Comic congratulations to the newlyweds on the wedding with vegetables. Cool congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool comic gifts

On the wedding day - a very important holiday -
We decided to give you
A simple set of paper banknotes,
So that you can carry out
Your hopes and dreams.
Let this small capital
Fill up the money bag
To take your family boat
Start in life serious, big,
Where happiness and success await you
To sound in the apartment soon
You have a perky children's laugh!

Happy holiday, young people.
Happy beautiful wedding day.
Here, accept the first deposit
To the family estate.

Or for fun
Or just for a spree
The main thing is that the result
Was helpful and good.

Let the gift be a joy
May it bring you closer to your dream
Live richly and happily
I wish the family!

Today is your magical day
Even the shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is tender like a fairy,
The groom immediately melts at the sight.

Let us congratulate you
Say - you will be all class!
Give you a money envelope
And make a contribution to us in your budget.

To live happily, beautifully,
My heart sparkled with positivity.
And every day was full of happiness
And bad weather did not touch you.

A gift from me
At the wedding you accept
To a family account
Put money.

For son and daughter
Let the interest run
Accumulate and multiply
Rubles, euros and cents.

My gift is money
Let it become a magnet
Let the wallet be
Stuffed with banknotes.

Wish the money
Your family was loved
So that you are more valuable than money
Appreciate your love.

A wedding in life is an important path,
And you can't live here without money!
Accept the cherished envelope,
Buy whatever you want.

Let them not play the main role
But in life they help a lot.
We wish you to live in prosperity,
Respect each other, love.

Be rich in money, soul,
Love you happy, good luck,
cherished desires for fulfillment
And life is always satisfying!

Congratulations guys
Became husband and wife
And now these banknotes -
My glorious gift from the heart.

Let them replenish the budget
Let them bring your goal closer
May you always have enough money
For caviar and for a cocktail.

I donate money for the wedding
I know it will come in handy
So that you study the budget
Manage yours.

There is no such thing as a lot of money
Everyone knows this
And so the gift
My necessary and important.

I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
To have money in himself
Collected more.

Let them not buy happiness
But I want to wish you
To be able to spend money
And they were able to multiply.

Bride and groom, congratulations!
Let your life be a beautiful song!
The time has come now, the hour has struck,
Think about your joint budget.

We give you starting capital,
We wish you all the best,
So that he attracts money to your family,
May it become the beginning of prosperity!

What to give the newlyweds?
For a long time, probably not a secret,
What about young husbands and wives
An envelope is given with the money!

Spend it on what you want
It will definitely give you pleasure!
I bring you closer to your dreams
In the treasury you have made a replenishment!

I'll put banknotes in an envelope,
To give it to you
So that in a new stormy life
You didn't happen to grieve.

Need to start with something
Form your budget
I hope you are happy
Get money on holidays!

Congratulations on a wedding is not a simple performance for an invited guest. Not everyone can witty and beautifully voice cool congratulations on a wedding with the presentation of money. And pass for the original with such a banal, but, of course, the right gift everyone wants. Some interesting options congratulations can help anyone with this.

You can give money not only directly with banknotes. The option of investing in cash investments is quite interesting. Even though it will be only one percent of the shares of the holding for the production of chairs or cars, the fact that the money is in business and the newlyweds can be real shareholders will surprise and delight everyone.

You can give money
The case is also entrusted
You follow the profit
Promotions do not miss!
Here's the challenge - business for you
And more money!

Such a gift will be both money and a fun investment, who knows, what if securities will captivate the newlyweds and really raise material wealth in the newly-made family?

You can give money in a beautiful way. Well-known portraits that are ordered in various techniques, you can also lay out ... with coins. They also have color and shade. Yes, such a gift will be difficult to put into action without destroying it. Well, on the other hand, the value of a family portrait will only increase due to the amount of material used, literally. The execution of such a mosaic-puzzle portrait of coins can be either entrusted to the artist, or you can try to perform it yourself. Accompanying can be like this:

I want to give you money
Not a bag, not even a bunch.
The bank account is also by.
Here's the option I'm going to put forward:
You ... your family portrait, mind you
It's real money, you know.
But please, even in difficult times...
You ... do not pick it!
Keep your nose up like a ruble
And do not frown so your pennies.
Shine a smile on the top ten
With an anniversary coin at the neck.

Money is a thing that comes and goes, so why not associate it with movement. To give a vehicle, decoration with banknotes and funny to congratulate the newlyweds - what could be more fun? For example, skis! A sufficiently flat surface may well be decorated with banknotes of various denominations. But, of course, so that they can be unfastened. And it does not matter if the wedding takes place not at all in winter. You can beat the gift in different ways, and at the same time attach the bride and groom to healthy lifestyle life:

Let winter or summer
I will remind you of this
Sports should be done
And of course, get hot!
Two of you - and two skis
So forward on them to fate!
On the rich road
A little stuck to them
Where is a bill, where are two!
Money sticks to you everywhere!
So that drifts of coins,
So that wealth is all signs
Do not pass, do not pass
Your money has covered your way!
Well, do you enjoy
Yes, go skiing!

The option with the presentation of money can be beaten as ... a big wash. You can also arrange a competition. Who will launder money more. Two basins, and a clothesline with a bright ribbon in the middle and a sign "Top of Wealth" or any other sign that makes sense. The bride and groom each take one bill and quickly hang the money to “dry”. Whoever reaches the tape in the middle faster will manage the family budget. Congratulations can be applied like this:

Hey guys don't be shy
Hurry up!
We will replenish the budget
We are with you for many years!
Money was washed for you
But they are few and far between
Have time to dry them
Yes, post it!

You can also donate money in the form of one expensive coin. Often their release is dedicated to a specific event. Or maybe the coin will be made of platinum or gold. Then it can be placed in a huge box, and taking it out, voice such a congratulation:

Oh, I can't give
To you great gift
Just a coin
I will present you...
Denomination to you
I won't tell right away.
secretly on paper
I'll write a number!
Let it be small
But all in gold (platinum)
Will be in your bank
She is the first.
So that like Scrooge McDucky
early in the morning
You are in the pool of such coins
Would dive to the bottom!

Original congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money will not take much time to prepare, if you approach the idea of ​​​​gifting in a very unusual way. For example, money can be presented by a magician from a top hat! It is necessary to arrange banknotes in advance in a tape - it is not so difficult to make money from a film and insert money into pockets of various denominations. Or just fasten them with paper clips on a colorful ribbon. Then, after congratulations in verse, you can invite a previously prepared artist to perform:

Tricks with a budget
Yes, now about it!
We will be very public
Cool surprise!
Watch your hands
Ears and feet:
Your budget is everywhere
We will deliver!

The simplest trick is also important here with getting coins “out of the nose” or “out of the ear”. Moreover, if desired, the artist can teach you how to do this trick. Well, in the final, instead of a rabbit from a hat, you can get a ribbon of money.

The best gift is a book. They do not argue with the classics, but presenting a book with banknotes is also original and non-standard. Let it be a self-made book "History of the development of the budget" or "Diary of the growth of the family bank." Where on each page, in addition to the banknote attached in ascending order, there will also be a wish for its use. In the preface of such a book, you can write a congratulation:

I am the author of this book
I won't show you shit
Neither the dollar nor the euro,
But I'll tell you boldly:
read this book,
What to spend - know!
And if you want to keep it!
And to give to grandchildren... so be it.

Everyone knows a funny picture from the Internet, where bills of a thousandth denomination are placed as a tear-off calendar. If you know how to needlework, it will not be difficult to arrange such a calendar for at least a month. Money pockets can be made from paper, transparent material, or simply attached to real calendar sheets.

Here's a sheet for every day!
So that the husband can spend
So that the wife can spend.
Enough money for a family!
Tear off and spend quickly
But no more than a leaf a day!

Ideas for giving money can be found everywhere. Rely on events, the individual characteristics of the young couple and the theme of the wedding. The main thing is that the fantasy process should be captivating, and congratulations will come to mind by itself and cause unexpected surprise not only among the guests, but also the original congratulator.

The wedding celebration is rich in beautiful, very touching and memorable moments. Often, not only professionals contribute to their organization, but also the guests themselves, who come up with unusual congratulations for the newlyweds dear to their hearts.

We offer several options - original congratulations - gifts for the wedding, which will be a wonderful addition to useful and cash gifts heroes of the occasion

Original congratulations to the young "Capsule of love" .

This is a touching and beautiful moment at the wedding, in order to emphasize its significance and solemnity, you need to prepare for it in advance: pick up lyrical background music, prepare the “capsule” itself (it can be a chest with a lock, a pretty piggy bank or a hermetically sealed vase), paper, pens and the text with which this ritual will be accompanied.

The creation of a "capsule of love" by newlyweds can become a separate issue entertainment program, or it can become a beautiful occasion for a toast and be organized not by the presenter, but by one of close friends or relatives, like original congratulations with a gift. It is better to spend it in the second feast, when traditional toasts and rituals are behind.

An eyeliner to this congratulation can be a brief story that every year of married life should be celebrated as a kind of personal anniversary: ​​the first anniversary is called " print wedding”, the fifth - wooden. But the tenth anniversary of married life is. How do young husband and wife today imagine their life together ten years from now? What will they become and how will they feel for each other? Let both answer this question in writing, and what they write down will be stored in a “time capsule” for the next ten years. It is better that the newlyweds do not interfere and embarrass each other, organize the writing of their forecast-wishes in turn by the bride and groom, and at this time take their second half with any wedding entertainment.

For example, while the groom is writing, the bride can be offered, since it is the woman who creates the atmosphere in the house, to learn one of the “recipes for family happiness”, and even cook it (you will need salt or sand different colors, coffee beans, a glass of red wine, rose petals and beautiful tableware)

- Recipe for family happiness

“We take three heaping tablespoons of optimism, to which we add a large handful of faith and five teaspoons of patience, and a pinch of respect and trust. On this fertile soil we throw seeds of fidelity. All this is generously filled with love and decorated with petals of kind attention. Serve the finished mixture at any time of the day with a side dish of smiles and compliments.”

- Important dates

Then, taking the word from the bride that she would follow this recipe in her family life- we send her to write a letter, and entertain the groom. Here you can talk about the most important wedding dates, because men risk forgetting about it and thereby offending their beloved wife. You can give him a reminder wedding anniversaries and gifts that are recommended for everyone to give, some can be voiced. For example, on the fifth anniversary life together - « wooden wedding”- exquisite accessories trimmed with birch bark for the night table of your beloved wife will be good. But on " pink wedding”, that is, after 10 years of marriage, the husband traditionally gives his wife a bouquet of eleven roses, ten of which are red (they symbolize love), and one is white. This is the color of hope for an equally happy married life in future.

Then, to the applause of the guests, the newlyweds pack and seal both messages in a “capsule of love”, which can be opened exactly after 10 years. And, of course, happy birthday to the family and a toast to love!!

Congratulation-game "Amulet with magic beads for the newlywed".

This general is appropriate to carry out at small celebrations, otherwise it will be too long.

For this game - congratulations will need big and beautiful beads by the number of guests and fishing line. When pronouncing his toast, each speaker strings one bead onto a fishing line. And so on until you get a real necklace. Then these beads, charged with the benevolent and cordial wishes of all the guests, are handed over to the groom, and he puts them on the bride's neck.

For this gift you can think of beautiful wish about the fact that the beads protect the young from all troubles, and help the young wife to gain strength and wisdom in difficult times.

General congratulations at the wedding "From heart to heart".

For this surprise - congratulations - a gift, you need to prepare a large cardboard heart, which is decorated with the inscription of the names of young people (Maria + Victor), their portraits and a beautiful wedding backdrop (cupids, doves, flowers). Such a heart can be specially ordered at any salon that provides printing services. Miniature hearts are prepared in the “set” for a big heart, on which a few kind words addressed to lovers can fit. You will have to stock up on double-sided tape.

Secretly from the newlyweds, the presenter or one of the friends distributes small hearts, the guests write their wishes on them. Hearts are picturesquely attached to a large heart with adhesive tape so that the main surface is closed. A large heart acquires a bulge, volume, and in itself becomes an entertaining decoration of the wedding hall. At the end of the celebration, this heart is given to the newlyweds, with the most Best wishes and recommendations to unstick all the hearts and read everything nice words at the same time, after all, only by peeling off all the miniature notes, the newlyweds will discover what holds one heart for two.

Original gift "Calendar sheet".

By organizing this, any presenter can decorate his program with a memorable beautiful moment, but it will be even more touching if someone from close young people starts it, especially since organizing it is quite simple - you need a tear-off calendar and beautiful frame(a calendar sheet with the date of the wedding is beautifully glued into the frame).

By presenting this gift, it can be emphasized that from this moment on, an ordinary calendar leaf becomes their family heirloom. It is worth reading the time of sunrise and sunset, the length of the day, decorating this, in fact, banal information, with a romantic veil: “Years will pass. You look at this yellowed sheet and remember that the first day of your life together lasted ... hours ... minutes. And only for you the sun rose at ... hours and the village - to your pleasure! - at ... hours. And this leaflet will remind you of all of us, your relatives and guests!” At this moment, a toast about the future happy years of married life will be very appropriate.

It would be great to add a beautiful folder or album to this family present, prepared specifically for all those present to write their wishes to the newlyweds in it. This can be done throughout the evening - the host officially invites guests to this action and shows a place where you can safely make your entry.

"A gift of a lifetime"

At the end of the event, the presenter takes out a box. This box contains beautiful pictures. On each frame, the guest must write his own sincere wishes young. When everyone has written, the bridesmaids fasten the frames together satin ribbon(holes will be prepared in advance). The ribbon of wishes is wound on a reel and solemnly handed over to the newlyweds. Spouses throughout their lives, if the wish came true, untie the frame, if not, then they have something to strive for. For example: the mother of the bride wished to give birth young beautiful daughter. When the spouses have a girl, they untie the frame or put a tick on the tape marked: “done”

Wedding in the life of every newlywed takes an important place. Wedding rings, beautiful outfits, guests - all this will be remembered for a long time. But there is another wonderful moment at the wedding - the time of presenting gifts to the newlyweds. Some gifts will be remembered, some will be quickly erased from memory. Many guests do not puzzle over the choice of a wedding gift - they give an envelope with banknotes, they consider the issue resolved. But it is unlikely that the newlyweds will remember who gave them money and how much, if the guests do not forget to sign the envelope.

Cool wedding gift ideas for newlyweds

The newlyweds will remember the guests who managed to come up with cool wedding gifts for a long time and with a smile sort through the funny moments of presenting presents in their memory. It is important not only to come up with or find an interesting idea on the Internet, you also need to implement it correctly, beautifully and on time, so that it turns out fun, with a hint and is not offensive to the participants in the action. We offer you a short sightseeing tour, during which the ideas of cool gifts speak eloquently for themselves.

Glass jar with banknotes

If you decide to give the newlyweds a present expressed in banknotes, then you should do it with humor and ingenuity, then your gift will not be lost among the rest. Simple and original solution will place money of different denominations in a transparent jar, close it and come up with an inscription for the sticker, for example, “Family Bank”, “Cabbage in its own juice”, “Dried greens”. Show your imagination, come up with your own original label, and indicate the ways to use the contents of the jar on the sticker.

Cool gift - a plot on the moon

A plot on the moon presented for a wedding is a romantic, albeit virtual, gift. But it is quite possible to obtain a certificate for the possession of a small territory of the Earth's satellite legally. Starting in 1980, Dennis Hope, who found a niche in international law, began selling plots on the Moon and Mars to everyone. The presentation includes a document on property ownership, a map of the planet.

Travel by hot air balloon or hang glider

If the newlyweds lead an active lifestyle and love a healthy extreme - such unusual gift will make them excited. The feeling of flight inspires, at the height of the young spouses will repeatedly want to confess their feelings to each other again. Flight and romance always go together, and an unforgettable experience from a gift - air travel, is guaranteed for many years.

Comic gift - caricature of the bride and groom

The cartoon picture should be attributed to the monumental gifts that will be passed on to the next generations. The picture, made in a joking manner, will present the newlyweds as the main characters. According to the plot, they are surrounded by their favorite items that speak of their hobbies, therefore the present will be appreciated by both the guests and the participants in the playful plot.

Set of two t-shirts with a cool slogan

By presenting a set of paired T-shirts as a wedding gift, guests make it clear that they are confident in sincere feelings a young couple that will not fade for many years. The gift is beautiful, romantic and informative. Wearing paired t-shirts, the newlyweds will evoke looks of tenderness from those around them. T-shirts with cool designs are worn both on weekdays and at parties, instead of a suit.

Blue and red pair of wrestling gloves

A playful gift will be two pairs of blue and red wrestling gloves, symbolizing the masculine and feminine in color. When presenting a present, do not forget to wish that the gift is used only for the interior, and not for its intended purpose "to sort things out in an adult way." Newlyweds will appreciate your joke with a hint and will keep the gift as a symbol of reconciliation during disagreements and strengthening relationships.

Huge plate for two

The symbol of a large plate given for a wedding means unity in all occasions. No matter what boundaries cross the space of the dish, there will always be a good right word at the right time. They keep such gifts as a reminder that you cannot glue the broken. And the plate, where all the negative aspects of family life are written, should be presented to the newlyweds so that they together break it on the floor. According to signs, from that moment on, all misfortunes will bypass the young family.

Coffee maker and one pair of slippers

A gift with a hint - a coffee maker and only one pair of slippers, so that the spouses take turns preparing coffee in the morning and bringing it to bed with their beloved half. How to set the order, they will decide for themselves, and the coffee maker will be beneficial for a young family, as one of the first contributions to the common treasury of acquisitions. Slippers can also be used in everyday life, for those who get up first in the morning.

Fan or air conditioner

Another one interesting idea useful gift– fan or air conditioner. The present will be especially relevant if the wedding takes place in summer or spring, on the eve of the hot season. When handing over, it is worth saying a playful wish to the newlyweds so that with the help of a gift they cool their excessive ardor in time, which can sometimes lead to quarrels, and they have no place in a young family.

Options for cool gifts for guests from young people

Souvenirs given to guests by the newlyweds are divided into two categories: gifts for participation in competitions and gifts for the memory of the wedding. Both options may contain a humorous note. It will be interesting to give each guest a cookie baked the day before, inside of which are notes with predictions. Inviting guests to eat cookies and read aloud a playful note, the newlyweds will cheer up even more.

Pre-ordered magnets or key rings with the image of the newlyweds, handed by them to each guest, will please everyone present. For an original present at a wedding, use hot air balloon. Put small gifts inside balloon, inflate it, why tie each guest to a chair. Then none of the guests will be left without a souvenir, and the atmosphere of the holiday will be felt doubly.

How to present your present in an original and joking way

Gifts presented with jokes, laughter, to general approving applause and fun, will be remembered by the newlyweds for a long time. Multi-layer packaging box in a box like nesting dolls is rarely surprising. By slightly changing the contents, instead of a gift, putting an outwardly recognizable key to the place where the real present lies, it will turn out to play the newlyweds. The gift itself, especially if it is voluminous, the newlyweds will find by signs. As original gift anyone can speak, the main thing is how it will be presented, what words will be said at the same time.

What gifts can be made with your own hands

IN last years the fashion for handmade gifts is gaining momentum more and more. At the same time, part of the spiritual warmth is given away, which is felt at the energy level. Newlyweds will be pleased to accept small, but made with love presents. Self-tied "bags of happiness and love" will not require large expenses, but the spouses will carefully store them, just like the "double heart".

A new direction of paper-plastic - cakes with wishes - was liked by many needlewomen. A small present or wish is placed inside each "piece of cake" and handed out at the wedding. Stitched decorated pillows, painted pictures, bouquets of polymer clay- this is a small list of items that you can make yourself, and then give the newlyweds on their wedding day.

Hedgehog gloves

The original idea to give the newlyweds a couple knitted mittens, with a hint to keep each other in "hedgehog" mittens and not let them relax. Reasonable control on the part of each of the spouses will never be superfluous. Presenting "hedgehog" attributes will be a funny moment when presenting gifts to newlyweds, especially if it is accompanied by poetic wishes. Sometimes buttons or studs are used for such a “hedgehog” idea, but this is less practical than good-quality knitted original mittens.

Brick wrapped in colorful paper with bows

All playful gifts have a semantic connotation. By packing ordinary building bricks into beautiful paper, decorating with bows, hand it to the newlyweds, and preferably the bride. From the unexpectedly heavy gift and the reaction of the girl, everyone will have fun. The gift unpacked by the newlyweds will bring surprise, but only until you explain the meaning that this is the foundation of their happy family life. Inside the brick, if desired, make a hiding place with a surprise in the form of money.

Playful diplomas or medals

Medals and diplomas in a humorous form can be awarded to all those present at the wedding without exception. Come up with nominations in advance for newlyweds, close relatives, guests participating in competitions. The presentation must take place in a solemn atmosphere, and congratulatory speech end with applause. You can make playful souvenirs yourself or purchase ready-made ones.

There are many ways to give money beautifully. After watching the video hint, let's remember once again that it is no longer fashionable to give banknotes in an envelope for a wedding, although this method is still alive. If you are interested in the topic of making a gift with your own hands, then with the help of banknotes and without hesitation, get down to business. Make flower buds based on banknotes, wire, make a bouquet and give it to the newlyweds. Such a gift will not look boring.
