Scenario wedding for hosts with games and competitions. Modern wedding scenarios

Preparing for a wedding, as you know, is a joyful and troublesome business. Try to take into account all the details, all the wishes of relatives, all the necessary purchases, in general, lists and to-do lists.
Perhaps the most important choice is toastmaster's invitation. That's who will completely depend on your holiday. You need to meet with the presenter, let him show you his portfolio, videos of his work at the first meeting. Discuss with him how you personally imagine holding a wedding celebration, jointly draw up a plan, which is subsequently transformed into a script.

The next basis of your holiday is a high-quality wedding script for the toastmaster. Usually, the presenter is ready to provide you with his template text, on which he works. And here it is worth taking the initiative, expressing your wishes, offering your own contests, even a ready-made script.
In search of ideas, look through the toastmaster's book, where sample scripts are usually published. Our website presents a large number of funny and modern wedding scenarios that are suitable for the toastmaster.
The uniqueness and charm of the wedding gives the successful addition of all its parts. Let all the elements of your holiday, from the gentle decoration of the hall to the cheerful wedding scenario for the host, unite into a single harmonious ensemble.

wedding with toastmaster

The toastmaster wedding script below has a flexible structure, detailed props, and an idea for an unusual and beautiful start.
Guests arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes before the newlyweds. Everyone sits down at the tables, soft background music sounds.
Until the newlyweds arrive, the host can inform the guests that the script is planned to steal the shoes and the bride and ask those who wish to participate as "thieves" to approach her.
The lights are dimmed, the melody of the dance of the newlyweds sounds. Little girls dressed in fairy costumes enter the hall one after another. In their hands, each holds a large candle wrapped in gold foil (for safety from hot wax). They form a circle on a specially prepared platform.
To applause, a couple enters the hall and, having reached the dance floor, begins their wedding waltz. At this time, the girls move to the beat of the music in a circle, sway. At the culmination of the dance, fireworks-fountains are fired, located along the perimeter of the site. The couple finishes the dance, they are offered crystal glasses of champagne tied with a ribbon.
Salute of festive lights,
Extravaganza of smiles and gifts
We open this evening for friends.
In honor of our young and bright couple!
Having drunk a wonderful and sizzling drink,
To the newlyweds, a ringing hello helmet!
And let our holiday dance all night,
Honor and praise the wonderful couple to sing!

Everyone sits down at the table, the feast begins.

Young and happy
So good today!
And the eyes are gleaming,
We want you to live in luxury!
Newlyweds, all attention!
Even though you've grown up
Your gifts, your recognition
Parents want to say!
Handsome groom and golden bride
Read the words of your manifesto!

The bride and groom leave the table in the center of the hall.

I make a promise,
That I will not hide my love for my mother-in-law!
And I will diligently go to pancakes,
Give her flowers for her birthday!
And I will consider my father-in-law for my father,
I will try to absorb all his wisdom!
How to fix a house correctly, how to plant a worm,
How do you replace a part on a car?

The host invites the father-in-law and mother-in-law to the dance floor. Parents say congratulations and give gifts. Then they stay on the dance floor.

And I swear this promise
I am father-in-law the best daughter-in-law I'll have to!
I'll cook a pie, knit socks,
At the meeting, I will say a good word!
And I will call my mother-in-law mother,
I'm going to invite her over right away!
I will respect and honor
Help her and love!

The host invites the father-in-law and the mother-in-law to give parting words to the young. After the speech, they also do not leave.

You bow low to your parents,
Their favorite dreams came true today.
And worried about you, passionately loved,
All worries and grievances they have forgiven you.
Dear mothers, fathers, you will enjoy the moment.
A new path, a bright road has opened before the children!

We wish good and health
With triumph we announce a toast!
Let's raise our full cups, friends!
In honor of the glorious parents of the couple!
After all, the family has grown so much today,
The fanfare sounds solemnly!

Young people bow to their parents, and the guests raise their glasses while standing. The parents return, but the couple stays and accepts gifts from the guests.

Presentation of gifts

And we remember about grandparents!
We invite you, dear ones, to say a word to you!

The older generation from both sides comes to the parquet and congratulates the young. Aunts, uncles of respectable age or other relatives can also go out with them or instead of them.

Now I invite all the relatives present today to the center of the hall. I pass the microphone to you, let parting words and warm wishes sound! Let the gifts cover the young from head to toe!

Gift giving moment. The newlyweds stand in the center of the hall, the guests come up with gifts, and the witnesses are nearby in the wings.

Good friends around
We can't move forward without them!
congratulations, advice,
And love sonnets!
I invite to the middle of the hall all the guests at a table for friends!

Gifts and wishes from friends. Everyone is returning to their seats.

Game "Two hearts"

I give two hearts to each table,
They will let you get to know each other better.
While the music is playing
There is a movement in a circle
Don't rush, take it easy
Give your heart to a friend.

You get in time with the music
Yes, follow the simple rule
If you got red - kiss your neighbor,
And the blue in your hands - then hug!

The facilitator approaches the tables and gives a heart cut out of paper to each half of the table. An energetic melody is turned on, the guests pass their hearts. The music breaks, you need to fulfill the conditions of the game.

For the health of friends and loved ones
Let's fill the cups to the brim!
Let it be chic and sophisticated
Their lives are happy!

Guests support a toast to friends and relatives. Table break.

A toast to the young: Bitter!

Dear newlyweds, many beautiful prophetic words and wishes have been said to you. But who will believe the words? You have to believe in the cause! I ask guests to confirm their wishes with suitable gestures. The task is very simple, as soon as you hear me say good luck - all raise up thumb, I mention happiness - blow kisses to the newlyweds. As I remember about health, men boast of their biceps, and the ladies around admire and admire. And if I talk about love, we draw a big heart in the air!
(Names of newlyweds)
Let love cover you with waves, (heart)
The ship of happiness will take you far, (kisses)
On the shores that so shine with beauty,
And where sadness no longer lives.
We wish you health, no doubt, (biceps)
Good luck to the sea and prosperity to the brim! (thumb)
And let in our big universe
No one has ever seen such love! (heart)
Let the happy time last forever, (kisses)
The marital fire is inextinguishable!
Good luck with your union, we bless you heartily, (thumb)
Let's make a healthy toast! (biceps)
So much happiness will come to you! (kisses)
Let only today be bitter for you! (guests shout "Bitter!")

Gratitude to parents

We love a beautiful couple
But, without a doubt, among us
There are those who worry the most
Sighing quietly several times.
Honor to parents and respect,
Parents are the beginning of everything.
And let expressions of appreciation
Decorate our evening ball!

Newlyweds, you have the floor! Congratulate and thank your beloved parents!

As a gift to parents, there may be a separately learned dance-scene or a prepared touching video sequence consisting of photographs and recorded congratulations. It is also customary to give the parents of each side a rich bouquet of flowers and a nice gift.

The newlyweds' response to congratulations and words of gratitude to their parents and family.

A dance break during which the shoe is stealthily stolen.

shoe theft

I got bad news!
(bride's name)'s shoe was stolen!
We ask the robbers to come here,
Explain your misdeeds!
The devils come out and hold the bride's shoe in their hands.

Witnesses, witnesses
Missing not noticed!
Once the heel is missed,
Then you and take the rap!

First challenge! (addressing the witness) Hmm, the young man looks strong! And how many times do you do push-ups, well done? And so that your young lady does not get bored, and her task! (turns to the witness) Give every man sitting in the hall a kiss on the nose! Reade set Go!

Sounds like funny music, all the time while the witness is kissing men, the witness is doing push-ups in lying position.

To pick up the shoe
We invite you to dance!
Here are props to help you.
Do not disengage your hands,
And in time with the motive to hit!

The devils hand over the shoe and leave. The witness puts it on the bride's leg.

We invite friendly and dashing witnesses to keep their word! And they have something to please the young!

Witnesses say their congratulations or show a prepared performance. After that, they offer to build a strong house for a happy couple - to play big jenga, everyone can help them with this.

Drinking and dancing break.

Competition: Hat of Miracles

I present to you the hat of miracles,
Whatever you ask, everything is in it!
She knows desires and thoughts
And he will read the thoughts of the guests!

The presenter walks around the tables in a random order, lowers his hat on the head of the person sitting, at this moment some piece of music is turned on. For example, these could be

  • Glucose - Bride;
  • L. Uspenskaya - Convertible;
  • Tom Jones - Sex bomb etc.

Competition: Spaghetti

The most beautiful couples of our evening are invited to the dance floor!

When the guests leave, the toastmaster explains the rules of the competition.

Each couple is given a spaghetti straw. The halves take it in the teeth on each side and begin to dance. And follow the rhythm! Go!

In the process, the music either speeds up or changes to a slow waltz. Those who keep the straw intact win.
Drinking and dancing break.

Bride theft

Attention attention!
Meeting accident!
While the groom drank from a glass,
The princess of the evening is gone!

Devils appear on the dance floor. They carry the bride with them in a sleeping bag.

You look like a smart guy
We'll test your skill!
If you throw five rings,
You will take the bride then, brave man!

The groom is given 7 small rings, which must be thrown onto the bottles in front of him. The devils give sleeping bag groom, and a man comes out of him. Then the "thieves" say the next test.

If there are professional dancers among the couple's friends, then this is a competition for them, and if not, then three brave and artistic girls. They agree in advance with the host, and during the break they go to change clothes.

Forget about your bride, well done!
Or choose a new one at last!
Look how good it is
And eyes, and legs, a simple soul!

A girl dressed as a cowboy comes out and dances to Lady Gaga's Americano.

The groom refuses.

What have you lost your courage?
From love completely melted!
Enchant you East!
Take India's flower!

The Indian girl appears next, the musical fragment is Disco Dancer - Jimmy.

Well, we offer one last time,
We give you a strict order!
Don't miss this girl
Play your wedding with her!

A girl in Russian comes out folk costume under "Dubinushka".

Already tired of this damn thing,
Take a reliable saber in hand,
Let's drive them out, mate!

The groom, the witness, the groom's friends take toy swords and sabers and drive the devils out of the hall. The groom comes back and leads the bride by the arm. The guests are greeted with applause.

Game with those sitting at the table

A lot of surprises are hidden in the hat.
It's our turn to help the young!
Let their first year be the right time!
Both weekdays and weekends!

There are 12 notes in this hat
In each assignment for you.
Let's legally play the list
Between you, relatives and friends!

The tasks are comic, but if one of the guests takes up the matter seriously, the young couple will not mind.

Notes need to be played among the guests. Each contains a month and an assignment to be completed. The name of the guest who pulled it out also fits into the card. Notes can be designed as calendar sheets, which can then be folded into a whole calendar for the newlyweds.

  • January is pretty short, Take a couple to the skating rink;
  • We will make up for the heat in winter, And in February we go to the bathhouse;
  • If you wish to please us, Mart, we invite you to wash the windows;
  • In April, you add love, And put a romantic dinner for a couple;
  • Barbecue please a couple, That will be your gift in May;
  • Towel, yes sun cream, In June, the main goods.
  • In July, to expand life prospects, You will take them home on a ferris wheel!
  • And in August, darker nights come, In honor of the young, you arrange a salute!
  • And in September, let it be yours, A trip to hunt for mushrooms;
  • October. You can bravely do it alone! Clean up the family limousine!
  • Come early November morning, We do the general cleaning;
  • For December, you underline in your notebook. We invite you to decorate the Christmas tree!

What a sophisticated bride! How tall and handsome is the bridegroom!
Do not let out of each other's arms for a moment!
The beauty of the new family eclipsed the white world!
Let's say with all our heart: love and advice to you!

The host announces a toast, the guests raise their glasses. If one of the guests wants to make a speech, the toastmaster approaches him with a microphone.
Table break.

Tug of war - determining the sex of the unborn baby.

Girls to the right, boys to the left
Feel free to grab onto a strong rope!
That side wins
What will the gender of the baby guess!

They drag on for some time, but so far no one has managed to pull over to their side, the host announces:

They pull the rope, they can't pull it out!

I announce your fate - expect twins!

Optionally, you can carry out the classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried friends. In this scenario, an idea of ​​a different nature is proposed.

The beautiful bride is invited to the center of our hall! And I also invite all the bridesmaids who also dream of a handsome prince and a wedding veil!
This time we will do in an unusual way! I ask the bride to carefully untie her happy bridal bouquet and give each girl a flower wishing her dreams come true!

In this case, you won’t kill anyone with a bouquet, and all the young ladies of marriageable age will be satisfied.


Hurry, Hurry! Everyone on the dance floor!
Let's test your dexterity!
Bride, take care of the hem!
Let's see who deserves the prize!

A rope or someone's tie is pulled as an obstacle. It is necessary to pass under the rope without hitting it.

A short break for dancing and food.

The honey-dessert climax of our evening is coming! I ask the wonderful couple to fairly share the entire cake among the guests!

The newlyweds cut off a piece for themselves and serve it to each other from a spoon. Further, the bride and groom offer the smallest guests of the holiday. Children can reward newlyweds with kisses or poems, say congratulations. After that, the rest of the guests come up for the cake. Consider the size of the pieces, cut so as to treat all guests.

The end of the wedding.

Necessary props for the presenter:

  1. 5 costumes for fairies: multi-colored wings, matching the wings bouffant skirts. On the face is colored face painting with sparkles. Hair loose and curled in curls;
  2. 5 thick candles wrapped in gold foil;
  3. Gifts and bouquets of flowers for parents on each side;
  4. Two colored cardboard hearts (red and blue) for each table;
  5. Devil costumes, flippers;
  6. Jenga. A large set is desirable, the so-called street jenga;
  7. For competitions: wizard's hat, musical selection of "thoughts", spaghetti, 3 bottles and 7 rings, cards with instructions for guests, rope;
  8. Sleeping bag, cowboy costume, Indian outfit and Russian folk outfit, toy sabers and swords;
  9. Prizes for contests (at your discretion).

Do you want to arrange an unforgettable continuation of the wedding on the second day, but do not know how? There are a lot of options to cheer people up. You can invite everyone to barbecue houses, or you can all go together to a karaoke bar or something like that. But isn't it banal? Here is the script for a fun second day of the wedding party. Everyone will have so much fun that your wedding will never be forgotten. The script for the second wedding day for the toastmaster 2016 with contests is very easy to find, but will it suit you? So, in this article you will find best script weddings 2016!

Block 1: start of the wedding party

Meeting the bride and groom

There is such a tradition at weddings - to honor the parents of the newlyweds. But first, the toastmaster invites guests to meet the young with applause. After that, their parents tie aprons to their belts and themselves take the place of the bride and groom. The bottom line is that there is a complete dedication of the newlyweds to the hostess and the owner.

Words of gratitude

And again, this part of the second day is not complete without the parents and close relatives of the young. A wife and husband should thank mom and dad, grandparents and others for raising such wonderful children, for the joy they bring to them, for their kindness.

Block 2: contests

In the midst of the second wedding, contests can also be started to somehow cheer up and stir up the guests who have come. There are a lot of such contests, the main thing is that they do not hurt anyone's feelings and do not offend a person, because anything can happen. Therefore, the toastmaster selects competitions, leaning towards the interests of the family and close guests.

Family twinning

As mentioned above, without a family at a wedding, there is nowhere, so one of the competitions is for them. The newlyweds go on stage with their parents. Everyone is invited to drink champagne from a common family glass, but if the family does not drink, you can pour lemonade or juice. The husband should drink first. And here the toastmaster reveals the meaning of the word HUSBAND: Dear, Respected by the Wife, and the WIFE is the Desired, Only, Beloved and Angel. Then everyone else drinks. The mother-in-law, who promises not to offend her son-in-law and feed him deliciously, the father-in-law tells his son historical stories. The father-in-law speaks of a goldfish (bride) that he has caught and is now marrying her. Well, the mother-in-law gives the most expensive and precious things to her daughter-in-law. With all these words, they must pass a glass of champagne (lemonade), if desired, hug and kiss each other. At the end, they all form a circle together, thus uniting their family. Tamada plays the family's favorite song.

Competition for mother-in-law and mother-in-law

Family competitions continue, but now only for two of its members - beautiful mothers spouses. Tamada gives them bubble. The bottom line is that the host takes turns asking them questions, and instead of answers they will blow bubbles. How many bubbles is the answer. For example, how many times a year will you babysit your grandchildren? How many fish will the son (son-in-law) bring from fishing? And so on. The more and more interesting questions the merrier the guests will be.

Divination for the young

The next competition is for the newlyweds. The essence of the competition is to predict who will be the first to be born to a married couple - a boy or a girl. They take two balls and put money there. The bride and groom go outside and launch them into the air. Everything is simple here - whose ball flew higher, that floor will be in the child.

Competitions for guests

Here you can come up with many contests to entertain your guests. You are provided with examples of some of them.

  • Gather your clothes. Several guests from the hall are invited to bring at a certain time as possible more clothes. At the end, the winner is awarded with a prize. Now you can always turn to this person, because he can get everything.
  • The next competition is called "agile cavalier". The competition is for men only. Rubber bands are issued, each gentleman has an elastic band different colors. The essence of the competition is that each man must ring as many women as possible. There is also a similar competition for beautiful ladies. They are offered the well-known game with chairs, only the chairs are not empty, but young people are put on them, girls are one more. The music turns on and the girls have to walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they should sit on the laps of the men. Well, who did not have time - leaves.
  • A mock medical examination. The toastmaster invites two guests to conduct a so-called physical examination of those present. They are offered to make the most unexpected comic diagnoses: under-bite, under-hangover, under-drank, etc.

There are also many other competitions that a professional toastmaster or presenter can offer you, who will feel all the desires of the audience and will definitely surprise you! Thus, you can arrange any second day of the wedding banquet, as you want, the main thing is that all guests are cheerful and satisfied.

Greeting the guests, the host thanks them for accepting the invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the order of the wedding. Then he asks the guests to line up in a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers over their heads; at certain intervals, he hands guests multi-colored ribbons of one and a half meters in length. Guests must pull these ribbons.
Immediately outside the entrance doors of the hall, the presenter spreads three decorative paper tracks on the floor. On one is written "Matriarchy", on the other - "Patriarchy", on the third - "Council and love." Tracks are laid labeled down.
Young people are coming. The host meets them.

Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the young people on the happiest and most joyful holiday in their lives - the holiday of love! May it last forever!
Expensive …. (calling young people by name)! Now you will pass along the honorary corridor, and the guests will gird you with colorful ribbons. May your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, may it always be warm, cozy and happy! Welcome! Young people pass through a living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

Dear young, at the beginning of your family life There are three paths in front of you. If you go one by one, your wife will have a husband under his heel, if you go by another, the husband will become the head of the family, if you choose the third one, peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your own way of life.
To the music, the young people walk along one of the paths, the host raises it and shows the inscription to all the guests. Young people sit on chairs covered with towels. Nearby are the witnesses.

And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
Dear young people, they will offer you - know how to bring it up.
Dear guests, the young people ask you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young people: on an awl, on a soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crusher, on pot tires ... To the music, the guests take turns congratulating the young.
The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone congratulated the young, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (on the background of music):
I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and perform the wedding ritual "Washing". This custom came to us from hoary antiquity. It means that the husband and wife must now divide everything in half. We ask the young people, standing on the same rug, wash their hands in one bowl and dry with one towel. The ritual "ablution" is performed.

From now on, you have everything in common. You have to walk the same road all your life, supporting each other ... And now I invite the heroes of our occasion, respected witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

Host (after the young, their parents and witnesses took their places:
Dear guests! Our young people ask you for festive table: bread - eat salt, break the loaf, on bread - salt and on a kind word, because the hut is red with corners, and the wedding is with pies! The guests are seated at the tables.

I ask guests to prepare for the first wedding toast!
Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds.
I give a countdown: five, four, three, two, one .... hall! …. (Men open champagne, pour it into glasses.)
I ask everyone to rise and support me at the end of the toast.
Cork rocket salute,
Crystal ringing
Helmet congratulations and hello
Family newlyweds.
May you always shine brightly
Happy life dawn
May it always be sweet to you
Well, today ... BITTER!
There is a wedding feast. (At each feast, the host pronounces three obligatory toasts).

Presenter (against the background of music):
The good light of the parental home ... Wherever we are, wherever fate throws us, in days of joy and in days of adversity, we are always warmed by the warmth of parental hearts ... Dear parents, please stand up, look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their lives, and this is your day, for the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
For you, dear parents! There is a wedding feast.

Friends, please fill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honored, most respected guests of our wedding.
Dear young grandparents, please rise so that the entire wedding feast can see you.
Your hands have labored for ten lives,
Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
You're getting old, your years are gone,
But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
And now the day has come when your grandchildren create new family, as you once created. And in this family, as in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, the grandchildren of your grandchildren will wish their children peace,
health, well-being, as you wish today ...
For you grandparents! Many summers!

There is a feast.

And now I invite the bride and groom to their first a wedding dance. May the melody to which they will dance always sound in their hearts, reminiscent of this wonderful holiday of love and happiness. The dance program of the young opens a dance program, to which all guests are then invited. In this program, you can provide for the dance of the matchmakers, the dance of the son-in-law with the mother-in-law ...
Toward the end of the dance program, the leader gathers the parents of the young near him, hands the mothers bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and the fathers each with a towel.

Host (at the end of the dance program):
Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, don't get bored. We have clean bread, sour kvass, a sharp knife, we cut it smoothly, we eat sweetly. The guests are seated at the tables.

Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, your loved ones, your parents, congratulate you with bread and salt.

Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.

Bread - salt is a symbol of fertility, love it, appreciate and respect the work of people, and may there always be bread on your table, and may it be in your heart, and your heart in bread. Accept your parents' gift and tell them a sincere "Thank you!" for the fact that they spared no effort and raised you, raised you to create a new family.

Fathers slowly approach the young and tie them (or simply throw them over their shoulders) with embroidered towels.

Well, dear guests, the bread and salt has been handed over. Now you need to find out which of the young to be the head of the family.

The young bite or break the bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has a larger share will be the head of the family.

The musicians play a march, the guests are seated at the tables. The leader makes a connection balloons containing "tickets".

Now our young people, together with witnesses, will play a comic lottery: who will have to do what in family life.
The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will open the tickets and read what is written in them.

The lottery of young people is being drawn. To speed up the draw, you can put two "tickets" into one ball.
Ticket inscriptions:
1 Repairing, planing, sawing firewood - I will do all this.
2 And if friends call me, then I will go to the restaurant.
3 I will be the owner of the house.
4 I will go shopping.
5 I will read newspapers.
6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
7 I will drive the car, and we will have to wash it.
8 I will wash the dishes.
9 Repairs in the apartment will be done by you.
10 I will iron the trousers.
11 I will sit by the TV.
12 I will chat with a neighbor.
13 I will wash the diapers.
14 I will cook dinner.

Host (at the end of the lottery draw):
May God bless our young people with good luck! Let them draw only lucky tickets in their lives!
And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
Dear young!
How many bumps in the field
So many you and daughters!
How many stumps in the forest
So many sons for you!
There is a feast.

And now I want to propose a toast that no one here will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
Our land is rich not only with soulful songs and incendiary dances, but also with sun and warmth. And it became even warmer and sunnier at today's wedding from your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and offer a toast in your honor - a toast to friendship, which our people are strong, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

The host invites everyone to a dance program, after which a sweet table should already be ready.
The wedding celebration is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is proposed. After the dance program, guests are seated at the tables. The host invites the young and their parents to him, hands them a tray on which six candles are fixed: four for the parents and two for the bride and groom. The musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (on the background of music):
Dear ……… (calls the young people by their names)! now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We want the sparks of family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to blaze with fire Great love in the hearth of your young family!

The light goes out. Candles are lit. Young people and their parents, bypassing the guests, put candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

An interesting article for future newlyweds. Several scenarios for the wedding.

A wedding is one of the most memorable events for a couple. Therefore, I want to spend a celebration in a fun atmosphere with friends and relatives. Now European-style weddings, which are held without the participation of a toastmaster, are in fashion. But do not think that the celebration will consist only of a modest feast. You can take on the role of leader.

Joke original script for wedding anniversary

Of course, a wedding anniversary, and especially an anniversary, is worth spending in the company of your closest ones. To make the holiday fun, you can arrange various contests and games.

Approximate script for wedding anniversary

It is not necessary to tie the script to a specific date, but you can mention this. For the celebration, it is desirable to choose two hosts. It is best if it is a man and a woman.

Leading words:

Greetings dear guests

Throw away all your sorrows

And get ready to have some fun

To enjoy your wedding to the fullest.

Don't forget to fill your glasses

And drink together for the newlyweds.

Question and answer contest

Appeal to the couple (heroes of the occasion):

Now you have a task

Responsible very test

You go to the center of the hall together

Choose your answers well.

For this contest, you need to prepare two bags of questions and answers for the groom in advance. Questions can be such a plan:

  • Honey, do you want a lot of kids?
  • Will you call my parents "mom" and "dad"?
  • Are we getting a dog?
  • Will you buy me a fur coat?

The bride pulls out pieces of paper from the first bag, and the groom answers from the second. The answers should be:

  • Only after the silver wedding
  • Dream baby
  • If salary allows

Thus, the groom randomly selects answers to questions. It turns out very original and fun.

fun lottery

After this competition, the couple sit down and take a short break to have a bite to eat and drink. Be sure the guests shout "Bitterly"! When the guests and the husband and wife have a little rest at the table, the second presenter asks the guests to purchase a comic lottery. You can not name the price, let each of the invitees give as much money as he sees fit.

Leader's words:

“Dear guests rested, drank a little, gulped

Now we ask you to come and buy the lottery.”

A basket of papers is prepared in advance. Each of the guests should pull out the bundle and read aloud what is written inside. For example:

  • Don't be sad, cheer up. We hand you a cracker (a pack of crackers is handed)
  • This item may be useful to you. You will have to get drunk in the morning (a bottle of beer or a low-alcohol drink is given)
  • Our gift is modest and is called a pencil (I give pencils to the guest)
  • You will soon say thank you, and the best gift is a book (the guest is given a magazine with crossword puzzles)
  • There is a lot of fun going on right now. And our present will save you from a hangover tomorrow (aspirin is handed)

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to give guests a break from the competitions. Invited and heroes of the occasion drink and eat.

After a short break, the heroes of the occasion are presented with gifts. It needs to be done as a joke. It is worth making an appointment with one of the guests in advance. The facilitators should prepare a large box of broken bottles. The box is beautifully packaged. One of the guests vilifies the gift for the newlyweds and says that this service is insanely expensive, and he chose it for a long time. When handing over, the guest drops the box with the "gift" on the floor. Everyone hears the sound of broken glass. After that, the guest announces that this is a prank and gives the couple his real gift.

bride kidnapping contest

It is necessary during the dance to quietly take the bride out of the hall. After that, the presenter says that the bride has disappeared, and in order to redeem her, the groom needs to dance a striptease. After the groom's dance, one of the invited men, dressed in the bride's dress, comes out and sits on the groom's knees. The guest says that he will return the bride if the groom gives him a bottle of Hennessy. In this case, it is not necessary to buy this elite drink. On a bottle of cognac, you can stick a picture drawn on quick hand Hennessy label. After the ransom, the couple dances the last dance by candlelight. The guests eat the cake and leave.

The scenario of the wedding banquet

Increasingly, newlyweds are trying to save on the behavior of the wedding. Most young people prefer to go on vacation abroad than to spend a lot of money on luxurious banquets. But this does not mean that the holiday will be boring. Can be prepared in advance interesting contests and the scenario of the celebration.

Be sure to during the wedding celebration you need:

  • Thank parents
  • Congratulate the newlyweds
  • Arrange a bride kidnapping
  • Thank guests
  • Cheer up the guests using contests and lotteries

Funny contests for a wedding

They can be announced by one of the guests. It's best if it is close girlfriend bride or boyfriend.

  • Competition "Attraction". For the competition, you need to pack the items in large boxes in advance. At the same time, it is not necessary to say that it is packed. It is necessary to describe the subject in a comic way. For example: milk storage container (bra), egg tray (family briefs), washing machine(trowel), sewing machine(needle and thread). Guests must bargain after the announcement of the lot. The initial price can be 5-10 rubles. The money is put into a pouch for the newlyweds. After purchasing the lots, guests are asked to unpack the prizes
  • Competition "Casanova". It is necessary to choose several guests among the guests funny men. The music turns on and for a certain period of time the man must collect more kisses. The count is based on the number of lipstick prints on a man's face. Women should not give up immediately, the contestant wins the kiss
  • Competition questions for guests. This is a traditional and fun competition. It is necessary to prepare leaflets with questions and answers in advance. They are placed in different boxes. Questions should be like this: do you like alcohol? Have you ever danced a striptease? Are you hiding yours from your partner? additional income? Do you have connections on the side? The answers can be as follows: knowing me, you don’t have to ask, I enjoy it, only at night in bed, I’m ashamed to confess in front of everyone. Usually this competition is accompanied by laughter

A modern wedding scenario for a wedding with unusual and fun contests

This scenario is ideal for younger guests. All contests are fun and moving:

  • Portrait. For this competition, several participants are selected. Each contestant is given sheets and pencils. Everyone should draw one of the invitees. On the back, in small letters, you need to write who is depicted in the portrait. Then these drawings are distributed to guests and they must guess who is drawn in the portrait. Whose drawing gets the most correct answers is the winner. Portraits are given to the one who is depicted on it
  • Who was born? For this fun competition, several couples are selected. Women stand opposite their men. The facilitator distributes information about the newborn baby to women. On the sheets you can write: a Chinese was born with sly eyes, a baby Negro who yells all the time. At the same time, the woman should show her partner with gestures what is written on the piece of paper. The one of the men who guesses the encrypted information most correctly wins.
  • Contest "Drunkard". This competition is built on the principle of the children's game "Extra dropped out." For this, 5-6 participants are selected. One glass less than the contestants is put on the table. The music starts and the participants walk around the table. As soon as the host claps his hands or the music stops, you need to grab a glass and empty it. Whoever doesn't get a drink is out.
  • Competition "Kid". To do this, several men who love beer are invited to the stage. A nipple is put on each bottle. Which of the participants will empty the container faster, he won

Scenario for a small wedding party with friends

It is desirable that matchmakers take on the role of leaders. If they are of advanced age, then it is possible for the girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds to celebrate. Before the arrival of the newlyweds, the presenters offer guests snacks and champagne in the restaurant lobby.

After the arrival of the spouses, romantic music is turned on, and the children sprinkle the couple with rose petals. One of the presenters offers to say goodbye to the bride with her maiden name. To do this, the girl is given an armful of balloons filled with helium and a marker. The bride must write her maiden name on each of the balloons and release them into the sky.

  • Competitions for the bride and groom. This is a kind of test for the newlyweds. It is necessary to put several men in the center of the hall. The bride is blindfolded. She must use her hands to feel the ears of each of the candidates and determine where her husband is. The groom will not be bored either. He is blindfolded. Several girls sit down on chairs and bare their legs. The groom must, by feeling his feet, determine where his beloved is.
  • Competition for guests It is necessary for the presenters to choose several active couples in the hall. Men sit on chairs, and on their knees paper napkin. Women sit on the knees of their partners. The music turns on and the participants must rub the napkins with their buttocks and feet
  • Competition for invited "Clothespins". A traditional and very fun competition. Several pairs are selected. Men are given empty tin cans on strings and clothespins. Participants are blindfolded. They must pin jewelry on their chosen ones. Then you can ask them to remove jewelry without using their hands with their eyes open. This competition brings people together if they are not married.
  • Dance competition. Couples are issued air balloons, incendiary music turns on. Partners should burst the ball in the dance, squeezing it with their buttocks or chest

The wedding ends with the removal of the veil. For this, romantic music is turned on, the groom removes the veil from the bride and dances the first family dance with her. Further, the newlyweds thank the guests for congratulating them. Spouses cut a wedding cake and distribute to guests. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoys the wedding fireworks.

Scenario of the wedding evening with competitions for the toastmaster. Scenario of a wedding celebration for a master of ceremonies

Usually the script for holding a wedding with a toastmaster is divided into two parts: introductory and feast. At the very beginning, after the arrival of the newlyweds, they are sprinkled with wheat grains and rose petals.

  • Affectionate like
  • beautiful as
  • caring like
  • smart as

After each sentence, she pulls out a piece of paper with an animal that the groom wrote. In the same way, a competition is held with the answers of the bride. Laughter echoes through the hall.

It is traditional to vote for the gender of the baby that will be born in a pair. For fun game The toastmaster brings two little men to the guests, one blue and the other pink. Each of the guests must put some money into the chosen little man.

Accordingly, if one of the invitees wants to vote for a girl, he must spend money in pink clothes. The floor that collects the most money wins.

The toastmaster can prepare a bottle of champagne in advance with a photo of the bride and groom couple.

IMPORTANT! The lovers will have to open the bottle in exactly one year.

  • "What's in a glass" competition. A fun contest for all guests. To carry it out, 100 g of vodka are poured into a glass. It is necessary to lower a straw into each container. The toastmaster announces that in all the glasses, except for one, there is water. Guests need to determine by the grimaces of the participants in which glass of vodka. At the end of the competition, the presenter admits that in all glasses there is vodka
  • Nodules. A fun contest that will allow you to have some fun with the participants. Toastmaster invites several people of different sex and age to participate. Each is given a rope 1 m long. It is necessary for each of the participants to tie a maximum of knots. After everyone copes, the toastmaster announces that the winner will be the one who first unties all the knots
  • A fun competition for men. Tamada invites to the stage several men who have passed military service in the army. They are handed out neatly folded T-shirts and offered to put them on quickly. After that, the participants are blindfolded and family shorts are distributed. Men will try to put on underpants, thinking they are T-shirts.

Original wedding scenarios with competitions at home

If the wedding is celebrated at home, then most often among those invited are the closest people and friends. Everyone has long been tired of the usual noisy feasts. It is worth responsibly approaching the organization of the celebration and thinking through every little thing.

Mandatory part of any wedding:

  • Newlyweds meeting
  • The first dance of the newly made spouses
  • Congratulations and toasts
  • Contests, games and competitions
  • Presentation of gifts
  • Dancing and disco
  • Farewell to girlish and bachelor life
  • Eating birthday cake

So that the wedding does not seem boring, it is necessary to dilute the traditional part with fun games and contests. At the same time, you need to try so that the guests do not get bored and do not have time to get pretty drunk. To do this, after 1-2 drunk glasses, they arrange some kind of competition.

Contests for a wedding at home

  • cabbage rolls. A comic contest in which a man is invited to participate. They blindfold him and announce that a woman is lying on the sofa with a sweet candy in her mouth. He must find the candy and eat it without the help of his hands. But a man lies down on the sofa without candy, while the music "Blue Moon" plays
  • Appetite. Couples are invited for the competition, they are blindfolded and swapped. Participants need to eat a banana, a different participant bites from each end. Thus, the contestants will meet lips. It's fun if the participants are the same gender
  • Pregnant wife. A fun competition for men. It is necessary for the witness and the groom to stick with adhesive tape balloon at the level of the abdomen. A box of matches is poured onto the floor, and the participants must collect everything and not burst the ball

The scenario of the wedding evening in a narrow circle

The scenario depends on where the celebration is held, at home or in a cafe. In a restaurant, you can arrange mobile competitions that require a lot of space. Houses mainly choose games and competitions at the table or near it. You can even arrange quizzes at the beginning of the celebration while all the guests are sober.

  • Striptease. With the help of chairs, a circle is made. 10 participants are selected, the same number of chairs are taken. The music turns on and the participants, after turning it off, must put any thing on the chair where they stopped. The number of items removed depends on how close the contestants are. Further, the music turns on again and the participants are already putting on the thing from the chair where they stopped
  • Fashion boutique. For the competition, you need to take a large bag and put funny clothes into it. It can be panties size 58 or bra size 10. Each contestant takes an item out of the bag and puts it on. It takes 30 minutes not to take off your outfit
  • Kamikaze. A fun competition to improve your mood. A glass is placed on the table, each seated person must pour a little strong drink into the container and pass it on. Whoever has a full glass should drink it

The scenario of the Russian wedding ceremony. Suits for Russian weddings

A few centuries ago, our ancestors observed all the subtleties of Russian rituals. Now many are striving to organize a European, sea wedding. But still, some newlyweds want to keep traditions.

The main stages of the Russian wedding ceremony:

  • Matchmaking
  • Collusion
  • hen-party
  • Wedding
  • The wedding night
  • wedding feast

It is on the wedding day that the celebration begins with putting the bride in order. A friend helps her get dressed. At the same time, the groom is at home and should not see his beloved. Further, the man comes for his lady. The bride's relatives ask for a ransom. After that, the newlyweds go to get married in a church (in the registry office).

It was traditional in Rus' to meet newlyweds with wheat sprinkled on them, but now many couples are abandoning this tradition. Newlyweds choose rose petals or soap bubbles. Be sure to meet young people with a loaf and salt. There is a belief that whoever bites off the most will be the head of the family.

Previously, after the arrival of the young, their parents kindled a fireplace, this was considered a sign family hearth. Now this tradition has been replaced by lighting candles at the end of the evening.

Suits for Russian weddings

Clothing for the wedding of the bride is quite complex and varied. In Rus', a shirt with an embroidered ornament was originally worn. A sundress with wide straps was put on top of her. A similar outfit was decorated with a festive apron and a beautiful belt.

The bride always had a kokoshnik on her head - a hat with an open nape. It was believed that the girl herself should embroider the ornament on the shirt, but now you can buy clothes with machine embroidery.

The groom wore a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. At the same time, all ornaments had to be made from the same threads as the bride's outfit.

A wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. So that you remember this celebration with warmth and awe, make every effort to organize it.

VIDEO: Wedding Scenario

Dear guests! Our young people are asking you for a festive table.

Music. Guests take their places at the wedding table.

I ask the guests to prepare for the first wedding toast. Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds. They give a countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... a volley!

Guests fill glasses with champagne.

I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.

Music, against its background the first toast sounds.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
On your big day
We wish you only happiness.
Have a nice meeting
And sunny roads.
In matters of success
And in the family of consent,
Not knowing grief and anxiety!
God forbid you grow old in soul,
Keep your love like a talisman
And in a good hour, the road is straight
Hand in hand, go all your life!
We all congratulate you together,
We drink wine for you!

While the guests drink the first glass and have a snack, the host reads out the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Friends! I think that after each toast you will drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of your glass;
the first three glasses are drunk necessarily (the rest will go on their own);
let everyone present take an active part in the celebration, otherwise his behavior will be recognized as a flagrant disgrace;
adhere to the rule: if you pour yourself a drink - pour it to your neighbor, if you get drunk yourself - give your neighbor a drink;
having heard music, do not sit at the table, but start dancing, not sparing your legs. If you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
It is strictly forbidden: to sleep at the table, especially with snoring;
skip toasts;
sing songs under the table; to beat the dishes on the neighbor's head;
eat with a fork from someone else's plate;
to leave all unmarried and unmarried one by one;
the heaviest crime is to leave a wedding with a boring face.
We don't have room for boredom.
Let's congratulate the bride and groom!

The host picks up a beautifully designed bottle and explains the rules of the game. While the music is playing, all the guests pass this bottle from hand to hand. The one who has it after the end of the music gets up, pours himself a glass of wine and makes a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The bottle "stops" 5-7 times.

Drain the glasses to the bottom.
Newlyweds loud ...
Oh, dear guests!
Everything is as if you are relatives,
Everyone shout "Hurrah!"
In honor of the bride, groom.
But look left, right
For fathers and mothers.
What tirelessly raised
Sons and daughters.
Dear bride and groom!
Today, on this holiday, many wishes will be addressed to you, but what could be warmer and more precious than words native mother and father? I'm talking to the bride's parents.
Let everyone hear this hour
Your parental mandate.

Order of the bride's parents.

Well, the groom's parents.
It's time to give you your order.

The command of the groom's parents.

There is an old custom in Russia,
Many years to him, many centuries:
Congratulations on your wedding day
Parents of brides and grooms.
Dear Parents!
Let time fly
But don't get old.
Let the grandchildren grow.
Be younger at heart.
Good to you, health, a huge increase.
We raise a celebratory toast to you!

The guests are drinking.

I wonder if the parents remember the time when they were the same as the bride and groom. Dear parents! Try to answer my questions.

Each parent is asked one question.

At what time of the year did you meet your spouse?
What was the day of the week?
What was the weather like on the day of the marriage registration?
What was your wife wearing on the day they met?

Thanks for answers.
Dear newlyweds!
Don't forget the first meeting
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.

The song "Parents' House" sounds. Parents are invited to dance.

How happy to be
At the grandchildren's wedding
And see them as
Young spouses.
So I want to say a lot, wish
And to give parting words on the path of life.
The floor is given to the grandparents of the bride and groom.


Expensive... (names of grandparents)!
Let the years flow slowly
May your grandchildren bring you joy
And here is our main promise:
Live healthy up to a hundred years!
I propose to raise glasses of wine for the grandparents of our newlyweds!
There is no better honor than to serve the bride and groom. I want to introduce you to the best friends of the bride and groom. Meet... I'll ask them to stand up and congratulate our young people.

Congratulations to the witness and the witness.

Because you best friends newlyweds, you know perfectly well their advantages and disadvantages. Assignment to the witness: to praise the groom. Assignment to the witness: to praise the bride.

Witnesses are doing their job.

Maybe the guests want to add something?

The guests help the witnesses to praise the bride and groom, listing their virtues.

Witnesses! I turn to you
After all, you are not just friends to young people.
Beyond your friendly ties,
Signing by hand,
You have taken on a heavy load
Keep control of the new family
And you keep the answer for everyone:
Are you ready to help young people?
We will make sure of your help now,
We want to check you out as soon as possible.
You will perform this task in pairs: the witness with the bride, the witness with the groom.

Each pair is given one pair of scissors and an album sheet on which a heart is drawn.

Holding together different rings of scissors, you need to cut out a heart. Whose couple will complete this task faster? Ready? Started!

The results of the competition are being summed up.

And now, dear bride and groom, show all the guests the hearts that you have made.

Two hearts to the beat sound from now on.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now in the abyss of life
You two will go to the end.
Task for the bride and groom: give each other hearts, while saying the most important words.

The bride and groom give each other hearts.

The bride is given a broken chair, nails, a hammer. She completes the task given to her.

Ivan, we ask you to rate Masha's work.

He checks, stands with his feet on a chair.

Yes, a real wife should be adapted to everything. Some say that a wife is a suitcase: it’s hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, others say: it’s a diamond in the frame of our life. Ivan is lucky. Let's drink to his diamond and wish him good health!

The guests are drinking.

Bride! We approve your decision and choice,
But we will now test the groom.
Imagine, Ivan, this situation: Some time passed after the wedding, and your beloved wife gave you twins. Once she went away for the whole day on her own business, and left you with two children.

There is a coffee table in front of the groom, on which there are 2 dolls, 2 bonnets, 2 vests, 2 sliders, 2 plates, 2 spoons, 2 glasses, 2 toothbrushes, 2 diapers.

Your task is to get the children out of bed, wash them, brush their teeth, feed them, go for a walk with them and put them to bed singing a lullaby. Get started!

The groom does the job.

My toast, friends, for endurance,
Self confidence.
Sometimes it's hard to nurse
Two children in the family.

They drink toast.

Come on women, all together
Let's see the bride.
And the bride is just a dawn,
Come on, let's shout "Bitterly!" together.
Last test our young ones will show all guests whether the bride and groom are suitable for each other. To do this, the newlyweds will have to show mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Task: holding hands, try to tie one bow from a satin ribbon with both free hands.

The newlyweds complete the task. The leader sums up the result.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
To grief and sorrow
In your life you don't know.
We invite you today
Dance of happiness to dance.
I think the guests will support the bride and groom and form a ring around them.

dance department . Music sounds. The bride and groom are dancing. The guests, holding hands, walk around the young people, now to the right, then to left side. During the dance break, the following contests and competitions can be held.

"Portrait of the bride and groom." 2 teams of 10 people are selected. Before each team, at a distance of 4-5 m, a sheet of whatman paper is attached to the wall. The first participants are given a marker to blindfold. Participants in teams agree among themselves what details of the portrait each of them draws (ears, nose, head, hair, eyes ...). Tasks: the first team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the groom; the second team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the bride. The winner is the one who draws the portrait faster and more accurately. At the same time, the following rules competitions. The competition starts at the signal of the leader. The first participant, having completed the task, returns to the team and passes the marker and scarf to the second participant, who blindfolds himself and continues to draw a portrait, returns to the team, etc.

Attention! Cavaliers invite ladies, everyone gets in pairs. This dance will definitely lift your spirits. Everyone dances while the music plays. As soon as it was interrupted, all gentlemen should kneel on their left knee, put their right knee in front of them. The lady runs around the gentleman and sits down on her exposed knee. The lady who sits down last is out of the game along with her gentleman.

Our wedding continues
Here at this wedding table.
And the fun never ends
We drink to the bride and groom.
Guests, pour glasses,
Drink every drop.
Only, friends, just check
Isn't wine quite bitter?
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Dear newlyweds!
I didn't come to your wedding in vain
All the groom's family.
I ask the groom's relatives to rise. Imagine, please.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the groom.

The groom's relatives have prepared an unforgettable gift for you.

The groom's relatives are given comic musical instruments: a bunch of keys, a rustling package, a pot lid, a rattle, a children's pipe, a grater with a fork, etc. The host prepares the text of the songs “We wish you happiness” on the card in advance. The groom's relatives sing an excerpt from this song to the accompaniment of their comic musical instruments.

Thank you! Please introduce yourself to the bride's relatives.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the bride.

This party will also not be in debt and will perform a wedding song for you.

The soundtrack of the song "Smile" sounds. The bride's relatives perform new words to this motive.
May you live happily ever after!
Sing along with us more cheerfully.
Let the whole district ring from this song,
Like a bridegroom with his bride.
So let's fall in love with each other.
Chorus: And then surely
We will glorify the groom
And his same bride.
From the blue stream
The river starts
And at the wedding this song
Very appropriate.
May everyone be brighter today.
Our house will “shudder” from fun.
Shout: "Bitter! Bitterly!" do not be sorry.
It won't take long to persuade them.

Like at the wedding table
Two families gathered
Two different people.
And how our young people got married,
So their families were related for life!
Dear bride and groom! Follow folk wisdom: "Love me, love my relatives." And you, dear relatives of the bride and groom, from today have found kindred friendship and fraternal help. I propose to raise a glass to the relatives of the bride and groom!
And now I will ask the young friends to rise and introduce themselves to all the guests.

Acquaintance with friends of the bride and groom.

In honor of our newlyweds, friends perform an incendiary dance "Apple". I propose to divide into pairs and place an apple between the foreheads of each pair. Your task: without the help of hands, hold an apple with your foreheads, performing dance movements. So, hands to the sides! Started!

Cheerful music sounds. Friends of the bride and groom perform a dance.

Well, without hiding feelings of hot.
I want to raise a glass
For the real ones, for the real ones
For the most devoted friends!

Dear our guests!
You came together to the wedding,
Flowers, gifts, toasts
They brought it for the newlyweds.
Come on, guests, do not be stingy,
Share your generosity!

Giving gifts to young people.

dance department
Dance fun "Lower and lower." Two people at a certain height hold a ribbon 5 m long, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the ribbon is lowered. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Dance fun "Steam Train". Two male participants are selected. Their task is to kiss as many women as possible at the wedding on the cheek or hand. The one who was kissed becomes a train behind her man. Who has a longer train? The game starts at the signal of the leader.

Dear guests! Today is also famous for the fact that the parents of the bride and groom are given new titles. ... becomes a mother-in-law. (Medal given). ... father-in-law. (Medal given). .... from today called mother-in-law. (A medal is given.) ... father-in-law. (A medal is given.)
In order for the new titles to be firmly entrenched in the above people, it is necessary to arrange a test for them. Everyone knows that at first the young will have difficulties in family life. Often they will turn to their parents for advice. Dear parents! Imagine this situation: you are in a hurry, you are late for work, last moment hear a phone call. In a hurry, you pick up the phone and quickly answer the question. The son-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and the daughter-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law.

Parents are issued baby phone. The host acts as a telephone caller.

Son-in-law (father-in-law):
Hello, my light is not on here, what should I do?

Dialogue between son-in-law and father-in-law.

Son-in-law (mother-in-law):
When will the sausage arrive?

Dialogue between son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (mother-in-law):
What if it doesn't stick?

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (father-in-law):
Tell an animal from 7 letters.

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and father-in-law.

Well done! I drink for my mother-in-law and I drink for my father-in-law,
I also drink for my mother-in-law with my father-in-law.
Let's have a drink together
For this friendly family!
To make this big family even more friendly, I propose to perform the dance in the following couples: the groom with the mother-in-law, the bride with the father-in-law, the mother-in-law with the father-in-law.

Dance performance to the friendly applause of the guests.

A goose flew past the wedding,
Came to our holiday.
Father-in-law immediately caught him
The father-in-law plucked quickly.
The mother-in-law washed him in an instant,
And the mother-in-law already salted,
And finding a place in the oven.
The dish was made by the bride.
The groom himself got the goose
And showed it to all the guests.

Goose sale.

I propose a toast to a beautifully prepared dish that a large family has worked on. For a successful goose sale!

At the end of the wedding evening, all guests see off the newlyweds. The bride throws the wedding bouquet.

Oh, come on, stay where you are
Now we will entrust the bride
Throw your wedding bouquet:
Whose wedding will you celebrate next?
Close your eyes Maria. And spin...
Say goodbye to the wedding bouquet!

The bride throws a bouquet to the guests. The tradition says: whoever catches the bouquet will soon celebrate the beginning of family life.

(Material from the website
