Until what date is the new year celebrated. What date is the New Year actually celebrated? What date is the old new year

Chinese New Year each time it is celebrated on a different date, and there are reasons for this. However, this state of affairs does not affect the festive mood of people, and celebrations from time to time become brighter and more diverse.

The history of the holiday

Chinese New Year in China is called differently - "Spring Festival". After all, it was at this time that a tradition was formed to see off the winter and expect warm days. It is customary to celebrate the onset of spring from 15 to 30 days. This holiday is considered the longest and grandest event in China.

In the homeland of the holiday, in China, there are fascinating stories occurrence of this event. According to one of the legends, in ancient times, during this period, a monster came to earth, which ate anyone who got in his way. Therefore, all the people took refuge in their homes, locked the doors and windows in order to escape from the terrible beast. People stocked up on provisions for several days, and at night they prayed to the Higher Powers to protect their families.

One fine day, one of the wise men said that he had unraveled the mystery of the monster and found its weak points. The fact is that it was terribly afraid of noise and sunlight. This is how the tradition of celebrating this holiday in bright clothes and walk until dawn. Later, fireworks were invented, which also scared away the intruder.

What date is Chinese New Year

The celebration of this event falls on different dates every year. It's connected with . The fact is that this period begins with the winter new moon. It turns out that after the solstice, which falls at the end of December, a full lunar cycle must necessarily pass, and only the beginning of the next one means the onset of the New Year. In 2016 chinese holiday falls on February 8th. As a rule, the festivities last for 15 days, but in some cities of China it is customary to celebrate this event for a whole month.

The custom of celebrating the New Year in bright clothes has survived to this day, and New Year's fireworks have become traditional not only in China, but also in other countries. Well, if you want to celebrate this event in a cozy family circle Be sure to light incense sticks, lamps and candles.

During the celebration of the Chinese New Year, it is also customary to make the most cherished wishes. One of the traditions is the launch of sky lanterns, during which you need to whisper your dream, and it will certainly come true. Spend this holiday brightly and cheerfully, voice your goals, believe in success and of course don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2016 00:50

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For one year in the world under different religions and different nations New Year is celebrated on different days.

1st of January New Year officially begins in most countries of the world that live according to the Gregorian calendar.

January 14 throughout the CIS celebrate the Old New Year, it is considered the beginning of the year in Greece. This is the day of St. Basil, who was once famous for his kindness and special love for children.

On the first new moon after January 21(V different years it is met between January 21 and February 20) the New Year is coming according to the Eastern calendar, which is followed by countries such as China, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, etc.

On the first day of the holy month of Muharram in Islamic countries the Hijri New Year is coming (starting from July 16, 622 according to the Gregorian calendar, each next Hijri New Year comes 11 days earlier than the previous one). The 1st Muhharam is not included in the number of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the moving of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

24 February Indian New Year's Day Holi. (In India, the New Year is celebrated several times on different days).

10th of March The people of Kashmir begin to celebrate the New Year in India and continue to celebrate it until the end new year celebrations in all Indian states.

On the night of March 21-22 The New Year comes to countries living according to the Persian calendar: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan. March 22 is called "Novruz" - the first day of the New Year.

On the first day of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Chaitra (late March-early April Gregorian), the Indian New Year, Gudi Padva, is celebrated.

In the period from 12 to 17 April New Year is celebrated in Burma. It falls on the most sultry and hot days there. The exact day of the celebration is announced by the Ministry of Culture by a special decree, and the celebrations last for three days.

April 13 Thai New Year Songkran is celebrated. On the same day, the people of West Bengal celebrate the New Year in India.

14th of April New Year is coming to Laos. This is the start of the long awaited rainy season. On the same day, Indians from Tamil Nadu celebrate the arrival of the New Year, and this day coincides with the official onset of spring.

1st and 2nd of the month of Tishri according to the Jewish calendar(usually September Gregorian) New Year is celebrated in Israel, where it is called Rosh Hashanah.

11 September Ethiopian New Year is coming, which marks the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia.

October 7th New Year holidays come to the Gambia and Indonesia. For local residents, this is a special date - you can put on your best outfits, dress up, ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses and enter the New Year with a clear conscience.

Night from October 31 to November 1, known in Catholic countries as "Halloween", is considered the beginning of the New Year among the Celtic peoples, and they call it "Samhain". This date is especially important in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man, where the descendants of the ancient Celts still live and keep centuries-old customs.

November 18th one year is replaced by another in the territory of the Hawaiian Islands, Oceania and Yemen. In these regions, the New Year is celebrated later than everyone else, when other countries are already preparing to celebrate the next year.

New Year 2021 is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. It's a day off. He is considered family holiday. Traditionally, it is celebrated at home at the solemn table, in the circle of the closest people. Young people prefer to go to parties in nightclubs and bars.

The content of the article

Symbol of 2021

2021 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig symbolizes, on the one hand, honesty, directness, thoughtfulness, purposefulness, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivity, and on the other hand, naivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality. The Yellow Earth Pig knows how to manage money. Good luck in business. She carefully plans any activity. This always gives a positive result.

history of the holiday

Until the 15th century, March 1 was considered the beginning of the year, which marked the awakening of nature. Since 1492, the New Year began to be officially celebrated on September 1. In 1699, Peter I introduced the European tradition of celebrating the New Year. The celebration began to be celebrated on January 1 according to the Julian calendar. In 1918, the Gregorian calendar was introduced. The New Year began to be celebrated two weeks earlier, although the official date remained unchanged.

Traditions and rituals

Preparations for the New Year begin at the beginning of December. On the main squares of the cities, a spruce is lit, near which the main events unfold winter holidays. The hostesses prepare the menu in advance, think over the shopping list, invite guests, and carry out general cleaning in the house.

People are attentive to the choice of New Year's attire. They try to make the color of the clothes please the patron animal according to the Chinese calendar. Popular proverb is "How you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, people try to complete important things, pay off debts, and forgive insults.

A week before the holiday, Soviet films, well-known and beloved by the older and younger generations, begin to be broadcast on TV channels: “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, “Magicians”, “Carnival Night”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, entertainment holiday programs with the participation of popular pop stars.

The celebration of the New Year begins on the evening of December 31st. The owners of the house and invited guests gather at a magnificent table. Closer to midnight they see off old year wishing each other that all hardships remain in the past year, they watch the President's New Year's address on television.

A bottle of champagne is uncorked at midnight. Make a wish under the chiming clock. To make their plans come true, the most gamblers write a wish on a piece of paper and set it on fire. The ashes are dipped into a glass of champagne and drunk.

At midnight, the sky over cities and villages flares up with fireworks. People light sparklers, blow up firecrackers and firecrackers.

New Year decoration

main attribute new year holidays- Christmas tree. In every house, the coniferous beauty is decorated with toys, balls, bright tinsel, electric garlands. A scarlet star is placed at the top. It is popular among children to make garlands, lanterns and various crafts from colored paper. Figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are placed under the Christmas tree.

Window panes are decorated with homemade snowflakes. From European culture came the tradition of hanging a sock for gifts and a wreath of pine needles on the front door in the children's room.

On the eve of the New Year, the streets of cities flash with bright illumination. Elegant Christmas trees and festive decorations are set up in the squares and in the halls of shopping centers.

New Year's characters: Father Frost and Snow Maiden

The main characters of the New Year are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is depicted as an old man in a long red or blue fur coat, in felt boots, with a gray beard and a magic staff. Together with his granddaughter Snegurochka, he rides around on a troika of horses and delivers gifts to children.

No one New Year's party does not pass without these characters. They lead round dances with children, sing songs and give gifts.


In the New Year, it is customary to give gifts to friends and relatives: souvenirs, good luck talismans in the form of a symbol of the coming year, things needed in everyday life, equipment, jewelry.

Children are waiting for gifts from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. At night, while the kids are sleeping, parents leave sweets and toys under the Christmas tree. On the eve of the holiday, the guys write and put letters under the pillow to their favorite character, in which they talk about their dreams and desires.

New Year's table

New Year's menu is varied and luxurious. A month before the holiday, housewives begin to buy delicacies: red fish, sausages, caviar. There are traditional dishes on the table: salads "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat", jellied meat dishes, cabbage rolls, meat pies. Among fruits, tangerines are the most popular. Main alcoholic drink holiday table- champagne. It is opened and drunk to the sound of chimes.

The hostesses pay special attention to decorating the festive table. They cover it with a new bright tablecloth, put the best plates and cutlery. On the tables you can see candles in beautiful candlesticks. For table setting use napkins with New Year's drawings: snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus, the patron saint of the coming year according to the eastern calendar.

Divination for the New Year

People believe that in new year's eve there is a special atmosphere of magic and wonder. They cannot resist the temptation to know their future. From ancient times, many fortune-telling and predictions have been preserved, which are especially popular among young girls today.

The most common is divination for the betrothed with the help of scraps of paper on which are written male names. Mirror divination is also popular. Through the water in the vessel, the girls are trying to see their fate in the mirror. No less famous is divination on hot wax. In the frozen figures, the girls try to see symbolic signs.

New Year's signs and beliefs

New Year's Eve is the time for miracles. So that luck does not pass by, it is customary to adhere to signs and conduct bizarre rituals.

On the night of January 1 Residents of the Russian Federation celebrate the New Year. This day is still very popular today, but not many people know about the history of its origin. Let's look at how this holiday has come down to our days.

history of the holiday

Not many people know that this holiday has ancient roots and was introduced by Julius. Back then, the New Year was celebrated on January 1st. On this holiday, all the inhabitants of Rome presented gifts to the god Janus, who was very revered by the Romans.

An interesting fact there is also the fact that the neighboring tribes of the Celts, who lived nearby, also had a ritual in which spruce and animal carcasses were used (later fruits and vegetables were used), which were hung on this spruce. Maybe this is a coincidence, but the customs of these peoples have something similar to our New Year, only instead of animal carcasses we now use New Year's decorations.

In the times of paganism in Rus', it was customary to celebrate the New Year on March 22, because it was believed that if the cold comes, then the new year has already come. Since the time of the baptism of Rus', this holiday has been celebrated on March 1. In the period between the XIV and XV centuries, the celebration of this day was again transferred to September 1, according to the definitions of the Council of Nicaea.

During the reign of Peter I (1699), the date of the holiday was finally moved to January 1 due to the fact that the king wanted to translate the calendar into Gregorian, which he could not do completely. It is also worth noting that during this period the New Year began to have secular features and was accompanied by magnificent banquets and fun. From now on, the day when the new year will be celebrated will remain unchanged to our time.

To get acquainted with the customs of the holiday, as well as learn how and when the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2019 will be celebrated in China, a brief overview prepared by authoritative experts will help Chinese traditions.

A few facts about the history of Chinese New Year

Unlike the “European calendar” familiar to Russians, China has its own “system” of reckoning, according to which each New Year is patronized by a certain zodiac constellation, named after one of the 12 totem animals. It is from the nature of this or that "patron", according to the beliefs of our eastern neighbors, that depends on what the next 365-day period will be like.

In addition, the Eastern calendar is a special astrological "guide" that gives people a lot of useful advice. For example, with its help, you can find out how and what a person should do in different parts of the year in order to enlist the support of heavenly bodies. Based on the Eastern calendar, the people of China count auspicious time for travel, wedding dates and even the period of conception of children. Based on the "mood" of the totem, the superstitious inhabitants of the eastern countries are planning such important "steps" as:

  • apparatus employed;
  • purchase of housing;
  • negotiations and conclusion of contracts with business partners.

Of course, such behavior may surprise many Europeans, however, among them there are many who often look at the Eastern calendar before making certain responsible decisions.

What date is Chinese New Year celebrated?

If in Europe and the countries of the Western Hemisphere the New Year is celebrated on the night of January 31st to January 1st, then the citizens of the Celestial Empire celebrate it at completely different times. In the latter case, the date of the holiday directly depends on the changes Lunar calendar. In China, as well as in most countries of Southeast Asia, this holiday is celebrated when the second new moon comes, namely, in the interval between December 21 and February 20. In 2019, the date of the Chinese New Year falls on the 5th day of the last winter month.

Year of the Pig according to the Eastern calendar

As mentioned earlier, simultaneously with the passage of a full circle of planets around the Sun, the “patron” of the year will also change. The Yellow Earth Pig will become the legal "heiress" of the Dog. As a rule, along with the “animal totem”, such a factor as the element also changes. However, this does not happen every year. Therefore, as in the current year, the Earth will remain the dominant element of 2019. It is also noteworthy that each of the five elements of the Eastern calendar corresponds to a certain color scheme:

  1. Fire is red;
  2. Water is black;
  3. Air is white;
  4. Earth - yellow;
  5. The tree is blue.

Considering that the “favorite” color of the Pig is yellow, then the New Year should be celebrated in outfits made in earthy shades. Acceptable colors are brown, mustard, or neutral colors such as white, beige, and cream. According to the Chinese, the mood of the totem will largely depend on this factor. Also, do not disappoint Piggy with reckless and thoughtless actions. Being a cautious animal, the Pig loves balance and consistency in any endeavors. By following the above recommendations, you can fully enlist the support of heavenly bodies and protect yourself from failures in the professional and personal spheres of life.

WITH different signs The Zodiac Pig has a special relationship. Generally speaking, then the greatest "disposition" of the Yellow Earth Pig will be received by those people who are engaged in agricultural, including agricultural business. In 2019, representatives of this field of activity can safely enter into agreements with new business partners. Almost any such project will be profitable and bring considerable profits to its applicants.

Holiday traditions in China

Despite the passage of centuries, the Chinese sacredly keep and honor the customs of the New Year. In each province of this eastern country, there are traditions of this wonderful holiday characteristic only for them. As for the general tendencies of honoring the celebration, they consist in several "canonical" rules.

When starting a festive meal, the Chinese always put on clothes in which there are elements of red. According to ancient beliefs, this shade scares away evil spirits who want to harm the owners of the house.

Invited to a New Year's dinner, guests must bring with them two ripe tangerines, which symbolize peace, happiness, prosperity and family well-being.

No matter what time the festive New Year events begin, cleaning is prohibited on the 1st day of the New Year. Adherents of Chinese traditions believe that by sweeping the floor in the house or taking out the trash, you can expel good luck from it.

When the first day of the New Year begins, many Chinese hang colorful decorations on their windows. paper tapes who protect their dwellings from damage and attract material well-being, health and happiness for the whole coming year.

Beautiful congratulations happy chinese new year:
