Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands card file on the topic. Games for the development of fine motor skills Games for the development of motor skills

A trifle for development fine motor skills

Development of fine motor skills | Important Preface

Once I read a post by a mother about how she actively engages in fine motor skills with her baby, sometimes finding “surprises” in the diaper, and I was horrified, because each of the small motor surprises could be the cause of the baby’s death! I want to warn everyone that small objects in the airways are deadly And if you are not ready to keep your eyes on the baby during fine motor skills, it is better to wait until 3 years!
When practicing fine motor skills with kids, do not forget about most important rule: If a child under three years of age has objects less than 5-4 cm within reach, your gaze should be constantly riveted on the child.

All children put everything in their mouths

Fillers for the development of fine motor skills

Fillers-grains for the development of fine motor skills

The very first question for those who are just thinking about fine motor skills is “Which filler to use?”.
Basically, everyone wants it to be economical and look aesthetically pleasing.

I suggest focusing on age limits. It makes no sense for a baby of 6-8 months to offer small cereals for the development of motor skills. As such, small-motor development in this case will be ineffective. The baby will receive a portion of tactile sensations, but for little hands, whose sensitivity is not yet developed, fine grits overly complex filler. Imagine if you are offered to sort out cereals in mittens. It's not very convenient, is it? Therefore, we start with large parts, gradually reducing their size.
After the baby begins to confidently hold medium objects 5-4 cm, we provide smaller ones.
It makes sense to add cereals and other small fillers when the baby begins to learn to hold spoons, spatulas, pour, sow. Most often, this age corresponds to 1 year, for babies with a rapid pace of development, it is better to start playing with cereals from 9 months.

For aesthetic combinations, I have the following guidelines:

  • A dark-colored trifle goes well with buckwheat, figurines and beads made of wood and nuts.
  • Universal for combinations of cereals - rice. It can even be painted to match the little things.

The most economical fillers and their companions:

  • cereals;
  • grandmother's buttons;
  • beads from cheap jewelry.

The most interesting filler (one of our favorites) is kinetic sand (I have a beautiful and detailed one about it). It's good in every way, except for the price. A variety of games with him requires a separate post :-).

Disadvantages and features of some fillers:

  • hydrogel- popular due to the unusual tactile texture, but with a detailed study of the composition, you can find out that when it is destroyed, potassium acrylate and acrylamide are released. Acrylamide is a lethal neurotoxin and has been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals. It easily passes through the skin and can be inhaled as a dust. If swallowing is excluded, then games with hydrogel are dangerous only if it rolls into a far corner and begins to break down in the room. Therefore, we do not use hydrogel in our games.
  • glass pebbles for aquariums (marbles) - I considered them an excellent option until, when buying another portion, I did not encounter broken ones. It turns out that during the game there is a chance that the child can break the pebble and cut himself with fragments. We do not leave the baby alone even with large pebbles! This is, of course, reinsurance, in general, marbles are very pleasant for games - I recommend it!
  • round beads and marbles - they like to roll into various cracks. Yana loves them so much that sometimes I just can't refuse her the pleasure of driving them around the apartment.
  • semolina and ordinary sand are very loose, quickly capture the territory and therefore are not convenient. We deal with them in rare cases, only when the occupation requires a fine texture (learning to use a sieve or salt shaker).

The development of fine motor skills in games for the little ones

Fine motor skills, according to various sources, are the movements of the fingers or hands and fingers. By the way, gross motor skills are the movement of arms and legs, and it is no less important :-).
The development of fine motor skills should begin from the moment when the child has learned to hold the first rattle. For starters, we suggest holding the most comfortable light and small items. Gradually we complicate the task - we give out smaller items and offer them to touch / get / put / hide / select / sort from various containers, etc. There should be a lot of games because most are disposable - they get bored after one game.
For games with the smallest it is better to use:

Ideal options for the development of fine motor skills are many items that are in every home:

  • tea bags in individual packages;
  • a set of sponges for washing dishes (it is even more interesting to play with them if cut into pieces);
  • chess;
  • hair bands;
  • to develop tactile sensations, pour fillers of different textures into small socks (beans, semolina, rice, cotton wool, etc.), sew them up so that the filler does not spill out. Some socks can be stuffed tightly, others softly. Give this variety to the study of the child. The game will probably take about 5 minutes. After losing interest in sock blanks, hide them away and take them out in a month or two. Interest in socks will return each time until the child discovers their secret - i.e. up to 4-5 years, and maybe older.
  • colorful toilet paper :-).

Here are some of our game options, I hope I will be original:

Scarves and pyramid rings are a great start to developing fine motor skills.

Hair bands are another safe and interesting option for Game

Development of fine motor skills in children older than 1 year (in rare cases, 9 months)

Depending on the pace of development (for faster ones - in 9 months, for slow ones - by a year), we add games with:

  • cereals;
  • sand accessories;
  • toy dishes;
  • pyramid with cups.

Some mothers recommend giving babies a spoon as soon as possible for the fastest learning to eat independently. I am against this, because if you have a child with a slow pace of development, you will have to wash the entire kitchen and the child himself for a long time. It is quite another thing to learn how to use a spoon on cereals!

We sift the rice from the beads. This is our favorite sieve - large and convenient

For some reason, Yana attracted these ducks to small-engine games

The dishes can be replaced with a pyramid of cups and a regular spoon

The easiest thing to do with a spoon, you can use an egg cell and beads for it

Development of fine motor skills of advanced kids (from 1.5 years old)

At an older age, the kid himself begins to invent games, often turning them into role-playing ones.

Beads 0.5 cm perfectly laid out in the cells of the back side of Lego parts

Small cubes of dish sponge Yana was carried away for several hours

Many of the games in this post come from watching Yana.

Fine motor skills | A few words about Jan

For those who are interested in our success, I will write about its development (it is now almost 1 year 10 months old). Despite the active, plentiful classes in fine motor skills and other things, the results of speech development are very modest - there are only about 10 words in the active vocabulary. Sometimes I get the impression that my daughter decided to prove the failure of modern pedagogical theories :-).
Nevertheless, this is not a reason not to follow them and, at a slow pace of development, consider your efforts in vain, since most likely the results are not visible to the naked eye. After all, in fact it is very difficult to objectively assess the development of the child(the degree of his understanding of the surrounding situation, the ability to make decisions and other really important things) - therefore, they took for standards what can be counted and measured (such superficial signs as the number of words in the active dictionary, cubes in the tower, etc.).

Games for the development of fine motor skills from non-traditional materials

Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands from non-traditional materials "Our hands are not for boredom!"

"Origins creativity and the gifts of children at their fingertips...
The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter baby." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Modern realities dictate their sometimes high demands not only for adults, but also for children. For the most successful adaptation of the child in society, it is necessary to ensure such a development of his speech that would meet modern standards. M.M. Koltsova in her work “The child learns to speak” indicates that “the speech areas of the human brain are formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers”. This means that the more a child understands, wants and tries to do with his hands, the smarter and more resourceful he is. Indeed, at the fingertips there is a stimulant of mental activity, a storehouse of creative thought, “which nourishes the child’s brain, expands vocabulary, promotes a positive emotional mood, increases overall tone, reduces psycho-emotional stress, coordinates the movements of the fingers, accustoms them to conscious, precise, purposeful movements. makes it easier to master the skill of writing. And if you actively influence the center of the brain responsible for the movement of the fingers, then in turn the area of ​​the brain responsible for speech will be activated. Thus, hand function and speech develop in parallel.
But here's what's interesting: for all the importance of the game for child development She is leaving our lives. Today, in our society, play fills the life of a child less and less. Nowadays, unfortunately, with the rapid pace of adult life, according to statistics, many children have an overabundance of modern toys and TV cartoons and, as a result, a lag in motor development. Children do not know how to tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, so parents buy shoes and clothes with Velcro or zippers - because it's faster. It was this fact that pushed far back the accustoming to independence. But adults often forget that children should be taught to independent activities from an early age, because the desire of a child to do something on his own can become important point in the development of a young person. If not so long ago, children, together with adults, did more with their hands: they sorted out cereals, knitted and embroidered, made dolls, but now few people pay attention to this. And not many adults can remember this from their childhood. Therefore, our modern children have poorly developed fine motor skills, that is, the ability to perform small movements with their hands and fingers. As a result, most preschoolers are not ready for school - they write poorly, speak poorly and, as a result, do not succeed in adulthood.
Many modern parents began to think about how best to develop their baby. They buy various sorters, finger labyrinths, strings and similar games, spending a lot of money and personal time to purchase them.
This article brings to your attention games using items and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child. Non-traditional material provides ample opportunities for the development of the game, and the game, in turn, contributes to the formation of a situation of success for each child.
The idea of ​​making games non-standard equipment didn't come right away. The need to move away from the traditional understanding prompted the search for something unusual. I wanted to find something that could bring more joy to a child, and less trouble for adults, while at the same time interesting, developing, and most importantly, affordable. In addition, these developments can be used both by educators in the course of their daily work and by parents.
This technique good in that it brings a certain novelty to the activities of the kids, makes it more exciting and interesting. Children are madly in love with things that seem to be not intended for games, with objects that such adult dads and moms use. Parents only have to show their imagination and turn everything into a fun fairy-tale game. The joint game of children and adults in a relaxed atmosphere will allow you to get closer, establish a base of trusting relationships. After all, it is in preschool age a child, an adult has a unique opportunity to become significant. Become for your child the person to whom, becoming an adult (especially in adolescence), the child will be able to apply for support.
So. We bring to your attention several examples of creative developments for the development of fine motor skills of the baby.

Game "Clouds"
Equipment: bath foam (dishwashing liquid), dishwashing sponge, deep dish
Description: Offer to make clouds and fill a plate with them. Drip bath products (for washing dishes) on a sponge. The child must squeeze a wet sponge, thus creating foam (clouds). You can alternate hands.
Game "Weave a rug"
Equipment: grate for the sink, multi-colored ribbons 2.5 cm wide, sewn at one end to the edge of the grate.
Description: the teacher asks the children to weave a beautiful rug, threading the ribbon into the windows “from top to bottom”, “from left to right”. At the initial stage, the teacher shows how to thread the tape into the window.

Game "Hedgehog"
Equipment: colander, cotton buds.
Description: Invite the child to insert cotton swabs into the holes of the colander.

Stick building game
Equipment: Plasticine, matches (skewers, toothpicks with cut ends, can be of different lengths).
Description: Invite the child to construct some object. children younger age you can offer a picture. Help roll the plasticine balls. Older children can imagine what they will do. Building models can be made both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

Game "Web"
Equipment: basket, rubber band, small toys.
Description: stretch the elastic in the basket like a "spider web". Place toys on the bottom. Ask the child to get (save) the toys. A more difficult option is to get toys using an object, such as a spoon.

Game "Turrets"
Equipment: wooden skewers, cocktail tubes of different colors.
Description: Cut tubules. Stick multi-colored tape on skewers, you can paint with paint. Fasten the skewers with plasticine on the board. Invite the child to build a tower (plant chopped tubes) according to the color of the skewer.

Game "Hide and find"
Equipment: foil or paper, small toys.
Description: Invite your child to play hide-and-seek with toys. Wrap the toy in paper or, on the contrary, unfold it carefully without tearing the paper.
Game "Catch"
Equipment: Tight bag with a clip (zip-lock), hydrogel (orbiz).
Description: This game can be started as an experience by placing orbizes in water and watching them swell (grow). Then place the swollen hydrogel in a bag. Close tightly. Invite the child to catch the ball with his fingers and crush it. You can complicate the game by asking to catch balls of a certain color (if there are multi-colored orbizes).
Orbizes are a very versatile material for playing with children. It is beautiful, affordable, pleasant to the touch. The only downside is that with direct access it is necessary to play only under the supervision of an adult.
The hydrogel can be laid out by color in different vessels, plates. You can just fill them with jars, bottles. As a variant of the game, fishing out of the water with your hands or a spoon can be noted. The possibility of using orbizes is limited only by imagination.

And finally, it is worth noting that not a single toy, not a single exercise will become developing if they are not interesting to the child. And here the task of adults, our task is to support the child, if necessary, to provide assistance, and of course to be patient and calm. Remember that any learning process requires a lot of patience and work.
Be wise and attentive!
“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music,
drawing, fantasy, creativity
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

List of used literature.
1. Koltsova M.M., Ruzina M.S. “A child learns to speak. Finger game training. -Ekaterenburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

One of the most important areas in classes with a child is the development of fine motor skills.

The main assistants in this matter: finger exercises, hand massage, and of course, games.

There are a lot of games for the development of fine motor skills. In this article, I tried to collect those that are easiest to organize and which we enjoyed playing ourselves.

It is important to remember the rule: less baby, the larger should be the objects with which he plays. Everything is small only under your watchful eye.

And one more thing: at any age, we do not use the hydrogel that is popular today - it is really dangerous.

One of the most favorite activities for children is to put something somewhere and get it out. Therefore, sorter toys are so interesting for kids. We take advantage of this interest and offer the following games:

Pushing items. Cut a hole in a suitable container (a jar with a plastic lid, a bottle, a box) and invite the baby to put in there:

  • counting sticks, matches, cotton swabs, caps from felt-tip pens;
  • beads, coins, buttons, checkers, chestnuts, beans, pasta.
  • small lids - in small holes, large - in large ones.

You can stick an image of an animal on the box and feed it. It is clear that the smaller the object, the smaller the hole we make.

We push chenille wire (My-shop) into a sieve or bowl from a double boiler.

Games with a spoon, ladle, strainer. These games develop not so much fine motor skills as large ones. But they are very useful, because. contribute to the development of coordination of hand movements. The son could do this for a long time, and even now he loves it.

  • we shift chestnuts, nuts, containers from kinders with a spoon;
  • pour cereals, beans;
  • pour water;
  • picking things up from the water.

Beat the foam with a whisk.

Also, rather for large motor skills, but a very exciting activity.

Playing with kitchen tongs:

  • we sort chestnuts, nuts, cones, pebbles, containers from kinder surprises;
  • We catch objects floating in it from the water.

Remove the staples from the CD.

Or from cardboard. Colors can be sorted by color.

Loosen and screw on the lids. Opening and closing containers.

We put on:

  • rings from the pyramid, hair ties - on the rod from the pyramid;
  • drying - on a pencil;
  • pasta - on skewers. We pre-painted them and at the same time sorted them by color;
  • caps for markers. It is good to use dried ones so that the child does not get dirty.

Lacing. There are laces different types. You can buy ready-made (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

The smallest ones are suitable for those where you need to put a cord with a hard tip into the holes.

For older kids, we suggest stringing figurines, beads on a cord.

And the most difficult option is to attach the figures to the base using the lacing method:

And you can come up with your own games:

  • string beads on chenille wire;
  • cocktail tubes cut into pieces - on a string;
  • drying - on a rope;
  • lace up a real shoe.

You can also make your own laces. Suitable for this: thick cardboard, felt, hygroscopic kitchen napkins, large plastic lids. I created in the VKontakte group album "Fine motor skills". In it you will find many ideas for creating laces with your own hands.

For the little ones there is a special large mosaic.

Mosaic is not only laying out patterns. Can be played story games. For example:

  • offer the child to stick the elements yellow color- plant flowers, red - arrived
  • butterflies, blue - it started to rain, remove the red ones - the butterflies flew away because of the rain;
  • we lay out paths for little men, flashlights for the runway;
  • we feed the birds, sticking "grains", put the testicles in the nest;
  • we develop logic by playing "continue the series, sequence";
  • repair or destroy the road. Antoshka himself invented this game. The field is completely lined with large mosaics and suddenly holes begin to form in the ground. Antoshkin's task is to patch them up faster, so that "uncle doesn't fail";
  • create a drawing using paper templates.

Paper games:

  • looking for surprises wrapped in paper, napkin, foil;
  • we hide the treasure by wrapping it;
  • tearing napkins, newspapers, toilet paper, foil - we make a salute;
  • we wrinkle paper, making “snowballs” out of it;
  • unwrapping sweets;
  • smooth out the crumpled paper.

Playing with tweezers

  • we play pharmacist - we lay out the “pills” (beans, peas, vitamins) in the cells of the mold for ice, Lego;

  • feed the bird with pieces of crumpled paper;
  • we take out the worms with tweezers and feed the chickens. For this game, I sewed the floss to the felt, and cut it off at the back so that it would be interesting for my son to pull the worms out of the ground.

Games with a pipette, syringe:

  • my young chemist loves to mix paints with a pipette. And he loves to do it in ice cubes.
  • pour water from one container to another with a syringe.

Match games:

  • take it out and put it in a box. You can color matches and boxes and sort by color;
    push through a small hole;
  • we stick it into plasticine, making a stalk from a cherry, a fence, a lollipop;
    lay out the figures according to the model.

Laying out the pattern from buttons, pebbles, coins, beans.

To do this, you need to draw the contours of the future image. The smaller the child, the easier drawing. For very young children, offer to lay out the path.

Winding ribbons, ropes, rolling rolls.

Playing with colored buttons:

  • we cut out a horseshoe from thick cardboard (from the box) and invite the child to insert “carnations” (buttons) into it.
  • we stick "lanterns" on the runway so that the plane can see where to land.

We also have a Djeco construction set with a cork board and a hammer. Here you need to nail machine parts.


Sticking and sticking. Babies can do this for a very long time. And older children will be interested in magnetic puzzles, mosaics.


Up to two years, we used only reusable stickers (Labyrin t, Ozone, My-shop). This is very convenient, because very young children often miss or crookedly glue, and are very upset if they cannot remake their idea.

Finger Theatre.

You can do without toys by drawing eyes, a mouth on your fingers, or you can buy one.

It is useful to take such toys with you on a trip, I talked about this in an article. "Toys for the Road".

Massage and ordinary small balls:

  • squeeze, unclench with palms, between two fingers;
  • roll on the table with your finger, palm;
  • we move the ball along the drawn winding path.

Finger games.

This is one of the most beneficial activities for developing fine motor skills.

There are so many finger games that you can write a separate article. Start with Magpie-Forty, and add more over time.

We have a book "Tell poems with your hands" (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop). You read poems, and the child plays them with his hands. At the same time, over time, he himself will learn these verses.

The development of fine motor skills is also helped by:

  • massage of the palms and fingers;
  • stencil drawing;
  • hatching, painting, outlining;
  • picking out toys from jelly;
  • putting rubber bands on fingers;
  • games with hairpins, curlers, fasteners;
  • small designer;
  • puzzles;
  • Velcro games;
  • labyrinths;
  • games where you need to stick something, screw it;
  • glass and ordinary pyramid;
  • insert frames;
  • sensory boxes;
  • businessboard().

Older children are taught to sew, embroider, knit, weave with beads.

This is not the whole list of games. But already, along with those links to which I gave at the beginning of the article, it’s enough not to think about what else to play with the child.

Sort the finds by color. In those colors that could not be found on the street, they put toys.

Photo sent by Kirill (2 years old) and mother Ekaterina

Photo sent by Lina

The game "Who eats what." We feed the animals

We play with rubber bands. Composition Christmas tree

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

We play with jelly mass, we pick out toys from the jelly sea.

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

playing with sensory box Zimushka-winter. Building a bear den and a chanterelle den

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Beat the foam with a whisk, collect the foam in a bucket with a sponge

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Playing with frame insert

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

Learning sounds

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

We thread the chenille wire into a sieve, a kind of embroidery is obtained

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We stick stickers, at the same time we repeat the letters

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We make a forest for a bunny. Learning to stick leaves into plasticine without breaking them

Photo sent by Kiryushka (1 year 3 months) and mother Ekaterina

We remove the balls from the Christmas tree, sort by color

Photo sent by David (1 year 5 months) and mother Angela

The game "Find a couple of buttons"

The game "Who has a tail"

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

playing with salt dough, feed toys

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Arranging matches in colored boxes

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Unwrap candy and sort by color

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Change of seasons. We cut paper with scissors, color the crown of apple trees and a Christmas tree, glue snowflakes, roll apples from plasticine and glue, sculpt snowmen from plasticine.

Guess whose track. Playing with kinetic sand

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Designer games. Inventing different animals

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

We repeat the count. Playing the game "Bag of Apples"

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Arrange items in cells. You can lay out cones, chestnuts, acorns, nuts, pebbles, balls. As cells, an ice mold, lids from plastic bottles, palette, egg trays.

Learning to push objects. You can push anything: cocktail tubes, counting sticks, cut cotton swabs, caps from felt-tip pens

Photo sent by Sasha (1 year old) and mother Tatyana

Photo sent by Sasha (1 year old) and mother Tatyana

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Playing with frame insert

Playing outdoors using natural material. We make letters and numbers from sticks

We take out small toys with a spoon from a bowl of water and put them in another bowl

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Salt dough games. We leave prints with different objects

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Clothespin games. We make needles for a Christmas tree and a hedgehog

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Dice games "Fold the Pattern"

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1-2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

funny lacing

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 6 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

We feed the bear semolina through a hole in the stomach with a spoon

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Playing with clothespins

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We write letters and numbers on the semolina. From below, we highlight the dishes with a garland

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We string beads on chenille wire and get beads for a doll

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We catch the mosaic from the water with a strainer

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We shift the ice cream (colored ice) with a spoon

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We go through a simple maze - we connect the penguins with a line

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Spoon the ice cream balls made from the dough

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We connect the same balls with lines

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We arrange a tea party

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We put small rubber bands on the rod

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We construct from geometric shapes

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 5 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 3 months) and mother Alena

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 2 months) and mother Alena

Game with Gyenesh blocks according to the schemes

Memory grid using animal figurines

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 1 month) and mother Alena

Learning to fish. magnetic fishing

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Draw letters and numbers with arrows

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Sticking and peeling reusable stickers

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Making pictures from ice cream sticks

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

We make compositions from geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Feeding piggy bank buttons

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Learn colors and shapes by matching toy egg halves

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

We open the lids on the jars and try to pick up and close the lids

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Game "Planting a garden"

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Test games. Pressing the molds into the dough

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We hammer colored carnations and thus decorate a paper Christmas tree

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We cut a banana. First experience with a knife under supervision

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Mosaic games: laying out a color sequence

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Homemade balls from soft tissue with thin rubber bands(7 colors of the rainbow + white): we study colors, the concepts of "up-down", "left-right"

Photo sent by Bogdan (11 months old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

The game "Feed the cockerel"

Game Find Mom. We select chicken testicles by color

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 9 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: We put pasta, matches and everything that can be put into the holes of a colander

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: peel the onion from the husk

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: put nuts in a bottle

Photo sent by Romik (1 year 4 months) and mother Anastasia Temnykh

nativity scene

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 8 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Ice game "Free the animals from the ice captivity." We pour salt on ice, pour water from a mug, grab the figures with tongs and put them on a plate.

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

The big one eats a lot, the little one eats little.

Close-open, select by color and shape.

Game options for an older age: 1. Orientation on a plane - "Make a toy 2 steps forward, 3 to the left, where was the toy?"

2. Game for the development of attention and memory. “Hide the flower in the second row from the top under the third lid”, “Remember who hid under the green triangle, under the red circle ...”

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Sensory box "Autumn"

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 2 months) and mother Azniva

Sensory box "Africa"

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 1 month) and mother Azniva

(board with locks, latches, switches, wheels, etc.)

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years old) and mother Azniva

We use cups, funnels, bottles.

Photo sent by Ruslana (1 year 10 months) and mother Azniva

Game: Feed the pussy beans

Photo sent by Ruslana (1 year 7 months) and mother Azniva

Playing with Montessori frame inserts

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 1 month) and mother Azniva

Game "Save the penguins". The penguins were swept away by a snowstorm, we need to help them. Learning to work with a pear. Soda container. Added to water lemon acid and gouache for color.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 11 months) and mother Marina

Mosaic from sponge napkins. Repetition of shapes and colors. Design. We play in the bathroom.

Photo sent by Egor (1 year 10 months) and mother Marina

First color sorter. We push the details of the mosaic into the holes made in the porridge box.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 6 months) and mother Marina

The game "Edible - inedible." Using cards from the loto, we will feed the hippo, but only so that his tummy does not get sick.

Game "Big wash". The kid needs to sort out the socks in pairs. After that, using clothespins, hang to dry on a cord (the cord can be tied between the legs of the children's table and high chairs)

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 9 months) and mother Marina

Game: Homemade geometric frame insert. Inserts are Gyenes blocks and cardboard parts.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1.5 years old) and mother Marina

Game: Boring geometric lotto. First, mom needs to wrap the figures from the loto in foil. The kid will be interested in what is inside, and the game will be much more fun than the usual loto.

Photo sent by Egor (2 years old) and mother Marina

Game with stamps: put prints, open, close.

Game: Homemade piggy bank. We feed the pig with buttons.

Photo sent by Romik (1 year 3 months) and mother Anastasia Temnykh

Game: Tactile cards

Photo sent by Danil (1 year 2 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Game: Homemade geometric lotto with magnets

Game: Homemade pig sorter.

Photo sent by Danil (1 year 1 month) and mother Marina Furzikova

Game: Feed winnie the pooh and Piglet. We sort the nuts by size: all are large for Winnie, and Piglet those that are smaller.

Photo sent by Kiryushka (1 year 2 months) and mother Ekaterina

Game: Harvest.

Photo sent by Alisa (3 years 5 months) and mother Irina

DIY games for the development of fine motor skills

The relationship of fine motor skills and mental activity.

The formation of the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. It has been established that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located close, so speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers.

Conditions for the effective development of fine motor skills.

It is necessary to use all the fingers of both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements must be combined. Exercises should be based on the use of isolated movements of each finger. For the successful development of fine motor skills, it is important to train both hands. It is important in games to equally develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The value of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with the underlying structures. In their process, children improve attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, perseverance is brought up, playing and educational and practical activities are formed. Systematic exercises also help to develop the skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements not only under visual control, but also with the participation of touch, tactile-motor sensations.

Games that parents can make from scrap materials.

To strengthen and develop the child's hand, coordination of movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

1. Twistingribbons, threads, winding balls.

2. lacing. You will need a piece of linoleum with holes made and a lace, or ready-made forms with holes, tablets with pins. (game "Lacing").

3. Button fastening. You will need fabric, buttons and thread. (game "Clips").

4. Laying out, sorting outseeds, beans, large seeds, curly pasta.

5. Clothespin games. You will need clothespins and cardboard, lids, rings.

6. Twisting and twistingcovers. You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a dense base (linoleum, cardboard), all kinds of jars with a threaded twist.

You can simultaneously teach children ordinal counting, orientation in color.

7. Guessing by touchitems. (a game " magic pouch"). You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects or a "muftochka" with a pocket at the bottom.

8. rollinga pencil or pen, a cone or a sensory ball with spikes in the palms helps to stimulate biologically active points, toning the body as a whole.

9. Stroke stencils, patterns, any shapes cut from plastic bottles or linoleum.

10. stringing beads, rings, buttons and any shape with holes.

11. Posting picturesfrom geometric mosaic or sticks. (required geometric figures from plastic, cardboard, linoleum or ready-made magnetic figures, molds, matches without sulfur heads or counting sticks, cocktail tubes, tubes from used felt-tip pens, etc.)

12. Laying out and picking out with tweezersbeads, buttons, pebbles, small figures, folding them into a container with a hole.

13. Braiding.

14. push throughsoft rough objects, pieces of fabric, ribbons into various holes and tunnels with your fingers.

Each of these techniques is aimed at the development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, psychoregulation skills.
