Working program of hours of communication "ethical conversations" working program on the topic. Ethical conversations in elementary school Types of ethical conversations in elementary school

Moral education of students in primary school aims to form the foundations of the moral and ethical culture of the individual. Achieving this goal requires targeted pedagogical work in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, the creation of a favorable moral climate in the team. Traditionally with younger students. ethical discussions are held classroom hours or specially organized ethical classes.

Tasks of ethical classes in primary school:

Explaining to students the norms and rules of behavior in society, the essence moral qualities personality, motives and significance of moral actions;

Helping students to understand the motives of their own behavior, the formation of the ability to correlate actions with moral standards and foresee the consequences of their behavior;

The development of higher moral feelings and experiences, a humane attitude towards people, towards all living things;

Development of specific practical skills and habits of cultural lifestyle and behavior.

The lesson of ethical grammar is planned and prepared in advance, dedicated to a specific topic. The subject and content of classes should be built taking into account the gradual accumulation by students of knowledge and ideas on issues of moral behavior, as well as the content of reading lessons, the course "Man and the World", and the level of upbringing of students.

Topics of classes varied. All topics can be grouped as follows:

1) about culture Everyday life ;

Culture of speech and communication;

Culture of appearance;

culture of behavior in in public places(at school, on the street, in the theater, in the library, shop, at the exhibition);

Healthy lifestyle, physical culture;

Culture of behavior in nature, attitude towards animals;

Attitude towards material values ​​created by the labor of people - personal things, objects, bread, books, school property, etc.

Attitude towards beauty, elementary aesthetic culture;

culture of life;

Culture of feelings (manifestation of anger, joy, sympathy, gratitude, etc.);

Elementary financial and economic culture (attitude towards money, reasonable needs).

2) about the moral quality of a person that is understandable to younger students(partnership, truthfulness, generosity, politeness, hard work, accuracy, organization, modesty, perseverance, courage, sensitivity, thrift, justice, etc.).

Having determined the topic of the ethical grammar lesson, the teacher selects necessary material(stories, fairy tales, poems, proverbs, fragments of cartoons, life situations, periodical materials), thinks over the lesson plan, the necessary equipment (musical arrangement, drawings, posters, attributes for dramatizations). Students may be involved in the preparation of classes.

Before the lesson, it is possible to conduct and analyze a written survey of students, mini-essays, drawings on this topic. This will allow you to find out the level of knowledge and ideas, the attitude of students to the problem.

One of the important requirements of the methodology for conducting ethical grammar lessons is the logical, consistent construction of the material, the gradual bringing of students to the main conclusions, moral judgments, and awareness of the motives of behavior.

The methodology for constructing a lesson involves a certain logic:

Introductory part (introduction to the topic, updating knowledge, problematic issues);

Explanation of the meaning of concepts, the moral essence of quality;

Game exercises, analysis of situations, games;

It is important, taking into account the age of the children, to diversify the types of activities. In the lesson, students listen and think, read poetry, play, show dramatizations, listen to music, draw.

The introductory part is usually short in time. The main thing here is to arouse interest in the topic. At this stage, problematic questions, small poems, proverbs, game techniques, the teacher's reasoning about life situations, etc. can be used.

To clarify the concepts, norms of behavior, the moral essence of personality traits, such techniques as the teacher’s story, listening and text analysis, work in microgroups to formulate concepts and rules of behavior, the “Unfinished Sentence” technique and others are recommended.

A sincere and at the same time deep conversation is impossible without questions to the pupils. The formulation of questions requires a high level of teacher skill. “The question asked by the teacher to children,” writes Sh.A. Amonashvili, “is a cell not only of the methodology, but of the whole pedagogy.” Therefore, special attention in the development of ethical studies should be given to carefully thought-out questions to children on the topic under discussion. Preference is given not to reproductive questions, but to those that make you think, begin with the word "why", stimulate deep reflection on the motives of behavior.

Working with proverbs and aphorisms is traditionally widely used in ethical classes. The following methods can be suggested for proverbs:

Make up a short story according to the proverb;

Draw a picture;

Explain the meaning of the proverb;

Give examples that reveal the meaning of the proverb;

Come up with a proverb or add;

Make up a proverb from the given words.

The older the children, the more opportunities to use in the classroom elements of discussion. For example, you can use the "Refut the absurdity" technique (N.E. Shchurkova). Students are invited to comment on statements that are absurd from the point of view of moral standards. For example, the following statements are offered:

Girls don't need to learn to be housewives

TV is very good for health

A man should be gentle and affectionate

Discipline in school brings great harm, and so on.

Such statements can be easily formulated on the basis of Grigory Oster's poems.

An important condition for the success of ethical studies is rejection of direct moralizing, instructive exhortations, the creation of a favorable trusting environment. In educational conversations

it is necessary to avoid direct suggestions such as: "you must follow the rules of behavior", "but for some reason some children do not do this", "we must not forget the magic words", "let's always be polite and kind", etc.

When conducting an ethical lesson, it is advisable to use games, exercises, situation analysis, dramatizations and other active methods of work.

For example:

Chamomile game. At the core paper flower a key concept or phrase is written, and on the petals, students write down what this word means, how this quality manifests itself, etc.

Drawing up in microgroups a list of certain rules of conduct.

Collective (or in microgroups) compiling a letter-message, a letter of promise, a mini-story, a relay-race fairy tale, a panel, a symbolic image of a certain quality.

Game exercises: "Fairy Comforter", "Ministry of congratulations", "Master's eye", "In transport", "At a birthday party", etc.

Reception "Scroll". The teacher asks a question. The students pass a long piece of paper along the chain, on which they write down their answer in turn, after which they fold the piece of paper. Then all answers are read out, commented, summarized by the teacher.

Discussion of situations. For example, the following situations could be suggested:

1). Imagine that you are walking home from school and you see a boy pushing a little girl into a puddle. Her shoes are wet, the bow is barely holding on, tears are streaming down her face. What would you do?

2). The boys caught the kitten and decided to throw it off the ninth floor to see how it would fly.

3). Oleg always liked to be the first. When the class was built, he often rudely pushed the guys away, shouting that this was his place.

4). There are four in the class: two girls and two boys. The girls clean the classroom, the boys write something.

What are you doing here? - I ask.

We wash our desks, and these deuces are rewritten.

Yes Yes! another girl exclaimed happily. - Ivan already has eight mistakes! And we don't have one!

5). Vitya and Sasha played checkers. Realizing that he was losing, Vitya began to play dishonestly. Then Sasha got angry and dropped all the checkers from the board. And Vitya went and complained to the teacher.

6). The phone rings:

Hello! Me Igor! No? OK. Who is asking? So, one friend…Okay, I'll call later…wake up??? What, are you already asleep? So early? Bye then.

7). Dina demanded that her mother buy her jeans, because everyone has them, but she doesn’t. Mom explained that now she could not buy them because there was no money. But Dina continued to demand, shouted that her mother did not love her, and then dressed and left, slamming the door.

When analyzing a situation, direct comparisons should be avoided, questions like “Do we have such guys in our class?” It is better to say: “I think there are none among you” or “Think about it, guys, and don’t act like the hero of our story.” The teacher should be especially tactful when discussing cases related to personal, intra-family relationships.

The methodology for conducting ethical classes in grades 1-2 and 3-4 has its own characteristics:

Firstly, by topic and content classes. For kids, topics are selected that are devoted to the most elementary norms, simple qualities (accuracy, politeness, camaraderie, justice, generosity, etc.). Games, fairy tales, and poems are widely used.

In grades 3-4, there may be a conversation about kindness, modesty, selflessness, delicacy, a culture of communication, a healthy lifestyle, human rights, etc. A deeper and more voluminous literary material is selected, situations involving an ambiguous solution (conflict situations) are included for analysis, definitions of moral qualities (positive and negative) are given.

Secondly, by the degree of participation of children in the search and selection of material, in the preparation of dramatizations, the manufacture of visualization. Naturally, the older the children, the more actively they can be involved in the preparation of the lesson.

Third, on methods and forms of organizing a conversation. If in grades 1-2 the leading place is occupied by games, exercises, drawings, analysis of simple situations, poetry reading, then in grades 3-4 the lesson can be held in the form of an oral journal, discussion, performance, competition, quiz tournament, conference.

Fourth, by duration. In grades 1-2, the time for an ethical lesson is 25-30 minutes, in grades 3-4 - 45-50 minutes.

Methodically proper conduct classes in ethical grammar testify to the high level of general and moral culture, the professionalism of the teacher, his erudition, knowledge of the psychology of children, and the ability for pedagogical improvisation.

Typical disadvantages in conducting ethical conversations:

1. Unsuccessful choice of the topic of the lesson (too easy or too complex; formal, irrelevant, far from the daily life of children, as well as combining several independent problems into one topic).

2. Monotonous forms, methods of conducting a conversation. passivity of children.

3. Literary material, the content of the questions are not interesting to children, do not hurt their feelings.

4. Lack of logic, interconnection of parts of the conversation.

5. The edifying nature of the conversation, moralizing, the absence of problematic issues, situations that require an ambiguous solution.

6. Template start and end of the conversation.

7. The conditions that ensure the confidential nature of the conversation (place, time, atmosphere, atmosphere, the possibility of free discussion) are not thought out.

Conversation for primary school students "Behavior on the street"

Target: to form the habit of cultural behavior on the street.

Event progress

The culture of communication is not only the ability to receive guests, to behave well in the theater or in the library. It's also street behavior. What does it mean to behave properly on the street? What rules must we follow?

Situation 1 . Imagine that you and I are watching a group of guys on the street who laugh out loud, talk to each other, do not pay attention to passers-by, accidentally hitting them ...

- A well-mannered person behaves on the street in such a way as to attract the attention of others less. How do you understand it? (Children's answers.)

conclusions: a well-mannered person does not talk or laugh too loudly; do not stand in the middle of the street, bypass oncoming passers-by on the right side; in no case does not interfere with the movement of pedestrians, does not push.

Situation 2. Elderly woman asked the children to be quieter in the street. The guys answered: “What, are we in the way? Or maybe you're bothering us more."

- Comment on student behavior. (Children's answers.)

Conclusion: a cultured person does not make comments to strangers, does not enter into a skirmish, especially if an elderly person is in front of him.

Situation 3 . Mom with little Katya came to the square. Katya didn’t like the park because there were a lot of empty bottles, bags, nutshells lying on the lawns ... “How dirty it is here! Let's go, mother, from here! Katya asked her mother and pulled her away from the park.

— Who is to blame for the fact that the park is so dirty? (Children's answers.)

Little janitor with a huge broom

Why are you tired and angry today?

“I got up at dawn, waved a broom,

I swept the whole yard and collected the rubbish.

I sat down to rest ... I looked back - a shame!

Rubbish is everywhere again from somewhere.”

M. Khatkina

Conclusion: a cultured person will not allow himself to eat while sitting in a park and immediately throw out wrappers from sweets, nuts, chips, etc. on the lawns.

French schoolchildren, their teachers and parents came up with an interesting promotion: they bought green latex gloves, green plastic bags and with posters "Let the Earth be clean!" took to the streets of the cities. Cleanliness advocates picked up a lot of garbage, and the parents took the green bags of garbage to the landfill. Great promotion, but let's not litter!

game moment: restore the proverb.

(Purely not where they sweep, but where they do not litter!)

Situation 3. You have arrived in a foreign area of ​​a large city. It's hard for you to orient yourself.

- How do you address passers-by to find out the way? (Children's answers.)

- What words should you thank the passer-by for answering your question? (Children's answers.)

Remember that the words "thank you", "thank you" are the best suited to this situation.

- And how will you answer the person who turned to you with a request to explain the way, if you yourself do not know exactly how to get to the right place? (Children's answers.)

Conclusion: a polite refusal is also a sign of good taste.

Remember: in various situations on the street you need to remember about politeness. Use more often the words-requests “be kind”, “please”, “be kind”, “can I ask you for a request”, etc.

Topics of conversations. 1 class

1. Knowledge Day.
2. Organizational hour. School mode.
3. Conversation by the rules traffic. Safety Month. (conversations seasonally)
4. What is a team? Friendship and fellowship.
5. Ecology and man. Ecology of the planet.
6. In the world of interesting things. (on the pages of newspapers and magazines).
7. Behavior in public places. Place and time for games.
8. Everything in a person should be perfect!
9. Rules of conduct during the holidays (seasonally).
10. Business time, fun hour!
11. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
12. My class is my family.
13. Indoor plants. Clean air in the classroom. Order and cleanliness.
14. Respect your elders! Be attentive to the younger ones!
15. The book is yours best friend!
16. Conversation on the rules of conduct for students on school premises and in school areas.
17. Nature protection is your duty.
18. Your rights and obligations.
19. How to behave in public places.
20. I and those who are nearby. Ethical discussion.
21. Friendship, help, mutual assistance.

Conversations for 2nd grade.
1. Conversation "Home Alone", about the behavior of the child at home.
2. City streets.
3. Ethical grammar about kindness, responsiveness and modesty
4. Defenders of the Fatherland.
5. Lovely women. International Women's Day.
6. Be neat, neat!
7. Our hobbies (technology, music, design).
8. Cosmonautics Day.
9. Culture of behavior at a party, at home and on the street.
10. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
11. Victory Day. "Life is given to bold deeds."
12. "Dad, mom, I'm a readable family."
13. "A dull time, eyes charm" Competition of readers.
14. "This interesting world animals."
15. From life wonderful people.
16. "Sport, health, beauty are our best friends."
17. In the world there is not only necessary, but also beautiful. !
18. Commonwealth of peoples.
19. Where do fairy tales take us? Actions of heroes (moral education).
20. "We keep our books and notebooks in order."
21. "What is good and what is bad?".
22. "About labor, about people of labor."
23. "It's not enough to want, you need to be able."
24. My city, my district, my street.
25. Save time!
26. "The miracle of the earth is bread."
27. Conversation about thrift.
28. Learn to learn!

29. Individual conversations separately with boys (about touching each other), separately with girls (about neatness and cleanliness).

30. Terrorism. Dangerous items.

Conversations for grade 3

1.Poisonous mushrooms and plants.
2. Neatness, neatness in clothes. .
3. How do you carry out your duties?
4. Be kind and considerate towards your comrades.
5. Your daily routine.

6.Cold diseases. Prevention.
7. What is - healthy lifestyle life?
8. Diseases of dirty hands.
9. Yours appearance.
10. Culture of behavior during the break.
11. Respect your time and the time of others.
12. The book is your best friend.
13. Patience and work will grind everything.
14. Business time, fun - an hour.
15. Appreciate a minute in the lesson.

16. Traumatism and its prevention.
17. The class is a single family.
18. Measure seven times, cut once.
19. Respect your elders!
20. Take care of nature!

21. Beware: cutting and piercing objects!

22. Appreciate friendship!

23. Mutual respect in the team.

24. Know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive

25. Terrorism. Dangerous Items

Alena Makeikina
Conversation for younger students "Your appearance"


To instill in children the desire to dress appropriately; introduce the history of the costume, the manufacture of clothing;

Develop aesthetic taste;

Cultivate neatness, cleanliness, neatness.


Children have dolls with various models of clothes, cards with tasks.

Event progress

I. Opening remarks

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and say what character it is about. speech: “The poor stepdaughter was forced to do the dirtiest and hardest work in home: she cleaned boilers and pans, washed the stairs, cleaned the rooms of her stepmother and her daughters. She slept in the attic, under the very roof, on a prickly straw bedding. In the evening, after finishing work, she would hide in a corner near the fireplace and sit there on a box of ashes.

Who is that girl?

Why was she called that?

- "And yet Cinderella in her old dress, stained with ashes, was a hundred times nicer than her sisters, dressed in velvet and silk."

Guys, there is even proverb: "They are greeted by clothes, they are escorted by mind".

How would you explain this proverb?

P. Announcement of the theme of the event

Today we will talk with you about what and how to wear so that your appearance emphasized that that you are educated, beautiful, neat. After all, remember that in beautiful dress and glass shoes, Cinderella was recognized as the first beauty. “Everything was immediately quiet. The violins are silent. Both the musicians and the guests involuntarily looked at the unfamiliar beauty, who arrived at the ball later than everyone else. "Oh, how good she is!" whispered the gentleman to the gentleman and the lady to the lady. The ladies of the court were busy only examining her dress and headdress, so that tomorrow they could order something similar for themselves, if only they could find the same skilled craftsmen and the same beautiful fabric.

III. A conversation about the history of the dress

And now I invite you to listen to information from which you will learn a little about the history of the costume.

*** has long been given to clothing great attention. But earlier society was clearly divided into rich and poor. Poor people could not afford to have many dresses and suits.

*** but a wealthy society shone with the beauty of fabrics and styles. Luxury and idleness made it possible to wear such clothes. On holidays, all kinds of decorations: rings, bracelets, necklaces precious stones. The dresses themselves were also embroidered. After all, bright light allowed these stones to shimmer with all colors - this only emphasized the style of the dress. And the dress was sewn specifically for a single order. Yes, and fabrics were brought from abroad so that no one else had such a dress. Children were also dressed magnificently and elegantly.

*** and only when they entered the gymnasium, the children had to wear uniforms - all the same. This disciplined, made the student think that he was the same as everyone around.

*** a c schools for the children of workers and peasants, the children were dressed in what their parents could dress them in, and most often it was one thing in a family for several children.

*** in the Soviet school there was also a single school uniform.

Now we live with you in a democratic society and we have the opportunity to show ourselves as a person even in clothes. After all, what kind of person are you, he says your appearance.

IV. A game "Character"

Let's play a game "Character": I show the drawing, and you external mind you try to define and tell about the character of this person.

V. Purpose of clothing

Tell me, guys, what keeps you warm in the cold? Maybe a hat

coat, boots?

Clothing is designed to keep a person warm. Therefore, it must correspond to the season of the year, the climate. For winter clothes use woolen fabrics that retain heat well. Summer clothes are sewn from light light fabrics - they reflect the sun's rays. And if you dress lightly in cold weather, and vice versa in summer, this will lead to hypothermia or overheating and the person will get sick.

In the house you should have different clothes. Also, clothes should be comfortable, light and clean. Everyday clothes should be different from festive clothes, clothes for walking - from the one in which you go to school. I want to hear from you, what do you know about fashion and how to dress? (children's answers)

VI. A game "Dress the Doll" and card work

And now for the girls. Dress up your doll so that she went:

To the theatre;

IN school;

On a hiking trip;

Play with girlfriends on the street;

For a friend's birthday

I could help my mother in the kitchen.

Task for boys: complete the task on the cards, choose from the proposed types of clothing the one that is suitable for the proposed place.

Card example: « School» - sports suit, jeans, open dress, blouse, sundress, suit, shorts, dirty T-shirt, ball gown, skirt.

VII. Conversation"Where Things Come From"

Do you know where things come from? Clothes are sewn from fabrics - cotton, woolen or synthetic. This fabric is made on looms. The fabric goes to the cutter. From cutter to seamstress.

Shoes are also made from synthetic leather. The ability to sew any thing is always useful in life. And you can learn this right now - with clothes for dolls.

VIII. Reading a literary text

And now let's talk about who dresses properly and has comfortable beautiful clothes, but looks bad. Let's read a poem "Masha-confused" and try to answer question: Why do people look sloppy.

Students read the text and talk about the need to be careful, take care of their clothes.

The same work is carried out according to the text of the poem by Difshitz "Slut".

He doesn't need a sidewalk

Unbuttoning the collar

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead.

He does not want to carry a briefcase,

Drags him along the ground

Slipped the belt on the left side

A tuft is torn out of the trouser leg

I confess I don't understand

What did he do? Where he was?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink.

Why is there clay on the trousers

Why is the cap pancake

And the collar is open.

Who is this student?

Do you think it's always beautiful clothes always helps to look.

Can you now answer me what and how you should wear in order to external the view could tell what

you are a person, so that you become interesting and pleasant for others.

Alena Semikova
Ethical conversations with preschoolers

Ethical Conversations

Ethical conversation is a form of familiarizing children with moral standards. Ethical development of the preschooler associated with the development of his moral consciousness. Ethical conversation is called because that its subject is most often moral, moral, ethical issues. Preschoolers learn that the relations of people to each other are manifested in various actions, which, from the point of view of moral norms, are evaluated as good and bad, right and wrong. They encourage children to realize actions, phenomena, situations of a moral nature. Thanks to ethical conversations topics the educator has the opportunity to concrete examples show that it contains such concepts as readiness to help someone who needs it

Target ethical conversation- the formation of the child's personality, the formation of such qualities as a sense of justice, responsibility, kindness, honesty, truthfulness, courage, friendship. Children learn basic rule: Help other people if they need it. The one who helps is doing well. Children develop the concept of a good deed. Children on their own cannot make such a generalization, of course, an adult helps. This is a lengthy process that needs to be addressed. tasks:

1. Teach children to identify the meaning of perceived events.

2. Give an idea of ​​the moral side of human relations (based on life samples, images fiction) .

3. Learn to follow the rules of conduct.

4. Contribute to the accumulation and generalization of an emotionally positive attitude towards the images of good heroes and their actions.

5. To form the ability to reasonably evaluate their actions and the actions of other people in terms of accepted moral standards (possible - impossible, good - bad) .

Ethical Conversations can be started from the age of four, since during this period the child develops visual-figurative thinking, representations appear, with the help of which preschooler retains the meaning of the events that he observed earlier without relying on perceived objects and phenomena. Children at this age are already mastering the content of many fairy tales, poems, stories. At this age, children can answer questions, express their attitude towards the heroes of the work. Also, children show their own experience of relationships with others. Efficiency ethical conversations depends on the observance of a number of important pedagogical conditions that must be created for the moral education of children preschool age:

1. A clear statement of the tasks of moral education and upbringing.

2. Humane attitude of adults to children.

3. Organization of active practical and intellectual activities of children, forming humane relationships.

material for such conversations various facts from the life of children, as well as works of fiction, can serve. During such conversations preschoolers learn moral standards ethical concepts, expanding the dictionary.

Initially, when getting acquainted with works of art, children are not satisfied with the uncertain situation, when it is difficult to say which character is bad and which is good. Children tend to highlight positive characters. An emotionally positive attitude towards these characters causes a sharply negative reaction to the actions of those characters who interfere with them in any way. A positive emotional attitude towards a friend, sympathy, a literary hero play a big role in the emergence and development of moral feelings. (sympathy, justice, etc.) .

In progress conversations about facts, events are evaluated. A positive assessment reinforces certain forms of behavior, a negative one is designed to slow down unwanted actions. preschoolers willingly imitate what is approved. A positive image becomes a guide for the child in choosing an act.

The adult must correct the statements preschoolers, to help adequately express one's thoughts and support various judgments, if possible controversial, requiring arguments.

Children love it when adults read to them. They seek to communicate with an adult, feel a sense of satisfaction and even pride in answering questions and receiving approval, especially if an adult outlines the importance of the issues being discussed. If an adult does not support the emotional attitude of children to conversation, does not speak about its importance, there is a danger of formalizing this type of work.

One of the reasons for the decline in interest in conversation there may be a loss of connection between moral attitudes, acquired knowledge and ideas, and the actual behavior of children. In everyday life, an adult should rely on the images learned by children, helping to correct their behavior, serving as a model of good relations, a way to eliminate unwanted manifestations. (ill will, rudeness, stubbornness, injustice) .

Often knowledge preschoolers O correct behavior and the actions themselves do not match. This is natural, since children are still quite poorly oriented in various situations, they do not know how to adequately assess their intentions and actions. In addition, children cannot control their desires ( "I want" sometimes show stubbornness and so on. Construction principle conversations can be quite varied. It is necessary to interest children, to introduce them to the world of fairy tales. For example, you can hold a game event for ethical conversation based on a fairy tale"Greedy Pocket".

The teacher invites all the children to sit on the rug and pass the magic ball to each other. When children pass the glomerulus, they must say good wishes for each other.

Today a fairy tale has come to us, which lives in the pocket of each of you. The teacher finds an asterisk in his pocket. A fairy tale is written on the star "Greedy Pocket". You carefully listen to the tale and think, by any chance this tale is not about your pocket? (children get up and sit on chairs) The teacher emotionally reads a fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Greedy Pocket"

Conversation content fairy tales:

Why is the story called "greedy pocket"?

Did the girl do the right thing when she listened to the pocket?

Why didn't everything fit in the pocket?

What should have been done?

What is greed?

What would you do if your pocket was also so greedy?

Who can be called greedy?

Show how you evaluate Alyonka's act when she listened to the pocket? (children show a brown circle symbol)

Show how you evaluate Alyonka's act when she made her own decision? (circle yellow color) .

Offer children a training exercise "How would you separate the toys". Each child is offered five beautiful toys, they must be divided.

How will you share them? (to yourself and a friend, to yourself and other children, to yourself and a brother or sister). Assess the actions of children. Invite the children to say goodbye and standing in a circle to conduct a relay race friendship: children take each other's hands and pass an imaginary toy. The teacher brings total: You became even kinder, gave each other beautiful toy. In each settled another piece of kindness and warmth. Children receive from the teacher a magical, beautiful star.

Can be carried out ethical conversations separately with girls and boys.

For example, such ethical conversations with boys:

Subject: "Boys are future men".

What should be a boy?

How is a boy different from a girl?

What should a boy (man?

What do you value in yourself as a boy?

What do they think of your male qualities others (boys and

Have you ever wanted to be a girl?

What do you want to be when you become a grown man?

Subject: "Boys are the protectors of the weak (girls)».

Why is it necessary to protect the weak?

What do you need to do to become strong?

Is it possible to prove correct? "not with fists"?

Do you think it's hard to be brave?

Have you ever been scared?

How to deal with fear?

What fearless heroes of fairy tales, stories do you know,


Have you ever felt like a protector?

For example, topics like this ethical conversations with girls:

Subject: "Girls are little princesses".

Is it possible to compare a little girl with a flower? Than they

Why does a girl need to be neat and tidy?

How should a girl behave in order to please a boy?

Do you like naughty girls?

Do you look like a little princess?

Name the three most the best words about yourself, which represent your


What "knight" would you like to see next to you?

Subject: "Girls are little hostesses".

What and how do you do in the family?

Why should a girl learn to wash dishes, cook food,

embroider, put things in order?

What does it mean to take care of someone?

What can you do for dad, mom, little brother or

How can a girl help a boy?

What little housewives did you learn about from fairy tales, stories, poems? Do you like them?

Do they consider you "hostess" your loved ones?

How to learn to be "hostess"?

Prepare and deliver content ethical conversation- it's a very complicated matter. No wonder experienced teachers say that to spend conversation on a moral topic is much more difficult than the usual conversation. Ethical Conversations with children should be held in a relaxed atmosphere. They should not contain admonitions, reproaches and ridicule. Children express their opinions, freely share their impressions. IN ethical conversations with preschoolers there must be elements of entertainment. We must remember that success ethical conversation depends on how warm the character will be conversations whether children will reveal their soul in it.
