Master class crafts from fleece and waste material “Musical fungus. We sew toys from fleece with our own hands Crafts with children from fleece

Julia Solodkova

Dear guests of my page, I want to present to your attention under the tree"MUSICAL FUNGUS".

I needed:

1. Any bottle of yogurt, in my case it is Aktimel (small);

2. Fleece: red and green;

3. Dense synthetic winterizer;

4. Glue "Moment" transparent crystal ";

5. Velvet stretch white;

6. Threads and scissors;

7. For filling any groats: rice, buckwheat, peas, etc.

To begin with, fill the bottle with about a third of the cereal, and tightly close the lid. Next, cut out the hat in the size you need. fungus, and the same size synthetic winterizer. On the one hand, we make grooves on fleece, and synthetic winterizer. We sew the synthetic winterizer into a joint so that the seam is not visible. Sew a velvet rectangle along the edge. We put the finished hat on the bottle, beautifully assemble the velvet into a “skirt”, and fasten it tightly with an ordinary linen elastic band to the bottle (there is a piping right under the cap on the bottle, it is necessary that the elastic band pulls the velvet to it so that the hat does not come off the bottle). We wrap a little edge fleece inside, and sew in a circle with a hidden seam.

Then we cut the grass from the green fleece, and glue to the bottom of the bottle. And I made white dots on the fly agaric from synthetic winterizer, and sewed it with threads (you can sew on white buttons).Here is this " musical fungus"We did it. Make this for the Autumn holiday"

And the kids will love it. An irreplaceable attribute on a matinee.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you liked it.

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In modern stores you can buy almost any toy made of fleece. All of them are very beautiful, but, as a rule, they are of the same type, very expensive and do not differ. good quality. Parents seeking to provide their baby with unique and high-quality toys make soft toys with their own hands. Working with fleece fabric does not require a virtuoso sewing technique and is available even to novice craftsmen.

Necessary materials and tools

Before starting to create soft toys the novice master needs to prepare everything necessary materials and tools for the job. The sewing process and the final result depend on their correct selection.

Fabric choice

Fleece is the most common material used for sewing toys. This is explained big amount positive qualities of this material:

  • low price;
  • brightness and variety of color palette;
  • unpretentiousness in work;
  • ease of fabric care.

It should be noted that for the manufacture of toys it is necessary to choose quality material density not less than 200 mg/m2. The disadvantage of some fleece fabrics is their tendency to roll.

filler material

An important component of a do-it-yourself soft toy is its filler. The main criteria for choosing it are its safety and compliance with the age of the baby.

The most common types of filler for toys and crafts intended for children of all ages are sintepon and holofiber. For novice craftsmen and with a limited budget, it is acceptable to use cotton wool to stuff small crafts. It should be borne in mind that this type of filler can stray into dense lumps during operation and after washing.

In educational toys, calcined cereals are often used as a filler. They act as a weighting agent and help develop tactile sensations in babies. While playing with such crafts, it is important to strictly monitor the integrity of the toy and prevent accidental entry of small parts into the respiratory tract of young children.

​Decorative elements

Toys should be bright, interesting and attract the attention of kids from the first minutes of playing with them. To do this, finished products are decorated with ribbons, lace, appliqué. They are dressed in clothes sewn from the remnants of fabric used in other works. To give the craft a finished look, buttons, beads, and beads are often used.

Required Tools

If we sew toys from fleece with our own hands for personal use, then we can do without sewing machine. You should think about its acquisition in the case of making crafts for commercial purposes.

Before you start working on soft toys, you should prepare:

  • needles;
  • scissors (large and small);
  • threads of various colors and shades;
  • sewing pins;
  • centimeter tape;
  • bar of soap or marker.

Creating a pattern

​Creating author's patterns is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, which is not always quickly mastered by novice craftsmen. Starting to create toys from fleece, patterns for them can be searched in several sources.

  • The Internet, where you can find not only patterns, but also recommendations for choosing fabrics, fillers and decor.
  • Specialized printed publications on needlework and sewing, which contain patterns and instructions for them.
  • Sets for sewing soft toys, which are sold in stores for creativity and needlework.
  • The source of the pattern can be old toy. It can be torn open and disassembled into details, the silhouettes of which are transferred to a new fabric.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the material for making templates for patterns. The most acceptable material for them is cardboard. The silhouette from such blanks is easy to transfer to the fabric. They do not require additional fastening and are more durable than paper or tracing paper templates.

Fleece crafts for beginners

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to the creation of toys. What can a beginner sew from fleece? It’s worth starting your acquaintance with the world of fleece crafts with simple toys, consisting of 1-2 parts.

Pillow in the form of a cat

This toy consists of only 2 paired parts: a body and a tail. To sew it, you will need:

The pattern of this toy is quite simple, and you can draw it yourself on a piece of paper of a suitable size.

The fabric must be folded in half right side inward. Place a pattern on it, which, if necessary, is fixed to the fabric with pins. Outline the silhouette of the cat's body and tail, leaving 5-7 mm for seams. Carefully cut out the details of the craft.

Fold the paired parts right side to each other and sew. If we sew a fleece toy by hand, then the details should be sewn with a buttonhole stitch, leaving a small area for stuffing the toy.

Stitched parts are turned right side out and filled with filler. The degree of stuffing should be adjusted based on your own preferences. The main thing is that the filler is evenly distributed throughout the product. For the convenience of filling the tail with synthetic winterizer, it should be rolled up like a stocking and unfolded as it is filled.

Having filled the tail piece, its end is sewn and sewn to the body with hidden stitches. To complete the work on the pillow cat, a nose is cut out of a piece of red fabric and sewn on with an overcast stitch. The arcs of closed eyes, muzzle and mustache are embroidered with black threads on the body, ears and tummy are indicated.

Even with small children who know how to hold a pencil in their hands, you can make crafts from fleece with your own hands. Patterns for such crafts should be small and consist of one part. A small bear decorated with a bow can become such a joint toy. For its implementation you will need:

Work on a fleece bear begins with the transfer of the pattern to the fabric. This work can be entrusted to a child. To work together with the child in the size of the pattern, it is necessary to initially lay the allowances for the seams, increasing them to 1 cm, so that you can hide the inaccuracies of the cut.

Cutting out details for crafts can also be entrusted to a child who knows how to use scissors.

The next step in creating a soft toy is finishing with decorative details. A nose is cut out of a piece of black fleece and carefully sewn onto the front of one of the parts. Small black buttons are sewn just above the nose. These will be the eyes of the bear. The mouth and cheeks are embroidered with black thread. Colored buttons are sewn vertically in the middle of the body. Their color depends on the imagination of the authors.

After the decoration is completed, both parts are folded right side in and sewn together, leaving an opening for stuffing. The stuffing of the toy can be done by a child with the help of an adult, who regulates the degree of stuffing of the product and helps to evenly distribute the synthetic winterizer inside the craft. The stuffing hole is closed with a blind stitch.

The finished toy is decorated with a narrow satin ribbon tied in a bow.

Multi-piece fleece toys

Having mastered the technique of sewing the simplest fleece toys, consisting of 1-2 parts, you can go to the next level - sew multi-piece fleece toys with your own hands. Master classes describe in detail the necessary materials, decorative elements and the progress of work.


All children love colorful toys. And if her mother sews it with her own hands, then she will remain beloved for many years. Soft ladybug pretty easy to sew. For her you will need:

Work begins with decorating one of the red details. In the middle of the front side of the red circle pin black stripe. Small black circles are placed on both sides of it, fixing their location with pins. Then all overhead parts are sewn to the base with an overcast stitch.

Large black circles are applied to both red parts. It is necessary to fold the parts with their faces to each other. The contiguous parts of the figures are sewn with a looped line. The color of the threads at this stage of work does not matter, as they will be inside the craft.

Black details turn away. Both blanks are folded with the front sides inward and the black elements are sewn together.

From satin ribbon make paws for a bug. A piece of tape is cut into 6 small strips. They are folded in half and sewn with a few stitches. After that, they are inserted between two red parts, three pieces on each side.

Red parts with paws inserted between them are sewn together. The resulting workpiece is turned right side out through the stuffing hole. The figure is stuffed with padding polyester and the hole is sewn up with a hidden seam. Eyes are attached to the ladybug's head with glue.

The bright toy is ready to please kids.

soft doll

A small soft doll made of fleece fabric will become a faithful friend for the little princess in daytime games, and will protect the baby's night sleep. For a beautiful baby in a sarafan, you will need the following materials:

Making a soft stuffed doll begins with a pattern, which can be downloaded from the Internet or hand-drawn on cardboard. The product consists of 3 parts: torso and legs, head, arm.

The fleece material is folded in half with the right side inward, the patterns of parts are distributed on it and circled around them, leaving the necessary allowances for the seams. The hand template is circled twice, marking two mirror details.

Having fastened the fabric with pins, the parts are cut out along the marked lines.

Eyelashes are embroidered on one of the blanks for the head and eyes are glued. Then the two pieces are folded right side together and sewn together, leaving a hole for stuffing. After filling the part with synthetic winterizer, the hole is sewn up with a blind seam.

The hands of the future doll are sewn and stuffed. The stuffed hole is sutured. The padding should not be very dense.

The finished parts of the arms are inserted between two blanks for the body and fixed with pins. The body is sewn together and carefully turned right side out. The part is filled with padding polyester, evenly distributing it inside the figure, and the hole is sewn up.

The next step is to fasten the blanks of the head and torso. The head of the doll is fixed with pins and sewn to the main part with a blind seam.

Beautiful pigtails for dolls are made from yarn. Bunches of yarn of the same length are sewn onto the head of the craft, starting from the forehead and ending approximately in the middle of the back of the head. Sew curls from threads as close as possible to each other with small stitches. Finished hair is collected in two ponytails or pigtails and tied with small rubber bands.

You can dress the doll in a bright sundress with ties. It is easy to sew from two rectangular pieces of fabric. Having folded them facing each other and secured with pins, we cut out two trapeziums according to the size of the doll. Overcast all sides of both parts and sew the side seams. We fold the bottom of the dress and sew it with a hemming line. Sew four pieces of ribbon to the top. We put the dress on the doll and tie the ribbons with bows. The front of the dress can be decorated with a satin bow or beads.

Sewing soft fleece toys with your own hands is an interesting and exciting activity that even small children can be involved in. A craft made with mom will become a favorite toy for a baby for a long time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Fleece has long been successfully used as a material for the manufacture of factory-made soft toys. It is quite possible to make such toys with your own hands, especially since fleece is a material that is unpretentious in work and easily stretches, masking minor flaws in stuffing or seams.

For the manufacture of this toy is not needed complex patterns. Even a child can easily make it with his own hands, using for work:

  • scraps of white, gray and black fleece (for the eyes).
  • 2 m. bright tape;
  • old tennis ball
  • piece of fleece bright shade polka dots 20x20 cm for a bandana;
  • piece of fleece blue tint size 40x40 cm. for the body of an octopus;

  • We form the "body" of the octopus. We place the ball in the center of a piece of blue fabric and tightly rewind it with threads. Then we remove the threads and pull out the ball, straighten the fabric. The trace from the thread will help determine the contours of the location of the ball (this is necessary so as not to overdo it with the cuts).

  • From each corner of the improvised pattern, we cut out a square of fabric 12x12 cm wide. Don't worry if they turn out to be not perfectly even - this will not affect the finished toy in any way!

  • On each side of the resulting cross, we make longitudinal cuts, not reaching 2-2.2 cm to the contours of the ball. From the resulting "noodles" we will make the legs of our octopus - with our own hands, of course. On each side we make 6 cuts.

  • Again, place the ball in the center of the pattern and rewind the thread. We form the limbs of the octopus - we braid the strips into pigtails. Since there are 25 strips, in the end we will get 8 pigtails-legs. We decorate each of them with a ribbon bow.

  • We make a funny face for the octopus. From scraps of fabric, cut out circles of different diameters - 2 of each color. Using fabric glue, glue them on the head of the toy in the following order:
  • white;
  • grey;
  • black.

A few stitches with red or pink thread are enough to make the octopus smile. The final touch is to wrap the head of the toy with polka dot fabric and fasten it from below, forming a bandana. Congratulations, you just made a great DIY toy!

Bright ladybug

Making stuffed fleece toys, which do not consist of one pattern, but of several, is a slightly more painstaking task, but doable. Consider how to create a cute ladybug with your own hands. To do this, we need cuts of red and black fleece and half a meter of thick waxed tape for the legs of our toy.

Step 1 - cut out patterns. From red fabric we cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 12 cm (for the body of a ladybug) and 2 circles with a diameter of 7 cm from black fabric for the head (Fig. 1);

Step 2 - Sew on the patches. From black fleece we cut out 6 circles with a diameter of 1 cm and sew them around the circumference of the red pattern. We share the back future toy on 2 wings using a thin strip of fabric of the same shade as the spots (Fig. 2.3);

Step 3 - sew on the head. To attach the head of the toy to the body as accurately as possible, you must first pin the details of the head to the patterns of the body with pins, as shown in fig. 4 and 5 and then stitch on sewing machine or sew by hand. When connecting patterns, do not forget to leave a hole for stuffing.

Step 4 - stuff the toy with padding polyester or cotton wool and carefully sew up the holes.

Step 5 - we attach legs to our ladybug from pieces of dark tape folded in half. To make them look more spectacular, make parallel stitches on them with white thread.

As you can see, making a ladybug out of fleece with your own hands is not difficult at all. Finally, we will offer one more option soft crafts, this time for dogs.

We will need 3 strips of fabric different colors(it is better to take contrasting ones) 7 cm wide and 25-30 cm long.

Operating procedure:

  • We put the cuts together and rewind in the middle with a thread;

  • We braid the strips on both sides of the junction into tight pigtails to the middle of their length. To make it more convenient to weave, we fix the second part of the braid with something heavy, as shown in Fig. 3.

  • We fold the resulting pigtail in half, fix the bend for convenience (Fig. 4.5). We braid the free stripes with a “spikelet” or connect 2 strips into one to get new braid(Figure 6).

  • We tightly tighten its tails, as shown in Fig. 7. Ready! Your pet will be happy to wag this soft toy.

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Soft toys are loved by all genders and ages. They return adults to a carefree childhood, and children become best friends and companions in fun games.

Therefore, we have prepared for you a selection of simple lessons from which you will learn how to sew a toy with your own hands. Homemade dogs, bunnies and bears carry a powerful charge of love and positive energy. And it's wonderful and bright element children's room decor and a win-win gift option.

Cheerful teddy bear made of soft fleece

Does your child love soft toys? Please him with a cute teddy bear who will become his favorite friend and partner in mischievous fun.

For work you will need:

  • soft fleece;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • a piece faux leather for the nose;
  • 2 black beads for pupils;
  • filler.
Print the teddy bear pattern or redraw it in the desired size on cardboard. Cut out the detail templates.

Cut out 2 blanks for the body, 4 for the legs from the fleece. From white fleece, prepare circles for the eye, from leatherette - a spout.

Attach the eyes to the body and fix them with pins. Sew by hand or with a sewing machine.

Connect the blanks for the paws in pairs. Sew along the outline, leaving the bottom unsewn. Turn out the received blanks.

Align the parts of the torso with the right sides inward. At this stage, insert the bear's paws between them. Secure the workpiece with pins.

Sew the toy, stepping back from the edge by 0.5 cm. Leave a hole at the bottom for eversion. Turn the product right side out.

Fill with filler. Sew up the bottom of the teddy bear with a hidden seam.

It turns out to be a cute little animal. It remains to turn it into the declared bear. Embroider the outline of the mouth with black thread.

You can start making a large nose. Pass along the edge of the circle with a “forward needle” seam. Tighten the thread and fill the workpiece.

Sew the nose to the muzzle. Sew beads-pupils to the eyes.

Our cutest teddy bear is ready. He will happily settle in the children's room.

By the same principle, it is easy to sew him a whole company of cheerful friends: a mischievous kitten, an eared hare and a surprised dog. You will get a whole troupe of artists for home puppet theater.

We invite you to download working patterns funny toys right now, without postponing this matter indefinitely.




Volume hippo

Are the shelves in the nursery already bursting with soft toys? Are there hippos among them? If not, the mistake needs to be corrected immediately. Cheerful and friendly hippo really wants to visit you. Thanks to step by step lesson needlework even a beginner handmade lover can make it.

For work you will need:

  • dense cotton fabric two colors;
  • filler;
  • eyes or black beads;
  • 3 small buttons for nostrils and ponytail;
  • a piece of string.
Print or redraw the toy pattern. By printing it on A4 format, you will get a pet with a size of 22*15cm. Details are drawn without seam allowances.

Cut out the resulting patterns and cut out the details of the future toy from the fabric. The material for the body is better to take dense and elastic, so the toy will look more neat.

The belly and back of a hippopotamus can be cut from the same fabric or made in different colors. If you settled on a one-color version, cut out a single piece. To do this, connect the two parts of the pattern in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muzzle.

First of all, sew the ears and paws, connecting the parts with the right side inward. Sew circles-feet to the bottom of the paws.

Turn the blanks inside out, stuff the legs, leaving a free space on top for sewing.

If you took a not very dense fabric, stick a piece of non-woven fabric in place of the eyes on the reverse side.

If using two parts for the body, sew them along the muzzle.

Baste the side parts to the body, starting to sew from the ear to the back. Then again from the ear to the bottom of the muzzle. By the way, at this stage, do not forget sew your own ears and paws.

In the place of the inflection of the muzzle, the fabric needs to be slightly gathered. It is better to fix it with a pin, and then flash it.

As a result, you should get a blank with one unsewn seam at the back (where the priest is).

Sew on a typewriter or manually all seams, except for the left opening at the bottom of the back. Turn out the toy.

On the muzzle, make incisions in place of the eyes and secure them. You can get by with beads or glue half beads.

Fill the toy with padding polyester.

Sew up the hole left earlier. Sew a loop of braid in place of the tail and a button on it.

Don't forget the button nostrils. As you can see, making this cutie is not difficult at all.

unusual pet self made ready to move into your home. He will also become great gift close people. They will definitely appreciate your efforts and care.

Gray bear in a vest

Do you want to make a sincere gift for a child and not only? Sew a cute voluminous teddy bear. This textile toy is sure to become a favorite - children on subconscious level they feel positive energy from things made with love by mother's hands.

Thanks to our step by step guide for beginners, you can sew a cool bear yourself.

For work you will need:

  • gray linen;
  • needle, pins and threads;
  • filler;
  • embroidery threads;
  • beads for the eyes;
  • scissors;
  • pattern.
First of all, or redraw. Do not forget to draw marking lines on the diagram, this will facilitate your work in the future.

Fold the fabric in half, lay out the details on it, placing the part with a fold to the fold of the canvas. Circle them with chalk or a special marker. Don't forget the seam allowance. Cut out the blanks.

At the initial stage, grind the seams of the torso, folding the blanks with the right side inward. Leave about 10 cm of the seam from the back of the toy and the top sections unsewn.

Sew darts on the side parts of the head and iron the seams in one direction. Sweep the details of the head, remembering to align the reference marks.

Sew all the seams on the head, except for the bottom sections. Turn the workpiece inside out and fill with filler, leaving a little space for further stitching with the body. Sew on the beady eyes, embroider the nose and mouth of the teddy bear. Insert the head into the body through the opening left on the back.

Sew the head to the body by hand and only then turn it inside out. Stuff the toy with stuffing and sew up the back seam.

Fold two pieces of the ear right sides to each other and grind them. In the middle of each ear, fold and sweep the crease. Turn out the received blanks. Sew them to the head, tucking the lower sections inside the ear.

Fold the blanks for the paws in pairs and grind them. Leave the top of the paws unsewn. Also, do not sew up the bottom of the hind legs, there will be feet.

Sew the soles to the hind legs. Turn out all blanks and stuff. Now you can sew up all the left places.

Sew all finished paws to the body. For this, it is better to use thick threads and a long needle.

A handsome bear is ready to conquer children's hearts. You can independently sew a stylish and beautiful outfit for him, at the same time choosing the gender of the pet.

If you use plush to make the toy, get a real teddy bear. Such a homemade pet will delight not only for the baby. Any adult will be glad to have a guest from his childhood.

DIY toy zoo

Every second master class offers to sew popular cats and dogs. And we found more interesting ideas for inspiration. Meet the spotted giraffe, cute long-eared flower hare and the blue whale.

For work you will need:

  • any knitted or cotton fabric with an interesting print;
  • patterns;
  • needle and thread;
  • filler.

You can download templates of all animals for free. If A4 format is used for printing images, the dimensions of the finished toys will be as follows:

  • giraffe - 29cm;
  • kitten - 14 cm long and 9 cm high;
  • bunny - 15 cm excluding ears.

You can choose the size of the legs of a giraffe. When cutting out the details, allow 0.5 cm for allowances.

Sew spots on the body, and those that go on both halves of the toy, cut in half and place symmetrically on both parts. When combining the halves of the body, common spots should be obtained.

Stitch the legs, turn them inside out and stuff them, leaving some free space on top. Baste the blanks to the wrong side of one of the halves of the body.

Baste the rope tail and sew the body of the giraffe by folding the halves right sides together. Don't forget to leave a hole in the neck for eversion.

Make notches in the convex places of the toy and turn the workpiece inside out. When stuffing the toy, fill the neck as tightly as possible so that the giraffe proudly holds its head. Sew up the left hole.

Embroider eyes and nostrils on the toy. The new pet is ready. Make it your own: add decorative elements, tie a bow, use an unexpected combination of colors and textures. Any experiments are welcome.

Is it scary to start a toymaking career with a giraffe? You need to make a bunny. It is easy to perform: complex techniques and work skills are not required.

Cut out the details for the toy. Sew a decorative heart on the belly. Sew and turn the ears, sew them to one of the halves of the body.

Sew the workpiece, combining the parts with the right sides. Leave room for turning underneath. Make notches on the bulges of the toy. Turn the bunny inside out and fill with stuffing. Embroider eyes and a mouth with a spout.

The optimal toy for a beginner is a whale. It is so easy and quick to perform that you can entrust this activity even to children.

Cut out the parts, align them with the front sides and sew. Leave room for turning the workpiece. Notch the fabric in convex places and turn the workpiece inside out. Stuff the toy, sew the left hole, embroider or draw eyes.

Such funny and cute little animals will decorate the children's room or sincere gifts to your loved ones.

Master classes with photos

We present you a number of ideas for implementation. These crafts are so easy to repeat that they do not need additional description. Look at step by step photo instructions and act.

Felt elephants will be an excellent Christmas decoration:

elephant scheme:

A cat and a cat in love will delight your soul mate on Valentine's Day!

Kitty scheme:

And the little terrier is, in general,. Prepare gifts in advance and with love.

Coffee taxes:

Dog schemes:

Animal patterns for download

Do not limit the flight of your imagination. We have selected for you patterns of various toys. Download, print and create. A little effort and you yourself will create a whole zoo at home.

Pattern of a cat and kitties:

funny cat:

Impressive cat:

Bunny Kostikova Natalia:


Kitty schemes:


puppy cat







Create toys from soft tissue It's not just an entertaining hobby. During work, a charge of positive emotions and a lot of love are invested in them. Try sewing a cute kitten or a pot-bellied hippo for your baby. You will see - this particular toy will become his favorite.

Create, experiment, gain experience and new knowledge. Give your loved ones not just gifts, give them your love invested in your work.
