Marry a foreigner, or the difficulties of living abroad. Marry a Foreigner: A Step-by-Step Guide Helping You Marry a Foreigner

Today's young women have a tendency to "not want to get married." On so many women's forums, the topics “Why get married?”, “Who needs this marriage?” and so on. Reading these opuses, one gets the impression that they were written by young ladies who are completely unlucky in love, so they, embittered at the entire male sex, convinced themselves that they could well do without a husband, and now they are actively flaunting this. But, nevertheless, despite all their "unwillingness" to be a wife, they probably often visit sites that tell how to get married successfully. Perhaps, deep down, these girls have not yet lost hope of meeting their betrothed.

But it is also worth noting that today young (and not so) unmarried ladies, if they want a relationship with a subsequent wedding, then by all means strive to find a wealthy man for these purposes. For such ladies, it is not so important whether a man is handsome, young, whether he has a good character. The most important thing for them is his financial condition, the presence of at least one good car and a decent apartment. There are also many girls who simply do not want to study or work, but want to beautiful life, so they have no other way but to successfully marry.

Unfortunately, there are fewer secured "princes" in our country than unsecured "princesses". That is why especially active citizens are happy to consider options for a rich foreigner. They still believe that they can unearthly beauty knock down some American billionaire. However, some people actually do it. So why not try your luck "over the hill" if you don't get it here

is it possible?

It is best to contact a marriage agency with a question about how to marry a foreigner. Fortunately, there are plenty of them today, and services for girls are provided there for free. You can also register on a marriage site on your own and start correspondence with one or more men, but this option can be dangerous because you can “run into” a scammer (an Internet scammer who, under various pretexts, extorts money from gullible girls), and no one will help with advice. But the agency will not only give you a lot of recommendations on how to get married successfully, but also select

Here are some worthy candidates for you. If you start a correspondence with one of them, then from the first letters of the man you will know the seriousness of his intentions. Usually, imported grooms are very fond of telling girls about their home, work, cars, annual income, etc.

In turn, agency staff can, at your request, verify the identity of the groom and the accuracy of the information that he writes to you about himself. Believe me, they, like you, do not need problems with scammers. After all, you are thinking about how to successfully marry abroad, and the agency is thinking about how to successfully “attach” you. It will receive a tidy sum from the groom for its efforts. But does this amount compare with the money that your future spouse is willing to spend on you? And know: if a foreign man is really interested in you, he will break his bones to take you to him, no matter how much money it costs him. If he starts to play up, it means that either he didn’t like you at the meeting, or he greatly exaggerated his real income.

Many girls dream of marrying a foreigner and leaving their native lands in the hope of better life. Foreign films about love, pleasant trips abroad and happy stories in magazines paint a picture of an ideal life in another country, alluring financial well-being and the opportunity to radically change their fate. But is it so beautiful married life away from home?

My story of meeting my future husband or how I married a foreigner

I never had a goal to leave Russia and find family happiness abroad by marrying a rich man who would take me to beautiful distances. I traveled a lot before marriage and visited very many countries where life was significantly different from the Russian way of life. In my life, there were even several holiday romances, when, having met an interesting man on a regular trip, I was overwhelmed with romantic feelings. But communication after the end of the vacation usually ended after a few weeks, and most often the chosen one simply disappeared without any explanation.

I met my future husband at a conference where the management sent me, and Thomas spoke at it as a speaker. Our communication began exclusively within the framework of a working relationship. At the conference, we chatted over a cup of coffee in between speeches and were surprised to find a lot in common. He speaks excellent Russian, so there was no question of a language barrier.

After the conference, he went back to Germany, and I returned to my city. But we continued to communicate via Skype and phone both on work issues and just chatted like Good friends. Six months later, we knew almost everything about each other. He again had to go to Russia, and he offered to meet. And after this meeting, he admitted that he had come only for me.

On the one hand, I was very flattered, and I even allowed myself to dream a little about serious relationship, but on the other hand, I perfectly understood that we belong to different cultures. The relationship continued, we went to visit each other several times, and after another six months he proposed to me.

I weighed the pros and cons for a very long time, but finally agreed. was modest in a small German town, attended only by our relatives.

Who is better: a foreign husband or a Russian?

For the third year now I have been living in Germany and during this time I have seen and learned a lot about the traditions of this country, having the opportunity to compare family life in Russia and abroad. And here are my conclusions.

  • financial stability. In almost all countries, the man is the main breadwinner of the family and brings the lion's share of the family budget. Women, of course, also work, but married women most often take care of children and the house. Therefore, if my husband suddenly decides to find himself in another professional field, he will first of all think about how this will affect finances, and only then will he begin to realize himself in something new. In Germany, it is very rare to find a man with a family who stays at home while his wife works. Such behavior causes condemnation and negativity from others. Of course, in any country you can meet parasite husbands, but their percentage is very small compared to Russian men.

  • Culture of communication. In Russia, it is considered normal if a husband uses foul language in the presence of his wife, children, and just on the street. The profanity heard at our bus stop will not surprise anyone. Abroad, this occurs only in disadvantaged countries. In Germany, such behavior is considered savagery. Swear words can only be heard among teenagers.
  • Relationships. My husband talks about how European men always treat women with respect if they follow certain rules and fulfill their duties towards their husband. A woman in the family will be respected if she takes care of her husband and children first of all. But if the wife allows herself a regular mess in the house, an empty refrigerator and frequent tantrums from scratch, then the likelihood of a divorce is high. Although after divorce, many former spouses keep beautiful friendly relations which is rare in our country.
  • Bad habits. Men in other countries, as in Russia, may drink alcohol or smoke from time to time, but not in such quantities or with such regularity as in our country. My spouse can afford to drink beer with friends 1-2 times a month, or a few glasses of wine at Sunday lunch. But drunken men sleeping anywhere on the street in Germany are practically a crime and the lot of vagrants (who are practically non-existent here). In addition, smoking is condemned here and causes general disapproval. Drunk women who are married and have a family are generally nonsense.

Trials of the first year after marriage with a foreigner

Of course, life abroad with a foreign husband differs significantly from Russian realities. At first it seemed to me that I was in a fairy tale, until I faced a whole bunch of problems that I could not overcome without the support of my spouse.

  • The language barrier. Fortunately, my husband speaks good Russian, which cannot be said about his environment and relatives. Everything was very problematic for me with German, despite the express courses that I took in Russia. It was very difficult at first to communicate in an unfamiliar language, sometimes switching to English in order to communicate with others. Only after a year of living in Germany did I begin to communicate more or less freely, although I still make small mistakes. And my accent immediately betrays a foreigner in me.

  • The attitude of others. Many acquaintances of Thomas were perplexed by his choice. Many even discouraged, citing the fact that Russian girls marry foreigners solely for mercantile purposes. At first, everyone was very wary of me. Especially those who constantly tried to catch me in selfish thoughts. Only over time, their attitude towards me changed when they saw that I really love my husband and even try to find a job myself. But during this period of my life I had to show all my patience and endurance.
  • Laws. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the German laws that were tough for me. In particular, my husband was very unhappy with the car fines that I received through ignorance or inattention. Also here it is very strict not only with the rules traffic for both drivers and pedestrians, but also keeping the streets clean. Once I received a remark from a policeman for a plastic bag that accidentally fell out of my bag.
  • Citizenship. To obtain citizenship of another country, it is not enough to marry a foreigner. To do this, you must constantly appear in the relevant authorities for foreigners and submit a bunch of papers confirming the right to stay in the country. I have not received citizenship yet, so in the event of a divorce, the state will have every reason to deport me home.
  • Job. Finding a job abroad without citizenship, even with the status of the spouse of a legal citizen, is very difficult. My documents on education received in Russia are absolutely not quoted here. Even to work as a simple seller in a store, you will need a work permit, which still needs to be obtained. At first, I was eager to find at least something, but my husband asked me to pay more attention to the house and think about planning a child, taking all the financial support on myself. As a result, while sitting at home, I became interested in making custom-made cakes, which are very popular here. Of course, I really want to return to the financial sector, which I had to leave in Russia, but for such a serious job, I need to re-learn in Germany, as well as confirm my knowledge of the language.

  • Communication. I really missed communicating with my friends and relatives. And making friends in a foreign country was not so easy. Skype saved me, through which my parents and relatives supported me, but I really wanted to talk with someone, go to the store or just take a walk in the company loved one. She gave me great support in this regard. younger sister husband, who helped me with my German and constantly asked about Russia. Unfortunately, I have not yet acquired real close friends, except for my spouse, in a foreign country.

The first year was a difficult test for me. At some point, I was even ready to give up everything, ask for forgiveness from my husband and return home. But he was very patient and helped to overcome all these difficulties.

And for those who set themselves the goal of marrying a foreigner just to leave Russia, I can give a little advice: do not try to sit on two chairs. Of course, life abroad seems more prosperous, but it is very specific and full of difficulties. The first time can be quite difficult, which can negatively affect relationships with new family. Therefore, leaving native home, you need to marry a foreigner only for love, in order to be confident in your chosen one and have reliable support in difficult moments.

real stories clash of cultures">

Married to a Foreign Man: Real Stories of Culture Clash

In our age of globalization, marrying a foreigner, and even moving to his country, is no longer as incredibly exotic as in the days of Anna Yaroslavna. And it’s easier to get used to a new life: everywhere there are the same jeans, bathrooms, traffic lights and shops. But this similarity is purely external. Local cultural characteristics do not allow you to relax so immediately, you have to get used to it!

Husband is German

I am Belarusian. The Germans eat potato pancakes with jam and apple mousse. I still can't bear it. In Belarus, dranik is a sacred and necessarily salty dish that is eaten with sour cream and all sorts of sauces. And my mother-in-law is offended that I call her “you”. In their case with the family, this is not a sign of special respect, but, as it were, “non-recognition” of her as a family member. Like, “I don’t know you, you are strangers to me.” The Germans are also very surprised that I am torn to wipe every wound with vodka. As for Eastern European cuisine, they are amazed at HOW MUCH we cook when we are waiting for guests or for holidays.

Husband is Turkish

In big cities, Turkey is such a Muslim Europe. Only in the mornings it’s not the bells that ring, but the muezzins scream, you just need to get used to it. I still haven't fully gotten used to it... It's hard to walk the streets with small children, it fills me with a wave of social tenderness. Here is a real cult of childhood. This is not for show, in families it is even stronger, Turkish children are very pampered, rewarded, squeezed. But it is very easy to go shopping without even knowing the language. Local sellers are so pumped up that they will understand even lowing and gestures and put exactly what they need on the counter.

Almost all women love to cook, and many men too, very conspicuous after Russia. Everyone loves to eat no less, the portions are large, there are no barbecue-juice-salad picnics, they carry cooler bags with a huge amount of food. I didn’t have any problems with my husband on the basis of different cultures, he immediately tuned in that he would marry a European woman and give it, bring it at the snap of his fingers, if you want coffee, ask out loud or do it yourself. The only battle we had was over an intimate hairstyle. Here it is customary to remove her baldly, none of the most modest and short haircuts not recognized, it's rubbish. But this battle was before the wedding.

Husband is a Ukrainian from the outback

The change of culture was very radical, because not only the country was changing, I moved from the city to the village. Straightaway - a new style communication. I tried to communicate with my mother-in-law by name and patronymic. But here only “mother is you”. They immediately pulled me over when I called my husband pet name(that is, not affectionate, but diminutive), well, for example, “Vanka”. “Have you quarreled with him or do you not respect him? Don't talk like that in front of people, otherwise rumors will circulate."

Nothing can be done on Sunday! For me, working and accustomed to the urban way of life, it was a martyr's torment. Postpone cleaning for the weekend, and then - oops, it's already there. And that's all. Then I learned to plan, and to be honest, to bypass the ban. The husband is supportive. There was a funny cultural moment. Taught English tenses with children. There is a sentence “Who made the birdhouse? – Me. And when did you make it? - On Sunday". The children had cognitive dissonance.

Here is a very fatty cuisine, they can serve stewed duck with fresh milk, for me this is just horror, horror. So it was here that my husband was forced to get used to my traditions. And I made a mix of this and that. I like. I even learned to eat okroshka :)

Husband is Italian

I didn’t have a culture shock in Italy, because I often went there before marriage. Well, the main points that surprise Russian wives.

Eating strictly according to the schedule. If a guest has come, dumping everything that is out of the refrigerator is not accepted. Not because they are greedy, but because it is believed that at non-dinner time a person simply cannot be hungry. And at lunchtime, a polite person simply will never go to anyone and will not even call, because this is sacred. Guests are offered drinks: aperitif, coffee, water. To feed a person, you need to invite him to lunch or dinner. If you ask an Italian if he wants to eat, he looks at his watch before answering. Food for Italians is ... in general, this is everything for them. But you don’t need to drink to the bottom, you can even not drink at all.

It is not customary to make comments even in the most affectionate and polite form. A hint of a showdown is considered inappropriate behavior. Well, that is, some, of course, quarrel with neighbors, relatives, but this usually means a final break in diplomatic relations. Discussing any serious topics and even more so arguing is not welcome. It is customary to nod in agreement to any nonsense that you are told. At first I was surprised: why does everyone always agree with me? :) Then I figured it out. :).

This is all from the experience of communication in a small village in Lombardy (one of the most economically developed regions in the North of Italy). In the South, things might be different. But food is sacred throughout Italy.

Husband is Greek

One of the first discoveries hot water it doesn’t always happen, but it heats up with a boiler and ends pretty quickly. We turn on the heating in winter for an hour or two. Because +18 in the house is quite warm, and you can get used to it. But +15 is quite cold.

They don't swear - they talk about the weather. They don't kill each other - they talk about football. It is they who do not fight in a fit, but talk about politics. It is better for old people to give way to places in public transport. And especially for old women - you will be more whole. Moscow drivers are bunnies compared to Athens ones. In Athens, running a red light and pedestrians crossing the road is a common thing. Also scold them for not running fast enough.

Do not ask the names of babies under two years old. Their name is baby or baby. The name will be given at the christening. Forget about what you want to name your child. He will be called by the name of the father-in-law or mother-in-law. Such an unbreakable tradition. Well, if you want to insist on your own, prepare for war.

What other birthday? Name day - this is a holiday with gifts and congratulations. Which one else New Year? Christmas! And the most main holiday- It's Easter. Everyone celebrates, even atheists.

Husband is Basque

I am Ukrainian. How did our cultures collide? Elementary. Only I eat borscht, because "beets are cow food." Well, please. In retaliation, I don't make local food. What? Tortilla? It's soooo hard and only locals can do it. Let them do it. We have this dinner on Thursdays. And on other days of the week, something also local is invented, and that I don’t cook either. Talk about food - I don't know who talks more, Spaniards or Italians :) Cold? The same parsley as in Greece: 18 is already almost hot. 19 - all windows open and there is a groan, there is nothing to breathe, they say.

Husband is Spanish

Spain surprised me, perhaps, with a more reverent attitude to name days. Some people love them more than the birthday itself) Well, the little things - the holidays are different. A family dinner when everyone is invited is Christmas. New Year is so, for young people a reason to get out to a disco, and on January 2, if you please, go to work!

Lunch, especially at work, is better with someone. At first it was annoying, but now I normally tell my colleagues, they say, book a place for me in a restaurant. If this is a lunch or dinner according to the card, and not a set lunch, then they order several dishes to “share” with everyone. married men, especially with children, share the hardships of life in half with their spouses. But this is more true for young people, not older than forty years.

Husband is Canadian

Mutual understanding with him is much greater than with Russian men. But I still struggle with some habits. I don’t like it when they sit with closed curtains in the daytime under electric light - here I often come across this. And I also have a “law of surfaces” - that which stood somewhere on the floor is not placed on the dining table, etc. And the locals are very calm about this, they can pour water into the kitchen sink after washing the floors.

People eat Russian dishes, sometimes I cook on request. But no one eats caviar, which is a pity. Sometimes I want to, but I have a lot of one, even a small jar. And no one drinks cognac except me.

Husband is Japanese

In this country, a foreign wife will never be her own, and this will be demonstrated to her, although not out of spite. She is forever different. And it is more difficult for her to find a job than for a Japanese woman. You will have to get used to the fact that all the money and all the property is on the husband. He even receives child benefits in a bank account. In general, a Japanese husband must be chosen even more carefully than any foreigner. The wife will be very financially dependent.

It would never occur to a Japanese man to help around the house somehow. Requests will surprise him. He won't take the cup from the table to the sink. Even very kind and loving. At most, he will go for a walk with the children, so that it would be easier for his wife to clean up. It is not customary for wives to help carry heavy bags or give gifts. In fact, in five years you can teach him to help a little, for example, throw dirty socks in washing machine. But this will require enormous effort.

When a Japanese husband comes home in the evening, everything should be perfect there: dinner is ready, the house is cleaned, the children are nicely dressed. And no girlfriends in his house! There is a day for friends. If the husband suddenly came earlier than usual, and you are drinking tea with a Japanese friend, the Japanese woman will explode and, constantly bowing and apologizing, will literally run away.

And another detail - the husband and wife hardly talk here, this is normal. At the same time, he may even love her very much. But he has no idea what to talk about here. He expresses his love in two ways: either he earns more so that his wife can afford nice personal purchases, or he finds time to stay at home, go somewhere with the whole family for a walk.

The article was prepared by Lilit Mazikina

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It's no secret that many modern girls and women dream of marrying a foreigner. By hook or by crook, they are trying to arrange their fate away from their homeland, and many succeed. You can condemn them, talking about the lack of patriotism and the desire for an easy life, or you can try to understand the reason for such a desire. After all, whatever one may say, the number of men in Russia is inferior to the number of women, and by the age of 35-40 it is almost impossible for an unmarried lady to find a suitable husband for herself. So these women remain lonely, looking with envy at more successful married friends. Yes, and the love of Russian men for strong drinks sometimes does not leave the opportunity for many women to count on a prosperous, happy marriage. What would seem ridiculous and absurd for the inhabitants of most countries of the world is completely normal for an ordinary Russian woman: we are ready to consider a man ideal just because he does not drink.

And the difficult economic situation in the country, which does not give one hundred percent confidence in the future, makes many girls look for personal happiness abroad. We all want financial stability and well-being, not only for ourselves, but also for our children. All this together serves as an excellent explanation for the fact that some girls do not want to link their fate with male compatriots. They are searching Better conditions for your life, and you shouldn't blame them for it. Every person has the right to personal happiness, and if it is not possible to find it in one's own country, then why not look for it anywhere else in the world?

Marry a foreigner: where to start

Well, if you are mentally ready to leave all your relatives and friends for many thousands of kilometers, if you are not afraid of the difficulties of life in another country, with other laws and mentality, then it's time to start realizing your dream. Before thinking about how to marry a foreigner, decide in which country you would like to live. After all, you see, even the most respectable and decent man from China differs in many ways from the same contender for a hand and heart from a European country or the United States. You must determine which mentality is closer to your heart, whose moral and religious principles you are ready to accept. And, as soon as you decide on the choice of the country, immediately proceed to the second point of the implementation of your plan. Namely - to the study of the language in which you have to speak.

The most difficult thing is for those emigrants abroad who do not speak the language of the country in which they came to live. Or they don't know it well enough. How can you communicate with your chosen one without knowing a word of his mother tongue? Translators are unlikely to help you - rather, on the contrary. There are many cases when foreigners turned their attention to these same translators and married them instead of the former applicants. So immediately sign up for language courses, buy tutorials or study the language on a computer using special programs!

Tidy up your appearance. Of course, Russian women are indeed valued for their beauty all over the world, but a couple of dozen extra pounds and dandruff in unkempt hair will not increase your chances of finding interesting man. It is then that he will understand and appreciate your rich inner world, and first you must interest him with your attractive appearance.

Try to imagine a man you would agree to marry. His age, height, weight, hair color, eye color. Our thoughts are material, which means we need to scroll through the image more often perfect man in your head. Finding true happiness is always difficult, and even more so abroad. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a lot of efforts to make your dream come true. And, most importantly, you need to remember that your efforts will come true and you will find your loved one.

Many foreign men have a rather unpleasant idea of ​​brides from Russia. Numerous marriage agencies spread myths that a Russian girl is a silent beauty who is ready to work for the happiness of her husband 24 hours a day and does not require anything other than a place of residence in another country. Unfortunately, the majority of potential suitors applying to such agencies are people who, due to their bad character, circumstances or state of health, are not attractive to their compatriots in any way. They expect obedience and gratitude from women from Russia, unaware of the hot temperament of our compatriots.

In order not to run into such a potential husband, you need to work long and hard, looking for a kind, decent man. And if you believe in yourself, then the light at the end of the tunnel will surely dawn, and you will be able to marry a man who will not turn your life into hell.

How to meet a foreigner

There are only two ways to get acquainted with a foreigner in order to marry him: on your own and with the help of marriage agencies or specialized sites. Let's look at each of them.

Independent search for a partner

You can meet a nice foreigner in different ways. For example, you can go on a tourist trip to the right country in the hope of finding the right man. Here you may encounter the following problem: you can get to know each other, but you are unlikely to have time to bring the matter and marriage. Your acquaintance can easily turn into an ordinary holiday romance that has no continuation, but you are pursuing a completely different goal, right?

The following self-search options are newspaper and magazine ads, as well as international social media. Unfortunately, with this way of dating, you have a high risk of stumbling upon a scammer. Be especially attentive to any requests from your potential suitors to send them some money. Many dishonest men specifically get acquainted with women from Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union for the sake of illegal enrichment.

Of course, even when looking for a groom on your own, you have a chance to successfully marry a resident of another country. However, the percentage of success here depends on your luck, and this is not the most faithful companion in the search for happiness.

Marriage agencies and dating sites

In Russia, in almost every city there are marriage agencies that can help you marry a foreigner. They charge a certain fee for their services and work with you for a certain period of time, after which (if there is no groom) a new contract is concluded with a new payment. But there are agencies that charge only once for perpetual membership and serve their clients until they get married.

As a rule, such agencies place your profile on their own website on the Internet and send your data to foreign marriage offices with which they cooperate. They have a catalog available where you can get acquainted with the candidates. The trouble is that these directories do not contain the contacts of the grooms, you can communicate with them only through the agency. In addition, information about men is updated quite rarely and may be hopelessly outdated.

However, finding a foreign husband through a marriage agency can pay off. They will help you take a good photo, provide translation services if you do not know the language. In order to successfully choose a marriage agency, you need to find out how long it has been operating and whether it has positive results.

Dating websites

The easiest way to meet a foreigner is on a dating site. To do this, find a site that provides the opportunity to communicate with men from other countries. You can also go to the website of the country where you want to move. Register and complete your profile. Of course, this must be done in a foreign language. It is very important to provide truthful data in the questionnaire, otherwise you will earn a reputation as a not very decent woman, and you will no longer have to count on a successful search for a groom.

IN short message about yourself, it is important to interest a potential groom. Write about your age, profession, interests and what kind of man you would like to see as your life partner. Be sure to specify that you are ready to communicate with a man by e-mail and / or Skype, this will give candidates confidence that you are determined and are not trying to hide anything. Try to write correctly, this will add determination to men to contact you.

Be sure to answer all requests from men, but feel free to weed out those who you do not like. Be polite, but adamant, otherwise it will be much more difficult for you to find exactly the person you are dreaming of.

Possible consequences of marriage with a foreigner

If a woman fulfilled her dream and married a foreigner, then, unfortunately, this does not guarantee her happiness. People are different: you might just be unlucky. It is good if you get a kind, attentive, generous and well-mannered life partner. Then it is not excluded real love and happy marriage. And if not? What if he turns out to be stupid, cruel and too greedy? Perhaps, even because of the difference in mentality, you and your chosen one will look at the same circumstances from different points of view. Consider possible options your relationship...

The ideal option is when everything is fine

Despite the existence of some differences in the perception of the world around you, you were able to become the only one for each other. Such unions, as a rule, occur only if the acquaintance of the spouses was due to common interests, and much later, common points of contact appeared, which turned into personal relationships. There are many examples of such an alliance.

Satisfactory option - marriage without love (just together)

It also happens that it seems that all the expectations from marriage with a foreigner were justified, but after the wedding, life in marriage was not as rosy as it seemed before marriage. The honeymoon has not yet ended, and the spouses begin to annoy each other. But many couples are in no hurry to get divorced, continuing to live without love, respecting the interests and observing the laws of the hostel.

"Vehicle" option

IN Lately this option is quite common. Despite general plans for the future life together, very often after the wedding it turns out that there is no possibility, and even desire, to get along under the same roof next to your chosen one. This is where it all starts...

If you do not want to return to your homeland, make every effort not to get divorced for at least a few years. For example, in Germany the so-called "trial period" is five years. Thus, by staying in this country as the wife of a local resident, you will receive a permanent residence permit. If earlier it was possible to get a visa and immediately get a divorce, then after “transport” marriages began to be massively used for the purpose of enrichment, they were immediately banned. Now every girl has the right to remain in her husband's country for as long as she continues to be his legal wife. If you want to get a divorce before you get citizenship or permanent residence, then your visa will simply not be extended.

Therefore, if you do not have a relationship with your chosen one and he does not seek to get a divorce as soon as possible, you can, while remaining nominally married, extend temporary residence permits or visas. In this case, you will actually have to rely only on your own strength: look for a highly profitable job that allows you to pay for accommodation, food, clothing, and much more. But for this, as a rule, it is necessary to have a good command of the language.

After the “trial” period has expired, you can safely get divorced, now no one will evict you from the country anywhere, since during this period you have already managed to adapt here and you simply have nowhere to return. Now, having reached the goal, you can lead your independent life in Europe.

The most unfavorable option - no husband, no love, no abroad

Such cases, unfortunately, are not isolated. Going across the ocean in search of happiness, every girl dreams of a beautiful fairy-tale prince. However, not everyone is destined to meet such a fabulous hero in a completely foreign country. unfamiliar person it may not turn out to be a prince at all, or you simply will not suit him as a wife, and not every man will agree to be married to you for such a long period of time until your integration period ends.

Everything - you are left with nothing, what's next? Many immediately return home. Others, while there are protracted divorces, frantically begin to look for other options for obtaining a visa.

There are also cases when the bride wants to “flee away” from the newly-made spouse as soon as possible, who does not look like a fairy-tale prince at all. It is not uncommon for foreign grooms to seek for themselves, most likely, not a wife, but a free housekeeper, mistress and cook all rolled into one.

No matter how successful your life with a foreigner is, you must be prepared for different options your future abroad:

  • If you are going to marry a person from another country, you must at least be able to speak the language tolerably. After all, without knowing the language, you will be in a vulnerable state.
  • When going abroad, it is imperative to have a financial reserve (just in case of a fire) that no one should know about except you.
  • Be sure to take all documents with you, even those you think you won't need while abroad.
  • Do not take your children with you on your first visit abroad.
  • Try to find a common language with relatives, friends and acquaintances of your husband.
  • In order not to feel in a vacuum, try to get new girlfriends.
  • Try to find a job in your specialty as soon as possible.
  • In European countries, there are various organizations for the protection of women's rights, so just in case, find out the contact details of "women's shelters". Let's hope that the addresses and phone numbers of these organizations will never come in handy!

No one dissuades you from dreaming of marrying a beautiful foreigner who will turn your life into a fairy tale. There are plenty of examples of successful marriages among people previously separated by distance, culture, mentality. You just need to be ready for an unexpected plot twist, because life often gives us surprises, and unpleasant ones as well. In order for your family life with a foreigner turned out to be happy, you need to look not for a way to leave Russia for a more economically developed country, but for a way to fall in love and become loved. To accept with all your heart a person, his culture and values ​​- this is what will allow you to become one of those lucky ones who have long been living abroad.

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Today you will not surprise anyone with international marriages. Russian citizens actively travel the world, and millions of foreigners come to Russia. International marriage agencies and dating sites have become popular, and thousands of people have used their services. The question of how to arrange a marriage with a foreigner in Russia has recently gained great relevance. Although Russian legislation allows citizens of the Russian Federation to marry representatives of foreign countries, the couple will have to overcome a number of problems and fulfill all the necessary conditions for this.

Marriage with a foreign citizen: where to start

In this case, we do not consider questions of how to get acquainted with foreigners, for what purposes international marriages are concluded. It is important for us that a citizen of the Russian Federation met with a representative foreign state and as a result of this acquaintance, a joint decision was made to register the marriage.

After that, you should decide where it is better to formalize such an alliance. The family law of different states is very different, and the differences must be taken into account, otherwise they can later cause big problems. Sometimes a decision is made to formalize the marriage in both states, of which the bride and groom are citizens, often they decide to formalize the marriage in one of the countries - more often in the one in which the spouses are planned to live permanently.

The further algorithm of actions depends on this decision: whether all the conditions for marriage are met, what documents need to be prepared, which state bodies and within what time frame to apply. For Russian citizens closest and simple option will be registered in Russia. The procedure for registering a marriage with a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation is defined in articles 11, 156-167 family code RF.

First rule: fulfillment of all conditions for marriage

In order to get married, future newlyweds must fulfill a number of conditions. They are determined by the legislation of the countries of which the spouses are citizens. Yes, Art. 12 of the RF IC indicates as necessary conditions for the bride and groom:

  • Achievement of marriageable age. In Russia minimum age marriage for men and women is the same - 18 years. The rules for entering into marriage in Russia with a foreigner require that this requirement be taken into account not only in relation to a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also to a foreigner. Minimum marriageable age differs depending on the country and ranges from 12 years (in Canada) to 20 years (in China) for girls and from 16 (in Italy) to 21-22 years (PRC, India) - for men. If minors are going to marry, then the consent of their parents will be a prerequisite (for many Muslim countries this is necessary anyway).

    Age of majority in different countries varies greatly - from 9 to 21 years old. But getting married, as a rule, is always a circumstance that gives a person legal capacity, albeit limited.

  • Voluntary consent to marry. Coercion, blackmail, deceit are unacceptable here. When it comes to the marriage of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a representative of one of the states of the European Union, the USA, Canada or Japan, it is possible additional questions and checks: about the likelihood of receiving material benefits for agreeing to marriage, the fact of cohabitation or meetings before the marriage was formalized, the possibility of communication (knowledge of foreign languages ​​is checked).

In addition, before marrying a foreigner in Russia, you must make sure (according to Article 14 of the RF IC) of:

  • the absence of another registered marriage at the time of filing the application;
  • that the applicants are not in close family relations, are not an adoptive parent and an adopted child;
  • the absence of a court decision on incapacity (at least one of the applicants) due to mental illness.

In addition, Art. 15 of the RF IC provides for a free medical examination of the spouses before marriage, because hiding certain diseases (venereal, HIV) from a partner can serve as a reason for divorce. In France and Latvia, such an examination is mandatory for marriage.

In the event that a foreigner has several citizenships, he must decide which state's family code will be taken into account when entering into marriage (if a foreigner has it, he will be considered a citizen of the Russian Federation).

When all the mentioned conditions are met, you can proceed to the next stage - to prepare a package of documents.

What documents are required to register a marriage with a foreign citizen

Those wishing to marry must prepare a set of documents:

  • application (form No. 7);
  • originals and copies of civil (internal) passports;
  • certificates from the authorized body of a foreign state on the possibility of marriage in Russia and the absence of obstacles for this (the minimum age has been reached, there is no official marriage);
  • a document that confirms the legality of the foreigner's stay within the Russian Federation (visa, migration card,).

In addition to these documents, you may need a certificate of divorce or death of the previous spouse (if any), a copy of the translator's diploma and passport (if necessary), in case of an extraordinary situation (upcoming childbirth, pregnancy, danger to the life of one of the spouses) - additional papers.

A prerequisite is that all documents in a foreign language (including passports) must be accompanied by a notarized translation or have an apostille.

Marriage in Russia: what kind of visa is required

Russian migration law does not provide for special visas for foreign brides and grooms, and there is no particular need for them.

The main thing is that at the time of filing the application and on the day of painting, a foreign citizen can prove the legality of his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For citizens of states with which Russia has visa-free agreements, a visa is not required at all: a migration card or a residence permit can be presented.

Citizens from the EU, USA, Canada, Japan and others can use:

  • private visas (on the basis of an invitation for up to 90 days); business visas (single and double entry up to 90 days and multiple entries up to a year);
  • work visas and others.

Tourist visas are not always convenient for these purposes - they allow staying in the Russian Federation for up to 30 days.

The day on which the procedure for registering a marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia will be carried out is counted in accordance with Russian law from the moment the future newlyweds personally submit an application for marriage. As a rule, this period is at least a month.

If, after registering a marriage, a foreign citizen wishes to live in his homeland and regularly come to Russia, then he has the right to continue to receive Russian visas on a general basis.

Expedited registration of marriage with a foreign citizen: when is it possible

The time that the legislation allocates to future newlyweds for the final consideration of their decision can be changed: the RF IC allows not only to reduce this period, but also to extend it for another month. If the extension of the term is an extremely rare occurrence, then the accelerated registration of marriage is very common.

In order to reduce the waiting period (up to the point that the painting can take place on the day of submission of documents), evidence of valid reasons must be provided:

  • bride's pregnancy
  • birth of a child;
  • long-term cohabitation;
  • a threat to the life of one or both applicants;
  • conscription into the army;
  • long business trip and others.

There is no exhaustive list of such situations. In every specific case the decision is made by authorized employees of the state body that carries out registration (ZAGS). Often approaching the date of expiration of the legitimacy of a foreign citizen's visa can also be considered as a reason for slightly reducing the waiting period.

As evidence of the urgency of the situation, medical certificates from medical institutions and antenatal clinics (about pregnancy, about the upcoming operation), certificates from the place of work and other papers can be presented.

Payment of state duty at marriage: how much and where

Marriage is a public service for which you must pay a fee (only disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are exempted from it).

In 2017, the state duty is 350 rubles. from each applicant (700 rubles per couple).

The amount must be paid before the appointed day of the wedding; in case of paying the fee and postponing the wedding day to a later time, you do not need to pay a second time. A receipt for paying the state duty with all the necessary details is often issued at the registry office when submitting an application - young people only have to enter their data (name, address, amount, OKTMO code, date) and pay.

State duty can be paid:

  • in cash at a banking institution;
  • through a credit card;
  • through the website of the State Service - in this case, paying in a non-cash way (through a card, electronic wallet or mobile phone) there is an opportunity to get a discount and save 30% of the amount.

Possible additional costs

There are no obligatory payments, except for a fee, when entering into a marriage. Newlyweds, at their discretion, can receive additional services for an additional fee.

Most often, among the possible proposals, a solemn marriage ceremony is chosen: musical accompaniment (Mendelssohn's march and other musical works during the ceremony), photo and video shooting, exchange of rings and glasses of sparkling wine or champagne. It all depends on the desire of the newlyweds, their financial capabilities and the capabilities of the registry office, in which the ritual is performed. As a rule, wedding prices are high: one photo can cost from 200 to 500 rubles, live music - 3,000 rubles.

Do I need an interpreter for a wedding?

The presence of an interpreter will be useful in the event that one of the spouses does not speak Russian at all. The bride or groom must answer questions (about the state of being related to a marriage partner, about the voluntariness of the decision, and others), understanding what is at stake. Otherwise, ignorance of the language may become a reason for recognizing such a marriage as invalid. World practice suggests that in such a situation a professional translator is needed who can duplicate questions in the language of the spouse and his answers in Russian.

The translator must show his diploma and passport to the registry office workers in advance, and their copies must be attached to the application. In this case, no one will be able to express doubt about the legality of the marriage.

Legal advice: in what cases it can help

Family law in different states is so different that sometimes it is difficult for a non-specialist to figure out what conditions must be met, what documents to prepare, where and how to certify them, how to conclude a marriage contract (in most foreign countries this is a common practice) so that it meets the requirements of the legislation of both states.

Legal mistakes made can lead to large material costs (at least the need to visit Russia several times), as well as to such serious troubles as refusal to marry or the so-called lame marriage, when legalization of marriage in the country of residence of one of the spouses is impossible due to for inconsistencies with local family law.

For example, papers in foreign languages ​​must be certified in the country of origin by an apostille, but if this country has not acceded to the Hague Convention (PRC or Brazil), this option will not work. In this case, the documents are subject to consular legalization and they should be certified in Russia by a notary.

Thus, legal advice in some cases becomes simply necessary. Numerous law firms offer a range of services: from primary legal advice on registration of marriage relations with a foreigner (1900 rubles) to comprehensive legal support of the entire marriage process (7900 rubles) or the conclusion of a marriage contract (8900 rubles). If you do not want to pay extra money, then you should approach the issue with all responsibility and independently study all the nuances.

How to put a marriage registration stamp in a foreigner's passport

  • consular legalization: translation and notarization in the justice authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, then in the consulate of the state of the spouse; applies only to this country.
  • If the marriage is concluded with a citizen of one of the CIS countries - a party to the Minsk Convention of 1993 - then neither legalization nor apostille is required for the submitted documents.

    On the basis of a legalized marriage certificate in the country of residence of the spouse, it will be possible to start the process of legalizing the marriage. You should be prepared for the fact that in another country they may require additional documents (birth certificate, police clearance certificate), and the process itself may take a long time (for example, in Israel - up to 5 years).

    Registration of marriage with a foreign citizen: what does the legislation say

    Marriage on the territory of Russia is possible only according to Russian laws, according to which those wishing to marry submit an application to the registry offices, wedding palaces or local authorities (village council or executive committee), which are empowered to register acts of civil status without any reference to the place of registration. What follows is the standard marriage procedure.

    Which registry offices and how to apply for registration of marriage with foreigners

    The RF IC does not stipulate special conditions for foreign citizens - you can apply at any registry office on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, it’s too early to put an end to this and a wedding with a foreigner in Russia may be delayed: situations often arise when in the field (especially in the outback of the country) they begin to look for a reason, especially if the bride or groom is from “far” abroad, to refuse to accept such applications.

    This is due to the low qualification of employees, their fear to get involved in solving complex legal problems. Therefore, you should take this factor into account and try to apply to the central offices of the registry office.

    Approximately the same situation has developed even in the capital - Moscow, where all foreign embassies are located, and the question in which registry office to register a marriage with a foreign citizen should not have arisen in principle.

    Citizens from the CIS countries can freely apply to any registry office, all other foreigners, according to the internal order of the registry office, are sent to the Wedding Palace No. 4 (Butyrskaya St., 17). This is the only registry office in Moscow where you can easily register a marriage with a foreigner.

    If you want to fight the bureaucratic machine, you should be persistent and show your knowledge of the law: the application must be accepted in any registry office of the Russian Federation, regardless of the personal desires or preferences of the administration. In case of refusal, a written version of it should be obtained and appealed to a higher authority or through the courts.

    There are several ways to apply to the registry office if the groom is a foreigner:

    • make a personal visit to submit a joint application (it is possible to submit separate applications by one person if there is a notarized application from the other half);
    • use the State Services portal - submit electronic applications and book a registration time with payment of a state fee online or make an appointment for a personal application;
    • apply through the MFC.

    It should be noted that in any case it will be necessary to make a personal visit to the registry office to confirm electronic applications and submit a joint application.

    Is it possible to register a marriage at a diplomatic mission

    Registration of marriage in a diplomatic mission (embassy, ​​consulate) of another state on the territory of the Russian Federation will be carried out in accordance with the family law of this state, not the Russian one. And after the conclusion of the marriage, it will be necessary to legalize it in Russia: put an apostille on the marriage certificate, make its translation and notarize, and so on.

    Is it possible to register a marriage abroad according to Russian laws

    Marriages between citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners registered abroad are recognized as legal in Russia if they were concluded taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation (Article 158 of the RF IC) and passed the legalization procedure.

    However, Art. 157 of the RF IC allows Russian citizens who live outside the country to formalize their relationship with a foreign spouse according to Russian laws at the diplomatic missions or consulates of the Russian Federation in the country of residence. This form of marriage between a foreign citizen and a Russian citizen provides more reliable protection for citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Marriage with citizens of the CIS and Georgia: light mode

    Marriage between citizens of Russia and the CIS countries and Georgia is regulated by the same legal acts as the marriages of Russians with citizens of other states, as well as the Minsk Convention of 1993. Part 3 “Family Matters” is devoted to issues related to marriage between citizens of the contracting states.

    According to the convention, a light regime is introduced in marriages. This primarily concerns the mutual legalization of marriage certificates: documents that are officially issued on the territory of one of the states do not need additional legalization on the territory of others.

    The only requirement for the legalization of the document is the provision of a notarized translation of the certificate into the official language of the country of the spouse.

    The stamp on marriage in the Russian Federation is not affixed in the passports of citizens of the CIS, otherwise the passport will lose legitimacy.

    Belarus is an exception - the stamp is affixed in the "Other marks" section of the passport.

    Of the documents that must be submitted when submitting an application, a passport is sufficient for citizens of the CIS countries (in the absence of records in Russian, with a notarized translation). Those citizens who have a record of marital status in their passports do not need to receive a certificate of the absence of another marriage.

    For example, in the Azerbaijani passport, “single”/not married” or “married/married” is affixed.

    IN last years the number of international marriages in Russia between citizens of the Russian Federation and representatives of the Central Asian republics: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan has increased. Migration in search of work from these states (primarily the male population) has led to an increase in the number of interethnic marriages in Russia.

    Some states (for example, Tajikistan) were even forced to impose restrictions on marriages with foreigners.

    At the same time, the majority of employees from this region, especially from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, do not aspire to stay forever in the Russian Federation, to put down roots here. Local tasks are often set: to get a temporary residence permit, find good earnings, save money and go back to their homeland. One way to achieve this is fictitious marriages who can only conclude on paper.

    Learn more about all the intricacies of registration

    Citizens of Kazakhstan are in no hurry to formalize marriage relations with citizens of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that Ch. 3 of Code No. 518-IV “On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family” allows them to marry foreigners. According to statistics, the CIS has the fewest number of Kazakh-Russian marriages.

    Representatives of the Caucasian republics - Armenia and Georgia - more often marry fellow countrymen who have long settled in Russia, have Russian citizenship and live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, large regional and regional centers.

    When can they refuse to register a marriage with a foreigner

    Foreign citizens can marry in the territory Russian Federation with Russian citizens without hindrance until all the conditions stipulated in Article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation are met. If at least one condition is not met (the minimum marriageable age is not reached, the previous marriage is not interrupted, and so on), the registry office will not issue a permit for registration. In addition, refusal to register may be received due to non-payment of state duty.

    When marrying a foreign citizen, a number of papers must be requested from the diplomatic institutions of his country, and failure to provide such papers is a serious obstacle to the marriage of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a foreigner.

    The surrounding reality constantly puts forward new realities (same-sex marriages, citizens who have changed their sex, and others), to which family law must adequately respond.

    Married life after marriage: rights and obligations

    After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds acquire not only new personal rights, but also new responsibilities. Rights and obligations can be property and non-property, they are inextricably linked with each other. For example, the legal form of marriage between a foreign citizen and a Russian citizen gives the spouses the right to change their surname or keep the old one and at the same time obliges them to respect the choice of a partner.

    The rights and obligations of spouses (according to Article 161 of the RF IC) are determined by the laws of the state in which they live together. If there is no joint place of residence, then on the territory of the Russian Federation - by Russian law.

    The best option is to conclude a marriage contract in which the spouses can stipulate rights and obligations at their own discretion, but in compliance with equality and without contradicting family law. The contract can be drawn up before or after the marriage, the text must be notarized.

    Marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation in Russia and a temporary residence permit for a foreigner

    When the marriage between a Russian citizen who is registered in the Russian Federation and a foreigner took place, in accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 115 of July 25, 2002, a foreign citizen has the right to a simplified visa in Russia (outside of any quotas) for a period of three years, and in the future - to receive Russian citizenship.

    When applying for a temporary residence permit, you will need to submit a marriage certificate (you do not need to legalize a Russian certificate) and a passport. It should be ensured that the surname in the passport and the certificate match. If there has been a change of surname to the surname of the spouse, it is necessary to replace the passport before issuing a temporary residence permit.

    What are the dangers of marriage with a foreigner?

    Marriage to a foreign citizen can be fraught with hidden dangers. Therefore, registration of marriage relations with a foreigner in the Russian Federation under Russian laws will be the guarantee that will help, if necessary, to get out of a difficult situation. Most often, when the husband is a foreign citizen, and the wife is Russian, there are such threats:

    • Strong differences in family law. A marriage that is completely legal in Russia may not be legal in an Islamic country and will have to be supported by religious rites (besides, Sharia norms quite allow the presence of two or three older spouses in addition to the Russian wife).
    • When moving to the country, the husband should legalize the marriage. This process can be complex and confusing. Ignorance (or poor knowledge) of the local language, laws and traditions will further complicate the situation.
    • There is a big chance to lose acquired property, children (born in the country of the spouse), citizenship as a result of deception on his part.

    This is only a small part of the problems that may lie in wait for Russian citizens married to foreigners, especially from far abroad.

    How to dissolve a marriage with a foreigner

    Art. 160 of the RF IC is devoted to issues related to the dissolution of marriage between Russian and foreign citizens. The termination procedure is carried out according to Russian laws and can be carried out both through the registry office (diplomatic representation or consulate of the Russian Federation), and by decision of a Russian court. The divorce must be officially confirmed in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state in which the spouse lives - in the authorized state bodies in the country or in the diplomatic mission in the Russian Federation.

    Currently, the statistics of marriages with foreigners is disappointing: more than two-thirds of unions break up for one reason or another.

    The easiest option for divorce is by mutual agreement in the absence of claims to each other. If there are controversial points (property, children, absence of a spouse), then the procedure is somewhat more complicated.

    International marriage: pros and cons

    Marriage with a foreign citizen has both positive and negative sides. Much, of course, depends on the citizenship of the spouse. US or French citizenship presents more opportunities than Ghanaian or Mongolian citizenship. In addition to emotional and sensual moments in relationships, positive factors include:

    • free movement within the Russian Federation and the country of residence of the spouse;
    • the right to employment, medical care, double tax deduction in marriage with a foreigner and participation in social programs;
    • the opportunity to master new languages, knowledge, culture;
    • expanding life opportunities for future children.

    Among the negative points should be mentioned:

    • difference in national characters;
    • discrepancy between expectations and reality;
    • ignorance of a foreign language, laws, traditions and customs, way of life in a foreign country;
    • nostalgia for the homeland.

    Thus, each citizen has the right to independently evaluate what international marriage will bring more - pluses or minuses - and make an appropriate decision. If love is present at the same time, it will help smooth out all the negativity and enhance the positive aspects of the union.

    Marriage with a foreigner. Legal assistance, consultation: Video
