How to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary. Scenario of a wooden wedding

wooden wedding- this is the name of this family holiday. In some areas it is also called green. During this period, the family has already grown stronger, acquired its values, both material and spiritual community. In most families, children appear during this time. The tree of the genus puts forth new branches, takes root firmly.

It is stability, strength, eternity - such symbolism carries the name of the anniversary. In the first years of marriage, most couples go through the grinding of characters, the clarification of priorities. In this regard, the five-year anniversary should draw a line and become a start to the subsequent strengthening of marriage ties.

Interesting! Another explanation for the name is that, as a rule, in peasant farms during this time, the family moved from their parents' house to their own wooden hut.


perennial folk traditions Celebrations of a wooden wedding in Rus' are closely connected with the name of the anniversary.

The main tradition of this date is to strengthen the union of spouses by planting a tree together. People planted a seedling or two in the garden near their house. If the couple has not yet acquired their own housing, then in the parents' garden. Citizens can perform a traditional action in any park, forest or square. If, in the conditions of a modern metropolis, it is not possible to carry out such a ceremony, you can buy a small houseplant in the shape of a tree, Money Tree, For example.

The fifth wedding anniversary was always celebrated on a grand scale, trying to invite the same people, to display all the actions that took place at the first wedding. Since much has changed over time, the feast turned out to be fun and unpredictable.

The folk traditions of Rus' are connected with the forces of nature. So, having lived up to the first round date, the spouses wove a joint wreath, let it flow over the river and asked her for strength to endure the subsequent hardships together. A married couple found a tree they liked in the forest, and tied ribbons on it, making wishes for a happy life in the future.

Advice! You can tie ribbons with wishes without leaving your apartment - on the same indoor tree that was bought for the anniversary.

As noted

There are many options for the holiday scenario. The choice depends on the financial capabilities and desires of the spouses.

  1. It is advisable to arrange a magnificent feast for a wooden wedding with many guests in a country complex, surrounded by forest.
  2. Less expensive, but no less fun, will be a picnic in the forest or in the country for relatives and friends who are related to the wedding ceremony.
  3. A small party in a narrow circle in a home setting can be furnished with wooden utensils, decorated with rustic decor: an embroidered tablecloth, towels, green twigs, clusters and flowers.
  4. Those who do not like noisy companies may well spend this day together, timed to coincide with the date of a joint family trip to romantic places or places of acquaintance and pleasant meetings.

What do they give to anniversaries

It is not customary to visit without gifts. If friends are invited to celebrate a family “wooden” holiday with them, the question arises of what they give in this case. The presentation should be symbolic or practical. It is good if the guests are aware in advance what the young family lacks in everyday life, or what decor items suit their style.

  1. Wooden kitchen utensils with beautiful ornaments will always be in place. It can be sets of wooden kitchen utensils: dishes, coasters, candlesticks.
  2. An excellent gift would be a picture in the genre of woodcarving or original photo frames.
  3. Tree seedling or small houseplant, bonsai.

Advice! If little is known about everyday life and passions, bring a wooden barrel of cognac or wine with you to the holiday, now there are such on sale. Such a souvenir will always decorate the table and will be in place.

Gifts can be both common for the family, and separate for the wife and husband. Spouses also give gifts to each other. In the old days, it was customary to make some kind of wooden household item in honor of a wooden wedding: a table, a bench, a barrel, a carved souvenir. The husband made it with his own hands, and the wife decorated it. Often such items became amulets and symbols of home comfort.

Original gifts surprises:

  • a collage of family photos in wooden frames;
  • a family portrait made in the technique of wood carving or burning;
  • a voucher for a joint vacation or a sightseeing trip;
  • certificate for a romantic dinner.

What to give your husband

Gifts for the owner of the house can reflect his hobbies and lifestyle. You can give your husband a green anniversary:

  • souvenir chess;
  • collectible smoking pipes;
  • a large wooden beer mug;
  • jug for wine;
  • desk accessories;
  • tub for a bath;
  • wooden items for creativity or for the household.

What to give your wife

For five years, the husband has already managed to find out the tastes of his wife, so there should be no problems with a gift for his wife. You can please your beautiful half:

  • elegant jewelry made of wood;
  • more expensive jewelry packed in a wooden box;
  • a beautiful box for storing small things;
  • if the wife has her own hobbies, then pick up something from the hobby items.

Well, any woman will be pleased with a beautiful flower arrangement.

How to congratulate

The five-year anniversary is just an occasion to get together again with loved ones, to say words of love to each other, to remember the wonderful moments of acquaintance and the first years of marriage. In whatever version the green wedding is celebrated, there is no need to invest in the ceremony excessive solemnity and pomposity.

For five years, two people learned to live together, improve their life, acquire family values ​​and give birth to children. Let the holiday be marked by fun, jokes, sincere wishes prosperity and spiritual community of the family in their future path.

Surely you wondered "5 years life together- what wedding?" "Wooden" is the fifth wedding anniversary. The name is far from accidental: the fact is that during this time the family is already considered strong and reliable, and it is with such reliability that we associate a tree. In addition, as a rule, by the age of five years of marriage, most couples take root: children appear in the family. In general, the couple is only getting stronger! And how to properly celebrate this event - in our review.

The 5th anniversary is called a wooden wedding: why?

It is worth mentioning that trees have long been considered a kind of symbols of life. It is also important that trees grow not only towards the sky: they also take root. And this strengthens their position, makes them strong. Killing a strong tree is not so easy: it will take a lot of effort. That is why the fifth anniversary of marriage is considered to be a "wooden wedding". After all, if during these five years the family managed to maintain their bonds, then it is unlikely that something will destroy them: the tree has taken root too deeply. It is the 5th wedding anniversary that is considered a kind of pass to an already more conscious and even more strong marriage.

Wooden wedding: traditions

Traditions, as one would expect, are quite symbolic. For example, it is very desirable that a man on this day make some object with his own hands for a house made of wood. This will emphasize his desire to work for the good of the family. Ideally, if the spouse then varnishes the product, which will prove its importance in family life the ability to yield.

However, another tradition is closer to us: of course, planting a tree. It is a pity that this is not always possible due to weather conditions. If you got married in the winter, then the option with wood crafts is more relevant. But there is a way out here too: in any flower shop you can buy a small tree and transplant it into a pot together at home.

And the third tradition, which is also rooted in antiquity. Our ancestors wove a beautiful wreath and threw it into the river. By the way, interesting fact: In some cold regions, on the fifth wedding anniversary, a husband and wife hang colorful ribbons on trees that they like.

How to celebrate the 5th anniversary: ​​scenarios

We offer a variant with the romantic name "A Tale in the Forest". Like the wedding that died down five years ago, it is desirable to think over the five years in detail. The choice of location is up to you: it can be either a rented hall or your apartment or cottage. It is preferable to celebrate in nature, closer to the forest. This will emphasize the symbolism of the holiday.

You don’t have to think about decorating the hall: the decor should be wooden or “wood-like”. The simplest and most sincere solution is your photos in wooden frames, hung around the celebration area. If inflatable balloons, then helium and two tones are best: brown and green. They will perfectly create the “forest comfort” we need.

Another simple decoration solution is tree branches collected in the forest, which can be decorated with lanterns or ribbons. You can also make “leaves”: both cardboard and plain paper are suitable for these purposes.

As for the design of the table, then, of course, here the ideal options would be to choose dishes made of natural wood. Do not forget about your own costumes: the husband and wife should be dressed mainly in green and brown tones. You can create a mood with the help of details: for example, make wreaths on your heads for all invited girls and women, and bow ties for guys and men. By the way, we know how elementary and fast.

There are dozens more options on how to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary. You can prepare themed contests, but we would advise you to celebrate this day with a gorgeous photo shoot in the forest. By the way, a certificate for such a service is a great option for a gift.

What to give your husband for a wooden wedding

Again, a wooden wedding gift should be of the appropriate material. If your spouse smokes, he will be surprised by a gift in the form of a wooden smoking pipe. Even if he does not use it, it will become a pleasant souvenir. If the husband prefers to relax in the bath, then please him with a set of brooms. A gift-amulet would also be very appropriate: for example, a rosary made of wood. The main thing is not to forget: the essence of a five-year gift is not in its value or practicality. First of all, it is a symbol, a thing that will always remind you of a memorable date for both of you.

What to give your wife for a wooden wedding

Wooden decorations in honor of this family holiday fit best. It can be earrings, bracelet or beads. However, now such jewelry can hardly be called stylish, and, most likely, your spouse will not wear them. Then Alternative option: choose awesome wooden box self made. An essential item for any woman. In addition, after all, no one forbids you to put a product made of gold or silver there as a gift.

Most likely, the spouse will also appreciate stylish decor items. For example, a set of wooden frames or a gorgeous picture. We offer another option: today there is a very large selection of massagers made of natural wood. If you haven't got one yet, then a wooden wedding is a great occasion for such a gift.

Gifts from parents for a wooden wedding

It is best to choose something that is useful to both in everyday life: for example, wooden utensils or a practical piece of furniture. Most often, clothes hangers or a beautiful candlestick are chosen. Of course, young people will appreciate the furniture: chairs, a set for a summer residence or a bath. If a couple lives in their own house, then the scope for imagination is completely huge. And of course, a tree, because a wooden wedding! You can pick up a mini version in a pot (for example, a money tree) or an apple or cherry tree for the garden (if the couple lives in the house).

Anniversary greetings from husband, wife and parents in verse

Five years at the pinnacle of happiness
Five years of endless love.
Who called the wedding wooden?
Try to figure it out now.
May your life be bright
Let newness into your world
Accept our gifts
They come in handy at home.

Five wonderful years the family lives,
From his great love grows!
Genesis original creates
And keeps good from year to year!
Saves wisely, but calculation
Relationships don't count!
Here waste is not at all terrible,
In caresses you are unrestrainedly gentle!
And let another five years pass -
Love will save you from all adversity!
On this fifth anniversary
There are no spouses better and more tender!

Five years have passed since you tied your souls,
When the angels in heaven married you!
And this young but wonderful anniversary
Makes you happier and nicer!

Let wooden beautiful gifts
Life will be made fun, very bright!
Fill your life with love and warmth
And make a happy common home!

You've been married for five years
But there is no lovelier couple!
Don't take your eyes off each other
You suit each other!
May every new anniversary
Love is getting stronger!
Let the years go by
We want to be together forever!

Congratulations on a wooden wedding in prose

Wishes for a wooden wedding will sound sincere if you say them from yourself, from the heart. We offer several options for congratulations in your own words that do not need to be memorized - just be inspired.

Dear friends! It seems that we recently admired the stunning dress of the bride and the happy smile of the groom. But it's been five years. It is not easy to imagine, but all this time, every day you were a single whole: you loved, worried, thought, rejoiced and sad. Five years may not be such a big date, but we know how much it means to you. I want to meet like this year after year and see how your marriage only grows stronger. Successfully continue your happy journey!

If we talk about the eternal, then five years is not such a long time. But if you see the fate of two separate people, then this is an incredibly long way, filled with important events and impressions. Now is just the time when you can no longer imagine yourself without each other. You are one, inseparable, complete. And remember that the symbol of today is a tree. We really want your family tree to put down as many roots as possible, branch and always bloom!

Anna Lyubimova

Many newlyweds, being impressed by the first solemn ceremony of marriage, are happy with the wonderful custom of celebrating this event every year. Major anniversaries - silver, gold, platinum weddings are familiar to many. At the same time, questions are often asked, what kind of wedding is called wooden, chintz, tin, leather?

After how many years of marriage does a wooden wedding come?

Wedding - exciting and romantic event in the lives of young people, when the loving hearts of two halves unite into one. Birthday new family traditionally celebrated every year. Each such anniversary has its own name, customs, symbols, depending on the number of happy years lived together.

A wooden wedding is one of the first anniversaries that is usually celebrated on a grand scale.

So after how many years of marriage does a wooden wedding come? A wooden anniversary is when 5 years of the joint life of young spouses have passed. Unlike previous anniversaries: chintz, paper, leather, linen, it is the 5th anniversary that is symbolized by solid material. Why is the fifth wedding anniversary called wooden? This means that the relationship of the spouses has passed into the stage of strength, strength and reliability. After all, wood is a solid and noble natural material, symbolizing growth, development and strengthening.

Traditions and customs adopted on the fifth anniversary of marriage

The symbol that marks the five years of family life is a tree. Not bad if the couple managed to get their own wooden house for this anniversary. But if this is still in the project, it would be nice to get a solid wooden table where the whole family can gather.

On this day, the spouses should plant a tree together. Often they are interested in where and what kind of tree to plant for a wooden wedding? It is customary to plant a new seedling at home or in the country. This living symbol of fertility and development will bring prosperity, longevity, strength and reliability to family life. Each tree by folk beliefs has its own character and is able to beneficially influence various life events. Pine symbolizes goodness and long years of happiness, fruit trees - close connection and interaction of generations, oak - strong and stable relationships, maple - prosperity and success, and birch - pure thoughts, romance and tenderness.

But do not despair if it is not possible to plant a tree. You can also purchase a room version, for example, bay, lemon, money.

DIY accessories

On the eve of the celebration, it is customary for the spouse to carve from wood a box or any kind of vessel, and the wife painted it or varnished it. This little thing is put in a prominent place, symbolizing coherence and harmony in the house. Read about what else to give your wife for a wooden wedding anniversary.

According to Slavic customs, the couple went to the forest that day and tied five red ribbons to the trees. You can also weave a common wreath and send it along the river current

Relatives, witnesses and guests who were present at the first official celebration are invited to the wedding. Spouses can even dress up in their first wedding dresses, or you can organize a celebration in a simple folk style.

It is customary to celebrate this celebration noisily and cheerfully, with dances, songs, contests. All sorts of undertakings and jokes for a wooden wedding for spouses will defuse the situation. For example, guests can, after rehearsing, congratulate the anniversaries in chorus in a poetic or even song form. You can order delivery huge wooden chest to the venue of the celebration, from which guests will get gifts for the spouses. Read more about how to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary.

By all means, wooden elements should be present in the paraphernalia and decoration of the design. These are dishes, and various figurines, figurines, candlesticks, spruce or pine branches. Spouses on this day exchange wooden rings, and guests present practical and useful gifts from different types of wood. It is also symbolic to give paired items or in one way or another unite a husband and wife. For example, a frame for a family photo, a housekeeper or a large wooden piggy bank. You can read about what to give your husband for the 5th wedding anniversary. .

It is very symbolic if the 5th anniversary is celebrated in nature, for example, in a forest among trees or a country wooden house. You can order a cottage with a gazebo in a pine forest or on the shore of a pond. But even if the spouses organized a holiday in a restaurant or a city apartment, you definitely need to decorate the interior in a wooden style.

How to organize a celebration

It is customary to celebrate an anniversary in pleasant natural conditions, creating a warm homely atmosphere. In advance, you should think over the venue of the celebration, festive treats, a script, always in a wooden style, and also send out an invitation to the guests to celebrate 5 years married life using wooden theme. Invitations will look creative and original, made on flat wooden blocks with scorched text. You can also use parchment paper by rolling the invitation into a tube and tying it with a rope.

You also need to take care of small gifts for guests, for example, wooden souvenirs, key chains, hot coasters.

Treats are usually served simple, but satisfying and nutritious. Folk cuisine dishes, shish kebabs, and red wines are very popular at such events.

IN wedding decor decorative will look appropriate and cozy vases made of wooden rods with simple wild flowers, cuts of tree trunks on which to serve treats, bark products, barrels, wooden pots or a bunch of firewood by the fireplace in winter. Small wooden things with deep connotations: a horseshoe, spoons, beads, caskets will bring happiness, prosperity and joy to the house.

The original decoration will be family photo collages in wooden frames, starting from the day they met, decorated with inscriptions, for example, “Married for 5 years”, “Happy 5 years”, “Five years with your beloved”. The decor may also contain tree branches, on which you can hang inscriptions and photos. In the workshops, it is worth ordering the inscriptions “Family”, “Happiness”, “Love”, carved from wood, the names of the spouses and separately the large number “5”. They can be used for a joint photo shoot, and later to decorate the interior of the house.

Good idea and original status about the wooden wedding anniversary, for example, “Our first five-year plan is overfulfilled!”, “Family life on a solid 5” or “5 years flew by like 5 days - happy hours are not observed!”.

Photo shoot ideas for a wooden wedding

We must not forget about the festive commemorative photo session. Photos for five years of the wedding anniversary, taken in nature, for example, in the shade of strong branched trees, against the backdrop of a house or mill made of wooden log cabins, even in a bathhouse, are very beautiful, natural and will remind you of the event. And you can also capture the moment of a family planting a tree.

What other ideas for a photo shoot for a wooden wedding can you offer? Family photos of newlyweds and children can be taken while riding a wagon or wooden sleigh pulled by a pair of bays, against the background of two trees planted side by side, hanging photos of anniversaries in chronological order on their trunks, thematic inscriptions or names of spouses made up of wooden letters. Anniversaries can take photo of their official ceremony weddings with the inscription "This is how we were 5 years ago", which will be a romantic reminder of the first family steps.

If the spouses want to celebrate this day not in a noisy, but romantic atmosphere with each other, you can go on a trip, go on a picnic, order an adventure gift for two.

And in the evening, be sure to prepare a wedding dinner in an intimate setting, decorating it with wooden accessories and love.

Wood is a living material. It requires care and attention. And in order for family life to be happy, long-lasting, sound, and resistant to any life factors, spouses should remember the need to take care of their marriage, be able to polish relationships, removing the splinters of uncompromisingness.

January 30, 2018, 23:37

The wedding anniversary of 5 years is called wooden. This anniversary is the first full-fledged and round holiday for spouses, if before this anniversaries were not celebrated or celebrated in the family circle, then this date is worth celebrating in any case. A wooden anniversary means that the relationship is warm and strong enough. The couple overcame certain trials, managed to save the relationship that they had at the beginning, kept the warmth, hearth and comfort.

What wedding is the fifth anniversary of marriage?

The first milestone in family life is the fifth anniversary, which has its own established traditions and customs, symbolized by the following points:

  1. furnished housing;
  2. well-established life;
  3. birth of children.

Traditions and customs, established rituals of the spouse can be taken into account and carried out. The tradition of celebrating the first five-year family milestone came from southern Germany. In honor of the anniversary, they set the table, decorated the house spruce branches and wooden forgeries. In addition, relatives and friends were invited to this anniversary, helping to preserve family hearth.

After a certain time in Rus', they began to celebrate the fifth anniversary on a grand scale, inviting all kinds of friends, relatives and friends, even the most distant ones. This tradition of celebrating a wooden wedding meant among the people that the family has a certain status, position in society. In addition, mass festivities indicated the wealth and well-being of a married couple.

The main tradition of the anniversary

The wooden wedding anniversary is called that for a reason. Everyone knows the well-established saying about a tree, a son and a house. So the fifth year of family life is intended for the implementation of an important and main tradition. This tradition is about planting a tree. The custom says that the tree must bear fruit. It is necessary for both spouses to plant a seedling, and such a fertile tree should bear fruit at the moment when the children grow up and become stronger.

These trees symbolize fertility and the continuation of the family, and this is best expressed if the seedling begins to bear fruit at the time the grandchildren appear. You need to plant a tree in the garden or on the site of your own house, and it needs care and care for it to grow and flourish. This gives confidence in the prosperity of the family hearth.

If not a fruit seedling was chosen, but some other, then other species have their own meaning, expressed as follows:

  1. acacia and oak - long life and devotion to each other;
  2. birch - tenderness and romance;
  3. maple - material stability and viability.

Superstitions and traditions will not be able to protect the family from discord, so it is important to keep the hearth on your own. On this anniversary, it is customary to decorate your outfit and trees near the house with colorful ribbons, which is a symbol of giving strength to a married couple.

What to give and how to spend the fifth anniversary?

The organization and holding of the anniversary directly depends on the material realities and personal wishes of the perpetrators. Typically, the celebration involves the following steps:

Congratulations on the fifth anniversary

Gifts for a wooden anniversary imply the presence of wooden fakes and things based on it. It is best that gifts are made from real oak, they will bring a strong marriage for many years to come. Gifts can be of the following types:

  • amulets;
  • caskets;
  • dishes;
  • wooden pictures;
  • candlesticks, etc.

Gifts for husband are as follows:

  • wooden mug;
  • checkers or chess;
  • wooden tube with engravings;
  • wooden clock;
  • stands.

Things as a gift to his wife imply the following choice:

Days and minutes have flown by, more than one leaf has flown off the calendar, and a young couple in love, who until recently embarrassedly and joyfully smiling in front of the cameras of a wedding photographer, celebrates their first anniversary.

The five-year anniversary of living together can already be safely called a significant event for a married couple. After all, a long journey, lasting as long as five years, was strewn not only with petals of tenderness, but also with thorns of misunderstanding.

What wedding is celebrated on the fifth anniversary?

A married couple who have crossed the five-year milestone of living together will have to celebrate them on a grand scale. new wedding. What is the name of the five-year wedding anniversary?

The first wedding anniversary bears the uncomplicated name "wooden wedding". Some couples are disappointed to hear about the name of the 5th anniversary.

Of course, in such a squat name there is no sparkle of a silver or golden jubilee, chic of pomegranate or crystal anniversary, and even variegation.

But in the name of the fifth anniversary lies the power and hardness, strength and stability of the tree.

Having passed the stage of colorful feelings and disagreements, instability, psychological risks and vulnerability, the family managed to take root and turn their relationship into strong and powerful branches of the family tree.

But only the family, which by the fifth anniversary is no longer solidly called a “young couple”, knows how much effort it took to remove all the roughness and splinters.

They can be proud of relationships that have been polished to smoothness, which have not become dimmer over the years and are not covered with moss of everyday life.

Often, by the time of the five-year wedding, the first fruits have time to appear on the family tree.

Children's infectious laughter and joint responsibility for the well-being of a new young life made the spouses more reverent and caring.

It depends only on the reciprocity of feelings and patience how long the family hearth will burn, or maybe slightly smolder. And it is important to prevent the flame of passions from spreading to the tree of love and burning down the well-established and solid wooden walls.

Where is the best place to celebrate your fifth wedding anniversary?

By tradition, a wooden wedding is usually celebrated on a grand scale. In fact, if possible, repeat the wedding ceremony.

This is a great opportunity to invite guests who could not attend the family birthday party, as well as new friends, to the celebration.

Given the symbol of the fifth wedding anniversary - a tree, it is customary to hold a festive ceremony closer to nature. In summer and autumn, you can arrange a grand picnic or a magnificent ceremony outside the city.

If you don’t want to arrange a feast at the edge of the forest, sit in a log cabin or gazebo at the recreation center.

The proximity of nature dictates both the conditions for the celebration and the opportunity to observe the old traditions associated with a wooden wedding.

In such places, you can cook a variety of vegetables and on a fire, and entertain guests with boating or horseback riding.

If pick up for the festivities folk costumes, then an ordinary picnic in honor of the fifth anniversary can be turned into a magnificent Russian wedding with round dances, songs and ditties.

If you wish, you can arrange a popular wedding today in an unusual style.

Combination of wood and others natural materials fit well in .

A country wedding would also be appropriate when celebrating the fifth anniversary.

And don't forget the photo shoot. Natural landscapes and unusual outfits will provide the best shots for family memorable photos.

If the 5th anniversary fell on the winter period, you can remove Vacation home closer to the forest and arrange skiing, snowball fights as entertainment.

A bath or sauna offered to friends instead of a banquet table will not only surprise, but also diversify the usual celebrations.

You can hold a wedding ceremony at home or in a restaurant.

But you have to worry about the appropriate design. Difficulties should not arise.

Pick up original wooden dishes for table setting. Fortunately, the choice today allows you not to dwell on nondescript bowls.

Prefer traditional utensils? When serving, complement the table with wooden jugs, gravy boats, salad bowls.

Various wooden attributes are suitable as room decorations: wooden figurines, chests for gifts, compositions from branches.

Wooden furniture will perfectly emphasize the natural flavor of the fifth wedding anniversary.

Culinary traditions at a wooden wedding do not include rare delights on the tables. But don't skimp on the treats.

Tables should be bursting with simple but varied food.

Pies and loaves, pancakes and pies, caviar and, meat dishes and holiday snacks, fruits and a variety of salads - everything should speak of stability, prosperity and generosity of the hosts of the celebration.

If you prefer to spend your holiday together, you can go on a family walk in the country or buy tickets to a sanatorium, where nothing will stop you from devoting a couple of unforgettable weeks only to each other.

All ritual actions and traditions of a wooden wedding are closely connected with nature. Most of them are seasonal, which has a logical explanation.

After all, earlier weddings began to “walk” only after harvesting. Therefore, almost all rituals involve holding a wedding ceremony dedicated to the fifth anniversary in the fall.

You shouldn't get upset. Any interesting and iconic action can be transformed into real time and modern conditions.

The planting of a family tree was considered the main landmark event at a wooden wedding.

The tree has always been a symbol of fertility, wealth and stability.

A plant planted on the day of the fifth wedding anniversary means the unity of a married couple, the firm rooting of relationships and, of course, the addition of new branches and fruits to family tree.

It doesn't matter which tree is planted. The process itself is more symbolic. You can plant a family tree on your personal plot, cottage and even under the windows of the apartment.

Remember to take care of a fragile plant. And it will turn into a mighty and fertile tree, which the family should become over the years.

In winter, it is problematic to realize this symbolic rite. Pick up a dwarf or indoor plant and plant it in four hands directly at the wedding ceremony.

Thus, the tradition will be observed, and it will be possible to observe daily how the symbol of family happiness grows.

When choosing a seedling for planting, consider the energy and symbol of the plant:

  • oak and acacia strengthen trust and fidelity;
  • birch symbolizes tenderness and romance in a relationship;
  • maple will help solve financial questions;
  • cherry, apple or plum are responsible for the unity and strength of the entire family family;
  • sakura will add emotions to relationships and harmony.

The strength and significance of the planted family tree lies not in the observance of the ritual, but in how much the spouses themselves believe in the significance of the rite.

In order for the family tree to take root, and the family not to be affected by various hardships, in the southern regions, wreaths of branches were woven at a wooden wedding and let them go along the river.

If there is a dense forest nearby, you can repeat the tradition of the ancestors who lived in Siberia or the Far East.

On the day of the celebration of the wooden anniversary, the whole family went to the forest and tied bright ribbons on five trees.

Plants were chosen according to the invariable symbolism. Ribbons were attached to a cute, graceful birch, a mighty pine, a strong oak or a strong cherry, a fertile apple tree.

Today you can originally bring to life the ceremony with ribbons.

Place a small tree in a tub at the entrance to the room where the wedding ceremony will take place, or place a branched branch in a vase. And let each guest tie his ribbon to the tree with the wishes of happiness.

There is also a more practical tradition. For the 5th anniversary, the spouse carved new kitchen utensils or unusual figures from wood.

And the woman had to skillfully decorate crafts.

Such homemade products took pride of place in festive table, symbolizing a strong marriage and longevity of family happiness.

In the fire of the evening fire, which was always lit in honor of a wooden wedding to maintain the family hearth, the couple had to burn symbolic linen figurines.

They kept these unpretentious crafts for a whole year, since the celebration.

Be sure to think over the scenario of the five-year wedding anniversary, and even better, invite the toastmaster.

After all, a wooden wedding should be fun: with jokes and jokes, with quizzes and games, with songs and dances.

Wooden wedding: what to give?

Going to celebrate a family anniversary with friends, do not forget to ask what the 5th wedding anniversary is called.

And, of course, please both anniversaries an interesting gift.

The present can be quite practical or be symbolic. Regardless of the value and meaning invested in a souvenir, a gift should be associated with a tree.

It can be any wooden products. It is also acceptable to give bark, vine or paper items for a wooden wedding.

Friends and family can congratulate a married couple on the fifth anniversary of marriage:

  • pieces of furniture for the garden or home;
  • carved or painted kitchen boards, coasters, shelves;
  • framed photographs, paintings;
  • flowering houseplants;
  • lamps or floor lamps;
  • figurines, candlesticks, flower stands;
  • interesting paired figures made of wood;
  • wooden toys and souvenirs;
  • various carved or wicker boxes, caskets, boxes for small items.

Any gift needs original packaging, tied with a ribbon and a beautiful accompaniment in the form of a postcard and congratulations.

Congratulate both spouses - they have a common holiday.

The gift itself must be given to the husband, but the wife is obliged to unfold it. During the winter celebration, it is customary for spouses to give an armful of spruce or pine branches, and it is imperative that they have cones.

What to give your wife for a wooden wedding?

The husband will have to decide in advance what to give for the fifth wedding anniversary to the woman he loves.

Of course, a lot of different things and souvenirs have accumulated in the family for 5 years, but what woman will refuse original gift.

If funds allow, give your wife new wooden furniture or wood wall trim in the kitchen. You can install new wooden doors or insulate your home. And symbolically, and practically, and the wife is pleased.

Popular gifts for a wooden wedding anniversary for a spouse include gifts in the form of:

  • cutting kitchen boards, manual coffee grinder, stands for hot, delivery;
  • wooden photo frame, wall panel, floor vase made of birch bark;
  • carved caskets, boxes for small things, drawers for jewelry;
  • wooden shelves, cornices, stools;
  • beautiful coffee tables, footrests;
  • bread bins, cupboards for dishes;
  • neck jewelry, bracelets;
  • sets of dishes, salt shakers, kegs, stands for knives.

A fifth anniversary gift for a wife does not have to be made of wood. You can please your spouse with a seedling for the garden or a houseplant.

Gifts for health and beauty are also appropriate.

Therefore, vacation vouchers or certificates for visiting a beauty salon will also be appropriate as a present for your beloved. But do not forget about the dearest member of the family. By ancient traditions on the day of a wooden wedding, it is customary to give an unpretentious houseplant to a little daughter.

What to give a man on his fifth wedding anniversary?

When deciding what to give your husband for a wooden wedding, consider not only the symbol of the holiday - a tree, but also the preferences of a man.

You can come up with and pick up a lot, taking into account the symbols of the holiday.

And it is not necessary to focus on the practical side of the issue, please your spouse with a present that speaks of your attention and care.

a good gift for the husband there will be a set of shot glasses made of wood with interesting inscriptions or a beer mug.

Complement the gift with a bottle of good wine.

Surprise your husband with a souvenir in the form of a smoking pipe and a rocking chair. A man with humor will appreciate a broom, a ladle or a tub for a bath and a guitar.

You can also please a man:

  • tools with wooden handles;
  • carved or antique or backgammon;
  • hunting or sports skiing;
