The safest underarm deodorants. What are the safest sweat deodorants?

Deodorants and antiperspirants, which have firmly established themselves on the shelves of women's and men's bathrooms, greatly facilitate personal hygiene and allow you to almost always feel clean and well-groomed.

But the price for such a privilege may be a deteriorating state of health.

Most products contain components that can contribute to the development of allergic reactions and pathological processes in the body (up to oncology).

What to look for when choosing deodorants and antiperspirants, so as not to harm your body? Is it really possible to find the most harmless deodorant and antiperspirant?

Many people equate the concepts of "deodorant" and "antiperspirant", but in fact, according to the method of exposure, these are completely different means:

  • the action of the first is calculated to mask or eliminate bad smell sweat (from the French "dés" - a prefix meaning removal, and the Latin "odor" - a smell);
  • the action of the second - on the regulation or suspension of the process of perspiration of the armpits (from the ancient Greek "αντι" - against and the English "perspiration" - sweat, sweating).

There are also products on the market that combine the properties of both products. They are called antiperspirant deodorants.

When evaluating the mode of action of an antiperspirant, it becomes clear that it is much more harmful to health than deodorant, so you need to use the product with extreme caution.

The composition of the products includes salts of aluminum and other heavy metals. These salts, transforming into hydroxides, block the work of the glands, and consequently, the release of sweat. Violation of the process of normal sweating is only one of many negative consequences use of the tool.

In the XX-XXI century, scientists around the world conducted numerous studies, during which it was possible to establish that the regular use of an antiperspirant can lead to:

  • anemia;
  • bone disease;
  • neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease);
  • malignant tumors of the breast.

At the same time, it has been proven that antiperspirants in a ball (roller) form are the safest, while products in the form of a stick are the most harmful (due to the penetration of product components in this form of release into the deeper layers of the skin).

Despite the fact that deodorants are less dangerous than antiperspirants, their benefits to the human body are extremely doubtful, since they include:

  • Triclosan is a synthetic antibacterial agent that kills bacteria that cause bad breath. Negatively affecting harmful bacteria, the substance also destroys the healthy flora of the skin. Another negative effect effects of triclosan - a violation of the functions of the thyroid gland and the reproductive system.
  • Artificial fragrances. It is they that allow you to mask the smell of sweat, but they also lead to the development of allergic reactions on the skin. Perfumes can cause headaches and rhinitis.

On the shelves of stores selling products from the “mass market” category, you cannot find high-quality harmless means of combating excessive sweating and unpleasant smell of sweat.

Manufacturers save on product components by investing huge sums in marketing and promotion. As a result, their products are very popular and are represented in many outlets.

ABOUT harmless means, as a rule, they know in "narrow" circles - people who care about their health search through mountains of information to find an effective remedy that is as safe as possible for health.

The safest deodorants:

  • do not contain aggressive components (salts of aluminum and other metals, parabens, triclosan, etc.);
  • have maximum natural composition(plant extracts, essential oils, etc.);
  • do not contain artificial fragrances.

Harmless antiperspirants do not exist in nature, since blocking sweating is contrary to the natural course of thermoregulation processes in the body. Therefore, from the safe ones, you can choose a remedy only for the smell of sweat.

Deodorant, made from the natural mineral alunite, enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. The product is produced by several manufacturers who set different prices for the goods, but the essence of the action of the mineral does not change from the price.

Alunite is a mineral of volcanic origin, which produces a powerful antibacterial effect, affecting only pathogenic microorganisms. The product is completely natural, does not contain any impurities.

Using it is very simple - you need to moisten the stone with water and lubricate the armpits with it.

The American manufacturer of natural body care products offers customers a choice of deodorants based on natural ingredients:

  • calendula;
  • lemongrass;
  • pines;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lavender.

Natural components have a pronounced antibacterial effect, due to which the effectiveness of combating the unpleasant odor of sweat is achieved.

The main form of release of the product is sticks, in which a product with a gel oil texture is placed, due to which it is easy to apply. The product does not contain preservatives, artificial additives, dyes.

Products of this brand are presented mainly in pharmacies. Deodorant from Vichy has a natural composition. It is distinguished by its soft effect and, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, does not cause skin irritation (in particular, it cannot be applied after shaving and in case of damage to the skin).

Among the disadvantages is the high cost.

There are about 2.5 million sweat glands on the human body, which are involved in the body's thermoregulation. They also help to remove harmful substances, heavy metals and medicines. It is these glands that are responsible for the specific smell of the body. By itself, the smell of sweat, provided that the person is healthy, is practically indistinguishable, and becomes characteristic and unpleasant only due to the multiplication of bacteria. Whatever people came up with to combat the smell of sweat. The Egyptians and ancient Greeks used aromatic oils in the underarm area. In France, for example, sponges moistened with perfume were attached under clothes. In Paris, they even sold special underarm pads with herbs and perfumes. At the end of the 19th century, in the United States, scientists invented deodorants and antiperspirants to combat the unpleasant odor of sweat.

The first patents for such products were filed in 1860, when entrepreneurs were looking for applications for disinfectants discovered at that time, such as ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and formaldehyde.

In 1888, Mum launched the first antiperspirant deodorant. It used zinc oxide as an ingredient that suppresses perspiration. This component is still often found in the composition of cosmetics. Everdry was the first antiperspirant to contain dangerous aluminum salts. It has been produced in the USA since 1903. The active ingredient in Everdry was aluminum chloride, which is known to aggregate in the sweat glands and block their secretion.

In the following century, manufacturers used aluminum formate, aluminum chlorohydrate and aluminum zirconium tetrachloride to produce antiperspirants.

The composition, properties and even physical state of deodorants and antiperspirants have evolved since their inception. In the 1940s, roll-on deodorants, similar to a ballpoint pen, were invented. Sticks, gels and aerosols appeared in the coming decades after that. Today, to reduce sweating and eliminate the smell of sweat, they are used by 90% of the world's population aged 16-60 years. These products can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Deodorant.
  2. Antiperspirant in the form of a stick, gel, deodorant (deodorant-antiperspirant) cream, roller.
  3. Pharmacological agents based on formaldehyde to completely block sweating (used only in the treatment of hyperhidrosis).

Is there a difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?

The table shows that deodorants are significantly different from antiperspirants. And these products should be used with great care. From the point of view of their composition, the safest are deodorants that do not contain dangerous aluminum salts.

Here are the simplest rules for using deodorants and antiperspirants.

  1. Apply deodorants and antiperspirants only to clean skin wiped dry.
  2. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly at the end of the day.
  3. Do not apply antiperspirant to irritated or shaving damaged skin.
  4. Antiperspirant should only be used when absolutely necessary.
  5. before sports and physical activity It is extremely undesirable to use an antiperspirant, as the thermoregulation of the body will be disturbed.
  6. Choose deodorants and antiperspirants that have a low expiration date and contain fewer preservatives.

Beginning in the 1970s, some researchers began to fear that aluminum, found in antiperspirants and antiperspirant deodorants, could lead to Alzheimer's and other dangerous diseases. There have been many works devoted to this issue.

To date, the problem of the negative impact of harmful substances contained in antiperspirants on the human body and the environment has become global. In addition, leading scientists and doctors around the world are working on obtaining safe antibacterial ingredients for the production of antiperspirants.

What danger to human health is the use of an antiperspirant containing aluminum salts

Aluminum salts such as aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) are active ingredients in antiperspirants (Al 2 (OH) 5 Cl *2H 2 O).

The mechanism of action of these components is that the hydrochloride is deposited inside the sweat glands, where it turns into aluminum hydroxide. He, in turn, clogs the gland and blocks the secretion of sweat.

Twenty years ago, the first reports appeared in scientific journals that high concentrations of aluminum in the skin can lead to anemia, bone disease, and dementia in patients with reduced kidney function (A.C. Alfrey, Drug Monit. 1993, 593–597).

The toxic role of this metal in causing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has been shown by Dr. Exley and others.

Aluminum belongs to the so-called estrogen metals (metalloestrogens), that is, substances that can mimic estrogen and affect the expression of genes that respond to estrogen. List of metalloestrogens:

In 2005, she published an article on the impact of antiperspirants on the human body. The author of the article was Dr. Philip Darbre, whose work in the field of danger was discussed earlier. Darbre has shown that aluminum in the form of aluminum chloride or aluminum hydrochloride (ACH) adversely affects the function of human breast estrogen receptors MCF7, which can lead to cancer.

Indeed, Dr. Exley et al. (C. Exley, L. Barr, A., P.D. Darbre, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2007, p. 1334) biopsied 17 patients with breast tumors and confirmed the higher levels of compounds aluminum in the upper chest area (in the armpit, where the maximum concentration of antiperspirant).

Experiments conducted on mice in 1995 (R. Anane, M. Bonini, J. M. Grafeille, E. E. Creppy, Arch. Toxicol. v. 69,1995, p. 568) show that aluminum salts are very well adsorbed by the skin of mice. Of course, the mouse epidermis is made up of 2-3 layers, as opposed to the 20 layers of human skin. However, O. Guillard, Am. J. Med. v. 117, 2004, p. 956–959, published an article in the American Medical Journal on the absorption of aluminum salts by the underarm skin when using an antiperspirant. The level of aluminum in the blood of a female volunteer was measured. Its toxic level was approximately 4 microns in blood plasma at a rate of 0.1-0.3 microns. Only 4 years after stopping the use of the antiperspirant, the level of aluminum in the patient's blood and urine returned to normal levels.

In response to these alarming reports, the French Ministry of Health, together with the French Federation of Beauty (FEBEA), initiated a serious study in 2012 on the effects of aluminum compounds contained in antiperspirants on the human body.

The analysis included the measurement of aluminum uptake by the human epidermis when using antiperspirants. The Franz diffusion cell system (invented by American doctor T. J. Franz) was used as an instrument for measuring aluminum absorption and controlling the distribution of aluminum hydrochloride.

The cell consists of a sample chamber containing the test product and a skin membrane, the inside of which is in contact with the test medium. A magnetic stirrer is used for uniform mixing of the substance.

This system has already been successfully used to study the absorption of medicated ointments or gels on human skin.

The cosmetic base for the analyzes were three antiperspirants:

  • « Aerosol" (38.5% aluminum hydrochloride)
  • "Roll emulsion" (14.5% aluminum hydrochloride)
  • "Stick" (21.2% from aluminum hydrochloride).

The age range of volunteer skin cell donors was 29 to 52 years. (In vitro study of percutaneous absorption of aluminum from antiperspirants through human skin in the Franz diffusion cell Alain Pineau, 2012, P.21-26)

In order to make the results of these studies more understandable, let us recall the structure of human skin.

The structure of the human skin

The human skin consists of the following layers:

  1. The upper one is the stratum corneum or the epidermis, which is constantly exfoliated in the process of life, we may not even notice it.
  2. The dermis, consisting of fibers and capillaries, is the supporting frame of the skin, containing collagen and elastin.
  3. The subcutaneous fat layer (hypoderm) is the lower loose connective tissue that connects the dermis on one side and internal organs with another.

A study by the French Ministry of Health shows significant differences in aluminum content in skin layers when using an aerosol, roll emulsion or stick.

The aluminum concentration in the skin sample without antiperspirant was 0.23 µg/cm 2 .

The total amount of aluminum deposited on the skin during the entire study period:

  • antiperspirant - stick 6.14 mcg / cm 2
  • antiperspirant aerosol 5.75 µg/cm2
  • antiperspirant roller 2.69 µg/cm2

From the results, it can be seen that in terms of aluminum absorption, the antiperspirant roll-on is the safest.

It also follows from the article that after using the antiperspirant stick, the amount of hydrochloride in the dermis and fat cells was significantly higher compared to using the antiperspirant aerosol.

Therefore, the rate of soaking or absorption of aluminum when using antiperspirant sticks is the highest, and it is the most dangerous in the line of products. And this is despite the fact that the content of dangerous aluminum salts in the stick is almost two times less than in the deodorant. Thus, the process of absorption of aluminum by human skin is primarily affected by the state of aggregation of the antiperspirant.

When analyzing different layers of the skin, it was also found that the stratum corneum contains the highest concentration of aluminum.

Physiologically, this means that this layer delays the transfer of a dangerous substance to the further layers of the dermis due to natural desquamation, that is, peeling and falling off of the upper layer of the skin.

On the other hand, a change in the stratum corneum (desquamation) also suppresses its protective functions, thereby worsening aluminum retention. At the level of the epidermis and dermis, aluminum salts inside the sweat glands precipitate out to form dangerous insoluble aluminum hydroxide, which then begins to move in the circulatory system throughout the body.

A lot of parameters influence the transfer rate of aluminum salts, such as body temperature, pH, skin layer thickness, etc. There is a well-known clinical case described by Guillard for a woman with hyperaluminemia.

She used an antiperspirant stick every morning for four years. At the same time, the woman daily removed hair in the armpit area with a razor. The study showed an aluminum concentration in her blood plasma of 4 microns (with a norm of 0.37 microns) and a concentration in urine of 1.71 microns/h24 (normal values ​​of 1.10 microns/24h). Using optical coherence tomography, Turner et al. have shown that underarm shaving removes the upper stratum corneum of the skin and thereby increases the permeability of dangerous antiperspirants containing aluminum salts into the blood.

The French study also took volunteers who used a razor, thereby injuring the skin and increasing the risk of aluminum penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis and blood.

The analyzes showed that the amount of aluminum in their stratum corneum is negligible, since it immediately diffuses into the deeper layers of the epidermis and dermis.

Using razor and an antiperspirant stick, the total concentration of aluminum salt in the skin was 11.43 μg/cm 2 , almost twice the level of the hazardous substance for intact skin.

Conclusions from a study conducted by the French Ministry of Health:

  1. Thus, the most dangerous in terms of the rate of absorption of aluminum salts is an antiperspirant stick.
  2. The second most harmful is the antiperspirant aerosol.
  3. Roll-on deodorant is the safest.
  4. It is especially harmful to health to use an aerosol and a stick on skin damaged by shaving, since aluminum hydrochloride is very quickly absorbed into the dermis and penetrates into the blood.

Is there an alternative to antiperspirants?

What can replace antiperspirant bottles?

Today, there are already companies that produce deodorants that do not contain aluminum salts. However, often they contain even more dangerous substances in their composition, for example, high concentrations of harmful parabens, hormones, bisphenols, esters. Therefore, carefully read the composition written on the cosmetic packaging.

Recently, a discovery has been published that can replace aluminum-based components in antiperspirants. Scientists in Iran tested in vitro the antimicrobial activity of various sage extracts against two of the main bacteria responsible for sweat odour. And then 45 healthy female volunteers evaluated the effects of a trial silicon-based antiperspirant containing such extracts of sage. It turned out that its action is enough for 8 hours, and a small concentration of the antimicrobial component is required for a good effect. (J. of research in medical sciences, 18, P.833-839). The development and successful testing of this antiperspirant proves once again that natural and natural oils and extracts can replace dangerous ingredients in any cosmetics. Already today, as a good deodorant that can stop the growth of bacteria that cause odor, you can use (fir, tea tree, mint, eucalyptus, lavender). When buying such oil, you should pay attention to its expiration date. In addition, there are recipes for homemade antiperspirants. They stop the growth of bacteria that cause bad smell sweat. The disadvantage of these antiperspirants is the shelf life, which is 2-3 months if stored in the refrigerator.

homemade antiperspirant recipe

To make a homemade antiperspirant stick, you will need:
60 g shea or corn butter (3 tablespoons)
40 g cocoa butter (2 tablespoons)

3 art. spoons of baking soda
2 tbsp. spoons of corn starch
1 capsule of vitamin E in oil (sold in a pharmacy)

a teaspoon of glycerin
any essential oil

  1. Mix first soda, starch and vitamin E in a ceramic bowl.
  2. Then melt shea butter and cocoa butter in a water bath, and add them to the first mixture, as well as essential oil and glycerin.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture well.
  4. Pour the finished stick into a deodorant container or into a glass cup with a lid.
  5. Store the finished stick in the refrigerator for 3 months.

Benefits of using a homemade antiperspirant:

  • The absence of hazardous aluminum salts and parabens.
  • Valid for 8 hours.
  • Does not cause allergies and irritations.

However, this antiperspirant can stain clothes.

Instead of a conclusion, or what else can replace antiperspirants and deodorants?

Of course, if a person is going to go out, it's hard not to use a factory-made antiperspirant or deodorant. So firmly in our heads is the association of the smell of sweat with the image of an unpleasant pig or worse, born from numerous advertising. However, for those who lead a home lifestyle, we recommend that you do not use these products all the time.

The sweat glands of a person gradually get used to the agent that blocks their work. They are strenuously trying to fulfill the function laid down by nature. That is why you probably noticed that over time, even an antiperspirant that “worked” flawlessly only lasts for half a day instead of the 48 hours it was supposed to.

If you give your armpits rest from aggressive chemicals, this will have a significant health benefit. Any oncologist will tell an interested person what role antiperspirants and deodorants play in the development of breast cancer. By the way, those who, due to a cancerous tumor, underwent a mastectomy (breast removal), doctors strongly recommend not to use these drugs.

You can always find a product that replaces chemical deodorant. Essential oils help a lot. High-quality 100% essential oils will not leave marks on clothes, as they completely evaporate. It is more difficult to use them for those suffering from allergies and bronchial asthma. But even in this case, you can choose the essential oil that will not cause an exacerbation of the disease. You can mix a few drops essential oil with alcohol.

For some people, just sprinkling baking soda on their armpits helps. Antiseptic herbal tinctures can completely replace deodorants and antiperspirants. You can experiment with which composition is right for your skin.

However, at the initial stage of the transition from an aggressive antiperspirant to safe antiperspirant substitutes, it will be difficult to determine what exactly is suitable. It is necessary to stop using a store-bought product, replacing it with natural odor masking agents and wait until the sweat glands “understand” that the attack on their work has been reduced. Ideal for this holiday time.

If earlier a person was helped to cope with the smell of sweat only by an antiperspirant for 48 hours, then he is unlikely to like the action of a conventional deodorant that does not affect the functioning of the sweat glands. When switching to less aggressive and natural remedies from sweat it is remarkable that there is no need to use an antiperspirant. The smell of sweat after the "adaptation period" of the sweat glands will be defeated by the simplest deodorant.

We remind you that from the point of view of health safety, you can use antiperspirants only in exceptional cases (ideally, remove these products altogether). Therefore, if you care about your health and are thinking about buying a deodorant, then buy a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. But it’s sometimes better for deodorants to stand idle, let them be replaced by simpler and safer products, which we talked about above.

Read the ingredients on the packages and be healthy!

Traditionally, the greatest concern is the presence of aluminum in the composition of the deodorant. Unfortunately, this is far from the only danger lurking in modern means sweat protection.

Even a formally "safe" deodorant can contain many ingredients, such as aluminum hydrochloride, parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, and others. Such ingredients make you think about whether it is worth using such deodorants at all. To address this issue, many studies have been conducted, but, unfortunately, many of them give completely contradictory results.

To find out what is a real danger to our body and what is not, let's take a closer look at the 7 most dangerous ingredients.

What should safe deodorants not contain?

1.Aluminum. Aluminum-containing compounds are the most active ingredients in antiperspirants. They block the sweat glands and prevent sweat from being released to the surface of the skin. Some studies show that aluminum compounds are quickly absorbed into the skin and cause changes in the estrogen receptors of breast cells. Since estrogen promotes the growth of cancerous and non-cancerous breast cells, scientists suggest that the use of aluminum-based deodorants may be one of the risk factors for breast cancer. But a direct relationship between the use of aluminum-containing skin protection products and oncological diseases has not been identified.

2. Parabens. Parabens in their various forms () belong to the class of artificial preservatives. They are widely used in cosmetic products, but they are attracting the attention of experts due to the suspicion of a possible connection with the occurrence of breast cancer. Parabens mimic the activity of estrogen in the human body. Therefore, people who use paraben-containing cosmetics, the risk of cancer is 8 times higher. But in defense of parabens, scientists note that they are hundreds of times weaker in their properties than estrogens, which are produced naturally.

3. Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is a humectant that was originally developed as an antifreeze but is now included in some deodorants and antiperspirants. It is a neurotoxin that can cause contact dermatitis, kidney and liver damage. The safety data sheet for propylene glycol, which was published by the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety, strongly recommends avoiding skin contact with this substance, as it can cause eye and skin irritation, gastrointestinal problems, headache, central nervous system nervous system. Not to be confused with butylene glycol - it is a relatively safe ingredient in cosmetics

4. Amines. TEA and DEA (triethanolamine and diethanolamine) regulate PH levels and are also used with many fatty acids to convert the acid into a salt, which then becomes the basis of the detergent. Both of these elements can be toxic if accumulated in the body over a long period of time. They cause damage to the liver and kidneys and can also cause allergic reactions. The use of these substances in Europe is already limited. This is due to their carcinogenic properties.

5. Triclosan. Triclosan is a man-made antimicrobial chemical that is used to kill bacteria on the skin. Triclosan causes skin irritation and also contributes to contact dermatitis. Recent studies show that this chemical can lead to thyroid dysfunction, as well as a malfunction of the body's hormonal system. The American Medical Association does not recommend triclosan and other antibacterial agents for home use because they can contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

6. Dyes. FD and C dyes are synthetic dyes that are FDA approved for use in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. But you should not know that some of the derivatives of coal tar are recognized as carcinogens and can cause allergic reactions.

Talc. Talc or hydrous silicate is a soft mineral that is used as an absorbent in personal care products. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies it as a carcinogen only when it contains asbestos fibers. The quantitative content of talc fibers in cosmetic products is not regulated in any way. And if talc is indicated as part of the ingredients on the package, then the consumer has no way to find out if it contains asbestos fibers.

Deodorant toxicity studies

Scientists have conducted many studies to study whether there is a link between the use of deodorants and antiperspirants and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer. But it was not possible to come to unambiguous results. So some scientists support the hypothesis that there is a direct link between cancer and deodorants, while others argue that there is no such link. Despite the fact that experts have not come to a clear answer, yet many consumers are frightened by the very fact of using carcinogenic products.

In 2003, the European Journal of Cancer Prevention interviewed 437 women diagnosed with breast cancer about their past and current deodorant use. This study showed that women who used deodorant at least 2 times a week developed cancer almost 15 years earlier than women who did not. But the methodology of this study has been heavily criticized by manufacturers because it did not provide a comparison sample of deodorant use by women who did not develop cancer.

The World Health Organization has conducted research to determine the relationship between deodorant use and Alzheimer's disease. The researchers concluded that the more often a person uses aluminum-containing deodorant, the more likely they are to develop Alzheimer's disease. Such conclusions are due to the fact that in the brain of a person suffering from this disease, an abnormal content of aluminum is observed. Another study in 2004 by the Journal of Applied Toxicology focused on parabens. Scientists studied 20 breast tumor samples, and 18 of them showed traces of parabens.

Rating of the best deodorants without active aluminum salts and parabens

The easiest way to keep your body healthy is to use safe, natural deodorants. They can be made or bought in specialized stores, supermarkets, pharmacies or on the Internet. Antiperspirants come in a variety of forms - sprays, roll-ons, solids.

One of the most popular types of deodorants is a crystal of mineral salts. Mineral salts or "alum" are mainly used: potassium alum K Al 2 12H2O (alunite mineral) and ammonium alum NH4Al 2 * 12H2O (chermigit mineral). In fact, these minerals contain aluminum in the composition - but unlike "chemical" deodorants, aluminum is contained in an inactive form. Due to the negative ionic charge, it is not able to penetrate the cell wall (membrane). Cheap deodorants contain aluminum in the form of hydrochloride, it ionizes, forms an active radical, and then enters our body through the cell membrane. Aluminum alum is used both in the form of pure crystals (in which case they must be soaked in water before use), and in combination with natural ingredients - hops, soda,

  1. . The best deodorant without chemicals. Crystal USA - the first company to start producing natural deodorants in 1984. Now there are more than a dozen deodorants in the line, including a men's version, roll-on deodorant, a compact travel pencil.
  2. Deo-crystal Thai Deodorant Stone Pure and Natural(Thailand). No less quality deodorant with a very attractive price.
  3. Tawas Crystal Deodorant(Philippines). The manufacturer of "Tawas Crystal", in translation - "Sour Stone" - the company "Danfil Trading International". This is a family business of the spouses Hans (Denmark) and Jocelyn (Philippines) Rasmussen, who live on the island of Cebu - one of the 7014 islands on which the Philippines are located. Designed by Tawas Crystal - real works of art!
  4. Deodorant crystal DEONAT. Reviews about this deodorant produced by Rein and Fresh (Thailand) are not the most unambiguous. However, this is most likely due to the fact that this is the most popular and advertised deodorant in Russia. Many simply do not understand what alum deodorants are and how to use them.
  5. In fact, this is the same Tawas Crystal, but sold under the brand name of a Russian distributor. OOO "Modus-Solo" Novosibirsk. Therefore, it can be bought not only on the Internet!

The best deodorants free of aluminum (even in inactive form) and parabens

In Europe, aluminum-free deodorants are no less popular, even in the form of natural alum. Instead of dangerous aluminum, zinc oxide is used, according to EWG Skin Deep practically safe. In addition, the composition usually contains natural extracts, aromatic oils and glycerin. Choose these deodorants if you are allergic or have super sensitive skin. Do not forget about the disadvantages - aluminum-free deodorants usually cost two to three times more and do not protect against sweat as effectively and for a long time (zinc only dries the skin, but does not work as an antiperserant, does not prevent the formation of sweat).

  1. without alcohol and aluminum salts. The best deodorant without aluminum salts according to reviews. The only fairly effective of this group. You have to pay for efficiency - first of all, with a sharp ethereal smell, and secondly with a feeling of stickiness in the places of application
  2. Lavera Roll-On Deodorant Wild Rose. Deodorant from the famous manufacturer natural cosmetics from Germany. Pleasant pink smell, but less effective.
  3. Lavanila - The Healthy Deodorant. A very expensive deodorant (from $25 + shipping) from the American natural brand Lavanil. According to some reviews, it's worth the money!
  4. The Body Shop - DeoDry Dry-Effect Deodorant. One of the few non-crystalline natural deodorants that can be found in retail. It can be called natural very conditionally - the deodorant contains propylene glycol and fragrances. Doesn't protect against sweat.
  5. Tom's of Maine - Natural Deodorant. Cheap deodorant without chemicals from the USA. A lot of good reviews but there are also negative ones.

Remember that in cosmetics it is very difficult to know what the actual ingredients are in a particular deodorant. Therefore, a whole bunch of chemically harmful substances can be hidden behind a label with an inscription.

An excellent illustration of the topic disclosed in the article will be the cartoon "The Story of Cosmetics" from the popular series "The Story of Things".

Varieties of detergents for washing children's things, features of the composition, helpful information on the package, recommendations for choosing a safe powder for babies.

Composition of baby powder

It is the composition of the product, and not just its price, that is the main criterion right choice detergent. Most baby laundry detergents contain synthetic ingredients. See that there are as few such additives as possible. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the content of surfactants and other harmful components as a percentage, so you can easily assess the aggressiveness of the baby powder.

Characteristics of a safe and high-quality washing powder for baby clothes:

  • Phosphate compounds are absent.
  • Chlorine is absent.
  • Optical brighteners - absent.
  • No artificial fragrances.
    1. "Our mother". Produced from a mixture of fatty acids with sodium salts (sodium cocoate, sodium palmate and sodium tallowate), titanium dioxide (bleach), water, glycerin. The product does not contain toxic surfactants, fragrances, aggressive synthetic additives and dyes.
    2. "Garden Kids". 30% natural baby soap, contains less than 5% sodium citrate, as well as silver and soda.
    Enzymes are often added to the composition of laundry detergents, which effectively remove dirt. They are destroyed at a temperature of more than +40 degrees, so choose the appropriate modes on washing machine. Otherwise, the powder will be useless, and all stains will remain on the fabrics.

    Types of baby laundry detergent

    Currently on the market household chemicals a wide variety of washing powders for children is presented, which differ in composition, properties and, of course, price.

    Safe baby powder for newborns

    Diapers, bedding, toys and baby clothes should not be washed with ordinary laundry detergents. Even double rinsing does not guarantee complete cleansing of the harmful additives that adult laundry detergents contain.

    Babies need to choose funds marked "0+". Instead of this designation, the phrase "From the first days of life" may be indicated on the packaging of the powder for newborns. In such products, the concentration of harmful synthetic substances is minimized, so you can use them without worrying about the safety of the crumbs.

    The following products are well-deservedly popular among powders for baby clothes that are suitable for newborns:

    1. "Our mother". Produced on the basis of palm and coconut oil, without the addition of harmful synthetic components. It looks like crushed baby soap, not powder. Before adding to the washing machine, the product must first be diluted in hot water.
    2. "Amway baby". Concentrated powder, phosphate-free. Due to its composition, it is hypoallergenic and does not adversely affect the skin. The product is odorless and washes well with water. It removes only minor dirt, not coping with stains from food or fruit juice.
    3. "Garden Kids". Eco-friendly powder, which is made from natural baby soap without the addition of aggressive synthetic substances. The powder is poured directly into the drum, the temperature for washing is at least 60 degrees. Has bactericidal action.
    4. Burty baby. Ecologically safe remedy, which contains enzymes and substances that preserve the brightness of the color. The powder is very fine, but does not scatter in the air when placed in the machine. Well washes biological pollution, does linen soft.

    Important! The use of poor-quality or unsuitable laundry detergent for children can lead to the development of atopic dermatitis and a severe allergic reaction.

    Hypoallergenic washing powder for children

    Many mothers make the mistake of looking for the causes of allergic reactions in food, while forgetting about household chemicals. Very often, skin irritation or a small rash occurs due to the use of unsuitable detergents. If you notice the first signs of an allergy, especially when they appear after a change of clothes or bed linen, discard the baby laundry detergent used in favor of a hypoallergenic one.

    The following products are popular:

    • German - "Frosch", "Baby Bon", "Burti Baby";
    • Russian - "Our Mother", "Garden Kids", "World of Childhood";
    • American "Amway baby".
    If the packaging of your product already says “Does not cause allergic reactions”, then you should change it to a product from another manufacturer, since the composition of hypoallergenic baby powders differs significantly from each other.

    The following components, which are often included in baby laundry products, can cause an allergy in a baby:

    • Phosphate compounds - soften water, improving the washing properties of the product.
    • Aggressive fragrances, fragrances - leave a pleasant smell on the linen.
    • A large concentration of surface-active substances (surfactants) in petrochemical production are the main components that remove contaminants.
    • Dyes - change the color of the powder to a more aesthetic one.
    • Metal salts, lead, arsenic, chlorine - enhance the cleaning properties.
    • Zeolites or sodium aluminosilicates are less toxic analogues of phosphate compounds.
    • Optical brighteners - whiten fabrics and enhance the brightness of colored items.

    Check the composition of your powder for the presence of these components and select a product without adding them.

    Phosphate free baby powder

    Phosphates destroy the natural defenses that our skin contains. As a result, the body is open to attack by various viruses and bacteria. In Europe and America, their use in household chemicals has long been banned, unlike Russia.

    Some manufacturers have replaced the negatively perceived word "phosphates" with their counterparts, which are no less toxic and also have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, when studying the composition of children's washing powder, pay special attention to the presence of phosphate compounds. They can be listed as phosphates, phosphorites, phosphonates.

    On the packages of imported baby laundry products, the absence of phosphate compounds is indicated by the designation "Phospho-NOT". Products such as Our Mom, Burti baby, Deni Detsky, Aistenok, Umka and others do not contain phosphate compounds.

    Replacing phosphates with more environmentally friendly but less effective zeolites can be accompanied by a simultaneous increase in aggressive surfactants. Therefore, analyze the entire composition of the product, and not the presence of individual components.

    Children's washing powder

    Most mothers do not wash baby clothes with their hands, but use automatic machines. Modern companies produce mostly universal products that can be hand washed and loaded into a washing machine.

    The main difference between hand wash powders and machine wash powders is the addition of ingredients that suppress excessive foam formation. Most often in children's washing powders, soap acts as a foam extinguisher. As a rule, such powders are not suitable for washing woolen or silk products. In addition, they contain phosphates and optical brighteners, so carefully study the composition before buying.

    If the package indicates "Automatic", as, for example, on the products "Myth-Children's" and "Tide-Children's", then the product contains additional ingredients that prevent the formation of scale on the elements of the washing machine.

    Do not use products that are designed exclusively for hand washing for the machine. A large number of foam, at best, will not create the necessary friction for the laundry on the drum and leave it dirty, at worst, it can ruin the mechanism of the machine.

    Liquid baby laundry detergent

    The development of technology does not stand still, and more and more often, manufacturers, in addition to their favorite dry powder, produce a liquid analogue. They have become a lifesaver for asthmatics because they do not spray when used. There are no visible differences in the composition, the same basic components are used in the liquid product for baby clothes as in the dry powder.

    liquid agent is completely washed out of the washing machine tray, while the dry often remains and sticks to the walls. The undoubted advantage of liquid powders is the convenience of storage and reliable fixation of the cap. This is important when there are children in the house. The container can be safely put away on a high shelf, unlike a large package.

    The following liquid baby powders can be found on the market: "BiMAX" Children's, "Eared Nanny", "World of Childhood", "Milit Baby", "DenkMit".

    Note! The liquid agent can be poured both into the drum itself and into the tray of the washing machine. In this case, there is no need to use a conditioner, since high-quality gels do not stiffen the laundry.

    Rating of children's washing powders

    Does not exist universal remedy which suits absolutely everyone. However, when buying baby powder, you can minimize the risks by knowing the properties of the components that make up its composition. But whether it is right for your baby, you will know only after direct use.

    The best baby powder for colored things

    Clothes for children usually have bright, rich colors that you want to keep with repeated washings. Special powders marked "For colored linen" or "Color" can help with this.

    The following products of this group can be distinguished:

    1. "The world of childhood". It is positioned as a powder for newborns, which preserves the brightness of children's things and qualitatively removes existing pollution. It contains no dyes and flavors, rinses well when hand or machine wash. Suitable for all types of fabrics.
    2. "BiMAX" Child Color. Does not wash out colors, while containing a minimum amount of aggressive chemicals: less than 5% phosphonates, surfactants - less than 15%, zeolites - less than 5%, enzymes, optical brighteners, polycarboxylates, fragrances.
    3. AOS "I was born" Color. Keeps the rich color of baby clothes, while washing well fresh spots. The product does not cope with old and stubborn dirt. The composition of the powder is not safe, as it contains phosphonates and optical brighteners. Not suitable for washing items made of natural silk and wool.
    4. Luxus Professional Color. Designed specifically for colored children's clothes, it effectively retains paint and removes dirt. The powder does not contain aggressive chemical compounds and chlorine, does not spoil or thin the fabric, and prevents the formation of pellets.

    Advice! For maximum results, do not forget to separate things by color scheme, do not overload the machine and do not wash very dirty laundry at the same time as the rest.

    What kind of powder to wash children's things with heavy pollution

    Even the most expensive baby powders with a high-quality safe composition can not cope with stubborn stains from sauces, fruit puree or berry juice.

    The composition of the means, which under the force of chronic pollution, includes large quantity Surfactants, the action of which is enhanced by phosphates. For example, the popular Eared Nyan powder. This is the most common brand that has been produced for a long time, known for its active advertising and inexpensive price.

    The manufacturer indicates on the packaging that the product does not cause allergic reactions, but this is far from the case. The composition includes up to 30% sulfates and phosphates, oxygen bleaches, surfactants - up to 15%, fragrance. Thanks to this composition, children's powder washes well complex dirt, stains from berries, felt-tip pens and paints. But for newly born babies, its use is not recommended.

    It copes well with stubborn stains "Stork", but the surfactants and other potent components contained in it significantly exceed the norms acceptable for children.

    Choosing a baby laundry detergent

    Special substances help to keep the whiteness of things, which prevent plaque from settling on fabrics during washing. Any baby powder can be used on whites, but it often turns gray after a few washes.

    The following products have good whitening properties:

    • Luxus Professional. A product without harsh chemicals, contains less than 15% surfactants, as well as various bleaching compounds that help whiten yellowed or grayed fabrics and maintain the original whiteness of children's clothes.
    • Sodasan. Hypoallergenic powder that is free of parabens, harmful optical brighteners and phosphates. Has no smell.
    • "Refine Ecoclean". The product contains natural soap, soda, oxygen bleach and lemon acid. The powder is safe for newborns, gives the tissues their original whiteness and removes impurities. Does not contain harmful synthetic compounds, phosphates and fragrances.

    How to improve the effectiveness and safety of baby powder

    To protect your baby from allergies, when using laundry detergent, follow these recommendations:
    1. Thoroughly rinse clothes and linen after hand washing, the last step is to keep it in clean water for 15 minutes.
    2. Set your washing machine to an extra rinse. For high-quality removal of chemicals from the tissue, it is recommended to run this mode twice.
    3. Do not handle the powder in the presence of a child, especially when opening the package and pouring the product into the machine.
    4. Do not exceed the amount of detergent indicated on the package. Using a large amount of baby washing powder will not lead to a more effective removal of all contaminants, but it can cause allergies in the crumbs.
    Unfortunately, quite often buyers are faced with fake baby powders from well-known manufacturers. Determining a quality product is simple: just dissolve a few drops of brilliant green in a glass of water and add detergent. If the water turns white, then you have a good, safe powder, the composition of which corresponds to the one declared on the package.

    How to choose a child washing powder- look at the video:

    When studying the composition of any children's washing powder, you will see chemical compounds of various aggressive effects. The washing process without them will simply be ineffective, but their presence does not give manufacturers reason to guarantee that your child will not react to detergent. But in any case, minimizing harmful substances and replacing them with environmentally friendly ones makes baby powders safer and hypoallergenic.

To eliminate an unpleasant odor during excessive sweating, special cosmetic and hygiene products are used. A safe deodorant helps to cope not only with an unpleasant odor, but also to remove the problem of sweat. However, it is not easy to find an ideal and absolutely harmless product for health.

How do deodorants work?

When using products with aluminum, the daily dose of the substance is from 10 to 65 mg.

Sweat production is a function aimed at regulating body temperature and internal water and mineral balance. On the skin there is a microflora, the vital activity of which contributes to the formation of an unpleasant odor. The antiperspirant makes this sweat odor less obvious due to the antibacterial component. Effective remedies combine 2 functions: reducing the amount of sweat produced and fighting germs. They have such properties. They can be hazardous to the health of the person who uses them.

Why is it dangerous to use conventional means?

The skin in the armpits is thin. They absorb the substances applied to the area well. Harmful substances, which are found in cosmetic products, can enter the systemic circulation and tissues. Chemical ingredients affect the human body, lymph nodes, hormones, and cause cancer, allergies. When choosing a harmless deodorant, it is important to pay special attention to the composition and components of the product that a person plans to use.

Unsafe chemical composition

Most deodorants contain components that are aggressive to health.

Deodorant contains dangerous elements that are harmful to health. These substances are:

  • Aluminum. The metal constricts the ducts of the sweat glands, which reduces the production of sweat. Salts accumulate in the body, causing a decrease in the amount of estrogen and Alzheimer's disease.
  • propylene glycol. It binds water molecules and accelerates the absorption of other components. The compound is toxic and causes allergic reactions.
  • Triclosan. Harmless underarm deodorants do not contain this chemical. Although the component kills the pathogenic microflora on the skin, it accumulates very quickly in the tissues and disrupts the production of hormones.
  • Parabens. In the body, under the influence of this substance, the concentration of estrogens increases. Scientists link high concentrations of parabens to a high risk of breast cancer in women.
  • Phthalates. Helps keep the smell of deodorant on the skin. Reduce the activity of testosterone. This harms both a man and a woman, because the lack of a hormone affects the bearing of a child.

What products are considered safe?

When buying antiperspirants or deodorants, it is imperative to study the constituent components of the product. It is good if alum is the basis of the remedy. Such substances do not affect the functioning of the sweat gland, but they are able to neutralize microbes that provoke the appearance of unpleasant odors. Safe deodorants in the composition contain essential oils:

  • lemon
  • lavender;
  • tea tree.
Clay wrap fights not only with hyperhidrosis, but also rejuvenates the skin.

To reduce the risk of complications, safe deodorants without aluminum are used. You can replace this effective component with natural astringents that will reduce sweat production. The narrowing of the lumen of the ducts is caused by oak bark and sage seeds. Excess moisture is absorbed by natural harmless absorbents, such as white clay (kaolin), corn and rice starch or soda.

How to choose the right remedy?

There are special cosmetic markers on deodorants that are safe for people. It could be a picture of a rabbit. This mark indicates that the cosmetics have not been tested on animals. Environmentally friendly cosmetic products are awarded international certificates: NaTrue, ICEA, BIO Cosmetique.

Types of deodorants

There are many types of sweat eliminators:

Spray deodorantThey contain more aluminum than other products, and the consumption of cosmetics is greater."Active"
Not recommended for patients with asthma, lung pathologies and those prone to allergies
stickWhen applied to the skin, a film is formedCrystal Body Deodorant
Roll-on deodorantThe product has a liquid form, and application with rollers helps to save productJason Natural Lavender
GelJelly-like structure promotes rapid drying on the skinLa Roche
Popular with men
Deodorant crystalThe safest natural-based option"Crystal"
Has no contraindications for use
