What days can you get married. Wedding signs by month

Marriages are made in heaven... Life confirms - it's not just beautiful words. Everything has its reasons - by chance people do not converge, and they do not diverge either. IN Lately many couples turn to astrologers with questions: “When is it better to get married?” or “When is the best time to get married?”. And this is no accident.

When is the best time to get married - astrologer's advice

Right choice dates for marriage plays a very, very important role in a person's life, especially in our time, when in almost all countries half or even two-thirds of marriages end in divorce. No wonder the ancient wisdom says: "choose not only the right partner, but also the right day for the marriage itself."

And although the date for the marriage is not a guarantee of a happy married life, choosing a good date for the marriage ceremony increases or decreases the chance of creating a successful marriage. The horoscope of the moment of registration affects the future relationship of the spouses. The main criteria for choosing a wedding date are: year, month, day and time of the proposed celebration.

When is it better to get married - choose a year

Modern newlyweds are sure that playing a wedding in a leap year means dooming their marriage to collapse. After all, it has been noticed that leap years are quite difficult for many people - conflicts, mortality increase ... If we turn to history, we can see a completely different picture.

Indeed, once every four years, young people did not disturb the matchmakers, and there was no festive commotion in the house of the bride's parents. But this does not mean at all that lovers could not get married. What is most remarkable, the girls went to woo. It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could choose their own groom!

Moreover, they could refuse the bride in matchmaking only in the most rare cases, but no mention of them has been preserved. The next leap year is believed to be the year of the widows, followed by the year of the widowers. Some associate these beliefs with the terrible times of war, so deeply entrenched in the human mind. But the events of antiquity are in the past, we will not focus on them!

When is the best time to get married - choose a month

From time immemorial, May has been considered the most unfavorable month for a wedding: “In May good people do not marry”, “Who marries in May, he will suffer for a century”. But with what such a sign is connected - almost no one knows. The thing is that May is the month of agricultural work. And the sign went precisely from the villages, from where, in principle, all Slavic folklore comes from.

Spring was considered a bad time for weddings. And this was done so that amorous affairs would not interfere with growing crops. As they say, love comes and goes, but you always want to eat. Therefore, weddings were played after the harvest, mainly in September-October. But you and I live in other times, therefore, probably, you should not blindly follow the lead of folk signs.

Although, as they say - just in case, it is better to devote the month of May to preparing for the celebration. After all, one way or another, the most suitable time of the year for modern married couples is summer: the table can be varied with all kinds of fruits, and you can celebrate outdoors, and the bride can choose a light and elegant dress.

The new Western honeymoon tradition is also best enjoyed under the warm summer sun. If on the day of the wedding the raindrops are sprinkled on the young, then this is wonderful - for the entire time of the marriage, the young do not happen to cry.

When is it better to get married - choose a day

Now for the days of the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays have always been considered unlucky for marriage. Tuesday - a day ruled by the planet of aggression Mars, brings a lot of quarrels and quarrels into the life of the spouses. On the other hand, the cooling of relations with this couple threatens less than others - indifference in such a marriage is almost impossible - either love or hate.

Thursday's ruler Jupiter ignites a constant showdown on the topic: "Who is the most important in the house?!" It is also not uncommon in families created on Thursday, adultery and jealousy. Not the most better days are Wednesday and Saturday. An environment ruled by Mercury instills a somewhat cool, rational relationship.

Although, on the other hand, if the spouses adhere to liberal views on marriage and do not want to fetter each other's freedoms, this day may not be so bad.

On Saturday, weddings are most often played, but this day will bring happiness only to those who are ready to sacrifice both their personal life and career for the sake of the family. Patronizing Saturn is the planet of self-restraint and self-denial. If you crave intellectual communication, intimacy, the realization of sexual fantasies, do not sign yet.

If, nevertheless, duty brought you to the Wedding Palace, then only mutual fidelity and readiness of both spouses to save at any cost will make the marriage happy. family hearth. Often, marriages entered into on the Sabbath are not cloudless, but quite durable. Often these are arranged marriages.

Moon Day - Monday - lays a very thin emotional connection in family. Relationships are very difficult, depending on many little things, on changes in mood, and even on fluctuations in the weather. But it is impossible to call these spouses indifferent to each other! Most better days for the wedding - Friday and Sunday.

Friday is ruled by Venus - the planet of harmony and peace. She has always been considered the patroness of lovers. Sunday - the day of the Sun - a wonderful day. Everything that begins under the auspices of the Sun brings joy. A partner will become a source of inspiration for you, help you achieve everything you dreamed of - both in your personal life, and in creativity, and in your career.

When is it better to get married - choose the moment

There are special periods of time when it is undesirable to marry, get married and play a wedding. First of all, these are the moments when Venus is retrograde, that is, when it moves across the sky in the opposite direction. People who are married at this time can fall out of love with each other pretty soon.

The very fact of this marriage will say that they have not yet figured out what exactly they want from the relationship. The marital union will turn out to be something similar to a house of cards - there is no solid foundation, everything is somewhat indefinite, unsteady, changeable ... The Venus retrograde period will last from July 27 to September 8, 2007.

Any astrologer knows that during the period of retrograde movement of Mercury it makes no sense to start new business and projects, to draw up documents. During this period, documents may turn out to be incorrectly executed, various certificates and papers are lost, delays and various other misunderstandings are not uncommon. Whatever happens on a retrograde Mercury, that event is kind of devoid of energy.

At this time, there are no contraindications to get married or get married, you just need to prepare for the fact that confusion will accompany the entire marriage process, as well as leave some imprint on family life. Communication between spouses subsequently will not be as open as we would like. The retro period of Mercury will take place in 2007 from February 14th to March 8th, from June 16th to July 10th, from October 12th to November 2nd.

When is the best time to get married - Moon in signs

pay attention to moon calendar. It is best to play a wedding on the growing moon - this guarantees a constant interest in each other in the communication of husband and wife. Well, if the Moon falls into the signs of the zodiac, prone to family life and partnerships such as Taurus, Cancer, Libra.

The Moon in Aquarius threatens a young family with the opportunity to soon get bored with each other and hikes "to the left", the Moon in Scorpio and in Virgo predicts the loss of a spouse under tragic circumstances. The following are considered unfavorable for a wedding: 9th, 12th, 15th, 19th, 20th 23rd, 29th lunar days. Perfect days for wedding: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 17th, 24th, 27th. The rest of the lunar days are neutral.

A lunar eclipse is another day not to get married. Everyone knows the sad story of Princess Diana, who divorced Prince Charles on the day of the lunar eclipse. According to astrological canons, the eclipse unequivocally symbolizes the dissolution of marriage.

My friend, Irina, managed to set the day of her marriage on the day of the lunar eclipse. No matter how I dissuaded her, she refused and said that all this was nonsense, popular superstition. On the day of the celebration, the troubles began early in the morning. First, the bride accidentally tore the veil. The hole was somehow patched up, but the mood was spoiled.

Then the car that was taking the young people to the registry office got into a traffic jam and they were late for the wedding ceremony. Right during the ritual of exchanging rings, the groom dropped the ring for the bride and they searched for it for several minutes on the floor. The newlyweds were upset to tears, the guests were in an excited nervous state. And then conflicts began in this young family - with breaking dishes, screaming, cursing and fighting.

Six months later, the marriage broke up ... But there was love, there were a good relationship. And there was a sign that the young ignored. If they had paid attention to him and postponed the wedding day, maybe everything would have turned out quite differently ...

These are the most basic classical rules, but there are many more that only a professional astrologer knows. If you are going to get married and want everything to go at the highest level, then contact an astrological consultation. An astrologer will help you choose the best auspicious time for marriage and, perhaps, save from possible troubles and disappointments.

But most importantly - do not forget that choosing a good date for a wedding celebration is not enough to find happiness in family life. If the spouses are incompatible with each other in the main areas of life, then they will not be able to build a harmonious and joyful relationship, even despite the favorable placement of the planets on a special day.

If the newlyweds are very different people, there will be no agreement in the house. Love relationships can be successful, harmonious and pass the test of time only if a man and a woman have much in common, that is, they share the interests, desires and tastes of each other. On the other hand, if they have a lot in common, but do not love each other, then their marriage will also not last long.

Formula happy marriage- this is mutual love and harmony in the intellectual, spiritual and sexual spheres. In this case, we can say for sure that the marriage will be successful, no matter what day it is concluded.

Ludmila Muravieva, astrologer
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The state sets the age of marriage, taking into account a large number factors. The purpose of such regulation is to ensure the freedom of expression of the will of citizens in deciding their own fate and to protect the rights of children and adolescents. Restrictions apply to those who have not yet reached physical maturity and majority, or for any reason cannot make a decision on their own. This necessarily takes into account the reasons of a social and medical nature, as well as national aspects that can influence the decision to enter into marriage.

Basic conditions for marriage

IN Russian Federation the conditions for entering into marriage and the regulation of marital relations are regulated by the Family Code. In accordance with its rules, which apply to all categories of the population (employed citizens, students, officials, pensioners, etc.), only citizens who have reached the age of 18 can marry.

Sometimes there are couples who are ready to start a family and marry before the specified age. In this case, the state can meet them halfway, taking into account the presence of certain reasons and circumstances. However, numerous studies show that at this age, not many are financially, physically and spiritually ready for a real family life.

Forced marriage is prohibited, as are marriages between close relatives (of the first degree), polygamy and polyandry. In addition to the condition of reaching maturity and voluntary consent, in accordance with Article 14 of the RF IC, marriage can be concluded if:

  • a citizen or a citizen is not previously married;
  • those wishing to marry are not adoptive parents and adopted children, guardians and their pupils;
  • the citizens who submitted the application do not have mental disorders and are absolutely capable.

How is this issue regulated at the legislative level?

In accordance with the basic law of the Russian Federation regarding the norms of marriage relations and belonging to the family (SK RF), the age of marriage and the conditions for entering into marriage are clearly defined.

From a legal point of view, 18 years is the lower age limit, starting from which a citizen has the right to make independent decisions regarding his own life, including marriage and entering into family relations.

The legislation is entirely based on the provisions of the UN Convention on Consent to Marriage, adopted in 1962.

At the legislative level, the signs of legal capacity are clearly distinguished, according to which a citizen can marry or get married:

  • physiological maturity of the body, which allows you to conceive and give birth to a child without harm and threat to your own health and life;
  • psychological maturity, which implies the ability to make informed decisions and be responsible for their actions, the actions of their spouse and children.

It is a capable person who can be fully responsible for the consequences of his actions, as well as for inaction. He knows how to assess and analyze the situation, make decisions and be responsible for himself and for those who depend on him (primarily children).

By the time you reach marriageable age Russian citizens have completed secondary education and are mature enough to make their own decisions about marriage, the birth and upbringing of children. In addition, men are ready to serve in the army.

Marriage age in Russia

How old you can get married is indicated in Part 1 of Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The age of marriage is 18 years old (for more details, see the article:). The age limit is set by the rules international law and is the same in many developed countries. However, in exceptional cases, in the presence of objective circumstances, it is allowed to marry before the specified age.

At what age can one legally marry?

In the Russian Federation, people get married at the age of 18, but in some regions this norm is regulated by local authorities, taking into account the peculiarities of the local culture and mentality. At what age to get married is often dictated by existing traditions. In addition, if a passport is obtained, it is not prohibited.

In accordance with international law, the Family Code of the Russian Federation does not apply to citizens of other states. Part 2 of Article 156 of the RF IC states that in the territory of the Russian Federation they have the right to marry in accordance with the laws of the country of which they are citizens.

In this case, it is especially important to note that in a married couple, each of those wishing to marry is subject to the laws of the country whose citizenship he has.

Minimum age for marriage

In Russia, adulthood is the minimum legal age for marriage. Special norms for reducing this indicator have not been developed, but there are exceptions that allow local authorities to independently set this threshold at the regional level. Given the fact that the Russian Federation unites a huge number of nationalities and confessions, disagreements regarding the minimum marriageable age arise quite often.

In practice, it turns out that in the regions, the law does not fix a specific age, but the presence of a passport as a prerequisite for marriage. Since the passport is issued earlier, in Tatarstan you can get married at the age of 14, in the Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions minimum age for marriage is 15 years, in Adygea, Volgograd, Vologda regions and Chechnya - 14 years.

When is the age limit allowed?

The code speaks rather vaguely about the issues of lowering the minimum marriageable age. However, in practice, everything is simple. In fact, the law states that a reduction of 2 years is permissible under “certain circumstances”.

A marriage license before the age of 18 is issued in the following cases:

  • bride's pregnancy;
  • calling the groom for urgent military service;
  • departure of one of those wishing to marry on a long business trip;
  • threats to the life of the bride or groom;
  • absence of guardians or parents.

To explain to lovers, at what age they can get married, they are obliged in the guardianship or local government. Parents cannot influence the final permission, as their consent is not required. The decision on permission to enter into marriage is an official document, it is issued by the local self-government body. Then this permission is transferred to the registry office along with an application for marriage registration. In case of refusal, you can appeal to the district or regional court.

Is there a legal maximum age for marriage?

There is no maximum limit for marriage in the Russian Federation. Also, the age difference between spouses does not matter. Nevertheless, in the history of Russia there were cases when such a restriction existed.

In 1744, the Synod issued a decree banning marriage for men over 80 and women over 60, due to the fact that at that age they are not able to fulfill the main task of the family - to give birth to children. This decree was quickly abolished.

In the Russian Federation, every person can marry after reaching the age of majority, and no one can take away this right. But many young couples, if they are under 18, are interested in: “At what age can you get married and how to do it legally?” This question can be answered by considering the current legislation.

What is the marriageable age in the Russian Federation

In Art. 13 of the RF IC states that the age of marriage begins at 18 years of age. It is at this age that a citizen ceases to be partially capable, receives all rights, and therefore can be held responsible for his actions.

Why from the age of 18:

  • By this age, a person graduates from school.
  • The psycho-emotional consciousness matures.
  • The body of a woman is completely ready for childbearing.
  • A person can work full time and support his family.

You can apply for the desire to marry until the age of majority, taking into account the fact that at the time of registration both partners will be 18 years old. For people entering into marriage, there are several requirements:

  • If a marriage was previously registered, then it must be dissolved before a new marriage.
  • There should be no close relationship between partners.
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children do not have the right to marry.
  • The capacity of both partners.
  • Marriage can only be entered into with the common consent of the man and woman.
  • Pressure from one of the parties to the other, as well as from third parties, is unacceptable.

If it is not possible for one of the parties to appear for the registration of marriage, then a statement is required, where the drink of the absent person must be certified by a notary

Reducing the age of marriage

If a couple wants to get married before adulthood, then in order to find out how old they can get married, they need to contact the guardianship authorities or local government.

Under certain circumstances, the marriageable age in the Russian Federation can be reduced by two years, that is, the law allows marriage from the age of 16.

The law does not list the reasons that can be invoked if you want to get married or marry before the age of 18. But, as a rule, these are: pregnancy, conscription, sending one of the partners on a long business trip, a threat to the life of one of the parties, the absence of legal guardians, etc.

The question often arises: “Is it possible to get married at 16 if the parents do not give consent?” Contrary to popular belief, the consent of the parents or guardians of a minor to a marriage is not necessary. Parents may interfere with the marriage or threaten either party. The decision to allow marriage is issued by the local self-government body. This document must be submitted to the registry office when applying. If the decision is negative, then the couple can file a protest in the district or regional court.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, laws have been passed that allow a reduction in the age of marriage by more than 2 years. For example, in the Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions, the minimum age for marriage is 15 years, and in Adygea, Chechnya, Volgograd, Vologda and some other regions it is 14 years. In some regions, the minimum age for marriage has been abolished. But lowering the age is possible under the same conditions as marriage from 16 to 18 years.

Capacity and emancipation of minors

Emancipation - declaring a citizen under 18 years of age fully capable and obtaining all the rights that adults have. If a minor enters into marriage, he is automatically recognized as a capable person. To confirm full legal capacity, you do not need to apply to any authority - a marriage certificate or a mark in the passport on marriage registration are considered supporting documents.

Marriage with a minor citizen may be declared invalid in judicial order. The reasons may be: the presence of a previous, not dissolved marriage, close relationship, incapacity due to mental illness, coercion to formalize relationships. In these cases, the marriage will be considered invalid from the moment of its conclusion, and the minor will lose full legal capacity.

A minor remains legally capable only if the marriage is annulled by the consent of both parties.

If, for any reason, a minor is denied marriage, then he can get a job under an employment contract or open an individual entrepreneur with the permission of his guardians. In the event that legal representatives do not give their consent, then you can go to court. In this case, the citizen will be emancipated in court and will be able to get the right to marry up to 18 years.

No other age restrictions

In the Russian Federation there are no other age restrictions, except for indicating how old you can get married. That is, the law specifies only the minimum age for marriage, and the average or maximum is not defined. Family law in the Russian Federation prohibits the restriction of adult citizens on the registration of relations on the basis of race, nationality, language and social affiliation.

Every capable citizen has the right to register a marriage with any partner, regardless of age difference.

Availability big difference aging does not grant the older partner more rights or responsibilities. When entering into a marriage, it should be understood that the age gap is considered only a moral aspect and does not affect duties in matters of owning property or raising children. Married partners have all duties and rights equally.

When deciding to get married, couples begin to select the most favorable year and day for marriage. The characteristics of 2019 will help you understand whether it is possible to get married this year or is it better to postpone the event for more favorable times.

What year is it wrong to get married?

There are periods in which, according to various signs and rules, it is impossible to marry. So, the most unfavorable is the leap year. About why it is impossible to marry in such a year, several beliefs speak at once:

  1. Leap year is the year of Kasyan. Although he was considered a saint, his name in Rus' was always associated with demonic forces, and his name was considered shameful. People believed that Kasyan brought only misfortunes. Since then, a leap year is a time when nothing important can be done, much less get married. Kasyan can destroy a young family.
  2. In many countries, for example, in Ireland, Scotland, it was believed that in a leap year only a girl can propose, and a young man does not have the right to refuse. This tradition was also in Rus'. But since such a marriage often took place under duress, it was believed that this would not bring happiness.

Interesting! In Scotland, a man who did not want to agree to an offer made on a leap year had to pay off the bride: give money, a dress or a kiss. In Denmark, 12 pairs of gloves were supposed to be presented as a gift, and in Finland, cloth.

In Italy there is a saying "Leap year is a doomed year". They also try not to make so many important decisions in a year with 366 days.

From what in every 4 year 366, and not 365 days? This happens because the Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days 6 hours and 46 seconds. Therefore, back in the days of the Roman Empire, every 4 years a "lost" day was added to February for the correct reckoning. February was chosen because it was the month that completed the cycle in the Roman calendar.

The first and second years after the leap year are considered the year of the widow and widower. They predict death not only to a young husband or wife, but also the breakdown of marriage, misfortunes and other troubles.

Is it possible to get married in 2019? The year does not threaten future families with misfortunes in terms of beliefs. It will not be a leap year, a year of a widow or a widower, so you can safely choose a date suitable for marriage.

Auspicious days for a wedding

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig. This animal favors new alliances, family and strong relationships. How to choose the best time for a wedding this year? You can turn to different sciences.


The influence of the moon on relationships is of great importance. It is important to choose the right day by looking at the lunar calendar. 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27 lunar days are considered successful. It is not recommended to marry 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19.

The phase of the moon is also important for marriage. Favorable will be 3 periods: the growing moon, the first quarter and the full moon. The growing moon is suitable for concluding a sincere union, without evil thoughts. During the renewal of the moon, it is better to make time-tested alliances. The full moon will add mystery and mystery, and marriage will become a full cup.

Astrologers believe that it is better to hold a celebration on Friday or Sunday. Friday favors Venus, filling the family with harmony, and Sunday - the Sun, bringing warmth and comfort. Good day Monday. He promises partners a marriage full of passion, sometimes overflowing.


Numerologists have developed a formula for determining a lucky and unlucky number for marriage. You need to add up all the numbers of the wedding date: day, month and year and determine the final figure. For example: 10/29/2019. 2+9+1+0+2+0+1+9 = 2+4 =6. It's an even day. From the point of view of numerology, only odd days are considered lucky for a wedding. It's 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a science that can also guide and suggest whether the chosen date for the wedding is suitable or not. But to do this is quite difficult. Experts take many factors into account before giving an answer.

One way is to focus on the sign of the zodiac. According to, the year is favorable, which is combined with the animal of the bride and groom. There are 4 combinations of animals:

  • Dog, Tiger, Horse;
  • Snake, Bull, Rooster;
  • Monkey, Rat, Dragon;
  • Pig, Rabbit, Goat.

If one of the young is born in the year of the Dog, and the other of the Snake, then the year of the Tiger, Horse, Ox and Rooster will be the most favorable for the wedding.

2019 is the year of the Pig and is most suitable for weddings born in the same year, as well as the Rabbit and the Dragon.

The best days in each month are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 12th and 21st.

best month to get married

According to folk beliefs, not every month is suitable for a wedding celebration. In some, you should not plan a holiday at all, while others will give the family union its own characteristics:

  • January - not recommended for a wedding;
  • February is a favorable month;
  • March - the bride will have to go far from her home;
  • April - fickle happiness, alternating with conflicts;
  • May - treason is possible;
  • June is an ideal month, promising happiness for life;
  • July is a good month for marriage, but some troubles can still occur;
  • August - the union will be strong and friendly;
  • September is another good month for a strong union;
  • October - promises a difficult life;
  • November - life will be rich;
  • December - love for life.

If the couple decided to get married, then it is worth remembering that, according to, the ceremony is not performed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In addition, they will not be allowed to get married on the eve of some church holidays, fasting and Christmas time from January 7 to 20, during Shrovetide, Easter (Easter week, that is, weeks).

Age of marriage is a legal term that defines the point of civil maturation of a person, when he has the right to freely enter into legal family relations and register them with the registry office. Such a period is established in accordance with the customs and traditions that have developed in the country. At the same time, the states that have ratified the UN Convention on Consent on Marriage and Age of Marriage undertake to regulate this issue by law.

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits preventing anyone from entering into a marriage. Neither race, nor national characteristics, nor religious beliefs can become an obstacle. Members of all social groups are free to marry. At the same time, there are restrictions that either do not allow registration of family relations at all, or require a special procedure. The first one includes:

  1. One of the parties has an undissolved marriage.
  2. Mental illness in one of the intended spouses.
  3. The presence of close family ties between candidates for spouse.
  4. The existence of an adoptive parent / adopted relationship between the spouses.

Same-sex marriages are definitely prohibited in Russia.

Special conditions for the official registration of family relations are required by the situation when the future newlyweds have not reached the required age. The fact is that Russian law has set a minimum threshold when it is possible to freely enter into marriage. The maximum permissible age of marriage today in the Russian Federation is not provided. Therefore, old age, from the point of view of regulatory documents, is not a reason for refusing to register the union of two people. But youth can become such.

Legally, the issue of marital relations is regulated Family Code RF. Article number thirteen of the document indicates that the age of marriage in Russia coincides with the moment of civil majority. It is possible to enter into legal relations without additional procedures from the age of eighteen. For both men and women, this period is the same.

At the same time, the same rule of law indicates that if a couple wishing to register their relationship has special circumstances, it is possible to grant permission for an early marriage. In such a situation, we are talking about cases where one or both parties have not yet turned 18, but have already turned 16.

It also provides for the possibility of further lowering the established age for legalizing family relations.
The issue in such a situation will be decided depending on the reason that prompted the young to enter into an alliance. The legislator does not indicate the number of years by which the age for legal marriage can be reduced (another year or two), offering to resolve the issue at the level of the subjects of the federation.

Age for marriage and tradition

Federal law allows to reduce the age for marriage in Russia, if there are compelling circumstances, to 16 years. This rule is valid for all regions. In order to register family relations in this case, it is necessary to obtain permission from representatives of local governments.

Given the multinational composition of the population of our country, the legislator also provided for the possibility of even earlier marriages. This is due to the existence of certain traditions among different peoples living in Russia. Therefore, the subjects should independently develop a document regulating this issue. Many regions of our state took advantage of these rights:

  1. The period for marriage or marriage was reduced to fifteen years under special conditions in the Murmansk, Ryazan, and Tver regions.
  2. Up to fourteen years, the republics of Adygea and Tatarstan, as well as the regions: Moscow, Magadan, Vladimir and some others, lowered the bar.
  3. There is no age limit, for example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Some subjects have decided not to develop their own bills on this issue and are guided exclusively by federal law. It should be noted that the desire to enter into an early marriage cannot be realized simply by contacting the registry office of the region where you can get married from the age of 14. To obtain consent to such a step, you must be permanent residents of the region, and often have a residence permit there.

Reasons for lowering the age of marriage

The legislator, establishing the fundamental possibility of concluding a family union before the age of majority, speaks of the need for special reasons. What reasons to consider special are not currently indicated in the UK. In local regional acts they can be listed. As a rule, the last paragraph will contain a phrase similar to this: "... and other circumstances that may be considered sufficient for marriage before the age of majority."

Representatives of local authorities have to consider each case individually. What is sufficient in one situation may not be considered sufficient in another. Events that can lower the age of marriage typically include:

In different regions, the list of reasons for signing up to 18 years of age may change: increase or decrease. There is no single view on this issue today. These are just the most common options.

These circumstances can be called "critical". In addition to them, the law allows the conclusion of an early marriage, subject to the emancipation of a minor, that is, when he receives the status of a civilly capable subject.

Legal capacity and adulthood

The choice by the legislator as the marriageable age of the age of majority is due to several reasons:

  • according to a number of experts in the field of medicine, this is the most suitable period for creating a family in terms of physiology;
  • according to statistics, marriages concluded at this time make up a large proportion compared to other periods of a person's life;
  • from the point of view of the law, from that time on, the subject becomes fully civilly capable.

The concept of full legal capacity implies that a person with a certain period of law:

  • has the ability to independently conduct entrepreneurial activities;
  • should be held accountable for actions that are illegal.

It is generally accepted that this period is the age of majority. At the same time, the legislator provides for the possibility for a citizen to acquire the status of “fully capable” before he turns eighteen. This process is called emancipation. It is possible after the subject reaches the age of 16 if:

  • he carries out labor activity under contract;
  • engages in self-employment.

To recognize a child as emancipated, the consent of the representatives of guardianship and guardianship is required. If this happens, then the citizen himself can decide the issue of his own wedding, and members of local government are required to issue a permit even without the presence of subjective reasons.

Emancipation and marriageable age are related in yet another way. Having received the consent of the authorities to lower the age of marriage and having created a family, the minor is recognized as civilly capable in full. That is, marriage or marriage makes him completely emancipated. At the same time, in the event of a divorce before the age of majority, this status is not lost. The only exception will be the decision of the issue through the court.

The procedure for obtaining permission to create a family

Registration of an early marriage requires obtaining permission from the relevant authorities to step over the ultimate barrier. Without it, the registry office employee is not entitled to conduct a marriage ceremony, and if for some reason he goes for it, the registration will not be considered valid.

Obtaining such a document is a procedure that requires the participation of several persons. Several applications must be submitted to local governments, which everyone must submit personally:

  • from a minor with a request to lower his marriageable age;
  • from the intended spouse with the same request for the other half;
  • from the parents of a minor/minor, indicating a request to reduce the age of marriage for their child to the required limit.

Each application must include:

  • to whom it is addressed;
  • from whom it is;
  • what is the statement about;
  • what are the reasons for reducing the age;
  • by how many years is it required to reduce the age of marriage;
  • number and signature.

According to the State Services website, applications must be considered within ten days from the moment they are received, after which:

  • or a decree is issued to reduce the age of marriage, which indicates to whom and for what period it has been reduced;
  • or a denial of such a procedure, which can be appealed first to the Administration. In case of unsuccessful appeal, you will have to file a lawsuit.

Having received permission, it must be submitted to the registry office, write an application for marriage there and pay the state duty. After that, the employee will set the date of the wedding.

The issuance of a permit is considered a public service, which is provided free of charge.

The marriageable age is established by the legislation of the country to avoid early marriages and protect minors from them. The minimum threshold set at the Federal level may be lowered by regional regulations. The issuance of permission to conclude an early marriage is subject to the presence of special circumstances, which must be considered sufficient to obtain a positive decision on permission to sign "early".
