Forty nine years of marriage. Cedar wedding (49 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS 49 years of marriage congratulations to parents

Cedar wedding It is noted if the spouses have lived together for 49 years. A lot of things are behind, half of my life has been lived. Many anniversaries have been celebrated. Husband and wife carry a lot of experience on their shoulders.

The wisdom that has come over the years makes you look into the eyes of your soulmate in a new way. It is impossible to live life without sacrifices, hardships, misunderstandings. But there is always native person helping, supporting in any situation.

Holiday symbolism

The wedding anniversary of 49 years has its own symbol, marking the boundary of the marriage union. The cedar personifies a kind, well-being, prosperity, wisdom, life. This is a long-lived tree, with a mighty crown it “supports” the heavens, with powerful roots it goes deep into the earth. It is very hardy, no storms, colds can harm it.

Also, the family life of the spouses at this turn. Their relationship is reliable, durable, no ups and downs are terrible. They overcame many hardships, continuing to go further hand in hand. Tenderness, warmth live in the hearts. A long marriage is based on mutual support, respect.

Cedar is a strong tree. For him, forty-nine years is youth. Although the spouses, who have celebrated 49 years of marriage, are not young, their relationship is stable, which means that much is yet to come. Real love- a rarity, and almost a half-century anniversary is proof that two people have a real miracle - a reliable union of two hearts.

Wedding traditions for 49 years of marriage

In order for a cedar wedding to bring happiness, good luck, prosperity, it is necessary to observe traditions and rituals. Saturation with customs allows you to fill this day with a cheerful celebration, enthusiasm.

  1. The smell of the forest. The room where guests will gather should be given the aroma of a cedar forest. The smell should be subtle, it will inspire self-confidence, create an aura of great wisdom, longevity. You can create such an atmosphere with the help of aromatic candles, essential oils.
  2. seedlings. On this day, the heroes of the occasion should plant young cedar trees for their grandchildren. This is the continuity of generations, through the care of seedlings, grandchildren will acquire the wisdom of their ancestors.
  3. Bath. One of the brightest traditions of this day is a trip to the bath of spouses and guests. Even in the old days, it was believed that a husband and wife on this day should take a steam bath in a cedar barrel, which was filled to the top with hops and honey. And the guests at this time sprinkle the “newlyweds” with millet, symbolically tapping with oak and spruce branches. It is believed that such a ritual drives out any disease from the body, brings happiness, prosperity.
  4. Ablution. During the festive feast, the spouses are presented with a clean towel and a jug of spring water. Husband and wife should wash each other's faces, wipe with a soft towel. This rite guarantees that later life will not be clouded by resentment, reproaches.
  5. Wedding ditties. No cedar wedding is complete without this cheerful tradition. Such songs are sung by guests, characterizing the mores of the spouses, their family life.

How to celebrate the 49th wedding anniversary?

Despite the fact that the holiday has such a beautiful name, it is not celebrated violently. After all, in a year the most significant anniversary awaits the spouses - the golden one. And this time it is worth enjoying communication with your family.

By inviting children and grandchildren to dinner, the “newlyweds” seem to confirm that their family continues to grow further. Cedar wedding is celebrated when both spouses old age. Therefore, it would be appropriate if the holiday for the anniversaries is organized by their children and grandchildren. The creative approach of modern youth will make the anniversary a real memorable event.

Considering the elderly years of the heroes of the occasion, you should not make the solemn part of the event protracted, the music loud, the treats heavy. It is better to arrange a light evening of memories. Two people, wise by life experience, have something to tell the younger generation. You can take a video camera to the holiday. This will perpetuate the grandparents. This video will become a real family heirloom.

If the anniversary falls on a warm season, it's a good idea to arrange a holiday in nature. This will be more in line with the symbolism of the day.

What to give for the 49th wedding anniversary?

A set of cedar spices as a gift for the 49th wedding anniversary

Cedar mugs for the wedding anniversary of 49 years

Salad cone for the festive table in honor of the cedar wedding

What is given for a cedar wedding does not have to be expensive. Valuable, chic gifts will be required in a year, for a half-century anniversary. And for this anniversary, you can limit yourself to cute, useful, unpretentious wooden objects. You can choose among dishes, accessories, jewelry.

What to give your husband for his anniversary?

Men love to receive presents more than women. Let it be the most insignificant little thing, but for the husband it will become a symbol of the fact that his wife values ​​him, appreciates him.

  1. Massager. Such a gift for a cedar wedding is very popular. It relieves headaches, stimulates blood circulation, which is very important in old age.
  2. Mace. The symbol of the true head of the family. beautiful product from a cedar with an engraving the husband by all means will estimate.
  3. Hunting knife. You can choose such a product with a wooden handle, in a cedar sheath. beautiful gift for a real man.

What to give your wife for her anniversary?

A woman is always a woman. And the attention shown, as a gift, will surely please your soulmate.

Marriage is a union of two people, which should be based on love, mutual understanding and trust. The duration of any union cannot be predicted at the beginning family life when a young couple exchanges wedding rings and makes vows to each other. Only after years of family life can one understand that the number of years lived depends on both partners, on their attitude towards each other, on the desire to jointly overcome difficult life situations and walk along the long road of life.

Each year of family life is another step in the long ladder of family relationships and has its own symbolic name. The forty-ninth anniversary of marriage may not be a round date, but despite this, its importance among a large number of holidays does not decrease.

What is the name of the anniversary?

forty nine years life together- a long journey that the spouses have traveled together. This celebration has been called cedar since ancient times. A powerful, hardy and strong tree symbolizes the reliability of relationships, wisdom, love and mutual understanding. Only thanks to the presence of these qualities, a family can exist for a long time and jointly overcome all the difficulties that fate has in store for them. Strong and honest relationships have become a reliable basis for a family hearth, near which children grew up, grandchildren matured and great-grandchildren appeared.

The cedar tree is one of the most expensive woods in the world, as well as family relationships, which must be carefully treated and not allowed to be destroyed by envious people and enemies. The evergreen tree is not only a decoration at any time of the year, but also has healing properties. The coniferous plant has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, cleansing and healing effect. So returning to the parental home to caring and wise parents will help to solve and overcome problems and troubles in life. family hearth relieve feelings of fear and insecurity. Only parents can truly be happy for their child.

Harmonious relationships between parents will certainly become an example for the younger generation and will become an example not only for children, but also for grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The stages of family formation resemble the growth and development of a tree. A tree, like a family, is fragile and vulnerable at first, any careless movement can be harmful. Respect and care create the basis for the growth, development and strengthening of both the tree and the family. With each passing year, the negative factor becomes more and more difficult to harm, and after a short period of time, young shoots appear, symbolizing the continuation of the family, which grow and develop under the crowns of a reliable tree, symbolizing the family.

How is it customary to celebrate the celebration?

This celebration is usually celebrated in the circle of the closest relatives and friends. Before a significant date, it is necessary to prepare a place for celebration. Aromatic lamps with cedar oil will fill the room with a pleasant aroma and create a sense of celebration. Planting young cedar trees near the house will be the central action of the celebration, and subsequent care for them will be a pleasant experience. After many years, mature and mature trees will always remind grandchildren of the life of their grandparents, and will also become an example of creating a strong family.

A trip to the bathhouse on a wedding anniversary is considered symbolic and traditional event. Invited guests and heroes of the occasion go to this event together. Bathing in a cedar barrel with honey and hops is considered an integral part of the celebration, and sprinkling with millet and lightly tapping the newlyweds will be fun entertainment.

Washing spouses with well water is a symbol of cleansing relationships from quarrels, negative thoughts and resentments, and the continuation of life together should take place in an atmosphere of calm and harmony.

Guests should prepare small funny songs or ditties that can be sung along with the anniversaries. It is better to lay a festive table in a cozy summer arbor, on the terrace of a country house or in a home living room.

Viewing old family photos and videos will remind anniversaries of the happy years of life, the birth of children and grandchildren, and will give moments not only of joy, but also of light sadness.

Festive dishes should not be pretentious, tasty and healthy homemade food cooked by a grandmother with her children will appeal to all guests.

In the center of the table there must be a salad in the form of a cedar cone. The aesthetic design of this dish can be done independently based on individual wishes.


The cedar wedding anniversary is celebrated by people of respectable age, for whom material values ​​have long ceased to occupy the first place in life. Care, attention and reverent attitude are more important factors that saturate life bright colors and fill it with meaning. Various products made of cedar wood can become symbolic gifts, and crafts made from natural materials, which are made by the hands of grandchildren, will become an equivalent replacement for expensive souvenirs and jewelry.


Before you start choosing a gift, you need to carefully learn about the most cherished desires of the parents, so that the gift does not become an unpleasant surprise or an unnecessary trinket. Preparing for the celebration, one must also take into account the fact that the strength and health of parents are far from being the same as in youth, and household chores and domestic problems take up invaluable time, which is better spent communicating with loved ones. Appliances, modern technical developments will become indispensable daily assistants. The study of new devices and their functions can be turned into joint entertainment for all generations of the family.

You can thank your parents for their love, attention and care by improving living conditions. The chores, work and problems of children occupy a large part of the life of every family, and often there is not enough time and energy to make good repairs, correctly arrange furniture, hang pictures and other decorative elements that fill life with joy and comfort.

Adult children can already take on this task, and young and creative grandchildren will certainly bring notes of energy and youth to the interior of the renovated apartment.

To congratulate mom on the 49th anniversary of marriage, you can stop your attention on the following gifts:

  • jewelry and various bijouterie made of cedar wood;
  • cutlery made of wood, decorative mugs and bowls will not only decorate the festive table, but also fill the house with the smell of pine needles and the aroma of coniferous forest;
  • wooden figurines and decorative compositions;
  • frames for family photos;
  • carved boxes;
  • cosmetic sets and personal hygiene products with cedar oil.

Dad will undoubtedly be happy with the donated bath and sauna accessories, aromatic oils and massage accessories that will help restore energy, vitality and improve health.

Sweets and various culinary delicacies with pine nuts will be a delicious addition to the evening tea drinking, which is sure to bring together all family members, regardless of age.

Medical devices that allow you to monitor your health and take timely measures to normalize pressure, pulse and blood sugar are not just a good gift, but necessary, which will help prolong the life of elderly spouses. It is categorically impossible to save on such a gift; you need to purchase only high-quality devices from well-known manufacturers.

Before choosing such a gift, children must remember that their parents gave them only the best all their lives and never spared either physical strength or material costs.

A touching and unforgettable moment will be the presentation wedding rings parents as a symbol of love and fidelity, decorative pot with a young plant will become not only a decoration of the house, but also a constant reminder of the love and care of relatives.

A spiritual gift can please no less than a material one. Tickets to the cinema or theater, organizing a country holiday or a trip to a health resort will undoubtedly be a welcome surprise. And an impromptu theatrical performance with the participation of the smallest members of the family will be the highlight of the whole holiday. Filmed home video will delight grandma and grandpa for many years to come.


Inviting friends to the festive celebration of the 49th anniversary of living together is not only exciting and honorable, but also suggests that the anniversaries consider the guests close and dear people who may have been there for many years and shared both joyful minutes and minutes sorrows. Any gift bought for a holiday should carry a semantic load. There is no need to buy very expensive things, it is enough to purchase the necessary and desired gifts.

For elderly friends, you can choose wooden interior items, decorative chairs and rocking chairs. Beautiful tablecloths, napkins and soft pillows will please the hostess of the house. Book stand, decorative lamp and tea table will become necessary things long winter evenings.

Cooked salads, sweet pastries and other delicacies will not only please all the guests and owners of the house, but also make the work of the hero of the occasion easier.

In order for a gift to become desirable, you need to put a particle of your soul into it, and no matter how much it will cost.

Family life is a long journey that the spouses have traveled together. Before you start organizing a holiday, you need to understand that anniversaries are middle-aged people who no longer have so much strength and health for noisy companies. Care, attention, home comfort and close people - that's what anniversaries need. smiles and my sincere congratulations children and grandchildren are the best gift. A warm and solemn day will quickly fly by, but joy and smiles must remain in the parental home.

The main task of the younger generation is the daily care of parents. The worthy old age of grandparents is a reflection of the inner qualities of their loved ones.

See the next video for options for cedar products for gifts for 49 years of marriage.

What is the couple's anniversary in 49 years and what kind of wedding is it? The celebration a year before the golden anniversary is called cedar. Since the date is not round, it is celebrated in a quiet home environment such as children and grandchildren. A good option to spend a holiday together, having a romantic dinner - this can add a little warmth to the relationship of the spouses.

49th Anniversary Title

At 49, the wedding is named after a strong and powerful tree - cedar. For this period, a married couple has been living together for almost half a century - these are really already spouses who know absolutely everything about each other. Such newlyweds proved by time the strength of their love and feelings. A couple can share their experience with their grandchildren and children, helping to solve the problematic tasks of life.

The symbol of the wedding is the cedar. Such a tree is characterized by power, durability, endurance and great strength. This is exactly how the couple, who have lived 49 years of marriage, is a reliable single whole. The spouses suffered all the troubles, did not succumb to temptations, and in poverty and wealth. Thus, marriage has become a strong trunk of a strong relationship.

Gifts for cedar anniversary

Here you were invited to the celebration by your grandparents, who lived together for 49 years. What's a wedding without a great gift? What to present to them, because this is a solid date for living together. At this age, the cost of the gift will not impress the spouse, so just try to show attention and sincerity in congratulations - this will be remembered by them better than gold or jewelry. A wedding should be warm and cozy.

The cedar anniversary is notable for its nobility of celebration. The name of the holiday already suggests what gifts should be purchased.. So, it is appropriate to give wood products for a wedding, which symbolize health, vivacity and positive energy. Decor elements made of cedar will perfectly fit into the cozy design of anniversaries.

Non-traditional gifts

The anniversary of 49 years of marriage is celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives and friends, so you can present an original or desired gift. So, ask the anniversaries about their desires, and perhaps at least one dream you can make a reality. The younger generation of the family can give homemade fakes for the wedding, for example, works from cones and grains.

Help your parents create a fun house party. For example, prepare delicious treats or write a script entertainment program. Funny contests and games at the wedding will call a large number of positive emotions among guests and anniversaries. It is not necessary to present expensive items for an anniversary. But, if you have looked after chic furniture, then talk to the couple so that they definitely like the gift.

Gifts from spouses to each other

The forty-ninth anniversary is celebrated by a very small percentage of the population. Such an anniversary is celebrated by the strongest couples who experience real feelings and love. Husband and wife should congratulate each other with cedar-themed souvenirs, such as nuts, butter, or cedar wood trinkets. A very beautiful and symbolic gift - a tree branch. It can be decorated with a voluminous bow and cones. According to tradition, when the first toast for a married couple is heard at the wedding, the newlyweds begin to present souvenirs to each other. Such a ritual symbolizes the strength of relationships that have not lost their strength even after 49 years.

What to give your wife

Celebrating the holiday of living together, spouses always try to give something special. For a woman, it is best to give jewelry, and it does not matter whether it is gems or jewelry. At a wedding, a wife can be pleased with a wooden pendant or cedar beads. Such souvenirs will once again remind her of the unity of your souls and great love.

Also, the following products will be excellent gifts for your wife for the wedding:

  • Box made of cedar wood. She may be self made and decorated with painted ornaments.
  • Cedar crockery. Its main advantage is its antibacterial effect.
  • If your sweetheart is very fond of sweets, then give her sweets with pine nuts.
  • By the way, you can attend courses on making sweets to make them yourself.

gifts for spouse

If your husband is very fond of drinking tea, then you can order an interesting hot stand made of cedar material. After this gift, your spouse will be able to enjoy the smell of a drink with light notes of coniferous wood. The wife can present an essential oil with healing properties. It can relieve headaches and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

In addition, it is appropriate to give your lover the following things for the wedding:

  • Massage device made of cedar wood.
  • Cedar box for tools and other little things.
  • Alcohol tuning on cedar cones.

Remember at the wedding toasts about a long, happy family life? Time flew by almost imperceptibly, and you suddenly discover that the children have grown up, are building their own independent life. Anniversary flashed silver wedding. Grandchildren, children, work, home - time flies faster and faster. And only a loved one who once put a wedding ring on your finger is always there. And in the year for almost half a century you have been celebrating one special holiday - the day of the creation of your family. There is very little left before the "golden" anniversary of living together: your family is preparing to celebrate a cedar wedding.

What is the name of the wedding anniversary of 49 years?

49 years together what kind of wedding? A year before the half-century anniversary, the spouses celebrate the cedar anniversary from the date of marriage. Having walked hand in hand on such a long journey together, the husband and wife show the whole world how strong, durable and reliable the feelings that once connected them are. Having accumulated life experience, worldly wisdom, the “newlyweds” pass on knowledge to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, share advice, and help in solving problems.

After all, you see, it is worth having a truly fighting spirit in order to carry through all these years the joy, happiness of joint communication, the perseverance and endurance of the cedar in overcoming life's obstacles, to boldly look difficulties in the eye. The main thing is to always remember that the heart of a dear person is beating next to you, who will lend a shoulder, lend a hand in any situation.

The symbol of the 49th anniversary of marriage is the cedar. This mighty giant tree is distinguished by great strength, longevity, and endurance. Its noble beauty is breathtaking. As well as from the relationship of spouses who carried their love through almost half a century. Like a proud handsome cedar, they overcame temptations, passed the test of poverty and wealth, managed to survive, and their relationship grew stronger.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in verse

Did your parents invite you to celebrate your cedar wedding anniversary? Grandma and grandpa are invited to visit, because they are again "newlyweds"? For them, the anniversary of the wedding day is an unforgettable date, and a “golden” wedding is coming a year later. Think about how warmly, gently congratulate the anniversaries, what gift to present. The choice is huge: wonderful toasts and speeches in verse, sweet tender congratulations for spouses.

Be sure to call in the morning and congratulate on the anniversary. Read a beautiful poem for the holiday, wish you long life together, love, understanding, respect. An unexpected, exciting gift for a cedar wedding for the "newlyweds" will be an ordinary greeting card, sent not by e-mail, not by phone, but with the help of ordinary mail itself. A postcard purchased in advance with personally written poems is a sign of reverent attention, care, and sensitivity to the anniversaries. Use these examples of congratulations:

Where is the elixir for happiness, to know!
How can you live with more love?
Today is the wedding anniversary
Great happiness - cedar anniversary!
Through boredom, timeless years,
Through storms and tribulations
The couple took it...
For that - not an edge, not a part,
And full of living happiness
We wish, truly - everything!
How young and fresh you both are -
Advice and love to you - from the heart!!!

You lived together for more than one year.
Everything was in life:
Joy, anxiety.
Whiskey is already white with worries,
But together you walked along the road.
We wish the path to be simple,
For you, before the wedding is golden.

We heartily congratulate you,
May your happiness last forever.
Love is stronger than strong steel
So that problems do not know you.
We celebrate the cedar wedding with you,
So that you do not change over the years.
Love, health and patience,
So that there is no doubt about happiness.

Cedar wedding forty-nine years,
Beauty and stateliness - a festive bouquet,
Relationship strength, coniferous aroma,
Help spouses cedar will be happy!
Take away anxiety, relieve resentment,
He will help you correct mistakes!
Enjoy the needles and breathe it
In a cedar wedding, the cedar will become more generous!

I dedicate poems to my wife
We live with you for forty-nine years!
And I congratulate you, dear,
There is no happier family.
You always be as beautiful
Let the eyes burn with joy
Fun, amazing and cute
Dear, stay forever

My husband is an exemplary family man,
And the best of men.
We have been with you for 49 years
We go hand in hand.
I want to always love you
I want to be next to you
Always ready to help
Support and hug!

Happy cedar wedding, folks!
Keep greetings from grandchildren!
We congratulate you today
We wish you many years of life!
May happiness and comfort be in the house!
Let prosperity spoil you!
In the soul, let spring suddenly wake up
And your heart will flutter!

Cedar wedding on the doorstep!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
It's not time to take stock yet.
Although there is something to bring!
You have achieved a lot in this life,
But there is still so much to come!
We wish you victories, success, happiness!
Keep love in your soul and bloom from that!

What to give for the 49th anniversary of marriage?

How to please parents celebrating a cedar wedding? What gift to choose for grandchildren to please grandparents? How to surprise each other spouses? Choose a gift expensive and pretentious or simple but tasteful? Depends only on your desire. Let's try to figure out at what points the relatives of the "newlyweds" should stop when choosing a gift for the 49th anniversary of their life together.

  • For people who have gone hand in hand through all the trials, hardships, joys, happiness, the price of a gift is absolutely not important. The main thing is your attention, sincerity of feelings, desire to congratulate. Cedar wedding is a noble holiday.
  • The 49th anniversary involves gifts made on the basis of wood, cones, bark of the mighty evergreen giant - cedar. Products made from this material have positive energy, carry a charge of health, vivacity, warmth. Environmentally friendly, noble cedar will serve as an excellent means of decorating the interior.

  • Think about what the "newlyweds" want to receive as a gift for a cedar wedding. Try to find out in advance to make a pleasant, and most importantly, welcome surprise.
  • Grandchildren, younger granddaughters can make crafts, postcards with their own hands using, for example, cedar cones or grains. Come up with a gift that both adults and children will take part in making.
  • Help in organizing a family celebration in honor of the cedar wedding: prepare unusual salads; bake a birthday cake like in the photo below. If culinary skills do not allow, order a similar dessert from professionals.

Large gifts on the day of the anniversary of a curly wedding, including from a financial point of view, are best presented by prior agreement with the "newlyweds". Cedar pieces of furniture and interior are very beautiful and elegant. In ancient times, kings and emperors built palaces using this material. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it perfectly protected against diseases. Will the spouses want to feel like people with blue blood? Do not forget to clarify such an important question.

Spouses will certainly want to congratulate each other on their wedding day with cedar presents: a glass of peeled nuts, oil, trinkets. Cedar twigs tied with a satin bow in a composition with cones look beautiful and symbolic. Raising the first toast to the spouse, the “newlyweds” can exchange symbolic gifts, with a hint that 49 years after the wedding, the relationship is still strong, durable, like these evergreen giants.

Gift Ideas for Wife

What other ideas are possible when choosing gifts for the anniversary of the cedar wedding for each individual? Here are some presentation options:

  • At any age, a woman will be pleased with a gift in the form of jewelry. It doesn't matter if they're precious or not. The value of such a gift is in the warmth of the hands that made the craft; in the emotions of the relatives who bought/made it. Wooden pendant, cedar beads - a magnificent decoration, reminiscent of almost half a century of happy union of two hearts.

  • Cedar box, carved, painted - great gift for the wedding anniversary. If you put it in the bedroom near the bed, every time before going to bed, the delicate, delicate aroma of cedar will remind you of a family celebration.
  • Cedar carved tableware with painting has antibacterial properties, is beautiful in appearance, exudes an unusual smell. It will be nice to invite children and grandchildren to visit on Sunday morning, arrange a joint tea party from cedar bowls with pancakes, sweet pies or a cake.
  • If there is a sweet tooth in a married couple, present beautifully packaged sweets with the name "Cedar" for the wedding anniversary. Visit in advance a master class on making candy bouquets and crafts. Treat the newlyweds with a gift.
  • A basket made using cedar cones, cedar bark will decorate the kitchen interior. There will be a place to put sweets, cookies, serving with tea or coffee.

For husband

  • Is your spouse a hot tea lover? Give a cedar stand for hot objects in honor of the wedding anniversary. Taking a boiled kettle off the fire and placing it on a stand, you will feel the unusual, slightly tart aroma of cedar in the room.
  • To support health and good spirits, it is useful to use aromatherapy. Cedar oil is effective tool in the fight against diseases of the respiratory system, lungs. Give the spouses a bottle of it in honor of the wedding anniversary so that headaches, stress, insomnia and anxiety go into oblivion.

  • A wooden massager is a great gift option for a cedar wedding. If the "newlyweds" are concerned about osteochondrosis, give them a roller device; worries about problems with the musculoskeletal system - a massage mat with balls of polished cedar will help to solve them.
  • A cedar box for newspapers, magazines, and other small things will please any man.
  • An excellent gift for a wedding anniversary, as well as a warming agent for a dank autumn evening or a winter cold - cedar tincture.

Getting married is an important and responsible step that needs to be taken once in a lifetime. In front of relatives and friends, two people unite their hearts and destinies forever. Such a union is indeed sacred for many. That is why every year spent in marriage must be celebrated. You should not think that some anniversary can be insignificant or unimportant, on this day you just need to remember with what feelings and thoughts two people, holding hands, created a new family.

Cedar wedding.

A cedar wedding is a symbol of longevity, a very strong bond of marriage. After all, over 49 years of marriage, the couple has experienced a lot. It is imperative to celebrate such a date because after it there will be a Golden Wedding. Therefore, the cedar wedding is looking forward to the next anniversary.

The cedar symbolizes health. It is often used in various branches of medicine. That is why 49 years of marriage can be called healthy and strong bonds. Over the past years, the spouses have learned to understand each other perfectly, sometimes even words are not needed. The ambitions of youth were replaced by compromises and concessions to each other for the sake of happiness in the family, many learned to avoid quarrels. A cedar wedding is a symbol of a long-term union between spouses; it can only be compared with the grandeur of the cedar tree itself.

And how to celebrate the Cedar wedding?

Many people do not celebrate this date. Some consider it not significant enough, because the Golden Wedding is still ahead, others think that the date is not round and there is no point in celebrating it. There are those who simply never celebrate the anniversaries of their lived years, and some constantly celebrate every year. The choice remains only with the spouses. If, nevertheless, it came to the holiday and the spouses are ready to celebrate it, then this must be done in a narrow circle of relatives. On this date, it is customary to invite only the closest friends and relatives for the family. Children and grandchildren who have already grown up by this time will become symbols of the new generation, young and still young sprouts of the great and strong cedar tree.

It is not necessary to spend a holiday in a house or apartment, because the anniversary symbolizes a powerful and old tree. The best option there will be an outdoor party. You can gather the whole family in the forest or somewhere in nature. So the holiday will turn out to be thematic, and the time spent outdoors will be very useful for all guests. When everyone has gone home, you can arrange a romantic walk through the forest. Such a finale of the evening will give the spouses many more pleasant moments and return them to the times of youth and love.

If the spouses do not like walking in nature, then the holiday can be spent at home. Here, of course, the holiday will be more comfortable, because every corner reminds each family member of the joyful moments that were experienced here. To highlight such a date, you need to decorate the house with cedar branches and cones. You can buy essential oils with the smell of cedar, on festive table put a vase with green cedar branches. Thus, the house will turn into a cedar forest, and it will be very pleasant for guests to make toasts when the aroma of this long-lasting tree will fly in the air.

What gift to give to the Cedar wedding.

Gifts for such a date should be themed and at the same time inexpensive. Spouses can exchange cedar twigs, and if you wrap them beautiful ribbon, then the gift will turn out very elegant. bottle essential oil cedar will be a very good gift. You can put it in beautiful packaging with a bright ribbon and present to your soulmate. Such gifts will be very symbolic and will remain in memory for many years to come. In addition, cedar oil has medicinal properties. The aroma of the oil has a calming effect, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The result is symbolic, beautiful, and, most importantly, useful gifts.

Guests also should not forget that in a year the spouses will have golden wedding. That is why gifts for 49 years of marriage should be inexpensive, but at the same time stylish and very memorable. No need to think about what gift will suit the spouses, because the date itself gives answers to these questions. You can make your own or buy a craft made of cedar wood. It does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that the spouses remember such a gift, and it symbolizes the years lived together. There are many souvenir shops, you just need to walk through them and look for the right gift. There is also the Internet, in which there are many online stores, where you can find any souvenir for such a holiday. If you love and know how to work with wood, then you can find many master classes on the Internet on crafts from cedar wood. It does not matter what the price of the gift will be, the main thing is to put your love into it and the spouses will remember such a surprise for a lifetime, as well as the person who made it.

A great gift would be an aromatic lamp with cedar oils. Thanks to her, the house will have a very pleasant aroma, and because of medicinal properties cedar oil, such a gift will be very useful. Spouses for so many years would probably like to go to some sanatorium. Children can give them a ticket to a sanatorium, where their parents can take a break from everyday problems and spend time with each other. In a beautiful forest, they will be able to remember their feelings, and clean air and healing procedures will be very useful. They will surely remember such a gift, and they will be very pleased to receive attention from their children who take care of them.

If you want, you can find a gift in any gift shop. Excellent options for a gift would be a figurine carved from cedar wood, beads from the same material. They will be very beautiful and at the same time symbolize 49 years lived together. There are many different wooden utensils. You can give plates and spoons made of cedar. A teapot made of this tree will be a wonderful gift. Thanks to him, tea drinking will turn into an exquisite meal, because in addition to its beauty, it retains the aroma of cedar, and the tea will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. There are quite a few gifts, you just need to give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is that he reminds the spouses of the attention that relatives showed to them on such an important day for them.

Traditions of the Cedar Wedding.

On this day, the main thing is to gather around the spouses as many relatives, children, grandchildren and other relatives as possible. According to popular belief, on such an anniversary, children's laughter must definitely ring, so all kids must definitely take part in such solemn event. All children and grandchildren symbolize the branches of the tree, which grows more and more. The number of guests depends only on the spouses. As many people they wish to see at this anniversaries, there will be as many of them. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity, and perhaps even the desire, on their anniversary, together with all the guests, to go to nature to be among the beautiful cedars. Preparing for such a celebration is extremely tiring, but you can find a way out of such a situation. Many recreation centers can offer a wonderful holiday with all amenities and a restaurant. If possible, then your loved ones should definitely give such a truly memorable holiday. A celebration at home can also turn into a picnic in nature, if you skillfully decorate the familiar space with fragrant branches and cones, if you wish, everything is very simple, you just need to make a little effort. Another tradition for a cedar wedding is that when guests arrive, the spouses should give them one pine nut each, and exchange green cedar branches themselves. Thus, showing their love for each other, which after many years is still strong. The table must be decorated with cones and branches of cedar.

A wedding anniversary cannot be small or important. Spouses must definitely try to give each other their love, tenderness every year on their wedding day and again plunge into the feelings that they experienced while standing in the registry office. All this is really important, because they are so good, kind, family holidays strengthen the family, show the younger generation the value and importance of marriage. A magnificent celebration or a modest evening - it does not matter, because the most important thing is the feelings with which two people came to their next milestone, and with which they will move on, holding hands.

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