Scenario of a modern wedding: walking in a new way. wedding script for toastmaster wedding script for toastmaster cheerful topic

Writing scripts modern wedding, newlyweds are increasingly abandoning some traditions, preferring to include more wedding contests and new entertainment in the holiday program. Sometimes it is quite justified if the wedding is attended mainly by young people who primarily want to have fun. One of such scenarios is offered by our website.

Newlyweds meeting

The host of the wedding, along with parents and guests, meets the newlyweds near the banquet hall. Presenter: “Dear newlyweds! Usually the newlyweds are met by their parents from the registry office, but we decided to meet you with the whole friendly company, since the shared joy only increases. And thanks to all these people, your happiness today will multiply many times over. Take from your moms hands wedding loaf. Break off a piece and salt well to each other. Let the future life be not salty, not bitter, but only sweet. And today, let it be a little bitter for you! Bitterly!"

In accordance with the scenario of a modern wedding, the newlyweds kiss, then exchange pieces of loaf and feed each other.

Leading: “So we saw which of you will be the best breadwinner in the family. And now let's make way for the most important couple of our holiday. Come into the hall, let only joy meet you there, and let the wedding feast delight your guests. Everyone is invited to the wedding table!”

The newlyweds pass along the living corridor, the guests shower them with rose petals. Everyone takes their places at the table.

wedding feast

Host: Dear newlyweds! Today you entered into a legal marriage. This is the happiest day of your life. Today you have lit a beacon for your love, which will shine for you all your life. On this beautiful day you put on the rings of fidelity, now everything in this life will be new to you, as you begin to live as a single whole.

In the scenarios of a modern wedding, usually the host also pronounces the first toast: “Starting this holiday, I want to wish you eternal love strong family ties. May your hearts always be wide open for tender and quivering feelings. Dear guests, let's congratulate our young people standing up and say "Bitter" three times, so that the life of the young is sweet as honey.

The guests chant and empty their glasses. Leading: “So that everything at our holiday is legal, we will read out and officially vote with glasses for the act of receiving the newlyweds.”

The act of receiving the bride.

Bride ______ (name of the bride) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for eternal storage to _____ (name of the groom), who is now her legal spouse. It is completed as follows: body - 1 piece (do not turn over), head - 1 piece (shaggy), eyes - 2 pieces (brown, cunning), ears - 2 pieces (pierced, with earrings), mouth - 1 piece (small, but talkative), hands - 2 pieces (golden and affectionate), legs - 2 pieces (slender).

The scenario of the modern wedding continues with the following text. The “Bride” set is supplied with: a new all-season coat - 1 piece, a dress - 2 pieces (one is put on the bride herself at the time of delivery), a bag without a handle - 1 piece, a cup for tea - 1 piece.

The act of receiving the groom.

The groom ______ (name of the groom) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for perpetual use to _____ (name of the bride), who is now considered his legal wife. The groom is completed as follows: torso - 1 piece (sports), head - 1 piece (smart), eyes - 2 pieces (faithful), ears - 2 pieces (whole, but can deteriorate from frequent grumbling), nose - 1 piece (Greek ), arms and legs - only 4 pieces (in place).

The set "Groom" is supplied with: a tattered sheepskin coat - 1 piece, a shirt - 1 piece (and that one is on it), a comb - 1 piece (without half of the teeth), boots - 5 pieces (4 from the bottom are right, and 1 is left ).

The host, according to the scenario of a modern wedding, also reads recommendations for use: “Feed, love, pity, protect from the evil eye and other people's wives.”

Host: “As you can see, the newlyweds are not fully staffed. Therefore, you should do their enrichment. Dear guests, let's give the young prepared gifts.

Guests congratulate the newlyweds, express their wishes, put money in a specially decorated jar, and gifts - on the table next to the newlyweds.

Games, contests

For competitive program it is necessary to prepare outdoor games and competitions, it is imperative to involve in them the perpetrators of identity. Ideas for them can be found in a special section of the site Svadbagolik.Ru. So that the bride and groom do not get bored, start entertainment program right from them.

Host: “To you, dear newlyweds, walk through life together, help and protect each other in every possible way. Let's check how ready you are for such a serious life test. The bride and groom, according to the conditions of the competition for our scenario of a modern wedding, must dance on the same newspaper. Periodically, it must be folded in half. At some point, the groom will have to take the bride in his arms, since 4 legs on the newspaper will no longer fit.

Host: “Our newlyweds are great at working together. They rightly deserve to be called husband and wife. We give them the relevant documents confirming this right. A diploma, which confirms the legal acquisition of the status of a spouse, is awarded to ____ (groom's name). This diploma, which is awarded to _____ (bride's name), confirms the bride's right to be called her lawful wife from now on.

Host: “The time has come to test the talents of our witnesses. To begin with, I suggest you play Tic-Tac-Toe. Answering the questions that I will ask, the witness should put a zero, and the witness should put a cross.

According to this scenario of a modern wedding, the witnesses go to the playing field of 9 cells. Leading: “Put an end to a carefree life (puts a cross on the groom), zero is left of your carefree days (the witness puts a zero).” Witnesses continue the game, they are supported by guests. The one who lost must stand in the center, surrounded by guests, unwind with his eyes closed and blindly kiss one of the guests. After that, the host announces the game of spin the bottle.

At the end of the wedding evening, the newlyweds come to the place where a large beautiful candle is fixed in advance, they hold small lighted candles in their hands. The host's task is to warn the guests in advance to light their candles at the moment when the newlyweds do it. The scenario of a modern wedding provides for a beautiful wedding ceremony - the lighting of a guiding "star". That is what young people do with the help of small candles. Then the young dance, say goodbye to the guests and leave. The bride throws a bouquet to the unmarried girls in farewell.

Greeting the guests, the host thanks them for accepting the invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the order of the wedding. Then he asks the guests to line up in a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers over their heads; at certain intervals, he hands guests multi-colored ribbons of one and a half meters in length. Guests must pull these ribbons.
Immediately outside the entrance doors of the hall, the presenter spreads three decorative paper tracks on the floor. On one is written "Matriarchy", on the other - "Patriarchy", on the third - "Council and love." Tracks are laid labeled down.
Young people are coming. The host meets them.

Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the young people on the happiest and most joyful holiday in their lives - the holiday of love! May it last forever!
Expensive …. (calling young people by name)! Now you will pass along the honorary corridor, and the guests will gird you with colorful ribbons. May your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, may it always be warm, cozy and happy! Welcome! Young people pass through a living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

Dear young, at the beginning of your family life There are three paths in front of you. If you go one by one, your wife will have a husband under his heel, if you go by another, the husband will become the head of the family, if you choose the third one, peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your own way of life.
To the music, the young people walk along one of the paths, the host raises it and shows the inscription to all the guests. Young people sit on chairs covered with towels. Nearby are the witnesses.

And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
Dear young people, they will offer you - know how to bring it up.
Dear guests, the young people ask you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young people: on an awl, on a soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crusher, on pot tires ... To the music, the guests take turns congratulating the young.
The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone congratulated the young, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (on the background of music):
I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and perform the wedding ritual "Washing". This custom came to us from hoary antiquity. It means that the husband and wife must now divide everything in half. We ask the young people, standing on the same rug, wash their hands in one bowl and dry with one towel. The ritual "ablution" is performed.

From now on, you have everything in common. You have to walk the same road all your life, supporting each other ... And now I invite the heroes of our occasion, respected witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

Host (after the young, their parents and witnesses took their places:
Dear guests! Our young people ask you for a festive table: eat bread - salt, break up a loaf, on bread - salt and on a kind word, because the hut is red with corners, and the wedding is with pies! The guests are seated at the tables.

I ask guests to prepare for the first wedding toast!
Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds.
I give a countdown: five, four, three, two, one .... hall! …. (Men open champagne, pour it into glasses.)
I ask everyone to rise and support me at the end of the toast.
Cork rocket salute,
Crystal ringing
Helmet congratulations and hello
Family newlyweds.
May you always shine brightly
Happy life dawn
May it always be sweet to you
Well, today ... BITTER!
There is a wedding feast. (At each feast, the host pronounces three obligatory toasts).

Presenter (against the background of music):
The good light of the parental home ... Wherever we are, wherever fate throws us, in days of joy and in days of adversity, we are always warmed by the warmth of parental hearts ... Dear parents, please stand up, look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their lives, and this is your day, for the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
For you, dear parents! There is a wedding feast.

Friends, please fill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honored, most respected guests of our wedding.
Dear young grandparents, please rise so that the entire wedding feast can see you.
Your hands have labored for ten lives,
Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
You're getting old, your years are gone,
But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
And now the day has come when your grandchildren create new family, as you once created. And in this family, as in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, the grandchildren of your grandchildren will wish their children peace,
health, well-being, as you wish today ...
For you grandparents! Many summers!

There is a feast.

And now I invite the bride and groom to their first a wedding dance. May the melody to which they will dance always sound in their hearts, reminiscent of this wonderful holiday of love and happiness. The dance program of the young opens a dance program, to which all guests are then invited. In this program, you can provide for the dance of the matchmakers, the dance of the son-in-law with the mother-in-law ...
Toward the end of the dance program, the leader gathers the parents of the young near him, hands the mothers bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and the fathers each with a towel.

Host (at the end of the dance program):
Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, don't get bored. We have clean bread, sour kvass, a sharp knife, we cut it smoothly, we eat sweetly. The guests are seated at the tables.

Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, your loved ones, your parents, congratulate you with bread and salt.

Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.

Bread - salt is a symbol of fertility, love it, appreciate and respect the work of people, and may there always be bread on your table, and may it be in your heart, and your heart in bread. Accept your parents' gift and tell them a sincere "Thank you!" for the fact that they spared no effort and raised you, raised you to create a new family.

Fathers slowly approach the young and tie them (or simply throw them over their shoulders) with embroidered towels.

Well, dear guests, the bread and salt has been handed over. Now you need to find out which of the young to be the head of the family.

The young bite or break the bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has a larger share will be the head of the family.

The musicians play a march, the guests are seated at the tables. The leader makes a connection balloons containing "tickets".

Now our young people, together with witnesses, will play a comic lottery: who will have to do what in family life.
The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will open the tickets and read what is written in them.

The lottery of young people is being drawn. To speed up the draw, you can put two "tickets" into one ball.
Ticket inscriptions:
1 Repairing, planing, sawing firewood - I will do all this.
2 And if friends call me, then I will go to the restaurant.
3 I will be the owner of the house.
4 I will go shopping.
5 I will read newspapers.
6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
7 I will drive the car, and we will have to wash it.
8 I will wash the dishes.
9 Repairs in the apartment will be done by you.
10 I will iron the trousers.
11 I will sit by the TV.
12 I will chat with a neighbor.
13 I will wash the diapers.
14 I will cook dinner.

Host (at the end of the lottery draw):
May God bless our young people with good luck! Let them draw only lucky tickets in their lives!
And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
Dear young!
How many bumps in the field
So many you and daughters!
How many stumps in the forest
So many sons for you!
There is a feast.

And now I want to propose a toast that no one here will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
Our land is rich not only with soulful songs and incendiary dances, but also with sun and warmth. And it became even warmer and sunnier at today's wedding from your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and offer a toast in your honor - a toast to friendship, which our people are strong, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

The host invites everyone to a dance program, after which a sweet table should already be ready.
The wedding celebration is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is proposed. After the dance program, guests are seated at the tables. The host invites the young and their parents to him, hands them a tray on which six candles are fixed: four for the parents and two for the bride and groom. The musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (on the background of music):
Dear ……… (calls the young people by their names)! now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We want the sparks of family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to blaze with fire Great love in the hearth of your young family!

The light goes out. Candles are lit. Young people and their parents, bypassing the guests, put candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

Presenter: (folder 2. Speak against the background of music).

In the old days, seeing off on a long journey, they said: the tablecloth and the road. Thus, wishing that your road was straight, without holes, without potholes. And today we also say to you: good tablecloth to you and the road.

Now look at this tablecloth. It is like the first blank page of your book. life together. Whatever you want, you can draw and write. And I ask you to draw the first picture of your life in the language of tenderness, in the language of love, in the language of flowers.

And so to the applause of the guests. (young make a heart). Here it is, one heart for two. From that day on, one fate for two, one love. Keep your love forever. And now your parents will meet you. In the hands of mom is a loaf. And in order to enter the family path forever, and not somehow, you must decide this question, who will manage all the affairs? And in order to solve this question for you, I ask you to taste this loaf. It's lush, it's beautiful, it's delicious. It has the aroma of the native land. And whoever bites off a piece more will be the head of the family. So, the bride and groom take turns biting, and we cheer for them. Applause! Well, now take a pinch of salt each, and today for the first and last time, salt each other directly in your mouth. Applause!

The bride and groom invite everyone to the table.

1 table.

To the music of the valley “I invite you all to the table” (folder 3), the guests take their seats. Young people and parents stand near the host. Fanfares sound for each provided. (folder 01)

T: Dear friends! Dear guests! At any holiday, important people are greeted with applause. Three four! It is precisely such applause that deserves people who are languishing in anticipation of meeting you. We do not lose rhythm, feeling and pressure! We meet!

Meeting texts:

We honor the rites, follow the process -

And who gave the world a prince and a princess,

Meet the kings and kings:

The bride's parents: Tatyana and Alexander!

The groom's parents: Natalia and Alexei!

And THESE people are also like a family,

A play on words, let not parents be guardians!

We welcome you with applause, friends -

The newlyweds are proud witnesses:

Charming Olga!

And brilliant Alexei!

Attention, friends! Let's turn up the heat

So that the head is spinning with delight!

Meet the amazing couple

The King of the Ball and the Queen of Celebration!

Olga and Nikolai

Leading Well, everyone prepared their glasses. Then let me begin.

Dear guests, today we are all gathered here to celebrate the WEDDING DAY of our newlyweds.

!! from today you are two halves of one link. The wedding rings that you put on today have their own traditions. The wedding ring is a glorious multi-valued emblem. Firstly, the ring is a symbol of fidelity, and secondly, the ring is round and has neither beginning nor end, and this symbolizes eternity. And finally, it is made of gold - and this is pure and a precious metal. Keep this love. May your love be pure, true, and forever secure your marital consent. Well, we, dear guests, will raise our glasses together at the level of our hearts - because everything that we will do, we will do from the bottom of our hearts. And now raise the glasses at the level of the forehead - so that no matter how much we drink, the mind does not leave us in any case. Well, now raise your glasses as high as you wish for the happiness of the young. Higher, higher And so the first toast to the young. Advice to you and love. (folder 4)

2 toast

T: Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to tell you the content of today's celebration, which will consist of three parts:

First part : the most solemn, festive-ceremonial, consisting of toasts, kisses, let's call it like this: “Everything is expensive to start!”

The second part : entertaining, titled: " Life is good and life is good!”

the third part : the most massive, the most fascinating. This part is called: "Who is in what much!".

And further. Dear friends. Everything is for you today. This wonderful restaurant has opened its doors to you. Wonderful chefs - masters of their craft, have prepared delicious dishes for you. If you are afraid to break the diet, drink another 50 grams, they will definitely dull the feeling of fear! So, people say: “there is a small break between the first and second”. Does anyone else know about this topic? (folder 5 massage).

Enough… is it easier for the handles? This is what we will check.

They raised their right hand - everyone waved to the young!
Well and left hand kneel down slightly

Not mine! And your neighbor! With the right hand, we warmly embrace the neighbor's shoulder so decently ... We swayed to the left, to the right. Well done! Great! They stroked their belly - Smiled in full mouth! Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left! We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim! We continue the fun - we will clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ... A glass so that it does not fog up, we will clink glasses with the neighbor on the left ... And with the neighbor opposite - for the cheerful team ...
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say "Congratulations" 3 times! and drink to the bottom! (break 10 minutes)

3 toast.

For parents. Olya, tell me, what kind of hands does your mother-in-law have? Right and left? - No. She has both right hands. At the mother-in-law, list all the fingers. No, all fingers are index fingers. A toast to parents. (folder 6)


Eyes sparkle with happiness.
Beautiful, smart, smart!
Let's applaud all together
charming Olga - the bride!

An example worthy for others is our amazing fiance.

Let's make great moments.
In honor of the groom - applause

Applause unanimously to the ladies,

What is the bride and groom - mothers!

Let the young dads get up

We applaud for them!

In a kaleidoscope family motley

Newlywed sisters fit in!

And you have to give it your due

Who are the bride and groom brothers!

Not for fame, for honor

Newlyweds stand uncle!

And we don't mind welcoming

If the newlyweds will rise aunts!

Let's play, or something, together in patty For noble grandparents

I'll just say, without further ado:

Applause is for friends!

Dear friends! let me introduce myself

Those who are in charge of the wedding.

I'll start with myself - my name is Svetlana

And my partner is known throughout the district.

Our best DJ in the world ___Pavel___!

Friends, we all pose boldly - the photographer ... a skilled specialist!

Allow me to introduce the person who is filming

everything - damage, fatigue, stress, clothes, dirt,

and of course weddings. videographer

So, how are we going to have fun today? All hands raised!!!

T: so we met, and for acquaintance here and there, let's drink 100 grams each! (break 10 minutes).

T: V ancient times gave in marriage
beautiful brides not for love, but for rich princes and nobles. When the guests asked the bride to kiss their unloved groom, they, in order to at least somehow smooth out her bitter fate, loudly shouted “bitterly” to her. But the white light has changed, and there are no hot tears. And the bride's gaze is lit by the brightest dawn. But, like many years ago, young people are shouting “Bitter!” Everyone screams bitterly and to the fanfare (folder 09) the young people kiss.

Kissing Academy. Distribute leaflets to guests.

Caucasian: he is a horseman, standing on one mountain, shouting: “I love you Olya”, the echo (witness) echoes, she, standing at the foot of the mountain, shouts: “I love you, Kolya”, the echo (witness) echoes. After that, he and the witness dance lezginka, (folder 8 - 1 lezginka) go to the bride, the groom kisses the bride.
Cossack: she - a farmer is waiting for him, (put her hand to her eyes) he - a Cossack breaks into the farm, sitting on horseback (witness), goes around her three times, and, without getting off the horse, kisses her. (folder 8 track 2)

Kiss of tenderness:

So that the wife is always sensitive and tender,

Gave the sea affection and warmth,

Press your lips to the palm of your beloved

And in the sensations all dissolve.

The fingertips are incredible

Such relatives, pleasant to the touch.

And if you give your kiss to each,

In return, you will receive a daily erotic massage!

Well, remember everything?

To get skill in the kisses of the hands of your beloved,

Let's do it all over again without stopping.

To the music of the Basque (folder 8 track 3), the groom repeats kisses. Sniper Kiss: heart, control in the head and fix - in the lips.

And of course Kiss of love at the wedding. "bitterly!"

A toast to the kisses of the young. (folder 8 track 4)

Hearth (folder 9)

01. Beginning of the legend. mp3

In distant, distant times there was no life on earth. But one day God got bored, and he decided to create life on one of the planets. His choice fell on the planet Earth. Each of you remembers that the first man on Earth was Adam, and from his rib the Lord created Eve. God settled them in a beautiful garden. They were allowed to do everything. But it was only impossible to approach and touch one fruit - an apple. But the insidious Serpent - the tempter and purely feminine curiosity did their dirty work. God was angry and expelled them from the Garden of Eden. Since then, on planet Earth, each person has been building his own Garden of Life. Now LOVE has settled in these Gardens.

So, (the parents of the bride) created their garden of love. Tatyana, Alexander, Please. Come out to us.

And a completely different family, whose keeper was Nikolai's mother, also created their own garden. Come out to us.

In great and strong love, the most beautiful and happiest children are born.
So in the house of Tatyana and Alexander, on the most beautiful flower bed, fertilized with care, warmth, affection, a flower blossomed. And they called him Olga come out to us.

02. The exit of the bride. mp3

And in another family, one day there was a loud voice of a cheerful cheerful boy, “Here he is, I was BORN!” Of course, many learned that it was Kolya, come out to his family. 03. Exit of the groom. mp3

As time went on, the children grew up. And before they had time to look back, the time came for the bride's parents to give their daughter in marriage. And earlier in Rus', when such a time came, the mother dressed up, our mother is in the best outfit today, dressed up her daughter, her daughter's outfit today - do not look away, and brought out to the people. To show what a smart, beautiful woman she raised, what a kind hostess she has become. (mother of the bride), take your daughter by the hand and show the people your many years of work.
05. Kupina - The Tale of the Russian Land (showing the bride).mp3

Well, what will the people say, has the bride grown up good? …
Ahh, see how good it is! What do you think, (name of the groom) our blind man?

And how did (the groom) understand that (the bride) is the girl with whom he would like to go through life, who will become the mother of his children, the mistress of his house, he made the most important decision in his life - he decided that she would become his wife.
And when a young man made such a serious decision, he always introduced the chosen one to his parents. Take Kolya Olya by the hand and bring her to your family.

And I want to ask the mother of the groom - do you approve of the choice of your son, do you like his chosen one? … Like! Then take your daughter-in-law by the hand and brag to all the people - what a clever, beautiful woman your son brought into the house, (showing the daughter-in-law). Do the bride's parents approve of their daughter's choice? Then mom take your son-in-law by the hand and show everyone what you have.

05. Kupina - The Tale of the Russian Land (showing the bride and groom).mp3
Well, since the parents approved the love of children, then the wedding should be. In fact, why are we here today? And from the very morning, the hearts of your parents beat in unison with yours. After all, for them the wedding of children is more exciting than their own. But, Nastenka, I will tell you one very important fact today. Among us there is a heart that beats a little faster than all the others. I'm talking about dad's heart. And today (father's name) understands that you are under the protection of another man. As a token of gratitude, give this dance to your father. Dear guests, the first wedding dance is the dance of the Father and the daughter. in the folder is a song for father and daughter dance)

And now I want to ask the father of the bride. (father's name), do you think (groom's name) is exactly the man who can protect your daughter, and most importantly - make her happy ...
Then take her hand and put it in the hand of her chosen one. Can you say a few words like a man to a man?

06. Valley - Hearth (for the beginning of words).mp3

And since you have approved the choice of your children, then we are approaching the finale of this beautiful Legend. Since the Wedding Day has come, it is time for parents to kindle a fire for their children.

(Moms from their candles light the hearth of the young).

Here it is, the light of fire of the young Koshkin family. Proudly carry this fire and show EVERY GUEST that everyone is warmed by the rays of your Love!

And now we are ready to appreciate the most beautiful moments of this holiday - the dance of the most charming couple of the city

(dancing break)

Congratulatory marathon.

1. Bouquet for the bride.

Mom gave birth to a daughter, and named Olga.

They did not sleep with their father day or night, but raised their daughter.

They raised a girl, slender as a tree.

Gentle, handsome, like a star.

Greetings, Alexander and Tatiana

Prepare pioneers

There are many miracles in the world, but Nikolai's parents are a gift from heaven.
They raised such a son, frankly, as from God.
There is no reward higher than a son, everyone is happy for him today.

The tomboy boy grew up, and look, he grew up - well done.

Greetings Natalia and Alexey!!! Sergey, Larisa and Svetlana

  1. Our grandmother is in the hall
    Grandma, simply the highest class!
    After all, we respect her
    When will you start applauding her?! (Baba Shura - Olga's grandmother)
  2. Attention! Attention! Nail programs!
    Meet the next guest! Not a guest, but a guest, because she was named sister Oksana. Olga's sister.
  3. And now I'll present to you, For the young people to give up a hundred grams - Sergey, Olga's brother comes out to us. Meet!
  • Well, now ... it will sweep through the hall
    A sigh of admiration and a groan of delight!
    And in anticipation of the whole country ...
    After all, a couple will come out alone:
    Glamor couple:
    Vladimir and Natalia (Brother of our groom with a friend)
    Exit of the pioneers. (folder 11)
  1. I'll tear you away from lunch
    Look you here
    this is aunt Valentina And imagine, not alone!
    We welcome Svetlana, Valentina and Marina together!
  2. Today is a holiday in our house!
    We walk together, the whole crowd
    We are so happy for you today
    That for a week we will go on a binge!
    But! It's later! And now…
    Aunt Rima and Uncle Vitya are in a hurry to congratulate you!

Tom and Vladimir endured for a long time
Very young people wanted to congratulate
express your love
They are pleased again and again! (aunt and uncle of our young ones.)

Prepare Buranovsky grandmothers. (For this, three people read tongue twisters - a sobriety test.)

The vow of the newlyweds. (FOLDER 37)

Now very important relatives will come to us here
Sister Christina and Ildar - we meet: the Nurgaliyev family

They already know what to wish, And they don’t throw words into the wind,
Kostya and Nelya Kisileva are ready to answer for the words

And now I present to you
For the young wave a hundred grams
friends are coming - Yana and Andryusha
and we will listen to them!

And now my friends
Congratulate your family friends!
Hey! People! Don't spare your hands!
After all, Irina and Sergey are coming to us. (family Curly)

Buranovskiye grandmothers

Already breathtaking
From these Olga's friends.
Olga, Olga and Hope

So as not to miss your thought
and develop it to the end, Denis and Luiza come to us and bring you gifts

All our souls are full of excitement. We meet friends - Anya and Misha!

And for sweets we have
There are a couple - the highest class !!!
We meet: Nastya and Ilya are very friendly, friends

Putin for the wedding. (folder 12)

  1. Hello. Today in the wonderful city of Chelyabinsk we have gathered in this cozy hall to celebrate the wedding of Nikolai and Olga. And we welcome you.
  2. VV, there are rumors that you have known our young people and their families for a long time? Did you even visit them?
  3. In that case, you can certainly express your opinion about them?
  4. Here gathered people who love life in all its manifestations. Allow me an indiscreet question: how is your intimate life?
  5. VV, then maybe at our wedding you will find a soul mate?
  6. Today our guests are having fun, and tomorrow someone will be sick. What is your hangover cure?
  7. Do you mean cucumber pickle?
  8. Thank you VV for a meaningful conversation and we are waiting for you at the festive table. Should you take a seat?

Gives money from the government.

It's like your mother
I'm sorry to understand
After all, long applause
It's time to meet Anton, Alexei, Arthur, Klim and Albert!

Fixing collective toast. (folder 13)

health, money, love.

A toast to all congratulations. Prepare for a cocktail of happiness.

Friends! Today on holiday table Festive drinks in abundance - vodka, wine, cognac. Often they are consumed by diluting with water or mixing with each other. Let's talk about famous cocktails.

Beer and vodka- this is a cocktail ... ruff. Indeed, beer without vodka is like a fish without a bicycle, nowhere.

Vodka and tomato juice is a BLOODY MARY. By the way, there is another BLOODY MISH cocktail. What is this? The same Mary, but only with eggs.

Vodka and champagne are the NORTHERN LIGHTS. And who knows the recipe for champagne at home? It is simple - Vodka to the hiss of his wife. Vodka and Coca-Cola is a SUMMER cocktail. Well, where there is summer, a picnic, there is a THREE PIGS cocktail, Who will tell you the recipe? A case of vodka and three friends. Well, we will prepare another cocktail for the hero of the day - this is a cocktail of happiness. What is happiness for you?

love, health, luck, wealth, happiness. (folder 14)

toast to happiness. Dancing at the table (folder 15). Eyes, stirrer, wave. Dance break. During which prepare 2 girls in military uniform and 2 girls in loincloths. Amazons. They steal the groom.

Dear friends!!!

We had an incredible, daring, out of the ordinary incident. Our fiancé was taken from us right from the wedding.
This has never happened before at a wedding. And who do you think did it? - employees of the military registration and enlistment office, they motivate this by the fact that our fiancé needs to be trained.

SO MEET: (cut No. 1-Agutin)

LEADING: Well, my dears! We have a wedding, and what are you doing here in vain, the bride did not have time to become a legal wife - and now who is she ??? We must immediately return the young spouse. What would you like? They say:…-
- let the young wife name three reasons why we should let her husband go ... 2. Let her dance

T: real AMAZONS from the NEW EARTH came to help my wife to rescue her husband! MEET (music. Exit Amazon.)

Come on my good ones!!! You can make sure that our young husband is released, these ladies?

Of course, I know that we can dance the national dance of the AMAZONs!

So let's go. (music. Dance of the Amazons by Ruslan).

The girls are dancing.

Well done!!! But what about the campaigners, let our young husband go to his lawful wife?
NO!!! What else do you need??? - let the wife prove that she loves her husband ... perform a serenade for her beloved ...
- Yes, it’s not a question ... come here, my good one (I’m talking to the bride), don’t worry, you remember everything ... then let’s go.
-Well, are you satisfied ??? -Great ... but now the task is from me, come on, beautiful girls, the green uniform suits you so well ... you are still at the wedding, and the gift ... dance with you ... (cut. Status Quo ) Thank you! Go girls to your army!!! We can do without your retraining!!!
FOR A HAPPY FAMILY REUNION!!! BITTERLY!!! And we keep dancing! Go!!!

Sand ceremony.

Since ancient times, the wedding Sand ceremony has been held in the Hawaiian Islands. During the sand ceremony, the bride and groom pour sand of two colors from two different vessels into one. Two different people are two separate personalities, two colors of sand. One color symbolizes the masculine, the second - the feminine. sand forms beautiful pattern, where a stripe of "male" color sand alternates with a stripe of "female" color. Today there is a merger of two families. Parents, please come. And call the young

T: .(the second composition is in the same folder.) young people hold hands, look into the eyes of each other. then comes the dialogue. After him on the background of music)

Dear Olga and Nikolay! Once upon a time, you were different people. You didn't know each other, you were on your own, like two different vessels of sand. different colors. But one fine day, everything changed ... You fell in love with each other and decided to unite your hearts. Now, you are like one vessel.
Now you will take turns pouring sand from your vessels into a common vessel. How beautifully the sand flows... Look, you seem to give each other a piece of yourself! And, just as the sands from different vessels are combined in one vessel, you now cease to exist separately, turning into a single whole ...

Look what a beautiful pattern! Just as grains of sand cannot separate and return to their vessels again, so let the love between you be indestructible!
(The vessel is sealed with a cork.). Keep this vessel as a memory of all the joys and hardships that you have yet to experience together. Let this beautiful vessel with bright multi-colored sand remain in memory of your wedding. Keep it in the family as a talisman. May he leave bright memories for many years to come. Today 2 genera have merged. You know, newlyweds have new statuses - they have become husband and wife, and new statuses have appeared for their parents.

(mother of the groom):
Natalia (folder 27)

You are not just a lady anymore

And a beautiful daughter's mother!

Never frown

Ideal ... (guests in chorus - mother-in-law

(mother of the bride):

And now you have a son -

Wonderful son-in-law!

So be easy with him

As befits ... (mother-in-law!)

(to the father of the bride):

You are a man, even where, from now on you will forever

A great honor has fallen: You are now called ... (father-in-law!

(to the groom's father): sergey

By the word "father-in-law", no matter how they fought,

Rhymes were not found!

I will ask without further ado:

Father-in-law to be ready?

Groom's father: …ready!

Let's welcome the father-in-law.

Rite of twinning

1. Meet, mother-in-law and mother-in-law

They bless love

Both motherfuckers come out
Dance a gypsy for us.

2. Be born, apple dance

3. Bride, it's your turn

With a witness to go out into the hall

we will ask you ladies, miss:

"can-can" dance us for an encore!

4. And we will ask the groom with a witness!

Light a Georgian spark in the eyes

And to prolong the fun at the party
For intermarriage with Batsay Lezginka!

Dance of mother-in-law and bride

Dance of the groom and mother-in-law

Dear guests! Today, a new family connection has formed between the families of the bride and groom. Hug all together. After all, grief shared is half grief; joy shared is double joy. We wish many happy years to the new kindred union!

(Young people say words of gratitude and give gifts to their parents.) A toast to the union of two families.

Orange mood. (folder 38)

  1. "A" - complements to the bride. "P" - complements to the groom.
  2. "E" - where will our newlyweds go? How will they go? The rarest place?
  3. "L" - and there they will be?
  4. "S" - how will they love?
  5. “And” - and all because people gathered at the wedding ...
  6. "N" - today we are going to the wedding, so that on "N"

Theft of shoes.

  1. Sports performances. (folder 19.
  2. Choral singing (folder 20 Ural dumplings)
  3. Dance to all your friends. Flash mob (folder 20 he kisses you.)
  4. Masks (nosy, kiss, beaten, boar, smile, platypus, godfather)

Bouquet and garter

So, we draw attention to ourselves, fanfare and announcing the beginning of the block. 00 - Fanfare 37.

After that, to the applause of the guests, we invite the bride to enter the dance floor. 01 - Exit the bride

After that, the bride separates from them and throws the bouquet.

In honor of the girl who caught the bouquet, there is always an awesome beat. 04 - Beat 115

We ask the girls to take their places and invite the groom to come out. 11 - Exit of the groom

After him, as well as the girls. "bringing out" single guys - 002

When all the guys went to the dance floor, we invite them to dance the bachelor dance, standing in a circle and leaning their backs against each other (the groom is participating in the dance). 12 - Dance of future suitors

This is followed by the naturally romantic removal of the garter from the bride's leg. 13 - Removing the garter

To the one who caught the garter, of course, we turn on a wonderful beat, applaud and shouts of Hurray are only welcome. 16 - Beating. Then the married people come out to the march of the hussars and they accept the groom into their ranks. under 18 the composition is rocked by the groom.

The last dance of the young is to distribute sticks. And seeing off the young

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Toastmaster: We meet the young loudly with a clear cry, a cry of “Bitter!” Guests form a corridor and meet…
  • To the motive of the song "Provincial" by V. Malezhik. She entered your life like the sun, ...
  • The young, accompanied by witnesses, enter the red carpet. Guests stand on both sides, building ...

The tone of many weddings is set by a professional host or toastmaster. In the absence of such, the responsibility for creating a relaxed cheerful atmosphere can be shifted onto the shoulders of honorary witnesses. One way or another, the result should be a bright, memorable wedding. And this is possible only if a pre-prepared scenario with contests and games is observed.

Brief wedding script

Both the novice and the experienced wedding planner should have finished script for a wedding with competitions. Of course, in the process, many blanks undergo changes, but the general course will remain unchanged.

When writing a wedding script, you should pay attention to the significant events of the celebration:

  1. Meeting of the young.
  2. Congratulations to the spouses.
  3. First table.
  4. Dance break.
  5. Second table.
  6. Fun with contests, dances and songs.
  7. Final words of the young.

Do not be pedantic about writing a script. A wedding implies some kind of amateur performance and seeming randomness under the vigilant control of the leader. The sense of proportion and the innate tact of the toastmaster will allow you to correct the behavior of the merry guests in time or interrupt the protracted permission of the second cousin's aunt.

Meeting and congratulations of the young

By tradition, young people are greeted with a noisy ovation at the venue of the solemn banquet or in the banquet hall. For a European wedding, the second option is more suitable. The newlyweds, announced by the toastmaster, enter the hall to the jubilation of the guests. You can declare a pair with the following words:

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the cutest couple ever! Happiness in the eyes, love in the heart and engraving on wedding rings united them on this day for many years of comfortable family life! We meet the family (surname! )

After the applause subsides, the toastmaster passes the floor to the parents of the bride and groom. Mothers should be advised to leave long speeches, but to say sincere parting words to the new family and thank them for the happiness of being with them on this significant day.

After the words of the parents, the young are congratulated by relatives and friends. Comic congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds may also be appropriate. After accepting congratulations and gifts, as well as a short photo session with the guests, the presenter invites everyone to the table.

After the guests and the young have taken their places, the host takes the floor and pronounces the first toast to love, accompanied by the usual wedding “Bitter!”. At this time, contact is established with the audience. To do this, you can invite guests to shout “Bitterly” and reward the loudest guest or the loudest table.

The next step is to let the parents speak. In response to nice words from the lips of the parents, after the words of the toastmaster, words of gratitude to mothers and fathers from the bride and groom should follow, who should be warned in advance so that they can find the right words.

After that, you can play with the newlyweds. To do this, you can invite young people to say many beautiful words to each other. At the same time, witnesses and guests can actively help the bride and groom. In this case, in addition to the generally accepted beautiful words love, you can hear comic associations and then, at the suggestion of a witness, the bride is associated with blooming cactus, and the groom, in accordance with the prompts of the girlfriends, appears as a mischievous Carlson. At the end, the toastmaster may offer to confess young love to each other.

The first table implies no more than 7 toasts. At the end of the first part of the wedding feast, the host invites guests to watch the first dance of the young, imbued with warmth of feelings and thoughts. This is followed by a 30 minute dance break that can be used to host multiple competitions.

Competition 1. Couples are invited to participate in the competition, who dance alternately to various music, ranging from hits from the 80s to Russian folk songs. The winners are chosen by the guests, giving their favorite couple their applause.

Competition 2. Participants of the competition are tied to the foot of a small air dance. The task is to break through the opponent's ball to energetic music and save your own. It can be both battles and team "battles".

Competition 3. Participants of the competition are given a clothesline of the same length, on which knots of wishes are tied. The winner is chosen by the number of nodes or by the degree of eloquence.

During the second table, you can hold competitions for the title of "Noble music lover" (like guess the melody), "Voice of the wedding" (those who wish can sing a line from a famous song, and guests can choose the winner by the strength of the voice and the charisma of the singer) or "Wedding polymath" (questions concerning weddings and young people). An original wedding gift for newlyweds from friends can be given during a break between toasts and shouts of “Bitter!”.

At the end of the second table, the host can invite guests to a dance flash mob. Incendiary energetic music and unpretentious movements will unite guests.


It is customary to end the wedding banquet with lighting family hearth newlyweds and the final dance. Words of gratitude to the young guests who shared their happiness and rejoiced at their reunion on this significant day will also be useful.

Regardless of the prepared scenario of the wedding, the toastmaster should avoid comparing the relatives of the young, prevent disputes and family strife. In this case, the wedding will be remembered interesting competitions, original congratulations and touching confessions.

Preparing for a wedding, as you know, is a joyful and troublesome business. Try to take into account all the details, all the wishes of relatives, all the necessary purchases, in general, lists and to-do lists.
Perhaps the most important choice is toastmaster's invitation. That's who will completely depend on your holiday. You need to meet with the presenter, let him show you his portfolio, videos of his work at the first meeting. Discuss with him how you personally imagine holding a wedding celebration, jointly draw up a plan, which is subsequently transformed into a script.

The next basis of your holiday is a high-quality wedding script for the toastmaster. Usually, the presenter is ready to provide you with his template text, on which he works. And here it is worth taking the initiative, expressing your wishes, offering your own contests, even a ready-made script.
In search of ideas, look through the toastmaster's book, where sample scripts are usually published. Our website presents a large number of funny and contemporary scenarios for a wedding, which are suitable for toastmasters.
The uniqueness and charm of the wedding gives the successful addition of all its parts. Let all the elements of your holiday, from the gentle decoration of the hall to the cheerful wedding scenario for the host, unite into a single harmonious ensemble.

wedding with toastmaster

The toastmaster wedding script below has a flexible structure, detailed props, and an idea for an unusual and beautiful start.
Guests arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes before the newlyweds. Everyone sits down at the tables, soft background music sounds.
Until the newlyweds arrive, the host can inform the guests that the script is planned to steal the shoes and the bride and ask those who wish to participate as "thieves" to approach her.
The lights are dimmed, the melody of the dance of the newlyweds sounds. Little girls dressed in fairy costumes enter the hall one after another. In their hands, each holds a large candle wrapped in gold foil (for safety from hot wax). They form a circle on a specially prepared platform.
To applause, a couple enters the hall and, having reached the dance floor, begins their wedding waltz. At this time, the girls move to the beat of the music in a circle, sway. At the culmination of the dance, fireworks-fountains are fired, located along the perimeter of the site. The couple finishes the dance, they are offered crystal glasses of champagne tied with a ribbon.
Salute of festive lights,
Extravaganza of smiles and gifts
We open this evening for friends.
In honor of our young and bright couple!
Having drunk a wonderful and sizzling drink,
To the newlyweds, a ringing hello helmet!
And let our holiday dance all night,
Honor and praise the wonderful couple to sing!

Everyone sits down at the table, the feast begins.

Young and happy
So good today!
And the eyes are gleaming,
We want you to live in luxury!
Newlyweds, all attention!
Even though you've grown up
Your gifts, your recognition
Parents want to say!
Handsome groom and golden bride
Read the words of your manifesto!

The bride and groom leave the table in the center of the hall.

I make a promise,
That I will not hide my love for my mother-in-law!
And I will diligently go to pancakes,
Give her flowers for her birthday!
And I will consider my father-in-law for my father,
I will try to absorb all his wisdom!
How to fix a house correctly, how to plant a worm,
How do you replace a part on a car?

The host invites the father-in-law and mother-in-law to the dance floor. Parents say congratulations and give gifts. Then they stay on the dance floor.

And I swear this promise
I am father-in-law the best daughter-in-law I'll have to!
I'll cook a pie, knit socks,
At the meeting, I will say a good word!
And I will call my mother-in-law mother,
I'm going to invite her over right away!
I will respect and honor
Help her and love!

The host invites the father-in-law and the mother-in-law to give parting words to the young. After the speech, they also do not leave.

You bow low to your parents,
Their favorite dreams came true today.
And worried about you, passionately loved,
All worries and grievances they have forgiven you.
Dear mothers, fathers, you will enjoy the moment.
A new path, a bright road has opened before the children!

We wish good and health
With triumph we announce a toast!
Let's raise our full cups, friends!
In honor of the glorious parents of the couple!
After all, the family has grown so much today,
The fanfare sounds solemnly!

Young people bow to their parents, and the guests raise their glasses while standing. The parents return, but the couple stays and accepts gifts from the guests.

Presentation of gifts

And we remember about grandparents!
We invite you, dear ones, to say a word to you!

The older generation from both sides comes to the parquet and congratulates the young. Aunts, uncles of respectable age or other relatives can also go out with them or instead of them.

Now I invite all the relatives present today to the center of the hall. I pass the microphone to you, let parting words and warm wishes sound! Let the gifts cover the young from head to toe!

Gift giving moment. The newlyweds stand in the center of the hall, the guests come up with gifts, and the witnesses are nearby in the wings.

Good friends around
We can't move forward without them!
congratulations, advice,
And love sonnets!
I invite to the middle of the hall all the guests at a table for friends!

Gifts and wishes from friends. Everyone is returning to their seats.

Game "Two hearts"

I give two hearts to each table,
They will let you get to know each other better.
While the music is playing
There is a movement in a circle
Don't rush, take it easy
Give your heart to a friend.

You get in time with the music
Yes, follow the simple rule
If you got red - kiss your neighbor,
And the blue in your hands - then hug!

The facilitator approaches the tables and gives a heart cut out of paper to each half of the table. An energetic melody is turned on, the guests pass their hearts. The music breaks, you need to fulfill the conditions of the game.

For the health of friends and loved ones
Let's fill the cups to the brim!
Let it be chic and sophisticated
Their lives are happy!

Guests support a toast to friends and relatives. Table break.

A toast to the young: Bitter!

Dear newlyweds, many beautiful prophetic words and wishes have been said to you. But who will believe the words? You have to believe in the cause! I ask guests to confirm their wishes with suitable gestures. The task is very simple, as soon as you hear me say good luck - all raise up thumb, I mention happiness - blow kisses to the newlyweds. As I remember about health, men boast of their biceps, and the ladies around admire and admire. And if I talk about love, we draw a big heart in the air!
(Names of newlyweds)
Let love cover you with waves, (heart)
The ship of happiness will take you far, (kisses)
On the shores that so shine with beauty,
And where sadness no longer lives.
We wish you health, no doubt, (biceps)
Good luck to the sea and prosperity to the brim! (thumb)
And let in our big universe
No one has ever seen such love! (heart)
Let the happy time last forever, (kisses)
The marital fire is inextinguishable!
Good luck with your union, we bless you heartily, (thumb)
Let's make a healthy toast! (biceps)
So much happiness will come to you! (kisses)
Let only today be bitter for you! (guests shout "Bitter!")

Gratitude to parents

We love a beautiful couple
But, without a doubt, among us
There are those who worry the most
Sighing quietly several times.
Honor to parents and respect,
Parents are the beginning of everything.
And let expressions of appreciation
Decorate our evening ball!

Newlyweds, you have the floor! Congratulate and thank your beloved parents!

As a gift to parents, there may be a separately learned dance-scene or a prepared touching video sequence consisting of photographs and recorded congratulations. It is also customary to give the parents of each side a rich bouquet of flowers and a nice gift.

The newlyweds' response to congratulations and words of gratitude to their parents and family.

A dance break during which the shoe is stealthily stolen.

shoe theft

I got bad news!
(bride's name)'s shoe was stolen!
We ask the robbers to come here,
Explain your misdeeds!
The devils come out and hold the bride's shoe in their hands.

Witnesses, witnesses
Missing not noticed!
Once the heel is missed,
Then you and take the rap!

First challenge! (addressing the witness) Hmm, the young man looks strong! And how many times do you do push-ups, well done? And so that your young lady does not get bored, and her task! (turns to the witness) Give every man sitting in the hall a kiss on the nose! Reade set Go!

Sounds like funny music, all the time while the witness is kissing men, the witness is doing push-ups in lying position.

To pick up the shoe
We invite you to dance!
Here are props to help you.
Do not disengage your hands,
And in time with the motive to hit!

The devils hand over the shoe and leave. The witness puts it on the bride's leg.

We invite friendly and dashing witnesses to keep their word! And they have something to please the young!

Witnesses say their congratulations or show a prepared performance. After that, they offer to build a strong house for a happy couple - to play big jenga, everyone can help them with this.

Drinking and dancing break.

Competition: Hat of Miracles

I present to you the hat of miracles,
Whatever you ask, everything is in it!
She knows desires and thoughts
And he will read the thoughts of the guests!

The presenter walks around the tables in a random order, lowers his hat on the head of the person sitting, at this moment some piece of music is turned on. For example, these could be

  • Glucose - Bride;
  • L. Uspenskaya - Convertible;
  • Tom Jones - Sex bomb etc.

Competition: Spaghetti

The most beautiful couples of our evening are invited to the dance floor!

When the guests leave, the toastmaster explains the rules of the competition.

Each couple is given a spaghetti straw. The halves take it in the teeth on each side and begin to dance. And follow the rhythm! Go!

In the process, the music either speeds up or changes to a slow waltz. Those who keep the straw intact win.
Drinking and dancing break.

Bride theft

Attention attention!
Meeting accident!
While the groom drank from a glass,
The princess of the evening is gone!

Devils appear on the dance floor. They carry the bride with them in a sleeping bag.

You look like a smart guy
We'll test your skill!
If you throw five rings,
You will take the bride then, brave man!

The groom is given 7 small rings, which must be thrown onto the bottles in front of him. The devils give sleeping bag groom, and a man comes out of him. Then the "thieves" say the next test.

If there are professional dancers among the couple's friends, then this is a competition for them, and if not, then three brave and artistic girls. They agree in advance with the host, and during the break they go to change clothes.

Forget about your bride, well done!
Or choose a new one at last!
Look how good it is
And eyes, and legs, a simple soul!

A girl dressed as a cowboy comes out and dances to Lady Gaga's Americano.

The groom refuses.

What have you lost your courage?
From love completely melted!
Enchant you East!
Take India's flower!

The Indian girl appears next, the musical fragment is Disco Dancer - Jimmy.

Well, we offer one last time,
We give you a strict order!
Don't miss this girl
Play your wedding with her!

A girl in Russian comes out folk costume under "Dubinushka".

Already tired of this damn thing,
Take a reliable saber in hand,
Let's drive them out, mate!

The groom, the witness, the groom's friends take toy swords and sabers and drive the devils out of the hall. The groom comes back and leads the bride by the arm. The guests are greeted with applause.

Game with those sitting at the table

A lot of surprises are hidden in the hat.
It's our turn to help the young!
Let their first year be the right time!
Both weekdays and weekends!

There are 12 notes in this hat
In each assignment for you.
Let's legally play the list
Between you, relatives and friends!

The tasks are comic, but if one of the guests takes up the matter seriously, the young couple will not mind.

Notes need to be played among the guests. Each contains a month and an assignment to be completed. The name of the guest who pulled it out also fits into the card. Notes can be designed as calendar sheets, which can then be folded into a whole calendar for the newlyweds.

  • January is pretty short, Take a couple to the skating rink;
  • We will make up for the heat in winter, And in February we go to the bathhouse;
  • If you wish to please us, Mart, we invite you to wash the windows;
  • In April, you add love, And put a romantic dinner for a couple;
  • Barbecue please a couple, That will be your gift in May;
  • Towel, yes sun cream, In June, the main goods.
  • In July, to expand life prospects, You will take them home on a ferris wheel!
  • And in August, darker nights come, In honor of the young, you arrange a salute!
  • And in September, let it be yours, A trip to hunt for mushrooms;
  • October. You can bravely do it alone! Clean up the family limousine!
  • Come early November morning, We do the general cleaning;
  • For December, you underline in your notebook. We invite you to decorate the Christmas tree!

What a sophisticated bride! How tall and handsome is the bridegroom!
Do not let out of each other's arms for a moment!
beauty new family eclipsed the white light!
Let's say with all our heart: love and advice to you!

The host announces a toast, the guests raise their glasses. If one of the guests wants to make a speech, the toastmaster approaches him with a microphone.
Table break.

Tug of war - determining the sex of the unborn baby.

Girls to the right, boys to the left
Feel free to grab onto a strong rope!
That side wins
What will the gender of the baby guess!

They drag on for some time, but so far no one has managed to pull over to their side, the host announces:

They pull the rope, they can't pull it out!

I announce your fate - expect twins!

Optionally, you can carry out the classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried friends. In this scenario, an idea of ​​a different nature is proposed.

The beautiful bride is invited to the center of our hall! And I also invite all the bridesmaids who also dream of a handsome prince and a wedding veil!
This time we will do in an unusual way! I ask the bride to carefully untie her happy bridal bouquet and give each girl a flower wishing her dreams come true!

In this case, you won’t kill anyone with a bouquet, and all the young ladies of marriageable age will be satisfied.


Hurry, Hurry! Everyone on the dance floor!
Let's test your dexterity!
Bride, take care of the hem!
Let's see who deserves the prize!

A rope or someone's tie is pulled as an obstacle. It is necessary to pass under the rope without hitting it.

A short break for dancing and food.

The honey-dessert climax of our evening is coming! I ask the wonderful couple to fairly share the entire cake among the guests!

The newlyweds cut off a piece for themselves and serve it to each other from a spoon. Further, the bride and groom offer the smallest guests of the holiday. Children can reward newlyweds with kisses or poems, say congratulations. After that, the rest of the guests come up for the cake. Consider the size of the pieces, cut so as to treat all guests.

The end of the wedding.

Necessary props for the presenter:

  1. 5 costumes for fairies: multi-colored wings, matching the wings bouffant skirts. On the face is colored face painting with sparkles. Hair loose and curled in curls;
  2. 5 thick candles wrapped in gold foil;
  3. Gifts and bouquets of flowers for parents on each side;
  4. Two colored cardboard hearts (red and blue) for each table;
  5. Devil costumes, flippers;
  6. Jenga. A large set is desirable, the so-called street jenga;
  7. For competitions: wizard's hat, musical selection of "thoughts", spaghetti, 3 bottles and 7 rings, cards with instructions for guests, rope;
  8. Sleeping bag, cowboy costume, Indian outfit and Russian folk outfit, toy sabers and swords;
  9. Prizes for contests (at your discretion).
