Schleger on the role of play in learning. Pedagogical ideas of L.K.

SHLEGER Louise Karlovna

Educator, activist in the field of doshk. upbringing and learning. She graduated from ped. at the Saratov wives. (1882), then studied at the ist.-philol. f-those Mosk. higher female courses (1884-87), ped. Moscow courses. about-va tutors and teachers (1887-89). In 1882-1903 she worked as a teacher at the beginning. classes, home tutor. Was among the initiators of the creation (1906). educational society "Settlement", later transformed into the society " Child labour and rest." In 1905-18, she supervised the first bunker created at the ob-ve. det. garden in Moscow (in 1919 he became part of the First Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat for Education). From 1907 she worked in the joint organization organized by her. with E. Ya. Fortunatova experiment. early school. She taught at the training courses for educators at the University of Shanyavsky. Since 1918 in Moscow. department of people education: at the same time a consultant in preschool. education in the People's Commissariat for Education; Participated in the training of teachers for children. gardens, etc. In the 1930s. was engaged in arr. research. work in the field of learning.

Ped. The Sh. system took shape under the influence of the ideas of free education. Societies, educate. institutions, according to Sh., are designed to protect children from the negative influence of the environment, to create conditions for the development of their abilities, initiative, creativity. Sh. at the beginning. stage of its activities denied the need for targeted ped. guidance and planning of work with children. The role of the educator was to be reduced to observation, assistance to children in their free self-manifestation (through games and manual labor), to the general organization of life in children. garden. In practice, in children. Sh.'s garden was carried out systematically. educate. Job; over time, more and more attention was paid to the management and planning of children's activities. garden, was designed entertaining and close to practical. needs of children didactic. material. Striving for continuity between children. garden and early school, Sh. and Fortunatova offered and used in experiment. school the principles of an integrated system of education, which could streamline and expand children's ideas about the world around them and, on this basis, contribute to the development of various interests and abilities, including the formation of reading, writing, and counting skills.

From 1918, Sh. worked on the problems of creating a system of boards. education, content and methods of work of doshk. institutions. Mn. the principles justified by Sh. are the unity of the family and the public, doshk. and school education, the study of psychophysiol. features of the child and his environment in the process of working with him, etc. - were reflected in the method, letters of the People's Commissariat for Education, materials of the All-Russian. congresses on doshk. education. Bolshoi Sh. devoted herself to the activities of transitional groups for children of seven years of age (prior to 1943, school began at the age of eight; children under six were admitted to kindergartens). In the method, works on teaching literacy Sh. proposed to use as the main. uch. table aids compiled by the students themselves; considered not as, but as the first book to read. The books prepared by her for the beginning were widely disseminated. reading.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M: "Great Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

Luiza Karlovna Schleger (1863 - 1942) a well-known figure before school education pre-revolutionary period and in the first years of Soviet power. The kindergarten, which was under the leadership of Luiza Karlovna, was presented in the form of a certain pedagogical laboratory, in which a new methodology for educating preschoolers was formed, based on respect for the personality of the child and concern for his comprehensive development.

The final results of their labor activity Luiza Karlovna Schleger brought to life in her books Materials for Conversations with Young Children and Practical work in kindergarten”, which for a long time acted as a popular manual for heads of kindergartens in Russia.

Luiza Karlovna for the main task of children's preschool institutions accepted the formation of such an environment in which the child preschool age I would not be able to calmly carry out my activities, feel myself in complete freedom, feel support and understanding with ease and joy. Here he would find incentives for the development of all aspects of life: physical, labor, aesthetic and mental.

Schleger believed that small preschoolers do not feel the need for excursions, based on the fact that they do not have the opportunity to walk far, but walks in the yard should be endowed with a mandatory character, due to their great importance in the development of observation and increasing the boundaries of horizons. But with children of seven years of age, longer excursions are also necessary. It is extremely important for these children to "expand" the boundaries kindergarten.

Often, appropriate excursions, notes Luisa Karlovna Schleger, are arranged in the absence of absolutely any pre-planned plan, in order to provide children with the opportunity to receive a variety of impressions, and then their observation and interest are tested in conversations or pictorial works. As a rule, excursions are required to be carried out according to a pre-planned plan, and then, with the help of conversations, summarize the excursion. This helps to teach preschoolers to the possibility of concentration.

In the form of the main merit of Louise Karlovna, she developed material for conversations with preschoolers with a natural history content. Conversations are of great help to the child to understand the material that he has already accumulated. Absolutely any child willingly talks about what he knows and what he is interested in. It is only necessary to be able to direct his attention to the subject of the conversation. Conversations about animals and plants direct the child's thought, they have a beneficial effect on the ability to designate, with the help of recollection and imagination, those facts from their memory that are endowed with a connection with the subject of conversation, and concentrate their attention on it. Schleger advises to conduct conversations with preschoolers in any place, but the methodology for conducting them should be different. These conversations should be endowed with a programmatic character, and not proceed from the interests of the child at a certain point in time, based on his work or play, as well as experiences and observations. In the appropriate case, the educator will have to say more. Sometimes conversations arise at the initiative of children, which must be welcomed in every possible way.

In her guide Materials for Conversations with Young Children, Schleger outlined a variety of conversations about animals. They are not imposed on children, but are rooted in observations, based on contact with living objects. Children, according to Luiza Karlovna Schleger, feel a sense of love for all living things, they need to be given the opportunity to observe the life of animals, it is desirable that they are surrounded by a variety of representatives of animals, birds and fish. [22]

The information received by the child from his observations and conversations is endowed with both intellectual and moral value. Children develop not only an interest in the life of animals, but also a sense of sympathy, recognition of the right of absolutely any living creature to a careful attitude towards it. The best result in this case is obtained mainly in the communication of children with animals and caring for them. Taking care of them, children learn their character, habits, needs, imbued with understanding and sympathy for their joys and sorrows. Animal care develops patience and concern for another living being.

Toddlers care for and care for animals, learn the basics of love for them and handle them carefully. Of course, in the started game, the guys cannot take care of them. In this regard, they are told fairy tales, stories are read, where animals are represented in the person of the heroes and their character is indicated. Older children are given the opportunity to organize independent observation.

In the conditions of the city, the process of expanding the circle of communication of children with the animal world causes some difficulties, in connection with this, one has to be content with a few of the closest animals (cat, dog, birds in cages, fish in an aquarium), other animals attract the attention of children on the street, excursions.

With the help of conversations, the attention of children is directed, familiar ideas are evoked in memory, a habit of observation is developed, and an indicator of what children have perceived from these conversations and observations are both their stories and pictorial works.

Thus, Louise Karlovna Schleger suggests, for example, after completing a conversation about a horse, to sculpt, draw and cut out a horse in all sorts of positions: a cab horse, riding, a horse with a cart, a wagon train with firewood, with snow, a horse during field work. Based on this, any of the topics is taken for the upcoming conversation and then it is expanded by interspersing the basics of practical activity into it. But past themes do not remain forgotten, one has to constantly return to them, while gradually expanding the field of observation of the child, satisfying his curiosity.

All fairy tales and stories are not read to children, but are told to them, and much is altered in them, additions and comments are made.

In this regard, the problem of environmental education, which originated in the theory and practice of progressive foreign and Russian teachers and educators, was the central issue of education, in which nature was given great importance as one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education.

Luiza Karlovna Schleger (1863-1942) was a well-known figure in preschool education in the pre-revolutionary years and in the first years of Soviet power. Since 1905, L.K. Schleger directed the folk kindergarten, opened in Moscow pedagogical society“The Settlement (later the Children's Labor and Rest Society), headed by S. T. Shatsky. Taking, as a principle, “to look closely at children, where they will lead”, that is, focusing on their spontaneous, spontaneous development, L.K. Schleger embarked on the path of pedocentrism. The results of his work experience L.K. Schleger designed in the books "Materials for Conversations with Young Children" and "Practical Work in Kindergarten", which have long served as a popular guide for heads of kindergartens in Russia.

Kindergarten, which was led by L.K. Schleger, was a kind of pedagogical laboratory, where a new method of educating preschoolers was created, based on respect for the personality of the child and concern for his comprehensive development.

“Materials for conversations with young children”. OK. Schleger has developed material for conversations with preschoolers of natural history content. In her book, conversations are developed that help the child understand the material he has already accumulated. Conversations about animals and plants direct the child's thought, they enable him to select by recalling and imagining those facts from his experience that are connected with the subject of the conversation, and to focus his attention on it. Leading questions make the child's thought work in a certain direction. Interviews with preschoolers can be conducted anywhere, but the methodology for conducting them varies. Allocate Various types conversations about nature: conversations combined with direct perception (during observations, excursions, walks); conversations in the process of children's activities (during labor in nature); data-driven conversations

Schleger saw rich pedagogical opportunities in conversations. “The habit of talking in a certain direction,” she writes, “develops in the child the ability for active, that is, conscious observation, which is a huge step forward in the development of his mental powers. The work of consciousness is always associated with the ability to draw some conclusions from its observations. She believed that the knowledge acquired by children should be embodied in their creative activity.

Summing up his pedagogical searches in the period from 1905 to 1908, L.K. Schleger wrote: “We came to the following conclusions - children have the right to their own life; -Each age has its own interests, its own capabilities and it is necessary to study each age; - children should be given complete freedom in work and play; - free work serves us as an indicator of growth; - the material that we introduce into the kindergarten should be flexible, broad, giving children the opportunity to self-identify without the help and instructions of adults, it needs to be searched and explored; - it is impossible to think about planting the public artificially, giving children ready-made forms for this age; they need to first establish their identity; - our role is helping, guiding, studying, observing.

The book "Practical Work in the Kindergarten" was widely distributed among preschool workers before the revolution. 1. Respect for the creative manifestation of the child's personality in games and activities. 2. Individual approach to each child, studying the behavior of children in different situations. 3. Attentive care for the health of children, their mental, moral, aesthetic development. 4. Search for new forms of pedagogical influence on children, developing their initiative, independence and mutual assistance. 5. Continuous improvement of methods and techniques educational work with kids. In the practical activities of L. K. Schleger and her staff in the folk kindergarten, there were significant methodological achievements.

Schleger assigned a central place in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten to the game. “The child must be given a wide opportunity to play ... Play is the natural life of children and by no means an empty fun. Children's play should be treated with the greatest attention and seriousness... In play, the entire spiritual world, the entire store of life experience, is revealed.”

Very important in educational terms is manual labor (especially woodwork). “... It gives an outlet to the child's need for activity, for doing things, for the embodiment of his thoughts. It develops the muscles of the arms, which are connected with the brain centers. A variety of material develops external senses - sight, touch, a sense of form, proportion, eye ... It does not matter that the thing made by the child is not elegant, not finished, but the mood of the child is important, his work of thought, the work of his muscles, his fantasies and the feeling of satisfaction that he feels when he has done it.

Schleger gave great attention physical education of children. Rational nutrition of children Rhythmic movements to music Mobile games Manual labor Self-care activities are important means of proper physical development child.

In the book “Practical Work in Kindergarten”, methodological instructions were given on issues of physical and aesthetic education, on educating children in a sense of community through collective labor, games and activities, on some issues of mental education (methods of sensory education, storytelling, dramatization, etc.) In the Schleger folk kindergarten, large original building material was used for games and activities, and dolls were introduced. “A doll is a living being for a child; playing with her, he lives with her, wrote Schleger. Playing with dolls provides rich material for observation and for conversations, for determining the entire worldview of the child. Children experience with dolls their lives, the lives of those around them. Dolls do everything a person does. Keeping a house, the work of a father, mother, one's own life - everything is dramatized completely. An emotional tool to be used."

Conclusion The kindergarten run by L.K. Schleger, was a pedagogical laboratory where a new method of education was created, based on respect for the personality of the child and concern for his comprehensive development. The main task of the kindergarten is to create an environment in which the child could develop comprehensively and feel free, would find responses to all his needs and interests. Requirements for organizing the situation in the kindergarten: a separate room for each group, matching the furniture to the age of the children, equipping the walls on which the children could draw, the presence of a museum of children's works, etc. The activity of the teacher is mainly aimed at organizing the environment and provide materials to help identify internal forces children, their development creativity. According to Schleger, games and activities with various materials- natural, large construction and waste. The centerpiece is creative play. Children are divided into groups according to age or development. The number of children in the group is 15 people. The program should correspond to the task of the kindergarten, and the teacher's action plan follows from observations of the children. There are no ready-made recipes for the activity of a teacher.

Thank you for your attention

Teacher, activist in the field of preschool education and primary education. In 1882-1903 she taught at primary school. One of the initiators of the creation (1906) of the educational society "Settlement", later transformed into the society "Children's Labor and Recreation". In 1905-18, she directed the first folk kindergarten in Moscow, created under the company (in 1919, she became part of the 1st Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat for Education). From 1907 she worked in the organization organized by her together with E.Ya. Fortunatova experimental elementary school. Sh.'s pedagogical system took shape under the influence of the ideas of free education. Public educational institutions, according to Sh., are designed to protect children from the negative influence of the environment, to create conditions for the development of their abilities, independence, initiative, and creativity. Sh. limited the role of the educator to observation, assistance to children in their free self-manifestation.

Since 1918, Sh. worked on the problems of creating a system of preschool education based on the principles of the unity of family and social, preschool and school education, studying the psychophysiological characteristics of the child and his environment, and others.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 425)

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OK. Schleger was a well-known figure in pre-school education in the pre-revolutionary years and in the first years of Soviet power.

Kindergarten, which was led by L.K. Schleger, was a kind of pedagogical laboratory, where a new method of educating preschoolers was created, based on respect for the personality of the child and concern for his comprehensive development.

The results of his work experience L.K. Schleger designed the books "Materials for Conversations with Young Children" and "Practical Work in Kindergarten", which have long served as a popular guide for leaders of kindergartens in Russia.

According to L.K. Schleger, the main task of kindergartens is to create an environment in which a child of preschool age could exist calmly, feel free, easy and joyful and would find a response to his needs and interests corresponding to his age; where he would find incentives for the development of all aspects of life: physical, labor, aesthetic and mental.

OK. Schleger believed that excursions should not be carried out with young preschoolers, since they cannot walk far, but walks in the yard are essential for developing their powers of observation and broadening their horizons. With children of 7 years of age, longer excursions are also necessary. These children need to "expand" the scope of the kindergarten. Sometimes these excursions, notes L.K. Schleger, are arranged without any predetermined plan, in order to give children the opportunity to receive a variety of impressions, and then their observation and interest are tested in conversations or pictorial works. Most often, excursions must be carried out according to a pre-planned plan, and then, through conversations, sum up the excursion. It teaches preschoolers to focus.

Merit L.K. Schleger is that she developed material for conversations with preschoolers of natural history content. Conversations help the child to understand the material that he has already accumulated. Any child willingly talks about what he knows and what he is interested in. You just need to be able to draw his attention to the subject of conversation. Conversations about animals and plants direct the child's thought, they give him the opportunity to select by recalling and imagining those facts from his stock that have a connection with the subject of the conversation, and focus his attention on it. Leading questions make the child's thought work in a certain direction.

For example, when talking about a sheep, the teacher asks: did the children meet the sheep in the city? And in the village? What color is the sheep? Big or small? How long is her tail? Does she have horns? And the ram? How is sheep wool obtained? And when is the sheep sheared: in winter or summer? What is made of her wool? When and why do we wear wool? Do sheep have children? What are they called?

Conversations with preschoolers L.K. Schleger recommends carrying out everywhere, but the methodology for conducting them is different. If they want to give children certain, systemic knowledge in advance, then they plan a number of consecutive conversations on certain topics. These conversations should be programmatic in nature, and not follow from the interests of the child in this moment, from his work or play, experiences, observations. In this case, the teacher will have to speak more. Sometimes conversations arise at the initiative of children, which should be welcomed in every possible way.

Talking to Young Children contains a variety of conversations about animals. They are not imposed on children, but stem from observations, from contact with living objects. Children, according to L.K. Schleger, they love all living things, they need to be given the opportunity to observe the life of animals, it is desirable that there are various animals, birds, fish in aquariums around them.

The information acquired by the child from observation and conversation provides both intellectual and moral value. Children develop not only an interest in the life of animals, but also a sense of sympathy, recognition of the right of every living being to a caring attitude towards him. This is achieved best by communicating with animals and caring for them. Caring for them, children learn their character, habits, imbued with understanding and sympathy for their joys and sorrows. Animal care develops patience and concern for another living being. Toddlers play with animals, learn to love them and handle them carefully. Of course, in the started game, the guys cannot take care of them. Therefore, they are told fairy tales, stories, where animals appear, where their character emerges. Older children organize independent observations.

In the conditions of the city it is difficult to arrange a wide communication of children with the animal world, you have to be content with a few of the closest animals (cat, dog, birds in cages, fish in an aquarium), other animals attract the attention of children on the street, excursions.

Conversations direct the attention of children, recall familiar ideas, develop a habit of observation, and an indicator of what children have perceived from these conversations and observations are their stories and pictorial works.

Each conversation can be divided into parts. For the upcoming conversation, any of them is taken. You have to constantly return to the same conversation, gradually expanding the circle of observations of the child, satisfying his curiosity. All fairy tales and stories are not read to children, but are told, and many things are altered in them, additions and comments are made.
