Presentations on labor education. Presentation "labor education of preschoolers"

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Presentation on the topic: Labor education students

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In the conditions of the school, the following tasks of labor education are solved: the formation of students' positive attitude towards work as the highest value in life, high social motives labor activity; development of a cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice; the education of high moral qualities, diligence, duty and responsibility, purposefulness and enterprise, efficiency and honesty; equipping students with a variety of labor skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor.

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The content of labor education is determined by the named tasks, as well as a number of conditions, opportunities and traditions of the school. The substantive basis of labor education is made up of the following types of labor: - mental labor (it is the most intense, it requires great willpower, patience, perseverance); - physical labor (here conditions are created for children to manifest moral qualities, collectivism. Mutual assistance, respect for people and the results of their activities); Socially useful work is organized in the interests of the entire team and each child individually. It includes self-service labor, summer work on the school lot, and other types of labor.

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The success of labor education depends on its proper organization, compliance with certain pedagogical conditions: Subordination of labor to educational and educational tasks; Combination of the social significance of labor with the personal interests of the student; Accessibility and feasibility of labor activity; Reasonable exactingness in the implementation of the labor activity of students; individual forms labor activity. Labor education is the foundation of creative activity and effectiveness in educational activities, in the civil and moral development of the individual, and gradually leads students to the choice of profession.

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slide number 6

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Labor is the main source of the material and spiritual wealth of society, the main criterion for the social prestige of a person, his sacred duty, the foundation of personal development. Properly carried out labor education, the direct participation of schoolchildren in socially useful, productive labor, is a factor in the moral and intellectual formation of the personality, its physical development. No matter how it turned out further fate graduates, labor skills and hardening are required for them in any field of activity.

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The development of consciousness. Views and beliefs on the issues of industriousness are carried out primarily in the process of training sessions. Educational material contains many examples and facts. Allowing to reveal the beneficial effects of labor on a person, his feelings and moral formation.

slide number 8

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In the structure of industriousness as a personal quality, perhaps the main thing is labor skills and abilities. In biology lessons, wholesale children study the scientific foundations of gardening and crop production. Practical confirmation of these foundations takes place in practical classes.

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Growing various crops on the school plot, caring for them, harvesting - the guys get the initial knowledge about the professions that they can use in adulthood. Participation in productive work develops students' inclinations, needs for work. They learn the meaning of ecological concepts and categories.

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Our task is to teach children to love the earth, to work, to create, not to destroy, to form a person who can overcome difficulties and achieve results on the way to the goal, to teach children to appreciate life and bring joy to people, this is the basis of morality, preparing them for independent life. To solve, as far as possible, the problem of labor education and vocational training of pupils. So that graduates are ready for an independent life, for running their own household, which means they do not have to think about how to earn money by honest labor to support themselves and their families. This means that our children in the difficult times of the market economy will always find a job they like in rural areas, because basically we bring up children from the villages of the region and after graduation they return to their homes. There will also be more workers in the countryside.

Educator medium gr.
Bagdasarova N.G.

Give children the joy of work.
This joy is brought to him by success,
awareness of one's skills and
the significance of the
work, opportunity
bring joy to others."
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Labor education is important
means of comprehensive development
personality of a preschooler through
familiarization with the work of adults,
introducing children to accessible
labor activity.

Educational areas

Cognitive speech development
Artistic and aesthetic
Physical development

Labor education of children preschool age is an activity
which is aimed at developing general labor abilities,
formation of psychological readiness, responsible attitude to
labor and products of its production, as well as affecting the mental and
physical development of the child. Problems of labor education
relevant enough for preschool children, since this
stage, the child is developing personal qualities, skills
and desire to work.
Their unformedness at this age stage becomes
an obstacle in learning cognitive activity and subsequent
adaptation in self-employment

Forming a positive attitude
to work through familiarization of children with labor
adults and direct participation
children in feasible labor activity in
kindergarten and at home.

develop desire
and ability to work
bring up
value attitude
to your own work
the work of others and
its results;
ideas about work
adults, his role in
society and life
each person.

Children possess the sum of skills that allow them to fulfill the content of the labor
self-service activities, in household and manual labor, in caring for
plants, taking into account age and individual characteristics
In the process of activity, the children should develop the skills of self-organization and
the ability to consistently and purposefully carry out work, the skills of a work culture.
In the process of collective labor activity, children should be able to coordinate their
actions, desires, interests with those working nearby, come, if necessary, to
help and seek help, use tactful forms of appeal, comments.
. Ideas about social orientation and benefit should be formed
labor of people. About their attitude to work, about the social nature of work and
relationships in the process of activities based on respect and mutual assistance to each other
In the process of work, the child must show accuracy, perseverance,
the ability to work with concentration and bring the matter to the end, controlling oneself.

Basic principles of work

Focus on
child's age
institutions and families

emotionally positive
situation in
labor process
for labor
inclusion of each
child in labor
partner rights
Organization conditions
child labor
Creation in a group
working atmosphere,
permanent employment,
striving for
useful deeds
promotions in
process and
Load accounting,
health conditions,

Self service
labor in nature
Manual and artistic labor

Self service


labor in nature

Labor in the corner of nature

Labor on site

Manual and artistic labor

Components of labor activity of preschoolers.

labor actions
The planning process
Activity process
The result of labor

Are common
Long term
(in the dining room;
in the corner of nature;
preparation for
General Labor
Joint labor

Means, methods and techniques of labor education

Direct educational activities
Joint activities in the process of security
moments throughout the day
Observation of the work of adults
Organization of labor activity and feasible
helping adults
Artistic means (art, music,
fiction and etc.)
Didactic, board, s/r games
Examination of paintings, illustrations, pictures
Use of ICT
Integration educational areas

Didactic support

visual material
Attributes and equipment
Equipment for experimentation

(sand, clay, different types paper, cloth).
according to age
Didactic games"Wonderful bag"
labor activity
"Shop", "Guests have come", "Help
- poems, nursery rhymes, encouraging
children to self-care
Average age Items and pictures about
the subject world and
Didactic aids for the development of small
Aprons and hats for duty;
On-duty inventory.
older age
Paintings, reproductions,
Didactic simulation games
A selection of works on the topic
professional videos
the structure of the work process and
according to age
expanding view of the world
professions and their relationships.
- fiction and
Role-playing games reflecting
children's encyclopedias,
real labor processes (sewing
acquainting children with labor
doll clothes, furniture making) in
activities and organization
game plot.
rest of a person in the past and
various items,
tools, materials: "Mir
fabrics", "The world of wood and metal",
as components of labor
process; experimenting with aprons and caps for duty;
On-duty inventory.
Inventory for labor in nature.
Inventory for duty in a corner of nature.

Solving moral problems in the types of labor:
Education of independence, culture
appearance, habits of neatness.
Household work-
Focus on others, responsibility
to the group for the quality of their work.
Manual labor-
Development of strong-willed efforts, creativity.
Labor in nature
Raising responsibility for the life of animals,

Working with parents

parent meetings
Open days
Thematic stands
Participation in the life of the DOE
Environmental, labor actions

Children's work at home.

Long-term plan for labor education in the middle group

1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1. Conversation "Everything has its place"
goal: to teach to put toys away after playing in their places; develop respect for them.
2. Involve children in filling the tank with water for sludge and then watering houseplants with it
goal: to consolidate the ability to accurately work with water; expand children's knowledge about proper care for indoor plants; caring education
relationship to them.
3. Attract children to help the nanny (clear dishes from the tables)
goal: to teach to work together with adults; cultivate the ability to get satisfaction from
cleanliness and order.
4. Supervision of the work of the nanny
goal: to bring to the consciousness of children the importance of her work; to cultivate respect for the work of a nanny, a desire to help her.
1.Maintaining the appearance of dolls (tidy up clothes, hair)
goal: to consolidate the ability to choose clothes for dolls by size, comb their hair; cultivate respect for toys.
2. Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle
goal: to teach a new labor skill; reinforce the children's idea that the leaves
moisture is also needed; cultivate respect for plants.
3.Wipe dust from window sills
goal: to support the desire of children to take part in work with adults.
4. Observation of the work of the cook
1.Washing doll linen
goal: to learn to sort linen by color (light, dark), explain that light linen should be washed first, rinsed thoroughly. squeeze, hang.
2. Loosening the earth in indoor plants
goal: to bring to the consciousness of children the need for this procedure; develop labor skills and abilities.
3.Washing toys
goal: to form labor relations between children and adults; arouse desire
take part in work with adults.
4.Observation of the work of a nurse
goal: to give children concrete ideas about the profession of a nurse; cultivate interest
to the lives and activities of those around them.

1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1. Putting order in the group
goal: to develop the desire for joint activities; educate the desire to actively participate in labor assignments.
2. Feeding aquarium fish
purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about caring for fish; cultivate love for the living.
3.Repair of books
goal: to involve children in the repair of books; develop the ability to act quickly and accurately in
as directed by adults.
4. Observation of the work of the laundress
goal: to consolidate existing ideas about the work of adults, about labor actions,
committed by them.
1. Change of dirty towels
goal: to maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the assignment
2. Planting bulbs in boxes for green germination
goal: to form labor skills, to cultivate a desire to help adults
3.Washing houseplants
goal: to involve children in all possible assistance, to clarify children's ideas about indoor plants.
4.Observation of the work of the janitor
goal: to consolidate existing ideas about the work of adults; about the work they do.
1. Draw the attention of children to how the chairs are
goal: to consolidate the ability to properly transfer chairs (keep right hand behind the back, left behind the seat)
2. Wipe dust from the leaves of indoor plants
goal: continue to teach children to wipe the dust with a damp cloth
3.Washing chairs
goal: to exercise children in labor activities, to consolidate the ability to properly use equipment, to arouse the desire
take an active part in working with adults.
4. Observation of episodic labor of adults in kindergarten
purpose: to give an idea about the work of an electrician, about the labor actions performed by him.

1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1 Week
2 weeks
3 week
4 week
1.Washing combs
goal: to teach to take care of your things, to cultivate a desire to keep them clean.
2. Watering indoor plants
goal: to give children an idea about the methods of watering (in the pan, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); educate
desire to take care of plants.
3. Washing lockers for clothes
goal: to continue to teach children to work together with adults, to contact with them, to consolidate labor skills.
4.D / and “Who needs what for work”
goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about professions, about the names of the tools needed for work.
1. Conversation about the duties of the attendants
goal: to concretize the knowledge of children about the duties of duty officers for various types
activities; develop a positive attitude towards work
2. Sowing marigold seeds
purpose: to teach children to plant seeds in the ground; develop work skills; nurture curiosity.
3.Joint work with the nanny to clean the group
purpose: to teach to receive satisfaction from restoring cleanliness and order; bring up
positive attitude to work
4. Conversation "Who works in kindergarten"
purpose: To consolidate knowledge about a certain range of professions, to cultivate respect for work.
1. Making beds
goal: to bring to the consciousness of children how to properly make the bed; cultivate independence
2. Transplanting indoor plants
purpose: to explain to children the need for this procedure; to form the ability to bring the work started to the end.
3.Washing outdoor toys
goal: to cultivate a strong desire to keep toys clean; to consolidate labor skills and abilities.
4. Conversation "Who do your parents work"
goal: to expand the horizons of children; educate respect for the work of adults.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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GBPOU "Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College" "Labor activity of preschool children"

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RELEVANCE Labor education in a preschool educational institution is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler through familiarization with the work of adults, introducing children to affordable work activities. The upbringing of the younger generation to be hardworking has always been the primary task of all educational institutions. The problems of labor education are quite relevant for preschool children, since at this stage the child develops personal qualities, skills and desire for work. Diligence is most successfully formed at preschool age. Their lack of formation at this age stage becomes an obstacle in educational and cognitive activity and subsequent adaptation in independent labor activity. PURPOSE - to reveal the essence and features of the labor activity of preschoolers.

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ANALYSIS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL LITERATURE ON THE PROBLEM OF LABOR ACTIVITY OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN V.A. Sukhomlinsky repeatedly noted that any work makes a person creative, more joyful, smart, cultured, educated. A.S. Makarenko emphasized that in order to successfully solve the problems of labor education of preschool children, the creation of the necessary conditions is of paramount importance. According to E.I. Radina, in joint work, an adult can act as a role model not only with his skills, but also with his attitude to work. Scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of the problem of identifying the signs and components of the industriousness of preschool children. However, the problem of educating the industriousness of preschoolers as the main personality trait still remains insufficiently developed.

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THE CONCEPT AND FEATURES OF WORK ACTIVITY Labor is a powerful educator in the pedagogical system of education (AS Makarenko). Labor education is the upbringing of a conscious attitude and inclinations to work as a basic vital need, through the formation of a habit of work by including the individual in active labor activity. Labor activity is an activity aimed at developing children's general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession. The labor activity of preschool children is an important means of education, mental development and is of particular importance for the formation of moral qualities. Labor education and labor activity is a necessary, most important condition for the development of children's independence.

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OBJECTIVES OF WORK ACTIVITY Preschool pedagogy identifies the following main tasks of children's labor activity: familiarization with the work of adults and inculcating respect for it. training in the simplest labor skills and abilities. fostering interest in work, diligence and independence. The education of socially directed labor motives, the ability to work in a team and for the team.

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Tasks of labor education of preschoolers (L. V. Kutsakova) GOAL - FORMATION OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO LABOR FORMATION OF PREREQUISITES FOR LABOR ACTIVITY EDUCATION OF THE CHILD'S PERSONALITY EDUCATION OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO LABOR OF ADULTS TASKS Formation of labor skills work of adults education of respect for to the working person, a careful attitude to the results of his work, the upbringing of the desire to provide all possible assistance, the upbringing of personal qualities, the upbringing of industriousness, the upbringing of positive relationships between children

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The "Kindergarten Education Program" reveals the scope of labor skills and abilities that children of each age group: 1st junior group- Begins the introduction of children to work, the main type of work at this age is self-service. 2nd junior group - The formation of children's desire for feasible work continues. Middle group - Children actively master various labor skills and methods of labor in nature, household work and self-service. Senior group- Added manual labor. Emphasis is placed on the formation of all skills available to children in various types labor. Formed conscious attitude and interest in work, the ability to achieve results. preparatory group- Formed skills and abilities are improved.

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TYPES OF WORK ACTIVITIES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Self-service Household labor Manual labor Labor in nature Labor aimed at meeting everyday personal needs Aimed at cleaning a group room, area Aimed at caring for and growing plants in a corner of nature, in a garden, in a flower garden. Aimed at maintaining order in the group: gluing books, boxes, accessible repair of toys, etc.

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FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF WORK ACTIVITIES ORDERS OF DUTY COLLECTIVE WORK Individual Subgroup Collective General Individual Subgroup Mandatory systematic According to the canteen, classes Episodic Long-term Delayed in time According to the canteen, classes, in the corner of nature In the senior prepared. So middle group common labor joint labor younger age older age

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DUTY - a form of organization of children's labor, which implies the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the team. Children are alternately included in different types of duty, which ensures their systematic participation in labor. The appointment and change of attendants occurs daily. Duty puts the child in the conditions of mandatory performance of certain tasks necessary for the team. This allows children to educate responsibility to the team, caring, as well as understanding the need for their work for everyone.

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ASSIGNMENTS are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, and educational tasks. The fulfillment of labor assignments contributes to the formation in children of interest in work, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned.

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COLLECTIVE WORK - collective can be called a form of labor organization in which children, along with labor tasks, also solve moral ones: they agree on the division of labor, help each other if necessary, “sick” for the quality of common, joint work. LABOR "GENERAL" - with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently (combines a common task and a common result). 1 OBJECTIVE 2 RESULT 3 WORK "JOINT" - the presence of close dependence on partners, the pace and quality of activity. The goal, as in common work, is the same. GOAL 1 2 3 RESULT

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Not every common and even not every joint work is collective. But every collective work is common and joint.

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MEANS OF LABOR EDUCATION Children's own labor activity; Training in labor skills and organization of work; Acquaintance with the work of adults; Organization of labor activity; Artistic media: fiction, music, works of fine art, filmstrips, video films

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THE SPECIFICITY OF THE LABOR ACTIVITY OF A PRESCHOOL CHILD The work of a child is closely connected with the game. Performing a labor task, children often switch to the game. Labor satisfies the child's need for self-affirmation, for the knowledge of his own abilities, and brings him closer to adults. In the process of labor, children acquire labor skills and abilities that help the child become independent from an adult and independent. The labor of children has no real material reward. The work of the child is situational and optional. All components of the labor activity of preschoolers are in the development stage and necessarily involve the participation and assistance of an adult.

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CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORK ACTIVITY Creation of an emotionally positive working atmosphere. Organization of the material environment and labor equipment. Accounting for individual interests. The systematic inclusion of each child in labor as a partner. Accounting for the load, health status, abilities of the child. Creation of motivation and labor activity. For the development of the ability to set a goal in labor activity, it is important to realize the goal, the ability to see the result, the possession of methods of action, skills. In the formation of purposeful labor activity, it is important not only what and how the child does, but also for what he works. It is necessary to praise and encourage the labor activity of the child. Hard work cannot be punished. Educators should provide parents with the necessary assistance in organizing the work of their pupils at home. It should always be remembered that only in close cooperation with the family can the task of labor education of the child be successfully solved.

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CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would like to say that the process of developing the labor activity of preschool children requires purposeful pedagogical guidance, which consists in establishing influential ways to manage this process. After all, the labor education of the younger generation is one of the most important tasks of our society. most main feature child labor activity is that, despite the presence in it of all the structural components of the activity, they are still in the development stage and necessarily involve the participation and assistance of an adult. Therefore, the role of the educator in the development of the work activity of a preschooler is the most important. The development of the labor activity of preschool children will be successfully carried out if all conditions are met during the labor activity of the child.

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Labor education- this is a joint activity of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing the latter general laborskills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, a conscious choice of profession.



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Slides captions:

ZF - 211/096 - 4-1Plast Completed by: Yasko Nadezhda Petrovna Labor education of preschool children

Plan of the concept "Labor", "Labor education"; Great teachers about work; Types of work of preschoolers; Tasks of labor education; Forms of labor organization; Means, methods and techniques of labor education; Working with teachers; Conclusion; Bibliography.

The concepts of "Labor", "Labor education". Labor is a powerful educator, in the pedagogical system of education A.S. Makarenko. Labor is the basis. But what is labor is not at all what the hands of a child, a teenager are busy with. Labor is what develops a small person, supports him, helps him to assert himself. Diligence and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. Labor must be creative, because it is creative labor that makes a person spiritually rich.

Labor makes a person physically move. And, finally, work should bring joy, bring happiness, well-being. You can also say that labor is a manifestation of people about each other. Labor education is a joint activity of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing the latter's general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession.

Understanding the huge role of labor in the upbringing of the younger generation, this topic was often touched upon in their works. And Veliky Ushinsky, and A..C. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Krupskaya. Great teachers about work.

Great importance was attached to labor education by K. D. Ushinsky, who in many of his works determined the theoretical and methodological view of the work of children. He wrote: “Education should not only develop the mind, arm with knowledge, but also kindle in a person a thirst for serious work, without which his life cannot be either worthy or happy.” "Free labor is needed by man in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity"

The great teacher "V.A. Sukhomlinsky" wrote that work becomes a great educator, when it enters the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, opens up everything new and new beauty in the surrounding world, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of the creator of material goods, without which human life is impossible. In labor activity, the people see the most important means of self-expression, self-affirmation of the individual. Without labor, a person becomes an empty place. An important educational task is to ensure that the sense of personal dignity and personal pride of each pupil is based on labor success.

N.K. Krupskaya in her works repeatedly emphasized the need to accustom children from an early age to the simplest types of labor available to them, noting that in this way they get acquainted with the properties of materials, learn how to work with various tools. In work, children show activity, ingenuity, perseverance, the desire to achieve results, they develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. The special significance of N.K. Krupskaya attached to the unification of children in labor, pointing out that “the joint work of children should be especially valued - these are the beginnings of collective labor. In this collective work, the forces of the child are best deployed.

AS Makarenko, in a lecture on labor education, revealed the important role of elementary types of domestic work of children, noting that it forms independence, responsibility, self-organization, and purposefulness of their behavior. Children who know how to work, know the value of labor efforts, respect the work of other people, are more likely to pay attention to a person who needs help. Like N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko attached special importance to the collective child labor in which the mutual responsibility of the participants arises. In the works of A.S. Makarenko contains recommendations on the organization of children's labor with a gradual complication of its content, an increase in the level of requirements for self-organization, emphasizes the need for constant labor duties of children in the family, their participation in common concerns.

The tasks of labor education in the preschool educational institution Teaching labor skills and skills, their further improvement Raising interest in work, diligence, responsibility, independence Familiarization with the work of adults, fostering respect for the worker and the results of his work, the desire to provide all possible assistance Forming relationships and acquiring social experience of interaction ( education of socially oriented labor motives, skills to work in a team and for the team)

Creation of an emotionally positive environment in the labor process Selection of equipment for labor Systematic inclusion of each child in labor as a partner Conditions for organizing the work of children Creation of motivation for work Demonstration of the teacher's interest Encouragement in the process and based on the results of labor Creation of a working atmosphere in the group useful deeds Accounting for the load, state of health, interests, abilities of the child

Types of work Self-service Manual and arts. labor Household Labor in nature

Self-service is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, making a bed, toys, preparing a workplace, sanitary and hygienic procedures, etc.)

Household work is aimed at serving the team, maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and area, helping adults to organize regime moments.

Work in nature - caring for plants, aquarium inhabitants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden and plants in a corner of nature, a flower garden, a site.

Manual and artistic labor is aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person, develops constructive and Creative skills children.

Forms of organizing the work of children Assignments Duty Collective labor Individual Sub-group Collective General Short-term Long-term Episodic Regular Simple Complex Individual Sub-group (in the dining room; in the corner of nature; preparation for classes) Compulsory Systematic General work Joint work

Means, methods and techniques of labor education GCD Joint activity during regime moments throughout the day Observation of the work of adults Organization of labor activity and all possible assistance to adults Excursions Artistic means (art, music, fiction, etc.) Didactic, desktop, s / r Games Viewing pictures, illustrations, pictures Use of ICT Integration of educational areas

Working with teachers Pedagogical Council "System work dow on moral and labor education of preschoolers "

1. Thematic control: "The state of work in the preschool educational institution for labor education" 2. Review competition"Best corner of duty"

3.Festival pedagogical projects: "Garden on the window" (1 ml. gr.) "About those who work in kindergarten" (2 ml. gr.) 4. Questioning of educators: "Difficulties in organizing the work of children"

Consultations: "Formation of a positive attitude towards work among preschool children" 2. "Moral and labor education of older preschoolers" 3. "The importance of labor education in the development of the personality of a preschooler" 4. "Familiarization with the work of adults"

Open views Purpose: "Demonstration of the use of various forms of work with children on labor education:"

"Work orders"

"Collective work" (in nature, household work)

"Organization of duty"

Algorithms of labor actions

Working with parents Parent-teacher meetings Conversations Consultations Open days Thematic stands Lectures Participation in the life of preschool educational institutions Subbotniks Environmental, labor actions

Conclusion Thus, labor activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. Being included in the labor process, the child radically changes the whole idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work, which in turn changes the authority of the child in kindergarten. The main developing function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, in the process of work, abilities, skills and abilities develop. New types of thinking are formed in labor activity. As a result of collective work, the child receives the skills of work, communication, cooperation, which improves the adaptation of the child in society. Labor is an equivalent subject of the curriculum.

References Bure R.S. "Teach children to work" Krupskaya N.K. " preschool education children" Markova T. A. "Education of industriousness among preschoolers" Makarenko A. S. "Education at work" Nechaeva V. G. "Labor education in kindergarten" Pedagogy / Ed. Yu.K. Babansky. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Education, 1988. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes. / Ch. ed. V.V. Davydov. – M., 1993-2000 › books/ doshkolnaya_pedagogika …

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Labor education is a joint activity of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing the latter's general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession.

Tasks of labor education based on the classification of Yu.K. Babansky, V.I. Loginova, V.G. Nechaeva, R.S. Bure. Group 1 Group 2 Helping a child to master labor activity (formation of labor activity skills, skills, its organization, planning, control, objective self-assessment). Development of the child's personality in labor (industriousness, responsibility, habits of labor effort); the formation of a respectful attitude towards the worker, a careful attitude to the results of labor; the formation of moral and volitional qualities (persistence, purposefulness), the formation of relationships and the acquisition of social experience of interaction.

Form of labor organization: Assignments-Can be individual, subgroup, general; By duration - short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time; According to the content, correspond to the types of work. Duty - Involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the group (duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes). General Labor is aimed at solving moral problems, creates favorable conditions for the formation in children of the skills to coordinate their actions, help each other, and establish a single pace of work. Joint - Collective work (work by the whole group at an older age) -

The organization of labor is the leading means of labor education. In the process of labor, there is: Accumulation of practical experience, Formation of skills and abilities, Formation of ideas about labor activity (availability of labor effort, obtaining a result), Formation of various knowledge (for example, about the growth and development of plants, about the benefits of labor of people of different professions), Expanding horizons , Expansion of vocabulary, Expansion of ideas about sensory standards, Participation in labor allows children to demonstrate their skills, Allows you to receive an assessment, Feeling joy from the result of work, Showing attention to work partners.

Solving moral problems in the types of work: Self-service - Education of independence, culture of appearance, habits of neatness. Household work - Orientation of labor to others, responsibility to the group for the quality of their work. Manual labor-Development of strong-willed efforts, creativity. Labor in nature - Education of responsibility for the life of animals, plants.

Forms of familiarizing children with the work of adults: Observations, Excursions, Reading fiction, Examining paintings and illustrations, Didactic games, Organization of all possible assistance to adults, Organization of joint work of older preschool children with adults, Partnerships between them.

Conditions for the upbringing of preschool children in labor: Creation of an emotionally positive atmosphere in the labor process; Organization of the material environment and labor equipment; Accounting for the amount of workload when performing a labor task, work; Accounting for individual interests, inclinations of the child to a certain type of work, health status; Inclusion of the educator in the work of children as a partner; Providing morally valuable motivation; Formation of an economic way of thinking through familiarization with economic categories: money, things, labor, cost. Creation of prerequisites for economic education in labor: careful attitude to the results of labor, rational use of materials, an idea of ​​the value of objects and the labor invested in their creation; Variety of children's labor activity, hygienic requirements for the organization of children's labor activity and labor equipment; Methodically correct guidance aimed at the simultaneous solution of the problems of training and education.

Means of labor education: Children's own labor activity; Training in labor skills and organization of work; Acquaintance with the work of adults; Organization of labor activity; Artistic means: fiction, music, works of fine art, filmstrips, videos, slides.
