Parent meeting in the preparatory group "the road and we." Scenario parent meeting "road safety" Road safety parent meeting in dow

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"DS No. 13"

municipal formation of Bratsk


parent meeting

"Road. Child. Safety"


Prepared by: Romaniuk Vera



Target: Increasing the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

Preparing for parent meeting.

    Together with the children we make invitations for parents.

    A fragment of a video recording of children's entertainment is being prepared.

    Questioning of parents, analysis of questionnaires.

    Arrangement of the room where the parent meeting will be held.

    Making an exhibition for parents, which are placed:

    Children's fiction according to traffic rules;


    Description of didactic and outdoor games in which parents can play with their children.

    Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "My friend is a traffic light".

    The video equipment is being prepared for viewing the video recording.

Meeting progress:

    Opening speech of the senior teacher.

Good afternoon, our dear parents!The topic of today's meeting is “Road. Child. Safety".

It is no coincidence that this topic is raised. Among all road users, the most mobile and unpredictable road user is a child. Of the total number of dead children, the vast majority are children of preschool and primary school age.

We are very glad to see you. Our cooperation is the benefit of your


I propose to play a little to tune in to communication.

    Exercise “Communication carousel”

Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader.

I love…”, “I am happy…”, “I am sad when…”, “I am angry when…”, “I am proud of myself when…

    Exercise "Napoleon Pose"

Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed on the chest, arms extended forward with open palms and hands clenched into fists. At the command of the facilitator: “One, two, three!”, each participant must show one of three movements at the same time as the others (which one they like). The goal is for the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement.

Moderator comment:

This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, then they are ready for work and open enough. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's posture - some closeness or unwillingness to work.

Dear parents! Our today's meeting is devoted to a very important problem - educating our children's skills of safe behavior on the road. You may have a question: will not the work on studying the rules of the road in kindergarten be superfluous, because a child, crossing the road, being in transport, is always under the supervision of an adult?

It must be remembered that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Now the child walks hand in hand with an adult, and very soon he will become an independent road user - a pedestrian or a passenger. Thus, the work of teaching children the rules of the road is a long-term work. In order for it to bring results, it is not enough to study or talk with children. And this work must be carried out systematically. Various studies indicate that in preschool children there is a significant gap between the theoretical knowledge of the rules and their practical application. Even a specially organized traffic observation in itself does not provide the formation of stable ideas about the rules of the road. Thus, children should be able to apply all theoretical knowledge in practice.

And if we can provide theoretical knowledge to children in kindergarten, then they practical use This is your job, dear parents.

    Now let's find out what rules parents know.

(the teacher invites the children)

1st child:

- Imagine dear parents, you are five years old, you need

cross the street, how do you do it? (parents' answers)

- Sorry, but it is not recommended to walk alone at the age of five.

2nd child:

- Please choose the best toothbrush for yourself from these toothbrushes (parents' answers)

“Sorry, you can’t use these brushes, they are strangers.

3rd child:

— The traffic light does not work at the intersection,

your actions? (parents' answers)

“Find another crossing, no matter how far away it is.

    Art. Educator: Why do preschoolers often experience accidents on the road?

By virtue of itspsychophysiological development . This is due to the peculiarities of their higher nervous activity: immaturity and inconstancy, rapid exhaustion nervous system, the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes.

Children do not have the sameprerequisites for learning safe behavior when driving on transport and on the road, like adults. Preschool childrenthey do not understand road signs, traffic rules, road markings, and the capabilities of vehicles.Theydo not have the ability adults and older childrenestimate speed and distance . Hearing and vision of children are underdeveloped. They, in particular, cannot shift their gaze from close to distant objects and vice versa with the same speed as adults. It is difficult for them to determine which side the sound signals are coming from. The small stature of a child does not allow him to get a full view of the traffic, which is natural for an adult. The ability to carry out several actions at the same time is not sufficiently developed in the child younger age. Children do not have the ability to draw general conclusions from their learning, i.e. they cannot transfer, for example, the rules for the correct crossing of the road from the place where they learned it to all other places where they must cross the road.

The growth of the child is a serious obstacle for the timely detection of the driver on the road. Due to a standing vehicle, a standing group of pedestrians, snowdrifts, he is not visible to the driver who is on the road.

Children cross the carriageway differently than adults. So, adults, approaching the roadway, are already observing and assessing the situation from afar, while children begin to observe only when they approach the edge of the roadway.

The desire to play in any situation explains the unpredictability or impulsiveness of children's behavior. They are strongly influenced by emotions. Joy, surprise, interest in something make them forget about the danger to which they may be exposed when crossing the roadway.

The need for children to move, which prevails over caution, underestimation of the situation, insufficient knowledge about the sources of increased danger on the road, and sometimes just interest in the surrounding environment can lead to sad consequences.

Children react differently to different kinds Vehicle. When approaching a large truck, bus, tram, even if they are not moving at high speed, the child does not risk crossing the carriageway, but does not appreciate the danger of small sizes - cars and especially motorcycles that are approaching at high speed. Sometimes they believe that the car can be stopped instantly.

All of the listed psychophysiological characteristics of the child indicate that it is impossible to adapt the behavior of children to traffic conditions only through training, they need special approach when communicating knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Preschool children are never conscious traffic offenders. Their unexpected appearance on the road, collision with other pedestrians, noisy behavior in transport is a clear manifestation age features preschool children. Hence,due to its psychophysiological characteristics, a child of preschool age himself, consciously complying with all the rules and requirements of the rules for pedestrians, cannot cross the carriageway correctly and safely.

It is possible to distinguish a numberfactors contributing to the involvement of children in road accidents:

    distracted attention;

    forgetting the rules of behavior on the street;

    reduced visibility during bad weather due to an umbrella, a raised hood collar;

    poor condition of the road surface;

    emotional condition;

    distraction from dangerous vehicles

    a narrower angle of view than that of an adult: in a 6-year-old child, it is 10 times smaller than in an adult, and is only 20-22 ° in the horizontal plane, and 12-15 ° in the vertical one. The growth of the angle of view continues up to 20 years;

    reaction time of the child (time from the beginning of the detection of danger to
    actions) is much greater than that of an adult. So, in an adult it is 0.6-0.8 s, and in a preschooler 1.3-1.5 s;

    the more dangerous the situation, the slower and more incorrectly the child makes a decision, he is lost;

    the cells of the cerebral cortex are easily depleted, the child quickly develops a state of fatigue and absent-mindedness;

    lack of adult control (the appearance of one child on the road should attract the attention of all road users and be perceived them as an emergency).

Today we invited a traffic police officer to our meeting, who will talk about the importance of the problem we are discussing today.

    Speech by a traffic police officer.

    Game "Explainers"

    Message Art. educator.

Today's children will have to live with an incomparably greater aggressiveness of car traffic, and therefore every day it is more and more difficult to ensure their safety. It is very important to form the skills of safe behavior on the road in children from preschool age, to educate a law-abiding citizen.

Our task is to develop in children an understanding of the dangers that the automotive world is fraught with. It is important to do this before the child has adopted, has not accepted the wrong stereotypes of behavior on the road, which, unfortunately, are currently prevailing in the adult environment.

The study of the rules of the road in kindergarten takes place in special classes, during games (didactic, mobile, role-playing), entertainment, etc. The topic of traffic rules covers not only cognitive, but also other types of activities - mathematics, familiarization with fiction, art, physical education, etc. In the classroom, children learn to navigate in space, simulate various situations on the road, lose them. We also form motor skills in children: children must not only move correctly in accordance with the received signal or focusing on an adult, but also be able to coordinate their movements with the movement of other people and the movement of objects. In addition, with the help didactic games we try to develop arbitrary, active attention, because for safe behavior on the streets, it is necessary to form voluntary attention in children, the ability to focus on the traffic situation.

You can see the result of our classes on the stands and we will now show you the plots of the activities of the educator with the children.

    Solving a crossword puzzle with children.

1. The place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines (crossroads).

2. A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it (pedestrian).

3. A person duly vested with the authority to regulate traffic with the help of signals established by the rules, and directly exercising the specified regulation (traffic controller).

4. A device for supplying light signals that regulate traffic on the streets and highways (traffic light)

5. A person driving a vehicle (driver).

6. Leading one or more moving vehicles associated with the departure from the occupied lane (overtaking).

7. An element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn (sidewalk).

8. A person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle, as well as a person who enters the vehicle (passenger).

9. Intentionally stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle (stop).

All the answers of the parents are commented by the traffic police officer, he also gives clarifications in controversial situations.

    Questionnaire analysis.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Does your child know some traffic rules?

2. What?

3. By shaping safe behavior on the road, you act:

by direct prohibitions (“no”, “stop”, etc.);

trying to explain the situation in detail;

act differently.

4. Do you follow these rules yourself?






5. Is it advisable to conduct specially organized classes to study the rules of the road in kindergarten?

6. Are you ready to take part in the discussion of this topic, holding various events, as well as maintaining and strengthening the skills of safe behavior on the road outside the kindergarten?

7. How do you react if other people's children violate traffic rules in front of your eyes?

8. Does your child know where the school where he will study is located? How to go there, where to cross the street, what signs are there on the road?

9. Your wishes.

Art. educator:and now, dear parents, we would like you to comment on how useful our today's meeting was for you, and we would also like to hear your wishes for us on teaching children the rules of the road.

Dear parents, it depends on you, to a large extent, how your child will grow up, kindergarten and we, educators, can only help you find a way out of a difficult situation. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior, have the greatest influence on the formation of a child's personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Dear parents, the children prepared for you "gifts" with their hands and drew their hearts on them. And you write on each finger - how you affectionately call your child to the music of the "Hymn of the Family" (I. Reznik).

I would like to end our meeting with a poem, once again confirming everything that was discussed at the meeting.

"A child learns to

What he sees in his house.

Parents are an example to him!

Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

Who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will more than receive

From them everything that teaches them.

The wolf didn't raise the sheep

The gait of the cancer was given by the father!

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds.

And for the words: easy to push

children in a bad way.

Keep up your house

not to repent later."

Sebastian. Brant.

At the end, all parents are given memos with the rules for raising children.

From early childhood, the child becomes a road user: he is either a pedestrian who walks along the street with his parents, or a passenger who rides in a route transport, a car with his parents. The road, the street beckons the child with its unknown, variety of impressions, unusual situations ... How much interesting and at the same time dangerous lurks behind the walls of a child's home. To make it more interesting than dangerous, it is necessary to teach children the skills of safe behavior on the road in a timely manner and develop the habit of following the rules of the road.

When organizing work on the prevention of road traffic injuries in kindergarten, it is impossible not to involve the parents of pupils in it. In our MDOU, a separate parent meeting is devoted to this topic, at which parents act as equal participants in the pedagogical process, bearing full responsibility for the life, health and safety of their children.

parent meeting script

Preparing for parent meeting.

  • Together with the children we make invitations for parents.
  • A fragment of a video recording of children's entertainment is being prepared.
  • Questioning of parents, analysis of questionnaires.
  • Design of cards, which depicts the "traps" of the road.
  • Arrangement of the room where the parent meeting will be held.
  • Making an exhibition for parents, which are placed:
    • Children's fiction on traffic rules;
    • Guidelines for parents on educating safe behavior on the road;
    • Consultations;
    • Description of didactic and outdoor games in which parents can play with their children.
    • Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "My friend is a traffic light".
  • The video equipment is being prepared for viewing the video recording.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. Opening remarks by the senior teacher or head of the kindergarten.

Dear parents! Our today's meeting is devoted to a very important problem - educating our children's skills of safe behavior on the road. You may have a question: will not the work on studying the rules of the road in kindergarten be superfluous, because a child, crossing the road, being in transport, is always under the supervision of an adult?

It must be remembered that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Now the child walks hand in hand with an adult, and very soon he will become an independent road user - a pedestrian or a passenger. Thus, the work of teaching children the rules of the road is a long-term work. In order for it to bring results, it is not enough to study or talk with children. And this work must be carried out systematically. Various studies show that in preschool children there is a significant gap between the theoretical knowledge of the rules and their practical application. Even a specially organized traffic observation in itself does not provide the formation of stable ideas about the rules of the road. Thus, children should be able to apply all theoretical knowledge in practice.

And if we can provide theoretical knowledge to children in kindergarten, then their practical application is your job, dear parents.

Today we invited a traffic police officer to our meeting, who will talk about the importance of the problem we are discussing today.

2. Speech by a traffic police officer.

3. Message from the group teacher.

Today's children will have to live with an incomparably greater aggressiveness of car traffic, and therefore every day it is more and more difficult to ensure their safety. It is very important to form the skills of safe behavior on the road in children from preschool age, to educate a law-abiding citizen.

Our task is to develop in children an understanding of the dangers that the automotive world is fraught with. It is important to do this before the child has adopted, has not accepted the wrong stereotypes of behavior on the road, which, unfortunately, are currently prevailing in the adult environment.

The study of the rules of the road in kindergarten takes place in special classes, during games (didactic, mobile, role-playing), entertainment, etc. The topic of traffic rules covers not only cognitive, but also other types of activities - mathematics, familiarization with fiction, art, physical education, etc. In the classroom, children learn to navigate in space, simulate various situations on the road, lose them. We also form motor skills in children: children must not only move correctly in accordance with the received signal or focusing on an adult, but also be able to coordinate their movements with the movement of other people and the movement of objects. In addition, with the help of didactic games, we try to develop arbitrary, active attention, because. for safe behavior on the streets, it is necessary to form voluntary attention in children, the ability to focus on the traffic situation.

You can see the result of our studies now.

Viewing a piece of entertainment.

4. The head educator presents the results of the survey of parents, invites parents to determine for themselves how competent they are in learning the rules of the road.

I. Blitz survey.

  • How to cross the street?
  • Why do you need to stop and look around before crossing the road?
  • Why is it impossible to run out onto the roadway because of the stalls, bushes?
  • The green traffic light starts flashing. Can I start crossing the road?
  • Where is the safest place to cross the road?
  • How is a pedestrian crossing marked?
  • Why do I need a child seat in a car?
  • At what age can you ride a bike on public roads?
  • Sign "Children" - for a pedestrian or for a driver? Is it possible to cross the road in the place where it is installed?
  • Why can't you play near the road?

All the answers of the parents are commented by the traffic police officer, he also gives clarifications in controversial situations.

II. The teacher invites parents to solve a crossword puzzle. (Picture 1)

1. The place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines (crossroads).

2. A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it (pedestrian).

3. A person duly vested with the authority to regulate traffic with the help of signals established by the rules, and directly exercising the specified regulation (traffic controller).

4. A device for supplying light signals that regulate traffic on the streets and highways (traffic light)

5. A person driving a vehicle (driver).

6. Leading one or more moving vehicles associated with the departure from the occupied lane (overtaking).

7. An element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn (sidewalk).

8. A person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle, as well as a person who enters the vehicle (passenger).

9. Intentionally stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle (stop).

Picture 1.

III. The road is full of deceptive situations, “traps”, when at first glance it seems: safe, but in a second it turns out - no, dangerous. Yes, it's late. And now we will try to understand these “traps”. The teacher brings to the attention of the parents cards with the image of “traps”, the parents discuss the situation. Each situation is commented by a traffic police officer.

Trap 1 (Figure 2).









  2. POEM

Preparing for the meeting:

POSTERS (quotes)




REMINDERS for parents


"Our children were born

To live happily.

To play together, to be strong friends

To smile at each other

Giving and flowers

So that dreams always come true in their lives.

Yes, our children were born just for this, but whether this always happens, whether life will not be overshadowed by tragedy - this largely depends on us adults.

The topic of today's meeting is “Road. Child. Safety".

It is no coincidence that this topic is raised. Among all road users, the most mobile and unpredictable road user is a child. Of the total number of dead children, the vast majority are children of preschool and primary school age.

Today we will try to answer the questions: What do we mean by the word traffic rules? How to teach a child the rules of safe behavior on the road? What factors provoke the participation of children in road accidents? Recall elementary rules road alphabet.

Why do preschoolers often get into accidents on the road?

By virtue of its psychophysiological development. This is due to the peculiarities of their higher nervous activity: immaturity and inconstancy, rapid exhaustion of the nervous system, and the predominance of excitatory processes over inhibition processes.

Children do not have the sameprerequisites for learningsafe behavior in traffic and on the road, like adults. Preschool childrenthey do not understand road signs, traffic rules, road markings, and the capabilities of vehicles. They do not have the abilityadults and older childrenestimate speed and distance. Hearing and sight of children are developed insufficiently. They, in particular, cannot shift their gaze from close to distant objects and vice versa with the same speed as adults. It is difficult for them to determine which side the sound signals are coming from. The small stature of a child does not allow him to get a full view of the traffic, which is natural for an adult. The ability to carry out several actions at the same time is not sufficiently developed in a young child. Children do not have the ability to draw general conclusions from their learning, i.e. they cannot transfer, for example, the rules for the correct crossing of the road from the place where they learned it to all other places where they must cross the road.

The growth of the child is a serious obstacle for the timely detection of the driver on the road. Due to a standing vehicle, a standing group of pedestrians, snowdrifts, he is not visible to the driver who is on the road.

Children cross the carriageway differently than adults. Thus, adults, approaching the roadway, already observe and evaluate the situation from afar, while children begin to observe only when they approach the edge of the roadway.

The desire to play in all situations explains the unpredictability or impulsivity of children's behavior. They are strongly influenced by emotions. Joy, surprise, interest in something make them forget about the danger to which they may be exposed when crossing the roadway.

The need for children to move, which prevails over caution, underestimation of the situation, insufficient knowledge about the sources of increased danger on the road, and sometimes just interest in the environment around him can lead to sad consequences.

Children react differently to different types of vehicles. When approaching a large truck, bus, tram, even if they are not moving at high speed, the child does not risk crossing the carriageway, but does not underestimate the danger of small sizes - cars and especially motorcycles that are approaching at high speed. Sometimes they believe that the car can be stopped instantly.

All the listed psychophysiological features of the child indicate that it is impossible to adapt the behavior of children to traffic conditions only through training, they need a special approach when communicating knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Preschool children are never conscious traffic offenders.Their unexpected appearance on the road, collision with other pedestrians, noisy behavior in transport is a clear manifestation of the age characteristics of preschool children. Hence,due to its psychophysiological characteristics, a child of preschool age himself, consciously complying with all the rules and requirements of the rules for pedestrians, cannot cross the carriageway correctly and safely.

It is possible to distinguish a numberfactors contributing to the involvement of children in road accidents:

  1. distracted attention;
  2. forgetting the rules of behavior on the street;
  3. reduced visibility during bad weather due to an umbrella, a raised hood collar;
  4. poor condition of the road surface;
  5. emotional condition;
  6. distraction from dangerous vehicles
  7. a narrower angle of view than that of an adult: in a 6-year-old child, it is 10 times smaller than in an adult, and is only 20-22 ° in the horizontal plane, and 12-15 ° in the vertical one. The growth of the angle of view continues up to 20 years;
  8. reaction time of the child (time from the beginning of the detection of danger to
    actions) is much greater than that of an adult. So, in an adult it is 0.6-0.8 s, and in a preschooler 1.3-1.5 s;
  9. the more dangerous the situation, the slower and more incorrectly the child makes a decision, he is lost;
  10. the cells of the cerebral cortex are easily depleted, the child quickly develops a state of fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  11. lack of adult control (the appearance of one child on the road should attract the attention of all road users and be perceivedthem as an emergency).

Situations where children are most vulnerable:

  1. crossing the carriageway;
  2. visiting shops and educational institutions;
  3. outdoor games near the roads;
  4. riding bicycles, scooters, skating, skiing in dangerous places near the roads;
  5. games after dark;
  6. blinding headlights;
  7. winter condition of the road surface;
  8. the bright sun and white snow create a glare effect, the child seems to be “dazzled”;
  9. a vehicle towing next to the child;
  10. untimely access to an educational institution. The child must leave the house in advance, especially if he needs to cross the roadway.

It is important to instill sustainable skillssafe behavior of the child in any traffic situation.

Excellent knowledge of the rules in itself does not guarantee the safety of the baby on the roads. Of course, learning the rules is a necessary thing, but this is not the main task. The bottom line is toto instill in the child sustainable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation and instill in him a positive attitude towards solving this problem.

Only through the joint efforts of educators and parents, using their knowledge, patience and tact, it is possible to teach children the skills of safe communication. complex world crossing streets and roads.

The rules of the road are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written “in an adult language, without any consideration for children.Therefore, the main task of adults is to explain the rules to the child in an accessible way., and when choosing the form of trainingconvey to children the meaning, the danger of non-compliance with the rules, while not distorting their content.

Skills and habits that the child acquires in preschool age, but they can acquire knowledge a little later.

Skill - This is the ability of a child in the process of traffic to perform certain actions automatically, without specially directed attention, albeit under the control of consciousness, by repeated repetition.

Habit - the established way of behavior, the implementation of which in individual situations acquires the character of a need for a person. Habits can be formed both as a result of one's own observations and experiences, and as a result of the food of others. They can have both a positive attitude towards the model of their behavior, and a negative one.

The model of the child's behavior on the road should be characterized by skill, and the attitude to the implementation of the rules of safe traffic should become a positive habit:when crossing the carriageway, make sure that there are no vehicles on the left and right, that there are no road barriers and a dividing strip, and then cross the carriageway. A negative attitude towards the implementation of the rules of safe traffic becomes a habit to cross the roadway in any place, both in the presence of vehicles on the left and right, and in the presence of roadway fences and lawns on its dividing strip.

Knowledge - it is a set of information learned by the child necessary for safe movement on the road. The amount of knowledge necessary for the child is provided for by the current programs for preschool and general educational institutions and is acquired in the learning process. However, with only knowledge, a child cannot safely walk on the road. To do this, he needs to have special skills and positive habits, which he can only get from hisfirst educatoror a parent who is able, using their knowledge, to give these skills and habits.

Skills, habits and knowledge develop, consolidate and improve throughout the life of a person. As they grow up and gain experience, the level of preparedness of the child for safe behavior on the road increases.

All the skills and habits, and then the knowledge associated with a preschooler and his behavior on the road, are formed under the influence of adults, and positive habits are primarily under the influence of educators, teachers, literate and serious parents, for whom the safety of the child is not indifferent.

Of particular difficulty is the development of cogitative (mental) skills. The speed and accuracy of assessing the traffic situation and forecasting its development depend on how developed the thinking skills are, which is necessary for the timely adoption of a behavior model. Neither friends, nor the street, sometimes parents are not able to develop a thinking skill. Only an experienced educator who knows the methodology and knowledge is able to instill in a child this mental skill. Finedeveloped mental skillsprovide fast and accurate implementation of the rules of safe behavior on the road. They help to do the right thing in difficult traffic conditions, to avoid the occurrence of an accident.

The pedestrian, and consequently the child, is constantly confronted with situations similar to those he has encountered before and the outcome of which he knows from previous experience. The more such standard situations-associations are preserved in the child's memory, the more security he is able to provide for himself.

However, there are a lot of standard situations, and it takes several years to systematize them in memory. Acquaintance of a child with a traffic situation, with transport as elements of his environment, has its own specifics. He can't"try", but for him it is important personal experience. An accident cannot be simulated with the participation of a child. However, it is very important to teach your child how to be safe on the road in advance.Here, personal experience must be replaced by the experience accumulated by society.The development of such thinking skills is facilitated by the situational training introduced in preschool institutions, having mastered which, only the educator is able to develop a thinking skill in a child.

Situational learning issystematization and analysis of typical traffic situations,as a result of which accidents have occurred or may occur. Target case study -to teach the child to foresee dangerous situations, correctly assess them and predict their development, develop solutions that prevent the child from getting into an accident or reduce the severity of their consequences.

Children in the process of learning should observe the real situation on the road or reproduced on the layout. In Finland, Sweden and other countries there are special buses on which children go on the road and, together with the teacher, analyze the traffic situation.

In our conditions, when going out on the road or when practicing on a model under the guidance of an educator, children learn to recognize a dangerous situation, its main features, to explain the most likely development situations, develop solutions that prevent accidents.

To analyze a dangerous situation, the educator uses a variety of technical means: layouts, albums, slides, movies, video recorders. Situational training has the greatest effect when it is carried out in parallel with the study of the Rules of the Road.

Rules are a normative (legal) act that establishes what a pedestrian must or must not do on the road. To the question of how a pedestrian should act in order to comply with the requirements of the rules, there is most often no answer there. In addition, even good knowledge of the rules does not save a pedestrian from possible gross errors, which is confirmed by accident statistics!

Adult task- to give the child the necessary skills of safe behavior on the road in dangerous traffic situations, to allow him to see and realize the real danger on the road and the possibility of avoiding it.

Formation of an appropriate behavior model, a positive attitude towards the implementation of the rules of safe behavior on the road- the main task of the educator. In this case, only he has the opportunity to act in the following ways:

  1. use their own and parental authority and the child's unwillingness to upset them with their behavior;
  2. show possible consequences personally for the child;
  3. use game situation to introduce the child into the role of a cultural pedestrian with positive habits;
  4. activate his creative self-regulation;
  5. develop his thinking (mental) skills.

By the age of five, a child has an innate social sense. He is already a person with his own goals. Children have excellent figurative thinking, figurative memory, fantasy and creative imagination. It is easier for a preschooler than for a schoolboy,inspire the importance of such - motivescorrect behavior on the road, How:

  1. "This is necessary for me";
  2. “This is necessary to maintain the authority of mom, dad, educator”;
  1. "I'll be a good walker";
  2. "I will be a good example for others."

As we see, the preschooler has the potential to learn new traffic rules and reduce the likelihood of getting into an accident.To use these opportunities is the task of the educator.

The problem of ensuring the safety of children on the roads is extremely important and very diverse. The task of teaching children by a teacher is far from unambiguous and not simple. It includes:

  1. pedagogical ability to instill in the child stable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation;
  2. knowledge of the actual subject "Rules of the road" and understanding of its not only protective, but also moral essence;
  3. knowledge of the psychophysiological and age characteristics of children

The role of the family in educating children in the skills of disciplined behavior

The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.

F. Adler

Parents should give the child not only the skills of useful activities in the life ahead, but also the skills of how to save this life, how to stay alive and healthy in the human environment. external environment, including in the road transport environment, which is very dynamic, in which situations change rapidly.

The child is not at home, and the mother's soul hurts: is everything all right? If only nothing happened! This eternal human fear of chance in our time is especially justified, because for last years The number of road accidents related to child injuries is constantly on the rise. The family does not spare time to play with the child, teach them to read or draw, but rarely find five minutes a day and even a week to teach the child the rules of safe behavior on the road, to protect him from an accident.

A Swedish parent claims: “If my child does not know the multiplication tables, then the likelihood that this will lead to injury or death of the child is practically zero. But if he does not know the rules of safe behavior on the roads, then the likelihood that this will lead to injury or death of the child is very high. In this country and in other countries of the world, scientific research is constantly being carried out on the impact of education in the family and at school on the safe behavior of the child. In many European countries, the child takes the first exam in his life in the first class according to the Rules of the Road with the presentation of a pedestrian certificate in a solemn atmosphere. Obviously, therefore, in Finland, Sweden, England, there are only a few dead children per year, and in our country there are thousands. Do not say that these are small countries - they have dozens of times more cars than ours.

The role of the family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, elders, brothers and sisters in the upbringing of a child can hardly be overestimated. From the point of view of the child, everything that they do, especially mom and dad, is right and cannot be better. Parents for a child under the age of 7 are a model of behavior, and only older children begin to critically evaluate the behavior of their family members. It is precisely at the age of 7 years, when the child’s parents are still leading him down the street by the hand, systematic, everyday training in motion, with constant personal example, all family members (dad or mother must remind other family members about this) can create positive or negative habits in the rules of behavior on the road. Everyone should remember this when they take the first step onto the carriageway with their child.

Any family member with a child held by the hand, or a child holding their bag, may cross the roadway in the wrong place or at a red traffic light. The adult knows that there has been a violation of the rules, but the child either does not know, or warns the adult: “But the teacher told us that it is impossible to cross the roadway at the red signal of the traffic light.” In any case, he will fix this traffic situation in his mind. If I maywith dad (mother, grandfather, grandmother or older brother) - so it’s possible at all; if nothing happened in that transition, then nothing will ever happen. And even worse, if mom or dad did it, then it should always be done this way. All family members of this child,


You are planting negative attitudes and negative road safety habits that are the basis of a possible future tragedy.

According to their psychophysiological characteristics, a preschooler himself, even consciously following all the rules for a pedestrian, cannot walk along the road and cross the carriageway.However, life dictates its own conditions, and parents, under the pressure of circumstances, are forced to let him go alone. In this case, one of the family members, holding the child by the hand, goes through the entire route and explains the order of its passage. Then the child should lead an adult family member along the route to the kindergarten and back, and adults should listen to the child, who explains and points out how to go. After that, several times the child walks on his own, but under the visual control of an adult. At the same time, the child should not know that he is being monitored.

All these actions do not give absolutely no guarantees that everything will be fine, but such a purposeful activity of parents creates in them at least some confidence in the safety of the child. In addition, a parent may say to himself: "I did everything so that my child walked safely on his own."

We offer reminders to parents on teaching children safe behavior on the road. These tips are written for those parents who are willing to overcome the habitual underestimation of the risk of childhood injury, the habitual belief that their child will not have an accident, and who are willing to devote at least a little time to teach their children about safe behavior on the road and for self-study. rules.

Dear parents! Take the time to teach children the laws of the road.


Preservation of life and health of children

Making parents feel responsible for their child's safety

To instill in children stable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation.

Pedagogical education of parents on the topic of the meeting.

Tasks: - identify possible dangers for a preschool child

Determine the role of parents in the formation of safe behavior skills for children.

Form of work: workshop.

Participants: parents, educators.

Meeting plan.

Introductory part.

Game for parents "Through the mouth of a baby", "Troubles from a barrel".

Basic rules for the behavior of children on the road.

business game for parents "traps on the roads".

Notes for parents.


Task for parents.

Preliminary work: holding a competition of drawings, crafts according to traffic rules, conducting a survey and testing of parents; recording a DVD for the contest “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, posting memos for parents, developing memos on traffic rules for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. Opening remarks.

Traffic accident statistics show that children often find themselves in emergency situations on the streets and roads.

It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions.

Today, the kindergarten seeks to provide its pupils with a quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of a safe life should become a recognized necessity.

The role of the family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older brothers and sisters in the upbringing of a child can hardly be overestimated. From the point of view of the child, everything that they do, especially mom and dad, is right and it can’t be better. Parents for a child under the age of 7 are a model of behavior, and only older children begin to critically evaluate the behavior of family members. It is at the age of 7 years, when the parents of the child are still leading him down the street by the hand, systematic, everyday training in motion, with a constant personal example of milestones of family members (dad or mother must remind other family members about this) can create positive or negative habits in the rules of conduct on the road. Everyone should remember this when they take their first steps onto the carriageway with their child.

Any family member with a child that he is holding by the hand, or a child holding on to a bag, can cross the roadway in the wrong place or at a red traffic light. The adult knows that there has been a violation of the rules, but the child either does not know, or warns the adult: “But the teacher told us that it is impossible to cross the roadway at a red traffic light.” In any case, he will fix this traffic situation in his mind. If it’s possible with dad, then it’s possible at all; if nothing happened during this transition, then it never will.

Remember! You are laying down negative attitudes and negative habits of violating the rules of safe behavior on the road - the basis of a possible future tragedy.

2. Educator: Dear parents! To avoid trouble in your family, to avoid an accident, to save your health and life, we must know and strictly follow the established traffic rules, they are not complicated.

Educator: First, let's play a little game "Through the mouth of a baby." The conditions of this game are similar to the TV show of the same name. If the word is guessed on the first try, you get 5 points. Each next clue deprives one point.

1. It can be multi-colored.

2. It looks like a stick.

3. They point to someone and he stops.

4. Black and white alternate on it.

5. The traffic police officer does not part with him. (Wand)

6. There is a lot of this in the city.

7. It can be different.

8. When you are on it, you cannot yawn.

9. Often there are traffic lights on it.

10. Everyone looks around him. (Crossroad)

11. You rarely see him, but he is.

12. When I grow up, I will become him.

13. He waves all the time, turns in different directions or whistles.

14. Everyone obeys him.

15. He stands when the traffic light does not work. (Regulator).

16. This is something so long.

17. It can be multi-colored, but it can also be of the same color.

18. Before him, there is still a warning sign that he will be.

19. If it is, then the railway is nearby.

20. If it is raised, then you can go. (Barrier)

21. In winter it is not visible, but in summer it is painted.

22. It can be multi-colored.

23. Someone walks on it, someone stops in front of it.

24. Looks like a horse.

25. Like a vest. (Zebra)

26. This is something so high.

27. It can be different.

28. He has three eyes.

29. Everyone is looking at him.

30. Eyes glow in turn. (Traffic light)

Educator:And now we will check how you know the road signs. The game is called "Troubles from the barrel." Listen carefully to the verses. Which of you will quickly and correctly name the sign referred to in the poem will earn a point. Raise your hand to answer.

A person is drawn.

Man is digging the earth.

Why is there no way?

Maybe they are looking for treasure here?

and old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They are probably old here

Hid a very greedy king?

(traffic sign "Road works")

Why would it suddenly

the arrows stood together in a circle,

and cars next to each other

rush around merrily.

What is, in fact,

It's like we're on a carousel.

(traffic sign "Roundabout").

That's the sign!

I don't believe my eyes

What is the battery for?

May be blizzard in winter

Drivers need to warm up here.

Why in the summer heat

The sign will not be removed from the pavement.

(traffic sign "Railway crossing with a barrier")

Wonderful sign -

Exclamation mark

Sign! So you can here

Shout, sing, make noise, play pranks?

If you run - barefoot!

If you go - with the breeze!

(traffic sign "Other dangers")

(traffic sign "Underground pedestrian crossing")

What's the sign?

The pedestrian in it is crossed out

What does this mean?

Maybe you are offended here?

(traffic sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited")

Do you know the sign?

Its meaning is

Two roads intersection.

Two girlfriends are equal

Two play tracks.

(traffic sign "Intersection of equivalent roads")

I'll get off my bike

If I see this sign.

And I'll walk like a pedestrian

Together with him on the transition.

(traffic sign "No bicycles allowed")

You all did a great job.

3. Let me once again remind you of the basic rules that a child should know:

Basic terms and concepts of rules.

Responsibilities of Pedestrians.

Duties of Passengers.

Traffic lights.

Warning signals.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to:

Watch the road

Correctly assess the traffic situation in all its variability;

See, listen, anticipate, avoid, danger.

Watch the road.

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to follow the Rules of the road, but also from the very early age teach them to observe and navigate. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully you need to inspect the street when on the opposite side is native home acquaintances or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Accurately assess the traffic situation

The main danger is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time.

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind!

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

4. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

Group work.

Now we will check how the parents learned what they heard and can teach the child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often, traps await us, in which it is necessary to make the right decision in a timely manner.

Trap #1


Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.

Trap #2


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: "The car is moving slowly, I will have time to run across," the child thinks... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger!

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Where is it most dangerous to cross the street: in the stop zone or at the intersection? Ask this question to your child. Usually children say: "It's more dangerous at the crossroads." This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by a car in a stop zone than at an intersection.

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road traps. Don't cross the road without making sure you are safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car with itself. A child can get under it if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.

5. Memo for parents.

We want you to remember everything that was said in this meeting. To do this, each of the parents will receive a "Reminder on traffic rules." Read it often and discuss different traffic situations with your children.

6. Reflection.

Continue the phrase: Today I will once again remind my child that ...

7. Task for parents.

Once again show your child the dangerous places on the way home from the garden.

We are confident that if we lead such active work in this direction, children will clearly remember the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children.

Outcome. We are glad that you came to our parent meeting and took an active part in the game. We wish you to never violate the rules of the road!

Application No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Do you introduce your child to the rules of the road?

2. At what age did you introduce him to them?

3. Have you shown your child a safe way from home to school and back?

5. Does it sometimes happen that your child "teaches" you a lesson in safe behavior on the road?

Application number 2.

Reminder for parents.

Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked road sign"Crosswalk".

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not leave the bushes or the car with the child without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow to play near the road and on the carriageway.

Parent meeting on the topic "Road safety"


Preservation of life and health of children

Making parents feel responsible for their child's safety

To instill in children stable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation.

Pedagogical education of parents on the topic of the meeting.

- identify possible dangers for a preschool child

Determine the role of parents in the formation of safe behavior skills for children.

Form of work: workshop.

Participants: parents, educators.

Meeting plan.

  1. Introductory part.
  2. Game for parents "Through the mouth of a baby", "Troubles from a barrel".
  3. Basic rules for the behavior of children on the road.
  4. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".
  5. Notes for parents.
  6. Reflection.
  7. Task for parents.

Preliminary work: holding a competition of drawings, crafts according to traffic rules, conducting a survey and testing of parents; recording a DVD for the contest “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, posting memos for parents, developing memos on traffic rules for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. Opening remarks.

Traffic accident statistics show that children often find themselves in emergency situations on the streets and roads.

It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions.

Today, the kindergarten seeks to provide its pupils with a quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of a safe life should become a recognized necessity.

The role of the family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older brothers and sisters in the upbringing of a child can hardly be overestimated. From the point of view of the child, everything that they do, especially mom and dad, is right and it can’t be better. Parents for a child under the age of 7 are a model of behavior, and only older children begin to critically evaluate the behavior of family members. It is at the age of 7 years, when the parents of the child are still leading him down the street by the hand, systematic, everyday training in motion, with a constant personal example of milestones of family members (dad or mother must remind other family members about this) can create positive or negative habits in the rules of conduct on the road. Everyone should remember this when they take their first steps onto the carriageway with their child.

Any family member with a child that he is holding by the hand, or a child holding on to a bag, can cross the roadway in the wrong place or at a red traffic light. The adult knows that there has been a violation of the rules, but the child either does not know, or warns the adult: “But the teacher told us that it is impossible to cross the roadway at a red traffic light.” In any case, he will fix this traffic situation in his mind. If it’s possible with dad, then it’s possible at all; if nothing happened during this transition, then it never will.

Remember! You are laying down negative attitudes and negative habits of violating the rules of safe behavior on the road - the basis of a possible future tragedy.

2. Educator: Dear parents! To avoid trouble in your family, to avoid an accident, to save your health and life, we must know and strictly follow the established traffic rules, they are not complicated.

Educator: First, let's play a little game "Through the mouth of a baby." The conditions of this game are similar to the TV show of the same name.. If the word is guessed on the first try, you get 5 points. Each next clue deprives one point.

1. It can be multi-colored.

2. It looks like a stick.

3. They point to someone and he stops.

4. Black and white alternate on it.

5. The traffic police officer does not part with him. (Wand)

6. There is a lot of this in the city.

7. It can be different.

8. When you are on it, you cannot yawn.

9. Often there are traffic lights on it.

10. Everyone looks around him. (Crossroad)

11. You rarely see him, but he is.

12. When I grow up, I will become him.

13. He waves all the time, turns in different directions or whistles.

14. Everyone obeys him.

15. He stands when the traffic light does not work. (Regulator).

16. This is something so long.

17. It can be multi-colored, but it can also be of the same color.

18. Before him, there is still a warning sign that he will be.

19. If it is, then the railway is nearby.

20. If it is raised, then you can go. (Barrier)

21. In winter it is not visible, but in summer it is painted.

22. It can be multi-colored.

23. Someone walks on it, someone stops in front of it.

24. Looks like a horse.

25. Like a vest. (Zebra)

26. This is something so high.

27. It can be different.

28. He has three eyes.

29. Everyone is looking at him.

30. Eyes glow in turn. (Traffic light)

Educator: And now we will check how you know the road signs. The game is called "Troubles from the barrel." Listen carefully to the verses. Which of you will quickly and correctly name the sign referred to in the poem will earn a point. Raise your hand to answer.

  1. A person is drawn.
    Man is digging the earth.
    Why is there no way?
    Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
    and old coins
    Are they in a big chest?
    They are probably old here
    Hid a very greedy king?
    (traffic sign "Road works")
  2. Why would it suddenly
    the arrows stood together in a circle,
    and cars next to each other
    run around merrily.
    What is, in fact,
    It's like we're on a carousel.
    (traffic sign "Roundabout").
  3. That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes
    What is the battery for?
    May be blizzard in winter
    Drivers need to warm up here.
    Why in the summer heat
    The sign will not be removed from the pavement.
    (traffic sign "Railway crossing with a barrier")
  4. Wonderful
    Sign -
    Exclamation mark
    So you can here
    Shout, sing, make noise, play pranks?
    If you run - barefoot!
    If you go - with the breeze!
    (traffic sign "Other dangers")
  5. (traffic sign "Underground pedestrian crossing")
  6. What's the sign?
    The pedestrian in it is crossed out
    What does this mean?
    Maybe you are offended here?
    (traffic sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited")
  7. Do you know the sign? Its meaning is
    Two roads intersection.
    Two girlfriends are equal
    Two play tracks.
    (traffic sign "Intersection of equivalent roads")
  8. I'll get off my bike
    If I see this sign.
    And I'll walk like a pedestrian
    Together with him on the transition.

(traffic sign "No bicycles allowed")

You all did a great job.

3. Let me remind you once again of the basic rules that a child should know:

  1. Basic terms and concepts of rules.
  2. Responsibilities of Pedestrians.
  3. Duties of Passengers.
  4. Traffic lights.
  5. Warning signals.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to:

Watch the road

Correctly assess the traffic situation in all its variability;

See, listen, anticipate, avoid, danger.

Watch the road.

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully it is necessary to examine the street when there is a home on the opposite side, acquaintances, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Accurately assess the traffic situation

The main danger is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time.

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind!

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

4. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

Group work.

Now we will check how the parents learned what they heard and can teach the child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often, traps await us, in which it is necessary to make the right decision in a timely manner.

Trap #1


Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.

Trap #2


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: "The car is moving slowly, I will have time to run across," the child thinks... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger!

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Where is it most dangerous to cross the street: in the stop zone or at the intersection? Ask this question to your child. Usually children say: "It's more dangerous at the crossroads." This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by a car in a stop zone than at an intersection.

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road traps. Don't cross the road without making sure you are safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car with itself. A child can get under it if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.

5. Memo for parents.

We want you to remember everything that was said in this meeting. To do this, each of the parents will receive a "Reminder on traffic rules." Read it often and discuss different traffic situations with your children.

6. Reflection.

Continue the phrase: Today I will once again remind my child that ...

7. Task for parents.

Once again show your child the dangerous places on the way home from the garden.

We are sure that if we carry out such active work in this direction, children will clearly remember the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children.

Outcome. We are glad that you came to our parent meeting and took an active part in the game. We wish you to never violate the rules of the road!

Application No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Do you introduce your child to the rules of the road?

2. At what age did you introduce him to them?

3. Have you shown your child a safe way from home to school and back?

5. Does it sometimes happen that your child "teaches" you a lesson in safe behavior on the road?

Application number 2.

Reminder for parents.

Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not leave the bushes or the car with the child without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow to play near the road and on the carriageway.
