Diamond is cut by diamond. Methods of processing diamonds in the process of creating diamonds

Chapter II

Diamond is cut by a diamond

The morning shop was full of visitors. The news about the Diamond of the Elements aroused interest in jewelry, and now every wealthy resident of Manehattan wanted to buy for himself or for his companion a piece of jewelry with an expensive gem.

A kind doorman in an elegant red camisole opened the doors to all shop guests with a smile and a wish to find the right product. But he was embarrassed by the strangely dressed young stallions.

Ponies in tight white shirts and black hats rushed into the shop. One of them carried a gramophone on his back. The appearance of young people caused misunderstanding, and suspicious behavior caused indignation.

A beige pegasus with an inked left eye was the last to enter the store and greeted the doorman with a smile. Under the wing he held a cane with a decorative round head.

Can I help you, sir? the doorman asked.

Yes, you can, - said the pegasus slyly. You see, I need your pain!

The cane flew out from under the pegasus' wing and landed on its raised hoof. In an instant, the pegasus delivered three quick blows to the porter and knocked him to the floor.

A second later, the doors of the store were occupied by two bandits, and the young leader fluttered over the surprised and frightened visitors and stopped at the glass showcase. Rising to his hind legs and spreading his wings, he said:

Ladies and gentlemen, please have a moment of your attention! Today you will become witnesses and at the same time participants in a grandiose event: your robbery with our participation! Maestro - music!

The bandit with the gramophone turned on the record, and the leader sang, dancing on the window:

And we are robbing you!

Unpack your wallets, drive money.

And we are robbing you!

And don't try to play hide-and-seek with money.

Do you want a bruise? No no no!

Do you want to go home? Yes Yes Yes!

So don't be stubborn then

So don't argue then!

And drive the money here-yes-ah!

To the beat of music and songs, the bandits began to deftly take money and purchased goods from visitors. Some ponies tried to protest the robbers, but remembering to take into account the poor porter, they realized that under the cheerful music hung a real threat.

Out of fear, visitors simply began to give away their wealth to some bandits, while others broke into windows with expensive jewelry. The leader continued to sing and dance:

And we are robbing you!

We do not beat, we do not kidnap, but we entertain.

And we are robbing you!

We offer a very simple option.

See the hat? Yes Yes Yes!

Do you know what to do? No no no.

So I'll tell you the answer!

I will give you an answer!

Put your money in here instead of candy!

And we are robbing you!

And we are ready to do it all the time.

And we rob!

If you give money, that's very nice.

And we rob! And we rob! And we rob!

And we are robbing you!

Mainhattan. 14 Huftown street. Section of the City Guard. October 5th. Wednesday. Morning. 11:18

A gray-haired, black-haired unicorn with the Guardian emblem on the Mark swallowed another aspirin, receiving more reports of the robbery. Within thirty minutes, several areas of Manehattan were attacked by robbers. Reports from the Guardians were already flooding his office desk, and a headache was testing Captain Order's patience. The young officer brought another report:

Melody Old Bank is reported to have been attacked, sir. Also, all locomotives disappeared from the main city station. The criminals attacked suddenly.

Oh Celestia, - the captain sighed and stroked his forehead. - What are you doing at the moment?

Two squads are sent to investigate the recently attacked area of ​​Simmer Street and the train station. Special forces are engaged in the siege of Melody Old. The bank is said to be inhabited by the same thugs that attacked Simmer Street this morning.

The captain got up and walked to the door of the office.

Send the special forces another platoon. Get these scum out of my city at any cost!

Captain Warrant left the office. The guard followed him, continuing the conversation. The captain stopped when he saw Orson Nevervrong and Deft Strike in the distance. The agents stood at the very front door, talking to other sergeants in the Watch.

And what are they doing here? Order asked.

Agents came to help. By law, they must participate in the investigation and ...

I know the Law, I know! But they just weren't enough.

Captain Order was not very fond of Royal Control agents. According to the Order, many agents exceeded their power contrary to his principles. Of course, Orson and Deft rarely approached the station for a Watch squad, but their disagreements with Mayor Waynes Silk and the captain's personal enmity did not make the agents the best impression.

But today's situation required any help. So Order took a deep breath and invited the agents into his office.

Captain! – Say hello to agents

Agents,” Order greeted and sat down at the table. - Decided to go on a trip to the very storm?

Yes sir! Def replied. - Heard your bank was robbed!

And besides, they plundered the whole district and the station, - added Orson.

That's right, and you should immediately begin your investigation, - the captain began to sort through the papers. “You can look around to help find clues in the area, or help the SWAT in a bank siege, but just please try to avoid destruction.

Then it was just bad luck.

We know, we know. By the evening you need to draw up a report on the current situation, do it.

We'll split up,” Orson said. “I'll check the Simmer Street area and the station later.

And I'll kick my ass at Melody Old,” Deft said.

Go ahead. Just leave!

Good honor sir! The agents left with a bow.

The captain looked at the photo of his family hidden under the sheets of reports and took another aspirin.

The area robbed by bandits looked terrible, as if it had survived an internal war. Shop windows lined up were smashed and emptied. The streets and sidewalks were filled with debris and broken glass.

The City Guard swept the perimeter and began to search. Orson looked at the three stores lined up.

They were robbed at the same time,” one of the Guardians told the agent.

Were the bands different? Orson asked.

Yes, but they worked together.

Orson went to the first store, a jewelry store. Inside, he found a broken dance music record.

Requiems! Orson said. - A gang of young music lovers who love to arrange cruel practical jokes and robberies to their favorite records.

It is strange that there are such, – said the Guardian.

The ways of crime are inscrutable.

The next store suffered even more beatings. Not a trace remained of the shop windows and stands. Garbage and fragments came out of the store into the street.

Nothing, Orson mused. “Looks like the handwriting of the Red Bandanas.

Red Bandanas? Those pathetic hooligans?!

Pathetic not pathetic, but dangerous. It is difficult to call hooligans those who like to use heavy clubs and hammers as weapons.

Orson went to the third store. Everything remained intact in it, the robbers acted delicately. Even too much.

The guests reported that they did not understand anything when the robbery took place, the Guardian said. - They said that everything around began to resemble a circus. There was smoke everywhere, they were tied with colorful ribbons, the goods flew away by themselves or ...

Or turned into flowers? Orson immediately asked.

Illusionists! A group of unicorns who decide to use their magic to commit crimes. As a business card, they use the tricks of circus magicians. They believe that by doing so, they raise the status of illusionists above sorcerers.

You are right, the ways of crime are inscrutable

Orson walked to the center of the street and looked back at the shops. The three most wanted gangs attacked the area at the same time. They acted clearly together, but knowing the nature of the criminals, Orson decided that a strong and charismatic leader was needed for this business.

He remembered the last thing, Lady Silk's help. While investigating, they encountered Chao Yen's henchmen. Orson decided that the famous Dragon of Cunning had finally decided to conquer this territory. This is what the agent was afraid of.

Orson took a step and stepped on the glass. The agent would have thought it was just a glass shard, but the sharp, tart smell stopped him. Orson looked down. The shards he stepped on were green glass. The edges of some were damp and emitted that same unpleasant odor.

Orson looked around quickly. His eyes caught a few more shards of green glass. Going to each of them, he felt the same smell. The agent began to rummage through the garbage that filled the street.

Have you lost something? the Guardians asked him.

Rather, I want to find something.

It's just trash!

Even garbage can tell a lot.

Orson dug through the garbage until his search was successful. From the bowels of newspaper garbage and candy wrappers, he pulled out a pot-bellied green bottle. There was no label on it, but on the glass itself Orson noticed the name of the company carved into it: El Cactus. With this bottle, he approached the City Watch.

Lieutenant, did any of you drink this?

No, what is it?

It smells like alcohol.

Alcohol? The Guardian looked at the bottle more closely. “From Santcilia?”

Rather from El Mortifero. It's possible that some of the San Palomino desert bandits are behind our bandits.

But who could it be?

I don't know, but I have a friend who will surely recognize this bottle!

Mainhattan. Rich Street 09. The main city bank "Melody Old. October 5th. Wednesday. Morning. 11:53

Deft nailed to the bank in the midst of a robbery. City Guardians lined up in a wall near the entrance of the marble palace, which was the first city bank. Pegasus Guardians hovered in the air. The hot sun and the environment of the siege reminded Deft of his former youth as a goat hunter.

Now he would give everything for a wide-brimmed hat, a lasso and a boomerang - the best weapon against criminals in El Mortifero.

Deft approached the ground sergeant, a tall pegasus wearing a thick body armor and a full-face helmet.

Well how are you? the agent asked.

As you can see for yourself.

Yes! Shoot a movie!

Sounds of battle were heard from the left window. A second later on the upper floors began to play funny music, and all the windows on the left side sparkled with flashes of magic.

A minute passed, and the bandits threw the seized special forces out into the street through the front door. The first squad was tied with ropes and covered in bruises - they were not lucky enough to meet with a gang of Red Bandanas. The other squad was packed in foam rubber, decorated with musical notes - obvious antics of the Requiems. The third squad, after meeting with the Illusionists, turned into rabbits, hidden in a whole box with cylinders.

They hit from three sides, - said the commander of the special forces.

Deft narrowed his eyes and carefully examined each window.

Requiems, Red Bandanas and Illusionists,” the agent said. - As many as three rabid gangs in one place.

Have you encountered them?

A couple of times,” Deft clicked his hoof. We need to neutralize them!

What do you think we are trying to do? As soon as we start neutralizing one gang, another one immediately comes to their aid!

They should be stopped at the same time,” Deft looked at the windows again. We need a fire department! Let him fill the floors with water and foam. The bandits will be distracted, and we can hit the center, under the cover of smoke bombs.

Hm! Sounds pointless, but it might work.

The fire department arrived quickly and within a minute the City Watch and the firemen were ready to carry out the agent's plan. Deft donned a gas mask and joined the Special Forces strike platoon. He felt the quick taste of battle. Orson would certainly not approve of his enthusiasm, but now his colleague is not around, so Deft decided to stretch his hooves to the fullest.

The commander gave the order. Like artillery, fire hoses blasted jets of icy water against the upper windows of the bank, and foam against the underside. The commander gave another order, and a cavalcade of smoke bombs flew through the windows.

The shock platoon, together with Deft, fell on the front doors with a heavy ram and broke them down. Red Bandana bandits dressed in spiked jackets were coughing out of their hideouts. Foam and smoke prevented them from fighting, and therefore the bandits quickly fell under the blows of the special forces.

Deft ran to left side jar to help take down the Illusionists, the most insidious band of robbers.

The hall and corridors of the bank were filled with water from the upper floors. Foam floated like icebergs in shallow puddles. Smoke wafted through the building. Spetsnaz and Deft were in a hurry not to give the enemy time to catch their breath. But as soon as the first Guardians ran into the room where the Illusionists were, a rope immediately tied their Copt. Another moment and another detachment was caught in the net.

Deft tried to break free, but the net narrowed as the attackers twisted a rope around him and the Guardians. Deft had time to notice the shadows flashing among the smoke. They moved quickly and silently - the water did not reflect under their steps.

The shadows abruptly appeared near the SWAT and deftly removed their gas masks, leaving the Guardians themselves in the net. The smoke entered the lungs and soon Deft and the special forces began to cough. The shadows pushed them into the hallway and threw another smoke bomb, obviously taken during the Guard's attack. The enemies sealed the door, and Deft felt himself losing consciousness.

And the day started off so well, - Deft wanted to say, and passed out.

In the cafe, Deft and Orson connected what they found and shared their experiences. On the table was their favorite sour cream pie and two glasses of iced tea with lemon.

Well, in general, the idea was good, but, unfortunately, a failure, - said Deft in a snack with a pie. - The bandits fled, but did not have time to take the golden booty with them. We scared them a lot, - Deft ate a large piece and said with his mouth full: - True, the bank will have to dry for a long time! Mm! Tasty!

So the Illusionists, the Red Bandanas and the Requiems decided to work together, - Orson thought. – Robbery of shops, bank and station. Hm! Usually bandits are not big fans to develop into collective commonwealths. After all, then overall plan the division of production will be exposed.

Everyone wants to grab the biggest piece of the pie,” Deft said, taking the whole bowl of pie for himself.

That's right, and without a strong leader, it will be difficult to keep the peace in this aggressive pack.

At the bank, we were attacked so suddenly that it was difficult to recognize in this at least some handwriting from the above-described gangs. I think they were Chao Yen's ninjas.

I was thinking about him too when the attack happened.

Too bad those ninjas we arrested last week got away.

They wouldn't say anything sensible anyway. Chao Yen knows how to tame his guys to silence.

And to escape.

Right.” Orson sighed. - Chao Yen. So he decided to stay.

In theory, there is logic in this: he did not receive money due to our disclosure of a scam with Lord Alan Cedar Branch and Donatori Bulisch, and therefore he united three gangs to rob shops, a bank and leave the city on stolen trains. In general, I can understand him - I always dreamed of having my own locomotive.

But I wonder if Chao Yen loves El Mortifero products?

What are you talking about?

Orson pulled a green bottle from an inside coat pocket. He noticed the surprise in Deft's eyes when he saw her.

Do you recognize?

Deft took the bottle and began to examine it carefully. As if looking for some message in its reflection and forms. He grinned.

I haven't seen it for a long time. "El Cactus". Cactus vodka. The main source of income and problems of the plantation of the Cactates family!

Old acquaintances?

A whole family consisting of nothing but criminals. The heads of the family enriched themselves by drinking a good half of El Mortifero with this poison. Then they began to send a special edition, with a hypnotic effect, thanks to which the Cactatsies were able to rob several cities, banks and trains at once. The most daring and dangerous were the Cactates brothers - Morder and Raze. They were the best. By the way, I owe the capture of Raze to my career as a Control agent.

Ah, I know! It was you who saved the commander of the Royal Guard from him, after which he invited you to the Academy.

Si, amigo! I was lucky back then! Raise is certainly a slippery type, but not like his brother. I couldn't resist Morder.

But aren't you the best goatman?

Of course the best! But Morder is pure devil! When he flourished as a criminal, the whole of El Mortifero became a stronghold of crime. He is elusive and dangerous in combat. Only the legendary Diablo Mariachi could compare with him. By the way, they say, according to legend, Morder was his student, but I don’t believe it, – Deft looked at the bottle again. “After the victory of the Kozadors over the criminals, the Cactacies business went under, and if anyone is still using El Cactus, it's the Cactacies themselves.

So one of them is here? Do you think it's Raze or Morder?

Raise hasn't been involved in crime for five years. After a prison job in the coal mines, he changed and became ... more diligent, which offends the criminal fraternal code. His family hasn't been messing around for a long time.

Only Morder remains.

At the moment when we, the cozadors, managed to stop the bandits, Morder was not in San Palomino for a long time. He is said to have gone as a mercenary and is called by different names in every country. Someone "Killer", someone "Machete". In the Southern Jungle, he was nicknamed "Tiger Face" after a tiger left a scar on his face. In general, he is an authority among criminals and perhaps he is behind these crimes. In fact, his handwriting: to unite all for the sake of a single evil.

So either Chao Yen or the mercenary Morder,” said Orson, taking the bottle. “Maybe both together.

Misfortune never comes alone.

The agents paid for lunch, and left the cafe under the hot sun. The agents walked down the sidewalk toward the taxi stand. There were no residents on their way, which is very rare for Manehattan.

So, for such a large gathering of criminals, shelter is required, ”Orson said along the way. “I think they stole the locomotives just for that. I suggest checking the station for evidence.

You sound like you're complaining,” Deft replied. - You don’t understand, then you want a good task, then you don’t.

It's not about whether I want or don't want the task. I do not want our next pursuit of dangerous bandits to end with another money bill for the destruction of the city.

Don't worry. We just need a foundation from which we can begin to build our conclusions.

And you need to find it by the evening, for the report. Can Mr. Y check the bottle? Maybe some typos will tell us if we don't find anything at the station. What do you think?

I think that rat actions are best monitored by the rats themselves.

Do you want to question the underground in the Rat District again? I told you Deft that I do not approve of this! Our reputation is no better!

Are you thinking about reputation? Or about the city! Besides, remember how I figured out where we should look for Jofri's lost gold watch?

Actually, I found this out myself when I double-checked the chest of drawers where they were.

And who knew about fake butter and sour cream?

I organized the lime stand myself.

And how do you think I managed to call the Bombers to Central Square, where we captured them?

And because of this, we are still in debt. That's what let's see the trains, and then we'll figure it out.

Okay, amigo. But my offer stands!

You have everything by force.

Toward evening, the hot weather changed dramatically. The sky turned gray again, preceded by oncoming rain clouds. The city's main railway depot was empty. Only a few Guardians flickered among the platforms of the station and roads, looking for clues.

Orson paid for the taxi and caught up with Deft at the very entrance to the station. Bypassing the doors, decorated with marble columns, the agents found themselves in a huge empty hall consisting of a tiled floor and all the same marble columns.

You should learn how to run,” Deft said to Orson when he caught up with him.

And you will learn to pay the driver,” Orson replied sullenly.

I believe that it is high time for us, as representatives of the Law, to give tariffs for free rides.

Earn yourself - let others earn.

Then you give your salary. We also need to eat.

The agents passed the hall, and reached the very depot, where there was a parking lot for city trains. The cars remained in place, the locomotives themselves were stolen.

Soon a capacious chariot pulled by armored charioteers pegasus flew up to the parking lot. A sergeant of the Guard emerged from it and saluted the agents.

We checked the perimeter,” he said. “All ten Manehattan locomotives have been stolen.

Ten? I thought there were more,” Deft said.

Is there a railroad running inside the city? Orson asked.

That's right, but they use their internal depot, so they weren't touched.

How generous of the robbers to leave the townspeople at least some public transport,” Deft said.

This is not a generosity, but rather a plan, they needed the locomotives of the main highways, ”Orson answered and turned to the sergeant. - Did you find anything?

Yes, we found the locomotives themselves. The criminals left them at the westernmost road, where connections are made to the highways of other cities.

Did the bandits leave the trains? Def thought. “Either they were in a hurry, or they left it to escape, or it's a trap.

In any case, it's worth checking it out, - Orson turned to the sergeant again, - was there a witness at the time of the crime?

When the bandits attacked, they neutralized all the guards,” the sergeant replied. - But the youngest of them, Roller, was at that time in one of the cars, for verification. The bandits didn't see him. I think he can tell you a lot. True, after the attack, they say, he became a little strange.

Maybe just shock,” Orson said. – That's it, Deft, let's split up. You check the trains and I'll ask Mr. Roller and look for something.

Divide and rule!

As you wish.

Deft entered the chariot and was soon in the air with the rest of the Guard. Orson was left alone. He did not know where to start and therefore decided to interrogate the witness.

Guard Roller turned out to be a young stallion with a dull look. He spoke slowly, almost sleepily, but legibly:

My name is Roller. I work at the train station. Security guard.

Hello Roller, and I'm Agent Orson, - the agent did not look at the young guard, examining the premises.

Are you here about the missing engines? I saw who stole them. I'll tell you everything.

Great,” Orson sighed. I think it will be a very interesting conversation.

Yes,” Roller replied almost nonchalantly, shaking his head.

Outskirts of Manehattan. Main railway line. October 5th. Wednesday. Day. 17:18

Deft and the Guardians were attentively looking at the barricade of broken locomotives. A wall of metal and wood blocked the main thoroughfare connecting Manhattan's railroad tracks to other roads.

So they stole the trains to build a wall out of them,” Deft summed up.

They destroyed everything,” the Guardian said.

Destroyed and built, amigo! Pay attention to the connections: they are welded. Here they worked with magic and tools at the same time.

You should still go to jail for it!

I do not deny and respect.

The wind rustled the leaves of nearby trees. Deft noticed this and looked towards the neighboring mountain and the tunnel emerging from it. Deft turned in the other direction, from where a large leafy patch of forest was visible. He grinned and said:

But it's beautiful!

What! the Guardian asked.

Nature, amigo. After all, I haven’t left the city for a long time and have already forgotten how beautiful it is here. Did you often work outside of Manehattan?

No, but I remember I did an internship as a security guard in Ponyville. It's just incredibly beautiful there.

And what kind of pies are there, - another Guardian smiled.

And apples!

Ponyville? Deft smiled. - Hm! Sounds interesting. It's worth it to go anyway. When is the vacation.

Deft looked at the destroyed trains again and realized that rest was still far away. Even now, these few trains get in his way.

Deft suddenly had a strange sensation. Orson talked about it - it was sort of a sixth sense for the agent. Deft looked at the barricade of trains again, but more closely this time.

There are only nine of them! Deft said.

Parts of nine locomotives are connected in this wall. Where is the tenth?

Maybe he's on the other side?

Perhaps, or maybe they hid it nearby, – Deft looked around. - But where?

Deft looked towards the tunnel with suspicion and an unpleasant foreboding. He nodded in his direction to the Guardians.

Worth checking out. But be careful, the agent said.

Do you think it's a trap?

Not excluded.

The Guardians immediately moved closer to the tunnel and surrounded its entrance. Several pegasi, on the orders of the sergeant, flew to the other side to block the other exit.

Deft cautiously went inside the tunnel. Darkness surrounded him, and something ominous whispered in his ear. Deft had already decided to return, when suddenly the bright light of the train lights blinded him. Another second and a loud rumble echoed through the tunnel. The locomotive headed towards Deft, picking up speed with fiendish speed.

The agent ran out of the tunnel and immediately jumped to the side before the train caught up with him. But as soon as the machine came into the light, it exploded, stunning all nearby Guardians.

The ringing and rumble of an unbearable cacophony captured Deft's mind. The agent lay on the dusty ground, trying to recover. He turned toward the burning iron debris, all that was left of the locomotive. When the ringing in his ears stopped, he heard an ominous voice with a familiar native accent.

Silly comandante! Your efforts are like confronting a sand dune and a storm!

The tall figure of a crimson earth pony emerged from the smoke of a burning locomotive. Long black hair fluttered in the wind like a burning smog. Ugly and square face disfigured three lines of one scar. Deft immediately recognized him - El Mortifero's thunderstorm, Morder Cactaceas. Face Tiger. He said:

Don't try to stop the storm. The element will belong to us. You just have to hide deeper in the sand. If you have time.

Orson rummaged through the station's papers, trying to find anything that might help the investigation. But all the data about stops and routes, as if out of spite, were mixed up, confused or carried incomprehensible and unnecessary information. The agent often wandered around the empty station, checking the carriages and hall for evidence.

The search turned up nothing and Orson began to get angry. The bandits are one step ahead of them, and if today he and Deft or someone else does not find anything, tomorrow the bandits will strike again and harder. All they have is solid hypotheses. It was annoying.

The guard Roller, unfortunately for the agent, could not give the necessary answers to the looming questions. The young man with a dull look three times slowly repeated how he was checking in the locomotives, how quiet it was and how something knocked him out without leaving any hint of recognizing the kidnappers. At the same time, Roller did not interfere with repeating the entire uninformative scenario of yesterday evening several times,

I passed by the third train,” he said, his voice more like a very long yawn. - It was quiet. Then it seemed to me that someone passed between the fourth and fifth car. I thought a rat. I…

Roller, please stop! - Said tired Orson. “You’ve told me this four times already and it still doesn’t make any sense!”

- …I checked. There was nothing. Then they hit me. I passed out. When I woke up, there were no trains.

I know Roller.

I'm Roller, I know. I was here yesterday. I would be around the third train...

Orson gave him a coin and said with false kindness:

That's what, my friend, here's a coin for you and be kind, show me the place where you were at the time of the crime. Don't tell, show!

Yes, I know.

I know you know, Equestria mind light!

Just take me to the trains.

Orson checked the scene of the attack on Roller several times, but, unfortunately, the search turned up no clues, which did not prevent Roller from repeating yesterday again.

What did I miss? he muttered.

I've been here! Roller told him.

I know, but I need more data.” Orson stroked his chin. – Modern locomotives require a supply of water when leaving. Roller, where is your water tower?

I don't know.

How do you not know? You work here!

That shift I was at the first and second trains. I passed by the third train. It was quiet. Then it seemed to me...

Orson gave Roller another coin and said through his teeth with irritation:

Here's another coin for you, Roller, and be smart, show your uncle agent where you have a tower with water for trains?

And this is a tower! Yes, I know where she is!

Money works wonders on a faded mind

Nothing. Lead me, giant of thought and erudition.

Orson walked past a water tower for refueling locomotives. Under the fuel lever was a barrel filled with ice-cold water—trains had recently been refueled, the agent decided. Orson walked past the barrel and looked around.

The agent heard a splash. Turning around, he noticed that the water in the barrel was moving, making circles on the surface. Something fell into the barrel. Orson narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to the barrel.

Lifting his head up to inspect the tanks, his face immediately met with a clod of dirt. Wiping off the dirt, Orson noticed that the entire bottom of the tank was dirty. Dirt clung evenly, as if someone walked along the cistern.

That's it! Orson whispered.

From the footprints, the agent realized that the robbers were probably pegasi, held by their wings, they could easily walk along the bottom of the tank to reach the lever. But why did you have to dodge like that, if you can safely reach the lever?

Robbers don't seem to recognize standard methods of action,” Orson said.

What are you on about, sir? Roller asked.

The lever can be reached, and they walked along the bottom of the tank, as if they found it funny.

I don't know. I was at the first and second train, I...

I know. Just thinking out loud. I love it when people listen to my reasoning, so you don't have to answer.

Orson looked at the footprints and said:

Maybe the Requiems did it. They are pegasi, their actions are always distinguished by dexterity, and they love to do everything with pathos.

Maybe, I dont know.

On the one hand, yes, but as far as I know Requiems, they don’t really like to get their hooves dirty. Besides, the Requiems couldn't steal the locomotives in time, while also looting Simmer Street.

Maybe yes, maybe not. I don't know.

Or maybe the ninja did it?

Orson thought Roller flinched. The agent continued:

Have you heard about the ninja Chao Yen? Quick and agile masters of theft and espionage. Their level of skill can only be matched by their bragging rights. If not for their leader, Chao Yen, the ninja would have long been mired in useless skill competitions for them.

Maybe. I don't know.

Chao Yen can force any fool to obey an order,” Orson slowly began to approach Roller. “Even though he is a Pegasus, in the ancient knowledge of the Pon-tai culture, he learned to inspire his ideas to other ponies through hypnosis. Have you heard of hypnosis, Roller?

Maybe. I don't know." Roller took a step back.

Full suggestion of their actions in someone else's personality. Can you imagine it? Here you are walking, for example, between the second and third trains, and then ninjas attack you. And now you are in the power of their leader. He looks into your eyes and utters a special spell, after which you begin to repeat what he needs, unaware of what you are doing, because your thoughts no longer belong to you

I don't know. I just walked between trains, I... I'm Roller!

Orson grabbed the young man and lowered him headlong into the barrel. After holding him in the water for a couple of seconds, the agent knocked over the barrel and helped Roller up. The young man coughed and tried to stay on his feet.

Where I am? Roller spoke as if he had awakened from a long sleep.

We know where, at the station, - answered Orson with a smile.

Oh head! What's happened?

Do you remember me?

No! I remember…” Roller suddenly shuddered. - Just a minute! I was at the second and third trains. Then they attacked those ... in black! Then another one appeared…also in black and…” Roller became worried. - Where I am? Who you are?

Calm down Roller! You were attacked by ninjas and hypnotized.

Oh Celestia! I didn't do anything terrible.

It just got on my nerves.

It's okay, you can return the debt to society if you testify and describe the pony that hypnotized him.

Yes, sure. I will describe it. Detailed as it should be.

Well done Roller. You're the pride of the Guard.

Excuse me sir, but why is your face covered in mud? And why am I all wet?

Nothing, just to free the mind from hypnosis, you had to be dipped in a barrel of water, -

Orson got the money. “Here’s another coin for you, and it will be better if you don’t say that I awakened you in this way.” You have nothing, but I can count it as an attack.

Another coin? And I understood! I will say that the action itself has passed.

Well done, you are a giant of thought.

Thank you sir!

Orson looked again at the dirt on the tanks.

Yes, thank you.

Mainhattan. 14 Huftown street. Section of the City Guard. October 5th. Wednesday. Evening. 19:03.

The meeting of the Defense Department was taking place in the spacious pulpit of the City Watch precinct. Captains, officers, and representatives of the city defense were waiting for the report of the agents, sitting on the stair desks. Orson looked at those present through the half-open door and said to Deft, holding files:

I don't like reporting.

Take it easy, amigo,” Deft replied. – The main thing is to explain slowly, smoothly and with charisma.

Ever since the whole square exploded because of us, the reports are more like torture.

The City Watch still needs to get used to our department.

performance is not The best way someone will like it,” Orson straightened his coat and took the folders from Deft. - Fine. Went.

The agents entered the pulpit and saluted the officers. Captain Order was sitting closer to the board, so the first one began the question:

Yes, sir,” said Orson, keeping his composure. - With your permission, I'll start!

Orson sorted out the folders and continued:

We are dealing with organized crime. In the history of the Guardians' fight against crime, there has not yet been a case of uniting several gangs. Except for the infamous story of the bandit takeover of El Mortifero six years ago.

This is true, but why are you sure that this is organized crime? one of the captains asked.

Their actions, strategy and style speaks volumes,” Orson replied. “The usual bunch of bandits can't act so precisely and in an organized manner.

Such a large gang needs a leader. In this case, we suspect two. It is possible that both of them contribute,” Deft added.

Orson pinned to the board a photograph of a black-haired pegasus with narrow eyes and a straight short mane. He was dressed in a black kimono and a burgundy robe. His chest was adorned with a brooch in the shape of a serpentine dragon. Orson introduced him:

Chao Yen, also known as the Dragon of Cunning, or the Master Dragon. Former governor of Pong-tai and director of a large tea firm. IN last years of his political activities began to exceed his authority, demanding that Equestria change the status of Pon-tai from a region to a separate empire, where he would understandably be the ruler.

You will find more about this in his dossier,” Deft said.

Orson continued:

After a very long lawsuit, he was accused of illegal fraud and soon lost his post as governor. After that, he got into his head the idea that his realm had been taken over and started large-scale activities against the Law of Equestria. He spent all his money on creating a personal ninja cult, where he is considered a great dragon in the flesh of an ordinary pegasus.

In the future, he was often seen in thefts, threats and attempts to seize power in Pon-tai. The last activity was in the Southern Jungle, where his ninja robbed the diamond mines. In the archives, he is considered a particularly dangerous criminal.

The agents handed the folders to the officers. Captain Warrant quickly checked the papers and asked:

It says here that in your last case you met with ninjas and thus considered Chao Yen's assistance in this? This is true?

All right. But in this moment we believe that besides him, there is another criminal individual behind this whole chain of robbery!

Orson showed the captains a photograph of an ugly earth pony in a sombrero, Morder. The photo was obviously taken from old capture orders.

Morder Juan Ramirez Cactacies, also known as Tiger Face, Machete, Killer, Scorpio, Worm Cactus, El Bruto, El Bruto Cactacies, El Cactus Bruto, El ...

We understand,” one of the captains said.

The son of the largest supplier of illegal drinks in El Mortifero. After the leader of criminal gangs known throughout San Palomino, Orson continued.

Six years ago, his gang, organized from all the bandits of San Palomino, captured the entire region of El Mortifero and created their own anarchic kingdom there, Deft added.

But having met resistance from several detachments of local lawyers-kozadors, the gang broke up, and Morder himself fled to the Southern Jungle, where he worked as a mercenary. Evidence of his involvement in this case is given in the testimony of the Guardians, who were caught in an explosion while searching for stolen locomotives, along the main highway of Equestria.

The captains began to reread the reports, muttering something under their breath. The agents realized that their report had failed. One of the representatives of the Department of Defense, a thin unicorn dressed in a formal suit, asked:

So. So you think that one of these unpleasant personalities is responsible for this mess?

Almost, sir. It is likely that Chao Yen and Morder act together - they both worked in the Southern Jungle, that's where they met, - answered Deft - Two crime bosses are able to put together an army from any gang, they just need to want to.

So so so! the unicorn said. “So two crime bosses are running a whole army of three gangs?” Hm! And what do you think they are doing here?

Orson replied:

We believe that Chao Yen and Morder came to our city to start a large-scale criminal operation. Therefore, we felt that it would be right to warn everyone about the possible danger.

Large-scale criminal operation? Order chuckled. - And what is the purpose of this operation? What do you think agents?

We believe the Elemental Diamond is the target of the criminals,” Orson replied.

Morder said that they will soon have power over the elements,” Deft added.

According to legend, Diamond had the power to command the weather. Perhaps the criminals do not want to have such power, and they understand that the Diamond is just a stone.

But they understand its value, and that's what might make them make the City Museum their next target!

The captains fussed.

So you think that we should protect our museum first of all? one of the officers asked lazily.

Wouldn't it be more logical to start protecting the entire city, rather than its individual sections? another captain said.

Besides, what this…Morder said is not true,” added the unicorn from the Defense Department. “Perhaps they don’t even know about any diamond?” Perhaps it will be better if you start looking for criminals, which is what you should be doing.

The officers agreed. Orson replied:

We're just looking for a safe haven for criminals. For such a gang, you need a large perimeter for the base. Traces of dirt were found at the site of the stolen locomotives. Based on their particles, the Magic Department of Control found out that the bandits were probably hiding in the nearby ruins of the Old City. There used to be frontier fortresses there, in pre-Equestrian times, and I think criminals might use these ruins as a lair.

Everyone began to whisper and consult with representatives of the Defense. The thin unicorn said something to Captain Order, then took the folder from him and quickly read the last pages. He said:

Excuse me, gentlemen, agents, your report is certainly very interesting, but there are a couple of points in it that confuse us very much. Here, for example, Mr. Nevervrong: You draw conclusions from bits of dirt and descriptions of the station guard, whom, as I understand it, you drowned in a barrel of water, Agent Nevervrong.

He was under hypnosis. Cooling is one of the most simple ways undo it,” Orson replied.

And after that, you immediately believed the guard that Chao Yen himself attacked him?

At the moment of describing the criminal, he behaved naturally than at the moment of interrogation at the station, when he was under hypnosis.

Very interesting.” The unicorn read the report again. - And now, Mr. Deft, if you please explain this: at the site of the explosion of the locomotive, none of the Guardians, except for you, Agent Strike, saw this same Morder. How did you decide that it was him?

Probably because I saw it with my own eyes, right?

True, but at the same time others did not see him? Why?

Because they were stunned by the explosion!

But what about you?

I was nearby and during my service, I kind of got used to this kind of stun.

Agent Strike, please be serious! ordered Captain Order.

I am not lying! It was Morder! Deft raised his voice. - Ask the Guardians on the spot, and they will answer that they heard him!

This does not prove that they heard exactly Morder!

Excuse me, agent, but you also have this accent.

Are you accusing me?

No. We believe that in this case there is no evidence of the involvement of two dangerous criminals.

The officers again agreed and began to whisper to each other. The agents sighed wearily as they looked at their watches.

They wanted it all to end. A minute later, the Defense spokesman said:

Let me tell you what we have: three Likhodean gangs are terrorizing the city. The entire responsibility for the security of Manehattan rests with the City Guard, of course, and therefore the defense of our city should begin immediately.

We will guard every part of the city,” Captain Order said. - Patrols will comb the streets day and night and, in the end, the bandits themselves will make themselves felt and thereby fall into a trap.

And your weak hypotheses,” the representative continued, “that this is organized crime, that Chao Yen is behind this, and Morder can only create unnecessary actions and waste of time while the inhabitants of the city are endangered!”

The agents looked at each other. Deft stepped forward and said:

But if they really run a gang, then the danger can be even higher! You can’t just take and defend yourself from the tactics of two criminal geniuses at once!

The officers answered something indignantly, but Captain Order interrupted them and answered

I would like to believe you. But your latest activity creates a very dubious impression. Weak evidence, testimonies, hypotheses. And if you refer to your vulgar exploits, then forgive me.

What about our past exploits? Deft asked defiantly.

For five years of work in our city, you have already met with representatives of these gangs, right? one of the officers asked for Warrant.

Met. Separately.

Did you catch them? the Defense unicorn asked.

The agents were silent. The Defense Representative grinned dryly and replied:

So I thought. And how can we then believe in your theory of organized crime, and even more so in the fact that you know a way to deal with it, if you, even individually, could not catch these criminals? He tapped on the folder. “Imagine if I show this to Sir Lanzecolt!” He won't believe it, after all.

Of course, because he's an idiot! - answered Deft, causing indignation of the officers.

Sir Lanzecolt is direct and honest, which makes him an excellent City Defender, agent,” said the unicorn. - And your actions, as I understand it, often ended in failure.

Not all of our cases ended in failure,” Orson interceded. – Remember, for example, a gang of bombers! They are considered one of the most dangerous gangs in the world, and we were able to stop them!

Of course, we all remember this incident on the Central Square, where you caused more harm to the city than the bandits themselves, - said one of the officers and everyone agreed.

The Defense Unicorn spoke to Captain Order again and turned to the agents:

Excuse me, agents, of course, under the Law, you have the right to activity and assistance, but in this case the situation is somewhat unusual.

He rose and addressed the rest of the officers in the pulpit:

Three gangs are simultaneously attacking the city and our task is to stop them. That is the priority, and not the search for evidence of the participation of two dangerous criminals from other parts of the world.” He closed the folder and magically gave it to the agents. - This is all.

The captains are gone. The agents left the room and stopped at the door. Deft noticed Orson's lip twitch, which usually meant that the agent was not just angry, but barely able to contain his anger. In his five-year career with Orson, Deft only saw him like this once.

Hmm. Bad luck,” Deft said.

Silly inflated bags of pathos,” Orson hissed in annoyance. – Why then organize such reports at all?

You know, everyone is waiting for us to give all the evidence and answers in one sitting. After all, they also report to the mayor, Lanzecolt, the Department of Defense, - Deft chuckled. “We kind of do the work for them, and it both irritates and depresses them at the same time.

I think more that Order just decided to rid himself of the burden of reporting to these turkeys and laugh at us at the same time, for the actions of three years ago. After all, for all of them we are like annoying flies.

They don't believe us. Like all. The sins of the past are over our soul, so we have to take the rap.

Orson stamped his hoof in annoyance and said:

While they let all the squads out on the streets, Chao Yen and Morder are probably already on their way to the museum.

We need to stop them before it's too late.

They will not give us even the smallest detachment to check the fortresses.

Then we'll go without him. If the mountain is not to Starswirl, Starswirl will conjure the mountain himself.

Something I do not understand your quote, Deft.

Come with me.

Deft led Orson to the Guardians' locker room. Opening the farthest locker, where spare things were stored, he said:

I made up my mind and asked someone in the Rat District.

You were in the Rat District! I told you that...

Wait a minute to act like my mother and listen: I was told that Morder collects every bandit in the fortress area. Promises pizza and a decent jackpot.

And you think you've been told the truth? In the Rat area? And an Agent of Control, too?

The Rat District has a different friendship system. The more you treated the locals, the more confidence in you.

Orson furrowed his brows and asked:

And with what money did you manage to treat so many ponies?

With the money won in the fight without rules, of course!

Are you back in those fights? I told you...

Yes Yes! Stop pretending to be my mom, amigo!

Deft walked up to Orson with a bunch of clothes on his back and continued:

Anyway, now we know exactly where the bandits are.

And how do you propose to stop them if all the Guard units are on patrol? Orson shook his head. - We will not have time to notify the Center - by that time the bandits will have time to rob half the city! And what are those things you have?

As I said: if the mountain is not for Starswirl, Starswirl conjures the mountain himself!

Deft threw his clothes on a nearby bench and began to look for something among them:

And what does it mean? Orson asked.

Santa Celestia, Orson! When did you manage to become dumb, a graduate of two academies?

The aura of Roller's security guard must have swayed over me.

Deft, with a deft movement of his hooves, removed him from Orson. felt hat and put on a black winter hat instead.

We'll go undercover with this gang! he said with a smile.

I pass! – sharply responded Orson.

Come on! We are not famous enough to be revealed. Besides, you're the spitting image of a gangster in your coat!

Do you remember how our last undercover escapade ended?

Yes! We ended up in jail.

I ended up in jail!

But we caught the criminals! Come on everything will be fine!

No, I won't agree to this anymore! Orson spoke loudly and sternly. And you can't convince me! Not for any rugs! No!

Bare stones, which used to be mighty fortress walls, covered a small area of ​​​​the forest in the light of the moon and fires. The lands on the western edge of Manehattan were littered with the ruins of fortresses left over from Equestria's most ancient wars. It was here that the meeting of the bandits took place.

A cultural treasure, a reminder of the past, has now been defaced with music, graffiti and rubbish. Orson was worried. He and Deft, dressed in nondescript rough clothes and dark glasses, slowly approached the center of the high ruins of the dungeon.

I can't believe I agreed! Orson scolded himself.

Don't be afraid. Consider it a diversion,” Deft replied.

This is not a diversion. This is madness.

Orson and Deft walked slowly towards the keep. They carefully walked around the fires, around which bandits from different groups gathered. The Requiems listened to music and danced, the Red Bandanas smashed bricks and bottles on their heads, demonstrating their power, the Illusionists prepared their tricks for future crimes.

Everyone ate pizza. Based on the fragrance that I caught in myself best products and cheese, Orson decided that the treat was obviously expensive. The criminals did not stint to provide the meeting with a decent pizza. Deft, when he smelled a pleasant smell, tried to refrain from stealing a small piece, so as not to give himself away.

The agents reached a wooden closet, recently built in a hole in a stone tower. There was a light from its windows - Orson decided that this was the head office of Chao Yen. Reaching the closet window, Orson climbed onto Deft's back to see what was inside.

Well, what is there? Deft asked, holding Orson.

Hard to see,” said Orson, trying to reach the window.

Come on, you're fat and heavy!

Deft staggered.

Orson, I'm falling!

Deft staggered again and did not hold Orson. The agents fell onto the nearest bump and rolled down into the thorn bush. Holding back the pain, they stepped out of the bush, quickly brushing off the needles.

Orson, you obviously eat a lot,” Deft said.

It was your idea, and now you're complaining, - Orson suddenly fell silent and listened. “Looks like they have a collection.

If this is lunch, then I’ll say right away: you can’t. You are so fat!

I'm not fat. You are just weak.

Of course, I don't eat much. It's you we have a glutton, that's why you're fat!

As if by an unknown call, the bandits began to gather on the other side of the donjon. The agents joined the others.

A multicolored crowd of aggressive bandits were waiting for their leaders near a wooden platform.

There was silence, everyone gathered. Morder was the first to leave the closet. Chao Yen followed him slowly with a ninja escort. The criminal leaders reached the center of the site.

Chao Yen! Orson said.

And Morder! Deft said.

We were right after all.

Chao Yen calmed the crowd and spoke in a loud and authoritative voice of the leader:

My brothers! During this day, you have shown yourself to be true gentlemen of fortune, showing the whole city that your alliance is much stronger than their defeated and weakened army of law and order.

Everyone applauded, Chao Yen continued:

But this is only the tip of the iceberg on which the ship called the Manehattan sails. The big score is still waiting for us, brothers. Tonight, we'll encroach on main reason narcissism of the local rich. First City Museum!

The bandits responded with a standing ovation and applause, Chao Yen continued:

By robbing it, we'll show the smug rich men of Rich Street and the stupid City Watch that their so-called Law can't stand against the real commandments of life! Take all!

And don't give anything! – answered all the bandits at once.

Gather, my brothers! Today, each of you will become richer than any inhabitant of this city, and even this will not be the limit. Today Manehattan, tomorrow the entire eastern side of Equestria, and the day after tomorrow all the wealth of the country!

The bandits, hooting and shouting, scattered each to their own points, for preparation. Orson and Deft disappeared into the shadows of the wall to discuss their next steps:

And he knows how to turn on the crowd,” Deft said.

This is strange, Orson thought. “If they start the robbery now, they risk getting caught by the Guardians. Whatever powers they wielded, they had created a trap for themselves.

You heard him, they don't see the City Watch as a threat.

If so, why did Morder hint to the witnesses about their plans for Almaz? They made their own trap. There's something wrong here, Deft!

If so, then we need to find out what the names are!

Deft moved forward, but Orson stopped him.

Wait a minute! We already knew everything. Guard squads are already waiting for them - why do we need to do all this!

You said yourself that you don't like it. What if they are up to something more than a simple robbery? It is our duty to prevent this, and we are just in a better position.

In a better position?! Yes, we are inside a hornet's nest!

Do not complain! When was the last time you worked inside a hornet's nest?

Last summer! Moreover, in a real nest! And as always, it's your fault!

It's not my fault that you...

They were approached by a tall gray stallion dressed in a red bandanna and a patched vest. He called out to the agents in a bass voice:

What are you standing for? Did you hear what Master Dragon said? Well, get ready!

The agents nodded and followed the bandit.

Are you satisfied now? Orson whispered. “Now we can’t just leave!”

Calm down, everything will be all right,” Deft replied.

How many times have I heard it!

Guards peacefully patrolled the area, guarding the treasures of the museum. The rain drummed on the windows, making everyone bored.

Eh! Boring,” one guard said with a yawn.

Yep, the other replied silently.

But it's like a museum, so many interesting things nearby. But still boring! – continued the first.

Yeah, - the second one confirmed the same.

And it still lacks sharpness. All day today they reported bank and store robberies. All patrols raised their ears. And here we have just ... a museum.

It's certainly bad what I'm going to say, but I wouldn't mind a little bandit assault. You know, to show off your skills, training and...

Suddenly, a strange sound was heard, as if someone had thrown a jar. The empty building echoed, and all the museum guards gathered.

There is something here! The first guard got ready.

Yep, the other replied quietly.

Watch your back!

Looks like there's something at the end of the corridor.

Smoke began to enter the building. The unicorn guards tried to do something with their magic, but instantly began to shrink in size.

What hay! squealed the little guard. “Everything has become so big!”

Aha! - With the same squeak, the second guard answered.

You need to tell the others. Let's run!

The diminutive guards scattered across the carpet, only to be caught in a sack of Red Bandannas wearing gas masks who entered. The pegasus bandits dispersed the magic smoke with their wings and let the others in through the vents and windows. Morder entered the museum last.

Fine," Morder said coldly and slowly. - We continue. Remove the others, disarm the alarm. You have ten minutes for the rest.

Everyone took their position. The Requiems, the Iroquois and the Illusionists began hunting down the rest of the guards. Morder began pacing the halls, issuing orders to set up defenses. Chao Yen, with his ninjas, headed to the center of the museum to retrieve the Elemental Diamond.

As soon as the guards and alarms were cut down, everyone set to work on the robbery. Everything that they did not have time to collect in bags was mercilessly destroyed. The Red Bandanas spared no effort and destroyed precious marble statues, painted ancient paintings with paints and broke beautiful bowls. Illusionists, due to their stiffness, did not participate in this barbarism, and Requiems, on the contrary, inspired their brothers from Bandana with their own example to the song:

Push it to the limit!

Take, grab, take it all!

And we don't give anything to anyone.

Here is the finish line!

We're going to work!

And not in the forest, nor in the steppe and not in the wilderness,

And to the museum for a big tasty jackpot!

Leave nothing behind

If something did not fit into your bag,

Break-break! Break-break!

Break vases, mugs and pots!

Show everyone what a villain you are!

Crack, ring, noise, let it be a whole anthem here!

Squeeze to the limit-limit-limit-ah!

We go to business-to business-to business-oh!

Orson and Deft were the last to climb through the window. Hiding in the shade of a decorative cabinet, they discussed their position:

So, we are in the museum,” Deft said in a whisper.

I noticed,” said Orson.

It is necessary to delay them somehow until the Guardians approach.

I think that Morder and Chao Yen are currently working on the Elemental Diamond. The bandits will delay the Guardians during the assault, so they will have time to escape.

Then let's split up. You stop the theft of the Diamond, and I'll take care of the gangs.

How will you deal with them alone?

Very simple, amigo! I'll stir up a hornet's nest!

The agents dispersed in different directions. Trying not to draw too much attention to himself, Orson made his way cautiously into the main hall.

Chao Yen and his ninjas were already hard at work hacking. Surrounding the platform where the pedestal with the diamond was located, the ninja prepared strange tools. The Elemental Diamond rested peacefully in a glass cube surrounded by an invisible sphere of magic.

Orson decided that the main pride of the museum was probably protected by the best magic, and he decided that Chao Yen was also aware of it. The cunning manipulator stood at the very foot of the platform, watching with confidence as his servants did their work.

The Ninja set up a small crane - Orson figured it was for the final removal of the Diamond from the cube. One of the ninja quickly and deftly closed the ventilation system of the hall with steel sheets, the other threw a small smoke bomb, right next to the platform. The smoke dispersed around the pedestal, and in its outlines Orson noticed faint fluctuations of air - a magical sphere.

The ninja stood on the four sides of the platform and pulled out the oval mirrors. Carefully, step by step, perfectly symmetrical, they began to move towards the pedestal. The magic reflected off the mirrors, and the sphere narrowed closer and closer to the pedestal, decreasing in size.

Orson understood the whole hacking tactic: the ninja hoped to reduce the magic sphere, thereby driving it with the help of mirrors into the pedestal. For a few seconds, this will make the glass cube vulnerable, and during this time, the ninja will have time to remove it with a crane and, with the help of their acrobatic talents, pick up the diamond and immediately throw the tools.

The alarm will go off, but by then the Elemental Diamond will be in Chao Yen's hooves. The City Guard will begin to fight the rest of the gangs, and in the meantime the ninja will hide in the general hype.

The ninjas with the mirrors had almost narrowed the sphere down to a pedestal, there was little time left. Orson quickly looked around and noticed a giant decorative chandelier on the ceiling, placed exactly above the platform.

Orson found the fixture of the chandelier and cautiously moved towards it, hoping that Chao Yen wouldn't find it. The shuriken flashed past him like lightning and slammed into the wall. Orson stopped in fear, but managed to hold back a gasp of surprise. A second and before him was a ninja. He looked at Orson through his mask with green eyes.

Hey, you! The ninja's words seemed to pin Orson to the floor. – What are you doing here?

I? – Orson sharply collected himself and portrayed the rudeness in his voice. - None of your business! I'm looking for trinkets for myself here!

I think I saw you somewhere, - the ninja screwed up his eyes. What gang are you from?

I? - Orson quickly said the first thing that came to mind: - Illusionists!

Your clothes don't look like them.

I'm new.

Hm! If you are an Illusionist...show a trick!

Focus? Orson looked around. - Fine!

Let's. I'm waiting!

Orson pulled out a shuriken with his teeth and placed it on his hoof.

Look! Now this shuriken will disappear! he said and threw the shuriken.

The learned skill of throwing stones at the Westwyn Academy played its part, the thrown shuriken flew to the attachment rope and barely touched it. The wound began to untie, the chandelier slowly lowered.

TA-dah! Orson said with a stupid smile.

There was a crack in the silence of the hall. The rope could not withstand the cut and the fastening weakened. The chandelier crashed onto the platform. The ninja managed to jump back, but the magic sphere touched by the chandelier emitted a piercing rumble and captured them with magical bonds. Chao Yen and a few of his henchmen managed to move away before the chandelier fell.

Wow yo-yo-yo! - said the ninja

Chao Yen quickly ordered the ninja to raise the statue. With a deft move, he slipped under her and emerged just as quickly with the Diamond of the Elements on his back.

Let's go! he ordered.

Chao Yen and the rest of the ninja disappeared into the smoke. Orson sighed calmly and hurried off to look for Deft.

Defense preparations were in full swing. The bandits occupied all the entrances and exits and watched the windows. When the City Guards start attacking, the bandits will know about it. Deft was in a hurry, against him were three gangs, several other criminals and Morder himself, and he needs to stop them before they begin their mysterious deceits.

Deft was stopped near the hall with marble arts. Several robbers in red bandanas decided to tidy up some exhibits.

Bad business, one complained. - Marble, yes pictures! Nothing of value!

That's because the boss is in charge of the diamonds,” another replied. - Here's the whole jackpot for you.

Aha. And also have to share.

One of the bandits dragged the statue to the wall and sat on it, taking a breath. Taking off his bandanna, he wiped off the sweat and said to his comrades:

Do not say. Here's another, shares with this dudes and magicians!

But I wouldn't argue with Tiger Face. Let's do as he says and still get a share.

Aha, if I don't smash that damned gramophone ahead of time. I'm already sick of this music!

The bandits continued to collect trophies. Deft noticed how one of the bandits left his bandana behind.

Deft had an idea. Imperceptibly taking the handkerchief for himself, and putting it on his head, he went to look for the Requiems. He found them at the very entrance of the museum - in a small room, surrounded on both sides by marble statues and beautiful windows. The gramophone was nearby.

Deft found the club and smashed it. The woodwork cracked, exposing the mechanisms. Seeing this, the Requiems uttered an exclamation in one sonorous tenor, similar to the roar of a wounded she-wolf.

This is ... - the bandits did not understand.

What is this! Deft dropped his club and approached Requiem menacingly. - Tired of your muzlo, dudes!

Yes, we are for you!

The Requiems surrounded Deft, but then the Bandanas appeared.

Hey dudes! they shouted. – What are you doing here? Are you running into our brother?

This "brother" of yours smashed our apparatus! – shrillly answered the leader of the Requiems.

You stupid barbarians, you know nothing about music!

Whom did you call stupid, licked muzzle?

Bandanas and Requiems stood opposite each other. Everyone tried to stand taller or lift their chests like gorillas fighting for territory. A flash exploded between them and the Illusionists appeared in a puff of smoke.

Gentlemen, do not quarrel, - their leader said and pulled a white dove out of the top hat. - We are all brothers here and we are all here in the world!

Deft immediately entered the conversation:

And you do not go with your beast, dude!

You, musicians and conjurers, do not command us, clearly! Deft continued. - Bandanas by themselves! I'm right?

So shut your top hats and get out of here! Real thugs don't hang out with dudes, right?

There was no answer, everyone looked at Deft, but as if casually. He felt heavy breathing behind him.

The agent pursed his ears, slowly turned around. He saw the famous Tiger Face in front of him. Morder, of course, did not know Deft and had never seen him, but the legends about his criminal activities inspired a very unpleasant and unfamiliar feeling in the cozador agent - fear.

What's going on here? he asked slowly. - Why all…

He paused and looked at Deft. Noticing his Lasso Mark around the flame, he frowned and hissed:


The loud hum of a thousand alarms pierced the museum. Deft immediately darted behind the column, taking off his bandana. The bandits panicked:

Who didn't turn off the alarm?

Who turned it on?

This is what the Illusionists did!

You distracted us by breaking our gramophone!

And there was nothing to turn on your muzlo!

The representatives of the three gangs started arguing again. It bought time - Deft could see through the windows as the Guardians began to surround the building. Morder barked at all the bandits, his mighty voice muffled even the alarms:

Shut up! All on the defensive!

Like trained dogs who heard the signal whistle, all three gangs, forgetting their feuds, immediately began to defend themselves. As soon as the Mainhattan Special Forces burst in, they were ready.

The tall Red Bandannas threw Guardians at the Illusionists, who made them disappear into wardrobes and kerchiefs. Requiems, whistling their melodies by heart, deftly keeping track of those who tried to get out of the criminal system.

The situation worsened, the Guardians were losing. Deft immediately looked around. There should have been at least something left that could, was to help colleagues from the city defense department. The Illusionist's top hat flew past him, from which immediately ran out a white rabbit, a pair of doves, and a rope tied with colorful rags.

Without thinking, Deft immediately grabbed the rope between his teeth and immediately tied its end to the nearest marble statue. He wrapped the other end around the line of defense of the criminals. Deft hoped that the bandits would not notice his work, carried away by the fight against the Guardians.

But before the agent reached the middle of the hall, he was stopped by the cane of the leader of the Requiems.

And what do we have here?

Deft did not answer and simply hit the leader exactly in the left eye, decorated with a pattern. The leader fell into the crowd of bandits, breaking them like dominoes. The Red Bandanas, intoxicated by the fight, got angry and began to fight already with their colleagues from other gangs. Chaos began.

The City Guard immediately took advantage of the new criminal dispute and immediately counterattacked. The Red Bandanas immediately fell to the floor, under the onslaught of heavily armed commandos, whose helmets and armor were a single impact shield. The requiems did not have time to whistle at least a chord, as they were immediately the holy Pegasus Guardians. The magic of the unicorns managed to uncover the fake tricks of the Illusionists and they quickly gave up.

Deft nodded to the Guardians and ran towards Orson. The agents met at the museum's west wing.

Well how are you? Deft asked.

Yes, everything is fine, - out of breath answered Orson. Only Diamond...

We'll catch up with them!

They must have prepared an escape!

Let's hurry then!

The agents entered the empty room. Along the way there were columns that formed a passage to a small rotunda with high windows. Night light came out of the window, illuminating the marble columns. Agents walked between them, looking around.

Do you see them? Orson asked.

Hush, Deft replied.

Here they are!

The agents quickly hid behind the nearest column. From the other side, Chao Yen and the ninjas holding the Elemental Diamond entered the rotunda. Moonlight reflected in the faces precious stone and he lit up with a faded, but beautiful light.

Chao Yen ordered something to the ninja and they disappeared into the clouds of smoke. He was left alone with Diamond. Deft nodded to Orson and the agents slowly walked towards him. But when they heard footsteps, they returned to their hiding place. Chao Yen was approached by Morder along with three gang leaders.

Sir, ours are losing, - said the leaders.

Weren't you supposed to be protecting us, Tiger Face? Chao Yen asked Morder calmly.

These idiots quarreled, - Morder angrily looked at the leaders. - Again!

The ringleaders tucked their tails and ears in and seemed to shrink in stature at Morder's gaze. Chao Yen interrupted him:

It doesn't matter, we'll free the losers later! In the meantime, guard the passage here! We'll be out of here soon.

The leaders bowed and fled. The agents managed to escape into the shadows of the pillars when Bandan the leader walked past them. Morder, meanwhile, went to the windows and opened them, looking at the sky. Chao Yen began to examine the Elemental Diamond.

Real work jewelry art Chao Yen enjoyed his voice more than Diamond. "They knew how to make diamonds in those days, didn't they, Tiger Face?"

We need to hurry,” Morder muttered, continuing to look out the window. “Guardians must have filled the sky.

What's the matter? Are you afraid? Chao Yen smiled slyly.

Tiger Face is not afraid of anything! Morder was offended, looking at the Dragon Master.

Don't worry. Everything is planned. The smart guy has never let me down.

Orson frowned and whispered to Deft.

Looks like they're waiting for an airlift.

But how? The guards will notice her on the way! Deft was surprised.

Either way, it doesn't bother them.

Morder noticed something and quickly opened the windows. A black air chariot pulled by ninja pegasus flew into the rotunda.

Carriage with magic! They can leave,” Deft said.

It's not quite magic, - Orson looked closer. It's more of a machine!

It doesn't matter, they must be stopped! Deft moved forward.

Wait Deft!

Not now!

Deft entered the rotunda and stopped the bandits with a ringing valiant whistle

Guys, are you in a hurry? - he said.

Morder, the ninja, and Chao Yen all turned towards Deft. Orson hit his forehead with a hoof, condemning his colleague's action.

I hasten to inform you, amigo, that you are all under arrest! Deft said.

Here's how? Chao Yen nodded to the side. - Do you guys understand?

The leaders of the Red Bandanas, Illusionists and Requiems landed next to Deft in one jump. The agent managed to jump back.

Well, Orson? - he asked. - Shall we stretch our hooves?

I’m afraid it won’t work, I’m out,” Orson replied.

Deft turned and saw that Orson was tied to a pillar with a colorful but strong rope.

Here's how? Deft said. - Well, nothing, I can handle it. It's even easier without you!

Thank you for your support,” Orson replied sarcastically.

While the Illusionist was pulling a new rope out of the cylinder, Bandana and Requiem surrounded Deft from two sides and attacked at the same time. Deft jumped up and landed on Requiem's ​​hoof. Without letting him come to his senses, the agent immediately threw him over himself, hit three times on three different places bandit and threw him towards Bandana.

Like a whip, a multi-colored rope swept over the agent. Deft managed to crouch down and grab the end of it with his teeth. Deft made a sharp and strong jerk, thereby taking the top hat from the Illusionist. In less than a second, Deft immediately tied a lasso from the rope and began threateningly circling the loop over his head.

Chao Yen watched this performance with an ironic smile and delight. Morder, on the other hand, was carefully examining Deft himself. Both were in no hurry to leave. Orson tried to get out of the snares, but it was all in vain, so he could only remain a spectator.

Red Bandana threw off the knocked-out Requiem and himself and attacked Deft with a snarl. A lasso of colorful scarves immediately grabbed the bandit's hooves and pushed him to the ground. Gathering all his strength, Deft again began to circle the lasso, but this time with a Bandana at the end.

The stunned Illusionist threw razor-sharp playing cards at Deft, but the agent managed to dodge them in time and push the Bandana bound thug. All three were defeated, and Deft, without hesitation, deftly released the noose from Bandana's hooves and threw it towards Chao Yen.

The noose tied around the hoof of Morder, who managed to cover Chao Yen. The sullen, scarred face snorted. Morder pulled the lasso and Deft, unable to cope with his strength, fell to the ground. Morder dismissed the rope with disdain and stepped forward. Deft got up. The agent and the criminal made eye contact.

Kozador! Tiger Face almost growled as he said the word. "So it's you, then?"

You know him? Chao Yen asked.

This label! I was told that a bully with this Mark arrested my brother, six years ago! And since then he has become a disgrace to our family! Morder stepped closer. Didn't know we'd meet here.

It seems to be a private matter, - Chao Yen rubbed the face of the Diamond. - Do not wait for you?

I do not for a long time.

Morder, like a growing shadow, began to approach Deft. The agent stood still, as if rooted to the spot.

Deft tried to strike, but all his strength seemed to evaporate at the sight of Morder. Tiger Face stopped the agent's hooves with no effort and grunted.

And it's all?

Morder grabbed the agent's clothes with his teeth and threw him into the air with a growl. Deft collided with the ceiling and fell to the floor, nearly breaking his jaw and back. Morder kicked him and threw him onto his back. Stepping on his stomach, Morder delivered a hard blow to the agent's chest and throat.

Enough for now! – He said, releasing Deft. - Next time I'll finish it completely.

We have to go, Tiger Face,” Chao Yen said calmly.

Morder wasted no time joining Chao Yen in the small wagon. The Pegasus Ninja lifted her into the air and disappeared into the smoke before the Guardians could see them. Deft continued to lie on the floor, groaning in pain.

Well, what was it? Orson asked him.

Def didn't answer. Orson took a deep breath.

Here's your thing!

The agents spent the last hours of the evening in the district hospital. After the battle at the museum, Orson escaped with a crippled eye, and Deft with several bruises all over his body. Doctors made the necessary dressings for them and released them.

That's what is called cultural relaxation! Deft said as he left the hospital. He wanted to laugh, but the laughter made his stomach hurt. - I need to refresh myself, I think.

When they entered the dining room, Captain Order moved towards them with a very angry look.

Something like us will be eaten now,” Deft whispered.

And the place is just right,” said Orson gloomily.

No wonder they promised a signature dish today.

The captain approached the agents within walking distance and vomited:

And how would you like to understand it?

If you're talking about taking cover clothes without permission, then I can say ... - Deft began.

No! I want to know why every time you're involved in the capture of criminals, I have to account for the damage caused to the city! The fact that you doused Melody Old with water is still tolerable. But the fact that you allowed the destruction of expensive exhibits of the City Museum, completely demonstrates your incompetence!

But did you arrest the bandits?

Yes. But I doubt that Mr. Mayor and the City Defender will forgive you the damage to the museum and, of course, the loss of its main treasure.

Regarding the kidnappers of the Diamond of Elements, Orson interceded. – Here we can say with confidence that it was Chao Yen and…

I don't care about your hypotheses! You have made yourself responsible for this matter. And now, if you do not want to lose your job, then immediately start looking for the Diamond. And I will ask the mayor and Sir Lanzecolt not to incinerate you until this incident is over. That's all.

The captain is gone. The agents walked wearily to a table by the window and sat down. The rain drummed on the glass, as if lulling me to sleep. Deft overcame sleep and fatigue and said to Orson:

Well! The result is not expected to be the best.

Three gangs arrested,” Orson replied. - Another city property was damaged, allegedly through our fault. And, of course, the kidnapping of the main source of pride of our dearly respected mayor.

And now we know exactly who is behind all this.

Orson bit his lip and replied in a judgmental tone:

Yes. And we could even find their trail, if someone did not decide to play the brave goat.

I couldn't resist. You know how much I love apprehending dangerous criminals.

Is it true? And then why did the brave cozador suddenly give in to a dangerous criminal? I haven't seen this before.

Deft shook his head in understanding, quickly looked out the window and answered with a sigh:

You get it, Orson. It's just that when I saw Morder, I immediately remembered my early years. You know, I haven't always been a brave goat. In my youth, I was frightened by legends about the atrocities of the Cactaceus family. By arresting Raze, I showed what I was capable of and, first of all, proved to myself that I was not afraid of anything. And this helped me free my homeland from criminals. But…

But I've never met Morder before. And when I saw this carcass in front of me. I suddenly realized that capturing Raze was no feat. But at the same time, this capture signed my sentence. After all, Morder recognized me and now he wants to take revenge. And I suddenly remembered all the horrors that were attributed to him.

Deft hung his head. Orson continued to look at him accusingly. He asked:

And now what? You will give up.

No Orson. Just…

Just what, Deft? Orson raised his voice. "Are you going to avoid Morder?" Or try to participate in other matters not related to him? The past and legends should not stop you Deft. Because you have a responsibility to Equestria! You are an agent of Royal Control. You are no longer a goat. You are now faithful to the law, and not to fairy tales from your childhood!

Deft thought for a moment and answered quietly:

Yes, you're probably right.

Perhaps? Or right? Tell me right away Deft, can I count on you in this difficult moment?

Yes, - Deft cleared his throat and answered more seriously, - Yes, of course Orson! Don't write me off. I... I can handle it.

Hope so.

No, really! Thanks for getting me on my feet. I something... you're right. I am an agent. And he is a criminal. And my duty is to arrest him as an agent of a criminal.

Orson carefully looked into his eyes, as if checking for lies.

Okay, he said. - I believe you.

The agents silently bowed their heads, ready to fall asleep right on the table. But they were awakened by the Guardians from the special forces detachment.

Hey guys, well done! they said cheerfully.

Come on? Orson said.

No seriously! You were brave there! One against three gangs! This is cool, guys!

Thank you, Deft replied.

Don't listen to Order, he's always out of sorts when things get more complicated than a simple kidnapping.

someone else's bag! Let's! Have fun! We caught as many as three gangs at once!

Someone took out a guitar and asked Deft:

Agent Strike, will you play?

Deft looked at Orson, chuckled and picked up the guitar.

Which one to play? - He asked.

Play ours! the Guardians replied.

Ours? Deft chuckled again. - Well, ours is ours!

Deft sat right on the table and deftly played the guitar. With a somewhat gruff voice, he sang along with all the Guardians in the dining room:

Every day and every midnight

Forgetting health and sleep

We will protect and help everyone,

We represent duty and law!

They will not pass from the callus chase,

And the pain will not subside from the fight.

But we won't let the enemy win

After all, we are together Royal Control!

For the honor of the life of simple ponies!

Hurry Agent and Guardian!

For the honor of Equestria!

Athas! Athas! Athas!

Every day he beats lonely

The guard is brave, alone without friends.

Waiting in the shadows and everyone is laughing at him,

Spirit insidious, dangerous villain!

There is an order, there is a simple science,

When we go into battle together

We all hold on to each other

As a single Equestrian hero!

For the honor of the life of simple ponies!

For the light of Celestia and all of Equestria!

Hurry Agent and Guardian!

For the honor of Equestria!

Athas! Athas! Athas!

The night shift was coming to an end, and the weather team would begin to gather at the time booth. Pegasuses in white coats discussed their work and recent news.

Heard they say the museum was attacked last night,” said one pegasus.

Yes, it's bad!

The leader of the group chuckled.

Yes, this is nonsense, I guess. But these anomalies off the coast, I think it's worth checking.

Do you think it could be a dragon? Mr Rain?

I doubt. It's just that the cloud got out of control.” Mr. Rain suddenly fell silent. - You heard?

It seemed to me that someone was scratching.

Suddenly a noise was heard. As if the walls, ceiling, and floor from all sides began to gnaw someone.

What it is?

Suddenly, one by one, the pegasi began to disappear. Someone hurried to the alarm or to the exit, but they immediately disappeared. Holes appeared from under the ground, and faded shadows took them one by one.

Mr. Rain managed to hide behind the booth and aimed his eyes at the alarm. Looking around, he made up his mind and flew in her direction. A clawed hand grabbed him by the tail and pinned him to the floor.

Pegasus-s-sy for Diamond-z-z!

Mr. Rain tried to get out, but the robbers were stronger. Moment and he, like the others, disappeared into the underground tunnels dug by the mysterious kidnappers.

Diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief

(foreign language) - the detectives take the same thief

Wed Diamond cut diamonds.

Ford. The Lovers's Melancholy. 1, 1.

Cm. on a strong bough a sharp ax

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "a diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief" in other dictionaries:

    A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief by a thief (a rogue by a rogue) is ruined. See HELP BTW...

    A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief (foreigner), the detectives take the same thief. Wed Diamond cut diamonds. Ford. The Lovers's Melancholy. 1, 1. See a sharp ax on a strong bough ...

    Female the first in brilliance, hardness and value of expensive (honest) stones; adamant, diamond. Diamond, pure carbon in galleys (crystals), burns without residue, forming carbonic acid. Diamond is a common name: a diamond, more valuable in size and ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    On a strong bough, a sharp axe. Wed Auf einen groben Klotz gehort ein grober Keil. Wed A chair de loup dent de chien. A rude âne rude ânier. Wed "Strong against strong," cried the devil, opposing the thunder with his ass. Danish proverb. Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See Diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief by a thief (a rogue by a rogue) is ruined. The wedge is knocked out with a wedge. Knock out a stake! And the mosquito will knock down the horse, if the wolf helps. Disappear, so one, not all. One for all is easier. Finish one skin (the Bashkirs said, from a common ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

Diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief

A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief (foreign language) - the detectives take the same thief.

Wed Diamond cut diamonds.

Ford. The Lovers's Melancholy. eleven.

Cm. On a strong bough - a sharp ax.

  • - Diamond is cut by diamond, . Wed "He's still two feet over the crook." Wed What should I do? I must vigilantly Follow the machinations of my enemies And oppose cunning with cunning... Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible. 2...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - See FRAUD -...
  • - A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief - they take the same thief as detectives. Wed Diamond cut diamonds. Ford. The Lovers's Melancholy. 1, 1. See. On a strong bough - a sharp ax ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - a rogue is ruined by a rogue. Wed "He's still over the rogue by two feet." Wed What should I do? I must vigilantly follow the intrigues of my enemies And oppose cunning with cunning ... Gr. A. Tolstoy...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is ruined by a thief ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A diamond will be decided by a diamond, a rogue will be ruined by a rogue ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FRAUD -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See STEALING -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See STEALING -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CRAFTS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MANAGEMENT - ORDER - ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He stole once, but became a thief forever. See MORE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See DECENCY - GOODNESS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Once he stole, and all the time he became a thief ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2

    Synonym dictionary

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In this article:

Diamond is the hardest material in nature. Everyone knows that in order to get a diamond, the diamond is processed. But how can this be done, because even more solid materials are needed for this? How are diamonds processed to make diamonds?

In fact, there are limits to the hardness of a diamond, different directions it is different, so if you choose the right angle at which the cutting tool is directed to the diamond, you can get acceptable results. In addition, quite a long time ago people realized that only another diamond or its fragment is suitable for these purposes.

diamond cut

Diamond is a highly crystallized carbon, the atoms of which have a geometric organization, which makes it possible to break off pieces of diamond parallel to the plane formed by the atoms. With this treatment, the surface becomes even and smooth.

Before a diamond can be processed, the craftsman must examine its internal structure. Any incorrectly calculated inclusion or crack can cause the stone to crack during the cutting process. Diamond defects are assessed manually with a magnifying glass. Depending on the value and size of the stone, this process can take from several days to several years.

If the diamond has a matte surface, then before starting work, one side of it is polished so that its internal structure can be assessed. After that, in the event that it is necessary to split the stone, split lines can be applied with ink.


The first stage in the processing of a diamond is considered to be its split. Of course, it would be interesting to get the stone as large as possible and not split it at all, but this can lead to high brittleness if there are multiple inclusions or cracks. Previously, the split was made using a chisel and a hammer after careful calculations by the master. But this often led to errors, and the stone could be damaged.

IN Lately instead of a split, they began to use a cut. For these purposes, a diamond saw blade is used, consisting of shallow and covered with a crumb of precious stone. Such a blade rotates at a speed of 10 thousand revolutions per minute and gradually cuts the diamond.

The process can take a very long time, one stone weighing 1 carat can be cut up to 8 hours. But recently an even more reliable method has appeared - now a laser is used for these purposes.

Friction - with this procedure, a rough shape of the diamond is obtained. Two diamonds are fixed on a lathe or a special installation, after which they are set in the right direction and rub against each other.


Diamond cutting, or as it is also called, polishing, is done only with another diamond. This is possible due to the fact that the hardness of diamond in different directions is different. Therefore, before proceeding to this procedure, careful calculations are made. Used for these purposes and diamond powder or chips.

On a horizontally rotating steel wheel, on the surface of which there is diamond powder and oil, diamond faces are polished. In this case, the speed of rotation of the circle is 2-3 thousand revolutions per minute.

Despite the wide variety of tools, an experienced cutter controls the location of the edges and the direction of the angles manually with a magnifying glass. There are certain mechanical machines for processing small stones, but they are used extremely rarely.

When cutting diamonds, a lot of a large number of material. On average, this figure can reach even up to 50-60%. When processing the legendary Cullinan diamond, it was about 65%. When grinding a diamond, diamond powder is additionally formed, which is also collected and used further.

Polishing - on the grinding wheel there is an additional strip, which is applied very fine diamond chips(practically dust), which is used to further polish the diamond. This is done in order to remove all the bumps and traces of polishing the stone.

History of diamond processing

Diamonds were first cut in India. At first they noticed that if you rub one diamond against another, then their faces are polished and the brilliance increases. The legendary rose-shaped cut was also invented there. In Europe, cutting diamonds began later - only in the XIV-XV centuries. For the first time in the middle of the 15th century, a diamond was cut by a jeweler, which later received the name "Sancy".

Two years later, diamonds began to be cut. At first, such saws were iron wire coated with diamond powder. Large diamonds they sawed for a long time, for example, it took two whole years to cut the Regent diamond. Therefore, this method has now been abandoned and preference has been given to copper or bronze disks.

Now almost the entire process is computerized. The machine calculates the shape of the cut, which will allow the stone to reveal to the maximum such qualities as brilliance and play of color. In addition to the laser, ultrasound and electroerosive installation are used for sawing and processing diamond.

Despite all its obvious advantages, the stone also has some disadvantages, for example, chemical activity against nickel and iron. At elevated temperatures, these metals form interstitial solutions with diamond, after which the diamond is destroyed. That is, diamond cannot be used to cut steel at high speed.
