Reasoning on whether it is easy to be a teenager. Project on the subject of Social Studies (grade 5) on the topic: "Is it easy to be a teenager?"

Children face a huge number of new problems. Both girls and boys. They can be both individual and general. What are these problems?

About problems

Raising a teenage child, not all parents understand that their children have quite a lot of problems. And you just need to remember your childhood and the problems that arose in the same period. What can cause uncomfortable situations? This is communication, and appearance, and the desire to do what you love. The behavior of teenagers also leaves much to be desired. And, of course, misunderstanding on the part of adults of the subtle soul of the grown-up child.

Problem 1: Appearance

When asked whether it is easy to be a teenager, adults should remember what happens to their child's body during such a period. In girls, breasts begin to grow actively, and the first menstruation appears (and this is all accompanied by hormonal explosions and imbalances), boys begin to grow noticeably, and they also have certain problems with the formation of the reproductive system of the body. In addition, the child’s face can be covered with terrible acne, which is not so easy to get rid of. All this, both individually and in combination, creates a huge amount of

Issue 2: Communication

Is it easy to be a teenager if others do not understand you? The question itself is rhetorical. Very often at this age, children have problems communicating not only with their peers, but also with their own parents. Misunderstanding on the part of adults and rejection of certain things is far from full list all the troubles. Therefore, very often teenage children begin to look for companions and like-minded people on the side, forgetting that it is best to consult their own parents on all issues. This is how teenagers get into bad company.

Problem 3: goals and way of life

Is it easy to be a teenager if your parents are trying to solve all the questions for you? The question also does not require an answer. During this period, children may have new desires, goals and aspirations that may not be entirely clear to adults. On this basis, a huge number of conflict situations and troubles also often arise. The child should be allowed to be himself and supported in any situation.

Issue 4: Freedom

Is it easy to be a teenager if parents are still trying to limit everything? The problem of modern children is that they are too independent. And parents often cannot understand this and still try to protect the child from certain situations. It is necessary to give the teenager freedom of action, the opportunity to independently solve their own problems. Only then will the child feel like an adult and act like an adult.

Problem 5: bad habits

The life of a teenager is not easy. That is why children often try to get rid of these problems by drinking a bottle of beer - and life seems more fun. What should parents do to prevent this from happening? The first is to set the right example. If parents drink, why shouldn't teenagers do the same? Children start smoking as a sign of protest, this is also worth considering. And if the child escapes from reality in virtual world, then parents need to try to change reality and do everything to make life better and more interesting than on the Internet.

Youth is a state of mind, a feeling that many people in our world live with, something that makes us take risks, go forward and not stop there.

There is no clear boundary that determines whether a person is young or not, because at the age of 40 you can remain a naive child who believes in a miracle and longs for magic, or at the age of 18 you can have a strong character, which is inherent, first of all, to an adult, experienced person.

To the question "Is it easy to be young?" I will confidently answer: "No, it is not easy." And there are many reasons for this: the eternal conflict of fathers and children, constant internal contradictions, the search for oneself in this vast world.

It is sometimes very difficult for a young man who is a maximalist to the marrow of his bones to find a common language with his parents. The reason for the quarrel can be both different ideals, and their absence. It is difficult for us to take the side of our parents, as they sometimes do not understand or do not try to understand us ... This is the most difficult thing!

The search for oneself pushes us constantly to rash acts, which then often have to be regretted.

Youth is also the fear of entering adulthood, the fear of risk and loss, which makes us weaker and prevents us from realizing our potential. In adolescence, more and more often there is a desire to break away from reality, plunge into the world of fantasy, bright colors where there will be no problems... All this speaks of a crisis of the younger generation. Is it so easy to be young? I asked this question to passers-by different ages whom she met on the streets of Kachkanar.

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Sonya, 15 years old

Yes Easy. There are no serious problems. It is easier for us, teenagers, than for adults, respectable people. We also have problems that we face every day. But this is nonsense.

It is at this time that it is easy to make real friends who stay with you for life, it is easy to start a relationship. Easy to love, easy to forgive. Yes, and you know that there are parents who will always help you.

Nastya, 17 years old

Yes and no. There are no special problems for young people. Every day something happens to us. Studying is a problem, a quarrel with friends is a problem, and so you can list indefinitely. We teenagers can make a problem out of anything, but in general, life is wonderful for us!

Mark, 14

No, it's not easy. Our main problem is the lack of time. It is especially difficult for us - after all, youth is the period when our future is decided. Career and future life depends on education. Or you will sweep the yards, or get a job in a decent company. The choice is yours. Knowing how to make decisions is very difficult. True, the only problem that I still constantly face is the lack of time. Due to the pressure at school, there is not always time for personal affairs.

Vova, 14 years old

Yes Easy. At least I haven't had any problems yet. It's easy to be young. After all, only at this time you can afford what adult aunts and uncles cannot. You are still very young and the whole world is open before you, all the doors in front of you just swing open! You can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, without thinking about the consequences.

Sasha, 14 years old

No. Difficult. The main problem is the lack of money. Young people today spend a lot of pocket money on chips, crackers and other nonsense. Without pocket expenses today, nowhere, but parents do not always give enough money. Often you just can't afford a lot. And getting a job for a 14-year-old teenager is something out of a fantasy series.

Alexandra Vasilievna, 70 years old

It's hard for young people these days. Youth is the most important period in the life of every person. What he will be able to achieve at this time, then he will be in the subsequent stages of life. Much depends on the goal that a young man sets for himself, and if he achieves it, then everything will work out for him in life. And if there is no goal, then such a person, of course, lives very simply. Being educated, educated, cultured is always difficult. But a person who doesn’t give a damn about everything is easy to be at all times. These people have a very easy life.

Hydrangea, 19 years old

I don't have a definite answer to this question. What problems do we face in life? This is employment and lack of earnings, these are sometimes conflicts with parents, this is education and study. They say that every person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. But at the same time, we have the opportunity to be carefree. The only thing I want to wish the guys - do not rush to get older!

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The comments of site visitors are solely their personal opinion and may not coincide with the opinion of the editors.

  1. Is it hard being a teenager?

    Outrageously difficult. For example, I could not be one - I immediately became an adult - I began to earn money, support a family ...
    It's certainly easier.
    Teenagers, moan less. Nobody owes you anything. Even in besieged Leningrad you received rations not on children's cards, but on dependent cards (the smallest of the entire range of cards). So forget the imported word "teenagers", forget the major word "teenagers", and remember the original Russian - "dependents" and let's tie up with snot - study and go to earn a living .... Leeches on the parent's neck, damn it.

  2. what difference does it make what it's called? for me, a teenager is even nothing
    but being a teenager is not difficult, at least while you are studying at school, and there is a lot of free time, and you can find money if you wish, and then it’s probably difficult, you need to study and earn money for study

    Is it hard being a teenager?
    I don’t know, I immediately got up into adulthood. Money was needed - “... tear off your ... .. and go to work!” I said to myself. And I went to earn money (their ancestors were too lazy to beg for pocket money). 8)

    I think every age has its own problems and joys. Whoever thinks that it’s difficult for young people - it’s also not sugar for adults, when money is already needed not only for crackers, but for life, when he himself is responsible for everything, and there is even less time. It’s better to think about the pluses, while you are free, while you can walk and have fun with friends, play dirty tricks at school. And then the time will come and you will become adults - I think this is not reversible.

  3. Yes, when compared with a teenager with an adult, it is most difficult for a teenager to be, but because he does not have enough life experience, it is difficult to choose a profession, find a common language with elders, but on the other hand, morally, as if a teenager should feel happier, he has not yet departed from childhood, and in general, this is a transitional age, when a teenager moves away from childhood and passes into adulthood .... Yes, at this time we find friends for ourselves who remain for life, we quarrel, we say goodbye, it’s easier for us to put up with a friend than with an adult, this is the time when we develop feelings, when new feelings, opinions, thoughts, fantasies appear in an adult, I think that you don’t have to worry so much, over enjoying the moments and life, that it’s already difficult to live in the state, our prices are too high, the scholarship is small, the travel is expensive, the clothes are expensive, so the youth need at least thirty thousand rubles a month to everything was enough and lived happily .... Yes, we are trying to find any way to earn money and we find, from my point of view, the best years, when you study at school, at universities, this is all you need to be happy, then you will feed your family all the years, so I don’t think it’s easy for young people ...

    It’s fucking hard for me, starting from the 9th grade, more and more debts, severe problems with the school - given that I’m good, my parents start firing for what I use, and they are severely punished, to the point that I already want to run away from home to shoot myself, do away with yourself, and whoever has the same condition, hold on, the main thing is to hold on, everything will pass and become normal and form ...

    8784 wrote:

    Parents begin to shoot for what I use,

    May I know what do you use? And is it the use of something that affects the difficulties in learning?

    Maksim It's fucking hard for me, starting from the 9th grade
    mine, wash, cook a meal, go shopping in search of where it is cheaper, because you have debts. And you will immediately understand how you became IT'S REALLY EASY.

    8784 wrote:

    Maksim It's fucking hard for me, starting from the 9th grade
    And you try to live on your own, get a job, rent an apartment,
    mine, wash, cook a meal, go shopping in search of where it is cheaper, because you have debts. And you will immediately understand how it became AWESOMELY EASY for you.

    He won't understand yet. And he will begin to live on his own, there is nowhere else to go. He will still have freebies and fun at the university or at the college, there it’s already easier with his parents in terms of drinking and smoking, but oooh you can do such jambs that you will pay off all your life later. And then work, home, family, problems, lack of time and money always, understanding of one's responsibility for others.

    He will understand Yushan, he will understand. When kicked out of the house, he will understand how IT'S REALLY EASY.

    Oh shit, everything has become difficult for me since the 7th grade

You should know this - teenagers who sometimes do completely wild things, like 15 people for one Zhiguli, are forced to do all this not only by the desire to join a comfortable social group, but also by their merciless brain, or rather, by some biochemical processes taking place exactly at this age. Inadequate assessment of danger, aggressive behavior towards adults and towards oneself, etc. inherent in adolescents as a result of incompletely developed frontal lobes of the brain. And this is not a pathology, just the natural course of things.
Thus, at this age, intelligence can be quite sufficient, but the ability to control oneself is not. And just at this stage of life there is a whole mountain of complex phenomena: interaction with the opposite sex, with parents, awareness of oneself in the world of adults, thoughts about the future and about one's place in this future. In short, the real war.
And, probably, I wanted to answer just like that so that some real or future parents would not move away from their children, at some point from affectionate and polite kittens turned into angular, rude and incomprehensible people who for some reason close in your own room. Right now, they desperately need acceptance and sincere interest in what is happening to them. Because no, being a teenager isn't easy at all.

No. Terribly difficult - the devil take this youthful maximalism! From extreme to extreme throws, as if from heat to cold and back. Sometimes I get the impression that the whole teenage reality is a mirror room where I grimacing with all my might, I fight with myself, I scare myself, I make myself laugh, I hug myself, I love myself ... It will pass, I believe and I know, but it’s quite difficult live, learn to soberly perceive the world and reality, when today I am a passive bag full of uncertainty, fear of the future, lounging on the couch, and tomorrow - an individual striving for actions, events, successes, achievements with an open heart. A teenager is a combination of incongruous: desperate fleeting stupidity and a long, gnawing awareness of the consequences of these stupidities, the same fleeting feeling of love, tenderness for the world, for others and absorbing hatred, tears that choke and scream "none of you understands me .. ." But it is in adolescence that we can become what we want to live for the rest of our lives. So... as a teenager, one must first of all become a skillful pottery, who from his own essence, like clay, will sculpt what he wants to see in the future, what will please his eye, warm his soul... personality.

It is very difficult to give a clear and specific answer to this question, since there are a lot of individual factors, due to/despite which everyone endures this period differently. Remembering your personal experience, I I can say with confidence that no, it was not difficult, on the contrary, it was very dynamic, fun and interesting. On the other hand, I have quite a lot of acquaintances for whom this period of life turned out to be insanely difficult, accompanied by periodic depressions and disappointments (which, I think it is important to note, everyone had, the difference is only in the number, and how You treated them), and they remember those times as missed opportunities, and feel discomfort when, having gathered in the company of old friends / comrades / acquaintances, people with smiles and / or embarrassment recall their violent teenage period, the first alcohol / party / sex, because they did not have such vivid events at that time, and in their place are gloomy memories of loneliness or other, very unpleasant aspects of their past.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

Gymnasium named after I.A. Bunin

Project on:

"Is it easy being a teenager?"

Head: teacher of history and social studies

Anokhina L.V.



    The purpose of the work, its tasks and stages of the project

    Who is a "teenager"?

    Is it easy being a teenager?


Goal of the work:

    consider the very concept of "teenager"

    consider milestones adolescence

    describe the main features of adolescence

    analyze the daily routine of a teenager

Tasks :

    view resources on the topic.

Problem question: Is it easy being a teenager?

Subject of work - resources containing information about a person's adolescence

Practical significance of this study is to use additional information in the social science lessons of the 5th grade, in class hours.

Research methods:

Search for reliable sources of information using documents, books, use of computer technology.

Stages of the project:

    Preparatory: - choice of topic and its concretization (relevance - the definition of goals and the formulation of tasks)

    Search and research:

Appeal to the teacher of social studies with a request to be involved in the work of the project;

Correction of terms and schedules;

Carrying out search and research activities

    Translational design:

Work on the presentation;

Project design

    Finalization of the project, taking into account the comments and suggestions:

Writing a project protection script


Project protection.

Who is a teenager?

The word "teenager" has many definitions.

“... A teenager is a person who is not an adult and not a child. This is such a special type of people.

This is a man at a difficult age when help is needed. At this age, a person wants everything, when there are a lot of interests, and a lot of requests. But it's still very good age... You finish school, you go to college, before you opens new life! But at this age a person needs a lot of understanding.

this is a person who is at an age when he makes the most mistakes in his life, which sometimes decide the future fate.

this is a rebel. He fights not only with others, but also with himself. He is overwhelmed with feelings that are completely contradictory and at the same time similar to each other.

it's a nightmare for adults. Because at this age they change the most, they begin to demand something, rude to everyone, rights begin to swing, they believe that the whole world is against them.

this is a person who needs understanding and sympathy; he has rights that are often violated. He needs understanding is the most important thing.

This is an adult child who wants to try everything.

A teenager is a person with an unformed personality, exposed to both bad and good environmental influences.

In psychology, there are several options for the name of the transitional age (the period of a person's life, determined by the age from 11-12 to 14-16 years). This age is called puberty, teenage, transition period etc. Each of the names, in principle, reflects its features.

Thus, in psychology and pedagogy, adolescence refers to the age from 10 to 15 years. It is called the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Adolescence: milestones

The period of adolescence covers the time period from 12 to 17 years. Due to the fact that during this time a large number of changes, it is advisable to divide this stage into two periods - younger and older adolescence.

Younger adolescence. Early adolescence refers to children between the ages of 12 and 14. This time coincides with the transition of the child to a new system of education: if in primary school lessons were held under the guidance of one teacher, then after grade 5, students get acquainted with big amount subject teachers, which makes it necessary to adapt to new conditions. More and more important is communication, which is primarily focused on peers. In the process of this communication, a teenager learns certain social norms of interaction, and on the basis of feedback from peers forms a certain self-esteem.

Senior adolescence.

The period from 15 to 17 is defined as the older adolescence, sometimes also referred to as early adolescence. The main neoplasms of older adolescence include professional and life self-determination, because it is in high school that a teenager needs to decide what he will do in the future after school. At this age, the image of one's own "I" continues to form, which is based primarily on what assessments the teenager receives from those with whom he communicates. Emotional contacts become extremely important, including getting recognition from the opposite sex.

What is the difference between adolescence and adolescence.

Although adolescence is separated from adolescence, defining it as a period from 17 to 20 years old, the line of transition from a teenager to a young man is rather vague. Adolescence and adolescence are next on the age scale, and they have some differences. If a teenager is still in the process of forming his own worldview, which is why it is often difficult for him to decide on certain decisions, then in adolescence the psyche becomes more stable, there is a tendency to logically think about his own actions and their consequences. Physically, young men also differ from teenagers. Their body loses its teenage angularity, the differences in terms of male and female physique are more pronounced.

Features of adolescence

Physiological features teenagers

The formation itself biologically consists in changes in the appearance of the child.

The rapid growth of the body is also accompanied by an increase in internal organs: the heart, lungs, kidneys. Maturing ends when all organs and systems are fully developed.

The time between 7 and 10 years is the period of preparation of the body for the future intensive transformations that will take place during puberty.

You can observe intense stretching of the limbs. A seven-year-old child reaches the maturity of basic motor functions, which will be improved in three years.

The result of this will be the achievement of harmony of movements and coordination.

With age, it gradually increases, during this period the ability to concentrate, develops mechanical and logical. At this time, speech is improved, character is formed, the mind and the sphere of emotions are formed.

In the period from 5 to 14 years, a change of milk teeth occurs. Girls usually develop faster than boys, this is also noticeable in the case of teeth. Their change of teeth begins on average six months earlier than boys.

Girls "overtake" boys in growth, mobility and intellectual development.

personality in adolescence.

The emerging own "I" is most often perceived by the teenager himself as an inevitable stage of growing up. He feels like an adult and at the same time strives to prove it to everyone around him - both parents and peers.

A feature of the psychology of adolescence is a fairly strong dependence on the opinion of a certain group of significant persons. It is noted that adolescent boys are more likely to rely on the opinions of their peers, while adolescent girls gravitate towards the usual way of life established in their own family. However, the authority of parents in both cases becomes significantly lower, and communication with peers comes to the fore. If it is acceptable for a teenager to cheat in front of an adult, for example, to come up with some kind of reason for leaving class, then lying to your friends is considered unacceptable behavior of adolescence.

An important point in the psychology of adolescence is increased criticality to their own shortcomings and the search for ways to eliminate them. Dissatisfaction with oneself, concerning both external manifestations and internal features, is characteristic of the vast majority of adolescents, therefore, reflections on oneself become constant companions during this period.

Adolescence behavior.

The leading activity in adolescence is intimate interpersonal communication, during which the teenager receives necessary material to form one's own picture of the world, a system of values ​​and an image of one's own "I". This change of interests can negatively affect academic success, which is why many parents make the mistake of starting to limit teenagers in communication. This should not be done, because without sufficient communication it is impossible to fully psychological development in adolescence. The changes taking place both in the psyche and in the physiology of a teenager leave an imprint on his behavior. Puberty, which occurs just in adolescence school age, leads to a change in hormonal balance, as a result of which behavior is often extremely unpredictable. Purposefulness in achieving the goal can be replaced by impulsive and thoughtless decisions, and self-confidence - by a sharply fallen self-esteem. If today a teenager craves communication, then tomorrow he may want to be alone with the same force. At the same time, adolescents show the most intense reaction in those moments when someone hurts their pride.

Adolescence crisis

The crisis of adolescence is rightfully considered the most difficult crisis for both the child himself and his parents. It falls on the period from 12 to 14 years and is the longest of all other age-related crises. In rare cases, the manifestations of the crisis are absent or pass poorly. This is largely determined by the social situation and the model of education in the family.

The main manifestation of the crisis is the exacerbation of adolescent negativism. Adolescent children begin to come into conflict with adults more often, even in cases where there is no objective reason for confrontation. Against this background, there may be a desire to overcome previously set prohibitions, which is why many try cigarettes, alcohol or drugs in adolescence. However, these are only external manifestations.

At the same time, the inner world of a teenager also changes significantly: there is a reassessment of values, self-determination, a gradual and increasing separation from their parents, a feeling that no one understands them. This makes children withdraw into themselves, they become hypersensitive to any criticism, especially from significant people.

The reaction to such criticism depends largely on the personality of the adolescent; the same remark can become a reason to prove the opposite in one teenager, and a reason for apathy in another.

Crisis signs.

The crisis of adolescence has two main features. The first is a significant decrease in productivity, which even affects the results in those subjects or activities for which the teenager had previously seen an obvious talent. The second and most noticeable symptom for adults is negativism, which consists in a tendency to quarrels and provocations.

At the same time, a teenager may strive for isolation and loneliness. Negativism can manifest itself in different ways: Pronounced. According to statistics, negativism affects absolutely all areas of a teenager's life in about 20% of cases. This acute period can last several weeks. Medium pronounced. Negative reactions are observed sporadically, as a response to a situation in the family or school. Such symptoms are typical for three adolescents out of five. Absent. It happens that the teenage crisis is asymptomatic - about one in five children. Considering that such adolescent children, as a rule, live in families with a trusting atmosphere and the absence of excessive authoritarianism (democratic parenting style), it can be concluded that negativism during adolescence is, among other things, a consequence of education.

How to help a teenager overcome a crisis.

The teenage crisis is a natural stage in the development of a personality, therefore it cannot be “cured” - during this period, a teenager needs help and support.

In order to determine a plan of action, it is important to understand which version of the crisis the child is in.

There are two options for the course of the crisis in adolescence:Crisis of independence . The most typical teenage crisis, in which the child seeks to prove to everyone his own adulthood. In this case, it is important to show maximum patience and provide the teenager with a sense of protection and trust.

addiction crisis . IN Lately teenagers who do not want to grow up are more and more common; the condition is typical for families in which there is overprotection. The child becomes infantile, does not want to grow up, but excessive obedience can please adults. However, in adolescence, absolute obedience and the absence of one's own opinion negatively affect the child's psyche and may indicate a lack of maturity. In this case, it is necessary to help the child to accept new social roles, to interest him in something new and to provide reasonable support. It is necessary to leave a teenager alone with his own thoughts during this period, but not always, because parents and the atmosphere in the family are still very important.

How to behave as parents of a teenager during a crisis? Psychologists recommend accepting the fact that the child is growing up, and, accordingly, requires a different attitude. At the same time, to show aggression and force means only to demonstrate one's own impotence, moreover, such reactions clearly do not contribute to the formation of a trusting atmosphere.

The following tips will help you connect with your teen during a crisis:

Treat your child sincerely. Teenagers are very sensitive to falsehood and respond in kind.

Accept it as a fact that a teenager needs a lot of time to communicate with friends, and do not be offended by his busyness and inattention.

Do not arrange interrogations with partiality. If you want to know something, wait until the teenager comes to a calm state.

Tell him about your plans, consult as an equal - this way you will let him know that you accept his growing up and changes.

Support, praise and approve. Of course, criticism should be present, but within reasonable limits - remember that teenagers are quite vulnerable.

Take an interest in the child's well-being. Physical changes during adolescence can be intense and not always clear to the child, thereby causing fear and exacerbating psychological discomfort. These simple recommendations can help avoid conflicts and make the atmosphere in the family more comfortable during a crisis.

When to contact a psychologist?

The crisis of adolescence can be acute enough that sometimes parents begin to doubt whether they can help. own child on your own - or is it better to turn to a specialist?

In the following cases, the help of a psychologist is highly recommended: A sharp decline in academic performance

Apathy, lack of desire to do something

Extreme negativity towards oneself, one's body, character

Increased level of aggressiveness

Lack of social circle coupled with reluctance to make friends

The pursuit of wanderlust

Deviant behavior

Teenage depression is extremely dangerous state and that is why the child needs help

Sports and healthy lifestyle.

Adolescence is a time when it is especially important to have the right physical development, because during this period there is an intensive growth of the body, in particular - the development of the cardiovascular system. Whether the teenager receives regular physical activity depends on how hardy and strong it will be in the future.

In addition, playing sports helps the proper development of muscles and training of the whole organism as a whole. However, the main thing is not just to motivate the child to play sports, but also to correctly dose the duration of classes and the load.

Most suitable species loads for teenagers are fast running, gymnastics, cycling, swimming, outdoor games. It is important to remember that the average duration of physical activity for a teenager is 8-10 hours a week, but this figure is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular teenager.

No less than physical activity, a healthy lifestyle is important for a teenager. A healthy lifestyle includes not only activity, but also a number of other points that can lay a solid foundation for the health of a teenager in the future. These are measures for hygiene, hardening, proper nutrition and a positive psychological state.

The following factors can disrupt normal physical and psychological development: lack of movement (which is relevant for modern children who spend a lot of time either at a desk or at a computer), poor nutrition, including the habit of fast food, stressful situations, bad habits ( after all, many teenagers, in order to demonstrate their own coolness or just out of interest, begin to try alcohol, smoking, and even drugs), The main responsibility is to inculcate the basics healthy lifestyle life for teenagers lies with their parents, who should first of all demonstrate their own positive example. In addition, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the harm of some habits need to be explained in detail, and not just introduced unreasonable prohibitions.

Problems of adolescence.

Adolescence is a rather turbulent period, and anyone can face all sorts of problems, which he, due to emotional instability and the lack of formation of his own “I”, perceives extremely sharply. Parents should not leave a teenager alone with his problems, providing him with support and creating an atmosphere of understanding and trust.

Acne in adolescence Acne in adolescence has an extremely negative effect on self-esteem, since both girls and boys during this period are extremely critical of their own appearance. The reason for the appearance of acne in the first place is the intensive growth of the skin, which is associated with the rapid growth of bones. To protect the skin from stretch marks and damage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, and this is already the cause of acne. Additional factors for the appearance of acne in adolescence can be improper skin care, malnutrition, lack of vitamins and hormonal changes. For teenage acne, there are special treatment complexes, but the most effective would be a visit to a dermatologist who will determine the cause and prescribe a treatment that affects both it and the manifestations of acne in adolescence.

Bad habits. Adolescence is a time when children test the strength of previously established limits, in addition, they try to prove that they are already becoming adults. Because of this, and also because of the desire for new things, teenagers can try smoking, alcohol and drugs, and these bad habits quickly become part of life and cause a significant impact on health. The older a teenager gets, the more likely it is that he will become addicted to one of the bad habits. Despite existing age restrictions, both tobacco and liquor can be sold to teenagers, not to mention drugs - dealers see teenagers as one of the most "soft" categories of potential buyers of lethal substances. Attitude towards bad habits very much depends on how a teenager is brought up. If an example of a healthy lifestyle is initially demonstrated in a family, conversations are held about the dangers of such habits, then adolescents from such families are more resistant to provocations about alcohol, smoking or drugs.

Psychological addictions. Psychological addictions are a separate specific class of problems of adolescence, which is defined as an obsessive attraction to a particular activity or object. A teenager can fall under the following types of addictions: Computer addiction in its various forms. It could be gambling addiction social networks or from watching TV shows - in any case, the pathological impact of addiction on personality development in adolescence is obvious. Sect dependency. Since adolescence is a period when a child seeks himself and tries to form a certain worldview, a competent influence on his psyche will easily make him a member of a sect, which is not so easy to get out of.

Shopaholism . The compulsion to make meaningless and aimless purchases is another type of psychological dependence. Acquired things often become the meaning of replacing inner uncertainty and emptiness, but they bring only temporary relief. The object that has taken possession of the psyche of a teenager replaces many activities, including those that are vital. Therefore, when a teenager’s behavior is deformed and his versatile interests are shifted towards one thing, parents need to help their children, if necessary, visit a psychologist.

Is it easy being a teenager?

Adolescence is a difficult period during which a global physical and mental restructuring of the body takes place. Although a teenager is no longer a child, it is still impossible to call him an adult, and that is why the help of parents in difficult situations during this period will help to overcome many problems and features of adolescence.


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At a transitional age, it is difficult to find oneself in society, when you are no longer perceived as a child, but are not granted the privileges of an adult. Society expects responsible actions from a teenager; he is no longer forgiven for those pranks that are permissible for young children.

A teenager and his age characteristics

Adolescents are considered to be children between the ages of 11 and 16 (19 in some countries). Adolescence is called the transitional age, because during these years there is a transition from childhood to adulthood. Adult actions are expected from a teenager, but he is not yet accustomed to taking responsibility, has not left the care of his parents, and does not have serious permanent responsibilities. At the same time, the teenager feels like an adult, begins to show his parents his character.

Age characteristics of a teenager include:

  1. Striving for self-assertion. At this age, the child seeks to stand out from society, to prove himself as a person. Ideally, he will try to achieve high results in studies, creative activities, and sports. Alternative ways of self-affirmation can be aggression, smoking, acts that disturb peace in society. Adolescents do not yet realize that such an activity is not prestigious, that in this way one cannot become an extraordinary independent person;
  2. Intensive growth and development of the body. From the age of 11-13, the child's body is rebuilt, it begins to grow rapidly. But the body develops unevenly, sometimes the first to increase in size is the head, arms, legs, the growing teenager looks disproportionate. For many, because of this, an inferiority complex is formed, self-esteem falls, the child considers himself ugly. It is important to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon and soon everything will change, you need to be patient, accept the “new you”;
  3. Frequent mood swings. Together with the body, the psyche is rebuilt, this causes irritation, sadness, apathy, which can be abruptly replaced by overexcitation, laughter, and happiness. The emotions of a teenager are not understood by others, in fact they are caused by the instability of the nervous system;
  4. Touchiness. During these years, children develop ideas about themselves based on the opinions of others. Therefore, criticism, an unsuccessful joke, a negative assessment of the appearance or character of a teenager causes a strong offense, is taken to heart.

Due to the age characteristics of adolescents, adolescence is also called difficult, critical, it must be overcome as the last step to adulthood.

This is interesting! Scientists have found that teenagers find it difficult to learn. Their internal organs grow rapidly, which can cause fatigue, stress, dizziness. In this state, you need to rest more often, be in the fresh air, but you should not forget about the lessons.


Acceptance of oneself and one's appearance, self-esteem of adolescents

Children aged 11-15 closely monitor changes in their appearance, compare their appearance with surrounding peers. Often teenagers are dissatisfied with their appearance. To look attractive, girls repeat the behavior of their favorite movie characters, want to dress like models from the cover of magazines, and make themselves fashionable hairstyles. Boys dream of becoming taller, measure strength with each other, strive for victories in sports competitions.

But at this age, the growth and development of the body in different children proceeds unevenly, some mature faster, others lag significantly behind in growth and body development. Because of this, the teenager does not like his appearance, he tries to avoid entertaining school events, closes in on itself.

Important! In adolescence, external attractiveness is the main value. Beautiful classmates seem much smarter, more interesting, more attractive for communication. Adolescents evaluate others primarily by their appearance, not yet understanding that the inner qualities of a person are much more important than a “beautiful picture”.


Therefore, problems with the appearance of adolescents seem to them the most important, they are much less interested in studying. If a child at this age does not learn to accept himself and the characteristics of his body, he risks maintaining teenage complexes for the rest of his life. Then people wonder why a beautiful successful woman is shy, insecure, it turns out everything comes from adolescence.

In adolescence, on the basis of the perception of the surrounding appearance, a teenager's self-esteem is formed. Psychologists advise not to worry about the negative assessment of one's own appearance by others, but to turn everything into a joke, not to take criticism seriously.

Example. Once, several classmates called Masha and Tanya little ones, deciding to play a trick on the short stature of both friends. Masha was very upset because of such offensive jokes, she burst into tears and ran away from the class. This only annoyed the boys, and they called her by this nickname for a long time. Tanya, in response to the insult, laughed at the guys, saying that although she was small, she was three times smarter than her big and stupid peers. No one bothered Tanya with ridicule anymore, since she was not offended, she took everything with humor.

Preparation for work

At the age of 12-15, the question arises of how to choose a profession for a teenager. Parents understand that the main task of adolescence is right choice professions for their children so that they can find high-paying jobs they like in the future. But it can be difficult for girls and boys to figure out what they want to do in life.


To help a teenager decide on a profession, special tests have been developed for vocational guidance (a propensity for a particular job). Such a test is usually conducted by a school psychologist with students in grades 8-9. He tries to identify the inclinations, interests, talents of the student in order to assist him in choosing a future profession.

It is worth thinking about choosing a profession already from grade 6-7 in order to develop talents and abilities that may be useful in the future. The child needs to learn as much as possible about labor activity people of different professions, to understand what kind of work he would prefer to do.

In modern times, common psychological problems of adolescence have become: apathy, depression, uncontrolled aggression. These are serious problems, in the event of which the child needs to seek help from a school psychologist, parents.

Taking responsibility for your life

A teenager must understand that in adolescence it is time to take responsibility for their actions. For small offenses, such as a violation of discipline, verbal warnings will follow, punishment from the parents. There will be more serious consequences for illegal behavior (behavior prohibited by law).

From the age of 14, adolescents are criminally liable for certain types of crimes. These include murder, robbery, kidnapping, theft of weapons. This is a severe measure in relation to teenagers, it was introduced to prevent crimes against human life and health, to protect safety and order in society. The criminal liability of a teenager occurs regardless of whether he knew about the existence of the law or not.


Children over the age of 14 must understand that a misdemeanor can unwittingly become a crime:

  • Petya and Misha had fun, threw bricks off the roof and watched them break from the 8th floor on the asphalt. But suddenly a passer-by turned around the corner and passed just under the roof of an 8-story building. It's good that he managed to dodge in time, otherwise the guys would accidentally hit him in the head with a brick;
  • Vasya got angry with his classmate when they were sitting at labor lessons. He swung the hammer over Petya's head, if he had not had time to jump back in time, trouble would have happened. Vasya was very frightened and regretted his act, which could have ended sadly.


Growing up, the child understands what character traits and bad habits he would like to give up, what personality traits he wants to develop, increase. This is where self-education begins. In the process of self-education, a teenager can develop a sense of purpose, diligence, self-confidence. In general, self-education is the desire and ability to take responsibility for one's own destiny. It includes the following principles:

  • Planning your own time;
  • Restraint, the ability to manage their emotions;
  • The desire to bring all things to the end;
  • Self control.



1. Sociologists - scientists involved in the study of society on the basis of statistics, social surveys.

2. Apathy - an indifferent attitude to the outside world, indifference.

3. Depression - a prolonged depressed state of mind.
