Christmas balls from improvised materials. New Year's toys on the Christmas tree from improvised materials

Pre-New Year fuss will begin very soon, preparations for the festive fun, buying gifts, decorating Christmas trees and houses. Let's talk about how you can decorate a Christmas tree at home, in the kindergarten and at school and on the street in the yard with your own hands. After all, from everything that is at hand, you can come up with and make amazing things on your own, including New Year's decorations for the main beauty of the holiday.

In the article, we will consider do-it-yourself Christmas decorations from improvised materials with detailed descriptions and photographs. We invite you to get creative and feel the spirit of the holiday now. Involve children in the process, they will be incredibly happy to make Christmas decorations with their parents, and then hang them on the Christmas tree.

This time, let's not spend money on buying expensive Christmas tree decorations or materials for making them ourselves, let's use everything that can usually be found at home.

Let's apply a little imagination and as a result we will get amazing, exclusive and insanely beautiful Christmas decorations.

Surely many people have light bulbs at home, ordinary incandescent lamps that have already burned out and are not used. They can be of any size and shape. They can be used to create amazing Christmas decorations. We decorate these light bulbs with paints, sparkles, fabric, turning them into icicles, balls or interesting characters: Santa Claus, penguins, dogs, gnomes, and anyone.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to create an interesting Christmas tree toy with your own hands from improvised materials using a light bulb. It will be a funny snowman.

Let's prepare everything you need:

  1. Bulb. You can take more than one.
  2. Some fabric, whatever you have for the cap.
  3. Braid (for a loop for which we will hang a toy on a Christmas tree).
  4. Paints. It is better to use acrylic, but gouache is also suitable.
  5. Brushes.
  6. Glue. You can use a second or thermal gun.

Let's start the creative process:

  1. Color the light bulb White color and let it dry completely.
  2. Let's paint the muzzle of a snowman, pens with mittens. The muzzle can be made completely primitive or any one you want. You can draw a snowman and a broom in handles and buttons on clothes.
  3. Now the cap. We cut a small rectangle out of the fabric, fold it in half and sew it together, tie the top with a ribbon on a bow. We put the cap on the snowman light bulb and glue it carefully.
  4. Attaches a ribbon for which we will hang toys.

Everything, the snowman is ready. By this principle, you can make any toy - an animal from simple light bulbs.

Moreover, light bulbs can simply be beautifully decorated and attached to them with braid, sent to the Christmas tree. For example, a light bulb can be smeared with PVA glue and carefully dipped in small sparkles or in any cereal, and then painted over with golden paint. Here you have simple and original decorations for the Christmas tree, made by yourself.

We use any thread for toys

Christmas tree toys can be created from simple threads for knitting or sewing. Don't be afraid, you won't have to sew or knit here. Everything is much easier! Let's see what can be made from a thread for a Christmas tree.

Option 1 - elegant, multi-colored, openwork balls of thread

What you need for work:

  1. Any thread, any color.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Air balloons.
  4. Tape for loops.
  5. Any decorations for decorating balls: rhinestones, sequins, artificial spruce branches, in general, everything you can find at home.

Let's start creating balls:

  1. First, let's make the base - the balls themselves. To do this, we inflate balloons of the diameter we need. These can be very small balls or larger ones, for street tree or for a Christmas tree to school.
  2. We wrap the inflated balloon with ordinary plastic wrap. We pierce the tube with PVA glue and pass the thread through it. Now we just wrap the inflated balloons randomly with a thread in glue. We wrap so that the threads cover the entire surface of the balls. We break the thread, hide the tip under any thread and coat the ball with glue again.
  3. Let the balls dry overnight.
  4. Now we burst the inflated balloons and pull them out. We got filament openwork balls for the Christmas tree.
  5. We tie a loop of braid to them and decorate to our taste.
  6. Such balls can be made in unlimited quantities and in different sizes and colors.

Option 2 - openwork stars and Christmas trees from threads

Such DIY Christmas decorations from improvised materials can be made for children or with them, using the instructions in the photo below and the description. The photo shows how to make an asterisk. But according to this principle, you can make a Christmas tree, and any other figures.

Prepare everything you need for work:

  1. Threads for knitting any color.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. A small bowl where to pour glue and soak the threads.
  4. Foam base for work. You can use a disposable food tray.
  5. Pins or simple matches.

We begin the process of creating an openwork star from threads:

  1. Pour PVA glue into the bowl and soak the threads there.
  2. On a foam base we prick the shape of a toy. In this case, it's an asterisk.
  3. First, we form the outline of the toy along the pinned matches (or pins) by wrapping them with a thread from a bowl.
  4. Now we fill the middle of the figure with a thread, laying it randomly, making fancy curls.
  5. After that, you can blot the figurine with a sponge with glue again and leave it to dry overnight.
  6. When our toy is dry, we tie a loop to it and hang it on the Christmas tree.

paper toys

Do not forget and push into the background the good old paper snowflakes and toys. But today they can sound in a new way if modern techniques are used to create them. In general, do-it-yourself Christmas decorations from improvised materials, in particular from paper - great idea for children in kindergarten. They can decorate a Christmas tree in a group.

And the kids will be happy to look at the festive outfit of the forest guest and boast that it was they who made this or that toy with their mother.

Let's look at how you can make do-it-yourself quilling Christmas tree toys.

We need to work:

Strips of paper, 1.5 or 2 cm wide. You can cut them yourself from thick colored double-sided paper or buy them ready-made in needlework stores.

  1. Scissors.
  2. Thread or braid for loops.
  3. PVA glue.

Making a ball:

  1. We take a strip of any color 20 centimeters long and close it into a circle, glue the ends.
  2. We do this with several more stripes of different colors.
  3. Now we pass each circle one into the other randomly, changing and alternating colors. Do it this way to form a ball. We glue the strips together at the points of contact.
  4. Attach a loop to the ball. Everything, the ball is ready.

Making an icicle:

  1. We take a strip of light color 6 cm long, bend it in half and glue the ends. Got a loop.
  2. Now we take the next strip darker and a couple of centimeters longer. We bend it into a loop around the previous loop and glue the ends on the sides of the ends of the small loop.
  3. We do this with several more stripes of different colors and each time we take a strip 2 centimeters longer.
  4. We wrap the place of the junction of the loops with a strip and attach the braid.

In addition, snowflakes can be made from paper by cutting them out according to a template and hanging them on a ribbon. And also, openwork snowflakes can be made from ordinary pasta, which is in almost every home.

Christmas tree pasta

From ordinary pasta of various shapes, you can create amazing Christmas decorations. Let's see how we can make a snowflake.

Shell-shaped pasta snowflake

Let's prepare everything you need:

  1. Shell-shaped pasta (several large and one small).
  2. Hot glue.
  3. Tape for loop.

Getting Started:

  1. We put a small shell in the center, and around there are 6 large pasta in the form of shells. We glue the pasta at the junction.
  2. We attach the tape.

Openwork snowflake from round pasta

Round pasta with veins.

  1. Hot glue.
  2. Gold acrylic paint (you can use an aerosol or regular acrylic in a jar and a brush).
  3. Tape for loop.

Getting Started:

  1. Lay the pasta with rays from the center. We glue the pasta at the junction.
  2. Cover with golden paint and let dry.
  3. We attach the tape.

In this way, you can make snowflakes of any shape using various pasta that you have at home.

Pasta can also be pasted over any foam ball, attaching a braid to it, covering it with paint, feel free to send not a Christmas tree. And let's see how else you can decorate foam balls or any other plain old Christmas balls.

Pasta snowflakes master class

Decor balls with improvised materials

Any old ball can be decorated with improvised items. To do this, you just need to stick what you found at home on the ball, if necessary, cover it with paint or sparkles.

With such improvised materials you can decorate a Christmas ball:

  • buttons and buttons;
  • fragments of disks;
  • pasta;
  • coffee beans or any cereal;
  • beads, sequins, rhinestones;
  • pieces of newsprint;
  • feathers;
  • fabric flowers;
  • even nuts and gears.

You can use everything that is at home, the more unusual you find the details, the more creative the toy will turn out.

Delicious toys for the Christmas tree

Returning to the topic of edible and tasty decor for if, we suggest creating toys using cinnamon sticks, bergenia stars and orange slices. These will be stylish decorations. They will add not only beauty and sophistication to your Christmas tree, but also bring a touch of sophisticated and sophisticated aroma.

To make them, you just need to dry the cut orange and combine the above ingredients in any composition. It can be a pair of cinnamon sticks with a star anise glued to them, or just orange rounds on a string.

You can also glue a cinnamon stick and a few coffee beans to an orange slice. The whole composition can be decorated with small bows or ribbons or jute rope.

Next, there is a selection of photos to inspire such do-it-yourself Christmas toys from improvised materials. In addition, you can take ordinary candies in candy wrappers and hang them on a Christmas tree by a string. And tasty and beautiful and New Year's. And on lazy New Year's weekends, you can enjoy one piece of candy directly from the Christmas tree.

We decorate a street Christmas tree with toys from plastic bottles and cups

And now let's see what kind of Christmas decorations you can create with your own hands from improvised materials for a street Christmas tree. There is also plenty of room for imagination here. We suggest using ordinary plastic bottles and cups for yogurt or sour cream for the creative process.

Let's make a cute penguin for the street tree.

Let's prepare everything that is useful for work:

  1. Two plastic bottles.
  2. Acrylic paints and the brush is wide and thin.
  3. Some yarn for knitting.
  4. A piece of fabric for a scarf.
  5. Tape for loop.
  6. Glue.
  7. Plaster or paper tape.

Let's start creating the penguin:

  1. Cut off from one plastic bottle bottom so that its height is 5-6 centimeters. Cut off the top of the second bottle and set aside. The base should remain about 20 centimeters high.
  2. We glue two parts with adhesive tape or plaster, the bottom over the base.
  3. The result was an oval figurine of the future penguin.
  4. We paint the entire figure with black acrylic paint and let it dry properly.
  5. Now with white paint we draw the belly and face of the penguin, let it dry.
  6. We paint the upper part in any color for the hat, let it dry.
  7. We draw the details of the cap and muzzle (eyes, key). Let's dry.
  8. From the threads we make a pom-pom and glue it on top of the hat.
  9. From a strip of fabric we make a scarf, cutting along the edges of the terry, we tie it to the penguin.
  10. We pass the braid, making a small through hole at the top.
  11. The toy is ready.

A similar toy is also suitable for a forest beauty in the yard if you use acrylic paints. When they are dry, they are not afraid of either snow or rain.

In the same way, you can make a snowman or Santa Claus, even a dog. You just need to decorate the figurine accordingly. Put on a cap for Santa Claus, and attach fabric ears to the dog.

Snowflakes from the bottoms of plastic bottles are another option for a street tree. How to make them:

  1. Cut off the bottoms of the bottles.
  2. We draw any pattern on them with acrylic paint. Let's dry.
  3. We pass the ribbon through the hole made on one side and hang it on the Christmas tree.

There is nothing easier than making these snowflakes.

Bells from plastic cups from yogurt or sour cream can also decorate a street Christmas tree.

To do this, you need to take any cup, turn it over - this is the bell. Inside, you can hang a bead on a string and thread the braid into the bottom, making a loop. Such a bell can be decorated to your liking and depending on what is at hand.

You can wrap it with braid, decorate it with rhinestones, sequins, beads, or draw patterns on it with acrylic paint.

In addition, on a street Christmas tree you can make very simple, but interesting toys from old children's plastic toys. For example, you can use plastic or rubber dogs, dinosaurs, cars, simply by hanging them on a braid. Or you can paint the toy in bright color, and only then attach a ribbon to it and send it to a branch of a street Christmas tree.

We have reviewed a lot interesting options for making Christmas decorations with your own hands from improvised materials, but this is far from all that you can think of, for inspiration before starting the creative process, watch the video, which shows some more options.

When the New Year is almost on the doorstep and it's time to put up a Christmas tree, a box with Christmas decorations comes out of a secluded corner. If your toys have fallen into an unusable state, and there is no desire to buy new ones, then quite nice decorations can turn out from improvised materials.

light bulb toys

You will need:

  • Burnt out incandescent lamp
  • Paints
  • tassel
  • Ribbon

Degrease the light bulbs, paint funny penguins with paint. Optionally, you can depict snowmen or draw Santa Claus. Dry the lamps, glue the tape with hot glue so that you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Balls of thread


  • PVA glue
  • dense thread
  • Scissors
  • Balloon

Blow up the balloon. Soak the thread in glue and wrap it around balloon. Wait for the glue to dry. Pierce the ball and remove from the structure.

Snowflakes from a plastic bottle

For crafts you need:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon

Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle with scissors. With an awl, make a hole in the plastic, thread the tape. Paint a pattern on the cut bottom. For beauty, you can sprinkle paint with sparkles.

Snowmen from covers

What you need:

  • Beer bottle caps
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • Ribbon
  • hot glue

The inside of the lids should be painted white. Lay three lids in a row, cut off the required amount of tape, allowing for a margin per loop. Hot glue the lids to the tape. Paint the face of the snowman. You can decorate snowmen with scarves or buttons.

Making toys with your own hands is not at all difficult. Fantasy will tell you a lot of ideas, and there are plenty of improvised materials for them. Such decorations will be no worse than purchased ones and diversify your holiday tree.

Winter has come into its own and 2016 is just around the corner. Soon it will be time to decorate the apartment New Year's tinsel. You can make original toys for the Christmas tree yourself from improvised materials, and master classes with step by step instructions, Photo and video.

Christmas ball of threads

To create this original toys on the Christmas tree, you will need:

  • balloon;
  • twine or thread for knitting;
  • PVA glue;
  • a plastic bottle in which there will be glue;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

We inflate the balloon to the size we want to see our balloon and tie it. You can wrinkle the ball a little to make it more rounded.

Container for glue (plastic bottle), pierce with a needle with an inserted thread, then pour glue to cover the thread. Thus, the thread comes out of the container already completely saturated with glue. Gently begin to wind the thread around the ball in different directions by turning it frequently. Do not forget that the ball will need to be removed, so you do not need to wrap it very tightly near the tail. Having reached the required density, we cut the thread. Leave a small piece of thread for the loop.

We leave the ball to dry - it will take 1-2 days - or dry it with a hair dryer for about 15 minutes. After that, we pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it. Make a loop, and you can hang a Christmas ball of thread on the Christmas tree.

Learn more about how to make a Christmas ball of thread in the video below.

Ball decorated with buttons

A ball with buttons is very unusual and stylish (photo:

Every housewife has deposits of buttons cut off from old things, or bought for future use and never used. A great idea is to make a Christmas toy for the Christmas tree with your own hands from buttons.

You will need:

  • foam or plastic ball base;
  • buttons different colors and sizes;
  • Moment glue or glue gun.

We glue the buttons with glue to the surface of the ball, leaving no gaps. Glue a bow at the end.

How to make such a ball is shown in the video below.

DIY Christmas tree toys from light bulbs

Do not rush to throw away ordinary light bulbs that have burned out. You can make a Christmas tree toy out of them.

In order to make a similar decoration on the Christmas tree, take:

  • an ordinary light bulb;
  • acrylic white paint;
  • acrylic or stained glass paints;
  • brushes;
  • decorative elements (beads, ribbons, sequins);
  • glue.

Now we can paint our toy. What it will be - separate pictures or faces of animals, snowmen, Santa Claus - you decide.

If you use stained glass paints, then the light bulb can not be covered with acrylic base paint. This way you will keep it transparent and it will catch the highlights of the garland.

If you are not very good at drawing, you can apply decoupage drawings to the bulbs - glue pieces of special decoupage napkins with PVA glue.

We think you can easily cope with the manufacture of such an unusual Christmas decoration. Most importantly, do not forget to glue or tie a thread on top for hanging at the end.

Another idea for decorating a light bulb is offered by the master designer Guzel Gulmutdinova in the video below:

Cardboard ball

You can make a ball out of plain paper or colored cardboard, which will turn into original decoration Christmas tree. For this we need:

  • several sheets of colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • thread or ribbon (for hanging).

We cut out 8 round blanks of different colors from cardboard. We bend each circle so that a triangle forms in the middle. We glue the bent corners of several circles together in turn. In the middle of one of the petals, glue a thread for hanging. The photo below shows step by step how to make a Christmas tree ball out of cardboard.

Be sure to hang a symbol of the coming year on the Christmas tree - a monkey (photo:

Sewing small funny figurines of objects and animals from felt is not at all difficult. A wonderful idea - a monkey - a symbol of the year 2016. It can be easily sewn using a pattern.

To make a toy you will need:

  • brown and beige felt;
  • thread and needle;
  • filler for soft toys;
  • eye patches.

We transfer the pattern to felt. Cut out 2 pieces of each. We sew with an overcast seam, preferably with a contrasting thread. Sew on the eyes - and you can hang the monkey on the Christmas tree.

More detailed master class on making a felt monkey in the video below.

Master class with step by step photos. Christmas balls with their own hands. Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas balls from improvised material. Master Class.

New Year- game time
There is room for imagination here.
What a miracle decoration
Christmas balls!

Alena Bastrykina, 10 years old, student of the “Needlewoman” association, MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Supervisor: teacher additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Description: master class is designed for younger children school age, for teachers of additional education, teachers primary school, parents.
Purpose: decoration on the Christmas tree, a gift for the New Year.
Target: manufacturing Christmas balls on a Christmas tree from improvised materials.
- learn to work with natural and improvised material;
- improve the skills of decorating crafts;
- repeat the safety rules when working with scissors, a needle;
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- bring up Creative skills, interest in work, aesthetic taste;
- create a festive mood.

Tools and materials:

pumpkin seeds;
- old newspapers, scissors;
- paper for pasting windows;
- glue, tinted hairspray;
- satin ribbon;

The world froze in anticipation of a great miracle, in anticipation of the New Year! Many residents of our country have already taken out their green beauties and started dressing them up. But if your Christmas tree did not find a worthy decoration - do not be upset. Do christmas toys you can do it yourself. And they will look no worse than purchased ones. And if you try hard, it will be much more unusual and beautiful, and the process of making them will give you and your children a lot of pleasant moments.
Today we offer you a master class on making Christmas balls from improvised materials. Such balls will not only decorate your Christmas tree, but they will pass for an interesting New Year's souvenir. Therefore, if you have not yet decided on a gift, then feel free to start working with us.

Step by step execution of balls.

First option.

It is not always possible to buy foam balls. We propose to lay the foundation for Christmas ball from old newspapers. Crumple the newspaper into a ball. To make the surface smooth, wrap a newspaper ball with plaster or window paper.

Here is such a paper ball turned out.

We make a hole with scissors, put glue into the hole and insert the ribbon.

We begin to decorate the ball with pumpkin seeds. Glue them around the ribbon.

We continue to glue the grains in a checkerboard pattern, row by row.

Here is such a ball - a bump turned out.

Color it with tinted hairspray. You can use any dyes in spray cans.

This is how our ball turned out. Now he looks like a raspberry. We tie a bow. Let's see which one fits best. The choice is yours.

And this is how it will look on the Christmas tree.

Second option.
Materials and tools.
- satin ribbon, rubber ball, sequins;
- scissors, glue stick, decorative needles;

Take the ball. You can use any object round
forms. We apply a little glue to the center of the ball, apply the tape and evenly wrap it around. So that the ribbon does not slip during operation, we fix it with a needle.

Lay the ribbon next to the first line, pressing firmly against the ball, and make another turn, slightly overlapping the edges of the previous ribbon.

Continue wrapping the ball around with the tape, gently brushing the surface of the ball with glue.

After the ball is completely wrapped, cut off the excess tape and make a loop, securing it with a needle. Decorate the ball with sequins, flowers, snowflakes.

Now our Christmas tree is decorated with two balls.

Here are such multi-colored balls, large and small, you can make.

Here is another option for making a New Year's ball.
Materials and tools.
- satin ribbons;
- scissors, glue;
- round base for the ball.

Take a ribbon 2 cm wide, 1 m long. Cut into strips 7 cm long. Try to make all pieces of ribbon the same.

Let's make triangles. Bend both edges to the middle, add a drop of glue and hold so that the edges of the ribbon do not fall apart. Fold all the other pieces of tape into triangles, as shown in the photo.

Prepare any object of a round shape. We made a paper ball again. A ribbon was inserted into the hole and a loop was made.

Start gluing the triangles around the loop, overlapping each other a little.

Glue the remaining triangles in a checkerboard pattern. Use the adhesive carefully so as not to stain the tape. Lay out the triangles so that there are no gaps.

It turned out such a yellow “ruffled chicken”. The ball looks beautiful, satin ribbons shimmer in the light.

Scientists say that the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year came to us from our pagan past. There is a lot of controversy and debate on this subject. But we, the descendants of those same pagans, by and large do not care where this tradition came from. The main warmth family hearth and such a bright symbol of the new branch of time. New Year is for many that point in the life span of time, which is so required to be set. Mark the end and, accordingly, the beginning.

Both big and small love to dress up a green fragrant beauty Christmas tree. Agree, there is something magical in this. We could not avoid this issue and we offer you a selection of ideas for making Christmas toys for your crazy hands. Let's not talk about value, a lot has already been said about this, and on our website, in particular.

Just read the article, you will surely be interested in one of the ideas. And if one of the crafts we have proposed takes pride of place on your New Year's green or maybe not green beauty, it will be a holiday for us.

In this article, we'll talk about Christmas decorations that can be built from improvised means and which are advantageous to distinguish your Christmas tree from many others. So, let's begin…

The snowman is one of the traditional symbols of the New Year and, as a result, the most popular Christmas decoration. But how often have you met bottle snowmen? iron caps? No? Then meet: snowmen from caps.

What you will need to create a fun snowman:

  • Iron caps from glass bottles (these can be found on beer bottles and lemonade bottles in glass containers).
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Paint in a can. White.
  • Tapes. Preferably not wide up to about one centimeter.
  • hot glue
  • Buttons.
  • Scissors.
  • Tassel.
  • Glitter or something similar for decor at your discretion.

Using spray paint, paint the inside of the caps white. Before painting, bottle caps should be washed, dried and laid out as tightly as possible on one plane. Painting is preferably done outdoors. The paint should cover the inner surface of the lid tightly, if necessary, repeat the staining.

We form the body of a snowman

We form the body of a snowman

After the covers are dry, you can start assembling the bodies of the snowmen. Lay three lids in a row, with the convex side facing you. Try on how many ribbons it takes to secure all three lids together with hot glue. Cut off the measured piece of tape, do not forget to leave a margin of tape in order to make a loop for hanging.

Glue the cut tape, as mentioned above, with hot glue to the lids. You can grab the covers a little beforehand so that they hold better on the tape, so to speak, add structural rigidity.

Take acrylic paints and use a thin brush to paint eyes, nose, mouth and buttons on the painted side of the bottle caps. If you do not have a suitable brush, you can replace it with a toothpick. The edge of which needs to be kneaded a little to get something like a miniature panicle. After the paint dries, you can add a little sparkle.

Cut small pieces of colorful ribbons and tie them to your snowmen in the manner of scarves. In places where you tied scarves, glue on a bright button. How do you like the idea?

A burnt out light bulb is considered garbage and is rushed to be thrown away. Well, in vain. In our business, exactly what should be thrown away will ideally fulfill the role of something new. Here's an idea with funny penguins for you to consider. Such penguins will perfectly decorate Christmas tree and make your family happy.

So, what you need to create a cute inhabitant of polar ice floes:

1. Damaged incandescent bulbs.

2. Acrylic paints or gouache.

3. Tassels. It would be nice to prepare a few. It is good to cover large areas with large ones, and draw small details of faces with thin ones.

4. Ribbons, cords, threads or something similar.

5. You can prepare hats in advance. The hat left from the toy will do or you can build something similar yourself.

6. Hot glue.

Damaged light bulbs should be cleaned of dirt and degreased. Then cover with black and white paints. Do you remember the color of real penguins? Exactly. The back is black, and the belly and muzzle are white. You can make a simple and slightly complicated coloring of a pingini. You can simply cover the light bulb with white and black paint, or you can draw a little fins and an arc above the eyes.

Light bulbs painted white and black must be dried. Then paint the muzzles. Just use a thin brush to draw eyes, nose and blush.

Tip: to make it more convenient to work, take a reel of tape or toilet paper, or something similar. Install the bottom of the light bulb in a round hole of suitable size, it will not stagger and thus it will be easier for you to apply drawings to the surface.

After you have painted the penguins and painted their faces, you need to dress the cute ones. For this purpose, doll things are well suited. And if you wish, you can build clothes on your own. Knit simple hats and scarves from the remnants of the threads.

Yes, but don't forget the hanging loop. If your penguins will not be wearing hats, then simply use hot glue and apply the right amount of it to the very top of the cartridge and glue a loop of lace or tape. And in the case of hats, you must first leave a hole in them in order to thread the loop.

We put on hats, put on scarves. Scarves can simply be tied on penguins, or you can fix them with hot glue. This is at your discretion and wish.

That's all. Cute lamp penguins are ready. Hurry up to hang them on the Christmas tree. Let the family please.

The fashion for knitted napkins is immortal. All the same, for several dozen housewives there is one who will not fail to decorate the furniture with a knitted napkin or throw light lace on the monitor, in the manner of a grandmother's decor. Yes, they are not extinct, they exist. Therefore, rummaging through your stocks or mother’s, or even grandmother’s, you can find a couple of three openwork lace napkins. It's time to give them a second life.

Openwork ball can be used as christmas tree decoration or how christmas decor premises. And even leave it as a ceiling. There are many applications for this product.

  • Lace. The remains of simple lace are perfect. Old knitted napkins.
  • Inflatable ball.
  • PVA glue.
  • Tassel.

First you need to dilute the PVA with water. The approximate ratio of parts is 2:1. Glue and water must be thoroughly mixed and poured into a container with a fairly wide neck, you can even take a plate for this purpose.

Tip: do not use any other glue, especially silicate. He has a quality that in this particular case is completely out of place. After drying, this glue is known to turn into a substance that vaguely resembles glass. And having a tendency to crack and turn into sand from mechanical stress. Which is absolutely inappropriate. Yes, and when it dries on the ball, it will burst it. Experimentally proven.

Then, lace and napkins should be soaked in the resulting solution.

Tip: Naturally, the material of napkins and lace should have absorbent properties. At least the minimum.

Diluted glue can be applied to napkins and with a brush. Having previously laid them out on an oilcloth.

Now we need to inflate the balloon. Ideal if you take a simple and strong round ball. Determine the size yourself.

Gently cover the inflated and ball with glue-soaked napkins and lace. Try not to leave unfilled space between the material, but do not apply it in a thick layer. After the ball is completely wrapped, it must be carefully hung up and wait until the glue is completely dry and turn the napkins with lace into a kind of crust.

Next, the ball must be burst with a needle or something similar. The rest of the ball must be carefully removed. Now, for greater stability, the openwork ball can be sprinkled with hairspray. It was hairspray that showed itself perfectly in this case. Proven experimentally.

Tip: do not use this design as a candlestick (there are such ideas on the Internet). An openwork ball can easily ignite and then the result may be slaps on the butt of firefighters, and not a fun pastime. Don't spoil your holiday!

Watch the video on the topic: Christmas ball of threads

Although sometimes winter in our area reminds us of spring, and deep autumn, and then spring again, in a word, any season, just not winter with snow. But warm knitted hat still remains a symbol of winter cold and snow. Use our idea and make funny warm hats as toys for the Christmas tree. Original, and what is important, practically from garbage.

So what you need:

1. Garbage. More specifically, toilet paper reels, cling film, or any other lightweight cardboard reel that you may be taking out of the trash can right now.

2. Remains of threads from knitting. It is desirable that they be approximately the same in texture and thickness, the latter is more important. The length of the segment can be taken from 25 centimeters.

3. Scissors.

4. Ruler.

5. A simple pencil or something with which you can take notes.

Let's start making:

Cardboard cylinders should be marked and cut into rings, like a cucumber. Choose the width of each ring yourself. This will determine what kind of cap lapel you want to make.

Tip: if you are planning to make wide lapels, then the length of the threads also needs to be increased.

The threads must be folded in half and make loops on the cardboard rings. They must be constantly tightly shifted one to the other. The cylinder must be tied tightly.

Leave a few loose threads about a centimeter, when you cut off the excess, they will form a semblance of a pom-pom.

This will give the cap realism and cuteness. A loop for hanging can be made from the same thread with which you grabbed the top of the cap under the pompom.

Thus, when hanging, the hat will not hang evenly, and this will give the product asymmetry, which will only benefit the appearance.

And again, the material for the future masterpiece is nothing but garbage. The lemonade bottle would have been thrown away at any other time, but not in this case. We offer you the following idea for service, namely a snowflake from the bottom of a plastic bottle. This craft will fit perfectly with any other Christmas decorations. A snowflake is a traditional symbol for winter and the New Year.

So, what do you need to create a wonderful Christmas decoration:

  • Plastic bottles. Standard clear or blue/light blue.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Awl.
  • Dye.
  • Tassels.
  • Thread or thin ribbon so that the toy can be hung.
  • Sequins for decor at your discretion.

From the whole bottle, we are only interested in the bottom. Cut it off with a utility knife. Make it as low as possible. Heat the awl and carefully make a hole in the cut, into which you will eventually thread the thread for hanging.

Now apply a pattern of curls or lines to the cut bottoms. It can be both complex and simple, it depends on your imagination and wishes. You can add sparkles to the drawing or mix it with paints. That's all, Christmas decoration ready for the tree.

Call the kids! The proposed idea will simply honestly allow you to spend amusing minutes, or even hours, together. Everyone is used to that christmas balls round and convex. No, but this does not affect the originality and beauty of the toys at all. Moreover, the manufacturing process is absolutely simple. Even cope with it Small child. It will even be better for the children to help you in the manufacturing process. Since a kind of awkwardness inherent only in children, let's call it charm, is required to stylize our jewelry.

  • Knitting threads, multi-colored. Better than medium thickness.
  • Wire or twigs that will be easy to bend, and they will keep their shape.
  • Pliers.
  • Beads with large holes.
  • Fantasy.

Let's start doing Christmas crafts

We take the wire and wrap it with a piece of dark fabric, or thread or dark paper. It is not necessary to do this carefully, it is enough that the wire is hidden by 80%.

We grab the free ends with pliers and make a few turns. Make sure that the wire is fastened and the wrapping material is fixed. It turned out a kind of not quite even circle with antennae.

If you use twigs, then fasten them with a thread so that they keep their shape. Just made a few turns. And don't forget to leave long tips for a loop so that your balls can be hung.

Now we take multi-colored threads and wind them on an impromptu frame. We do it not tightly, but also weakly. You can use up to three colors, preferably contrasting.

On the thread that you plan to wind last, string a few beads, if desired. Attach the thread to the "tail" of the frame.

Everything, your New Year's toys are ready. Extremely simple and at the same time extraordinary and eye-catching. Happy New Year!
