How to choose high quality leather shoes. How to choose shoes for the winter: how to choose the right size

So, having learned what materials shoes should be made of that meet all the requirements of comfort and hygiene, let's determine how to choose quality shoes, and also move on to the issues of hidden defects when buying.

In 90% of cases, good and high-quality shoes are made from the skin of the following three animals: calf (bull), pig and goat. The remaining 10% are exclusive and exotic shoes. The most durable calfskin is suitable for the most severe weather conditions. Its thickness is 1.8 - 2.5 mm.

Possible faults include the presence on the skin of many small defects from insect bites and the like. Pigskin is cheaper than calfskin, has a greater distribution, and is thinner. The disadvantages include high hygroscopicity and loss of shape when wet frequently.

You can choose this material for non-critical elements in the product, such as lining, insoles, bootlegs and all kinds of applications. The most thin skin(0.8 - 1.5 mm) - goat skin, - at the same time the most beautiful with a minimum number of defects. High-quality model women's shoes are often made from it.

When choosing such shoes, you need to understand that such shoes are not very durable and reliable, but they are great for non-critical elements.

Skin types and their features

Now let's talk about skin types and their features. Genuine leather can be smooth, patent, may have pile (suede, velor, nubuck). Patent shoes poorly breathable, so it is not recommended to wear in hot weather and with excessive sweating of the feet.

In addition, it is very susceptible to mechanical damage (scratches, etc.) and cracks at temperatures below -10 degrees C or above 25 degrees C, and from dampness it becomes covered with small cracks.

Suede is not afraid of small bumps and scratches, but it is difficult to remove dust and dirt from it even with a special brush. Nubuck is even less protected from dirt and greasy than suede and velor, but more moisture resistant.

In general, shoes made of suede, nubuck and velor are quite capricious, requiring constant care with water-repellent agents due to their high hygroscopicity.

When buying shoes made of nubuck and velor, be sure to take care of buying paint suitable color. Only paint will be able to paint over quickly formed and poorly removed scuffs and traces of dirt.

Possible defects in shoes

Pay attention to the inner surface of the selected pair of shoes. The inner surface of high-quality shoes should be even, smooth to the touch at the joints, otherwise tights and socks will constantly tear on the sharp edges of the seams, etc.

Take a close look at the heel of your chosen shoe. The heel can be decorated not with the usual straight vertical seam, but with a sewn-on one-piece piece. Such a detail can be either a consignment note, and then its cut is clearly visible, or have the edges of the seams tucked inward.

If you find the heel part in just such designs (tucked in), then in this case the likelihood that the shoes are not made of genuine leather, increases significantly.

By turning the edges inward, manufacturers of cheap low-quality shoes may be trying to hide the true material and avoid questions from overly meticulous buyers. On the other hand, very high quality shoes famous brands also often produced with inward-fitted edges.

Therefore, if you do not have a world-famous brand of shoes in front of you, and you are not in a company store, then the selected edges should be alarming. In addition, the presence of an open cut in the product will help determine the thickness of the skin, which is an important factor in intensive wear.

Now consider the heel on the selected product. Place your shoes on a flat surface. When viewed from the side, a pair of high-quality shoes should stand steadily, on the entire surface of the heels, otherwise they may loosen and break the arch support. The heel can be either solid-cast from plastic, rubber, metal or wood, or prefabricated - from 2 or more materials.

Plastic is fragile, wood rots from moisture. A metal rod is inserted inside thin plastic heels (studs) to reinforce the structure. The worse the quality of the metal, the softer it is, the more likely the heel will break.

The second reason for a broken stud on low-quality shoes or boots is that the metal rod is not inserted for the entire length of the heel. Heels, as well as other parts, tend to scratch. You can tint them in repair shops. At home, you can try to tint with a waterproof marker.

Choosing a color for a black heel will not be a problem, but choosing other shades can present certain difficulties even in repair shops. This must be taken into account when buying shoes with non-black heels.

It doesn't hurt to check the back seams on your chosen pair as well. They should be even, sewn with stitches of 2-3 mm. If the stitch is smaller, then when worn, the effect of perforation is triggered and tearing is possible, which, of course, is not a sign of quality.

And in conclusion, I would like to give one more piece of advice to women wearing long-sleeved clothes. Having such a wardrobe, you should choose boots without accessories on the tops. Particular attention should be paid to metal and plastic fittings. Such fasteners will have time to tear the lining of your coat or fur coat before they serve their own.


How to choose the right winter shoes

It is not an exaggeration to say that whether you know how to choose winter shoes, depends on your health, and sometimes life.

Frost, slush, ice, reagents that are generously sprinkled on the roads - all these are real tests for boots and boots, and not every pair will cope with them.

Therefore, to feel warm and comfortable, choose shoes responsibly. To help you, we have collected basic tips for choosing winter shoes.

Upper materials

The answer to the question of how to choose high-quality shoes for winter lies primarily in right choice the material from which its top is sewn.

Despite the development of technology, the shelves of most stores are still divided into two parts: more expensive shoes made from natural materials and budget options made from artificial materials.

Genuine leather can be smooth and fleecy - this variety includes suede, velor, and nubuck, beloved by many. Consider the pros and cons of each type of shoe.

Smooth natural leather holds heat well, restores its shape after deformation, endures low temperatures, repels moisture, and prevents the foot from sweating. In addition, natural leather is able to adapt to the shape of your foot when worn, so it is more comfortable.

Shaggy types of leather - suede, velor or nubuck - have most of these properties.

The only exception is that they allow moisture to pass through and, moreover, under the influence of water and dirt, they can lose a neat appearance. Salvation can be special sprays, but they cannot be called a panacea.

Therefore, in bad weather It is better not to wear such shoes. But it has a beautiful appearance and is suitable for holiday exits.

Modern industry has invented hundreds of synthetic materials for making shoes, but no matter how good they are, they cannot keep up with genuine leather in quality. Leatherette shoes are less durable - as a rule, they last for one season. It is not as warm and less comfortable. The biggest plus of shoes made from non-natural materials is the low price.

Shoes should be placed in a separate category sports type. Synthetic materials and heaters like foam rubber are often used for it. As a rule, they do a good job of maintaining heat. But to wear such shoes with business-style clothes, you see, will not work.

How to choose quality shoes

  1. To determine whether a shoe is made of genuine or artificial leather, gently touch it with a needle. Genuine leather will bend elastically, and then restore its shape, a puncture mark will remain on the fake one.
  2. Examine the pair carefully and find places where you can see the wrong side of the material. If a fabric base is found there, it is leatherette.
  3. Evaluate the quality of the seams - the manufacturer of good shoes will not save on their processing.
  4. Examine the heel counter, adjacent to the heel - it should be firm, but pliable to hold the foot. From the inside, it should be covered with a bike or leather. It is pointless to make the backdrop furry - the pile will be wiped off instantly.
  5. The sole should be firmly and neatly fastened - without glue smudges or knocked down protruding threads if the shoes are stitched.

Interior decoration

It is clear that one of the best options for the interior of winter shoes is natural fur. It perfectly maintains heat and does not allow the foot to sweat. In addition, it does not fall off for a long time, which means that an air gap is preserved between its villi, thanks to which the leg does not freeze.

To distinguish natural from artificial insulation, you need to push the villi and examine the base of the lining. If you see a fabric base there, then the insulation is not natural.

Please note that often manufacturers use different linings for the top and bottom of shoes. In hard-to-reach places adjacent to the foot, low-quality material may suddenly appear.

The insoles of winter shoes should be soft enough. Well, if they have a Seitz roller - a special thickening under the forefoot.


The minimum sole thickness for winter shoes is one centimeter. Keep in mind that the thinner it is, the sooner the leg will cool. Optimum materials - polyurethane, rubber, polyvinylchloride.

A good "grip" to the surface provides a corrugated pattern, but sometimes it is not enough. If the shoes turned out to be slippery, you can ask the workshop to glue special linings on them.

However, this will require additional costs.


Modern doctors are gradually moving away from the idea that comfortable and safe shoes must have a heel. We will not interfere in the discussions of orthopedists and note only one thing: winter boots high heels are not an option for every day, and you need to move in them as carefully as possible.

A more or less safe heel height for hiking on snow and ice is up to five centimeters. At the same time, it is better that the heel is wide and stable.

Make sure that under load the heel does not move back, and the toe, even without your weight, does not rise more than one centimeter above the floor. If these requirements are not met, it will be very difficult for you to stay on your feet in ice, and in general it will be uncomfortable.


Immediately appreciate how neatly and competently the zipper is sewn. On the inside, a valve should adjoin to it, which will allow you not to tear your socks and tights when fastening and not damage the zipper itself. At the same time, it should not reach the bottom of the shoe, otherwise water will constantly get inside through the fastener.

How to choose the size of winter shoes

  1. Come to the shoe store in the afternoon when your feet are already a little swollen.
  2. If you plan to wear shoes with a sock, put it on immediately when you try it on.
  3. Put on new shoes and measure how far from its edge is thumb your leg.

    Experts say that it is optimal if it is one centimeter. In any case, make sure that all your fingers are not squeezed inside, and they can crack. In places where shoes constrain the foot, in winter there is a great danger of frostbite.

  4. Leather shoes should sit comfortably, but at the same time fit snugly around the foot (recall that leather is able to take the shape of your foot over time).
  5. Keep in mind that if leather shoes are broken in, then only in width.

    If your thumb is not free in it when trying on, even a long sock will not change anything - it will always be so.

  1. Shoes made of genuine smooth leather with a heel no more than five centimeters are the most practical and safe.
  2. Assessing the material from which the lining is made, examine not only the top, but also the part where the foot is placed directly. Manufacturers often skimp on the inconspicuous parts of their products.
  3. Press down on the instep of the boot in the middle - the heel should not move back.
  4. Winter shoes should not be tight - in places where they will squeeze the leg, you risk getting frostbite.
  5. The sole of high-quality winter shoes cannot be thinner than one centimeter.


How to choose shoes

Shoes are one of the most important parts of our wardrobe. Its shape determines the comfort and convenience when walking, and its appearance determines the integrity of the created image. Shoes serve not only to protect the lower extremities of a person, but also to create style, emphasize the beauty of the legs or hide their shortcomings.

For each specific purpose, our wardrobe should have its own shoes: comfortable - for daily trips to work; light and comfortable - for sports, for example, morning jogging; beautiful and fashionable - for going to the theater, a restaurant, for a friend's birthday or for a wedding. One main requirement for all types of footwear is its quality.

And in order to choose high-quality and reliable shoes, you need to know a few basic rules.

What is the most important thing in shoes?

The main thing in shoes is comfort. When choosing shoes, many people forget about its direct impact on the health of not only our feet, but also posture in general. Wearing uncomfortable, and even low-quality footwear materials over time can lead to various leg diseases.

To a greater extent, this applies to women - lovers of high heels.

Uncomfortable shoes, and even in combination with heels, impair blood circulation in the limbs and the condition of the hip joints, and over time lead to deformity of the feet and curvature of the spine.

If you're looking for casual shoes, opt for shoes with low heels and low heels. It is easier for men to make a choice, because men's shoes already have a heel of no more than 1 - 2 centimeters.

But for women who love heels, it is difficult to decide on the purchase of shoes with a heel “only” 5 cm.

Even at work, they are used to wearing shoes with a 10-centimeter stiletto heel, without thinking about health: this is justified by the fact that "beauty requires sacrifice."

Of course, shoes or boots without a heel are also rather uncomfortable for our feet and cause unpleasant, pain. The best option is shoes with a stable and thick heel from 2 to 5 centimeters high. High heels are not meant for daily walking; doctors consider it possible to wear it for no more than half an hour a day, and then only in case of emergency.

Choosing shoes

What should you pay attention to when choosing shoes? Few people know that it is better to go shopping for shoes towards the end of the day. At this time, the feet swell slightly, their size becomes the largest. In this case, the new shoes will not “suddenly” be small the very next evening. If you use orthopedic insoles, be sure to take them with you to try them on.

Many people's feet are slightly different in size, so when trying on, be guided by the larger foot. When trying on shoes, be sure to walk around the store in them to “feel” how comfortable they are for you. Maybe a little tight somewhere? In this case, you should not make a choice in favor of such shoes in the hope that they will stretch in a week.

If you want comfortable shoes, don't go for narrow, tight shoes with thin, high heels. Comfortable shoes should have a tight heel counter: this prevents it from deforming and slipping out of the back of the foot. Try bending the sole.

It should be plastic, flexible - on such a sole while walking, your feet will feel comfortable. Be sure to pay attention to the material and give preference to natural materials. After all, artificial materials do not allow air to pass through - your feet will sweat a lot.

In addition, pay attention to the quality of the internal seams: they should be soft so as not to cause chafing of the skin.

Material quality

The quality of the material is one of the most important characteristics of a good shoe. Wearing shoes made of low-quality synthetic materials, especially in summer, leads to increased sweating of the feet, the development of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, the question of the quality of the shoe material is especially important in summer.

Modern manufacturers use various latest technologies when sewing shoes. The use of massage and antibacterial insoles, shock-absorbing soles with air chambers and waterproof materials make shoes more comfortable and have a positive effect on foot health.

The most high-quality material for the production of shoes, of course, is classic genuine leather, because it is soft and pleasant; and shoes made from it take the shape of a foot.

It is known that the service life of leather shoes is much longer than shoes made of artificial material. Suede shoes are very beautiful, aesthetic and comfortable, because suede perfectly lets air through and in summer season feet in suede shoes are not hot.

However, it must be remembered that without proper care suede shoes quickly falls into disrepair.

Size and fullness

When choosing the right shoes, it is very important to consider the fullness of the foot. It happens that the shoes you try on in length are quite suitable for you or even turn out to be a little larger than the desired size, but from the sides it is noticeably tight for you.

In this case, the point is the fullness of the leg, that is, the girth of the foot in its widest part in the toe area. Today it is quite difficult to choose shoes for yourself, since the value of completeness is not indicated on it.

You can understand how suitable the model you like is only during the fitting.

Shoe size is now most often calculated according to international standards: this is the length of the foot, expressed in millimeters. The length is measured from the heel to the most protruding toe, usually this figure is rounded up to 5 mm.

The European shoe size system uses centimeters, according to the length of the insole. Most often, the length of the insole is 1 - 1.5 cm longer than the length of the foot.

The same method of determining the size is used by the Americans and the British; the only difference is that in these countries the figure is indicated in inches.

However, even if you know exactly both your foot size and its fullness, do not buy shoes based on the size indicated on it.

Many manufacturers now often use their size charts; and this figure sometimes differs markedly from actual size your foot and even the size indicated on the box.

In addition, the peculiarity of each model can affect the convenience, regardless of size.

During the fitting, put the shoes on both feet to feel if they are too tight for you. Don't listen to a salesperson if they advise you to use a shoe stretcher. This tool can be used, but not when you need shoes 2-3 sizes larger.

Quality and guarantees

High-quality factory shoes can be purchased at specialized stores. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind here as well.

First you need to identify the manufacturer and make sure that the quality of the shoes meets the established standards.

The certificate, which the seller is obliged to provide you upon request, will be able to confirm that the shoes are of high quality and safe for your health.

Don't forget about the warranty. The law allows you to return low-quality goods back to the store no later than 2 weeks from the date of purchase. However, not everyone knows that the warranty period for seasonal shoes is counted from the beginning of the season, regardless of the day of purchase.

For example, if you bought winter boots in the summer, you have the right to “wait” until the winter starts. That's right: you won't wear winter shoes in summer, their quality can be determined only in winter. Therefore, it is quite possible to buy shoes “out of season” without the risk of losing the guarantee.

The nuances of seasonal shoes

Shoes for any season should be made of high-quality (preferably natural) materials that are well breathable and do not interfere with heat transfer.

This is especially important with regard to summer shoes to prevent the development of fungus and other diseases that appear due to sweating of the feet.

But if you still decide to buy shoes made of synthetic material, get antibacterial insoles: they perfectly pass air and prevent the development of bacteria.

When buying summer shoes, you need to remember that in hot weather, the legs swell more; Therefore, it is better to go shopping for shoes in the evening. After purchasing shoes in the morning, you run the risk of finding out in the evening that they are “too small” for you.

When choosing winter shoes, give preference to options made of genuine leather: they perfectly retain heat and do not let moisture through.

Winter boots should have a fur insole (sheepskin is better) - they will help keep your feet warm.

Choose shoes with thick soles and embossed pattern on it, thanks to this your feet will not slide on ice and snow. Do not forget that both autumn and winter boots should be a little loose.

When purchasing shoes, be sure to pay attention to pairing. If there are decorative elements on it, they must be symmetrical, identical in size, shape and color. There should be no scratches, stains or wrinkles. Inspect the seams, the sole and the strength of its connection with the skin of the upper, the reliability of the zipper (snake). On quality shoes there should be no defects.

A person's feet usually have little difference. Therefore, when choosing, try on both winter and summer shoes on both feet; otherwise, for a couple of millimeters, you will most likely have to return your purchase to the store.

When trying on shoes, fasten all zippers and fasteners on it; if there is lacing, tie the laces.

After that, walk around and notice if you are uncomfortable with zippers, fasteners, or decorative details.

Feel the shoes from the inside: there should not be hard, rough seams with which you risk rubbing your foot. The inner surface of the shoe should be soft, pleasant; the insole should stretch.

Don't forget about the most appropriate heel height. For women, it is 5 centimeters, for men - 1.5 centimeters. The sole of the shoe should be flexible and bend well. A poor-quality sole is hard, and a crack may soon appear at the fracture site. Plasticity speaks of quality; shoes with flexible soles will give your feet the opportunity to rest throughout the day.

If you're trying to shop for profit, buy summer shoes, for example, in winter or autumn, and winter shoes in spring and summer. This will save you money. Inexpensive shoes are usually purchased from the markets; you can buy high-quality shoes with a guarantee in specialized shoe stores.

By applying these simple tips for choosing shoes in practice, anyone can choose for themselves enough high-quality shoes in which their feet will be comfortable. As for taste and color, as they say, there are no comrades; and each buyer makes his own individual requirements for the appearance of shoes and its finish. In this regard, you can only focus on your personal preferences.


How to choose shoes by quality and size? Choosing the right shoes

Incorrectly selected shoes - money thrown to the wind. If you are not a Rockefeller and do not want to regret once again the wasted time and finances, then you have only one thing left - to learn how to make the right purchases. How to do it? Remember a few simple rules of shoe shopping.

Shoe choice: quality and size matter!

More and more people began to purchase goods in online stores. There are a lot of advantages of shopping "without leaving your laptop" (tablet, desktop PC):

  1. saving time. No need to run all day shopping in the city in search of the perfect match;
  2. saving money. In online stores, shoes are cheaper, because the seller has less costs for rent, employee salaries, etc. Frequent sales, promotions, where you can find your favorite pair very cheaply;
  3. huge selection. In shops and markets small town As a rule, shoes are not very diverse. In the network, you can search for goods not only within your locality, but also within the country, and even abroad.

The only problem with buying shoes in an online store is choosing a pair of your size. It is very easy, when purchasing shoes or boots, to make a mistake with the length and fullness of the foot. To prevent this from happening, it is important to correctly measure its length.

To do this, you need to put your foot on a piece of paper and circle it with a pencil. Using a ruler, determine the length in centimeters and compare it with the size grid of shoes. Some shoe models may be small or vice versa.

Few online stores offer a pre-fitting service, which means they bring shoes to you in several sizes and you choose the right pair. Pay attention to this when choosing an online store.

We choose the right shoes during the fitting

How to choose shoes

Even when buying shoes in normal, "real" conditions, there is a risk of making a mistake and acquiring an uncomfortable pair. To avoid this situation, here are some tips on how to choose comfortable shoes:

  • it is better to make purchases in the evenings, when the feet swell and acquire your maximum size;
  • shoes should fit snugly around the foot, without squeezing or falling off. You should not hope that it will stretch over time, especially if the material for its manufacture is artificial. In addition, walking in uncomfortable, tight shoes, for example, is very harmful to health and spoils the mood. It is not recommended to purchase loose shoes either - the consequences of wearing them are calluses, and the legs are in constant tension and get tired faster;
  • when trying on, you should put on two shoes and walk around the store a bit to feel if you are comfortable in them;
  • the sole is preferably flexible, but not thin. This can be checked by bending the shoe, while the top should not be strongly deformed (special recommendations for people suffering from flat feet: the sole of the shoe does not bend, a hard back, a heel is required);
  • as for heels, for daily wear it is recommended to choose their height no more than 2-4 cm;
  • to check if the shoes will not press in the widest part of the foot, you should stand on your toes. If there are no discomfort, it will be comfortable to walk.

Quality shoes: what is it?

When buying shoes, it is important to look not only at the size and appearance of the pair, but also at the quality of their workmanship. You can determine whether your purchase is of high quality by several criteria:

  • The best footwear is leather. At the same time, calfskin is the most durable, pigskin is thinner and deteriorates when wet, but cheap goat skin is the thinnest and most beautiful, model items are made from it;
  • inside the shoes should be smooth, with neat seams, otherwise socks and tights will be torn;
  • if the heel is consignment note, it can be used to determine how high-quality material was used. Usually it is found in inexpensive models of shoes, it does not tuck inward. If it is tucked up, most likely the manufacturer wanted to hide that it was used. artificial leather. However, this rule does not apply to expensive branded models;
  • back seams on shoes or boots should be even, with a stitch length of 2-3 mm. If the stitches are smaller, the seam may come apart quickly.

When buying shoes, it is important to trust tactile sensations. You should try it on, hold it in your hands, touch it inside and out, walk around in it, then choosing the perfect pair will become much easier! Happy shopping!

Rubs, crushes and falls apart before our eyes due to the physical "conflict" with the foot. Usually, first the shoes win and the person walks in calluses, and then the foot starts to win - and the shoes fall apart. The good news is there is a way to deal with this.

What do you need to know about the foot?

Everyone's feet are different sizes and shapes. But two key characteristics are important to us now, length and width. The size of the foot is determined by its length. The width is usually not indicated separately anywhere, although the feet, with the same length, can differ in width by 1.5 times. Here, for example, is a photo from Wikipedia with just such a case.

To buy the right shoes, you need to measure its length and width in advance and in the right way and remember these numbers forever in centimeters. You need to measure in a flattened state. Neither on weight, nor on some kind of insole old shoes, no imprint of paint.

Take 2 sheets of paper (to make the foot fit completely, you can glue several sheets together or staple them together), put them on the floor and stand on the sheet with each foot in turn. Your goal is to circle the foot at the moment when the weight of the whole body is on it. It is this form that the foot takes when it receives a load when walking. And it is in this position that she and the shoes cause each other the greatest mutual damage. You can measure your foot with a sock if you always wear socks.

Step on the sheet and trace around the perimeter of each leg individually with a pen so that the sheet has a full projection of the foot. Do not dip the handle under the foot, but do not lean outward either. Be sure to circle both legs to find out at the same time whether they are symmetrical or not.

After the correct stroke, the drawing needs to be measured correctly. Imagine that you want to place your foot in rectangular box, the walls of which are adjacent to all sides of the foot. Draw a rectangle around the circled foot and measure its long side. This will be your foot size in centimeters, which, according to the manufacturer's size charts, can be translated into shoe size.

What you need to know about dimensional grids shoe manufacturers?

They are different for everyone and the grid spacing is also different. The same foot length may have different sizes from different manufacturers. If you want to buy shoes from a specific brand, like Convers or Vans, you can look into their mesh specifically.

Comparing these grids, you can see that 26 cm for Converses will fall between sizes 8 and 8.5, while Wens will clearly be a size 8.

Remembering what Russian, Italian, English or Chinese size you have is pointless. It’s easier to immediately remember in centimeters and then either correlate it yourself, or torture consultants. If you have legs different sizes- shoes are selected according to the larger foot.

After the age of 30, legs should be measured approximately every 5 years. May increase by 0.5 - 1 size. Especially if there is proskostopia.

Now let's move on to the width of the foot.

The width is usually not indicated in any way. Some manufacturers have shoes of different thicknesses, they are also labeled differently, there are no world standards. But the fullness of the foot is not always the width, it can simply be an increased volume of the boot, but not in breadth, but upwards. Therefore, here it is necessary to analyze visually. (Although if you buy shoes from a single manufacturer, you can remember its markings.)

Here on this one, a. There are 218 pairs for a narrow foot, only 15 for the widest one. Well, if you look at the photos, you can see that somewhere for a full foot wide shoes are offered, and somewhere just with a large volume, apparently for a high rise.

Measure the width of the narrow edge of your rectangle. Write down, compare the feet and remember this width. If you remember that your flattened foot is 10 cm wide, it will be easier for you to understand if the boot will fit, even just by holding it in your hand. If you have feet different widths- shoes are selected according to the larger foot. (Orthopedists, by the way, measure all this differently, but they have completely different tasks there)

The third point is the shape of your fingers.

The toes are usually the most troubled parts of the foot. As you can see, their forms are very different, but there is no intelligible measurement. Well, except perhaps for such a picture, which, it seems to me, has nothing to do with reality).

Here you need to remember the shape of your fingers and love it with all your heart. When you love something, you start to "find" it in space automatically. On the shelves and in the photographs, you will instantly catch your eye on shoes with the same sock shape. See what different toes the shoes have, maybe one of them follows the curve of your foot?

So, you are now familiar with the most important characteristics of your foot (but not all, by the way). And now we can move on to shoes.

What you need to know about shoes

Shoes are sewn not just like that, but according to certain blocks. And if you have a lot of money - it's best to order shoes tailoring for your feet. But if there is no such possibility, we will study the materiel.

To choose shoes that will “conflict” with the foot the least, you need to understand two points for yourself:

  1. how hard / soft shoes to change on the foot

  2. how close the manufacturer's last is in shape to your foot

The softer the shoe, the more it can deform and take the shape of the foot. But here you need to understand that the possibilities of shoes are not unlimited, and if your foot stretches something very much, this something will die as quickly as possible. Here are the boot options. The first is made of soft, non-glued leather. The second of the rigid, glued. The more molded the shoes, the more carefully you will need to select the shape. And the softer - the more small discrepancies can be allowed. But you need to understand that the more these mismatches, the faster the shoes will wear out and acquire not beautiful creases. (In the pictures, shoes for a narrow foot)

And the most difficult moment is the correlation of your foot shape with the shape of the manufacturer's shoe.

Here you will need to turn on the imagination, the eye, and sometimes take the ruler. We look at the boot from above (or from the side of the sole) and try to imagine how our foot will enter there. Here on these examples I show how the thought should move. Here, using the example of my feet, it is clear that no matter what soft sneakers are (which, by the way, are with increased fullness!), The foot will not be comfortable there, because when loaded, they will strongly rest against the side parts. Such shoes can not even be tried on.

But in this example, everything is ok. Almost nothing will stretch or crush.

With boots, you need to think in a similar way, but choose even more carefully. Here, for example, a boot for a narrow foot and for a wide one. Everyone understands that if you try to stuff a wide foot into this narrow boot, the nose will be completely empty, the boot will stretch in breadth and the nose will start to lift up from this?

Wide-footed people usually suffer from corns on their little fingers, they have to take shoes a size larger, wear them in, stretch them. The foot seems to hang over the sole on the sides.

If your foot is narrow, you will have another problem. In length, the shoes are already back to back, the finger hurts, but it continues to slosh. Narrow-footed people usually suffer from choosing a smaller size, and then they rub their heels or fingers. The laces are tightened as much as possible, not beautiful voids and creases are formed on the molded shoes, which can press when walking.

But if you choose shoes according to these principles, most of the problems can be avoided.

Countries and shoe widths, is there any dependence?

It is generally accepted that southern shoes (for example, Italian) are usually sewn on a narrow foot, and northern shoes (for example, German and Finnish) on a wide one (and Chinese shoes run small by at least 2 sizes :)). Such a dependence does exist, but not in 100% of cases. If a company sends a collection to a certain market (for example, Russian), then it can specifically select certain lasts. Or maybe not choose. Each individual case needs to be looked at with the eyes.

In Russia, we have about half of the men with ordinary, normal feet, and half with wide and very wide (for women, by the way, this is also the case). There are fewer narrow feet. The figures are very approximate, I focus on my experience and on the comment of a Japanese shoemaker who studied Russian feet in order to enter our market. In Italy, according to rumors, normal and narrow feet predominate. Perhaps this will answer the silent question of our consumers "why such narrow shoes are sold everywhere." Yes, they just bought it in a bunch at the base, brought it and sell it.

In Russia itself, different shoes are produced, but usually for increased fullness. So the owners of wide feet can also look at local factories.

And a few words about men's shopping.

Men like to wear shoes to holes, then come to the store in them, immediately change shoes and throw out the old one. But it's better not to do that.

1. If you have a difficult long-suffering foot, give yourself more time to choose. Look for pictures on websites (almost all popular brands are on wildberry and they are photographed from above), walk around the store longer.

2. After buying shoes, you have 2 weeks to return them without giving reasons if you have not worn them. That is, it means that you can try everything on at home, walk around the apartment for a couple of hours and see how your legs will feel. And if any inconveniences are found, you take it back to the store in a box and with a check (do not forget to take your passport with you).

Now you know how to improve your shoe selection skills. Will you use it? Are you going to look at the legs and look at the shoes? What is your foot? What tricks did you find when choosing for yourself?

In this article there will be no water and common phrases that no one needs for nothing. Will only helpful information, only facts and specifics.

I will tell you what to look for when buying winter shoes, and I will also give you a pair practical advice that will help you not only stay healthy, but also save money.

How to choose good and inexpensive winter shoes

1. Choose the right time, size and width of shoes

In markets and / or shoe stores, people prefer to appear in the morning. Like, now we’ll quickly buy everything and then the whole day is free.

From a practical point of view, this is correct. But not in terms of physiology.

The fact is that every person's legs always swell a little in the evening. And shoes bought in the morning can be tight in the evening.

Therefore, I personally recommend buying shoes in the afternoon. Choose the size as follows: between the tip of the thumb and the toe of the shoe, there should be a distance equal to approximately the length of the thumbnail.

I do not recommend buying shoes that are too tight and / or boots. They squeeze the foot and disrupt blood circulation in it. As a result, your feet will freeze. But what is even worse is the increased risk of arthrosis.

2. Choose the right sole and insoles

It is advisable to buy winter shoes with non-slip ribbed soles. The deeper and more embossed the protectors, the better! You yourself understand the conditions in which we live: slippery, snow, snowstorms and swirlers. This is not the USA or even Spain, where people still swim in the sea in winter.

At the same time, the sole should be flexible (the better it bends, the higher the likelihood that it is of high quality), thick (about one centimeter), should not lag behind and get wet.

In general, the waterproofing of a sole depends on how it is attached to the shoe. There are several most commonly used types of fasteners: piercing, adhesive, and lithium-adhesive.

As for the insoles, you should not buy shoes with hard insoles. This can lead to corns. I recommend choosing soft (necessarily thick) insoles.

If the insoles are thin, the cold will penetrate through the sole. Which will not add to your joy and comfort at all.

3. Don't buy high-heeled shoes in winter

Girls always smile at me, decorously prancing along the road in stilettos in winter. It's how beautiful they can turn up!

Remember ladies, for women's winter shoes, the ideal heel is wide and low. Maximum 4 centimeters. Otherwise, there is a risk that your beautiful legs and other limbs will come into contact with gray and unattractive asphalt.

It will also be completely out of place, if you ate boots, girls, you will have high ones - they will protect your ankle from the cold. And if the length is above the knees, then also the knees. This is especially true if you prefer to wear skirts or short dresses.

Men are easier in this matter. We don't wear pins. Skirts too. Well, as for winter shoes, a small heel (one and a half centimeters) is only welcome! It provides much better stability than a flat sole.

And, to be honest, I don’t recommend wearing flat shoes in winter at all. Orthopedic doctors say that the flat sole deforms the foot.

4. Choose shoes with the right insulation

The best and most reliable winter footwear insulation is, of course, natural fur. It provides normal air exchange, so that the feet do not sweat and do not cool down.

In second place is stuffed natural fur. This fur is sewn onto a fabric base. He's pretty good too. And in some cases it can give odds completely natural fur. Thanks to the fabric, these shoes dry faster.

Distinguish artificial fur from natural is very simple: it has an unnatural bright sheen, is easily pulled out, and feels like a plush toy to the touch.

You can also make a choice in favor of shoes with artificial modern insulation (for example, such as thinsulate). They are sometimes no worse than fur. It also dries faster.

5. What to choose: suede, leather or leatherette?

I even see how many will fanatically prove that there is no more beautiful and better material than genuine leather. After all, it is just perfect for winter severe frosts and slush (takes the shape of a leg, keeps heat well and does not let moisture through).

And suede is fu-fu-fu. It gets dirty quickly and is completely impractical. In general, you need to keep quiet about leatherette, because it is such a kaka, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

In some ways, of course, they will be right. And in some ways, frankly, no!

Here's what I propose. I will now list the pros and cons of both leather and suede shoes. And you yourself decide what is closer to you.

Pros and cons of leather shoes

Pros: practical and comfortable. The skin adapts to the shape of the foot. Doesn't get wet. Holds heat well. Suitable for any time of the year.

Minuses: expressionless in appearance. High price. There is a risk of buying a fake, although the jigit seller will beat his chest with his fist, insisting that this is the most natural of all natural leathers in the world. Poor breathability (this factor depends on the type of leather).

Pros and cons of suede shoes

Pros: the price is lower than for leather. The shoes look very elegant and attractive. Pleasant to the touch. Soft and light. Warm and comfortable (just like leather). Has good breathability.

Minuses: compared with leather shoes not so practical to wear. Requires special care. In wet weather and slush, traces of salt and dirt remain on it.

As for the leatherette, here I agree that this is not the best option for winter. Such shoes can pass moisture, do not retain heat, and crack in the cold. Agree, in her furnace!

It is better to buy shoes once at above average prices, which you will then wear for two or three years, than to buy cheap shoes and then just throw them away.

6. Be sure to try on shoes

Under no circumstances buy shoes without trying them on. Especially winter! Even if you saw a super advantageous offer on the Internet.

The fact is that no two pairs of shoes are the same. Miscellaneous shoes different manufacturers significantly differs in size. And in the end, by ordering boots or boots of your standard size over the Internet, you can actually get shoes one size or even two smaller (Chinese, they are!).

I also don’t recommend listening to the sweet speeches of a consultant who will pour like a nightingale that you are just a star in these shoes! And the fact that you are a little cramped - so the skin will stretch, and the fur will be trampled down! Those are new boots!

Girls are more susceptible to this influence, for whom it is very important to hear an opinion from the outside. Men are more resilient in this regard.

The rules for trying on winter shoes are quite simple: you need to measure both boots or boots. Be sure to walk in shoes there-court. Your legs should not be cramped (no matter what the consultant says). The top should not squeeze the leg, and the big toe should rest against the toe.

7. Do not get fooled by the external beauty of the shoes.

I specifically made this point number 7. For if, when choosing winter shoes, you are led by its beauty after mastering the previous points, there will be nothing wrong with that.

And so, whichever beautiful shoes no matter what, first of all, make sure that it is of high quality and practical.

For more tips on how to choose the right winter shoes, see the video.

When choosing clothes and shoes, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. This will directly affect the convenience, quality of materials and the price of the item. After all, do you agree that the best shoes are those that you don’t feel on your foot while walking? Buying a low-quality thing, you doom yourself to permanent corns, corns, curvature and the like. Below we will determine how to choose the right brand for men and women. women's shoes, and make a rating of the best manufacturers for 2017.

How to choose the right shoes?

A properly selected pair of shoes (sneakers, sneakers, ballet flats, louboutins, moccasins, underline the option you need) prevents the appearance of growths, corns and similar muck. Inappropriate shoes can rapidly develop these same diseases that will constantly remind of themselves (according to my own bitter experience).

Let's take care of our feet and choose comfortable shoes for them. So, here are a few key rules that will help you avoid foot problems:

1. Go shopping in the late afternoon, when your foot has time to trample and increase in size a little.

2. During the first fitting, be sure to make a few circles around the store, and carefully "listen" to your feelings.

3. Be sure to take the insoles with you (if you wear special orthopedic or shoe inserts).

4. Don't pay attention to shoe size (within reason, of course). Many manufacturers may run small or large. Therefore, it often happens that your 38 size may fit 36 ​​or 40.

5. Do you order from an online store? Then take measurements of the foot immediately before buying. Foot size changes throughout life, so if you measured the size once at the age of 18, this is not an indicator.

Coming home, we recommend to give your feet freedom. Walk barefoot (if there are no diseases that prevent it), or buy light fabric slippers. After a hard day at work, it will be the perfect soothing for your fingers and feet.

Rating of the best brands of men's shoes

Do you want to experience the beauty of life? Then choose shoes that have stood the test of time. Below we present to your attention the brands men's shoes which, in our opinion, are the best.

1. Caterpillar - stylish and practical

This brand mainly produces boots and low shoes in a classic, sporty and casual style. You can find not only male models but also female. On this moment, the Caterpillar boot brand is only gaining popularity in the CIS countries. But already, judging by the numerous customer reviews, it is one of the most reliable manufacturers in terms of quality.

The price of boots can be said to be average (in the region of 5000 - 6000 thousand rubles). Can be easily picked suitable model for winter, spring, summer and autumn. The rubber sole keeps well in any weather, does not peel off. In general, this Best offer on the market at the moment.


  • Affordable shoes (not too expensive).
  • Very high quality, can be worn for years.


  • Not revealed (although there is a marriage everywhere).

2. Nike - sport and comfort

Probably one of the most popular companies in the production of sneakers and sneakers. Interesting fact A: In 2016, Nike became the most popular brand in the world. And this is not only a merit of good marketers in the state. Nike produces some of the highest quality and most stylish models to date. You probably won't find one young man or a girl who would not like to buy AirMax for herself.

The price for one pair of shoes is very different, starting from 650 rubles and ending with an incredible 30,000 rubles. The quality of each model is excellent. The sole and upper materials are well combined, and withstand any load. Thus, it is a very good shoe for daily wear and sports.


  • Price. You can find a budget model.
  • High quality materials.
  • Wide range for women and men
  • Good for sports (running, basketball).


  • Thick sole that not everyone likes.

3. ECCO - Absolute Confidence

ECCO is popular with men all over the world. Great quality, innovative technologies and stylish design make ecco products one of the most sought after in the world. In the store you will find shoes for all occasions: sneakers, shoes, sandals, flip flops and boots.

The price of products of this brand, of course, bite a little. The price for most models starts from 7000 rubles. However, the store is constantly running discounts and promotions that allow you to buy some models at a much lower price. In general, this is a good manufacturer of shoes for stylish men.


  • High quality products.
  • Wide range for men and women.
  • There are always discounts and promotions.


  • The price is great.

4. Ralf Ringer - European quality

Ralf Ringer has been on the market for quite some time (since 1996). Previously, shoes were produced only for men, now you can find a wide range of shoes for women and children. Shoes are designed for people from 20 to 45 years old. The main advantage of this brand is high European quality.

The average price for one pair varies from 2000 to 7000 rubles. It's a pretty reasonable price for the quality. Customer reviews of the product are mostly positive. This is not strange, because shoes from Ralf Ringer can serve you for more than one year.


  • Comfortable shoes for men and women.
  • Relatively inexpensive in price.
  • High European quality.


  • Some models are not very well made.

The best women's shoe manufacturers

As a rule, women choose any elements of clothing very carefully. This also applies to shoes, sandals, sandals, loafers and the like. If you want to always look stylish, and at the same time not worry that the shoes will tear, then we recommend that you pay attention to the rating. best brands in 2017 for women.

1. Geox - start breathing

Italian manufacturer of women's and men's shoes, which has established itself as a quality brand. Geox specialize in the production of classic, everyday and casual models. The company is famous for its relationship with customers, as it strives to satisfy all their needs as much as possible. IN Lately, the manufacturer uses its own development of the sole membrane. It allows the foot to breathe while walking, and does not let moisture in from the outside.

The cost of production starts from 3,000 rubles and can reach up to 100,000 rubles. Depending on the needs and season, you can always find the right Geox model in the store. In general, user reviews are mostly positive.


  • There are collections for men, women and children.
  • The sole allows the skin of the feet to breathe.
  • Do not pass moisture.


  • High price.

2. Rieker - comfort from Germany

Popular brand from Germany. They are mainly famous for their quality in casual shoes. You can be sure that it will last you several seasons without problems. On the other hand, it is better to choose more carefully for places where the climate is changeable. Judging by customer reviews, Rieker does not tolerate bad weather conditions.

The price for a pair, in principle, is average (around 5000 rubles). For this price you will get a pair of shoes or boots made of quality materials. The assortment of the brand is quite large, you can pick up shoes not only for a woman, but also for a man and your children.


  • A wide range of.
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Sufficiently durable models.


  • Poorly withstand severe frosts.

3. Bronx - good shoes as a tradition

Dutch manufacturer, which managed to spread in many countries. Due to the presentation of goods in different price categories, their products are used a large number of of people. Every year you can watch up to 4 Bronx fashion collections.

The price of the product can vary greatly depending on the selected model. For budget buyers, there is a collection called DIBA. Bronx products can be freely purchased on the territory of the CIS countries.


  • There are budget and expensive collections.
  • The high quality of the materials used.


  • Not detected.

4. Clarks - exquisite and tasteful

Clarks offers us a wide range of winter and summer footwear. For the production of shoes and sandals, only the most quality materials. You can find a suitable pair not only for women, but also for men.

Most buyers note the fact that the sandals are very comfortable and durable. The price, of course, is slightly higher than average, but this is a small price to pay for comfort and sophistication.


  • Comfortable and durable.
  • Quality materials are used.

Each of us is faced almost every year, and sometimes more often, with the choice and purchase of shoes. It is important to choose not only beautiful in appearance, but also high-quality shoes, which will ensure durability and comfort in wearing the purchased product. Incorrectly selected and poor-quality shoes, boots, boots, sandals can crush, lead to foot deformity and calluses, and will not last long. And in order not to be mistaken, you need to know elementary rules choice. In this article, we will answer a very popular question: how to choose high-quality shoes?

What to pay attention to?

There are several signs that will help you choose good shoes without much effort:

  • Material.
  • Sole.
  • Smell.
  • Price.

Let's dwell on them in more detail.

  • Choose shoes that are made from natural material. High-quality and good products are made in 90% of cases from the skin of animals such as pigs, calves and goats.

Important! The most durable is calfskin, and the thinnest is goatskin. Leather should be not only the surface, but also the lining and the insole. Such shoes are more expensive, but the foot is comfortable in them, it does not sweat.

  • Carefully consider the surface of the material on your chosen pair. It can be fleecy, smooth, varnished. A fake and low-quality material can be given out by the paint of the insole and the outer material. A quality product has a rich and uniform color, without streaks and shades.
  • Patent leather shoes are less breathable than regular leather. In a product made of such material it will be hot in summer. It is also impractical in winter, as the material can crack from frost.
  • Before purchasing a product, conduct a small experiment: walk with a damp cloth (wet wipe) over the surface, and then with a dry cloth white color. If traces of paint remain on it, then you have a very poor quality pair in your hands.

Important! The same test can be carried out on the insole, because if it is made of low-quality material, then it will spoil tights and light-colored socks. Yes, and problems with bad smell will appear with a probability of 90%.

  • Foam rubber or leatherette under the insole do not allow air to pass through, which can lead to fungal diseases of the feet.

Important! It is best to purchase shoes in specialized stores, where you can view certificates and get a guarantee.

Flexible sole and seams

Carefully inspect the sole of the product:

  • High-quality shoes have a fairly flexible, soft sole. To figure out which sole is in front of you, bend the shoes, bringing the toe closer to the heel. If this is done easily enough, then such a product will serve you for many years.
  • The heels are an important factor. If you are holding a product in your hands that has heels of dubious quality, then you have a product that will not last long.
  • Look at the seams very carefully. They must be soundly executed - impeccably straight, sewn with stitches of 2-3 mm. If the stitching is smaller, the perforation effect may be triggered during wear, causing the stitch to break.

No smell

Good shoes do not have an unpleasant chemical smell, glue or solvent. The product emits an unobtrusive smell or it is completely absent.


Good quality shoes will not be cheap. Do not chase the low price, there is a saying “The miser pays twice” for a reason.

Possible defects:

  • Carefully inspect the heel in the selected product - it can be sewn in one piece, and not decorated with the usual vertical straight seam. It can also be laid on (when its cut can be seen) and tucked inward. If the heel part is tucked inward, this most often indicates that the product is not made of genuine leather. Thus, the manufacturer tries to hide the low grade of the material.
  • Pay attention to the heel. Place both pairs on a flat surface. High-quality shoes should be stable on the entire surface of the heels, otherwise the heels may loosen, which will lead to breakage of the arch support. Heels are made of rubber, plastic, wood or metal. They can be solid or made from two or more materials. Plastic is very fragile, and wood rots from moisture.

Important! A metal rod is placed inside thin plastic studs for reinforcement. The softer the material and the worse the quality of the metal, the more likely it is that the heel may break. If the metal rod is not inserted to the full length of the heel, then this will also lead to breakage of the stud on shoes or boots.


We told you how to choose quality shoes. Using the rules described above, you can easily cope with this task. Do not forget that before you buy shoes, you need to try them on. This is the key to making the right choice.
