What to give children for the new year at home. Christmas gifts for children

The baby is not yet aware of what is happening. The kid sincerely rejoices at the smiles of his parents, the brilliance Christmas decorations, pulls new objects into the mouth. The best gift in this case will be inexpensive, useful thing. Ahead of a small person is a big life, for which you have to thoroughly prepare.

The main fun for the newborn. It is simply impossible to imagine a baby without her. Some models do not dare to call "dummies". In modern terms, this is a "gadget" for boys and girls.

Soft toy. They can be given endlessly. An impressive collection of plush animals will be a great decoration for the bedroom. Some models are equipped with a built-in sound module. Give your baby not only a funny friend, but also a unique congratulation. You want to listen to it again and again.

Educational toys. For this age they are simple and unpretentious. The main thing here is to attract the attention of the newborn bright colors, new sounds and movements. The best samples deserve special awards.

Baptism set. As a rule, it includes a silver spoon, a cross with a chain and a Bible. The set can be considered the first in life valuable gift to kid. It is customary to carefully store it for good luck in a special box.

Bathroom set. Toddlers love water procedures. Sometimes they cannot be pulled out of the bath. The crumbs probably have plenty of floating toys, but to give them to New Year bathing kit is worth it! It is designed specifically for newborns, does not sting the eyes, has a pleasant aroma. Better guests cannot be imagined.

name plate. As a rule, such things are not used for their intended purpose. This is a souvenir for the baby and his parents. On the front side, the first photo of a baby in life can be placed, his name is indicated. With the help of a special stand, the plate is placed in the living room or in the bedroom next to the baby's bed.

Ideas for interesting gifts for a child aged one to three

They say about this period: "Put out the light!" The little fidget strives to stick his nose everywhere, taste and touch everything. By the New Year, he is waiting for a miracle, so create it by fulfilling the cherished desire of the child. Much from Santa Claus favorite child until required. As a rule, the next toy is the ultimate dream.

Sweets set. A win-win option for boys and girls. It is given both by itself and together with the main gift. A suitable collection of your favorite chocolates can be assembled individually. The main thing is not to forget to put them in a special festive box.

Snowmobile or sled. A win-win winter gift. Spend unforgettable hours on a snow-covered hill with your children. Still, it's great that the New Year smoothly flows into the Christmas holidays.

Educational toys. Such a gift for the New Year to a child serves one single purpose: to develop certain skills in the course of the game. Most toys help to train fine motor skills. As a rule, they involve not difficult, but exciting tasks. For example, to build the highest tower from cubes.

Puzzles. You can buy without hesitation. Among the variety of sets, choose the one that suits your child. Boys love to lay out cars and airplanes from multi-colored fragments. Girls prefer magical castles, flowers or pictures of nature.

Creativity set. Belongs to the most best gifts. It is difficult to surprise with a set of an album and felt-tip pens, so take a closer look at the presentations more interesting. The magical sculptor will instantly captivate the boys. How many new ideas can be realized with its help! Girls will love the opportunity to create unusual outfits for dolls, decorate a home for them, and experiment in the kitchen.

Dry pool. Throughout the year will be a favorite pastime for your treasure. Of course, the capacious "bathing" bowl is not filled with water. It has a lot of colorful plastic balls. The owner can spend an unlimited amount of time among them. Will not learn to swim, but good mood every day guaranteed.

Trampoline. Fun for all kids. You can’t jump from the heart in an apartment, but in the country - a continuous expanse. The design is simple and convenient. When disassembled, the trampoline is easy to transport in the trunk of a car.

What can you give a preschooler

Preparing for school is a very important period. Many children find it difficult to adapt to a strict school schedule. Some, sitting at the desk, feel the lack basic knowledge. At this age, a gift to a child for the New Year should be, first of all, useful. The more valuable information your treasure receives in the months remaining until autumn, the easier it will be to say goodbye to a carefree childhood.

picture book. A win-win choice for a girl. A gift in the form of a collection of fairy tales will be especially delighted for the little princess. It is better for a son or nephew to look after an adventure story. A captivating story stimulates interest in reading. Why not start improving his technique in the coming year?

. Thanks to such gifts, the character of the future man is formed. Firm, stubborn and purposeful. Creating something new, improving, is a very exciting process. Some tasks even parents will seem difficult and require a lot of perseverance. Success will be an incentive for future achievements.

Remote control car. A good gift idea for a boy. For the New Year, he will receive not just another car, but a vehicle that needs to be driven. Oh, how I want to become a real driver as soon as possible! It is a pity that even Santa Claus himself will not be able to speed up the process.

Development computer. It will help turn the learning process into a game. Complex tasks like processing videos are not up to him, but the machine clicks on mathematical examples once or twice. Thanks to such gifts, it is much easier to prepare for school.

Board game. There are a great many of them. Behind the external simplicity, very insidious tasks can be hidden. The presentation helps to develop logical thinking, speed of reaction, communication skills. Each victory in a difficult game will bring a whole sea of ​​positive emotions to a small person.

astronaut food. The idea for a gift may be prompted by the baby's interest in science fiction films or books about travel to other planets. Let this year feel like a conqueror of space routes.

Name mug. There is no magic here. Do not torment the future first-grader with stories about the thermal printing technique. The story about the telegram that was sent to the residence of Santa Claus will seem much more interesting. It was there that the image of the small owner was applied to the outside of the dishes. Did he deserve it with his exemplary behavior?

Dollhouse. It will be a welcome gift for any girl. Traditional, at first glance, the toy helps the formation of housekeeping skills, contributes to the development of artistic taste. Before you know it, the child will become an adult.

Music Box. A lovely present for a girl. She will open the lid over and over again to hear a pleasant fairy-tale melody. Suddenly, at this moment, the good fairy Dragee from the fairy tale about the Nutcracker will appear? Large internal volume is unlikely to be required. Rather, preference should be given to the original design.

What will be a good New Year's gift at 8 - 10 years old

The schoolboy somehow imperceptibly ceases to believe in a fairy tale. The son and daughter already know very well that it is not the grandfather in the red coat that pleases them with a good gift. Yes, and the needs of the child are changing radically. He increasingly likes modern gadgets with big amount useful features. You can safely buy one of them.

. All the sweet tooth will be delighted with such gifts. In addition, the process of preparing your favorite treat is not difficult to turn into exciting game. The modest size of the device pleases with its performance. There is so much popcorn that is enough for parents.

Beauty sets. A daughter or niece who was given such a set will instantly feel like a star. She still doesn’t know how to apply makeup correctly, but it’s the beginning of trouble! The creators did not just put a mirror, shadows, powder and lipstick in the box. Their goal is to introduce the young fashionista to the basics of beauty. Good results will not be long in coming.

Rollers. The younger members of the family rejoiced at this gift, rejoice and will rejoice for a long time. If in previous years they did not learn how to drive on asphalt with a breeze, then it is time to urgently correct the situation. In the process of outdoor activities, you can get a huge portion of adrenaline.

Luminous sneakers. A very original gift for boys and girls! Allows you to give the child completely indescribable emotions. The diodes built into the soles do not light up spontaneously, but at a certain moment. You can easily prank your peers and laugh heartily at them.

Game console. New Year for children is associated with winter school holidays. Two weeks of complete freedom can be devoted to outdoor games and battles in the virtual space. ABOUT similar gifts Parents are asked long and sincerely. A dream come true is like a real fairy tale.

Money box. Our parents were also pleased with such gifts. True, since then, ceramic pigs and painted cats have become a thing of the past. Over the years, miniature safes with electronic locks, ATMs with displays, dogs that seem to swallow treasured coins have become popular. Or maybe it’s worth a good joke on a child? Surprise piggy bank looks completely transparent. Where does the money go then?

home planetarium. Sample useful gift for a child. Throughout the year, he will be fascinated to look at maps of star systems right on the ceiling of his room. Adults will want to return to childhood and dream about visiting distant galaxies.

Gift ideas for ages 10-14

At this age, parents begin to understand children less well. Even some of the words they use are a secret with seven seals. Children are already directly saying what they would like to receive for the New Year. Adults can only allocate a certain amount from the budget.

. The idea behind this gift is quite simple. An ordinary scooter has been turned into a convenient means of transportation. Batteries are charged from a household network, and their energy is enough for several tens of kilometers. You can drive at quite a decent speed, breaking the envious glances of classmates.

Smart watch. This gift is impossible to part with! The device constantly measures the pulse, counts the steps, helps to plot the route. There are so many new and interesting things in it that the watch will seem secondary. In the coming year, the son or daughter will be much more demanding of themselves.

touch table. Royal gift for the most experienced users. It is worth giving such an expensive thing only as an alternative to a traditional PC. In terms of filling, it is in no way inferior to him, so it is suitable for solving any problems. The original form factor allows you to use the touch panel as a TV or interactive whiteboard.

virtual reality helmet. A necessary addition for a smartphone. With such gifts, it is much more interesting to watch movies or videos, photos or presentations. Every year the device becomes more and more common. No wonder if the youngest member of the family wants to get it.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The New Year holidays are fast approaching. Many parents begin to worry about the question of what to give a child for the New Year 2020. In this respect, I have certain ideas, which I will definitely share in the article.

In anticipation of New Year's Eve, all children are eager to meet their favorite fairy-tale character - Grandfather Frost. He always makes children happy, pleases with gifts and brings a lot of fun to the house.

Children who have learned to write state their own wishes on a piece of paper and send a letter to Santa Claus. Caring parents, having read the letter, try by any means to please and surprise the child.

Parents want to choose a useful and developing New Year's gift for their child. It is not always possible to achieve such a result, and a gift that the child did not like is lying around idle. To prevent this from happening, heed the advice.

  • traditional gifts . If you don't want to rack your brains, buy an airplane, a radio-controlled car, a doll, or a set of children's dishes.
  • branded goods . This category of gifts is the most common. Children watch ads with their parents and often end up in its networks. Not surprisingly, many parents no longer consider buying a Lego, Barbie doll, or Hot Wheels car a waste.
  • Hobby Gifts . Everyone has a certain hobby, kids are no exception. If a child is interested in studying ufology, collecting butterflies or anything else, do good gift easily.
  • Board games . This version of the New Year's gift deserves attention. True, keep in mind that you will have to play any board game with your child. If that doesn't scare you, feel free to buy lotto or table hockey.
  • Constructor or smart game . Such gifts are chosen by parents who seek to instill in the child an interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge. Indeed, an electronic kit or a telescope is ideal for this purpose. I do not recommend giving them to very young children.
  • Electronics . Parents actively use advanced achievements in the field communication technologies and buy tablets, smartphones and netbooks for children for the New Year. I won't argue if it's worth it. I note that if you decide to take such a step, teach your child how to use the device correctly.

New Year's gift ideas for children are of a general nature. What suits a girl may not suit a boy and vice versa. As we talk further, I will break down the 2020 New Year gifts into categories based on the gender and age of the children.

From myself I will add that it is better for children to give not one big and expensive, but several small gifts. Only in this case, New Year's Eve will remain in the memory of the child for life.

What to give a child to a girl for the New Year

So that the holiday does not disappoint the daughter, parents need to guess her dream. Reading a letter to Santa Claus or a careful conversation with your daughter will help with this. On New Year's holidays, I do not advise giving children shoes, clothes or sweets. Kids these days are not limited. For a gift to really surprise and bring a lot of joy, consider the age of the recipient.

  1. 1-4 years. Very young girls are unable to fully form desires. They will be happy with any toy. I recommend choosing educational toys or bright books with voluminous illustrations. A pet is considered a good gift. Having received a puppy or a kitten as a gift, the girl will feel like an adult and responsible person.
  2. 5-7 years. To greatly please your daughter and make her happy, give a bicycle, a stroller or a bed for dolls. You can cause real delight with the help of an interactive animal that can make sounds, go to the toilet and eat. Plus, girls of this age can be presented with a set of a doctor or a hairdresser, a multifunctional kitchen or doll dishes.
  3. 8-10 years old. Young schoolgirls continue to play with dolls. Instead of a soft, not afraid of a blow baby, buy a porcelain beauty. The list of gifts suitable for this age includes wooden furniture for a toy house, children's sewing machine, puppet theater or mosaic. If your daughter is a creative person, please her with ceramic figurines for coloring or a modeling kit.
  4. 11-13 years old. By this age, girls have a creative interest. Place a set under the tree to create jewelry, bags, sand paintings or painting boxes. At this age, girls begin to take care of themselves, so in new year's eve congratulate your daughter with an original umbrella, fashion handbag or children's cosmetics. Let her feel like a true beauty and fashionista.
  5. 14-16 years old. Good headphones, a branded player, computer speakers or a table for a laptop. Among the gifts for girls of this age category there is a hair dryer, perfumes, lipstick, all kinds of jewelry, watches and fashionable accessories. If you want the gift to be useful, opt for pajamas, a warm sweater or beautiful tights.

In this part of the article, I examined New Year's gifts that are best given to girls. different ages. However, this does not mean that you should steadily listen to these recommendations. This is just a collection of ideas. If you have a good imagination, it will help you make a choice and purchase perfect gift. After all, only parents know the tastes and preferences of their daughters.

Ideas for original gifts for your daughter for the New Year

It seemed that the parents know their daughter well, they know her dreams and hobbies, but when choosing a gift, they often come to a standstill. This is due to the large selection and numerous ideas, because you really want the gift to be really worthwhile. In this case, original gift ideas will come to the rescue.

  • Perfume creation kit . Such a New Year's gift is sure to please the young lady. Thanks to the set, the daughter will become a real perfumer and, by mixing various aromas, will make excellent perfumes. Plus, the set includes the history of the creation of perfumes and step-by-step instruction.
  • A pet . Usually parents give their children a puppy or kitten for the New Year. It is difficult to say why they do not choose other animals or birds. It seems to me that the girl will be delighted with a parrot, a hamster or an aquarium with fish.
  • personalized spoon . Can't say it's new idea but it still remains relevant. spoon from precious metals It is customary to give a child after the appearance of the first tooth, but such a gift is also relevant for the New Year holidays. Name can be engraved on one side and nice words.
  • Disco ball. Many girls, despite their young age, are very active personalities. If you have to bring up a small "battery", please it with a disco ball. When the daughter gathers with her girlfriends, they will arrange a fun disco.
  • Drawing on the water . Such a gift should please a young artist, characterized by a refined taste. Invite the master home to introduce your daughter to this art. As a result, she will learn to draw pictures of amazing beauty on the water.

It seems to me that these ideas are truly original and will help to give a child spectacular gift. To make your daughter feel good and evoke a lot of emotions in her, just activate your brain activity and dream up a little. At such moments, the most non-standard ideas appear in my head.

What to give a child to a boy for the New Year

It is difficult to find a child who is indifferent to the New Year. For kids, New Year's holidays are always associated with long-awaited surprises and gifts that can be found under the Christmas tree. Kids are sure that Santa Claus brings presents, and teenagers are well aware that these are tricks of loving parents.

Every child looks forward to receiving the gift they have dreamed of all year.

  1. 1-4 years. Boys at the initial stage of life actively explore the world. They are happy to take apart toys and pay special attention to the study of parts and cogs. As a New Year's gift to your son or grandson, present a constructor consisting of massive elements, a set of soft cubes with numbers and letters, an interesting book, a coloring book or soft toy.
  2. 5-7 years. Starting from the age of five, kids try themselves in the role of an adult. Naturally, they have fun with the use of appropriate toys. A six-year-old boy will be pleased to find a railroad, a racing car or a toy weapon under the Christmas tree. If the child is trying to help dad in everything, buy toy tools, including a drill and a grinder. Treat your preschooler with binoculars, a spyglass, a harmonica, or a telescope.
  3. 8-10 years old. For a boy who goes to school, give more serious gifts. Among them are a radio-controlled helicopter, a chasing kit or a designer that allows you to assemble a car, robot or high chair. A child of this age will also be delighted with a stylish electronic watch in a fashionable case. If the kid is interested in music, put a training guitar or castanets under the Christmas tree.
  4. 11-13 years old. The list of New Year's gifts aimed at boys of this age is represented by complex designers, radio-controlled models of cars, interactive toys and programmable robots. A young biologist will appreciate a small microscope, and a future chemist will bring a lot of joy to a set for conducting experiments.
  5. 14-16 years old. The teenage category of children is the most demanding, this must be taken into account. Give a teenage boy a digital camera, a stylish smartphone, a game console, or a quality printer. At this age, boys are fond of computer games, so buy your son a computer mouse or a good joystick.

Now you know what you can choose as a gift for your son, depending on age. Perhaps the son has a certain hobby. A favorite pastime will help you acquire a thing that will not only bring joy, but also benefit, which is important for further development.

Ideas for original gifts for a son for the New Year

When it comes to New Year's Eve, original gift may turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the heir.

Practice shows that it is extremely problematic to choose and purchase a really good New Year's present, especially if you choose from inexpensive things. Solving the problem requires creativity, patience and a great desire to surprise. Ideas for original gifts will come in handy.

  • Computer mouse in the form of a car . Children are introduced to computers early age especially boys. The son will be delighted if he finds a strong computer mouse under the tree.
  • Original bed linen . If you have purchased a basic gift and want to add something to it, opt for bed linen with a picture of a football field, outer space or your favorite movie character. Children love to bask in bed, and such a gift will make their pastime more comfortable.
  • Luminous shoelace . Such laces are at the height of fashion. I am completely sure that the young fashionista will appreciate such an original gift. In combination with fashionable shoes, it will look great. However, you can look into the joke shop and choose something else.
  • Gift Certificate . Surely the son wants to try his hand at a new and interesting activity. Why not get a gift certificate for karting or trampolining? Even a ticket to the cinema for the premiere of a new movie will do.
  • Music Center . This is a compact product, made in the form of a car. Despite its small size, the device reproduces high-quality sound. It is completed with a player, a radio receiver and headlights that accompany the music being played by flashing.

It seems to me that the material on the choice of New Year's gifts for girls and boys turned out to be very informative and interesting.

Several dozens of amazing gifts for children of different ages and temperaments.

Yes, baby products are expensive. But let's be honest: a bright capacious basket for toys is a gift not for a child, but for a mother who is tired of the chaos in the nursery. Even a fascinating puzzle is not always the subject of a child's dreams. Parents want their son to develop, and he is only five, he needs to run around the apartment with a toy gun and yell “Tra-ta-ta!”.

All children are different. Depending on the prevailing nervous processes, they, like adults, are divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Sanguine - funny chatters with an awl in one place. Easily included in any activity and easily switched to something else. Phlegmatic people, on the contrary, are kopush, they approach everything with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. They can do the same thing for hours and not get tired. Cholerics are mobile, they like to play pranks, and it’s better with friends. Excitement and competition - that's what they need. With melancholics, they are clearly not on the way, because they are sensitive and vulnerable. If they lose, they will burst into tears, and the noise and noise will tire them too quickly. Melancholic people like activities that are calm and creative.

From 1 year to 4 years

At this time, perception actively develops, speech and visual-effective thinking are formed. The child comprehends the world through objects. They give the baby the first ideas about the shape, size, color, taste and other properties.

After the crisis three years the leading type of activity is the game, which is still object-manipulative. The kid plays, as a rule, one, trying on various roles.

play tent

The stores have a huge selection of play tents. There are ordinary, similar to tourist ones.

Available in the form of a yurt or a wigwam.

And there are tents combined by a pipe with a pool for balls. This model will appeal to moving children.

A play tent is a gift that will suit both boys and girls of any temperament. Calm children will retire there with their favorite toys, and fidgets will constantly climb in and out, open and close the tent, play hide and seek.

What to buy

  • Play tent with pipe and pool from AliExpress, 1 616 rubles →
  • Play tent in the form of a puppy from Our Toy, 1,229 rubles →
  • Game tent "Fixies" with a tunnel from "We play together", 2,169 rubles →

They look exactly like real ones: they bark, meow, react to touch, walk, and sometimes even eat and go to the toilet. Only such dogs do not need to be walked, and cats do not rage in the spring.

You can choose a model a la plush toy or as close as possible to a living pet. The latter are more realistic, but not suitable for allergy sufferers.

And this dog can be walked on a leash.

If your kid is interested in unusual pets, give him a bird with a cage, a mouse or a turtle.

Such a gift will be not only entertainment for the child, because with the help of interactive pets, girls and boys learn to take care of animals.

What to buy

Musical gifts

If a child has an interest in music from an early age, he will be happy to find a children's guitar or synthesizer under the tree. The smallest can be presented with a xylophone.

But if the child is not very musical, such gifts will quickly bore him. Another thing is a carpet that sings and flashes with different lights.

If you want - dance on it, if you want - create melodies with your hands. Suitable for both sexes and group games.

What to buy

If melancholic and phlegmatic people can still be seated for drawing with ordinary paints or felt-tip pens, then choleric and sanguine people get bored of this activity too quickly. Unless, of course, we are not talking about paints with which you can fool around.

Finger paints develop fine motor skills and imagination, stimulate the creativity of kids.

The main requirement for them is environmental friendliness. It is also good when the set includes an easel, an album with tips and other accessories for a young artist.

In addition to finger, you can try others unusual techniques drawing: on a wet sheet, splashes or stamps and so on.

What to buy

  • A set for painting with light from Light Paintings, 1,447 rubles →

Toy kitchen for a little housewife

After three years, the child actively tries on various social roles: mom, dad, doctor, hairdresser, and so on. gifts for role-playing games can and should be differentiated by gender.

Girls can be given baby dolls, which they will feed, bathe and put to bed. The more accessories a toy has, the more interesting it is. Take a closer look at dolls with strollers, cribs and bathtubs.

No less delight will cause a gift on a culinary theme. From colorful cutlery sets to cut-able plastic products to supermarket shopping carts, everything is there for a girl to cook like a mother.

You can buy a whole kitchen module with a stove, oven, dishes and other utensils. It is more expensive, but it looks very impressive.

What to buy

  • Doll with accessories for bathing in the bathroom from AliExpress, 1 662 rubles →
  • Interactive baby doll with accessories from "Karapuz", 2 935 rubles →
  • Kitchen toy set "Learning to cook" from Mary Poppins, 1 199 rubles →
  • Game set "Italian pizzeria" from Mary Poppins, 595 rubles →

In junior preschool age children imitate adults. If the son saw dad with a hammer or screwdriver, he will definitely want to screw, nail or saw off something too. That's why great gift for boyish role-playing games there will be tool kits.

It can be just a set of plastic imitations of keys, files and the like, or a set with a case or box (everything is grown-up).

The composition of the sets is varied. Somewhere only screwdrivers and pliers, somewhere even a chainsaw and a helmet. There are also game modules imitating a carpentry workshop.

Montessori fans will love the wooden tools that develop the cognitive abilities of the child.

Bright large sets of tools will definitely attract the attention of the boys, and there are plenty to choose from.

What to buy

  • A set of wooden toy tools from AliExpress, 1,740 rubles →
  • A set of toy tools with a chainsaw from AliExpress, 433 rubles →
  • A set of toy tools in a case from Our Toy, 1,385 rubles →
  • Large toy workbench with tools from HTI, 3,099 rubles →
  • A set of toy tools with a drill in a case, 951 rubles →
  • A set of wooden toy tools in a suitcase from Janod, 4,590 rubles →

5 to 9 years old

In preschool children, games are already more complex and diverse, rules and competition appear in them. Sports games and fantasy games are added to subject and plot-role-playing games. Children are getting more and more interested in construction.

At the age of seven, the child again experiences a crisis. The kid goes to school, learns that he, like adults, has responsibilities. IN gaming activity educational intervenes. At the same time, memory actively develops, thinking becomes visual-figurative, and then verbal-logical.

Magnetic easel or teaching board

Many parents buy or make busy boards for their kids. Then they are replaced by magnetic and slate easels, where the child first simply draws, and later learns the alphabet and counting.

If you already have an easel, you can give a separate teaching board with the alphabet or numbers.

And if the family does not yet have such a thing, this will be a great gift for boys and girls over five years old.

What to buy

  • Educational double-sided easel with the alphabet from Zhorya, 1,019 rubles →

Collection of favorite characters

By the age of 4–5, children begin to thoughtfully watch cartoons, read magazines and books on their own or with the help of adults. Gradually, favorite characters appear, interest in collecting awakens.

How we once collected badges and toys from chocolate eggs, and modern children collect figurines of their favorite heroes. They just have their idols.

For example, many are crazy about minions, smeshariki and fixies.

The girls collect figurines of fairies from the Winx Club and ponies from the animated series My Little Pony.

Boys love bionicles, ninjagos and LEGO Star Wars characters, as well as model cars.

It is important to know your child, to present a character that is really interesting to him.

What to buy

  • Soft toy "Baby Hedgehog" from "Multi-Pulti", 1 594 rubles →
  • Soft toy "Fixik Simka" from "Multi-Pulti", 500 rubles →
  • A set of ponies from the animated series My Little Pony from AliExpress, from 518 rubles →
  • Interactive figure "Princess Celestia" from the cartoon My Little Pony from Hasbro, 1 399 rubles →


“They gave the child a designer, and he opened the box and ran away,” parents often complain. The reason is that they did not take into account the temperament of their child.

An assiduous phlegmatic person will be interested in dealing with a wooden constructor and building a fabulous house, and a creative melancholic kid will surely like 3D cardboard puzzles.

For mobile sanguine and choleric people, a constructor is suitable, with which you do not need to sit at the table. For example, with a set of fluffy sticky balls, you can literally model on the go.

You can find a wide variety of designers that will interest both girls and boys.

What to buy

  • Wooden constructor "Solar Farm" from "Lesovichok", 730 rubles →

Board game

Board games are a great pastime for the whole family. But they should also be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. The age on the box is just one of the guidelines. Remember also about the nature and hobbies of the baby.

Children who like math and logic puzzles can get a wooden tetris or tangram puzzle for the New Year. The essence of the latter is to add the figures indicated on the cards. You can play alone, and if you have several sets, you can compete against the clock.

Kids with a spark need more exciting board games: from the classic kicker to rpg games with a playing field and dice, where you need to overtake rivals and score points. Also, boys and girls can be carried away by jenga and various mnemonic games.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the popular challenge games: Pie Face, Bad Dog, Spitting Camel and others. The attitude of psychologists, teachers and parents towards them is ambiguous. On the one hand, it's fun, but on the other hand, the educational and developmental components tend to zero. Write in the comments how you feel about challenge games.

If you are choosing a Christmas gift for someone other than your child, ask your parents if they approve of such games.

What to buy

  • Children's chess for memory training from AliExpress, 787 rubles →
  • Interactive game "Spitting Camel" from Fotorama, 1,007 rubles →

What to give a boy 5–9 years old for the New Year

During this period, gender differentiation intensifies in children. Another boy may even be offended by a girl's gift. Therefore, here are some ideas for New Year's gifts especially for boys.

Railroad or highway

There is a huge selection of railways and autotracks on the market. Realistic remote-controlled railways are especially popular.

This is a classic of the genre. Who in childhood did not dream of a railway and a cool garage for cars? Such a gift will delight both a calm child and a fidget.

What to buy

  • Railroad with remote control from AliExpress, from 1,554 rubles →

Radio-controlled toys

By the way, about toys with remote controls. Radio-controlled helicopters, mini-quadcopters, tanks, trucks - all this will surely appeal to boys of primary and even senior school age.

Eyes popping? Can't choose? Then just buy a cute flying minion.

What to buy

  • Radio-controlled racing car from Igrush, 2,099 rubles →

Toy walkie-talkies

At this age, boys often play war games, portray policemen or firefighters. Each boy usually has a lot of machine guns, pistols and other weapons. But walkie-talkies, on which you can talk with allies, will be new for many.

Here, for example, is a classic model with a communication range of up to 3 km.

And here is the walkie-talkie clock.

What to buy

  • A set of two walkie-talkies with a communication range of up to 3 km from AliExpress, 816 rubles →
  • A set of two walkie-talkies in a space style from "Toys", 469 rubles →

What to give a girl 5–9 years old for the New Year

Barbie and princess dolls

Barbie dolls appeared in 1959, and for almost 60 years girls all over the world have been dressing up and combing these beauties. The original Barbies are quite expensive, especially when they come with Ken, the house, and other extras.

But now there are many variations for every taste. In addition, dolls in images are popular. Disney princesses: Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Cinderella, Rapunzel and others.

If the girl already has such dolls, take a closer look at the accessories: furniture, clothes, jewelry, dishes, and so on.

What to buy

  • A set of 5 accessories for Barbie dolls from AliExpress, from 262 rubles →
  • Dolls in the style of the cartoon "Frozen" from AliExpress, 793 rubles →

Girls at this time wake up interest in needlework. Therefore, kits for creativity are a great gift for older preschoolers and elementary school students.

Lots of options. There are sets with beads and fishing lines to create bracelets and beads.

Before the New Year holidays, all parents and other adult family members are wondering what to put under the Christmas tree for kids. To pick up truly successful presents, the search must begin in advance. Ask about what your child dreams about, what toys and entertainment children of his age like, which can be useful. And if you don’t know at all what you can give your child for the New Year 2020, the list of ideas compiled by us will help you make the right decision.

How to choose the right gift for a child for the New Year 2020

All families are different and children too, so it will not work to come up with a universal recipe for everyone. But there are several good advice how to choose a gift for a child and not miscalculate:

  • In advance, invite the child to write a letter to Santa Claus. In it, the kid will definitely write about his dreams, and it will be easier to choose. This option is only suitable if the child is old enough to be able to write, but still believes in New Year's miracles.
  • In a couple of weeks, start a conversation about the holiday and gifts. A teenager, most likely, will consciously tell what he is dreaming about, and the kid will let it slip by accident.
  • Consider the gender and age of the child. If there is no way to find out about the wishes of the recipient in person, you can pick up something more or less universal.
  • Choose a gift based on your child's hobbies. If he already has a hobby, it will not be difficult to pick up a present.

If you need to choose something, but there is not enough time to search, sweets in a stylish New Year's set will help out. Great idea- invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden home, such a present will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions. And, of course, until the very holiday, the gift must be securely hidden so as not to spoil the surprise.

Children rarely appreciate memorable souvenirs, so they are unlikely to like figurines of New Year's symbols or postcards. But, if it is a postcard cake or chocolate Santa Claus, such a present will be appreciated positively. 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat, so a gift can remind you of this animal. Good ideas are a fun interactive toy rat, a backpack in the form of a rat, a t-shirt with a matching 3D print, etc.

TOP 10 gifts for a child for the New Year 2020

  1. Digital Gadgets
  2. Children's experiment set
  3. Mannequin for make-up and hairstyles
  4. Creativity set
  5. Musical instrument
  6. Magnetic board
  7. toy weapon
  8. Transport with remote control
  9. Educational toys
  10. Interactive toy rat

Gift ideas for a child under 4 years old

At this age, children rarely have truly considered and formalized desires. Present one year old baby- this is a pure formality, so a bright rattle, a new water bottle or an educational soft toy will do. But children 2-4 years old can already appreciate the present. Best Ideas gifts for them:

  • Large puzzles, it is better for kids to take soft ones made of foam rubber or similar material;
  • Educational toys, for example, according to the Montessori method;
  • Rocking horse;
  • Balance bike, tolocar or small scooter;
  • Fitball with horns or an inflatable animal for jumping around the house;
  • Album and Finger paint for kids or bright felt-tip pens and a pencil for older children;
  • Machine-designer with large parts;
  • Toy book or rubber book for bathing;
  • Large cubes for construction or a designer with large details;
  • Children's developing laptop;
  • Doll or stroller for her;
  • Indoor sandbox;
  • Entertaining and developing school desk for children;
  • Bright hairpins, elastic bands, a hairbrush and a mirror for a young fashionista.

If you choose a gift for an unfamiliar child whose tastes and even the exact age you don’t know, you can give something versatile and inexpensive, for example, a kaleidoscope, a spinning top, bubble etc.

Gift ideas for the New Year 2020 for children 5-6 years old

At this age, children already have some life experience and preferences. Therefore, when choosing a presentation, you should listen to their opinion. They may well already draw their wishes to Santa Claus or even write a small letter, so it will be easier to choose. The most common wishes of children of this age:

  • A racing track or a small children's railway;
  • A small, unpretentious machine with a control panel;
  • Parking for toy cars on several levels;
  • Toy weapons, such as a machine gun, pistol or rifle with light and music;
  • Magnetic board for studying letters and numbers;
  • Toy musical instrument such as xylophone, glockenspiel, drum, harmonica, etc.
  • Children bicycle;
  • Doll furniture or even a house;
  • Interactive animal;
  • Toy tableware;
  • Sets for playing hairdresser, seller, doctor, etc.

At this age, children are already looking forward to the New Year and gifts, so they will probably begin to ask in advance what they should expect from Santa Claus. Try to keep the intrigue and create a truly fabulous atmosphere, because very soon the baby will lose faith in magic.

Gift ideas for a child 7-8 years old

At the age of 7-8, many children already guess or even know for sure that there is no Santa Claus. But they are still waiting for holidays and gifts, as well as at least a drop of New Year's magic. Try to present to the baby what he has long dreamed of, for example:

  • A cool radio-controlled toy, for example, a racing car, a boat, or even a helicopter that is quite difficult to control;
  • A device for burning wood - it will appeal to all young creative personalities;
  • A set for creativity with content corresponding to the interests and preferences of the recipient;
  • A wooden constructor from which you can fold a model of a car, robot, animal, etc.
  • Beautiful Digital Watch with backlight and other useful features;
  • Children's training guitar or recorder for a young musician;
  • Almost real chinaware for tea parties with girlfriends;
  • Children's sewing machine;
  • Toy mannequin for applying makeup and creating hairstyles;
  • House or utensils for coloring;
  • Toy puppet theatre.

If the child already knows where the gifts under the Christmas tree come from, you can simply hand your present from hand to hand. But, whatever one may say, the boxes under christmas tree create a special atmosphere, so it is better not to break the tradition.

Gift ideas for a child 9-10 years old for the New Year 2020

Sometimes parents believe that at this age the child is already so mature and aware of all the intricacies of the existence of Santa Claus that it is not necessary to organize something fabulous. Many people think that it is quite normal to give children items for school or clothes. But 9-10 year olds are just trying to look like adults. In fact, they still want to play and look for gifts from Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. The best gifts for a child of this age will be:

  • Children's ATV;
  • A complex designer with a lot of details, for example, electronic;
  • Quadcopter;
  • Programmable robot;
  • Children's set for physical or chemical experiments;
  • Smartphone with a wide range of functions;
  • Real microscope;
  • Camera and/or photo printer;
  • Game console or manipulators for games at the computer;
  • Sports items such as punching bag, gloves or a suitable ball.
  • A set for needlework, such as weaving from rubber bands or beads, painting caskets or soap making;
  • Children's decorative cosmetics for girls;
  • Fashion bag or backpack;
  • MP3 player;
  • Wrist watch;
  • Stylish smartphone accessories.

When choosing a gift for a child of 9-10 years old for the New Year 2020, try to make it ideal for age. Presents that are too childish or purchased "for growth" will disappoint the recipient.

What to give for the New Year 2020 to a teenager 11-14 years old

Teenagers are no less than children waiting for the New Year holidays. And although they know perfectly well where the gifts come from under the Christmas tree, they are still looking for them with pleasure. Therefore, try to choose a useful and pleasant gift and, having packed it in a beautiful box, hide it in the agreed place. And the list of the best gifts for children of this age includes:

  • Modern digital gadgets. New smartphone, tablet, player, etc. will delight any teenager.
  • Computer accessories and supplies, such as stylish headphones with a print or fun ears, a multifunctional mouse, a backlit keyboard, game pads, etc.
  • fashion case for phone or tablet.
  • Sport equipment, for example, skates, regular or roller skates, compact home trainer, hula hoop, etc. A great gift idea is a fitness bracelet.
  • Journey. Usually at this age, children travel with their parents, but you can also organize an excursion with peers.
  • Interesting decoration for the interior. An excellent solution would be an unusual lamp, for example, in the form of an iron man mask or a bouquet of flowers. fashion idea- a night-light projector that turns the ceiling and walls of the room into a star painting.

At this age, children can already be given gifts designed to evoke pleasant emotions and remind them of the holiday. You can choose something symbolic as an addition to the main present, for example, a small plush rat with the inscription 2020 or a ceramic figurine. A good idea is an engraving with a reminder of the holiday, for example, on a metal keychain. And, of course, we should not forget about sweets - they are loved by children of any age.

Which children especially look forward to. Already in the first weeks of December, they are waiting for the moment when the Christmas tree will be dressed up, looking forward to meeting with Santa Claus, gifts and the atmosphere of magic in every day. And if for them this holiday is full of miracles, then for parents New Year's Eve is a time of fuss and worries about choosing a New Year's gift, because they really want to please their sons and daughters!

Most the best option understand what your child wants - ask him directly about what he would ask Santa Claus. Or invite him to write a note and put it in the agreed place "for Santa Claus." In any case, the desire of the child cannot be ignored: the gift should first of all please and bring pleasure, and only then be practical and useful. On the eve of the New Year, children are waiting for miracles, so arrange a real holiday for them!

Gifts for the New Year for a child under 3 years old

At this age, children grow before our eyes. Therefore, if you give a cute jumpsuit and a new walking hat in the style of Minion clothes, such a gift will not only please the child, but also obviously will not become superfluous in the wardrobe. By the way, you can buy the same set of clothes for the whole family - the difference will be only in size. When the whole family puts on new clothes, you yourself will see the reaction of the baby. Don't forget just at this moment about New Year's photos for memory!

Souvenirs for children from 3 to 6 years old

A good gift for a girl at this age will be a doll that needs to be looked after: combed, put to bed, washed and fed. In the kit you can buy a house for a doll or a set of toy dishes and household appliances, with which you can play both at home and in the summer in the sandbox, baking shortbread pies.

Boys can buy a prefabricated model of an airplane, car or boat. You can give a beautiful railway or a race track with a remote control that the whole family needs to assemble.

New Year's gift for a child from 6 to 10 years old

At this age, many children guess or already know that gifts are given to them by their parents, and not by Santa Claus. Therefore, you can invite your child to go to interesting New Year's performances in a theater or circus. You can visit the skating rink or go sledging down the hill.

At this age, it's time to understand that a good book should always be there, so you should not discard this gift option. Buy a Christmas book beautiful pictures, which is not only pleasant to consider, but also which will help the child learn something new and interesting.

Many children will enjoy simple board games with bright cards and simple strategy. And the board game can be not only entertaining, but also educational. Great gift for that age!

New Year's gifts for teenagers from 11 to 16 years old

It is especially difficult for teenagers to choose gifts. But this is feasible if you know the desires, interests and hobbies of a teenager. Many at this age already want their own computer, and many already have their own laptop. Therefore, making a computer-related gift, such as good headphones or a new webcam, will be a very successful and most importantly useful gift idea.

And why not make a laptop or phone individual? A phone case or an author's sticker on a laptop cover can be a great gift. And if the child does not have a phone yet, then this is the most best time for such a gift!
