How to forget a person with whom we will never be together psychologist's advice. How to forget the person you love

Forget the one you loved loved one, to stop yearning for unrequited love, to get rid of feelings of longing and loneliness is sometimes very difficult.

It is doubly difficult to do this if you do not want to share your experiences with anyone.

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Conspiracies will help to heal the soul and force oneself to take a fresh look at life, in which centuries-old experience in solving “heart” problems is collected.

Conspiracy how to forget a person forever

The ritual is performed at dusk. You will need: a candle, matches, scissors.

At midnight, you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking your hair, burn it in a candle flame with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), according to me, servant of God, (name) decay.

To lament only for me, not to know a single woman,

if only I, alone, would desire, only think about me, and only suffer for me.

As this hair does not grow back, so it is

no one will beat mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- Love spell with hair

Light a candle, take scissors and “cut off” the edges of the flame with them, saying the spell:

“It’s not the flame of a candle that I cut off,
and curb the desire to see.
Like blowing out a candle
So I will forget you (name)!
From now on and forever. Let it be so. Amen."

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

For development internal forces requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

Then everything should be cleaned up. The ritual is preferably performed on a waning moon.

How to forget the person you love and he doesn't have a conspiracy

Take a handful of seeds and scatter them in front of the pigeons - let them peck.

So this event happened, dividing life into two halves - “before” and “after”. Before parting with your loved one, there was a feeling of confidence that you were the best, there were wonderful moments that, it seems, you can never forget, there were hopes and plans for the future.

And after - after only ashes from these plans, tears in the pillow and poorly hidden sympathetic looks of loved ones. How to forget a loved one - three simple steps to protect your "I" from deep psychological trauma and make it easier to get out of this state?

  1. You need to start by removing from your living space everything that resembles the man who left you. Gifts of the ex, his things, letters, phone numbers - all this should not catch your eye.
  2. Cross him out of your contacts in social networks and do not console yourself with the illusory hope that maybe he will write to you or call you. Won't write or call. And if this happens, then, most likely, in order to prolong your torment. There is such a feature in some men - manipulators - they enjoy the moral suffering of women attached to them.

    If you still think that the breakup is temporary, and the thread that binds you is still strong, pause. Needs you - will find a way to find and try to start over, even if you have deleted him from all contacts. And if not, why do you need such a life partner?

  3. Do not try to catch his eye in order to look at him again. ex-husband or a guy with whom you once had a strong relationship. The sight of your unfortunate eyes, which cannot be hidden by any make-up, can give him untold pleasure and even raise self-esteem, but you will reopen a fresh spiritual wound again and again. You need it?
  4. How to forget the person you love? Don't limit your social circle to your family or best friend, or worst of all, to your own company. Step over yourself and try to be in society more often.

    It is better if you appear everywhere in full "combat equipment" - hair, makeup, well-groomed expensive shoes, modern clothes, bijouterie.

Try to follow this rule, even if you went to the supermarket for cucumbers for salad. You can disguise your sad look with fashionable glasses.

Of course, every now and then you will irritate your soul, looking at happy couples and thinking that you are alone, but, nevertheless, “going out” will help you escape from difficult thoughts. But the sight of a charming woman in the reflection in the mirror will give self-confidence.

A new meeting is the best remedy for loneliness

How convenient it would be if we had a function similar to the "Delete" button on a computer keyboard. One, two - erased everything from memory, start over!

Unfortunately, many women solve the problem of how to stop loving a person who does not love you, through trial and error, and not others' mistakes, but their own.

Christina (our heroine) broke up with her husband, whom she loved very much since school, loved so much that she turned a blind eye to obvious signs of infidelity. I didn’t want to believe it until I accidentally saw his correspondence, and not with one, but with several rivals at once. The last straw was the words about her naivety, with which the unfaithful characterized his wife to his girlfriends.

Soon after she decided to leave her husband, a handsome guy appeared in her life. No, he did not promise anything, and it seems that he himself then escaped from broken feelings, but the optimism and love of life of the young attractive man, a joint fun pastime, helped to heal a heart wound in the shortest possible time. This relationship came to naught after a few months, but a fleeting romance to help you quickly forget your ex-husband and restore faith in your attractiveness.

These tips on how to forget the person you love are not for everyone, and this method will not help everyone to say goodbye to the past forever. You should not go to extremes and see in every new man a panacea for longing.

The human soul is not a toy, but if both partners do not take their romance seriously, why not try such a remedy for loneliness? The main thing is not to overdo it in search of love, and not bring new problems on your head due to promiscuity in relationships.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

How to let go of a loved one? To make it easier to do this, think about the fact that in our life nothing happens by chance.

A force that we do not yet have a clear idea about (someone calls it a god or a guardian angel) tries to take care of us if we do not interfere with it.

Who knows, maybe this relationship, which you are trying very hard to maintain, will bring you such troubles in the future that today will seem like a pale shadow.

And, on the contrary, maybe fate has prepared something special for you - new opportunities, a person of your whole life, a meeting with the father of your future wonderful children, and you just can’t stop loving a man who never truly appreciated you.

How to forget the guy you love? Take comfort in wisdom: "Everything that is done is for the best." And only after years and decades you will understand that these tips were not in vain, and everything turned out really for the better.

But how do you let go of the person you love? The psychology of the unconscious offers a very actionable advice how to quickly stop suffering from separation from your loved one. You need to regularly repeat to yourself that you feel relieved and ready to enjoy life, even if you yourself do not yet believe in it. You thereby give your subconscious a task, and it performs it.

Soon you will really be able to stop thinking only about your trouble and start letting go of your ex-husband or beloved man.

What should never be done

If the advice engraved on the ring of King Solomon “Everything passes - this too will pass” does not help, some girls go to extremes - they seek solace at the bottom of the glass. It all starts rather harmlessly, evening gatherings with sympathetic girlfriends, accompanied by a small amount of good alcohol, help to quickly relieve mental pain.

But if you use such a recipe regularly, you can very quickly come to such an insidious phenomenon as female alcoholism. By the way, it is much more difficult to cure it than the male one.

Think for yourself, did you want to hear such words from your ex-husband: “I knew it ...”, or “I did the right thing by breaking up with her”? Let him better regret that he lost a successful and attractive woman.

Better try to find a psychologist who will tell you how to stop looking back forever. Psychology is the science of the soul, so heal your spiritual wounds from a professional.

It is advisable to choose for this case not a man, but a woman, she will better delve into the subtle movements of the wounded female soul.

The advice of a psychologist, if they do not help to return a husband or loved one, but they can definitely help your thoughts not revolve around the same problem.

How to communicate with an ex-husband

It often happens that it is not possible to leave completely and never see your ex-husband. Common children, a joint business - all these circumstances make us communicate and get nervous every time we have to see such a close person, and now a complete stranger.

Instead of the desired contact, a strong wall of alienation will arise between you, which will hurt you when you try to break it. Understand what drives you psychological dependence and you should try to get rid of it.

Estimate how much you gained by losing, even if you loved, but not your person. Invite your friends over, visit your parents often, travel and go where you want, without looking back at other people's desires, buy clothes and cosmetics to your liking - and many, many other opportunities have now appeared.

And yet, a man appreciates freedom of choice. Maintaining visibility friendly relations, you save and a chance to return it to an already rethought life without you. The only question is, now you want it?

Having parted with your loved one, try, with all the severity of the loss, to preserve your individuality and dignity. For some reason, fate gave you the opportunity to be alone? And remember - everything that did not break us makes us stronger.

Sometimes it's not destiny. There is no way people can be together. And what remains to be done if the heart is torn, aching from pain, but not physical. What to fix in your brain so that this main organ forgets forever the one who is still almost the meaning of life? How to erase from the head of the one who seems to have taken it away forever ... These questions are very difficult to find an answer, but in this article we will try to find out who you love.

Does it need to be done?

Suffering is good. They educate a person, give an inner core, form endurance. A reasonable person will learn from such a situation lessons that will help her adapt to life in the future. But if a person experiences torment, then it corrupts the soul, and it is difficult to predict the outcome of such an experience. In such a situation, nothing is formed in the personality, except for resentment and anger, which later acquire global volumes due to a break in character.

When answering the question of whether you should try to stop loving, you should determine for yourself the “scale of defeat”: if this feeling hurts you a lot, then you can wait a bit, and you won’t have to take intentional actions - it will pass by itself. But if it poisons your entire existence and ruins your life, then immediately read the following paragraphs of the article.

Awareness of the problem

How to forget the person you love? The first step towards getting rid of this burden is to recognize the problem. Understand: is it love, or a mania imposed by complexes? Real love, according to psychologists, does not cause pain: its object is always achievable, and relations with it are harmonious. By this they cross out the descriptions of such a high feeling by brilliant authors, in whose works love was of universal proportions.

You must understand that getting rid of ordinary love is much easier than getting rid of a manic feeling. Realizing what exactly you are experiencing, why and why you need it - solve 50% of the problem.

Real score

How to let go of the person you love? You need to understand that you are not a couple. Justify for yourself mentally or write down on a sheet what circumstances, character traits and any other conditions prevent your love from being realized as you wish. By “falling to the ground” with the help of a real look at the problem, love will be adequately positioned as a phenomenon, and you will know the conditions for its existence.

Substitution of emotions

How to forget the person you love with the help of distraction? Switch to other people, you don't have to love them. Be friends, hate, but be distracted. A strong feeling of love must be replaced by another strong feeling. Do what you have dreamed of all your life: skydive, travel around the world, make a career - whatever. Get a pet and love it, take care and watch it grow - it will definitely give positive emotions and "switch" you from focusing on yourself.


In this part of the article, we will figure out how to forget the person you love with the help of persuasion. Lie to yourself. Say you don't love anyone. Then, after you believe in the lie, make sure it is correct, and maybe you will like this position so much that you really stop loving. Some people like to play the role of the altar and the sufferer, so any unhappy love can be an elementary way of trying on a certain image, where the actor and the spectator are in one person.


How to stop loving the person you love? Be disappointed in him. List all kinds of negative traits of his personality, think about how terrible and disgusting they are. Perhaps such an exercise will deprive the bright image of your object of love, and feelings will gradually cool.

Here are some methods you can try. However, the main thing in this matter is to wait for time. Everything passes with him, the memory is erased, emotions go out, leaving an imprint on the personality of the lover. Forever forgetting in the literal sense of the word is unlikely to come out if amnesia does not happen. But to perceive this sad experience is not so acute - it will definitely work out, because ahead new life and who knows if someone is waiting for you in it who is also very capable of loving.

Whatever the reason for parting with a loved one, separation is the strongest stress, especially for a woman. How to forget the person you love? With full confidence we can say that it will not be possible to completely forget it. People leave, but traces after them in our memory, our soul, remain. You can try to survive the time during which experiences will become muffled, will not torment your heart like that.

Do not drive your feelings inside and do not try at all costs to maintain the impression that everything is fine with you. Over time, this can have a very strong effect on your health, the pain of parting can even lead to neurotic diseases, and then you cannot do without the help of specialists. Constantly thinking about what happened, you can harm the general condition of the body, reduce immunity, which in the end will certainly affect your appearance.

How to forget the person you love - psychological tricks

Allow yourself to suffer in order to forget your loved one.

Of course, you should not throw tantrums during the last meeting, in public place in the presence of strangers. No need to show up to work with mascara smeared all over your face and black circles under your eyes. But at home you can afford to pour out Niagara, of course, if there are no children in the house. Find the right "vest" in the face best friend and pay well. A real friend is needed to support you in difficult times and listen to all your problems. To forget your loved one or loved one, speak out and get rid of everything that has hurt, boiled and accumulated. Over a cup of tea or coffee, or maybe something stronger, tell your faithful friend everything that lies like a heavy stone on your soul. No need to be afraid to "get bored" or "get it", because now your girlfriend is replacing your psychologist, and if she helps good advice Maybe a psychotherapist.

Lying with dry eyes staring at the ceiling or curled up on the couch should not be long. While people, as a rule, get out of “wet” stress quite quickly, but “dry” stress sometimes drags on for life.

In order not to “go under” when a wave of depression hits you, do what experienced swimmers do during a dangerous storm - dive into the oncoming wave to emerge from the other side. If the wave of despair comes again, allow yourself to “weep and lament” again. After a while, you will get tired of worrying.

What to do to quickly forget a dear and beloved person

Everything passes, and this too shall pass... this ancient wisdom of King Solomon is especially true when it comes to trouble. Pain and despair recede, and you begin to notice the world around you again. If depression does not let go, you need to change the situation. Maybe in your house, in your city there is something that does not allow you to forget your former lover, to be distracted. Ask for a vacation at work, give pets to parents, acquaintances, borrow money if necessary, and leave for a week somewhere where nothing can remind you of love failures. New impressions will return you, if not the full joy of life, then at least the ability to notice its existence.

A very good result is the release of those things that remind you of former passions, for example, from gifts from a lover. Of course, something especially expensive (not only in material terms, but also in terms of memory) can be left, but it is better to get rid of the bulk. It will be very good if the look does not constantly “catch” from some things placed on the cabinets and shelves, photographs depicting the culprit of your suffering.

Another way to distract yourself and distance yourself from the fact of parting is to start keeping a diary. Many decorate records with flowers, hearts, various artistic finds - rhinestones, dried leaves. This process is very helpful in expressing your Creative skills, soothes, sets in a positive way.

Have a psychological session alone with yourself - take a blank sheet of paper, close your eyes, remember everything that makes you suffer Lately. State in the form of theses, listing all the components of your misfortune associated with separation. Then, at the bottom of the sheet, write several times a phrase that draws a line under this segment of your life, something like "What was, has passed." Formulate the end of your "passive" period yourself, come up with a phrase that best suits your situation. Tear the sheet, without holding back emotions, into small pieces, putting all your sadness into the process of destroying the paper witness to your grief.

How to forget a loved one at work

In the event that you realize that life is not over and besides the man with whom you broke up, there are many different and even interesting things, it's time to do your job. Anger and suffering temporarily closed the possibility of new acquaintances for you? Direct all your ardor into the business direction. Many women who have experienced a painful breakup admit that if it were not for this sad event, they would never have achieved success in life and would not have become prosperous and independent women.

A classic example is Katerina Tikhomirova, the heroine of the movie Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, who, when meeting her failed first love, says: “If you had left me then, nothing would have come of me.” From a simple worker, she makes her way up the career ladder to the director of the enterprise. Surely, among your acquaintances and girlfriends, there are those for whom parting with a former loved one served as a powerful incentive for selfless work and subsequent career growth. Self-realization in the workplace gave them the opportunity to feel like the mistresses of life, ensured material independence and self-confidence.

We take free time so as not to think about ... and quickly forget the one you love

Regardless of whether you have a desire for career heights or not, try to organize your leisure time. Do not spend time at home in front of the TV, meet old friends, meet new people, attend concerts, theaters, exhibitions and other recreational activities. Look for interest in life and improve yourself. Do something you love that you never had time for. Remember a hobby that you abandoned at one time due to disagreements with your loved one, and give it all your free time. If you have children, take more time for intimate conversations with them, walks, visit various activities together.

Soon you will have enough strength only to get to bed in the evening and fall asleep instantly. For now, this is exactly what you need.

Analysis and conclusions

After a while, you will find that if you have not yet been able to forget your loved one, but the pain has dulled, gone into the background and no longer prevents you from laughing. Try to meet less former subject your love, so as not to reopen the wound.

Before finally turning this page in your life, analyze the reasons for the failure of your relationship. Do not dwell on what he did wrong, because you cannot know the true meaning of other people's actions and be responsible for them. Focus on why you let him or why you provoked him with your behavior. Probably, the point is in his character, which means that when you meet such a person, you, remembering what happened to you, will not step on the same rake a second time.

But perhaps what happened is also your fault. Do not reproach yourself and do not self-flagellate, it is better to remember well what you should not do in order to avoid such a situation. If you were able to do this, even if you cried a little, then soon you will be ready for new meetings, new relationships. After all, a beautiful, self-confident woman is alone only when she herself wants it. If you are open to love and happiness, they will not keep you waiting long.

Breaking up a relationship often gives the impression that life has stopped. The person was everything to you, and now you don’t want anything at all. But it's not right. By changing your environment, streamlining your thoughts and keeping yourself busy, you can quite easily leave this person in the past. Try following the tips in the article to forget the person and move on to a new and happy life.


Part 1

Avoid negative reminders

    Stop physical contact. It is impossible to forget a person if you constantly see him or hear conversations about him. Consider the following options:

    • Plan things so that you do not interfere with this person in life. If you go to the same store or your commute from work to home is the same, it's best to change your schedule and habits a bit to reduce the chance of meeting you.
    • In the near future, try to avoid events where you can attend this person. Politely explain to people that you cannot come yet, because you would not like to have a painful meeting.
  1. Close the door to your electronic life. Today, we communicate with many close and dear people not only in life, but also through the screens of electronic devices. Even without seeing a person, you can follow his life. It won't be easy, but you should remove him/her from all social networks and electronic applications.

  2. Ask mutual friends to stop talking about this person. Something very interesting may have happened, but you don't need to know about it. If your friend forgets the request and accidentally reminds you of this person, then politely ask to avoid this topic in the future and try to direct the conversation in another direction.

    • However, you can ask for really important information: if you learn some facts, you may feel better. Perhaps this person quit smoking, moved to another city, or lost his job. Let your friends know - if they think certain information will help you deal with situations, then it's best to share it with you.
  3. Get rid of reminders of this person. Remove anything from your life that brings painful memories of that person. Not having daily reminders will help you move on with your life.

    • If you can't get rid of some things, then put them in one bag and ask a relative or close friend keep the package to yourself, away from you. Six months later, you will already have a different attitude to these things.
    • Remove from the player all songs that remind of a person. Replace them with uplifting, upbeat tracks that give you confidence and a good mood.
    • If you are with this person common child or a pet, it is obvious that you will not remove them from your life. On the contrary, focus on them and try to give them a decent life.

    Part 2

    Change your perspective
    1. Don't let the feeling of vengeance get the better of you. It should be understood that wanting revenge (making you jealous, sorry or upset), you continue to think about this person. You won't be able to move on and forget everything if you're fixated on getting revenge, so just let it go.

      • If you believe in a higher power, karma, or other form of universal justice, then understand for yourself that this person will still get his.
      • If you don't believe that everyone gets what they deserve, then come to terms with the idea that life isn't fair. You may have been unjustly offended, but this does not give you the right to take revenge.
      • Do not forget the words of George Herbert: "A happy life is best revenge". If live full life and not allow yourself to sink to the level of this person, then he will understand that you did not give up after what happened and forgot about it as a not so important event in life.
    2. Take time to express your feelings. If you still can't get over the person, then try a new approach. Set aside a limited amount of time (an hour or two) to sit down and write down all your feelings about what happened. When time runs out or you have nothing to add (whichever comes first), close your notebook and put it aside. As you think about this person next, say to yourself, “No, I have already expressed all my feelings. I won't waste any more time on this."

      • If you can’t do without it, then set aside 10-15 minutes a day for emotions. When they expire, tell yourself that you will come back to this again tomorrow. Every day you will think about it less and less. Even this fact will start to bring you relief.
    3. Get distracted. Fortunately, we can control our thoughts. If you don't want to think about something, then you don't have to. Immerse yourself in a study, work, or activity that requires concentration. When there is something to occupy the head, sad thoughts fade into the background.

      • If you come back to these thoughts again, then switch your attention. We all daydream and are often surprised by what we are thinking now. As soon as the brain switches to this topic, convince yourself not to think about it or promise to think about it later (hint: you won’t need to later). Engage yourself in conversation, play, or otherwise divert attention; just a few minutes - and you are saved.
    4. Avoid emotional music and movies. An attempt to forget a person is the basis for mood swings and depression. Now you feel hurt. The last thing you need is external stimuli that provoke unnecessary emotions and experiences, so listen only to positive music and watch cheerful films.

      • Remind your friends about this. Their behavior sets the tone for your mood. When you need a shake-up, you just need to call your friends, and they already know how to cheer you up.
    5. Appreciate yourself. The person you are trying to forget has done you wrong. After all, he didn't appreciate you enough. Such a person has no place in your life. To understand this, you need to learn to value yourself. You just weren't treated right. Surround yourself with the right people.

      • Self-respect is the key to a happy life. Remember: you are beautiful! Before you lies the whole world which is full of possibilities. What will be your next step?

    Part 3

    Bring joy back into your life
    1. Do what you like. To get in the right mood, do something new while you used to spend on this person (or could spend thinking about him/her). Start paying attention to a hobby that has always attracted you, sign up for a pool or find something to do at home. Whatever it is, the activity should bring joy and absorb you so that you are not distracted by anything else.

      • New skills and self-improvement will give you confidence. You may even feel like a new, even better person who respects himself and deserves better. Working on yourself is The best decision in this situation, which will raise self-esteem and bring peace of mind.
    2. Eat right and exercise. Have you ever had periods when you just want to eat all kinds of junk food and watch TV without getting up from the couch? But the worst thing is that this does not bring you joy - laziness and junk food do not contribute to improving your well-being. Thanks to proper nutrition and physical education, you will be filled with the necessary energy and positive thoughts.

      • Fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Balance fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats (fish, nuts, or olive oil) in food. Give up junk food that may seem tasty, but is actually completely useless for the body.
      • Do physical activity for half an hour a day, whether it's walking, swimming, running, dancing, or just cleaning the apartment. Divide this time into several sets if the schedule does not allow for half an hour without breaks. Even small efforts like parking a couple of blocks from your destination and walking will prove useful over time.
    3. Spend time with friends and loved ones. The best way occupy your thoughts and time - surround yourself the best people who genuinely care about you. It can be mom and dad, brother or sister, best friend, sports team or just like-minded people. They will make you smile again and show you thousands of new meanings in life.

      • When you want to cover yourself with a blanket and be alone, you can set aside a couple of hours for this, and then put an end to it and accept the invitation that has come in, go out to people. At first, you may think that you did the wrong thing, but in the end you will be glad that you did not stay at home.
    4. Give yourself time. human brain able to heal himself. The old adage that time heals is true even today and always. Naturally, our brain focuses on things that are important here and now, allowing us to forget about the past and change our attitude towards it. Take your time and relax. This takes time. Be patient and your brain will do everything for you.

      • Sadness is a natural state through which necessary pass in most cases. It may take time to go through all five stages, but it is a natural process. Be patient and things will gradually get better.
      • If you forget the person, you can move on, but try to learn from what happened. Time has not passed in vain if you have gained invaluable experience.
      • Never even try to contact this person. He may try to contact you, but stick to your decision, don't step back. Remember why you left him.
      • It's always hard to forget a long-term relationship, but know that you deserve better and no one is perfect. Realize that life goes on and our environment also changes.
      • Don't drag out the breakup process. Cut off all ties at once and resist the temptation of a theatrical breakup (such as a lengthy "farewell letter"). Just stop.
      • Do something you couldn't do before. Start a new life.
      • Don't try to take all your things back. Unless it's a diamond ring or something personal, one of a kind, it's best not to contact that person in order to return it. DVDs, clothes, toothbrush... leave them. These are just things. Is it worth it to suffer the extra pain of a meeting just to get back the regular shorts? Do not change your dignity for ordinary things.
      • Do not rush to start a new relationship in order to forget the old ones. It won't lead to anything good.
      • Never try to hate this person; if you try to hate him, he will dominate your thoughts, which will tempt you to think about him day and night. Accordingly, you will not be able to forget this person and will constantly feel annoyed.
      • Some people have a place in our hearts for a long time (and sometimes even forever), and this is also normal.
      • You do not need to constantly go to the pages of his / her friends on VK, Instagram, Facebook or other social networks. You may stumble upon happy shared photos that only make you sad.
