Tiger Stone. Products and prices

Which is a kind of translucent quartz. Renowned for its golden radiance and iridescent sheen. This mineral has been known since ancient times. It has such a beautiful radiant color that it can easily be mistaken for an artificial stone.

Description of the stone, photo and meaning for a person

In Europe, the tiger's eye appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and almost immediately became popular with the nobility due to its subtle radiance and powerful protective power. For some time, commoners were forbidden to have this mineral, only aristocrats could own it. It was believed that rings and rings with a large tiger eye protect representatives of the upper classes from ruin, robberies, and allow you to increase wealth.

Color tiger eye ranges from golden yellow to golden brown. A silky sheen appears in the mineral due to microscopic tubules filled with limonite. It is thanks to this ebb that the stone resembles the piercing, bewitching look of a tiger.

Jewelers make all kinds of jewelry from a tiger's eye. When calcined, this stone acquires a brick-red hue. Such a calcined mineral is called a "bull's eye". After treatment of the tiger's eye with a solution of hydrochloric acid, limonite dissolves in thin tubules and the mineral turns into a "cat's eye".

The tiger's eye is a stone of decisive and energetic people. He gives his owner, insight, endurance, the ability to concentrate on the goal and patience. The powerful energy of the stone helps in work and in personal life. The stronger and more energetic the person, the more the stone helps him. In lazy, weak-willed owners, it does not linger for a long time and is most often lost.

The tiger's eye develops foresight, helps to separate true needs and desires from those imposed from the outside. This stone helps to survive periods of turbulent change, its dynamic, positive energy contributes to the adoption of competent decisions, develops common sense, and allows you to concentrate.

Medicinal properties

The tiger's eye has healing properties, due to which it finds application in traditional medicine. Most often it is used to restore vital energy, normalize mental state, getting rid of excess weight, treatment and prevention of skin diseases and normalization of blood pressure.

    Energy recovery.

    This stone has a strong energy, so traditional healers use it to restore the body after protracted illnesses and surgical operations.

    Normalization of the mental state.

    The constant wearing of this mineral allows you to get rid of depressive states, causeless fears, nightmares and normalizes. Tiger's eye is an indispensable tool in the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome.


    Jewelry with a tiger's eye reduces the feeling of hunger and helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Such jewelry will benefit people suffering from overweight.

    Skin diseases.

    Tiger's eye is useful in the treatment of skin diseases caused by psychosomatics. It has been observed that when this mineral is applied to psoriasis plaques, they pass much faster.

    Other diseases.

magical influence

Ancient people called the tiger's eye a sun stone and made charms from evil spirits from it. Amulets made from this mineral helped warriors survive in battle and protect themselves from dangerous injuries. To increase the protective properties of the stone, special magical symbols were carved on the surface.

The ancient Indians were sure that the tiger's eye could warn of danger. They used this property of the mineral for hunting. It was believed that when predators approached, the weight of the stone increased. In a moment of danger, the stone in the ring pressed on the finger, and the beads and pendants became heavy.

If the tiger's eye necklace began to put pressure on the neck, became heavy, and the ring with the mineral squeezed the finger, remove the jewelry, wait for the 18th lunar day and put it under your pillow. In a dream, you will see the danger that awaits you in the future.

The magical power of the tiger's eye is highly valued by modern magicians, who use it as a talisman against dangers, injuries, and strengthen the will to win. The mineral helps hardworking people to move up the corporate ladder, attract financial flows, defeat competitors and avoid dishonest partners.

Talismans with a tiger eye will help people of creative professions: actors, designers, photographers, fashion designers, stylists, artists, florists, jewelers. This stone releases creative energy and directs it in a creative direction.

Tiger's eye can be used to attract. To do this, you need to hold the stone in the light of the full moon and ask the luminary to give you financial well-being. After that, the stone or jewelry should be left on the moon path all night. In the morning, a charged talisman should be put in a wallet, closer to the money. The amulet will attract cash flows and ensure stability in your affairs.

For men, the tiger's eye gives harmony in love, keeps anger and aggression from waking up, develops abilities for economic activity, protects against accidents, injuries, attacks by enemies and wild animals.

This mineral is not suitable weak women. It will benefit exceptionally strong, whole natures, to whom it will give harmony in business and family, protect from quarrels and scandals, help find a way out of a difficult life situation, protect from the anguish of jealousy and deceit of envious people.

Who suits according to the horoscope?

According to astrologers, the tiger's eye is ideal for four signs: Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius. But representatives of other signs of the zodiac, this mineral will bring a lot of benefits.

Tiger eye jewelry is best framed with silver, which has good conductivity and helps to reveal the powerful, positive energy of the stone.

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A decorative and ornamental stone with an original texture, bearing a bewitching name - Tiger's Eye, is used not only as an ornamental material, but is also valued in the role jewelry. This mineral has long been endowed with magical and diverse healing qualities.

Origin of Tiger's Eye

A variety of quartz with a translucent texture, Tiger's Eye comes from crocidolite, a mineral of igneous origin found in subalkaline granites.

Under hydrothermal conditions, crocidolite is replaced by iron hydroxides and quartz. For this reason, Tiger's Eye is often characterized as a mineral of hydrothermal origin.

The expressive name for the mineral - Tiger's Eye was given by the Sumerians, who discovered this stone and began to use it for inlaid majestic statues of the gods. Then the beauty of the stone was appreciated in Tibet and India.

Colors and varieties

Tiger's eye differs from many ornamental stones in a soft golden color with brownish or yellow tint. A special refinement to the mineral gives a silky sheen to a smooth surface.

The similarity of the mineral with the eyes of a tiger is due not only to its yellow-brown color, but also to its peculiar radiance, iridescent undulating tints or dark dots.

A variety of the mineral is the Hawkeye, the distinguishing feature of which is a blue background with a glare stripe.

If Tiger's Eye is heated, a reddish tint appears. Due to this circumstance, the mineral is called Bull's eye. When treated with hydrochloric acid, a cat's eye is formed.

Deposits and production

The mineral is mined in areas where there are extensive accumulations of volcanic rocks.

The deposits are located in southern Africa, western Australia. It is mined on Russian territory in Eastern Siberia, as well as in California, Ukraine, and India.

physical characteristics

Tiger's eye has the following physical properties:

  • the predominant color is golden brown;
  • gloss - glass;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 7 units;
  • syngony - trigonal;
  • specific gravity - from 2.52 to 2.65;
  • fracture - uneven, conchoidal;
  • dispersion - 0.009;
  • dash - white;
  • cleavage - not perfect;
  • density - up to 2.71 g / cm 3;
  • refractive index - from 1.544 to 1.553.

The healing properties of the mineral

It is noticed that it normalizes sleep, improves mood, the appearance of vivacity, relieves nervous exhaustion. The mineral helps to cleanse the skin when acne, eczema, boils, psoriasis is detected. To do this, regularly it should be applied to the affected areas.

Tiger's eye is used for weight loss. This is due to the ability of the mineral to reduce appetite, normalize digestion and stimulate metabolic processes. And also it is used to speed up the rehabilitation period after surgery.

It is believed that this mineral helps to reduce pressure, increase immunity, and eliminate inflammatory foci. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Given such a wide range of positive effects on the body, you should wear a mineral for a variety of diseases. At the same time, it is recommended to constantly monitor your well-being. When signs of deterioration in health appear, it is advisable to remove the jewelry.

The magical properties of the tiger's eye

Many people are attracted to the stone for its incredible magic, of which there are many testimonies.

If a hardworking person wears jewelry with this mineral, then he will be lucky. You should not use it to try to attract success to lazy people on your side. He encourages only honest work and can punish dishonest careerists. It is noted that it contributes to the achievement of high results in athletes.

The tiger's eye develops intuition, makes a person balanced, and gives him wisdom. Such an influence on men allows you to avoid wrong actions, contributes to the adoption of informed decisions. The owner can identify a lie, feel the danger threatening him, so it is recommended to take him on the road.

Wearing the Tiger's Eye promotes the development of confidence. With its help, it becomes easier to communicate with people, smooth out conflict situations. An important effect of a mineral with calming properties is the ability to gain resistance to stressful situations.

If necessary, it helps to make the necessary decision in time in extreme and difficult situations. You need to pick it up and sit quietly for 20 minutes. Most often it is possible to understand how to proceed further.

With the constant wearing of jewelry with the Tiger's eye, it is possible to solve financial problems. This amazing stone attracts money, avoids situations with their unprofitable investment. It is recommended for women because it allows them to become good housewives.

Helps beautiful mineral discover human creativity. With its help, the development of talent is fruitful. Inspiration is given, high results, fame appear.

The presence of the Tiger's eye in the house eliminates debts, provides cash flow. It should be placed in a box where a little money is put every month.

It is necessary to feel the stone and its impact. If there is a sudden desire to remove it, then this should be done so that it does not harm in later life. This is due to the fact that the Tiger stone will not favor people with dishonest intentions or deceitful thoughts. In time, all bad deeds will be revealed.

The Tiger's Eye is most active during the waning moon. During the full moon, his strength dries up.

The meaning of the tiger's eye in the signs of the zodiac

If we consider the impact of the mysterious stone on the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, then we can state that everyone is allowed to wear it. A positive impact can be characterized as follows:

  • Fish. The tiger's eye allows you to increase energy tone, realize creative inclinations, and overcome difficulties.
  • Aries. The mineral has a calming effect, protecting against negative emotional outbursts. Helps to establish family harmony.
  • Calf. An amazing stone brings active people the ability to easily withstand minor stresses. It protects against major problems, promotes talent development and career growth.
  • Twins. Mineral gives balance to people with an impatient character. This allows them to make spontaneous rash acts less often, to endure failures more easily, and become successful in society.
  • Cancer. It will serve as a necessary protection against diseases, negative external influences.
  • A lion. There will be positive changes in your career. Competitors disappear, and the authorities show favor and patronage.
  • Virgo. Young girls will help find a future spouse. Married woman can gain confidence in the strength of family ties. To all Virgos, the stone gives confidence in making decisions, ensures good health.
  • Scales. Wisdom appears in decision-making, confidence, purposefulness, the ability to anticipate possible mistakes and avoid them.
  • Scorpion. Career advancement will go faster, intuition will increase, warning against ill-conceived steps.
  • Sagittarius. Gives an optimistic view of the surrounding reality, protects against stress and danger, strengthens vitality and health.
  • Capricorn. Brings confidence and luck.
  • Aquarius. Allows you to achieve your goals, avoid negative situations. It provides a positive attitude, increases efficiency.

It should be noted that other stones related to the Tiger's Eye bring good luck to some signs. So according to the horoscope, Scorpio is recommended to wear a bull's eye. Aquarius and Capricorn are beneficially affected by the Hawkeye. Will benefit Pisces and Cancer Cat's eye.

Talismans and amulets

The magical Tiger's eye is used as an amulet that protects against evil forces. If it is constantly worn, then its owner will not be affected by damage or the evil eye. It will not be possible to make a love spell on him, to send a curse.

It is recommended to have any jewelry with this mineral with you at crowded events. If a person is in real danger, then he may feel that the stone has become heavier. In such a situation, you should leave this unfavorable place.

The Tiger's Eye also becomes heavier upon contact with a person who can negatively affect the energy level. It is recommended to interrupt the conversation and avoid further communication with such a person.

They use it as a talisman at various competitions, during exams. He helps to get the necessary result in negotiations, important meetings.

Areas of use

Tiger's eye is used not only as healing stone or magical amulet.

It has long been used as a relatively inexpensive ornamental stone, from which they create elegant objects that can decorate any interior. It is valued in the jewelry industry. After processing, it acquires an exceptionally smooth surface, enchanting with its overflows.

Products and decorations made of stone

Tiger's eye is used to inlay clocks and many items used in interior decor. In combination with other stones, the mineral is used to create artistic compositions, mosaic panels, and paintings. Elegant miniature sculptures, caskets, stationery sets, candlesticks are made from it.

While creating jewelry the frame plays an important role, which determines the value of the jewelry. Rings, earrings, rings, necklaces with an insert from the Tiger's eye, with a silver or gold frame, are in high demand.

Prayer beads and beads from this mineral are valued, bringing good luck, protecting from trouble. good decoration is a bracelet flickering with a mysterious light.

The most suitable metal for a frame for a Tiger's eye is considered to be silver, which goes well with this mineral. Gives a unique mineral an additional elegance and value of gold, which allows you to wear jewelry with dignity, which looks prestigious and noble.

What stones go with Tiger's Eye?

It most harmoniously coexists with the following varieties of stones:

  • with amazonite crystals, which enhance the beneficial aura in negotiations;
  • with glassy moldavite, promoting positive change.

It is possible to create beautiful combinations in the combination of the Tiger's eye with jasper, malachite, pearls, cubic zirconia.

Storage and care

Despite its high hardness, it may darken with prolonged use. To restore the shine, it is recommended to wash it with a soft brush using a soapy solution.

To avoid the appearance of scratches on the surface, it should be protected from impacts, exposure to sharp objects. The mineral may lose its unique decor when it is near heating appliances.

How to distinguish a fake

Given the popularity of the Tiger's Eye, when buying products from random sellers, you can purchase a skillful imitation instead of the original.

Without professional skills, it can be quite difficult to distinguish a fake. However, you should pay attention to the weight of the product. Natural stone always looks more weighty.

The tiger's eye already at the first touch to its enchanting surface wins hearts. In the future, attracting good luck and health to the owner, this stone turns into a valuable treasure and a powerful amulet.

Tiger's eye is one of the varieties of quartz. It differs from cat's-eye minerals by its distinctive undulating golden brown pattern. A variation of it is the hawk's eye.

Tiger Eye Meaning

This stone, which has a beautiful golden yellow or golden brown color, has been known since antiquity. One who wears the tiger's eye has, like a tiger, the patience to wait for the right moment, the courage and determination to resist negativity, whether it be the machinations of enemies or illness.

The tiger's eye allows you to see everything. When used as an ornament or a talisman, it brings good luck and protection from the evil eye to the wearer and attracts wealth. It is also believed to help clear thinking and understanding the true content of things and situations.

Zodiac signs

The tiger's eye is considered the stone of the zodiac signs Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn. Use it if you feel lack of energy. If you wear it constantly, you can become a very energetic person.

The magical properties of the tiger's eye

Most of all, it affects the mind, but not the body. This stone is used to focus and concentrate the mind. In magic, the tiger's eye allows you to see with your mind's eye. With it, you can see past lives, remember and rethink the events that once happened. It gives you the opportunity to understand what has power over your life, what causes stress and anxiety, and how to get rid of it.

The tiger eye has a magical property to attract cash flows, because its color is similar to gold. To do this, on a full moon, put a stone in the moonlight and ask the moon to bless it so that you always have money in abundance. Moreover, it has the ability to prevent those who encroach on your property.

Healing properties of tiger's eye

Many believe that the stone is good to use for healing. It restores the balance of the energies of the physical body and provides a therapeutic effect. Among its medicinal properties:

Helps with high blood pressure, psoriasis and asthma.

It is useful in the treatment of heart diseases, for this, stones of reddish hues are chosen.

Used to improve memory, especially in the elderly.

Tiger's eye with a predominance Brown strengthens the knees and joints.

In addition, these stones have an excellent ability to heal people suffering from their emotions, anxiety, fear, depression. It gives courage and strength to fight against negative influences, restores the harmony of the mind, body and soul.

Talismans and amulets

Being a talisman, the tiger's eye brings the fulfillment of desire closer, attracts wealth. Great for creative individuals who want to be recognized for their talent: artists, musicians, designers, architects. It helps business people to choose reliable partners and make profitable deals. It unites disparate thoughts and makes thinking more productive. Therefore, the stone can be recommended as a talisman for students and people engaged in intellectual activities.

Tiger's eye is useful to wear during major changes in life, as it allows you to go through a difficult period with a light heart. Wear it as a talisman - to protect against unkind people and animals. It is believed that when danger approaches, the stone becomes heavier, thus warning its owner.

Tiger Eye Meditations

It is an effective meditation stone as it helps to avoid distractions and achieve the right focus so that the mind is in a state of balance. Its vibrations allow you to maintain a high level of awareness. Find a place at home that has natural light and let the light shine through the tiger's eye on you. By meditating, you will clear your mind, calm your emotions, release stress, and make the right decision. A stone with a personal symbol carved on it is great for spiritually advanced people to meditate with.

Feng Shui

Tiger's eye is used not only in jewelry. Representatives of all signs of the Zodiac can use it as a Feng Shui element to harmonize space and attract positive energies. Its action is enhanced by the element of Metal, which also supports clarity and clarity - the main properties of the tiger's eye. Place it in the western or northwestern part of the house, room or office, then it will attract abundance. It is good to keep a stone (one or more) at the window or at the front door to protect the house and its inhabitants. Since it has a calming effect, it is useful to place it in a child's room.

Stones with the energy of the sun are the most popular among all minerals. They are neutralizers of negativity and protectors from evil spirits. Almost everyone is ready to acquire one of these minerals, because a nugget cannot harm its owner. It's about the tiger's eye.


The mineral has long been associated with powerful positive energy, capable of endowing the owner with common sense and well-developed intuition. It is these qualities that help to achieve material independence and recognition. The ancient Romans believed in the power of the amulet, putting on the amulet before the battle, and the Egyptians, who believed that the nugget was charged with the energy of the sun.

Place of Birth

The golden brown striped nugget looks like the eyes of animals or birds, hence the name. A variety of quartz is mined in many countries of the world.

by the most large deposits are considered:

  • Russia;
  • Burma;
  • State of California (USA);
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • Krivoy Rog (Ukraine).

Who suits

Tiger's eye is a real find for many people. He has a strong energy, which makes it possible to manifest hidden talents. The mineral is considered a talisman for happiness and financial stability. You should not buy a crystal only for evil and envious people. It will harm them themselves, become a boomerang of negative energy thrown after someone.

The stone is suitable for businessmen, people whose profession is associated with hard physical labor, athletes. The mineral will give them strength, save them from ill-wishers and competitors, open a second wind in the most difficult moment. The same effect should be expected for those whose activities are associated with risks to life: rescuers, law enforcement officers, pilots.

Tiger stone will give women attractiveness in the eyes of the stronger sex. And men against the background of rivals will look more courageous.

The amulet will bring recognition and success to creative people. New works will not keep you waiting long, because a wave of inspiration will periodically cover the owner, stimulate the imagination and inner fuse.

The crystal patronizes the names:

  • Anatoly (will help you determine your life goals);
  • George (brings love and harmony to life);
  • Pavel (self-affirmation, career growth);
  • Jeanne (restores strength after stress, brings harmony);
  • Margarita (will eliminate the pangs of jealousy, promises financial stability);
  • Tatyana (inner harmony, success in business).

tiger eye properties


The mineral has the following physical properties:

  • is a type of quartz;
  • has a rich golden brown color, not transparent;
  • the presence of fine-fibered veins of crocidolite provides an extraordinary shine;
  • chemical composition of SiO2 with admixture of Fe2O3;
  • solid structure (on the Mohs scale - 7);
  • density - 2.6-2.8 g per cm3.


The magical properties of the stone are recognized by both esotericists and ordinary people. The symbol of the sun will become a reliable protection against negative messages, illnesses and failures. If the zodiac sign is combined with the energy of the mineral, then a series of misfortunes and poverty can be overcome by buying yourself an amulet with a striped mineral.

In the East, it is believed that the tiger's eye conveys the strength and energy of the tiger to the owner. Some people have foresight abilities. This is due to the property of the stone to develop intuition.

Fortune tellers and magicians often use the tiger's eye in their rituals. With its help, they penetrate through time, see pictures from the past and the future.

If you hang an amulet at the head of a bed, then dreams will give out upcoming important events. There is an opinion that this particular crystal is one of the best amulets of the house from evil spirits.


Tiger's eye has the following medicinal properties:

  • relieves depression;
  • contributes to the rapid cure of skin diseases;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • stabilizes the psycho-emotional background;
  • affects blood pressure (lowers it);
  • prevents stroke;
  • accelerates wound healing.

In addition, the stone is actively used in the treatment of the spine and joints. It relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, affects microbiological processes. At the stage of rehabilitation, the mineral contributes quick recovery and strengthening the protective functions of the body.

A charm with a tiger crystal will help prevent certain diseases and overcome the feeling of dependence on food during diets.

What zodiac signs suit the tiger eye

The mineral patronizes Virgo and Gemini. It stabilizes the psycho-emotional state of impulsive persons, brings balance, relieves obsessive thoughts. A cold mind will help them achieve certain heights in business and personal life.

Gemini will have the opportunity to discover new talents in themselves, realize plans and achieve material well-being. Virgo talisman will help achieve career growth and recognition of others.

For other signs, the tiger's eye will also be useful. If you purchase an unprocessed nugget and apply it to sore spots, then the stone will show its healing properties. The amulet will attract financial stability and business success.

Jewelry with a crystal is not recommended for representatives of the zodiac signs: Scorpio and Pisces. The energy of the stone is not combined with their energy field, which is fraught with the appearance of headaches and deterioration of mood when wearing amulets.

For Taurus and Aquarius, the stone will be neutral. Therefore, you can wear jewelry, but you will not be able to get energy replenishment.

Types and colors

There are two types of tiger eye. Hawkeye has a blue-gray color with a blue tint. It has a low iron content. A highly valued specimen that has gray, bluish and black stripes with minimal pink blotches.

If dark brown stripes are found on the surface, then quartz is another variety - zebra stone. Another type of mineral - bull's eye, is formed by heat treatment. After exposure high temperatures it takes on a reddish tint.

The color variations of the crystal are due to the chemical composition and conditions of the occurrence of the rock. A high content of riebeckite gives a gray-blue color. Heat treatment converts the yellow stripes to reddish ones. Iron oxide is responsible for the manifestation of the bands and their shades.

Amulets and talismans with a tiger's eye

The stone is considered ornamental, so decorative figurines, beautiful boxes, writing and desktop instruments are often made from it. But amulets and talismans from nuggets are more popular. According to beliefs, it is the raw mineral that has powerful energy that can attract good luck, create protection and influence the psycho-emotional background of the owner.

No less popular are stone jewelry in cabochon processing. beautiful beads, bracelets, pendants can also be used as amulets and amulets.

A tiger eye talisman is able to attract good luck in business and a successful career. It will inspire creative minds. If a person is unbalanced after suffering stress, a unique mineral can also stabilize the state and bring harmony.

The amulet will protect against the evil eye, damage and negative energy ill-wishers, save from scandals and quarrels. For those who often have to risk life and health, the stone will patronize and protect from dangers.

The tiger's eye will bring stability to life and fill it with positive energy.


Quartz crystal deposits are quite common, so its cost is low. The formation of pricing policy depends on the size and quality of the nugget. On average, the price of a 5 gram stone is 1500 rubles.


The appearance of a tiger's eye is often imitated by synthetic materials: borosilicate glass and barium titanate. Also, plastic and polymer products are given as fakes for the original. It is easy to distinguish them only by weight. It will be more difficult with glass and barium titanate, they have a mass that is close in terms of indicators to a natural mineral.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

The value of the stone is not so great in terms of money, but it is still given out for products made of polymers and cheaper analogues of natural origin.

It is actually not difficult to distinguish the original, it is enough to take into account the advice of experts:

  • Natural stone is always weighty, which cannot be said about synthetic material.
  • The natural mineral keeps cool for a long time if it is held in the hand, and quickly returns to its characteristic temperature when the palm is opened. Glass and polymer fakes will keep warm longer.
  • Bright and saturated color is not characteristic of natural crystals. This effect can be achieved with the help of pigmentation of ornamental material.
  • There is a light stripe on the surface of the stone. If you look closely at it when changing the position of the mineral, it can be noted that in the original sample it does not change direction.

In order to avoid acquiring a fake, it is worth making a purchase in specialized stores or from official representatives.


No special care tiger stone No. To save appearance and integrity, the same measures should be taken as for other jewelry. Products with a mineral should be stored in separate bags from soft tissue. Clean with soapy water and a soft bristle brush.

The stone is endowed with sufficiently strong qualities, but this does not mean that it will retain its shape when struck. Therefore, the decoration should not be subjected to physical impact. Careless handling of a tiger mineral product can cause cracks and scratches on the surface.

For daily care it is enough to wipe the crystal with a dry non-woven cloth. You can wear jewelry only after applying cosmetics and perfumes. Contact with the surface of chemical compounds can form cloudy spots that cannot be removed by anything.

The tiger's eye is an unusually beautiful stone, which got its name due to its resemblance to the eyes of predators. It has the property of shimmering, which resembles the radiance of the pupils of tigers. Due to its beautiful coloring, the stone is popular and widely used to create jewelry.

History and origin

Tiger's eye was first discovered in South Africa in the nineteenth century. There are several more varieties of stone - and. Since ancient times, special attention was paid to these minerals, and mystical properties were attributed, so they have many legends and myths.

The most popular legend about the origin of these stones is connected with the tiger hole. It was believed that this mineral has a satanic origin, since its color is allegedly associated with the eyes of the devil.

The legend told that this stone appeared precisely in those days when, after the Flood, Satan was looking for his associates. Then the tiger's eye was created to attract people with its unusual glow, which made them evil and sinful.

He was worn by sorcerers and magicians, believing that he was able to significantly enhance their magical abilities.

Place of Birth

This mineral is not rare. Known deposits of tiger's eye are: South Africa, India, USA, Australia, Myanmar. Large deposits are concentrated in the Urals, where the mineral is mined on the banks of the Moiva River.

However, the highest quality minerals are those that are mined in Ukraine near the city of Krivoy Rog at the Frunze mine. The tiger's eye stone mined there is distinguished by its golden brown color and a pronounced silky sheen. While usually it has an ocher color and a glassy sheen.

Physical properties

This is interesting! The bull's eye stone is a type of tiger's eye, ideal for Scorpions. It is selected based on the nature of the person. This mineral appreciates industriousness and determination in people.

Jewelry with a mineral

For creating various kinds tiger eye jewelry uses cabochons, which are round or oval, smooth and convex surface without cuts. Such a surface allows you to emphasize the aesthetics of an unusual stone that resembles the eye of a predator of the cat family.

With the use of this stone are made:

  • Bracelets;
  • Earrings;
  • Necklace;
  • Beads;
  • keyrings;
  • rings;
  • cufflinks;
  • Pendants.

The greatest value for jewelry are those stones that have a small amount of black inclusions and those where there are wide light stripes with a pronounced iridescent glow - iridescence. The wider the band with iridescence and the less black inclusions in the stone, the more expensive it is.

The stone is also used to create small crafts such as caskets, figurines, magic balls and so on. It is worth noting that a very high-quality, impeccable sample can be expensive, its price can be almost the same as that of the same size. But such ideal examples are extremely rare.

This is interesting! The price of the product and the tiger's eye stone depends on colors and on the availability of quantity light stripes. If the stone has black stripes, then its value becomes less. The cost also depends on the size of the mineral. A five-centimeter stone can cost as little as ten dollars.

Jewelry sets not from precious metals, which include earrings and a ring can have a minimum cost of 500 rubles, sets with beads and earrings - from 800 rubles, brooches, depending on the size - from 250 rubles, earrings - from 300 rubles. For silver jewelry with tiger's eye, higher quality minerals are used, so their cost is much higher.

How to distinguish a fake

To protect yourself from buying a fake, it is better to buy jewelry in jewelry stores. Let them be more expensive due to the fact that the stones are framed in silver, but in such jewelry they will definitely be natural.

What you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Natural stone should be heavy and cold;
  • Fake will have too bright color;
  • The stripes on the mineral should change position when rotated;
  • Product price from natural stone cannot be too low.

How to wear stone products

In order for the amulet to work correctly and have the desired effect on its owner, you need to wear it correctly. It is necessary to select it based on whether it is suitable for the horoscope and type of activity.

For people of the creative profession, the tiger's eye fits very well. They can wear rings and earrings with this stone.

For those whose work is associated with danger and risk, the tiger's eye pendant will be the best amulet. This mineral has long been considered a protector of warriors. He protected them from dangers, endowed them with faith in victory, fearlessness and helped heal wounds.

It is believed that the power of this mineral lies in the energy of the Sun, it protects a person from enemies, as well as from damage and the evil eye. It is recommended to wear insecure people. The stone will help to attract a person into life the right people and increase self-confidence.

It is known that this mineral has the ability to attract profit. It can help in solving financial problems and can significantly increase income. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it as a talisman for businessmen and people who are connected with finances, while the stone must be framed with precious metal.

Caring for stone products

Tiger's eye is unpretentious in care. Thanks to his chemical composition it does not lose its decorative characteristics when worn. Therefore, there are no special recommendations for caring for him. You can sometimes wash it with warm soapy water with a soft brush, but rinsing is better cold water followed by air drying.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Table to whom the stone suits the most.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

For these signs of the zodiac, he is able to become a strong amulet. It inspires a person with a sense of self-confidence, and also allows a person to reveal his talents. It will help attract material well-being and succeed in your career.

Not suitable jewelry with tiger eye stone:

  • Taurus.
  • Libra.

These signs of the zodiac should refrain from this mineral, as it can affect the manifestation of negative character traits in them.

Name Compatibility

The tiger's eye stone is suitable for people with the following names:

  • Paul. Will help a person with this name to achieve all the goals.
  • Anatoly. An amulet with a mineral will help you determine your desires and goals, as well as make right choice when resolving any issue.
  • George. The amulet will help to feel its owner with that name a surge of vitality, calmness, harmony with the outside world, and will also help rejuvenate the body.
  • Margarita. It will help to pacify the strong jealousy inherent in this name, and also help to think sensibly.

    Tiger's eye - a stone associated with the eyes of the devil

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