And baby Petruchio is a candidate of philological sciences, the head of the department of Romance philology and the mother of four children ... “yes, it’s just dumb. Is this all yours? - or - How I was expecting a fourth child 4 children and all boys

When I have the imprudence to admit that I dream of a fourth child, many people look at me so meaningfully and sadly that I seem to see them twirling a finger at their temples: “Well, aren’t you a fool? You at least bring these to mind!
The Bible says: “The inheritance from the Lord is children; reward from Him is the fruit of the womb” [Ps. 126:3], and I have always thought that a child is a joy and a blessing. But I’m already beginning to doubt: maybe others are right, and not me, and children in our time are indeed a great luxury that not everyone can afford? Maybe three is too much?

From all sides they frighten me: “And to feed, and to clothe, and to educate?!" This is "bring to mind". At least in our society. I nod my head in agreement and no longer dare to hint that I am primarily concerned about a completely different question.

All people, as you know, are different, and my children are no exception.
Every child has their own personality, interests and needs. Then, when they grow up, personal sorrows, aspirations and failures will appear, which will be mine. By and large, three - not so much.

  • But how can each of them become a true friend, a wise adviser, a cozy and reliable berth? How to understand and embrace their souls?
  • How to accommodate in yourself, an adult and already so far from childhood and youth, their first serious experiences, grievances, dreams? How not to repel them with harsh severity and not spoil them with excessive guardianship?
  • How can we put noble truths into little hearts that will help them to walk confidently and fearlessly through this life? How to protect gullible souls from the traps and temptations that modern reality abounds in? How to grow out of them just good people?
Against the backdrop of these global "How?" material problems recede into the background n. Or rather, not the problems themselves, but the importance we attach to them. No, I understand perfectly well that children need vitamins, toys and entertainment, that they will go to kindergarten and school, and, perhaps, often get sick. You can't get away from the sad fact: in this world you have to pay for everything, and the more children, the more expenses.

"I wonder what she's up to?"- perhaps, someone will think. Thank God, I have the right to rely on a faithful and loving Guardian who says: “Do not worry about the fact that you need food for life and clothing for your body. For life is more important than food, and the body is more important than clothes” (Lk. 12:22-23]. “Look how the lilies grow: they do not work, they do not spin. But... Solomon himself, for all his brilliance, didn't dress like any of them. And if the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, God dresses like this, then even more so for you, those of little faith! And you don't think about what you eat and what you drink, and don't worry about it. Because … your Father knows that you have need of this … Strive for one thing, for His Kingdom, and He will give you everything else in addition” [Lk. 12:27-32].

Isn't it a wonderful promise? But "in addition" does not mean at all that one should idly wait for God's gifts. The times of manna from heaven have long passed, and even for this miracle, the Lord, instead of gratitude, received only reproaches from the people of Israel.
Today we have to work very hard to be able to buy even the most necessary things. From morning to evening - work, children, household chores ... Where can we go to spiritual values! Basically, they are defined by the shaky concepts of "possible" and "impossible"

. Financial concerns are at the center of our lives.. This is normal and quite It's clear. But, sorry, because human life is not reduced to a sandwich with red caviar and branded sneakers! After all, there is in it a meaning, purpose, joys and pleasures that are not contained in the quality of food, clothing and even education!

Of course, having all this in full is very desirable, but a luxurious house and a bank account do not guarantee spiritual satisfaction. I think this is what Christ meant when he said: “Man shall not live by bread alone…” [Matt. 4:4]. Diogenes, for example, lived in a barrel and was quite content. I am not calling for extremes, I just want to say that we should not make material well-being the cornerstone of our existence. It's not worth it.

Much more valuable in the end are the internal motives that guide people's actions.. These are deep convictions and moral norms instilled from childhood. But something I do not hear from today's children of the good old talk about the sick dog they fed; or about a bosom friend with whom you can go to the ends of the world. What our children are concerned about today is by no means happy: “And my mother’s mobile phone is cooler than yours!”, “And we have a DVD, but you don’t!”, “They have two small rooms and a kitchen in their house . How can you live there?!”, “This girl is poor because she goes to school in the same sweater.”
I didn't make up any of these phrases.. It is terrible and painful for young souls who, at such a tender age, are already so enslaved by the “perishable and transient.” Is it because it is very valuable to us? After all, we, adults, meet by clothes, looking for "connections" and putting our work above the family, because "you have to live somehow." And the children see. And they are learning. And they imitate. And it turns out that, first of all, it is not the person that matters, but what can be obtained from him; not parents, as such, but the size of my father's salary. And then suddenly it turns out that for the sake of money you can steal, deceive and even kill.

There are so many different promises of God in the Bible, and only one thing is required of a person: to believe and obey the Lord. He gives both the means of subsistence and the wisdom for raising children so that they are indeed a reward and a blessing to us.

When in response to a question about the future of my family, I answer:“God will provide,” the friends look away. They have a thousand reasons to defend their position, and I have only one. God does not know how to lie, He does not have such a habit. He always keeps his promises. And mothers of many children who trust Him know this best of all! Yes, others know. After all, not in heaven, but on earth, they came up with a proverb: "God gave a child, he will give for a child." I was convinced of this from my own experience and I know a lot of people who will confidently confirm this truth. Want to tell?
When the ultrasound said that I would have twins, my husband was horrified. He exclaimed: “And if girls? How can I provide for all of you?!" I perfectly understood his feelings, since we already had a seven-year-old son, but firmly answered: “The Lord will take care, because I pray about it.” “And if you don’t care?!” - the husband asked in despair. What could I say? At that time, I had already learned to trust God and knew that He would not leave us without help and support.

And so it happened. Both we and the children live, in the language of our world, "no worse than others". But behind everything that we have, I see the gentle Father's guardianship. My dear husband has long calmed down and now he will not give up our girls and son for all the blessings of the earth. And what treasures can be paid for the happy smiles of mother and child?
I don't know if I convinced anyone. For me, the question is not about sausage and bread and butter, and not even about higher education. Times may be different. Income too. But I know that God does not change or change. And it is written in His book: "Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you." Sometimes the Lord performs real miracles when we invite Him to participate in our lives.
You know, families with many children usually do not have a palace, a car, and even a lot of money - no. But God is holy and true, and His promises are true. I am not afraid for the future of my children. After all, the point is not how much and what the Lord will give, but how much we trust Him.

My phone rang - who's talking? Elephant! This could be the start of this story. Jokes aside… The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin today instructed the government to make a number of amendments to the legislation and take several measures after his communication with the people during the Direct Line. One of the most important assignments is with subsidized mortgages at the level of 6% per annum and with the elimination of a glitch in the requirements that must be met to obtain it. Now it must be fixed, and government subsidies in the future Families with 2 or more children will be able to receive (until infinity).

The mistake was as follows - previously, under the law, you could receive a state subsidy that allows you to fix the housing loan rate at 6% if you have 2 or 3 children. It is logical to assume that families and big amount children can be helped. And the legislators also had this in mind when they wrote the document. So far, the executive branch has not begun to interpret their wording in its own way and refuse to grant grants to really large families. The whole problem was in the erroneous word form specified in the law.

The father of a large family complained about this to the President on Direct Line. He directly stated that the law should be rewritten and indicated in black and white - “subsidies can be received by families who have given birth within 3 to 5 years from 2018 more than 1 child” (we will explain such a spread in terms below) . V.V. Putin admitted that the caller was right and scolded the developers of the bill - guys, in what century are you wrong.

To the point. Recall that we have already discussed it in detail (as the public called it after the proposal was born, again from the president, again on a direct line in November), but let's go through the very essence of the idea again.

After the introduction of the Maternity Capital state support system, positive demographic changes began to be observed in the country. This is one of the most successful projects in the field of social policy, so the Russian authorities regularly extend the program. In addition to this program, the legislation provides for a number of measures to assist families who decide to have three or more children. But what exactly are the benefits at birth? fourth child in the family in 2020?

Privileges for Large Families

At the federal level, the program to support such families regulates, last changes introduced on February 25, 2003 by a new decree of the President. It is in this document that a list of entitlements and benefits is presented. Maybe:

  1. Free use of public transport within the city and in suburban areas, if this is necessary for children studying at school.
  2. Get medicines for children under six years of age free of charge.
  3. Get a free school uniform.
  4. Receive a discount on utilities - regardless of the region, the discount cannot be less than 30%.
  5. Apply for priority admission to kindergartens and schools.
  6. Every month, free admission to the museum, exhibitions, parks of culture and recreation.
  7. Get loans at reduced rates to buy or build a home.
  8. Apply for assistance in finding employment under a special program.
  9. Apply for a free land plot for housing construction.

The state is trying to separately regulate assistance to large families leading farms. In this regard, the following benefits are provided:

  1. Providing allotments.
  2. Easing the burden of land tax.
  3. Interest-free loans or gratuitous payments.

In addition to benefits, the legislation encourages large families with benefits, which are divided into several types:

  1. Federal lump sum payment in connection with the birth of each of the children.
  2. Child care allowance, the amount of which increases with each subsequent baby.
  3. Regional payments.

After the reduction of funding for the social sphere, the federal and regional authorities switched to saving mode. Despite this, for many families, payments from the budget are still an important part of income.

As can be seen, federal legislation in this case does not distinguish parents with many children from those who have only one or two children. Both those and others receive support, but the status does not affect in any way. But the authorities of the subjects and smaller territorial-administrative units, in connection with the direct instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, are trying to create the most comfortable conditions for large families. So, for example, in a number of regions, along with payments from the federal budget, parents can receive one more monthly allowance from local funds. Most often, it is close to the sum living wage in a particular subject. But there may be other amounts. For example, in St. Petersburg, after the birth of a third child, a family receives a one-time assistance in the amount of 37 thousand rubles, in Krasnodar - almost one hundred thousand rubles, and in Moscow - more than 170 thousand rubles.

Allowances and benefits for the fourth child

For parents who decide to have 4 children, the amount of the allowance will not change much. In Russia, there is the concept of a large family, but there is not much difference, three children in a family or four.

For the fourth child, it is also possible to issue maternity capital, if it has not previously been issued for the second or third. This is relevant for parents who had children before the program started in 2007, or for some other reason did not receive this type of state support earlier.

One-time federal payments remain at the same level, of course, taking into account indexation. Monthly allowances for a fourth child in 2020 are no different from those allocated for a second child. They amount to approximately 10,500 rubles.

It is worth noting that at the end of 2018, the State Duma adopted a relevant bill, based on Vladimir Putin’s recent proposal to amend the family support program. But here it is necessary to take into account that there will be differences from region to region.

Otherwise, the situation is fully controlled at the level of subjects. So, for example, a number of regions have their own version of maternity capital, which comes as an addition to the federal one. Usually its amount is slightly more than one hundred thousand rubles. In 2020, an increase in the amount of benefits for 4 children should be expected.

How to apply for benefits

If there are at least three children, and none of them have reached the age of eighteen, then in most cases there should be no problems during registration. The exceptions are some subjects where there is a high percentage of the natural increase of citizens. For example, in Chechnya, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Ingushetia, local authorities are more interested in developing benefit programs for families with four or more children.

To get status for your big family, first, or the mother must apply to the authorities social protection population or to the Multifunctional Center. The applicant will need the following documents (there may be slight differences in this package in the regions):

  1. Passport of the father or mother, depending on who issues the status.
  2. You need to attach your photo 3 by 4 to it.
  3. Marriage certificate.
  4. Data from the home book, indicating that parents and children live in the same living space.
  5. Birth certificate for each child.
  6. The very form of which will be provided by social security specialists or the MFC.

If one of the children has already reached the age of majority, then in this case a certificate from educational institution where it is listed. Nothing else is needed, unless the specialists themselves require an additional document (due to regional legislation). A month after filing the papers, the family can receive the appropriate certificate.

With this status, you can apply for benefits already due at the birth of 4 children in 2020. Depending on the situation, this happens in different organs:

  1. In the bodies of social protection of the population or the MFC.
  2. at the Grant Center.
  3. At the Federal Tax Service.
  4. IN pension fund RF.

The procedure for applying for benefits for 4 children in 2020 is approximately the same everywhere. Usually it is necessary to provide a small package of documents in order to achieve what you want. Here is their list:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of a large family.
  3. Birth certificates for all children
  4. Marriage certificate.
  5. Application for a certain benefit.

In certain cases, when applying for benefits for 4 children in 2020, other papers may be needed - most often they ask for a certificate of income, because families with high incomes have the right to refuse certain privileges.

Large and low-income family

Separately, it is necessary to single out the situation with large, low-income families. What kind of benefits are they entitled to in the event of the birth of 4 children in 2020?

One of the main goals of the state is to improve the demographic situation in the country. Privileges, additional benefits and other privileges provided by the state to support its citizens.

Main Aspects

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Families with many children are entitled to additional cash payments and benefits from the state. All allowances and benefits are financed from two budgets at once - federal and regional.

The authorities of each region develop special allowances, the financing of which comes from the local budget.

Large families in most cases receive payments from the regional budget. If 3 children are born in your family, then you are considered large family th.

Not only blood children are taken into account, but also adopted children, and stepchildren with stepdaughters for whom you are the guardian.

Initial concepts

The child benefit is a special material assistance from the state to families in which a new family member appears. The allowances are intended for social and material support of young parents.

The amount of benefits directly depends on the number of children in the family and their age. The procedure for payments is established at the legislative level.

The benefits that are assigned to large families are designed to save the family budget. Thanks to benefits, parents with many children can spend more Money for the upbringing of children.

The state assigns benefits and allowances in order to improve the demographic situation in the country. The amounts of regional payments in different regions of our country differ.

Where can I go for information

For more information on what benefits and benefits are due to your family, please contact:

  • to the body of social protection of the population at the place of its registration;
  • to your employer.

Information can be obtained from legislative acts and from the Internet. But, more up-to-date information can always be obtained from employees of social protection authorities and local governments.

Legal framework

The main legislative act that regulates the payment of assistance from the state is Federal Law No. 85 “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995.

The decisions of local governments are taken into account. This information can be found on the official website of your city.

What do they give for 4 children in Russia in 2019

For the birth of a second, third or fourth child, families are entitled to one-time and regular benefits, which are paid both at the federal and regional levels.

These include:

  • assistance for the fact that a woman becomes registered on early term pregnancy;
  • payment in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • lump-sum payment for the birth of a child;
  • a monthly allowance that is paid to the mother for 3 years after the birth of the child.

Classification of assistance (allowances, benefits)

There are two types of assistance from the state for 4 children:

  • privileges;
  • benefits.

In different regions, the list of benefits is different. All because this decision is made by local governments.

The source of funding is the regional, not the federal budget. But, you can familiarize yourself with the approximate list of benefits that are due in the event of the birth or adoption of 4 children.

It looks like this:

  1. Monthly compensation for paying utility bills for paying for housing. The amount of compensation depends on the financial situation of the family. Maximum amount set by local governments.
  2. Monthly allowance for the use of a landline home telephone.
  3. Compensation for the cost of school clothes is paid once a year.
  4. Free receipt medical preparations that were prescribed by the pediatrician.
  5. Free receipt of a set of linen for a newborn.
  6. Free travel in public transport.
  7. Free travel on trains and suburban transport.
  8. Providing free textbooks.
  9. Providing free vouchers to health resorts or children's camps.
  10. Exemption from kindergarten fees.
  11. Exemption from certain taxes, such as transport tax.
  12. Possibility of early retirement (applies to mothers).
  13. The possibility of obtaining a mortgage or ordinary loan on favorable terms.
  14. Possibility of obtaining additional vacation days in addition to the required annual leave.

The family has the right to enjoy benefits from the state until the child is 16 years old.

Photo: regional benefits for families with children

Some benefits are valid until the age of majority (18 years), and the other part, while the child is studying at school or university.

You can find out the full list of benefits for your large family directly from the social security authorities at your place of residence. There are two types of grants:

In all regions, benefits are accrued for the simultaneous birth of two or more children. The amount depends on the region itself, the financial condition of the family.

Design rules

Parents must apply to the social protection authority at the place of their registration. You need to have the following package of documents with you:

  • passports of both parents;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • income statement of both parents;
  • a certificate stating that the parents are not registered with the employment center and do not receive any benefits;
  • a certificate from work stating that the parents did not receive any benefits from work or social security.

A prerequisite is the registration of the mother and child in the region in which the allowance is planned to be issued.

You will need to provide a certificate stating that parents and children really live together in the same housing area.

At the social protection authority, you will need to write a standard application for and. A sample application must be provided by an employee of a government agency.

If you received maternity capital from the state

Maternity capital is a large financial assistance from the state for the birth of a child. On this moment time it can be received by every family in which a child has appeared.

The amount of the allowance is 453,000 rubles. The amount is paid in a lump sum. It can be used to improve living conditions, the purchase of new real estate and for other purposes.

Maternity capital is issued once. That is, you can get it only for one child. For registration, you must include required documents to the social security authorities.

Receiving maternity capital does not affect other lump-sum or monthly payments from the state.

How much will they pay (amount)

Lump sum payments do not depend on the number of children and are paid immediately after childbirth or before them. The name of the payment and the amount are presented in the table below:

A mother with many children has the right to receive a monthly allowance for the fourth child. For the birth of an only child, the state pays 2,718 rubles.

If the child is not the first, then twice as much is allocated from the local budget and amounts to 5436 rubles per month.

What to look out for

When applying for all benefits and benefits, you must pay attention to the following aspects:

Have all the information about possible benefits and benefits been conveyed to you by employees of the social protection authorities To do this, it is enough to study all necessary information on the Internet and several times to consult with various experts
Amounts you are entitled to You can always find up-to-date amounts of benefits on the Internet. Some benefits are indexed each year.
For the required package of documents As a rule, it is standard for registration of all benefits. But, in the case of applying for benefits, additional paperwork may be required to confirm that you are eligible for benefits.

Registration procedure child benefit and benefits in the case of the birth of 4 children is no different from the one that you went through in the case of the second or third child.

At the birth of 4 children, the family can count on receiving additional cash benefits and benefits.

Families with many children have special privileges in our country, as the state takes care of improving the demographic situation in the country.

All your rights to financial assistance from the state, as well as to benefits for large families, can be found in the social protection authorities.

There you can also apply for financial assistance and apply for benefits.

Video: benefits for children with disabilities. Rights and benefits for parents of children with disabilities


Of course, children are happiness and God's gift, but in Lately many people approach the issue of replenishment in their family very rationally. After all, to maintain and educate even one child today is quite expensive. Yes, of course, our grandparents also gave birth to a much larger number of children (from 5 or more) and tried to raise everyone with dignity, as they say "in cramped quarters, but not offended." But now the times are completely different and the upbringing is different, modern children have become much more cruel. And if a child from a large family, for example, comes to school with an old or not fashionable briefcase, at best they will ridicule him and begin to constantly make fun of him.

Doubts and prejudices

The opinion of others about the addition to families where there are already at least two or three children is divided into two camps.

Some are ardent opponents of large families, who argue that with the increase in the number of children, their “quality” suffers too much. This affects both training and the quality of clothing, toys, as well as additional developmental circles and sections. After all, when there are many children, it is only occasionally possible to fully satisfy all the needs of their children and surround them with the best, because, as a rule, parents begin to save a lot on a lot.

Other more optimistic people, on the contrary, encourage and argue that children who grow up in a large family, even if they experience some hardship, grow up less selfish and demanding of their parents. Because they are always ready to help close person and for them moral principles are much more important than material wealth.

So is it worth paying attention to someone else's opinion? After all, this is your life and your responsibility for your own children. Of course, every mother who is about to give birth always has doubts and fears about whether the family budget and living space will be enough for everyone, as well as where to find the strength and help to raise all the children. These experiences are not in vain, but they should be discussed only with close people. Although it often happens that even relatives and grandparents doubt the need for a fourth grandson or granddaughter. Therefore, the circle narrows to just making a responsible decision only between husband and wife.

There is not much happiness

Just think for a second what happiness parents deprive themselves of by refusing to own child and it doesn't matter what it will be in the account. All children are different in intelligence and character. It is possible that their future baby will be a very talented and outstanding person.

The financial side of the issue, which so scares many, fades into the background. No wonder they say "God sent a child - he will send a child." Still, children grow up very quickly, and while the family decides to give birth to another one, older children will grow up and become independent. There are many examples in life when very gifted people were born in a family with a large number of children, and even difficulties and lack of finances did not interfere with their success.

  1. Yuri Gagarin. There were four children in his family, he was the third oldest. His fate was not easy, but despite this, he graduated with honors from an evening school and entered an industrial technical school, and then became a first-class pilot. Yuri Gagarin independently wrote a report on the request to enroll him as a cosmonaut. And not in vain, the whole country is still proud of his feat.
  2. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. He was born into a family of SEVENTEEN children and was the most youngest child. His father was the director of the local gymnasium. But due to loss of vision, he lost his position when Dmitri Mendeleev was only a year old. Their family had to lose their apartment because of this. All responsibility for the future of the family fell on the fragile shoulders of Dmitry Ivanovich's mother. With no work experience, she managed to learn perfectly how to manage a small glass factory, which, thanks to her, avoided bankruptcy. Moreover, with her help, a school for peasant children and a church were built. She was also able to find money to treat her husband to restore his sight. Dmitry Ivanovich in his writings mentioned a lot about deep respect for his mother and gratitude for her successful destiny in science. After all, she always took care of her children, who received a very good education.

According to many mothers who nevertheless decided to have a fourth child, when the baby appears, older children become very close. Because caring for the baby unites them. They grow up faster, learn independence and become on a par with their parents, because they see how much dad and mom do for them and try to help.

There are families with one child, where, unfortunately, the parents do not give him proper spiritual and moral education. And if the family has many children, but is ready to bring up in the child all the most worthy qualities that a person should have, then you should not listen to the mediocre opinions of others. The main thing is that parents themselves feel the strength and desire to give their child all the best, not only materially, but also morally.
