Beautiful formal hairstyles. Beautiful and simple hairstyles for the holiday

Which of the women does not dream of shining at an evening event in a beautiful dress and with a magnificent hairstyle, in harmony with the festive clothes. Sometimes you need to urgently create an attractive look with the help of a hairstyle, but there is no time to go to the hairdresser. In this case, you can make yourself a simple beautiful evening hairstyle knowing some hairdressing techniques. If at the same time you have your own hair styling experience, then you can safely use it for special occasions in creating hairstyles on your curls with your own hands. If you have experience, it will not take much time.

Recommendations and conditions necessary for creating styling

You need to do an evening hairstyle with your own hands at home clean hair. It is better to wash them on the eve of the event, because they become more obedient the next day after washing.

It is necessary to prepare a mousse, gel or varnish for fixing the hairstyle, as well as hairpins that are appropriate for an elegant look, invisible, elastic bands and other accessories that will be needed in the process of its implementation.

When creating a styling, you need to consider how it will be in harmony with the chosen evening dress. Head jewelry also needs to be chosen in accordance with the decor of the outfit. We should not forget about the correspondence of the hairstyle to the features of the face and its oval. Hairstyle should enhance your beauty, not spoil it.

Do-it-yourself evening hairstyle for long hair

Strands of great length give more room for experimentation.

It takes a little imagination, and from a simple ponytail, obtained by tying hair with an elastic band, you can create an elegant look that is in harmony with the celebration.

All sorts of options are still in vogue. Long strands for weaving are the most suitable. At the same time, deliberate negligence in its implementation is welcome.

Consider some simple hairstyles for long strands.

  1. We tie the combed strands with an elastic band in the form of a tail.
  2. We make a small pile on it and fix it with a spray.
  3. We tie the tail at regular intervals with elastic bands along the entire length and stretch the stepped ponytails, giving them volume.
  4. For a festive version, elastic bands can be hidden under decorations.

This hairstyle is good to do when time is sorely lacking, because it does not need to curl curls that take time. You can get by here only with a comb and two rubber bands.

The sequence of actions is shown in the photo:

  • Separate the front hair with a parting and secure the strands temporarily with a crab or elastic.
  • Tie the bottom strands into a bun.
  • Dissolve the part fixed by the crab and make a pile on it in the root area.
  • Combed strands, slightly smoothed from above, connect with the lower knotted bundle with another elastic band.
  • Disguise the elastic with a thin strand separated from the tail, hiding it under the hair, fasten the end with an invisibility.
  • Fluff the tail slightly to add volume, and then spray a little with varnish.

Looks elegant high up ponytail» on smooth long strands. It is performed simply:

  1. Apply mousse evenly to well-combed clean strands, then tying them with a thick elastic band at the back of the head in the form of a tail.
  2. Wrap a small strand around the elastic band to disguise it. Hide the end.

Owners of thick long hair can simply demonstrate their beauty by curling curls and loosening strands. To get large curls, you need to curl on large curlers, after applying mousse to your head. To give the styling volume, the strands at the roots need to be combed.

A little varnish can be applied to the finished hairstyle so that the curls last longer.

Large curls can be collected at the top of the head in a bun and, lifting each curl up, spray it with varnish, and then lay it on the back of the head and stab it with invisibility.

Do-it-yourself evening hairstyle for medium hair

Medium hair is perhaps the most common. From their strands, you can perfectly build most hairstyles suitable for long hair. Any styling in the form of a “beam” looks good on them.

simple beam

Consider the simplest form of a "beam".

It is done like this:

  1. Separate the part of the strands adjacent to the frontal part and, having made a side parting, lay them down along the temples. Hair must first be slightly curled and applied mousse.
  2. Give volume to the middle part of the hair by combing the strands a little, and then smooth them on top.
  3. Gather all your hair into one bun with a hairpin. Tuck the lower end of the bundle inward. Pin a flower decoration on the side.

This hairstyle is made in retro style:

  1. The strands adjacent to the frontal part are separated by a horizontal parting from the main hair and temporarily fixed with an elastic band.
  2. To create volume in the back of the head, the hair is bouffanted.
  3. Separated smooth strands dissolve and cover the combed strands with them.
  4. A rim made of an artificial curly braid is put on the parting line. It not only decorates the hairstyle, but also masks the transition smooth hair in a bouffant, creating the illusion of a bunch of tied hair.
  5. The strands are tucked inward at the bottom of the back of the head in the form of a roller and fixed with invisibility.

This hairstyle is especially effective and remains unchanged for a long time. It should be performed if you have the skill of weaving.

Execution steps:

  1. Separate the strands located along the forehead from one temple to another.
  2. Make an oblique or straight parting on them and braid two pigtails (with a lock of strands). When weaving, stretch the strands a little so that they look voluminous.
  3. After connecting the ends of the pigtails, temporarily fix them with an elastic band.
  4. Lightly fluff the middle part of the strands located at the back of the head to give volume, tie them into a bun at the bottom of the back of the head. From the bundle, make a bagel using a ring-shaped mold worn on tied strands. The strands need to be wrapped around the shape, masking it, and then secured with hairpins.
  5. Lay the free part of the braids on top of each other crosswise and wrap around the bagel, hiding the ends under it.
  6. Fix your hair with varnish.

Cool curls look especially impressive on medium hair, on which you need to apply mousse before styling. It is good to perform such a hairstyle if your own hair is naturally curly or permed.

A distinctive feature of short hair is a well-executed haircut. If it is really successful, then it is not worth reinventing the wheel for a gala evening. You just need to have a clean head and put your hair in the right direction.

You can diversify the haircut with a light curl, if the length of the strands allows, and decorate it with a beautiful flower-shaped hairpin.

You can give the haircut a mischievous look with a slight mess of strands. To do this, wind the strands on the back of the head outward and fix with gel. You can also do this by pulling them in different directions.

A haircut for an evening celebration can be beautifully styled in the form of an imitation of an air bun at the back of the head. To do this, the strands on it must be curled using a curling iron, and then lift each curl up and fix it with varnish. The bangs stay straight. For a greater imitation effect, stab a beautiful hairpin on the crown.

If you have a bob haircut, then for an evening event you can make a romantic styling out of it by curling strands big curls, and then decorate the hair with a bow or hairpin.

If you still weave a pigtail out of a lock on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple, then this will be the highlight of the hairstyle.

Photo of evening hairstyles

Hairstyles for a holiday are always something elegant and beautiful, it is somewhat more difficult to find a suitable styling for short hair than for long ones. However, it is quite possible to find a winning option if you show imagination.

The Greek style has not lost its relevance for several years now. There are many techniques for creating such a hairstyle, which differ from each other, however, have a common sophistication, grace and simplicity.

Short hair will be decorated with Greek-style styling using a ribbon:

Creative chaos

A short haircut is very easy to make festive, if you make a little effort and style your hair in the style of "creative mess". This styling is especially good for a pixie haircut.

To create creative chaos, you need:

  • wash your hair clean;
  • after drying the strands a little, apply styling mousse and spread it over the entire surface of the hair with your fingers;
  • dry all the curls with a hair dryer, directing the jet from the back of the head to the top of the head;
  • comb your hair with your fingers, creating a mess;
  • the crown and bangs need to be a little disheveled;
  • spray the resulting styling with varnish.

Scythe with rubber bands

Hairstyles for short hair for a holiday cannot but contain weaving. Pigtails are always at the peak of popularity, and a short length is not at all an obstacle to their creation. A braid fixed with rubber bands looks especially interesting; short strands are enough to create it, and accessories act as fasteners.

You can create a hairstyle like this:

  • wash your hair and dry it with a styling product;
  • taking a strand at the temple, start weaving a braid;
  • after connecting two rows of strands, secure the braid with an elastic band;
  • to the tail of the fixed braid, weave the following strands, located just below;
  • continue weaving according to this principle until the back of the head is reached (or until the length of the hair runs out);
  • secure the ponytail with an elastic band;
  • repeat on the other side;
  • in conclusion, you can fasten the entire hairstyle with a strong hold varnish.


For women who have ultra-short hair length, the Combed Festive Styling is sure to fit.

To create it, you need to do the following:

  • wash your hair;
  • dry the curls a little;
  • taking a drop of wax on your fingers, rub it thoroughly between your palms and apply to your hair by combing it back;
  • dry your head with a hairdryer;
  • spray your hair with hairspray.

An important point: to create such a hairstyle, you should not use a comb, otherwise the result will look “sleek” and artificial.

Headband braid

Weaving always looks advantageous, even on short hair, it can be used as a hairstyle to decorate the head for a holiday and on weekdays. This technique removes hair from the line of the face, reveals its beauty and emphasizes individuality.

Short hair is not an obstacle to creating such a hairstyle, you need to do the following:

  • comb clean washed hair;
  • separate a few strands on the forehead and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, fasten the remaining curls with a clip on the back of the head;
  • temporal hair divided into 3 strands;
  • now you can start weaving by overlapping the strands under each other in turn, while you need to gradually add fresh strands on the sides of the main braid;
  • after the braid has reached the opposite edge of the head, you need to go to the ear and fix the weave with an elastic band;
  • in addition, you can decorate your hair with a beautiful accessory;
  • strands that have come out of the braid can be fixed with varnish and beautifully frame the hairline with them;
  • to create additional volume, slightly pull on the woven strands and relax the tension of the braid;
  • fix the braid with varnish;
  • the remaining hair, if the length allows, can be wound on a curling iron;
  • hide the tail of the braid under the hair with the help of invisibility.


This hairstyle has many pleasant advantages:

Creating a waterfall braid looks like this:

  1. Comb the strands.
  2. Curl them with tongs or styling with a hairdryer equipped with a diffuser.
  3. Separate one strand at the temple, divide it into 3 components.
  4. Braid a regular braid 2-3 cm down.
  5. Form a waterfall: the top strand remains in place; instead of it, take the strand located below.
  6. The result must be secured with an elastic band and decorated with an accessory.

This styling can have several options:

  • be located between the temples;
  • end with ordinary braid weaving;
  • fasten on the side;
  • connect at the crown;
  • be created from two waterfalls, when the second begins under one.

Weaving on the side

A French braid, braided on the side, is able to give mischief to the owner of short hair and decorate curls on a holiday.

It's not hard to make:

  • comb hair;
  • comb the curls to one side;
  • divide the strand taken at the temple into 3 components;
  • start weaving, grabbing, in addition to the main ones, the side strands and putting them under the bottom;
  • when the braid reaches the back of the head, it must be secured with an elastic band and decorated with a flower or brooch.


This classic holiday hairstyle is timeless. Spectacular styling has many varieties and looks good even on short hair.

You can create it like this:

  • wash and dry hair;
  • comb small strands at the crown line;
  • sprinkle curls with varnish;
  • a wide strand that starts from the forehead line must be lifted and covered with a combed part of the hair;
  • fixing the strand with invisibility, it must be fixed with varnish;
  • the decor in the form of a hairpin or a large flower will not interfere.

"Naughty curls"

This hairstyle will always be in place at a gala event.

It is created like this:

  • comb hair to the back of the head;
  • curl the curls into light curls with a curling iron;
  • bangs and side strands framing the face, straighten with an iron;
  • beat the curls with your fingers;
  • sprinkle with varnish.

"Straight Lines"

Women of a strict nature who do not accept frivolous curls will appreciate this hairstyle:

Short hair bun

Even a short haircut can be gathered into a bun, creating a strict and solemn look.

The process of creating a beam is very simple:

  • comb hair;
  • collect in the tail as much as possible;
  • fix the knocked-out strands with varnish or stealth;
  • twist a bundle from the tail and fix it with hairpins.

double tail

This type of styling will create a relaxed look that will go with any outfit:


Even a very short haircut in a masculine style can be made festive.

For this you need:

  • after washing the hair, apply gel on them;
  • dry with a hair dryer;
  • direct the jet of the hair dryer from the bottom up, lifting the hair at the roots;
  • fix each strand, starting from the crown, separately, laying them schematically;
  • fix the entire hairstyle with varnish.

smooth hairstyle

For lovers of strict minimalism, you can choose this styling option:


When creating hairstyles for the holiday, do not forget about plaits for short hair.

This type of styling is simple to perform, but it looks very impressive.

Hairstyles for short hair for a holiday and for everyday life are easy to do on your own if you stick to step by step instructions from professionals.

You can create harnesses like this:

  • dry clean hair;
  • make a parting;
  • sprinkle curls with mousse;
  • take a small strand at the parting line and twist it into a tourniquet;
  • descending down the hairline, continue to make a tourniquet, consistently involving neighboring strands in it;
  • on the back of the head, fix the tip with invisibility;
  • repeat with all hair;
  • frame the face with shorter curls;
  • fix with varnish.

Retro waves

Retro waves are made for short hair, easy to make and long lasting. This styling will be a great solution for a holiday in this style.


  1. Wash your hair, dry it, but not completely.
  2. Apply styling mousse.
  3. Take a wide strand from the edge of the head and lift it, forming a wave.
  4. Fasten in place with clamps.
  5. Repeat with all hair.
  6. Dry the curls with a hair dryer.
  7. Remove clips carefully.
  8. Fix hair with varnish.

Hairstyle with ribbons

Tapes of the most different types and executions can decorate short hair. Moreover, it is not necessary to do any styling. It is enough to wash the hair, dry it and lay it in the usual way. Place a ribbon on the forehead line, picking it up to match the style of clothing.

wet hair effect

Hair dark color will look very advantageous if you give them the effect of wet curls:

Hairstyle with bouffant and headband

This type of styling will decorate the outfit in a classic style and emphasize the elegance of its owner:

The tail, collected in half, with curled curls

This look is perfect for short curly hair, he will decorate a woman not only on a holiday, but also on a weekday.


  1. On washed, slightly damp strands, apply a styling product in the form of a mousse.
  2. Collect a small tail at the back of the head.
  3. Curl the hair that did not fall into the tail due to its short length with tongs.
  4. Fix the result with varnish.

Making a hairstyle for short hair for a holiday is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The main thing is to choose the right accessories and pay close attention to the little things.

Video: hairstyles for short hair for a holiday

Elegant hairstyles for short hair, see the video clip:

Easy hairstyles for short hair:

222 10/08/2019 7 min.

It is much easier for owners of long hair to choose everyday and festive hairstyles than for beauties with short hair.

After all, even if you just dissolve curled long curls over your shoulders, this can already be considered an elegant hairstyle. And if you decorate these curls beautiful bow or a hairpin - the girl does have every chance of becoming the star of the evening. In the article we will consider the features festive hairstyles for long hair for adult young ladies and girls: what types are there, how to do them yourself.

For adult girls

Long hair is good because many hairstyles can be done with your own hands - and they will look no worse than professional styling from a stylist. In addition, the variety of options here is huge, as is the scope for experimentation.

Long hair allows you to make a festive hairstyle for a solemn official event, and for romantic date. But be sure to consider the style of your outfit and the dress code of the event. So, at a friend’s wedding, it’s better to look beautiful, but somewhat formal, but on your own birthday you can make a sexy hairstyle, emphasizing all your winning sides of your appearance.

Do not overload your hair with accessories. No matter how much you want to decorate yourself better, remember that it is better to underdo than to overdo it. One stylish barrette can look much better than five bright elastic bands.


Consider the main options for holiday hairstyles for long hair:

  • Shell. Original classic hairstyle. In strict execution, it is perfect for an official solemn event, and with curled side strands released - for a romantic date or a cocktail party.
  • babette. This is an extremely stylish and sexy styling from the 60s. It gives a woman French charm and charm, makes her hair voluminous and lush.
  • Volume braids give the appearance of youthful charm, look great. Especially good for a holiday fish tail"and" spikelet.

Braiding the “spikelet” or “fishtail”, do not try too hard. It is important that the hairstyle is not too tight - it will look much better on lush, loose hair - so it will look more voluminous. Making this volume is quite simple: loosen the links of the braids while weaving.

"Spikelet", "basket" or "fish tail", decorated with small flowers, matched to the shade of the outfit, look very festive, suitable as a wedding option.


To create such a hairstyle, you do not have to visit a stylist. You can also make it at home using with my own hands, comb, several accessories, curling iron and hairspray.

How to do:

  • Curl your hair first. If there is little time, you can get by with a curling iron, but it is advisable to prepare curls for styling in advance by winding them on curlers.
  • If the volume is not enough, beat the strands at the roots.
  • Use your fingers to give the hair the desired volume, and fix everything with varnish.

If desired, you can decorate your hair with a beautiful headband or other accessories. This hairstyle is great for young girls, highlighting their charm. But how to wind curls with an iron on long hair, you can understand by looking at the photo in this

But what creative haircuts look like middle length, can be seen in the photo in the article:

But what haircuts for thin hair of medium length are the most popular among young girls, you can understand if you look at the photo in this


This hairstyle is especially suitable for girls with thin hair, will make this flaw completely invisible.

How to do:

  • Comb your hair and spray it with a special product that gives volume.
  • Comb strands at the back of the head - quite intensively. The result of this step should be very lush.
  • On the back of the head, you need to carefully lay the straight front strands.
  • With a round brush, direct the ends of the hair in different directions so that they provocatively and a little carelessly stick out. And here's what it looks like short haircut with a voluminous crown, can be seen in the photo in this

The result is a chic volume at the back of the head, and in front - even, neat strands, beautifully laid.

hair bow

This hairstyle looks unusual, beautiful and interesting. For its implementation, a decent length of curls is required - styling is not available for short and even medium hair.

How to do:

  • Tie a high, tight ponytail at the crown. The key word here is tight. This is very important so that the whole structure does not fall apart later.
  • On the last turn of the elastic, leave strands of hair under the elastic to get a kind of bun.
  • Then this bundle must be divided into two parts as even as possible and give each of the parts volume by straightening them - these will be the “wings” of our bow.
  • Separate one free strand approximately in the middle between the two "wings". This strand will divide the bow into two parts. It must be carefully secured with invisibility.
  • Correct the entire structure, trim the wings and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Your "bow" is ready, and you can go to the event fully equipped. By the way, the bow can be both on the top of the head, and low on the back of the head or on the side. For those who want to understand in more detail how to make a bow hairstyle, you should look at the photo

  • If you need to pre-curl curls, be sure to wash your hair before that - so the curls will last much longer. And they will look great.
  • To make the hairstyle more voluminous, comb the hair at the roots and fluff a little then with your fingers.
  • If there is a particularly important celebration ahead, where you need to appear in all its splendor - for example, a wedding - pick up your hair in advance - so that by the day of the celebration you already know exactly what will be on your head. It is important that the hairstyle looks good with the outfit and fits the appearance.

On the video holiday hairstyles for long hair:


Of course, a hairstyle for a girl for a holiday should also be different from the everyday version. It is important that the hairstyle is beautiful and elegant, but comfort is also very important for the child. Where adult lady completely tolerate tightly tied hair, the child will not be able to endure and will loudly declare his inconvenience. Therefore, when doing a children's hairstyle, be sure to ask the girl if she is comfortable.



This is probably the most versatile option for long curls. You can walk with braids every day, and if you decorate them with a particularly beautiful and lush hairpin, then they may well replace the festive version of the hairstyle.

In addition to the usual braids, which probably any mother of a long-haired baby can weave, there are many variations of their different unusual types. The braid can be located both horizontally and vertically, can be woven into the surrounding strands and wrapped around the head in a neat basket or shell. But what are the best and easiest to use, indicated in the article.

Fish tail

This is a braid-based hairstyle, but it looks much more unusual and original due to the more intricate weaving. To braid such a hairstyle, mom will have to work out a little, but then everything will work out fine. The hairstyle is more suitable for straight hair. But even on curls it can look quite dignified and elegant.

How to do:

  • Comb your child's hair back. Take strands of hair symmetrically at the temples. These strands should be about 3 cm wide.
  • We pull the strands back and cross them at the back of the head - the right strand lies on top of the left.
  • With one hand we hold both strands, with the second we take again the strand on the left and put it on the right, press it.
  • We hold all three strands with one hand, and take the next one on the right, put it on the previous one and so on.
  • Thus, we braid all the hair to the end. At the end you get a small ponytail, which you need to fix with a chic hairpin or bow.

Although such weaving will seem unusual and complicated for the first time, however, after a few workouts you will understand that it is actually very simple and be amazed at how beautiful and stylish such a peculiar braid can be.

"Fishtail" can also be in the side version - also beautiful, elegant and original in its own way. In this case, it is necessary to weave not in the center of the head, but on one side - on the right or left, framing the entire head.


A great option for a festive hairstyle for long hair. It is quickly done, and with a modest hairpin or elastic band, it can be an everyday option.

How to do:

  • Moisturize your hair before styling.
  • Divide the hair into a parting and braid each of the two parts into a pigtail.
  • Fix the ends of these braids with thin elastic bands and tuck the edge of the right braid under the left and vice versa.

Everything, a simple and effective basket is ready. Now it can be decorated for the holiday with beautiful hairpins and bows.


Ponytail hairstyles are a great and simple option that can still be quite festive and dressy. The option with many tails, decorated with bright hairpins and elastic bands, looks especially good on girls under 10 years old.

Ponytails can be left loose and decorated with hairpins or braided pigtails from them. The second option will be neater and help the girl keep her elegant look longer. But how beautiful it is to make a tail for short hair, you can understand by looking at the content


Long hair loose over the shoulders is an ornament in itself. And if these curls are still curled and decorated with accessories, then with such a hairstyle a girl can become real queen bala.

In the photo - a hairstyle with curls:

The disadvantage is that loose hair is not practical enough, and the hairstyle can quickly lose its appearance if the child actively plays and moves.

Tip: it is better not to use varnish to fix curls, but to get by with sugar water, which will fix the strands no worse than the most modern styling product. And will not harm the delicate baby hair.

By the way, loose curls are a great option not only for children, but also for adult girls. Just be careful with this hairstyle mature women- at a "serious" age, such a frivolous hairstyle no longer looks harmonious.

On the video holiday hairstyles for long hair step by step:

Many adult and children's hairstyles for long hair can be similar to each other. They sometimes differ only in hairpins - for adult girls, accessories are neutral and stylish, for girls they are brighter and more colorful. However, the girl does not need to do frankly adult styling, for example, a strict “shell”, carefully varnished. Such a hairstyle does not suit a pretty young appearance at all and may look inharmonious, even ridiculous.

As we can see, there is nothing complicated in making a festive hairstyle with your own hands for long hair. Therefore, we arm ourselves with simple tools, styling tools, necessary accessories and make ourselves an elegant, stylish and elegant hairstyle. Using our advice, you and your daughter, no doubt, can become real queens of the festive evening.

Festive hairstyles for a celebration can be as diverse as the holidays themselves. Hairstyles for a wedding, anniversary or party. hairstyles for New Year, which is not far off. However, there are general trends and rules on how to choose a hairstyle. various holidays and solemn events.

First, when creating a hairstyle for a special occasion, it is worth remembering the dress code of the event. That is, for a party or a wedding in a classic style, there will be one hairstyle, and for a party or a wedding, say, in the hippie style, a completely different one will be appropriate.

Thus, the hairstyle is selected in accordance with the dress code of the event or in accordance with the style of the clothes in which you will go to a party or wedding.

Secondly, when choosing a hairstyle, it’s worth it. So, in 2018, hairstyles with long or medium hair with natural styling, straight or curled, as well as with options for various weaves of hair.

Probably the easiest solution to a festive hairstyle will be. To attend the celebration, short hair only needs to be styled and, possibly, decorated with some kind of decorative element - a bow, headband, hairpin. But with festive hairstyles for long and medium hair, everything is much more difficult, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, there can be many options for such hairstyles, and here a wealth of choice opens up.

Hairstyles for a celebration for medium length hair

Let's start with hairstyles for medium hair. According to statistics, most girls prefer hair of this length.

A festive hairstyle option can simply be loose hair. Both smooth and curled. When performing a curl, it is worth remembering that naturalness is in fashion. And another one fashion trends recent years- this is a retro wave, something in the spirit of hairstyles of the 1920s - 30s. Such hairstyles will look good with outfits in a classic style, as well as in retro style.

Loose hair in hairstyles for a celebration, it is worth decorating with interesting hairpins, bows, headbands, artificial flowers, ribbons of beads.

Another good option for hairstyles for a holiday for hair of medium length can be hairstyles with braids. It is clear that long braid in this case, do not braid. But here are the options with an interesting braid in combination with loose hair can be different.

For example, medium hair can be braided into voluminous braid(when weaving, such a braid does not need to be tightened), going from one edge of the forehead to the back of the head, fasten the braid on the back of the head with a hairpin, and leave the rest of the hair unbraided, something like a kind of tail. This hairstyle will look good with romantic style outfits.

Another option is to braid two braids from the right and left temples, and on the back of the head connect them into a ponytail or bulk beam. Also a good option for a romantic style or for folk style outfits.

Braids can also be worn to the club in combination with a mini, thus playing on the contrast.

A good option for a hairstyle for a celebration for hair of medium length can be one of the options for a Greek hairstyle. It is done as follows - a bandage is put on the head and the hair is twisted around it.

you can also leave it loose - smooth or curled, decorating them with bows, bead threads, hairpins.

You can braid long hair and braids. All the hairstyles with braids that have already been mentioned for medium length hair will do here. But with long hair, you can also do several other options for hairstyles with a braid.

For example, hairstyle "wreath"- braid a long braid and wrap it around her head. Or braid an interesting long side braid. In such a hairstyle, the hair is parted with a side parting, at the base of the braid you can attach an unusual large hairpin or a decorative flower.

Also with long hair you can make festive hairstyles with various options beams. Traditionally, hairstyles with buns still belong to the business style and have little in common with hairstyles on the occasion of the celebration. However, if you make the beam not a classic smoothly laid, but more free, that is, voluminous, disheveled, then such a hairstyle may well be suitable for a holiday.

So, you can make a hairstyle with a high, almost classic bun, but leave a few strands at the temples not taken in a bun. Such strands can be twisted, and the bundle itself can be decorated with a string of beads. This is a good hairstyle option for a cocktail dress. Instead of beads, you can wrap a bunch around with thin braids braided from part of the hair.

You can make a sloppy bunch of curled curls fastened on the head in the form of a bundle with the help of invisibility. This version of the beam is easier to do on medium hair. For long hair, it is better to make the same version of the beam, but from part of the hair, and simply leave part of the hair loose. Such hairstyle fit for romantic style.

Also good options festive hairstyles for long hair will be hairstyles with hair bows. Another option is a shell hairstyle.

Shell- This is a kind of volumetric beam. The shell hairstyle is today considered a business style hairstyle, it is very often associated with the image of a teacher. However, interestingly, in the 19th century, when the shell appeared, it was considered exclusively evening option.

Today to do festive option shells, it is enough to decorate it with flowers, decorative hairpins, a beautiful comb. This hairstyle will look good with outfits. classical style, and it can also be a great option for a wedding look.

The ability to form beautiful hairstyle will help out in those moments when you need to look appropriate for a solemn occasion, but at the same time there is absolutely no time to go to the salon.

WITH short hair everything is simple - just do the styling on curlers or with the help of a styler, and long hair is not so easy to handle. But that's until you've learned simple tricks, which will allow you to create elegant evening hairstyles on your own, without asking for help from a hair stylist.

What do you need for such a hairstyle

  • To form a beautiful you will need some special means and tools:
  • A set of styling products that suit your hair type.

  • Hairdryer and various combs for styling and drying hair, as well as for combing.

  • Curling iron or styler with different attachments to form a variety of curls or waves.

  • All kinds of hair clips, clips, stealth and hairpins of different sizes.

How to make an evening hairstyle for long hair with your own hands

We invite you to try to make an elegant hairstyle yourself, choosing one of the options you like.

Evening hairstyle for long hair with bangs

This braided hairstyle will be a godsend for girls who wear bangs.

  • At the base of the neck, select a section of hair and divide it into three thin curls.
  • Braid the strands from the side of the head into braids, but do not touch the middle one.
  • From these two braids and strands, braid another pigtail and secure the tip with an elastic band.
  • Divide the upper hair into several parts and braid them into braids to the middle, also securing the ends with rubber bands.
  • Without touching the pigtails at the temples, form a “snail” out of the rest, securing each pigtail with a hairpin.
  • Fasten the side pigtails in such a way that they slightly cover the ears and connect under the formed bun.

Easy evening hairstyle for long hair

If you want to make such a hairstyle, then you will need a belt or scarf, and the rest is a matter of technique. Such a hairstyle can be both evening and everyday, everything will depend on the style of the chosen bandage. She can be decorated decorative stones, rhinestones or a brooch, or simply tied in a knot.

  • Secure the ends of your hair with an elastic band.
  • Take the prepared bandage and wrap your hair around it, as shown in the photo.
  • Please note that the winding of the hair is not too tight and forms a soft roller around the head.
  • The ends of the headscarf must be fixed at the forehead. You can make a bow or stab a beautiful brooch.
  • The hair roller itself can be fixed in places with hairpins.

Simple evening hairstyle for long hair

Weaves from braids always look elegant and very feminine. We offer a very simple option.

  • Form a parting on the side and start weaving a “spikelet” pigtail, bending around her head along the bottom edge of the hair.
  • Braid the remaining ends into an ordinary tight pigtail to the very ends.
  • Gradually wrap the pigtail, form a bundle and secure it with hairpins.
  • The beam should be located asymmetrically, closer to the left ear.

High evening hairstyle for long hair

Hairstyles with high styling always look elegant and solemn. We offer you the simplest and very easy option such hairstyle.

  • To make the hairstyle look voluminous, make a small pile.
  • Comb the left side of the hair slightly to the side, smoothing it with a comb, and secure it vertically with invisibility.
  • Slightly lift the hair at the crown and, grabbing the hair on the right, wrap it in a tube.
  • Secure with hairpins along the fold line of the hair.
  • For fixing, be sure to use hairspray so that the side or too short strands do not get out of the hairstyle.

Evening hairstyle for thin long hair

If you have Thin hair, then the classic “bun” hairstyle will ideally hide this flaw and emphasize your femininity.

  • Apply hair styling foam to the strands and comb them well.
  • Make a ponytail from the bottom of the hair and secure it with an elastic band at the base of the hair.
  • From this ponytail, form a "snail" and secure it with small hairpins.
  • Divide the top hair into two wide strands.
  • Wrap each section of hair around the overlapping bun and secure with pins.
  • One short strand at the forehead can be left, slightly twisting its tip.

Elegant evening hairstyle "bun" for long hair

The principle of this elegant hairstyle is the formation of large soft curls, which in a light weave create a beautiful and very.

  • Roll your hair onto a large diameter cone styler.
  • Divide the hair into four parts: two temporal, at the crown and at the back of the head.
  • From the bun at the back of the head, form a soft bun with loose strands. You can tie your hair into a light knot and form a beautiful shape with your hands.
  • Side strands, slightly twisting, weave into a bundle, slightly covering the ears with them.
  • Comb the top of your hair a little and also weave it into a bun.
  • You can select one or two curls framing the face.

Video with lessons on how to make evening hairstyles for long hair

We invite you to watch a series of videos that will teach you the techniques of shaping hairstyles to create a beautiful evening look.

  • Video with a selection of photos of beautiful evening hairstyles for long hair.

  • This video will show you how to do a braided evening hairstyle for long hair step by step.

  • In this video, you can learn how to make, which is ideal for a holiday or school graduation.

  • Watch this video to learn how to style long hair in the evening without leaving your home or going to a salon.

  • This video will show you how to make hairstyles for a wedding or for a celebration of long hair.

  • Watch this video and you will learn how you can make your own evening hairstyle for long flowing hair.

  • A video with a master class on how to form a beautiful evening hairstyle on the side for long hair.

  • This video will show you how to make a bun hairstyle for long hair.

  • If you want to learn how to make a beautiful evening hairstyle for long hair for girls on your own, then be sure to watch this video.

We hope that, inspired by our ideas and tips, you can now easily make perfect hairstyle and look smart. Tell us in the comments about your secrets for creating beautiful evening hairstyles.
