Do-it-yourself soft toy rabbit made of fur. DIY yellow rabbit plush

The fairy-tale rabbit, being a cartoon character, fell in love with many children. Every child dreams of having such a toy friend to spend time with him and fall asleep in the same bed. You can fulfill the dream of your child not only by buying a toy, but also by making it yourself. Moreover, creation mother's hands will be more loved and more expensive than store-bought. In order to create beautiful toy, you will need quite a few things: just a couple of pieces of fabric, a rabbit pattern and a little imagination.

Best friend

Soft and cute rabbit toy can become best friend for any child. To do this, the craft needs to be made as cute and functional as possible, that is, do not use fragile and small jewelry to decorate it. Best for tailoring and decor choose natural fabrics or fur. When using fur material (especially natural), you should make sure that the child does not have allergies.

The size of the future crafts may be different, depending on the age of the baby. But many needlewomen advise not to do too much big toys so that they can be washed and dried quickly. Also, you do not need to sew a very small rabbit, because he will get tired of the child very quickly. Therefore, it is best to choose an average size, from about twenty to thirty-five centimeters. As for the clothes of a fairy-tale hero, they must match the gender of the child, because not every boy will like a rabbit in a dress. But for girls there are no restrictions.

Toy style

Among huge amount styles of toys, Tilda crafts are especially popular. The creator of this trend, Toni Finnanger, was able to embody the simplicity of forms and the graceful magnificence of fabric dolls in her crafts. Recognized worldwide for their sophistication, all Tilda products are the favorite toys of many children. One of the features of such toys are Long hands and legs, as well as a minimal outline of the face. Also in the collection of the needlewoman there are rabbits. The charming rabbit Tilda, the pattern of which is placed below, is the most favorite exhibit of many people from among all the crafts of the artist.

When cutting out the details of the toy from the fabric, you need to take into account the fact that the pattern is shown without a seam allowance, so you should make a small indent from the edges of about 1-1.5 cm. If this is not done, you will get too narrow details that can ruin appearance crafts.

Also, the Tilda rabbit (whose pattern is placed in the article) is drawn on a small scale, which can be enlarged if desired. As a filler, you can choose a synthetic winterizer, holofiber or synthetic winterizer. As for the design of the face, you need to sew two small beads in the area where the eyes are located, and embroider the nose with a triangle, using embroidery threads. You will also need to lightly brown the cheeks of the rabbit, using blush. You should also pay attention to the fact that the ears of a fashionable rabbit can be sewn in different ways. In one case, they are cut out from one material, and in the other, a fabric of two colors is used. As a rule, the inside of the ears in this case should be made of multi-colored linen or cotton.

fluffy gift

No less charming and cute than a fabric rabbit looks like a rabbit made of fur. To create such magnificence, it is best to choose short-haired fur that will not crumble. The toy can be sewn in several ways, resorting to a combination of material and making it completely furry. In the first case, the head of the craft is cut out from any soft tissue, and all other parts are made of fur. This version of a toy rabbit looks very beautiful and original. Below is a fur rabbit pattern that is suitable for sewing both types of crafts.

Speaking about the design of the muzzle of a rabbit, it should be mentioned that on a fully fur toy you need to do very expressive eyes. Most often they use special ones that look like real ones. Making them yourself is very difficult, so you need to use purchased parts. As for the combined crafts, they look equally charming on it different eyes. They can be purchased, embroidered or made from beads and buttons.

Long-eared surprise

There are few differences between all toy rabbits, most often it is different kinds material taken for tailoring, as well as the shape of their ears. Such a handicraft may have ears middle length, erect ears, as well as very long ears, which sometimes reach the height of the craft. Below is a pattern of a rabbit with long ears that any child will surely like.

The toy depicted in the pattern can be sewn from various materials. Therefore, it may look like Tilda crafts or like the above fur version. In any case, the rabbit toy will turn out to be very beautiful. Sometimes such products are inserted into the ears soft wire to be able to lift them. But most often, long-eared rabbits are made with falling and soft ears.

Desired scale

Very often it turns out that the rabbit pattern shown in the figure does not fit in size. Sometimes you want to sew a toy more, and sometimes less. In this case, you should resort to zooming in or out. It is not difficult to do this, you need to take the finished image of the details, and if you need to enlarge them, then add a few centimeters along the edges of the product. If it should be reduced, then you need to measure the pattern data with a ruler and draw it, taking into account the changes, subtracting a few centimeters along the edges.

When making such changes in the toy, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the rabbit pattern is filed taking into account the proportions of the body of the craft. Therefore, you do not need to draw images by eye, without having certain skills. It is best to follow the recommendations of the experts as stated above. If it is difficult to make a correct pattern on a regular landscape sheet, then you should use a sheet from a notebook in a cage or special paper designed for these purposes. It will be much easier to draw details on it and make various roundings correctly.

Unusual stuffing

As a rule, the same materials are used for stuffing toys, these are synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer or holofiber, as mentioned above. But sometimes other fillers are used to give the craft durability. Most often this various cereals which are pleasantly palpable through the fabric. Being completely natural, such ingredients will not harm the playing child.

When using natural fillings, one must take into account the fact that cereals are heavier than synthetic fillings. Therefore, the pattern of the rabbit and the material for its tailoring should be chosen taking into account this nuance. It should also be remembered that before using any cereal, it must be well fried so that it does not deteriorate inside the craft. Although this method of filling products is completely natural, it has one big drawback - it is impossible to wash the toy. Therefore, it is most often used for crafts that are used as room decor.

DIY toys: simple master classes, best patterns, interesting ideas.

As the great Coco Chanel said, “Handmade things are a luxury. It is not necessary for everyone to have them. Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays the master for his work.

Soft toy is the first association of plush baby bear. But there is much more to the concept of a soft toy. This is an interior toy Tilda, and funny toys in a car, and much more. This article contains a variety of types of soft toys, as well as techniques for their implementation and step-by-step master classes.

DIY soft toys

Such toys can be divided into several subspecies: for children and adults, interior, with practical application(for example, needle cases).

Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, from cotton or linen fabrics, from felt, from fantasy fabrics.

Folk toys, as well as soft toys made in national needlework techniques, have regained particular popularity.

DIY soft fur toy

Fur toy created with my own hands especially warm and beautiful. For its tailoring, you can use both natural and artificial fur. With artificial, of course, it is much easier to work, but deciding to sew a toy with natural fur you will receive a unique author's toy! First you need to decide on the pattern of the toy, the larger the finished product, the easier it will be to work. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

Circle the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm per seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short strokes, do not drive the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, it is necessary to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool, pieces of leftover fabric.

But such stuffing dries for a very long time when washing, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing did not dry out and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (synthetic winterizer and others), which dry quickly and well, do not stray and retain their shape. Having stuffed, it remains to sew with a hidden seam.

The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.

Video: OFFENDED CAT / Do-it-yourself soft TOY

Video: Warm cats toy, master class soft toy

DIY soft toy made of felt

Today, felt toys are the most popular at children's master classes and needlework circles. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date of their appearance.

Margaret Steiff and her first dolls

Enterprising German woman Margarethe Steiff came up with the idea in a housewives magazine to sew a soft toy with her own hands from felt. In the magazine, absolutely free of charge, Margaret published a pattern and a detailed master class. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

Such a move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory, and they sold blanks for toys that could be sewn on their own. She left the empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world fashion for a soft toy.

Master class felt dog

For work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

We print out the pattern, cut and sew each piece step by step.

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

If the parts are glued together, the toy can only be cleaned in a dry way. When wet, the parts will separate.

DIY soft toys made of fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unfairly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric fell out of use. But today with a new wave of popularity on manual work once again revived the popularity of the fabric toy. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

When looking at the Tilda doll, one gets the feeling that the roots of this toy go far back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by a young designer Tony Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and one of the many ideas was Tilda. Today, without it, it is impossible to imagine a gentle, homely interior. And craftswomen from all over the world are simply in love with Tony's idea and create prototypes to their taste.

Tilda Angels

Video: Tilda Master Class

DIY soft toys animals: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the advent of the crumbs, you want to change the world for the better, create a special atmosphere at home. And the child - he's perfection itself, and so you want him to play unique toys filled with mother's love.

DIY toys are easy. We have collected master classes of various animal toys from a variety of materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouths. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Pattern of a chicken, it can be sewn as for a baby and insert testicle toys. And you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew the author's soft textile toy Elephant

Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

Aleftinka pig pattern.

Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but at the sight of cute minions, kids and adults are delighted. Minions toys are the first to sell at exhibitions. Do you want to sew for your child? As easy as pie! It remains to choose a favorite character for your baby.

Video: Master class sew minion

DIY simple soft toys

For beginners, many details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners, we have selected simple patterns, with the connection of which children can cope. These patterns are especially relevant in creativity lessons in schools.

Do-it-yourself bouquets of soft toys photo

Bouquets of soft toys Bears

Conservationists have been fighting the sale of fresh flowers for a long time, until someone brought bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has been halved.

Bouquets of soft toys Kitty

Gathered for a holiday? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take pride of place in the bedroom of the birthday girl for a long time to come.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys pillows

Garfield pillow toy

Well, having touched the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both families and guests. Please note that sitting on the sofa, few people can resist not to stretch out their hands and touch the half-toy. And children are happy to travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the noise of the roads.

Video: Owl pillow toy

Video: Patchwork "Toy-Pillow"

Flat toys are the easiest to make, most often made with felt. But there are various variations. Such toys attract with simple and concise cut, interesting textures and the ability to take with you everywhere.

Video: DIY soft toys. Master class, sew cats

DIY soft toys patterns for beginners

Beginning needlewomen do not have to spend a lot of money on patches and tools. Sometimes simple tights or socks are enough to create beauty.

We also collected the simplest patterns for beginners.

The simplest patterns of toys for beginners Kitten

Monkey Pattern Smeshariki

Video: Soft toy "Bunny from a sock"

For many people, the symbol of a hare is identified with something sweet, innocent, soft, beautiful, kind, bright and pure. You can see the hare pattern in our article - we have collected a photo and video selection that will be useful to you!

Nowadays, toys in the form of a hare are very common, from soft to hard.

Each person will be pleased to receive a handmade bunny as a gift. It is this toy that can serve as a symbol of beauty and a friendly attitude towards a person, therefore the appearance of bunnies is very popular in our time.

They can even be knitted, or they can be solid, which are molded from clay.

In this article, you can find a description of the patterns of hares absolutely different sizes and styles. We hope that you will like all the options for hares patterns.

Toy bunnies delight the eye with their variety: with long ears, big and small, fluffy and lint-free.

Bunny and his image will be very relevant on the eve of the Easter season. It is believed that the hare is a lunar animal.

Even such a beautiful animal as a bunny has its own ambiguous reputation. On the one hand, it is a fast, agile, very vigilant and prolific animal, but, on the other hand, it must be cunning, cowardly and deceitful.

Let's focus on the good, and we will make beautiful good hares according to the patterns from this article.

So let's get started.

On this moment, Teddy technique toy patterns are gaining popularity. Therefore, let's not be old-fashioned and pay attention to this fashion trend among needlewomen.

In the Teddy technique, there will be the next master class on making a bunny. You will learn how to sew a hare with your own hands with patterns.

The features of Teddy toys is a pensive and sad look.

We study the available patterns for creating a hare using the Teddy technique

In order to learn how to sew a hare with your own hands with patterns, you will need:
  • paper
  • pencil
  • textile
  • threads
  • synthetic winterizer
  • two buttons

Draw patterns of hares on paper with a pencil.

To begin with, you will need to decide on the size of your future animal. Therefore, think well before you start making a pattern.

  1. Two parts are made for the body. It is enough to cut out one detail on paper, which will later be transferred to the fabric. Next, draw the paws of your future bunny, which will be the legs, draw a handle, heel, palm. Long ears of your future bunny.
  2. Transfer patterns to fabric.
  3. Cut out the resulting silhouettes of the future Teddy bunny.
  4. Sew each piece together, folding them right sides up. Leave a small hole in the body in order to fill it with padding polyester. Also, leave in the legs, head, arms.
  5. Turn your future bunny right side out.
  6. Stuff future products with synthetic winterizer.
  7. Sew together the resulting parts.
  8. Sew on the eyes - buttons, thread the nose and mouth of the future bunny.
  9. Bring the product to the end, decorating with the necessary accessories.

Your teddy bunny is ready. You can give such a pleasant toy even to a child, he will be very happy.

Such a bunny can be a decoration for your home, will serve as a decor in any interior. He will a wonderful gift for every adult and child. You can make your craft both large and small.

In the video - lesson you can find all the necessary information.

Video on the topic of the article

Fluffy easter bunny. Sewing from fur with ears in technique dry felting. Master class from the author - Irina Shcherbakova Irentoys

To create this rabbit we need:

  • fur (I have a plush with a pile of about 13 mm);
  • eyes 12 mm;
  • cotter pin O-shaped - 2 pcs. or T-shaped - 1 pc.;
  • washers for cotter pins;
  • disk with a diameter of 20 mm - 2 pcs;
  • wool for felting to match the fur and a little dark wool;
  • felting needles (No. 36, 38, 40);
  • scissors;
  • kapron thread for tightening;
  • glue;
  • pastel.

The rabbit pattern is given below, but since I didn’t have it at first, I had to fashion a bunny from plasticine.

Then remove the pattern on tracing paper, transfer it from tracing paper to paper and bring it to mind.

Here is the pattern. It shows letters that can be transferred to the fur so as not to get confused. The arrow indicates the direction of the pile. Paired parts must be mirrored.

We transfer the pattern to the fur, according to the direction of the pile. We cut out the details, not forgetting the allowances (about 7 mm) for the seams.

First, we sew the tucks on all the details of the head. I perform all seams with a frequent seam “back needle”.

Now it's time to sew the head pieces together. On the pattern for this, letters are affixed. First, we sew the side symmetrical parts (segment AB). Then we sew in a small detail of the chin (sections BV and WB).

Here's what happens. Now it's the turn of the top of the head.

We sew (segments AG and GA) and turn out through the remaining hole.

Important! If your material is spilling along the edge, then you need to coat the edges with PVA glue diluted 1: 1 with water. In my case, the base of the fur is very strong, dense and not loose, so I don’t do this.

We stuff tightly.

Before sewing up the head, we insert the cotter pin into it according to the scheme. We sew the head with a hidden seam.

We proceed in the same way with the details of the body. First we sew the tucks, then we sew the parts according to the indicated letters, leaving a hole for eversion. Having turned out, we put the body aside, we return to the head.

With a strong thread (I have a nylon thread) in two additions, we tighten the eyes. We introduce the needle into the place of the tucks on the segments AG and GA of the upper part of the head. Then we introduce a needle next to this place by 7 mm towards the back of the head. We remove the needle in the place where the fastener is located. We tighten and tie.

Let's start grooming the rabbit. On the entire muzzle in front we leave a uniform short pile, with smooth transition on a long pile at the back.

We cut the cheeks and the lower part and we see that a mouth has appeared, which also needs to be pulled down. For tightening, we introduce a needle with a thread to point B, then to the place where the eye was pulled, then to the place of attachment. Do the same with the other end of the thread.

I took transparent eyes and painted them with dark brown acrylic. In places where the darts on the top part coincide with the side parts, eyes will be sewn in. We find these points and mark with pins. Check the symmetry of the pins.

We sew an eye into this place. Behind the eye, towards the crown, we also cut off the pile.

We smear the knots of threads from tightening and from sewing on the eyes with glue. Cut off with scissors.

In the workpiece of the body (at point E), we introduce a fastening pin with a head. We put a disk and a washer on the cotter pin. We twist, or rather, wedged the cotter pin with thin-nosed pliers.

For the same twisted cotter pin, we fasten the nylon thread in two additions to tighten the body. We thread the ends of this thread into the needle and bring out the bottom of the body at point G, leaving a small distance between the ends of the threads, for further tightening.

Pour in the granulate. Stuff with padding polyester and sew with a hidden seam.

The final step along the sewn part will be the tightening of the calf.

The result is a blank, which is simple and which we will complicate with attached parts. Go.

Take two bundles of wool for the ears. We dump the approximate shape of the ear with a coarse needle.

We try on, given that the ear will still decrease by a third. We work the surface with a thin needle, forming the bends of the ear.

In addition to the lower fluffy part, which will cling to the head, the entire ear is polished completely. We try on, fixing with pins.

It's the turn of the front paws. We take the same amount of wool for each. We begin to form a foot from wool with a fluffy end for sticking to the body. The fluffy end should be pointing up.

On the paws, we work out the fingers with a needle. We try on, securing with pins.

Fur key chains have long been not only the highlight of fashion shows, they stepped “into the people”, and quickly won special popularity among the female population. Who would refuse a cute fur animal? He's so cute and fluffy!

Do-it-yourself rabbit keychain made of fur - pattern, mk

Of course, it is easier and faster to buy a ready-made fur keychain, but if you are on fire with the idea and find the right fur and free time, we suggest you sew a keychain in the shape of a rabbit from faux fur. For a keychain, in addition to fur, it is advisable to purchase a metal carabiner. The figurine is 15 cm high. A piece of fur (velveteen, knitwear, plush or fleece) should be 35 cm long and 45 cm wide.

For work you will need:

    1. Fur natural or artificial (35/45 cm.)
    2. A piece of leather or leatherette 6 cm long, 1 cm wide for a loop for a carabiner.
  1. 2 buttons for the eyes.
  2. Pink thread for the mouth.
  3. Scissors, threads in the color of fur.
  4. Sintepon or cotton wool for stuffing.

Pattern number 1.

Enlarge the pattern. I remind you: the length from the crown (point D) to the back point (point O) will be approximately 15 cm. We look at the letters - all letters indicate the points of alignment of parts. That is, for example, the rabbit's neck: the BG segment must be aligned with the BG segment on the rabbit's head.

On pattern number 1, we see: head - 2 parts, back - 2 parts, ear - 4 parts.

Pattern number 2.

On the pattern number 2: the forehead of the figure - 1 detail, the lower part of the abdomen - 2 details.

We transfer the paper pattern to the fabric: we pin it with tailor's pins, not forgetting to add another 0.8-1 cm to the paper pattern for allowances. In the figure, 2 ears are located on a common pattern, and 2 ears - separately - this means that the inner ears can be made not from fur, but from knitwear, fleece, and so on.

Next: sew the undercut GHG from the wrong side, as well as the undercut JIJ on the forehead of our workpiece. And also we make out the ears: we add 4 details of the ears front to front and sew, leaving the top of the ear not stitched. Through the top we will stuff the ear with synthetic winterizer. Stuffed with padding polyester (slightly) and manually sewn up the cut, hiding the unstitched edge.

Sew the ears with a cut (DE) on one and the other part of the head. Only then do we sew up the back of the head (AB). Next, we need to sew the forehead of the rabbit to the head. We combine all the points of the forehead and head, sew as shown by the arrows in the figure. Do not forget to insert a piece of leather into the upper part for the loop under the carabiner.

Then we sew up the tuck on the rabbit's abdomen. We combine the details of the back and abdomen, cleave with pins and sew.

We sew the head to the body, leaving an unsewn segment - at the end we will stuff the entire body through it with a padding polyester.

Stuff with padding polyester and manually sew the hole with a blind seam.

If your fur began to spill out around the edges, coat it with ordinary PVA glue diluted with water (1 part glue / 1 part water).
