Development of a classroom hour “Friendship begins with a smile…. Class hour "friendship begins with a smile" Competition "Find a mate"


Props for gaming competitions - paper flowers with names, a circle with an arrow and a set of questions, “shoes”, a scoreboard with 6 cards, skittles, a tape recorder with audio cassettes.

Class hour progress

Games, minutes dedicated to friendship.

Host: Today we have gathered to play the game “Friendship begins with a smile”. It is a bit like the game "Love at first sight". During the game, we will talk about friendship, mutual assistance, how to behave, find out if you know each other well. You will be offered life situations, as well as prize draws, songs about friendship, quizzes and, of course, the choice of the best, most friendly couple. Let's start our game with the song "True Friend".

(Children sing a song or listen to a cassette tape)

Around round table seated four boys and four girls. There is an arrow in the center, “Hearts” with questions are laid out along the edge of the table. Children take turns spinning the arrow and answering the question.

Do you collect anything?

Will you protect your friend if they speak badly of him in your presence?

What kind of friend would you like to have?

Can a girl be friends with a boy?

What do you like more - receiving or giving gifts?

Can a cat or a dog be a friend?

Can you tell your secret to a girl (boy)?

Do your parents like your friends?

After the warm-up, the host conducts a game with the class: he starts the proverb, the audience ends:

There is no friend - look for, (but found - take care0

Don't have a hundred rubles, ... .. (and have 100 friends)

One for all and all for one)

A man without friends, ... .. (what a tree without roots)

Friendship is like glass... (It will break - you will not fold)

Competition "Find a mate"

The teacher distributes 8 sheets in the hall, on the back of which the names of the characters are written. The boys have Santa Claus, Prince, Pinocchio, Carlson.

For girls - The Snow Queen, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella. All names are communicated to the audience and it turns out which characters are from one fairy tale (for example, the Prince and Cinderella). The participants of the game approach each other to the music and become pairs. If the right heroes match, this pair of children advances to the final. If the characters do not match, the game continues.

Class hands

Attention! Game with the whole class (hall)

First I'll ask a question,

And in over it then in earnest

Think. One out of two-

“Yes” or “No” - answer aloud.

If you are resourceful, in full

Rhyme will help, but it

We are so cunning

What can bring down the table at times.

Say: greeting the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing?


IN.:And, cutting through the surface of the pond, can geese swim?


IN.:And if the sun warms the snow, will it become cold ice?


IN.:Tell me, can mignonette bloom in the garden in winter?


IN.:Can a crocodile collect a bouquet of white lilies?


IN.:Can a camel, give me an answer, go 3 days without food?


IN.:Are those who work always respected by the people?


IN.:At the end, it's time to ask: did you like the game?


Musical competition

B: The whole class is playing. Boys and girls are invited in turn to name the song, an excerpt from which sounded. A token is given for each correct answer. The boy and girl with the most tokens advance to the final.

V.: a game for those who have not yet participated in the competition. It's called "We hold our foreheads."

(Children stand in pairs and, while dancing, must hold the apple and the best dancer receives a prize.)

Competition "Cinderella's Slipper"

Four boys and four girls receive different “shoes”. Only two shoes should match in color, style, size. During the dance, the boy tries to find a girl with a second shoe. This couple is in the final.

Discussing situations about students knowing each other

Questions for girls:

  • you caught goldfish but she will only grant one wish. What will you choose?

    Go to the circus.

    Get acquainted with good friend.

    Buy cosmetics.

  • The boy hurt you. What will you do?

    Ask someone for help.

    You will cry out of resentment.

    Explain that this is not how girls are treated.

  • The boy invited you to his birthday party. How will you choose a gift?

    What did you like.

    What he likes.

    What do parents suggest?

  • Questions for the boys:

    1. You like the girl, you want to take a walk with her, but your mother calls you home. How will you do it?

      You will go home.

      You pretend you didn't hear your mother.

      Ask the girl to come again.

    2. The girl you like was called to the board to solve a problem, but she doesn’t succeed.

      You will advise her.

      Help me figure it out after class.

      You won't do anything.

    3. The girl in the dining room did not have enough chair.

      You bring her a chair.

      Give her yours.

      Leave it unattended.

    Q: You answered the questions well. And now we have to choose the perfect couple.

    V: Attention! Superfinal!

    Participants who reached the final answer questions.

    The boys answer first, and the girls write their answer on the board.


    Does she like Disney cartoons?

    Does she have a friend?

    What lesson does she like?

    What does he like more: football or hockey?

    Does he have a dog?

    When is his birthday?

    A scoreboard is posted with six cards - the names of the prizes, hardly six pins with numbers are put up. Children take turns knocking out the pin with the ball as many times as there were hits when answering questions. The card with the same numbers is turned over.

    And the name of the prize that the children have earned is revealed.

    Summarizing: Our game is over. In life, situations in which we played today are often repeated. Therefore, if you understand how to behave in game situations, then you will be well-mannered, friendly and interesting in life.

    Class hour on the topic of: "Friendship starts with a smile"

    Goals and objectives:

    To develop the communication skills of schoolchildren, the ability to communicate in a team;

    To educate moral values, respect for girls for boys, boys for girls, children for adults.

    Come on people
    Be friends with each other
    Like a bird with the sky
    Like grass - with a meadow,
    Like the wind with the sea
    Fields - with rain,
    How friendlySun
    With all of us!

    Discussed the situation of students' knowledge of each other.

    WITH situations in which children try to learn about each other.

    Questions for girls:

    1. You caught a goldfish, but it only grants one wish. What will you choose?

    Go to the circus

    Meet a good friend.

    Buy a beautiful doll.

    2. A boy offended you. What will you do?

    Ask someone for help.

    You will cry out of resentment.

    Explain that this is not how girls are treated.

    3. The boy invited you to his birthday party. How will you choose a gift?

    What do you like.

    What he likes.

    What do parents suggest?

    Questions for the boys

    1. You like a girl, you want to play with her, but mom calls home. How will you do it?

    You will go home.

    You pretend you didn't hear your mother.

    Ask the girl to come again.

    2. The girl you like was called to the board to solve a problem, but she doesn’t succeed.

    You will advise her.

    Help me figure it out after class.

    You won't do anything.

    3. There was not enough chair for the girl in the dining room.

    You bring her a chair.

    Give her yours.

    Leave it unattended.

    If you value friendship...

      friendly relations- this is a relationship of mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual respect for each other.

      The most important thing in friendship is to be able to be happy for a friend.

    - In the school of the Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky, the guys left their laws of friendship. Let's get to know them.

    The laws of friendship, drawn up in the school of the great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

      Don't leave a friend in trouble. To be faithful to friendship means to share with a friend not only joys, but also sorrows. A friend may have mistakes, difficulties, trials. If you see that a friend is in trouble, go to his aid. Turning away from a friend in a difficult moment for him means morally preparing yourself for betrayal.

      You don't care what kind of friend you are. Friendship is the moral enrichment of a person. Finding a reliable friend, you multiply your strength, become morally purer, richer, more beautiful.

      Friendship is, first of all, faith in a person, exactingness towards him. The deeper your faith in a friend, the higher the exactingness should be, the more you owe, owe.

      Friendship and selfishness are irreconcilable, incompatible. Friendship teaches a person to give spiritual strength and wealth, care.

      Friendship is tested in trouble and danger. War is a deadly misfortune and a deadly danger. You must be spiritually prepared for this great test.

      To be able to live in such a way that you and your friend are united by the unity of spirit and ideals. Genuine friendship protects from selfishness, teaches to despise greed.

      To be demanding in friendship means to have the courage to break it if a friend betrays what the friendship is built for. Unscrupulousness devastates friendship.

      A smile is the key to success, health, people communicate with a smile,

      Smiling can help a person.

      A smile can be kind, cheerful, but also evil.

    And in the Ozhegov dictionary, this word is practiced as follows:

    A smile is a mimic movement of the face, lips, eyes, showing a disposition to laughter, expressing greetings, pleasure or mockery, and other feelings.

    - Friendship is a science, friendship is an art,
    Friendship is a wonderful, kind feeling.

    Class hour.

    "Friendship starts with a smile"

    Target: Formation of social ideals to encourage self-education.


    - encourage students to comprehend universal human values, to develop a personal attitude towards them, to realize their own inner position and life values;

    To form in students the techniques and methods of constructive, communicative, cognitive activities;

    To promote a variety of creative self-expression of students, their creative attitude to their own lives;

    To develop the ability of students to work in a team;

    Stimulate in students the internal contradiction between the achieved and the required level of personal development.

    Equipment : audio recording "Friendship begins with a smile", audio recording "Friends" gr. Barbariki, audio recording "The Lonely Shepherd", presentation, emoticons different colors(4 colors), model of a friend, multi-colored emoticons for each child, proverbs, problem situations, ladder of achievements.

    Lesson progress:

    Teacher: Good afternoon guys!

    I'm glad to see you.

    1. Creation of psychological comfort in class

    "With a smile, the sun gives light

    Send us your HELLO!

    Let's all answer together

    Let's say hello to each other!

    “Find your own kind.” - put the group numbers on the tables first.

    Step 1. Students stand in a circle. The teacher asks them to cover their eyes and not talk to each other. The teacher pins small drawings on their backs.(sun, cloud, flower, heart and one drawing of a thundercloud).

    Step 2. The teacher gives the task to the children: Find a “similar” and take their places at the tables. It is impossible to talk about it.

    Step 3. Children determine which table they will sit at.

    2. Introduction to the topic

    It's great that we are all here today! So, we have the opportunity to talk about something interesting. The topic of our conversation will be prompted by the song.

    (audio recording "Friendship begins with a smile.")

    Have you guessed what the conversation will be about? (About friendship)

    What's happened real friendship? How does it manifest itself? Who can be called a friend? There are no definite answers to these questions, but everyone should think about these questions. One cannot be happy without friends. Today we will talk about what should be a true friend and try to formulate the rules of friendship.

    Guys, what do you think the word "friendship" means? (This is when people want to be together, when they are interested in each other, trust each other, etc.)

    The student reads the poem "Friendship"

    What is friendship?-

    I asked the bird.

    This is when the kite

    It flies with the titmouse.

    I asked the beast

    What is friendship?-

    This is when the hare

    Foxes do not need to be afraid.

    And then she asked the girl:

    Friendship - what is it?

    It's something huge

    Happy, great.

    This is when the guys all at once,

    Everyone plays together.

    This is when the boys

    Girls are not bullied.

    Everyone should be friends in the world:

    Who is called a friend?

    A friend is a person who has a friendship with someone.

    What qualities should a friend have?

    First, let's find out when did the first friend appear? To do this, we will go to the distant past.

    The poem "The Word Friend"

    Reader 1

    When no one knew a word

    No "hello", no "sun", no "cow",

    Neighbors ancient man used to

    Show fist or tongue.

    And make faces, which is the same thing.

    But the word became a guttural sharp sound,

    A smarter face, smarter hands,

    And the man came up with the word "friend" (slide 6)

    He began to wait for a friend and yearn in separation.

    Thank you for my friends!

    How would I live, what would I do without them?

    Friends - people I love -

    I will never offend anything.

    Man has always needed friends.

    Today I would like to introduce you to one very old and wise story.

    (The parable is told to a calm, quiet melody, the audio recording “The Lonely Shepherd”) You listen and say, why does a person need friends?

    Long ago, there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and many friends. One day, trouble came to his house. Thieves broke into his sheepfold one night and stole all the sheep. When the owner came to the sheepfold in the morning to drive his flock out to pasture, not a single sheep was there. The owner of the sheepfold sighed heavily and began to cry. All his many years of work was in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight. Soon the whole district knew about the misfortune that had befallen the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed, and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could see the people in the dust cloud. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not go empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they all entered his courtyard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, his herd has become several times larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family.

    You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom.

    I suggest you work in groups.

    You have envelopes on each row, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose the one who will read it.

      1st group "You can't buy a friend for money."

      2nd group "Friendship is more precious than gold."

      3rd group "Friends are known in trouble."

      4th group "You won't recognize a friend without trouble."

    I invite you to remember or learn more proverbs about friendship that our wise Russian people came up with.

    Let's read and explain them:

    Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    Friend is known in trouble.

    Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.

    There is no friend - look for, but if you find - take care.

    Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't put it together.

    A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

    Reader 2

    Who fervently believes in friendship,

    Who next feels the shoulder

    He will never fall

    In any trouble will not be lost.

    And if he suddenly stumbles,

    Then a friend will help him get up,

    Always his reliable friend

    Lends a hand in trouble.

    I suggest that you now conduct a study on the question: "What is he - a true friend?" and make a "Model of a true friend."

    Please sit in groups at your separate tables. Then each group will choose one representative - a sociologist. Sociologists get together, process the answer options, build a model of a true friend, and present it to us.

    - fashionably dressed

    - reliable

    - funny

    - does not admit his mistakes

    - responsive

    - will not fit first to put up

    - Kind

    - support in word and deed

    - loyal

    - won't tell the truth

    - together in sorrow and joy

    - help out in difficult times

    So, now sociologists work as a separate group, compiling the "Model of a True Friend", and the teams are offered envelopes for new group work.

    4. Consolidation of social concepts.

    It is necessary to solve problematic situations that occur very often in the lives of children, expressing the general opinion of the group.

    Situation 1.

    Your friend gets bad grades and you are forbidden to be friends with him.

    Situation 2.

    Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

    Situation 3.

    Your friend invites you to do something bad.

    Situation 4.

    Your friend lets the team down at a sports competition.

    (groups take turns reading the situation and commenting on their opinion - what to do)

    And now let's ask our sociologists to present a product of joint activity - the “Model of a True Friend”, compiled on the basis of the opinion of the guys in our class.

    (present the Model, then stick it on the board).

    Guys! Now you are just learning to make friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws of friendship. There are many laws of friendship. - Did you know that psychologists studied the rules of friendship among peoples different countries. It turned out that, despite the different skin color, different upbringing and living conditions, there is much in common in what people consider friendship. brought out

    10 laws of friendship.

      Help a friend in need.

      Be able to share the joy with a friend.

      Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

      Stop a friend if he does something bad.

      Be able to accept help, advice.

      Don't fool your friend.

      Don't betray your friend.

      Treat your friend like yourself.

      Don't hesitate to admit your mistakes.

      Always keep your promises.

    How many of you try to keep these laws of friendship? What laws do you find easy? And which ones are difficult?

    Raise your hand whoever has friends. Who has friends in the class? It's great!

    Reflective-evaluative activity

    Guys, the “Ladder of Achievements” is depicted on the board. Please take a magnet and attach it to the step where you think you are as a friend.

    Analysis of reflective activity

    Look how many friends we have! Those who are still on the 2nd and 3rd step are probably very honest. They know what they need to work on to become a true friend! Look how many real friends are already - they are on the 1st step!

    Practical exercises.

    Smile at each other.

    Exercise "Bridge of Friendship".- Smile at each other.

    Adopt the kind of facial expression that a friendly-minded person should have.

    5. Can hands make friends?

    What are our hands like? (good, evil)

    Touch each other's hands. What can be said about them?

    Shake hands friendly. They say: the hand of a friend, the elbow of a friend - how do you understand this? (friend support)

    What does she feel like?

    everyone join hands, make a circle and raise their hands up, depicting the "Bridge of Friendship".

    If there are friends in the world -

    Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming,

    Even the strongest wind

    Not even a storm will blow.

    We are in the rain, and in the snow and in the cold

    Let's have fun walking.

    We are friends in any weather -

    Do not break this friendship.

    When living together

    What could be better!

    And there's no need to fight

    And you can love everyone.

    So let's be friends

    Let us remember these verses more than once.

    If friendship is always valued,

    That any wish will come true.

    Look how big the heart is on the poster. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. In this heart-pocket, you now put a palm cut out of paper with wishes - to yourself, a friend, a class.

    8. Completion

    I wish you to remain as wonderful as you are! May true friends always be with you!

    0 class hour "Friendship begins with a smile"

    Friendship starts with a smile

    -to form students' idea of ​​friendship as the most important moral value;
    - to form good relationships between children in the class;
    - to develop the desire to be tolerant in a society of people;
    - cultivate goodwill, the ability to give warmth and kindness.
    - on the board is the theme of the classroom, a poster with a picture of a tree, drawings of the sun, clouds, hearts, thunderclouds (by the number of students), small hearts made of white paper (by the number of students), a tree of friendship, a mosaic "man".

    The course of the classroom.

    I. Introduction.


    Hello guys! I want to repeat once again these wonderful words: “Hello!”, “Goodbye”, “Thank you”, “Sorry”. And you also often say these words to mom, dad, friends, passers-by. You will feel their spirits rise. The fact is that these words are special. They have healing powers. So let us always have good mood! I wish you guys happiness, success, joy, prosperity.

    Let these words become the motto of our lesson (they appear on the screen):

    Let's live together
    And cherish our friendship
    And never quarrel
    Then things fall apart.

    II. Classroom topic message.
    Teacher. We will find out what our conversation will be about by solving a crossword puzzle. (Children guess the words horizontally. The key word “Friendship” appears in the selected cells vertically.)

    1. Cheburashka was a friend
    Good Gena ... (Crocodile)

    2. Lived in a telephone booth,
    There was one, poor thing.
    But one day I decided
    Find a friend ... (Cheburashka)

    3.From the blue stream
    The river starts.
    Well, friendship begins with ... (smile)

    4. Do you recognize me?
    I am the heroine of the book
    With me always seven gnomes,
    I think you are familiar.
    Answer without haste -
    My name is ... (Snow White)

    5. Heal everyone, heal
    Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

    6. Going to do something,
    Be patient,
    Forever then disappear
    Bad mood)

    And so, we guessed the keyword. Today we will talk about friendship.

    Most lovely gift after the wisdom that nature could give us, this is friendship. La Rochefoucauld

    Theme of our lesson: Friendship begins with a smile

    III. Main part.
    1. Brainstorming “Friendship is…”

    (Children read L. Izmailov's poem "Monologue on Friendship")

    1. What is friendship? Everyone knows?
    What does the word "friendship" mean?
    Maybe going to the movies together.

    Maybe a good football pass
    Maybe a hint at the blackboard
    Maybe protection in a school fight,
    Or just a cure for boredom?

    Well, maybe silence in the classroom,
    What if a friend does something bad?
    Say, Kolya painted the walls,
    Michael saw everything, but is silent

    Is it friendship if someone
    Fractions at home did not want to decide:
    There was no desire to engage
    And a friend lets him write off ...

    Well, maybe friendship is if
    A friend always says nicely
    Sprinkling your speech with flattery,
    And never say sharpness?

    Teacher:Do you agree with this interpretation of friendship?

    6. What is friendship, everyone knows?
    Maybe it's funny to ask?
    Well, what does it mean
    This word? So what is it?

    Friendship is if your friend is sick
    And he can't come to school
    Visit him willingly
    School lessons bring,

    Patiently explain tasks
    Take on some of his worries.
    Give him your attention
    Days, weeks, months or years...

    9. If your friend is something, sorry.
    Badly done or said
    We must honestly, directly, without a doubt
    Tell the truth to his face.

    Maybe he can't understand everything.
    Maybe he will be offended all of a sudden.
    You still have to tell the truth
    After all, that's what a best friend is for.

    Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.
    A friend will always give the last.
    A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues,
    The one who does not deceive will not betray.

    Teacher:What is friendship, according to the author?

    What thoughts should you agree with?

    What do you disagree with?

    The word “friendship” comes up all the time in our lives.

    Let's look at a more precise definition. explanatory dictionary Ozhegov. In it you can find:

    Friendis a person who has a friendship with someone.

    Friendship- close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, common interests.

    2. Game. Instead of "true friend" let's say "I"

    3. Game exercise "Find your own kind." (Song of Barbarika)

    Students attach a heart, a cloud, a sun to their backs and determine their group. Everything is done silently. (One got lightning)
    Children determine which table they will sit at by helping each other with gestures.
    The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that one student was left without a mate, and discusses with them the question: “How does the one who is left alone, without friends, feel?”
    - What difficulties did you experience during the exercise?
    - Could you cope without help and support?
    - What pattern do you have on your back?

    A quatrain appears on the screen:

    Friendship is the main miracle, always
    One hundred discoveries for all of us concealing,
    And any trouble is not a problem,
    If there are real friends nearby!

    4. Reading and discussion of poems about friendship.
    - Guys, listen to the poem. M. Skrebtsova "You can't buy a friend for money."

    A good friend is more expensive than money
    And huge riches too,
    And palaces, and even the throne,
    And crown jewels!
    A friend is most precious
    Don't buy it anywhere!
    So don't waste your time
    Start looking for a friend!


    Can a person have many friends?
    What qualities do you value most in a friend?


    Discussion of problem situations in groups.

    - And now, guys, discuss the situation: “What would I do?”.

    1. Your friend didn't homework and asks for your notebook to write it off.

    2. Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

    3. Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter

    Only mutual assistance in study, work, mutual assistance and support in overcoming difficulties encountered in study and business will help strengthen comradely relations. You guys should know not to argue over trifles, to be conceited. If something turns out better, you need to teach your classmate.

    It is necessary to show sensitivity and attention not only in big things, but also in small things, in everyday relationships.

    Game Gather a friend (song You and me)

    Each group is given split pictures of fairy-tale heroes. It is necessary to collect, but be careful when choosing. We collect a friend with certain qualities that are recorded on body parts.

    The test is over. I have 2 questions for the commands:

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    What prevented you from working?

    Guys, which group would be the most friendly and united?

    5. Game "Finish the proverb" What proverbs do you know?
    Teacher. There are many proverbs about friendship. I will start them, and you will continue.
    - No friend - look for, ... (but found - take care).
    - Do not have a hundred rubles, ... (but have a hundred friends).
    - One for all and all for one).
    - A man without friends, ... (what a tree without roots).

    Folk wisdom says: a true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.

    - Do you have real friends? Can you call yourself a good friend? To answer this question, let's do a little test.

    Performing a test and analyzing its results.

    Test "Are you a good friend"

    1. You are going to the cinema, but suddenly it turns out that your girlfriend (friend) does not have money for a ticket. How will you do it?

    A) You will go to the cinema alone (alone).
    B) Lend your girlfriend (friend) money.
    B) Find a rich friend who can take you to the movies.

    2. You want to invite a girlfriend (friend) to spend the evening together, but she (he) already promised (a) his mother to clean up. How will you do it?

    A) You will spend the evening alone (alone).
    B) Help her (him). The faster you finish the job, the more time you have for fun.
    C) You will call another (th) girlfriend (friend).

    3.You are walking down the street and suddenly you see that a gang of hooligans is pestering your girlfriend (friend). How will you do it?

    A) You will pretend that you do not notice them, and hurry to hide.
    B) Rush to the aid of a friend (friend).
    C) Tell her (his) father about it ... when you see him.

    4. You and your class went on a field trip. Suddenly, one of your girlfriends (one of your friends) discovers that she did not take (a) food with her. How will you do it?

    A) Tell her (him) that next time he (a) is better going on a trip.
    B) Share your lunch with her (with him).
    C) Tell the teacher about it so that he can come up with something.

    - So let's sum it up.

    More answers A:

    Maybe it's time to sit down and think about why no one is helping you with your difficult situations. True friendship involves mutual help and support. Show your friends that you are ready to help them at any moment.

    More answers B:

    You are a wonderful friend! You can rely on you in difficult times. Interesting events and adventures with friends are waiting for people like you at every turn. Most importantly, your friends know they can always rely on you!

    More Answers Q:

    You worry about your friends, especially when they find themselves in a difficult situation, but friendship is not only a pleasant pastime. Your friends must be sure that they can always count on your help. You have great makings. To become a true friend, think about how to implement them.

    - I hope that this test will make each of you think about the fact that being a friend is a difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself. Let's think, is there a code of friendship? -

    Let's try to draw up a universal code of friendship.

    Subject : "Friendship starts with a smile"

    Target: show the value and necessity of friendship.

    Tasks: - clarify children's ideas about what friendship is and what a true friend should be;

    Cultivate a polite attitude towards each other;

    Contribute to the formation of a friendly class team.

    Relevance of the chosen topic : friendship mutually enriches children: it expands children's interests, they have a desire to help each other, to experience joy and sorrow together. Therefore, this topic is relevant, and the accompanying presentation increases the cognitive interest of students. A positive emotional charge, communication style, the use of game moments, the use of ICT, involvement in joint activities, the personal participation of children, the organization of the beginning, setting the objectives of the lesson contribute to the development of speech, feelings of children, and the development of positive emotions.

    Work form: conversation-reasoning with presentation.

    Equipment:audio recording of the melody of the song “If you went on the road with a friend”, “Smile”; multimedia projector, screen; electronic presentation

    Lesson progress: 1.Org.moment (Slide number 1)

    Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests! I am very pleased to meet you. I hope that we let's understand each friend and spend the time allotted to us not only interesting, but also useful.

    I want to offer you smile at your neighbor on the desk, shake hands, join hands with your neighbor and say in unison “Hello!”.

    Guests To to you came Today.
    TO him Now You turn around,
    smile make friends.

    2. Introduction to the topic: Teacher: Guys, today we have gathered to talk on the topic that we are now together and determine. (Slide number 2) And these pictures on the screen will help us (Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Gena the crocodile and Cheburashka, Carlson and Malysh, Pinocchio and Malvina). What do you think these fairy tale characters have in common?

    The children answer.

    Teacher : That's right, they're friends. How do you think friendship starts?

    Students. Probably with a smile.

    3.Message topic: Topic of our conversation: "Friendship starts with a smile"(Slide number 3)

    Friendship warms hearts. Friendship is needed for adults and children in any life situation.

    Teacher. You are right, absolutely right - friendship begins with a smile. The poet M. Plyatskovsky and the composer V. Shainsky, who wrote the song "Smile", think the same way, listen to it, and who knows - sing along.

    (The song "Smile" sounds).

    Share your smile

    And then surely
    Suddenly the clouds will dance

    From the blue stream
    The river starts

    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.

    4. Work on the topic: - What is this song about?

    Guys, raise your hands those who have a friend or girlfriend.

    Fine! I had no doubt that you all have friends!

    What a wonderful word - friendship. (slide number 4)

    Let's say this word in unison. "Friendship!"

    How do you understand the word "friendship"? (Children's answers are heard).

    5. Dictionary work: (slide number 5)

    Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust of affection and community of interests. (S.I. Ozhegov "Dictionary of the Russian Language")

    Listen to the poem

    Student: Who fervently believes in friendship,

    Who next feels the shoulder

    He will never fall

    In any trouble will not be lost.

    And if he suddenly stumbles,

    Then a friend will help him get up,

    Always his reliable friend

    Lends a hand in trouble.

    Guys, what is this poem about?

    Do you think it is possible to live without friends?

    Are friends known in happiness or in trouble? (A friend in need is a friend indeed)

    - And now let's finish the proverbs and sayings that you see(slide number 6)

    7 Do not have a hundred rubles, ... (but have a hundred friends).

    no friend
    search,Afound(take care).

    Friendship is not a mushroom .... (you will not find it in the forest).
    What is the general theme of proverbs? (friendship)

    6. Now we will play with you.

    I will offer you the qualities of a person’s character, and you should listen carefully, if the qualities offered are suitable for a real friend, you clap your hands, and if not, then don’t clap.

    During the game, from the positive qualities of a true friend, we will make a flower of "Friendship".

    Our flower has no petals, the petals are on the table.

    - honesty


    - kindness

    - loyalty


    - politeness




    - justice


    - compassion.


    - respect

    Look guys from good qualities a true friend turned out to be a beautiful flower.

    - Do you like it?

    Children are invited to complete the sentence, the text of which is written on the slide:(Slide number 7)
    A true friend is the one...
    Friends are always...
    I can be friends with people who...
    - They are friends with me because ...

    Guys, what do you think, can friendship fall apart?

    What are the reasons for it to fall apart?

    7. Analysis of situations.


    (Discussion of situation 1.)


    (Discussion of the 2nd situation.)

    And now you are invited to solve problematic situations:(slide number 8)
    1. Your friend didn't do his homework and asks you to copy.
    2. Your friend suggests that you do something bad.


    - Different situations, different opinions, but the most important thing is always what decision you make in this or that case, when you comprehend what is considered the most significant for your friends. You need a true, real manifestation of feelings, the fulfillment of the requests of your friend, the ability to predict them.


    Stand up children, stand up suddenly

    I am your friend and you are my friend.

    Left, turn right

    And smile at each other.

    Hands stretched out to the sun

    The rays were caught and quickly pressed to the chest.

    With this ray in my chest

    You see the world more clearly

    9. Quiz "Who is friends with whom?"

    1. Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka)

    2. Cat Leopold and .... (mice)

    3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet)

    4. A boy named Kid and ... (Carlson)

    5. Whichgirlhelped outhisfriendKayafromicecaptivity?(Gerda.)
    6. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).
    7. Good Snow White and ... (seven dwarfs).

    So guys, now you know what true friendship is, and what a true friend is.

    Student: A strong friendship won't break

    And with a real friend, you can even go for a bear!

    (Children sing the song "If you went out with a friend")

    1. If a friend went on the road (2 times), more fun road,

    Without friends I am a little bit (2 times), but with friends a lot.

    Chorus: What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

    What is pouring rain for me,

    When my friends are with me.

    Teacher: Behind the time spent together we tried to become friends even more.

    Discussion "Rules of Friendship"


    It's time to draw up the rules of friendship that you can use in life.

    One for all and all for one.

    Be friends, do not offend friends and everyone around you.

    Respect each other and help each other.

    Rejoice with your friends.

    Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not deceive, do not break your promises.

    Take care of your friends, because it is easy to lose a friend.

    old friend better than the new two.

    By following these rules, I think you will never lose a friend. Be kind, friendly, sensitive, polite to each other. Do not be arrogant, sneaky, protect your friends from wrong deeds, come to the aid of each other and then you yourself will be called a true true friend.

    Guys, tell me, please, what holiday is coming soon? ( New Year)

    A what do they dress up for the holidays? (Christmas tree)

    - And what else do they do?

    10. Summing up results (reflection)

    Friends, friendship - these words can always be compared with something light, bright, colorful like summer, especially now when it's cold outside. Let's take a look at a piece of summer.

    Slide number 10

    Flowers from the slide smile at you. Flowers on your desk also express emotions. Choose the one that suits your current mood

    (red - joy, blue - sadness) and lift them up.

    This is where our conversation came to an end. Thank you for your work, you did a very good job, and friendship helped us in this!

    Let's get up and say to each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold:

    Guys let's be friends!

    All the best! Good and true friends!

    From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
    From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
    Share your smile
    And she will come back to you again and again.
    And then surely
    Suddenly the clouds will dance
    And the grasshopper sings on the violin ...
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.


    From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
    From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
    Share your smile
    And she will come back to you again and again.
    And then surely
    Suddenly the clouds will dance
    And the grasshopper sings on the violin ...
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.


    From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
    From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
    Share your smile
    And she will come back to you again and again.
    And then surely
    Suddenly the clouds will dance
    And the grasshopper sings on the violin ...
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.


    From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
    From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
    Share your smile
    And she will come back to you again and again.
    And then surely
    Suddenly the clouds will dance
    And the grasshopper sings on the violin ...
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.
    From the blue stream
    The river starts
    Well, friendship starts with a smile.

    A strong friendship won't break
    Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
    A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
    This is what it means to be a true friend.
    A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
    This is what it means to be a true friend.

    Who fervently believes in friendship,

    Who next feels the shoulder

    He will never fall

    In any trouble will not be lost.

    And if he suddenly stumbles,

    Then a friend will help him get up,

    Always his reliable friend

    Lends a hand in trouble.


    On Sunday evening, when there was supposed to be a very interesting program on TV, my best friend called me. and asked me to help him deal with the assignment in mathematics. Imagine, I have been waiting for this program all week, I so wanted to watch it. What should I do?

    (Discussion of situation 1.)


    My girlfriend was assigned class duty. After the lessons, we went into the classroom, and there someone deliberately turned everything over, scattered pieces of paper, spilled water, and drew on the blackboard. Who did this is unknown and the teacher told the one on duty, that is, my friend, to get out. What should I do?(Discussion of the 2nd situation.)







