Entertainment in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. An evening of entertainment in the secondary special group for children with TD

Scenario of the entertainment evening "In the grandmother's hut" (middle group)

Author: Shutochkina Marina Mikhailovna, senior teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 of the combined type of the city of Orel
Material Description: I bring to your attention the scenario of the evening-entertainment "In Grandma's Hut". The script will be of interest to music directors and teachers.
In the group there is a panel hut, decorated embroidered towels, Khokhloma boards, trays, a model of a Russian stove, a Khokhloma samovar with a tray, a lamp on the table. In the hut there are tables at which grandmothers in elegant townsman scarves sit with their grandchildren.
Leading: Good evening dear guests! Get comfortable!
We invited you to the hut where grandmothers and their grandchildren gathered today.
If a little man walked through his childhood without communicating with the kindest, affectionate, wise, passionately loving people - with grandmothers, this means that he has lost a thousand wise instructions, a thousand charming fairy tales.

We have a hut full of guys.
Everyone is sitting on benches.
Grandma's tales
Everyone wants to listen.
Good for you kids
Quiet evening
In a cozy hut
You sat down side by side.
The flame of a Russian stove
Illuminates you.
Listen important
Grandma's story.
/ The door opens, Baba Yaga appears. Runs around the circle saying: /
Baba Yaga: Ah, this is where the Russian spirit smells! How many people are here!
I'll send my swan geese, let them fly into my hut
Yes, they put boilers on the stove.
Leading:/ to the guests / Well, here I rushed! Now the whole holiday will spoil us.
/ to Baba Yaga / Wait, Baba Yaga look first at our
Baba Yaga: Oh! how many grandmothers are there! They all sit so kindly. And these boys-
What are the bastards doing here?
Leading: Like what? They listen to stories.
Baba Yaga: Look how attentive and obedient. How quiet they are! Well,
while it's quiet, listen to what I advise you:
Scatter all over the hut
Rattles, beaters,
And coils and turntables,
drums, hammers,
Slippers, hats and scarves!
And don't you dare clean up!
Grandma will be so happy
But you don't believe and don't!
On the contrary, they help their grandmothers.
/addressing the children/ Children, you will do as Baba Yaga does to you
Children: No!
Leading: You better listen, Baba Yaga, how many fairy tales and riddles our children know about them. Let's now divide them into two teams: a team of grandmothers with grandchildren and play a competition game. The game is called: "Who knows more fairy tales"?
And you, Baba Yaga, hand out the chips to the children if they are all
name correctly. And then we'll see who wins.
We start playing
To name all fairy tales.
Guess without hints
Who are the heroes of these stories?
So, attention is the first task!
In which fairy tales is round in shape, yellow in color and pleasant
to taste?
Call in turn
Don't interrupt each other!
Children: Sun, / "The Stolen Sun", / "Turnip" /, "Gingerbread Man" /, / "Two Greedy Bears" / ...

Leading:“In what fairy tales do these characters live” / shows a finger bear and a bunny and asks the children to help them find their fairy tales /.
Children: "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Gingerbread Man", "Three Bears"
/ Baba Yaga encourages children to be active. /
Baba Yaga: How many fairy tales do your children know. I can barely keep up with them chips
Leading: You know, Baba Yaga, our children know not only fairy tales, but also riddles for them. Let's see who knows more riddles and clues to fairy tales. Now the grandmothers of the granddaughters will guess riddles for their grandchildren, and the grandmothers of their grandchildren - for their granddaughters.
1. Who enters the house with a good fairy tale?
Who is familiar to everyone in childhood?
He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother.
He did not tremble before the wolf, he ran away from the bear.
And the fox got a ruddy side on the tooth.
Who is known everywhere?
Tell me, what's his name?
2. The fox took him away for dense forests,
Over a high mountain, into a dark hole.
Who rescued him more than once?
Who saved him from the fox?
/Cat, rooster and fox/
3. Near the house there is a garden, a grandmother with her granddaughter at the gate.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat.
They see a turnip in the garden and do not believe themselves, it seems,
Here, miraculously, the turnip was born strong!
Who came to their aid?
4. Near the forest at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes, guess?
Name a fairy tale.
/Three Bears/
5. The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind.
In the house in Eventually became a lot of residents.
The mouse invites everyone to visit.
Who lives in that house?
6. Boots with spurs, tail with patterns.
He goes to the hut, sings a song loudly:
“I walk in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders.
I want to cut the forest, the sly one went from the stove!
What a brave fellow
Did you finally help the bunny?
/ Zayushkina hut /
7. Buckets went uphill on their own, sleighs go without a horse.
And to the king, not on foot, but on horseback on the stove.
Who made a wish?
Whose command was fulfilled?
/By pike command/
8. The apple tree helped us,
The stove helped us
Helped a good blue river.
Everyone helped us
We were all covered.
To father and mother
We got home.
Who took the brother?
Name the book?
/Swan geese/
Baba Yaga: Yes, your kids know fairy tales and riddles. But about me and not
know. I was about to improve. No, I'll still bewitch
your kids. / says: "Chufrr, chufrr" /.
Where was the spell in my book of villainy,
to bewitch the children. There are still so many of them here with their own
good grandmothers.
Host: Wait, Baba Yaga, let's ask the guys what they are about you
They know.
Children: Ditties!
Leading: Here, listen to the ditties, how they sing about you, maybe you then
you will improve.
/Children perform ditties with their grandmothers and about Baba Yaga
1. He lived in a dense forest,
He loved Mashenka deeply.
In a box with pies
Managed to deceive Mishka.

2. How old and how fanged,
Evil flows through her.
It's scary in her hut -
You don't get there!

3. The cat lived together with the cockerel,
I went to the forest for firewood.
The rooster saved more than once,
Returned at the right time.

4. Koshchey skinny, Koshchey evil-
Grandma Yozhka is a great friend.
They're so hard to beat
If you are not kind
Baba Yaga: What good fellows! Yes, only you can get better. Your children will immediately begin to tease: "Grandma Yozhka-Bone Leg."
Leading: Well, what are you, Baba Yaga. Do not forget that our children are kind and educated. Children! What will you call our guest?
Children: Granny-Yagulechka!
Baba Yaga: How affectionately they call me. Even Koschei never called me that. So I want to be kind. But I can at least pretend to bewitch the children. I just play with them.
Game: "Freeze, die."
Leading: You played Baba Yaga with our children, but we haven't finished our competition yet. We still have one more difficult task, which is called: "Flower / Eight-flower".
Our children not only know fairy tales and riddles and sing ditties, but they also know how to draw from fairy tales. Now grandmothers will read excerpts from fairy tales to their grandchildren, and children will finish what is missing in the fairy tale.
/Grandmothers tear off the petals of an eight-flowered flower and quietly read passages from fairy tales to children, and the children fill in the blanks according to the meaning /. Distributing the petals, the presenter reads:
Fly, fly petal through the west to the east.
Fly around the earth, be led in our opinion.
You take, children, paints,
Draw these stories.
On a leaf like a chamomile.
Your grandmother will read them to you.
/ While the children are drawing Baba Yaga and the host collects chips from both teams and counts their number. If the score is equal, they announce that friendship has won. As the last task is completed, children's work is shown and this competition is evaluated /.
Baba Yaga: I liked you so much. The kids are so kind and friendly.
Well done! Even if they are small and remote!
Leading: This is true. It's good when kindness and friendship win. AND
In vain I was afraid that Baba Yaga would spoil the whole evening for us.
Child: We will, we will have a pie,
Pancake with lube,
There will be, there will be evening
With a good story!
Leading: Burn the stove with heat
Children together with their grandmothers sing the song: "Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes."
The host invites Baba Yaga and all the guests to a tea party, during which
All children are awarded sweet prizes for active participation in the game.


  • Creating a favorable environment for communication and cooperation between children and adults.
  • Familiarization of parents with game methods and.
  • Improve students' language skills.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.

Members: children, parents, educator, teacher-defectologist.

Equipment: flower; emblems of the teams "Circle", "Square"; schemes for compiling proposals on the topic "Shoes", "Clothes"; dolls big and small; baskets of red and Green colour; certificates for awards.

1. Greetings in a circle.

Educator (V.). Good evening, dear children and dear parents! We are very happy to be together again. Today we will devote our evening to the game, which helps us and teaches us a lot. I propose to start our meeting with the game "Good Flower". Passing which in a circle, mothers will talk Nice words about your child, and children about their beloved mother.

Game "Good flower".

2. Division into teams.

IN. First we need to split into two teams. Let's call the first team "Circle", and the second - "Square".

Parents together with the child choose a circle or a square. Moms - big figures different color, children have the same figure, the same color, but small. After choosing the figures, the participants take places at the gaming tables with the image of a circle or a square.

IN. Today there is a meeting between the two teams. In the course of it, we will find out which of them will become the most friendly, dexterous, attentive, fast. The performances of the teams will be evaluated by our independent expert.

3. Warm up.

B. Let's check combat readiness!

Eyeballs, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Blink eyes.)

Ears, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (stroke.)

Pens, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap.)

Legs, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Stomp.)

Kids, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

Parents, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

Circle Team, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

Team Square, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

4. The first competition "Who will name more?".

For the Circle team: what is round?

For the "Square" team: what happens to be square?

5. The second competition "We are inventors".

IN. Flip your figurines. On the reverse side you will see pictures. The parent has one picture and the child has one. It is necessary to come up with a sentence in which words would be used that name these pictures.

Parents should help the child to pronounce the invented sentence aloud. The more suggestions the team has, the better.

6. Finger gymnastics "In the garden for plums." (Parents perform with children.)

The finger is thick and large

(Alternately bend your fingers.)

I went to the plum garden.

Index, from the threshold,

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate:

He knocks plums off the branch.

The nameless eats

And the little finger-mister,

Plants bones in the ground.

(Extend fingers.)

One two three four five

The fingers went out for a walk.

(Bend fingers.)

This finger went to the forest,

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry.

Well, this one only ate,

That's why he got fat!

7. The third competition "We are writers".

C. The "Circle" team needs to compose a rhyme-pure phrase on

ending ok ok ok.

For example, ok-ok-ok - it snowed at night.

The “Square” team needs to compose a rhyme-pure phrase on

ending ik-ik-ik.

For example, ik-ik-ik - a snowman came to us.

8. Poetic moment.

Children together with their parents read verses-dialogues that they learned at home.

1) Irina Tokmakova "Conversation of Buttercup and Bug."

Buttercup, buttercup, what do you want?

Why, you're tickling me.

So you tickle the leaves for me,

Whatever you don't want, you want.

2) Lydia Orlova "Hedgehog".

Very, hedgehog,

You're good!

It is a pity that in the hands

You won't take...

You won't take

So what!

Without needles

3) Vladimir Lunin "Cat".

What are you looking after, cat?

I watch the mink mouse!

The mouse will come out randomly,

I'll invite her for tea!

4) Sasha Cherny "Skrut".

Who lives under the ceiling?

Does he have a beard?

And a shirt-front, and a vest?

How does he get up in the morning?

Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?

And how long has he lived there?

Who runs with him along the roofs?

Well, what's his name?

He's naughty, right?


9. The fourth competition-game "At the doll - at the doll." (Conducted by a defectologist teacher.)

For the "Circle" team: affectionately name the parts of the doll's face.

For the "Square" team: name the parts of the doll's body.

10. Musical pause. (Conducted by a teacher-defectologist.) Children sing songs that they learned in a vocal circle.

11. Fifth competition "We know prepositions". (Conducted by a defectologist teacher.)

The “Circle” team needs to make a proposal using the scheme on the topic “Shoes”, using the preposition from.

The “Square” team needs to make a proposal using the scheme on the topic “Shoes” with the preposition c.

12. An independent expert sums up the results of the competitions.

Participants are awarded certificates “For participation in the evening of entertainment “Learning while playing!”.

13. Reflection.

IN. Well, that's the end of our meeting. We really want to know your opinion about it. If you enjoyed the evening, you good mood, you could take something new for yourself, then please put your circle or square in a green basket.

And if you didn’t like it and you regret that you came to the meeting, you think that you wasted your time, please put your figure in a red basket.

Zarina Shovalieva
Perspective plan of entertainment in middle group

A promising plan for entertainment in the middle group

№ I week II week III week IV week


1 "Knowledge Day".

Development children have cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. Formation of friendly, benevolent relations between children. Continued acquaintance with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (paying attention to what happened changes: the fence was painted, new tables appeared, the expansion of ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor).

Sports entertainment: "Evening of outdoor games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Play famous outdoor games, introduce new games. Increase the emotional tone of children, meet the need for children to move theater: "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target character. Exhibition of children's creativity "Colorful Autumn"

Expanding children's ideas about autumn. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., to conduct seasonal observations. Expanding ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expanding knowledge about vegetables and fruits (local, exotic). Expansion of ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

2 Entertainment"Visiting Aibolit"

Continue to acquaint children with parts of the body and human senses. Raising the need to observe the diet, eating vegetables and fruits, and other healthy foods. Expansion of ideas about the importance of sleep, hygiene procedures, hardening for health.

Entertainment for fire safety "Cat house"

Target character. Develop creativity and active participation in tasks. An evening of poetry and riddles "Golden Autumn"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of autumn. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Sports entertainment: "Autumn has come to visit us"

Target: Develop

3 Thematic conversation "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character, develop emotional response to fairy tales characters. Develop speech activity, the ability to correctly build a sentence, convey the true meaning of a fairy tale. Thematic entertainment"Who to be?"

Expansion of preschoolers' ideas about the work of adults, about different professions. Continued acquaintance with professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor). Formation of interest in the professions of parents, emphasizing the importance of their work. Theme evening "About the work of Pushkin A. S" Recitation competition

Target: To introduce children to the work of A. S. Pushkin. Cultivate a love of poetry. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "Healthy"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

4 Evening of riddles about winter.

Target: Create a joyful mood. Recognize the signs of winter. Continue to form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Dramatization of a Russian folk tale "Mitten"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character. Continued work on the formation of interest in books. Reading art and educational books. Formation of an understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books. Examining illustrations. Development interest in theatrical play. Education of artistic qualities, disclosure of creative potential, involvement of children in various theatrical performances.

Holiday "In the circle of friends on New Year's Eve"

To form ideas about the New Year, as a fun and kind holiday, as the beginning calendar year. To form the ability to bring joy to loved ones, and to thank for New Year's surprises. Sports entertainment: "Sports Winter".

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to shape children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercises for the human body, interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

5 Entertainment: "Christmas"

Target: Develop interest in Russian folk art, in Russian folk holidays their traditions and rituals. Create a happy mood. Leisure "The Secret of Magic Words"

Target: To form in children the skills of cultural behavior, to teach to use polite words in speech ( "Thank you","Please", "Hello", "Sorry", "Goodbye". To form the ability to see shortcomings in their behavior and correct them, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people around them.

"An evening of riddles and poems about winter"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of winter. Cultivate a love of poetry. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "We are not afraid of frost"

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of winter fun, games. Continue to shape the idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle.

6 Theme night: "Good and Evil in Russian Folk Tales"

Target: To form ideas about good and evil, forms of manifestation. Determine the importance of kindness in people's lives. Cultivate kindness in children. dramatization fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. understand the content of the story. Lead to the understanding of the actions of each character.

Competition program "My dad is the strongest"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. Formation of primary ideas about Russian Army, about men as protectors "small" and the Great Motherland, all weak people. Introducing children to "military" professions (soldier, tanker, pilot, sailor, border guard); with military equipment (tank, aircraft, military cruiser); with the flag of Russia, fostering respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Sports entertainment: "physical training"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

7 Concert "Beloved grandmothers and mothers"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for a woman, a desire to help them, take care of them. Organization of all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Raising respect for teachers, other employees of the kindergarten. Thematic evening: "We are little wizards"

Target:Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about the world around them. Continued acquaintance with the features of objects, improving the ability to determine their color, shape, weight, size. Develop skills to compare and group items on these grounds. Stories to children about the materials from which objects are made, about their properties and qualities. Explanation of the expediency of making an object from a certain material. Helping children to establish a connection between the purpose and structure, purpose and material of objects.

Entertainment"Leisure according to traffic rules"

Target: To form elementary knowledge about traffic rules, about safe behavior on the street and roads, about the need to comply with traffic rules, etc. Sports entertainment: "Russian folk games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Introduce children to games different peoples. Generate interest in folk games. Education of tolerance and respect for representatives of different cultures and peoples.

8 Entertainment"Day of laughter"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Develop a sense of humor, ingenuity. Involve parents in joint activities and active participation in entertainment program . Entertainment"Space trip"

Target: Continue to introduce children to outer space (stars, planets, meteorites, etc., with famous people - the discoverers who conquered space. Creating a festive atmosphere. "Oh blessed spring"- spring fair

Target: Expansion of children's ideas about spring. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations. Expansion of ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Education of respect for nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Formation of ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden. Sports entertainment: "Fun Starts"

Target: Develop motor activity Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body. Raising the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports, for physical exercises.

9 Fun with paint: "Beauty - Spring"

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Contribute development of children's creativity. dramatization fairy tales: "Two Greedy Little Bears". Target: Draw children's attention to the elements of acting (attention, communication, observation). To improve the technique of speech, the correct articulation of vowels, consonants. To promote the unification of children in joint activities. Learn means of facial expressions, gestures convey the most characteristic features fairy tale character.

Entertainment"Holiday soap bubbles»

Target: Create a festive atmosphere. Learn about the properties of soap bubbles. Entertainment"Friendly family"-

Target: To form a sensitive, affectionate attitude towards the closest people - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. To form an interest in the blowers in their family and teach them to share their impressions with them.

Children really like to play and invent different stories, they seem to live in a fictional world that only they understand. Based on this, we adults can draw the following conclusion: the way to the heart of every child, without any doubt, can be found through play, fantasy and imagination. In addition, we ourselves, the organizers of children's leisure, are given a great opportunity to fall into the cloudless and wonderful world of childhood for a while and break away from the gray everyday life.

It seems to us that not only children participating in such events, but also the organizers of children's events themselves will be interested in working on non-traditional programs that are offered by the author from the experience of his own work.

This manual provides a broad retrospective of children's activities:

Show programs;

Entertainment programs;

Game programs;

Theatrical performances;

Creative living rooms;

Creative laboratories;

Fairy tale games;

dance shows;

travel games;

Various relay races;

Infotainment programs;

Development programs;

Wellness programs.

The proposed development of activities for preschoolers is permeated with the world of those hobbies and wonderful adventures, surprise, playful and unusual moments that every child must "live" so that the amazing country with the name "Childhood" remains in memory forever as a science, as a miracle.

Children love to move, this is their need! This, no doubt, will help children's health, entertainment, games and dance programs. After all, it is so important and, at the same time, attractive for a child to throw out his inexhaustible energy in fun, games, dances. The task of teachers in this aspect is to direct this energy in the right direction so that not only the body, but also the soul, as they say, rejoice!

Always play, play everywhere, play from morning to evening, and at the same time grow and develop - this is what can be defined as the motto of our children's activities. It's quite natural! The nature of children is inseparable from the nature of play. Here, of course, playing, developing, informational and educational programs will be indispensable, in which the child not only plays, but at the same time (and above all!) learns the world around him.

All scenarios are written in a simple and intelligible language, so that from the first moment of the organization of the event everything is extremely clear not only to children, but also to adults - the organizers of programs and holidays.

Fairy tales... Children live in this world, in fairy tales there is something that sometimes cannot be seen in the real world. Here, not only people, but also animals, and fruits, and even objects, and natural phenomena can talk, move, that is, be animated. Therefore, fabulous moments are present in so many programs as an element moral and spiritual wisdom, which in an unpretentious form comprehends the baby.

Nowadays, many children have a lot different toys, books, but there is nothing better and dearer than what is created by one's own hands. The child feels almost like a magician - a creator, if he makes, fantasizes, focuses. This collection contains a lot of creative programs but the development of skills artistic creativity and imagination.

From childhood, a child begins to feel his importance as a person in such programs! And that is great!

Dear educators, teachers and leaders of circles, try to implement and improve the proposed developments and, perhaps, a new amazing and colorful world of play, celebration, joy, smile will open before your wards!

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The scenario of sports entertainment for children of the middle group "Fairytale fun starts» Purpose: to increase children's interest in physical culture. Tasks: 1. In game form develop such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements; to form the correct posture, culture of movements. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of children. 2. Consolidate knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales; to intensify interest in physical culture; shaper...

Entertainment for preschoolers "Hat party". Middle group Purpose: To expand children's ideas about hats. Create a holiday for children and arrange a holiday of hats. Develop motor skills and abilities (speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movements). To cultivate a sense of collectivism, rivalry, friendship, empathy for a comrade. Progress entertainmentI greet you, my friends! I admire your outfits, and especially your amazing hats and hats. It's all so wonderful...

"Dr. Dandelion's Green Pharmacy". Scenario of a valeological musical and theatrical performance for preschool children Goals and objectives: To contribute to the valeological education of preschoolers, to expand children's knowledge of nature, medicinal plants, to promote the moral and aesthetic education of children. Characters: 1. Magpie-Storyteller 2. Doctor Dandelion 3. Bunny 4. Wolf 5. Swallow 6. Cactus 7. Parrot 8. Ma...

Scenario for preschoolers Irina Tokmakova "Kittens" Attributes: Stuffed Toys: a bear, a hare, a mouse, glasses, a saucepan with a ladle, 3 watering cans, a basket with candy wrappers, a bucket, rags, a scarf, a primer, an easel, the letters "A", "B", "F", pens, a letter to mice. Author: There are kittens in the world - Kasyanka, Tom and Plut. Exit kittens to the music. We are funny kittens. Our backs are striped. We all wear for beauty. The tail is fluffy and mustache. Meow meow meow. We'll sing a song to you How we have fun and live. Meow, meow, we...

Synopsis of a walk for children 4-5 years old "Zimushka-Winter" Purpose: consolidating knowledge about natural phenomena. Tasks: Continue to form children's ideas about the properties of snow; Cultivate love for nature, respect for it; To develop the ability to logically answer the questions posed, to prove their thoughts; attention, memory. To instill hard work, a desire to help others. Type: integrated. Age of children: 4-5 years. Forms educational activities: group, individual. Educational...

Scenario of entertainment in the preschool educational institution "Garden Party". Middle group Description of the material: I offer you entertainment for children 4-5 years old "Garden Party". In our group, it became the final reinforcing event for our project “Garden on the Window”. All children, without exception, were involved and dressed up in costumes (hats and raincoats) that their parents had sewn for them. Purpose: To introduce children to healthy lifestyle life through the activation of play and motor activity. Tasks: 1. System...

Scenario of a dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip" in kindergarten The scenario will be useful for teachers who implement the technology of fairy tale therapy in their practice. Purpose: The development of the emotional sphere in children, the formation of trusting relationships, the activation of attention. Tasks: 1. Coordinate your actions with the actions of other children. 2. Expand and enrich the vocabulary of children with action words (went, pull, ran, called). 3. Cultivate interest in dramatization, desire ...

A feature of these leisure activities is the presence of games with tongue twisters at each lesson. A tongue twister is a speech exercise that helps to master the correct pronunciation of a particular sound.

How can you make it so that repeated pronunciation short text became an exciting and interesting game for children? To do this, there are many different game techniques. For example, the text of the tongue twister “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry” must be pronounced many times. This is of little interest to children. Then the teacher starts a game: he sends Sasha with a dryer to ... cold autumn. Poor Sasha is walking along the highway, sucking his dryer and ... freezing: the teacher pronounces the text in a voice trembling from the cold, shivering shiveringly. And then transferred to the hot summer. Poor Sasha is walking and languishing from the heat: the teacher says the text slowly, fanning himself with his hand, a twig taken from his head by an imaginary panama hat. Sasha may find herself in a place completely unfamiliar to her: the text of the tongue twister is pronounced carefully, with caution ... She can walk on hot sand or fall into deep snow - there can be quite a lot of options and situations, depending on the imagination of the teacher and the invention of the children. The plot of the game suggests the text itself.

Here is an example of another game technique - "Catch the word." Children pronounce the tongue twister at the pace that the teacher asks them, performing rhythmic waving of the hand. If his hand stopped, the hand clenched into a fist - he "caught the word." Children should carefully follow the movements of the teacher, stop in time, ceasing to pronounce the text at the end of the word or in the middle of a word. If someone was inattentive and the text continued to sound, the teacher gets a point, he won this round, “caught” the inattentive. If everyone was gathered and shut up in time - a point for the children's team. The text is pronounced further from the interrupted place. Children repeat the tongue twister 4-5 times. At the end of the game, the result is summed up: who was more attentive and dexterous today - the teacher or the children. The team nature of the game, the element of competition with the adult himself, is always liked by children, captivates them. They play, and at this time their pronunciation, observation, attention are improving, they feel their unity with other children, they learn to play together, harmoniously, as one team.

Playing tricks with tongue twisters should be used, going from simple to more complex. The texts of tongue twisters themselves are also selected. You can play all together, in groups, one at a time. First, the teacher acts as the initiator of various games, then the most active children can offer their own options for playing techniques or act as a teacher in separate games.

When the baggage of tongue twisters is already quite voluminous, the guys can turn tongue twisters into small stage sketches and play them out in front of all the children. For example, playing with the tongue twister “Baker Peter baked rolls, buns, kalachi in the oven”, one of the guys, using pantomime, talks about one day in the life of a baker, depicting his actions. Children should see and learn from his movements that Peter is a baker in front of them, name a tongue twister. If the children find it difficult to answer, the speaker should specify their movements, convey them more accurately and recognizably. At the same time, it is important for the young actor to think in advance about the character of the baker, about his mood.

Playing with a tongue twister is good in many ways. Children get acquainted with small forms of oral folk art, with the work of modern children's poets who write tongue twisters, they themselves practice writing, they develop an interest and need for speech creativity. A number of specific educational tasks related to the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of the emotional sphere of the child, the mental properties of his personality are being solved. Playing with a tongue twister, the child learns to perceive, think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, develop his speech, creative thinking and fantasy.

Leisure notes for children of middle preschool age

Leisure "Naughty umbrella". Middle group Author: Kameneva E.I. Material Description: Methodical development designed for educators, music directors, physical education instructors. Purpose: To create a favorable emotional state through game exercises and outdoor games. Tasks: Enrich the emotional experience of children, improve motor skills. Learn how to make paper umbrellas waste material. Develop Creative skills children. Stimulate...

The scenario of physical culture leisure for pupils of 4-5 years old "In the country of fun games" Purpose: Creating a joyful mood from joint physical activity, enriching the emotional sphere of pupils with vivid impressions, bringing joy to the sensations of their own movements in games. Exercise in jumping, running, walking with an added step. To develop balance, in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal. Facilities. The gym is decorated with balls, a letter, soft modules, cubes, arrows...

Scenario of an environmental action in the middle group together with parents “Feed the birds in winter” This scenario of the action is intended for teachers working with preschool children, in preschool institutions and institutions additional education. The purpose of the action is the formation of ecological knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them. To intensify the cognitive interest of children in the nature of their native land and contribute to raising the level of environmental culture to ...

Synopsis of morning exercises in the middle group "Exercising on riddles" Purpose: To help improve the health of children and awaken the body for normal life. Tasks: - create a joyful emotional upsurge, "wake up" the child's body, set it up in an effective way - develop the habit of daily physical exercises - develop all muscle groups, coordination of movements. Strength and endurance - to cultivate the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises in a timely manner to the music ...

Sports entertainment in the kindergarten "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Author: Kameneva E.I. Description of work: Methodological work is intended for educators, instructors in physical education, contributes to the consolidation of children's knowledge about autumn in a playful way. Purpose: creating a favorable emotional state through gaming exercises and outdoor games. Tasks: To consolidate previously acquired motor skills and abilities in a playful way; develop physical qualities, speed, strength, dexterity, coordination ...

Ecological fairy tale for preschoolers "Let's live together!" Goals and objectives: - development of cognitive interest in nature; - fostering a careful, humane attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth; - development of the moral qualities of the individual, a sense of camaraderie, readiness to help friends; - attraction to Russian folk art. Types of activity: musical, cognitive-research. Forms of organization - subgroup, pair. Forms of implementation of children...

Master class "Creating a cartoon with children in kindergarten" Purpose: creating a cartoon with your own hands based on the fairy tale "Turnip". Tasks: - to develop cognitive, creative, speech activity of preschool children; - develop fine motor skills hands; - Raise interest in working with plasticine. Material: plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, colored cardboard, camera, computer. *** Everyone knows that children are very fond of watching cartoons. As part of pedagogical project The children were offered...

Puppet show "Where are we going with a heel" (dedicated on March 8) Author of the work: Ekaterina Viktorovna Teterevleva, musical director of the MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 113" Onezhenka "Republic of Karelia, the city of Petrozavodsk the possibility of adaptation in the social environment Tasks: To evoke positive emotions To create a general joyful mood by involving children in the action of the performance To give pleasure to parents ...

Event with parents “Men are sons of our Motherland” Description of work: The scenario of the holiday will be useful for educators of the second junior and middle groups, to spend the holiday together with their parents, no long preparation is required. The script is very dynamic, suitable for entertainment and educational process. The purpose of the matinee: - education of patriotic feelings of preschoolers. - expand knowledge about public holidays and the historical heritage of our country - to give an idea of ​​the Great Fatherland...

Thematic day for children of middle preschool age “WRITING DAY” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge on previously studied topics Tasks: Consolidation of the material covered; Development of interest in learning new Plan: 1. Conversation “On a visit to Pishichitay ...” 2. Game “Go there - I don’t know where, find that - I don’t know what ...” 3. Problems in verse 4. Didactic game"Find sound shoes" 5. Watching the cartoon "Our friend Pishichitay" 6. Drawing "Pishichitay my friend" MORNING: 1. CONVERSATION "VISITING PISHICHITAY" Pishich...

Leisure scenario for children of the middle group of the kindergarten "Fly-Tsokotuha is looking for friends." Developed by the educator Ekaterina Evgenievna Remizova (place of work Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 40, the village of Bolshoye Mokroe, Kstovsky district Nizhny Novgorod region) The material presented is intended for children of the middle group of kindergarten, but can also be used for younger or older children, depending on the individual characteristics of the pupils. Leisure is aimed at...

"Day of winter" abstract theme day for children of middle preschool age Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge about winter Tasks: Development of skills to establish the simplest connections between phenomena of animate and inanimate nature; The ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature; Development of memory, thinking, oral speech of children; Raising a love for nature Plan: 1. Examining illustrations about winter 2. Riddles about winter 3. Conversation " Zimushka - Winter» 4. Learning a poem about winter 5. Round dance around the fir ...

Summer leisure event - quest. Scenario "In search of treasure" The event is held in the summer, on the site of the kindergarten. The children use the map to explore the areas and find clues. Having completed all the tasks, the guys find the treasure. Purpose: creation of conditions for the establishment of benevolent, friendly relations between children, the formation of cultural recreation skills. Tasks: - to promote the development of logical thinking in children; - to form motor activity of children; - Learn to navigate...

Thematic day for children of middle preschool age "Day of transformations" Purpose: Develop the imagination of children Tasks: Arouse interest in this activity Encourage creativity, fantasies Create a joyful mood Plan: 1. Workshop on transformations 2. Quest - game "Find the magic pollen" 3. Game: "Transformations" 4. "Magic Breakfast" 5. Demonstration of Tricks. 6. Experience with water 7. Reading "The Tale of the Magician" Course of the lesson: MORNING: 1. Educator: - Guys, today is an unusual day "Transformation Day". TO...

On the way of kindness, our institution hosted the "Week of kindness", which is aimed at achieving the targets of social and communicative development, and is represented by certain types of social culture (moral - ethical, gender, folk, national, ethnic, legal, confessional, accessible for perception and assimilation by children It is necessary to develop these feelings throughout the entire preschool age (from 3 to 7 years). Increasingly, one has to deal with the manifestation of mental ...
