Is photoepilation harmful to health. Photoepilator: reviews of doctors and customers

Just some 10-20 years ago, women around the world used hair removal products that were not far removed from medieval methods. Endless pulling and shaving - that's all the beauty industry had to offer ladies. But the emerging technology of photoepilation gave hope not only for painless, but also final hair removal. And the opportunity to buy a photoepilator for the home has brought this dream closer for many women.

What is photoepilation

As often happens, the idea of ​​photoepilation was suggested by nature itself: in those places on our planet where the sun shines most intensely and for the longest time, say, in Africa, people have much less body hair, for example, men often do not even grow mustaches. This is due to the fact that melanin, which is in the structure of the hair (namely, melanin is responsible for its color - the more it is, the darker the hair), absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. Heating inside the hair follicle gradually destroys it and atrophies. But in nature, this process takes a long time. In order for people living close to the equator to become less hairy, it takes more than one generation of exposure to the sun.

In photoepilation, this principle of exposure to light is greatly enhanced to obtain a quick result. The flash of light created by a professional photoepilator raises the temperature inside the follicle to 80 degrees Celsius, which leads to blood clotting in the capillaries much faster. Naturally, without nutrition, the hair follicle will soon die, and the hair will fall out of it and will not grow again.

However, it is impossible to get rid of all hair in one procedure, and here's why: all hair follicles on the human body can be in one of the phases:

  • active when the follicle allows hair to grow;
  • in the sleep phase, when hair is not growing.

The light flash affects only active hair follicles, they are no more than 30% of the total, however, after 3 or 5 weeks, dormant follicles will begin to wake up and give rise to new hair. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated in order to destroy them. On average, it will take from 3 to 5 such procedures to completely get rid of hair in the desired area.

The subtleties of the procedure

Everyone who plans to do photoepilation needs to know certain nuances regarding this procedure, so as not to be disappointed later.

Despite the fact that advertising says to completely get rid of unwanted hair once and for all, after about 5 years you will have to undergo a full course of hair removal again. During this period, new viable follicles will have time to form, which will give a new hairline. Supportive procedures are also important, which should be done about once every six months.

It is also worth considering that not all hair can be removed using photoepilation. As already noted, melatonin plays the main role in the absorption of light, and the more it is, the more heat is generated in the sac. Therefore, dark hair is removed easier and faster than, say, light brown. But it is impossible to remove completely light or gray-haired ones in this way, alas.

Remember that before epilation you can not sunbathe for at least 3 weeks - for fair skin hair is removed much better. By the way, after the procedure it is better to refrain from sunbathing at least for a couple of weeks. It will be impossible to use cosmetics for the same amount (if antiperspirants were also removed (if there was armpit epilation). Also, when preparing for the procedure, remove hairs only with a razor and do not resort to methods based on pulling out (epilator, tweezers, shugaring, wax, etc.). ).

Do not forget to study before buying a photoepilator, doctors' reviews and advice on whether you have any contraindications to the procedure.

Pros of the procedure

Of course, this method has a lot of advantages. And the most essential - painlessness. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. This is especially pleasing when it comes to the bikini area or armpits, because epilation in these places, for example, with wax or sugar, is not a procedure for the faint of heart. Even the use of a laser causes significant discomfort, while the photo is not felt in any way.

The second plus is a quick effect, which, according to experts, is noticeable after the first procedure. And of course, the good news is that the effect persists for years. No other means of hair removal can compare with this method, because they can only destroy hair follicles for a long time.

Another advantage is the absence of irritation, redness, skin damage, which often happens after shugaring or waxing What can we say about razors. No after photoepilation and ingrown hair problems, which often happens after


True, photoepilation has enough disadvantages, for example, it is helpless with dark and tanned skin or with very light and thin hairs. The disadvantages include the need for several expensive procedures, as well as their periodic repetition.

But the main reason to doubt is, of course, high price. Indeed, one procedure, for example, on legs can cost 10-12 thousand rubles. At least 20 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the device itself - this is how much home photoepilation will cost you.

Contraindications and consequences

Since the photoepilation procedure is the effect of a powerful beam of light on the skin, it should not be done by those who have problems with the skin. This, for example, eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. The presence of a birthmark, a large mole or a tattoo in the place where photoepilation is planned will also be a contraindication.

Contraindications and consequences should be of particular interest to those with sensitive skin. In this case, it is better to make a test flash on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If, apart from slight redness, no unpleasant symptoms appear, the procedure can be done fearlessly.

It is not recommended to take a course for pregnant and lactating women because of their unstable hormonal levels. However, according to experts, a photoepilator cannot cause any harm to a mother or a child. Reviews of doctors - a direct confirmation of this. Still, consultation is necessary.

An absolute contraindication is such serious diseases as cancer, insulin-dependent diabetes, severe damage to the cardiovascular system, keloid disease.

Difference from other types of epilation

When learning a new technology for the first time, it is impossible not to compare it with the familiar ones. Closest to photoepilation is laser hair removal. This method appeared a little earlier, but its essence is about the same. The main difference is that the photo uses light waves of different lengths, while the laser uses only one. This means that the laser does not have the possibility of individual adjustment, while a professional photoepilator allows you to choose the power for each type of skin, hair and area of ​​influence.

An alternative and most modern method of hair removal is the E.L.O.S. system, in which radio frequency radiation is added to light pulses, that is, in fact, this is an advanced photo-epilation system. This is an even safer and faster hardware method.

If we compare photos and traditional mechanical methods, such as sugaring, waxing, the use of epilators or creams, we can conclude that they lose to modern technologies. First, almost all of them (with the exception of razors and creams) are extremely painful, provoke ingrown hairs and can lead to serious skin problems. Creams and razors, on the other hand, cause irritation and are very poorly tolerated by sensitive skin. Not to mention permanent procedures, because even complete hair removal from the root must be done every 3-4 weeks.

The only plus is their cheapness compared to photos, however, in the long term, constant salon shugaring procedures or spending on creams and high-quality razors are incomparably more expensive than several photoepilation procedures or the purchase of a device for it.

At home or in the salon?

A few years ago, the photoepilation procedure was available only to clients of beauty salons, but today there are a large number of photoepilators intended for home use.

Their difference is that the salon device has the function of adjusting the power of light rays so that the master can choose the right one depending on the type of hair and skin of the client. Therefore, the maximum power of such devices can be very high. But for home devices, this figure cannot exceed 19 kJ, which will protect an inexperienced user from getting burns or other skin damage.

The fine tuning of the device is especially important if it is necessary to treat areas with gentle and thin skin, for example in a deep bikini area, or if a facial photoepilator is used. Careless handling of the device or too strong an impulse can make the procedure painful, which is why doctors recommend taking a course in the salon, and with a qualified and experienced master.

However, modern photoepilators designed for home use are becoming more and more like professional ones and are getting better at removing hair. In addition, buying a home device turns out to be more profitable than going through several sessions in good salon. And if you want to get rid of hair all over your body, salon services will cost a pretty penny. But dermatologists and professional craftsmen they still argue that home appliances are good only to maintain the effect, and the hair removal itself needs to be done in the salon, where the equipment is more powerful and perfect.

And now let's discuss the question of what professionals and their clients say about such a device as a photoepilator.

Reviews of doctors, clients and buyers

Many are concerned about the safety of such a procedure, which uses flashes of light. Especially when it comes to the bikini area and armpits. Can a photoepilator harm the mammary glands or the reproductive system?

Reviews of doctors (for example, gynecologists and dermatologists) allow us to conclude that experts in general do not scold photoepilation, however, they note that this procedure should be carried out only by experienced cosmetologists who have the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, burns and skin damage cannot be avoided. On the other hand, complex powerful devices can only be bought for a beauty salon, while home models are completely safe.

Photoepilation - modern technique For effective removal unwanted hair. The procedure is performed by a device with high-pulse light that can affect the hair shaft. Melanin absorbs light waves, the entire structure of the hair is heated and destroyed. The advantage of the method lies in its ability to eliminate hairline of any color.

The procedure is relatively painless, as the device is equipped with a double filter. Its task is to reduce the passage of a powerful flash in order to prevent the occurrence of a burn. During manipulation, the light beam heats the tissue, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle. This process is called thermolysis. The more melanin in the hair, the lower the intensity of the light source and vice versa.

The equipment used for photoepilation is called IPL and stands for "Intense Pulsed Light". It is not a laser, since light waves have different length: from 580 nm to 980. And the laser device has a certain wavelength - 755 nm.


In modern cosmetology, two main types of photoepilation are used:

  • laser;
  • broadband.

In the first case, the light source is ruby, alexandrite, and diode lasers. In wide-band hair removal, the principle is used. Although there are no significant differences between them, the second method is considered cheaper.


This type of photoepilation is allowed to be carried out on dark and tanned dermis. To use the IPL system dark color is a contraindication. When using laser hair removal, its beam has a small divergence angle. Due to this, light energy passes into the deepest layers of the epidermis, where the hair follicles are located. The device is capable of generating light of only one wavelength. It is for this reason that the laser is used to solve a certain group of problems. When exposed to this type of laser, a small area on the skin is treated.

Broadband and its difference from laser

This method is characterized by a small sensation of pain. Broad-band epilation of the IPL system has a wider spectrum of radiation, in contrast to laser. This makes it possible to solve almost all the tasks of hair removal. In addition, during the procedure, the master processes large areas on the surface of the skin. Epilation with a wide-band laser is referred to as a physiotherapeutic method of exposure. It takes 6 to 10 sessions to completely remove unwanted hair. It all depends on the hormonal background and the individual characteristics of the body. The darker the hair, the fewer procedures will be required to remove it. Light and thin hairs require more procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Photoepilation has advantages over laser:

  • universal method in which hair is removed different color, except gray-haired;
  • suitable for any age and type of dermis;
  • affects a large area of ​​​​skin - 5x5 cm;
  • after 2 procedures, the hair becomes thin, the density of the cover thins;
  • considered a safe cosmetic method;
  • the structure of the light beam used is as close as possible to sunlight;
  • does not contain harmful ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a high speed, the site is processed in 5-20 minutes, depending on the area;
  • during the session, there are practically no pain sensations;
  • minimal risk of infection, since the integrity of the skin is not violated;
  • non-contact method of exposure;
  • during the procedure side effects minimal;
  • the light beam rejuvenates the dermis, smoothes, restores collagen production;
  • exclusion of the appearance of ingrown hairs;
  • the method is suitable for removing hair from the face, intimate areas, beard, back, abdomen, armpits.

The choice of method of hair removal depends on individual preferences and characteristics.


  • does not work on gray-haired and blonde hair, since they have little melanin;
  • 1-2 procedures do not get rid of unwanted hair;
  • with dark skin, the manipulation of the light beam is carried out very carefully;
  • a faulty apparatus or the work of an unskilled master can lead to burns or depigmentation;
  • may cause peeling.

Photoepilation will help to solve problems associated with hairline. Its main goal is to remove unwanted hair on any part of the body. However, there are other indications for using this method:

  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles;
  • vascular network;
  • increased fat content.

There are also medical indications:

  • telangiectasia;
  • hemangioma;
  • hirsutism;
  • low turgor;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin when shaving mustaches in men.

Is it possible for light and gray hair

light and White hair the most resistant to the impact of modern hardware methods. They have little melanin and are too thin for the laser to work on them right away. To remove them, you can use:

  • photoepilation;
  • laser;
  • ELOS.

The last method is the most suitable. According to the results of the procedure, the process of destruction of hair follicles is irreversible. However, after 2-2.5 years, the follicles can recover, which leads to new growth in the treated area.

Photoepilation safety for health

  • using the method allows you to remove any type of hair, with the exception of gray hair;
  • the possibility of infection and damage to the treated area is excluded;
  • safety and relative painlessness of the session;
  • recommended for all types of dermis, including sensitive;
  • leaves no visible marks;
  • effectively slows down hair growth.

Is it harmful

Some experts claim that exposure to light flashes on mature skin is beneficial. Their purposeful influence starts the process of rejuvenation, accelerates the production of elastin and collagen. These substances regenerate tissue cells and smooth them. But every client should be aware of the dangers of the method. Even in the absence of contraindications, there may be:

  • peeling;
  • redness;
  • temporary violation of natural pigmentation;
  • expansion of blood vessels;
  • the occurrence of swelling.

With a low pain threshold, the patient may experience pain. Although this will not affect the physical condition in any way, it can still cause discomfort.

Does it hurt to do epilation of the whole body: legs completely, in the intimate area (deep bikini), on the face, armpits

Photoepilation is a relatively painless procedure. However, in intimate areas when exposed to the beam, some experience a burning sensation. A high-pulse light beam heats the follicle containing melanin to a certain temperature, destroying it throughout the entire structure. At the same time, the blood flowing in the hair shaft boils and coagulates. Then his food stops completely.

The procedure does not require painkillers. Therefore, a client with a sensitive skin type may even experience severe pain. Some do not go through the full course of hair removal, but prefer gentle methods. Experts recommend using a different type of hair removal in the bikini area, such as laser hair removal. A laser device with a built-in cooling nozzle will minimize pain.

When manipulating the face during the removal of the antennae, light flashes can cause discomfort. Incorrectly selected power on the device can lead to burns.

The effect of the procedure for removing unwanted hair after the first session

How long is the result? The hair pigment contained in its shaft absorbs light rays, accumulates heat and is destroyed. The device directs an intense light beam to a specific area of ​​the skin. At the same time, tissue cells are heated to + 75 ° C, during the procedure, the root bulbs are destroyed along with the capillaries. The blood coagulates, stops circulating and nourishing the follicles. Hair growth slows down, then completely stops and the rod falls out. It is worth noting that after the first procedure, the result is almost invisible. The hair shaft remains in the skin for several days. Fallout occurs 10-15 days after the session. In some cases, this can be expected within 20 days due to the stiffness and density of the hairline. Sometimes the follicle is only damaged but not destroyed. In this version, the hair will grow in a few days, but with less intensity, thinner and lighter.

How long the result lasts, how long the effect lasts, whether the hair falls out forever

Do not wait for complete hair removal after 1-2 treatments. The first time you can lose only 25 to 30%. That is why photoepilation is carried out in courses consisting of several sessions. Follicles are destroyed only in the stage of active growth. The device does not affect the "sleeping" bulbs.

Therefore, the number of procedures can vary from 5 to 12. The effect of "smooth" skin lasts from 8 months to 2 years. On the face, hair begins to grow 7-10 months after photoepilation. In the armpit area - after about 1.5 years. On legs - after 2 years. The time of the rods falling out will also depend on the selected processing mode. Thinning hair and slow growth indicates a low-power exposure to a light pulse or poor-quality equipment. If it falls out within 3-5 days, there was a powerful light radiation on the skin that can lead to burns.

The problem of hair loss should be discussed with the beautician at the next epilation session.

Preparation - how to prepare for the procedure

How to properly prepare? Usually, special preparation for photoepilation is not needed. The main requirement is that the hair length before the procedure should be no more than 1.5-2 mm. Longer rods are shaved with a regular razor. There are no specific deadlines for the procedure. It all depends on the density, stiffness and speed of hair growth.

What should be the length of the hair to remove them

In the bikini and armpits, the length is from 1 to 1.5 cm. It is recommended to shave them 2 days before photoepilation. The thighs and lower legs are shaved 3 days before the procedure. It is not recommended to shave hair on the arms, abdomen, chest, buttocks, neck and around the mammary glands. They are removed by a cosmetologist immediately before a photoepilation session. Before the procedure, cosmetic products should be removed from the skin surface, aromatic and essential oils should be washed off.

Do I need to remove hair before photoepilation

This is a fairly frequently asked question. The pulse of light emitted by the device acts on the hair shaft and follicle. Therefore, you should not shave them before the procedure. It is recommended to do this a few days before photoepilation. Hair should be visible on the surface of the fabric, but short in length. If they are not visible, the impact of the light beam will be minimized, since all the energy will go to the rod, and not to its root. It is possible and necessary to remove hair before the procedure. It is worth doing this between sessions.

Shaver - The best decision Problems. It is not recommended to use shaving cream, depilation, wax strips and shugaring. Sharp pulling of hairs before the intended epilation can lead to injury, provoke the appearance of "holes" in the place of the capillary that feeds the follicle. Even if it is sealed with a light beam, its nutrition will be restored, the hair will begin to grow. That is why the number of procedures can increase several times.

How to cover (glue) moles

Moles contain a large accumulation of melanin. Therefore, when photoepilation, exposure of the beam to such places should be avoided, they must be covered or sealed. Small moles should be masked with a decorative pencil white color. Large ones should be carefully avoided so as not to burn.

If color changes were noticed during the procedure, you should stop the session and consult a dermatologist.

Features of photoepilation - how hair removal occurs

Before epilation, the client puts on goggles so as not to damage the mucous membranes of the eyes. The beautician does the same. To prevent burns, a transparent gel can be applied to the treated area for a cooling effect. The sensitive type of the dermis is lubricated with an anesthetic cream containing lidocaine 60 minutes before the procedure. The device is configured immediately before the session. In this case, the specialist must take into account the characteristics of the skin, the property of the hair and the presence of possible problems. The tip of the device is driven over the selected zone. At certain periods, flashes of light are produced that affect the follicles. At this time, the master constantly asks the client about pain. If these are observed, the intensity of the device should be reduced. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a softening aerosol, such as Panthenol. The tool accelerates the regeneration of damaged dermis, prevents possible irritation and redness.

The average price is 300 rubles.

How long does a session last to remove a large number of hairs

For the procedure to be effective, a certain number of light flashes must be maintained. The indicator depends on the area of ​​the treated area, the type of skin and hair density. With light and delicate skin, they will be much less. Depending on the zone, it is necessary to carry out from 5 to 10-12 procedures. The session lasts from 10 minutes to one and a half hours. The interval between them is from 15 to 25 days.

Number of flashes

Up to 10 flashes per session are allowed on the face area. Hair removal requires up to 4 treatments. It takes up to 160 flashes to remove hair on one arm. On the shoulders and forearms - up to 100. In the delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits - 12-15. On the chest and abdomen - from 100 to 150. On the sensitive area of ​​the bikini zone - 12-15. Up to 250 flashes will go to the treatment of the legs: 130 on the thighs and 120 on the shins. However, specialists can increase or decrease the number of flashes per treated area. It all depends on the hairline and the type of epidermis.

How many sessions are needed for complete hair removal

Is it possible to get rid of hair permanently? Starting from the first irradiation procedure, all hairs that are in the active growth phase are destroyed and after a few days they begin to fall out painlessly. Gradually, the treated area becomes smooth. To determine the number of sessions, the color of the skin and hair, the peculiarity of their structure, and the stage of growth are taken into account. In some cases, 4-6 sessions are required. In others - from 5 to 12. After completing the full course of the planned procedures, you can evaluate the effect achieved more objectively. The result of a “smooth” dermis lasts from several months to 2 years.

How often can I do, how many times a week

Since the hair does not fall out immediately after photoepilation, but only after a few days, the second procedure should take place in 2.5-3 weeks. Between sessions, the hair is shaved with a razor with a new machine. The frequency of sessions will also depend on the effect of photoepilation. After a full course of hair removal, it is recommended to carry out a prophylactic procedure once a year.

Hormonal failure in the body or an unplanned pregnancy can cause interruption of the course of photoepilation. In this case, the result is reduced to zero and only after a long period of time it will be possible to start a new course.

As for skin care after, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics. You can not visit saunas and baths, swim in the pool. Do not take hot baths. You should wash under a warm shower without washcloths, scrubs, gels and hard soaps. The first 2.5-3 weeks it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, use self-tanning and visit the solarium.

After each subsequent procedure, the skin "gets used" to pain and the problem is reduced to "no".

How to remove hair after the procedure

After a photoepilation session, you can use a razor once a week and shave off the hairs that have appeared. The use of depilation with wax or cream is not allowed. Do not use tweezers for plucking. Such actions increase blood circulation and accelerate the growth of "sleeping" hair.

Is it possible to wash - hygiene procedures

Water procedures are not only possible, but also necessary. Compliance with hygiene will prevent infection and irritation on the female body. However, after photoepilation, at least 12 hours should pass. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic cosmetics for 2 weeks. After treatment of the bikini area, it is better to wear soft and loose underwear made from natural fabrics.

Swim in the pool

Avoid skin contact with chlorinated pool water as this can cause irritation and burns.

Is it possible to go to the bath after a course of hair removal

There is an unequivocal answer to this question - no! Hot steam and an increase in body temperature in a bath or sauna threatens to burn the skin. The treated areas have been exposed to heat, so repeated exposure to high temperature will adversely affect and lead to disastrous negative consequences. Only after 7-10 days you can start visiting such establishments.

Men's professional photoepilation, principle of action, benefits and harms

Is the procedure harmful for men? This procedure is performed not only on the skin of women, but also men. It gives them the opportunity to get rid of unwanted hair in the armpits, bikini, back and chest. In addition, it is indicated for constant irritation during shaving. Since the male body constantly produces testosterone, the hair removal procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Photoepilation should be carried out by qualified specialists who have a certificate for the use of laser equipment. It is forbidden to use the technique at home.

Who is contraindicated for the procedure with a photo camera

Contraindications for use include:

  • allergy;
  • chronic and acute course of dermatological diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • the tendency of the skin to form keloid scars;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hemophilia;
  • epilepsy.

At what age can girls do

Experts recommend starting to use the method of photoepilation from the age of 18. Until this period, it is better to use a razor. With abundant male hair growth, a teenage girl can be epilated starting at the age of 14-15. This requires written permission from the parents, and the procedure itself is carried out in special clinics with high-quality equipment.

Is it dangerous for women to do during pregnancy

A relative contraindication is photoepilation during pregnancy. Changes in the hormonal background reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. According to some gynecologists, the effect of a pulsed light beam on the fetus is little studied. Therefore, it is better to abandon it at the time of gestation.

Contraindications for menstruation

The reaction of the body to flashes of light energy during menstruation can be unpredictable. Some experts believe that bleeding may open. During the procedure, the client may feel discomfort and pain. After that, pigment spots may appear on the skin. best time many call 12-14 days after menstruation.

Is epilation safe for fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are benign. Exposure to light energy can cause swelling and even lead to bleeding. Therefore, the procedure is contraindicated and it is better to refuse it. And about epilation lunar calendar 2019 can be found.

Possible consequences

After the photoepilation procedure, side effects may appear:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • irritation.

Such problems remain for a short time, without causing pain. Pass in 2-4 hours depending on the sensitivity of the skin. If discomfort persists for more than 5 hours, local cooling of the treated area should be applied. You can include the injection of anesthetics.

Swelling and spots

Puffiness occurs quite rarely. However, do not panic. The use of therapeutic ointments will help get rid of the problem within a few hours. Quite often clients use cold compresses. With puffiness, it is not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time and avoid sunburn.

For moderate swelling, soothing gels and creams are used after sunburn.

If everything itches - does the procedure cause itching on the body

Sometimes itching occurs with irritation. May itch up to 2 days. Passes on its own without the use of any means. Is it possible to get rid of hair forever with the help of shugaring?

Allergy and how quickly it passes

It may include urticaria, dermatitis, and itching. In this case, Pimafukort cream will help. It is used 2 times a day for 7-10 days. You can use 2 times a day "Bepanten".

Price from 550 rubles.

Burn on the female body, as a negative consequence

During the procedure, skin damage in the form of a burn may occur. This is possible if the client has dark skin and dark hair. There is a risk when treating a sensitive type of dermis if the light energy flux had a high density. The duration of flashes can also cause thermal damage. It is impossible to allow the opening of blisters, so as not to bring the infection into the wound. The best option will be the imposition of an antiseptic bandage. After deep burns, it is recommended to consult a doctor. And you can find out about electrolysis during pregnancy.

Even with slight redness, the specialist must stop the session and cool the skin.

Can it cause oncology (cancer) - the opinion of oncologists

The most dangerous complication of the photoepilation method is the malignant degeneration of tissue cells - oncology. This occurs due to irradiation of moles, birthmarks, papillomas and other neoplasms on the body with a light beam. Therefore, if they accumulate in the treated area, epilation is not recommended. There is also a risk of cancer if the skin is prone to scarring.


in specialist clinics and beauty salons a fairly large selection of equipment for hair removal. They differ in power, flash speed, number of programs, filter technology and cooling tips. For safety, the devices use special filters based on high-tech material and special glass.

Photoepilation or shugaring - which is better

The approximate number of procedures of the two methods is almost the same. They are performed with relative painlessness. Whole body photoepilation is safe, its speed is higher. With its help, any area on the body is processed. When shugaring, damage to the upper layer of the epidermis is possible if efforts are made to remove it. How long does laser hair removal last?

Sugar caramel covers the desired area with a thin layer, penetrating into the hair follicle, hardens. Then the paste is removed along with the roots. Sugaring eliminates the risk of infection, has natural composition, available at a price policy. Depilation by this method makes the skin smooth for 3-5 weeks. For each individual zone, the specialist selects the desired density of the composition.

Electrolysis and how it affects the body

Electrolysis in professional cosmetology is considered one of the oldest hair removal methods. Due to the risk of infection, electric hair removal requires hygiene and specialist recommendations. to remove hairs in the ears and nose. A weak discharge of electric current affects the follicle and destroys it. The device has several modes, capable of delivering a discharge of different frequencies. Through the electrode, the current penetrates the hair follicle, shuts off the power and “kills” it. Manipulation is carried out on a separate hair and it takes a lot of time to process the entire area. In 60-75 minutes, the beautician cleans a 10x10 cm area. Complete hair removal requires 4 to 10 sessions. The most common type of electric epilator is the needle epilator. The needle is inserted into the follicle, the current discharge is turned on, the root is heated, which provokes its destruction.


Useful video comparing photoepilation and laser


  1. Photoepilation is an effective method for removing unwanted hair.
  2. A high-pulse current acts on the rod and its follicle.
  3. It happens laser and broadband.
  4. Has advantages and disadvantages.
  5. There are contraindications for use.
  6. Does not remove gray hair.
  7. When following the recommendations of a specialist and the rules for using the equipment, a completely safe method.
  8. Recommended for all types of dermis.
  9. Rejuvenates mature skin, activates the process of collagen production.
  10. Relatively painless procedure.
  11. Can be used on men's skin. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with SHR hair removal.

Women around the world lead active struggle with extra hairs on the body, using the most different methods. In the desire to get smooth and even skin, you have to try many procedures on yourself, many of which are extremely painful and unpleasant, before you find exactly the method that suits you in all respects. To get rid of hair forever, special procedures are used, which are carried out only by qualified specialists. One of the varieties - photoepilation - is comfortably tolerated and gives excellent results on hair of any color and any localization.

How photoepilation works

Photoepilation as a cosmetic method involves the removal of hair using controlled pulses of light. The mechanism of action is reminiscent of laser technique- the hair follicle is destroyed from the inside, after which hair never appears in this place again. It works like this: the device gives a light pulse, which is absorbed by the melanin in the hair. Accumulating, the absorption creates a powerful thermal effect that affects the nutritional channels of the follicle, blocking them. The hair does not receive nutrition and gradually collapses. In this aspect, one of the features of the procedure lies - the destruction of the hair occurs not only at the moment of exposure to light itself, but continues after that, which gradually leads to a stop in its growth and loss.

Almost any woman can turn to photoepilation - the method is effective on hairs of any color, texture, growing on skin of any type and in any area, including the bikini area, armpits and face. In the process of epilation, the integrity of the skin is preserved, which is also important. The process does not bring any discomfort, let alone pain, which also favorably distinguishes it from other procedures. Another advantage is short sessions, it will take only 5-20 minutes depending on the treatment area. In addition to the long-term removal of "vegetation" on the body, photoepilation also has a number of other positive effects:

  • reduction in the visibility of vascular networks;
  • fight against age-related skin changes, smoothing small wrinkles;
  • dark spots.

Thus, photoepilation is considered as a general method for skin rejuvenation, the main purpose of which is the removal of unwanted hair.

Contraindications for the procedure

The main reason for the body's negative reactions to the photoepilation procedure is the neglect of contraindications to its implementation. The first thing to do when deciding to take such a step is to seek the advice of a specialist. It is very important that the master has a medical education, since photoepilation is one of the medical cosmetology procedures. People with such problems will have to refuse this method of removing unwanted hair:

  • at the site of the intended treatment, there are inflammatory processes in the acute phase of the course;
  • allergic reactions with skin manifestations;
  • chronic diseases of the skin and the body as a whole, namely eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, dermatitis,
  • lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, dyschromia;
  • infectious diseases and herpetic foci in the acute phase;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • hypertensive and ischemic heart disease at a severe stage;
  • keloid disease;
  • diabetes;
  • period of pregnancy.

Side effects and harm to health

The developers of the technique did everything to make the procedure as safe as possible. For example, in order to prevent a powerful flash from causing a burn, photoepilation devices are equipped with a set of special filters. Although there is so much positive information about this method of hair removal, it also has some negative aspects. It should be said right away that officially the direct harm of photoepilation for healthy people has not been proven, and the described possible consequences are quite rare. These include:

  • the likelihood of a burn and a violation of the pigmentation of the treated area - this is possible if the device is faulty or the person conducting the procedure does not have sufficient knowledge and qualifications;
  • peeling of the skin may occur after sessions;
  • temporary violation of natural pigmentation;
  • irritation and redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • women with highly sensitive skin may experience some pain during and after procedures.

Another important aspect is that it will not work to get complete hair removal after visiting one procedure, you need to go through a whole course of sessions to treat the area and correct regrown hairs in order to get the desired effect. In order for the hair to stop growing completely, a number of additional procedures are added to the course.

Photo of possible consequences after the procedure

In any advertisement, we are shown only good things - how smooth and beautiful the skin becomes after photoepilation! But side effects are also possible, for which it is better to prepare immediately by viewing the photos. And although this is extremely rare, it is better to be aware of the likelihood of negative aspects of the procedure in advance.

Conclusion: weighing the pros and cons

Given all of the above, the benefits of the procedure for skin condition and aesthetics appearance much more than the harm. Side effects for the most part, they are temporary, and at the same time they rarely appear (usually owners of too thin and sensitive skin suffer from them). Subject to all the rules of preparation, the implementation of the procedure by a professionally trained specialist on high-quality equipment, there will be no harm from photoepilation at all.

Statistics can help you decide. According to the results of research, the photoepilation procedure has the following main pros and cons:

  • after three sessions of hair removal by this method, the effectiveness is approximately 75-80%;
  • on 95% of different areas of processing, the method shows high efficiency;
  • the location of the zone, color, structure of the hair and skin do not matter, but when processing gray and very light
  • hair efficiency is somewhat lower due to the low content of melanin;
  • with the right technique, side effects are unlikely.

Thus, the most important thing is to find a competent specialist, and the result without negative consequences will please for a very long time.

Almost every woman is able to endure pain in order to become even more beautiful. When it comes to getting rid of extra hair on the body, then on what tricks the beauties do not go. Currently, photoepilation is very popular, as it allows you to achieve smoothness for a long time. But even such an excellent technique has contraindications and possible consequences from its use.

Photoepilation and its effectiveness

The whole principle of photoepilation lies in the powerful impact of the beam of the device on the hair shaft. Cells absorb light and receive thermal energy. In total, the trunk and root are heated up to 80 degrees. Blood clotting in the capillaries of the follicle, due to high temperatures leads to its complete or partial death.

To achieve absolute smoothness, you will have to visit the salon several times. Since the first time, due to the peculiarities of the structure and growth of the hair, it is not always possible to remove it.

The greatest effect occurs when dark hair in the patient, since light vegetation does not have a high concentration of melanin. To get a good result, it is necessary to increase the number of sessions for owners of blond hair.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are contraindications to photoepilation and their list is quite significant. Do not chase beauty at the risk of health. After all, there are other methods of depilation that are allowed for pathological processes in the body.

Restrictions for the procedure can be absolute and relative. It is worth opening a list with categorical prohibitions. The reason for refusing to use a photoepilator may be the following:

Relative contraindications are not so dangerous and after their elimination it is possible to prescribe photoepilation. These include:

  • Permanent makeup;
  • moles, freckles, birthmarks;
  • tattoo at the site of photoepilation.

Restrictions during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that the harm of the photoepilator has not been proven, contraindications and consequences may occur. This means that in such an important period for a woman, it is worth refraining from undergoing this procedure. The restriction is set to ensure safety for the health and life of the baby.

At a special time for a woman, the pain threshold changes and severe pain can occur during photoepilation. Due to a stressful situation able to form false contractions or have a miscarriage. And also due to hormonal changes, problems with skin pigmentation or allergic reactions are additionally formed.

Complications from the procedure and how to eliminate them

Despite the safety of the technology, women often have individual reactions to exposure to outbreaks. An unpleasant effect also occurs due to non-compliance with security measures. The most common problems after photoepilation are described below..

  1. Painful sensations. Discomfort can occur due to the high power of flashes, be the result of an impressive area of ​​​​the treated area. And also pain occurs in overly sensitive people. If you use by special means against pain, cooling compresses, then the general condition of the patient can be improved.
  2. Hyperemia. Swelling and severe redness of the skin in the treated area are not uncommon. It is enough to apply ice packs to the problem area, it is important that they are on the skin for a short period. The allowable time for the presence of edema is a day, this is the maximum allowed. Erythema is also able to remain on the skin for about 24 hours. The time of the presence of pathology and its intensity depends on the shade of the hairline and its stiffness. If patients have dark and Thin hair, then the redness will not be so pronounced. The disappearance of the defect does without the use of therapeutic techniques.
  3. Burns. This problem is considered an early type complication and can occur due to a number of reasons. This is a specialist’s mistake, the use of excessively strong flow power, a fresh tan in the patient, ignoring cooling systems, problems with the patient’s compliance with safety measures. If a woman takes good care of preparatory stage and chooses a qualified specialist, then this complication should not arise. If there is a similar pathology, it is worth contacting a medical institution for the appointment of therapy.
  4. Folliculitis. Inflammatory process in the follicle is formed if, before the procedure, the woman performed active sports activities. The risk of developing this problem may increase due to swimming activities and when visiting a hot tub in between manipulations. Women suffering from hyperhidrosis are prone to this problem.
  5. Change in skin pigmentation. In the area where the treatment with a photoepilator took place, areas with a changed skin tone can be detected. After a period of time, this cosmetic defect should be eliminated on its own. Pigmentation problems can occur due to burns or getting a tan immediately after the procedure.
  6. Scar tissue. The defect is provoked by deep burns with further infection. Sometimes there are problems during photoepilation if a woman has tattoos. The pattern in the treatment area may change due to the formation of a scar at its location. Problems can be treated conservatively with ointments or gels. Or seek help from surgeons. In the salons there is a service for polishing the skin using a laser.
  7. Itching. The presence of discomfort occurs in patients who have sunbathed or visited a solarium before the procedure.
  8. Problems with visual acuity. At the time of using the device, both patients and the specialist are required to wear special glasses. They will protect your eyes from a bright flash and avoid possible damage to the retinal tissue. Due to such a sharp effect on the eyeball, photoepilation on the face is unacceptable.
  9. Loss of color of tattoos, disappearance of freckles. With laser or photo-epilation, a similar phenomenon occurs in patients. With regards to freckles, they are able to re-pigment.
  10. Gray hair. The instructions described cases where gray hairs appeared at the treatment site. But in practice, such pathologies did not arise. The explanation for the defect may be the fact that when removing the hairline with a mixed color, only gray hairs can remain on the surface.
  11. Unusual manifestations. If the specialist has incorrectly selected the power of the intensity of the device, then an undesirable effect may occur in the form of hypertrichosis. Increased hair growth can be detected in women who belong to the 3-6 phototype on the Fitzpatrick scale. In this case, the pathology affects the border zone between the treated area and the untouched one. You should not be afraid in advance, since such an effect is rare. But, before photoepilation, all women should be informed about such an occurring defect. Prevention can be the use of a stronger lamp in the device.

Photoepilation at home

Many women prefer to perform some cosmetic procedures Houses. Today, the purchase of a photoepilator is not a problem, it is available to a wide range of customers in any market.

According to cosmetologists and dermatologists around the world, it has been proven that the principle of operation of the photoepilator is the safest for humans. A light pulse of intense power perfectly eliminates unwanted vegetation and prevent its reoccurrence.

A special lamp is built into the device, which must be disposed of after the maximum number of flashes has elapsed. Depending on the manufacturer, the limit may differ, on average, the photoepilator is able to give 5 years of uninterrupted operation to its user.

About 600 flashes occur in one session, about 2 minutes will be spent on them. The device has additional settings that will allow you to change the intensity of the lamp glow. The power should be adjusted depending on the shade of the skin and the scalp of the treated area.

The procedure performed at home requires special care. After all, it is due to incorrect operation device, myths about the dangers of photoepilation arise. The session is carried out every 2 weeks, while after the removal of vegetation by the machine, time must pass. According to experts, the shins are treated less frequently, it is enough to perform the manipulation once a month.

The photoepilator affects the hair follicle and inhibits further hair growth. Over time, the woman gets a completely smooth body.

As practice has shown, the most qualitative result occurs already in the fifth session. As the device is used, the density of vegetation on the body will become significantly less. In the time intervals that arise between sessions, the hair will begin to grow, it is allowed to get rid of them by any other method of depilation.

The use of the device in the area of ​​the chest and mammary glands, as well as on the face, is prohibited. Men should not use a photoepilator in the groin(scrotum area).

When working with the device, it is worth positioning yourself in an area with fairly good lighting. This is done so that the light source absorbs the visible part of the emerging flash.

Use a photoepilator for such areas:

Photoepilation is one of the most modern and safe techniques to eliminate excess vegetation on the body. At the same time, getting rid of hair occurs for a very long time, and for some forever. There are many models on the market not only for salon procedures but also for independent use.

Photoepilation is one of the most modern ways to remove unwanted hair, and cosmetologists say that you will get rid of the problem, if not forever, then for a very long time. Obviously, along with the advantages, such a procedure has contraindications and consequences, so many people want to know if photoepilation is harmful, what to fear, whether it hurts or not.

Photo: the principle of exposure to radiation

Contraindications for photoepilation

Read the contraindications to be aware of them. If you have at least one item from this list, it means that you should better refuse the procedure. However, a more accurate decision should be made by a dermatologist-cosmetologist, who, before epilation, must carefully examine you, collect an anamnesis, and, if necessary, refer you for additional examinations and tests. Do not neglect these measures, because your health is at stake, and this is not a joke at all.

Photo: what contraindications can be from photoepilation?

So, the contraindications for photoepilation are as follows:

  1. oncological diseases;
  2. hypertension, heart disease;
  3. any skin diseases, as well as irritations, wounds, scratches in the area to be epilated;
  4. chronic diseases in the acute stage, infectious diseases;
  5. phlebeurysm;
  6. the presence of moles;
  7. keloid disease;
  8. period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, you may have an individual intolerance to the photoepilation procedure, which the doctor should determine during the examination.

Possible negative consequences

Photo: the consequences of non-compliance with the norms of photoepilation

In the event that the procedure is carried out incorrectly, with violations, or if you do it despite contraindications or violate the doctor's recommendations for skin care after photoepilation, there may be consequences in the form of complications on the skin. In some cases they can be very serious, although the percentage of such excesses is very small.

  • Skin burns. They can appear if your skin is too dark (tanned), and the cause may also be the wrong setting of the device for photoepilation. That is why you should carefully consider the choice of a salon or clinic where you will have procedures. After burns, age spots and scars may appear on the skin, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle. Such a reaction may occur if you visit pools or baths within a week after the sessions.
  • Temporary blurred vision, eye damage. It can happen if during the photoepilation session you did not use special protective glasses, or if they did not fit snugly on your face.
  • Allergy. This may be an allergy to light or to pain medications used during the epilation process.
  • The appearance of malignant neoplasms on the skin. Perhaps with photoepilation in the area where there are moles and papillomas.

Is photoepilation painful?

On the websites of salons advertising photoepilation, it is indicated that it will not hurt you at all. Actually this is not true. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your skin, as well as on your pain threshold.

Many girls note that during the epilation session, a tingling sensation is felt, unpleasant, but tolerable. Others say that the pain is quite severe and compare it to the pain of burns. In the event that your pain threshold is low and your skin is sensitive, you will be treated with an anesthetic before the procedure (the most popular is Emla cream), and then discomfort will be minimized.

It can be noticeably painful when photoepilating such “tender” places as the bikini area and armpits, since the skin there is thinner, and the hair is thicker and grows deeper.

Procedure Precautions

What needs to be done so that the harm of photoepilation does not touch you, so that the procedures go “with a bang”, without complications and unpleasant consequences? There is nothing complicated here.

  1. Within a week after the session, try not to take too hot a shower, do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, bath.
  2. Do not sunbathe for two weeks, and also avoid direct sunlight on the epilated areas. When leaving the house (especially if it is a warm season), smear your skin with a good sunscreen.
  3. It is important to keep your skin hydrated. Photoepilation dries it out, so drink plenty of fluids, and treat the skin with moisturizers, preferably on a natural basis.
  4. Do not remove growing hair in any way other than a razor.
  5. Do not use cosmetics containing a lot of chemicals or alcohol.
  6. In case of any problems after photoepilation, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!

If you are wondering if photoepilation is harmful, you can answer that it is both harmful and not. Possible harm depends only on you, on the choice of the master and your observance simple rules. If you do everything right, photoepilation will be successful, you will not be hurt, and you will get a smooth and beautiful skin for many years!
