How to accustom your home child to kindergarten. At what age is it better to send a child to kindergarten: readiness criteria When to send a child to kindergarten Komarovsky

Problem kindergarten- whether it is good or bad, whether to give a child away or not - sooner or later arises in every family. The relevance of the problem almost does not depend on the level of well-being of the family and on the employment of the parents, each of whom has their own experience and their own personal opinion about the advantages and disadvantages - this is how all sorts of different ones are officially called nursery And kindergartens.
Without a doubt, parental decision-making is largely determined by the above-mentioned personal experiences. However, while visiting kindergarten there are some very definite pros and cons - defined not from the point of view of specific dads and moms, but from the point of view of science, or rather sciences - pedagogy, medicine, psychology, sociology.
Let us immediately note that from the point of view of science as a whole, Kindergarten is clearly seen as a positive factor, absolutely necessary for a full education. And one cannot but agree with this - man has been a collective animal since time immemorial. The art of communication with other members of the community largely determines the entire human life - from meeting people of the opposite sex with the subsequent creation of a family and ending with industrial relations (employment, career, contacts with superiors, etc.). The art of communication is undoubtedly worth learning from childhood - no family, no nannies-governesses, no unemployed grandmothers can replace kindergarten.
Pedagogical and psychological aspects of visiting children's preschool institutions It’s difficult to even list. Adaptation of the child, contacts with other children and educators, teaching skills, games, activities, routine, preparation for holidays - this is just a cursory list of possible topics for discussion. We will limit the range of issues under consideration to medical problems: something, but this is perhaps the most exciting topic.
So, the main disadvantage of visiting kindergarten - the child gets sick more often. No one can argue with this; both parents and medical workers, and this fact is completely obvious. Most diseases are acute infections, most often respiratory (that is, affecting the respiratory tract). Chance of getting sick infectious disease is closely related to your social circle - the wider it is, the easier it is to get sick. It is clear that a “home” child communicates less with other people.
Evident the fact of an increase in the frequency of diseases is not at all absolutely negative, as it might seem at first glance. Let's start with the fact that a number of infectious diseases that occur extremely easily in childhood(chickenpox, rubella) pose a real threat to the health and even life of an adult. And these diseases must be dealt with in a timely manner. "Find" rubella or chickenpox outside children's group very difficult. As for colds and acute respiratory infections, the frequency of diseases is not of decisive importance. The fact is that the number of circulating viruses, namely, 99% are associated with viruses respiratory infections, not infinitely. Each acute respiratory infection experienced ends with the formation of antiviral immunity, reducing the likelihood of the next disease. Epidemics, for example, influenza and the likelihood of getting sick with the very concept " kindergarten" are not very related - if we don't catch the disease from children, dad will "bring" the flu from work. Viral infections that the child will not get sick with kindergarten, will definitely make themselves known at school. It's hard to argue with not going to school for a week kindergarten It's not the same as missing a week of school.
What is fundamentally different is not the frequency with which a child suffers from viral infections, but how they occur. If the course of acute respiratory infections is constantly accompanied by complications, then kindergarten This has absolutely nothing to do with it. The immunity of the child himself, living conditions, treatment tactics are important, but the likelihood of whether pneumonia will or will not occur against the background of a cold is absolutely not related to whether the child attends kindergarten or not.
Summarizing the topic of “increased kindergarten morbidity,” we note the following. Many parents tend to associate their own children’s illnesses with the fact that kindergarten the “most important” rules for caring for children are violated - they dressed the wrong way, the child was sitting on a cold floor, there was a draft in the room, etc. From this point of view, kindergarten is a very convenient thing - you can always blame your own failure as a teacher on it. Creating warm conditions for a child is the norm, supported by numerous instructions on how to properly dress, bathe, feed and walk. The result is a draft, walking barefoot, cold water, lack of a cap, etc. - "unacceptable phenomena". But did you, parents, really hope that your child would never encounter all this in his life? The conclusions are obvious - firstly, “there’s no point in blaming the mirror...”, and what follows from firstly, secondly: prepare your child for kindergarten follows in advance - adequate upbringing from the moment of birth.
The very fact that the child will go to kindergarten, makes it mandatory to carry out the entire complex of necessary preventive vaccinations- without this baby in kindergarten They just won't take it. In the future, control over the timing of vaccinations is carried out by a nurse kindergarten, children are regularly examined by specialist doctors, which is undoubtedly a positive phenomenon, because parents, with rare exceptions, do not tend to go to a children's clinic before the child gets sick.
Age , in which the child will go to kindergarten for the first time , is a special question. Let's leave the debate on when it is better to do this (at 1 year or at 3) to teachers. In such a situation, the doctor is more concerned about the question - where will the mother be when the child goes to kindergarten? The following situation is absolutely typical: on September 1st the child goes to school for the first time. kindergarten and on the same day mom goes to work after maternity leave. A week later, which is quite natural, the baby “earns” his first kindergarten ARI, and the mother receives her first leave to care for a sick child. As a result, my mother has troubles at work, since she is not a good employee.
It is very important to understand the following: no matter how wonderful kindergarten, no matter how excellent the child’s health, he will still get sick more often at first. It is very difficult to clarify this concept of “at first” - maybe 3-4 months, or maybe even a year. And it is very desirable that, when sending a child to kindergarten, my mother stayed at home. It is very important to be able to leave the child at home at the slightest ailment (slight runny nose, cough), without waiting for the disease to progress and without exposing other children to the risk of infection. And how nice it is not to think about sick leave and upcoming conversations with management.
A very important point - season when is it supposed to start visit to kindergarten. Obviously, it is better not to do this from October to April - the active circulation of respiratory viruses significantly increases the risk of disease and, accordingly, lengthens the adaptation time.
A number of medical issues have a direct connection with employees of preschool institutions. Teachers have their own views on how children should be fed, dressed and hardened. These views, for the most part, correspond to the ideas of our society that it is good for children to be fed at any cost and, most importantly, not allowed to freeze. We must not forget that the remuneration of kindergarten employees does not promote much enthusiasm and makes conflicts with parents due to differences in views on the principles of nutrition and dressing absolutely undesirable. If you, parents, are aware that your child cannot be forced to eat, if you understand that overheating and sweating are more likely to lead to a cold than hypothermia, take the trouble to bring this to the attention of the teacher. It is very important that Maria Ivanovna does not feel guilty about the fact that Petya refused to eat soup.
No one is immune from injuries and sudden illnesses. Taking this into account, workers kindergarten They must have information about what diseases the child has suffered from and about all cases of drug and food allergies. It is highly desirable to have the ability to communicate with parents in an emergency.
The building in which it is located kindergarten, the quality and timeliness of repair work, the bedroom and dining room, a place to walk, the number of children in the group, the professionalism and conscientiousness of the employees - all this is very important and greatly affects the incidence of illness. The influence of parents on these factors is directly related to the possibility of choice, which is determined material well-being and the place of residence of the family - the doctor’s advice is unlikely to help here. We can only hope that you and your children are lucky with both your place of residence and your material well-being.

In the age-old question of when to send a child to kindergarten, Komarovsky, first of all, advises parents to determine the purpose of the preschool institution. Of course, no matter what age the child goes to kindergarten, the first time will be very difficult for him - a painful period of adaptation.

By nature, man is a social being and full life he needs people. The problem of every family with a growing child is whether to send it to kindergarten? On the one hand, the answer will depend on the level of family income, parents’ employment, and the opinions of family members.

What do scientists think? Most of them are “for” the garden - these are teachers, psychologists, pediatricians. For the full development of a person, socialization is necessary, the ability to work in a team, communicate with other people, be independent and be in society. Kindergarten gives the child an excellent opportunity to prepare for school everyday life. This cannot be replaced by any nanny or daily communication with children in the yard.

The best age to send your child to kindergarten

Dr. Komarovsky can give several recommendations regarding primary adaptation.

  • It is best to choose a kindergarten for the child, and arrange it before the mother returns from maternity leave or has not found a job. After all, at first the child will begin to get sick more often, picking up from his peers. It should be possible, upon noticing the first signs of some kind of illness, to leave the child at home without any problems.
  • All the same, the child’s first visits will not be complete, that is, leaving the little one in an unfamiliar place for the whole day is immediately impossible. Therefore, you should take your time to choose best time to start your child’s visits to the kindergarten. In summer, adaptation will be more successful than on cold winter days. The off-season is not very successful. Children most often catch colds in spring and autumn.
  • Before choosing, parents should study the kindergarten themselves, its educational policies, and get to know the staff. Komarovsky recommends choosing kindergartens without a policy of force-feeding and careful insulation of children during walks. This will make adaptation difficult.
  • When to send a child to kindergarten - Komarovsky advises 1.5-2 years. Mom has not yet returned from maternity leave and the remaining time can be devoted to choosing a garden and adaptation. There are also some tips on how to get through it faster and less painfully.
  • Be especially supportive of your child in the first months of visiting the kindergarten. For them, a new place, new orders, people. Huge stress. If the child receives strictness from his parents, the situation will only get worse.
  • Even before visiting the kindergarten, it is necessary to expand the child’s social circle. Walk around the playgrounds with him, introduce him to people in the park, enroll him in clubs.

Komarovsky advises strengthening the child’s immunity in advance in order to maintain health while visiting kindergarten.

The experiences of children entering kindergarten are individual and characterized by emotional intensity. The situation when a mother leaves her baby with unfamiliar adults and children stuns him. Some babies begin to whine as soon as they enter the group with their mother, but quickly calm down as soon as the door closes behind their mother. Others don't stop crying all day. Particularly impressionable babies cannot adapt to an environment that is alien to them for a long time. Hysterics and crying continue from morning to evening, and even at home. What to do if a child cries in kindergarten?

Many families are faced with the problem of a child crying in the garden.

Which children easily tolerate being in kindergarten?

The best indicator of adaptation, according to child psychologists and educators, develops in children who grew up in large family. Nurseries or kindergartens are also well received by children living in communal apartments. The secret of this trend is that children are brought up in a noisy company, on conditions of equality, where they are treated as adults, independent individuals. Relationships with parents are built as partners, so children are able to live calmly for some time without the care of their relatives.

Why is prolonged crying harmful to a child's health?

Famous child psychologist Penelope Leach has conducted numerous studies aimed at identifying the negative relationship between a child's health and prolonged crying. The results obtained by the specialist led to a sad conclusion: long, continuous crying can cause serious health problems for a little person.

It doesn’t matter when a child cries in kindergarten, before entering it, or already in a group: the emotion “pouring out” with bitter tears provokes an abundant release of a hormone that causes stress. Excess negative hormone negatively affects the entire nervous system of the baby. Crying for a long time increases the risk of damage to nerve cells, which can lead to problems with brain development.

When a child cries in kindergarten for more than 20 minutes, he becomes convinced that no one will help him. A repeated situation greatly traumatizes the child’s psyche, causing serious problems in adult life. However, according to Penelope Leach, this does not mean that the baby should not cry, and parents should worry about it every time. Children tend to express negative emotions by crying, but it is not bad. The greatest trauma is caused by the child not receiving the necessary response to his cry for help.

In what situation should you not send your child to kindergarten?

Situations in which parents' attention and participation are required arise with many children. The notorious crisis of three-year-olds leads to the fact that the baby cannot withstand the change of environment and falls into prolonged depression. It is at the age of 3 that the little man becomes aware of himself as an individual. The mental fracture is also reflected in the behavior of the baby. Unreasonable hysterics, stubbornness, tightness and aggression are common.

Parents need to help their child adapt to kindergarten, talk more with the baby and find out how he spent his day

Attached to his parents, he experiences separation tragically. Strong bonds cannot be cut with an axe, you must act carefully and carefully. Realizing that you can’t calm your baby down, you shouldn’t force him to go to kindergarten. What can we say about one-year-old babies who are sent to nurseries? Little ones, whose nervous system is weak and vulnerable, experience real mental anguish when they are separated from mom and dad.

Placing a frequently ill child in a new environment means exacerbating the negative side of his life. The emotional anxiety that he will experience when parting with his parents will weaken his immunity and prolong the baby’s recovery time. In addition, in kindergarten he can catch other illnesses, and the idea of ​​​​visiting a preschool educational institution early will result in endless trips to hospitals.

The degree of adaptation of the child to attending kindergarten

The adaptation mechanism works differently for each child. Much depends on sustainability nervous system baby. A sudden change does not look so scary for one baby, and he quickly gets used to the new environment. For a more vulnerable child, such an update is difficult to accept, and he experiences it for a long time and painfully, is capricious, and angry with his parents. Observation by specialists made it possible to identify three degrees of adaptation in young children: complex, moderate and high. Let's tell you more about each of them.

Complex degree of adaptation

With a complex degree of adaptation, the child becomes withdrawn, nervous, often hysterical and cries

An unfamiliar environment brings the baby to a pronounced nervous breakdown, resulting in endless hysterics. Separating from your mother can lead to illness. While in a group, the child avoids his peers, he is not attracted to common games and garden toys, he withdraws. Attention is scattered, the baby isolates himself from what is happening around him. Hearing the words of the teacher, he may get scared, fall into hysterics, and start calling his mother. Some children do not respond at all to calls to them and may become nervous and withdrawn.

How to help a child?

What should a mother do if her baby cries in the nursery? You need to be sensitive and patient. Agree with the teacher to stay with the child for two to three weeks. Become a kind of conductor between him and other children, introduce him to the new conditions of your warm hand and a warm heart. The actions taken did not solve the problem, please consult a specialist.

Average degree

If outwardly a child (with an average degree of adaptation) does not show any signs of anxiety in the garden, then physical abnormalities are fully demonstrated. This can be observed in frequent colds and other diseases.

Outwardly, the child calmly sees off his mother; if he gets upset, it is not for long, and does not shy away from playing with the children. Difficulties in adaptation are expressed covertly, transforming from psychological anxiety into frequent illnesses. The child constantly catches colds, gets a sore throat, and suffers from allergies. The presence of a problem is also indicated by causeless attacks of aggression, anger, and tearfulness. Such a baby needs one and a half to two months to completely get used to it.

How to help a child?

Talk to your child every day, ask about his day in kindergarten, what he did, who he made friends with. It is important that the teacher does not leave the child unattended, tries to delicately explain to him the rules of being in the kindergarten, and involves him in general activities. Work in close tandem with the teacher. Ask him to signal in time about the baby’s negative reactions.

High degree

The child’s positive reaction to visiting the child care center pleases the parents and makes the teacher’s work easier. The child willingly gets ready for kindergarten, quickly gets acquainted with other children, and adequately responds to the requirements and comments of the teachers. Adaptation does not take him much time; as a rule, 1-2 weeks are enough for him to safely join the children's team. The absence of diseases also indicates good adaptation of the baby.

The child’s high degree of adaptation is immediately noticeable. These children are very sociable, active and healthy.

High adaptation is also expressed in psychological behavior. The child falls asleep without any problems, wakes up on time, he has no time to be bored, he is constantly busy. He plays with other children, invents games himself, is active during walks, and does not spare toys for other children. When his mother comes to pick him up, he happily talks about how his day went.

What is required from parents?

The main task of parents is to competently prepare their child for entering kindergarten. Tell him why he should go to the DS, what awaits him there. Explain the rules of stay, how long he will be there, who he can meet. The most important thing is to let him know that he is going there for a certain time, and you will definitely pick him up in the evening.

How to properly ease the adaptation period?

The teacher tells you that your baby continues to have tantrums, take this seriously. Find out from the teacher how often he does this and at what time. Perhaps the child gets upset at the moment you leave, or, conversely, in the evening, when he is waiting for you, and thinks that you will not appear, that you have forgotten about him. Some children begin to whine when they wake up after a “quiet hour”, forgetting that they are not at home, but in an unusual environment. Having found out the cause of the anxiety, you can adjust the topics of conversations with the child, emphasizing soothing explanations on the voiced problem. The main thing is that the words you say do not diverge from your actions.

Don’t be shy to ask questions to the teacher, as this can help understand the reasons for the child’s poor adaptation and find ways to solve the problem.

No one knows your treasure better than you. Listen to your child, analyze, find the best way for him to calm down and dispel anxiety. We will give you some useful tips:

  1. Compare when a child cries in a nursery: after his mother or father takes him away. Perhaps he is less upset when he goes to the garden with his sister or grandmother. Talk to your loved ones and entrust this important mission to the family member with whom the baby parted more painlessly.
  2. Fill the way to the kindergarten and from the kindergarten home by talking with the baby, even if he still speaks poorly. The main thing is that he hears you, accepts the information, and makes a good impression. When going to the garden, tell him how fun it is there, how new friends are waiting for him. After picking up the child, ask about what happened that day, how he behaved, who he made friends with.
  3. Your son or daughter is attached to some favorite toy, allow him to take it with him. This method helps children with moderate and severe adaptation, preventing hysteria. Dress your baby in his favorite item of clothing. A toy or dress will become a part of home, and he will feel calmer.
  4. Always take your baby to good mood, even if you have troubles at work or a toothache. Clarify any complaints against the teacher not in the presence of the student. The baby senses your mood very subtly, your nervousness will scare him, and the adaptation period will extend.
  5. You should not follow the lead of a child who is throwing tantrums. Realizing that you clearly feel sorry for him and are ready not to take him to DS, he will begin to manipulate you, throwing you a tantrum after kindergarten. Be persistent, try to calm him down with words, but do this on the way to the garden. Survive the adjustment time with your treasure.
  6. Add a good tradition to farewells and reunions. When leaving the group door, blow your baby a kiss or wave your hand in a special way. Symbolic Gestures better than words show your child your love for him.

On the way to kindergarten, tell your child how interesting and fun it will be for him to play with the kids today

Common Mistakes

Not all parents succeed in preparing for kindergarten and correctly guiding their child through adaptation. What actions and conversations can complicate the process? Let's look at the typical mistakes of moms and dads:

  • It is wrong to resort to punishing a baby for crying and unwillingness to go to kindergarten. Crying or hysterics from worries is his natural reaction. Demanding that he fulfill his promise “not to cry anymore” is stupid; due to his age, he has not yet learned to keep his word. Reassure the baby, kiss him, and assure him that you will definitely take him.
  • Avoid discussing his tantrums and bad behavior with other family members in front of your child. The baby, hearing your complaints or complaints, will feel your anxiety, and his own experiences will increase.
  • Never intimidate your baby by sending him to kindergarten. By creating a negative image of the institution, you will discourage him from going there.
  • You can’t speak badly about the teachers and the order in the kindergarten. The kid will get the idea in his head that the adults there are bad, and he doesn’t want to go to them.
  • White lies are not for the little ones. Promising him that you will pick him up in an hour is not worth it, if you do not plan this, tell your son or daughter the truth. Your deception can kill the child's trust in your words.

Dr. Komarovsky, instructing mothers before sending their baby to the DS, tells them that they are already late. Preparation begins from the day of birth. The famous pediatrician insists on raising a child in harmony with society.

It is useful to walk a lot, let him communicate with peers, even if they are still sitting in a stroller. Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to teach independence with early age. Hygienic procedures, hardening, funny Games with other children, communication with mom and dad’s friends will help the child easily adapt to attending kindergarten better than any psychologist.

Hello, dear readers! I haven’t written anything for a long time, although I had a lot of thoughts and ideas. Of course, I’m lazy and just can’t pull myself together and sit down at my “typewriter,” but this time I was very distracted by problems related to my daughter’s health.

We went to the garden

As I wrote earlier, in September we went to kindergarten. Don’t think, I don’t want to dissuade anyone from kindergarten or scare anyone - I just want parents to imagine what it might mean to “adapt” a child to a new environment - kindergarten. I thought I knew and was ready for the fact that a child who just starts kindergarten begins to get sick more often in almost 100% of cases. Also, I thought and hoped that my child’s immunity was strong and it wasn’t that scary for us.

Why did you think that? Because I believed that:

  • healthy lifestyle; breast-feeding up to one and a half years of age;
  • walks every day and in any weather;
  • A lot of time spent in the country near the forest and lake, nutrition and much more should have a positive effect on the baby’s immunity.

Getting used to kindergarten

But it turned out that we are not so strong. I will describe step by step how we got used psychologically to the new environment:

  1. Big interest. At first (the first week) I couldn’t pick up my daughter from kindergarten.
  2. Loss of interest. At this stage, the child peacefully expressed his non-special desire to attend kindergarten.
  3. “I want to go to my mom!!!” The baby really didn’t want to go to the garden - while she was there she constantly cried and was capricious. We got out of this situation like this: we started taking our daughter for only a few hours a day, as if agreeing with her when they would pick her up. Over the course of the week, she became calmer, and after about two weeks she began to attend kindergarten with pleasure and behave adequately: play, have fun, eat, sleep, etc...
  4. Habituation, interest and desire to attend kindergarten.

Diseases from kindergarten

The period of adaptation also affected the child’s health. Here's what we've already been through in these 2.5 months:

1. Food poisoning (5 days of treatment);

2. Sore throat (treated for about 2 weeks);

3. Wet cough (cured without a doctor in a few days);

4. Acute respiratory infection with a temperature below 39.5, accompanied by a wet cough (treated for 10 days);

5. And now again - it’s not clear what - very heat 39.7 There are no more symptoms, we are taking antibiotics, and test results will be available on Monday.

I had a runny nose 2 more times, but I don’t count it anymore. Moreover, to be fair, I will say that I don’t think that the child caught all these illnesses in the garden, but for some reason we used to get sick once every six months or even a year...

I'm just in shock. I’ve heard more than once from parents whose children just started kindergarten: “We spend a week getting treatment, we go to kindergarten for a week...”

Doctors say that the child should develop immunity to various viruses and microbes. Adaptation takes from 3 to 6 months, sometimes more. This is a little reassuring, but you need to have courage and patience for this entire period. You need to get over childhood illnesses in childhood - and adapt.

All children are different and adapt differently.

How did your children get used to the kindergarten environment? What difficulties did you encounter during this period? Let's share our experience!

Doctor Komarovsky: adaptation period in kindergarten

The kindergarten problem (to send a child or not) sooner or later arises in every family.

And the point is not even that in many cities it is now not so easy to get a ticket to the garden. The problem is much broader, and it almost does not depend on the level of family well-being and on the employment of parents, each of whom has their own experience and their own personal opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of preschool institutions. So, basically: to give or not to give? Or maybe it’s better to go to grandma? Or find a nanny?

Without any doubt, parental decision is largely determined by personal experience. Nevertheless, there are some very definite pros and cons in attending kindergarten, defined not from the point of view of specific dads and moms, but from the point of view of science, or rather, sciences - pedagogy, medicine, psychology, sociology.

Learning to communicate

From the point of view of science in general, kindergarten is clearly viewed as a positive factor, desirable for a full-fledged education. And one cannot but agree with this: since time immemorial, man has been a collective animal. The art of communication with other members of the community largely determines the entire human life - from meeting people of the opposite sex with the subsequent creation of a family and ending with industrial relations (employment, career, contacts with superiors, etc.).

The art of communication, especially with peers, is undoubtedly worth learning from childhood - no family, no nannies, no unemployed grandmothers can replace kindergarten.

Acute respiratory infections and immunity

The main disadvantage of visiting a kindergarten is that the child gets sick more often. No one can argue with this, both parents and medical workers confirm this, and this fact is completely obvious. Most diseases are acute infections, most often respiratory. The likelihood of contracting an infectious disease is closely related to your social circle - the wider it is, the easier it is to get sick. It is clear that a “home” child communicates less with other people.

The obvious fact of an increase in the frequency of diseases is not at all absolutely negative, as it might seem at first glance.

Let's start with the fact that a number of infectious diseases that occur more or less easily in childhood (chicken pox, rubella, measles) pose a real threat to the health and even life of an adult. And these diseases must be dealt with in a timely manner. It is very difficult to “find” rubella or chickenpox outside a children's group.

As for colds and acute respiratory infections, the frequency of diseases is not of decisive importance. The fact is that the number of circulating viruses, and 99% of respiratory infections are associated with viruses, is not infinite. Each acute respiratory infection experienced ends with the formation of antiviral immunity, reducing the likelihood of the next disease. Epidemics, for example, of influenza and the likelihood of getting sick are not very connected with the very concept of “kindergarten” - if we don’t catch the disease from children, dad will “bring” the flu from work.

Viral infections that a child “gets ill with” in kindergarten will definitely make themselves felt at school.

"Greenhouse" kids

What is fundamentally different is not the frequency with which a child suffers from viral infections, but how they occur.

If the course of acute respiratory infections is constantly accompanied by complications, then the kindergarten has absolutely nothing to do with it. The immunity of the child himself, living conditions, treatment tactics are important, but the likelihood of whether pneumonia will or will not occur against the background of a cold is absolutely not related to the fact that the child attends or does not attend kindergarten.

Summarizing the topic of “increased kindergarten morbidity,” we note the following.

Many parents are inclined to associate their own children’s illnesses with the fact that the “most important” rules of care are violated in kindergarten - they dressed the wrong way, the child was sitting on a cold floor, there was a draft in the room, etc. From this point of view, kindergarten is a very convenient thing - You can always blame your own failure as a teacher on him. Creating warm conditions for a child is the norm, supported by numerous instructions on how to properly dress, bathe, feed and walk. As a result, a draft, walking barefoot, cold water, lack of a hat, etc. are “unacceptable phenomena.” But did the indignant parents really hope that the child would never encounter all this in his life?

The conclusions are obvious - firstly, “there is no point in blaming the mirror...”, and secondly: a child should be prepared for kindergarten in advance - with adequate upbringing from the moment of birth.

It's better to wait for work

The age at which a child first enters kindergarten is a particular challenge. Let’s leave the debate about when it’s better to do this (in one year or three) to the teachers. In such a situation, the doctor is more concerned with the question: where will the mother be when the child goes to kindergarten?

The following situation is absolutely typical: on September 1, the child goes to kindergarten for the first time and on the same day the mother goes to work after maternity leave. A week later, which is quite natural, the baby “earns” his first kindergarten ARI, and the mother receives her first leave to care for a sick child.

The following is clear: no matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter how excellent the child’s health, he will still get sick more often at first.

Therefore, it is very desirable that, when sending a child to kindergarten, the mother remains at home. It is very important to be able to leave the child at home at the slightest ailment (slight runny nose, cough), without waiting for the disease to progress and without exposing other children to the risk of infection. And how nice it is not to think about sick leave and upcoming conversations with your superiors.

A very significant point is the time of year when you are supposed to start attending kindergarten. Obviously, it is better not to do this from October to April - the active circulation of respiratory viruses significantly increases the risk of disease and, accordingly, lengthens the adaptation time.

Is your child special?

A number of medical issues have a direct connection with employees of preschool institutions. Teachers, as a rule, have their own views on how children should be fed, dressed and conditioned. These views, for the most part, correspond to the ideas of our society that what is good for children is to feed them at any cost and, most importantly, not let them freeze.

If you, parents, are aware that your child cannot be forced to eat, if you understand that overheating and sweating are more likely to lead to a cold than hypothermia, take the trouble to bring this to the attention of the teacher. It is very important that Maria Ivanovna does not feel guilty about the fact that Petya refused to eat soup.

No one is immune from injuries and sudden illnesses. Taking this into account, kindergarten workers must have information about what diseases the child has suffered from and about all cases of drug and food allergies. It is very desirable to be able to urgently contact parents if necessary.

From the RG dossier


The world's first kindergarten was opened in 1837 by the German teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel in the city of Bad Blankenburg. And in Russia, the first kindergartens appeared in Moscow in the 70s of the 19th century. They were paid, and only in 1900 the Ministry of Public Education began to subsidize “classes for preschool children.”

The current crisis with a shortage of places in kindergartens is also due to the fact that since 1990, as a result of the repurposing and privatization of kindergartens in the country, their number has almost halved - from 88 thousand to 46 thousand.

It is better to undergo a medical examination in advance

Each child, before entering one or another kindergarten group, must undergo a medical examination. This is the parents' concern.

Don’t leave worries about passing the medical examination until last days, especially in August. At this time, there is nowhere for an apple to fall in children's clinics. And if it turns out that one of the necessary doctors is on vacation, the matter will slow down altogether. It is even more rare when all doctors work on the same day and at a time convenient for you. As a rule, during a medical examination it is necessary to visit a local pediatrician, who will give a referral to other specialists: a neurologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, orthopedist.

Therefore, it is best to make a plan for passing the medical examination in advance. But do not rush with the tests - after all, the results of some of them are valid for no more than a month. Therefore, it is best to get tested no earlier than two weeks before enrolling in kindergarten.
