Games for development with kids from 1 year old. Games for toddlers and toddlers

Where do smart kids come from? Why does one child do better in school than another? Psychologist Anna Bykova, author of the book "Developing classes lazy mom"knows the exact answer to this question. The thing is how often with a child at 1-2 years old they played the most simple games that made him pay attention. Try it - and in 5-6 years we will evaluate the result! In addition, these games for attention will help you keep your child busy on the road and during unplanned waiting.

What determines a child's ability to learn? It is clear that heredity plays a role - and this is the factor that parents can no longer influence, what has come has come. But there are other factors that directly depend on the efforts of parents and grandparents. What is there to offer so that later he will be successful in his studies? Can it be influenced?

These questions concern not only parents, but also scientists. As usual, studies were conducted in which a direct relationship was established between the intelligence of children at 5 years old and at 10 years old. That is, children who scored high on intelligence tests at the age of five showed the same high results at the age of ten.

But with the indicators of intelligence at the age of 1–2 years, such a relationship was not found: the assessments of the intelligence of the baby did not correlate in any way with the assessments at other ages. Why? Maybe something was not measured?

After lengthy research, scientists have come to the conclusion that the development of intelligence is mainly influenced by the ability to hold attention. And endogenous attention. That is, that which arises from within, through one's own activity and will, and not only as a response to external stimuli.

Extremely focused attention appears in the presence of emotions. It follows that game of "Ku-ku!" very developing. Mom says "coo-coo", and then hides behind a towel or behind a corner of the closet. The child stares for a while at the unremarkable towel, which in itself would not arouse his attention. Nothing happens. Just a towel (or just a closet).

But the child holds attention because it expects the mother to reappear. And when mom appears, it causes a bright emotion of joy. Baby and mom laugh together. And this is repeated several times in a row. There is no novelty. And there is attention to activity.

The game "Where are the pens?". The child hides his hands behind his back. The adult says in puzzlement: "Where are the pens? No pens!" At some point, the child stretches out his hands in front of him, and the adult gives out the emotion of surprise and joy: "Here they are!" The child initiates the game, the child manages the process himself, the child keeps his attention on the process.

Game "Guess which hand". An adult takes a small object and shifts it several times from one hand to another. Then he puts his hands behind his back and repeats the action there. And then he shows the child two hands with clenched fists. An object is hidden in one fist.

The child looks, the child keeps his attention on motionless hands, the child makes a choice. He does not take his eyes off the motionless hands of an adult, waiting for the next action. In which hand will the toy end up after the fists are unclenched? Guessed or not guessed?

Hide and Seek. The child stood behind the curtain. Mom sees his legs peeking out from under the curtain fabric. But mom prolongs the game. "Where is Dima? Maybe he's under the bed? Maybe he's in the closet? And he's not here... Ah! He's probably under the table! No, and it's empty... Where is Dima?" The game lasts, and with it Dimino's attention lasts.

These are just a few examples of simple attention games. There are hundreds of such games. But all of them are impossible without the participation of an adult who is emotionally involved in game process: You can't play hide-and-seek with yourself. And if an adult plays without emotionally colored comments, then the child will quickly get bored with the game. Emotions help keep attention.

How many different games can you come up with using a handkerchief? A few dozens! Here are some of them. There are collective games here, but they are easy to adapt for the smallest team: mother and child.

Dancing to music with a handkerchief. The child repeats the movements of the adult.

Round dance with handkerchiefs. Children, moving in a circle, hold each other not by the hands, but by the corners of the handkerchiefs. There is a certain difficulty in this - not to let go of the corner of the handkerchief.

Passing the handkerchief around. This is a game for the development of coordination of movements. You can turn the game into a speech exercise by complicating its conditions.

We take a handkerchief from the one on the left, say "thank you", turn to the one on the right, give the handkerchief, say "please".

Another level of difficulty. To the music, we pass the handkerchief in a circle, but everyone has their hands behind their backs. When the music stops, the person in the center has to guess who is wearing the handkerchief.

Take a handkerchief. Handkerchiefs lie on the floor, children randomly move around the hall to the music. When the music stops playing, you need to quickly take a handkerchief.

Get a handkerchief. Handkerchiefs hanging on the crossbars wall bars. You need to get up and throw the handkerchief down.

Another variant. Handkerchiefs hang on a clothesline. To reach and remove, you need to climb onto a small bench. You can complicate the task by securing handkerchiefs with clothespins.

Hide the handkerchief in your fist. An adult can easily do this, but a child will have to work hard, pushing a handkerchief into a small fist with his finger. You can hide the handkerchief not in a fist, but in a yogurt bottle or in a chocolate egg container.

Games for folding handkerchiefs according to the model. In half, diagonally, square, envelope, candy, roll, bow.

Hide and seek with a handkerchief. You will need three small items, for example, a car, a nesting doll and a cube.

Ask the child to close their eyes. We hide one of the items under a handkerchief. The child opens his eyes, looks at what is left, and says what object is hidden under the handkerchief. The number of items can be gradually increased.

Another variant. We hide the scarf. An adult can put a handkerchief in his pocket, or in his sleeve, or behind the neckline of the dress, but so that the corner sticks out. The task of the child, carefully looking around the adult, is to find a handkerchief.

The scarf can be hidden in the room. The child closes his eyes, the adult places the handkerchief in a conspicuous place (this is important, in the room the eyes run wide anyway) and asks the baby to find the handkerchief.

"Guess what I wrapped in a handkerchief." The task of the child is to identify the object familiar to him by touch.

Option for non-speaking children over two years of age. Put on the table three simple objects of different sizes, for example, a dryer, a sugar cube and a cherry. Wrap one of the same item in a handkerchief. "What is in our handkerchief? Drying? Sugar? Show with your finger what is hidden there? Let's unfold it and see if you guessed right or not."

For one-year-old babies, the process of unfolding a handkerchief is already developing ( fine motor skills), you can't guess.

"Breeze". Blow on the handkerchief to make it fly off the table.

nodules. Tie a knot on the scarf, and then untie it. (The adult ties a tight knot, and the child unties it.)

Wash. Wet, lather, rinse the handkerchief and hang to dry. (Both a game and a useful activity.)

chrysalis. Place a piece of cotton or crumpled cotton in the center of the handkerchief. paper napkin, tie with a thread. Got a head. From two opposite ends, roll up the handles and tie with a thread. Get a doll.

Another variant. Draw a face on the palm, tie a handkerchief around the fingers. You will also get a chrysalis. You can cradle this doll, talk to her, sing songs to her.

birdie. Fold the handkerchief diagonally - you get an isosceles triangle. Tie a knot at its top - you get the head and beak of a bird. Form a body, tail and two wings, secure with a thread. The bird is ready!

Butterfly. Fold the scarf like an accordion, tie a knot in the center, straighten the ends. Doesn't it look like a butterfly?

little man. Place two fingers, index and middle (these will be the legs), on one of the corners of the handkerchief. Wrap the handkerchief between your fingers as if you were bandaging. It is not difficult for a child to imagine that this is a little man in pants. The little man knows how to walk funny, waddling from side to side, run and even dance to the music.

We somehow got stuck with a baby in an elevator. Half an hour before our release flew by unnoticed - we had fun playing with a handkerchief.

We develop speech and thinking. What games can be played at home with a child from 1 year to 1 year 3 months and how to play them.

Games for children 1 year old: develop speech and thinking

Dear readers! This article is a continuation of our conversation about educational games for children at 1 year old and a baby development calendar. You will find the beginning in the article And today we will talk about the following issues of child development:

  1. Features of the development of verbal communication of a child at 1 year old and their consideration in conducting speech games with babies.
  2. Games for the development of a child's speech at 1 year old.
  3. Games for the development of speech, games with pictures, games - staging.
  4. What will a child learn in games in the period from 1 year to 1 year 3 months.

When does the child start talking? Features of the speech development of a baby from 1 year to 1 year 3 months

Baby's first words

Games for kids are always interesting and fun! There are a lot of games for kids. Which of them does a child aged 1 year to 1 year 3 months need? Which games will develop the speech and thinking of the baby, and which ones will develop not the baby, but ... the mother, who herself constantly speaks without pauses, shows pictures, but the baby will only get the role of a silent listener so active mother. And then the goal of the game will not be achieved, because development occurs only in the vigorous activity of the child himself.

The choice of educational games for the baby is determined by the characteristics of its development. ABOUT age features child development from 1 year to 1 year 3 months, I want to tell a little at the beginning of the article. And then we'll play together :)!

Moms come to my site “Native Path” with different questions. From "How to teach a baby to speak faster - so that he starts saying the words" mom "and" dad "at 3 months?" to “My three-year-old child does not speak. Is this a delay or the norm?

In order to answer these questions, you must first understand what is the word in our life? And what is a word in relation to a baby who is just learning to speak?

A one-year-old baby usually already speaks - pronounces the first words in situations familiar to him. Usually it is 10-12 most simple words: mom, dad, give, boo, grandfather, woman, go, on, top-top, yum-yum, aunt, etc. Words can also be abbreviated, for example: "apa" - a stick, "bobo" - it hurts.

These are the first words of two kids that came to the site "Native Path" for the contest "Smeshinki on the" Native Path ". Guess what those words are? What did the kid want to say?

Here are a few answers that I specifically wrote from right to left so that I could not immediately see the answer, but guess it.

As we see from this example, the first words of the baby are not yet “words” in our “adult” and scientific understanding.

Let's see what the first words are and what a word is.

We all know that a word always refers not to one specific subject, but to their class. That is, any word of our speech is a generalization. For example, a cat is any cat of different sizes and colors and different breeds, live or in a picture.

In relation to a child of the second year of life, generalization means that he learns to name a certain class of objects with one word. For example, a child needs to learn to call the word "duck" or "klya-klya" (quack-quack) both a duck seen in the village and a duck shown in the picture, or a toy duck. Duck baby calls all ducks different color, size, differently depicted.

The word as a generalization will not appear in the child immediately, but only when several stages of development have passed.

Stages of development of the word as a generalization

First stage. At first, in the baby’s speech there will be words that have not one meaning, but many. For example, “pussy” or “kiss” a baby can call not only a cat, but everything fluffy - a fur collar, and a dog, and mom’s hair, and a blanket, and shaggy soft toy. And the word "mom" can mean from "I'm very happy for you!" to "I'm tired", from "Pick me up" to "Give me an apple." And if the baby is asked to show the plate, then it is quite possible that he will bring all the green objects, since his plate is green. This is the first stage of generalization development that a child goes through at 1 year old.

Second stage. It is called "word-name". At this stage, the baby refers the word to only one specific familiar object. The child does not transfer this name to other objects that are different in color and size. For example, "kitty" for him is a specific cat (a cat that lives at home or a cat in a specific picture). In contrast to the first stage, the baby no longer calls other objects with the word “kiss” - hair, fur, etc. A cat for him is just this cat, specific and unique.

Gradually, the baby begins to highlight the main features of objects and begins to use generalization. It will be third stage word development as a generalization in a one-year-old baby. Then the child will call a cat all cats, and different in color, size. He will distinguish a cat from other animals both in the picture, and among toys, and in life.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that for a small child the word lives only in the situation, and not by itself. Talk about a dog without seeing it in this moment He just can't and can't! That is why toys, objects, pictures are always used in the development of children's speech.

Despite the fact that most children already say their first words a year, you should not expect them to use them on their own initiative. Even knowing how to say the words “av-av” or “lyalya”, “duck”, the baby will most likely silently play with toys or look at pictures. In order to awaken the child's need for active speech, to stimulate its development, he needs to communicate with close adults - “What can I give you? Bun? Say give! Give me a bun!”, “What is this?”, “Where is the blanket?”, “Find the dog.”

Very important so that when showing pictures, the child points his finger at the desired picture, and not just nods his head or turns in the right direction. After all, by turning or nodding it is impossible to determine whether the baby coped with the task, whether the object was correctly identified.

Picture game 3. When the child is 1 year 3 months old, you can complicate the game. Gradually, in games, you can increase the number of pictures to 7-9 or more. First, play with 4 pictures (cat, bunny, bear, cockerel). These pictures should depict objects that are familiar to the baby. Of course, the pictures in the game need to be changed - add new ones to the familiar pictures and remove the known ones. By 1 year 6 months it will be possible to use 5-6 or more pictures.

The complication of the game lies not only in the fact that the kid needs to choose the right picture from a larger number of options, but also in the fact that pictures for the game are used more and more complex. For example, in the first game, the kid needs to find a duck from three pictures (duck, bear, doll). As you can see, it is very easy to determine where the duck is from the three proposed options.

And then by 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months more difficult tasks in the game - we take pictures that are close in meaning, in which it is required to distinguish between similar toys (Where is the duck? Three pictures are offered: a quack-quack duck, a cockerel - a crow, a cococo hen).

play in hide and seek with pictures. Give the picture to the child. Let him hide the picture. "Where is the duck? Ku-ku. No duck." Get the picture: "Here's a duck." If necessary, you can take the baby by the handle and act with his handle.

By 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months can be entered action pictures:“The girl is sleeping”, “The girl is eating”, “The girl is playing”, “The girl is dancing” and other similar questions and ask questions about actions: “What is the girl doing?”

After mastering the game with pictures, you can play another version of this game - cube games(for older children). Stick on the cube subject pictures and ask the baby to find the Mumu cow, Bebe the sheep, the yoke horse, etc. This exercise is more difficult, since the baby does not see all the faces of the cube. Ask the kid: “Where is our cat? Where did she hide? Here she is! (show the picture on the cube) Pet the cat. Good pussy! And where is our oink-oink piglet?”

Drama games: showing objects and actions with their names

Show your baby small dramatizations with toys. Use in them both ordinary words and onomatopoeia.

Useful tips for conducting dramatization games:

  • Be sure to take small pauses during the performance to allow the baby to respond to what is happening - with a word, gesture, even an emotional sound or babble.
  • Stimulate the active speech of babies - tell the baby "say, repeat, as the dog says, who is this?"
  • Engage your baby in action as much as possible - let him do everything he can do himself - put him to bed, sing a lullaby to "bye-bye" or even "ahh", feed, comb and do any other actions with the toy that you think up in a play-acting.
  • Formulate your phrases so that the baby can train not only in onomatopoeia, but also in naming the toy with a full word. By doing this, you help the baby go forward in development. Onomatopoeia he already knows how to speak. And to speak full words is a new task for him. Therefore, ask two questions at once: “Who is this? Dog! How does the dog speak? Aw-aw." Even if the baby only says “av-av” in a dialogue with him, he will hear from you the full version of the word, and soon he will begin to say this word (for example, like this: “abAka” - a dog)
  • Show only one toy at a time. Then, removing it, demonstrate another. Showing two toys at once leads to the fact that the baby does not focus attention, is distracted.

An example of a play-play with a doll

Show the baby a doll, knock: “Knock knock! Who has come? This Lyalya doll came to Kolenka! If the child wants to take the doll in his hands, give him the toy. Ask: “Where are the pens? Legs? Mouth? Spout? Eyes? Where is Kolya's mouth? Here is the mouth! Where are the pens? Here are the pens! Where are the legs? Here are the legs!

Show the picture with the doll: “Where is the lala doll? Here is lala! Lala in the picture!

Suddenly there is a barking of a dog: "aw-aw-aw!", the doll hides. Similarly, the dog is considered and where it has paws, tail, ears, eyes, mouth. The kid is shown a picture with a dog: “Where is the dog av-av? Here is the dog aw-aw!"

Then the doll reappears and the dog rejoices at its appearance. Ask the baby: “Where is the Lyalya doll? And where is the dog aw-aw?".

Similarly, in small dramatization games, you can enter any other words into the speech of children, introduce the baby to new pictures and toys. The main thing in such games is to cause the baby to be active: repeating syllables, onomatopoeia, words, actions to find a picture, playing actions with a toy.

Plots for staging games for one-year-old children should be very simple, everyday - a doll rides in a car, a bear came to visit, treat a bunny with a carrot, etc. You can use dramatizations with the consecutive appearance of three characters. For example, another game "Guests have come to us."

The Lyalya doll invited animals to visit her. The horse gallops: hop-hop-hop. Show me how she rides. Say gop-hop-hop! (showing movements with a toy).

The horse knocks on the door to Katya: knock-knock-knock.

Hello, horse (we say hello by touching the baby's hand to the toy). Come to us, come (the horse enters the "house" and disappears from the baby's field of vision - "hides" in the house).

Sheep came (comes new toy). He says: be-be-be. Hello Petya (child's name). Come on, sheep, come to us. Say: "Go! Go!"

The doggie Bug av-av came. The dog barks aw-aw-aw. Knocked on the door: knock-knock-knock. Come to us doggie, go-go! (beckon with a pen). You have a delicious bone, na! Feed your dog a bone. Say: on!

The little animals came to visit Lyalya and began to sing and dance with Lyalya. The dog is dancing (showing movements) av-av-av. The sheep sings be-be-be. The horse jumps hop-hop-hop!

Such simple plots of dramatizations can be invented by yourself. Plots can be taken from the life of a baby - here in our scene a bird flew in and sang a song. Where did this plot come from? And we saw a bird on a walk, watched it, and after a walk we will play this scene with a toy bird.

After showing the skit, you need to give the toys to the child so that he can repeat the actions and words with them.

Game "Orders"

In task games, understanding of speech develops. The kid learns to understand the names of simple actions (baths, dances, eats, walks, falls and others). The game is very simple for you and me, but for the baby it is a real mental challenge.

For the game, you need to come up with a plot and select toys for the game (taking into account the interests of the baby). Some of the kids really like the matryoshka, and they will play with it with pleasure. Another likes a bunny. The third is "in love" with the car. Here we will play this game with toys beloved and well known to the child.

You name the action, and the baby shows it HIMSELF with a toy (without your prompts and without your sample). For example, you say that the toys went for a ride in a car. The dog sat down (the baby puts a toy dog ​​in the back of the car). The doll has sat down (the child plants the doll). Matryoshka sat down (the child puts a nesting doll in the body). Go! Stop, car. We've arrived. The dog goes top-top-top (Toy dog ​​gets out of the car). Matryoshka goes top-top-top (The kid "brings" the nesting doll out of the car). Doll Lyalya goes top-top-top! (The kid shows how the doll is walking, taking her out of the car) They began to dance. The dog is dancing (the baby shows an action with a toy). Matryoshka is dancing. The doll is dancing. Oops, the doll fell! Oh! Boo, fell! Get up, doll. The doll is dancing.

The plot of the game should be very simple. But since the kid must be guided only by the word in acting out (there is no sample and demonstration of actions in the game), this task is rather difficult for him.

If your child is struggling, help him! And in the next game, he will be happy to cope with a similar task! After all, our task is to teach, and not to arrange "a strict test: understood - did not understand!". The main thing is that we realized that the baby can already, and what he needs help with, because it causes him difficulties.

In the game of instructions, the main thing is to come up with interesting stories, play with joy and inspiration, listening to the interests and desires of the baby! Use your imagination, play like children, rejoice in the success of the baby. And then everything will work out!

Game "Train"

Show a toy train, say: “This is a steam locomotive. And this is a wagon. And here's another wagon. And this is a wagon. Show me where the car is? Here's the wagon! The train goes: choo-choo-choo. The train is humming: uuuuuu! How does he buzz? uuuu! And how does it ride? Choo-choo-choo!" After that, give the toy to the hands of the child. Let him drive the locomotive. Then take the locomotive and drive it around the table or on the sofa, reading poetry:

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
I'm far away!

Game "Find and bring"

Take 5 toys familiar to the child and arrange them in two different places in the room. For example, put two toys on a chair and three on a shelf. Toys should be at the level of the baby's eyes.

Arrange the toys (hide them from the child) so that he does not see this.

Tell your baby: “Our toys are hidden. Let's find. Bunny, where are you? Mouse, where are you? Doll Katya, where are you? We begin to “search” for toys with the child. Go to a familiar place where the baby is used to seeing these toys. You will be surprised that they are not there: “Where is the bunny? Is there a bunny here? No bunny! Is there a bear? No bear! Is there Katya? And there is no Katya doll! Go search further. Having found a bunny and a bear on the shelf, ask the baby: “Who is this? Here they are! Show with your finger where the bear is. Where is the bunny? Say: Bear! And who is this? This is Katya doll. Say: Katya. Having found the toys, we go to look for the rest. If the baby himself finds the next toy and brings it to you, then ask: “What did you bring? Say the cat is a kitty. Meow meow!". At the end of the game, praise your baby for helping you find the toys.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Hide the toy and go look for it with your child. Tell the baby: “Where is Petrushka? Where? Here he is! Dance, Petrushka! Let the toy dance and sing.

Our Petrushka-well done
Ran to the other side.
We found Petrushechka,
Let's go dancing with him.
"La la la la la la!
This is my song!
La la la la la la!
I'll dance with you!" (A poem from the book by L.V. Kazmina, O.G. Kolupaeva "Development of a child from one to two years")

Then go look for the next toy and beat the encounter with it.

What will the baby learn in games by 1 year 3 months?

What will the baby learn in such games? How to check its development? Observe the baby and answer the questions below. Can your baby do it? If yes, then congratulations - your efforts have paid off. If not, it means that the baby needs help - pay more attention to games on this topic, and soon the child will please you with his success. Indeed, in teaching kids, the quantity (repetitions of games, time of communication with the child) always turns into quality!

Indicators of speech development of the baby by 1 year 3 months:

  • Show with your finger where the toy is (choose the named toy from 3-4 toys): “Where is the car? Where is the dog? Where is the clock? Where is the ball? After the baby points to the objects with his finger, swap them and again ask him to find the car, dog, clock and ball. So you can understand whether the baby is guided by the content of the picture or remembered the usual arrangement of objects.
  • Show with your finger where the item of clothing is, choosing it from 4 proposed items (hat, boots / boots, dress, shirt): “Where is the hat? Where are the boots? Where is the dress? Where is the shirt?
  • Perform a game action at the request of an adult: “Feed the doll”, “Pet the horse”, “Put the bear in the crib”.
  • Navigate the room: “Show me where the table is”, “Where is the clock?”, “Go wash your hands”.
  • Use the first children's words: give, mom, no way, go, bang, etc.
  • Be guided in two sizes of objects: small or large (difference in size of 3 cm). Can put a small box (or a barrel or matryoshka doll) into a larger one.
  • Make a simple building and play with it (for example, build a “car” out of two cubes by placing them next to each other or build a “house” by placing one cube on top of another).
  • Walk, squat, bend, turn, back.
  • Independently eat thick food with a spoon (porridge, mashed potatoes) from a deep plate. But even a child cannot do it accurately.

These games for children 1 year old- just an approximate basis for your communication with the baby! I believe that you will develop or have already developed your own games, and there are already your favorite ones. If so, I will be glad if you share your experience in the comments.

"Poems for newborns and the smallest"

Educational games for a child in 1 year

Many parents get lost when it comes to playing with toddlers. Many young parents know how to feed, wash, take a walk with the baby, but most do not know what educational games for a child at 1 year old are played with the baby in their free time from these troubles.

Naturally, the main development of a child up to a year takes place in the form of a game, which is aimed at the formation of basic speech skills, coordination of movement and familiarization with the outside world.

This article will describe in detail the main exercises and those that contribute to these goals. First, we will discuss the features of infants by monthly period and suitable games at this time.

Games that develop speech in 1 year.

A six-month-old child coherently babbles, pronounces syllables, and by 7 months you can hear an imitation of an adult's voice, that is, individual syllables that were formed by chance or were copied from an adult's speech. After another month or two, start playing with the baby in imitation of new syllables, say the syllable several times and wait for the baby to answer you. This game trains articulation apparatus, and naturally enriches the baby's babble.

From six months to 10 months the child is actively developing an understanding of the words of an adult. The child is able to enjoy the voice, and listens to speech, beginning to understand them. This promotion of the baby encourages him to turn his head and look for certain objects with his eyes, either in a specific place or throughout the space of the room.

In accordance with the abilities, educational games for a child at 1 year old are also selected, in which it is necessary to represent and name the main processes, such as “okay”, “how big!”, “Goodbye”, etc., they can be repeated many times while the baby is interested. I think it's not worth explaining the essence of these games, the name speaks for itself.

From the age of eight months, educational games for a child at the age of 1 take on a new direction - we teach children to look for a couple of well-known objects with their eyes, then ask them to get the item they are looking for.

In the course of communication and games, it is necessary to address the baby by name as often as possible: in the ninth month of life, the baby is able to remember his own name, look for an adult with his eyes, turning his head, and approach the person who calls him by name. Therefore, it is worth playing rhymes with the name of the baby or various jokes - parents can come up with such simple games on their own.

Educational games for a child at 1 year old: learning subjects

Now let's consider specialized educational games aimed at studying the surrounding objects. Games are again the most elementary: put a voluminous, colorful and sounding object in the usual place and call it several times until the baby turns his head in the direction of finding the object. For example, putting the baby’s favorite toy dog ​​on a shelf that the baby can easily see, and say: “Where is Deniska’s dog, woof-aw?”. Then, taking the little one in your arms, bring it to the toy and let it have fun with it. Try to conduct such classes when the baby is calm and cheerful, and nothing bothers him. Having mastered this game, try to change the usual location of the dog and repeat your question, let the baby look for his toy in the room. Thus, the connection of the word "dog" with the toy itself is formed, and not with the shelf on which it stood. Do this game with other items.

Education can be carried out not specifically, but to use the interests of the child. For example, the child focused on the included lamp, be sure to ask: “Where is the light, look?”, And do not forget to call the baby by name: “Deniska, where is the light? Here's our light!" All educational games for children at 1 year old must be repeated several times, from one time a baby up to a year old will not be able to establish a connection between the event and the explanation, so please be patient and perseverant. Over time, such games, for the identification of objects, need to be complicated, by adding new objects, for example, a pupa will be added to the dog. The parent needs to be told, “Look Deniska, here is the dog, but where is the doll?”. Such games form visual memory, introduce you to the world around you and help you focus on a specific thing.

Educational games for a child at 1 year old: we develop movement coordination

The simplest game aimed at developing motor skills in a child is hide and seek in place. For example, a mother throws a small scarf over her head, or simply covers her face with her hands and asks: “Where is mother?”, After opening her face, she says: “Here is mother!”. Let the child repeat these movements himself, closing and opening his or his mother's face.

At the age of six months, teach the baby the name of the main movements, thus establishing the connection between the movement itself and its execution. For example, wave a pen, saying "goodbye," and then wave your baby's hand in response, repeating the words. All educational games for children at 1 year old are repeated many times, the baby gets used to constant communication and is actively advancing in learning, largely imitating adults.

Do not think that games with babies can only be verbal. From the age of six months, begin to actively explore objects around. Give the child a certain toy in the hands, let him examine it, then show her how to knock on other things and what sound comes out, wave the objects, or let the baby throw it on the sofa, such simple games perfectly form the coordination of the crumbs. Show that the ball needs to be rolled, and rubber toys can compress and decompress.

Approaching the first year of life, the ability of children to develop understandable speech is saturated, with effective education, the number of understood words is rapidly increasing. It is worth teaching children to remember not only their own name, but also the names of adults and children who are next to them. Here are some more interesting educational games for children at 1 year old.

In the game, all means are good

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Search in the sandbox"

All you need for this game is the contents of your kitchen cabinet and a small toy. Take out a jar of semolina - this is our sand - and pour about a kilogram into a spacious pan or into a wide bowl and expose this imitated sandbox to be torn to pieces by a toddler. The surprise and enthusiasm of the baby will be immeasurable, because he likes to learn everything new so much! After he enjoys sowing through the fingers of the cereal, and tastes unknown grains, take him on an exciting search. Hide any insignificant toy in the croup, and do not interfere with the efforts of the little one to find the hidden treasure. When the treasure is found, offer the kid a wooden sieve and teach him how to use it. So the most exciting educational game is ready, for an hour, and mommy will have time to cook dinner during this period.

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Young Explorer"

For this game, your old bag, rid her of all the little gizmos and empty departments fill all sorts of interesting to the touch and appearance subjects. Anything you have on hand will do: a small toy, a cucumber, a pencil, safe eating utensils, a rustling bag, a purse with compartments, a key ring, and a ringing phone. All the items that are used in the adult world are extremely attractive to the child, and he will delve into the treasury bag with admiration.

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Funny faces"

We offer to make a developing craft with your own hands, for this you only need a plastic cup, a regular straw for cocktails (or a tube of spaghetti), a cut-out cardboard circle, tape and a pencil. Then do the following process: draw a mischievous face on a cardboard circle (five centimeters wide). We fasten the muzzle to the straw with tape. And at the bottom of the plastic glass we cut a hole and thread a tube through it so that the face is inside the glass. By moving the tube up and down, you will get a smiling man jumping out of the bowl. Rest assured, this will greatly amuse your baby.

In general, I think the principle is clear, in educational games with children up to year will do various utensils: wooden, plastic, small toys for looking at, taking out, putting in, etc. Offer to get a seductive toy by pulling the string towards you. Buy toys for your baby that roll when touched, such as balls, cylinders, etc., this encourages the baby to crawl after them, pushing and catching up again and again. Offer the baby, who is in the crib or playpen, a cloth, a ball, a ball, light skittles for throwing.

Child development does not require a lot of money, but only your attention and effort.

In the first few years of life, babies have to master a lot - from knowing the world to the ability to control their own body. Thanks to games with a child at 1 year old, parents help the baby cope with this task. In another way, the little one cannot yet perceive information. But playing with him is not so easy. It is necessary to choose activities that are interesting for him, otherwise he simply will not respond to the call of adults. It is important to take into account the developmental features of the baby of this age.

Features of a one-year-old child

The main reason why you should not neglect games with children of 1 year old is the amazing receptivity of babies. What has long become commonplace for adults is a real discovery for them. Any day for them is filled with events, and this contributes to the consolidation of knowledge and skills.

When inventing games at home or on the street, it should be borne in mind that children of this age are prone to imitation and they do it with great pleasure. So parents should show how to handle this or that object, how to play. It is unlikely that at this age the child will play independently. So far, he is only learning this by watching the elders. But it is important to use this quality to acquaint the baby with the outside world and its own capabilities.

Also, we must not forget that the child is still very small in a year. Do not demand too much from him, set tasks that he cannot cope with. As a result, you can discourage interest in learning new things. If something doesn’t work out for the baby or he just doesn’t want to play a certain game, then it’s worth offering something else. And return to the failed lesson later.

Do not wait for the child to fulfill any request. He is interested in completing the task of an adult, so he will surely obey if you offer to collect the cubes in a box. But it is likely that he will again throw them on the floor - because for him it is exciting game. In no case should you scold the little one, it is better to switch his attention.

In addition, a one-year-old peanut is not able to perform some action for a long time. He quickly loses interest. Therefore, every few minutes, classes should change. How long one will last depends on the child himself.

Gotta take care of safety

It is very important that the room for playing with a child at 1 year old is safe. Most likely, the baby already knows how to walk or is about to walk. He now moves quickly, it is difficult to follow him. But the muscles are not yet strong enough, and coordination can fail. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that there are no wires on the floor, you can put special plugs on sharp corners, take glass objects away.

All play materials must be safe. Do not leave your baby alone with small, fragile or sharp objects. Even if you turn away only for a minute, the baby can harm himself. At this age, it is highly likely that the child will put the little thing they like in their mouth, this must be remembered when choosing toys.

A one-year-old baby acts impulsively, guided by his desires, and not by any rules. Therefore, if the mother insists on playing with the pyramid, and the baby is interested in something else, then attempts to captivate him are unlikely to be successful. We must try to eliminate distractions, it is not recommended to turn on the TV during class.

Getting to know the properties of objects

The question remains how to play with a child of this age. One of the most important tasks is to introduce the baby to the properties of various objects. To do this, you can use a variety of games.

For the first game, you will need a few medium-sized dice. They can be multi-colored - so gradually the baby will learn the colors. You can do the following with them.

  • Place the cubes in the box and shake it, commenting - "What is that rattling there?". Give it to the child so that he opens the lid and takes out objects from it. When the container is empty, close it and shake it again, explaining "Empty, no rattles."
  • Dip the cubes into a tall box and shake them one at a time into your palm, then pass them on to the crumbs. This will form the awareness of the sequence of actions. At the end, you need to pay attention that the box is empty.
  • Show how cubes can interact with each other. To do this, you need to build a tower by placing them on top of each other, or a train by placing them side by side horizontally.

Balls can also be used in games for a child of 1 year old. They, like cubes, are hidden in boxes and let the baby get it. It is necessary to show their important property - the ability to ride. To do this, they are simply rolled towards the crumbs. And you can build a gutter and lower it along it, it is easy to make it out of cardboard. It is recommended to draw the attention of children that the ball must be lifted up, and it will roll down by itself.

Pyramid games will be useful. The child learns that objects can differ in size and color. Only to choose for a one-year-old baby you need a pyramid with a stable base and large rings. The tip of the rod should not be sharp. It's easy to play - you need to disassemble the pyramid and invite the little one to collect it. For him, this is still not an easy task, so an adult first shows how to do it. Then you can give the ring to the baby and, directing its handle, help put it on the rod. Later, he will start to get on his own.

In a year, you can show your baby cards with images of various objects and animals. It's also time to read to him short poems and fairy tales.

It is recommended to introduce the baby to nesting dolls. He learns that things can be big and small, and small things can be placed inside big ones. For the same reason, sets of caps or cups of different sizes that are nested one inside the other will be useful.

First, they can be folded sequentially so that the largest is at the top. Then one by one the child will take them off. It is worth helping to line them up in a row, so the difference in size will be clearly visible. Then assemble back in the same way.

No need to think that for educational games for children of 1 year old, you definitely need to purchase a lot of various materials. Many items can be made independently. It is worth using improvised means that are easy to find at home. After all, a child is exploring the world, and objects that are used in everyday life are especially interesting to him. For example, while mom is busy cooking, you can let him explore the closet. You just need to make sure that there are only safe things there. Everything sharp and beating must be removed away. The peanut with interest will close the pan with a lid, put spoons into it and take them back. You can give him clean washed vegetables, while explaining their properties. Such a game is no less useful than a lesson with special materials.

You need to play with the child on the street. If it’s summer, then you can allow grass, sticks, pebbles to be explored, just remember to wipe your hands with an antibacterial wipe. In winter, it is easy to come up with games with snow.

Story games

In games for children at 1 year old, simple plots may already be present. Just don't expect the kid to come up with them himself. For the first time, the adult must demonstrate how the toys interact. You will have to repeat more than once. For example, you can take a plush bunny and show the baby how the toy jumps around the clearing: “Look, this is a bunny. Bunny jumps - jump-jump. Then add a toy bear: “Who is this? It's a bear! He wants to catch a rabbit. And the bunny jumped and jumped and galloped away. Of course, toys and plots are used in a variety of ways. Heroes can catch up with each other or make friends and go to drink tea.

Dolls or teddy bears can be fed and bottled, rocked and put to bed. From the cubes it is easy to build a garage for cars, in which they can call. How exactly to play with the baby depends on the imagination of the parents.

Movement and music games

Care must be taken not only intellectual development but also about the physical. Therefore, there must be games that encourage the baby to move. The simplest - with a ball. You can show how to throw it or roll it to each other, the kid will be happy to run after him.

At home, it will be useful to stimulate the little one to climb onto the sofa or under the table for an interesting toy. It is worth offering to climb over something, for example sofa cushion. It is also recommended to give the opportunity to walk on an inclined surface.

Music games are also recommended. For them, you can use toys that, depending on the music, will quickly or slowly spin in a dance. Or dance with your child, performing simple movements. It is worth remembering the baby's tendency to imitate. Therefore, it is good not just to encourage him to act, but to show him how to move. Not much time will pass and the little one will repeat the dance on his own to the sounds of a familiar melody.

You need to pay attention and finger games as they contribute to the development of speech. At this age, you can already try Finger paint although some children are afraid to get their hands dirty. You don't have to force them. It is useful to sprinkle cereals, you can give a special dough - it is softer than plasticine and non-toxic. So it's not scary, even if the baby swallows a piece.

Games with one year old baby at home or on the street are quite simple, and regular classes will definitely benefit, the baby will develop harmoniously. After all, this is how he gets to know the world around him, in game form easier to absorb information.

Here is your child and lived his first year! He changed a lot during this time, turning from a helpless squeaking lump into an almost independent little person. In addition to the need for food and sleep, he also developed other needs - and among the first can be called the need to play. The kid plays, as a rule, all the time that he does not sleep - after all, it is through the game that he gets to know himself and the surrounding reality. Having barely learned to hold objects, he immediately begins to actively study them, and the baby uses absolutely everything that he comes across to play: a spoon, a slipper, a handkerchief and even porridge - everything arouses his keen interest.

And now, after a year when he begins to walk, you increasingly have to catch up with your baby running down the street, wondering when he learned to use his legs so well. "Very active" is The best way describe children after one year. Kids of this age are very fond of any toys that encourage them to be active - a ball, a swing, all kinds of obstacles that need to be climbed. The hands of children in the second year of life become more dexterous, and now they are already addicted to games such as building towers, collecting pyramids and nesting one object into another.

Toddlers are very amused by experiments like “what happens if I drop this ball?” or “what happens if I pull on the edge of the tablecloth?” The child will drop toys on the floor one by one, watching them fly around the room, and at the same time learning how mom will react to all this. The kid is very interested in the consequences of his actions, and since at one year his memory is not very well developed, he does not get tired of repeating his games and experiments many times. One-year-old children also really want to repeat everything that adults do, so at this age you can buy him toys that you can play with, repeating situations from everyday life.

Toys for a child after a year

What toys should a child have from one to two years old? The choice of toys, of course, depends on which of them may be of interest to a child of this age, and on what games you will teach him to play. Yes, you will need to teach your baby to play, because he himself does not know how to do this. Here are some toys that will help the development of babies after a year:

  • Toys that will encourage your baby to walk

    These can be, for example, wheelchairs with toys attached to them, which, when moving, produce some kind of action and sounds. A duck that twirls its head, slaps its feet and quacks when a child pushes a cane in front of him will cause delight in the baby, and he will stomp and stomp, pushing in front of him interesting toy. Or it can be a train with trailers that need to be pulled by a rope - it will be interesting for the child to watch the trailers snake one after another, and he will move to make his fun train go. Even if it is just a string with one machine, he will still want to walk, carrying it with him.

  • Sorting and nesting toys can also keep the baby busy for a long time.

    He takes great pleasure in transferring blocks from one box to another or placing parts of special toys in the base nests. For example, it can be a hedgehog, in the back of which grooves of a certain shape are made - a leaf, an apple, a pear - to place in them parts that repeat the shape of the groove.

    A kid who is barely a year old needs to buy the most simple models such toys. For example, a house with cut windows of various shapes - round, triangular and rectangular. While playing with your child, show him how to push a ball into a round window, a triangle into a triangular window, and so on. At first, the kid will enthusiastically work on pushing the figures inside the house for a long time, and then he will enthusiastically shake the toy, enjoying the resulting “rattle”. And at this time you can do household chores or calmly read the newspaper.

  • All kinds of "climbs"

    You can buy a plastic indoor slide, which will be quite safe for the baby to climb up, and then slide and slide down. This will help him develop more and more motor skills. True, such a toy can be quite expensive, and your baby will quickly lose interest in it or simply outgrow it. You can also make some kind of inclined surface on your own, which would replace the finished store slide, only then try to be close to the child to ensure his safety.

  • Any balls that will be easy to pick up will be a hit for the baby after a year.

    It can be colorful rubber balls, tennis balls, inflatable beach balls - if they are, of course, not too big - balls made of fabric, Balloons... Just keep small balls away from the child that could be taken into the mouth and swallowed.

    The age after one year is exactly the time when you should, when spending time with your child, choose games that would encourage him to walk. Balls are the best suited for this purpose, because with them you can come up with a variety of games that would consolidate the movement skills of a one-year-old baby.

  • Pencils and paper

    One or two pencils are enough for a kid of this age - he is more interested in the process of “drawing” than its result. Lay a large sheet of paper on the floor - it is better if it is a piece from a wallpaper roll, turned upside down without a pattern. The child will move right on the paper, enthusiastically drawing "scribbles" without dropping the pencils.

  • Different means of transportation, designed for babies aged from one to two years

    At this age, this mode of movement is still more popular than walking. Buy your child a wheelchair-scooter - something like a bicycle, only without pedals; To move, the child needs to push off with his feet from the ground. It is desirable that such a wheelchair be equipped with a special handle so that an adult can push the cart when the child gets tired.

    Avoid buying electrified versions of such toys. In addition to spending a lot of money, you will also deprive your baby of the pleasure of moving independently, thanks to your own efforts and desire.

  • Toys to help imitate activities in the kitchen

    Children's kitchenettes with a set of items depicting kitchen utensils and products are very popular now. The plates themselves make all sorts of sounds that help the child feel like a real cook during the game. Don't be put off by the fact that the child is still too young to play role-playing games- smaller kitchen utensils give him the ability to imitate what adults do, and this will keep his interest for many months, and his games will become more and more complex.

  • And, of course, you can already read books with a one-year-old child.

    It is necessary to take those of them in which there are many large illustrations depicting objects and activities familiar to the baby. By reading to your child, you will instill in him a love of books and new knowledge.

Do adults need to structure the child's play activity?

Asking yourself this question, you seem to be asking: what would be better for the child - if he acts on direct instructions, or if he studies the surrounding reality at his own discretion? The answer is obvious: both are important for its development. Both the activities structured by adults and the independent actions of the baby will contribute - each in its own way - to its active development.

Structuring, in other words, the direction of its activity is great way lead your kid to new ideas. For example, if you give a child a set of multi-colored figurines of various shapes, he will play with them for a long time and enthusiastically. But he will not guess that the figures can be sorted by color or shape - it is you who will teach him. And it is you who, directing the actions of the child, will form his skills in selecting and sorting objects.

But in guiding the child, you must give him the opportunity to explore for himself what happens when he tries different combinations. After you give him the items and ideas necessary for the game, you need the kid to decide for himself what and how to do with it all. For example, he may decide that instead of stacking the molds one into the other as they decrease in size, he would rather fill them with water or sand, and then pour out the water or pour out the sand - this, by the way, is an activity that literally fascinates most babies. Or he may refuse to play with molds altogether, preferring them to fuss in the sand. Do not forget that young children use games not just for entertainment, but in order to better understand the things and phenomena that seem most interesting to them at this moment; therefore, it is the kids themselves who, better than adults, can know how best to play. You will only have to monitor his safety, guide him and submit new ideas.

Games for children from one to two years old

What games can you play with one year old baby? We can offer you several games for children from one to two years old, which will help you not only keep your child busy, but also serve as an excellent impetus for his development.

12 to 16 months

Depicting real life

Imagine as if your baby's favorite teddy bear (or doll - it's not so important) is actually alive: "make" him walk, sleep, jump around the room. Involve this toy in your baby's daily activities: for example, put the bear at the table when the baby is eating and put the bib on it, just like a baby. At the same time, accompany with comments everything that the toy "does" - this will help your child better understand the meaning of words. Show and comment not only how the bear eats, walks or goes to bed, but also how he laughs or is sad - so your child can learn more about feelings and emotions.

Hold on and pull

If your child is still afraid or has not yet fully learned to walk, you can use this game to “lure” him and encourage him to take his first steps. To do this, it is better to use any moving objects - for example, a small bicycle or a plastic box on wheels in which toys are folded. While the child is firmly holding on to the edge of this object, you begin to gently pull it towards you. Pull until the baby takes a step. Immediately praise him, trying to vigorously express your positive reaction to his little step. Soon the child, realizing that he can walk, holding on to a support, will begin to push this object himself, trying to walk at least a few steps. So he can feel more confident, standing on his feet, and when he realizes that he is already ready to walk without support and without your help, he will immediately take his first independent steps.


By the age of one, your baby can already clap his hands, but at first he will play this game with your help. You will need to take his hands in yours and make the necessary movements to the beat of the rhyme:

  • Okay, okay, where have you been?
  • By Grandma!
  • What did they eat?
  • Porridge!
  • What did they drink?
  • Brazhka! The porridge is butter, the mash is sweet, the grandmother is kind! They drank, ate, and flew - they sat on their heads!

At the same time, from the words “ladushki, patty” to the words “What did you drink? Brazhka! you clap your hands with the baby’s hands, in words about porridge and mash - stroke the baby’s “full” tummy with your palms, in the words “grandmother is kind!” stroke him on the cheeks, and when you say “fly - sat on the head”, then raise his hands up and put your palms on the head.

Over time, the child will learn to reproduce all the movements on their own. He will play this game with great pleasure, and the game itself will contribute to the growth of his language skills and improve coordination of movements.

Who is hiding here?

Undoubtedly, your child will love the game of hide and seek. Of course, this will be the simplest form of this game for now. In the morning you can throw a blanket over the child, after bathing - a towel, and so on. And start asking “frightened”: “Oh, where is my son? Where did he run to? I do not see him!" Then pull off the coverlet from him with the words: “Ah, there he is!” Your child's happiness knows no bounds! For extra fun, you can feel his leg under the covers and say, “Oh, what is that? Pen? Or is it a belly? Or you can say this: “Oh, whose leg is this? Who is hiding here? It must be dad!

16 to 20 months

Tea party for dolls

This game is good to play outside on a warm sunny day. Take a plastic tea set and water with you. Sit the dolls at the table and encourage the baby to fill the kettle with water and then pour it into the cups. Let him "drink" the dolls from the cups. This game will help your child develop imagination and improve coordination, and will also help him learn about the properties of water - for example, that it always flows down, not up.

Roll the ball to me!

As we have said, balls are very popular with children after a year. Here is one game you can play with a ball: you both sit on the floor facing each other with your legs apart. Now you can roll the ball back and forth to each other, being careful not to let it roll away. This entertainment develops the baby's hand muscles and hand-eye coordination very well.

Little collector

When going for a walk, give the child a bucket with you. Show him that you can put found cones, pebbles, twigs there. Just don’t be surprised when he pours out what he has collected and goes to look for new “prey” - in a year, kids love to fill and empty any containers.

20 to 24 months

Let's dance!

Turn on music that would have a different character - sometimes cheerful, loud and rhythmic, so that the child stomps under it, depicting an elephant; then smooth and slow, so that the baby, repeating after you, could sneak on tiptoe, pretending to walk past a sleeping lion, trying not to wake him. Very well develops the imagination and sense of rhythm!


Use light wooden blocks for this game. To begin, encourage your child to create simple models: for example, put three blocks in a row or two at the bottom, and two more at the top of them, to end up with a square. Encourage him to use blocks of various shapes so that he can copy various figures from the drawings that come with such toys. Then let him build what his own fantasy tells him. Such a game requires special focus and concentration, which will form useful skills in the child.

What do you hear?

Walking on the street, sit side by side on a bench, invite the baby to close his eyes and listen carefully. Then ask him to tell you what he heard: wind in the branches of trees, birds singing, a car passing by. This is a great game for your child to develop their attention and listening skills.

Catch Me If You Can!

Babies love to be chased. The goal of the game is to catch the child, especially if your child is sure that he will immediately be hugged and kissed. While playing, you can portray a roaring lion or a stomping bear. You, too, let the child catch up with you. Such catch-ups help develop endurance - both for the baby and for you!

You yourself can come up with different games, because it is you who know best what will be interesting for your baby. The main thing is to devote as much time as possible to it and remember: while playing, your child develops and learns the world.

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