Tips on how to prepare your child for kindergarten. Preparing for kindergarten How to prepare your child for kindergarten

So that the child quickly gets used to kindergarten, gets sick less and goes there with good mood, without spoiling the nerves for himself or his parents, he must be prepared ahead of time for visiting a preschool institution. Purposefully and gradually, since this work cannot be done quickly a week before the start of kindergarten visits. Also, do not neglect the preparation, even if your child is lively, independent and sociable - it is better to overdo it and prevent psychological trauma for life in your own child.

Being in a peer group trains and develops the following qualities in a child:

  • attention to the environment;
  • independence;
  • interaction with other children.

Before starting kindergarten, a child must learn to communicate not only with members of his family, but also with other children and adults. Parents should definitely tell the kid about kindergarten, about what children do there, about other children, about the regime. It is also necessary to apply in advance to a specific kindergarten where you are going to send your child, find out there what is needed to visit a particular preschool institution, and ask about the daily routine. Walk with your child near the kindergarten so that your child can get used to the environment. And most importantly - do everything gradually. It is gradualness that is the key to the success of the child's rapid adaptation.

Medical examination in front of the kindergarten

Do not forget about the doctors who are also involved in preparing children for kindergarten. 2 or 3 months before the start of visiting the kindergarten, the local pediatrician and specialist doctors conduct a medical examination of the child. Depending on its results, the recovery and treatment of the baby is carried out. Doctors pay a lot of attention to respiratory diseases a couple of months before visiting kindergarten. Often at this time, it is recommended to take drugs that increase immunity (for example, vitamins, rosehip syrup), as well as hardening, breathing exercises, learning to breathe through the nose, if the child breathes through the mouth.

Doctors advise the child's parents on measures to prevent stress during the period: reducing home and kindergarten regimes, communicating with children and adults, accustoming to a varied diet, stopping motion sickness and bottle feeding.

Science claims that in children closer to two years, increased mobility of nervous processes is developed: this makes it easier for them to adapt to new conditions, interest in unusual activities and toys, and helps them better understand the speech of adults. From 10 months to a year and a half, the process of adaptation in children is most difficult: at this time, they are still naturally unable to discard old stereotypes and patterns and create new ones. Therefore, babies under one and a half years old are not recommended to be sent to a nursery.

Hardening in front of the garden

Hardening of children is included in the program of preparation for kindergarten and strengthening the immune system. The two most important theses when carrying out hardening procedures: gradualness and regularity. It is recommended to start hardening in the warm season and when the child is completely healthy. The easiest type of hardening: walk barefoot, first indoors, then outdoors. There are also types of hardening through air, water and the rays of the sun.

First, it makes sense to move on to walking on the floor in socks or stockings twice a day, in the morning and in the evening for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, 10 minutes are added every day until the time becomes equal to one hour. Only after a month you can start walking barefoot on the ground (not on asphalt, but on the ground in the garden, park, in the country). Walking on fine gravel or hard earthen soil will be especially effective. After each walk barefoot, rub and wash your feet, massage the calf muscles. The skin of the foot will gradually harden and become insensitive to cold.

Types of hardening of children 1-3 years old:

  • walks twice a day at air temperature from -15° to +30°С;
  • sleep in the open air at a temperature of -15 ° to + 30 ° C;
  • Adoption air baths when changing clothes after sleep during gymnastics and washing. Recommended from two years;
  • gradual decrease in water temperature when washing from 20 ° C to 16-18 ° C (the decrease is carried out by one degree in three days). Children over two years old wash their neck, arms up to the elbow and upper chest;
  • in the summer, exposure to direct sunlight, 2-3 times a day, starting from 5 minutes, gradually increasing to 10 minutes;
  • the temperature of the room in which the child is located should be 16-18 ° C;
  • soaking feet before bed. The water temperature should first be 28 ° C, then it is gradually reduced to 18 ° C;
  • twice a week taking baths before going to bed for 5 minutes (water temperature 36°C), after the bath dousing with water at a temperature of 34°C.

Wellness activities before kindergarten

After passing the preparatory procedures, doctors draw up an epicrisis for kindergarten with recommendations on nutrition, regimen, disease prevention, and physical exercises.

Also honey. workers recommend that during the child's getting used to kindergarten in the morning, lubricate his nasal passages with antiviral agents (for example, Anaferon ointment, oxolinic ointment, infagel, etc.). If a child has caught an acute respiratory disease, then it is recommended that he return to kindergarten only two weeks after full recovery, otherwise he may get sick again.

Be sure to pay attention to vaccinations that must be done before visiting kindergarten. At the same time, at least a month must pass from the date of the last vaccination. During the period of getting used to the kindergarten, the child cannot be vaccinated. By the age of three, the child must be vaccinated four times - against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus (DPT), once - against tuberculosis, rubella, measles, mumps, five times - against polio. Also, by this age, children can be vaccinated against hemophilic and menningococcal infections, hepatitis A and B. Once a year, children undergo a Mantoux reaction, with a positive result of which a TB doctor should be consulted. Keep in mind that if your child has not yet been vaccinated with all the necessary vaccinations, this cannot be a reason for refusing admission to kindergarten, because by law the family has the right to decide on their own to vaccinate the child or not.

However, in practice, doctors often prevent registration required documents even if the child was not vaccinated for health reasons. The head physician may not sign a medical card for a kindergarten, or the head of the kindergarten may not accept it without vaccinations, because the sanitary and epidemiological station monitors her in fulfilling this unspoken rule. You may be told that the kindergarten has run out of places when they find out that your child is not vaccinated. This state of affairs is due, firstly, to the opinion that unvaccinated children are the source of a variety of diseases. Secondly, the local doctor receives a bonus for the implementation of the vaccination plan. But remember that by refusing your child to attend kindergarten on the basis of a lack of vaccinations, doctors and kindergarteners are breaking the law.

Kindergarten may delay the time of admission of children without vaccinations in the event of a massive spread of infectious diseases or in the event of a threat of mass epidemics. If honey. The district doctor refuses to sign the card for you, you must write an application to the head physician of the polyclinic with the exact name, date and number of the documents on the basis of which you were refused to sign the card. Inform that your next step will be to contact the Health Department and the prosecutor's office. In the kindergarten, if you refuse to accept the card, write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten. Do the same in case of an unexpected absence of the place promised to you in the kindergarten: write a statement asking you to clarify the reasons why the place disappeared after the message about the lack of vaccinations. You will be forced to respond in writing: be sure to leave your address and phone numbers in the letter. Next, you should contact the regional departments preschool education.

More about dispensary

The medical examination includes examination by the following specialists:

  • an ophthalmologist to check vision and the need for its correction;
  • a neuropathologist to analyze the development of the baby's nervous system and its possible tendency to neurotic reactions;
  • dermatologist to check the condition of the child's skin. Particular attention is paid to children with allergies. Also, this doctor will be able to distinguish diathesis from fungal diseases or scabies that require treatment;
  • an orthopedist to identify violations of posture, scoliosis, flat feet and recommend measures aimed at preventing these diseases;
  • surgeon to examine for possible developmental defects that may require surgery.

The pediatrician directs to take blood tests, urine, feces, in some cases to measure blood pressure, an electrocardiogram, ultrasonography and gives, if necessary, referrals to a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, nephrologist and others.

The psychologist should discuss with the parents the nature and behavior of the child and give individual recommendations for adapting the baby to kindergarten.

A week before starting a visit to a kindergarten, a child must be tested for diphtheria bacillus and intestinal infections, and a day before entering a preschool educational institution, a certificate of no contact with infectious patients must be taken from the clinic.

Children with chronic diseases or congenital malformations are sent to a kindergarten according to the individual decision of a commission of medical specialists in each case. There are special kindergartens with speech therapy groups to correct speech defects, kindergartens, where children with diseases of the organs of vision, musculoskeletal system, nervous system and others are treated. In some kindergartens, according to a special program, they work with children who are often sick (usually such programs include classes in the pool, inhalations, and taking adaptagens).

Psychological and emotional preparation for kindergarten

As for the psychological and emotional preparation for kindergarten, the first thing that needs to be completely eliminated is threats and pressure on the child. No need to scare him to leave in the garden forever in case of disobedience, no need to intimidate strict rules and educators. Tell your child that in the kindergarten he will find many new toys and playmates, that this place is created for children to come and play. You can take as an example older brothers and sisters who already go to kindergarten because they have grown up.

Be sure to take the child to kindergarten in the first two weeks and pick up the child yourself, without entrusting it to neighbors or a nanny. Do not be upset that when parting with you, the child will cry - this is a normal reaction. But if after two weeks the tears have not gone anywhere, this is an occasion to think about whether you sent your child to kindergarten too early. Try to discuss this situation with educators and supervisors. You may have to postpone attending kindergarten for six months or a year. When saying goodbye, do not leave unexpectedly when the child is distracted: he will then notice your absence and be shocked. Warn him in advance that you will leave, and do not do it secretly. Don't delay the goodbye, preventing the child from sinking more and more into self-pity.

If it’s too hard for the mother herself to part with the child and see his tears, then it’s worth entrusting the child’s farewell to kindergarten to dad. The fact is that the mother, with her emotions, can herself prevent the child from adapting to new conditions as soon as possible.

How to avoid problems in adapting to kindergarten

Keep in mind that sometimes signs of problems in adaptation do not appear in the first days of visiting the garden, but after a couple of weeks or even after a month. A child may begin to be haunted by nightmares, he may flatly refuse to go to kindergarten in the morning or after an illness. This is due to the fact that the new environment and new acquaintances have already ceased to attract the attention of the child, the pride associated with the awareness of adulthood has also faded into the background, and the child assessed the changes that have taken place in his life in a completely different way. Perhaps the parents, reassured by his exemplary behavior, too quickly left the baby alone with their own experiences and began to pay less attention to him.

A child is able to fully adapt to kindergarten only 2 or 3 months after the start of regular visits to a preschool institution. All these three months it is necessary to smooth the situation and try to show the child that there are not so many differences between his past and present life. On weekends, try to feed him what he wants, have dinner together on weekdays, talk with him, pick him up from the kindergarten yourself. Ask your child about kindergarten and what he did there today, keep his crafts and drawings brought home, listen carefully to the stories. This will show the child that he is still important to you and you need him, that you are not indifferent to his fate, and will also stimulate him to train his speech and the ability to speak. If your child wants to invite kindergarten friends to his home or give flowers to his beloved teacher, this is a great sign that the baby does not see big difference between life at home and in the garden.

Maintain feedback with the kindergarten, from time to time talk with teachers about your child's behavior. Many children in the kindergarten behave differently, it will be useful for you to know this information, and you, in turn, can tell the teacher what you know about the character and behavior of your child at home. Sometimes this allows you to solve a number of problems related to the behavior and upbringing of a small person.

Try not to completely exclude kindergarten from your child's life. There he learns communication and social skills, the assimilation of which, if he misses kindergarten, will have to be transferred to school time.

How to prepare your child for a comfortable stay in kindergarten

When you decide to send your child to kindergarten, first of all, do not be nervous yourself, so that anxiety is not transmitted to the child. Do not tell the child about possible problems, tell him only good things, but do not overdo it, so that the baby does not expect that he will fall into a fairy tale in reality. Calmly explain why attending kindergarten is necessary for the child. Try to create a sense of pride in the child due to the fact that he was assigned to kindergarten. Tell how hard it is to get there (the story will be true because of the long queue for kindergartens) and mention that many children do not go to kindergarten.

Two or three months before the start of visits to the kindergarten, you need to reorganize the child's regimen so that he easily wakes up an hour and a half before leaving the house in the morning (no later than eight in the morning). If your baby does not sleep during the day, then you need to teach him to lie in bed calmly. You can tell him about quiet games and activities with himself, about word games, teach him to compose stories and fantasies, repeat memorized poems, carefully examine surrounding objects and memorize small details, play on your fingers.

Try to feed the child at the same time: if the sleep and nutrition regimen is observed, he will go to the toilet at the same time for the most part. Also try to teach your child to go to the toilet not when he can no longer stand it, but in advance: before a walk, before leaving the house, before going to bed, otherwise he may develop complexes in the future in kindergarten. The best time to have a bowel movement is after breakfast. It is at this time that the activation of the intestines is observed. In the morning, be sure to leave the child a margin of time so that he can sit quietly on the potty.

If there are problems with defecation, then before breakfast, offer the child a glass of cold water with one or two teaspoons of honey, jam or sugar (if the child is not allergic to these products). Cold water stimulates the bowels. The following products are distinguished by the same property: cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, kefir, apples, dates, zucchini, spinach, peaches, melon, prunes, beets, dried black bread. Daily intake of one and a half to two liters of fluid will also help to avoid constipation. The following products should be excluded: chocolate, cocoa, strong tea, pomegranate, semolina. Also, in order to stimulate the work of the intestines, the child should be given less pears, white bread, pies, pasta, thick soups, rice, blueberries.

Be sure to teach your child how to use toilet paper to maintain hygiene, wash hands using soap, blow your nose in handkerchiefs. He must learn to eat with a fork, not scattering food around him and not hooligans with it, to be silent while eating, chewing food well and not stuffing his mouth greedily.

In the evening, put your child to bed no later than 21:00.

Adjust the diet so that the child eats similar dishes at home and in kindergarten - this will reduce the likelihood of whims and refusal to eat. Do not feed your baby between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. If the child is still very naughty at the table, discuss the situation with the caregiver and doctors.

How to help your child get used to kindergarten and learn to be independent

When telling your child about kindergarten, tell him what mode he will live in. The more the child learns in advance, the more confident he will feel. Get down to specific details: decide where the child will store street clothes, who and how will help him undress and dress, what he will do when he eats. After some time, raise the topic of kindergarten again and check how much the child remembers the sequence of actions. The unknown is scary. And if the kid sees that everything in kindergarten is going exactly according to his plan, he will feel lighter and happier.

Be sure to instruct the child what to do in case of difficulty. Tell him that if he wants to drink or go to the toilet or something else, then he should go to the teacher and say so. But warn the child that all his desires and requirements will not be fulfilled instantly, as there are many children in the group and you will have to wait in line.

Pay attention to the behavior in the morning before kindergarten and farewell to the child. Try to divert his thoughts with requests for help (look for a piece of clothing when getting ready, carry a bag or umbrella, etc.). Some children even refuse to eat and sleep in the absence of their parents. They are not distracted by games, but anxiously watch the time, waiting for the arrival of their mother. In this case, try to put the child in a situation more often, so that the absence of parents becomes necessary for him, so that he can want it himself. For example, when preparing a surprise for parents or an interesting game at a time when it is time for mom to leave. strong psychological dependence a child from parents is provoked by the parents themselves with their emotions and reassessment of their own role in the worldview of the baby. Therefore, start working with yourself and convince yourself that you yourself are not the whole world for the child, although, of course, a significant part of it.

When you are about to leave home for the whole day or evening, give your child responsible tasks to distract him from sadness and teach him to be independent. Ask him to clean the room, keep order, keep track of the time of dinner or going to bed (the latter, of course, with the tacit control of adults). In the evening, talk with the baby about how he coped with the task, and be sure to praise him for his success. Point out that you have done so many things (list what) because of his help and housekeeping.

Come up with a farewell ritual. For example, kiss your child on the cheeks, shake hands, or wave as they walk through the kindergarten door. This will make it easier for your baby to say goodbye to you.

Monitor your child's relationships and interactions with other children. How much initiative does he take in dating and games? Does he have something to offer a group of children? If you see that yours has communication problems, tell him how to behave better, how to approach and say hello to the guys, invite them to play with their toys or find a compromise when refusing to play some kind of game, etc. Tell the child that he can take with him outside and take to kindergarten only those toys that he is ready to share with other kids. Otherwise, he may be very worried about his favorite toy, which risks developing greed in him and quarreling him with his peers. Teach not to take toys from other children, but to politely ask and offer your own in return.

As for the clothes in which you dress your child in kindergarten, please note that it should not have small hooks, buttons, laces or buttons that would prevent the child from dressing and undressing freely. Do not dress children in tight clothing. The fabric of clothing, including socks and tights, must be natural: cotton, light wool, or in combination with viscose. Make sure that the front and back of clothing can be quickly and easily distinguished by a pattern or other reference. Also check that the clothing does not have tight collars and that there are pockets.

First day in kindergarten

So, the first two months in kindergarten are devoted to getting used to and adapting. Adaptation will not begin sometime later, it began already when you made a firm decision to send your child to kindergarten. Regularly discuss with your child his future visit to kindergarten, tell and prepare him for a new one, introduce him to the garden and try to interest the baby.

The first day spent by a child in kindergarten is very important for him. Try to make the first impression positive, choose with him his place in kindergarten, bed and closet. When discussing kindergarten with your child in the evening, focus his attention on joyful and pleasant events and impressions.

There is an opinion that the first day in kindergarten with a child is better for his parents. But this also has a negative side: firstly, the separation is still inevitable, it was not canceled, but simply postponed. Secondly, other children may envy and be offended why someone's mother is present in the kindergarten, but they are not.

At the first time of visiting the kindergarten, try not to leave the baby for a quiet hour and pick it up at the time agreed with the teachers in advance so that they can psychologically prepare the child appropriately for returning home. Also, tell the teacher in advance about the habits and character of your child. How do you reassure him, what he likes and what not, what fairy tales and fairy-tale characters are his favorite, what toys he likes. Some toys or books give the child with you to kindergarten. This will help him feel at home faster.

Praise your child for efforts and success in kindergarten. Question him in detail and find out what he did this afternoon. Caress and hug your child more often, thus showing your support and participation.

If you don't like something in the kindergarten or teachers, don't talk about it in front of the child, it's unethical and may form a negative image of the kindergarten in him. The child will feel if you are not sure whether to send him to kindergarten, he will feel and play on your emotions in order to stay at home. The children of those parents who have no other choice but to send the child to kindergarten adapt most quickly.

Accelerates addiction and the number of acquaintances in your child: both kids and adults. Therefore, six months before the start of visiting the kindergarten, try to get as many friends as possible, talk about them with your child. Well, if one of the children walks or goes to the same kindergarten as your baby, this will add to his sense of confidence. Be sure to think in advance how the family can help the baby and adapt to his adaptation period in kindergarten. Remember that the speedy adaptation of a child in kindergarten requires long-term work on the part of the whole family.

Hello Ludmila. I would like to ask you to help me with this issue. I am in maternity leave My little one will soon be 2 years old. Yesterday a colleague called and told me that my immediate boss was going to retire in three months. Therefore, if I go to work by then, I can get her position and a salary increase.

The offer is certainly very tempting. However, I am worried that in this case I will have to send my daughter to kindergarten. Is she too small for that? Can she get used to the new changes? Are there any good tips on how to prepare your child for kindergarten? Or is it better to abandon this idea altogether and wait the prescribed three years until the decree ends?

Problems of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

It is very good that you are thinking about such a question and are not in a hurry to solve your career affairs. The admission of a child to kindergarten is associated with certain psychological difficulties. To begin with, let's figure out what kind of problems and for what reason a baby may have in a preschool institution.

The first few weeks of attending kindergarten are called the adjustment period. At this time, the child adapts and gets used to the new conditions in his life. Among the main changes are:

  • there are no relatives nearby, especially mothers;
  • the baby is given less personal attention;
  • significantly expanded the circle of communication;
  • the daily routine has changed;
  • it is necessary to obey the instructions of an unfamiliar aunt;
  • most self-service activities must be performed independently;
  • have to build new relationships.

Coping with such changes is not easy. This process is costly psychic energy and physical strength of the body. Against this background, there may be failures in the operation of systems or organs, changes in behavior. Parents may notice some of these symptoms in their child:

  1. Appetite has worsened;
  2. Sleep was disturbed (read the article on the topic: Why do children sleep poorly?>>>);
  3. Decreased immunity (important article: How to protect a child from a cold?>>>);
  4. Closeness appears;
  5. Motor activity is disturbed;
  6. Emotional instability is observed;
  7. There is a refusal to perform self-service activities (you will be interested in: How to develop independence in a child?>>>).

In this case, it is important to understand that such changes are not the usual whims of the baby. He needs the help of adults and it will be much better if parents learn in advance about ways to help the child adapt to kindergarten.

And within the framework of this article, I will draw your attention to the most important points

Learn to do without mom

As your child grows up and becomes more independent, begin to teach him to be under the supervision of other adults. It can be the closest relatives of the baby: father, grandmother, aunt. Prepare the necessary things for the care of the child, if necessary, provide some instructions for handling him. And then for a couple of hours you can go about your business.

You should not worry too much, leaving the baby without your care - everything will be all right with him. He is no longer a helpless baby, and your loved ones are experienced enough to cope with their task. But the child will gradually get used to the fact that the mother does not have to be around all the time. He will understand that he is no longer a single entity with his mother, but must and can become more and more independent.

Teach self care skills

Another important tip on how to properly prepare a child for kindergarten concerns the formation of self-care skills in him.

  • You need to teach your baby to use a spoon, drink from a cup, ask to go to the toilet;
  • Show him how to dress properly, put away toys, wash hands.

The older your toddler gets, the more he should be able to. This learning process is quite lengthy and requires patience, but a child in kindergarten will feel more confident and avoid many unpleasant situations.

In addition, there is another side to this problem that needs to be kept in mind. Make sure that the items your baby uses are as convenient as possible for him:

  1. Buy children's dishes;
  2. Choose clothes with buttons, shoes with Velcro or elastic bands, etc.;
  3. Attach to your child's personal belongings bright stickers to make it easier for him to find them or navigate on which foot to put on the boot, where the front of the T-shirt, etc.

Fit in Kindergarten

To make it easier for the baby to get used to kindergarten, be sure to take care of accustoming him to the correct daily routine. Ask in advance what time breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea will take place, when the daytime sleep should be.

I especially want to focus on this moment those mothers who are interested in the question of how to prepare a child for kindergarten at 1.5 years old.

At this age, the child's behavior is difficult to control in an arbitrary mode. If he does not develop the habit of falling asleep at a certain hour, then this can be a serious problem for the educators in the group. Yes, and the baby will become lethargic and capricious when the usual time for sleep comes.

  • If the child has difficulty falling asleep;
  • It is difficult for you to maintain the correct daily routine;
  • And in the evening, putting the child to bed drags on for hours, then listen to the online seminar How to quickly put the child to sleep >>>.

It would not be superfluous to ask about the composition of the kindergarten menu. Include most of the dishes that the child will try in the diet at home.

Develop speech

Tips on how to prepare a two-year-old child for kindergarten talk about the need to pay attention to the development of his speech. At this age, he should already learn to correctly formulate remarks and even sentences. It is necessary that he was able to communicate about his needs, well-being.

Keep an eye on the expansion of the vocabulary of the baby. Introduce him to words of courtesy.

Learn to communicate with peers

It is imperative that recommendations on how to prepare a child for kindergarten indicate the importance of teaching him to communicate with peers. This question is not very relevant for children under 3 years old. But already at a later age, you should show the baby how to get to know each other, communicate with other guys. Teach him to share toys, to resolve some conflict situations.

It is very useful before the child starts attending kindergarten, to go with him to the classes of the children's club or circle. Visit your friends often who also have children of similar age. Visit the playgrounds in the playrooms.

Talk about kindergarten

It is equally important to know how to psychologically prepare a child for kindergarten. Most often, the baby is frightened by the unknown when he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment and does not know what awaits him there.

  1. To eliminate such a problem, it is recommended to tell the preschooler about kindergarten conditions in advance;
  2. Choose a walking route so that it passes the kindergarten. When you are around, pay attention to the child appearance, location, bright lines in the design of the building and territory;
  3. Be sure to comment on the actions of staff and children if you see them in the yard (read the article on what to do if the Child is afraid of other children >>>);
  4. On occasion, show your child pictures of children in kindergarten. Tell them what they can do there. Always point out that children in preschool are fun and interesting.

By the way, in the kindergarten preparation course, you will receive two of the best books for reading and discussing with your child as bonuses.

When people turn to me for advice from a psychologist on adapting to kindergarten, I recommend telling a child about kindergarten in the form of a fairy tale. Come up with a story featuring your favorite character or your little one's toy. Tell us about how he goes to a fabulous kindergarten, what friends he met there, etc. Encourage your child to write their own stories.

Important! Never scare a child by sending him to kindergarten as a punishment for some misconduct. Do not talk about strict (especially evil) teachers who will scold him.

play kindergarten

It is very useful to play with a child in kindergarten:

  • Organize a kindergarten for dolls at home;
  • Let the baby be in the role of a teacher or a preschooler;
  • Make sure that his actions are correct, correct if he makes a mistake in something;
  • The course of the game should always be played in a friendly manner;
  • Pay attention to the child that there are certain rules in kindergarten and you can’t behave as you please.

Create a positive attitude

Talk to your child often about his imminent admission to kindergarten. Associate this with the fact that now he has become older and more independent, and you are very happy for him. Say you're proud of him. In the presence of the baby, tell your friends about this upcoming event.

Remember that preschool children perceive the world through the emotions of their parents.

  1. The child will be happy to enter kindergarten if he feels your positive attitude. Therefore, it is important that you have no doubts about this matter;
  2. Visit the kindergarten in advance, find out about the team working in it. Take an interest in the programs that are used for activities with children, the availability additional features to develop their abilities.

Take care of your health

Quite often, you can hear parents complain that as soon as a child starts attending kindergarten, he is constantly sick. Unfortunately, in most cases, this is indeed the case. It is worth considering in advance how to prepare the child's immunity for kindergarten.

  • Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your baby's diet. If necessary, give special nutritional complexes;
  • Separately, I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not recommended to do any vaccinations immediately before entering kindergarten. About 1.5 months should elapse between these events;
  • It is also advised not to register the baby in the garden during periods of increased epidemiological danger.

And in conclusion, I want to say that right time for a child to enter a kindergarten can be determined only on the basis of the characteristics of his character and state of health. The most optimal period is considered to be the age of 2.5 or 4 years, since it is recommended to avoid significant shocks during a crisis for a child of three summer period.

If your child has sufficient independence and the necessary communication skills, then she is quite ready for new changes in her life. However, keep in mind that at first you will have to take the baby to the garden for part of the day, and sometimes even leave her at home. So plan your work day in such a way that all these situations do not interfere with your labor activity. Good luck!

As the child grows up in every family, the question arises: is it worth taking a baby at 2-3 years old to kindergarten? Now many mothers work at home or are on maternity leave, so they can look after the baby and raise him on their own, instead of trying to teach him to attend a not-so-loved kindergarten. Enough a large number of parents prefer to hire a nanny for the baby, who not only looks after the child, but also conducts developmental classes, walks and feeds. The position of many parents is simple: why take them to a group where a large number of people and the child will not be given enough attention. Is this position correct and what do child psychologists think about this?

Why does a child need to go to kindergarten

Experts are sure that for full development, character formation and infusion into the social environment, it is better for children to grow up in a team than to be constantly at home with their mother, grandmother or nanny.

Psychologists insist that kindergarten is the best option for adapting a baby to society.

Visiting a kindergarten has its positive aspects:

  • The child learns to interact with other people. And we are talking not only about children, but also about adults, because the baby gets acquainted with several educators, music director, psychologist and other employees of the garden;
  • psychologists and teachers pay attention that in a group children begin to develop faster. The secret of this is simple: a child who did not want to complete tasks at home watches his peers and wants to be the first, the best, and also strive to learn certain skills. The instinct of leadership and rivalry wakes up in him;
  • disciplined: very important point for a growing baby. Today, many parents encourage free upbringing, when everything is possible for a child. But it becomes very difficult for such children at school, where there are no games anymore, but you need to complete the tasks of the teacher. It is in the garden that children get used to discipline in game form, and to the elder preschool age already aware of what can be done and what is not;
  • organization of the daily routine: doctors around the world insist that accustoming a child to a certain routine has a positive effect on his development. If the baby is up to two - three years I didn’t know what the regime was, in the garden in a few months the body will get used to the new rules. And after graduating from a preschool institution, the child will not have problems at school, because there, too, everything is on time and on schedule;
  • shows independence and character: when the mother is not around all the time, the baby begins to analyze many situations on his own and make decisions for which only he is responsible.

Should I send my child to kindergarten - video

What is the reason: the child cannot get used to kindergarten

Whatever was nice garden, for a child who is just starting to visit it, this is a big stress. Psychologists explain: the baby is used to being constantly with his mother or other relatives, and suddenly he is left in an unfamiliar territory with complete strangers. Of course, the baby does not perceive this event in the context that he was thrown, this is not so. But some children may not like the new rules, routine, or discipline. However, not all children are hostile to preschool. Experts have found that a child who knows from birth what a regime is, knows how to clean up toys after himself, is used to doing and performing various exercises, will see in the group an opportunity to prove himself, make more friends and show his skills.

In most cases, children at first cry and act up, do not want to go to the garden. This is called the adaptation period. Psychologists reassure parents that for the first two to three months such behavior is considered normal. Even if the child likes the caregivers, new friends and the environment in general, he may cry and miss his parents. But later, the baby will begin to perceive the garden and will gladly run to the group.

Reasons why the baby does not want to go to the garden at 2 and 3 years old - table

2 years3 years
Often babies at this age are still breastfeeding or sucking on a pacifier. The inability to breastfeed at any time is a great stress for a baby who is used to it. The same applies to pacifiers: in most cases, educators are against the fact that the baby takes the pacifier with him to the group.Not accustomed to the regime: children who are accustomed to do everything at any moment and were not controlled by the daily routine often do not want to go to the garden. A three-year-old baby is much more difficult to accustom to a certain daily routine than a two-year-old.
Inability to do many things on their own: two-year-olds still cannot fully dress themselves, hold a spoon and collect food, some cannot even drink from a cup, but only from a bottle or drinker. Educators, of course, will help the child, but they will not have the physical ability to devote time to him alone.They do not want to eat the food offered in the garden. This problem is familiar to many parents: older child the more difficult it is to accustom him to unfamiliar dishes. By the age of three, the baby has already decided on his favorite dishes, so he does not want to try something new.
Fear: Children, especially small ones, are often afraid that their mother will simply not come back for them. To do this, you should talk with the child more often, explain that in the evening the parents will definitely take him home from the group and nothing else.
They don’t like educators: perhaps the baby is simply not yet used to new adults, whom he must obey as parents. It is worth talking with the child about this, because there are situations when caregivers offend children. But a two-year-old baby still cannot fully express his thoughts. Therefore, before sending a child to a group, parents are advised to get acquainted with the educators, spend some time in the group and observe the methods of raising children. If the principles of the teacher differ from the views of the parents, it is worth finding another group or kindergarten where everything will suit mom and dad.I don’t like doing tasks: put away toys, do various exercises. You also need to get used to this, parents understand that the child needs to be accustomed to order, to develop him not only psychologically, but also physically. As soon as the baby gets used to new friends, he will want to perform all the activities with them.
Unfamiliar surroundings: children get used to their house or apartment, park or playground. But suddenly they are left on foreign territory for a long time. Do not worry, the baby will definitely perceive the kindergarten as his family, but this takes time. Psychologists recommend that at first, it is imperative to give the baby a favorite toy or several to the group: he will sleep with one, and carry the other with him to the playground. So the baby will feel not alone in a new place.

There are situations when the teachers in the group are just wonderful, but the child still does not like them. In this case, parents should talk with teachers and develop a specific plan. For example, a kid just loves to assemble a designer, let the educators take an active part in this process: they will help the baby. Children are drawn to people who are interested in the same things that they are.

Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that a two-year-old child adapts to the garden much faster than a three-year-old. Child psychologists and educators, based on numerous observations, concluded that the younger the children, the faster and easier they get used to kindergarten.

What should be a good kindergarten - video from Dr. Komarovsky

Actions of parents: how to help the child adapt in the garden

It is the task of parents to properly prepare the child for the beginning of attending kindergarten. If one morning you bring the baby to the group and leave him there, this situation will surely cause hysteria and fear in the crumbs. Therefore, there are recommendations that are voiced not only by educators, but also by child psychologists:

  • first of all, it is necessary to tell the kid what a kindergarten is, why children are brought there. The child, even though he is still small, already understands everything. The main thing is to interest the baby, explain what is interesting there, there are many new friends and toys, etc.;
  • Do not immediately leave the baby for the whole day. It is recommended to first drive the child for two hours so that the baby can play, but does not have time to miss his mother. The first week you can bring the baby in the evening for a walk. From the second week, it is better to bring the baby to breakfast and leave it no longer than two hours. At this time, children play outside. Then increase the time until lunch so that the baby gets used to eating with all the children. And only after that start leaving it for a full day. In most cases, this period takes one month, after 30 days the child can already be left from morning to evening;
  • be sure to explain to the child that the parents will come for him in the evening, so that the baby does not think that he can be left permanently in the garden. Psychologists recommend the first few days to bring the child for a few hours in the evening, so that he can see how parents pick up other children. So the baby will be calm and sure: the parents will definitely come for him in the evening after sleep and afternoon tea;
  • Before the first visit, it will be useful to tell about the educator: who is it, why this particular person should be obeyed in everything. The child must come to the group and understand that for some time of the day it is the teacher who replaces the mother or another adult;
  • the baby should constantly feel the support of the parents, because the baby perceives everything on an emotional level. Parents, grandparents should speak well of the kindergarten, encourage the child and constantly praise him. If the child constantly hears positive feedback about the kindergarten, in his mind the group and educators will be associated with a very good place. And that's where his parents are taking him;
  • you need to accustom the baby to the garden gradually: in the first few days you should not force the baby to have breakfast in a group, it is better to feed him at home. A well-fed child will perceive games better and participate in them. Later, the baby will see how other children eat at the table and will definitely want to join;
  • after the weekend, children often begin to act up and do not want to go to the group. Therefore, parents are advised not to leave them all day on Monday, it is better to postpone it to Wednesday or Friday;
  • psychologists recommend coming up with your own farewell ritual in the morning: hugging, kissing or clapping your hands, telling a rhyme. This process should be quick so that the baby cannot delay the moment when mom needs to leave. The child gets used to the same actions and after a while will begin to part with his parents in the morning without tears.

Experts recommend sending children to preschool during the summer period. At this time, there is less chance that the baby will get sick. And children spend most of their time on the street, so it is easier for the child to adapt. If you start attending preschool during the cold season, your child may get sick days or weeks after starting the group trips. The child will be on sick leave for at least 7-10 days and there will be a breakdown in adaptation, because the baby will again get used to being at home. From the moment of recovery, you will have to start all over again.

Do I need to prepare my child for kindergarten?

The answer to this question is definitely yes. The success of adaptation largely depends on whether the child is ready to attend the group. Experts recommend starting preparation 4-6 months before the planned start of attending kindergarten.

How to prepare children of different ages for kindergarten - table

Nursery group, 2 yearsJunior group, 3 years
Wean the child from breastfeeding and blanks. This process is a lot of stress for the baby, so combining the beginning of a visit to the garden and weaning and nipples is too much stress on nervous system baby.At this age, the child should already be able to eat on their own. If the baby still does not know how to do this, it is worth instilling in him these skills.
At this age, children drink from a cup or bottle. In the garden, the baby will only drink from a cup, so parents should teach their child this skill. Also, the baby should be able to hold a spoon and try to eat on their own.Dress and undress independently: take off and put on pants, tights, socks, mittens, sweater or T-shirt, pajamas. Put on and take off your shoes if the shoes are Velcro.
It's time to stop using diapers and potty train your baby.Go to the toilet. IN junior groups there are already toilets for babies, not pots. Therefore, at home, you need to teach your child to go to the toilet on the toilet so that the baby is not afraid in the garden.
Show the child how to dress on their own: take off and put on pants, take off mittens, if the shoes are Velcro, the baby can also put on and take off shoes.Talk to your child more often about the positive aspects in kindergarten: how many toys there are, music activities, interesting games on the street, and a large playground. A three-year-old kid is already able to understand this information and it will definitely interest him.
To teach communication with other children: explain to the baby that you can’t offend others, you need to share toys, because they are common in the group.
To accustom the baby to order: to teach him to clean up toys after himself, not to scatter his things, but to carefully put them on a shelf. The easiest way to do this is to show by example. After all, young children copy adults all the time.

When choosing clothes for the child in the garden, parents should remember that the baby must learn to dress on his own. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes with Velcro, clothes should be without buttons, because the baby will not be able to fasten them. All things must be chosen in such a way that the child can learn to dress them himself. When educators take the children for a walk, it is extremely difficult to dress the whole group if everyone has a lot of buttons, zippers and fasteners on sweatshirts, jackets or overalls.

Kindergarten and regime

The question of observance of the daily routine remains relevant. The fact is that in the group all actions are distributed by the hour from morning to evening. Therefore, if the child is not accustomed to living according to the schedule, parents should reconsider their methods and begin to introduce the baby to the regime. It is recommended to go to a kindergarten and find out what the routine is in the group in which the child will soon go. In most kindergartens, the daily routine is the same.:

  • 7.00 - 8.00 admission of children to the group;
  • 8.00 - 8.20 charging;
  • 8.20 - 8.30 preparation for breakfast;
  • 8.30 - 9.00 breakfast;
  • 9.00 - 10.15 developing classes;
  • 10.15 - 10.30 preparation for the walk;
  • 10.30 - 12.00 walk on the street;
  • 12.00 - 12.20 preparation for lunch;
  • 12.20 - 12.45 lunch;
  • 12.45 - 13.00 preparation for sleep;
  • 13.00 - 15.00 daytime sleep;
  • 15.00 - 15.30 rise, preparation for afternoon tea;
  • 15.30 - 16.00 afternoon snack;
  • 16.00 - 16.30 classes with children in a group;
  • 16.30 - 16.45 preparation for a walk;
  • 16.45 - 18.30 walk on the street;
  • 18.30 - 19.00 parents take the children home.

Educators draw the attention of parents that the daily routine must be observed even on weekends so that the baby quickly gets used to kindergarten. So the baby will know that at home he needs to adhere to the routine.

Meals in the garden

For many parents, it becomes a problem when the child eats almost nothing in the garden. Therefore, adults should start accustoming the baby to the menu that will be offered to him in the group. You can ask the teachers what dishes are most often prepared for children. Nutrition criteria have been established in kindergartens, so the children's diet consists of:

  • dairy dishes: cereals, soups, cottage cheese casseroles;
  • first courses: soups with cereals and meat, borscht, cabbage soup;
  • second courses: buckwheat, millet porridge, vermicelli, mashed or stewed potatoes, stew, pilaf;
  • meat dishes: cutlets, stews in dishes;
  • fish dishes: fish cakes, baked fish, fish casseroles with sour cream;
  • flour dishes: bread, buns, cheesecakes, muffins, cookies, dumplings;
  • drinks: tea, compote, kefir, fermented baked milk, cocoa with milk, fruit juice.

Degrees of adaptation: how to distinguish and what to do for parents

Parents should be patient, because not every baby goes through adaptation easily and quickly without tears and whims. In most cases, this period takes one month, after 30 days the child can already be left from morning to evening: two-year-old babies can get used to the garden in 10 to 14 days, but children at the age of three often need three to four weeks.

There are situations when the first two or three weeks the baby runs to the garden with pleasure, asks to go there even on weekends, and then his mood changes dramatically. The child begins to hysteria and cry every day. Psychologists recommend that in no case do not scold him, but continue to talk with the baby and take him to the group. This situation is called delayed adaptation. Its period is no more than two weeks, and every day the child goes better to the group.

Types of child adaptation - table

DurationIt lasts about four weeks and does not depend on the age of the child.From one to three months: the older the child, the longer the period of adaptation.More than half a year: mainly observed in children older than three years.
Child behaviorThe behavior of the baby does not change much: in the morning it is difficult for him to say goodbye to his parents, but during the day the baby plays well with other children. At first, the child may refuse to eat, but after a few days he gets used to eating in the garden.Tantrums in the morning, tears and screams, unwillingness to communicate with other children and caregivers. But this behavior lasts no longer than 7 - 10 days. Then the child realizes that tears will not help and he will have to go to the garden. Understanding comes and tantrums stop.The baby cries not only when parting with his parents in the morning, but all day in the group. The child may have nervous breakdowns, he begins to sleep poorly at night. Doctors note that against the background of psychosomatics, the child may suffer from vomiting in the garden, often get sick, cough, or have a fever.
Recommendations for parentsYou should not delay saying goodbye in the morning, it is better to quickly say “bye” to the baby and leave the group. After the garden, be sure to be interested in how the day went and what the baby learned new.Don't go after the child. Explain more often that kindergarten is a must and it cannot be otherwise.In such cases, psychologists and educators most often recommend stopping attending kindergarten and staying at home for several months or a year. There are also children who never get used to the group even after a long vacation.

How to prepare your child for kindergarten - video

What to do if the child can not get used to kindergarten

However, there are situations when a child has already been going to the garden for two or three months, but they just can’t get used to it: every day in the morning there are whims and tears. In this case, experts recommend continuing to drive the child, but talking to him more often and more, explaining why it is important to attend preschool.

  1. Parents should be persistent, but remain calm and not lash out at the child.
  2. Children are most often attached more to their mother, so you can ask dad to take the baby to the group. This will make the breakup easier.
  3. Always ask your child with interest about his activities in the group, praise for crafts and drawings. You can select a special place on the wall and attach the baby's masterpieces to this place. Encourage the baby, say that at home you will not do this to him. Let him have an incentive to go to the garden.
  4. On weekends, stick to the regime that is in the garden. So the baby will quickly get used to the fact that it cannot be otherwise, even if he is at home.
  5. Psychologists recommend playing at home with the baby in kindergarten. Toys can be heroes. Using their example, explain why visiting a preschool educational institution is so important. The child will associate himself with the characters in the game and begin to understand the benefits and necessity of going to the garden.
  6. Try to compare your job or your dad's job to gardening. So the child will feel like an adult, that the kindergarten is his job.
  7. Praise your baby often, especially in the presence of other adults. Say that he is already so independent and big, so he goes to the group.
  8. Buy new clothes, because children love shopping. Choose together beautiful pajamas for the garden and a change of clothes for the group. But don't let me wear it at home. The kid will definitely want to show off new things in the garden.
  9. Help your child learn how to wash their hands, dress, eat, etc. on their own. The sooner the child can take care of himself, the easier it will be for him in the garden.
  10. Never scare a child with a garden as a punishment, this will only make the situation worse.

Never promise your child a certain reward for attending kindergarten. The first few days or weeks, this method may give a positive result, but only for a while. Then it will be even more difficult for parents to accustom the child and explain that it is necessary to go to the garden.

It is difficult for parents to determine if the child is pretending or if he really has such a bad time in kindergarten and has a difficult adaptation. A pediatrician, a neurologist and child psychologist. If the doctors' recommendations are to stop attending the group, it is better to listen to them and not injure the child's psyche. After all, if you continue to take such a baby to preschool, he will become withdrawn, lethargic, some children even show signs of autism or, conversely, inadequate aggression towards other children and caregivers. For some children, for this reason, it is contraindicated to attend kindergarten.

What is a "non-Sadikov" child and what to do so that the baby does not become one - video

Psychologists reassure parents and never tire of repeating that the adaptation period can last two to three months, in some cases longer, and be accompanied by tantrums and crying on the part of the child. Adults should be patient with such behavior of children, but continue to insist that the baby needs to go to the garden. As soon as the child understands that he will visit the garden in any case, even with tears, at least not, addiction will go faster. The main thing is to do everything gradually and not to rush to leave the baby at once for the whole day.

When the baby is in a team, gets into unusual conditions for him, he acquires skills and develops useful qualities:

  • He learns new things, looks at the world around him, tries to master everything that his teachers and friends offer him.
  • He learns independence and responsibility for his actions, starting to understand that his mother will not always be there, and he needs to be able to change clothes himself, eat with a spoon, declare his desires, for example, about going to the toilet.
  • Finds new friends and comrades. Acquires an indispensable skill of communication with peers. Learns to defend their rights and get out of the situation peacefully. Gets the concept of justice and honesty, when the offender is punished for bruising. And one pot for two and sweetness bitten off on both sides can be the beginning of a strong friendship.
  • A child spoiled by his parents receives the necessary debunking of confidence that the whole world revolves around him.
  • He understands that each of his successes is the reason for the genuine admiration of adults and the respect of peers.
  • A preschool child finds a place where he can throw out his accumulated energy, scream and play, do physical education, run, jump and have fun, which was not always possible to do in an apartment.
  • Educators form the correct daily routine, which positively affects the preparation for school.

Kindergarten is an important milestone in a child's life. It is during this period that parents need to abandon the soul-warming “we” and switch to “he” or “she”, to give their child the opportunity to grow and develop in their own way. And if you are worried that communication with loved ones may be lost, take care of educating family values. It is necessary to instill respect for one's roots from childhood. To do this, you need to know your family history. Create a family tree, find out the details of the life of the ancestors and interesting stories from their biography will help the House of Genealogy. Employees of the company will help in creating a family book, which will contain information about your family. They offer special services - the creation of the coat of arms of your family and the receipt of a nominal diploma. The cultivation of such ideals as family pride and strong ties of kinship will lay an excellent foundation in the overall development of the young heir.

How to start preparing your child for kindergarten

From choosing a preschool institution and getting a place in it.

For this, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Distance to home. It is necessary to focus not only on the close location, but also on where the route passes. If you have the opportunity to go to kindergarten by personal transport, then you need to take into account the average number of traffic jams, the availability of parking and the ability to take a bus if something happened to the car. If you plan to bring your son or daughter before work, it will be important to find a garden along the way so as not to return in the other direction. When traveling by public transport, choose a garden that has a large number of routes so that you do not have to stand in the cold for a long time waiting. And if you have the opportunity to choose between kindergartens near the house, then pay attention to the one on the way to which there are the least number of roads - perhaps after a while you will entrust your older brother or grandmother to take the baby, then you will be sure of their safety.
  • Qualified teachers and nannies. The team of educators must be selected carefully. It is reasonable to give your child into the wrong hands when they belong to a professional in their field. Pay attention to the feedback of parents, pay attention to the conversation with the director, ask questions about the education and experience of the staff. Give preference to middle-aged educators: very young girls have not yet gained proper experience, and old age may come back to haunt the slow reaction or remnants of the Soviet era.
  • Fresh furniture and equipped playgrounds. In this place, your child will spend half a day, so make sure that he has good conditions: warm and well-ventilated building, quality beds, tables, chairs, extensive gaming equipment.
  • Kindergarten specialization. There are many institutions of preschool education that specialize in children with poor eyesight, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases. If this concerns you, then in such a place you will be pleased with specialists with professional skills in communicating with such kids.

Memo for preparing a child for kindergarten

In order for the adaptation to be successful, it is necessary to pay attention to many aspects.

Necessary procedures:

  • Strengthen the health of the baby so that he does not come down with a cold after the first week of school.
  • Help develop a daily routine so that it is easier for him to live according to the rules of the team.
  • To prepare a small member of society for independence. If he does not know how to eat and dress himself, it will be very difficult for him at first.
  • The most difficult task is to develop psychological skills. An abrupt change in lifestyle is a stressful situation for every person, at a young age it is doubly difficult. The baby must be ready to enter the adult world.

Before paying attention to each item in detail, we will find out what can happen if there is no preparation for the kindergarten. During the acclimatization period, the following violations can be detected:

  • Decreased or lost appetite.
  • Both daytime and nighttime sleep may be disturbed.
  • Skills acquired at home are forgotten. The kid will stop changing clothes on his own, getting ready for bed, washing himself, eating with a spoon.
  • Speech skills roll back. If earlier complex words were present in the active dictionary, then in a stressful situation they may disappear.
  • Immunity decreases, the risk of catching a cold is high.
  • There is an imbalance in activity. The movements of the child can become both slow and apathetic, and hyperactive, too sharp.
  • There is a restraint in behavior, an unwillingness to share experiences: previously sociable children can become silent.
  • violated emotional background. Going to kindergarten can cause new feelings: anger, excitement, irritation.

All these changes do not depend on the whim of the baby, everyone experiences it in their own way, so adults can only support their child and help him adapt in advance.

At what age should you start preparing for kindergarten?

Child psychologists believe optimal age 2.5 - 3 years. At this point, communication skills are developed, the difference between peers and elders is realized, and there is a willingness to accept the authority of the educator. During the same period, there is a peak of curiosity and active knowledge of the world, a preschool institution will help quench the thirst for new knowledge and acquire the necessary social communication skills. But not all mothers have the opportunity to sit on maternity leave for several years, so they decide to take the baby to a preschool earlier.

If you go to kindergarten already at 1.5 - 2 years old, then you need to prepare the child properly, you can’t hope for an independent easy adaptation. It should be noted that at this age, addiction will take longer, so you need to be patient and take small steps towards the goal. Also, a feature of age is that children, although they have some communication skills, are more likely to be attentive listeners than active interlocutors, so the emphasis should be on oral stories. Talk more often about how good it is there, how many toys the teachers give, how many children you can play with. The rest of the advice remains the same.

How to properly prepare a child for kindergarten during the adaptation period


This term in pediatrics is different from procedures for adults. Do not rush to rub the baby with snow. To strengthen his health, it is only necessary to gradually part with the habit of wrapping your child in three blankets. For starters, you can leave the window in the children's room ajar even in cool weather.

In this case, a number of conditions must be observed:

  1. You need to sleep under a warm blanket.
  2. The door must be closed so that there is no draft.
  3. During illness and until the moment of complete restoration of immunity, airing can only be done in an empty room.

Washing with cool water will have a good effect on the child. It is necessary to reduce the temperature gradually until the mark reaches 17 ° - 18 °. The same figure is optimal for dousing after taking a bath. Let the baby bathe at the usual temperature, but before the evening procedure is completed, pour cooler water over him from the ladle.

Engage in physical training: take him to the pool, accustom him to morning exercises give him a massage. Take long walks in the fresh air and active games daily. In winter, play snowballs and ride a slide, and in summer, sunbathe together and swim in open water. The main rule for each procedure is gradualness. Start instilling each habit with a few minutes, then increase the time.

Daily regime

A big problem for a child is to develop the habit of daytime sleep and eating by the hour. Help him and do it in advance, gradually. Organize an early rise in the family to make it easier to gather in the morning, for this go to bed no later than 21-00. After waking up, take your baby to the potty so that digestion also adjusts to the schedule. This will also be facilitated by the obligatory meal at a set time. To do this, you will need to organize yourself first of all - your child always looks back at the elders. The most difficult situation is with daytime sleep. To put the fidget to bed, you need to actively spend time before dinner, play outdoor games so that fatigue takes its toll. Over time, the body itself will control the internal clock.


The baby should be involved as much as possible in the morning ritual of washing and getting ready for a walk. No need to treat him like a doll. Let him choose what color of tights to wear today, this develops his confidence in his own decisions. This also includes the ability to carefully eat with a spoon and fork, while not playing with food. Teach him to use toilet paper, wash his hands with soap, and blow his nose with a handkerchief. All these skills will save him from difficulties in the team.

Psychological adaptation

It's hard to leave your mother. To make it painless, sometimes leave it for several hours with relatives or with a friend who has a son or daughter close in age to your baby. At 2 years old, it is more difficult to prepare a child for kindergarten both physically and mentally, so you need to do it in stages. Therefore, do not rush to leave it on the first day for a long time. To get started, watch with him how the children play: sit on the side while he is on a walk or in the sandbox. Then gradually leave it for 2, 3, 4 hours until it feels secure in the new space.

When you leave, do it quickly, no long goodbyes are needed, this suggests a long separation. Don't show your own fear. If you do not trust the teachers, the child will feel it and will become afraid. Be sure to discuss with the baby every day, share positive moments, praise for success, show that you are proud of him. Find out about his experiences, help with advice on how to avoid problems, show that you care.

It is important to maintain a relationship. Tell him about the strong bonds that connect him with mom, dad, grandparents. Share stories in which he is an integral part. Engage in something common, such as compiling family tree, where it is the center to which close and distant relatives extend branches. The company "House of Genealogy" will help you with this. She provides services for the creation of a family book, in which your entire family will be united with her rich history. You will be provided with archives and assisted in working with them. Together with the baby, you can learn the secrets of the past of your surname, this unites and does not allow him to feel abandoned.

Kindergarten is an important period in a child's life, help him go through the adaptation painlessly and pleasantly, then every morning he will gather with a smile to his friends.

So you've decided to send your child to kindergarten. Your family is now on the threshold of another life. We will assume that you have already found a suitable kindergarten and agreed to take the baby. Now the next important step is the adaptation of your baby. In order for the child's adaptation to be less painful, it is very important in advance - 3-4 months - to do self-training child to kindergarten.

  1. Tell the child what is kindergarten, why do children go there, why do you want the baby to go to kindergarten. For example: " Kindergarten- it's such big house with a beautiful garden where mothers and fathers bring their children. You will really like it there: there are many other kids who do everything together - eat, play, walk. Instead of me, your aunt-teacher will be there with you, who will take care of you, as well as other kids. IN kindergarten there are a lot of toys, there is a wonderful playground, you can play different games with other children, etc." Another option: "In kindergarten Children play with each other and eat together. I really want to go to work because it's interesting for me. And I really want you to go to kindergarten- because you'll like it there. In the morning I will take you to the kindergarten, and in the evening I will pick you up. Can you tell me what was interesting about you? kindergarten, and I'll tell you what happened to me during the day at work. Many parents would like to send this kindergarten their children, but not all of them are taken there. You're lucky - in the fall I'll start taking you there."
  2. When you walk by kindergarten, happily remind your child how lucky he is - in the fall he will be able to go here. Tell relatives and friends in the presence of the baby about your luck, say that you are proud of your child, because he was accepted into kindergarten. And after a while, your child will himself proudly tell others that he will soon go to kindergarten.
  3. Tell your child in detail about the regimen kindergarten: what, how and in what sequence he will do there. The more detailed your story is, the calmer and more confident your baby will feel when he goes to kindergarten. Ask your baby if he remembers what he will do in the garden after a walk, where he will put his things, who will help him undress, and what he will do after dinner. By asking these questions, you can check whether the child remembers the sequence of actions well. IN kindergarten Babies are usually afraid of the unknown. When a child sees that the expected event is happening as it was "promised" in advance, he feels more confident.
  4. Talk to your child about the difficulties they may have in kindergarten. Discuss who in this case he can turn to for help, and how he will do it. For example: "If you are thirsty, go to the teacher and say:" I'm thirsty, "and the teacher will pour you water. If you want to go to the toilet, tell the teacher about it." Do not create illusions in your child that everything will be done at his first request and the way he wants. Explain that there will be many children in the group and sometimes he will have to wait his turn. You can tell your baby, "The teacher can't help all the kids get dressed at once, so you'll have to wait a bit."
  5. Teach your child to get to know other children, address them by name, ask instead of taking away toys, and in turn offer toys to other children.
  6. Let the baby himself choose his favorite toy as a companion, with which he can walk in kindergarten- because together is much more fun!
  7. There are different opinions about whether the mother should be next to the baby in the initial period of adaptation to kindergarten. It would seem that what's wrong with a mother attending a kindergarten with a child? Everyone is happy, the baby does not cry, mom is calm. But in doing so, the inevitable parting only drags on. Yes, and other children, looking at someone else's mother, cannot understand - but where is mine in this case? Therefore, it will be better for everyone if from the very first day the child tries to stay in the group alone, without the care of the mother. And experienced caregivers will take care of the baby into their own hands.
  8. Develop a simple system of parting signs of attention with your child - it will be easier for him to let you go. For example, kiss him on one cheek, on the other, wave your hand, after which he calmly goes to the kindergarten.
  9. Remember that the baby's habituation to kindergarten it may take up to six months, so carefully consider your strengths, capabilities and plans. It is better if for this period the family will have the opportunity to "adjust" to the characteristics of the baby's adaptation.
  10. The child feels great when parents doubt the appropriateness of kindergarten education. The cunning kid will be able to use any of your hesitation in order to stay at home and prevent separation from his parents. Children get used to it easier and faster, for whose parents kindergarten is the only alternative.
  11. The child will get used to kindergarten the faster than big amount children and adults, he will be able to build relationships. Help him with this. Get to know other parents and their children. Call other children in the presence of your baby by name. Ask him at home about new friends. Encourage your child to seek help and support from other people. The better your relationship with caregivers, with other parents and their children, the easier it will be for your child.
  12. There are no perfect people. Be forgiving and tolerant of others. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clarify the situation that worries you. Do it in a soft way or through specialists.
  13. In the presence of the child, avoid critical remarks about kindergarten and his employees. Attention - never scare a child kindergarten!
  14. During the adjustment period, emotionally support the baby. Hug him more often, kiss him.
