fingers of the glove should remain empty - they will form a tail.

  1. The hole of the glove must be sewn in a circle with a basting stitch and tightened.
  2. Sew a beak, goiter and scallop to the big (stuffed with filler) finger.
  3. Gather each wing together and attach to the body of the bird.
  4. Sew the glove at the base of the four empty fingers so that the filler does not migrate. It is advisable to decorate the fingers of a plain glove with embroidery.
  5. As an eye, you can sew on small beads or buttons.

Representatives of the chicken tribe are a good base for creative experiments: they can be created from almost any material at hand. Perfect gift self made- a decorative interior panel on which the symbol of the year will be embroidered with buttons and beads of different sizes and colors.

Which great idea make a craft of a rooster, a symbol of 2017 with your own hands! By pleasing the Fire Rooster, you will receive his patronage for a whole year. Gifts in the form of a rooster with your own hands, especially if they are made from the bottom of your heart, will please anyone, and they can also be a great New Year's decoration in your home.

You have a chance to excel with your imagination and creativity. Please note that the rooster has a homely character, not tolerating disorder, but requiring comfort and everything natural, natural, but he will also leave no room for boredom and mediocrity. You do not need any special training, you can even involve your children in this to have fun together and develop their Creative skills to train fine motor skills. For crafts, you need to prepare a minimum of materials, and at the end get the maximum benefit in the form of a sea of ​​​​positive emotions. Being a creator is not at all difficult, but it is terribly fun and great!

Take a look at a wide variety of ideas, let them inspire you, or maybe thanks to them, you will come up with your own unique one. Just try!

funny chicken coop

A pillow with the image of a rooster or hens - hens, a very beautiful and also practical accessory for the home in 2017. It will decorate any room and add softness and comfort if you put it on yourself. How to do?

From a sheet of paper or cardboard, draw and cut out a stencil, each part of the cockerel separately: wings, crest, beak, eyes, etc. Having attached the patterns to the multi-colored pieces of fabric, cut out all the parts of the appliqué, sew them to the pillowcase of the pillow. It is better to choose a plain light fabric for the base. A do-it-yourself rooster on a pillow can be made with various ornaments: flowers, herbs or peas, use your imagination to vividly depict a poultry yard.

Let's fly!

Do-it-yourself voluminous toys in the form of chickens and a rooster, attached to the top by ropes, interesting option instead of a fixed panel. You can change the places of their deployment, decorating one room or another, because such a craft will delight people of all ages. Each toy has its own special charm, it gives the warmth of the hands of the master and inspires the atmosphere of the holiday for the new year 2017.


According to the template from two parts, we cut out and sew the future chicken. We attach the rest of the parts: eyes, beak, wings, etc. To your taste, you can add decorations from beads and rhinestones, bright flowers or feathers to the hens. From the thicker threads, you need to make legs for the chickens, buttons sewn together will serve as paws.

naughty cockerels

We sew a blank for an egg-shaped toy and attach the rest of the rooster to it: wings, comb, eyes, and so on. Glue the straw from below so that it looks like a nest in shape, and the rope on which we hang the cockerel can be decorated with beads. Attach ready-made cockerels to a branch that can be decorated with artificial leaves made of paper or scraps of fabric.

Cockerel with a heart

We sew a stuffed blank for a toy from two pieces of a heart shape. As a fabric, you can choose warm felt. Sew along the edges the rest of the rooster: beak, fluffy tail, scallop, beak, and so on. In the middle, attach a ribbon or rope on which the toy will hang.

This master class has a lot of options for execution, there is no limit to the author's imagination and courage, the number and size of do-it-yourself roosters is not limited.

Antistress cockerels

Such toys can be put on a shelf or on any horizontal plane. A funny performance will cheer everyone up in 2017 and will remind you of a fairy tale and holidays. The fabric should be bright plain, or with polka dots, stripes, checks. Sew a stuffed blank in the form of a square bag, along the edges there will be a beak, tail and other parts of the cockerel. We sew the toy from below so that we get a pyramid. To give an even more ridiculous look, you can make a cockerel from the red thread of the paw. To such mischievous cockerels, you can add a whole bird brood with hens and even chickens. The toy keeps its shape very well and will not leave anyone indifferent.

golden scallop

To create such a symbol of 2017 - a rooster, you will need fabric and cotton wool. From the patterns, sew the body, wings and scallop, stuff them with cotton wool. Sew them together and attach the rest of the details: eyes, beak, beard. You can attach a stylistic straw bow to your neck, it will look very authentic! Choose the material for crafts to your taste, for example, bright plain felt is well suited for a beak and a scallop with a beard, you can look at something contrasting for the body and wings. The rooster will definitely be pleased with your work!

Fashionista Pugovkin

Do-it-yourself rooster from buttons - perfectly simple and at the same time creative idea! After all, everything is ingeniously simple! You will definitely find at home old unnecessary buttons of all colors of the rainbow and sizes. It’s a pity to throw away such buttons, and at the same time they lay unnecessarily, but nothing happens by chance, and now, finally, the buttons will find their purpose in the form of a wonderful craft for the new 2017 Fire Rooster!

Gather New Year's rooster on fabric or a sheet of paper or cardboard. Rhinestone decoration will look good, it is better to choose buttons different sizes and forms. This will give the finished product a special zest. At the first stage, draw the base of the rooster so that the buttons do not go beyond its borders. The finished application can be framed in the most prominent place in the house.

This do-it-yourself rooster is a master class for anyone who wants to diversify their leisure time and please loved ones with unusual gizmos. You will certainly please the arrogant and arrogant cockerel, and he, in turn, patronized you throughout 2017. But the main thing is that you get real pleasure from the creative process itself and the surprise of your loved ones.

If you liked our site or the information on this page was useful, share it with your friends and acquaintances - click one of the social network buttons at the bottom of the page or at the top, because among the heaps of unnecessary garbage on the Internet it is quite difficult to find really interesting materials.

Everyone wants this holiday to be remembered forever. Some time before the holidays, everyone starts preparing for the New Year.

In the New Year period, many people try to make crafts with their own hands on their own. In this article, we will tell you how to do crafts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in kindergarten from paper and not only. Show photos and videos.

Crafts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in kindergarten.

Children in kindergarten are constantly doing crafts. New Year 2017 is a great occasion to do something with your own hands in kindergarten. Here are a few interesting ideas and show the photo.

Felt Christmas tree toy.

It is very easy to make such a toy with your own hands. Even the smallest child can make it.

  1. First of all, we make several strips of felt 10 centimeters wide. Then we make cuts on these strips.
  2. The resulting material is twisted into rolls and tied in the middle with a beautiful thin rope.
  3. It remains only to fluff the strips and give them the shape of a ball.

This is such an interesting piece.

Beautiful bells from disposable cups.

Photo: Bells from disposable cups

Surely you have unnecessary disposable cups of tea or coffee lying around at home. You can make great ones out of them. new Year decoration for the tree. We will tell you how to make such a decoration step by step:

  1. We take disposable cups.
  2. We paint them in silver or gold spray paint.
  3. We make a hole in the bottom.
  4. Then we take the wire, which is covered New Year's tinsel and make a loop on it, leaving a long end.
  5. We tighten the wire into the hole and attach the ringing ball.
  6. A beautiful “bouquet” is formed from the bells and hung for decoration.

Christmas tree made of wire with tinsel.

Very simple craft for the New Year 2017. Even the smallest ones can make it. The main thing is to give children materials and talk about caution.

To make such a wonderful Christmas tree, you will need iron wire, which is covered with festive tinsel. Such wires are now not a problem to buy in stores. You need to bend the wire in the form of a Christmas tree, and attach some kind of star or button to its top.

Craft in kindergarten: a house for children.

In kindergarten, you can make such a wonderful house. For the manufacture you will need cardboard, paints and plasticine. You can also make some New Year's attributes for the house, such as a Christmas tree and a snowman.

A very interesting craft can be made from transparent glue. In order to make such a craft, you need to prepare silicone glue and a Christmas tree-shaped baking dish.

  1. Pour the glue halfway into the mold.
  2. Sprinkle sequins on top.
  3. Then add glue.
  4. While the glue is curing, put some kind of weight on the mold, for example, a glass of water.
  5. Make a hole in the upper part of the craft and stretch a beautiful rope.
  6. The resulting craft can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Beautiful rooster 2017 with your own hands.

It's no secret that 2017 is the year of fiery rooster. Therefore, it is imperative to make a symbolic craft.

You can make a symbol of 2017 from cardboard. detailed instructions it is not enough to show a few photos here:

Photo: Rooster 2017

Crafts for the New Year 2017 do it yourself from paper.

Paper is a great creative tool. DIY paper crafts for the New Year 2017 are made quite simply and with minimal material costs.

Can be made from paper great amount interesting crafts for the new year. Let's show some cool ideas.

For the manufacture of this wonderful crafts you will need cardboard paper and colored.

  1. Make a cardboard cone.
  2. Take several shades of green colored paper at once.
  3. From green colored paper, cut out many circles at once.
  4. Glue the circles onto the cone. Start from the bottom. Glue on the top edge of the circle.

Here is such a Christmas tree can be made from cardboard and colored paper.

Christmas tree made of tinsel.

Craft: Christmas tree made of tinsel photo

You can make a Christmas tree according to the same principle as the previous craft, just decorate it with New Year's tinsel.

Paper snowflakes.

Photo: DIY crafts for the New Year 2017

Everyone made paper snowflakes before the New Year. You can decorate windows with them, hang them beautifully on a Christmas tree, you can find a lot of applications for them.

Christmas tree from napkins.

Photo: beautiful Christmas crafts

Very beautiful Christmas trees obtained from ordinary napkins. This craft is very simple. Even the smallest children can cope with the task of making it. For the manufacture you need only round paper napkins. You can also use wooden skewers. They will become the basis of the Christmas tree.

  1. Cut the napkins along the radius.
  2. Glue them in the form of cones.
  3. Put three of these cones on a skewer.
  4. It is best to fasten on beads glued to a skewer.
  5. The last smallest napkin is glued to the very top. It should be smaller than everyone else.

Craft ideas for the New Year 2017: photo.

Crafts in the Year of the Rooster 2017 photo

Crafts in the year of the Rooster 2017: video.

Video tips from bloggers. How to make crafts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 with your own hands.

Galina Kovaleva

Symbol 2017 years - cockerel . But it's not simple symbol. This poultry loves everything natural, so that there is comfort and order everywhere. And to be lucky this year, cockerel needs to be appeased. It's best to appease him under the tree performed do it yourself. This craft can also be a wonderful, memorable gift for loved one. We would like to offer you master class of our cockerel.

For work we need: cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, a simple pencil, beads, ribbons ( different color and different sizes, millet.

Cut out a template from cardboard cockerel and his wing.

Let's start decorating our cockerel. Lubricate the body with glue and cover with beads.

Head and legs cockerel covered with millet.

We give time to dry. And at this time we ourselves decorate the wing. For this we use thin ribbon any color we like and beads.

We continue to decorate our cockerel. We glue a beautiful bright ribbon on his neck so that he is handsome with us. From felt we cut out a scallop, a beak, a beard. We glue everything.

Appearance cockerel depends a lot on his tail. Decorate it the same way. winglet: ribbons and beads.

Glue on the wing.

Here is our cockerel and ready. We place it on the snowflake we prepared in advance. You can hang this snowflake on the door or in any other place you like.

Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming holiday! Let cockerel bring happiness to everyone!

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