Celebrate 6 year wedding anniversary. six years of marriage

Every year it is customary to celebrate the wedding day, the anniversary of 6 years is of particular importance for the couple, because by this period their relationship becomes strong. The sixth anniversary is called a cast-iron wedding. What traditions does the holiday have and what is customary to give, we will tell in this article.

What wedding is celebrated at six years life together? IN different countries this date is called by different names. In our country, the sixth anniversary is called a cast-iron wedding, in European countries on this day a couple celebrates a candy wedding, and in the Baltics, six years of marriage is called a rowan wedding. The traditions of the celebration, as you know, depend on what kind of wedding is being celebrated: since we have 6 years of marriage together, they call it a cast-iron wedding, we will tell you about it.

The name of the sixth anniversary reflects the relationships that have formed in the family by this time. Cast iron is a non-noble, but rather durable metal, which, however, can be damaged if handled carelessly. So it is in the family: no matter how many years the spouses live together, relationships need to be protected, and a cast-iron wedding reminds of this. It is believed that at least by this period the family has already established a life, but it can still be adjusted: just as cast iron can be polished to a shine, so relationships and life can be made ideal. The couple has a lot of work ahead to turn a simple metal into a noble one.

It is customary to celebrate 6 years of marriage with the closest people; on the wedding day, guests are traditionally invited home. In ancient times, interesting rituals were associated with this anniversary. In Rus', the hostess prepared in advance for the arrival of guests, polished cast-iron dishes and put them on display. It was believed that the brighter the kitchen utensils in the house shine, the stronger family. The dishes that the hostess served on the table on the day of the sixth anniversary must have been cooked in cast-iron dishes. Many adhere to this tradition today, using cast-iron pans, cauldrons for pilaf, and baking dishes when preparing festive dishes.

In countries where this wedding anniversary is called mountain ash, there are also interesting traditions: here it is also customary to celebrate 6 years at home, but the room where the feast will be held should be decorated with bunches of mountain ash. It is believed that it is the mountain ash that helps to keep love, saves the owners of the house from illnesses, and brings happiness. In addition, according to popular beliefs, the fish on the table will bring the long-awaited son to the house. Many couples adopt the European tradition and decorate the house with mountain ash on the sixth anniversary.

Six years together is a great occasion to remember your feelings. If you do not want a holiday with guests, then arrange a celebration for two. This is especially true for couples who already have children. You can celebrate with dinner at a restaurant, going to the cinema. If you have no one to leave your child with, then you can spend a romantic evening at home with a delicious dinner, watching a movie and a family album.

What to give for the 6th wedding anniversary

If you were invited to a 6 year wedding, then the question of what to give is very easy to solve. Since this date is called a cast-iron wedding, it is customary to present gifts made of cast iron. These can be various cast-iron figurines with meaning, candlesticks, vases, jewelry boxes, etc. The most common gift option is dishes: a frying pan, ducklings, a cauldron, a baking dish are suitable. Such useful gift will not leave indifferent the mistress of the house. But it is better to find out in advance what kitchen utensils the hostess needs, so as not to present the hundredth frying pan, which will remain gathering dust in the closet. A couple celebrating their sixth anniversary can be given a barbecue, this is especially true if the family lives in a private house.

An interesting gift option is a souvenir coin made to order. It can be presented with the wishes to collect a collection, that is, to celebrate both silver and golden wedding. A castle will be a symbolic gift: it symbolizes a strong union that nothing can destroy as long as the key is kept in a safe place.

On anniversaries, it is customary to exchange gifts with your soulmate. For a cast-iron wedding, a gift can be shared: for example, many couples buy wrought-iron furniture for their sixth anniversary. If you live in a private house, then you can order a wrought-iron bench for the garden, sitting on which it will be so pleasant to see off the sunsets together. When choosing a gift for your soulmate, remember that it does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that the present shows your feelings, and then the cast iron of marriage will shine, polished with attention, care and tenderness.

print wedding- 1 year

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is a print wedding. print wedding counted as one year of marriage. Such an anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary was given such a name as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz.

paper wedding- 2 years

Two years of marriage together are already behind us, which means that the anniversary has come, namely the paper wedding. A marriage that lasted 2 years is called paper wedding because such a short period does not yet speak of a strong alliance, is subject to change and can break as quickly as a paper.

leather wedding- 3 years

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Such conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is “leather wedding”. She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid.

linen wedding- 4 years

A linen wedding is 4 years of marriage. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. This is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It's not so easy to separate them.

wooden wedding- 5 years

A wooden wedding or the fifth anniversary of marriage is a small anniversary for spouses. We can say that this is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated. If previous anniversaries before wooden wedding, were the first steps of living together, then this is reliable evidence of the strength of family ties. Even the name of the anniversary speaks for itself.

cast iron wedding- 6 years

The sixth anniversary suggests that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called the “cast-iron wedding”. In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any time.


Zinc wedding- 6.5 years

Each of the wedding anniversaries is a new stage in the development of family relations, which has its own characteristics. Each anniversary and each anniversary is marked by one or another material that could most accurately describe family life at this stage. Life in marriage, this short period of time is called a zinc wedding.

copper wedding- 7 years

The marriage, which lasted 7 years, was called " copper wedding". It is not for nothing that such a metal as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that a seven-year marriage is not only durable, but also of considerable value to its participants.

Tin wedding- 8 years

Eight years of marriage is already a long period of time. The symbol of this anniversary is tin, hence the name “tin wedding”. On the eighth anniversary of marriage, or on a tin wedding, the life of the spouses must finally settle down, they must completely get used to each other, raise children and move on.

faience wedding- 9 years

Nine years of marriage has been called "faience wedding". Why is this, because faience is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that for nine years of marriage there are some critical moments that should be experienced, so marriage can easily crack like faience. There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

Tin wedding- 10 years

Tin wedding - a decade of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is tin, which in turn is a symbol of flexibility. This suggests that the spouses have “grown” to each other and adjusted to the characteristics of each other, they seem to bend under each other. So, we can say that their marriage has become flexible. Also, this anniversary is also called the pink wedding.

steel wedding- 11 years

Eleven years of marriage is called a steel wedding. The relationship is already fully established and has become hard as steel. Steel, the symbol of a steel wedding, is a very beautiful and mirror metal. Family life should be the same for 11 years of marriage: strong and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should already have two children and their own home.

nickel wedding- 12 years

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.


nickel wedding- 12.5 years

Nickel wedding is the anniversary of 12.5 years of marriage. Since the anniversary is not round, it is celebrated in family circle. Guests are required to donate nickel-plated crockery and kitchen utensils. Only in this case, the dishes are presented unpolished in order for the spouses to do it on their own.

Lace wedding- 13 years

A lace wedding is the thirteenth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of a lace wedding is lace, which indicates that the 13th year of married life should be especially valued for marriage, because it is as thin as lace. A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley. Therefore, guests should give not only lace, but also white flowers.

agate wedding- 14 years

If the marriage has lasted for 14 years, then he is not afraid of anything. Joint life in marriage, which lasted 14 years, is called an agate wedding. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity. The marriage that existed before the agate wedding can be called prosperous and strong. Such a marriage is not afraid of any obstacles.

crystal wedding- 15 years

Crystal wedding comes on the 15th year of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested.

Topaz wedding- 16 years

A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of living together, celebrated 16 years after legal marriage. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses have already learned to be one, but at the same time, romantic relationships are still fresh between them and the former passion has not faded away. Topaz - semiprecious stone, symbolizing the transition from soft to strong.

pink wedding- 17 years

Throughout history family life The newlyweds will celebrate two Pink weddings. The first, also called tin, exactly 10 years from the date of marriage. And the second beautiful and tender pink wedding By folk traditions spouses celebrate after 17 years from the date of creation of the family.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years

A turquoise wedding is the eighteenth anniversary of marriage. By this time, the crisis situations, if there were any in the family, are over, and dawn is coming. The children have matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory. The relationship of the spouses turquoise wedding should sparkle with new light.

pomegranate wedding- 19 years

Having lived in love and harmony for 19 years, the couple celebrate pomegranate wedding, named after a stone that symbolizes fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl. With all this, the husband and wife remain tender to each other and retain the romantic mood that accompanied them at the beginning of family life.

porcelain wedding- 20 years

A porcelain wedding is the 20th anniversary of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. Another characteristic of porcelain is its fragility. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage should be taken seriously, because if the spouses are not careful, it can break.

Opal wedding- 21 years old

The spouses celebrate the opal wedding exactly 21 years after marriage. Interestingly, by popular belief Opal is considered a stone that causes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it. However, it is from this mineral that spouses should present products to each other as a gift.

bronze wedding- 22

The bronze wedding is celebrated 22 years after the wedding. With its name, this anniversary symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships and the beginning of a stage towards a new development of the family. It is believed that by this time the husband and wife should be able to easily adapt to each other, while remaining one.

Beryl wedding- 23 years old

Few people know that after 23 years from the date of marriage, it is customary to celebrate the Beryl wedding. Beryl is considered a stone of peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Beryl is found in nature in various colors and shades. The term of 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

satin wedding- 24 years

A married couple celebrates a satin wedding exactly 24 years after the wedding. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, and this is exactly what family relationships should be like after such a long period of living together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

silver wedding- 25 years

A silver wedding is a whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

jade wedding- 26 years

Exactly one year after the high-profile Silver Jubilee, the couple celebrate the Jade Wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. Jade is known for its strength, which is difficult to break both physically and chemically.

mahogany wedding- 27 years

The people call the 27th anniversary of family life the Mahogany Wedding, symbolizing nobility, wisdom, endurance, strength and strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, surrounded by children and grandchildren. To please each other, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

nickel wedding- 28 years

Exactly 28 years after the wedding, couples celebrate the Nickel wedding. There is a belief that with its name this anniversary reminds spouses with experience that life needs to be filled with radiance even after many years of marriage.

Velvet wedding- 29 years

According to folk traditions, a velvet wedding is usually celebrated on the 29th anniversary of marriage. The unusual name symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife. Spouses are recommended to celebrate a luxurious wedding in a restaurant. A woman should have velor dress, and the husband can confine himself to a velvet butterfly.

pearl wedding- 30 years

Pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of chastity, love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that for 30 years of marriage, spouses should already have grandchildren. Relatives, friends, children and grandchildren can be invited guests for the wedding anniversary.

Dark (sunny) wedding- 31 year

A swarthy (or sunny) wedding is celebrated by a married couple 31 years after the marriage. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid period of time, the spouses have already become close people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

Stone (strawberry) wedding- 33 years

The symbolic anniversary of family life - 33 years, is called the Stone Wedding. The name speaks for itself - by this time the relationship should become strong and reliable. Interestingly, the same anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding, probably for the reason that the husband and wife are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding- 34 years

After 34 years from the date of the creation of the family, the couple celebrate the Amber wedding. The anniversary got its warm name for a reason. It is known that amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, goes a long and tedious way, transforming from a viscous resin into a valuable mineral. So the relationship between husband and wife in 34 years turns from soft to strong.

Linen (coral) wedding- 35 years

A linen wedding is a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. This anniversary is also called the coral wedding. The canvas symbolizes strength. And as for the coral, it is a plant that has the ability to grow rapidly and form coral reefs. Therefore, on coral wedding the newlyweds should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

Muslin wedding- 37 years

Muslin wedding comes to the newlyweds exactly after 37 years of marriage. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. For such a long period of time, a husband and wife must create a strong and high-quality family in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. It is not necessary to lavishly celebrate this interim date.


aluminum wedding- 37.5 years

Oddly enough, but the non-circular date of 37.5 years of family life also has its own name. On this day, an aluminum wedding is celebrated, named after a strong but flexible metal. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses must learn to put up with each other's minor shortcomings, respect the dignity and be able to find a way out of any situation with the inherent ease of aluminum.

Spouses have the opportunity to celebrate a mercury wedding, having lived together for 38 years. It is known that mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. So spouses with solid experience are given a chance to take a fresh look at their relationship and start a life dedicated to each other. This intermediate anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding- 39 years

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in the life of a family. This anniversary owes its name to a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. So it is in the family - in the 39th year of their life together, the husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

ruby wedding- 40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is considered 40 years of marriage. The symbol of a ruby ​​wedding is a ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this jubilee symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood.

Mother-of-pearl wedding- 42 years

According to folk customs, after 42 years from the date of marriage, the mother-of-pearl wedding is celebrated in the family. Superstitious people have always attributed magical qualities to mother-of-pearl, it is believed that it is able to strengthen relations between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. According to tradition, on the 42nd anniversary of marriage, a loving husband should present his wife with a necklace of 42 pearls.

flannel wedding- 43 years

Having lived in marital status 43 years old, the couple celebrate the Flannel wedding. The people called this anniversary so in honor of the soft and warm fabric that can protect and keep warm in cold weather. Following folk traditions, the spouses should give each other flannel products. It can be pajamas, nightgowns, shirts, bathrobes.

Topaz wedding- 44 years old

44 years after marriage, the couple will celebrate a topaz wedding - an anniversary named after the purest gem, known not only for its transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is believed that family relations by this time should be strong and transparent, without offense, quarrels and intrigues.

Sapphire wedding- 45 years

A sapphire wedding marks forty-five years of marriage. The couple has proven their love and devotion over time. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh.

lavender wedding- 46 years old

A lavender wedding is celebrated by spouses who have lived together for 46 years. At this age, there is no longer passion and fuss, but there is calmness, mutual understanding, respect and tenderness. It is not necessary to celebrate the lavender anniversary magnificently, it is enough to invite your beloved children and grandchildren to the house. There should be a blue tablecloth and blue dishes on the table.

cashmere wedding- 47 years old

Exactly 47 years from the date of registration of a legal marriage, the husband and wife will celebrate the Cashmere wedding. The anniversary got its name for a reason - warm and pleasant to the touch natural cashmere is unique in that it does not cause allergies. Similarly, spouses who have lived together for many years cannot annoy each other.

amethyst wedding- 48 years old

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

Cedar wedding- 49 years old

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, husband and wife celebrate Cedar wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

golden wedding- 50 years

The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is one of the most valuable and expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is a great value that has been formed over the years through hard work. People who have lived together for half a century have proved mutual love, respect, trust and devotion.

Emerald wedding- 55 years

Emerald wedding - 55 years of marriage, when the milestone of half a century has already been overcome. On this anniversary, the couple is no longer young. Therefore, the celebration of this anniversary is completely in the hands of children. They should arrange a holiday for their beloved and only parents and give them emerald jewelry.

6 years of marriage - cast-iron wedding. By the 6th year, relationships in marriage are gradually gaining their strength, but are still as fragile as cast iron. This event must be celebrated. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, what to give and how to properly celebrate.

What wedding

6 years of marriage is popularly called a cast-iron wedding. This title captures very well the connection between bulky and heavy metal and marital relations. Cast iron, despite its solid weight, is a rather fragile metal. One careless movement - and a massive cast-iron object can crack, fall apart into pieces. Such is marriage in this period.

No matter how strong the relationship looks, one conflict or a dismissive act is enough, and the union may fall apart. The symbol of a cast-iron wedding reminds spouses that relationships need to be protected, treat each other with awe, tenderness and care. Then the bonds of marriage will become stronger every year, just like cast-iron dishes. If you take good care of it, it will last a very long time.

Another important feature inherent in cast iron is hardening at high temperature. The more it is exposed to heat, the stronger and stronger it becomes. The same analogy can be drawn with family life. Mutual support and love not only strengthen marriage, but also help in overcoming crisis moments, make spouses more tolerant, wise and understanding.

It should be remembered that 6 years lived together is an important milestone, indicating that a lot of trials remain behind the couple. And since they are still together, it means that the relationship is valued and cherished. Therefore, every year the risk of a gap becomes less and less.


6 years of marriage is called a cast-iron wedding only in Russia. In other countries, the symbolism of the celebration is strikingly different. For example, in America it is customary to call the sixth anniversary wooden or iron, in Latvia - rowan, and in Western Europe it is called caramel or candy. However, the difference in the name of the celebration did not affect the formation of traditions. Some customs came to us from Ancient Rus', others were formed recently. Here are just a few of them.

On the day of the sixth anniversary, it is advisable to cook all dishes in cast-iron utensils (pans, pots or cauldrons).

At the very beginning of the feast, guests are given a small cast-iron pot. Passing it from hand to hand, everyone present at the celebration must put a coin in it. The fuller the pot, the more wealth, happiness and prosperity will accumulate in the family.

On the day of the sixth anniversary of marriage, it is advisable to cook all dishes in cast iron utensils.

At the end of the celebration of the cast-iron wedding, each of the spouses will have to write their dreams and desires on a piece of paper. Then you need to twist these cherished leaves into a tube and put them in storage in a cast-iron dish. There is an opinion that most of the wishes come true within a year.

One of the main customs that falls on the sixth year of marriage is to check how skillfully the hostess copes with her role. Is she clean, does she know how to organize a life? The main inspector is the mother-in-law. She takes a snow-white handkerchief and goes with it to all corners, shelves, cabinets, dishes and other objects in search of dust and dirt. The result of the check (whatever it may be) is shown to all guests who come to the holiday.

However, it should be borne in mind that morals have now changed, and it is unlikely that anyone will meticulously rummage through other people's corners, cabinets and pans. Therefore, a comic mini-performance can be made from tradition. The mother-in-law puts on white gloves and touches things with them, which, by definition, cannot contain dust and dirt. For example, pillows on the bed, a blanket or a blanket. Then he demonstrates to everyone that the gloves remained white, and gives his daughter-in-law a diploma: “The most clean and tidy housewife.” It turns out that the custom was observed, and they had fun from the heart.

How to organize

Let 6 years of marriage be not such a significant date, but this should not lead you to the idea that you need to give up the celebration. After all, this is a great occasion to gather with friends and relatives and have fun. In order for the celebration to succeed, you should carefully consider even the smallest details.

To decorate the room, it is desirable to use turquoise, purple and white colors. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, decorate it with purple napkins and arrange turquoise dishes. Place flowers everywhere, such as callas. If it is not possible to purchase many flowers, place a vase with three multi-colored callas in the middle of the festive table.

Those who do not like lavish festivities can organize an outdoor party. Gather a pleasant company and have a picnic in the park or on the river bank. Whatever type of celebration you choose, do not forget to prepare a special dish called “cast iron”. This funny name hides an ordinary yeast pie with minced meat and vegetables. It should be remembered that it must be served in a cast iron pan.

Gifts for husband and wife

The most striking and memorable event during the celebration of the cast-iron wedding is the presentation of gifts to the second half. How can you surprise and please your spouse and at the same time not deviate from the symbolism of the holiday? First of all, these are cast iron products. However, an ordinary frying pan or duckling is not a very romantic gift. Therefore, in order to emphasize your feelings for each other and remind you of the raging passions during the celebration, you can exchange cast iron rings.

No need to give up ordinary household items. Not a single hostess will be offended by a necessary and at the same time symbolic gift. For example, cast-iron molds for baking bread or muffins, practical pots for preparing gourmet dishes or a new cast-iron skillet. To please her husband, women usually opt for cast-iron figurines, stationery, intricate figurines and coasters.

In addition to symbolic items, you can also give ordinary ones. Please your spouse jewelry or original jewelry. She will not refuse exquisite underwear and fashion shoes. It is not forbidden to ask your beloved woman in advance what she would like to receive on her wedding anniversary.

A wife can also surprise and delight her husband with the souvenir he needs. Maybe he has been dreaming about spinning for a long time or is looking for a tent for outdoor recreation. And if the husband is a car enthusiast, then give him a new steering wheel cover or a seat massager cover. Invest your soul in a gift, and then the partner will be happy to remember the past wedding anniversary.

What guests give

From what kind of wedding is celebrated, the gifts of the guests also depend. After all, everyone wants his gift to be not only symbolic and beautiful, but also useful. Here are some examples of the most popular cast iron wedding day gifts.

  • Cast iron grate for a fireplace or a firewood stand. Such a gift will appeal to a married couple who lives in a country house or spends the summer in a country house with a fireplace.
  • Street lights. They can be hung around the house or gazebo. This gift will perform a double function: ennoble appearance plot and perfectly cope with the lighting of the local area.
  • Cast iron medals with names engraved on them, wedding date and a large number 6. You can also attribute a playful slogan, for example: "Keep it up!"
  • Elegant cast iron grill. It can be made to order. Ask the master to make an inscription about a significant event on the sidewalls or engrave a beautiful landscape. Such a gift will not only please the spouses, but also serve them for many years.
  • Various decorative items made of cast iron: candlesticks, caskets, locks, souvenir trains.
  • Weights and dumbbells made of cast iron to keep fit. If you give a gift with comic congratulations, then every time, doing, the spouses will remember the significant day with a smile.

If the choice of cast iron products is small or the spouses are not supporters of this metal, choose a gift from the symbols inherent in other countries. For example, rowan beads, fragrant rowan tincture. An original present will be a cake with caramel filling in the form of a cast-iron iron or a basket filled with candies and other sweets, symbolizing a caramel European wedding.

6 years of marriage is a long time. During this period, the couple passed the test of strength and, despite all the difficulties and troubles, the couple remained true to their feelings. It is worth thoroughly preparing for the celebration of such a small but important family date. Think over everything to the smallest detail, especially gifts and congratulations. And what to give you decide, having learned what kind of wedding it is.

What is the name of the wedding

In different countries this anniversary is called differently, for example, in Latvia - Rowan wedding, in America - Candy wedding, in Germany - Sugar wedding.

In Russia, the sixth wedding anniversary is usually called Cast Iron.

It is known that cast iron is the first of the metals in family relationships. It perfectly conveys the whole nature of the relationship. Cast iron easily takes on any shape, so it is very important to lay the right foundation of love, friendship and mutual understanding, and then the family will stand even in the most difficult times.

How to celebrate

There are many scenarios for celebrating a wedding anniversary, but every year there are more and more supporters of the traditional option.

Some highlights of the celebration:

  1. On the eve of the celebration, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning, during which all unnecessary things for the couple are thrown out of the house along with insults.
  2. Only close guests are invited to the celebration.
  3. The celebration of the anniversary is organized in the form of a tea party.
  4. An obligatory decoration of the table is the "cast iron" - a meat pie.
  5. A kind of verbal relay race is organized at the table, during which each of those present gives his advice to the spouses to save the marriage.
  6. At the end, the traditional dance of the “newlyweds” follows.

If the children have grown up, you can celebrate the Cast-iron wedding in a narrow family circle.

For this:

  1. Arrange a holiday at home scale.
  2. Draw greeting cards with the children.
  3. Prepare little fun numbers and put on a mini show.
  4. Serve stuffed pancakes baked in a cast-iron skillet.
  5. Diversify the holiday with various family contests and competitions.

You can also celebrate an anniversary exclusively together, for example, taking a romantic bath by candlelight.

The main thing is to remember that family traditions only strengthen the marriage.

gift for wife

It is quite difficult to please your loved one with a traditional gift for a Cast-iron wedding. Few women will be delighted, for example, with a cast-iron pan. There is a way out:

  1. Order a cast-iron candlestick in the form of a female and male figure, and at the same time add that it is you and She.
  2. Even if the gift turned out to be from the area of ​​​​cast-iron utensils, attach an invitation to a restaurant to it.
  3. Perhaps you will find a beautiful wrought iron box, or a unique vase that you will need to complete with a bouquet.
  4. Write and perform a song or verse.
  5. Write a romantic letter describing all the good things about your marriage.

In order for the choice of gifts for the 6th wedding anniversary to be not limited to household utensils, you can turn to the traditions of other countries.

It could be:

  • vase;
  • decorative pot;
  • brazier;
  • grill;
  • cauldrons;
  • duckling;
  • panel;
  • set of exotic sweets.

What to give your husband

Pay attention to the celebration of 7 years of marriage, what kind of wedding is it, congratulations and what to give

Let the question not scare you, what to give your spouse for the holiday. a good gift will serve:

  • ashtray;
  • lighter;
  • figurine on the desktop;
  • hunting knife;
  • brazier;
  • an exclusive gift purchased in a decorative casting store.


Beautiful verses will serve as an indispensable addition to any congratulations on your wedding anniversary:

The iron marriage is indestructible.
A quarrel will not separate you.
Every year you are more beautiful
And be more comfortable.
Every year it gets warmer
spouse relationship,
You are getting smarter
And more desirable to each other.
Also keep going
Our friendly greetings to you!
Increase your love
And live without trouble for many years!

Together you are already a lot!
6 years have passed and the winters have passed,
How did your wedding go?
Already ate a pound of salt together!
But you don't care about all these family blizzards!
We congratulate you on a cast-iron wedding,
And we sincerely wish you replenishment!

Every year, the relationship of spouses in marriage becomes stronger. Many couples wonder if they have lived together for 6 years, what kind of wedding is it. The name of this anniversary is not well known, because it is completely unromantic, but very symbolic. It is called "cast iron wedding".

The name itself is revealing. If in the early stages the joint life of spouses is associated with fragile materials (chintz, paper), now relations in the family union have reached a new level. Cast iron, though brittle, is a metal.

Of course, cast iron can turn into a pile of fragments.

But if you handle this metal carefully and do not heat it up unnecessarily, then it can last a surprisingly long time.

The relations of the spouses during this period are the same. The crises of three and five years have already become a thing of the past - the wedding anniversary of 6 years is coming. This date, although not round, is very important. The couple have been living together for a long time and can be proud of their achievements in the field of family life.

A six-year relationship can already be called a serious period, which is why they are compared with cast iron

A cast-iron wedding is a significant occasion to gather friends and relatives at the same table. Whether to make a noisy feast or get by with gatherings with your inner circle is up to you. The main thing is to celebrate this day, give gifts to each other and say nice words.

How to celebrate a cast-iron wedding?

A cast-iron wedding is, of course, not a silver or gold anniversary. But don't be shy about this wedding anniversary. It is on how you celebrate your 6th birthday that your future family life depends. Psychologists say that the strength of marriage largely depends on this milestone.

Hit of the day on this day - cast iron cookware

The 6th wedding anniversary is a good occasion to start new traditions and habits in the family. For example, you can start arranging romantic evenings for each other every Friday or going out into nature every weekend. You can come up with many different new traditions, the main thing is to remember that from this anniversary the spouses finally turn into “we”, that is, into a strong family.

It is clear that the "cast-iron wedding" does not sound very elegant, but it is thorough and reliable. Experts advise that on this day it is imperative to place things made of this metal in the house. Nowadays, you can find quite elegant decor items made of cast iron.

By the way, in the old days, on the wedding anniversary of 6 years, the spouses were congratulated on a grand scale. All relatives came to congratulate the couple on their wedding day and gave significant gifts. Needless to say, cast-iron utensils - frying pans and cast-iron pots - were polished to a shine on the eve of the holiday.

Currently, you can find many beautiful products cast iron

It was believed that the sixth anniversary is a kind of test for the hostess. On this day, the mother-in-law tested her daughter-in-law's skills. And it was not only about cooking, but also about maintaining cleanliness in the house. The husband's mother, with a special white cloth or glove, checked all corners for dust, as well as pots and pans.

It is known that it is difficult to take care of cast-iron utensils, so the guests themselves saw which wife was the hostess.

For the guests that day, the wife baked a special dish - “cast iron”. This is a closed pie stuffed with vegetables and meat.

What to give for the sixth wedding anniversary?

If you are faced with the question of what to give for a cast-iron wedding, then you should first of all pay attention to the name of the anniversary. It is in it that there is a clue where to look for gifts. So, what do they give for a cast-iron wedding?

Gifts don't have to be practical.

The easiest way to choose a gift is for the couple who has Vacation home or area. You can choose a beautiful fireplace grate for them. True, this gift is good only if the spouses have a fireplace and you know its size.

If there is no fireplace, then you can choose for spouses beautiful jewelry for landscape design. It can be as simple as a fence for a flower bed, or larger - a bench or a decorative figure.

When a couple does not have a country house, the question of what to give for the sixth anniversary becomes even more acute. You can choose, of course, something from the kitchen utensils - a frying pan, a cast iron, a cauldron, a roaster or a baking dish. However, this gift can hardly be called original.

In the end, you can not stop at the choice of useful items and give the spouses a symbolic gift. This will be the iron castle. He embodies the strength of the union.

Another symbol could be a horseshoe. As you know, it brings happiness. Another anniversary is a great occasion to wish the spouses that the house is a full bowl.

It is worth paying attention to the medals made of cast iron. In family life, the spouses have clearly suffered more than one test. It is worth rewarding them for their patience and courage.

Gifts for wife for a cast-iron wedding

Now you know about 6 years of marriage, what date it is, and you need to buy a gift for your dear wife. You can please your life partner by giving her a cast-iron frying pan. Just remember to clarify that you are not hinting at her place in the kitchen. Say that this frying pan is necessary to warm up your feelings if they suddenly begin to cool down, and love begins to turn into a habit.

Stylish cast iron cookware will decorate the kitchen and will please the wife

If you don’t want to give a frying pan, then you can look at the cast iron. Cast iron - a thing in our time is not very popular, but unusual. And if you fill the iron to the top with notes with declarations of love and tell your wife to get one of them during the year, then the gift can become a source of everyday joy.

You can order jewelry made of cast iron for your beloved wife. These were fashionable in the 19th century, but have retained their appeal to this day.

A good gift option is decorative forging. A bouquet of cast-iron roses will never wither. And if you provide him with a wish that your feelings never slack, then the gift will become a guarantor of a long and happy family life.

You can opt for caskets and caskets with cast iron elements. Such gifts are unusual and practical at the same time.

Cast iron wedding gift for husband

On the eve of the sixth anniversary, women think about what to give their husband for a cast-iron wedding.

The easiest way is for those whose life partner smokes. To please your spouse, you can give him an ashtray made of cast iron.

Cast iron brazier will last a lifetime

A cast-iron brazier is also a good gift for a husband. It will especially please those who like to get out into nature to breathe fresh air and eat shish kebabs.

If you want originality, you can order a cast-iron ring for your husband. It's no secret that many men don't wear wedding rings. Perhaps your chosen one will like such a brutal gift as a cast iron ring.

If a life partner loves to cook, then a kitchen gift for a cast-iron wedding is also suitable for him. You can present a cauldron to your beloved, because cooking pilaf is a task for the stronger sex.

Choosing gifts for a cast-iron wedding is not an easy task. However, with the right level of imagination and patience, you can impress their recipients.

Congratulations on a cast-iron wedding

6 years of marriage is a worthy occasion to gather friends and relatives at the same table. All of them will want to come and congratulate the spouses on an important date on this significant day.

What congratulations on a cast-iron wedding should be said for festive table? There can be any number of options here. You can sing, dance, read poetry.

Wish the spouses to melt iron into gold

Of course, the most best congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 6 years, there will be a wish for the spouses to melt cast iron into gold and celebrate the 50th anniversary together.

For 6 years of the wedding, congratulations should be said by all the guests of the couple. Most touching words usually come from parents.

If you want to say kind words to your children, then remind them of their marriage. How worried they were on that important day for them. Now they have gone through sorrows and joys, sorrows and hardships, they got to know each other better. Wish they can walk to the golden wedding hand in hand.

Congratulations on the 6th wedding anniversary from friends can be arranged in the form of a song. Just make sure you have music in advance. It would be nice to prepare texts for guests so that they sing along with you. See interesting ideas for congratulations in this video:

If for many years congratulations to the young are tired, then you can organize a joint dance for everyone. It's both fun and original gift simultaneously.

On the anniversary of the wedding, women often want to separately say warm words to their life partner. Here is one of the options for congratulating your husband: “Beloved husband, I congratulate you on the 6th anniversary of our wedding! Let our date be marked with a cast-iron fortress. You are my strength and support! You are the most beloved and necessary, the most caring and attentive! You are the best thing that could have happened to me!"

You can end the celebration with a cake. A cast-iron wedding cake is not at all like a wedding cake. This is not an airy pyramid of white cream and fruit. On the contrary, it is dark and shaped like a frying pan or a cast iron.

You can use any filling for the cake, but on top it is better to decorate it with chocolate or black mastic so that the work of confectionery art at first glance resembles a cast iron.

Now you know how to celebrate a cast-iron wedding, how many years you need to spend together. How to celebrate this date is up to you. But remember, a cast-iron wedding is only the beginning of your family life, but with each new anniversary, you will come closer to a golden wedding.
