Methodological development of the theme for October "Transport" (preparatory group). Thematic week "transport" preparatory group Scheduling in the preparatory group transport

Calendar-thematic planning ( senior group) on the topic: “Transport. Traffic Laws"

Subject:"Transport. Traffic Laws"
Group: 2 older -2
Target: consolidate knowledge about the modes of transport, the actions they perform, the names of road signs, their meaning.
Day of the week
Monday 11/13/2017
Morning: Gymnastics.
Work in a corner of nature
"Wipe the leaves of flowers from dust." Examining illustrations.
Tasks: to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, to remember that plants are alive.
Independent activity.
Purpose: to teach children to independently find an activity to their liking.
D / I "Collect a picture" with Katya.M, Anya.T
Purpose: to remember the types of transport, to develop motor skills, thinking. Conversation "Ground transport"
Purpose: In a conversation, the teacher reminds the children what the name of the transport that travels on the ground is. Enrichment of visual material on a lexical topic: plot pictures, coloring pages. Labor assignments for the canteen. Independent activity of children.

Invite parents to have a conversation with their children “How to cross the road”

"The Formation of the Number 10"
-Introduce the formation of the number 10 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed by neighboring numbers 9 and 10, learn to correctly answer the question "How much?"
- To consolidate ideas about the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and their sequence.
-Improve ideas about the triangle, its properties and types.
(Pozina, Ponomareva, p.28, section 4)

ISO. Drawing "Bus decorated with flags"
Program content: To teach children to depict certain types of transport; convey the shape of the main parts, details, their size and location. Learn how to beautifully place an image on a sheet, draw large. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils. Learn to paint over drawings using different pressure on the pencil to obtain shades of color. Develop the ability to evaluate drawings. (Komarova, p.47)

Sun observation
Job: Clear the snow

Game: P / and "Cat and Mice"
Purpose: to exercise in crawling under an obstacle in an agreed way. FIZO. “Who will throw a snowball at the target” (Varya.L, Maxim.S)
Conversation: "Winter will come soon"
Recall the transition of the season "Autumn" to the season "Winter" Independent activity for a walk. Role-playing game"Shop" Experimenting with snow.
Work before bed Reading fiction. (Reading Russian folk tale"Masha and the Bear"

Gymnastics, hardening.
D / and "Fix the mistake"
Purpose: to teach to establish the correct sequence of actions.
Theatrical activity
Together with the teacher.
Puppet theater "Repka".
Purpose: to develop verbal and pantomimic expressiveness; activate speech, develop speech expressiveness; to consolidate the skills of manipulating bi-ba-bo dolls.

Di. OBZH Dangerous objects "" with Varvara.L Nikita.G;.Sasha.D; Arina.P
Purpose: to continue to teach children that there are objects that are not toys. Situational conversation “Offer help yourself” Build a house from a constructor, beat the building. Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Weather observation. Children's games with sand and snow. Labor assignments. The mobile game "Mice and the Cat" - to develop motor activity, learn to act on a signal.

Group: 2 senior -2
Topic: “Transport. Traffic Laws"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the modes of transport, the actions they perform, the names of road signs, their meaning

Day of the week
Tuesday 11/14/2017
Morning: Gymnastics.
"Learn to dance"
Goal: develop a sense of rhythm.
D / I "Where is the beginning of the story?"
Purpose: To teach to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures. "Find differences"
Tasks: development of the ability to arbitrarily switch and distribute attention,
develop the ability to find differences. (Anton.K) Conversation "Rules of conduct on the street" - Summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, on the road.
develop mindfulness.
educate independence, the ability to cross the road correctly.
Work in the center of creativity: coloring coloring pages on lexical topic.
Experimenting with air.
Individual consultations at the request of parents

Directly Educational activities
The outside world / socialization "Games in the yard"
Objectives: to introduce children to the elementary basics of life safety; to discuss possible situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house, to acquaint with the necessary precautions, with the telephone number 03. OV Dybina Familiarization with the subject and social environment. (Dybina, p. 29)

10.00- 10.25
Fiction."Reading the story of V. Bainka "Bathing the cubs""
Goal: To teach children to consistently and logically retell a literary text, trying to build sentences correctly. (Gerbova, p. 57)

Tit watching
Labor: Collect portable equipment
Game: P / and “We are funny guys” - the development of fast running. Here's some ice cream. (Artyom.V,
Arina.P.) Conversation “How many months stay in Autumn”
Reading riddles on the theme "first snow" Taking out equipment for games. Independent activity of children. Bird feeding. Labor assignments.

Work before going to bed Situational conversation about the order in the booths. Remind children how and where to put things. Canteen duty Nastya.U and Philipp.S.

Gymnastics, hardening
15.00- 15.25
ISO. Application "Trolleybus"
Software content. To teach children to convey the characteristic features of the shape of a trolley bus (rounding the corners of the car). Strengthen the ability to cut the strip into identical rectangles-windows, cut corners, cut wheels from squares, complement the image with characteristic details (rods). (Komarova, p.46)

S.r. game "Shop"
Theatricalization "Cars eat on the road." D / and "When it happens"
Purpose: To develop logical thinking and the validity of mental actions.
Nastya.Sh, Yaroslav.S, Katya.M.) Conversation "What kind of transport do you know."
Purpose: to remember the name of urban transport. Free activity of children in activity centers. Selection of illustrations "Our kindergarten". Labor assignments.

Observation of weather changes. Games with portable material. Labor assignments. Role-playing games of choice. P / and "Sly fox"

Download Planning of educational work on the topic “Transport. Traffic Laws"

Natalya Khmeleva
Comprehensive planning on the topic: "Transport" in the group preparatory to school.

Plan educational work from 19.01. – 01/23/2015

Group: preparatory

Theme of the week: « Transport» .

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of species transport and its functional purpose; introduce the classification transport: ground, air, water; clarify and expand knowledge about the rules of behavior in the city, elementary rules road traffic.

Final event: Exhibition creative works « Transport» .

Day of the week Joint activities of teachers with children

Regime moments Directly - educational activities Walk Individual work


Conversation with children: « Transport of our city» Target: expand children's ideas about species transport existing in our city.

D / I on the development of thinking

Why do you think there are no square wheels? What if cars were made out of paper, out of wood? and etc.

DI "Flies, swims, rides"- exercise in classification transport, the use of verbs.

Riddles about transport.

Target: continue to teach to guess riddles and invent your own, develop thinking, speech.


Target: Summarize and clarify children's knowledge of the types transport; develop oral speech; enrich the dictionary with generalizing words, names transport vehicles.

Cognitive - research (constructive) activity.

Subject: Yachtochka (origami).

Target: Continue to learn how to make toys in the origami style, consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally, iron the fold, follow the instructions.

Watching different types transport.

Target: Expand knowledge of land transport, their classification, purpose, to form an idea about the purpose of buses, their significance in human life.

P/I "Sparrows and the Car", "Who is the most accurate?"

Work: collective snow removal.

A game "Traffic light"

With Lisa, Vika

for the development of thinking.

Tuesday Reading the work of V. Berestov "About the car"

DI: "Find what's different"

Target: to develop speech, thinking, the ability to compare.

Didactic game: "Who manages what?" Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions, enrich children's vocabulary with the names of professions.

Writing creative stories topic: "If I were a machine..."

Target: develop coherent speech, imagination, creativity.

Cognition. FEMP. Target: To form ideas about volume (capacity, comparing vessels by volume using transfusion. Fix counting skills within 8, the relationship of the whole and parts.

Physical Culture. Exercise in throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m,

Music. Vehicle surveillance.

P/I "We are drivers", "Aircraft"

Work: cleaning the area from broken branches and cones.

With Anya K., Anya M.

On the development of ZKR, exercise in the pronunciation of sound "SH" develop phonemic awareness.

Communication with children topic:

"How to behave in transport» .

Target: fix the rules of conduct in transport to cultivate respect for the elderly.

Listening practice


K. Chukovsky

A game "Sounds" (imitation of the noise of a car, the sound of a tram, the sound of a horn, etc.)

DI "Special Machines"

Target: expand children's ideas about special transport, its purpose and use.


Make a gas station, a canteen.

Communicative activity. Subject: Introduction to sound "AND" and the letter I.

Target: develop phonemic hearing, learn to determine the place of a sound in a word, the ability to distinguish between consonants and vowels, develop sound and syllabic analysis, the ability to form relative adjectives.

Subject: "Truck".

Goals: to acquaint with the work of I. Surikov; develop memory; to teach children to convey the shape and relative position of parts of different machines, to create a collective composition"City Street".

Supervision of the work of the driver.

P/I "Running - catch-up", "Traffic light".

Work: Sweep snow off buildings.

Discuss with the children what color cars are best seen in summer and winter. Why are fire trucks red?

With Vladik, Egor

Fix the composition of the number 8.

Thursday eye exercises

"Fly, airplane"

Didactic game « Repair the breakdown» .

(Children lay out the silhouette of the car from geometric shapes.)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes, constructive abilities.

DI "Confusion"

(all types transport messed up)

Target: continue to learn to generalize and systematize.

Coloring pages - cars.

Target: to develop fine motor skills, the ability to accurately paint without going beyond the outline.

Cognition. FEMP. Target: to form ideas about measuring volumes using a measure, the dependence of the measurement result on the choice of measure. To consolidate the understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction, the relationship of the whole and parts, ideas about the difference comparison of numbers on an objective basis, counting skills within 8.

Physical culture Exercise in throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m,

in crawling under a stick (40 cm), stepping over a cord (40 cm, in crawling on a bench

with a bag on the back, in beating the ball with the right and left hands in motion, in jumping on the left and right legs over the cord, in throwing the ball to each other from the chest with both hands.

productive activity. Application: "Cars drive down the street".

Target: Learn to convey the shape and relative position of parts of different machines.

fasten: a variety of cutting techniques in a straight line, in a circle; neat tricks

sticking; ability to create a team composition. Develop creative thinking, imagination. To form the ability to evaluate the created images. Supervision of a special transport -"ambulance".

P/I "Traps", "Firefighters in training".

Work: snow removal on the site.

D/U "Who will see more cars?" Target: to consolidate counting skills, develop attention. With Vladik, Anya M.

Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes

Comparative and descriptive stories. (Airplane - helicopter; trolleybus - bus; trolleybus - tram; boat - boat; ship - house).

Target: develop thinking, speech, the ability to compare.

cognitive questions:

Which cars give way on the streets? How can you guess that this car "ambulance", fire department, police? How are they different from other cars? Why do they have to go very fast?

Quiz « Transport»

Target: summarize children's knowledge about transport, its types, purpose, benefits for humans. Communication. Subject:

Retelling of G. Tsyferov's story "Engine" using subject pictures

Target: To teach children to retell the text, observing integrity, coherence, smoothness and volume; revitalize and expand vocabulary topic; reinforce the use of nouns in the instrumental case in children; develop the ability to answer questions with a full answer

productive activity. Drawing. Subject: "Pine".

Target: To teach children to draw a pine tree, conveying its characteristic features in the drawing. Develop creativity, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Taxi surveillance.

P/I "Catch up", "Taxi"

Work: sweeping snow from buildings.

Target: educate the desire to work.

What do you think, what is the best way to get to the North Pole? How about the next village?

with Liza S., Olya

for the development of communications speeches: compiling comparative descriptive stories (airplane-helicopter; trolleybus-bus; trolleybus-tram; boat-boat; ship house).

Monday 15.02.2016


Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning exercise plan

"Consideration of toy cars" Purpose: To form in children primary ideas about the vehicles of the immediate environment (trucks, cars), about the street, the road.

D / game "Put the car in the garage" Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, to learn to correlate garages and cars in size.

Speech game "Guess what we'll ride?" Target : to form interest in speech games, to encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. Fix names in speech various kinds transport.

D / game "Put the car in the garage

Entering trucks and cars

9.00 -915,


Music according to the specialist's plan

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Car, ship and plane (Brush painting. Gouache)

Target. To teach children to finish the missing details on the depicted objects round shape. Strengthen the ability to understand the content of the poem.(coldina, folder)


10.10 – 12.05

Sun watching Goals : continue to acquaint with natural phenomena (solar
weather or not) to form concepts about the signs of winter.

Progress of observation

February is the last month of winter. He is the most snowy and blizzardny. Drops form on the sunny side.

Invite the children to watch the sun. Where is itgets up in the morning? Mark what day it is today, sunny or passgloomy? Does the sun hide behind the clouds and how does it warm?(The sun is shining, but not warm.)

Did. a game What is this ... "," Right - left ". Purpose: reinforce spatial awareness

Labor activity Shoveling snow with a shovel, clearing paths. Goals : learn to work together;work together to complete the task.

Lots of snow, nowhere to run.There is also snow on the road.

Here, guys, shovels for you -Let's work for everyone.

Outdoor games Who will throw the snowball next?

Target: teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the sameoutput actions with one common subject.

"Run to the flag." Target : to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the educator.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, panicles, buckets

preparatory for dinner, lunch.

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating. Teach table manners. .

Learn to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed


15.00 – 16.30

Design "We are going by train"

Target: : continue to involve children in the construction of the simplest structures. To develop the ability to build a building according to a model and without relying on it. To cultivate interest in the result of joint work, the ability to beat the building.

D / and "Collect a car" (cut pictures) Purpose : To teach children to make one whole out of 2 parts, to learn to distinguish between an assembled mode of transport.

D / and "Big - small"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to select garages in accordance with the size of the car, to consolidate the names of transport.

Consideration of thematic pictures from the "Transport" series. Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcars and trucks.


16.30 – 18.45

tit watching Target : introduce the titmouse, its habits, habitat, especiallybennosti appearance.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

Loudly shadows: “Shadow-Shadow!

What a beautiful spring day!(Tit.)

What is this bird?

What does it look like and what color is it?

What changes occur in the life of tits in winter?

What do tits eat?

How do people take care of them?

Labor activity Clearing paths from ice and snow. Target: to consolidate the skills of working with a shovel.

Outdoor games

"Snow Carousel" Target : exercise in orientation on the ground.

"Traps with a ball." Target :

Remote material

shoulder blades

Planning of educational work

Tuesday 02/16/2016

Theme of the month, week, day "Transport"


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, receiving necessary information from parents.

Morning exercise plan

Conversation "How to behave in transport"

Target: tell that you can’t run, jump in transport, as you can fall and get hurt.

D / game "Put the car in the garage" Purpose : to exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, to learn to correlate garages and cars in size. Develop attention, thinking, consolidate knowledge of sensory color standards. Continue to teach to play together in one game without quarreling, to yield to each other.

Situation - communication "Machines - assistants" Target : to find out with children which machines make human work easier; enrich children's vocabulary.

The game is a dramatization of “How the car rolled animals” Purpose : involve children in staging a story, learn to agree on a noun with a verb, activate a dictionary.

Independent play activity children, story games(selection of games by children according to their interests).

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


The development of speech.

Subject Open lesson on the topic: "Game-occupation" "What people ride."

Target : To teach children to correctly name the types of transport; Learn to pronounce words clearly; Consolidate children's knowledge of passenger transport; Consolidate in the active dictionary generalizing the concept of "transport"; Continue to form the ability to perform speech-motor games; Develop attention, memory, imagination, and the ability to act on assignment. (Summary of the lesson)

Physical Culture

Lesson 23 Tasks.Exercise children in walking with variable steps, developing coordination of movements; learn to throw the ball through the cord, developing dexterity and eye; repeat crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.


10.10 – 12.05

Watching birch and pine

Goals :

educate the desire to protect and protect natureProgress of observation

Inspect the site, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do trees have?(trunk, branches.) Note that the pine is green, but take(On the pine.)

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

Pine tied up

Labor activity

Construction of a snow bed.


Outdoor games

"On a flat path."Goals:

learn to walk on the boom;
"Run to me."Target:

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Continue to teach children to dress and undress in a certain order; put in order removed clothes. Cultivate independence, accuracy.


15.00 – 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path. Purpose : to form ideas that physical exercises contribute to a good mood.

"Little engine choo-choo-choo" Purpose : contribute to the development of general and fine motor skills, strengthening the health of children. (Card file)

Water games (launching boats) Purpose: arouse interest in playing with water, the desire to participate in joint activities, let the boats go. During the game, consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (cold, warm, clean, dirty), remind that you can not take raw water in your mouth, form elementary skills for safe life.

Consideration of the plot picture “On the Street”, a conversation on issues - to develop coherent speech, memory, attention, activate vocabulary

Role-playing game: "Bus".

Target: to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.


16.30 – 18.45

expand the idea of ​​trees; Progress of observation

do the trees have? (trunk, branches.) for no leaves. Which tree has the most snow?

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied.

Labor activity Construction of a snow bed. Goals : continue to learn how to properly carry snow for construction;help colleagues in the performance of labor activities.

Outdoor games

"On a flat path." Goals: learn to walk on the boom;jump off by bending your knees.
"Run to me." Target : to learn to run without bumping into each other, to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Planning of educational work

Wednesday 02/17/2016

Theme of the month, week, day "Transport"


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercise plan

Conversation "Land transport" Purpose: Familiarize yourself with various types of land transport.

Role-playing game "We are going to visit grandma" Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

Reading fiction. A. Usachev "House at the transition." Target : continue to teach children to listen to a short work, help them, using different techniques and pedagogical situations, correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its heroes.

Situational conversation:
"What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten" - goal
: develop attention, observation, speech of the child when compiling a story.

Workshop - drawing "Spare wheels" -Purpose: fix the ability to draw round objects, continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly, do not lean low over the table, draw with pressure, fix the name of the color (black). Develop fine motor skills, memory.

Games in the corner of the theater (at the choice of children)Target: To evoke in children the need for emotional communication.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Music according to the plan of the specialist

Artistic creativity. modeling

Machine (Modeling from plasticine)

Software content. Continue to teach children to sculpt objects from plasticine, consisting of several parts. Develop speech, thinking. (folder)



Birdwatching. Target: To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe name of the bird, the characteristic features of appearance. Cultivate a desire to care for birds

Small bird-

yellow-breasted titmouse,

Walks around the yard

Collects crumbs.

Outdoor games

P /And "Get in the circle" Target : teach children to throw snowballs at a horizontal target in an arbitrary way.

Feed the birds.

Target : to teach children with the help of adults to feed the birds

Individual exercises "Jump over the snowdrift" (exercise jumping on two legs from a place "

- "Throw the bump into the hoop", "Hit the target" (to teach children to throw a bump from below into a hoop, throw with both left and right hands at a vertical target)

Situational conversation about how to behave on the street.

Before entering the nursery, teach children to shake snow off their clothes.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Offer to independently remove pants, tights and socks, unfasten the buttons in front, fasteners on shoes.


15.00 16.30

Wellness gymnastics, walking along the massage path : to form an idea of ​​the need for hardening.

D / and "Who does what"

Target : to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the types of labor, to teach them to determine the profession according to the description, to cultivate industriousness and respect for the work of adults.

modeling) - Topic: "Wheels for the train" Purpose: To cultivate a careful attitude to materials, an interest in joint creative activity.

The game "Wonderful bag" (transport) to activate vocabulary and develop memory

Construction game "Gate and path for the car » - involve children in the game.Continue to develop the ability to build simple buildings based on personal experience and according to the teacher's show and beat them

Role-playing game "We are going to visit grandma" Purpose : to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

Offer to play on the train. Expand horizons, enrich vocabulary, develop attention, memory, interest in outdoor games.


16.30 18.45

Observation of the birch and fir-tree Purpose: expand the idea of ​​trees;educate the desire to protect and protect nature.
Progress of observation

Inspect the site, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do the trees have? (trunk, branches.) Note that the pine is green, but takefor no leaves. Which tree has the most snow?

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied.

Labor activity Construction of a snow bed. Goals : continue to learn how to properly carry snow for construction;help colleagues in the performance of labor activities.

Outdoor games

"On a flat path." Goals: learn to walk on the boom;jump off by bending your knees.
"Run to me." Target : to learn to run without bumping into each other, to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, molds for snow,

Planning of educational work

Thursday 02/18/2016

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercise plan

Conversation with children "Air transport" Purpose:

Give an idea about airborne transport (Airplane, helicopter, rocket).

Air transport Purpose : introduce air transport, learn to compare modes of transport, answer questions (page 61 subject world)

Constructive game "Let's build a garage" - Purpose: develop the ability to build a garage from cubes, playing around with buildings.

P / and "Transport the goods" Purpose:- develop coordination of movements.

D / and "Fix the car" - Purpose : introduce children to the components of the machine.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


cognitive development. FEMP



Physical Culture

Session 24 Tasks. Exercise in walking and running in all directions; exercise in the ability to group in climbing under an arc; repeat the exercise in balance.



Winter bird watching Goals : consolidate knowledge about wintering birds;

to form an idea of ​​obtaining food by hibernating

Progress of observation

The blizzard broke out againBreaks snow caps.The pichuga is completely frozen, Sitting, tucking its paws.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What birds are called wintering?

What do they eat?

What winter birds do you know?

Why don't wintering birds fly to warmer climes for the winter?

Labor activity Construction of an ice track. Target: learn to act with shoulder blades, raking snow, making ice track.

Outdoor games

"Taxi". Target : to teach to move together, to measure movements with each otheranother, change direction."Sly Fox". Goals:

exercise in loose running;

develop dexterity and speed.

Remote material

Dolls dressed for the season, shoulder blades

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Encourage children to eat independently and neatly; Learn to hold a spoon in right hand, chew food thoroughly; At the reminder of an adult, use a napkin and say thank you.

To form in children the habit, under the supervision of an adult, to wash their hands on their own as they get dirty and before eating, to dry their face and hands.


15.00 16.30

Gradual rise of children. Wellness gymnastics, walking along the massage path : : to form ideas that physical exercises contribute to a good mood.

C / r game "Drivers" - Goal : introduce new game learn to work together.

D / game "Add the whole" (transport) - Goal : to develop the ability to compose an image from 2-4 parts, exercise in distinguishing the name of various vehicles.

finger game with the movement "Machine"

We sit in the car - sit on the floor and put your hands on your knees

Let's start the engine. - rotate fists at chest level

The car will take us - they “hold and turn” the steering wheel

Over the big fence! -raise hands up


16.30 18.45

Crow watching Goals : to expand the representation of wintering birds, to learn to distinguish them in appearance;to cultivate love and respect for wintering birds tsam.

Progress of observation

The teacher makes a riddle to the children, offers to answer the question dew.

gray hat,

Vest, non-woven

Ruffled caftan,

And he walks barefoot.(Crow.)

What is the name of this bird?

Name the features of its appearance.

What does she eat?

Does she have enemies?

Labor activity Clearing paths from snow and debris. Target : cultivate diligence, the desire to bring the work begunto end.

Outdoor games "Oncoming Crossings". Target : increase physical activity on a walk.

« Get into the hoop." Target : develop accuracy, dexterity, endurance.

Remote material Shovels, buckets, molds, seals.

Planning of educational work

Friday 02/19/2016

Theme of the month, week, day "Transport"


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercise plan

Conversation with children on the topic "Three traffic lights"

To acquaint children with the meaning of traffic signals.

D / and "At the traffic light" - activation of visual perception and memory.

D/ and "Search and find" - teach children to find geometric objects in the room

forms according to the description (

R speech game "Guess what we'll ride?" -to form interest in speech games, to encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. To consolidate in speech the names of various types of transport.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Cognitive development of the FTsKM

Topic: Generalization of the topic transport

Target develop logical thinking, speech, activate the use of prepositions, introduce traffic lights, generalize knowledge on the topic "transport" (page 63 Knowledge of the objective world)

Physical training

Exercises: plank walking, bench jumping, jumping in place. With the ball - rolling into the goal; in the forward direction, around objects (skittles, cubes, chairs). Outdoor games: "The mother hen and chickens", "Shaggy dog", "Find your house".



Observation "Footprints in the snow" Target : learn to identify traces: children's, adults, animal traces.

Progress of observation

Freshly fallen snow is white and fluffy, it clearly showsany traces. From them you can find out who walked, traveled, flewbirds or animals running. Determine whose footprints children see, andinvite them to leave their footprints in the snow. Compare traces of adultslogo with baby footprint.

The snow is embroidered with a beautiful line,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad to the yard:

Look what a pattern!

Dad looks down

- Here is a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

"Make us, Denis, feeders."

Discuss this poem with the children. How did dad find out whosent a letter to Denis? Together with the children, pour food into the feeder.

Labor activity Show the children how to build a house out of snow for a doll, an animal. Goals : learn to measure the size of the house with the size of the toy;

carefully and deep enough to cut a hole.

Mobile games "Do not be late". Target: learn to crawl straight or sideways over the bench.

"Don't miss the ball." Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping;cultivate friendliness.

Remote material

Shovels, emblems for an outdoor game, ribbons, sleds for dolls

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Support the desire of children to eat independently and neatly; Learn to hold a spoon in your right hand, chew food thoroughly; Use a napkin and say thank you at the reminder of an adult.

To form in children the habit, under the supervision of an adult, to wash their hands on their own as they get dirty and before eating, to dry their face and hands.


15.00 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path Purpose: : to form ideas that physical exercises contribute to a good mood.

Theatrical game-situation "Familiar heroes" Purpose : Recall familiar fairy tales with children.

P / and "Tram" - Purpose: to teach in the game to rely on a color guide, to act on a signal.

Exercise with massage balls "Die Hard" Purpose: - development of fine motor skills, speech breathing.

Split pictures "Transport" -Purpose: develop attention and thinking

D/ game "Put the car in the garage" Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, to learn to correlate garages and cars in size. Develop attention, thinking, consolidate knowledge of sensory color standards. Continue to teach to play together in one game without quarreling, to yield to each other.

D / and "Pick a picture" - learn to name objects correctly, classify them according to certain characteristics. .


16.30– 18.45

Observation "Birds in winter" Goals : reinforce the desire to take care of birds;clarify knowledge about their habits.

Progress of observationChildren go for a walk and immediately go to the feederFor birds. Which birds were the first to fly to the feeder? What do they eat grains with?(Beak.) How do they scream? Tell that zimy birds are hungry, there are no midges, worms, and they are very gratefulChildren for caring.

Jumping, jumping sparrow,

Calls of small children:

"Throw the crumbs to the sparrow,

I'll sing a song for you: chirp-chirp!

Labor activity Building a slide for a doll. Goals : learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certainmarks;bring the job to the end.

Outdoor games "Crows and Dog". Target: learn to act quickly on a signal, run, do not pushfacing each other.

"Catch me" Target: learn to navigate in space.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Methodological development of the theme for October "TRANSPORT" (preparatory group)

Target Component:

1. Educational tasks: - reveal the importance of transport, minerals for people;

Expand children's understanding of the history of transport;

To consolidate the rules of conduct in public transport and road safety.

2. Developing tasks: - to develop the cognitive activity of children, enriching ideas about transport;

Develop the ability to creatively express their impressions, imagination;

Development of communication skills, cognitive interest.

3. Educational tasks: - to cultivate respect for the environment, environmentally literate behavior;

To instill in children respect for working people (driver, conductor, tour guide, traffic controller, miner, jeweler);

To cultivate friendly relationships in a team of children, the ability to discuss, respect each other's opinions.

Methods and techniques for organizing activities:

heuristic conversations;

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Transport", "Rules of the road", "Mineral resources", "Underwater world";

Raising and solving problems of a problem nature;

Working with models (inventing fairy tales, the relationship of minerals and people's life), etc.;

The use of artistic words, poems, riddles;

Didactic games, s / r games, game training and creatively developing situations.

Project preparation:

Preparation of demonstration and handout material, preparation of a developing environment;

Involve parents in the search for information on the topic, participation in the educational process of their child;

Involving preschool teachers for cooperation on the project topic;

Reading with children of works of art about friendship, rules of conduct, educational literature (encyclopedias on the topic).

Projected results:

Children's holistic view of autumn as a season (seasonal changes in nature, signs of autumn, its gifts);

Development research activities preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with adults;

Dictionary enrichment;

The manifestation of activity in children, independence, creativity, communication skills;

Conscious desire to take care of nature;

Improvement of the group's ecological environment;

Demonstration of interest of parents in the educational process, the desire to participate in the life of the group.

Subject I of the week: "From carriage to rocket"

Development environment

Working with parents

"fun train". Selection of words for a given model; drawing up sentence schemes; highlighting a stressed vowel sound in a word; consolidating the skills of sound analysis of vowels "A", "I", "O", "E" ( dog, hedgehog, Petka, Yashka); development of speech breathing, art apparatus.

art activities: Application« Bus, trolleybus". Learn to independently cut out shapes for the body, windows, wheels, cutting them off from the edge of a sheet of colored paper; to consolidate the techniques of pair cutting (windows, wheels, rounding corners, cutting narrow strips (for an arc); convey the characteristics of the shape of the structure; develop the eye, hand motor skills, imagination.

Morning: reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov " From carriage to rocket»

Conversation: What modes of transport are mentioned in the poem? what types of transport do you know? (land, air, water; passenger, cargo, construction); consideration of illustrations and encyclopedias.

Approximate problematic issues: - what did the first bike look like? - why does such a heavy tanker or liner not sink? Who made the first flight?

Drawing up a plan of joint action “what we know”, “what we want to know”, “where to find out”.


P/games: "Merry Train", "The Third Extra".

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer s/r game"Ride on the bus" (passengers, driver, conductor).

D/ games: “Continue the chain”, “Who will name more”, “The fourth extra”.

Illustrations, encyclopedias on the themes "modes of transport", "history of transport".

Attributes for the r / game: steering wheel, driver's cap, conductor's bag

Advice for parents " Personal example parents" (behavior on the streets, transport).

Fundamentals of mathematical representations "car service"Measurement of an extended quantity with yardsticks different lengths(measurement of the length of cars and correlation with the parking space). Building a graphical model - Euler circles. Fixing direct and reverse counting (0-10). Signs >,<.


Video presentation verse "Transport". Enrichment and systematization of knowledge about the history of the development of transport, arouse interest, learn a poem.


A game: "Gas station and cars",

"Measure the distance."

II half of the day:

D/games: "On the ground, on the water, in the air", "Collect a picture", "Road signs", "Auto shop".

Create conditions and offer activities of children's choice.

Toy cars of various lengths prepared for their parking spaces, ropes, sticks, rulers

Prepare a presentation with the child on the topic "History of Transport" (for example: airship, horse-drawn carriage, carriage, steam engine, cart, raft, what fire engines used to be).

Construction from the desktop constructor as conceived by the child on the topic " Transport of the past".

Examining illustrations, discussing possible buildings and what details can be used for what. To form the ability to draw up an approximate drawing of your idea and embody it in the building; develop imagination, creativity.

Morning: Reading fairy tales: C. Perrot "Cinderella"

Game for the development of speech, attentiveness, resourcefulness: "Will you go to the score?" (do not say yes and no, do not wear black and white); learn to ask various questions, answer in full sentences.

Walk: Soil research in the garden.

Experience 1: make a cut with a shovel so that all layers of the soil are visible. How many layers of soil? Which? (stones below, then sand with clay and the upper fertile soil layer). Pour water. How does water penetrate soil layers? (a fertile soil layer easily passes water, clay with sand is bad, because there is no air in the clay).

Experience 2: consider the top fertile soil layer. What is contained in this soil layer? (decayed remains of plants, their roots, remains of animals.)

P/game: "Third wheel"

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer s/r game: "In the carriage to the ball" - princesses and kings go to the ball. ("Will you go to the ball?" - offer to include in the plot).

Illustrations, encyclopedias on the topics "History of transport" (overland, aeronautics, rockets, water transport).

Shovel, watering can.

environmental education

« Underground storeroom»

(Paramonova str.219). To introduce children to some minerals, including metals, their role in human life; building a visual model of the relationship.

Hood. literature and cognition peace: E. Permyak "The Tale of the Country of Terra Ferro". To acquaint children with the work of adults in factories and factories, with the process of manufacturing metal products. ( Paramonova "Plants and factories" p.208)

Morning: Study: "Why are cars made of metal?". Compare products from different materials (metal, wood, plastics, glass) - to the touch, visually, for flexibility, brittleness, heaviness, action with a magnet.

Walk: Observation behind the roadway: what cars are passing on the road; road equipment, construction, service (ambulance, fire, traffic police). Why does everyone let cars with sirens pass ahead? Calculate how many cars drove in one direction and the other in 1-2 minutes, compare in which direction more, by how much.

P/game: "Running traps" .

II half of the day:

D/game: "What was, what will be"

Samples of minerals - rock salt, crushed stone, iron ore), objects made from them (including metal ones), a chest with "jewels" (a collection of stones). Various metal objects; cast iron; several items made of other materials (wood, plastic, glass); magnet.

The development of speech and the basics of literacy

"Knocked down, knocked together, here is the wheel".

Traffic controller's baton, traffic light.

Drawing competition

on the topic "Rules of the road" (joint work with the child).

Construction: "City street layout"collective work made of paper (a real area of ​​the city with a crossroads, road signs, traffic lights).

The ability to use the method of folding paper in half and again in half with the combination of opposite sides and corners (manufacturing of houses); learn to create parts that correspond to their function and the size of the overall design. Cultivate accuracy, diligence.

Morning: Road Safety: "Traffic light and road signs". Clarify children's ideas about traffic signals. The ability to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean.

Reading: "The Tale of the Rules of the Road."

D/ game: "Waybill".


Observations: behind the movement of cars and pedestrians. Pay attention to the fact that not only drivers strictly follow the rules of the road, but there are also rules for pedestrians. Draw the attention of children to signs for pedestrians (zebra, traffic lights).

P/game: Drivers and Pedestrians.

II half of the day:

D/game: "Collect a road sign."

Create conditions and offer to make road signs for the street layout and complete the layout (decorate shops, houses, and other small details).

Ready stands for road signs.

Small cars and toys to play with.

The development of speech and the basics of literacy: "My street" (Paramonova str.902) Involve children in a meaningful dialogue, teach them to analyze the text, build a diagram and retell the text according to the diagram. Speak on the topic from personal experience in the form of a short story; activate adjectives. Develop speech breathing, diction.

art activities: Application-collage " Types of transport"(work in subgroups: "in the sky", on the ground", "on the sea", "in space"). Arouse interest in reflecting ideas about modes of transport in the collective composition. Develop the skills of cutting details, cooperation.

Morning: Conversation: "Rules for cycling(signs for cyclists).

Reading: N. Nosov "Car"

Communication game"My beginning is your end." To teach to understand the meaning of messages, highlight the main idea of ​​the statement, continue the interlocutor's thought.


C / r game: "Car service station"

P/games: "Dashing drivers", "One-two-three, run!", "Drivers and pedestrians".

II half of the day:

C/r games at the request of the children.

Create conditions and offer activities of children's choice.

Templates of various transport for the application

Task for parents:

observe the traffic at the intersection with the child, repeat the traffic rules at the intersection.

environmental education

« Fuel and electricity».

(Paramonova p.303; 331) To introduce children to some combustible minerals (oil, peat, coal, gas), their role in human life. Cars on gasoline and gas (which is cleaner for the environment). Initial ideas about the dependence of the state of env. environment from human actions (gas pollution, waste disposal into the soil, rivers, air; saving heat and electricity in homes); building a visual model of the relationship.


Conversation: remember what new professions we learned.

D/game: "Name the action" - what does the conductor do? ... driver, driver, pilot, captain, traffic controller, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, auto mechanic?


Study: Put two pebbles: one in the sun, the other in the shade, covering it with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After a while, check which pebble is warmer (objects heat up in the sun).

P/games at the request of the children.

II half of the day:

Participation in the presentation.

Samples of minerals - rock salt, crushed stone, iron ore), objects made from them (including metal ones), a chest with "precious values" (a collection of stones).

Exhibition of children's and joint works with parents, children's drawings on the topic "Rules of the road".


Bus without conductor

Runs down the street.

Conductor without bus

Lies in the sun.

Bus without conductor

One carried people

Bus without conductor

He held a grudge.

The conductor came from the south

Came to visit a friend.

Hello, friend!

And transport is on the run!

Bus from the conductor

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

bus conductor

Runs, runs, runs.

You probably didn't recognize me

Why are you offended, friend?

Because you didn't take me

Didn't take me South!

V. Shulzhik


Wheels rush along the road.

Above the road Rushing feet.

This is me running.

This is me running on horseback!

Subject III of the week: "Time Machine"

Joint activities of the teacher and children

Independent activity of children

Development environment

Working with parents

The development of speech and the basics of literacy

"Who is faster?". Selection of words for a given model; acquaintance with the iotized function of vowels, with capital letters E And E; proposal scheme" An airbus flies faster than a train"; sound analysis of words airbus, train; speech development. breathing, artic ap-ta.

art activities: Sculpting from plasticine " Lunokhod". Get acquainted with space technology, look at illustrations; discuss what details the lunar rover has, what shape, how to sculpt individual parts, what you can add of your own (develop imagination).

Morning: Conversation- What could be the car of the future? (for example: does not make noise, does not pollute the air, but cleans; can be used in any conditions: the north, in the desert, etc.; you can study, be treated, live, sleep, cook, watch TV, take a shower in it ; maybe he can ride on land, water and air.

D/ game: "Say the opposite."


P/games: "Earth, air and water",

"One, two, three, run!"

II half of the day:

To create conditions and offer to build a rocket, a lunar rover from a large outdoor constructor ...

S/r game"Space Conquest"

Offer activities in productive zones - at the choice of children.

Illustrations, encyclopedias on the topics: "History of transport"; "Space Conquest" (technique, rockets); "Water transport"; "Aeronautics".

on the topic "Underwater transport and technology", "Space technology".

Fundamentals of mathematical representations

"At the station"(compositions of wagons with different number of wagons). Comparison by the number of two sets. Comparison of the results of recalculating a set of items in groups. Building a graphical model in the form of a numerical axis; comparing the number and recording the ratio using signs<, >, =, and digits.

Fiction V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower". Drawing up a retelling based on a visual model. Orient children to the value of actions aimed at the benefit of other people. Learn to notice the features of a fairy tale story. ( Paramonova str.53)


D/games: "Fix errors" (search for inconsistencies); "What is superfluous?"; "Who controls what?"


Observation for the weather: pay attention to how nature has changed; to consolidate the ability to compare natural changes; develop observation. Discuss folk omens and proverbs (why they call October - dirty).

P /a game: "Fly, fly, petal."

II half of the day:

Suggest: board and d / games (on the topic of the project); playing with small toys of the situation on the road on the model of the street; puppet show.

Create conditions and offer to draw a fabulous flower "Flower-seven-flower".

Construction "Time Machine"

(we are flying into the future - what can we fly on?...).

The ability to embody the idea on paper schematically and embody in the building. Learn to transfer the finished building onto paper schematically in the patronage from above. Discuss what details are in the "machine" - what functions they perform according to the child's plan (the formation of visual-figurative thinking, the development of imagination, the ability to compose a short descriptive story).


D/ game: "I know five details..."

(parts of machines : wheels, cab, body, headlights, steering wheel, doors, trunk, tires, motor, seat, pedals, brake; boat parts: mast, sail, oars; aircraft parts: wings, engine, tail, saloon, landing gear, cockpit; rocket parts...)

Walk: Observations behind the wind (the influence of the wind on people's clothes). To consolidate the ability of children to determine windy weather by external manifestations; develop observation

P/game: "Glue brook" (for communication skills)

II half of the day:

(draw, mold, build from different constructors, lay out from a mosaic ...

the ship of the future, the car of the future, the aircraft, the submarine, etc.)

Participation of parents together with children in the drawing competition "Fire truck of the future"

The development of speech and the basics of literacy

"Warm-cold" (Paramonova p.296)

Involve children in meaningful communication, dialogue; to teach to betray the content of a passage of a fairy tale, to reason; choose definitions for the word; specify the meaning of a polysemantic word warm; develop interest in writing; develop speech. breath, artik. apparatus.

art activities "car of the future". Create conditions for the manifestation of creativity, imagination (material to choose from). Offer to think and imagine what cars they would like to see on the streets of cities or drive them when they become adults; and what fine art can express this in their work Describe the idea.


Safety Direct prohibitions and the ability to properly handle certain items (matches, gas stoves, stove, electrical outlets, electrical appliances).


Situation Games ( children are invited to act out a series of situations). To develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express their thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Mobile and story games at the request of the children.

II half of the day:

S/r game at the choice of children (ask if they would like to travel somewhere?)

Create conditions and offer activities in various zones of the choice of children.

Create conditions and offer to make drawings according to safety rules with electrical appliances.

Knowledge of the world around

« Light in the house". To acquaint children with different lighting devices; with history; knowledge that electricity is necessary for people to live; with properties of different materials (transparent - opaque). To consolidate the rules of safe behavior in the handling of electrical appliances in everyday life.

Shadow games.

(Paramonova str.318)

Morning: Conversation: remember what kind of transport runs on electricity (tram, trolley bus, electric train, metro).

Experimental activity: "Where does the current live?". To acquaint children with the cause of the occurrence and manifestation of static electricity; develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.


Observations behind the sun: to form the idea that the Sun is a source of light and heat; develop the ability to think, reason, prove; look through colored glass; Is it possible to look at the bright sun directly?

P/games at the request of the children.

II half of the day:

Create conditions for organizing an exhibition of handicrafts, children's works.

Participation in the presentation.

Create conditions and offer activities of children's choice.

Pictures with different lamps (kerosene lamp, candlesticks, chandeliers, table lamps...); a candle, a torch, a table lamp, a sheet of paper, cardboard, a plastic bag, fabrics, plates, small pieces of paper, foam circles, a laptop.

By the number of children: balloons, woolen rags, plastic rulers.

Exhibition of children's works "Transport of the future"


Sanya asked Nastya:

Who is the fastest: sled, scooter, plane or boots?

Here's a comparison! Nastya laughed.

Okay, plane. And boots in general, if not on their feet, cannot move.

And here it is not. The fastest self-propelled boots. They themselves will take you and me a hundred miles away in an instant.

How do you know all this?

Where? This is written in Russian Fairy Tales.

Subject IV of the week: "Let's go, fly, swim"

Organized educational activities

Joint activities of the teacher and children

Independent activity of children

Development environment

Working with parents

The development of speech and the basics of literacy

"river pebbles"

(Paramonova, p.56). Engage children in dialogue. Learn to reason, convey the content of individual fragments of the text in your own words. To consolidate children's ideas about the verbal composition of the sentence. Match the word and expressive movement.

art activities: application " Balloon"(volumetric ball and basket). Cutting silhouettes in a symmetrical way, improving the application technique, developing a sense of shape, an eye.

Morning: Conversation: What animals does a person use as a form of transport ( dogs, horses, ponies, donkeys, elephants, camels, even ostrich races...). Consider illustrations (encyclopedias, slides); determine on the globe in which countries and continents which animals are used and why.

D/ game: "I know 5 names."

Walk: Observationfor the birds(consider bird tracks). Clarify the understanding of the presence of paws in birds and their functions. How are they different from animal paws? What do birds need paws for? Where do birds' paws end? How many fingers are on their paws?

P/game: "Riders and Riders".

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer s/r game"Around the world" (over the ocean, across the desert, in the jungle, through the mountains, in the snow, etc.)

Create conditions and offer activities in productive zones - at the choice of children.

Offer to draw or make an application "Caravan" using stencils and camel templates.

Illustrations, encyclopedias "Our Helpers" (animals); video slides.

Prepare a presentation with your child

on the topic "Modes of transport"

Fundamentals of mathematical representations

"Airport"(comparison of the number of aircraft, helicopters, hang gliders). Building a model in the form of a logical tree for classifying numbers when compared with a given number. Building axis-type models to establish the ratio of numbers formed when objects are counted by different groups.


Travel around the globe.
Examination and study of geographical maps.
Production of schemes, maps - travel guides.


P/games: "The Third Extra", "Earth, Air and Water".

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer s/r game: "Traveling by plane" (in a balloon).

Create conditions and offer activities of children's choice.

Prepare answers to questions (at the initiative of the child and his parents)

on the topic "Assistant Animals".

Construction from paper " fun train"(engine and various freight trailers). Learn to use cylindrical shapes to create crafts (front of a train, pipe, cistern); develop creativity, the desire to make crafts that are different from other children's crafts.

Morning: Reading: E. Tarakhovskaya "Metro", V. Orlov "Electric Train".

Walk: Observationsbehind the poplar.

Where do poplars grow most often? (in the city); what are they for in the city? (The leaves of trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen); when do the last leaves fall from the poplars? (late autumn); what color are poplar leaves? (yellow-golden); Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn? (so that the tree does not lose much moisture in winter).

Research activities

Examine through a magnifying glass a branch from which a leaf has just fallen (barely noticeable buds, the trees did not die, they only dropped dead, unnecessary leaves).

P/game: "Send signal."

II half of the day:

Offer board games(on the theme of the project):

“Who manages what?”;

"Say a word"

Transport Professions.

Puzzles on the topic "Transport".

To develop attention: "Swim, fly, ride."

C/r games at the request of the children.

The development of speech and the basics of literacy

"Travel by sea". Selection of words for a given model; acquaintance with the iotized function of vowels, with the vowels "U" and "Yu"; typing the letters "U" and "Yu"; sentence scheme " Jung complied with the captain's order"; sound analysis of words" decree", "cabin boy"; development of speech breathing, artic apparatus.


D/game: "From the spring to the ocean" (what first, what then ?; "from the paper boat to the liner"; distribute pictures with water transport into the water space using Euler circles)


P/game: "Earth, air and water" .

Games for children.

Labor assignments (put things in order on the veranda, on the site).

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer Construction ship from a large designer.

S/r game: "Sea voyage" (remember the concepts storm, island, scuba, submersible).

environmental education"Man and body of water". The concept of the relationship of the entire water system of the Earth - the seas and oceans, seas and rivers; the relationship of the animal and plant world with the environment; the importance of the sea in people's lives, the harmful effect on the human sea, and the fight against its pollution; educate caring for the world we live in. Building visual models of relationships: sea ​​man, animals-aquatic plants-sea.


Riddles about transport, tongue twisters.

D/games(on the topic “transport”): “Say the opposite”, “Where is whose garage”, “Continue the chain”, “Who will name more”.


Observation behind autumn rain: differences between prolonged and short-term rains, its comparison with summer. What can you say about rain in autumn? (drizzles, drips, pours, goes, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof).

P/games at the request of the children.

II half of the day:

Create conditions and offer s/r game"Journey to ..." (at the choice of children: we go, we fly, we swim).

Create conditions and offer activities in productive zones of children's choice.

Steering wheel, attributes of sailors (peakless caps, collars).

art activities: Collage "Submarine travel". Mastering the action of modeling the interaction of the depicted objects in the pictorial composition of the underwater world; work in subgroups (2-3 people); the ability to plan their actions together, agree, explain and realize their plan (if the children do not have time to finish their work, you can continue in a free activity -ty in the 2nd half of the day).

Morning: Conversation-journey with problem situations"We are in the ocean": - to summarize the knowledge of children about the ocean; consolidate concepts storm, island, scuba, oxygen, submersible; learn to reason, find solutions in difficult situations.

D/game: "What first, what then" (compilation of the classification model "Transport")

Walk: Observations: for water (change in the state of water). Water can be poured from one bucket to another. Clean water is clear, dirty water is opaque. It became cold - the water froze, ice formed on the puddles. Expand ideas about St. water; indicate the dependence of the state of water on the ambient temperature. environment.

P/games at the request of the children.

II half of the day:

Create conditions for organizing an exhibition of handicrafts, children's works.

Participation in the presentation.

Stencils or pre-cut foil submarines for collage; sand, small stones, shells, colored confetti for fish scales, details of various algae made of fabric, etc. Illustrations of the underwater world.

Exhibition of children's and joint works with parents, children's drawings, crafts.

Comprehensive thematic planning on the theme of the week "Transport"

The age group is senior.

Zemlina Anastasia Yuryevna senior educator MOU secondary school No. 4 SP mDOU kindergarten No. 6 in the city of Marks
Purpose of development: This development is useful for teachers of preschool institutions. Useful for planning educational activities.
Pedagogical tasks on the theme of the week:
- Introduce children to the knowledge of the world around them through acquaintance with
different types of transport and their features
-Expand children's ideas about the types of transport and its functional purpose;
-Clarify the concept of transport: land, air, water;
-Clarify and expand knowledge about the rules of conduct in the city, elementary rules of the road.
- To consolidate the knowledge of children about professions related to transport.
- Enrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of joint creative activity.

Final event: creation of the album "Such different transport", participation in the competition "car of my dreams".
Educational area "Social and communicative development"
Conversation "Transport of our city"
Target: to expand children's ideas about the types of transport that exist in our city.
Situational conversation "How to behave in transport"
Target: tell that you can’t run, jump in transport, as you can fall and get hurt.
Problem situation "What happened before the car"
Target: introduce children to the history of the appearance of cars "
Situation - communication "Machines - assistants"
Target: find out with children which machines facilitate human work; enrich children's vocabulary.

Educational area "Speech development"
Reading fiction: O. Ivanova "My first cars", E. Kuzmin "My first cars", A. Usachev "The house at the crossing", S. Mikhalkov "From carriage to rocket", D. Rodari "Piper and cars"
Target: continue to teach children to listen to a short work, to help them, using different methods and pedagogical situations, to correctly perceive the content of the work, to empathize with its characters.
Memorizing a poem
s. Mikhalkov "Pedestrian must remember: crossroads-crossing"
Reading and staging the fairy tale "How a Dunno rode a carbonated car."
Target: Continue to form the ability to distinguish between genre features of a fairy tale
speech games
"Guess where we're going?"
Target: to form interest in speech games, to encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. To consolidate in speech the names of various types of transport.
"Recalculation of different modes of transport"
(coordination of numerals with nouns).
"My Fairy Car"
Target: develop the imagination and coherent speech of children.

Educational area "Physical development"
Complex of morning exercises "We are going, we are going, we are going"
Target: to exercise children in various types of walking, to consolidate motor skills, to give children an emotional charge for the whole day.
Breathing exercise "Pump up the tires, start the engine"
Target: consolidate the exercise technique
Activate the work of the muscles.
"The train choo-choo-choo"
Target: promote the development of general and fine motor skills, improve the health of children.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Workshop - drawing "Spare wheels"
Target: to consolidate the ability to draw round objects, continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly, do not lean low over the table, draw with pressure, fix the name of the color (black). Develop fine motor skills, memory

GCD integrated lesson with drawing "ship"
Target: continue to acquaint with water transport, arouse interest in drawing with paints.

NOD application.
Theme: Bus
Target: Activate and diversify the technique of working with paper: to form the ability to stick an image according to the plan. Introduce children to an excerpt from S. Boguslavsky's poem "Bus" Introduce the words "conductor" into the children's dictionary,
Generate interest in creating an image. Develop imagination, sense of composition, fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in visual activity, accuracy in doing work

Educational area "Cognitive development"
Watching the cartoon "Travel around the world"?
GCD Social World "Journey to the world of transport"
Target- to acquaint children with various types of transport, with the professions of a driver, pilot, machinist.
GCD mathematics. "Colorful cars".
Target - to form the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the figure; develop addition and subtraction skills; develop orientation skills on a sheet of paper.
"We are on the train"
Target- continue to involve children in the construction of the simplest structures. To develop the ability to build a building according to a model and without relying on it. To cultivate interest in the result of joint work, the ability to beat the building.
The description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment is presented in 2 parts.
The final event was an exhibition of drawings, which was held in the form of a competition. All participants were awarded with sketchbooks.
Here is one of the works.

And also, together with their parents, an album was created from clippings from magazines, postcards about cars, planes and ships. Children study it with pleasure in free independent activity.
