Pregnant with 3 children. What are the features, how does the third pregnancy and childbirth proceed?

The third pregnancy now will not surprise anyone. As a rule, women consciously take this step, and they treat their situation differently than they did the first and second times. However, no matter how prepared a woman is, pregnancy with a third baby can bring its own surprises. We will talk about the features of the course of the third pregnancy.

Women who have built a career and are firmly on their feet, that is, are provided financially and housing, usually venture on a third child. They get real pleasure from pregnancy, and it proceeds very easily, without fuss and fears.

According to gynecologists, pregnancy with a third child allows a woman to feel her body, listen to it and, in case of any adverse symptoms, react quickly. Another interesting moment, when a woman is waiting for a baby, she already knows in advance what kind of childbirth she will have. Of course, with an accuracy of up to minutes, no one can paint a detailed plan of labor activity, but to understand the body and feel what it “speaks” about is quite possible.

According to statistics, a high percentage of women with 3 or more children claim that the body “remembers” everything that happens to it with each subsequent birth, and the next time it will react faster. For example, generic activity during the first pregnancy, it lasts from 8 hours or more, the contractions are long and painful, the pregnancy itself can proceed in different ways, for example, with toxicosis in the 1st trimester. The second pregnancy is easier, childbirth lasts 6 hours, contractions are not so painful. Usually the third pregnancy and third birth proceed well. Contractions are short, disclosure occurs literally rapidly, like the birth itself - within 3 hours.

A third pregnancy can bring a woman both a pleasant trouble-free pregnancy and unforeseen surprises. It all depends on the age, individual characteristics of the body, the presence of chronic diseases of the pregnant woman, weight and other factors.

What are the features of normal and pathological third pregnancy

A pregnancy can be called successful if:

  1. The age of a potential woman in labor is 26-27 years or from 30 to 35 years.
  2. The interval between previous births is 3-5 years, but not more than 8 years.
  3. Past pregnancies proceeded without complications, natural childbirth.
  4. The woman does not have chronic diseases that can affect the normal course of pregnancy.
  5. The first, second child, as well as the third pregnancy - from one man.

If all 5 listed signs converge, then you can be congratulated - expect a favorable third pregnancy.

Pathological pregnancy includes such factors:

  1. If the woman's age is over 35 years.
  2. During previous pregnancies, there were short or vice versa, long intervals.
  3. Pregnancies were difficult, with complications.
  4. A woman has chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension are especially dangerous).
  5. Difficult labor or delivery by caesarean section.
  6. Rhesus conflict during pregnancy.

Condition of a woman during her third pregnancy

I want every woman to have a calm pregnancy, and childbirth to be easy. But this does not always happen, so we will get acquainted with the possible deviations that can happen during the bearing of a third child.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Usually around the age of 35, people show signs of a chronic disease, and women are no exception. Sadly, this can lead to not very good consequences. The risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases can provoke the appearance of endometritis, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, as well as provoke diseases of the respiratory organs, urinary system, heart, blood vessels and malfunctions of the endocrine system. As a result, preeclampsia may develop - toxicosis in late pregnancy, as well as diseases dangerous for pregnant women such as pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

If the woman's age is more than 35 years, and the child's father is 45 and above, then the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus is high. To dispel all doubts, it is necessary to register on time and undergo an appropriate genetic examination. For example, it is very important to do a screening ultrasound. This examination helps to understand whether the fetus is developing correctly, as well as the compliance of the fetus with the gestational age. For any woman, ultrasound is a chance to see what her baby looks like, hear how his heart beats, how legs and arms move, and be calm that the fetus is developing correctly.

A pregnant woman should undergo a screening examination 3 times: at 12 weeks, at 22 weeks and in the period from 30 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. This examination is considered mandatory and planned. A woman can do a regular or unscheduled ultrasound on the recommendation of a doctor or at will, in the period from 26 to 38 weeks. If everything is going well, but there is no need to do frequent ultrasounds.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is considered very important, since once at a period of 30-34 weeks, the doctor will be able to do a thorough examination of the fetus for deviations and malformations. In addition, the specialist pays attention to the amount of amniotic fluid (water) in order, if necessary, to prepare in advance for childbirth and exclude possible complications.

The examination procedure does not differ from previous ultrasounds, the doctor notes the position of the fetus in the uterus, measures the circumference of the abdomen and head, as well as the length of the femur. In addition, the thickness of the placenta is determined and in what place of the uterus it is located, how much it is changed and whether it corresponds to the terms of maturity. It is very important to determine the place of attachment of the placenta, since in the case of an unscheduled caesarean section, doctors will know how to properly conduct delivery tactics.

An unfavorable situation is when a woman has a low location of the placenta, when she partially or completely closes the cervix. The reasons may be thinning of the walls of the uterus (childbirth, abortion). Presentation can be accompanied by bleeding during pregnancy, so it is very important for a woman to listen to her body and symptoms.

It is very important to determine the ratio of the edge of the placenta (lower part) to the cervix on the third ultrasound. This is very important, because during the third pregnancy and childbirth, bleeding may occur. The "maturity" of the placenta, the place of its attachment, the condition, its detailed study and the size of the fetus help the doctor understand how the woman's birth canal is ready for the upcoming birth and determine in advance the risks that may affect normal delivery.

No matter what pregnancy a woman has in a row, the first, second or third, the expectant mother will want to take a photo of the crumbs as a keepsake. This can be done thanks to modern ultrasonic devices. The image will clearly show the baby's face and limbs. By the way, you can take not only a portrait photo of the fetus, but also go for a three-dimensional ultrasound. You don't have to worry about it being harmful. If you conduct an examination within acceptable limits (up to 10 times per pregnancy), then there is nothing to worry about, because ultrasound is a good chance to identify possible deviations and try to help the woman and the fetus, both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Vein changes

With each subsequent pregnancy, a woman's body experiences a serious load. Varicose veins can appear after the second pregnancy, and the third pregnancy can be complicated.

Varicose veins occur in 70-90% of women, and this disease first appears during pregnancy. A characteristic sign of the first "bells" of the disease is swelling of the legs, vascular "nets and stars" on the legs. A woman is not able to change anything, since the volume of blood increases by 30 or even 50%. Venous vessels do not always withstand such a load.

The situation can be aggravated if a pregnant woman has endocrine diseases, increased blood clotting, and overweight. An important role is played by the hereditary factor.

The disease can proceed in different ways: from swelling of the legs and harmless "asterisks" and bluish stripes on the legs, to more serious manifestations, when the vessels of the internal and external genital organs are involved in the process. Take, for example, hemorrhoidal nodules - they appear due to the fact that pressure increases in the lower part of the pelvis (when straining), the walls of the vessels are overstretched and nodules appear.

To prevent this during the third pregnancy, it is necessary to remember about prevention. For example, to cope with the load will help special exercises- you need to lie on the bed and raise your legs up. It is also necessary to follow a diet so that constipation does not appear, and also wear special compression underwear.

Anemia during pregnancy

Repeated pregnancy can provoke the development of anemia, when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. If it is not enough, it means that the woman and the baby do not have enough oxygen. If a woman feels weakness, apathy, lethargy, she often feels dizzy, her heartbeat may be disturbed, shortness of breath may appear, memory deteriorates and vision is impaired, then the cause of the malaise lies in the lack of hemoglobin.

To prevent the development of anemia, prevention will help:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  • control of hemoglobin level (blood test);
  • taking iron-containing drugs (course 2-3 times during pregnancy).

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

With each subsequent pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are subjected to tremendous stress. It is possible that during the third pregnancy, the belly will be large, and the fetus will be large. The center of gravity shifts and the uterus, which increases every week, deviates. A woman may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back and back. To relieve the load and distribute the center of gravity, as well as to maintain the elasticity of the abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. It should only be worn when the woman is walking. Put on an elastic belt in a prone position. At first, you need to be patient and wait until the muscles get used to a different, correct position.

A good prevention of overstretching of the abdominal muscles during the third pregnancy is prevention. Swimming and special gymnastics for pregnant women help to strengthen all muscles.

Due to previous births, the stretched muscles often cannot cope with the increased load and, as a result, do not hold urine when a woman laughs or coughs. This problem occurs in 13% of women who have given birth 3 or more times.

Prolongation of pregnancy

Obviously, with each pregnancy, the baby will be larger than the previous one. According to statistics, the second child is always larger than the first. Based on this, it is important to prevent the fetus from overbearing. Each subsequent pregnancy a woman bears more calmly, blood circulation is good, which means that the fetus receives more nutrients. Due to the stretched abdominal muscles, the receptors lose their sensitivity, and childbirth can be delayed.

During the 3rd pregnancy, it is very important to control your condition, to stick to the baby - if he has reduced physical activity, you need to see a doctor. In any case, with the onset of the 40th week, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist 2 times a week. It is important to undergo additional examinations, in addition to ultrasound, to examine the blood flow in the umbilical cord (Doppler) and the number of fetal heart rhythms (CTG).

You can check the readiness for childbirth and exclude overbearing on your own. This test is called "mammary". To perform it, you need to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. Within a minute, you need to stimulate the nipples with one hand, and put the other on the stomach. If the body is already ready for childbirth, then you will feel how the uterus contracts (this is a contraction). At the 60th second, but no later than the 3rd minute, you should feel the first contraction, indicating that the body is ready for childbirth. The contraction "came" after 10 minutes - you are not yet ready for childbirth, although you are already at the 40th week. It is necessary to consult with a doctor, to be examined. In such cases, the woman is placed in a hospital under observation.

Rhesus conflict

The risk group includes women with a negative Rh, if the father of the child has a positive Rh. A conflict is possible only in a woman with a negative Rh, when the fetus is positive. Then the baby's red blood cells enter the mother's blood, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy. If with previous pregnancies a small amount of red blood cells entered the mother's blood, then with each subsequent pregnancy their number can reach the threshold.

Why is it dangerous? If foreign red blood cells enter the blood, the body will begin to produce antibodies. Such a reaction can lead to the development of hemolytic disease (the birth of a child with yellow skin, often called the "jaundice" of the newborn). It is very important to monitor the condition of the mother's red blood cells and donate blood for analysis every 2 weeks. If the amount of antibodies increases to a critical level, then early delivery is possible. later dates to save a child's life.

Hemolytic disease can lead to serious consequences, threatening the life and normal development of the fetus. If antibodies are not detected in the mother's blood, then immediately after childbirth (no later than 3 days), the woman is injected with anti-Rh serum, which will prevent the appearance of antibodies during the next pregnancy.

Features of childbirth of the third pregnancy

With each subsequent pregnancy, childbirth proceeds easier and faster. This is due to the fact that the body quickly prepares for the birth of a child. The pelvic muscles become elastic, and the opening of the birth canal occurs painlessly and quickly. Such easy labor activity is equally good for both the woman and the child, since the risk of birth injuries decreases with repeated births.

But it is worth noting that not everything can go perfectly. Due to stretched muscles, bleeding after childbirth may not stop for a long time, and for a woman this is a big risk of losing a lot of blood. It also happens that due to the weakening of labor activity (lack of attempts and false contractions), childbirth can be delayed. In this case, the woman is stimulated, since the complete absence of contractions means that the baby does not have enough oxygen. Do not be afraid and do not think about the difficulties, modern maternity hospitals are equipped with everything necessary to help the woman and the baby.

How to prepare for childbirth

Since women go to the third pregnancy consciously, then preparations for the upcoming third birth must be started in advance.

What to consider:

  1. Do not be lazy to do exercises on the press. The stronger these muscles are, the better the gestation process will go. So 6 months before the planned conception, you can start preparing.
  2. Watch your weight during pregnancy - do not allow a set of extra pounds.
  3. Do Kegel exercises regularly starting at 15 weeks pregnant.
  4. Wear a bandage to prevent stretching of the abdominal muscles. It is allowed to wear a bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy.
  5. 3-5 weeks before giving birth, take a contrast shower - the muscles of the pelvic floor should be in good shape.
  6. Listen to your body in the last weeks - often the cervix dilates painlessly and childbirth can happen at home, in the car or in the emergency room.

What you need to be ready for after childbirth

If childbirth can be easy and painless, then the recovery process may be delayed due to the fact that the uterus contracts longer. To prevent inflammation or bleeding, the doctor will prescribe injections that will help the uterus recover faster.

The main advantage of a woman who has given birth to a third child is that she will have milk immediately after childbirth (in primiparas after 3 days). There can be no talk of any postpartum depression - mom is in a great mood, because the birth of a baby is a great happiness!

IN last years It has become very popular to have a large family. Until a few decades ago, couples could not afford to have more than two children. Parents feared that they would not be able to feed and raise the children. Currently large families many privileges are provided. That is why women without much concern consider such a situation as a third pregnancy. It is this state that will be discussed in the present article. You will find out what are the features of pregnancy, childbirth (third) and

Word to specialists

Doctors say that the third pregnancy is never like the previous ones. Even in the same representative of the weaker sex, these conditions are very different. Throughout the entire period, the baby develops in a completely different way, as it happened with his older brothers and sisters.

Doctors say that not only the third pregnancy has its own characteristics. Delivery can also occur differently than it was in past times. Gynecologists say that often the third pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by various complications. To avoid them, you need to prepare in advance for such an event. Consider what features the third pregnancy has.

New position

Conception for the third time occurs in the same way as in previous cases. On certain days, which are called fertile days, sexual contact leads to conception. The only exceptions are cases of artificial insemination. It is worth saying that if the first two times a woman became pregnant as a result of IVF, then the third time this often happens in the natural cycle. This comes as a big surprise to the couple.

A woman may find out about her new position for the third time a little earlier than in the first two cases. In most cases, the fairer sex feels that she is pregnant. At the same time, tests for home use still show a negative result. Many argue that the third pregnancy is diagnosed much earlier. However, it is not. You can find out about the new position only after a delay in menstruation or with the help of a blood test for the presence of the pregnancy hormone.

Genetics and possible problems

The third pregnancy has such features that most often it occurs after thirty years. Some representatives of the weaker sex decide to give birth to heirs even after forty. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that by this time the expectant mother already has certain diseases. Often these are problems with the thyroid gland, abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, as well as ovarian exhaustion. All this can lead to problems during the bearing of the baby.

Don't forget about genetics. In most cases, a third pregnancy always requires specialist advice. Remember that after the age of thirty, the risk of birth defects for a baby increases by about 20 percent. If you decide to have a third child at the age of 40 or later, then know that in such cases, about 40 out of 100 babies have deviations.

Condition of the cervix and cervical canal

Pregnancy with a third child can lead to some problems. During the first and second births, it shortens, and the cervix opens completely. Certainly in postpartum period all these processes are restored. However, fabrics tend to stretch over time.

During the third pregnancy, a woman may face such a problem as isthmic-cervical insufficiency. At the same time, it is almost impossible to determine the possibility of pathology in advance. That is why a future mother pregnant with a third baby needs to visit a gynecologist regularly and be especially attentive to herself. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is premature shortening and this condition can be corrected. However, for this you need to turn to specialists in a timely manner.

Third pregnancy: belly

The appearance of the expectant mother, who wears the third baby in her heart, also has its own characteristics. For the first and second time, the tummy can be located quite high. Omission occurs only a few weeks before birth. This is due to the fact that the muscles hold the baby's head.

With the third pregnancy, the ligaments that hold the uterus are no longer so strong. As a result, premature prolapse of the abdomen occurs. This is not a pathology. Most likely, the birth will come on time. However, if you find additional unusual symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Position of the placenta

When pregnant with a third baby, a woman may face such a problem as Often this happens because the mucous membrane of the genital organ in the bottom area has already thinned. The placenta is attached in the most favorable place for the development of the child.

Placenta previa or its close location to the pharynx can lead to bleeding or the threat of termination of pregnancy. At the same time, doctors often prescribe to a future mother. This will help to avoid many complications during childbirth.

Feelings of the expectant mother

If you are having a third pregnancy, the sensations may be completely different from the first two times. Many women who have more than two children say that each time they are less and less tormented by toxicosis. This condition is caused by exposure to the mother's blood harmful substances that are secreted by the fertilized egg. As a result, the fairer sex may feel nausea, discomfort, weakness, and so on. By the third pregnancy, a woman's body gradually adapts to this condition.

What can be said about the movements during the third pregnancy? Everything is very interesting here. Most women feel the kicks of the baby much earlier than the first time. All due to the fact that the representative of the weaker sex already knows how it should be. Doctors say that the movements of the baby during the third pregnancy can be felt as early as 16 weeks. However, there are women who claim that this happened much earlier.

Training bouts

The third pregnancy reviews has the following. Experts say that very often during the first pregnancy, expectant mothers confuse real contractions and training ones. As a rule, when expecting a third baby, this does not happen. Training contractions help the uterus prepare for. Usually, they begin to appear after. However, with each subsequent childbearing, this process is getting closer to the date of birth.

Training contractions during the third pregnancy are usually felt after the 32nd week of the baby's development. However, they do not have a certain regularity. Also, these sensations in most cases are painless. If additional symptoms join, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The special control group should include mothers after caesarean.

Third birth - natural

IN Lately Increasingly, after a caesarean section, gynecologists allow a woman to give birth on her own. A prerequisite for this is a break between the appearance of children for at least two years. Also, the morale of the expectant mother and the condition of the scar after the previous operation are always taken into account. It is worth noting that if the first and second births were by caesarean section, then you have very little chance of a natural process. When the operation was performed once, a woman may well feel all the delights of conventional childbirth.

In the case when the first two babies were born naturally, the third childbirth passes quickly. All due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother already knows about the basic requirements. Under the influence of certain hormones, the cervix opens very quickly. If there was an outpouring amniotic fluid, then this process can occur in several contractions. That is why, at the first signs of labor activity, it is worth going to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. Your baby can be born very quickly.

Stimulation of labor activity

Some mothers, giving birth for the third time, may find that they need stimulation. This situation is explained by the fact that the contractility of the uterus is no longer the same as before. In this case, doctors conduct stimulation. A woman is given certain drugs, and after a few minutes, the strength of labor activity is restored.

It is worth noting that the refusal of the necessary stimulation can lead to rather disastrous consequences. Usually in this state, the fetus begins to suffer. Prolonged hypoxia causes irreversible changes in the baby's brain.


If this is your third pregnancy, you may have a caesarean section for the first time. The operation can be planned or emergency. If all your children were born in this way, then there are certain risks. The scar after a caesarean section becomes thinner with each subsequent pregnancy. This can lead to its premature rupture. This situation becomes dangerous not only for the child, but also for his mother.

Doctors strongly discourage women from planning a quarter child after their third caesarean section. Often, medical staff suggest tubal ligation during surgery. This will lead to lifelong contraception. However, not all representatives of the weaker sex decide on this procedure.

Features of the work of the mammary glands in the third birth

After the birth of a child, the mother begins to produce milk. This is facilitated by the hormone prolactin. In nulliparous women, milk begins to stand out approximately on the third day of a child's life. Before that, the baby is forced to eat colostrum or an adapted mixture, which is often given out in maternity hospitals.

In the case of the third birth, everything is somewhat different. In such women, colostrum may appear even during pregnancy. This usually happens after 35 weeks. Milk comes almost immediately after the baby is born. As soon as you put your baby to your breast for the first time, you will feel a surge of milk. It is worth saying that the mother of three children often has hyperlactation. This is the state when there is a lot of milk in the breast, and the child is not able to eat it all. In this case, doctors recommend purchasing a breast pump or pumping with your hands.

Recovery period and its features

After the third birth, a woman's body can recover a little longer than usual. That is why you need to monitor the discharge and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice. It is worth noting that with each subsequent birth, the duration of lochia increases by about one week.

The muscles and skin of the abdomen also recover much longer. That is why a month after giving birth, you need to start light gymnastics. Remember that nothing is impossible. Any flabby muscles can be toned. However, this requires effort and patience.


You became aware of the features of the third pregnancy and the delivery process. In most cases, this time the expectant mother feels more relaxed. She already knows the basic nuances of childbirth and pregnancy. However, this does not mean that you need to refuse to consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and take all the tests. Take all the drugs prescribed for you and do not refuse the prescribed studies. I wish you success!

The birth of a child in most cases is a planned event. Approximately 70 percent of couples approach this process very responsibly. Primiparous women during the bearing of the baby may face various difficulties. However, if the representative of the weaker sex already has offspring, then everything changes. How is the third birth going? Reviews of mothers who gave birth about this event will be presented to your attention in the article. You will also learn about the opinion of doctors on this issue. It is worth saying that the third pregnancy, third childbirth and the postpartum period have their own characteristics.

Where it all begins: the process of fertilization

Childbirth) is practically no different from the previous ones at the very beginning. happens in the standard way. During the period of ovulation, sexual contact takes place, during which male cells enter the female body. When a gamete leaves the follicle, fusion or so-called fertilization occurs. As a result, a fertilized egg is formed. It descends into the reproductive organ through the fallopian tubes and is securely fixed there.

It is worth considering another method of fertilization. It happens that, for some indications, a couple needs the help of reproductologists. If the first two babies were born through in vitro fertilization, then the third pregnancy can occur on its own. There is still no explanation for this set of circumstances. However, the fact remains.

Happy news

A third pregnancy is rarely a surprise for a woman. In most cases, the representative of the weaker sex consciously takes this step. The often good news interesting position doesn't come as a surprise. In most cases, the expectant mother from the very first days feels that a new life is developing in her body.

Reviews indicate that many of the fairer sex long before receiving positive test pregnancy were sure of fertilization. Everything is explained by the fact that these sensations are already familiar to the expectant mother. She knows perfectly well what toxicosis and hormonal changes in the body are.

How is the third pregnancy going?

Before the third birth comes, the woman will have to carry her baby for many months. In most cases, this time is no different from the previous ones. The expectant mother will still have to visit the gynecologist regularly, take tests, be examined with ultrasound and go through many doctors. Only in some situations during the third pregnancy may additional examinations be indicated.

It is worth saying that third births usually occur after 30-35 years. During this period, the woman has already taken place as a mother. She knows perfectly well what will be best for her baby. That is why all purchases for the child are made with full confidence. Also, the age of the expectant mother plays a big role in the genetic issue. After the age of 30, the risk of having a baby with developmental disabilities increases. That is why the representatives of the weaker sex must undergo a thorough examination.

Features of the third pregnancy: the opinion of women and doctors

Feedback from women suggests that the third pregnancy becomes noticeable much earlier than the previous two. The tummy is rounded already at the very beginning of the second trimester, while for the first time it happened only in the third trimester.

Also, women testify that the third time the movements can be felt much earlier. There are representatives of the weaker sex who claim that they felt the baby's light tremors even before 12 weeks. However, doctors are skeptical of such claims. Gynecologists say that you can feel the movements of the baby in the third pregnancy from 15 weeks, while for the first time this happens only after 20 weeks.

Another feature of the course of the third pregnancy is isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This diagnosis is made in about 20 percent of expectant mothers. All due to the fact that the uterus and its neck are a muscle. Over time it starts to wear out. An important role in this is played by abortion and diagnostic curettage. Ismtic-cervical insufficiency is characterized by the fact that the neck begins to smooth out and open earlier than the due date. Often, women who want to become a mother for the third time have to suture this area and put a pessary. Doctors say that this condition can be controlled. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor with a problem as soon as possible.

Third birth - how are they?

Reviews of doctors suggest that the process can be carried out in two known ways: it is a natural delivery or C-section. The choice of technique directly depends on the state of health of the woman and the ways in which her previous babies were born. There may be several options for the course of childbirth. Consider them:

  • natural childbirth. This mechanism for conducting the process is chosen when the first two babies of the woman in labor were born in this way. Also, representatives of the weaker sex with one caesarean section behind their shoulders have a chance for a similar outcome. However, it could be carried out for the first or second time.
  • C-section. This delivery option is chosen when the first two babies were born that way. In this case, only a few doctors decide on natural childbirth. In this case, the condition of the scar and uterus should be ideal, which is very rare in the third pregnancy. Also, a caesarean section can be performed for the first time during the third birth. There may be good reasons for this, consisting in the state of the fetus and the expectant mother. It is worth noting that over the years various chronic diseases are acquired.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before your baby is born. Despite the fact that the expectant mother already knows what to expect, unforeseen situations may arise. Third birth - what are they? Ask your gynecologist about this. After such a conversation, a positive attitude is provided, you will know exactly what to prepare for.

Third birth - at what time?

Reviews of doctors say that the third time the baby may appear a little earlier. All due to the fact that the muscles of the pelvic floor are no longer so elastic. Over the previous two pregnancies, they have stretched. Often this leads to premature birth of a child. It is worth recalling that urgent births (which took place on time) are those that occurred in the period from 38 to 42 weeks. When the process or outflow of amniotic fluid occurs earlier, we are talking about a premature process.

In the same way, a woman giving birth for the third time may experience this. Often this is due to a strong stretching of the walls of the uterus or insufficient production of hormones. It should be noted that this process is aggravated in some pathologies. These include polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, inflammation, the presence of scars on the uterus, and so on. In these cases, doctors resort to after the 41st week.

How does it start?

How does the third birth begin? Reviews of mothers giving birth indicate that the process starts quite unexpectedly. In most cases, the third pregnancy does not have obvious training contractions that inform the expectant mother of an imminent meeting with the baby. Also, the first two times, a clear harbinger was a prolapse of the abdomen, which occurs about a month before an important day. In the third birth, the baby can sink into the pelvis in just a few hours. Often a woman does not experience any harbingers.

How does the third birth start? Reviews of doctors suggest that the process may begin with contractions or outflow of amniotic fluid. Statistics say that the fetal bladder in the third baby is torn much less frequently than in the first two pregnancies. Sometimes a woman may simply not feel how the cervical canal opens and the fetus passes down. However, after the outflow of amniotic fluid, normal contractions begin, which the expectant mother will not confuse with anything.

Process duration

How long does the third birth last? Reviews of mothers who have given birth indicate that this process occurs quite quickly compared to the first two. This fact has a rather simple explanation.

The uterus, ligaments, cervical canal and cervix tend to remember everything that happens to them. So, if for the first time the fetus descended into the pelvis for a rather long time, the birth canal was prepared for about a day, and the uterus had unproductive contractions, everything is completely different in the third birth. Many women say that they barely have time to arrive before the attempts begin. The average duration of the third birth is from 2 to 5 hours. During this time, the woman manages to feel all the "charms" of the process, from the prolapse of the abdomen and ending with the birth of the placenta.

Pain intensity

Is it really a less painful third birth? Reviews of mothers who have given birth suggest that this statement is not true. The appearance of a child for the third time is much faster. Based on this, the duration of pain is reduced. However, this does not lead to contractions becoming painless.

If we are talking about a caesarean section, then in this case the process of having children for a woman is no different. In all three births, the expectant mother is under the influence of anesthetics. That is why she does not feel much pain during the operation. However, unpleasant sensations begin to gain strength as soon as the effect of anesthesia wears off.

postpartum period

What are the third birth reviews, you already know. It is worth saying that the recovery in this case takes a little longer. Women say that bleeding may not last 4 weeks, as it happened in previous times, but 6. This is the norm. However, a change in the nature of the discharge should alert every newly-made mother. Quite often, third births can lead to inflammation or retention of lochia.

Concerning breast milk, then the third time it comes much faster. If you had to wait for your food for about 3-4 days, then this time you can breastfeed your baby already on the delivery table at the first application.


You became aware of the reviews of those who gave birth to third births. Doctors say that no pregnancy can be repeated according to their feelings. Even in the same representative of the weaker sex, the process of delivery occurs every time in a new way. Third birth - what are they? Ask your gynecologist about this. However, the story is only a small part. Much in this process depends on the woman herself. Follow the doctor's recommendations and follow all prescriptions. Happy delivery and speedy recovery!

Women who dream of big family. Experienced mothers have their own attitude to pregnancy. On the one hand, experience in the care and upbringing of children has been accumulated. On the other hand, there is an excitement that it will be more difficult to endure and give birth to a baby than in previous times. Are these fears justified, and what should be done to ensure that the third pregnancy is successful?

Features of the course of the third pregnancy

A third pregnancy is usually not a surprise for a woman. They plan it, undergo therapy for chronic diseases, get rid of bad habits. This is necessary to reduce the risks for the mother and fetus during gestation.

The intention to become pregnant should be reported to your gynecologist, who will determine the most appropriate time period.

What optimal age for 3 successful conception? In this, doctors are unanimous - under 35 years old. Until this period, the risk of genetic abnormalities in the fetus and pregnancy complications is reduced. Future mom has more strength and health to endure, give birth and care for the baby. Pregnancy at an older age is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, placenta previa, and premature birth.

The third gestation is considered successful under the following conditions:

  • age 26-35 years;
  • the father of the children (first, second and third, subsequent) is the same man;
  • the interval between the last births is 3-5 years;
  • past pregnancies had no complications, delivery was natural;
  • the absence of chronic pathologies in the expectant mother.

Pathological gestation is characterized by the following features:

  • Rhesus conflict;
  • mother's age - over 35 years;
  • heavy first two pregnancies and childbirth;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • short (up to 2 years) or long (more than 8 years) interval between pregnancies.

How can a woman understand that she is pregnant with her third child?

Despite the experience of previous pregnancies, determine an interesting position on early dates a woman may not always, especially if her age is over 30 years old. Difficulties arise for the following reasons:

  • failures of the menstrual cycle do not allow you to determine the delay;
  • late onset of toxicosis, its absence;
  • anxiety and weakness can not always be associated with an "interesting situation" (more in the article:);
  • Hormonal disruptions can lead to false pregnancy test results.

Symptoms by which an experienced mother may suspect pregnancy: a change in taste sensations (draws to sweet, salty), an unusual reaction to smells, an increase in the mammary glands. A reliable way to find out about an “interesting position” in the early stages is ultrasonography pelvic organs. It will allow you to determine the gestational age, the place of attachment gestational sac, date of birth.

A woman pregnant with her third child is calm about her condition and knows what to expect from each stage of pregnancy. Experts note some nuances:

  • less chance of toxicosis;
  • rapid restructuring of the body;
  • the mother can feel the first movements of the fetus at 15-16 weeks (primiparas usually notice tremors at 19-20 weeks);
  • during childbirth, the cervix opens faster and less painfully, there may not be debilitating contractions;
  • well-stretched pelvic floor muscles reduce the risk of birth injuries;
  • shorter duration of labor - 6-7 hours;
  • rapid establishment of lactation.

Problems of the third pregnancy

The third pregnancy and childbirth is characterized by a favorable course (subject to careful attitude to health and constant medical supervision). The expectant mother does not always have the opportunity to listen to herself, relax, sleep during the day. Caring for older children, work, family chores take almost all the time. However, it is important to take time for yourself and visit antenatal clinics regularly.

Chronic diseases and their exacerbation

There are practically no absolutely healthy women after 30 years. The course of pregnancy can be seriously affected by chronic pathologies of the genital area - uterine fibroids, endometriosis, salpingitis, adnexitis. In the process of gestation, cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can worsen. Possible severe toxicosis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, increased blood pressure.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Hemoglobin deficiency is more common in multiple pregnancy, short intervals between gestation processes (less than 3 years), poor diet, living in ecologically unfavorable areas. There are mild anemia (hemoglobin volume - Hb 100-109 g / l), moderate (Hb - 80-99 g / l), severe (Hb below 80 g / l) degree. At the same time, the expectant mother may feel weakness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and fatigue. An unhealthy pallor appears, the skin becomes dry, and the hair becomes brittle.

Vein changes

In the later stages, problems with the back and lower back are noted: pain, heaviness, unpleasant pulling sensations. With each pregnancy, the risk of developing varicose veins in the legs increases. This is facilitated excess weight, endocrine pathologies, bleeding disorders. For prevention, doctors recommend wearing anti-varicose tights, therapeutic exercises. You should keep your legs in a horizontal position more often and avoid eating foods that lead to blood clotting.

Low location of the placenta

Low placenta previa causes problems during pregnancy (uterine bleeding). During childbirth, the placenta overlaps the cervix, which is why the baby cannot be born naturally. The cause of presentation is the thinning of the uterine mucosa as a result of difficult previous gestations, abortions, and diagnostic curettage. Often this feature is diagnosed with cervicitis, endometritis, uterine myoma, polyps of the cervical canal in history. Low presentation often causes early birth and caesarean section.

Rhesus conflict and the likelihood of its occurrence

The likelihood of a Rh conflict is possible if a mother with a negative Rh blood factor carries a fetus with a positive indicator. Rh antibodies are formed from the 8th week of pregnancy - the time when the fetal immune system is activated. The conflict is dangerous for the child, leads him to oxygen starvation, intoxication with metabolic products.

Correction is required by the introduction of immunoglobulins (more details in the article:). However, even timely treatment does not always reduce the risk of pathologies and hemolytic disease in the fetus. If the antibody titer grows, early termination of pregnancy is possible, since there is a high risk of having a non-viable child. To avoid a Rh conflict during the third pregnancy, a mother with a negative Rh factor will be able to conceive from the same man from whom the first children were born.

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

With each new pregnancy, the fetus is getting larger, as a result of which the abdominal muscles are stretched more and more. Their overstrain provokes pain in the back and lower lumbar region. Wearing a bandage partially helps to solve the problem. It will support the stomach and reduce the load on the spinal column.

Overbearing of the fetus

During the third gestation, the risk of carrying large fruit. The mother's body is more prepared for childbearing, the supply of sufficient nutrients to the baby. With a large baby, a woman can walk around, give birth at 42 weeks and later. Indirect signs of this are a decrease in the level of amniotic fluid, low activity of the baby in the womb.

Harbingers of childbirth during the third pregnancy

A mother who is giving birth for the third time has enough experience not to miss the harbingers early delivery. May be observed:

  • lowering of the abdomen;
  • false contractions;
  • increased urination;
  • increase in the amount of clear discharge;
  • pulling sensations in the back, groin.

Unlike the first and second births, when the described symptoms are observed 2 weeks before delivery, the harbingers of the third birth come later, sometimes 2-5 days before important point. If you find such signs, you should immediately go to the hospital so that the rapid birth does not take your mother by surprise.

Features of the course of childbirth

In the absence of pregnancy pathologies, the third birth goes well, it can begin at any time from 36-37 weeks (more in the article:). As a rule, the cervix opens quickly, active labor activity lasts 4-7 hours. The discharge of the cork, the outpouring of water can occur rapidly and unexpectedly. To eliminate the risk of having a baby outside the hospital walls, from 37 weeks it is better to go to the hospital. Problems in the third birth - the speed of the process, active uterine contractions, obstetric ruptures.

With exacerbation of chronic pathologies from the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, growth of fibroids, breech presentation, fetal hypoxia and other difficult situations, a caesarean section is indicated. The operation reduces the risk of birth complications in mother and baby.

The postpartum period in the third pregnancy

The contractility of the uterus after the third birth decreases, as a result of which the risk of postpartum hemorrhage increases. The following activities are designed to increase this function of the muscular organ:

  • putting the baby to the breast immediately after birth;
  • regular emptying Bladder, lack of constipation;
  • a diet rich in fiber and iron;
  • proper drinking regimen;
  • feeding the baby on demand;
  • injections of drugs (as prescribed by a doctor).

For exclusion pain in the postpartum period, you should take painkillers, feed the baby in a comfortable position (lying on your side). It is important to walk a little, even if the stomach and perineum hurt. Moderate physical activity is beneficial in the postpartum period and after a caesarean section.
