New Year's scenario for high school students is modern. Funny scenario for high school students: "Baba Yaga

Scenario of New Year's disco

New Year's disco for high school students

New Year's disco


Leading. Father Frost.

Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga.

Queen Winter.

The Bird of Happiness.

The phonogram sounds, the Host enters the stage.


Midnight beats - and the heart trembles:

At this prophetic hour

Spirits light invisibly

They surround us.

They curl in a light round dance, they look into our eyes ...

"With new happiness, Happy New Year!" —

They speak quietly.

A radiance streams to us in the distance

Bright Star

And calls us to the realm of knowledge,

Truth and Labor.

With firm faith, with renewed vigor

We'll go ahead...

Hello, our light-winged guest!

Hello, New Year!

(Poem by M. Pozharova)

Hello dear friends! We are glad to see you here, in this hall, and we will try to make sure that you do not regret that you will not spend this evening sitting in front of the TV (and possibly lying down) on a soft sofa.

Well, now we answer a smile with a smile,

And the New Year's holiday begins!

Music sounds, Queen Winter enters the stage.

Queen Winter.

You got to my winter palace today,

On a beautiful holiday, New Year's.

My guests are glad to meet you,

To bestow upon you my gifts.

There will be a Snow Maiden and Santa Claus,

He brought a lot of souvenirs.

A bird from the East that keeps happiness

He will give a gift to all his guests.

The Rat will congratulate you on the coming year,

He will leave his wisdom to you as a gift.

Well, I am the Queen of snowstorms Winter,

I will perform a miracle myself today:

I will give you a beautiful holiday,

I will create a wonderful miracle for you.

There will be games, dancing, fun -

You will have a nice hangover in the morning.

And so that you can fulfill all this,

I propose to fill the hearts with joy.

Good luck and happiness to all of you, friends!

Queen Winter leaves. There comes a dance break for 15 - 20 minutes, after which Santa Claus enters the stage.

Father Frost(sings to the motive of the song "I am a water").

I am Santa Claus, I am Santa Claus

Who wants to freeze his nose?

Spin to the music (spin)

Have fun with me.

Oh, where is my girlfriend

Snow Maiden girl.

We have fun and in the cold,

And nobody for us, and nobody for us,

And we don't need anyone.

Oh-hoo, I'm coming to you

Through forests and mountains.

That's where I found you

My path was not easy

But I found this hall, and friends, and a Christmas tree.

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden? It's time to start the holiday, to receive gifts, but she is not there yet. Let's call her all together.

(They call in chorus: “Snow Maiden!”)

What organisms you have weak! Is that a scream? Let's try again.

(Everyone shouts even louder: “Snow Maiden!”)

Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably the Snow Maiden is coming.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga.

How many people are in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

They sent me a telegram

What is waiting for me here

Well, here I come! And you greet Babusya-Yagusya more cordially and clap loudly!

(Sings to the tune of the song "Baba Yaga" from the repertoire of the group "Na na".)

I don't call myself Baba Yaga for nothing,

I always joke and laugh at everyone.

I know the secret of how to have fun:

Sing, dance, don't worry about anything!

I am Baba-grandmother Yaga,

Our pop star.

Well, who else is like me,

Funny sing and dance?

Yaga I, and for the belt I

Shut up all competitors

So don't feel sorry for me

Your applause.

Father Frost. And you, Yagusya, how did you get here, do you want to spoil the whole holiday for us ?! Who called you?!

Baba Yaga. Darkness! Completely behind the times, old, or do you have sclerosis? Well, your Snow Maiden and I are old girlfriends. She couldn’t come, she has personal, cordial affairs there (she winks at Santa Claus), so she asked me to replace her. Or are you against it?! Do you need help or can you do it yourself?

Father Frost. Replace the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga? This is really ... It doesn’t climb into any sleigh. Okay, stay, you will help me, but on the condition that you will not be dirty. Deal?

Baba Yaga. Deal! (They shake hands.) II How shall we entertain the venerable public?

Father Frost.

I'll show you the trick

I'll put everything in order.

I went to the store

Bought gifts for everyone.

Here. (Takes a dumbbell out of the bag.)

Baba Yaga. So it's a dumbbell! Do such gifts exist?

Father Frost. There are all kinds.

Baba Yaga. Oh, you have some gifts...

Father Frost. The most normal. Look how many people want it. (Screams.) New Year's dumbbell! The more you raise...

Baba Yaga. The faster you fall!

Father Frost. You will become an athlete. You, Yagusya, don’t understand anything, and whoever understands that this is the best New Year’s competition will come up and start squeezing it out. Hey, fly in, don't be shy, lift the dumbbell and get a gift!

(A competition is held for the strongest. To the sounds of fanfare, the winner is awarded.)

Baba Yaga. And now - a prize in the studio!

Father Frost: You, granny, fell from the moon. Have you read the script? There it is written in white on black: “Santa Claus enters, congratulates, holds a contest,” but nothing is said about the fact that he gives gifts. Understood?

Baba Yaga. It can't be! Take a closer look at your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

(Santa Claus takes out a script from the bag.)

Father Frost(is reading). So, after congratulating Santa Claus, the children dance around the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga. It's the same in children's scenario children lead a round dance, and in our ...

Father Frost. Where is ours?

Baba Yaga. You should have had.

Father Frost. I dropped it somewhere. (Looking for scripts). What to do now, what to do?

Baba Yaga. Oh, you lost the document! We'll have to improvise. Our children are not so small, because they are not supposed to lead round dances! Do you know the songs? sing along!

(The song “Happy New Year” by the group “Avaria” sounds. Everyone is dancing.)

Father Frost.

Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am,

Well danced.

And now I'll rest

I'll sit here by the tree.

Baba Yaga. You, Santa Claus, sit down, and the guys and I will hold some fun contests!

Scenario New Year's holiday for high school students

1 Near the wings, right in front of the stage, there is a security guard. This is a physically strong guy, on his chest there is a sign with the inscription - PROTECTION. Leaders take the stage.
Security guard: Stand! Who are you? Where are you going?
Presenter 1: We are the hosts of this evening, we go on stage to begin our holiday.
Security guard: Leading?! What do you prove?
Host 2: Here we have the whole script in our hands. Will you read?
Security guard: Read??? No I can not. That is, I can’t, but damn it, I won’t. In short, get on the stage.
The host takes the stage.

2 Lead 3: Outside the window, winter is the time of the most short days and most long nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.
3 Presenter 1: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.
4 Presenter 2: There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
Most the best holiday- New Year!

5 Presenter 3: He comes on a snowy road
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New Year!

6 Presenter 1: He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and in a new turn,
Helps to get better
To all the people of the world New Year!

7 Presenter 2: Louder laughter and more joyful hugs,
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime. We are all brothers to each other!
On the planet holiday - New Year!

Chorus: Happy New Year!

8 Presenter 3: And now we would like to introduce you to the Charter of our evening, with its rules, which we hope you will all follow.
Presenter 1: Play and sing in your favorite hall,
That's why you were called here!

Host 2: Let's forgive all the mistakes today, but not the lack of a smile!
Presenter 3: Sleep seven times, rest once!
Presenter 1: Boring will be sent back
You can get bored at home, absolutely free!
Host 2: And remember that...
Those who will have more fun
Today in this room.
We will reward such people

Good prizes.

9 Presenter 3: wooden horse
is rapidly approaching.
Old year the snake is gone

A new one is starting!

Presenter 1: To make the coming 2014 a successful year, let's ask the audience to correctly answer our New Year's questions.

Host 2: On a wooden horse
Let's jump into the new year.
We wish all friends
Sincerely good luck!

Presenter 3: So, New Year's quiz.We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions, when answering - raise your hand.
10 In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time New Year card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A small clue is between 1800 and 1850. (Participants of the holiday name their answers. The one who named the correct answer - 1843 - gets the right to take part in the competition and rises to the stage).

11 Presenter 1: As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but here it is celebrated not for one day, like ours, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (And again, the participants pronounce the words of the answers. The one who named the exact date - December 6 - is the next participant in the competition, who will be later).

12 Presenter 2: Nobody will argue that christmas clock beat 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times Japanese clocks hit - you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. What are your answers? (The one who correctly named the number - 108 strokes - becomes the third player).
Presenter 3: And tell me, please, in what year did Peter I issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (And again, the one who gave the correct answer - 1700 - will come to you on the playground).
There are four participants on the stage.

13 Presenter 1: Warsaw, the capital of Poland, turns into a real booth during the New Year holidays, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's suits, children paint their faces, and the streets are decorated with huge bouquets of balloons. At 12 o'clock at night, when the chimes strike, the inhabitants of Warsaw begin to burst Balloons, and it turns out such a kind of New Year's fireworks. We will arrange New Year's fireworks.

14 COMPETITION: we give each pair a big balloon to be placed in between. While the music is playing, the couples are dancing; as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. Whose shot of the bursting balloon will be the first, that couple is the winner.

Host 2: We continue to ask New Year's questions.

15 In which country New Year's grandfather name is Saint Basil?
Greece . 2. Bulgaria. 3. The Netherlands. 16

17 In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Weinakhtsman?
Austria. 2. Israel. 3. Türkiye. 18

19 In which country is the New Year's grandfather called Babbo Natale?
1. France. 2. Spain. 3.
Italy. 20

21 In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mikulash?
1. Poland. 2.
Czech Republic. 3. Hungary. 22

The winner of the quiz rises to the stage.

23 And now let's do musical competition"Support the song." (You can use pre-prepared phonograms or invite someone to accompaniment) The first two lines from the song sound, the participants must continue the song.

24 1. At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She made snowballs

In a birch tub.

She twisted the yarn

She wove canvases

Forged ice

Yes, there are bridges over the rivers.


Ice ceiling,

The door is creaky.

Behind a rough wall

Darkness is prickly.

How do you step over the threshold -

Frost everywhere

And from the windows of the park

Blue - blue...

(song "Winter" to lyrics by S. Ostrovoy)

2. The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,

And a little puffed up at home.

It's warm and damp in the city

It's warm and damp in the city

And outside the city winter, winter, winter.


25 And they take me away, and they take me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, and January, and February.

(The song "Three White Horses" to lyrics by L. Derbenev from the movie "Magicians".)

26 3. Somewhere in the world,

Where it's always cold

Bears rubbing their backs

About the earth's axis.

Centuries float by

Sleeping under the ice of the sea

Bears rub against the axis -

The earth is spinning.

(“A song about bears”, lyrics by Derbenev, from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

27 4. Oh, frost-frost,

Don't freeze me

Do not freeze me, my horse,

Do not freeze me, my horse,

My horse is white-maned.

(Russian folk song "Oh, frost-frost ...".)

28 Presenter 3: Who will answer the question:
What is the name of Santa Claus
In African hot countries?
Even if it sounds a little strange...
It's time to give a little hint...
He is called Grandfather ... (Heat)

29 And which of you will tell here,
What is his name in America?
Neither Winnie the Pooh, no Mickey Mouse!
They call Santa... (Klaus!)

30 And in Scandinavia the people
Associated with the animal New Year.
I confess I'm a little angry
That they have Santa Claus ... (Goat!)

The winners of the quiz take the stage.

31 You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, their fellow tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

COMPETITION: participants are given baby pacifiers - pacifiers. The one who spit out the dummy the farthest wins.

32 Presenter 1: We laughed a lot and joked a lot
But here's one thing we completely forgot.
Who will say: what awaits us friends ahead?
Who should come to the party immediately?

Host 2: Only a few moments left
And he will burst into our show.
He is always the most important here,
He has a big white beard.
Even though he is old
But the old man is still remote.
I'm running out of words
Well, help me, friends.
Tell me the name of this grandfather,
So that everyone I talk about knows.
Presenter 3: Yes, that's right, it's Santa Claus. Do you remember how, as a child, kindergarten called Santa Claus? We all shouted together: Santa Claus! And he showed up. But now we won’t scream like that, because we are already big and serious people, so let’s guess three riddles, and then Santa Claus will come to us. And to make it more interesting for you, for each correct answer you will receive a prize.
33 Presenter 1: The first riddle: - Flies - is silent, lies - is silent.
When it dies, then it roars (snow)
Presenter 2: The second riddle:

Presenter 3: The third riddle:

34 Presenter 1: We solved riddles
Santa Claus was cast a spell.
Come to us, frosty grandfather,
We are all waiting for you, but you are not here!
There is some noise behind the scenes and you can hear how Santa Claus is coming.
Security guard: Stand! Who it? Where are you going?
Father Frost: My dear, it's me, Santa Claus. Ali didn't you recognize the old one?
Security guard: Father Frost? What can you prove?
Father Frost: How than?! I have a beard, and a bag of gifts, and even morereal santa claus certificate yes (shows certificate)!

The guard looked at the certificate, then at Santa Claus, again at the certificate, and again at Santa Claus.
Father Frost: What's wrong with you, granddaughter? Al can't read?
Security guard: What?! Who am I? I can. You grandfather Morozevich, let's go through, since you've come, don't stand here, don't block me, I'm working!
35 Presenter 2: Santa Claus is with us now
He went around the world more than once
And he came to visit us again.
Let's give Grandpa the floor!

Father Frost: Hello my dear and beloved ones! Waiting for me, old? I heard here you told me some newfangled riddles without me, maybe you will guess one for me. After all, although I am old, but modern Santa Claus.
Presenter 3: And what, you can guess. Just listen carefully and remember:
Without which nothing ever happens? (answer: untitled)
Father Frost: As one of my acquaintances deer says: Oh-go-gosh. It was so wrapped up that I didn’t even understand what it was about. Okay, guys, I have one pretty gift in my bag, so whoever helps me solve this riddle will receive it from me.
The audience guesses the riddle.
Father Frost: This difficult riddle. But I told you that I am a modern Santa Claus, but I didn’t solve the riddle myself, so I’ll correct myself now. Now I will, as you say, push the rap!
I am Santa Claus, I am Santa Claus
The coldest thing is my nose.
And the most prickly is the beard,
I came here for a reason.
I brought you gifts
I'm a modern-day Santa Claus.
Brought iPads, tablets and smartphones,
What would be with what to lead you round dances.
And let's surprise me
Dance me, show me something.
And sing a fashionable song now
So that the Snow Maiden appears this very hour!
Presenter 1: That's so grandfather, that's so well done. Well guys, you should answer!
36 The girls sing a New Year's song.
There is noise again behind the scenes.
37 Guard: Stop! Who is she? Where are you going?
Snow Maiden: I'm a Snow Maiden! They called me and I'm going.
Security guard: Snow Maiden? What can you prove?
Snow Maiden: And so it's not clear? Come on, look! (holds out certificate)
Security guard: What do you need to read again? No, I will not. Let's go through.
Snow Maiden: I heard you sing a song here. I am now the happiest Snow Maiden.

38 Snow Maiden: (to the music of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")
The snow is white today
It's light all around,
I put on gloves
I'm warm in my winter coat.
I'm going to the winter holiday:
There will be games, there will be laughter,
There will be fairy tales, there will be dances
Happy holiday for everyone!

39 Snow Maiden: According to the Eastern calendar, 2014 is the year of the horse. To appease her, we will show the audience a scene.

Scene "Black Boomer"
Host 2: We have another surprise for the horse. Now our guys will perform New Year's ditties.

40 About Japanese islands
I'll tell you in two words:
There is such a belief
If someone with his own hand
Draw what awaits -
Everything will fulfill the New Year.

* * *

And in Guinea, where in the morning
Every day is hot
The holiday should be opened there
Elephants in a ceremonial procession ...

* * *

For example, in distant Burma,
Where now is not snow, but showers,
The New Year is celebrated there like this:
Everyone is doused with water.

* * *

And in Holland the sea
There is a custom like this:
At sea, every ship
The whistle gives on New Year's Eve.

* * *

The Swedes hit the dishes on the floor,
To keep the house out of trouble.
And they don't just hit
According to the fragments, the score is kept by:
And the more this score
The happier the year will be.

* * *

In India, everyone strives
Launch your paper kite -
Let it fly over the jungle
Celebrates the New Year first.

* * *

And I was in Italy.
They think so, friends, -
Once the old year is gone,
Let him take old things with him.
And junk flies out the window ...
Here's how it's done.

41 Santa Claus: Here I am sitting ... looking ... I looked after the spectators who were bored. Calls 3 - 4 people from the hall.

Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians. In Germany it is considered a lucky omen to meet new year's eve chimney sweep and get dirty on the soot. And at 12 o'clock at night, it is customary to climb onto chairs and tables and "jump" into the new year, shouting joyfully.

COMPETITION: for boys - 3-4 participants line up and "jump" into the new year, who jumped further is the winner.

42 Snow Maiden: Well, I will not lag behind my grandfather. I'll call the classy ladies to the stage.

Competition "Snowballs".
The teachers line up. There is a basket in front of them at a distance of 2-3 meters. Each participant is given a sheet of paper. Task: crumple the sheet (i.e., turn it into a "snowball") and get into the basket.

43 Presenter 3: Our teachers are great, now let's see how quick-witted the students are in the hall

Game "Guess the object"

Leaders take turns saying sentences

44 1. I really like this thing
2. It gives adults a lot of trouble
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside
4. She looks like a grenade
5. She has a rope to pull

45 1. They come in many colors
2. At home, the entire floor was strewn with them.
3. Once they got confused in my mother’s head, and she couldn’t get it
4. They are like snowflakes falling and falling
5. My dad makes them with a hole punch

46 1. This is something so long
2. Mom decorated my suit with this
3. She's so colorful and sparkly
4. It can be easily torn
5. They make it from foil

47 1. When I was little, I never heard them.
2. They are only in Moscow
3. And at this time everyone gets up and clink glasses
4. They are always on TV
5. In general, they are with arrows

48 1. My dad says they can set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack
3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some do
5. They burn and scatter sparks everywhere.
(Bengal candles)

49 1. I tried once before my mother saw
2. We had half a year in the sideboard
3. There, first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”
4. Most importantly, you need to make sure that it does not run away
5. Our cork nearly broke a mirror

50 Presenter 1: Let's appease the blue wooden horse with the scene "Composition"

51 Presenter 2: Will there be a disco tonight?

Presenter 1: How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

52 Santa Claus : I wish everyone not to get sick,

Listen to mom and dad

Laziness and boredom to win

And don't be sloppy!

53 Snow Maiden: Near the Christmas tree to lead round dances together,

And speak loudly to each other:

54 All . "Happy New Year!"

Scene "Black Boomer"

Sounds like music from the show Good night, kids. “Announcers” come to the middle of the stage, holding a TV screen cut out of cardboard. To the right of them is the boy Vova in shorts. He has a huge shoe in one hand and a huge pencil in the other. Next to Vova is Mary Ivanna in glasses and a dress with a white collar. She has a large house slipper in her hands. To the left of the TV is the Director in a hat. The Director has a galosh in his hands. Next to the Director is the Supply Manager in a dark coat with bills under his arm. At the edge of the stage, the Hosts appear.

Leading 2. The boy Vova from 10-A is waiting for his evening fairy tale.

Presenter 1 . One floor above, in apartment number 35, his class teacher Mary Ivanna is waiting for her New Year's series.

Presenter 2 . And far, far away, in his office near the TV, the director of the school, Ivan Ivanovich, is waiting for the latest news.

Announcer 1 (joyfully). Attention, attention, we are transmitting an important message from Santa Claus!

The signal sounds: "Pee-pee-pee."

Announcer 2 (fabulous voice). They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything always comes true. Are you still awake, my friend? Do not forget to write a letter to Santa Claus and put a slipper under the pillow, and your wish will surely come true.

Announcers (together). Happy New Year!

Vova. So, don't forget anything! The main thing is to choose a bigger shoe! (Shows a huge boot.) And write a letter. (He scratches his head with a pencil.) What to ask Santa Claus in the New Year? Well, a black boomer is unreal! ABOUT! I'll ask you to correct the "deuce" in chemistry!

He puts his shoe on the floor and folds his hands to his cheek, as if falling asleep. The facial expression is joyfully blissful.

Classroom teacher.Oh, what to ask Santa Claus in the New Year? Black boomer and holidays in the Canary Islands? These are pink dreams! ABOUT! I ask that my loafers become excellent students!

He puts his slippers on the floor and folds his palms to his cheek, as if falling asleep. Facial expression worried.

Director. So, what to ask Santa Claus? The black boomer is from the realm of fantasy... Oh! I'll call the caretaker. (Speaks in mobile phone.) Petrovna! With coming! Do we have a leak in the gym?

manager Run, boss, run for twenty years!

Director. So, I will ask Santa Claus to repair the roof in the gym for us!

He puts the galosh on the floor and folds his hands to his cheek, as if falling asleep. Musical interruption "Tired toys are sleeping." Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear at the edge of the stage. The Snow Maiden has a pack of envelopes in her hands. While Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are talking, the “sleeping” participants in the scene can change positions: roll over onto another side, scratch their legs, brush off flies, etc.

Father Frost. So, granddaughter, well, did you get a lot of letters?

Snow Maiden. Oh, Grandpa, a whole cart!

Father Frost. Well, come on, read!

Snow Maiden . Here the boy Vova from 10-A asks to correct the “deuce” in chemistry.

Father Frost. Well, it's unrealistic! Let's send him a black boomer as a consolation prize, and let him correct his "deuce" himself!

Snow Maiden . But the class teacher 10-A asks that all her loafers become excellent students.

Father Frost . Well, these are all pink dreams! We'll send her a black boomer and a ticket to the Canary Islands.

Snow Maiden . But the principal of the school - just think - asks the roof in the gym to be repaired! What do we do?

Father Frost. Well, this is from the realm of fantasy! I'm not their magician! And not even the district! How many black boomers do we have left?

Snow Maiden (Looks into the bag.) One!

Father Frost. Let's send him! And add a written note to him. So that he coordinates his desires with my capabilities.

Snow Maiden (looks at watch). Oh, Grandfather, five minutes left until the New Year! We still have so many gifts to give!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave. Musical interruption (peppy, morning music).

Vova (stretching). Well, what did Santa Claus put in our shoe here? (Picks up a shoe from the floor, and in it is a black car.) Oh, my favorite black boomer! (Jumps with a typewriter in his hands, expressing childish delight.)

class teacher(stretching languidly). Here comes the New Year! Maybe Santa Claus sent me something? (He picks up a house slipper from the floor, in which lies a black typewriter and a piece of paper.) Oh, black boomer! And a ticket to the Canaries! I will have a good rest, I will become kind-pre-kind and I will put “five” to all my lazybones! (Whirls around, waving ticket.)

Director (stretching and yawning). New Year, however! Although I don’t believe in fairy tales, it’s still interesting ... What if? ABOUT! (Raises a galosh, and in it is a black typewriter.) So that's what you are, black boomer! And how much are you worth at market prices?

manager (Busily clicking on the accounts). One hundred thousand American money. (Dreamily.) How many roofs can be patched up!

Director (reviving). So yes! We sell Boomer, and with the proceeds - write down: we patch the roof, buy furniture, import computers.

manager Ivan Ivanovich, well, you are just like Santa Claus! Vova. We open a computer salon, earn money and buy two more black boomers!

A song is performed to the motive of the song "Black Boomer".

Chorus. When a merry New Year approaches us,

Then all the honest people lose their heads in our country.

From somewhere, just mania comes to us -

Frost make stupid wishes.

When on New Year's Eve we go to bed,

We hasten to make our wishes sooner.

We put a bigger slipper under the bed,

So that Grandfather Frost brought gifts to us.

Vova. And I need a black boomer,

Just badass!

Classroom teacher.

And to me - so that the guys have to study

Arouse interest!

Director. And I want to overhaul me

Made by Santa Claus.

manager And I want to instantly

I have sclerosis!


Our congratulations!

So that everyone has enough health, happiness and luck.

Happy new year, happy new year

Our wishes:

To have more money

Everyone for food!

The participants in the scene run away.

Scene "Composition"

Teacher, Ivanov, Sidorov, Zaichikova and Koshkina enter the stage.

Teacher . So, 11-A, write down in your notebooks: a control essay in the Russian language. Subject: Letter to Santa Claus.

Ivanov. Oh, three days left until the end of the quarter, and you are so annoying!

Sidorov. So, why write?

Teacher. I explained everything, gave the plan, at home you had to prepare drafts.

Teacher . Zaichikova, what do you want?

Zaichikov. I want to read the plan!

Teacher (wearily). Okay, read!

Zaichikov. So. Letter to Santa Claus. Plan. The first part is a story about his difficult life, the second part is a request for gifts, and the third part is a promise to improve.

Ivanov. So, what are you asking for?

Zaichikova jumps impatiently with her hand raised.

Teacher. Zaichikova, what are you doing?

Zaichikov. You need to ask for a clear sun and a clear sky!

Koshkin (About myself). And she herself thinks, I suppose: more suitors and more money!

Teacher . That's right, Zaichikova, sit down! Ivanov, when was the last time you were in class?

Ivanov (as if remembering). Yes, like in September.

Teacher. Will you come right after the certificate next time?

Ivanov (joyfully). Well, yes! How did you guess?

Teacher . Calculated! And teachers, by the way, are not Santa Clauses. They won't rate you just like that.

Ivanov. Don't go on, got it!

Zaichikova jumps impatiently with her hand raised.

Teacher . Zaichikova, what are you doing?

Zaichikova . Mary Ivanna, can I write a letter to Santa Claus?

Sidorov (to Ivanov). And who is this?

Koshkin. Yes, Santa Claus is American!

Sidorov. Ah, that's cool!

Teacher (holds his head). Write, Zaichikova, at least to George Bush!

Koshkin. Even Michael Jackson!

Zaichikova (with readiness). Then I will immediately translate into English!

The students thought, chewing on their hands. Zaichikova jumps impatiently with her hand raised.

Teacher. Zaichikova, what are you doing?

Zaichikov. Oh, Mary Ivanna, and Sidorov cheats from me!

Sidorov. I don't copy, I draw!

Teacher . Sidorov, you also need to draw wisely!

Sidorov . So I'm not all in a row, I'm in five words. Only some of her letters are incomprehensible.

Ivanov (About myself). Dear Santa Claus! A student of grade 11-A, Sergey Ivanov, nicknamed Gray, is writing to you. I have such a nickname because my life is gray. And my life is gray, because there is no drive in it!

Koshkin (About myself). Hello Dedushka Moroz! My life is very hard, difficult! I melted down my golden spoons to make a golden case for my favorite mobile phone. And now I have absolutely nothing to eat black caviar ... From morning to evening I cry, because the bruliki in my earrings are small. The case on the mobile phone is not platinum, but only gold! In general, I constantly do not have enough money, but I will improve, and when you send me, I will have many, many ...

Teacher. Everyone finish and give up. And then the post office will be closed!

The students give their papers to the teacher and move to the edge of the stage. Santa Claus and his helper enter the middle of the stage. Speak English. The voice behind the scenes loudly (into the microphone) translates into Russian.

Assistant . Your letters, sir. (Gives letters and curtsies.)

Santa Claus. I was devastated by the letter of this Russian boy.

Assistant. Yes, poor boy!

Santa Claus . I cried whole night long.

Assistant . His organism lacks the cabbages!

Santa Claus. Please, give me the bag of the cabbage. I "m immediately leaving to Russia!

New Year's, fabulous music sounds. Participants of the skit line up in the middle of the stage.

Santa Claus. Happy New Year, Russian boys and girls!

Sidorov (with hope). It's me!

Santa Claus (in broken Russian). Happy New Year, friend! Santa Claus brought you your favorite cabbage! (Hands the sack to Sidorov.)

All (rubbing hands). cabbage! Whole bag!

Sidorov takes a head of cabbage out of the bag, lowers his hands in disappointment.

Sidorov. And I thought there were bucks! Zaichikova, it's all your fault!

Santa Claus . 0! And where is this girl Zaichikova?

Zaichikova (makes a curtsey). Here I am!

Santa Claus. And you have a gift from Santa Kpaus (Hands her a picture with a sun on a blue background.) Clear sun and clear sky!

All (disappointed). Woo!

The bell is ringing. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage.

Santa Claus . It seems that this is my colleague, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus stands at the end of the line.

Father Frost. Happy New Year!

Santa Claus. Hello sir!

Father Frost . Oh, how many gifts we brought to the guys!

Snow Maiden. Barely fit on the sled!

Reads from a note.

Father Frost . I brought Katya Koshkina a whole box of large diamonds.

Snow Maiden. From real Antarctic ice! Gives Koshkina Christmas beads.

Father Frost. And Seryozha Ivanov asked me that all teachers turn into Santa Clauses and give him good grades in the certificate!

Snow Maiden. The desire of a child in the New Year is the law for Santa Claus!

Father Frost . Ene, bene, slave, quinter, pinter, toad! The Snow Maiden puts on the teacher a caftan of Santa Claus, a hat and a beard.

Ivanov. Hooray! I will become an excellent student!

All. Happy New Year!

A song is performed to the motive of the song "White Roses".

Chorus. Sweet dreams come to us again on New Year's Eve.

Everyone wants to receive more gifts at once.

Everyone wants health and happiness from Santa Claus,

And always smile, and always be beautiful.

Teacher. And I would like a ticket - to be treated for neurosis.

Then I could teach all the children everything!

Chorus. Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Everyone is waiting with gifts

And telegrams, letters and requests

All are mailed.

Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

But there will be joy from gifts

Only for a couple of hours.

Well, then everyone will forget us

Until new, pre-holiday dreams.

The participants in the scene run away.

An obligatory part of New Year's concerts at school are short funny numbers performed by students. Most often, cool scenes for the New Year 2019 for the school are prepared by high school students. It can be either funny congratulations for children and teachers, or mini-performances on topical topics, reminiscent of comic numbers from KVN. But also junior schoolchildren, absolutely, like students from the middle classes, can participate in funny scenes. For example, put on a number about Baba Yaga, who is trying to ruin the New Year or a comic dance of Russian attendants from 3 people. The theme of such children's numbers can be very different, ranging from musical parodies to reworked fairy tales in a modern way. Next, we offer you a few interesting ideas, which can be used for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 at school.

The funniest New Year's skits for schoolchildren - short numbers, ideas and examples

To cheer everyone up at a New Year's concert for schoolchildren, it is not at all necessary to put on long numbers - short funny scenes are also perfect. Usually they are dialogues between several participants on topics related to the holiday. Also relevant options for the New Year's concert may be different school situations which are easy and fun to beat. For example, you can put on a short scene about Vovochka and a teacher who scolds him for bad grades and reproaches that his father will soon have White hair. To which Vovochka cheerfully declares that it will be great for his dad New Year's gift because he's completely bald.

Examples of short and funny New Year's scenes for schoolchildren, the best ideas

Another great plot for a funny New Year's scenes to school - writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here you can beat, for example, a huge amount of writing (a common notebook for 48 sheets), errors in each word, due to which Grandfather Frost does not understand the content of the appeal to him. You will find some more interesting ideas for New Year's short skits to school below.

Universal scenes for the New Year for children on modern topics - funny examples, video

Special attention should be paid to universal scenes for the New Year for children on funny topics that are relevant in the modern world. First of all, numbers of a certain format fall into this group. For example, musical medleys are funny numbers using cuts of audio tracks from songs and phrases from movies. Also, the always relevant format of the skits is a comic dance number, in which funny-dressed participants perform - well-known characters.

Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on topical modern topics

Another example of a generic format for funny scenes for the New Year for children - reworked fairy tales in a modern way. For example, you can put a number about how the characters from a fairy tale about 12 months would look today. Of course, the dialogues and images of the characters in this case will be very different from the classic plot. Some interesting options You will find universal and very funny scenes for a concert in honor of the New Year at a school for children in the following videos.

Very funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students - modern ideas

If we talk about options for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for students elementary school, it is important to remember that such numbers should be short. It is very easy for young children to become confused when performing on stage and forget a long line. So it's better to choose short sketches in the form of dialogues between 2-3 people. It is also good to use musical and dance numbers, which are much easier for students to remember. primary school. For example, a win-win option for the New Year is a funny dance of Russian grandmothers who are trying to portray a lower break dance.

Modern ideas for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students

As for the theme of the numbers, in elementary school, sketches on New Year theme. These can be options using traditional characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, etc. You can also play a scene about New Year's wishes and the main traditions of this wonderful holiday. You will find some examples of funny scenes for the New Year for primary school students in the following videos.

Cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of the school - the funniest options

For ideas of cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019, students in grades 5-7 high school can also use funny options from the previous selection. But unlike elementary school students, middle school children can put on longer and more complex numbers. For example, they can prepare not just an excerpt from a children's fairy tale, but completely remake this work on a New Year's theme. Suitable in the form of a cool scene and a comic parody. An example is a situation where show business stars could congratulate Santa Claus. For such a number, you need to choose the most recognizable and popular performers, and rewrite their hits in a festive way. Of course, in such a performance, the artistry of the students performing is very important, who are able to convey the image of a star through a parody.

Funny options for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of high school

Also as funny and cool scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7, numbers on everyday topics. For example, quite funny performance you can beat around the traditional preparation of the average family for the New Year. You can also use popular scenes from KVN, beating them with a New Year's bias. Vivid examples of funny numbers for the New Year 2019 can be found in the selection of videos below.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 to school - options for high school students on modern topics

If we talk about funny and funny scenes for the New Year to school, then for high school students, numbers on current modern topics are best suited. For example, school graduates can stage a comic rap battle between students and teachers. Perfect for a New Year's concert and cool dance performances for modern hits using interesting costumes. In addition, high school students can use popular challenges from the network as the basis for a fun number.

Funny options for funny scenes on modern topics for high school students on the New Goal 2019 to school

A funny number for a New Year's concert performed by high school students can also be done in a stand-up format. This kind of humorous performance in Lately is gaining more and more popularity and will be relevant as part of a school event for the New Year. As a theme for stand-up performed by high school students, you can use situations familiar to everyone from school life. Another fun format for comic scenes is suspense/reality productions. Moreover, such a scene can be played, or it can be made interactive, for example, using large-format pictures or small video clips on the screen. Some examples of funny scenes on new year concert for high school students you will find in the following videos.

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for the school must be funny, funny and cool. Of course, the level of humor of such numbers largely depends on the performers - students in grades 1-4 of elementary school, grades 5-7 of high school or schoolchildren from grades 8-11. It is clear that the older the children, the more modern and complex numbers can be staged with their participation. But even short children's skits can cheer up everyone present with a properly composed comic script holiday. For example, it can be funny congratulations for teachers or popular numbers from the New Year's editions of KVN. Do not forget about mini-performances of 3-4 people, which can ignite the audience, for example, with a cheerful dance of Baba Yaga or restless Russian grandmothers. We really hope that the ideas and videos from today's article will help you plan an unforgettable New Year's concert at school!

We recommend preparing a holiday for your friends by high school students themselves - the preparation process will surely unite the team, leave unforgettable memories. Leading the holiday - a girl and a guy high school students. So, we offer you a scenario for the New Year 2020 at a school for high school students, funny.

If it does not suit you, you can change it a little or make your own.

HOST: Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on our doors, on the pages social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students, because this is the last New Year's holiday in our native school.

HOST: But we will not be sad, because there is an opportunity for everyone to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true next year!

HOST: The New Year 2020 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

LEADING: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

LEADING: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and new year wishes!

HOST: We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Yes, it's me! Did you really think to do without Baba Yaga? Well, well, I understand that no one loves me.

LEADING: well, why, dear, to love you? For always spoiling all New Year's holidays?

HOST: Or because you were scared all your childhood: “Don’t paint your eyes, you will look like Baba Yaga!”

LEADING: Yes, you, dear granny, are far from the ideal of a good New Year's grandmother, both externally and intellectually!

BABA YAGA: Oh, right? Also for me, intellectuals showed up, Internet kids, but what do you know without your Wikipedia? Can you do without Yandex maps? And here I am, an illiterate woman, I have been flying on a mortar without a navigator for two hundred years, and a lot
I can tell!

LEADING: What do you know that high school students do not know?

Intellectual New Year contest

BABA YAGA: Okay guys. Now I will ask you New Year's questions, and you will prove to everyone that you really are the pride of the country and have a solid package of knowledge.

Question one

BABA YAGA: On the first of January, the New Year is celebrated together with our country of the country ...
(the answer is the countries of Europe and America)

Question two

BABA YAGA: If you ask children from different countries, what year is coming, everyone will answer differently. So, what year will be celebrated in Russia?
(answer - 2020)

Question three

BABA YAGA: What year will be celebrated in Syria?

Question four

BABA YAGA: And what year did you celebrate in Israel?
(the answer is the jubilee year 5776)

BABA YAGA: Okay, we did the job. An aesthetic question. Everyone knows who Santa Claus is. How, in your opinion, did Dutch artists portray Santa Claus at the beginning of the nineteenth century?

(answer - slim and thin)

BABA YAGA: An artist of which country "attached" a beard to Santa Claus, and when was it?
(the answer is in 1860 the American Thomas Knight)

BABA YAGA: Who created the image of the modern Santa Claus?
(answer - Englishman Tenniel)

HOST: Granny, listen, do you really know a lot about the New Year holiday!

BABA YAGA: yes, I’ve been living in the world for a long time, I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, and I don’t complain about operational memory!

LEADING: yes, I would have such a memory - I would have learned all the exams by heart.

BABA YAGA: Teach, my dear, because teaching is the meaning of the future!

LEADING: (to Baba Yaga) Wait, old lady... Let's stop talking about science, lessons, let's remember about the New Year 2020.
Same favorite holiday magical, mysterious, amazing, unique... It awakens in people best feelings, love for everything beautiful, good

HOST: Yeah, and the rejection of everything insidious, evil.

BABA YAGA: evil and unpleasant - this is about me, but how much can you say! It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old? Old junk!

HOST: Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him together - it seems like this happens at all children's matinees?

LEADING: So, let's go together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! Make the children happy with the holiday, it will be more fun with us!

(Then according to the script New Year's fairy tale For high school students, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter with a song. Light)

Ded Moroz: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, as in childhood, they called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2020, and a new miracle.

Santa Claus: I know for sure, granddaughter, that the new year 2020 will bring the fulfillment of desires to all of us. And for high school students - all this is very important. Ahead - final exams, entrance tests, therefore, believe in a dream, and it will definitely come true!

FATHER FROST (notices Baba Yaga): I can't believe my eyes! And you, the old one, are here?!

BABA YAGA: Do not be surprised, dear. I decided on the eve of the New Year to change my image and become a reporter. How nice to communicate with smart and well-mannered youth.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. I see that the granddaughter wants to say something ...

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, there are so many people here who want to have fun! I wonder what they know about you, oh new year holiday?

HOST: And now the guys will sing you beautiful New Year's songs, admire!

The next in the scenario of the New Year's holiday for high school students is the musical number "New Year's Potpourri"

SNOW MAIDEN: Great, but what do our guys know, and you, Granny, about Santa Claus? (Everyone takes part in the quiz)

Intellect game "Santa Claus"

1. Is there a Santa Claus in the world?
2. Where does he live?
3. Who is he friends with?
4. What is he like: kind, demanding, or evil? Justify your answer.
5. What is his favorite food?
6. What color is the fur coat? Why exactly this?
7. What does Santa Claus drive?
8. Why does he need a stick?
9. Where does he get gifts?
10. Where does he leave them?
11. What does he do in summer?
12. How old is he?
13. Is he related to Santa Claus?
14. Does he have brothers?
(Snow Maiden awards the winner)

FATHER FROST: Yes, it's me, that fabulous grandfather,
Whom the whole world knows
I travel all year with gifts, I welcome happiness and success. I have friends everywhere, so I always rush to them, I want to have time to visit every house.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, it's time to please your school, give away fabulous gifts, and, of course, congratulate you on the New Year 2020!

BABA YAGA: Here, he came to us! The merry grandfather and his Snegurulya! And everyone will receive gifts, or just the right ones, white and fluffy?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, why, everyone will get it, and even you, Granny-Yagulya. We heard that you also shine with intellect - therefore, receive a gift from us.

FATHER FROST: We give you wireless access to the Internet for the whole year! Enlighten me, I'm not sorry!

BABA YAGA: I'm delighted! Grandfather, you are a real advanced Frostbite! Respect to you too! Well, get a return gift from me too!

Scenario continuation New Year's Eve for high school students - musical number "Break dance in the style of" Grandmother Ezhki rule"

HOST: Cool dance, Granny. And you, I look - nothing!

BABA YAGA: Well, you said - granny, granny, but it turned out - a cool New Year's woman!

LEADING: So, with the grandfather - sorted out, let's move on to the granddaughter.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, I am the best of the granddaughters of the legendary Santa Claus. Everyone is waiting for me. Through the rivers, through the mountains

We enter every house, handing New Year's gifts to everyone.

FATHER FROST: And even to cheerful thugs and naughty ones!

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, what are you?! What words are you saying? They were waiting for a meeting with you, and you were "thugs" and "naughty" to them.

Santa Claus: don't worry, it's a joke. Well, how not to joke with such cheerful schoolchildren. May I greet them again? You are the best, dearest, wisest young people! (To the Snow Maiden) How are you, Snow Maiden?

SNOW MAIDEN: That's the best, grandfather. Do you know what the high school students present at the celebration are most looking forward to? And they are waiting for this wonderful Christmas tree bright colors holiday lights lit up.

Santa Claus: No questions! Shine, tree, it's clear!
Play with stars!
Let the holiday begin in time
Add joy to all of us!

Herringbone glows

Then by New Year's scenario for high school students for 2020, the musical number "New Year" sounds

SNOW MAIDEN: We must hurry to other schools. The children have already received their gifts. Classroom teachers helped us with this. You don't have to be sad. Grandfather Frost, you urgently need to read all the letters of the guys that you have not had time to read yet. The snowman just brought them, let's go and read them!

(Everyone leaves, “terrible” music sounds, the Snow Queen enters the hall)

THE SNOW QUEEN (included important): Wow, what a heat! I asked for frost, and they have Africa! Now you have to use artificial ice.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS (appears immediately after the Snow Queen). Finally got there. I just found your village. No one road sign, no pointer. None of the gadgets show the navigator. What are you? Hiding, or guests are not welcome? A? I can not hear! (After the guys answer, he looks for Baba Yaga with his eyes) Granny! My beauty, where are you?!

BABA YAGA: (runs out to him) My handsome, in the end, waited for you!

SNOW QUEEN: Enough with the nonsense! We're not here for that!

BABA YAGA: Well, my dears! I believe our time has come. How long can you live like this! Nobody loves us! I even decided to change my image and became a reporter... However, the attitude towards me has not changed...

KOSHCHEI IMMORTAL: And no one is afraid of us!

SNOW QUEEN: Both children and adults neglect us!

BABA YAGA: How they do not understand that other times have come. Now on the Internet you can find the answer to any question. I need to see... I grabbed a tablet... Wait a minute... (Looks closely, a smile appears on his face).
The Snow Queen and Koschey the Immortal (at the same time).

Well? Speak faster!

BABA YAGA: Rejoice! Bad news not for us, but for those who are gathered here. Listen everyone! Here is what is written here: "Many people today do not like to read. They threw books into old bookcases. Children are like little old people who sit in front of TV screens all the time. They do not care who wins: good or evil. Children now prefer computers and computer games, but a fairy tale ... They have forgotten the fairy tale. So, the country of Childhood will definitely experience a catastrophe!". (According to the scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students for 2020, Baba Yaga, Koschey, the Snow Queen clap their hands for joy)

CINDERELLA (runs in): Stop it immediately! Nothing bad will happen to the country of the School! The seniors will fix the situation! (Addresses those present in the hall) Is it true?

(They listen to the answers of high school students. A boy runs up to Cinderella and passes a note. She reads and leaves.)

CINDERELLA: Everything is clear, we urgently need to call Grandfather Frost!


BABA YAGA: (To Snow Queen and Koshchei). And I can't agree with you. I'm the image, you hear - IMAGE changed! It's time for change!
(appears in a princess outfit, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden). You see, my life has also changed. Whoever reads books knows about them.

CINDERELLA: As for the country of Childhood, its fate depends on you! Everyone has their own way, their own road ... The other cannot use it.

Santa Claus: Choose! Children with a kind heart and a sincere soul will always be lucky! And don't hesitate!

SNOW QUEEN: Surprisingly, I feel some pleasant warmth... The ice has melted. So, there will be changes!


Ded Moroz: May the New Year be in every school
Bring a lot of good
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and pleasure.

SNOW MAIDEN: From the bottom of my heart, accept the wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

SNOW QUEEN: May your dreams come true
In the new year 2020,
Let fate smile on you
At every step!

Music sounds, the main characters of the holiday invite everyone to the New Year's dance program.

And for preschoolers and first graders, we offer to hold a performance on.

Happy and merry New Year!

  • "Unusual New Year's story - 2020" (scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 5-6 years old)
  • Scenario for the new year for the preparatory group "New Year's trip to the country of Fairy Tale"
  • Modern scenario of the autumn ball for high school students
  • Graduation script option for elementary school: unusual and fun
  • Autumn ball for high school students: script with competitions
  • What scenario according to fairy tales to use for the New Year


07.12.2015 / 17:56


Well ...... normal, but somehow for the lower grades (if you didn’t read the questions)

16.12.2015 / 19:20


new year to the year


- I heard that it's coming
It's like the Year of the Monkey.

- Monkey? Who is she?
Something I don't know about her.

- That overseas princess
From some forest
Where it's always hot and summer.

- That would be to get into this place!

I would not refuse, brothers,
Lie in the sun there.

- What is her face like?

- Well, probably not bad.

- Doesn't she eat animals?
Should have known sooner.

- Stop, stop! You, Kos
Run quickly for Lisa.
This is her friend for sure
Let it be still in absentia.

- Yes, Lisa is full of passions
Be friends with those in power.

- No, it's not enough for her,
She registered as a sister

- That's it - that's it!
Well, you compose a painter!
Monkey and Fox
Can there be sisters?
They are completely different
It's clear to everyone!

I told the whole truth
Didn't write anything.
That's what Lisa told me.

- That might be fine.
Fox loves fables:
That she is the goat's sister,
That is a big gray ram
She got a friend.
And now the Monkey
Let her be a stranger.

- So, this monkey
Even from another planet?

No, she's from Africa.

- Where is the bright moon?

- Yes, and the sun shines brightly,
That's why it's always hot there.

- Oh, it's cold here.
The monkey will freeze!
Wind clouds with snow drives.

- Santa Claus will not touch her!

- Yes, it won't. Not otherwise.
He appointed her himself.

- I've got a fur coat for her.

- You are with us, Mishunya, class!

- I knitted hats.
I just didn't know the size.
I knitted twenty-five.

- There will be something for her to try on.
You are our young man!

- I've got some boots for her.

- It's great, friends,
Only I don't know
What kind of Nora is she?

I heard it's not bad.
Playful, like, here.

So it's going to be a fun year.
There runs the Fox-cheater,
Having become a relative deftly.
We'll ask her right now.

- Hey everyone! Yo mine!
That you stood up like donkeys
Set the tables!
New Year is coming, friends
I will be his symbol!
What are you staring at, dude? (Wolf)

Are you Foxy? That's it!

- What did you think, friends?
Year of the fox, the fox is me!

- No, let's not cheat!
We know that Monkey
Will rule for a whole year.

- Oh, what stupid people!
Who is the monkey?

- Who?

- Yes, stupid chicken!
Crooked bastard.
She has protruding ears
She has a tail like a snake.
And the Fox, that is, I -
Forest beauty!

- Yes, we know you, Lisa.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Give us a true answer
Is the monkey so obnoxious?

- Her gums are open
She has a big mouth
She takes everything in her hands.

- What does he take?

- Whatever.
I took this out myself.
Might even take a gun
Even shoot! (STRESS ON THE LETTER e)

- Yo mine!

- She's also stupid.
Well, why do you, I don't know
As many as three hundred sixty five
Days foolish trust!

- Santa Claus appointed her.
It will be so, and not otherwise!
He's already taking her
To give her a year.
We managed to set the tables,
And they wanted to know about her
Thought you were friends.

- Oh, I was joking!
Yes, we are good friends.
She has such ears!
The fur all over her sparkles.
We are cousins.
She is so smart.
I don't even know
Who is smarter, she or I.
It's for you to judge, friends.
She is small in stature.
She has such a face!
The eyes are like embers.
And fluffy cheeks.
In the paws can take anything.
Wears a trendy coat.

- Don't lie to us, it's hot there.

- Is it in the afternoon or in the morning
The sun is shining very bright
And then, of course, it's hot,
She is in a sarafan.
Well, when the moon rises
Here is a scarf, coat and hat,
And also a bag in the paws.
She is such a fashionista!
I don't know another one.

(Hear bells and the creak of sleigh runners)

Oh, and here comes Santa Claus
We brought our smart girl!

- Greetings to all, friends!
I didn't come alone.

- Hello! Glad to see everyone.
In the midst of this snowfall
In the midst of a storm and a blizzard
I see you are having fun!

- Yes, and we are all very happy
To see you here next to us.
You after all to us from afar?

- Are you cold?

- Yeah, a little.

- Here's your coat!

Here are your hats!

- These are boots on the paws.

- Thanks to all! I see live
you can here.

- Let's be friends.

- Friendship forever I'm glad.
I brought you as a reward
The joy of sunshine
The tenderness of fabulous nights.
I brought you playfulness
And a little playfulness
Wisdom for all years.
Be happy always!

(Baba Yaga suddenly appears)

- Wisdom for all years!
Wisdom is not food!

- Grandmother-hedgehog, as always
You grumble, grumble everything ...

- Yes!
And why should I not grumble,
I won't be silent anymore
I'll say it straight to your eyes
You know I'm stubborn
You know I'm true
Look at this marvel (points to the Monkey)
Golozhopa, but in power!
I don't like it, passion,
When stupidity flourishes.
Monkey who here knows?
She is a stranger to everyone around.
And everyone around knows me.
I, go, two hundred years already
Lived in the same place.
They wrote about me
I am a fairy tale character.
I have to lead this year
I want to rule the planet!

- Well, you sing,
Grandmother-hedgehog, well, so what,
Maybe it's your turn
Let the people judge us.

- How can I understand?
Should we choose a symbol?
Then exactly the symbol I am,
Will you support, friends?

- No, Fox, you wait,
Here the layout is completely different.
You have to decide, friends
Grandma-hedgehog or me.
What I bring to you, I said.

- Only this is not enough for us.
We do not need games, dances,
The warmth of the sun, fairy tale nights.
Wisdom for all years
It's just nonsense!

- Your turn, Yaga. Well,
Tell us what will you bring?
Tell us without lying. (raises his staff over Baba Yaga)

- I'll make noise and uproar!
In a year I will bring misfortune!

- My God! What passions!

- We misfortune? What for?

- Everyone will have more fun!

- From misfortunes more fun?

- Well, lively at least.
Passions will immediately flare up.

- Oh, why bother?

- I'll bring you trouble!
I'll start a fire in the forest!

- Well, have mercy, but why?

- Everyone will have more fun!
And I'll arrange a pestilence,
This is necessary at times.
I'm using my power!

Maybe she's drunk?

- No, friends, she is not drunk,
Both Yaga and Monkey
All were truthfully stated.
You yourself took it all away
My staff shone over her,
He didn't lie.

- That's something I say is not the case.
I didn't mean to say that.

You wanted to lie
We do need to know the truth.

- Oh, you are harmful!

- Yes, I know it myself.
That's why I'm Granny-hedgehog.
I'm a little mean.

We're sorry, we don't need you.

- Well, let me, I'm even glad.
And then it would bring trouble,
And all around is so cute.

- Well, it's time and honor for us to know
It's time to hand over the year.

- Oh, sorry, this is too much,
Give the year to the monkey!
She has such a face!

- What?

- You look like me.
Same fur, same eyes!
Just all a different color.

- You know, Little Foxy,
I have protruding ears
I hear everything for miles.
Do you understand this?

- Oh, of course, sister,
I know you are a master
Do all. You are good.
You have a pure soul.

- I see you are cunning, Chanterelle.
Only you are not my sister.
Who you are is what you will be
We'll get along somehow.

- All right, everything is like in a fairy tale!
I wish everyone happiness, affection,
Friendship, joy, luck,
Good mood to all!
And everyone be healthy!
And be friends with each other!

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students "New Year. en -2019"

new year potpourri

(The ensemble of the Russian song "Baba Mani". Handkerchiefs are tied under the chin. They sing to the tune "There was a birch in the field.")

Oh, there was a tree in the forest,

Oh, there was a green one in the forest.

Lyuli-lyuli, stood. (2 times)

Someone break that tree,

Break some green

Here the man went for a walk,

Break the Christmas tree for the kids

Lyuli-lyuli, break it. (2 times)

The tree is shining with lights

Leads round dances with us,

Lyuli-lyuli, with us. (2 times)

(Group "Advanced Mary". Handkerchiefs are tied like bandanas. They perform rap.)

Christmas tree sticks, green needles!

On a sunny meadow

The tree grew.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

Once in a fierce cold

One man came

Saw very sharp

On the Christmas tree, whack and whack.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

crazy teens

They danced until morning.

Gathered at the Christmas tree

Nice bro.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

1. Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests! It is no coincidence that we started our holiday with songs about the Christmas tree, because this is the main attribute of the New Year.

2. The New Year is already knocking on the doors of all of us, on the pages of social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets.

3. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students.

4. Everyone has the opportunity to make a cherished wish and believe that it will certainly come true in the new year!

5. New 2019 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

6. Health is like the greatest treasure.

7. Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

1. Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

2. A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

3. New Year is the favorite holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique ...

4. He awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful, good.

5. It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old?

6. Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him and the Snow Maiden together - it seems like this happens at all children's matinees?

6. So, let's get together: "Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!" (3 p.)

(includes Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden)

Santa Claus: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, the Snow Maiden and I, as in childhood, were called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

Snow Maiden: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2019 and a new miracle.

Father Frost (1), Snow Maiden (2)

1. Happy New Year guys,

I congratulate you!

bright, sunny days

I wish you in the cold!

2. May good luck and joy

Will bring with him

On this winter holiday

coming year.

1. And I wish you

For everything to work out

So that twos and threes

You didn't happen

So that the parents

Putting signatures in the diary,

They exclaimed in admiration:

"You're a genius, old man!"

2. So that mom, having come from work, this very hour

I would immediately put you at the computer.

So that at McDonald's you

ate daily,

Well, with chips, just

They didn't break up.

1. So that your holidays

Six months lasted.

The remaining six

You wouldn't study at all.

2. So that these words

They sounded victorious for a long time.

Happy New Year guys!

Dreaming is not bad!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, there are so many people who want to have fun here! I wonder what they know about you, about the New Year's holiday?


Father Frost.Well, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz!

(The Snow Maiden hands out numbers (20)

1. Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

2. Props that allow Santa Claus to fight off the wolves. (Staff.)

3. Cold in the ocean. (Iceberg.)

4. Under-roof lollipop. (Icicle.)

5. Sheepskin coat, which is triple for skaters. (Sheepskin coat.)

6. Object artistic creativity Santa Claus. (Window.)

7. Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

8. What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

9. How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

10. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

11. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

12. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

13. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

14. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

15. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

16. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

17. Christmas decorations, which causes significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

18. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

19. A gift under the tree that isthe main irritant of teachers in the classroom (Mobile.)

20. And finally, the last and most main question: a person at school, on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet. (Director.)

Snow Maiden. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. I congratulate you! You have become participants in the New Year's win-win lottery, which we will hold a little later, do not lose your numbers! And for those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become winners of other contests.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! WITH New Year's round dance!

In order to call luck into life, you need to stand in a friendly circle with us!

Come on, tree, come to life! Light up the lights! Invite everyone to the cheerful circle!

Snow Maiden. To make wishes come true

To make dreams come true

Near the Christmas tree

Dance together!

round dance

Father Frost.You all already know that 2019 is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Heis expected to be bright, filled with an active and open desire to live, create, enjoy life.

Snow Maiden.Year of the Peaceful Pigis the year of new hobbies, implementation of ideas and ideas. Let the good Yellow Boar bring a lot of good things in his patch! Now we will check what you know about this animal.

A quiz is being held (Santa Claus treats everyone with sweets)

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. Who pronounces the following words: “Oh, you are ugly, oh, you are a dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moydodyr.)

3. In which fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

4. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

5. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

6. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

7. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

8. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

9. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

10. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

So, main character day in the coming New Year is a pig. Therefore, to appease her, you prepared cartoons on new way about piglets. Let's see them. (8, 9, 10, 11)

Competition (certificates to do)

Leading. And now, while the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we invite you to participate in New Year's fun.

New Year's fun 1 "New Year's bells"

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)

You will play the part of the big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: “Boo-um! Boo-u-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)

You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: “Bim-bom! Beam-bom! Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)

Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: “Bam! bam! bam! Bam! So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)

You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: “La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la! Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Well done! What a wonderful bell ringing we got.

New Year's fun 2 " Snowball game"

2 teams of 5 people. Distribute 10 snowballs to everyone. You need to throw cotton "snowballs", trying to get into a large felt boot standing on the floor (each team has its own felt boot). Count, congratulate the winner.

Christmas fun 3

You know, in one of the tribes in Africa on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. The one who spit out the dummy the farthest wins.

Christmas fun 4

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

4 pairs of participants are called. Ladies "sculpt" a snowman from their gentleman, i.e. wrap it around toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes.

Christmas fun 5

"Ice Sculpture"

Two teams of 5 people must draw an ice sculpture and give it a name. Time to prepare - while the music is playing.

Well now it's time

win-win New Year's lottery!

1. Portrait of himself handsome man? (Mirror.)

2. A trifle, always needed.

Without it, there is no ruble (penny)

3. Things are always necessary, not out of fashion. (Shoe laces.)

4. And this item

Helps you remember things

Long gone years. (Empty.)

5. Somewhere among us there is a fellow,

For him, we have prepared the most delicious lollipop. (Chupa Chups.)

6. You are just a darling with us, Here's a cool one for you ... (clapperboard).

7. Means for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope.)

8. You will be strong, like a genie,

If you eat our vitamin. (Apple or carrot.)

9. The limit of your dreams

I am very happy to give.

Washing machine as a gift

Automatic machine. (Eraser.)

10. And here is the gift of Prometheus,

May your life be brighter

And a little warmer too. (Candle.)

11. They get you -

Lights from Bengal! (Sparklers)

12. Old antique hanger. (Nail.)

13. Not a luxury, but a means of transportation. (Toy car.)

14. So that you straighten your hair more often,

We will give you a model comb! (Fork.)

15. You are lucky: from these hands

You got a laptop! (Notepad, preferably labeled Notebook.)

16. Cool surprise here for you,

Get the symbol of the year as a prize! (Souvenir toy.)

17. And your gift is just a miracle,

I will tell you without further ado.

Keep from me for a keepsake

Raincoat set! (Packing garbage bags.)

18. There is no better gift in the world,

Than branded shampoo in a briquette! (Soap.)

19. And you for your table

Bohemian glass set! (Disposable cups.)

20. So that in the New Year led the way,

We give you confetti!

3. The final part


How fast the time has flown

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!


And ahead fun party,

Magical 2019!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year is coming!


Happy New Year of the Pig to you -

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And we sincerely wish you

Learn to never forget!


More often, it's easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

Happy New Year!

(Firecracker salute)


And now we invite everyone to the New Year's disco.
