Late pregnancy - who is considered old-bearing. Age of an old woman

The age of the "old-bearing" woman has changed over the centuries and depended largely on the ways of society. It has long been believed that after the age of 20 a woman is an "old-timer", since the age of the young who gave birth was from 14-15 years. During the Soviet Union, this term was used to refer to a woman giving birth after 25-27 years.
With the expiration of time, the age of the “old-timer” increased to 30 years, because at the age of 18-20, doctors did not recommend giving birth, which was associated with the still young and fragile body of the girls. On this moment the opinion of doctors pushed the bar of this term even further - for 35 years. My personal opinion is that there is nothing wrong with this figure. It is by the age of 32-35 that a woman becomes emotionally ready for the appearance of a child and full-fledged care for him.
However, the birth of a child at an “old-bearing” age has its drawbacks, since the mother’s body after 35 years is not able to fully absorb calcium, which is so necessary for the proper development of the child. Also during this period, the risk of ectopic pregnancies, bleeding, and threats of miscarriage increases. Old-timers are more likely than young girls to transmit various genetic diseases to their children, various complications (late toxicosis, anemia, kidney disease) often occur.

Beginning of training and education

Until the age of seven, their mothers raised them, but after that they were under the care of the state, which was responsible for providing knowledge about the traditions of the Spartan people. At the age of twelve, the child began to receive the necessary instruction for military life, which was taught through various rigorous physical tests and various methods that sought to teach the children to obey and be increasingly resilient. Children should be able to earn a living by hunting animals and stealing.

A woman is considered "old-term" when she is well into her thirties. Such an unpleasant nickname is given to women by all obstetricians and gynecologists when they see who entered their department, although women who give birth at the age of forty are distinguished by their responsibility and more serious attitude to their parenting duties. I often hear another name “age firstborn”, but the essence does not change, such a “label” is hung on all women in the maternity home, without experiencing any sympathy, compassion for them, and the support they need so much, although it is most difficult for such women from the fact that they experience discomfort when there are young mothers who are barely over twenty in the ward, and they just decided on such a noble cause.
It often happens that a girl does not work out at first family life, or she is carefully protected, perhaps she wants to make a career for herself, and then the age approaches thirty-seven and problems begin, the man does not want children, or the woman decides to become a single mother, and use her chance to become a mother because the biological clock does not last forever , and the older a woman becomes, the more problematic it is for her to become pregnant, and give birth to a full-fledged and long-awaited child, when conception occurs, she is very happy about this moment, but most often she begins to be frightened by the gynecologist observing her with "horror stories" about the birth of children with disabilities, and begins to force her to take a bunch of tests, including paid ones, in order to once again play it safe herself, and not about her patient. But, in any case, even if you are called “old-timer”, you do not need to pay attention to this, and try to focus only on the birth of your long-awaited baby.

But they were beaten and reprimanded if they were caught during the action. Teenagers were asked to fight each other, and when they turned 17, they were subjected to last test: Cryptia. Where teenagers will have all night to catch slaves. Anyone who survived that night was considered brave, strong, and fit for war. When "Spartan" or "Spartan" was "formed", he was given a piece of land to build his house.

Until the age of 30, Spartans were forbidden to marry, and only after he reached this age could he be considered a citizen, as well as a soldier. From this new age, he could attend meetings held in the city-state and participate in the selection of new laws as a single citizen.

Well, you can become an “old-timer” even at the age of 30 :) As in 50, if your period is still going, you can safely get pregnant, and give birth just as well. Unless, of course, the woman is healthy. And if a woman is already a ruin in her 30s, then how can you expect a healthy baby from her. That is, this question is quite multifaceted. I know quite a few women who have given birth to their first children in 40 years. And everything worked out well. And there are many among acquaintances who were not even 25, but they themselves could not give birth normally, and they were Caesar. Here, after all, the main question is in the prosperous physical form of a woman. Of course, geneticists will tell you that with age, the genetic material "spoils", and that in the children of women after 40, the likelihood of genetic mutations increases. But after all, we also observe many cases when downs are born, etc., even among young families. This is what is called karma. Well, if 2 met wonderful people already after 40 and want to give birth to a child - so you have to give birth. If there are no serious health problems. Why, now genetic tests can be taken if desired - for compatibility and so on. Over in the West, many women give birth only after 40, when they have already built a career and earned material wealth for themselves.

Spartan women were subjected to the same teachings and tests as men, because physical activity was overrated by the Spartan people, and there was a belief that only healthy, physically strong women will be able to give birth to good soldiers for Sparta. After the age of 30, when a woman began to be regarded as a civilian, she could acquire property and was not obliged to submit to the authority of her husband.

The Spartan soldier was only released from the army after the age of 60, from which time he became part of the German Council of the elder Sparta. The very expression "Middle Ages" was coined at the beginning of the modern era as a way to establish a criterion for the superiority of contemporaries in relation to the man of the Middle Ages. However, we know that history is more complex than we think, and that there are several themes specific to the medieval period that need to be carefully studied. One of these themes is the position of women at that time.

There is no definite or officially confirmed document on this question. We were in the maternity hospital during a round, the gynecologist said that after twenty-three years, women are considered old-bearing. It doesn't threaten anything. They will conduct additional monitoring, somewhere they will have to pass more tests and everyone is sent for amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the bladder, for analysis amniotic fluid. It is needed to detect chromosomes (exclusion of Down syndrome), chronic diseases. It is done after six weeks of pregnancy and no later than the twenty-second week. This analysis will not be done without your consent.

We believe that in the medieval world, women were submissive to the male figure, whether in the home or outside, that is, in the work done in the cities or in the countryside, or even in the spiritual realms. This idea is generated by a very common prejudice: that a society oriented towards the Catholic Christian religion, the figure of a woman will be directly associated with sin, or the Genesis narrative, in which Eve has such a Causes Adam to sin, whether it be a female body, which can lead to lust and lust.

But the fact is that the categories of compression of the Catholic Church, from their roots in primitive Christianity, have never ascribed to women any condition of inferiority or detention of sin towards man. Christianity understands that a person, both a woman and a man, is subject to evil because he is free - he is free to accept or deny goodness, grace. Thus, in the social and ecclesiastical spheres of the Middle Ages, like men, women had a great transit.

The term old-bearing is usually used in relation to women who have given birth to a child after 30 years. If the birth is the first, the woman in labor is called even more unpleasantly - the old-bearing primogeniture. Such definitions appeared even when the first children were born at 18, and by the age of 30 there were usually many heirs in the family. Over time, the situation has changed, and dramatically: now women take pregnancy more seriously, therefore, they come to the decision to give birth in more late age.

In addition to great influence in the ecclesiastical sphere, women also figured prominently outside abbeys and monasteries. In notarial acts, it is very common for a married woman to act on her own, opening a shop or business, for example, without being forced to present her husband's permission.

As for the question of magical practices, witchcraft, sorcery, etc. That figure of a woman was, rather, directly connected. This was due to cultural mixtures between pagan rites of Roman and Germanic origin and popular Christianity's concepts of demons or lower entities. For example, the pagan cult of fertility had a big ballast in the Middle Ages. However, outbreaks of persecution of women identified as "witches" have left the population looking for "scapegoats" to explain some natural disasters such as droughts, floods, plague, etc. And also less of the Church and the Inquisition.

An unambiguous answer to the question “Is it good or bad?” On the one hand, it is great that the expectant mother first thinks about the well-being of the child, and then gives birth. On the other hand, the state of the body does not improve over the years. The farther, the more likely the possibility of the appearance of a toddler with genomic pathology.

Old-timer: at what age?

Each of the future women in labor interprets this rhetorical question in her own way. In medical practice, millions of cases are known when 40- and 45-year-old mothers gave birth to healthy babies. However, no specialist will recommend postponing pregnancy. After all, everyone knows the concept of "biological age". Do not deceive him. Therefore, it is easier to give birth, and the postpartum period is faster and less painful. But pregnant women aged are kept under special control, referring to the risk group.

Moreover, the Inquisition was born as a form of deterrence against public lynchings that were carried out against someone accused of heresy. The "witch hunt" has only become a campaign with a religious banner in the modern age, when the state, the civil authority, has already been superimposed on the authority of the Church and its criteria.

Lisbon: publications in Europe and America, p. Would you like to cite this text in a scientific or scientific work? Access by August 31st. African women do not have an easy part: yet they represent hard work and shrewd ways of organizing, the first economic and social agents of the black continent.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how old a woman becomes old-bearing. But, as a rule, the countdown starts from 30 years or more. An indisputable plus for expectant mothers after 30 is their wisdom and quite a lot of life experience. A 40-year-old woman, if this is important to her, will not hesitate to insist that the medical definition of old-bearing remain only in the exchange card, but not used by the doctor. Moreover, in adulthood it is quite easy to determine the level of competence of a gynecologist and soberly analyze his actions. It is a well-known practice to intimidate pregnant women and, as a result, conduct numerous unnecessary (but expensive) studies and tests, for example, prenatal screening. In this case, it is reasonable to realistically assess the possible risks (miscarriage, infection of the fetus, etc.) and make an independent decision, despite the recommendations of the doctor.

Better to be a woman in Africa than in Asia. This statement may seem surprising at first glance when you refer to the formula used by generations of geographers, starting with the great tropic, Pierre Gourou: is Africa's burden beast. This statement is always true. But today it is women who, in a concrete sense, hold the levers of control over the continent. This is the paradox of the position of women in Africa.

The Indians and Chinese do suppress some of their little girls at birth because they know that they will have to pay a heavy dowry so that they can marry her and that she will leave the family home to go to her parents' exclusive service. So that the daughter was "to heat the neighboring garden." Gender discrimination explains that there is a surplus of about 60 million people in the two mainland countries of China and India.

Thus, an old-bearing (age after 30 years) mother is a whole. And the final decision is up to the woman herself.

So, being a mom in your mature years is:

  • formed psychological readiness to give birth to a child (specialists have proven that the difference between physiological and psychological readiness for pregnancy and childbirth is 10 years: the first occurs at about 22 years old, the second - by 32 years old);
  • lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of urinary infections;
  • a more scrupulous attitude to one's health, which means a greater likelihood of a favorable pregnancy;
  • bearing a desired child, that is, a minimum risk of miscarriage;
  • good preparation for the role of parents and the upbringing of a person.

Cons of having a child at the age of 30 and older:

  • after the age of 30, a woman's tissue and joint elasticity decreases, fewer hormones are produced, which can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • significantly increases the risk of a child having pathologies, for example, Down syndrome, heart disease or autism;
  • bad habits, which appeared in youth, abortion also does not have the best effect on the health of the fetus;

How to behave as an old-term pregnant woman?

Thus, a mother who falls under the term "old-timer", who is 30-35 years old or more, should be as responsible as possible to her health and to the health of her baby. It is necessary to provide the body with gymnastics, a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as rid it of bad habits. This is a reality, not a dream.

Of course, referring to "Africa" ​​without further precision may seem offensive, since the diversity of situations on a continent of 53 countries and 13% of the world's population is extreme, even if only between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, between Muslim and Christian countries. Nevertheless, some trends are emerging that individualize Africa in relation to the rest of the world. First, the African population does not usually discriminate on the basis of the sex of the child either at birth or in the first years of life.

In today's world, women are increasingly postponing the birth of a child for more late deadline, seeking to achieve something, taking care of the financial situation. However, the body's resources are not unlimited and late delivery can be quite dangerous.

Age of old-bearing women
What does the term old-bearing mean, the age to which it corresponds, and most importantly, is it relevant today?
Previously, the average age of women in labor was 20-23 years. It is this time that is most favorable for conceiving a baby, since a woman is full of strength, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the absence of complications is much higher than at an older age. Therefore, after reaching the 25th anniversary, women were already considered old-bearing.

At what age is a woman considered old-bearing?
Today, these boundaries have shifted somewhat. Indeed, many young people are in no hurry to start a family, they are trying to make a career, earn enough money to make their lives comfortable and secure. Therefore, they start families closer to thirty, and they think about conceiving a baby in a few years. Accordingly, the answer to the common question about the age at which a woman is considered old-bearing has changed - now this term is applied to women in labor who have reached the age of 35.

Age of old-bearing women in 2014
It should be noted that at the moment such a designation is used very rarely. Because every year the age limit is gradually shifting and the age of old-bearing women in 2014 is gradually shifting to 37-40 years.

However, it is important to remember that from the moment you reach the age of thirty, the reproductive system is by no means the same as in youth, and therefore the risk of possible pathologies and complications only increases. In addition, the recovery process after the birth of the baby is also delayed. Yes, and it is more difficult to conceive a child, and therefore the issue of family planning should be approached much more responsibly. Therefore, the gynecologist must take into account the age of the elderly women, because, depending on this, additional examinations and tests may be prescribed.

Gradually, this term lost its relevance, and it was replaced by a more correct designation - late birth. Moreover, every year the age limit is gradually shifting, and at the moment, old-timers, whose age is approaching 35-40 years old, feel great, pregnancy passes without complications, and the risk of possible pathologies with constant monitoring and timely treatment is minimal.

Discontinuities are a problem that very often accompanies labor activity. The reason is the lack of elasticity of the vaginal tissues, etc.

The reasons for having an abortion are individual for each woman. This may be a banal reluctance to have children, and social and material problems, and medical ...

A woman at any age remains a woman. And very often the desire to have a child provokes ladies to take rather desperate steps - late childbirth. In this article I would like to talk about such a term as old-bearing mothers. Who are they, what is their age, what are the dangers of late pregnancies.

A bit of the past

What can be said about the term "old-timers"? At what age is a woman considered such? It is interesting to look a little into history and see exactly how the time frame of this concept shifted and transformed.

Several centuries ago

Several centuries ago, girls with the onset of their first menstruation were considered ready for childbearing. And this is not surprising, because at that time man was completely subordinate to nature. If the girl began " women's days”, she could already become a mother without fear.

It is worth saying that in the remote villages of Muslim countries, this trend has continued to this day. There, girls become wives and give birth before the age of 15.

The age of old-bearing women in ancient times was 20 years and above. If the girl did not marry and did not give birth to a baby before this age, she was considered old maid. Why did this happen? The thing is that only a young and healthy female can bear healthy offspring. And since the level of medicine at that time was rather low and far from accessible to everyone, women worked hard, their bodies wore out quickly, their health was lost, and the age for having children was rather low by today's standards.

So, old-timers. At what age was a woman considered such? As for the middle of the last century, at times, ladies who gave birth after 25 years old had such an unpleasant name. The level of medicine at that time rose significantly, women began to take care of themselves and their health, but the consciousness of people was not so easy to change. The bulk of the people of all republics lived in villages and small towns. And there it was still customary to consider a woman not as a labor unit, but still more as a keeper of the hearth, in other words, a housewife. Therefore, for a long time after graduating from school, girls deliberately entered into marriage and immediately gave birth to children. And those who were late were called old-timers. Surprisingly, this term was actively used by doctors for girls who gave birth after 25 years.

The end of the last century and the present

We consider further how the time frame has been transformed and how the term “old-timers” has changed. At what age was a woman considered such at the end of the last century? Since medicine has developed rapidly, ideal age the birth of a baby was no longer considered 18-22 years old, but approximately 20-25 years old. Women who decided to become pregnant after 30 were called old-timers. Today, this term does not exist in world medicine. However, in everyday life in the countries it will remain for a long time.

New terminology

If a woman asks a doctor a question: “At what age is an expectant mother considered an old-bearing mother?” - the doctor should answer: "No way." That is, such a term simply does not exist in modern medicine. It was replaced by a new concept - "age primiparous". This was done primarily in order not to offend anyone and not infringe on their rights. Age primiparas are women who first decided to give birth to a baby after 35 years. However, it is worth saying that world medicine cannot be surprised by childbirth at 40. And the thing is that thanks to the achievements of scientists today, a woman can maintain her health for as long as possible in excellent condition. Therefore, it is possible to give birth after 40 today. However, doctors still say that you should not delay the first pregnancy until such a time.

A little about the main reason

So, we figured out how old women are considered old-bearing - after 35 (although it is not entirely correct to use this term in relation to expectant mothers). I would also like to say that over the past quarter century, the number of women who give birth to babies after 30 years has significantly increased. This trend came to us from the West, however, like their way of life. Today, ladies do not want to be housewives and do only household chores and children. Women realize themselves, study, work on an equal footing with men and often receive more income than the representatives of the stronger sex. All this somewhat changed the consciousness of domestic ladies, at the same time pushing back the time frame for the birth of offspring.

Other reasons

Why is the term “old-bearing woman” more and more often heard in domestic ones? There are quite a few reasons for this.

  1. Often girls in their youth or youth decide on the first abortion, and after that they cannot become pregnant for a long time. At best, they get it after a rather long treatment and attempts to conceive a baby.
  2. Often a lady wants to first of all make a career and secure the future, and then only give birth to a baby.
  3. Often women become old-bearing in the case of remarriage. That is, the lady also wants to give a child to a new man.
  4. There may be situations when a lady has been in search of her man and father for a future child for a long time. She finds him after 35 years, and gives birth from him.
  5. Another reason is the long-term treatment of a woman. It happens that the first child of a lady is simply suffered and begged for by higher powers. And it turns out to conceive a baby from mommy only after 35 years.

You can find more great amount reasons why women decide to be old-bearing. However, they are all united by one desire: to give birth to a beautiful and healthy baby at any cost.

About the pros

Having dealt with the concept of “an old-timer woman”, from how many years she is considered such, it is also worth highlighting the main advantages of such actions. So, the first and biggest plus is that such ladies in almost 100% of cases become pregnant deliberately. That is, children who are born in this case are always desired and loved by their parents, they are not a burden or the so-called “youth mistake”. In addition, parents by that time have rich life experience and can teach the baby a lot. This means that the family is raising another useful member of society. Another plus of late birth: if doctors say that the ideal age for having a baby from a physiological point of view is 22 years old, then psychologists will name their number here. Experts in this field argue that a woman is emotionally ready for the appearance of offspring ten years later, by about 32-35 years. And one more plus: mature ladies are much more serious about planning a pregnancy - preparatory stage, always follow the recommendations of doctors and physicians during the period of bearing crumbs and always turn out to be conscious in their decision to become a mother.

Other positive aspects of late birth

Why else should a lady not be afraid to classify herself as an “old-timer” (at what age are women considered as such, we have already figured it out)?

  1. The period of gestation and birth of a baby significantly rejuvenates the body. It's all about the production of special hormones that have a positive effect on a woman's body (from about 35 years old, a woman's reproductive function begins to fade, and her pregnancy prolongs it).
  2. In old-bearing mothers, “women's autumn” comes later than the others, i.e. menopause. And this means that the lady remains a woman longer and later than usual can call herself an old woman.
  3. Scientists say that late delivery lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease.
  4. Late pregnancy makes women give up such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol (which is very, very difficult to do on your own and without external factors).


An old woman. No matter how many years it is considered as such, we recall that in European medical practice this term is not customary to use. However, late pregnancy and childbirth can be dangerous.

  1. After 35 years, a woman's body is no longer able to absorb calcium, which the baby needs so much for growth and development. This can become a serious problem.
  2. For the birth of a baby after 35 years, the body of a lady must be completely healthy. And this is not inherent in every woman.
  3. After age 35, the risk increases ectopic pregnancies.
  4. Old-timers are more likely than young girls to pass on to their offspring various genetic and
  5. Statistics show that about 70% of all children born with were brought into the world by old-bearing mothers.
  6. In women over 35 years of age, various complications are more likely to occur during pregnancy. These are premature or delayed pregnancies, preeclampsia (late toxicosis), weak labor activity.
  7. Older women give birth more often than usual by caesarean section.
  8. In mothers after 35 years, often babies in the womb suffer from hypoxia.
  9. Women who decide to have a late birth are more likely to have problems in postpartum period. These are various infections, bleeding.

Upper bounds

There are very interesting and unusual old-timers in the world. Their age is well over 50 years! And at the same time, women managed to become excellent mothers to their crumbs.

  1. Susan Tollefsen, 57 The woman gave birth to her first child, baby Frey, in 2008 after a long treatment in a Russian clinic.
  2. Lizz Battle, 60 years old. She gave birth to a boy to her 41-year-old boyfriend (who, however, later left the woman). At the clinic, she said she was 49.
  3. Rajo Devi, 70 years old. The wife of a 72-year-old farmer has been trying to get pregnant for 50 years. She succeeded only at the age of 70 in 2008. The baby was born by artificial insemination.
  4. Adriana Illescu, 66 years old. The former teacher gave birth to her baby in 2008 by artificial insemination. The egg and sperm were also donated.
  5. Patricia Rushbrook, 62 Ph.D, child psychologist, Patricia gave birth to her baby in 2006 after her fifth artificial insemination attempt. She already has children, but she passionately wanted to give the baby to her second husband.

According to the 1897 census, more than half of the brides in Russia were no older than 20 years old. For a girl, this age was often 13-16 years old. An unmarried girl at the age of 19 was already considered “obsolete”, 20-year-old brides were completely rejected as “stayed up in girls”, and 25-year-olds were completely called “centuries”. According to these data, it can be understood that girls used to become mothers almost immediately, as they “were physically ready for this” - that is, from the age of 13.
A woman in the 19th century, getting married at the age of 16-20, became a mother every 2 years, while she was able to do this. at what time a woman should become a mother, there are no scientific works on this topic. A woman could give birth to 15 children, of which not always all 15 survived.

According to Eurostat, the age of the “young mother” has increased over the past 20 years. Only half of women in the EU have become mothers for the first time before the age of 29. 40.6 percent of women prefer to have children before the age of 39. Average age young mother - 28 years old. Medicine has extended the duration and quality of human life, but how much can it be trusted with reproductive function?

Scientists' opinion

Obstetrician-gynecologists and scientists constantly repeat: what younger woman the more likely she is to give birth healthy child and her body will not suffer much. Pregnancy is a time when a girl's body is under heavy stress. Therefore than younger girl the faster she will recover after childbirth. With age, the number of eggs decreases - and this is an irreplaceable biological material. Considering the lifestyle of many young girls (alcohol, smoking, unhealthy food, many sexual partners, "night" lifestyle), egg quality is also declining. And if a man has the opportunity to "work" on the quality of biological material - to give up bad habits and improve chemical composition biomaterial, then women do not have such an opportunity.
University researchers. Erasmus of Rotterdam for 30 years analyzed data on pregnancies and childbirth of more than 58 thousand women. The result of the study was the so-called "fertility calculator" - a table when it is best for a woman to have her first child if she wants to become a mother twice or thrice. Dick Hubbema, one of the researchers, said that his colleagues said that the study was incorrect due to its length in time. But the idea was to compile not only a “fertility calculator”, but also to collect information from generations with other values, knowledge about contraceptives.
According to researchers, the more children a woman wants to have, the sooner she should become a mother. If she dreams of a family with three children, then at the age of 23. If two - then up to 27 years.
One of the participants in the study, Alan Pacey, a professor at the University of Sheffield, argues that "wait" is not possible. Those who think that the question of childbearing can be postponed until the age of 30+ will be disappointed. It is necessary to talk with high school girls and elementary students so that they start planning their lives earlier, taking into account the birth of a child.

The opinion of psychologists and sociologists

The media write materials about celebrities - actresses, singers and other famous personalities, that they had their first child after 30 years. The girl formed the thought that "I can do that too." But after all, the media do not report on the details of this process - how many unsuccessful attempts there were, about the difficulties of bearing, about IVF, about the number of IVF attempts. In a word, the whole "kitchen" remains behind the scenes. [С-BLOCK]
John Mirowski, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin, argues that biologically best age for the birth of children 20+, but in society this is viewed from a negative point of view. If the first child appeared at the age of 20 years or less, then it is likely that he was born out of wedlock. It will also become an obstacle on the way to higher education and can cause the crystallization of the negative state of a young girl.
Even if the girl is married, 20 is still too young to have children, Mirowski says. Michelle Norton had a son at the age of 21, but when asked about her age, she says that she is 25 or 27. In the Early mom blog, Michelle wrote that she wants to avoid uncomfortable questions from others in this way.
Mirovsky adds that in addition to the sidelong glances of others, there is another serious problem. "Many twenty-year-olds are not responsible enough to take care of a child," says John. Professor Mirowski, taking into account the calculation of emotional maturity and biological age, argues that the best age to become a mother for the first time is 29 years old. By this time, the woman will have completed her higher education, will be able to make a career, "live for herself" and build a strong relationship with her husband so that they can withstand the "test of the first child."

Currently, "aged" mothers who are carrying a child may not be worried. Being under medical supervision The best way take care of your baby's health.

Age of an old woman. Is it worth it to get pregnant after ...?

Late (old) - this term in medicine refers to women whose pregnancy may be associated with an increased risk. Such an inscription is put on a future mother if her age has exceeded 35 and she is expecting her first child, or if a woman is expecting a second child and she is over 40. “Late” mothers may be upset by all sorts of remarks related to their year of birth. "Where do you have so much courage!" - such words can often be heard from relatives. "Think you can?" — adds fuel to the fire girlfriend. Unfortunately, even some doctors, having learned about the age of the patient, do not hide their indignation. But doctors know that real life has long refuted many prejudices against the "belated" birth of a baby.

In most cases, the course of pregnancy and the birth itself in women after 35 years of age do not differ significantly from the same in young mothers.

It can even be assumed that mature ladies are able to deeply enjoy the joy of the upcoming motherhood. Their thirst to babysit the baby has intensified over the years, the marriage has grown stronger and stabilized, they have achieved a lot and learned that they are not afraid to sacrifice something for the sake of the birth of a new little man. And according to recent studies, children in such families receive more affection and care.

Possible risks

Undoubtedly, pregnancy at a later age is associated with some difficulties. Fortunately, modern advances in the medical field have made it possible to diagnose diseases in a timely manner and eliminate them. Accordingly, it is for this purpose that a “late” pregnancy is marked on the map. Every pregnant woman whose age has crossed the 35 mark receives a referral for a genetic examination of the fetus. The biggest danger awaiting him is associated with abnormal chromosomes. The most common disease is Down syndrome (previously this disease was known as Mongoloid dementia).

With age, the quality of the mother's genetic material deteriorates. So, by the age of 35, the proportion of abnormal chromosomes is 1%, by 38 - 2%, after 45 - more than 10%. What is the reason for this, scientists are still looking for an answer.

Among the most plausible assumptions is the postulate that the eggs in the body of a woman are laid even before she is born. Waiting too long for an egg to be fertilized has a bad effect on its condition. In addition, with age, the body loses its ability to protect mechanisms: the body does not distinguish a healthy embryo from a sick one. In young girls, the body perfectly copes with its tasks: if it carries an anomaly, then shortly after fertilization, the fetus is rejected, and the woman does not always have time to find out about her situation.

The effectiveness of new diagnostic methods

Although new diagnostic techniques have proven to be effective, many women ignore genetic testing. According to statistics, only 70% of pregnant late births pass it. Among women over 40, these numbers are even lower. Most often, the reason for refusal is motivated by fear of. Since in 1-2% of cases this can happen during the examination, it is necessary that an experienced specialist conduct it. Another test waiting future mother, accept bad results and make a subsequent decision: keep the sick child or have an abortion. The intensity of emotions is also growing because the biological clock does not stand still and the issue of motherhood is becoming more and more urgent. And no one guarantees that in the event of the loss of this child, a woman will be able to become pregnant again.

With age, the ability to bear children decreases. In the age range of 20-24 years, only 10% of girls suffer from infertility, and among their 35-year-old colleagues, this figure is three times higher.

This is another reason why mature mothers are more concerned about the condition of the child than young ones. At the same time, they are more concerned about their health and things related to expecting a baby. In any case, pregnancy should bring happiness - after all, thanks to a woman, new person, new identity. The main thing is to set yourself up for positive and be sure of a happy story very soon - after childbirth.

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Discussion: 3 comments

    Until the age of 40, I consider the age for pregnancy to be normal ... after, of course, it is already harder, primarily because of the state of health of the mother. After 45 ... this is already a risk for both mother and child.


    I gave birth at 39 and was considered an old-timer. To be honest, the doctors discouraged me, but this was my last chance and I did not agree to an abortion. BUT then the gynecologist began to scare me with various horror stories. I was so tired of it that I stopped going to counseling and taking tests. The pregnancy proceeded normally. I did not have any toxicosis and I safely gave birth to a daughter. I think that if a woman is in good health, then giving birth at 45 is worth nothing.


    to endure and give birth is not even half the battle. Just imagine that, having given birth at forty-five, you will achieve retirement age when your child is still in school. Well, if you can work and continue to provide it, but if not? okay, if by this moment there are older children who are firmly on their feet, and even better if there are already grandchildren - you can take care of your grandchildren and your baby at the same time. what if it's not possible?

