All natural rubies make milk pink. ruby gemstone

Like sapphire, ruby ​​belongs to the corundum class. These two minerals differ only in color.

Large rubies are less common than diamonds. So, for the period from 1870 to 1970. was

more than 300 diamond crystals weighing more than 200 carats were found, and there were only a few of the same rubies. Rubies weighing even more than 30 carats are very rare.

The word "ruby" comes from the Latin "rubur" - "red", in ancient Greece it was called "anthrax" - "coal". Its Latin name "carbuncle" has the same meaning. Other red stones, such as garnets, were also called carbuncles. The Indians called the fiery red ruby ​​“ratna-raj” (“the king of precious stones”) and valued it above other gems. In Rus', this stone was called "yakhont worm".
Ruby have always been considered the main rival. In some nations, these red stones were valued above diamonds of equal size and.


The quality and, accordingly, the price of rubies depend primarily on the color. The red color of a ruby ​​can be different, depending on the deposit.

Burmese rubies are the most sought after and expensive on the world market. The typical color of such a stone from Burma (Myanmar) is rich red, with a slight bluish tinge. It is also called "the color of pigeon blood." Among connoisseurs, such rubies are associated with the famous Mogok deposit, located among the high mountains in northern Myanmar. For many centuries, the best rubies in the world came from this tiny region of several square kilometers.
The peculiarity of Burmese rubies is that their incredible bright color they hold up in any light. These stones often contain short needles of rutile, which are at an angle of 120° to each other, creating the so-called "asterism effect". With the correct cut, a six- or twelve-pointed star is visible in such rubies.

Good rubies are also mined in Thailand. Dark red stones are found here, with a slight brown tint. This deep red color is called "Siamese".

In Ceylon (Sri Lanka) rubies, which have become such a rarity today, shades of red range from light tones to the color of ripe raspberries.
In Vietnam, near the border with China, rubies are mined, which have a slight purple hue.
In Myanmar, where the best rubies in the world have been mined since ancient times, it was believed that the stone makes a person invulnerable, but for this it must be “immersed in the flesh” (sewn under the skin) so that it becomes part of the owner’s body, after which he may not be afraid of either a spear, or a sword, or an arrow, and later a bullet.
Other ruby ​​deposits are located in northern Pakistan (Kashmir), Tajikistan, Laos, Nepal and Afghanistan. Many rubies are mined in India. In the areas of Musora and Orissa, relatively large and rich in inclusions ruby ​​crystals have been found, which are especially suitable for beads and cabochons.

Rubies from Kenya and Tanzania have a beautiful rich color that ranges from light to dark red. But in African deposits, stones of ordinary average quality predominate.


To improve the quality of stones, staining and oiling are often resorted to. This allows you to improve the color and "heal" small cracks. When caring for such rubies, solvents should be avoided. In addition, today the “healing” of cracks with lead glass is actively used.

As ruby ​​imitations, both all kinds of synthetic stones and glasses are used, as well as cheaper ones. natural stones: garnets (pyrope and almandine), noble ruby ​​spinel and rubellite tourmaline. All of these imitations have a lower hardness, which is easy to determine with a piece of synthetic ruby: it easily leaves a scratch on them.


First of all, it is necessary to distinguish natural rubies from their synthetic counterparts. First, we must remember that pure, densely colored large rubies are extremely rare in nature and are very expensive, while synthetic corundums look flawless.

Secondly, the “age” of a stone is not yet a guarantee of its naturalness, even if your stone is about a hundred years old. The fact is that some employees of the Verneuil laboratory, after discovering the synthesis of rubies at the beginning of the last century, carried their artificial rubies around the East, where they were sold and exchanged for real ones. In a matter of years, the markets of Europe and the Middle East were flooded with artificial Verneuil rubies. And today these stones are already a hundred years old.

Buyers, especially tourists in Asia, should keep in mind that a bright red ruby, without cracks, weighing about 1 carat or more, is very rare, and it costs more than a diamond of the same weight.

When buying a ruby, you should pay attention to appearance stone. Use a magnifying glass to see the natural inclusions in the structure of the stone. The presence of such defects is a clear sign that you have real ruby.


Since ancient times, the ruby ​​has been considered a stone that patronizes love and symbolizes passion. It brings good luck to the conquerors of hearts, protects from unrequited love. That is why a ring with a ruby ​​as a gift testifies to the stormy feelings that lovers have for each other.

The ruby ​​was also used to save from love torments, especially in those cases when a person is hard pressed by the death of a loved one.

Ruby is the stone of the "ruby wedding" - the 40th anniversary of family life.
As a talisman, the ruby ​​brings good luck to those who are used to making their own way in life; He gives such people additional strength.

Worn in the form of a pendant at the level of the heart, this mineral helps a person get away from sharp conflicts and tense situations and make the necessary acquaintances.

It is believed that when the owner is in danger, and also if it is lowered into a poisoned liquid, the ruby ​​changes color.

Used as an amulet, the ruby ​​has long been considered a very strong talisman against evil spirits in the home. In order for the stone to protect your entire home from the penetration of evil spirits, you should put a ruby ​​on the plan of the house on paper and draw eight arrows from it with a red marker or pencil, radiating from the stone in all directions.

A ruby ​​ring is recommended to be worn by researchers, scientists, managers of large enterprises - everyone who, by the nature of their activities, must constantly maintain clarity of thinking and keep in mind a lot of disparate facts.

The ruby ​​is worn on the index or ring finger of the hand, as well as around the neck in the form of a small pendant at the level of the heart.
It is believed that when the owner is in danger, and also if it is lowered into a poisoned liquid, the ruby ​​changes color.


Like all red stones, ruby ​​boosts immunity. Worn on the ring finger of the left hand, the ruby ​​ring strengthens the heart; it is especially recommended to wear it when there is a high probability of a heart attack.

Ruby earrings help cure chronic headaches and migraines. Ruby pendant increases appetite, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to experts, the stone has a positive effect on the development of the fetus in the first third of pregnancy, when the formation of the main organs and tissues of the baby takes place. But for more later dates pregnancy, it is undesirable to use it, because it increases blood pressure and increases the risk of toxicosis.
Carefully wearing a ruby ​​is necessary for hypertensive patients, as well as people with a choleric temperament, excitable and prone to strong emotions.


Indian astrologers call the ruby ​​a stone of power, strength and violent energy, a stone
purposeful and bright people. It is a stone of the constellations Aries and Leo.
In order for the ruby ​​to bring good luck to other signs of the zodiac, after acquiring a stone, start wearing it only when the Sun or Moon is in the constellations of Aries or Leo.
Ruby with constant wear must be cleaned from negative energy. Since it is filled with the element of fire, it is best to clean it with fire, over a candle.
The setting of gold enhances the energy of the ruby.

Ruby has the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. Eastern proverb

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Natural ruby ​​gets its name from its red color, and red is called ruber in Latin. Natural ruby ​​appears during contact metamorphism of dolomitic limestones under the influence of granites. Chemical formula AL2O3, aluminum oxide. In 1800, it was established that ruby ​​and sapphire belong to varieties of corundum. The main chromophore is chromium, and iron gives brownish hues. The color of a ruby ​​is red, and its shades can be different. It is believed that the most precious ruby ​​should have a red color with a slight purple tint, it is also called the color of blue blood, and stones such as Burmese or Siamese are an exception and serve as a qualitative assessment of stones. The coloration is unevenly distributed over the stone and may be in the form of spots or stripes. Rough Ruby shines dull and greasy, and faceted sparkles almost like a diamond.

ruby stone photo

In terms of hardness, the ruby ​​​​mineral is softer only than diamond, and it is 140 times softer. But it is 7 times harder than topaz, which is the reference mineral on the Mohs scale. When cutting, it must be taken into account that its hardness varies depending on the direction in the crystal. Separation is sometimes expressed in some directions, although it lacks cleavage. They very often come across inclusions by which it is possible to determine its deposit. If there are inclusions of rutile needles, then the stone will have a delicate silky sheen, and if it is properly polished with a cabochon, you will get the effect of a cat's eye or the figure of a six-pointed star.
The main properties of the ruby: white streak, no cleavage, carmine-red luminescence, small-cracked and uneven fracture, brittle, trigonal syngony, pleochroism from yellowish red to carmine red, degree of transparency is opaque or translucent but less often transparent, hardness 9, density 3.97 - 4.05, light refraction 1.766 - 1.774, two refraction 0.008, dispersion 0.018, absorption spectrum lines 694.2; 692.8; 668; 659.2; 610 - 500; 476.5; 475; 468.5.
Non-jewelry rubies are used as an abrasive material. Jewelry ruby ​​and diamond belong to the group of the most expensive stones. Large specimens are very rare. The largest gem ruby ​​weighing 400 carats was found in Burma and split into 3 parts. Also known are such stones as the Edward's Ruby weighing 167 carats which is located in London in the British Museum of Natural History, the Reeve star ruby ​​weighing 138 carats which is located in Washington at the Smithsonian Institution, the De Long star ruby ​​weighing 100 carats which is located in New York in the American Museum of Natural History, the World ruby ​​weighing 43 carats.

The Black Prince ruby ​​was only identified at the end of the 20th century.

Ruby in the old days could not be distinguished from some red spinel stones, but in our time they have learned to distinguish them very well. As a result of this, it turned out that many previously known rubies turned out to be ordinary red spinel, for example, the Black Prince, which is in the crown of the British Queen, Timur, inserted into the chest chain of the British Queen, a drop-shaped spinel in the Witelsbach crown.

Trying to find the perfect ruby

Ruby stone is mainly mined in alluvial placers. Due to its high density, it can be extracted in rivers by washing, followed by manual sampling from the washed concentrate. The most famous deposits are in Burma, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Thailand.

  • The most important deposit is located in Upper Burma near the city of Mogok. In this place, rubies are located at a shallow depth and therefore rubies are mined in pits, ditches and mines. But in this deposit, only 1 percent of all mined are of gem quality, and there are very few large stones. But at this deposit very often come across a ruby ​​​​with the color of a stone of blue blood.
  • In Thailand, the field is located southeast of Bangkok in the Changwada district. Stones are mined from clay gravel using shallow mines up to 8 meters deep. Stones mined in Thailand have a brownish tint.
  • In Sri Lanka, the field is located in the southwestern part of the island in the Ratnapura region. In these places, mining is carried out from the bottom of the rivers. Stones mined in Sri Lanka have a strawberry hue.
  • In Tanzania, a deposit was discovered in the northeastern part of the country in the upper part of the Umba River. The stones mined there have a purple or brown hue.

Small deposits are found in Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Malawi, Afghanistan, the US state of North Carolina, Madagascar, Kampuchea, Brazil, Australia, Switzerland, Norway and Russia.

What does a faceted ruby ​​look like?

Basically, the country that mined the ruby ​​cuts it itself. Transparent minerals are given a brilliant or step cut, while non-transparent ones are cut cabochon. Since the ruby ​​is a precious stone, it is very often counterfeited in the form of glass imitations and doublets. It can generally be confused with another stone, such as garnet, spinel, topaz, tourmaline. Since 1900, an artificial ruby ​​has appeared that is very similar to a real natural ruby. But synthetic stones do not have inclusions and do not transmit ultraviolet rays. Synthetic ruby ​​is used in watches, precision measurements, solid-state lasers and other devices.

Rubies have been known since ancient times. This stone is associated with fire, blood and wild passion. Ruby is one of the most valuable stones in the world. Interestingly, a perfect Burmese ruby ​​will cost more than a diamond. This situation has developed because very few natural minerals of perfect forms have been found.

A story with a touch of magic

Whatever names were given to the ruby ​​during its existence. Among the Slavs, he bore the name "yahont", some Roman connoisseurs called him carbunculus, the Greeks gave the stone the nickname anthrax, and in ancient Sanskrit, the ruby ​​was dubbed the king of gems. It is believed that the owner of the stone will gain control over power and strength in order to improve their destiny.

But there are two important points: you can’t wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can become energy vampire in relation to the owner; safely owning a stone is worthy of a person who has reached a certain life status.

To this day, natural ruby ​​is credited with magical and healing properties:

  • help in overcoming obsessive fear;
  • opposition to the forces of darkness;
  • excitation of irresistible passion;
  • treatment of hypotension;
  • the presence of a hemostatic function;
  • the ability to invigorate and prevent the breakdown;
  • tonic properties.

For your information: the legendary Paracelsus attempted to treat cancerous tumors using ruby.

So where did it come from magic stone, and what color can a ruby ​​be? This is evidenced by scientific facts and long-term geological surveys.

Ruby pedigree

A long time ago, the bowels of the earth gave birth to a majestic stone in agony. This process took place during the mutual movement of tectonic layers: crust and magma. The resulting substance, later called aluminum oxide by scientists, came out in the form of a crystal. The value of rubies is due to the fact that their genus is too ancient, and the mystery of the appearance of red minerals goes far into the past. In our time, such movements of the earth's layers do not exist, so there is a chance to find scarlet stones only in the strata of rocks about half a million years old.

Distinctive features of the king of stones

What color is a ruby ​​found in nature? This indicator is affected by chromium inclusions. Ruby color palette varies from bright pink to purplish red. The most valuable in the world are rubies of saturated color of bull's blood. They seem to glow from within, bewitching with their cold beauty.

As for the physical features of the stone, its structure is one of the densest in nature and has an original, shimmering brilliance: these qualities add similarity to the ruby ​​of a diamond. In the old days, it was mined and stored only in India and Burma, but gradually developing trade relations allowed the precious mineral to travel to Egypt, Greece and the great Rome. In addition to healing various ailments, the ruby ​​is famous for the fact that, according to legend, it was honored to adorn the ring of the wise King Solomon. In addition, a luxurious stone was an indispensable attribute of the royal regalia and symbols of domination, however, not forgetting to adorn graceful fingers.

Ruby: species features

The deposits of these stunningly beautiful stones are localized on the territory of many states, including Sri Lanka, India, African countries, Madagascar, and some Asian regions. And each species has its strengths and unique appearance.

Guest from Burma

The flagship in the ruby ​​sea is undoubtedly a stone from Burma. The famous Mount Mong-Shu harbors Burmese rubies of the highest grade in its womb. These are very valuable stones, characterized by transparency and color saturation. To find out what color a natural ruby ​​mined in Upper Burma is, one must conjure up a blood-violet hue that does not lose its brilliance in any light. Outwardly, it looks very expensive. Looking at a product with a ruby, you can guess its grade and origin by the color of the stone. The Mogok ruby ​​ranges in color from light to dark red, but it is important to remember that it is the intense saturation that is the hallmark of the Burmese ruby.

Prices for such stones range from $ 50 per carat, and this is the minimum cost. Further price increase depends on the color of the ruby, and its quality characteristics are also taken into account. Determining the authenticity of a Burmese ruby ​​is quite difficult. This is done by well-known laboratories that have received the right to issue the appropriate certificates.

Siamese gift

Rubies mined in Thailand and Vietnam are considered second-class stones, but this does not make them any less beautiful. Thai ruby: what color is it and what is its difference? The stones of this region are characterized by a rich palette and sometimes they find truly unique, valuable samples, worth several thousand dollars per carat. But in the bulk, these stones are rather unevenly colored and do not differ in large sizes.

Ruby breath of Tanzania

Minerals worthy of attention are mined in Tanzania. What color is a ruby? A photo of a Tanzanian stone indicates a bright crimson hue, from the contemplation of which it is impossible to break away. Such stones become after cutting, but what color is a natural ruby ​​​​from the bowels of Tanzania? Cloudy, but more often transparent, pink or garnet minerals with pronounced internal defects, but jewelers give them a stunning appeal with the help of their skill, extracting fiery reflections from the stone heart.

Rubies are also mined in Kenya, Madagascar, India, Afghanistan and other countries, but they are significantly inferior in value to Siamese and Burmese species. For example, what color is a ruby ​​from the Kenyan depths? Surprisingly, such minerals have. And Malagasy stones are distinguished by orange and pink reflections with a pronounced internal silkiness.

Star effect rubies are especially prized: stunningly beautiful, transparent stones, often of intense color. Their cost depends on the saturation of the hue, the degree of clarity and clarity of the contour of the star inside the mineral. They are evaluated very subjectively, relying more on their own taste than on quality parameters.

Characteristic features of natural stone

Based on this, rubies are distinguished by different color saturation and transparency. If there is a so-called young ruby, what color is it? As a rule, such stones are watery-light, with a pink or lilac tint. In general, rubies in nature are not completely transparent, without extraneous inclusions, internal defects, and too big size. What color is a real ruby, experts can say with confidence: the mineral contains shades from light scarlet to dark red. Also, natural stones have a dull sheen, and some have a silky sheen.

Determining Authenticity

A synthetically grown stone will not have those miraculous properties that a genuine ruby ​​is endowed with. In addition, real jewelry is very expensive, so deceit and scams often flourish in the sales sector.

How to distinguish imitation from natural stone?

Among other things, there are several important points which are worth paying attention to in the first place. So, the question price. Real rubies are rare, so because of their exclusivity, they are quite expensive. Should be of particular concern low price large stone - such specimens are too rare and very valuable.

And last: color. If the buyer hurts his eyes from the contemplation of a sparkling, bloody ruby, then we must remember that such stones are rare in nature. In other words, in front of the client is either a fabulously valuable Burmese ruby, or a blatant fake.

There are several simple ways identifying the authenticity of the stone:

  1. Ultraviolet test. Under a fake ruby, it turns orange.
  2. White bubbles. In a natural ruby, bubbles are extremely rare and are identical in color to the stone itself. Whereas in fake minerals, circles are light in color or hollow.
  3. Natural stone is usually cold and heats up with great difficulty, unlike artificial counterparts.
  4. If you place a ruby ​​in a glass of milk, it will turn the liquid pink.
  5. From different angles, natural stone looks different.
  6. If a crack is found in a stone, then in a natural mineral it will be uneven and will not shine, as in a fake.

Therefore, when choosing an expensive ruby, you should definitely consult with a knowledgeable jeweler or gemologist.

Rubies are natural creations that are breathtaking to look at. It doesn’t matter what color the ruby ​​is colored with: they are used to create talismans for different signs of the zodiac, amulets that can protect against the forces of evil. They are credited magical properties and endowed with healing properties. And, finally, magnificent jewels worthy of decorating royal houses are obtained from the ruby. A natural mineral of such a high grade is an excellent choice of real sybarite.

Magnificent, unsurpassed, beautiful ruby ​​stone is the king among precious minerals, the leader of gems. The stone of the planet Sun is one of the rarest and most expensive in the world, along with diamonds and emeralds. The stone of power and prosperity, related to the elements of Fire, has no equal in anything.

Before him, the moonlight and the brilliance of distant stars fade, the beauty of the most magnificent beauty and the morning dawn. From the radiance coming from its depths, it breathes mystery and infinity. Its brilliance and richness fascinate so that you cannot take your eyes off this unique creation of nature. Ruby has a special magical power incomparable with other stones.

Description of the stone and its meaning

The king of gems and looks accordingly. A real ruby ​​has a blood-red color, which corresponds to its name, which in Latin means "red".

A high-quality gem looks exactly like this:

  • transparent;
  • smooth;
  • brilliant;
  • sparkling;
  • solid;
  • correct form;
  • heavy;
  • without defects (cracks, scratches, voids, impurities); color - carmine red with a bluish tint and silky or milky inclusions.

The gem symbolizes love and beauty, strength and royalty, health and lust for life. The stone of mystics and magicians has an incredible layer and does not tolerate lies.

The history of the origin of the ruby

One of the most valuable jewelry materials, the ruby, according to one of the beautiful ancient Indian legends, was tempered in the blood of the terrible demon Vala, which the sun god Surya, fleeing from Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, famous for his power and victories over the demigods, dropped into the deep waters of Bhakarta (ancient India) with gentle waves shining under bright sunlight, surrounded by shores overgrown with walnut trees.

Thus, amazing gems appeared on the banks of these waters, sparkling with a unique brilliance.

Magnificent and radiant, bright red and other shades of gems began to be found on the fragrant banks of the Ravan Ganga (Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, etc.). Rubies of various colors and shades are still found in these fragrant lands to this day. Some of them resemble human blood, while others resemble pomegranate seeds or saffron. The best of them are evenly colored, and a unique radiance emanates from the core, reflecting the sun's rays in all directions.

The most expensive ruby ​​in the world is the stone found in the Bulgari ring. Its weight is 8.62 carats. This ring was purchased by London jeweler Lawrence Graff for £3.6 million in 2006.

One of the legendary is the Black Prince. Although they call it a ruby, in fact it is not a ruby, but. It has a weight of 170 carats. The stone was first mentioned in the 14th century, when it became the property of the British kings. This gem now adorns the front cross of the Crown of the British Empire.

Physical Properties

Ruby, and in ancient times yahont and, is an igneous rock. The composition of the stone is corundum (Al2O3). The color, mostly blood-red, the stone has due to the content of impurities of chromium and iron oxides in it.

Other Features:

  • jewelry class - I;
  • hardness - 9 (on the Mohs scale), which is slightly inferior to the hardness of a diamond;
  • density - 3.97 - 4.05 g / cm³;
  • transparent;
  • may have rutile inclusions;
  • The brilliance of a ruby ​​can only be compared to that of a diamond.

Place of Birth

The gem is found all over the world, but these are, most often, semi-precious opaque specimens with various defects that cannot be cut.

The highest quality rubies are mined in Asia. One of the oldest deposits, according to ancient legend, is located in Burma, not far from Myanmar.

Large deposits of the king of stones are found in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, and also in East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania).

In Russia, there are also gem deposits - in the Polar Urals. Another stone is found in the Pamir region.

Colors and varieties

The main color of the mineral is blood red. The stone can also be fiery crimson, red-brown, yellowish-red, red-pink. The most valuable is the gem, which has a bluish or purple hue, the so-called "pigeon blood" color stone.

"Pigeon Blood"

Ruby is very close in composition to sapphire, which is also (aluminum oxide), but does not have such a rich colors, as its relative, therefore, if suddenly someone somewhere hears about a pink or green ruby, then most likely it will be a sapphire. However, the pink ruby ​​still exists. This is a young natural gem of light pink or lilac shades.

Pink ruby

A star ruby ​​is essentially a sapphire and can be any color. Its value lies in the shining six-pointed star located in the center of the processed stone.

star ruby

A variety of ruby ​​is aniolite - a unique rock, consisting of green ziosite with inclusions of dark pink or dark red ruby. The mineral is valued for its amazing pattern as well as the combination of colors created by the two rocks in this beautiful creation, which is very expensive.

The color and quality of a ruby ​​depends on its origin.

magical properties

First of all, the ruby ​​is a stone of power. It raises the political authority of its owner and contributes to the growth of his political career.

Also, the gem is a symbol. It helps people who own it to learn love, compassion, self-sacrifice, selflessness both for individuals and for humanity as a whole, thereby bringing harmony and joy to the world.

The stone symbolizes passionate love. It is presented as a gift to those people from whom they want to achieve reciprocity.

It is believed that the stone changes color with the approach of danger. The ruby ​​has great mystical significance. It is an excellent amulet against, and also protects against the machinations of ill-wishers. The raw gem was worn by those who feared being poisoned.

The mineral enhances those qualities of a person that prevail in it. He makes the good kinder and the evil worse. A stone can bring misfortune to someone whose character traits are far from perfect. Rubin prefers those people who have purity of thought and strength of character, and he also does not tolerate lies.

The magical power of the gem is used by people with superpowers - magicians, sorcerers and psychics.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the stone have been known since ancient times.

Lithotherapists use it to treat:

  • digestive organs;
  • joints and spine;
  • throat diseases;
  • paralysis and epilepsy;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertension.

Also, the mineral improves immunity, relieves insomnia and depression, improves metabolism. If a gem is placed in water and insisted for a day, then such water helps to rejuvenate the skin, restoring damaged cells, alleviates a person’s condition with colds, improves metabolism and removes toxins.

The stone is considered feminine, as it relieves the fair sex from gynecological ailments and helps them become pregnant.

Who suits according to the horoscope?

Ruby is dominated by the Sun and belongs to the element of Fire, therefore, we are perfectly suited to such signs of the zodiac that correspond to this particular element, that is Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, and does not fit the signs of the water element at all - Pisces and Cancer, however, Scorpion is an exception - it is under the auspices of the fiery planet Mars.

Taurus and Virgo should also not wear ruby ​​jewelry, and a stone will not harm Capricorn, but it will not do any good either.

Talismans and amulets

The stone is an excellent amulet for the military and firefighters, protecting them from death. It warns owners of danger by changing its color.

It is believed that the ruby ​​talisman will protect against natural disasters and negative magical effects. If you have a ruby ​​​​crystal in your house, then it will protect your home from fire and thieves.

If you wear a stone amulet all the time, then luck will always accompany its owner.. Any situation, whether it be finances, health or work, will change for the better. The energy of the stone allows a person to strive for everything new and unknown, opening up vast horizons of possibilities. Such a talisman will help people of mental and creative professions, as well as those who love adventure.

A gemstone amulet is capable of bringing prophetic dreams. If a person dreams of a ruby, then luck, success and prosperity await him in life.

ruby jewelry

Ruby is widely used in jewelry. They can be decorated with absolutely all jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, necklaces, etc.

Every girl or woman will be satisfied with exquisite ruby ​​jewelry, of which there is such a variety that any, even the most demanding, taste can be satisfied.

Ruby looks most luxurious in silver. This noble metal allows the mysterious and bewitching stone to fully open up. Especially chic silver ring with ruby. If it is intended for everyday wear, then it is better to choose a thin ring that will look stylish and modest, and massive rings with large rubies of dark and saturated colors of an exclusive cut are suitable for going out.

Ruby in silver fits perfectly into any style and image, and will suit both stylish and business women and sensual beauties. Absolutely everything - both blondes and brunettes will be able to choose a decoration to their liking.

For an engagement, choose Golden ring with a ruby, as it is a symbol of fiery love and devotion. Such a ring will support the fire of feelings and will not let love and passion go out for a long time.

Other uses

Apart from jewelry ruby is used in watchmaking. Everyone, probably, has met watches with stones, which are used as a gem, only either artificial or of low quality.

Another artificial stone is present in modern laser systems manufactured since 1960.


Natural stone of saturated bright color in nature is a rarity. The cost of the most valuable pigeon blood ruby ​​is from $50,000 per carat.

The price of a stone may depend on color, weight, cut, processing and presence of inclusions. If there are cracks, bubbles or blackouts inside the stone, and they interfere with the play of light, then the price of such gems will be low.

The richer the color of the stone and the greater its mass, the more expensive its value will be. Also, the price depends on whether the ruby ​​is ennobled or not. Unennobled gems will be more expensive than ennobled ones.

In the world, it is customary to designate the price of such precious stones as ruby ​​and diamond in dollars. In order to find out how much it will be in rubles, it is worth doing a simple mathematical operation or referring to tables in publications such as the Gem Guide magazine.

How many thousand rubles are asked for 1 carat ruby ​​in Russian retail chains?

One of the sites offered for sale a pair of natural rubies from Madagascar, weighing 1.68 carats, round, for earrings, rich red, for 3,500 rubles. The dimensions of the pebbles are 5 mm in diameter, length, height and width are 5x5x3.6 mm. Rubies have been heat treated.

On another site, a natural, unheated ruby ​​(according to the sellers) is offered at a price of 70,000 rubles per carat. This is the most approximate range of prices for rubies in Russia. Their cost changes with the change in the dollar exchange rate, quality and place of extraction.

The cost of large rubies is higher not only because of their size, but because they are much rarer. Therefore, the price of 1 carat of a large ruby ​​is higher than the price of 1 carat of a small stone, as a result, the cost of a stone can reach several million dollars.

In Russia, and in other countries of the world, it is very difficult to acquire high-quality rubies larger than two carats. It is even more difficult to find two or three natural stones of the same color and quality for earrings, for a set of pendants and earrings, rings and pendants, and so on.


Care lies in the proper storage and cleaning of the stone from contamination. Store the ruby ​​separately from other gems. It is best for him to purchase an individual box and place it in the eastern part of the dwelling.

Once a week, the stone must be cleaned of negativity with running water, under which the gem is placed for several hours. Also, it needs to be cleaned from time to time from dirt with a soapy solution and a soft cloth.

How to distinguish a fake?

The authenticity of the stone is quite easy to determine.

Definition methods:

  1. You can examine the stone in daylight with a magnifying glass. You need to look inside the gem. A real ruby ​​will never be perfect, there must be some inclusions inside.
  2. If you put a mineral in a container of milk, the milk will turn pink.
  3. From a certain angle of view, the stone on one side will have a bright color, and on the opposite - pale.
  4. Putting a stone on the eyelid, if the ruby ​​is real, then it will be cool for a long time. Artificial heats up quickly.
  5. In a glass beaker, a ruby ​​will emit a reddish color.
  6. When exposed to ultraviolet light, its color will turn orange.
  7. If you look at the crack, then in natural stone it will be zigzag, and in a fake one it will be straight and shining.

What stones are combined with?

Ruby goes well with gems such as agate, white pearls, turquoise, emerald, lapis lazuli, sapphire, carnelian. Absolutely incompatible with malachite,

Synthetic doesn't mean bad. Its properties are so close to the properties and characteristics of natural, and also it has no flaws and its purity is much higher. The only difference is in hardness artificial stone it is one less.

Created artificially, gems are also precious, of course, not as much as a natural ruby. Currently, they are not popular, and you will not find them in jewelry stores, except perhaps in your grandmother's jewelry box.

The high hardness of the mineral allows it to make deep scratches on the glass. However, if you want to check the authenticity of your stone, do not try to test it for strength in this way. If the ruby ​​turns out to be real, then it is likely that under pressure the stone will begin to crumble.

If you like the gem, the price suits you, and the jewelry store inspires confidence, then think again and ... buy! And if you find it difficult to choose a stone, contact the seller, he will be happy to help you!

Ruby is the red version of the mineral corundum. It is one of the most expensive gemstones. Its hardness is close to the hardness of diamonds and is 9 on the Mohs scale (for comparison, diamond is 10).

The highest quality rubies are brought from Burma, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Kenya and Vietnam.

Color rating.

A ruby ​​with an intense red tint is more valued than less brilliant stones.

Color is the most important quality characteristic of a ruby. Color includes hue, tone, and saturation.

  • Hue.

The main shade of the ruby ​​should be red. However, there are stones with orange and purple hues. There are also secondary shades that either emphasize the main color or spoil it. However, the choice of shade depends on the tastes of a particular person.

This parameter characterizes how light or dark the ruby ​​is. The most valuable are the average values ​​of tones. Too dark or light tones worsen the visual effect of the stone.

  • Saturation.

It determines the intensity of the hue. The brighter and more intense the color, the more valuable the ruby.


The less the ruby ​​has inclusions and the less noticeable they are, the better quality. It is best to choose rubies with defects that are invisible to the eye, but only visible when magnified.

There are stones called "star rubies" whose defects and inclusions adorn and give a special uniqueness to the stone.

Such rubies are polished like cabochons, which allows them to reflect the incident light in the form of a star with six rays. This is caused by an optical effect, which is given by inclusions similar to a cobweb.


Cut is a fairly significant characteristic of a ruby. Firstly, it is designed to improve its shape and appearance. Secondly, the proportions and symmetry of the cut determine the ability of the stone to reflect and refract light, creating brilliance and sparkle. Thirdly, cutting should ensure the durability of the stone by protecting some of its sharp parts from possible impact or damage.

You can buy a ruby ​​in all existing types cut. But the most popular and expensive is the round cut. Such a ruby ​​should not be too deep.

The depth of a round stone should be 60% -80% of its width (diameter of the belt). Low clarity stones are often cut as cabochons. They are judged on the basis of symmetry, transparency and brilliance.

It is very difficult to evaluate the cut, as there are different opinions and patterns on how the ideal stone should look and what criteria it should have. Therefore, when choosing a suitable ruby, one should be guided, first of all, by proportions and radiance.

Processing and improvement.

Today on the shelves jewelry stores many rubies that have been heat treated to intensify the color. Usually the result of such processing is stored for a very long time. Sometimes stones are even specially colored to increase their value.

Some rubies are treated with a special material to mask the inclusions and make it more transparent. However, the effect of such treatment is not long-term.

In any case, before buying a ruby, you need to ask the seller about the processing methods to which he was subjected. It is even better to ask for a certificate confirming its quality. In general, a natural ruby ​​with natural beauty will cost significantly more than processed stones.

Selection tips.

When buying a ruby, it is best to choose a stone that comes with a certificate proving its authenticity and origin. This is especially true if it is expensive and you need to be sure of the authenticity of the high quality of this stone.

Before buying, you should definitely be interested in possible processing in order to improve the properties of the ruby. Since this can then affect its inspection, cleaning and maintenance. In addition, you need to find out whether the ruby ​​you are buying is artificial or natural.

The ruby ​​is one of the most popular gemstones among jewelry lovers, but its popularity also means that there are many fakes that some sellers try to pass off as genuine rubies. Let's take a look at what fake rubies are made of and how you can identify these fakes.

A fake ruby ​​is made from an artificial material such as glass or a non-ruby mineral.

It is important to distinguish between a fake ruby ​​and a synthetic one.

While fakes have different chemical and physical properties compared to real stone, synthetics have the same chemical composition, and is, technically, a real ruby.

Stones used as imitations.

There are some gemstones that are similar to the ruby ​​and can be used as its counterparts. For example, red garnet is very similar to ruby ​​and can replace it. Red glass is also sometimes used to imitate ruby.

Unlike analogues, a synthetic ruby ​​has the same structure as a natural stone. But it's made in a lab. It has higher purity and is more affordable.

Stones commonly used as ruby ​​imitations are other natural red minerals as well as colored glass. Here are the most commonly used ruby ​​imitations:

Tourmaline: It is a silicate mineral with a hardness rating of 7.0-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Its rose-red variety is often used as a ruby ​​imitation, but tourmaline is much softer.

Pomegranate: This is another silicate mineral. Garnet has many different colors, but its red variety is what is sold as a ruby ​​imitation.

Glass: Many fake rubies sold in the market are made from red colored glass. These imitations are very cheap, but they are also not very durable.

Composite ruby: It is made from real ruby ​​fused with glass. The purpose of combining these materials is to increase the size of the stone while lowering its selling price compared to a real ruby.

The problem with composite rubies is that they can easily break and be damaged by household chemicals and jewelry repair.

How to distinguish between fake and genuine ruby?

Here are the most common differences between a real and fake ruby ​​that can help you spot a fake:

Hardness: Substitutes such as tourmaline, garnet or glass are softer than real ruby. This means that fake rubies made from these materials will scratch more easily.

Weight: Most fake rubies are less dense than real ones. This is easy to establish if you weigh a fake ruby ​​- its weight will be less compared to a real ruby ​​of a similar size.

Price: How much a ruby ​​is worth is an indicator of how likely it is to be real. Ruby is a fairly expensive gemstone, so if someone is selling it for a suspiciously low "bargain" price, it's likely that it could be a fake.

However, sometimes a ruby ​​can be cheap simply because it was created artificially, but in that case, its price should be much less than the price of a similar real ruby.

How to identify a lab-created gemstone?

Many rubies that are sold today are not natural resources, but actually created in a laboratory. But is there a way to tell if a ruby ​​is natural or lab grown? Let's see how we can find out.

A synthetic ruby ​​(also known as created, cultured, or lab-grown) is created through an artificial process that usually involves the use of high temperature and pressure.

From a chemical point of view, an artificial ruby ​​does not differ from a natural ruby ​​and is considered a real ruby.

Origin testing.

Testing includes analysis of the physical structure and chemical composition.

Even though synthetic and natural ruby ​​are virtually identical, there are some very subtle differences that can be detected by the respective equipment.

Structural differences:
A gemologist can tell if a ruby ​​is synthetic by looking at its structure under a microscope.

The ruby ​​has so-called "growth lines" - structural patterns that occur during its formation. The growth lines in synthetics are characteristically curved, indicating an artificial origin.

Lab-created rubies can also have microscopic gas bubbles inside that form during the manufacturing process.

Chemical Differences:
The creation process leaves certain chemical traces in the stone that are not present in natural minerals. For example, even a small amount of lead can indicate an artificial origin.

Although laboratory testing is the most accurate way to find out the origin of a ruby, it is not always reliable. Gemstone creation processes are constantly being improved, and rubies created by the laboratory become almost absolutely identical to their natural counterparts.

Signs that a ruby ​​can be grown in a laboratory.

If you are unable to send your ruby ​​to a lab for testing, there are more practical ways to determine if it could be a synthetic product.

Look for the following signs (but keep in mind that none of these are definitive proof of ancestry):

Perfect Purity:
An artificial ruby ​​is created in a controlled process that minimizes the presence of internal defects. As a result, synthetic stones are of higher purity than most natural stones.

This is not to say that a flawless ruby ​​is necessarily artificial, but if such a stone is real, it will be very expensive.

If a high purity ruby ​​is significantly cheaper than a comparable natural ruby, then you are probably dealing with a synthetic product.

Big size:
Large natural rubies are rare and very expensive. For example, it is easier to produce a synthetic ruby ​​that is 1.5 carats than to find a similar one in nature.

However, there are also limits to how big a ruby ​​can be created. (On the other hand, production methods continue to improve.)

However, if the ruby ​​is fairly large and affordable, it may be a synthetic product.

lower price:
If a ruby ​​is relatively cheap despite having a few flaws, is fairly large, and has a rich red color, then this is an indication that it can be created in a laboratory.

However, if the price is too low, be aware that it may be a fake.

It's a good idea to compare the prices of a natural ruby ​​with a stone of similar color, clarity, and weight; synthetics will be 10-15% cheaper, while fakes can cost 90-95% less.

Remember: the most the right way to determine whether a ruby ​​is a synthetic product is to either ask for a certificate confirming its origin (if the gem has such a document), or send it to the laboratory for verification.
