Breast period, its characteristics. Breast period, its characteristics The period of infancy lasts

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Department of Health of the Voronezh Region

The period of infancy. Physical education of the infant

Prepared by: student of group 107 Ph / o Chuvenkova D

Checked by: Dernovaya T.A.

Buturlinovka 2014

1. Brief description of the period of infancy

1.1 Features of growth and development

1.2 Features of the CNS

1.3 Features of the endocrine system

1.4 Features of immunity

1.5 Non-specific resistance factors

1.6 Physical education of the infant

1.7 Massage and gymnastics at an early age

1.8 Approximate set of exercises and massage for children from 1.5 to 3 months

2.Complexes of physical exercises

2.1 For children from 1.5 to 3 months

2.2 For children 3-4 months

2.3 For children 4-6 months

2.4 For children 6-10 months

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1. Brief characteristic period chest age

The period of infancy - from the 29th day of a child's life after birth until the end of the first year of life. This period is characterized by an intensive increase in the child's body weight and height, intense physical, neuropsychic, and intellectual development. The name itself speaks of the close contact of the child with the mother in this period. During infancy, the foundation of human health is laid. The infant has an innate need for active knowledge of the world around him.

1.1 Peculiarities growth And development

Intensive increase in body weight. By 4½ months there is a doubling of body weight at birth, by the end of the year body weight is 10-10½ kg. Significant growth rates are noted: body length increases by 50% of the length at birth and reaches 75-77 cm by the year. Head circumference by the year is 46-47 cm, chest circumference - 48 cm. There is a rapid development of motor skills and motor skills of the child. There are three "peaks" of motor activity. The first - at the age of 3-4 months - is associated with significant morphofunctional changes in the projection visual zone; it is characterized by a complex of revival, joy during the first communication with adults. The second - at the age of 7-8 months - the activation of crawling, the formation of binocular vision and mastery of space. The third peak - 11-12 months - the beginning of walking. These types of motor activity are determined by sensory-motor connections, and the processes of growth and development are determined by the skeletal muscles of the child and his motor activity.

1.2 Peculiarities CNS

By the year there is an increase in brain mass by 2-2½ times. Intensive differentiation of nerve cells of the brain is noted in the first 5-6 months of a child's life. Of great importance in development is the orienting reflex, which reflects the child's innate need for movement and activity of the sense organs. Nerve connections between the child and surrounding people are established through facial expressions, gestures, voice intonations. The development of fine finger movements contributes to the development of the brain and speech. The emergence of a connection between the words and the response motor reactions of the child is of great importance, then the child’s connection of the visual and auditory perception of objects with words, the names of objects when they are shown, the connection with individual actions (“give”, “show”) - this is the optimal course of development necessary as a basis for subsequent periods of childhood. The need for contact with adults determines the mental development of the child.

EEG features: at 2-3 months there is a stable rhythm, at 4-6 months the changes are unidirectional, and at 8-10 months progressive individualization is observed.

1.3 Peculiarities endocrine systems

In the chest period in children, there is an increase in the function of the pituitary and thyroid glands. The level of thyroxine and triiodothyronine is higher than in adults. They stimulate the metabolism, growth and development of the child, ensure the normal differentiation of the brain and intellectual development, but at the same time, the pituitary-thyroid system is the most vulnerable and sensitive to adverse effects, especially to factors external environment, ecological. Clinically, this is characterized by a decrease in the rate of weight gain, the development of anemia and an increase in SARS. In the chest period, there is an increase in adrenal function and the biological activity of corticosteroids. There is a partial involution of the fetal zone of the adrenal cortex.

1.4 Peculiarities immunity

Compared with the neonatal period, there is a slight decrease in the number of T- and B-lymphocytes, a decrease in maternal IgG, starting from 2-3 months. At 4-6 months, the first critical period immunity, which is characterized by a weakening of passive humoral immunity received from the mother, and the most low level specific antibodies - physiological hypoimmunoglobulinemia. The synthesis of its own IgG begins with a child from 2-3 months of age, its constant level is established after 8 months - 1 year.

The level of IgM by the end of the year of life reaches 50% of the adult level. The increase in secretory IgA is slow. IgE content in healthy child insignificant throughout the year, with manifestations of atopic dermatitis it increases significantly. The synthesis of IgM is characteristic of the chest period, leaving no immunological memory. In connection with the above, there is a high sensitivity to respiratory syncytial viruses, parainfluenza viruses and adenoviruses; measles, whooping cough atypically, leaving no immunity.

1.5 Non-specific factors resistance

In infants, a high content of lysozyme and properdin is observed, the level of complement in the blood serum rapidly increases, and from the first month of life, its content does not differ from the level of an adult. From 2-6 months, the final phase of phagocytosis to pathogenic microorganisms is formed, with the exception of pneumococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae.

1.6 Physical upbringing chest child

Physical development infant and speech development is so fast that it is estimated by quarters of the year.

Physical education is an integral system that combines the protection and promotion of health, the improvement of the functions of the child's body, and its full physical development. Physical education is aimed at the timely formation of motor skills, abilities, physical qualities in children: the development of interest in various, accessible to the child types of motor activity and positive moral-volitional personality traits. To accomplish these tasks, the following conditions are required:

Appropriate cultural setting (child's living conditions);

Compliance with hygiene rules;

Regular, sufficient and nutritious food;

A stable correct regime that creates opportunities for a normal life of the child and a variety of his active activities, conducting outdoor games and activities with him.

When these conditions are met, the unity and coherence of the health and wellness educational work. A child cannot develop well physically if he moves little or cries a lot. Recreational activities, such as dousing with water, gymnastics, have a positive effect on the health of the child when he willingly goes to water treatment, enjoys doing gymnastics. Properly organized physical education creates the basis for a full-fledged mental, moral and aesthetic education and the development of labor skills.

One of the means of physical education of children preschool age is physical culture. It includes massage and gymnastics, physical education, outdoor games, sports activities, and hardening.

The physiological impact of special physical exercises, various kinds of movements is enormous. Movements increase blood flow to muscles and oxygen to tissues, improve metabolism, increase body reactivity, improve blood composition, are biological growth stimulants, and contribute to the harmonious development of the child.

From 1.5-2 months of age, healthy children in one of the periods of wakefulness before feeding begin to do massage and gymnastics.

1.7 M assazh And gymnastics V early age

Massage is a mechanical impact with special techniques (stroking, tapping, rubbing, kneading, etc.) on the skin with a certain force and in a certain sequence. It has a variety of effects on the child's body. Massage is prescribed depending on the physiological characteristics of the child.

General massage prevails in classes with children under 6 months old, after 6 months they begin to massage the back, abdomen and feet, that is, the muscle groups most in need of this. Gradually, after 6 months of a child's life, massage is replaced by gymnastic exercises.

Massage has a positive effect on the development of the child. Its action is manifested in improving the blood supply and protective properties of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, and improving muscle contractility. Systematic massage helps to improve the function of receptors, pathways, strengthen the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles, blood vessels, internal organs, which contributes to a more coordinated activity of all body systems. This is one of the types of passive gymnastics and is of great importance for the subsequent development of static and motor functions - the ability to maintain body position in space, for example, the ability to sit, stand, and also coordinate movements when crawling, walking, grasping, standing up, etc.

In an adult conducting a massage, the hands should be clean, warm, the skin on the hands is healthy, soft; it is not recommended to use any ointments, talc or other emollients in this case in order to avoid irritation of the baby's skin.

The table is covered with a fourfold folded flannel blanket, oilcloth and a sheet. The child is undressed and placed on his back. Taking into account that in children up to 3 months of age, the predominance of the flexor muscle tone over the extensor muscle tone of the upper and lower extremities remains (the child keeps his arms bent at the elbows and his legs bent at the hip and knee joints), this situation should not be forcibly corrected, they use only stroking massage, as it helps to relax the muscles. Other types of massage (rubbing, kneading, light tapping) are not indicated at this age, as they increase physiological muscle hypertension. For the same reason, children under 3 months of age do not use passive exercises, but use only reflex movements. The entire complex lasts at the beginning of 4-5 minutes, and after 2 months 5-6 minutes. During the massage, the child receives a general air bath. At the end of the exercises, he is dressed.

1.8 ExemplarycomplexexercisesAndmassageForchildrenfrom1,5 before3 months

1. Hand massage - stroking. The palm of the hand is carried out in the direction from the hand to the shoulder along the inner surface of the forearm and shoulder of the child. The movement is repeated 4-5 times for each hand.

2. Massage of the abdomen - stroking. With the palm of the hand, circular stroking of the abdomen is performed in a clockwise direction, bypassing the region of the right hypochondrium (the location of the liver). Roundabout Circulation repeat 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage - stroking. Holding the child's foot by the foot with one hand, with the palm of the other hand, stroke it on the outer and back side of the lower leg and thigh (without touching its inner side) in the direction from the foot to the hip joint. The movement is repeated 4-6 times for each leg. massage gymnastics baby

4. Reflex extension of the spine. This exercise strengthens the back muscles. The child is turned on its side and, touching the skin of the back on both sides of the spine with two fingers, they move in the direction from the buttocks to the shoulder girdle. Tactile irritation of the skin of the back causes a reflex extension of the spine. The exercise is performed once in the position of the child on the right and left side.

Starting from the age of 2 months, the complex of massage and gymnastics is supplemented by the following exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, and foot.

5. Laying on the stomach. The child is placed on his stomach, and his arms bent at the elbows are placed under his chest.

6. Reflex crawling on the stomach. The child, lying on his stomach with support on arms bent at the elbows, is slightly propped up with the palm of his foot. This causes a reflex extension of the child's legs, as a result of which he moves forward and bends his legs again. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

7. Back massage. The child is placed on his stomach and his back is stroked in the direction from the buttocks to the neck with the back surface of both hands and back from the neck to the buttocks - with the palms. The movement is repeated 4-6 times.

8. Reflex extension of the back and legs (imitation of the swimmer's position). The child lying on his stomach is lifted on the right palm, at the same time, with the left hand, he is held by the feet and the lower parts of both legs. In this case, there is a reflex deviation of the head back, extension of the spine and legs in the hip joints. The exercise is carried out 1-2 times.

In addition to the above special exercises, strengthening the muscles of the back, it is recommended, starting from 2 months, to put the child on the stomach for 1-2 minutes in all periods of wakefulness.

9. Foot massage. The child lies on his back.

a) Stroking. The leg rests with the Achilles tendon on the index fingers of both hands of an adult. thumbs hands, he strokes the back surface of the child's foot from the fingers to the ankle joint and around it. The movement is repeated 4-6 times.

b) Rubbing the toes. The adult conducting the massage places the child's foot between the palms of his hands and makes 4-6 light rubbing movements alternately for each leg.

10. Reflex flexion and extension of the toes (plantar reflex). The child lies on his back. With one hand, slightly raise the child's leg, holding the lower leg in the palm of your hand. With the index finger of the other hand, lightly press on the skin of the plantar surface of the child's foot at the base of the fingers, thereby causing reflex flexion of the toes. Then they pass a finger along the outer edge of the foot to the heel and again lightly press - a reflex of fan-shaped extension of the toes appears. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times for each leg.

11. Dancing (foot reflex). The child is held with both hands under the armpits and, having given him a vertical position, for a moment touch his feet on the table. From touching a dense surface, the half-bent legs of the child reflexively straighten in the knee and hip joints. The exercise is repeated 4-6 times.

Gymnastic exercises are divided into active, reflex and passive. Active exercises are voluntary exercises that the child does independently. Reflex arise directly in response to irritation of the musculocutaneous apparatus. Passive exercises are performed by a nurse. These are movements in which the active participation of the child himself is not necessary (for example, crossing movements of the arms or flexion and extension of the legs).


2.1 Forchildrenfrom1,5 before3 months

Physiological prerequisites: increased tone muscles, arms and legs, the presence of some congenital reflexes - plantar, foot, dorsal, etc.

The elements of massage at this age are stroking, reflex movements.

1. Hand massage (stroking).

2. Massage of the abdomen (stroking).

3. Foot massage (stroking).

4. Laying out on the stomach.

5. Reflex extension of the spine (spinal reflex).

6. Back massage (stroking).

7. Foot massage (stroking).

8. Flexion and extension of the toes (plantar reflex).

9. Reflex crawling.

2.2 Forchildren3-4 months

Physiological prerequisites: the disappearance of physiological hypertension of the hands; Establishing balance between the flexors and extensors of the upper limbs. (Therefore, passive hand exercises are introduced into this age complex, as well as rubbing and kneading, stroking.)

1. Hand massage (stroking).

2. Crossing the arms on the chest and moving them to the sides (passive exercise).

3. Massage of the abdomen (stroking - rubbing).

4. Turn on the stomach in both directions (reflex exercise).

5. Back massage (stroking, kneading).

6. Foot massage (stroking, rubbing, kneading, ring rubbing of the lower leg).

7. Foot massage (stroking, rubbing fingers, patting).

8. Retraction and adduction of the feet (reflex exercise).

9. "Dancing" (reflex exercise).

10. Flexion of the spine and legs (position reflex).

2.3 Forchildren4-6 months

Physiological prerequisites: complete balancing of the flexor and extensor muscles of the lower extremities; strengthening the anterior cervical muscles, as a result of which some more innate position reflexes appear; an increase in the activity of the child, aimed at changing the position of the body from lying to sitting; the formation of the activity of the auditory analyzer, which makes it possible to cultivate motor conditioned reflexes in response to sound signals, to perform exercises on the account: “one, two, three, four”.

1. Hand massage.

2. Crossing the arms on the chest and moving them to the sides.

3.Massage of the abdomen.

4. Turn from back to stomach in both directions.

5. "Soaring" on the stomach (position reflex).

6. Back massage.

7. Raising the upper body from a supine position with the support of both arms extended to the sides.

8,9,10. Foot massage and foot exercise.

11. Flexion and extension of the legs together and alternately (passive exercise).

12. "Soaring" on the back.

13. Sitting down.

14. Chest massage.

15. Raising the child to its feet with support.

16. Sitting down.

2.4 Forchildren6-10 months

Physiological prerequisites: increase in the number of active movements; expansion of conditional links with the environment; development of understanding of speech, the emergence of the ability for a longer contraction of large muscles and keeping the body in a certain position.

1. Circular hand movements.

2. "Sliding steps" - flexion and extension of the legs together or alternately with a speech instruction.

3.Massage of the abdomen.

4. Turn from back to stomach to the right.

5. Back massage.

6. Exercise to stimulate crawling.

7. Foot massage.

8. Sitting down.

9. Turn from back to stomach to the left.

10. Raising the child to his feet.

11. Raising the body from a position on the stomach.

12. Raising straightened legs.

13. Stepping over.

14. Chest massage.

Massage and gymnastics are prescribed for every healthy child, starting from 1.5-2 months. For children of the first year of life, exercises should be simple and easy to do.

Before carrying out gymnastics and massage, the room is well ventilated, the temperature in the room should be optimal (20-22 °). Massage and gymnastics are carried out only with normal temperature body of the child, before feeding, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 5-10 minutes.

During the exercise, they maintain a positive emotional tone, a joyful mood, and do not allow overwork. Gymnastics is accompanied by an affectionate conversation with the child, which contributes to the creation of positive emotions, the development of sound skills and further speech.

During the first year of life, children are prescribed 5 sets of physical exercises (massage and gymnastics). This must take into account the physiological age features central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system of the child, in order to ensure its correct physical development.


1. Beniaminova M.V. “Raising Children” p. 67;

2.Spirina V.P. “Tempering Children” p. 81;

3. Tonkova-Yampolskaya R.V., Chertok T.Ya., Alferova I.N. “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” p. 72.

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At the end of the neonatal period, the child enters the next stage of life - the period of infancy, which is characterized by rapid growth, development and improvement of all organs and systems.

The growth of a full-term baby is 49 - 51 cm. Boys are usually larger than girls. The child grows most vigorously in the first months of life, then the growth rate slows down somewhat: by the age of 3 months, the child, on average, increases in height by 3 cm per month, by 6 months - 2 - 2.5 cm, by 9 months - 2 cm and by the end of the 1st year of life - 1.5 cm per month. Thus, during the first six months of life, the child grows by 15 - 16 cm, and for the entire first year of life - by 25 - 27 cm.

The laws of body weight increase are the same as for growth - the younger the child, the more intense the weight gain: in the 1st month of life, the child, on average, gains 600 g (taking into account compensation for the physiological loss of body weight), during the 2nd and 3 months of life, 800 - 900 g, and then during each subsequent month of life, the child adds 50 g less than in the previous month.

To find out what height and body weight a child should have in the first year of life, it is necessary to add to these indicators at birth the corresponding indicators of weight gain and growth over the past year.

It is convenient to use the table.

Average indicators of increase in height and body weight in children of the 1st year of life

Age of childrenka, month Height increase, cm Weight gain, g
per month for the entire period per month for the entire period
1 3 3 600 600
2 3 6 800 1400
3 2,5 8,5 800 2200
4 2,5 11 750 2950
5 2 13 700 3650
6 2 15 650 4300
7 2 17 600 4900
8 2 19 550 5450
9 1,5 20,5 500 5950
10 1,5 22 450 6400
11 1,5 23,5 400 6800
12 1,5 25 350 7150

The first year of a child's life is also distinguished by the intensive development of the central nervous system - the formation of active movements, various skills and abilities.

At the age of 1 month, the child already holds his head well, responds to sounds, and smiles. By the 3rd month, the volume of movements increases: the child turns from back to side, begins to grab objects, clearly determines the direction of sounds, and recognizes loved ones. At 6 months, the child rolls over well, begins to crawl, pronounces separate syllables. By the 9th month, he sits down on his own, moves at the support, babbles a lot. At the age of 1 year, the child usually begins to walk, speaks 10-12 words, knows how to drink well from a cup, and tries to eat on his own.

During the first year of life, many significant changes occur in the child's body, consisting in the maturation and formation of all organs and tissues. The bone skeleton acquires greater density, muscle mass increases, the subcutaneous fat layer develops, the skin thickens, becomes less vulnerable, and the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improve.

After 6 months of life in a child, by the year the child usually has 8 teeth.

The development of the gastrointestinal tract continues. Starting from the first months of life, the volume of the stomach increases significantly, reaching 150-180 ml by 3 months, and 250 ml by 1 year. In connection with the introduction of various new types of food into the child's diet, the separation of digestive juices increases with an increase in their activity. The processes of splitting and assimilation of nutrients are improved.

Almost by the end of the 1st year of life, the child can receive all the basic foods. The frequency of stools in comparison with newborns decreases to 2 - 3, and by the end of the year to 1 - 2 times a day. Some children, especially artificial feeding, the chair can be in a day. With a good general condition of the child, this should not cause alarm and does not require any intervention.

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BREAST AGE At this age, the child undergoes intensive development of all organs and systems, the need for energy and nutrients increases, therefore, in addition to breast milk, complementary foods are introduced from 6 months. It marks the transition from breastfeeding to normal eating. In this period, the improvement of the central nervous and other organs and systems takes place. After 4 months, the chewing apparatus improves, teething begins.

In the chest period, there is a high rate of physical and mental development. Body weight triples by the end of the first year, height increases by an average of 25 cm, head circumference - by 12 cm, chest circumference - by 13–15 cm.

The proportions of the body also change, the limbs lengthen, static functions develop: the child begins to hold his head, by 7 months he sits on his own, and by the year he walks.

In infancy, mental development occurs rapidly. By the end of the year, the child begins to understand the words, says the first meaningful words.

Breast period. The duration of this period is conditionally determined by the necessary period of feeding the child. breast milk; in most children, it ends by the end of the first year of life. A characteristic feature of this period is the intensive growth of the child's body. This causes an increased need for food in children of the first year of life. But since their digestive organs are still not functionally developed, the slightest errors in the diet lead to acute and chronic disorders of digestion and nutrition. The pronounced instability of metabolic processes with intensive growth of the skeleton makes infants predisposed to rickets; some children have so-called anomalies of the constitution of exudative, neuropathic and lymphatic diathesis. In addition, infants have a tendency to diffuse reactions, and therefore, with various diseases (pneumonia, influenza, acute catarrhs, otitis media, dyspepsia, dysentery, etc.), convulsions, meningism or meningo-encephalitis and toxicosis easily occur.

A newborn baby is not a reduced copy of an adult, he has great amount anatomical and physiological features that distinguish it from infants and especially children of older age groups: these are higher metabolic rates, and features of the development of all organs and systems.

Only in early childhood certain conditions are identified that are not found in others age groups and in adults. The baby needs a certain time after birth in order to adapt to a new life, life outside the mother's body.

The physical development of a child is a sequential process of growth, due to an increase in body weight, length, development of individual parts of the body and biological maturation of the child in accordance with his age period. Tracing the development of the baby from the neonatal period to 1 year, they are guided by anthropometric data, psychomotor development (motor activity), speech development, development of skills and abilities, mental development.

It should be noted that the development of boys and girls is far from being the same. For example, already at the time of birth, a girl is 20-25% closer to the final proportions than a boy. This is due to the faster pace of development of the female body, including intrauterine.

Children's nutrition in general, and especially small ones, is a very complex and responsible task. Food is a source of energy and a plastic material from which a child's body is built and grows rapidly. The structure of the organs and systems of the child and their functions depend on the nature of the food. The course and outcome of many diseases in children are largely determined by the characteristics of nutrition. Therefore, proper nutrition of the child is one of the most important conditions for protecting the health and life of the child.

What are the difficulties in organizing the feeding of newborns and infants? An explanation must be sought in the anatomical and physiological features body of a child at this age. It has already been said above that in the first year of life the child grows very intensively and by the 4th month of life its body weight doubles, and by the year it triples.

Such a rapid growth and development of organs and systems is possible only with a sufficient supply of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts and vitamins).

A child in the 1st year of life needs more than 2 times more calories per 1 kg of body weight than an adult.

The digestive system in infants, especially in the first months of life, has a number of features. So, the salivary glands at the beginning (up to 4 months of age) produce little saliva, with a small content of the enzyme in it. The muscular layer of the stomach wall is underdeveloped. The activity of the glands of the stomach wall is reduced. Already produced enzymes such as pepsin and lipase, but in small quantities. Especially little lipase - an enzyme that breaks down fats.

Newborns have all the intestinal digestive enzymes, but their activity is rather low and increases only with age. Bile is relatively poor in bile acids and cholesterol, which reduces its digestive capacity. Due to incomplete formation and insufficiency of nervous regulation, the mechanism of movement of food through the intestines is extremely unstable. These features of the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract make it difficult for the child to digest and assimilate food.

Thus, in children in the 1st year of life, the need for food is great, and the possibilities of its digestion are sharply limited. An almost “irreconcilable discrepancy” is created, which is the main difficulty in feeding children of this age.

How to ensure the child's increased need for nutrients with such an incomplete digestive system? What is the best food for him?

It has long been known that breastfeeding, that is, breastfeeding, is the best in this respect. Mother's milk has neither natural nor artificial analogues - It meets the needs of the child and contains everything necessary for its successful development.

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infancy period

(Anatomical and physiological features of the child's body.

Age periods in children and their characteristics.)

The period of infancy conditionally begins on the 29th day of life and ends at 12 months. At this time, children grow intensively, add in body weight. Body length on average for the first year increases by 25 cm and reaches 75-80 cm, body weight triples, amounting to about 10.5 kg. Static functions develop, the child sits by 6 months, and walks by 1 year. From 5-6 months, milk teeth begin to erupt; by the year there are usually 8 teeth (front - 4 upper and 4 lower). A child is born with unconditioned congenital reflexes, which include sucking, swallowing, blinking, sneezing, the act of defecation, urination, etc. As the central nervous system differentiates, starting from 2 weeks of life, conditioned reflexes develop. At first they are quite simple, for example, a reflex to the position during feeding, to preparing for feeding, but already from the 3rd month the reflexes become much more complicated: the child steadily fixes his gaze, follows the movement of an object, turns his head to the sound source, responds with a smile, active movements of the arms and legs to talk with him. Starting from 6 months - pronounces separate syllables, laughs out loud. By the age of one, children usually know about ten words, and from that moment the development of speech begins. The total duration of sleep in children 2-3 months is 16-18 hours, of which 10-11 hours at night and 6-7 hours during the day in 3-4 doses. At the age of 3 to 6 months, the duration of sleep is 16 hours a day, from 6 to 10 months - 15-16 hours, of which about 5 hours during the day in 2-3 doses. After 10 months, children switch to a double daytime sleep with a total sleep duration of 14.5-15 hours per day.

Due to the intensity of metabolic processes, a large need for food is characteristic, which is compensated correctly organized feeding. With any errors in the diet, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, rickets, anemia, respiratory diseases easily develop, the child's body weight can quickly decrease, malnutrition develops. It is necessary to pay attention to excessive sweating, nape baldness, violations muscle tone, an increase in the parietal and frontal tubercles, thickening of the epiphyses and ends of the ribs (“bracelets”, “rosary”), which indicates an actively current rickets. A decrease in the thickness of the skin fold and a decrease in tissue turgor suggest malnutrition. The screening test for deficiency anemia is a blood test.

In infants with diseases, especially infectious ones, there is a tendency to diffuse, general reactions; so, with pneumonia, influenza, dysentery, convulsions, meningeal phenomena may appear, toxicosis, dehydration easily develop. In this period, the prevention of these diseases and their timely diagnosis are very important. Children of the first year of life are subject to monthly dispensary observation with the measurement of body parameters, a thorough examination, blood and urine tests. After that, the state of health and development of the child is assessed.

Normal physical and psychomotor development of an infant, the body's resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors are possible only with proper nutrition, adequate mode, care, hardening. In order to protect against infectious diseases, natural feeding and timely preventive vaccinations are especially important.

At full health three months old start combined prophylactic vaccinations according to the vaccinal calendar. It is necessary to strictly monitor compliance with the instructions and record any reactions to vaccination. Clinical examination of healthy children and vaccinations are the responsibility of the paramedic working in the office of a healthy child and the vaccination room.

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GBOU SPO of Moscow "Medical College No. 7.
DZ of Moscow ” Lecturer Fedina T.D.

Includes children from 1 month to 1 year (12 months).
The main features of infancy are
high rates of physical and neuropsychic
development based on accelerated exchange processes
In many ways, the structure and functions of the main systems
organisms retain the same features that were
characteristic of the neonatal period:
Profuse blood supply.
2. Reduced protective functions.
3. Imperfection of the regulatory functions of the nervous and
endocrine systems.
However, in eleven months there are
significant changes in the body of the child.
Let's consider the most significant of them.

Anatomical and physiological features of children during infancy

The nervous system develops intensively, characteristically
active formation of new conditioned reflexes (based on
available unconditional) and their consolidation. However, under
the influence of any pathological influences (illness, stress
etc.) badges can be easily lost.
The mass of the brain doubles by 9 months, the spinal
brain - by 10 months (by 3 years, the mass of the brain triples).
The weight of the brain by the year is 1/11-1/12 of the body weight.
In connection with the development of motor functions, improved
coordination of movements, which means that the cerebellum develops.

Anatomical and physiological features of children during infancy

The main part of the reflexes of newborns fades
by 3 months (only a few of them - by 4-6
Infants tend to
rapid generalization of any infection and to
toxic brain damage.
During infancy, the child makes a huge
leap in neuropsychic development.


The skin and its appendages also develop and
are being improved. From the 1st month appear
sweating and lacrimation. By 4-8 weeks (i.e. to
1-2 months) vellus hair is replaced with stiffer hair;
skin functions improve.
By 1 month, the umbilical wound is completely epithelialized.
In connection with the preservation of relative instability
thermoregulation, the child (like a newborn) easily
overheating and overcooling. Hence,
the rules of personal hygiene of the child are maintained and
requirements for clothing and linen, like a newborn


From 6 months you can take a hygienic bath
spend every other day (except for the summer period).
Due to the active growth of the vitamin D skeleton,
formed in the skin of a child becomes
not enough for bone growth. Therefore, everyone
breastfed children with
4 weeks in the autumn-winter period is assigned
prophylactic dose of vitamin D - 500 IU per day

musculoskeletal system

Musculoskeletal system intensively
develops. Accumulation of motor skills
develops muscle strength and agility, increases
muscle mass. However, it differs
predominant development of large muscles: chest,
back, neck, shoulders, pelvis, hips. fine motor skills
(hands, feet) develops much more slowly.
By 3 months, muscle hypertonicity disappears.

musculoskeletal system

The large fontanel persists for almost
only the 1st year of life and closes by 12-16 months.
Curves of the spine are formed:
- by 2 months when the baby starts on its own
hold your head, cervical lordosis appears (anterior bend
in the sagittal plane);
- by 6 months, when the child starts on his own
sit, thoracic kyphosis appears (bending backwards into
sagittal plane);
- by 12 months, when the child starts on his own
walk, lumbar lordosis appears.

musculoskeletal system

Milk teeth erupt in the following order
medial incisors - at 6-9 months;
lateral incisors - at 9-12 months;
the first indigenous - at 12-15 months;
fangs - at 16-20 months;
the second indigenous - at 21-24 months.

10. musculoskeletal system

By the age of 1 year, on average, there should be 8 teeth, which
corresponds to the formula KZ = n - 4, where n -
number of months up to 24.
The milk bite is 20 teeth and
fully formed by 2 years (24
Bone tissue is predominant
organic matter, so it is preserved
the risk of developing bone deformities.


The respiratory system is being improved, formed
new alveoli, their main functions develop.
NPV is: by 6 months - 35-40 per minute,
by 12 months - 30-35 per minute.
Breath type: mixed.
The nature of breathing: superficial, frequent, arrhythmic.
The ribs, due to upright posture, are somewhat bent and
located more obliquely than in newborns;
diaphragm descends.


The relative narrowness remains
respiratory tract, dryness and vulnerability
mucous membrane, so there is a high risk
development of acute respiratory tract infections.
Due to breastfeeding and
limited contact of the child, this risk
implemented relatively rarely.
For normal gas exchange in the lungs of a child
long-term exposure to fresh air is required


The cardiovascular system increases in size,
improves, strengthens the myocardium and endocardium.
By the age of 1, the heart, due to the transition to a vertical
position, is located more vertically and adjacent
closer to the chest.
Heart weight - 50 g.
Heart rate - 120-125 per minute.
BP max = 80 MM pt. Art.
V blood circulation - 13 s.
Due to abundant blood supply and poor development
connective tissue in the heart muscle, in infants
there is a tendency to generalized (rather than
local) myocardial damage.


Digestive system increases in size
improved functionally.
Improves cardiac sphincter innervation
2nd half of life regurgitation is usually not
Increased digestive activity
enzymes. From 4-5 months, due to irritation
trigeminal nerve erupting teeth,
markedly increased salivation,
age 5 months the child can enter the first


Due to insufficient development of factors
protection of the gastrointestinal tract and
relatively low enzyme activity
infants develop easily
both functional and organic
digestive system damage
(dyspepsia, malnutrition, gastritis, enterocolitis


The urinary system develops
new nephrons, improved basic functions
kidneys. However, the kidney remains immature and vulnerable as
in relation to infections, and in relation to
violations of water-salt metabolism.
The average volume of one portion of urine is: up to 6 months.
- 30 ml,
from 6 to 12 months - 60 ml.
Urination frequency:
up to 6 months - 15-20 times a day,
from 6 to 12 months - 10-15 times a day.


The daily volume of urine averages 600 ml, and its
relative density is equal to 1006-1010 units.
Reflex to voluntary urination begins
form from 3 months (during the hours of the greatest probability
urination of the child must be held over the potty). WITH
6 months, when the child begins to sit on his own, he is planted on a potty.
In this case, the pot should be:
- plastic (i.e. warm);
- match the size of the buttocks of the child;
- bright color or in the form of a toy;
- easy to wash and disinfect.

18. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

1. Main criteria (lines) of development)
Az - visual analyzer
Ac - auditory analyzer
E- emotions
General traffic
Dr - hand movement
Ra- speech is active
N- skills
Rp - speech of understanding
I- game and action

19. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

2. NPR formulas for children of the 1st year of life
1 month Az As Do E Ra.
2 months As Az Do E Ra.
3 months Az Do E Dr.
4 months Az As E Do Dr Ra N.
5 months Az As Dr Ra N E Do.
6 months As Dr Do Ra N.
7 months Dr Do Rp Ra N.
8 months E Dr Do R Rp Ra N.
9 months E As Dr Do Rp Ra N.
10 months E Dr Do Rp Ra N.
11 months E Dr Do Rp Ra N.
12 months E Az Dr Do Rp Ra N.

20. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

1 month
Az - smooth tracking of a moving object.
Ac - prolonged auditory concentration (listening to the voice of an adult, to the sound of a toy).
E is the first smile in response to an adult's conversation.
Do - lying on his stomach, trying to raise and hold his head
(up to 5 s).
Ra - makes separate sounds in response to a conversation with him.

21. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
2 months
Az - long-term visual concentration; looks
on the face of an adult, an object that attracted his attention,
follows a moving toy or an adult.
Ac - looking for head turns with a long sound,
turns his head towards the adult.
E - quickly responds to a conversation with him with a smile, a long
focus on the other child.
Before - lying on his stomach, raises and for a while
holds the head (at least 5 s).
Ra - repeats individual sounds.

22. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
3 months
Az - visual concentration in
vertical position in the arms
adult (on the face of an adult speaking to him, on
E - responds with a complex of revival to emotional
communication with him (conversation), looking for the eyes of a child,
emitting sounds.
dr - accidentally bumps hands on hanging toys
over the chest.
Do - lies on the stomach, leaning on the forearms and high
head up (1 minute).

23. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
4 months
Az - recognizes the mother or loved one(rejoices).
Ac - turns his head towards an invisible source of sound and finds it with his eyes.
E - during wakefulness, a "complex" often and easily arises
revival”, laughs out loud at the emotional verbal communication.
Dr - examines, feels, captures low hanging over
breasted toys.
Do - keeps the head in a vertical position (on the hands of
adult), with the support of the armpits, firmly rests on a hard
support with legs bent at the hip joints.
Ra is buzzing.
N - during feeding, holds the mother's breast with his hands or

24. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
5 months
Az - distinguishes close people from strangers.
Ac - recognizes the voice of a mother or a loved one, distinguishes between a strict or affectionate intonation.
E - rejoices at the child, takes a toy from his hands.
Dr - takes a toy from the hands of an adult, holds it in his hand.
Do - lies on the stomach for a long time, raising the body and leaning on the palms
straightened arms, rolls over from back to stomach, evenly,
stands steadily with support under the armpits.
Ra - for a long time, melodiously hums.
N - eats semi-thick porridge from a spoon.

25. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
6 months
As - reacts differently to his own and someone else's name.
Dr - confidently takes toys, being in any
position, and for a long time he is engaged in them, shifting from one hand to another.
Do - rolls over from stomach to back, moves,
moving hands or crawling a little.
Ra - pronounces individual syllables.
N - eats from a spoon, removes food with lips, drinks from a cup
a small amount of liquid.

26. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
7 months
Dr - knocks with a toy, swings, shifts, throws it.
Before - crawls well (a lot, quickly).
Rp - to the question "where?" finds an object
located in a certain place.
Ra - babbles for a long time.
N - drinks from a cup held by an adult.

27. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
8 months
E - looks at the actions of another child, laughs or babbles.
Dr - toys for a long time and varied (pushing the ball, knocking, taking out), imitates an adult.
Before - he sits down, sits, lies down, holding hands on the barrier,
he gets up himself, stands and falls, steps over, holding on to
Rp - to the question "where?" finds several items (2-3).
Ra - loudly, clearly, repeatedly pronounces various syllables.
N - eats a crust of bread, which he holds in his hand, drinks
from a cup held by an adult.

28. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
9 months
Ac - dance movements to the melody.
E - catches up with the child, crawls towards him, imitates the actions of another child.
Dr - acts with objects in different ways, depending on their properties (rolls, presses, takes out).
Do - moves from one object to another, slightly holding on to them with his hands.
Rp - to the question "where?" finds several objects, knows his own
name turns into a call.
Ra - imitates an adult, repeating syllables after him.
N - drinks well from a cup, holding it lightly with his hands,
the skill of neatness is formed (calmly relates to the process

29. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
10 months
E- acts next to a child or one
toy with him.
Dr - independently and at the request of an adult performs the actions learned with the toy: takes out, puts in,
opens, closes, rolls, actions with objects take
sustainable character.
To - enters a low surface or hill, holding on to the railing,
descends from it, goes forward with support for both hands.
Rp - at the request of "Give!" finds and gives familiar objects, plays
hide-and-seek, “catch-catch”, “magpie-crow”.
Ra - imitating an adult, repeats after him syllables that were not in his

30. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
11 months
E - rejoices at the arrival of children, selective
attitude towards children.
Dr - puts a cube on a cube, takes it off and puts it on
rings with large holes on the stem.
Before - stands alone, makes the first independent
Rp - according to verbal instructions, leads a doll, feeds
dog, etc.; finds and gives any doll, ball that he sees
among toys.
N - reinforces the skills acquired at 9 months.

31. NERVOUS - MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN of the 1st year of life

3. Dynamics of NPR for the 1st year of a child's life
12 months
Az - recognizes a familiar adult in the photo.
E- hands out a toy to another child, accompanying it with laughter and babble, looking for a toy hidden
another child.
Dr - rides, drives, feeds, cradles.
Before - walks independently.
Rp - understands actions without showing (find, give), understands
names of children, adults.
Ra - pronounces 5-10 facilitated words.
N - independently drinks from a cup.
