Pedagogical development. Sand Therapy for Preschool Children Work Plan for Sand Therapy Classes

The sandbox is an ideal field for the development of the creative potential of the baby, the manifestation of his character and personality

What is the purpose of sand therapy?

skillfully presented play activity in the sandbox can help develop the inner capabilities of the baby, teach him spatial imagination, as well as the ability to think figuratively and logically. Beyond development fine motor skills sand therapy introduces the child to the harmony of the world around him and shows in a simple and accessible way what is good and what is bad.

The properties of sand are so magical that they allow you to revive already familiar fairy tales, and the child is no longer a spectator, but a participant and even a director. Seeing the result of his activity, the child learns to be responsible, develops new qualities.

The principle of sand therapy is simple: working with sand, the child calms down. Sand therapy is especially helpful for children with hyperactivity (recommended reading:). Each grain of sand seems to hide a small piece of the sun, which feeds us and energizes us. We see that sand therapy is a powerful tool for development of any age.

Harmonious combination of benefit and interest

In the sand therapy program, hand gymnastics is combined with acting skills, and all this together improves the emotional background of the crumbs, develops sensitive and motor skills, and stimulates cognitive processes. Sand therapy can be applied from the very early age, which means that even then it is possible to find out what worries the child, what frightens him. Sometimes even adults find it difficult to express their feelings. The figurines that the child uses to create their own world in the sand therapy method can tell about the fantasies and problems that concern the child.

Using a variety of small figures allows the child to create their own unique world

What is the purpose of sand therapy? The program does not aim to change the child or teach behavioral skills. The most important thing is to give the child the freedom of creativity.

Sand therapy for children up to school age It is also good because children do not need special knowledge and skills, such as in drawing. Compositions are created easily and simply, which means that this process brings only positive emotions: fun, relaxedness, flight of fancy. There are no mistakes here and cannot be, which means there are no reasons for frustration. Creating a new world is an exciting and very enjoyable process.

Sand therapy is a kind of game where the baby learns to solve difficult situations, deal with difficulties and get to know the world around him. An adult, psychologist or educator should always be nearby in order to be able to suggest a solution to a difficult situation in time.

DIY sand therapy

Sand therapy is quite feasible at home. For this you need:

  • Box (box). Size: 50x70x8 cm. This format is the most convenient for a child to perceive.
  • Sand. It is advisable to take clean sand, previously cleaned.
  • Water.
  • Little figurines.

It's better to take a box of blue color, then its bottom can become the sea, and the walls - the sky

What material is suitable for making a sandbox in sand therapy? Wood or plastic. Sand spillage can be prevented by the high sides of the sandbox. The bottom is painted blue. It symbolizes the water and heavenly structure. This will make the process of creating a picture even easier.

Exercise sand can be wet or dry. You will also need a lot of miniature format figures. At the beginning of the sand therapy session, the teacher asks the child to reproduce his mood with the help of sand. The baby can choose any of the available figures at his discretion.

Miniature figurines

Much attention should be paid to the figurines. They should be as diverse as possible so that it is possible to reflect any sphere of life. Among others, prepare:

  • Figurines of people (specialists of different professions, age, race). People can be real and fantastic.
  • Figurines of animals (pets, forest animals, creatures from mythology).
  • Symbolic attributes (mirror, eggs, butterflies).
  • Connecting objects (pebbles, ropes, beans, grains).
  • Transport (cars, trains, ships, planes).
  • Plants and trees (branches, bushes, flowers).
  • Other things (feathers, coins, buttons).

You can see how these figures may look in the photo on the Internet. Teachers, along with psychologists, can use sand therapy both in kindergarten and at school. Classical teaching methods lose sand therapy in efficiency. A child, creating a picture with his hands, easily masters the change of seasons, directions, letters (we recommend reading:).

In addition to specialized figurines for sand therapy, various pebbles, gifts of the forest (cones, leaves, branches), decorations are also suitable.

Sand therapy for children 4-5 years old, along with the development of thinking with the help of images, stimulates the work of memory and perception. The contribution of sand therapy to the improvement of fine motor skills and sensory perceptions is enormous. You can get acquainted with the methods and techniques of art therapy in practice with the help of videos.

Sand Therapy Approaches

Methods of using sand therapy can be different:

  • classes for the correction of the psyche of preschoolers;
  • game classes with children of primary school age and in adolescence;
  • educational sand therapy, in a playful way teaching to write, read and master various knowledge;
  • preparatory classes before school in small groups of 6 people.

We list the important main tasks that sand therapy sets for itself. Goals:

  • improving the creative abilities of the child;
  • establishing an emotional balance and a positive perception of the world;
  • creating positive models for communication;
  • correction of solving difficult problems and situations;
  • getting rid of aggression, fear, isolation;
  • improving the internal potential of the child (the baby becomes more independent, confident and responsible);
  • improvement of the activity of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination, attention);
  • formation of communication skills.

Types of sand therapy

Game Methods

Sand art therapy is used for toddlers. It has been scientifically proven that sand has the ability to absorb negative energy, as well as calm and create inner harmony through the painstaking work of fine motor skills. Therefore, it is extremely useful for crumbs to mess around and play in the sandbox.

We list a number of games proposed by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva in the book "Games in fairy tale therapy". All of the following sand therapy techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills, imagination, tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, and also facilitate the process of learning about the surrounding and one's own inner world:

  • "Sensitive Hands" Learn to identify soft and hard, dry and wet, hot and cold.
  • "The Imprints of Our Hands". Children are happy to leave traces of their hands and feet on the sand, and also schematically depict the tracks of different animals. Another pleasant pleasure is to bury your hand or foot in the sand.
  • "Secret". The teacher hides some toy in the sand and marks the hiding place with a symbol. The child must unearth the find, and then make his own "secret".
  • Drawings in the sand. Use the wand to draw numbers, letters, geometric shapes, as well as full-fledged paintings (recommended reading:).

Such seemingly primitive methods of sand therapy are of great benefit for the development of the child's psyche. The principles of sand therapy include the establishment of an emotional background, as well as the fact that stimulation of fine motor skills makes a huge contribution to the development of speech activity, memory and attention. Sand therapy helps to hear yourself and understand your sensations and feelings.

Drawing in the sand is a separate type of therapy that will definitely appeal to the child.

For the purpose of diagnosis

An individual form of sand therapy helps to identify:

  • the presence of internal conflicts (war, battle or destruction of cities);
  • the level of aggression and its focus (auto- and hetero-aggression);
  • "discord" in the family: when the heroes of a fictional world come into conflict - the heroes here are prototypes of loved ones;
  • potential opportunities and hidden resources (the presence of magic items that allow you to solve all problems and any situations);
  • reaction to emerging difficulties (care, mutual assistance, avoidance);
  • the level of development of sensory perception (introspection, self-knowledge).

Sand therapy in kindergarten with a group approach allows you to diagnose:

  • microclimate in the group;
  • separation of roles;
  • behavioral style of each participant.

Psychocorrectional impact

Corrective impact on the psyche through sand therapy is used if the child has emotional and behavioral disorders that are neurotic in nature. It is also used as an aid to improve sensory skills, relieve emotional stress, etc. The method is also good from the point of view of adolescent psychology, it is used as a psycho-correction at difficult stages of a child's development.

Sand work improves fine motor skills, which are incredibly important for a child's speech therapy development.

Sand therapy is also widely used in speech therapy. Children with speech problems find it much easier to learn lessons with the help of some types of sand therapy. Kids are happy to sculpt letters, letter combinations that cause difficulties, and words. Difficulties in speech in preschool children are more easily overcome, because the structure of the sand affects the tactile and kinesthetic centers that have a connection with the cerebral hemispheres responsible for speech activity. Another type of sand therapy will be building a story based on a story created in the sand. This exercise is suitable for older children (we recommend reading:). This is how they learn to retell, and this process is really exciting, because describing the depicted and lost situation is fun and interesting.

For children with developmental problems

The most useful program is sand therapy for children with disabilities and OHP. The main characteristics of such children are emotional instability, lack of self-control, aggression, difficulty in adapting to children's team, frequent mood swings, feeling of fear, familiar attitude, fussiness. The beauty of sand therapy is that the child himself determines the characters of his characters-figures. These characters enter into conversations and actions, which are also staged by the child. It often happens that a kid calls an adult to join the game, assigns him the role of managing a character. The child is the director, the arbiter of destinies in this world he created. Everything invented in the exercise is the embodiment of the child's subconscious, its secret desires and experiences. With the help of sand therapy methods, a psychologist can read the life story of a little creator written in sand.

The sand therapy method will also be good if the child has it. So, for example, for children with a series of games "Sand Literacy" is used, which is aimed at improving phonemic hearing, correcting pronunciation, and also teaches them to write and read. Various types and principles of classes allow the development and training of teenage children with a wide variety of disabilities.

Children with intellectual disabilities usually play in the sandbox for about an hour. In this case, as a rule, there is no clear plot, but confrontation, division of territory, and parallel construction of the game are noticeable.

Sand therapy as a prevention of mental disorders

Prevention of mental disorders through sand therapy is carried out in order to exclude the occurrence of problem situations. Sand absorbs negative energy, that is, it is ideal for psychoprophylaxis. Putting his fairy tales or popular myths in the sandbox, the child receives an excellent prophylactic against any kind of mental problems. Do sand therapy with your children, so you can pass on a lot of useful lessons to them and teach them the wisdom of life.

The need for such a program is due to the fact that children who come to our Center need both diagnostics and remedial classes for the development of the cognitive sphere, as well as the creation of a natural stimulating environment in which the child will feel comfortable and protected, and will be able to show his creative activity. The sandbox can also be used in educational and educational activities. Building sand pictures, inventing various stories, we pass on knowledge to the child in the most accessible form.



I approve:

Director of OGKU SO "SRTS

For minors

Cheremkhovsky district"

N. I. Polatova

"___" _____________ 2014


Correction-developing classes using sand therapy

Compiled by: educational psychologist M.S. Matyushenko

Explanatory note

The need for such a program is due to the fact that children who come to our Center need both diagnostics and remedial classes for the development of the cognitive sphere, as well as the creation of a natural stimulating environment in which the child will feel comfortable and protected, and will be able to show his creative activity. The sandbox can also be used in educational and educational activities. Building sand pictures, inventing various stories, we pass on knowledge to the child in the most accessible form.

Sand therapy is based on Jung's theory, which states that in our unconscious, every object we encounter forms some kind of connection. Associative. Turning to this type of therapy, we relieve internal stress, increase self-confidence, and discover new ways of development for ourselves. So, touching the sand, we feel peace, and also remember all the good things that were associated with sand in childhood: someone - a hot summer and a cold river, and someone - sea ​​stones and seashells. As well as the constant scorching summer sun. Childhood, carelessness, happiness

Program goals: Development of cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge and activities.


1) relaxation, removal of muscle tension;
2) development of visual-spatial orientation;
3) concentration of attention, memory;
4) development of logic and speech;
5) stabilization of the emotional state;
6) development of creative (creative) abilities;
7) contributes to the development of reflection (introspection) of the child;

Work with tactile sensationsplays an important role in the development of the child's psyche. This kind of interaction with sand stabilizes the emotional state, develops fine motor skills, kinesthetic sensitivity, the child learns to listen to himself, to pronounce his feelings. This contributes to the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory. The child receives the first experience of reflection, introspection, the foundation is laid for the further formation of positive communication skills.

Here is an example simple exercise to get acquainted with the sandbox: the psychologist, together with the child, take turns making handprints and describing their sensations from the touch of the sand. At first, the child does not have enough vocabulary to describe his feelings, then an adult comes to his aid and together they do a few more exercises:

- sliding palms on the surface of the sand: zigzag and circular motions(like cars, snakes, ponytail, rope, etc.),

The same movements are performed with the edge of the palm,

Walk on the surface of the sand with each finger in turn and at the same time, say how the feeling differs from wet sand and from dry,

Gradually, accumulating his sensory experience, the child will learn to convey his feelings in words.

Thus, it becomes possible to prepare a child for learning, relying on auditory, visual and tactile-kinesthetic perception.

Projective games -it is the transfer of experiences, skills, and abilities of the child to the outside.

In the classroom, elements of fairy tale therapy, art therapy are used - this allows you to reduce anxiety, which is especially important for children who have V difficult social situation.

In sand therapy, there are many opportunities that have not yet been discovered, both educational and corrective, opportunities for both the child and the psychologist. Being engaged in the sandbox, we make amazing discoveries together, learn from each other.

The cycle consists of 17 individual lessons,the duration of one lesson is from 20 to 30 minutes,aimed at relieving anxiety of psychophysical stress, actualizing emotions, developing perception, tactile sensations, attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking. If necessary, you can increase the number of classes due to additional exercises. The program is designed for children of preschool and primary school age. The level of difficulty may vary depending on the level of development of the cognitive sphere of the child.

Methods and techniques:

§ Discussions

§ Conversations

§ Games - communications

§ Projective games

§ Educational games

§ Drawing with colored sand

§ Elements of fairy tale therapy

§ Musical accompaniment

Individual lesson plan

Purpose of the lesson

Relieve stress, develop perception.

"Meet the Sand"

"My Sandy World"

"My fairytale"

Development of the ability to use resource states; stress relief.

The ability to recognize the emotional state (one's own and others), increasing self-esteem.

"The Land of Our Feelings"

Development of thinking, ingenuity

The opposite game.

"What changed?"

The development of arbitrariness.

"Changing places"

Development of imagination, thinking.

"I create the world."

"One day…"


Development of ideas about the parts of the day, attention.

"Who is the earliest?"

12, 13,

Development of spatio-temporal representation,



The development of arbitrariness, the ability to follow the rules.

"Get out of the maze"

Reflective part

"My sandy world"

Lesson 1.

Introduction to the sandbox:

Pronunciation of sensations that arise during manipulations with sand. Creation of composition from sand. Discussion.

Lesson 2.

The development of tactile sensations, an increase in vocabulary in the course of generalizing sensory experience.

"My Sandy World"The child himself creates a picture of sand and water, while using leading questions he pronounces his feelings.

Lesson 3.

Development of self-awareness, reduction of the level of anxiety, aggressiveness, emotional self-regulation, gaming activity.

"My fairytale". The teacher asks to “say hello to the sand” in different ways, that is, to touch the sand in different ways. The child describes and compares his sensations: “warm - cold”, “pleasant - unpleasant”, “prickly, rough”, etc. Teach children to use their fingers to depict different moods in the sand.

Lesson 4

Development of the ability to use resource states; stress relief,

establishment of psychological comfort, positive emotional state.

Development of self-regulation skills.

"The Land of Our Feelings"An adult invites a child to draw his fear on a wet and even sand surface. Then water the drawing until the drawing disappears (does not "wash off") and again - a clean, even surface, the fear has disappeared. In the place where fear was painted, the child creates " funny picture"from the material and figures that I chose.

The adult asks the child to mold his offender from the sand, and then destroy the figurine and fill it with water. Then take the chosen figurine of the offender and bury it in the sand (but we do not bury the offender, but our anger and bitterness towards him). That's all - there are no negative emotions and experiences, which means that the "offender" will no longer offend. At the end of the work, the child levels the surface of the sandbox.

Lesson 5

Acquaintance with the outside world, development of thinking, speech, motor skills.

"In the garden, in the garden"With a wave of a magic wand, one sandbox turns into an orchard, the other into a vegetable garden. The child is invited to plant a garden and a vegetable garden. After completing the task, the children tell what grows where. An adult asks a child to describe vegetables and fruits in shape, color, taste.

Lesson 6

Development of attention, visual memory.

"What changed?"In the sandbox, the figures are laid out in a certain order. Time is given to memorize the figures. The child leaves the office or turns away, the location of one figure first changes, if the child does not find it difficult to detect changes, the location of a larger number of figures changes. At the end of the lesson, the task is given to remember how the figures were located at the very beginning.

Lesson 7

The development of arbitrariness. "Changing places"The task is given to carefully look at the figures laid out in a row. Then the instruction: “Swap the rhinoceros and the fox, remove the dog, and put the monkey in its place.” So you can play, gradually complicating the rules. Then the psychologist changes places with the child and follows his instructions. At the end of the lesson, it is discussed which role was more interesting to be in.

Lesson 8

Development of imagination, thinking. "I create the world."In this lesson, without the help of an adult, the child himself creates a world in the sand, inhabits it with heroes, talks about their lives, about their characters.

Lesson 9

Development of imagination, thinking. Emotional release.

"One day…" Instruction: "Something happened in the world created at the last lesson (the picture is not clear)." Work begins with the words "once ..". Then the child himself comes up with a way out of the situation, invented by him. If necessary, you can ask leading questions, offer to introduce characters. In the course of the discussion, it becomes clear what qualities of character were necessary for the heroes to get out of the situation.

Lesson 10

Development of the perception of the duration of the time interval

"Minute" The child is shown an hourglass or a clock with a second hand. After he follows the movement and determines what a minute is, ask him to turn away and sit for a minute. When, in his opinion, a minute has passed, he must report it. Next, it is proposed to complete tasks in a minute, for example:

Cut out a strip of paper

Build a hill in the sand

Bring a figurine from the table and place it in the sandbox, etc.

The exercise can be repeated in subsequent sessions in order to form and consolidate the perception of the duration of the time interval.

Lesson 11

Development of ideas about parts of the day, attention

"Who is the earliest?"The task is given to pick up the figures and arrange them in the sandbox according to the principle "who gets up first". Morning can be symbolized by a rooster or a cow, day by a dog, evening by a cat, night by an owl or others. During the course of the activity, discussions are underway:

How is the sun positioned at different times of the day?

What other signs of the time of day do we know?

What story happened to our characters?

What happens if you mix up the time of day?

Lesson 12,13,14,15

Development of spatio-temporal representation, imagination.

"Seasons". At each lesson, the task is to create a picture of one of the seasons in the sand. For example, "winter". To create a picture, you can use various materials. In the course of the work, issues related to the representation of this season are discussed, for example:

What are the main signs of winter?

What are the winter months?

Which countries are especially cold in winter, which are warm?

Does it always snow in winter?

What story could happen in our sandbox at this time of year? Etc.

Lesson 16

The development of arbitrariness, the ability to follow the rules

"Get out of the maze"A labyrinth is drawn on the sand, a figure is placed in the center. The task is to get the figure out of the maze as quickly as possible, while observing the rules:

  1. do not tear the figurine from the sand
  2. immediately start moving, without trying to preview the route in advance.
  3. do not destroy the walls of the labyrinth,
  4. do not turn back.

Exit time - 1 minute, for training, you can come up with more complex options each time.

The child can invent a maze on his own.

You can supplement the lesson with the “minute” exercise.

Lesson 17

Reflective part

"My sandy world"The task is that the child is invited to remember what we did in the classroom, talk about what he liked, what was difficult, and then transfer his impressions to the sand picture, creating his own sand world, from any figures, labyrinths, seasons , or something else.


1. Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich T.D.Miracles in the sand Sand Play Therapy.- St. Petersburg: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, 1998.-50 p.

2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M.Workshop on sand therapy.- St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Rech", 2005

3.Psychological assistance to children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006, -224p.

150 tests, games, exercises to prepare children for school.-M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004.-126p.

Sand is a mysterious material. It has the ability to fascinate a person - with its suppleness, the ability to take any form, be dry and light, or elusive and wet, or dense and plastic.

Playing with sand as a way of development and self-therapy of a child has been known for a long time.

Sand therapy is an opportunity to express what is difficult to find words for, to get in touch with what is difficult to address directly, to see in oneself what usually eludes conscious perception. Sand therapy is a unique opportunity to explore your inner world with the help of many miniature figures, a tray of sand, some water - and the feeling of freedom and security of self-expression that arises in communication.




« Kindergarten№2"


"Sand Fantasy"

Compiled by: Filippova N.V., teacher of MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 2".

Reviewers: Yudina E.T., director of MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 2", Sevastyanova L.M., deputy director of MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 2", Yakhina M.N., educator of the highest category of MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 2"


Explanatory note …………………………………………………

3 p.

Goals and objectives…………………………………………………………….

4 pages

Main areas of work…………………………………………

5 pages

Structure and format of classes………………………………………………


Expected results………………………………………………….

6 p.

Equipment for sand therapy………………………………….

7 p.


7 p.

Appendix No. 1. Perspective plan for middle-aged children………………………………………………………………………

8 p.

Application number 2. Greeting rituals………………………………...

37 pages

Application No. 3 Games for communication……………………………...

38 pages

Annex No. 4 Exercises using sand………………

41 pages

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V. Sukhomlinsky

Explanatory note

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. Caring for upbringing healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool institution.

An important role is played by the emotional and personal well-being of the child. Lack of warmth, affection, discord between family members, misunderstanding on the part of adults and peers leads to the formation of a child's feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and self-doubt.

These children often have low level verbal communication, they are aggressive, do not know how and do not want to give in to each other, do not want to be more tolerant and kinder.

After analyzing the results of the diagnostics of the children of my group (31 people) in September 2010, I found out that children who have difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, who often demonstrate negative behavior, were divided into 3 groups:

Children who try to avoid failure - 2 people (6.5%);

Children who are trying to attract attention -2 people (6.5%);;

Children with the makings of negative leadership - 2 people (6.5%);

In this regard, it became necessary to create a correctional and developmental program for the emotional state of children.

Sand is a mysterious material. It has the ability to fascinate a person - with its suppleness, the ability to take any form, be dry and light, or elusive and wet, or dense and plastic.

Playing with sand as a way of development and self-therapy of a child has been known for a long time.

Sand therapy is an opportunity to express what is difficult to find words for, to get in touch with what is difficult to address directly, to see in oneself what usually eludes conscious perception. Sand therapy is a unique opportunity to explore your inner world with the help of many miniature figures, a tray of sand, some water - and the feeling of freedom and security of self-expression that arises in communication.

This is a natural form of activity accessible to every child. A child often cannot express his feelings, fears in words. He plays the situations that disturb him, creates a picture of his own world from the sand, frees himself from tension. He gains experience in the positive resolution of life situations .. And there comes a moment when I can notice changes in the child's behavior. He begins to apply his "sand" experience in reality. The child's motivation to learn new things, experiment and work independently increases.

Conceptual approaches to the content of the sand therapy program are based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy, the principles of the development of children's education. Carrying out activities under the program realize the needs of children in creativity, knowledge, self-realization, purpose and meaning of life, respect, joy. The implementation of the program will ensure the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of every child - to be healthy, emotionally prosperous.

2 Goals and objectives:

Program goal:

The main goal of sand therapy is not to “remake” the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to be himself, to love and respect himself as he is, to make the child feel needed, sociable.

The objectives of the program are:

  1. Contribute to the development of the child's communication skills through joint play activities.
  2. To develop tactile sensitivity as the basis for the emancipation of children's consciousness.
  3. Develop all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) speech.
  4. Develop child's interest in experimental activities, his curiosity.

3.Main areas of work

All work is carried out in three directions:


Health saving


Emotional well-being

physical culture and health work

expanding the horizons of children

positive attitude of the child towards himself and others

preventive work

formation of a purposeful interest in knowledge

development of the child's communicative competence

work on life safety

development of intellectual abilities of children

development of social skills in children

organization of experimental work.

careful attitude to the surrounding world (man-made, not man-made).

The socialization of a preschooler involves the development of the ability to adequately navigate in the social environment available to him, to realize the inherent value of his own personality and other people, to express feelings and attitudes towards the world in accordance with the cultural traditions of society.

The forms and options of sand therapy are determined by the characteristics of a particular child, the specific tasks of the work and its duration. But all the work goes in three stages


Conducted various types of diagnostics with children:

A) emotional manifestations of children

B) the ability to communicate and the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers, the manifestation of activity, initiative.

C) personality manifestations in different types activities.

Correctional work with children includes:

A) individual and group lessons

B) research activities

D) project activity

E) TRIZ and RTV games

G) modeling

H) relaxation

I) work according to the schemes

Working with parents:

Round tables, attendance at classes, conversations, questionnaires, business games.

4. Structure and format of classes

I conduct classes 2 times a week for 3 years, lasting 20-30 minutes (depending on age). One lesson per week is aimed at developing the cognitive sphere, the second lesson is aimed at developing emotional intelligence.

5. The structure of the lesson

All classes have a common structure filled with different content depending on the topic of the lesson.

Part 1. Introductory

The goal is to set up children for joint work, to establish emotional contact between children. Basic procedures: greeting ritual, warm-up games.

Part 2. MainThis part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes exercises and games aimed at developing the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child.

Basic procedures: sand therapy, fairy tale therapy, games and exercises for the development of thinking, attention, memory, games for the development of communication skills, drawing, creative work.

Part 3. Final

Main objectives: I summarize the lesson, create for each participant a sense of belonging to the group and reinforce positive emotions from the work in the lesson by talking about what happened in the lesson.

5. Expected results.

The implementation of the activities envisaged by the program will allow me to:

1. Stabilize the positive dynamics of the state of emotional well-being of children: they should become more communicative, they should not have a sense of anxiety, insecurity, conflict ..

2. Children will develop creativity.

3. A favorable psychological climate will be created in the kindergarten.

6. Equipment for sand therapy:

waterproof wooden box

Sand washed, calcined

shoulder blades

Miniature toys (people, animals, plants, insects)

Cubes different material(wood, iron, plastic)





Set of small dishes




M.N. Zaostrovtsev Aggressive behavior. Correction of the behavior of preschoolers "

Magazine "Preschooler" 2011 No. 7

Journals "Preschool Pedagogy" 2008 No. 3, 5, 2011 No. 4.5.

S. D. Sazhina "Compilation of working curricula for preschool educational institutions"

Application No. 1

Perspective plan for middle-aged children:


1 lesson:

introducing children to the rules of behavior in the sandbox

Greeting "Palm"

Exercise "Hello sand"

Purpose: to introduce children to sand, its properties.

Game "Interview"

Purpose: to develop children's communication skills

2 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Exercise "Sand Wind"

The game "Dragon bites its tail"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve tension, to teach children to communicate

3 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Game "Fairy tale Turnip"

4 lesson:

Greeting: "Rainbow"

Purpose: teaches children to make tactile contact

Exercise "Unusual traces"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination

Game "Mood"

Lesson 5:

Goal: development of cohesion of children

Exercise "Imprints"

Game "Give me a smile"

Lesson 6:

Greeting: "Joy"

Exercise "Paths of sand"

Purpose: to teach children to make tracks and use them in play activities

Game "Imagine yourself"

Purpose: creating a positive mood for children

7 lesson:

Greeting: "Rainbow"

Game "Affectionate Name"

8 lesson:

Greeting: "Angry"

Objective: to get to know the feeling of anger and how to overcome it

Exercise "Clap and slap"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, to develop tactile sensitivity of children

Game "Drawing"

Purpose: to teach children to adequately express their emotions


1 lesson:

Greeting: "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

The game "Composing a fairy tale"

2 lesson:

Purpose: to develop the cohesion of children

The game "Calls"

3 lessons:

Greeting "Palm"

Exercise "Sand World"

Relationship game

4 lessons:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to establish tactile contact

Exercise "What has changed?"

Purpose: to teach children to concentrate

Game "Buzz"

Purpose: to teach children to be more touchy.

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Journey through the sand country

Purpose: to develop tactile sensations, to develop the ability to act according to instructions

Game "Good Animal"

Purpose: to help children spend the accumulated energy during the lesson

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Angry"

Purpose: to teach children to correct their aggression

Exercise "Sand Path"

Goal: develop tactile sensations, learn to build compositions in the sand

Game "Get back in the circle"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve emotional stress

7 lesson:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Goal: To continue teaching children how to make tactile contact

Purpose: to develop attention, imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Eye to eye game

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, set them up in a calm way

8 lesson:

Greeting: "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the cohesion of children

Exercise "Whose footprint is this?"

Purpose: to develop attention, speech of children

Game "Birthday"

Purpose: to teach children to remove disappointment, to give children the opportunity to express all their grievances


1 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Exercise "Secrets of wet and dry sand"

Goal: stimulate attention, teach children to compare, develop hand motor skills

The game "Too, too"

Purpose: to teach children to remove negative mood T, to develop speech

2 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Game "Bunnies"

3 lesson:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to establish tactile contact

Exercise "Funny prints"

Purpose: to develop an idea of ​​​​the variability of the shape of sand, to develop attention, imagination, fine motor skills

Game "Ask for a toy"

Purpose: to teach children effective ways communication

4 lesson:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Game "Two sheep"

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to each other

Exercise "Forest dwellers"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, auditory memory

Game "Ship"

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach children to say pleasant things to each other

Purpose: to develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Find Your Pair Game

Purpose: to teach children to relieve emotional stress, develop attention

7 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the cohesion of children

Exercise "What's missing?"

Game "Another animal"

8 lesson:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "We play"


1 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Exercise "Cars"

Game "Compliment"

2 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach to speak pleasantly to each other

Goal: develop tactile and visual perception

Game "Bud"

Purpose: to teach to create a positive mood

3 lesson:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Game "Friendly family"

4 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to be considerate to each other

Exercise "Sand application"

Purpose: to develop attention, speech, fine motor skills of hands

Game "Magic Dream"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve psychomuscular tension

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Fun Science Exercise

The game "I am happy when ..."

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach to speak kind words to each other

Game "Caterpillar"

7 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Blow"

Purpose: to develop the strength of inhalation and exhalation, perseverance

Game "Theatre of Touch"

8 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

The game "Who is gone"


1 lesson:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to establish tactile contact

Rain game

2 lesson:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Game "Find a mate"

3 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

The game "Sun and cloud"

4 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Game "Bud"

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Exercise "Zigzags"

Purpose: to teach children to establish patterns

Game "Two sheep"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve stress

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Snowball"

Game "Rainbow"

7 lesson:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "Crawling snakes"

Game "Ship"

Purpose: to teach children to be self-confident, not to be afraid of fears

8 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to each other

Exercise "We create the world"

Purpose: to develop and expand children's ideas

The game "Thug, tho"


1 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Exercise "We are going to visit"

Game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

2 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Sand hide and seek"

Goal: develop attention, imagination

Rain game

Purpose: to develop endurance, communication skills

3 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to each other

Exercise "Magic Treasure"

Purpose: to exercise children in orientation on the "sand sheet"

The game "Sun and cloud"

Purpose: to develop psychomuscular training

4 lesson:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "Playing with toys"

Goal: develop imagination, logical thinking, fantasy

Game "Friendly family"

The goal is to develop emotionally expressive hand movements

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the cohesion of children

Exercise "What's missing?"

Purpose: to develop attention, observation, memory

Game "Another animal"

Purpose: to teach to develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, to develop communication skills

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "Sand Kingdom"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, attention

Game "Two sheep"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve tension, anger

7 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Cars"

Goal: develop attention, thinking, repeat the rules of the road

Game "Compliment"

Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood, the ability to notice positive qualities in people, to develop empathy

8 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Fantasy City"

Goal: develop imagination, creative thinking

Rain game

Purpose: to develop endurance, communication skills


1 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "We build, we build"

Purpose: to learn to build from sand, develop speech, imagination

Game "Bunnies"

Purpose: to teach children to keep children's attention on a variety of muscle sensations

2 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach children to speak pleasant friend friend

Exercise "Sand rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation

Game "Fairy tale Turnip"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve internal stress

3 lesson:

Greeting: "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to establish tactile contact

Exercise "Baking cakes"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to form an idea of ​​​​the variability of the shape of sand

Game "Affectionate Name"

Purpose: to develop a sense of trust in each other

4 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise “Guess what is hidden in the sand?”

Purpose: to develop the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description

The game "Who is gone"

Purpose: to develop observation

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach children to speak affectionate words to each other

Exercise "Sand day"

Purpose: to teach to regulate muscle tension, relaxation

Game "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to be restrained, responsive

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "Animals on the tracks"

Purpose: to teach children how to use models, to teach how to use them in the sand

Game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

7 lesson:

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to each other

Game "Bud"

Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood

8 lesson:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach to establish tactile contact

Exercise "Playing with toys"

Goal: develop imagination, logical thinking, fantasy

Game "Friendly family"

The goal is to develop emotionally expressive hand movements


1 lesson:

Greeting: "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Purpose: to teach children to draw their mood in the sand, develop their imagination

The game "Composing a fairy tale"

Purpose: to develop the ability to express their emotional state

2 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the cohesion of children

Exercise "We are going to visit"

Purpose: development of spatial representations, orientation on a sand sheet

The game "Calls"

Purpose: to teach children to express anger, develop friendships

3 lessons:

Greeting "Palm"

Purpose: to develop the imagination of children

Exercise "Sand World"

Purpose: to know the inner world of the child, to develop tactile stimulation

Relationship game

Purpose: to form positive and moral ideas about relationships

4 lesson:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: to teach children to compliment each other

Exercise "We are going to visit"

Purpose: to develop spatial representations, orientation on the "sand sheet"

Game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

Lesson 5:

Greeting "Joy"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Exercise "We play"

Goal: develop spatial representations, navigate "on a sand sheet"

Game "Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form

Lesson 6:

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: to teach children to establish tactile contact

Exercise "Fantasy City"

Goal: develop imagination, creative thinking

Rain game

Purpose: to develop endurance, communication skills

7 lesson:

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise "Blow"

Purpose: to develop the power of inhalation and exhalation, perseverance

Game "Theatre of Touch"

Purpose: to teach children to make positive tactile contact

8 lesson:

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: to develop the goodwill of children

Exercise “Guess what is hidden in the sand?”

Purpose: to develop the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description

The game "Who is gone"

Purpose: to develop observation

Forward-looking plan for older children:


1 lesson:

Theme: Sand City»

Exercise "We create a city"

Purpose: to develop and expand the understanding of the world around

Exercise "City and its inhabitants"

Purpose: to develop the imagination and fantasy of children

Game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to develop the self-awareness of children

2 lesson

Theme: "My imagination"

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Game "Friends"

3 lesson:

Topic: "We are explorers"

Exercise "Archaeology"

Game "Caterpillar"

Objective: to develop communication and cooperation skills

4 lesson:

Theme: "Our mood"

Game "Compliments"

Lesson 5:

Theme: "My friends"

Goal: develop observation, teach children to compare

Game "Bunnies"

Lesson 6:

Theme: "Tales"

Exercise "Three Bears"

Exercise "Sand Kingdom"

The game "Composing fairy tales"

Purpose: to develop the ability to express their emotional state

7 lesson:

Topic: "We are builders"

visual memory

Game "Give me a smile"

8 lesson:

Theme: "We are travelers"

Purpose: to develop creative thinking, imagination

The game "Too, too"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve children's muscle tension


1 lesson:

Theme: "Animals"

Exercise "Cubs are coming"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

The game "" Bunnies "

Purpose: to teach children to focus on a variety of muscle sensations

2 lesson:

Theme: "Guessing"

Exercise “Guess what is hidden in the sand?”

Game "Guessing"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

3 lesson:

Theme: "Pupils"

Game "School"

4 lesson:

Theme: "We are looking for treasure"

Exercise "Magic prints"

Exercise "In search of treasure"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, perseverance

Game "Find the treasure"

Purpose: to develop friendly relations

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Kindergarten"

Exercise "Children's Secrets"

Goal: develop imagination, logical thinking, fantasy

Exercise "Sand garden"

Game "Relationships"

Purpose: to form positive and moral ideas about relationships

Lesson 6:

Theme: "Our palms"

Exercise "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: to develop interest, stimulation of attention

Exercise "Magic prints"

Purpose: to develop visual memory, imagination

Game "Imprints"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

7 lesson:

Theme: "Footprints"

Exercise "Traces"

The game "Who is gone?"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

8 lesson:

Theme: "Toys"

Exercise "Hide toys"

Exercise "Fun"

Game "Toys"


1 lesson:


: "Guessing"

Exercise “Guess what is hidden in the sand?”

Purpose: to develop the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description

Exercise "Guess what number I drew in the sand?"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to count, attention, memory

Game "Guessing"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

2 lesson:

Topic: "We are explorers"

Exercise "Dig out a mine"

Purpose: to promote the development of fine motor skills, visual and tactile perception

Exercise "Archaeology"

Purpose: to learn to find an object and determine it by touch

Game "Caterpillar"

Objective: to develop communication and cooperation skills

3 lesson:

Theme: "My imagination"

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Purpose: to develop hand-eye coordination, imagination

Exercise "Patterns from pebbles"

Purpose: to teach children to create pictures, drawings in the sand using pebbles, to develop imagination

Game "Friends"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

4 lesson:

Theme: "Pupils"

Exercise "Redraw the points correctly"

Purpose: to help the child train attention and counting skills

Exercise "Geometric shapes"

Purpose: to develop memory, attention, thinking

- game "School"

Purpose: to develop friendly relations, to teach children to be more tolerant of each other

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Footprints"

- exercise "Unusual traces"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, perception

- exercise "Traces"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, children's speech

- the game "Who is gone?"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Lesson 6:

Theme: "Kindergarten"

- exercise "Children's secrets"

Goal: develop imagination, logical thinking, fantasy

- exercise "Sand garden"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, perseverance,

- relationship game

Purpose: to form positive and moral ideas about relationships

7 lesson:

Theme: "Animals"

- exercise "Cubs are coming"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

- exercise "Crawling snakes"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

- the game "" Bunnies "

Purpose: to teach children to focus on a variety of muscle sensations

8 lesson:

Subject: : "We are builders"

- exercise "We are building, we are building"

- exercise "Sand builders"

Goal: develop spatial representations, develop auditory and

visual memory

- game "Give a smile"

Purpose: to teach children to cope with sadness

1 lesson:

Topic: "We are explorers"

- exercise "Dig out a mine"

Purpose: to promote the development of fine motor skills, visual and tactile perception

- exercise "Archaeology"

Purpose: to learn to find an object and determine it by touch

- game "Caterpillar"

Objective: to develop communication and cooperation skills

2 lesson:

Theme: "Fantasy"

- exercise "Wonderland"

- exercise "Fantasy"

- Joy game

3 lesson:

Topic: "Our creativity"

- exercise "Application in the sand"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, perseverance in children

- exercise "Modeling"

Purpose: to develop attention, memory, observation

- game "Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to express their feelings

4 lesson:

Theme: "We play"

- exercise "Playing with toys"

- exercise "We play"

- game "Find a couple"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Seasons"

Purpose: to teach children to control inhalation and exhalation

- game "Rain"

Lesson 6:

Theme: : "Toys"

- exercise "Hide the toys"

Purpose: to develop tactile perception, thinking, fantasy

- exercise "Fun"

Purpose: to teach children to experiment with wet sand

- game "Toys"

Purpose: to develop a friendly attitude of children towards each other

7 lesson:

Theme: "Fantasy"

- exercise "Wonderland"

Purpose: to develop fantasy, imagination, creativity

- exercise "Fantasy"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity

- Joy game

Purpose: to teach children to be more tolerant of each other

8 lesson:



- exercise "Unusual traces"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, perception

- exercise "Traces"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, children's speech

- the game "Who is gone?"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

1 lesson:

Topic: "Skillful hands"

- exercise "Our fingers"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, perseverance

- exercise "We draw"

Purpose: to develop creative imagination, fantasy

- game "Footprints"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

2 lesson:

Theme: "Spring"

- exercise "Beads for spring"

- exercise "Birch buds"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity

- Magic Garden game

Purpose: to teach children to relieve muscle tension

3 lesson:

Theme: "Joy"

- exercise "Smile"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech

- Joy game

4 lesson:

Theme: "In search of treasure"

- exercise "My treasure"

Goal: develop children's tactile sensitivity

- exercise "My treasure"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, perseverance, speech

- game "What's gone"

Purpose: to develop the observation of children

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Rescue the Princess"

- exercise "Two princesses"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- Princess Rescue Game

Lesson 6:

Theme: "Secret Missions"

- exercise "World of sand"

- Scouts game

7 lesson:

Subject: ":: "Toys"

- exercise "Hide the toys"

Purpose: to develop tactile perception, thinking, fantasy

- exercise "Fun"

Purpose: to teach children to experiment with wet sand

- game "Toys"

Purpose: to develop a friendly attitude of children towards each other

8 lesson:



- exercise "Sand rain"

Purpose: to learn to regulate muscle tension

- exercise "Sand wind"

Purpose: to teach children to control inhalation and exhalation

- game "Rain"

Purpose: to develop endurance, self-awareness

1 lesson:

Theme: "Funny games"

- exercise "We play"

Purpose: To teach children to build from sand, develop attention, imagination

- exercise "Krokazyabla"

- Bunny game

2 lesson:

Theme: "Animals"

- exercise "Cubs are coming"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

- exercise "Crawling snakes"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, imagination

- the game "" Bunnies "

Purpose: to teach children to focus on a variety of muscle sensations

3 lesson:

Theme:: "Pupils"

- exercise "Redraw the points correctly"

Purpose: to help the child train attention and counting skills

- exercise "Geometric shapes"

Purpose: to develop memory, attention, thinking

- game "School"

Purpose: to develop friendly relations, to teach children to be more tolerant of each other

4 lesson:

Theme: "Our mood"

- exercise "Winner of anger"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- exercise "ABC of mood"

Purpose: to develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

- game "Compliments"

Purpose: to teach children to have a positive relationship with each other

Lesson 5:

Theme:: "Guessing"

- exercise "Guess what is hidden in the sand?"

Purpose: to develop the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description

- exercise "Guess what number I drew in the sand?"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to count, attention, memory

- game "Guessing"

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

Lesson 6:

Theme: "We are travelers"

- exercise "On the paths, along the paths"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- exercise "Forest, glade"

- game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to develop the self-awareness of children

7 lesson:

Theme: : "Rescue the Princess"

- exercise "Two princesses"

Purpose: to develop spatial relationships, to learn to navigate the "sand sheet"

- exercise "Who came to us?"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- Princess Rescue Game

Purpose: to develop communication skills, interpersonal relationships

8 lesson:

Theme: "Joy"

- exercise "Joyful children"

Purpose: to develop creative imagination, speech

- exercise "Smile"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech

- Joy game

Purpose: to teach children to be more tolerant of each other, to develop goodwill

1 lesson:

Theme: "My imagination"

- exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Purpose: to develop hand-eye coordination, imagination

- exercise "Patterns of pebbles"

Purpose: to teach children to create pictures, drawings in the sand using pebbles, to develop imagination

- Friends game

Purpose: to develop the communication skills of children

2 lesson:

Theme: "Kindergarten"

- exercise "Children's secrets"

Goal: develop imagination, logical thinking, fantasy

- exercise "Sand garden"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, perseverance,

- relationship game

Purpose: to form positive and moral ideas about relationships

3 lesson:

Topic: "We are explorers"

- exercise "Dig out a mine"

Purpose: to promote the development of fine motor skills, visual and tactile perception

- exercise "Archaeology"

Purpose: to learn to find an object and determine it by touch

- game "Caterpillar"

Objective: to develop communication and cooperation skills

4 lesson:

Subject: : "We are travelers"

- exercise "On the paths, along the paths"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- exercise "Forest, glade"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, auditory memory, arbitrariness

- game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to develop the self-awareness of children

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Seasons"

- exercise "Sand rain"

Purpose: to learn to regulate muscle tension

- exercise "Sand wind"

Purpose: to teach children to control inhalation and exhalation

- game "Rain"

Purpose: to develop endurance, self-awareness

Lesson 6:

Theme: "Funny games"

- exercise "We play"

Purpose: To teach children to build from sand, develop attention, imagination

- exercise "Krokazyabla"

Purpose: to develop imagination, thinking, speech

- Bunny game

Purpose: to teach children to keep the child's attention on a variety of muscle sensations

7 lesson:

Theme: : "Summer"

- exercise "Beads for summer"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, fantasy

- exercise "Birch leaves"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity

- Magic Garden game

Purpose: to teach children to relieve muscle tension

8 lesson:

Subject: : "Secret Missions"

- exercises "Secret tasks of moles"

Goal: develop tactile sensitivity, teach children to relax

- exercise "World of sand"

Purpose: to teach to know the inner world of the child, tactile stimulation

- Scouts game

Purpose: to develop observation, communication skills of children

1 lesson:

Subject: : "We are going to the forest"

- exercise "On the paths, along the paths"

Purpose: to develop visual and tactile perception

- exercise "Forest, glade"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity, auditory memory, arbitrariness

- game "Find a mate"

Purpose: to develop the self-awareness of children

2 lesson:

Theme: "We play with sand"

- exercise "Sand rain"

Purpose: to learn to regulate muscle tension

- exercise "Sand wind"

Purpose: to teach children to control inhalation and exhalation

- game "Rain"

Purpose: to develop endurance, self-awareness

3 lesson:

Theme: : "My Fantasia"

- exercise "Wonderland"

Purpose: to develop fantasy, imagination, creativity

- exercise "Fantasy"

Purpose: to develop tactile sensitivity

- Joy game

Purpose: to teach children to be more tolerant of each other

4 lesson:

Topic: "Our games"

- exercise "Playing with toys"

Purpose: to develop children's imagination, logical thinking, fantasy, perseverance

- exercise "We play"

Purpose: to develop spatial representations, to learn to navigate on a "sand sheet"

- game "Find a couple"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

Lesson 5:

Theme: "Tales"

- exercise "Three Bears"

Purpose: to develop imagination, to teach to place objects on the entire plane of the sandbox

- exercise "Sand kingdom"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, imagination, creative thinking

- the game "Composing fairy tales"

Purpose: to develop the ability to express their emotional state

Lesson 6:

Theme: "My friends"

- exercise "Visiting the mice"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile perception

- exercise "Animals on the tracks"

Goal: develop observation, teach children to compare

- Bunny game

Purpose: to teach children to focus on a variety of muscle sensations

7 lesson:

Topic: "We are builders"

- exercise "We are building, we are building"

Purpose: to teach children to build from sand, develop attention, imagination

- exercise "Sand builders"

Goal: develop spatial representations, develop auditory and

visual memory

- game "Give a smile"

Purpose: to teach children to cope with sadness

8 lesson:

Subject: We are traveling

- exercise "Journey to a fairy tale"

Purpose: to develop imaginative thinking, imagination

- exercise "Sea travelers"

Purpose: to teach children to realize their potential

- game "Toh, tho"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve muscle tension.

Application №2

Greeting rituals:

Greeting "Snowball"

Purpose: the formation of a desire to say something pleasant to a friend.

The facilitator shows the children a snowball that will help them find an affectionate name for their neighbor. Children pass the snowball around and call each other affectionate names.

Greeting "Sunshine"

Purpose: group cohesion

Greeting "Palm"

Goal: development of group cohesion

Children sit in a circle on chairs. The host invites them to greet each other with the help of their palms, to greet their neighbor, gently stroking his palms, showing the children how to do this.

Greeting "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: group cohesion

Children stand in a circle, say words, and hold hands tightly.

Now feel the warmth of the hands of your neighbors.

Greeting "Zluka"

Purpose: group cohesion, cohesion skills

Children stand in a circle, choose a leader, he portrays anger, children call adjectives for the word anger.

Greeting "Rainbow"

Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, development of imagination

Children sit on the rug, quiet, calm music sounds. Breathe easily and calmly. Now we will try to imagine a rainbow, to see its colors.

Greeting "Joy"

Goal: development of group cohesion, observation, relieving muscle tension

Children choose a means for drawing (pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, paints, gel pens) and, having settled comfortably, begin to draw their mood.

Application №3

Communication games:


Purpose: development of communication skills of children.

The facilitator, approaching each child in turn, introduces himself as a journalist and asks him to say a few words about himself. An interview is taken in turn from each of those present, and all other children can also ask questions.

"Dragon bites its tail"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve tension, to learn to communicate

Children stand one after another and hold each other tightly by the shoulders. The first person is the “head of the dragon”, the last is the “tail of the dragon”. The "dragon head" tries to catch the "tail", and he dodges from it. The facilitator must ensure that the participants do not let go of each other.

"Give me a smile"

Purpose: to teach the child to cope with sadness

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands. Everyone in turn gives a smile to his neighbors on the left and right, it is important to look into each other's eyes. What did you feel? What is the mood now?

"Affectionate Name"

Purpose: to develop feelings of trust in each other

Each of the participants in turn stands in a circle and holds out his hands with his palms up to the one with whom he would like to start moving in a circle. One by one, they name variants (affectionate) of the name of the participant standing in the center of the circle, and, as it were, “give” them. It is important at the same time to touch the palms and look into the eyes, to thank for the “gift”.

"Call names"

Purpose: to teach children to express their anger, develop friendships

Tell the children the following: “Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different inoffensive words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use). These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture. Each appeal should begin with the words: “And you, ......, carrot!”. Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other.


Purpose: to teach children to be more touchy

"Buzz" is sitting on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. "Zhuzha" endures, but when she gets tired of all this. She jumps up and starts chasing the offender, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be "Buzz".

"Good Animal"

Purpose: to help children spend the accumulated negative energy

The leader in a quiet and calm voice says: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. And now on the inhale we take two steps forward, on the exhale - two steps back.

"Duh, uh"

Purpose: to teach children to relieve muscle tension

There is a comic paradox in this game. Although the children must say the word "Tukh, tuh!" angrily. After a while, they may stop laughing.


Purpose: to teach children to relieve tension, to teach children to express their grievances

A birthday boy is chosen, all the children give him gifts with gestures, facial expressions. The birthday boy is invited to remember if he offended someone and correct it. Children are invited to dream up and come up with a future for the birthday boy.


Purpose: to teach children to keep the child's attention on a variety of muscle sensations.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to teach to relieve tension, anger

The facilitator breaks the children into pairs and reads the text: “Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge.” The participants in the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads on each other. The task is to confront each other, without moving, as long as possible.

"Find yourself a mate"

Purpose: to teach children to develop self-awareness

The facilitator creates cards on which animals are drawn. The card should only be seen by the person who received the card. Everyone's task is to find their partner. After the participants find their pairs, it is necessary to stay close and not talk.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger

Guys! Now we will play the role of little kind ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little.


Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood

Preliminary conversation with the question: "What is a compliment"

Participants form a circle, hold hands. Each participant says a compliment around the circle.


Purpose: to teach children to create a positive mood

Children sit on the floor and hold hands. It is necessary to stand up smoothly, at the same time, without lowering your hands. After that, the "flower" begins to bloom (lean back, holding each other's hands tightly) and sway in the wind.

Application No. 4

Sand exercises:

"Sand Rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation

The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, onto his own palm. The child closes his eyes and puts his palm with spread fingers on the sand, the adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they change.

"Patterns in the Sand"

Purpose: consolidating knowledge about sensory standards, establishing patterns

An adult with a finger, a palm edge, a brush in the upper part of the sandbox draws various geometric shapes. The child must draw the same pattern below, or continue the adult's pattern.

"We create the world"

Purpose: development and expansion of the child about the world of living and inanimate nature around him, about the man-made world of man

An adult shows how to build various living and non-living communities in a sandbox - a city, a village, a forest, a river, a lake, an island, and then in a playful way encourages the child to build various natural and man-made communities independently and according to the instructions.

"We're going to visit"

Purpose: development of spatial representations, orientation on the "sand sheet"

An adult in a playful way introduces the child to the spatial representations of “top - bottom”, “right - left”, “above - under”, “because of - from under”, “center - corner”. The child, according to the verbal instructions of an adult, fingers " walks", "jumps", "crawls" on the sand, depicting various characters.

"Secret Mole Missions"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, relaxation, activation of interest

It is first necessary to introduce the child to the animals that live underground. An adult dips his hand under the sand, moving his fingers under the sand. The child does the same, you can blow on the sand, use feathers, sticks, brushes.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands

Prints, both bas-relief and high-relief, on wet sand can be divided using molds. We use molds depicting animals, transport, various in size.

"Who came to us"

Goal: development of visual and tactile perception

The child turns away, the adult makes prints with the help of molds, the child guesses, then they change places.

"Sand Builders"

Goal: development of spatial representations, development of auditory and visual memory

Children build sand houses from memory, if the child does not cope, then the child is given instructions, if the child does not cope, then an adult should help him.

"Sand Circle"

A child draws a circle in the sand by any means and decorates it with various objects: pebbles, seeds, beads, coins. The child can name his sand circle.

"Winner of Anger"

In a stressful situation, adults say to each other, and sometimes to children: “Don’t be angry, don’t be capricious, pull yourself together. Following the example of an adult, a child makes a ball out of wet sand, on which he marks with indentations or draws eyes, nose, mouth. This process is temporary switches the child, and also the child transfers his negative feelings and guilt for “bad behavior, thoughts, feelings” to the molded ball.

"Sand Kindergarten"

The game plays out the whole day in kindergarten, in compliance with the sequences of performing the main regime moments, as well as all available to the child self-care skills.

Afanasyeva Irina Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"
Locality: Rostov, Yaroslavl region
Material name: training program
Subject: PROGRAM "SAND COUNTRY" "Correction of speech disorders in children by means of sand therapy"
Publication date: 24.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 14"



"Correction of speech disorders in children

means of sand therapy"

Afanaseva I.M.

Rostov 2017







sand therapy "Sand Country"

Explanatory note…………………………………………………………….4


Novelty and distinctive feature of the program………...…………………5

The need for the program…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Purpose, tasks…………...…………………………………………………………….6

Areas of work…………….…………………………………………………6

Operating principles……………………………………………………….………....6

Stages…………………………………………………………………………………………. ...................................................6

The structure of the lesson…………………………………………………………….…9

Working with teachers………………………………………….………………....10

Working with parents………………………………………….………….……..10

Working with children……………………………………………….……….………..10

Pedagogical monitoring……………………………………….………….10

Expected result…………………………………………….….………...10


Methodological support…………………………………………….……...14


Technical teaching aids…………………………………………..…...16

Rules of conduct in the sandbox……………………………………………..…..17

Conditions for organizing classes with wet sand………………………….… 17


“The path to a smart, bright head lies

through hands"

Lyubina G.A. doctor of pedagogical sciences


the present





speech therapists


organized activities using the sandbox. And it's no coincidence







interacting with sand, the child shows miracles of imagination. Will the wave wash away

created by him, or someone's careless foot will crush the creation, child

doesn't get frustrated for long. Most often, he himself is ready to destroy the created,

in order to start a new one with even greater enthusiasm in the same place



next. And so endlessly.

It is in the sandbox that an additional emphasis is placed on tactile





transferring traditional teaching and development tasks to the sandbox gives







harmonious development of cognitive processes. And if you take into account






mental energy, then in the process of educational work there is also





help you master any topic while learning to read and write, learn













effect not only on normally developing children, but also on their

peers with developmental disabilities.

Many children, when they start talking, do not pronounce some sounds. At

for some babies it passes quickly, for others it drags on, and then, in order to

To cope with this problem, you need the help of specialists. Some

children with age begin to realize their speech defect and be ashamed of it.

A child with a speech impediment may be hyperaggressive,

or, conversely, closed and depressed. Children with speech disorders require

special attention. They need the help of a speech therapist who works on

sound side, the general development of speech, and a teacher-psychologist who

helps to cope with their inner difficulties.






the following





impaired speech memory, attention, perception ( various kinds), more






with speech development disorders.

Realizing the importance and importance of using sand games, has developed


By corrections





sand therapy.






the use of sand therapy in the correction of speech disorders of the child,

development of coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech.

Necessity in the creation of this program exists, since it

considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of children

fine motor skills of hands, development of coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure

speech, perception, thinking, fantasy.

Target: development of children's speech by means of sand therapy.



turning them into an entertaining game;

Combine games and exercises with sand to train your fingers

hands with children's speech;

Activate children's vocabulary;

Develop speech, memory, thinking, imagination, fantasy of children.

Areas of work:

Diagnostic and corrective.


Work principles:

The principle of accounting for the mechanisms of speech disorders.





The principle of system.

The principle of complexity.

The principle of an individually differentiated approach.


By corrections




suggests 3 stages of learning:

Stage 1: Acquaintance with the sand country


awakening interest in sand activities;

development of motor skills of hands, subtle tactile sensations;

introducing children to the rules of behavior in the sandbox.

Stage 2:


development of cognitive processes;

development of speech, memory, thinking;

improvement of coordination of movements, fine motor skills,

orientation in space.

Stage 3: In the realm of sand writing


automation of sounds in speech;

creating compositions in the sand;

pronunciation of actions with sand;

development of coherent speech of children, teaching storytelling.

You should start with getting to know the sand, with tactile sensations,




does the teacher, is to teach the child to put his palm on

rib and hold in this position (sand helps children keep even

palms). After a while, children, with the help of teachers, can make








quantities. In parallel with this, it is important to help children do self-massage.

sand: grind it between your fingers, bury your hands deep in the sand. All

this allows you to move on to exercises aimed at developing small

motor skills: fingers “walk” on the sand, play in the sand like a piano,

etc. After teaching children how to manipulate sand, you can proceed to

object design. You can build natural landscapes: rivers,

lakes, seas, mountains, valleys, explaining the essence of these phenomena along the way. So,

Gradually, children receive information about the world around them and accept




teacher's stories. At the same time, children manipulate trees, animals,



ideas about the surrounding world, but also spatial orientation.

In parallel, you can "write" in the sand. Children are not afraid to make mistakes, this is not

paper, and you can easily fix everything if you make a mistake. And the kids on

write with pleasure in the sand. Then you can start staging fairy tales

on the sand: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Kurochka Ryaba". We tell a story and








act independently. In addition, with the help of sand games, you can

learn literacy, counting.

All sand games can be divided by three directions:

Educational (facilitate the learning process of the child);

Cognitive (with their help, the versatility of this

Projective (diagnostics and development are carried out through them).








the opportunity for children to learn about the diversity of the world around them, about the history of

your village, country, etc.; projective games will open up potential

child's abilities will develop his creativity and imagination. sand games

contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, the development of coherent speech, in





sand play therapy contribute to better speech correction and

development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children with speech disorders.

Lesson structure:






Familiarization with the rules of sand games;

Formulation of the topic of the lesson, instructions for games;

The result of the lesson, the exit ritual.





children, based on the goals and objectives of the system. It is designed for children of different

age, tasks can be complicated or simplified depending on the problems

and children's success. Classes can be held with a small subgroup of children

(3-4 people), and individually.









cooperation determines the creative and cognitive nature of the process,

the development of children's speech, determines its effectiveness.





use of sand in the classroom.

Working with parents involves: individual consultations, folders-

folding beds, information stands.


children conducted in the classroom, as part of the lesson, in free

activities in the summer on the site of the kindergarten.

Pedagogical monitoring.

The research carried out included two areas:

1. Study of the state of voluntary motor skills of the fingers.

2. Research speech development children:

Examination of the phonetic side;

Examination of the phonemic side;

Examination of vocabulary and grammatical structure of impressive speech.

Examination of vocabulary and grammatical structure of expressive speech.







carried out







methods were supplemented and adapted taking into account the characteristics of children

preschool age.

Expected Result:

Correction of all means of speech and its main functions;

being improved



motility, orientation in space;

Improving communication skills;

Perceptions about the world around will be fixed;

will learn




situations, create compositions in the sand.









forms of classes, the time of passage of the material.





sand therapy can be applied in preschool.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 14"


Head of MDOU d / s No. 14

V.G. Timofeeva


Senior group

Topic name




Introduction to the sandbox

Introduction to the physical properties of sand

City on the sand

Live pictures in the sand

What is hidden in the sand?

Birds near us

sand checkers

Rain for artists

Our favorite kindergarten

Total per year:

Duration of one lesson:

20-25 minutes

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 14"


Head of MDOU d / s No. 14

V.G. Timofeeva

The decision of the pedagogical council


preparatory group

Topic name




Introduction to sand (with light tablet)

Journey through the sand country

"Vegetables and fruits"

"Sensitive Hands"

“Beetle Zhuzha is friends with the sound [F]”

"Wild animals"

Differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш]

"Journey with Sound [L]"

Sound automation [C] with words

Total per year:

Duration of one lesson:

25-30 minutes


General conditions for organizing sand therapy.









you will need:






(stones, cones, chestnuts, etc.), brushes different sizes, tubules

light tablet

Size. Its traditional size in centimeters: 50x70x8 (where 50x70 -




sandbox corresponds to the volume of the field of visual perception. We are quite a few

experimented with the size and shape of the sandbox, and came to the conclusion that

that this size is indeed the most successful and harmonious.

The traditional sandbox size is designed for individual

let's move on









Material. The traditional and preferred material is

tree. In the practice of working with sand in many preschool institutions

plastic boxes are used, but the sand does not “breathe” in them.

Color. The traditional sandbox combines the color of wood.

So, the sandbox is ready. Now it can be one third or half

fill clean (washed and sifted), calcined in the oven



cleanse. Cleaning is done at least once a month. Sand needed

remove from the sandbox, sift, rinse and ignite.)

To organize sand games, you will need a large set of

miniature objects and toys symbolizing the world. In classical

sand therapy there is a classification of objects used in

the process of creating sand paintings.

These are figurines:

People diverse in: gender, age, cultural and national




modern people). Figures must be both dynamic and


Terrestrial animals and insects (domestic, wild, prehistoric).

Flying animals and insects (wild, domestic, prehistoric).




shellfish, crabs).

Dwellings and houses with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, buildings, furniture

different eras, cultures and purposes.).

Household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations).

Trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.).

Sky objects (sun, moon, stars, rainbow, clouds).












a habitat



road signs).





Objects of the landscape and natural activity of the Earth (volcanoes, mountains).

Accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry And

Natural natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces

wood, metal, seeds, feathers, glass polished with water, etc.).

Fantastic objects and cartoon characters, fantasy, figurines-


Villains (evil characters of cartoons, myths, fairy tales).






figurines-images, they can be molded from plasticine, clay, dough, cut out

from paper.

The collection of figurines is located on the shelves. If the shelf space

is not enough to accommodate the entire collection, then

transparent boxes.

When a child, or a group of children, comes to class, the sentence

"playing in the sandbox" looks completely natural.

Technical training aids:

Camera, tape recorder, video camera, music discs.

Conditions for organizing classes with wet sand

Children should not have cuts on their hands, skin diseases.

Children for work must have oilcloth aprons.

The water that moistens the sand should be warm. With every




at the same time there was an additional hardening of children.





(senior group)

“The Sand Fairy is sad because her sand friends are lost and

unable to return home to the sandbox. Sand Fairy asks you:

Take care of the grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If by chance

sand spilled out - show an adult, and he will help them return

back to the sandbox. Do not throw sand out of the sandbox.

Sand grains do not like very much when they are taken in the mouth or thrown into

other children. You can not take sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

The Sand Fairy loves when children have clean hands and noses. played with

sand - wash your hands and show clean palms to the mirror.

Rules of conduct in the sandbox.

(preparatory group)

Do not intentionally throw sand out of the sandbox.

Do not throw sand at others or take it in your mouth.

After the game, you need to help the Sand Fairy (the owner of the sandbox, the Queen

sand world, gnomes, Tartila turtle, etc.) remove all toys

into place.

Wash your hands after playing in the sand.


Aromshtam M. Games on wet sand//Preschool education -

June #12 2006

Andrun S. Miracles from the sand // Hoop №3 2007

Berezhnaya N.F. The use of the sandbox in the correction of emotional

volitional and social spheres of children of early and younger preschool

age//Preschool Pedagogy/January, February/ 2007

Berezhnaya N.F. Sand therapy in the correction of the emotional sphere



age //


Pedagogy /July, August/ 2006




Goroshkova L. Games with sand and water // Preschool education No. 6/89

Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. Sand Therapy Workshop

Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Workshop on creative

Therapy / St. Petersburg: Speech: TC Sphere, 2001





developing and adapting games St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2002




Sand Therapy Practice (CD)




game therapy with children of senior preschool age//Preschool

Pedagogy /May/2008

12. Kondratieva S.Yu. Sand and water play in shaping work




ZPR//Preschool Pedagogy /May, June/ 2005

13. Semenova O.V. Using sand therapy with children

early age, with developmental problems//internet

14. Sakovich N.A. Sand play technology. Bridge games. - St. Petersburg: Speech,

15. Ulyanova



16. Shimanovich Yu. Mystery of the sandbox// Hoop №4 2008

Appendix to the program for the correction of speech

disorders in children with sand therapy

"Sand Country"



What do you need to play sand?

And, in fact, so little is needed:

Love, desire, kindness.

So that faith in childhood is not lost.

The simplest drawer from the table

Paint it blue

A handful of golden sand

It will flow into a wonderful fairy tale,

Small toys set

Let's take the game ... Like God

We will create our own World of Wonders,

Passing the path of Knowledge.

(T. Grabenko)

Water flows in the stream

Water splashes in the river.

We will wash with water

We are nowhere without water.

Our sand town

You are standing over the river.

You are cozy, beautiful,

Though not very big.

Hello red sun

Hello, clear morning.

Hello our sand

Yellow buddy!

Look at our palms

Find kindness, love in them,

Sandman, come!

(T. Grabenko)

Look at our palms -

They have become wiser!

Thank you, our dear sand,

You helped all of us to grow up!

(T. Grabenko)

(on behalf of the Sandman)

I listened to you, I heard you

Here are such good fellows!

You are magical creators.

I will reveal secrets to you

You just need to know about it

Rules of my country.

They are all very simple!

I will present them now

And please remember!

Are you ready to listen to me?

So, can we start?

Repeat everything after me!

There are no harmful children in the country -

After all, they have no place in the sand!

Here you can not bite, fight

And throw sand in your eyes!

Do not destroy foreign countries!

Sand is a peaceful country.

You can build and wonder

You can do a lot:

Mountains, rivers and seas,

To have life around.

Children, understand me?!

Or should it be repeated?

To remember and be friends!

(T. Grabenko)

Here are the kids!

As one all are good!

The house was built of sand.

The house is beautiful! That's for sure!

There are windows, a roof, doors.

Animal toys live there.

We'll go for a walk now

Let's build a house too!

(N.V. Nishcheva)

Sand is waiting for us today

Clean, fresh, golden.

Get in here, buddy.

You want a swarm, but you want a system.

Our village is sandy,

Beloved and dear,

Cozy and beautiful

Though not big!


It’s convenient to bake Easter cakes from me,

Just can't eat it

I'm loose, yellow,


Did you guess who I am?

Something can be buried in it,

I like to walk on it

And sleep on it for an hour.

Guess what? - ... (sand)

From the stones he emerged

He emerged from the stones

Grains were born into the world:

Yellow, red, white

Or light grey.

Now he is sea, then he is river.

Guess who it is!

Small grains of a huge mountain

Small grains of a huge mountain.

Down do not flow like water or juice.

A thin stream from the mountain for the time being

Rip with a quiet murmur

He is yellow and loose,

Heaped in the yard,

If you want, you can take

And play "kulichiki".

Dry - I'm loose and loose,

Raw, when the rain will help from the clouds.

I am yellow, sweet and golden.

Did you guys know who I am?

Petya builds a castle cleverly,

Katya bakes a cake with a bucket.

Here, by the sea for an hour

Gathered all the children...

Answer: Sand



"Clean up the sandbox"

In front of the child in the sandbox lie letters in reverse and correct

position. First, the teacher suggests naming only those letters that

lie correctly, then turn over those letters that lay incorrectly,

and name them.

Exercise "Hello sand!"

Target: reduction of psychophysical stress.

Exercise "Sand rain"

Target: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Exercise "Sand Wind"

Target: Breathing exercise

Exercise "Unusual traces"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.


Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Target: consolidation





Game-exercise "Little wizards - we create the world"

Target: development and expansion of the child's ideas about the environment around him

the world of animate and inanimate nature, the man-made world.

Exercise "We are going to visit ..."

Target: development





Exercise "Sand Builders"






representations, the development of auditory and visual memory.

The game "Who came to us?"

Target: development of visual and tactile perception.

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Target: development of hand-eye coordination, classification process,



Game-exercise "Secret tasks of moles"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity, relaxation, activation


Game-exercise "Sand hide and seek"







figurative thinking, arbitrariness.

"Guess what letter you got in your hands"

The child is invited to put his hands in the sand, find the letter and, without taking it out

from the sand, determine which letter he fell into his hands.

"What is hidden in the sand?"

The child is invited to put his hands in the sand and find what he comes across.

Then the teacher asks to name all the objects that were found in the sand.

You can play the game "What's wrong?": the child closes his eyes, and in this

time the teacher removes one or more objects. Can be changed

items in places and ask the child to "clean up".

The game "Build steps" (Dividing words into syllables).

On hills made of sand, we have houses with one,

lay out


printed on cards, sharing how they will be

be located


monosyllabic words are laid out; with two - two-syllable; with three windows


Game "My city".

The speech therapist gives the task to choose the figures, in the name of which there is a given

sound, and build a city using these figurines. Then you can compose

an oral story about this city and its inhabitants.

Alexey Alekseevich Tokarev
Educational program on sand therapy "Magic Sand". Part 1

Explanatory note

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool institution.

One of the urgent problems today is the study of the emotional and personal sphere of preschool children. "Childhood is the golden age of the emotional in us", - notes V.V. Zenkovsky. No communication and interaction will be effective if it is members unable to understand the emotional state of another and manage their own emotions.

Playing with sand is one of the most favorite activities for children. But playing with sand is not a simple pastime. This is a lot of new emotions and educational games. The child himself reaches for the sand, and you just need to give this craving a creative component, and from the usual picking in the sand you get educational process. This is a natural form of activity accessible to every child. Child often words can not express their feelings, fears. He plays the situations that disturb him, creates a picture of his own world from the sand, frees himself from tension. He gains experience in the positive resolution of life situations. And there comes a moment when I can notice changes in the behavior of the child. He begins to apply in reality his « sand» experience. The child's motivation to learn new things, experiment and work independently increases.

Conceptual approaches to content sand therapy programs based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy, principles of development children's education. Carrying out activities for program realize the needs of children in creativity, knowledge, self-realization, purpose and meaning of life, respect, joy. Implementation programs will ensure satisfaction of one of the most important needs of every child - to be healthy, emotionally prosperous.

Target: development of the emotional and personal sphere, fine motor skills of the hands through sand play therapy.


Contribute to the development of the child's communication skills through joint play activities.

To develop tactile sensitivity as the basis for the emancipation of children's consciousness.

Main areas of work

Socio-personal: emotional well-being, positive attitude of the child towards himself and other people, development of the child's communicative competence.

Health saving: physical culture - health work.

Structure and format of classes

Classes are held 2 times a week, lasting 20-30 minutes (depending on age). One lesson per week is aimed at developing the cognitive sphere, the second lesson is aimed at developing the emotional and personal sphere.

Destination: preschool children from 4 to 7 years.

Lesson structure

All classes have a common structure filled with different content depending on the topic of the lesson.

Part 1. introductory

The goal is to set up children for joint work, to establish emotional contact between children. Main procedures: greeting ritual, warm-up games.

Part 2. Main To this Part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes exercises and games aimed at developing the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child.

Basic procedures: sand therapy, fairy tale therapy.

Part 3. Final

Basic goals: sum up the lesson, create for everyone participant feelings of belonging to the group and reinforce positive emotions from the work in the class by talking about what was in the class.

Expected results.

Implementation of the measures envisaged program, will allow to me:

1. Stabilize the positive dynamics of the state of emotional well-being children: they should become more communicative, they should not have a sense of anxiety, insecurity, conflict.

2. Children will develop creativity.

Equipment for sand therapy:

waterproof wooden box

sand washed, calcined

miniature toys (people, animals, plants, insects)

Cubes of various materials (wood, iron, plastic)


Set of small dishes

Games and exercises with sand.

1. Exercise « sand rain»

The progress of the exercise.

sand fairy: "In my country there may be an unusual sand rain and blow sand wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. Watch it happen":

1. The baby pours slowly or quickly sand from your fist to sandbox, in the palm of an adult (on your palm).

2. The child closes his eyes and lays on sand palm with spread fingers, adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they switch roles.

2Exercise « sand wind» (breathing exercise).

1. Children learn to control inhalation - exhalation without delaying sand in a tube. It can be suggested to say good wishes to your friends, give wishes sand country, "blowing it in sand» . They can also blow depressions, holes in the surface of the sand. For these games, you will need disposable straws for a cocktail.

2. This exercise can be combined with aromatherapy(however aromatherapy have the right to use psychologists who have undergone some training in this direction). The child inhales the smell selected for her aromatic mixture (tonic or relaxing). When exhaling, the child easily blows on his palms with sand, blowing it into sandbox.

3. Exercise "Winner of Anger"

In a stressful situation, adults talk to each other, and sometimes children: "Do not be angry, do not be capricious, pull yourself together". In most cases this advice completely meaningless, since the ban on the manifestation of negative emotions causes a person only additional irritation and aggression towards such an adviser, and increases the feeling of guilt for bad behavior.

A game "Winner of Anger" can teach a child to deal with anger painlessly for his ego, without fear of punishment for destructive behavior.

4. sand fairy:

“Today we will talk about mood. What is it like for you? What happens to you when you get angry, angry? What do adults say and do when you are angry? (Student answers).

Your angry mood makes you do and say things that make teachers or parents angry and upset. And after the anger has passed, you also feel sad or unpleasant. I will open you secret A: Every big and small person has the right to be angry. There are many games that teach us "it's right to be angry", that is, so as not to offend others. One of these games will give you a wet sand. See how you can sculpt and see your own anger with the help of sand, and then defeat it.

If the child's tension is too great, then in this case you can offer him to squeeze with force sand, tamp the surface of the sand with fists, etc.

And then, the child makes a ball out of wet sand, on which they mark with indentations or draw eyes, a nose, mouth: "Your anger now lives in this ball". This process temporarily switches the child, and also the child transfers his negative feelings and guilt for bad behavior, thoughts, feelings to the molded ball. The student can comment on the entire manufacturing process "ball - villain", to which all "evil thoughts and actions".

Then the child destroys in any way sand ball, saying « magic spell» : « Drive away anger, we invite joy ". The child gives vent to aggression, which usually appears in the case of a ban on it and control by an adult, and the student also receives a specific pleasure from destruction.

After that, the child slowly levels the surface of the sand with his hands and leaves prints of his palms on it - calming down, gaining balance and control over his own feelings: “I conquered my anger. I am calm". If desired, the student can decorate their handprints in the sand.

5. Game "Goodbye, sand» !

The psychologist on behalf of the fairy asks "Gently, and then strongly say goodbye to the sand", that is different ways touch the sand.

Psychologist: "And now I ask you to say hello to sand in different ways»:

The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then with the other hand, then with all fingers at the same time.

The child easily squeezes the fists with sand with tension, then slowly pours it into sandbox.

The child touches the sand with his whole palm - the inner side, then the outer side.

The child is grinding sand between fingers, palms. In the latter case, you can introduce a surprise moment - hide a small flat toy in the sand “one of the inhabitants of the sand wanted to say hello to you”.

sand in response also wants "to say goodbye" with baby. sand rain! Psychologist takes a fist sand and slowly pours it into the hands of the child. The sand can"say hello" with each finger separately - then the psychologist pours sand on separate fingers.

In order to diversify the game, you can invite the children to close their eyes and put on sand palm with spread fingers; psychologist pours sand on any finger, and the child, closing his eyes, calls this finger. Children can change roles and rub each other themselves sand guessing finger.

This game will help teach your child how to count.

You'll need a kinetic sand and a small toy, for example from kinder surprise.

We make several piles of sand, in one of them we hide a toy. The child needs to find it with a hint adult: "Look in the third pile on the right" or "Fifth from the Left". After that, you can invite the baby to hide the toy himself and tell you how to find it.

Gradually increase the number of piles.

7."Treasure map".

This game will help the child to master such a difficult task as drawing maps, it also contributes to the development of spatial thinking and imagination.

Needed to play sandbox with kinetic space sand, a set of small toys, paper, felt-tip pen, pencil or pen.

First, the psychologist, together with the child, draws a map-scheme, where houses, trees, rivers, roads, and the like are conventionally indicated. Next, the child independently builds sand composition using the drawn map. When everything is built, the baby turns away, and the adult hides the toys in various places. sandy compositions and on the map marks places with crosses with "treasures". At the end of the game, the child looks for items in kinetic sand using a map.

A variant of the game is possible, where the child draws a map and hides "hidden treasures" and looking for adults.

8."Guess a riddle".

This game can be played even with toddlers. Despite the simplicity, this game helps in the development of fine motor skills and thinking.

To play you will need sandbox with live or kinetic sand and small toys.

The rules are very simple - the baby turns away, and you hide the answer toy in the sand. Then the child turns around, you make a riddle, and he must guess it and check the correctness of the answer by finding the answer in the sand.

9."Farm Frenzy".

This game will help the child in developing the ability to classify, attention, memory.

To play you will need sandbox with kinetic space sand and small toys.

We start the game by asking you to build in sandbox a fun farm and settle on it only pets. The child must build sand composition and choose from the proposed toys only the ones you need. Next, we ask the child to remember all the animals that he settled on the farm. After that, he turns away, and you remove one of the toys. When the baby turns around, he must find and name who is missing. By analogy, you can make a fairy forest out of sand, magic garden, flower field and more.

10. Game "Extraordinary Footprints".

The child with his palms and fists presses on sand, with fingertips strikes its surface, moves the hands in different directions, makes the surface wavy, moves all the fingers at the same time - the goal, imitation of traces of animals, reptiles, birds and insects.

11. Game "Find the Difference".

The child draws any simple picture on the surface of the sand, then shows it to an adult, and at this time he turns away. An adult draws some details and shows the resulting baby image. The kid should notice what has changed in the picture. An adult and a child can change roles during the game.

12. Exercise" sand rain"

Target: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Leading: in our sandbox may go unusual sand rain and blow sand wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such a rain and wind.

Instruction: baby pours slowly and then quickly sand from your fist to sandbox, on the palm of an adult, on your palm.

13. Exercise "Unusual traces"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity.

"Cubs are coming" - the child presses with fists and palms with force on sand.

"Jumping hares" - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions.

"Snakes are crawling" - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy with relaxed / tense fingers (in different directions).

"Spider bugs are running" - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in sand, meeting hands with each other under the sand - "bugs greet").

14. Exercise "Snakes"

Target: relieve emotional stress

Task: express your attitude by showing it in the game Instruction: Take the Snake by the head or tail and drag it across the sand. Now take the rope like a pen, smoothly follow the snake trail. The child takes the snake by the head and writes patterns: circles, loops, sticks.

The snakes played in the sand

Do not read the letters!

And they wrote words with a tail,

How can she find out about snakes?

Loops followed the pattern

What's happened? Where? And How?

These are letters to Mother Snake.

You are with us now wizard!

But the breeze blew

Write the words soon

And fell asleep all in sand.

Help you mother-snake

And in sorrow mother-snake: good power magic

15. Game "Builders"

Very often during the game, children create various sand sculptures and buildings from sand (you can additionally use special molds, now when using this sand sandy castles will be colorful, fish and marine life will be colorful, like in a real sea, and multi-colored butterflies will flutter in the spring meadow.

16. Game" Magic transformations"

It is no less interesting to combine several types of colored sand and at the same time get amazing combinations that, in the form of unusual images are actively involved in the game.

17. Game "Colored Islands"

Children are encouraged to take sand of any color and on the surface of the table to create with its help - islands, while additionally you can use miniature figures. Then the children go on a trip to each other's islands, talking about them.

Learning letters? And kinetic will help you sand. It is easy and simple to model from it, so be sure to practice. It is very exciting to sculpt a letter and train their pronunciation options.

18. “Conversation with hands”

Target: teach children to control their actions. If the child had a fight, broke something, or hurt someone, you can offer him such game: trace the silhouette of the palms in the sand. Then invite him to revive his palms - draw their eyes, mouth, paint with beads, pebbles or shells fingers. After that, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: “Who are you, what is your name?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What do you dislike?”, “What are you like?”. If the child does not join the conversation, speak the dialogue yourself. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly, but sometimes they don’t obey their master. You need to finish the game by “concluding an agreement” between the hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that within 2-3 days (this evening or, in the case of working with hyperactive children, an even shorter period of time) they will try to do only good affairs: make, greet, play and will not offend anyone.

If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a predetermined period of time, it is necessary to play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner.

Game "Funny stories". Simple words are laid out in the sand with letters of the alphabet. Then you need to read them with your child. After that, the baby closes his eyes, and the letters hide in sand. The task of the child is to find the letters and restore the word. 3. Game "My city". Kid should display on the sand your town or even magical land. You need to come up with a story that displays what is happening in the sandbox. All characters- participants can be named.

19. The game "Guessing".

IN sand they bury several figurines and offer the baby to recognize them without removing them from the sand
